February 2015 - Mounds View Public Schools
February 2015 - Mounds View Public Schools
The Irondale Eye Official Newspaper of Irondale High School Established 1967 Volume 48, Issue 5February 13, 2015 Minnesota State High School League Honors Two Outstanding Irondale Student Athletes Each year, the Minnesota State High School League recognizes students who excel in academics, arts, and activities. Congratulations to Meghan Pieper and Jack Marchiafava who are Irondale’s 2014-15 Triple A winners! The Eye asked each of them some questions about their athletics, academics, and personal preferences. Q. When it comes to athletics, which skill seems to take most of your time? Jack -- The freestyle: Everything from keeping the Jack -- The Dairy Queen on Old Highway 8 Meghan -- Afton Apple Orchard :) :) Q. If you could sing one song on American Idol, what would it be? Jack -- “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri Meghan -- Because I can’t pick one I’ll mention a few: The Gift by Seether, Animals by Martin Garrix (even though I don’t know how I’d sing that), I Can’t be Tamed by Miley Cyrus, or Beneath the Brine by The Family Crest. Q. Which sport(s) and activity(s) do you participate in here at Irondale? Jack -- Over the years, I’ve been involved in Swimming, Student Council, The Fall Musical, Jazz Band, Rock Climbing, Winter One Acts, Peer Mentor Program, Lacrosse, Football, and Cross Country Meghan -- I play soccer and hockey, and I am in Concert Choir, Diva Dozen, and a Sweet Adeline’s Quartet with Maria Donato, Kaiya Ruff, and Anna Matthes. arms balanced, to perfecting flip turns, to breathing properly, it’s a whole lot to pay attention to all at the same time! Meghan -- As a sport soccer takes up most of my time because my club team plays year round except for during the high school season. Jack -- “Keep doing what As a skill, either juggling in you’re doing.” We should all soccer or practicing shootstrive to be better tomorrow ing (especially slapshots) in than we are today. hockey takes a lot of time because it takes a lot of Meghan -- Read Where the practice and it’s easy to get Red Fern Grows. You won’t tired pretty quickly. bawl in front of the whole fourth grade class for 10 Q. What is the best place minutes. to go for a first date? Q. What is the worst advice you have ever been given? like in Duluth at Kitchi Gami. I never slip or get hurt no matter how many old women yell at me for being reckless. Q. Right now, what do you want to be when you grow up? Jack -- A Nurse Anesthetist Meghan -- Environmental Engineer Q. What do you love doing more than anything else in the world? Jack -- Traveling outside of the country and learning about all the fascinating people I meet along the way Meghan -- Doing activities and exploring outside in the woods or somethingespecially running on rocks Upcoming Events February and March 2015 Monday, February 16 No School Tuesday, February 17 Winter Band Concert 7:30 PM Irondale Auditorium Thursday, February 26 Winter Orchestra Concert 7:00 PM @ Bethel February 26-March 1 Winter One-Act Showcase Irondale Auditorium Thursday, March 5 Spring Choir Concert 6:30 PM Irondale Auditorium Tuesday, March 10 Physics & STEM Career Fair, 6-8 PM Irondale Varsity Gym Q. Who is your all-time favorite coach? March 12-22 Spring Break No School Jack -- It’s a solid tie between Coach Geisler and Coach Oly. Geisler for teaching me so much more beyond the game, and Oly for believing in my potential even when I don’t IN THIS ISSUE: PAGE 2: -The Oscars - Poetry - The Grammy Votes Meghan -- Bill Mauricio because he knows so much about hockey and he really wants everyone to improve. It’s easy to ask him questions and he’ll always give you a good answer. Q. What is your favorite movie? Jack -- Aladdin Meghan -- Lord of the Rings Trilogy Music at Mounds View Concert Series PAGE 3: -Editorial/Opinion -Point/Counterpoint PAGE 4-5: -Ice Age 2015 PAGE 6: -News Briefs PAGE 7: -Love Lines PAGE 8: -Quicknotes -Horoscope Music events at Mounds View High School, Sponsored by the Mounds View Schools Education Foundation Music at Mounds View is a 2015 the Saakumu Dance including Maya Angelou, Then on Sunday, April 19, ranging from the roots professional concert series Troupe presents a highly Nelson Mandela, Queen 2015, the Charles Lazarus of Jazz, spirituals, Sousa that brings high-caliber, charged performance of Elizabeth II, and two US Ensemble, know for its marches, Broadway, Pops nationally recognized artWest African Music and Presidents. distinctive blend of lounge/ hits, and much more. ists into our community Dance, led by percussion exotica and funk-fired jazz. for public performances at virtuoso Bernard Woma. The program American Check the district website Mounds View High School. Mr. Woma has performed Riffs offers an exciting taste for tickets and pricing. On Friday, February 20, for international dignitaries of iconic American music 2 Fireflies Poets’ Corner by Kate McClure For 5th Hour Poetry The breath of your words ignites air, creates luminous linguistic fires, morphs syllables into catalysts for chemical reactions, skewing the world’s axis. I’d like to make myself believe Earth turns slowly, though some moments roll in real time like a Crown Vic crawling down after-midnight city streets. But on that day, your voices rose together in harmony, creating a spontaneous scene straight out of Glee, except this one wasn’t scripted: you all made your own grooves. The quiet boy in the corner stood on a chair, dancing to the beat of his own drum. Those who sat on the sidelines were singing with the frontlines. You all graced me with your beatific smiles. I couldn’t believe my eyes: from your mouths, ten million fireflies took wing and the air glowed iridescent with the hum of your light. Then the bell rang, releasing you from Room 315 into the weekend. The Month Before the Rescue by Bianca Ballwanz One night Dudley and I were out for a stroll, Dudley sensed an apparition then ran into a pole. The apparition turned out to be a Dementor, from my mouth came the spell I learned from my mentor. Expecto Patronum! from my mouth flew, I knew that this spell was the only thing to do. The Dementor is gone, but Dudley is not pleased, he looked at me like I was a bucket of sleaze. Flash forward to Hogwarts and all of my friends, we have this horrible teacher we wish we could mend. But she is a brat and won’t teach us at all, I really hope she will go SPLAT right into a brick wall. Mr. Geisler Welcomes New Baby With her not teaching and Sirius Black causing fear, theres a ton of stress. I need a warm glass of butterbeer. I’ve started to have these very strange visions, I see things that are not possible, my brain needs a revision. A giant snake is attacking Mr. Weasley in an alley, there’s tons of blood everywhere, so I can’t dillydally. I realize this is no mere dream as I wake on the floor, Ron is shaking me awake and I shout, “I must see Dumbledore!” February 13, 2015 Dumbledore then tells me Voldermort and I have a connection, that I must go with Snape and clean my mind of this infection. We are surrounded by around 30 of His Death Eaters, “did little Harry think Sirius was in danger?” Those cheaters! Snape then tells me that I am weak, worthless I then invade HIS mind, feeling quite merciless. “I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU, GET OUT OF MY FACE.” Then we break into a furious duel, 7 on 30. We’re totally screwed. Just then the Order appears, I’m glad we have them to include. He says to me with an intense look of distaste. Even after the training with Snape, I still see these visions, I see a black door that make me wonder. I have to make a decision. The door fills me with a strange feeling of mystery, I don’t recall ever seeing this door in my life history. I am very concerned about this connection, I cannot find any forms of distraction. My latest vision was Sirius being tortured, he’s being held at the Ministry, which will be no orchard. Dumbledore’s Army must fly to rescue Sirius, this strange connection is making me delirious. So we fly away on thestrals and enter through a phone booth. I really hope all this stress won’t hinder my youth. We arrive at the Ministry but no sign of him. “Stop right there Potter.” Crap, this will be quite grim. All of us are fighting very valiantly, but then a horrible curse flies, “Harry listen to me, I-” AVADA KEDAVRA! i watch Sirius die... I’m filled with such hatred as I have never felt before, I rush at Bellatrix, wand aloft and bring her to the floor. CRUCIO! I shout, causing her horribly unbearable pain, “HA-HA! You have to MEAN it Potter.” she says in vain. My life is in shambles, thanks to her horrible wrath, I don’t think I can continue on this magical path. “When this is all over, we’ll be a proper family.” He said, I cannot see any happy, bright times ahead. We had such a short time together. He’ll be deeply missed. all of my family is dead, and i’m pissed. Father and Mother. But now my GODFATHER. He was more like a friend, you could say a brother. Irondale Votes! Grammy Voting Results! Congratulations to the Geisler Family on the birth of Ezekiel Benjamin Geisler, who was born on Tuesday, December 30th @ 3:38 p.m., weighing in at 9.0 lbs! Mama, baby, and the rest of the family are doing well! Record of the Year 38% for “Stay with Me” 28% for “Fancy” 22% for “All About That Bass” 13% for “Chandelier” Song of the Year 33% for “Take Me To Church” 24% for “Shake It Off ” 22% for “Stay With Me” 16% for “All About That Bass” 6% for “Chandelier” Album of the Year 35% for “Beyonce” 26% for “X” 21% for “In The Lonely Hour” 10% for “Girl” 8% for “Morning Phase” Best New Artist 40% for Iggy Azalea 38% for Sam Smith 19% for Bastille 2% for Brandy Clark 1% for Haim Editorial/Opinion 3 Vol. XLVIII, No. 5 Valentine’s Day -- Time For A Change? by Ron Dale Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. Every February 14, many couples share candy, flowers, and cute little gifts, many singles lament that they have nobody to share the day with, and greeting card companies and fine dining restaurants rake in the cash. But does it have to be this way? Shouldn’t we love one another all year long? Do relationships only get celebrated on this one day? Moreover, the holiday shares a name with one of the most infamous gang actions in history, The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. place February 14 with a new holiday, or at least a more meaningful recognition. February has been labeled “Black History Month,” and the 14th is the birthday of one of the greatest African Americans, Frederick Maybe it is time to retire the Douglass. He once said, tradition of overpriced flow“I would unite with anyers, cramped restaurants, body to do right and with and lonely singles and re- terback in the NFL. Perhaps we should make this a day to campaign against domestic violence, or to support research on head trauma (we can hand out paper brains instead of paper hearts), or to just be more physically fit. A focus on safety, or on personal responsibility for the self and others, would be a great message to start spreadnobody to do wrong.” Pering on Valentine’s Day. haps we can change Valentine’s Day to Douglass Day, Whatever your Valentine’s a day of service helping Day plans are, enjoy the out our community. The people in your life: your sigspirit of love is still there, nificant other, your family, now spread to everyone. friends, co-workers, fellow students, neighbors, and February 14 is also the even just the person you birthday for Jim Kelly, Drew pass along the street. Give Bledsoe, and Steve McNair. a smile and say hello. Make These men all played quarevery day Valentine’s Day. Point/Counterpoint Schools could be cancelled if neighborhoods experience sustained wind chills of 40 to 45 degrees below zero during the hours between morning bus pick ups and afternoon bus drop offs, if buses won’t start or run dependably, or if local road conditions in our neighborhoods are dangerous or impassable. Do these seem like reasonable YES! by Art Lang NO! by Ronda LeHigh I believe the current standards for cold weather days are I believe that the school district needs to revisit the stanvery fair and accurate. The school has to ensure that its dard for cold weather days. Neighboring districts, like students get in the required number of days, and if many Anoka, have a policy that will allow them to close the days get cancelled, those days need to be made up. I for schools at temperatures warmer than the Mounds View one would rather go to school on a cold day in January standard, and make that call earlier, allowing parents to than on a warm day in June. Yes, it gets cold outside. It make arrangements for work or daycare issues that may has happened every winter that I’ve lived in Minnesota. arise. It is possible that an early closure may not be necesI have coats, hats, gloves, scarves, long underwear, and sary, but better safe than sorry. Also, every school calenwaterproof boots. I put these on when it is cold. I don’t dar has days built into it for weather incidents. We are all spend any more time outdoors than is necessary, and attending school for more than is necessary. If we don’t while the Irondale building has some climate control isuse those weather days, then I say they should be cut off sues, it is certainly warmer than a sub-zero day outside. from the end of the school calendar. Mostly, this is an I’ve never understood the student who gets to Irondale, issue of safety. Even if a student is wearing appropriate decides that it is too cold to be at school, then goes home. clothing, there is still exposed skin on the face. A bus may You are already here! As far as the myth that there are have trouble staying on schedule and students may be out“optional days,” your parents can excuse you from school doors for far longer than they anticipate. Don’t be afraid at any time for any reason; all days are “optional” here. to make the safe call. Keep kids at home when it gets cold! THE EYE NEWSPAPER Volume 48, Issue 5 PRINCIPAL Eric Nelson ASSOCIATE PRINCIPALS Jennifer Lodin Andrew Mons STAFF Carlos Baez Ron Dale Art Lang Ronda LeHigh SOCIAL MEDIA COORDINATOR Helen Sabrowsky ADVISERS Bill St. Martin Brian Beardsley, Tech. Adviser POLICY STATEMENT Published 6-10 times a year, the Irondale Eye is a public forum, with its student editorial board making decisions concerning its contents. Unsigned editorials express the views of the majority of the editorial board. Letters to the editor are welcomed and will be published as space allows. Letters must be signed, although a name may be withheld upon request. The paper reserves the right to edit letters for grammar and clarity, and all letters are subject to laws governing obscenity, libel, privacy, and disruption of the school process, as are all contents of the paper. Opinions and letters are not necessarily those of the staff, nor should any opinion expressed in a public forum be construed as the opinion or policy of the administration, unless so attributed. The Eye does not necessarily endorse the products or services of advertisers. Irondale Speaks! What is your favorite restaurant? Samuel Hertzel - Grade 9 My favorite restaurant is Snuffy’s Malt Shop (even though I don’t like malts). The food there seems higher-quality than most fast-food restaurants, but it is the same style. The decor and music are garish, but I like it anyway. Jade Chang - Grade 10 Abri Larson - Grade 11 Tyler Cassman - Grade 12 Hajime is my favorite restaurant because I think that they have a really great sushi selection. My favorite restaurant has to be Bakers Square because they are super healthy and not terribly expensive. Its my special little place where I go to spend time with loved ones. R. J. Riches because they have the best pancakes and they’re huge and its special because of their food. Its really good to me Ms. Keirstead - Staff Saffron. It has the most amazing upscale Middle Eastern food, and the chef Sameh Wadi is one of my former Irondale students. He has also been on Iron Chef, which is really cool! 4 Monday Roll out of Bed Tuesday Twin day ICE AGE 2015February 13, 2015 Wedn Groutfit (gr Like what you see here? Fo The Eye on Twitter and Insta @IrondaleEye Congratulations to the Ice Ag Freshmen: Avery Burbank, Max Eilefson, Sophia Findell, Ryan Mange Sophomores: Molly Doerrer, Connor Mann, Francesca Guzzetta, No Juniors: Lily Hofsteade, Tyler Melby, Rachael Torres, Anthony Axb Seniors: Anna Mathes, Jack Marchiafava, Beka Sinn, Jake Moen KNIGHTS IN THE SNOW Vol. XLVIII, No. 5 nesday rey on grey) Thursday Preppy Day ollow agram e ge King and Queen nominees els, Maddie Quest, Spenser Brown, Payton Krtinich, and Tyler Rankin oah Mruz, Kathy Yang, Troung Cu, Marta Crooks, and Stewart Hofer berg, Angela Abel, Terrell Larsen, Greta Schumann, and Abe Dukuly n, Rachael Norton, Will White, Grace Mruz, and Brady Bolander 5 Friday Spirit Day 6 News Briefs February 13, 2015 Boys Hoops lose a nailbiter to Elk River Led by Kevin Schramm with 22 points, and Uwana Etuk-Akpan with 20, Irondale fell just short with a 58-57 loss at Elk River High School on January 20. The team hosts Armstrong tonight at 7 pm, South St. Paul on February 18, and finishes the regular season at Park Center on February 20. Project Citizen Democracy is self-government and self-government requires effective citizen participation. The ultimate goal of citizenship education is to enable students to become competent and responsible participants in our constitutional democracy. Project citizen asks students to identify an issue with public policy (state or local community) and look for a possible solution to this issue. The issue could be an existing change to current policy or something new all together. The group presentation on team homelessness in MN by Spencer Brown, Molly Overkamp, and Mary Herstel was rated the best. 14 groups are moving onto the state competition that will take place in May at the state capital. Soccer and Tennis Stars Earn Scholarships On Thursday, February 5 in the Career Center Rachael Norton and Peter Lyngdal’s were celebrated for thier Division II Athletic Scholarship signings. Rachael will be attending Bemidji on a soccer scholarship and Peter Lyngdal will be attending Hillside College on a tennis scholarship 7 Vol. XLVIII, No. 5 To the Cafeteria Staff Thank you for making the Popcorn Chicken with the best special ingredient: Love xoxox Ronda Lehigh The Eye presents Irondale Love Lines Sponsored by My dear Ms. Keirstead, Your math calculations are without equal Forever yours, Isaac Newton Ms. Mclure, Roses are Red Violets are Blue Your Poetry Class Is really neat Dearest Rat I could just squeeze you! Hugs and more hugs, Ka Lord Byron Coach DeMars, We’ll score for you all day long! From, Your Starting Five Ms. Cannon A yearbook can’t possibly keep track of the days we are away. Missing you, The Class of 2012 Mr. Parent Let’s Get Physics(al)! Mr. Nelson Sr. Coleman, Me gusta las papas fritas! To Mr. Nelson, The most handsome principal that we’ve ever had at Irondale Love and Kisses, Ms. Wambach Mr. Ackerman Mr. Blechert Mr. Helm I know you like checking me out! XOXO The Books Mr. Gengler, Irondale sends her love. Write soon! You’re a Fungi Mr. Wood You and I are like Cold Fusion Awesome Powerful Probably never going to happen Mr. Sucha You put the “drum” in “drumline” All our love, Your Irondale Neighbors The Stock Market? It’s more than just a game to me =) Sending our love The Irondale Biology Team Forever yours Marie Curie If you submitted a Love Lines ad, and you do not see it here, please stop by Room 328 for a refund. The Eye apologizes for any inconvenience. Love you forever, Alan Greenspan 8 Quick Notes Registration for 2015-16 must be completed online by midnight TONIGHT (February 13). Students (Gr 9-11) may register for classes online through Friday, February 13th. The registration website has links to the registration course guide, grade level registration worksheets, and the presentations that were delivered this morning. For any further questions or information, please be sure to contact your dean. Congratulations to the AP Studio Art students whose work has been selected for honors in the Scholastic Art Competition. Nearly three thousand pieces of work were submitted for this competition and only about one third of them received one out of the three levels of honors. Jakob Landry received a Gold Key Award, Marion Gary received a Gold Key and an Honorable Mention Award, and Nick Herlofsky received a Silver Key and an Honorable Mention Award. Gold and Silver Key Award winners will have their work displayed at the Regis Center for the Arts this coming February. On January 28, Irondale’s Gymnastics team was defeated by Coon Rapids, 122.475-114.975. Varsity results: Mikael Bernard placed 2nd on beam, 7th on vault, and 6th on floor; Milah Kourouma placed 9th on vault, 5thon bars, and 6th on beam; Maddie Lundborg placed 7th on bars, 9th on beam, and 7th on floor. JV results: Megan Zastrow placed 6th on bars and 3rd on beam; Sara Polfus placed 8th on vault, 4th on floor, and 1st AllAround! The final home meet was held Monday, Feb. 2nd “Into The Woods” a Must See! by Helen Sabrowsky “Into The Woods” is a musical written by Stephen Sondheim, and adapted for film by James Lapaine. The fantasy film is a crossover/ mash-up of four Grimm brothers’ fairy tales; Cinderella, Rapunzel, Little Red Riding Hood, and Jack and The Beanstalk. The film features a highly talented ensemble cast, however only Meryl Streep has been nominated for an Academy Award. “Into The Woods” is an entertaining, fast-paced, fantasy film that most ages will enjoy. Congratulations to the Irondale Speech team for a fantastic performance in their first tournament of the season at Hill-Murray. Veronica Brandvold (11) scored 2nd Place in Creative Expression, Mathew Justin (12) earned 3rd Place in Discussion, Betony Langenfeld (11) earned 3rd Place in Humor, Claire Kim (10) took 5th Place in Extemporaneous Reading, and Antoinette Danku (11) had 6th Place also in Extemp. Reading. Great job! Sudoku Fill all the blank squares with the correct numbers. In a February 13, 2015 Irondale Votes! THE OSCARS Best Picture ___ American Sniper ___ Birdman ___ Boyhood ___ Grand Budapest Hotel ___ The Imitation Game ___ Selma ___ Theory of Everything ___ Whiplash Best Actor ___ Steve Carell -Foxcatcher ___ Bradley Cooper -American Sniper ___ Benedict Cumberbatch -- The Imitation Game ___ Michael Keaton -Birdman ___ Eddie Redmayne -The Theory of Everything Best Actress ___ Marion Cotillard -Two Days, One Night ___ Felicity Jones -The Theory of Everything ___ Julianne Moore -Still Alice ___ Rosamund Pike -Gone Girl ___ Reese Witherspoon -Wild Best Supporting Actor ___ Robert Duvall -The Judge ___ Ethan Hawke -Boyhood ___ Edward Norton -Birdman ___ Mark Ruffalo -Foxcatcher ___ J.K. Simmons -Whiplash Best Supporting Actress ___ Patricia Arquette -Boyhood ___ Laura Dern -Wild ___ Keira Knightley -The Imitation Game ___ Emma Stone -Birdman ___ Meryl Streep -Into the Woods Watch The Oscars on February 22, 6:00 PM on ABC to see who wins. Drop your ballots off outside of room 328, or vote electronically. Check Twitter @IrondaleEye for the ballot link
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Published 6-10 times a year, the