Lt. Col. Parris Fulfills Dreams In CAP


Lt. Col. Parris Fulfills Dreams In CAP
11le Official Publication of the Enst Bay adet Squadron I g
" Home of the Firebird '
Lt. Col. Parris Fulfills Dreams In CAP
At age five, he dreamed of being an
astronaut, TIlen wanted to be an Officer
in the Anned Forces. Some dreams became realities. But others might have not
until squadron Commander Lieutenant
Colonel Kenneth Parris joined CIVIL
AIR PATROL. Colonel Parris first
joined CAP in July 1976. At age13, he
quickly climbed up the chain of command with the Florida Wing Hollywood
composite Squadron and became a cadet
Warrant Officer. After moving to California, Colonel Parris transferredto
Squadron 18 and held positions such as
Cadet Executive Officer, TIle Deputy
Cadet Commander. After reaching the
rank of Cadet Lieutenant Colonel, he becanle a Senior member Chjef Warrant
After leaving the Anny, Colonel Parris
helped in several Group 2 Squadrons including Squadrons 90, and 18. He then
went toCalifomia Wing Headquarters,
and became the Assistant Director of
Operations for plans and programs.
IfYOIl want to fly like an
Eagle .....
lou can't live like a hlrkeyJ
Again, he advanced in rank and became
When Wing Headqu3.lters
moved South in I 989,Colonel Parris was
chosen to be the Commander of
Squadron 18.
With over 17 years of service in
CAP, Colonel Parris has many memories . He remembered encampments in
the South Florida Scout Camp Owasa
Baver where he saw F4's on alert and
Cadet Squadron 18 including special guests, at a recent meeting during a
photo opportunity with the Squadron Commander.Phato by: Cedet sgt. Steven Paris
OUi' Sympathy Is wUh our Chaplain; Lt. oJ. John Copley on thc occasion of thc
death of his wife Gunncl E. Copley .·cccnlly due to complications fro m canccr".
Chaplain Cop Icy has helpcd us durin g rough thllt'S, let us all remembcr' him III
lhoughts and prayt'rs Ol. he goes 1hrougit th is dlfllcult tme.
ready to bomb Cuba upon orders. When
lonel Pani went
he was 15 years old,
to Mexico with some AP melllbers,
and wa stopped by U.S. Border Guards
upon his return
He remembers going on an orientation when he got to it in the jump seat
and saw the pilots fly the plane. He remembered the 1979 National Convention in Phoenix Arizona, when he went
with Chaplain John Copley. However,
he could never forget the search alld rescue mission he participated in when he
was a Cadet. One Chri tma Day rescllers found a pilot and passenger alive
as well. 01 nel Parris was operating
liotn the ground in cloverdale. Colonel
Parris said, " [ will never forget that misiOIl." A
Squadron Commander,
olonel Parri has help a lot with the
Cadet . He told the Flaming Star that,
as a Cadet," I got a lot out of CAP ."
"Thi is my opportunity to give sometiling back. J believe in tile future of the
United States and cOlllillg generations."
From The Chaplain
Lt. Col. John Copley, Chaplain
It's Cluistmas again what does it really mean to you? In a lot of nations people find the true meaning of Cluist.
Some manifest it through their accepted
traditions that have been handed down
through the centuries of times as: (Chris
Crinkle) Santa Claus, mistletoes Christmas Carols, others have joined our ranks
at Christmas time. Yes, without Christ
tilere would be no Christmas at all. He is
thecenterpiece of Christmas. Commercialism has been a centerpiece through
expensive gifts, trying to out-do each
other. The spirit is lost when thegift is
meaningless to receive . Christmas can
be joyous our it can be the opposite. It is
up to us to make it pleasant to those irl
this condition. Yes Christmas brirlgs the
true light of the individual, ifhe has been
a good person or bad person there is a
spark of Christ that comes to this earth.
It's up to us to lead the way to Christ at
Christmas. Lets keep Christmas the year
'round to our neighbors, friends and
family members.
California Wing Events
Coming up next month, cadets will have the opportunity to attend the cadet
programs conference at Naval Amphibious Base in Coronado Island, San Diego. lbe
cost ofUle conference is $ 45.00 fees are due witil yom application by January 27.
Theconference consists of seminars ranging from a ot'ficers forum (crrSG and above)
also squadron operations ... A banquet is Ule highlight of the evening. The 1994
conference will be held the week of Febmary 18th. In order to achieve the Mitchell
Award, a cadet has to attend an encampment. TIle Califomia WirlgSprirlg encampment
will take place on the 26 March & 2 April 1994 at Lemoore Naval Air Station. Contact
your squadron Commander for applications. Call for any additional information to
Major Larry Lakeotes at 209-222-2138. For tile Sprillg encampment, the rate is $ 95.00 .
Deadline for applications for staff positions is January 31 , 1994 . Send resumes and
forms to Califomia Wing HeadquartersrrrH P.O. Box 9117 Ontario, CA 91762.
Anthony Shu to new rank of
Airman. Cadet Airman Shu said, "It's great
and I'm looking forward to receiving more
ranks ,in Ule future" .
Steven Paris to new rank of Sergeant.
Cadet Sergeant Paris said. "It's better llien
beirlg in the flight and it gives me a chance
to make more decisions."
Ronald Legaux to new rank of Airman.
Cadet Airman Legaux said, "Now that
I'm an Airman, it's better then beirlg a
Cadet basic. I'm also looking forward to
getting my Cadet Sergeant rank next."
"I Joined CAP So I
Could Fly"
Cadet Commander Robert Eilers
first heard about Civil Air Patrol irl 6th
grade, at the Livermore Air show.
Altilough he wanted to be a sea Cadet, he
'oirled squadron 156 with a friend .
Lieutenant Eilers, who spent nirle months
as a Cadet basic, told the Flanlingstar*,
Ulat squadron 156 was a lot bigger back
then. When the squadron lost many
officers ( when they went to College) and
Group 25's Commander left membership
dropped. lbrough previous acquaintance,
witll former Cadet Captain Henry Haat at
Major Steven Dolgin
:==============~ the Pacific Region leadership school,
The new year begins upbeat in the
Lieutenant Eilers transferred to this
aerospace world with the successful
2nd Lt. Bailey
squadron. When he joins the Army after 5
shuttle mission to find the Hubble
years of CAP participation, he will miss the
2nd Lt. Bailey has been witll Ule many encampments, thecompetitions, and
telescope. NASA'S image was on the line
the Air Shows, which drew hundred of
with the outcome of its mission . I am "Firebirds" since joining CAP irl May
Cadets. "I joined CAP so that I could fly, "
planning for more guest speakers and 1990. His friend told him about the
field trips for 1994. In addition I wou!d program and Lt. Bailey tilought it sounded he told us. "I UUnk CAP is making a
comeback, we have a lot more support
like to start a tutorirlg programs for interesting. He remembers encampment
from Seniors." Lieutenant Eilers, who is
(aerospace and leadership) to help cadets and his promotion to flight officer. Next
workirlg on getting his pilot's license, has
study for their test.TIle tutors would year, he hopes to go to University of
plans to join tile Army . As to joining the
include cadets who have passed the North Carolina, where he will join Navy
Mitchell award. I am plarming for many ROTC.
Senior membership in CAP, Lt. Eilers
Lt. Bailey at one point worked on CAP
wants to compare CAP and ROTC to find
exciting things ahead."
out which suits hml more.
related materials every night. 2nd Lt.
On the last Tuesday of Nov. we
Bailey said" I like teaching people stuff,
passengers. The super 80 is very
toured a Mcdonald Douglas DC9 super 80 and tile skills you learn here can be used
successful in the U.S. In October the
jet liner. The cadets as well as the senior
for business, as well."
cadets had a tour of a wide airbus a A300
members, joined our liaison Officer for a
L...-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - ' which can travel at speeds up to 580 mph,
cod:pit orientation, of theAmerican
service irl 1966.TIle DC is a mediunl rang and hold 336 passengers. TIle cadets saw
Airlines plane. The super 80 is powered
plane, thatcan hold up to 130 passengers
the airbus inside and out. All of the cadets
by two Pratt Whitrley turbofan engines,
went on both orientations had a great
rear of the airplane. The DC 9 went into
version can accommodate up to J 72
Aerospace Education
CAP Develops Skills