eventidings - The Salvation Army Eventide Home
eventidings - The Salvation Army Eventide Home
Newsletter Date November 2012 Edition The S.A Eventide Home 5050 Jepson Street Niagara Falls, ON L2E 1K5 (905) 356-1221 www.niagaraeventide.ca THE SALVATION ARMY THE HON. RAY & HELEN LAWSON EVENTIDE HOME MISSION STATEMENT The Mission of The Salvation Army Hon. Ray & Helen Lawson Eventide Home is to provide comprehensive services for the spiritual, physical, emotional and social well-being of the Individual. The Salvation Army Hon. Ray & Helen Lawson Eventide Home, in cooperation with the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, is committed to providing holistic care for people requiring Residential LongTerm Care or Respite Care. These services will be embodied in Christian principles, values and ethics. EVENTIDINGS FROM THE DESK OF THE E.D ‘GETTING TO KNOW THE SALVATION ARMY’ WWI AND THE DONUT LASSIES When President Wilson declared war against Germany on April 7, 1917, Evangeline Booth placed The Salvation Army on a war-service basis. When troops went to France Evangeline said, ’American boys are going to France. We must go with them!’ By October, a blanket of depression was hanging over the troops and The Salvation Army Lassies agreed that to help the troops feel better, “we ought to be able to give them some real home cooking.” with only limited supplies available the lassies did what they could - DOUGHNUTS The first doughnuts were patted out by hand. A small wood fire was coaxed in a low, pot-bellied stove. A frying pan was used and the first doughnuts were fried "seven at a time," and cut from tin cans and artillery shells. The tempting fragrance of frying doughnuts drew the homesick soldiers to the hut, and they lined up in the rain, waiting for a taste. The word went around. "If you're hungry and broke, you can get something to eat at The Salvation Army." Recipe inside Yields: Approximately 250 Doughnuts OUR TEAM Executive Director: Captain Randy Randell BA Director of Spiritual Care: Captain Lisa Randell BA Director of Care: Janet Papavasiliou RegN GNC Director of Activities: Jan Unsworth B.R.L.S Director of Environmental Services: Greg Blonski Director of Finance: Cameron McCallum Interim Food Services Manager: Penny Zdichavsky Medical Director: Dr. Goodwin Family Council Chair: Beverley Howard RN Rtd Mary Zemlanko Theresa MacQuarrie THE FAMOUS DOUGHNUT RECIPE 7 1/2 Cups Sugar 3/4 Cup Lard 9 Eggs 3 Large Cans Evaporated Milk 3 Large Cans Water 18 Cups Flour 18 Teaspoons Baking Powder 7 1/2 Teaspoons Salt 9 Teaspoons Nutmeg Cream sugar and lard together beat eggs into mixture. Add evaporated milk and water. Add water to creamed mixture. Mix flour, baking powder, salt and nutmeg in large sieve and sift into other mixture. Add enough flour to make a stiff dough. Roll and cut. Five pounds of lard are required to fry the doughnuts. In Memory Donations -Janet Papavasiliou -Doug & Joan Cosby -Greg & Susan Hyatt -William & Bonnie MacLeod -Ian & Pat Smith -Ellen Main -Mary & John Jenkins -Andrew & Victoria Bailey General Donations -Captain’s Randy & Lisa Randell -Ellie Messer - Frank & Betty Lenson We sincerely thank-you for your continued support!! Remembrance Day Service Nov 11th @ 9:30 am With Captain’s Randy & Lisa Eventide Chapel THE ACTIVATION DEPARTMENT WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE FAMILY COUNCIL FOR SPONSORING NOT ONE BUT TWO FESTIVAL OF LIGHT OUTINGS FOR OUR RESIDENTS YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! Please help us support our local Salvation Army Food Bank by dropping off a non-perishable item to our front office. Help us to help others this Christmas season. Please help us fill our barrel over and over again! ’S EVENTIDE R FOOD PE AS HAM E DRIV CHRISTM FAMILY COUNCIL MEETING FOR FAMILY MEMBER’S January 21st@ 2PM Activity Room Your help is greatly appreciated GIANT PUMPKIN WEIGHING IN AT 1753 lbs PHOTO COURTESY OF HETHER & COSBY Due to cold and wet weather our backyard is... RY VE NCE E F U AR NO N O NT KS AN IO ME O P R T CO TO LLA UI OU Q R D E E A OU ITE ST EN ERV !! C IN H S S C R NT EX E T E TH KI TT IDE W BE ES R NE TO WHAT DO YOU CALL...56 PRIZES, PIZZA, POP, GRILLED BURGERS, CRISPY FRIES, SUNDAE BAR, POPCORN, CHOCOLATE, PASTRY’S AND A 5AM BREAKFAST…..EVENTIDE’S STAFF APPRECIATION WEEK OF COURSE!!! Thank-you to our Sponsors!! Christies Dairy CLAC Cardinal Health Hetherington & Deans Funeral home Flexo Sysco Rev. Tobey “THE LIGHT OF OUR LIVES” “THE LIGHT OF OUR LIVES” RESIDENT’S CHRISTMAS SHOPPING PARTY Dec 6th 11am-3pm Join your loved one for an afternoon of shopping and stop by our Tea and Christmas Cookie counter for a treat!! KNITTED BLANKETS CHRISTMAS COOKIES WHEELCHAIR POUCHES CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS AND MUCH, MUCH MORE... HANDMADE CARDS RESIDENT’S CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON CHRISTMAS LUNCH WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS DECEMBER 5TH @ noon Pictures with SANTA @ 11 Entertainment @ 1:15pm 50’S THEME PARTY November 30th REMEMBER THE BIRTH OF OUR SAVIOUR PLEASE JOIN US FOR OUR CHRISTMAS SERVICE DECEMBER 23RD 2PM EVENTIDE CHAPEL FAMILY/FRIENDS PLEASE RSVP WITH CATHY @ 905 356 1221 REFRESHMENTS TO FOLLOW Ice-cream social with Pat at the Café Nov 13th @ 1pm PAST & PRESENT DOLL DISPLAY NOV 1 3PM IN THE LOBBY 2pm in the lobby BOW LING WIN NER Rose S T Wan Sa da Lillially Hon nS orab le AlanMentio n Bud Caro l BALL DA RON RTS ALA ALFR N E BUD D SAL HON LILLIA LY NS ORA BL BEVE E MENTI ON RL ELLIE EY S TOS E E B FRIS RON NR JOA SE RO N ION JOH MENT E ABL GIE R O G HON MA SLEY E W HO WIN RSE R NIN ACES LUC G TEAM PEA KY R BUD L ROS GER E T AGNTIE RO ES ALF N R JOH ED N BIN GO LINWIN RO DA NERS N
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