Annual Report 2 - St. Francis Episcopal Day School
Annual Report 2 - St. Francis Episcopal Day School
An n ua l R e p o rt 2007-2008 St. Francis Episcopal Day School Susan B. Lair, Ph.D. Head of School The Reverend Stuart A. Bates Rector Carol Porter Board of Trustees Chair Colleen Curran Head of Middle School Nancy Church Head of Lower School J Y Table of Contents Message from Head of School .........................................1 School Accomplishments ................................................2 2007-2008 Board of Trustees .........................................3 Focused on the Future, Carol Porter, J.D. .........................4 Endowed Investing, John H. Duncan ................................5 Michelle Symonds Head of Primary School Strategic Financial Planing, Patricia N. Turner, J.D. ..........6 Tina Marie Womack Associate Head of School Annual Fund ..................................................................8 Gifts by contribution category ...................................9 Gifts by student class ..............................................15 Grandparent gifts ....................................................20 Alumni and alumni parent gifts ................................22 Faculty and staff gifts ..............................................23 Vance Ulsh Head of Business and Operations Bridget Hennessey Head of Institutional Advancement Report of Gifts and Sources ............................................7 Special Gifts to St. Francis ............................................24 Woolrich Fund for Faculty .............................................26 Library Club .................................................................28 Class of 2008 ..............................................................30 Alumni News ...............................................................32 3 35 Piney Point Road Houston, Texas 77024 Phone: 713.458.6100 Fax: 713.782.4720 w Giving to St. Francis .....................................................40 Alumni, parents, grandparents, trustees, friends, faculty and staff: It is with a joyful heart that I express my gratitude for all that you have provided St. Francis Episcopal Day School. You continue to be a crucial part of providing an extraordinary educational experience for our students and upholding the mission of this fine institution. Our community provided more than $756,000 in annual fund contributions, and $974,231 in overall giving during the 2007-2008 school year. Through your gifts, St. Francis continues to live up to its well-established traditions of academic excellence and providing an environment that helps to raise students who are people for others. Our students’ achievements are rooted in the sustained support and involvement of the St. Francis community. Your contributions to annual fund and capital gifts have helped to make these opportunities possible. Among the many areas of our school that have benefited from your giving dollars this year, the following are just a few examples of your gifts at work. Thanks to your generous gifts, we were able to: • Provide additional classroom supplies and support • Send more teachers to valuable, pertinent training • Enhance security to safeguard our campus and students • Present students with the opportunity to enter and participate in national academic competitions • Give the lasting gift of education through student scholarships Mission Statement In the Anglican tradition, St. Francis Episcopal Day School challenges and motivates students in an academically and spiritually stimulating environment to become imaginative, critical thinkers, and people for others. • Enrich student learning through the renovation of the Crum Library On behalf of the faculty, staff and stude n t s , t h a n k yo u f o r suppor ting the continued growth of o u r s c h o o l . Si ncerely, Su san B. Lair, Ph.D. Head of School Sus a n B . L a i r, Ph . D . , i s t h e h e a d o f St . Fra n c i s Episcopal Day School. Before being named to t h i s p o s i t i o n s h e s e r ve d a s h e a d o f u p p e r s c h o ol at St. Mar y’s Hall in San Antonio. Her bac k g ro u n d a l s o i n c l u d e s w o rk i n g a t Fo r t Wo r t h Countr y Day School, and in both For t Wor t h In d e p e n d e n t S c h o o l D i s t r i c t a n d Br y a n In dependent School District. She ear ned her doct o ra t e i n e d u c a t i o n a d m i n i s t ra t i o n a n d f i n a n ce from the University of Texas at Austin. She also holds a master’s degree in mathematics education from Texas Christian University and a b a c h e l o r’s d e g re e i n m a t h e m a t i c s a n d p h y s i c a l education from the University of Nor th Tex a s . D r. L a i r i s m a r r i e d t o h e r h i g h s c h o o l sweethear t, and together they have three chil d re n a n d t h re e g ra n d c h i l d re n . 1 School Accomplishments 2007-2008 Th e S t . Fra n c i s co m m u n i t y celebrated a number of re m a r k a b l e a c co m p l i s h m e nts, many of which were m a d e p o s s i b l e t h ro u g h a n n ual giving dollars. H e re a re a fe w o f t h e h i g h l i ghts: Presidential Award f o r Exc e l l e n c e i n Te a c h i n g Debbie N. Harris, seventh grade science teacher, won one of the top educator’s awards in the nation, the PAEMST. She and 98 other educators received the annual Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching for 2007 during a ceremony held in Washington, D.C. on Friday, May 2. She joined a group of elite educators who were selected from mathematics and science teachers in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The awards are administered by the National Science Foundation. Academics on Displ a y a t P S I A C o m p e t i t i o n St. Francis Episcopa l Da y S c h o o l p l a c e d s e c o n d i n the state competition of Private Schools Interscholastic Association (PSIA), h e l d i n Sa n A n t o n i o o n Sa t u rd a y, May 10. Students w h o q u a l i f i e d t o c o m p e t e a t t h e state level and their achievements were: fifth graders John Pederson ( Vo c a b u l a r y, s e c o n d p l a c e ) a n d Collin McGrath (Lis t e n i n g Sk i l l s ) ; s i x t h g r a d e r s K a s e y French (Poetr y Inter p re t a t i o n , f o u r t h p l a c e ) , K a i t l i n Karcher (Poetr y Inte r p re t a t i o n , t h i rd p l a c e ) a n d Jo j o Diesel (On-Site Dra w i n g ) ; a n d e i g h t h g r a d e r Au s t i n Por ter ( Vocabular y, s e c o n d p l a c e ) . St . Fr a n c i s e i g h t h graders also placed s e c o n d i n t h e s t a t e i n t h e On e Act Play competitio n , w i t h K a t h e r i n e Mo o re , Em i l y Statham, Nathalie Seidl and Caroline Montgomer y winning individual re c o g n i t i o n . P S I A i s a s t a t ewide organization th a t i n s p i re s s t u d e n t a c h i e ve m e n t t hrough academic c o m p e t i t i o n . Students in first through eighth grade volunteer to compete in contests i n 19 different acade m i c a re a s . Deep in the Ar t of Te x a s The St. Francis entr y f o r t h e Ho u s t o n L i ve s t o c k Sh ow a nd Rodeo’s Mustang Ma n i a 2 0 0 8 w a s d a z z l i n g . T h e s tudent group decid e d o n a we s t e r n h e r i t a g e t h e m e . One side of the mus t a n g d e p i c t s a s u n s e t s c e n e w i t h a herd of wild mus t a n g s r a c i n g a c ro s s t h e we s t e r n plains, signifying th e e n d o f t h e u n t a m e d wes t . T h e 2 o t h e r s i d e s h ow s a s u n r i s e w i t h a l o ng barbed-wire f e n c e , a c ow b oy a n d h i s d o g , ro o s t e r, windmill, and o i l we l l p u m p i n t h e b a c k g ro u n d . T h is scene signi f i e s t h e b e g i n n i n g o f t h e m o d e r n western culture. Ab ove t h e s u n s c e n e s a n d a rc h i n g ove r the mustang’s h e a d , b a c k a n d t a i l , i s t h e g re a t a n d w i de western sky f u l l o f s t a r r y n i g h t t w i n k l e s , n ova s , and constellat i o n s . T h e re i s e ve n a n N A S A a s t ro n aut tethered to t h e s h u t t l e f l o a t i n g a l o n g t h e s i d e o f the mustang’s n e c k . Bl u e b o n n e t s a n d In d i a n p a i n t br ush blossoms w i n d u p t h e m u s t a n g’s h o ove s a n d l e g s so as to attach h i m t o t h e s o i l o f h i s we s t e r n ro o t s . The mustang, o n p e r m a n e n t d i s p l a y o n t h e p r i m a r y school lawn, is t i t l e d “ De e p i n t h e A r t o f Te x a s ,” a n d was carried out in the pointillism technique. A Ne w Tr a d i t i o n o f Gi v i n g Ba rk e r’s Pa j a m a r a m a h a d i t s i n c e p t i on this year in p r i m a r y s c h o o l . Primary school students collected a n d p a i re d p a j a m a s w i t h b o o k s t o donate to the Pa j a m a Pro g r a m , a n a t i o n a l p ro g r a m t hat works with a g e n c i e s i n t h e U . S . a n d a b ro a d t o p rovide ne w, warm p a j a m a s a n d b o o k s t o c h i l d re n i n n e e d , some of whom a re w a i t i n g a n d h o p i n g t o b e a d o p t ed. Fifth grade s t u d e n t Ta y l o r Ly o rc h e s t r a t e d t h e p a j ama drive as a s e r v i c e p ro j e c t . Ly s a i d h e h o p e s t h e younger students w i l l e n j oy t h e e x p e r i e n c e s o t h a t t h e y will remember that it is good to help others in need. C e l e b r a t i n g A m e r i c a’s Tr a d i t i o n s To h o n o r a n d e x p e r i e n c e t h e p a s t , present and f u t u re o f a l l t h i n g s Te x a s , t h e p r i m a r y school staged a “ Te x a s St a t e Fa i r.” Children experienced all of the components o f t h e Te x a s St a t e Fa i r, c o mbining events o f c o u n t y fairs with our own Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. T h e d a y w a s f i l l e d w i t h a “kidway” with g a m e s o l d a n d n e w, ro d e o m o t o r e ve nts, music and dance, a livestock exhibit, art show and even a bake-off! Officers Carol Porter, Chair 2007-2008 The Reverend Stuart A. Bates, Rector Board of Trustees Susan B. Lair, Ph.D., Head of School Kim Strange, Vice Chair Pat Y. Spillman Jr., Secretary Patricia N. Turner, Tresurer Trustees Elizabeth B. Arend Glenn A. Ballard John E. Chandler Richard G. DiMichele John H. Duncan, Jr. , ’69 Elisse Hayes-Karlsson, ’87 Blake Hogan Kelly Huff Lou Jax Patricia Lewis, Ph.D. Melanie M. Ottens Louise Richman Leiselle Sadler Vanessa Sendukas Susan Gilbert, Vestry Representative A s a parish school, St. Francis Episcopal Day School is governed by a Board of Trustees which is made up of parents, alumni, vestry and prominent community members. The makeup of the Board is governed by Canon Law of the Diocese of Texas, and led by the Rector or his recommendation for Chair. Sixty percent of the Board is required to be Church Communicants (members in good standing), as well as 51% of the Board must have at least one child at the day school at the time of their first election. Anyone with understanding of Board governance is eligible for nomination and may volunteer for the role. Members are elected to a three year term, renewable up to three terms (nine years), and act solely in the best interest of the school. to ensure that the school’s operations are relevant and uphold the mission of the St. Francis community. In this role, members review and maintain bylaws, hire and evaluate the Head of School, and establish policies and plans consistent with the mission. They are the financial keepers of the day school, charged with the fiduciary responsibility of providing financial direction, security and long-term strategy. Yet, above all, it is the board’s responsibility These outstanding volunteers are the pillars of our community and the foundation of our success. Thank you all for your tremendous donation of time and energy over the past year. 3 Focused on the Future Meeting the Needs of Today Carol Por ter, J.D., Chairman of t h e B o a rd o f Tr u s te e s When my o l d e s t d a u g h t e r p re s e n t e d t h e e i g h t h g r a d e t i e t o h e r yo u n g e r s i s t e r t h i s year at the St. Fr a n c i s e i g h t h g r a d e t i e c e re m o n y, s h e s a i d , “ En j oy St . Fr a n c i s w h i l e yo u c an.” While som e o f h e r s e n t i m e n t m a y h a ve b e e n m o t i va t e d by n o s t a l g i a f o r yo u n g e r ye ars, she was pr i m a r i l y m o t i va t e d by t h e i n c re d i b l e a n d , s o m e t i m e s i n t a n g i b l e , a s p e c t s of a St. Francis e d u c a t i o n . Last spring t h e f a m i l i e s o f St . Fr a n c i s re s p o n d e d t o a s u r ve y a s k i n g a b o u t t h e p o s s i b i l i t y of adding a h i g h s c h o o l t o t h e c u r re n t St . Fr a n c i s p ro g r a m . We re c e i ve d 4 1 5 re s p o n s e s f rom the sur vey, w i t h 7 4 . 9 % o f t h e re s p on d e n t s s t a t i n g t h e y we re “ l e a n i n g t ow a rd” o r “s t ro ngly want” to a d d a h i g h s c h o o l . T h e bo a rd o f t r u s t e e s re v i e we d t h i s s u r ve y a n d w i l l i n c l ude the results o f t h e s t u d y i n i t s l o n g - t e r m v i s i o n f o r t h e f u t u re g row t h a n d e x p a n s i o n of St. Francis Episcopal Day School. Included within the possibilities the Board is considering this year a re t h e re n ova t i o n o f t h e p r i m a r y s c h o o l , t h e e x p a n s i o n o f o u r a t h l e t i c f a c i l i ties and the lon g - t e r m g o a l o f t h e a d d i t i o n o f a h i g h s c h o o l . Im a g i n e w h a t o u r a w a rd - w i n ning athletic teams could achieve with a state-of-the-art stadium, track, baseball field, dedicated field hock e y a n d l a c ro s s e f i e l d s , a n d a n i n d o o r g y m . Im a g i n e f u r t h e r t h o s e e i g h t h g r a ders receiving t h e i r t i e s k n ow i n g t h e y c a n e x t e n d t h e St . Fr a n c i s e x p e r i e n c e b e yo n d t h e e i g hth grade. In addition t o t h e l o n g - t e r m c a p i t a l n e e d s o f St . Fr a n c i s , t h e b o a rd o f t r u s t e e s i s w o rking diligently t h i s ye a r o n i m p rov i n g t h e f u t u re o f St . Fr a n c i s by f o c u s i n g o n d i ve r s i t y and financial a s s i s t a n c e . We d o n o t i n t e n d t o s i m p l y f o r m u l a t e p o l i c i e s a b o u t d i ve r s i t y and financial a s s i s t a n c e , p u t t h e m o n t h e we b s i t e , t h e n m ove o n . Diversity will be incorporated into ever y a s p e c t o f St . Fr a n c i s c am p u s l i f e , f ro m e m p l oy m e n t p r a c t i c e s t o c u r r i c u lum in academ i c s , t h e a r t s , re l i g i o n , a n d a t h l e t i c s . T h e b o a rd o f t r u s t e e s i s a l s o c o m m i tted to formula t i n g a p o l i c y o n f i n a n c i a l a s s i s t a n c e t h a t w i l l e m b o d y t h e p h r a s e , “p e o p l e for others.” In s u p p o r t o f t h a t p o l i c y, t h e b o a rd o f t r u s t e e s w i l l i n c re a s e t h e f i n a n c i a l a ssis tance budg e t i n a n e f f o r t t o b e c o m e a l e a d e r a m o n g a re a i n d e p e n d e n t s c h o o l s i n t e r m s of the percen t a g e o f t h e s t u d e n t b o d y re c e i v i n g a s s i s t a n c e a n d t h e p e rc e n t a g e o f t h e b u dget devoted to t h i s p u r p o s e . If St . Fr a n c i s i s t o c o n t i n u e t o d i s t i n g u i s h i t s e l f, t h e s e t w o g oals are paramo u n t . For more t h a n f i f t y ye a r s , St . Fr a n c i s h a s re s p o n d e d t o t h e n e e d s a n d c a p a b i l i t i e s o f e ach student, p rov i d i n g o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r g row t h a n d a c h i e ve m e n t i n a C h r i s t i a n c o m m u nity with the b e l i e f s a n d t r a d i t i o n s o f t h e Ep i s c o p a l C h u rc h . A s we e m b a rk o n t h e f u t ure, we celebra t e o u r m i s s i o n a n d g u i d i n g p r i n c i p l e s a n d a f f i r m t h e h e r i t a g e a n d t r a d i t i o n s of St. Francis Ep i s c o p a l Da y S c h o o l , w h i c h s e r ve a s t h e f o u n d a t i o n o f o u r f u t u re e n d e a vors. We unders t a n d t h a t t h e n e x t p h a s e o f o u r h i s t o r y w i l l re q u i re b o t h t r a d i t i o n a n d i n n ovation as we p re p a re s t u d e n t s t o l e a d f u l f i l l i n g a n d m e a n i n g f u l l i ve s a s re s p o n s i b l e c i t i zens and capabl e l e a d e r s . Ca ro l Po r ter is chair man of the St. Francis Episcopal Day School Board of Tr ustees, a s we l l a s an attor ney for the Four teenth Cour t of Appeals state appella te cour t. She i s re s p o nsible for drafting opinions and handling administrative matters for nine j u d g e s . She has also taught legal writing to first-year law students at the University o f Ho u s t on and drafted opinions for Justice Carlton B. Dodson of the Seventh Cour t o f Ap p e a ls in Amarillo, Texas. She is a graduate of Baylor University and is married w i t h t w o daughters – Laura ’06 and Abby ’09. 4 Endowed Investing J ohn H. Duncan, Jr., Chairman of th e I nve s t m e n t Co m m i t te e, ‘ 6 9 As chairman of t h e B o a rd’s In ve s t m e n t C o m m i t t e e , a n d s p o n s o r o f t h e s c h o o l’s In ve s t m ent Club, I am often aske d a b o u t t h e s c h o o l’s i n ve s t m e n t s a n d , i n p a r t i c u l a r, o u r En d ow m e n t . To provide a better understa n d i n g a b o u t t h e i m p o r t a n t ro l e o u r En d ow m e n t p l a y s i n t h e s c h o o l’s f i n a n c es, I have prepared the fo l l ow i n g q u e s t i o n s a n d a n s we r s . What is an Endowment? The technical d e f i n i t i o n o f a n En d ow m e n t i s “f u n d s o r p ro p e r t y d o n a t e d t o a n i n stitution, in dividual, or g ro u p t o c re a t e a n i n ve s t m e n t t h a t w i l l p rov i d e a s o u rc e o f i n c o m e .” Ty p i c ally, gifts to Endowment a re h e l d i n p e r p e t u i t y, t h a t i s t o s a y t h a t t h e e a r n i n g s f ro m t h e g i f t m a y b e s pent, but the corpus, the o r i g i n a l g i f t , m u s t re m a in i n t a c t . At St . Fr a n c i s Ep i s c o p a l Da y S c h o o l , t h e Endow ment is made u p p a r t i a l l y f ro m p e r m a n e n t l y re s t r i c t e d d o n a t i o n s , b u t i t a l s o c o n s i s t s o f f unds that the Board of Tr u s t e e s h a s d i s c re t i o n ove r t o b e s t s e r ve t h e m i s s i o n o f t h e s c h o o l . What are the goals of the St. Francis En d ow m e n t ? The Board has e s t a b l i s h e d a p o l i c y t h ro u g h w h i c h t h e En d ow m e n t s u p p o r t s t h e s c h o o l’s operating fu nd annually. T h e s c h o o l f o l l ow s a c o n s e r va t i ve p o l i c y o f d r a w i n g o n l y 3 % o f t h e En d owment’s three-year trail i n g a ve r a g e b a l a n c e f o r t h i s p u r p o s e . T h i s p o l i c y a l l ow s t h e s c h o o l t o h a ve a predict able source of i n c o m e a n n u a l l y w h i l e p e r m i t t i n g t h e En d ow m e n t i t s e l f t o g row. How are gifts t o t h e En d ow m e n t d i f f e re n t f ro m g i f t s t o t h e A n n u a l Fu n d ? Both have as t h e i r p r i m a r y p u r p o s e s u p p o r t i n g t h e s c h o o l’s o p e r a t i n g f u n d . Gi f t s g i ve n to the Annual Fund a re u s e d i n t h e f o l l ow i n g ye a r by t h e s c h o o l . Gi f t s t o t h e En d ow m e n t h a ve a greater impact on the s c h o o l’s l o n g - t e r m g o a l s a n d c o n t i n u e t o p rov i d e s u p p o r t ye a r a f t e r ye a r. Who manages the Endowment? The Endowmen t i s m a n a g e d by t h e B o a rd o f Tr u s t e e s In ve s t m e n t C o m m i t t e e w i t h t h e a s s i stance of in vestment spe c i a l i s t s . T h e C o m m i t t e e c u r re n t l y re t a i n s t w o f i n a n c i a l c o n s u l t i n g g ro u p s t o assist in the day-to-day m a n a g e m e n t o f t h e En d ow m e n t a n d t o p rov i d e c o u n s e l t ow a rd f u t u re i n vestments. Overall our ap p ro a c h i s c o n s e r va t i ve a n d f o c u s e d o n l o n g - t e r m s t a b l e g row t h t h a t p rovides for fu ture generati o n s o f St . Fr a n c i s s t u d e n t s . T h e In ve s t m e n t C o m m i t t e e a l s o o p e r a t e s w i t h i n an asset allocation matr i x a p p rove d by t h e B o a rd . How are gifts to the Endowment rece i ve d ? Donations desi g n a t e d t o t h e St . Fr a n c i s Ep i s c o p a l Da y S c h o o l En d ow m e n t a re i m m e d i a t e l y invested in the unrestric t e d p o r t i o n o f t h e En d ow m e n t . St o c k s , b o n d s , a n d o t h e r i t e m s f o r w h i c h a donor does not want t o p a y c a p i t a l g a i n s t a x m a y a l s o b e d o n a t e d d i re c t l y t o t h e En d ow m e n t in their current form. T h e s c h o o l’s p o l i c y i s t o s e l l s e c u r i t i e s i m m e d i a t e l y a n d i n ve s t t h e p ro c e e ds. The donor receives t h e f u l l , f a i r m a rk e t va lu e o f t h e g i f t o n t h e d a t e t h e c o n t r i b u t i o n i s re c eived by St. Francis and a c o r re s p o n d i n g c h a r i t a b l e i n c o m e t a x d e d u c t i o n . The St. Franci s En d ow m e n t i s c o m p a r a t i ve l y yo u n g a n d w i l l n e e d c o n t i n u e d i n ve s t m e n t to grow. The school’s a n n u a l o p e r a t i n g f u n d i s p re s e n t l y e l e ve n m i l l i o n , a n d i t i s re c o m m e n d e d that a sufficient endow m e n t e q u a l a t l e a s t t w o a n d a h a l f t i m e s a n o r g a n i z a t i o n’s a n n u a l b u dget. The Endowment is c u r re n t l y l e s s t h a n e l e ve n m i l l i o n a n d t h e re f o re p rov i d e s o n l y a s m a l l p o r t i on of the school’s annual i n c o m e . Howe ve r, w i t h t h e s u p p o r t o f t h e c o m m u n i t y a n d c o n t i n u e d p r u d e nt invest ment and grow t h , t h e En d ow m e n t c a n b e a k e y c o m p o n e n t i n p rov i d i n g o n g o i n g s t a b l e s u ppor t for our school. For more inform a t i o n o n g i v i n g t o t h e En d ow m e n t p l e a s e c o n t a c t t h e Director of Major Gifts, Laurie Bilger, J.D. at Johnny Duncan is chairman of the Investment Committee. He holds an MBA from Southern Methodist University and a BBA in finance from the University of Texas at Austin. He is married with three daughters who are all St. Francis graduates. 5 Strategic Financial Planning Patricia N. Turner, J.D., Finance Co m m i t te e C h a i r The Board is charged with fur t h e r i n g t h e s c h o o l’s m i s s i o n a n d e n s u r i n g l o n g -t e r m financial stability. Fur thermore, t h e B o a rd i s e n t r u s t e d t o b e g u a rd i a n s o f, a n d p rov i d e a vision for, the school’s future. A s s u c h , t h e c o re a c t i v i t y o f t h e B o a rd i s p l a n n i n g , not only for today’s students bu t t h e s t u d e n t s o f t h e f u t u re . Mi n d f u l o f t h i s c h a r g e , the Board is once again preparin g a n d u p d a t i n g t h e St . Fr a n c i s Ep i s c o p a l Da y S c h o o l Strategic Financial Plan. The B o a rd w o rk e d o n t h e s c h o o l’s i n i t i a l s i x - ye a r s t r a t e g i c plan in 2006; however, the need s o f t h e s c h o o l a n d t h e c o m m u n i t y i t e n c o m p a s s e s have changed since that time, an d t h e B o a rd f e e l s i t i s t i m e t o u p d a t e t h e p l a n . The Str ategic Financial Plan fo c u s e s o n v i a b i l i t y re l a t e d i s s u e s , p r i m a r i l y re l a t i n g to money, organizational str uctu re s , a n d f a c i l i t i e s t h a t a re re l a t i ve t o , b u t s e p a r a t e from, curriculum, student progr a m s a n d i n s t r u c t i o n . T h e St r a t e g i c Fi n a n c i a l Pl a n also takes into account stability m a rk e r s s e t o u t by In d e p e n d e n t S c h o o l Ma n a g e m e n t (ISM), which provide a guide fo r p re d i c t i n g t h e s c h o o l’s a b i l i t y t o s u s t a i n p ro g r a mmatic excellence over time. The end goal of the Strategic Fi n a n c i a l Pl a n i s t o p rov i d e t h e s c h o o l a n d i t s l e a d e r s with a comprehensive road map f o r t h e f u t u re o f t h e s c h o o l . T h i s s h o u l d i n t u r n offer a frame work within which t h e s h o r t - t e r m a n d l o n g - t e r m g o a l s o f t h e s c h o o l c a n be met, while providing guidanc e a n d s t a b i l i t y f o r t u i t i o n , f a c i l i t i e s , a n d f a c u l t y s a l a ries. By putting this frame work i n p l a c e a h e a d o f t i m e , d e c i s i o n s l a r g e a n d s m a l l c a n be made easily and ensure that e xc e l l e n c e i n t h e c l a s s ro o m c a n b e s u s t a i n e d . In developing this plan, the Boa rd w i l l re v i e w t h e c u r re n t a n d f u t u re n e e d s o f t h e school along with the concerns o f i t s c o n s t i t u e n c y, t h e m a rk e t , a n d t h e s c h o o l’s mission. We value your tr ust an d t h a n k yo u f o r yo u r s u p p o r t . Patricia “Patti” Tur ner is the chair man of finance for St. Francis Episcopal Day School. She is the owner/operator of Tr uluck’s Res taurant Group. Previously she practiced as an attor ney with several local law fir ms. She received a juris doctorate from South Texas College of Law and a bachelor’s degree in political science from State University of New York College at Buffalo. Patti is married with three children. Her twins are eighth-graders at St. Francis and her stepson is a U.S. Marine. She has been a member of St. Francis Episcopal Church since 1997. 6 Annual Fund Giving Alumni, Parents of Al u m n i , . 9 4 % 2007-2008 REPORT OF FUNDING Grandpare nt s, 9 . 0 9 % Faculty & Staff, 1.82% ANN UA L F U N D Board of Trustee s Parents, 79.55% $ 4 9 ,400 Foundations, Grants & Corporations, 2.02% Parents $ 6 0 1 ,882 Alumni $ 6 ,591 O t h e r, . 0 5 % $500 B o a rd, 6 . 5 3 % Parents of Alum n i Grandparents $ 6 8 ,788 Facult y and Staf f $ 1 3 ,791 Friends of St. Fra n c i s Foundations, Co r p o ra t i o n s and Organizatio n s Total Annual Fu n d $350 $ 1 5 ,350 $ 7 5 6 ,652 Tu i t i o n , 8 4 % Woo lrich Fund Librar y Club $ 3 0 ,343 $ 9 ,935 Total Annual Gi v i n g Sources of Operating Fu n d s Fe e s & O t h e r I n co m e, 9 % $ 7 9 6 ,930 A n n u a l Fu n d, 5 % END O W M E N T & C A P I TA L G I F TS E n d ow m e nt, 2 % Endowment G eneral Purp o s e s Scholarship Fu n d s Cap ital Projec ts Librar y Renovat i o n s Temporarily Res t r i c te d G i f t s Unrestric ted Gi f t s $ 2 5,368 $ 2,156 $ 2,000 $ 1 0 0,000 $ 3 9,895 $ 7,882 Total Endowme nt a n d Capital Gif ts Total 2007-2008 Donations $ 1 7 7,301 Uses of Operating Fund s I n s t r u c t i o n a l S u p p o r t, 1 5 % Ad m i n i s t rat i ve & G e n e ra l , 4 % Fi n a n c i a l A s s i s t a n ce, 4 % $ 9 7 4,231 Fa c i l i t i e s, 1 0 % Fa c u l t y & S t a f f, 6 7 % 7 Annual Fund 2007-2008 I wish to express heartfelt thanks to the hundreds of Annual Fund donors listed on the following pages. This thanks is offered on behalf of the 800+ students attending St. Francis Episcopal Day School. We all know that St. Francis is a special and blessed place that nurtures young people, ignites creative minds, and builds character and poise. No single fundraising effort supports our mission better than the Annual Fund. Simply put, Annual Fund is about teaching and learning. The parents, grandparents, alumni, alumni parents, faculty, and friends of the school who give each and every year are the pillars of our campaign. The school counts on you to help bridge the gap between tuition revenue and the Bridget Hennessey actual cost of educating our students the St. Francis way. Thanks to your Head of Institutional active partnership, our students receive a well-rounded and exciting Advancement education from top-notch teachers. I was once told that tuition is the apple, and Annual Fund is the polish on the apple. Thank you for making our program shine! Pl e a s e k n ow t h a t we have made ever y effor t to ensure the accuracy of this repor t a n d t h a t a l l d o n o rs have been represented correctly. We apologiz e for any overs i g h t s a n d a s k yo u to please contact our office regarding corrections or concer ns. 8 * indicates a new Annual Fund donor in 2007-2008 H eadm a s te r ’s M r. and Mrs. Ju an F. Alonso Mr. and Mrs. Carlos C. Contreras M r. a n d M r s . Br a d y Ed w a rd s M r. and Mrs. George M. Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Jo hn A. Graf * M r. a n d M r s . Je f f Gr a y I I I Ke l l y a n d Bi l l Mo n t g o m e r y M r. and Mrs. Preetish and Shirin Nijhawan Li z and Ned Schwing M r. a n d M r s . Richard D. Spitzer M r. a n d M r s . Emory E. Treadaway M r. and Mrs. Lacy H. Williams II Ci rcle Gifts of $15,000+ ’07-’08 Gifts tobyAnnual Fund contribution category Society of Arts & Letters Gifts of $10,000 – $14,999 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Duncan, Jr., ’69 Kathryn and Kirk Hachigian Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Turner Circle of Excellence Gifts of $5,000 – $9,999 Michele and Sandy Aron Catherine and Peter Badger Marcie and David Bristol Emily and Robert Clay Mr. John P. Courtney Shelley and Charles Cox Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Crum Mary and David Entrekin, ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Gambini Peggy and Gary Godwin Michelle and Michael Heinz Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Heston Shawn and Blake Hogan Ms. Colleen Holthouse Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Holthouse Jane and Michael Jamieson Ms. Amy V. King * Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Margolis Mr. and Mrs. Michael Medrano, ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Meyer Dr. and Mrs. Michael Mitschke, ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Joel L. Moore * Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Ottens Susan and Michael Plank Mr. Grady W. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. William D. Sanchez * Diana and Richard Sherrill Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Smith Ms. Toni Hennike and Mr. Pat Y. Spillman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Davis X. Sun Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Tayon Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. Tellepsen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Terry 1952 Founders’ Circle Gifts of $2,500 – $4,999 Holly and John Brennan Linda and Robert Brown Mr. and Mrs. Michel P. Bucher 10 Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Jake L. Davis * Sabrina and Rich DiMichele Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farmer Susan and Garry Gaskins Marsha and Charles Giammalva Mr. and Mrs. James D. Gray Laurie and Alfredo Gutierrez Dorothy and Mark Haas Sandra and David Hanower Kathleen and William Herd Houston Endowment Inc. * Dana and Donald Jackson Rise’ and Malcolm Johns Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. David M. King Dr. and Mrs. Jorge I. Leiva * Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Liggett Mr. and Mrs. Kyle D. Lippman Mr. and Mrs. Greg Looser, ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Margolis * Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Margolis Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Needles, Jr. Mrs. Tassie Nicandros Mr. Dennis J. Olmstead * Mrs. Regina Olmstead * C.N. and Maria Papadopoulos Charitable Foundation Mr. Christopher P. Perras * Veronica and Dean Porter Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Reid Mr. and Mrs. David M. K. Ruth Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Seinsheimer Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Sinex Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Snider, III * Mr. A. I. Tezel Gaye and John Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John Toussaint Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Tyson Mr. and Mrs. Nestor J. Vicknair, III * Mr. and Mrs. Byron Way Dr. and Mrs. Lacy H. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Yager, III, ’90 St. Francis Associates Gifts of $1,000 – $2,499 Anonymous Liz and Lew Arend Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Aruffo Mr. and Mrs. Michael Atkins Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Austin * Allan Avery Reagan and Jim Bailey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Darrin R. Baker Mr. and Mrs. John Newton Barineau, IV Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Barineau Dianne and Dan Barker The Reverend Stuart A. Bates Sheryl and Christopher Beggins Julie Ann and David Berman Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Berry Kelly and Tom Bilek Mr. and Mrs. Ian C. Bishop Ms. Allison M. Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Brazelton * Dr. and Mrs. Fred J. Bressler Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bristol, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bruckner Mr. and Mrs. H. Mark Burck Mimi and Rick Butler Mrs. Ellen Cadick Mrs. L.T. Cameron Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Cape Mr. and Mrs. William S. Case Mr. and Mrs. Craig Chandler Dr. and Mrs. Peter Chang Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Chapman, ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Gill Cheesman Lisa and John Colgin Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Collier Mr. and Mrs. Jack Currie Karen and Richard Davis Mr. and Mrs. Danny H. Dishongh * Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Dunbar * Anice and George Duytschaever Mr. and Mrs. Joel D. Elkins Mr. and Mrs. Michael U. Ellington, Jr. Lisa and Chet Erwin Mr. and Mrs. Morrow Evans, ’90 Catharine and Grant Faulconer Mr. and Mrs. Todd C. Feder Mr. and Mrs. David G. Foor Mr. and Mrs. James L. Goettee, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gottsegen * Mrs. Amy C. Groves Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Groves * indicates a new Annual Fund dono r in 2007-2008 .M Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haas Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heard Stacey and Jeff Henningsen Sheri and Ronald Henriksen Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Horne, Sr. Susan and Howard Horne, Jr., ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Huff Mr. Phillip M. Hunt Bridget and Roger Hunt Mr. and Mrs. William O. Iglesias Lou and James Jax Dr. and Mrs. Jack E. Jensen Dr. and Mrs. Karen and Jim Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh W. Johnson, Jr. Elizabeth and Kevin Jones Leah and Michael Jones Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Jones * Mr. and Mrs. George V. Kane, III Courtney and Timothy Kearns Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Keller * Mr. and Mrs. Vreij Kolandjian Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Kubitza, IV * Mr. and Mrs. James L. Lair Mr. and Mrs. Devinder P. Lamba Mr. and Mrs. Casey J. Lambright * Quinita and Chris LaPorte Mr. and Mrs. Neil M. Leibman Drs. Patricia and Richard Lewis Dr. and Mrs. David W. Light, IV * Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Ligon Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Lovell Sande and Dwight Lyman Brandi and Keith Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McArdle Mr. and Mrs. John McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. George E. McKean Mr. and Mrs. D. Ferguson McNiel Mr. and Mrs. Pershant Mehta Mr. and Mrs. Tom Melody Drs. Paul and Rhonda Metz * Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miertschin Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Mizell Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Mollard Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Moore * Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Moore, Jr. Mr. Richard J. Morales and Mrs. Amanda S. Vavilala Mr. and Mrs. J. Marvin Moreland, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Moreton, III Ms. Laura Morgan-Avery Mr. and Mrs. Todd Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Patrick V. Nicosia, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nini Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Oldham Mr. and Mrs. Hezekiah A. Oyinlola * Mrs. Gayle Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Perea * Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Peterson * Mr. and Mrs. John W. Porter Angela and Michael Poujol Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Price, Jr. * Mr. and Mrs. Firas J. Qasem Mr. and Mrs. David Rae Drs. Hamid and Farrah Razavi * Mrs. Kay Rhea Louise Richman and Dennis Griffith, ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Robert * Elizabeth and John Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Earl Robinson Dana and Bill Rocha Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Rundle Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sadler Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sarvadi Mr. and Mrs. Perry Sendukas Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Snell * Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Snell, Jr., ’84 * Mr. Brian Southwell Mr. and Mrs. Peter Staartjes * Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Stefan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Steppe Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Stieglitz, ’90 * Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Strange Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Sullivan, Jr. * Ms. Jeanne M. Swalm * Mr. and Mrs. Chris Swinbank Paula and Paschall Tosch Ms. Shirley Vaughan * Mr. and Mrs. John A. Weinzierl * Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. West Mr. and Mrs. Steven Weyel Mr. Jason G. Whittington and Ms. Kelly C. Wren Mr. and Mrs. James A. Woolley Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wozencraft, Jr. St. Francis Sustainers Gifts of $500 – $999 Anonymous Haleh and Abbas Arian Dr. and Mrs. Roy N. Aruffo Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Austin, ’87 * Drs. Karen and John Baerenstecher Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Bagwell * Lisa and James Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Baker Glenn Ballard Jaralyn Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Barakis Mr. and Mrs. Jason B. Bassett * Michelle and John Beerbower Mr. and Mrs. Vineet Bhatia * Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Bodden Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Brandt Rhonda and Richard Brown Tamra and Keith Budd Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Campbell Nancy and Edgar Carter Tahara and Wally Cater Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Dave Chapman Dr. Samuel Chen and Dr. An Tsai Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Chernosky Anne and Robert Chisholm Mr. and Mrs. Brady E. Crosswell Ms. Deborah S. Detiveaux Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Donaldson Sheryl and Douglas Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Matt Drury Ann-Christine and John Dull Kelly Edwards Carrie and Robert Eickenroht Mr. and Mrs. John B. Elmer Denise and Ramsey Evans Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Fendrick * Mr. and Mrs. Juan A. Fidalgo Kelli Fondren Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Franklin, Jr. Kathy and Kerry French Mr. and Mrs. Ned Gill Traci and Todd Graham Jennifer and Michael Grosvenor Ms. Jo Ann Haas Mr. and Mrs. Matthew B. Haire Perwin and Osama Hamouie Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Hatcher Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hibbert Philissa Higgins and Bill Higgins Cathy and Ross Hill Mr. and Mrs. David H. Hopkins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Jeffers Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Johnston * Mr. and Mrs. John E. Justice Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kaufman * Mr. and Mrs. Michael Keator 11 G i f t s to A n n u a l Fu n d by co nt r i b u t i o n c ate g o r y, cont. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Kidd Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Kierum Mr. and Mrs. Alec Kobayashi, ’77 Dr. and Mrs. John H. Krell Mr. James LaBarba Dr. and Mrs. Don Looser Lynda and Larry Longer Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Loposer Mr. and Mrs. Matt D. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Chris McGrath Ms. Harriet Mitchell Ms. Julie E. Pitts Mount Peggy and Gerry Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Jon B. Napier, ’87 * Mr. and Mrs. G. David Neal Christina and Alexander Papandreou Mr. Robert D. Perkins, III and Dr. Mary J. Lyman Meredith and Michael Pollak Mr. and Mrs. Andy Pontikes Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Powers * Merryman and Eugene Putnam Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Quinn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lars M. Runbeck Anne and Frank Savage Mr. and Mrs. William W. Sengelmann * Mrs. Gretchen Sutton Setrum Mr. and Mrs. Farrukh and Farhat Shamsi Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Simmons Dr. Eva Singletary Mr. and Mrs. Fernando J. Somoza Ms. Barbara Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Adam M. Stiles, ’87 * Mr. and Mrs. Gib Surles, ’74 Mr. Charles A. Talbott and Ms. Carol A. Sandvick Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Theriot Dr. Lisa C. Tidwell and Mr. Mark A. Tidwell Mr. and Mrs. John G. Turner Mr. Vance Ulsh and Ms. Kristina Mordaunt Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Waheed Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd S. Young St. Francis Patrons Gifts of $250 – $499 Anonymous Mrs. Karen H. Abercrombie Gina and Michael Adamo Mr. and Mrs. Allen Almassi Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Anderson 12 Mrs. Anne Aynesworth * Pamela and Jeffrey Baker Katherine and Carl Bartuch Mr. and Mrs. John Bender, ’84 Elizabeth and Stephen Blakley Jenee and William Bobbora Carolyn and Robert Bobo Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brazelton * Mr. and Mrs. Alvin D. Callender, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley D. Carmichael Mr. and Mrs. G. Christopher Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Dave Chapman Mei and Po Cheng Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Clark Mrs. Hollie K. Coerver Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cox * Mr. and Mrs. Granville M. Deane, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Diesel Drs. Swapan and Pushpa Dubey * Roxanne and Joe Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fulton Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Gannon Deborah and Dale Gaudier Carolyn and Russell Gee Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gilbert * Dana and James Gill Mr. and Mrs. Ramon P. Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gottschalk Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hale Dr. and Mrs. George Hancock Mr. Fredric Karlsson and Mrs. Elisse Hayes-Karlsson, ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Randy Helms Celia and Peter Hennings Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Hicks Janet and Michael Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Josephson Dr. and Mrs. Alan Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Scott Karcher Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Lent The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Russell J. Levenson, Jr. * Therese and John Lohman Mrs. Susan Lukens Mr. and Mrs. Viktor Ly Mr. and Mrs. Abelardo Matamoros Mr. and Mrs. B. Gaines Matthews Mr. and Mrs. T.H. McGregor Elena and Robert McPherson Mr. and Mrs. Lamar M. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Morrow Margaret Newsom Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee Norris Mrs. Gary Pearson Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pederson Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Peters George Pou Ms. Michelle M. Pou Mr. and Mrs. James L. Powers Mrs. Anne Pratt Barbara and Ron Presswood Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Price, ’90 * Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. Richard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Rigamonti, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Bryan P. Ritchey Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Roberts, ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Marshall G. Rosenberg, Sr. * Mr. and Mrs. Tomas Salazar Mr. and Mrs. James G. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Bart Schouest Susan and Charles Schwager Mr. Vahid Shariatzadeh and Ms. Nessa Sanei Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Southwell Mr. and Mrs. Pat Y. Spillman Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Statham Mr. and Mrs. Iraj Taghizadeh Gayla and Scott Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Torian Mr. and Mrs. James G. Turner * Ms. Johnna S. Van Keuren Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Vobbe Ms. Jane S. Wansley Mrs. Peggy Welch Mr. and Mrs. Milton H. West, Jr. Kelly and James Whitcomb Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Womack Mr. and Mrs. John K. Woodard * The Honorable and Mrs. John T. Wooldridge St. Francis Friends Gifts up to $249 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Abascal Julie Adam Ann and Bert Adkins Leticia and Jose Alcala Diane Allen Mr. and Mrs. John Allen Lucia and Duncan Alvarez Mr. and Mrs. Stefan J. Amling, ’82 * Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Arnold Jennifer Arnold * indicates a new Annual Fund dono r in 2007-2008 Ms. Betty Babendure * Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bacarisse * Eleanore and John Bailey Zein and Omar Barakat Mr. and Mrs. Roger Barras * Mr. and Mrs. David G. Barrow Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Bartell Margaret and Marshall Bartlett Mrs. Dixie Bassett * Mrs. Pamela J. Bates Monica and Mark Baughman Mr. Keykowa N. Bell Dr. and Mrs. Philip S. Bentlif Ruthe and Morton Berman Susan and Scott Biehl Cindy Blades Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Bobo, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Andre L. Boutte Mr. and Mrs. David M. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bratten * Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bratten, Jr. * Mrs. Karla Brazzel Eva Brooks Tracey and Frank Brown Mr. Greg Browne and Ms. Harriet Riley * Jo and George Brueggeman Ms. Teresa L. Buchanan Cathy and Hank Bussa The Reverend Dean Calcote Carla and John Calloway Mrs. Maria G. Camerena Martinez * Maria Capecchi Jennifer and David Carson Mr. and Mrs. Todd G. Caspary Mr. and Mrs. Art Casper * Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel O. Ceballos * Ms. Cynthia Chace McNiel Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey I. Chamblee Carrie Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Dale C. Cheesman, Jr. Ms. Minnie Chen * Mr. and Mrs. Kelley A. Chisholm, ’88 ’87 Elinor and Bill Christian Nancy Church Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Crouch Maria Cruzalegui-Reardon Ms. Colleen Curran and Mr. Steve Boane * Shakti and Sam Dalal Mr. and Mrs. David Deaton * Ms. Polly Dixon and Mr. Howard Haworth Ms. Katherine E. Dunn * Douglas Durkee Ms. Claudia Dyle * Mrs. Peggy G. Earls Mr. and Mrs. Lucas T. Elliot Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Eubank, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Fernandez Charlotte and Phillip Fitzgerald Julie Fletcher Melanie and David Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Garrett * Sophie and William Gates Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gillean Elizabeth and Guss Ginsburg Susan and Wilson Giron Brena and Carlos Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Gray, Jr. Ana and Joseph Green Tricia and Bill Grosvenor John Grube Mr. and Ms. Gregory J. Guarino Diane Hablizel Linda Haglund Sara Hall Mary and William Hamby Dr. and Mrs. Todd L. Hamel Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Q. Hamilton Jane and Blake Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hammons * Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Hampton Deborah and John Harris Andrea Hendrickson Bridget T. Hennessey Jennifer Henry, ’88 Miss Holly L. Herrin, ’05 * Mr. David Behrman and Ms. Hollis Hibbert Dr. and Mrs. L. Leighton Hill Mr. and Mrs. David M. Hock * Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hovermale Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Huber Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Hudgins Betty Huff Jillian Hughes Ms. Chanda M. Hutton Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Jadick Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Jaroski Mr. and Mrs. Masoud Javadi-Tabrizi * Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Jesse Jenckes Ms. Jennifer Jumonville, ’90 Mr. and Mrs. G. Kent Kahle Mr. and Mrs. Lance C. Kassab * Ms. Carol Kemper Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kingswell-Smith Riki and Lee Kobayashi Ms. Cynthia A. Krist Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Kuhn Ms. Maya Kundagrami Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Lawson * Ms. Celia W. Leggett Mr. Robert Lemon Mrs. Jennae Leslie Lavena and Marshall Linhart Stephanie and Robert Linhart Mrs. Sylvia Lohman Mr. and Mrs. James D. Mannetti Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Maples Mr. and Mrs. Raymond O. McCall Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. McCleary Ms. Desiree McConnell, ’89 Sally and Jim McGraw Mrs. Amy McGuire Mr. Bruce McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kyle McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Keith McNay Mr. and Mrs. Mike McQueen Mr. and Mrs. Jerome D. McSorley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Merkle Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Minotti Christine Mitchell Jacquelyn B. Moore Mr. and Mrs. David P. Morley Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Morris Ms. Brooke Morrison * Joellan and Christopher Mullen Gesa Muxfeldt Mr. Paul M. Nacol Ms. Teresa Neighbors Mr. Oswald Newell III * Ms. Trinh Nguyen Ms. Cindy Nichols Ms. Barbara Bowles Nini Mr. and Mrs. Bill Norvell Mr and Mrs. Gene Odom Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Ogilvie Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Ollenburger Mr. Charles Osterberg, ’96 Mr. Edward Osterberg, Jr. and Dr. Susan Osterberg Mrs. Val Oualline * Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paddock * Mr. and Mrs. William D. Paddock Dr. Robert Pardue Ms. Aimee Patterson Dr. and Mrs. Larry T. Patton Mr. Jeremy Pena * Mary and David Pena 13 G i f t s to A n n u a l Fu n d by co nt r i b u t i o n c ate g o r y, cont. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Perli Kelly A. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Pickett Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pilgrim Mauri and Rene Pineda Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Pitner Mr. and Mrs. Corbin L. Porter Donna and James Powell Mr. and Mrs. Richard Price * Ms. Eleanor Prince Mr. and Mrs. Pana Ratanabanangkoon Mrs. Terri Reeves Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rhew Mrs. Loretta Richard * Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Rieke * Miss Lisa L. Roberson Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey D. Roberts, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. L. Grant Robertson Candi and Ron Robinson Ms. Jessica Rogers Mr. and Mrs. John Ross Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rothfuss Mr. and Mrs. Claud M. Russey, III Rosalinda Saldana Jeffrey P. and Kathryn L. Sangalis Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Sarahan Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scarbrough 14 Mr. Antonio L. Schoelman and Mrs. Claudia E. Schoelman Dr. and Mrs. E. Robert Schultz Mrs. Rhonda N. Schwarz Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schwing Michele La Noue and Gerald Seidl Mr. and Mrs. John S. Sellingsloh Mr. and Mrs. Jay P. Shani * Ms. Lucretia Shaver Mr. John L. Shoemaker and Dr. Linda B. Wittig Mr. and Mrs. David Shutts Kay and Carter Simonds Cynthia and Scott Slaton Mr. and Mrs. David O. Smithwick Ms. Marue Soudelier * Kathryn Spinelli, ’90 Mr. and Mrs. William Spinelli * Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Stephens * Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Sternberg Raquel and Adrian Talamantes Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Taussig II Ms. Melisa H. Thomas Shureda Thomas Mr. Tullis C. Thomas, III Mr. and Mrs. Brent J. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thurmond Mrs. Elizabeth Tidwell Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Uptmor, ’92 * Ms. Lydia A. Urbanek Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Urbani Mrs. Elizabeth Valecce Ms. Lagay S. Varoutsos Mr. and Mrs. Shelton M. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Walling Mr. Junhui Wang and Mrs. Yan Zhao Ms. Judy Waters Mrs. John T. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Wear Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Weinzierl * Mr. and Mrs. Judston F. Welling * Ms. Bryony Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Werlein Mr. Keith F. Weyel * Ms. Mary Ann Weyel * Mrs. Jill Wiley White Mr. Theodore D. Whiteford, Jr. Mr. Larry G. Wilkins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daryll Williams * Mr. and Mrs. William O. Williams, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Wismer Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Zaleski * Mr. Sherman Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Zuspan * indicates a new Annual Fund dono r in 2007-2008 Gifts to Annual Fund by student classes Class of 2008 82% Participation Julie Adam Lisa and James Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Baker Jaralyn Ballard Michelle and John Beerbower Kelly and Tom Bilek Carolyn and Robert Bobo Marcie and David Bristol Linda and Robert Brown Jo and George Brueggeman Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Cape Nancy and Edgar Carter Mr. and Mrs. Todd G. Caspary Mr. and Mrs. Gill Cheesman Mei and Po Cheng Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Collier Mr. John P. Courtney Karen and Richard Davis Mr. and Mrs. B. Gaines Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Chris McGrath Mr. and Mrs. D. Ferguson McNiel Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Mizell Kelly and Bill Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Moreton III Mr. Paul M. Nacol Mr. and Mrs. Preetish and Shirin Nijhawan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nini Veronica and Dean Porter Mr. and Mrs. Corbin L. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Quinn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Rae Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Reid Dana and Bill Rocha Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scarbrough Mr. and Mrs. Bart Schouest Mr. and Mrs. Ned Schwing Michele La Noue and Gerald Seidl Mr. and Mrs. Farrukh and Farhat Shamsi Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Statham Mr. and Mrs. Gib Surles, ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Taussig II Mr. A. I. Tezel Gayla and Scott Thompson Paula and Paschall Tosch Kelly and James Whitcomb Mr. Theodore D. Whiteford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Zuspan Class of 2009 89% Participation Anice and George Duytschaever Carrie and Robert Eickenroht Mr. and Mrs. Lucas T. Elliot Mr. and Mrs. John B. Elmer Kelli Fondren Melanie and David Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hale Sandra and David Hanower Celia and Peter Hennings Sheri and Ronald Henriksen Kathleen and William Herd Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Heston Mr. Phillip M. Hunt Dana and Donald Jackson Mr. James LaBarba Mr. and Mrs. James D. Mannetti Mr. and Mrs. Juan F. Alonso Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Anderson Zein and Omar Barakat Sheryl and Christopher Beggins Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Berry Holly and John Brennan Rhonda and Richard Brown Mr. Greg Browne and Ms. Harriet Riley Mr. and Mrs. H. Mark Burck Mimi and Rick Butler Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Campbell Jennifer and David Carson Mr. and Mrs. William S. Case Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Chapman Ms. Deborah S. Detiveaux Sabrina and Rich DiMichele . Sheryl and Douglas Doyle Roxanne and Joe Ellis Mary and David Entrekin, ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Juan A. Fidalgo Mr. and Mrs. David G. Foor Carolyn and Russell Gee Marsha and Charles Giammalva Traci and Todd Graham Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Gray III Laurie and Alfredo Gutierrez Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hale Perwin and Osama Hamouie Stacey and Jeff Henningsen Bridget and Roger Hunt Jane and Michael Jamieson Janet and Michael Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. George V. Kane, III Mr. and Mrs. Vreij Kolandjian Ms. Cynthia A. Krist Ms. Celia W. Leggett Mr. and Mrs. Neil M. Leibman The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Russell J. Levenson, Jr. Therese and John Lohman Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Lovell Brandi and Keith Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McArdle Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. McCleary Elena and Robert McPherson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Medrano, ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Melody Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Todd Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Needles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hezekiah A. Oyinlola Mrs. Gayle Pearson Meredith and Michael Pollak Mr. and Mrs. Andy Pontikes Mr. and Mrs. John W. Porter Angela and Michael Poujol Mr. and Mrs. James L. Powers Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey D. Roberts, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lars M. Runbeck Mrs. Rhonda N. Schwarz Mr. and Mrs. Ned Schwing Mr. and Mrs. David Shutts Dr. Eva Singletary Ms. Toni Hennike and Mr. Pat Y. Spillman, Jr. 15 G i f t s to A n n u a l Fu n d by s t u d e nt c l a s s e s, co nt . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Turner Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Waheed Ms. Judy Waters Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. West Mr. Jason G. Whittington and Ms. Kelly C. Wren Mr. Larry G. Wilkins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lacy H. Williams II The Honorable and Mrs. John T. Wooldridge Class of 2010 70% Participation Mrs. Karen H. Abercrombie Mr. and Mrs. Michael Atkins Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bacarisse Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Gambini Deborah and Dale Gaudier Mr. and Mrs. James D. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Hatcher Stacey and Jeff Henningsen Kathleen and William Herd Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Holthouse Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Scott Karcher Mr. and Mrs. Lance C. Kassab Dr. and Mrs. Jorge I. Leiva Lynda and Larry Longer Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Margolis Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. McCleary Mr. and Mrs. John McIntyre Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Mizell Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Morrow Ms. Trinh Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Ogilvie Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Pickett Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Pitner Susan and Michael Plank Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Reid Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Rigamonti, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Roberts, ’76 Mr. and Mrs. David M. K. Ruth Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sarvadi Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Sternberg Raquel and Adrian Talamantes Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Taussig II Mr. A. I. Tezel Gaye and John Thomas Ms. Johnna S. Van Keuren Class of 2011 Catherine and Peter Badger Reagan and Jim Bailey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David G. Barrow Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Bartell Mrs. Pamela J. Bates The Rev. Stuart A. Bates Mimi and Rick Butler Tahara and Wally Cater Carrie Chapman Emily and Robert Clay Mr. and Mrs. Danny H. Dishongh Kelly Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Michael U. Ellington, Jr. Kathy and Kerry French 16 68% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Aruffo Mr. and Mrs. Darrin R. Baker Pamela and Jeffrey Baker Zein and Omar Barakat Mr. and Mrs. Vineet Bhatia Carolyn and Robert Bobo Marcie and David Bristol Rhonda and Richard Brown Linda and Robert Brown Dr. and Mrs. Peter Chang Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Chapman Shelley and Charles Cox Karen and Richard Davis Ms. Deborah S. Detiveaux Mr. and Mrs. Matt Drury Kelly Edwards Lisa and Chet Erwin Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Garrett Susan and Garry Gaskins Marsha and Charles Giammalva Philissa Higgins and Bill Higgins Susan and Howard Horne, ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hovermale Elizabeth and Kevin Jones Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Kierum Mr. and Mrs. Alec Kobayashi, ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Kuhn Mr. and Mrs. Viktor Ly Mr. and Mrs. Abelardo Matamoros Mr. and Mrs. Chris McGrath Mr. and Mrs. George E. McKean Mr. and Mrs. Tom Melody Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miertschin Mr. Paul M. Nacol Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Ottens Mr. and Mrs. Andy Pontikes Mr. and Mrs. Corbin L. Porter Angela and Michael Poujol Drs. Hamid and Farrah Razavi Elizabeth and John Roberts Anne and Frank Savage Mr. and Mrs. William W. Sengelmann Mr. Vahid Shariatzadeh and Ms. Nessa Sanei Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Sinex Cynthia and Scott Slaton Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Sullivan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gib Surles, ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Iraj Taghizadeh Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Tayon Gayla and Scott Thompson Ms. Judy Waters Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. West Mr. and Mrs. Lacy H. Williams II Rev. and Mrs. Robert Wismer Class of 2012 72% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Allen Almassi Haleh and Abbas Arian Michele and Sandy Aron Catherine and Peter Badger Mr. and Mrs. John Newton Barineau, IV Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Biestek Mr. and Mrs. Ian C. Bishop Elizabeth and Stephen Blakley Mr. and Mrs. G. Christopher Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Todd G. Caspary Mr. and Mrs. Craig Chandler Emily and Robert Clay Lisa and John Colgin Mr. and Mrs. Carlos C. Contreras Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Donaldson Ann-Christine and John Dull Anice and George Duytschaever Mr. and Mrs. Michael U. Ellington, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lucas T. Elliot Mr. and Mrs. David Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Gambini Peggy and Gary Godwin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gottschalk Mr. and Mrs. John A. Graf Traci and Todd Graham Kathryn and Kirk Hachigian Jane and Blake Hammond Shawn and Blake Hogan Rise’ and Malcolm Johns Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Margolis Mr. and Mrs. John McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Michael Medrano, ’84 Margaret Newsom Mr. Christopher P. Perras Donna and James Powell Barbara and Ron Presswood Mr. Grady W. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. L. Grant Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Marshall G. Rosenberg, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sarvadi Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scarbrough Mrs. Rhonda N. Schwarz Mrs. Gretchen Sutton Setrum Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Smith Mr. Richard D. Spitzer Mr. and Mrs. Peter Staartjes Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Sternberg Mr. and Mrs. Nestor J. Vicknair, III Mr. and Mrs. Judston F. Welling Mr. Larry G. Wilkins, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd S. Young Class of 2013 63% Participation Allan Avery Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bacarisse Katherine and Carl Bartuch Mr. and Mrs. Ian C. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. David M. Boyd Dr. and Mrs. Fred J. Bressler Jo and George Brueggeman Ms. Teresa L. Buchanan Tamra and Keith Budd Mary and David Entrekin, ’76 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Goettee, Jr. Mrs. Amy C. Groves Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Groves Dorothy and Mark Haas Kathryn and Kirk Hachigian Michelle and Michael Heinz Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Heston Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hovermale Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Jadick Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Kidd Dr. and Mrs. John H. Krell Mr. and Mrs. Casey J. Lambright Ms. Celia W. Leggett Dr. and Mrs. Jorge I. Leiva Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Liggett Mr. and Mrs. Greg Looser, ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Chris McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Minotti Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Moreton III Ms. Laura Morgan-Avery Mr. and Mrs. Lamar M. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Preetish and Shirin Nijhawan Mr. Dennis J. Olmstead Mrs. Regina Olmstead Mr. and Mrs. Hezekiah A. Oyinlola Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Pickett Mr. and Mrs. Andy Pontikes Mr. and Mrs. David Rae Drs. Hamid and Farrah Razavi Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Reid Mr. and Mrs. Tomas Salazar Mr. Antonio L. Schoelman and Mrs. Claudia E. Schoelman Diana and Richard Sherrill Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Simmons Cynthia and Scott Slaton Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Smith Mr. Brian Southwell Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Theriot Ms. Melisa H. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Walling Mr. and Mrs. Steven Weyel Mr. and Mrs. James A. Woolley Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wozencraft, Jr. Class of 2014 53% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Darrin R. Baker Mr. and Mrs. John Newton Barineau, IV Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Barineau Monica and Mark Baughman Julie Ann and David Berman Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey I. Chamblee Lisa and John Colgin Mr. and Mrs. Brady E. Crosswell Catharine and Grant Faulconer Mr. and Mrs. Todd C. Feder Jim and Alison Gilmartin Jennifer and Michael Grosvenor Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heard Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Johnston Leah and Michael Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Kidd Mr. and Mrs. George E. McKean Mr. and Mrs. Michael Medrano ’84 Kelly and Bill Montgomery Mr. Christopher P. Perras Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Peters Mr. Grady W. Roberts Elizabeth and John Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Rundle Susan and Charles Schwager Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Sullivan, Jr. Mr. Charles A. Talbott and Ms. Carol A. Sandvick Mr. and Mrs. Byron Way Mr. and Mrs. Judston F. Welling 17 G i f t s to A n n u a l Fu n d by s t u d e nt c l a s s e s, co nt . Class of 2015 80% Participation Lucia and Duncan Alvarez Allan Avery Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Bagwell Mrs. Pamela J. Bates The Rev. Stuart A. Bates Kelly and Tom Bilek Elizabeth and Stephen Blakley Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Brandt Jennifer and David Carson Mr. and Mrs. Craig Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Carlos C. Contreras Shelley and Charles Cox Mr. and Mrs. Jake L. Davis Karen and Richard Davis Mr. and Mrs. Matt Drury Ann-Christine and John Dull Anne and Brady Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Todd C. Feder Mr. and Mrs. Ned Gill Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Q. Hamilton Jane and Blake Hammond Jane and Michael Jamieson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Scott Karcher Courtney and Timothy Kearns Mr. and Mrs. David M. King Dr. and Mrs. John H. Krell Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Kuhn Mr. and Mrs. Devinder P. Lamba Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Liggett Mr. and Mrs. Kyle D. Lippman Mr. and Mrs. Greg Looser, ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Maples Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Mollard Ms. Laura Morgan-Avery Mr. and Mrs. Lamar M. Morris Margaret Newsom Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Ollenburger Susan and Michael Plank Veronica and Dean Porter Barbara and Ron Presswood Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Price, Jr. Merryman and Eugene Putnam Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. Richard Mr. and Mrs. L. Grant Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Tomas Salazar 18 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. and and and and and and and and and and Mrs. Paul C. Sarahan Mrs. John C. Sarvadi Mrs. Brewster H. Shaw, III Mrs. Robert T. Sinex Mrs. Walter H. Snider, III Mrs. Davis X. Sun Mrs. John Toussaint Mrs. James G. Turner Mrs. Nestor J. Vicknair, III Mrs. Stephen Vobbe Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Jones Ms. Amy V. King Stephanie and Robert Linhart Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Minotti Ms. Julie E. Pitts Mount Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Powers Mr. and Mrs. Firas J. Qasem Mr. and Mrs. Pana Ratanabanangkoon Mr. and Mrs. William D. Sanchez Mr. Antonio L. Schoelman and Mrs. Claudia E. Schoelman Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Seinsheimer Mr. and Mrs. Jay P. Shani Diana and Richard Sherrill Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Fernando J. Somoza Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Stefan Mr. and Mrs. Chris Swinbank Mr. and Mrs. Byron Way Mr. Jason G. Whittington and Ms. Kelly C. Wren Mr. Larry G. Wilkins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wozencraft, Jr. Class of 2017 50% Participation Class of 2016 63% Participation Anonymous Gina and Michael Adamo Mr. and Mrs. John Allen Lucia and Duncan Alvarez Mr. and Mrs. David M. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey I. Chamblee Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Brady E. Crosswell Ann-Christine and John Dull Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Dunbar Kelly Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Joel D. Elkins Denise and Ramsey Evans Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Franklin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gottsegen Dorothy and Mark Haas Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Huff Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Johnston Leah and Michael Jones Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Bagwell Mr. and Mrs. Kelley A. Chisholm, ’88 ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Clark Mrs. Hollie K. Coerver Anne and Brady Edwards Catharine and Grant Faulconer Mr. and Mrs. David Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Juan A. Fidalgo Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Franklin, Jr. Jim and Alison Gilmartin Mrs. Amy C. Groves Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Groves Dr. and Mrs. Todd L. Hamel Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Q. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heard Mr. and Mrs. David M. Hock Mr. and Mrs. William O. Iglesias Mr. and Mrs. John F. Jeffers Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Johnson Courtney and Timothy Kearns Mr. and Mrs. David M. King Dr. and Mrs. Jorge I. Leiva Mr. and Mrs. Viktor Ly Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Maples Mr. and Mrs. Pershant Mehta Drs. Paul and Rhonda Metz Mr. and Mrs. Lamar M. Morris Joellan and Christopher Mullen Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee Norris Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Oldham Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Perea George Pou Ms. Michelle M. Pou Mr. and Mrs. Firas J. Qasem Dr. and Mrs. Bryan P. Ritchey Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Stefan Mr. and Mrs. Adam M. Stiles, ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Terry Ms. Melisa H. Thomas Dr. Lisa C. Tidwell and Mr. Mark A. Tidwell Mr. Junhui Wang and Mrs. Yan Zhao Mr. and Mrs. Byron Way Mr. and Mrs. John K. Woodard Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Yager, III, ’90 Class of 2018 66% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Stefan J. Amling, ’82 Drs. Karen and John Baerenstecher Mr. and Mrs. Jason B. Bassett Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Brazelton Mrs. L.T. Cameron Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel O. Ceballos Dr. Samuel Chen and Dr. An Tsai Mrs. Hollie K. Coerver Shakti and Sam Dalal Mr. and Mrs. Jake L. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Matt Drury Mr. and Mrs. Joel D. Elkins Mr. and Mrs. Morrow Evans, ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Fendrick Brena and Carlos Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gottsegen Mr. and Mrs. James D. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Matthew B. Haire Jane and Blake Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Hudgins Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Huff Mr. and Mrs. William O. Iglesias Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Josephson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Keller Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Liggett Dr. and Mrs. David W. Light, IV Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Joel L. Moore Mr. Richard J. Morales and Mrs. Amanda S. Vavilala Mr. and Mrs. Jon B. Napier, ’87 Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee Norris Mr. and Mrs. William D. Paddock Mr. Robert D. Perkins, III and Dr. Mary J. Lyman Kelly A. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Price, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Rieke Dr. and Mrs. Bryan P. Ritchey Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Robert Mr. and Mrs. James G. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Sinex Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Stephens Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Stieglitz, ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Adam M. Stiles, ’87 Dr. Lisa C. Tidwell and Mr. Mark A. Tidwell Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Uptmor, ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Shelton M. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Vobbe Mr. and Mrs. John A. Weinzierl Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Zaleski Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bratten, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Chapman, ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Kelley A. Chisholm, ’88 ’87 Drs. Swapan and Pushpa Dubey Anne and Brady Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gottsegen Dr. and Mrs. Todd L. Hamel Mr. and Mrs. Masoud Javadi-Tabrizi Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Josephson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Kubitza, IV Mr. and Mrs. Devinder P. Lamba Joellan and Christopher Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Patrick V. Nicosia, Jr. Wendy and David Nockolds Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Oldham Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Peterson Kelly A. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Price, ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Pana Ratanabanangkoon Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. Richard Mr. and Mrs. James G. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Snell, Jr., ’84 Kathryn Spinelli, ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Swinbank Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Terry Mr. and Mrs. James G. Turner Class of 2019 52% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Austin, ’87 Mr. and Mrs. John Newton Barineau, IV 19 Grandparent gifts to Annual Fund Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brazelton Grandparents of Avery Bridges Brazelton (2018) Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bristol, Sr. Grandparents of Nicolas Ricardo Gomez (2019), Alexis Juan Gomez, Jr. (2017) Diane Allen Grandparent of Ashley Elizabeth Kearns (2017), Lauren Stevenson Kearns (2015) Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Arnold Grandparents of Edith Elizabeth Powers (2009) Dr. and Mrs. Roy N. Aruffo Grandparents of Alexander Jacob Aruffo (2011) Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Austin Grandparents of Lauren Amber Austin (2019) Mrs. Anne Aynesworth Grandparent of David Walker Light, V (2018) Eleanore and John Bailey Grandparents of James P. Bailey, IV, ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Gray, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bruckner Tricia and Bill Grosvenor Mrs. Ellen Cadick Grandparent of Andrew William Gaskins (2011) The Rev. Dean Calcote Grandparent of William Christopher Sarahan (2015), Katherine Elizabeth Sarahan (2015) Mr. and Mrs. Art Casper Mr. and Mrs. Dave Chapman Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Bobo, Sr. Grandparents of Jennifer E. Bobo (2011), Katherine E. Bobo, ’08 Ms. Allison M. Brandt Dr. and Mrs. George Hancock Grandparents of Taylor August Gutierrez (2009) Cathy and Ross Hill Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Horne Grandparents of Alexandra Ann Medrano (2014), Benjamin Chapman Medrano (2012), Cole Michael Medrano (2009) Mr. and Mrs. Dale C. Cheesman, Jr. Grandparents of Margaret Ames Chisholm (2019), Kathryn Kaye Chisholm (2017) Mr. and Mrs. Granville M. Deane, Jr. Grandparents of Sam Lee Shutts (2009) Ms. Polly Dixon and Mr. Howard Haworth Grandparents of Cameron Nicole Dasher (2014) Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Doyle Grandparents of Caroline Marie Doyle (2009), Douglas K. Doyle, ’06 Grandparent of Harrison Michael Brandt (2018), Peyton Miller Brandt (2015) Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bratten Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fulton 20 Grandparent of Nicholas Mark Haas (2016), Natalie Grace Haas (2013) Grandparents of Ashley Catherine Chandler (2015), Brenton Craig Chandler (2012) Mrs. Peggy G. Earls Grandparents of John Lindsley Bratten, III (2019) Ms. Jo Ann Haas Grandparents of Matthew Chapman Adler (2010) Mrs. Dixie Bassett Grandparents of Katherine Anne Berman (2014) Grandparents of Nicholas Mark Haas (2016), Natalie Grace Haas (2013) Dr. and Mrs. L. Leighton Hill Grandparent of Robert M. McNiel, ’08, Douglas C. McNiel, ’08 Anne and Robert Chisholm Ruthe and Morton Berman Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haas Ms. Cynthia Chace McNiel Grandparent of Emily E. Statham, ’08 Grandparents of Sydney Katherine Gyenge (2013) Grandparents of Eleanor Catherine Grosvenor (2014) Grandparents of Julia Nalle Wozencraft (2016), George Cooper Wozencraft (2013) Jaralyn Ballard Dr. and Mrs. Philip S. Bentlif Grandparents of Lauren Anne Gray (2009) Grandparents of Allison Sydney Asarch (2009) Grandparents of Caroline Marie Doyle (2009), Douglas K. Doyle, ’06 Grandparent of Zachary Boring Bassett (2018) Grandparents of Cole Allen Mueller (2009), Mary E. Mueller, ’07 Grandparents of Louisa Christine Bristol (2011), Isabelle M. Bristol, ’08 Grandparents of Turner William Edwards (2019), Katherine Piper Edwards (2017), Jackson Bruckner Sherrod Edwards (2015) Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Abascal Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gillean Grandparent of Olivia Grace Godwin (2012) Grandparents of Edith Elizabeth Powers (2009) Grandparents of Howard William Horne, III (2011), Meghan E. Horne, ’07 Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Huber Grandparents of Hallie Walker Jeffers (2017) Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh W. Johnson, Jr. Grandparents of Raleigh Bintliff Wooldridge (2009), Carter A. Johnson, ’03 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Justice Grandparents of Caroline Frost Robertson (2015), Grant Justice Robertson (2012) Dr. and Mrs. Alan Kaplan Grandparents of Allison Sydney Asarch (2009) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kaufman Grandparents of Jennifer Alana Margolis (2012), Jonathan Andrew Margolis (2010) Riki and Lee Kobayashi Grandparents of Riki Stevens Kobayashi (2011) Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Lent Grandparents of Abigail Grace Roberts (2009), Elizabeth A. Roberts, ’04 Mrs. Jennae Leslie Dr. and Mrs. E. Robert Schultz Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Ligon Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schwing Grandparent of Leslie Claire Lamoreaux (2009) Grandparents of Chapman Ridge Crosswell (2016), Clayton Payne Crosswell (2014) Lavena and Marshall Linhart Grandparents of Alexa Christina Van Keuren (2010) Grandparents of Anne Elizabeth Schwing (2009), Abigail R. Schwing, ’08 Mr. and Mrs. John S. Sellingsloh Mrs. John T. Watson Grandparent of Robert M. McNiel, ’08, Douglas C. McNiel, ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Wear Grandparents of Katherine Millicent Montgomery (2014), Caroline K. Montgomery, ’08 Grandparents of Anna Kaye Bailey (2010), Robert W. Bailey, ’07, James P. Bailey, III, ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Weinzierl Grandparent of John Gavin Lohman (2009), Gabrielle R. Lohman, ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Snell Mrs. Peggy Welch Dr. and Mrs. Don Looser Ms. Marue Soudelier Grandparents of Andrew Robert Linhart (2016) Mrs. Sylvia Lohman Grandparents of Richard Sharp Snell, III (2019) Grandparents of Luke Alexander Weinzierl (2018) Grandparent of Elizabeth Gay Entrekin (2013), Emily Anne Entrekin (2009) Grandparent of Karoline Grace Phillips (2019), Kathryne Isabelle Phillips (2018) Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Werlein Sande and Dwight Lyman Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Southwell Mr. and Mrs. Milton H. West, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Margolis Mr. and Mrs. Pat Y. Spillman Grandparents of Avery McGlasson Looser (2015), Elizabeth Brock Looser (2013) Grandparents of John Robert Perkins (2018) Grandparents of Jennifer Alana Margolis (2012), Jonathan Andrew Margolis (2010), Max J. Gerson, ’07, Jake R. Gerson, ’05 Mr. and Mrs. T.H. McGregor Grandparents of John D. Bilek, ’08 Mr. Bruce McIntyre Grandparent of Mason Neale McIntyre (2012), Mary Madison McIntyre (2010) Gerry and Peggy Murphy Grandparents of Jennifer E. Bobo (2011), Katherine E. Bobo, ’08 Mr. and Mrs. G. David Neal Grandparents of Travis Bernhard Miertschin (2011), Emma L. Miertschin, ’07 Mrs. Tassie Nicandros Grandparent of Nicholas Andrew Elliot (2012), Anastasia A. Elliot, ’08, Constantine S. Nicandros, ’06, Alexandra Nicandros, ’02 Ms. Barbara Bowles Nini Grandparent of Julia K. Nini, ’08 Mrs. Val Oualline Grandparent of Taylor Allen (2016) Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paddock Grandparents of Harper Elizabeth Paddock (2018) Dr. and Mrs. Larry T. Patton Grandparents of Eleanor Catherine Grosvenor (2014) Mrs. Gary Pearson Grandparent of Megan Haralson Pearson (2009) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Price Grandparents of Ashley Danielle Price (2018), Taylor Nicole Price (2015) Mrs. Loretta Richard Grandparent of Catherine Frances Richard (2015) Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rothfuss Grandparents of Jordan Haley Kuhn (2015), Savanna Nicole Kuhn (2011) Grandparents of Ian Robert Southwell (2013) Grandparents of Hannaka Elysian Spillman (2009) Mr. and Mrs. William Spinelli Grandparents of Kate Isabelle Spinelli (2019) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Steppe Grandparents of Holden Kennedy Maples (2017), Anabelle Carlisle Maples (2015) Ms. Barbara Stevens Grandparent of Riki Stevens Kobayashi (2011) Grandparents of Conner Wilson Gilliam (2012) Grandparents of Cameron Bancroft West (2011), Harrison Mckinnon West (2009), Lawrence D. West, ’07 Ms. Mary Ann Weyel Grandparent of Harrison Church Weyel (2013), Elizabeth Carroll Weyel (2013), Foster Edward Weyel (2013) Mr. and Mrs. Daryll Williams Grandparents of Spencer Jackson Powers (2016) Dr. and Mrs. Lacy H. Williams Ms. Jeanne M. Swalm Grandparent of Rachael Elizabeth Frantz (2009), Grace M. Frantz, ’07 Grandparents of Jackson Alexander Williams (2011), Kathryn McIntyre Williams (2009), Lacy H. Williams, III, ’06, Megan C. Williams, ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tellepsen Mr. and Mrs. William O. Williams, Jr. Grandparents of Kaid Farrow Tellepsen (2019), Kenedi A. Tellepsen (2017) Grandparents of Nicholas Mark Haas (2016), Natalie Grace Haas (2013) Mrs. Elizabeth Tidwell Grandparent of Katherine Ann Tidwell (2018), Sarah Elizabeth Tidwell (2017) Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Torian Grandparents of Pierce Thomas Barineau (2019), William Lawrence Barineau (2014), Blake Edwin Barineau (2012) Mr. and Mrs. Emory E. Treadaway Grandparents of Carter Davis Sinex (2018), Catherine Story Sinex (2015), Andrew Thorburn Walling (2013), William Walker Sinex (2011) Mr. and Mrs. John G. Turner Grandparents of Marlaine Leslie Turner (2019), Harrison Kenneth Turner (2015) Mrs. Elizabeth Valecce Grandparent of Claudia Jayne Waters (2011), Colin John Waters (2009) Ms. Lagay S. Varoutsos Grandparent of Caroline Lagay Gannon (2018) and Abigail Kay Gannon (2018) Ms. Shirley Vaughan Grandparent of Samuel Vaughan King (2016) 21 Alumni & Alumni Parents gifts to Annual Fund Alumni Mr. and Mrs. Stefan J. Amling, ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Austin, ’87 Mr. and Mrs. John Bender, ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Chapman, ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Chernosky, ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Kelley A. Chisholm, ’88 ’87 Ann-Christine and John Dull, ’82 Eliza and Johnny Duncan, ’69 Anne and Brady Edwards, ’84 Mary and David Entrekin, ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ertel, ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Morrow Evans, ’90 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Goettee, Jr., ’75 Mr. Fredric Karlsson and Mrs. Elisse Hayes-Karlsson, ’87 Jennifer Henry, ’88 Miss Holly L. Herrin, ’05 Susan and Howard Horne, ’72 Ms. Natalie R. Jaroski, ’02 Ms. Jennifer Jumonville, ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Alec Kobayashi, ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Greg Looser, ’83 Ms. Desiree McConnell, ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Medrano, ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Jon B. Napier, ’87 Mr. Charles Osterberg, ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Pannagl, ’83 Christina and Alexander Papandreou, ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Price, ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Roberts, ’76 Mr. and Mrs. L. Grant Robertson, ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Sinex, ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Snell, Jr., ’84 Kathryn Spinelli, ’90 Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Stieglitz, ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Adam M. Stiles, ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Gib Surles, ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Uptmor, ’92 Mrs. Jill Wiley White, ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Yager, III, ’90 22 Alumni Parents Anonymous Julie Adam Ann and Bert Adkins Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Austin Lisa and James Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Baker Jaralyn Ballard Dianne and Dan Barker Margaret and Marshall Bartlett Michelle and John Beerbower Mr. and Mrs. Andre L. Boutte Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bruckner Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Cape Mr. and Mrs. Wiley D. Carmichael Nancy and Edgar Carter Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Gill Cheesman Mei and Po Cheng Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Chernosky Anne and Robert Chisholm Elinor and Bill Christian Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Collier Mr. John P. Courtney Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Crouch Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Crum Sheryl and Douglas Doyle Eliza and Johnny Duncan, ’69 Carrie and Robert Eickenroht Mr. and Mrs. John B. Elmer Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Eubank, Jr. Kelli Fondren Melanie and David Frazier Dana and James Gill Linda Haglund Mary and William Hamby Sandra and David Hanower Mr. and Mrs. Randy Helms Celia and Peter Hennings Stacey and Jeff Henningsen Sheri and Ronald Henriksen Mr. David Behrman & Ms. Hollis Hibbert Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hibbert Shawn and Blake Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Horne Mr. Phillip M. Hunt Dana and Donald Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Jaroski Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Jesse Jenckes Janet and Michael Jenkins Dr. and Mrs. Jack E. Jensen Dr. and Mrs. Karen and Jim Johnson Elizabeth and Kevin Jones Mr. and Mrs. G. Kent Kahle Mr. and Mrs. George V. Kane, III Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kingswell-Smith Riki and Lee Kobayashi Mr. James LaBarba Quinita and Chris LaPorte Drs. Patricia and Richard Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Kyle D. Lippman Dr. and Mrs. Don Looser Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Loposer Sande and Dwight Lyman Mr. and Mrs. B. Gaines Matthews Brandi and Keith Maxwell Sally and Jim McGraw Mr. and Mrs. D. Ferguson McNiel Mr. and Mrs. Mike McQueen Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Marvin Moreland, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David P. Morley Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Needles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nini Mr. and Mrs. Bill Norvell Mr. Edward Osterberg, Jr. and Dr. Susan Osterberg Mr. and Mrs. John W. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Corbin L. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Quinn, Jr. Mrs. Kay Rhea Dana and Bill Rocha Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sadler Jeffrey P. and Kathryn L. Sangalis Mr. and Mrs. Bart Schouest Michele La Noue and Gerald Seidl Mr. and Mrs. Perry Sendukas Mr. and Mrs. Farrukh and Farhat Shamsi Ms. Lucretia Shaver Kay and Carter Simonds Mr. and Mrs. David O. Smithwick Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Snell Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Statham Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Strange Paula and Paschall Tosch Mr. and Mrs. William P. Utt Mrs. Peggy Welch Kelly and James Whitcomb Mr. Theodore D. Whiteford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lacy H. Williams II Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Zuspan Faculty and Staff gifts to Annual Fund Anonymous Leticia and Jose Alcala Jennifer Arnold Ms. Betty Babendure Jaralyn Ballard Dianne and Dan Barker Mr. and Mrs. Roger Barras Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Bartell Mr. Keykowa N. Bell Susan and Scott Biehl Cindy Blades Mrs. Karla Brazzel Eva Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bruckner Ms. Teresa L. Buchanan Cathy and Hank Bussa Mr. and Mrs. Alvin D. Callender, Jr. Carla and John Calloway Mrs. Maria G. Camerena Martinez Maria and David Capecchi Jennifer and David Carson Ms. Minnie Chen Anne and Robert Chisholm Nancy Church Mrs. Hollie K. Coerver Maria Cruzalegui-Reardon Ms. Colleen Curran and Mr. Steve Boane Shakti and Sam Dalal Mr. and Mrs. David Deaton Ms. Katherine E. Dunn Douglas Durkee Ms. Claudia Dyle Charlotte and Phillip Fitzgerald Julie Fletcher Sophie and William Gates Elizabeth and Guss Ginsburg Susan and Wilson Giron Brena and Carlos Gonzalez Ana and Joseph Green John Grube Mr. and Ms. Gregory J. Guarino Diane Hablizel Linda Haglund Sara Hall Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hammons Deborah and John Harris Andrea Hendrickson Bridget T. Hennessey Jennifer Henry, ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Hicks Betty Huff Jillian Hughes Ms. Chanda M. Hutton Ms. Jennifer Jumonville, ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Keator Ms. Carol Kemper Ms. Maya Kundagrami Mr. and Mrs. James L. Lair Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Lawson Mr. Robert Lemon Lavena and Marshall Linhart Stephanie and Robert Linhart Mrs. Susan Lukens Ms. Desiree McConnell, ’89 Mrs. Amy McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kyle McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Keith McNay Mr. and Mrs. Mike McQueen Mr. and Mrs. Jerome D. McSorley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Merkle Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Minotti Christine Mitchell Ms. Harriet Mitchell Jacquelyn B. Moore Ms. Brooke Morrison Joellan and Christopher Mullen Gesa Muxfeldt Ms. Teresa Neighbors Mr. Oswald Newell III Margaret Newsom Ms. Cindy Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Patrick V. Nicosia, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Norvell Mr and Mrs. Gene Odom Dr. Robert Pardue Mr. Jeremy Pena Mary and David Pena Mr. and Mrs. Morris Perli Kelly A. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Pickett Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pilgrim Mr. and Mrs. Corbin L. Porter Donna and James Powell Ms. Eleanor Prince Mrs. Terri Reeves Mrs. Kay Rhea Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rhew Miss Lisa L. Roberson Candi and Ron Robinson Ms. Jessica Rogers Mr. and Mrs. John Ross Mr. and Mrs. Claud M. Russey, III Rosalinda Saldana Mr. Antonio L. Schoelman & Mrs. Claudia E. Schoelman Ms. Lucretia Shaver Mr. and Mrs. David O. Smithwick Ms. Marue Soudelier Kathryn Spinelli Shureda Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Brent J. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thurmond Mr. Vance Ulsh and Ms. Kristina Mordaunt Ms. Lydia A. Urbanek Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Urbani Ms. Leslie J. vanArsdale Ms. Lagay S. Varoutsos Mr. Larry G. Wilkins, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Wismer Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Womack Mr. Sherman Zimmerman Former Faculty Julie Adam Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Donaldson Mary and William Hamby Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Hudgins Lou and James Jax Riki and Lee Kobayashi Sande and Dwight Lyman Sally and Jim McGraw Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee Norris Ms. Aimee Patterson 23 Special Gifts to St. Francis Corporate Matching Gifts to Annual Fund Gifts by Corporations, Donor Advised Funds and Foundations Aetna Foundation, Inc. AIM Foundation Bank of America Matching Gifts Program BHP Billiton BP Matching Fund Programs CD Language Solutions, Inc. ChevronTexaco Matching Gift Program Cooper Industries Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Dominion Foundation Matching Gift Program Duke Energy Foundation El Paso Energy Foundation EnCana Cares (USA) Foundation EOG Resources, Inc. Fred Haas Toyota World General Electric Company/GE Fund GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Global Impact The Goldman Sachs Educational Matching Gift Program The Halliburton Foundation KBR Lyondell Chemical Company Merrill Lynch Morgan Stanley Matching Gifts Program National Cardiovascular Spectra Energy Suez Energy North America, Inc. The UBS Foundation Wachovia Foundation Matching Gifts Program Wells Fargo Bank Wyeth Regan and James P. Baily, Jr. Family Fund The BP Fabric of America Fund BP Foundation, Inc. Alice and David C. Bintliff Foundation CFP Foundation Crooker Charitable Foundation, Inc. The Currie Fund D.L. Doyle Construction Company Lillian H. and C.W. Duncan Foundation Exxon Mobil Foundation on behalf of Gary M. Gaskins Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fleming Endowment Global Impact Greater Houston Community Foundation The Holthouse Foundation for Kids Houston Endowment, Inc. The Houstonian Hotel, Club and Spa The JBD Foundation George V. Kane III Fund Lead Products Co., Inc. The Meyer Foundation New Life Ventures, Inc. The Oshman Foundation C.N. and Maria Papadopoulos Charitable Foundation Merryman and Eugene Putnam Fund The Stuart Charitable Foundation Tei and Associates, LLC The UBS Foundation Capital Improvements Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Smith Crum Library and Technology Lab Renovations CFP Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Crum Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Sinex, ’82 in honor and memory of Susan Long Butler Mr. and Mrs. John A. Weinzierl Gifts to Athletics Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown Mr. and Mrs. John W. Porter Gifts to Endowment Mr. Charles Buehler in memory of Natalie Faucher The Fruehauf Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bristol, Jr. From the Estate of Gretchen McWilliams Mr. and Mrs. John P. Miller 24 in memory of Natalie Faucher Gifts to Financial Aid Mr. and Mrs. Stefan J. Amling, ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Alexis J. Gomez Gifts to the Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Bellatti in memory of Mr. A.G. Chandler eScrip H-E-B The Kroger Company Safeway Inc. – U.S. Corporate Stuck on You USA, LLC Target Grant Support The Garden Club of Houston Vivian L. Smith Foundation in honor of Mason Hunt St. Martin’s Episcopal Church Honorary and Memorial Gifts Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Horne in honor of Howard W. Horne, III (Trey) Houston Endowment gift directed by D. Kent Anderson in honor of Dan and Huntley Kubitza Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Berman in memory of Florence N. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Pat Gilbert in memory of Robert Allen Walker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hogan, Jr. in memory of Robert Allen Walker, Jr. Ms. Liz Jameson in memory of Robert Allen Walker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Margolis in honor of Jennifer and Jonathan Margolis, and Cindy, Max and Jake Gerson Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Ross in memory of Robert Allen Walker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Sangalis in memory of Robert Allen Walker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Upham in memory of Robert Allen Walker, Jr. * See additional listings under Endowment, Scholarship Fund, Sarah W. Woolrich Fund and Library Club Gifts In Kind Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Arend Barnes & Noble Booksellers Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Bartell Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery N. Bolander Mrs. Celest B. Chadwick Mr. and Mrs. William R. Clemens The Cutting Garden Mr. and Mrs. John H. Duncan, Jr., ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Huff Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Kearns Drs. Patricia and Richard Lewis Mr. and Mrs. William C. Montgomery, III Murphy’s Deli Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Ottens Out of the Box Palazzo’s Post Oak Grill Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Schwing, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Sendukas Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Sinex, ’82 Smoothie King Southwell’s Hamburger Grill and Mr. Brian Southwell Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Strange Mrs. Suzanne Stiles Dr. Lisa C. Tidwell and Mr. Mark A. Tidwell Truluck’s Restaurant Group and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Turner Mr. Jason G. Whittington and Ms. Kelly C. Wren Mr. and Mrs. John F. Jeffers Mr. and Mrs. David M. King Mr. and Mrs. Pershant Mehta Mr. and Mrs. William L. Norris Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Oldham Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Stefan Mr. and Mrs. Adam M. Stiles, ’87 Dr. Lisa C. Tidwell and Mr. Mark A. Tidwell Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Yager, III, ’90 First Grade Chapel Banner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Bilek Second Grade Chapel Banner Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Jamieson Third Grade Chapel Banner Mr. and Mrs. W. Gregory Looser, ’83 Gifts to Class Banners Primary School Chapel Banner Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Deyo Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Drury Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gallio Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gottsegen Mr. and Mrs. Matthew B. Haire Mr. and Mrs. William O. Iglesias Dr. and Mrs. David W. Light, IV Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Moore Mr. Richard J. Morales and Mrs. Amanda S. Vavilala Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Rieke Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. John A. Weinzierl Kindergarten Chapel Banner Mr. and Mrs. Kelley A. Chisholm, ’88 ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Evans, III Mr. and Mrs. Grant A. Faulconer Mr. and Mrs. William O. Iglesias Fourth Grade Chapel Banner Mr. and Mrs. Sanford P. Aron Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Badger Mr. and Mrs. John N. Barineau, IV Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Clay Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dull, Jr., ’82 Mr. and Mrs. George Duytschaever Mr. and Mrs. Lucas T. Elliot Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Godwin Mr. and Mrs. John A. Graf Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Jones Mr. and Mrs. John N. McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. James R. Scarbrough, Jr. Mrs. Niki Smith Mr. and Mrs. Peter Staartjes Fifth Grade Chapel Banner Ms. Betty Babendure Ms. Jaralyn L. Ballard Mr. and Mrs. John E. Calloway Mr. and Mrs. David W. Carson Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Chisholm Ms. Colleen Curran and Mr. Stephen Boane Ms. Linda Haglund Ms. Lisa Haglund, ’92 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Harris Ms. Bridget T. Hennessey Ms. Jennifer A. Jumonville, ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGraw Mr. and Ms. Richard K. McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Mike McQueen Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Merkle Ms. Harriet A. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Morris Perli Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Rhea Mr. and Mrs. Claud M. Russey, III Ms. Lucretia Shaver Ms. Lydia A. Urbanek Ms. Leslie J. vanArsdale Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Womack Sixth Grade Chapel Banner Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Clay Mr. and Mrs. Kerry R. French Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Longer Mr. and Mrs. John N. McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Rigamonti, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff L. Roberts, ’76 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Thomas Ms. Johnna S. Van Keuren Seventh Grade Chapel Banner Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Berry Mr. and Mrs. John J. Brennan, III Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. David W. Entrekin, ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gee Mr. and Mrs. Todd D. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Jamieson Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Lamoreaux Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Lovell Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Needles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey D. Roberts, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Lacy H. Williams, II Eighth Grade Chapel Banner Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Bartell in honor of David Bartell, Class of 2010 25 2007-2008 DONORS Purple Plum Gifts of $1,000 – $4,999 Michele and Sandy Aron Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bruckner Sabrina and Rich DiMichele Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Horne, Sr. The JBD Foundation on behalf of Mrs. Jeaneane B. Duncan Dr. and Mrs. James A. Johnson in honor of Scot Johnson, ’85, Shelley Johnson, ’89, and Stephanie Johnson, ‘95 Mr. and Mrs. Neil M. Leibman Kelly and Bill Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Needles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Rae in honor of Debbie Harris and Julie Fletcher S arah W. Wo o lrich F und Blue Spruce Inspired teaching is often what makes the difference between a child merely attending school and one who truly enjoys learning. It is in this spirit that St. Francis Episcopal Day School established the Sarah W. Woolrich Fund for Faculty — designed to enhance the educational experience of our students by first expanding the horizons of our teachers. Aetna Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Crystal This fund is dedicated to our school’s first principal, Sarah (“Sally” as she is known to many) Woolrich. Mrs. Woolrich made a life of teaching, guiding and inspiring the futures of her St. Francis students. It was her belief that there is a moment for each child when the “light bulb goes on.” Finding this for her students was Sally Woolrich’s mission. She encouraged her teachers to bring elements from the world into their classrooms in order to reach into the imaginations of our children and make learning come to life. In keeping with this philosophy, the Sarah W. Woolrich Fund for Faculty provides funding to provide special learning opportunities for faculty and staff members of the school. Each year awards are made from the Woolrich Fund to underwrite unique professional development opportunities ranging from teaching skills and curriculum development to travels abroad. In fact, with the support of the St. Francis community, more than 37 teachers have benefited from Woolrich Fund awards — bringing back invaluable skills and experiences for our children. Students hear first-hand accounts of Spanish life, retrace the steps of Christ in the Holy Land, and are exposed to cutting edge technology as a result of the Woolrich Fund. To learn more about the Sarah W. Woolrich Fund for Faculty, or make a donation, please contact Stacy Allen at 713.458.6129 or 2008 Award Winners C athy Bussa Fine Arts Department Chair Musee du Louvre, Paris Jennifer Henr y Religious Education Teacher Holy Land, Israel Ji ll Hughes Third Grade Teacher Heinemann Institute 26 C a r l o Mi n o t t i Gifts of $500 – $999 in honor of Dianne Barker Mary and David Entrekin, ‘76 Laurie and Alfredo Gutierrez Jane and Michael Jamieson in honor of Debbie Harris from Megan Jamieson Rise’ and Malcolm Johns Therese and John Lohman and Broderick & Company in honor of Anne Chisholm Dr. and Mrs. Don Looser in honor of Greg and Beth Looser and Brock and Avery Looser Brandi and Keith Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. John O’Neal, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hezekiah A. Oyinlola in honor of Adeola “Didi” and Tobi Oyinlola Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Reid Ms. Carol M. Slator in honor of Aaron, Emily, and Elizabeth Slator Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Davis X. Sun in honor of Mrs. Mary Pena Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Turner in honor of the 7th grade teaching team from Kaitlin and Cole Mooney Yellowwood Gifts of $100 – $499 Anonymous C a ro l Ke m p e r Drama Teacher Filmmaking Workshop Su s a n Lu k e n s English Teacher World Congress on Reading Anonymous El l e n Pr i n c e Ba r b a r a Me rk l e Second Grade Teacher The Neuhaus Education Ctr. Mr. and Mr. and Carolyn Mr. and Nursery Staff Texas AEYC Conference Director Of Studies Lascaux Caves, Limoges FR Kindergarten Teacher SDE National Conference Sh e i l a Ne we l l Gre g Ur b a n i History Teacher Roman Empire Studies, Italy in honor of our teaching staff Anonymous in honor of Mrs. Francis Callender and Mr. Ron Robinson in memory of Jocelynn Caulfield Mrs. John Newton Barineau, IV Mrs. Robert T. Berry and Robert Bobo Mrs. Rees T. Bowen in honor of Sarah Woolrich Dr. and Mrs. Fred J. Bressler Mr. T. J. Burnett, Jr. in memory of Joanna Fabling The Reverend A. Dean Calcote Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cameron in memory of Joanna Fabling Mrs. Tassie Nicandros in memory of Joanna Fabling in honor of Mary Griffith (Dec) in honor of Kay Rhea in honor of Cathy Bussa Mr. and Mrs. Kelley A. Chisholm, ‘88 ‘87 Mr. David D. Condit, ‘91 Dr. and Mrs. John M. Condit Dominion Foundation Matching Gift Program Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Donaldson Mr. and Mrs. Lucas T. Elliot Traci and Todd Graham Dorothy and Mark Haas in honor of Mrs. Thurmond and Mrs. Merkle Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. O’Brien in memory of Lori Jordan Mrs. Gayle Pearson Jean and Mike Phillips Mr. and Mrs. John W. Porter in honor of Debbie Harris Mrs. Louise Ratz in memory of Joanna Fabling Mr. and Mrs. Cliff L. Roberts, ‘76 in honor of Anne Chisholm Michele La Noue and Gerald Seidl Kathryn and Kirk Hachigian Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hale Bridget T. Hennessey in honor of the teachers, the leadership and the staff of St. Francis for nine years of blessings Mr. and Mrs. Pat Y. Spillman Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stephens in honor of Anne Chisholm and Dianne Barker’s retirement in honor of Foster Stephens Sheri and Ronald Henriksen Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Steppe in honor of Anne Chisholm in honor of Anabelle and Holden Maples Judge and Mrs. Lynn N. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Alan Kaplan Ms. Barbara Stevens in honor of Sally Woolrich Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Terry Mrs. Philip J. Viola in honor of Allison Asarch and the teachers in memory of Philip J. Viola Mr. and Mrs. Alec Kobayashi, ‘77 in honor of Sally Woolrich Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kuhn Mr. and Mrs. William E. Mercer Ms. Barbara Minotti Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Wozencraft, Jr. in honor of Mrs. Coerver and Mrs. Hughes in honor of our grandaughters, Jordan and Savanna The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. Russell J. Levenson, Jr. Evergreen Drs. Patricia and Richard Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Maples Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Stefan J. Amling ‘82 H.R. Arnold, M.D. in memory of Mr. John Griffin in honor of Anabelle and Holden Maples Mr. Bruce McIntyre in honor of Maddy and Mason McIntyre A Note of Thanks! Gifts up to $99 in honor of Edie Powers Mrs. Sherry DeLane Dr. and Mrs. Matt Dikeman Kathy and Kerry French in memory of Dr. Chester Godell, Physician Educator Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gottsegen in honor of Mrs. Shaver, Mrs. Porter, and Mrs. Odom Mr. and Mrs. Howard Greenwood in honor of Keeley and Wellsley Moore Jennifer and Michael Grosvenor Ms. Polly Dixon and Mr. Howard Haworth in honor of Cameron Nicole Dasher Andrea Hendrickson Lou and James Jax in honor of Jackie Moore Riki and Lee Kobayashi in memory of Joanna Fabling Jacquelyn B. Moore in honor of Linda Haglund Mr. and Mrs. William D. Paddock Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Potter, III Paul, Sarah, Will and Kate Sarahan in memory of Maree M. Calcote Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Shepherd in memory of Joanna Fabling Ms. Toni Hennike and Mr. Pat Y. Spillman, Jr. Ms. Ruth P. Stephenson in memory of Mary Atkinson Graeter Mrs. Alice E. Tilton in memory of Joanna Fabling Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woolfolk in honor of Sarah Woolrich Mrs. Sarah W. Woolrich in memory of Joanna Fabling Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Clark My experience to travel to Israel was one I will never forget. I want to thank each one of you for making my trip possible and allowing me to walk where Jesus ministered. As I look back on my experience, I am excited to share with the kids the places I was able to see and the lessons I learned – from the boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, reading Matthew 5 on the Mount of Beatitudes, walking down Massada, floating in the Dead Sea, Qumran, praying at the Garden of Gethsemane, reading Psalm 23 at the Shepherds field, crossing the border to Jordan, walking around Petra, and so many more experiences I could write about. When I read the Bible I can now say I have been in some of those places and share that experience with others. I thank you again for allowing me to have a life changing experience and pray the kids will learn from my journey! _ J ennifer Henr y * While we only had room for one note this year, all award recipients extend their heartfelt thanks. 27 Library Club “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.” — Dr. Seuss 2007-2008 Donors Anonymous (3) There is no greater gift to give a child than a passion for reading. For it is within the pages of a book that the imagination of a child comes to life. It is where the impossible becomes plausible and where dreams take flight. In reading, children begin to learn about and interact with a world outside their own and gain an inherent awareness of others. To create excitement around reading is to create of lifelong passion for knowledge. It is for this reason that the Library Club was created, and remains, a trademark of the St. Francis Episcopal Day School program. Gina and Michael Adamo in honor of Zach Maxwell, Will Maxwell; Kathryn Williams, Dr. and Mrs. Howard Alleman Mr. and Mrs. Louis Chapin Diane Allen Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chattaway Mr. and Mrs. John Allen Mr. and Mrs. Dale C. Cheesman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. D.R. Anderson ChevronTexaco Matching Gift Program Mr. and Mrs. James Clark in honor of Quint Adamo in honor of Eric Stefan and Luke Stefan in honor of Ashley Kearns and Lauren Kearn in honor of Taylor Burke Oualline Allen in honor of Steven Lawton Anderson in honor of Hayden Shaw in honor of Caroline Doyle in honor of James Henriksen Mr. and Mrs. Paul Andrews in honor of Robert and Reagan Clark Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Arnold in honor of Catherine Grace Clay and Albert “Will” Clay IV Mr. David Athey ’81 Ms. Sybil Cloutier in honor of Parker Kubitza in honor of Tatum Elaine Moore in honor of Edie Powers Gifts made to Library Club enable the St. Francis Crum Library to purchase ageappropriate books and technology to enrich the library’s existing collection. Materials purchased with Library Club contributions have a special nameplate affixed on the inside cover indicating the name of the honoree. When a student is honored, he or she is invited to have the book read aloud to his/her class, or to be the first to check the book out of the library. These special books then become a permanent part of the Crum Library collection. There are few people unable to name a book that has had a lasting impression on their life and success. The opportunity to share this gift makes Library Club donations an especially popular gift for children’s birthdays, special occasions or as acknowledgement of teachers and staff. in honor of Krista Beerbower Allan Avery a gift from Annabel and Ashton Avery Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Baerenstecher in honor of Julia Baerenstecher Lisa and James Bailey in honor of Patrick Bailey Mr. and Mrs. John Newton Barineau, IV a gift from Blake, Will, and Pierce Barineau Dianne and Dan Barker in honor of Cynthia Gentry Mrs. Margaret Barrow in honor of George T. Barrow Michelle and John Beerbower Dr. and Mrs. Philip S. Bentlif in honor of Sydney Gyenge Mr. and Mrs. Knox Clark Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clay in honor of Cameron Rylee Smith and Hayden Matthew Smith Mr. and Mrs. John Cobb in honor of Reagan and Robert Ms. Jonnie Cogdell in honor of David Courtney Mr. and Mrs. Arland Coleman in honor of Sheldon, Davis, and Spencer Gray Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cooper in honor of Jackson Miller and Katherine Miller Ms. Wanda Corso in honor of Angus and Duncan Harper Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cox Mrs. Celine M. Cozad in honor of Noah Baughman Mr. and Mrs. Rod Crosby, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Granville M. Deane, Jr. Ruthe and Morton Berman in honor of Sam Shutts Ms. Allison M. Brandt in honor of Chase Ollenburger in honor of Katherine Berman Mr. and Mrs. Martin Debrovner Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Brazelton Mrs. Sherry DeLane Ms. Polly Dixon and Mr. Howard Haworth Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brown Mrs. Deanna Echols in honor of Peyton Miller Brandt and Harrison Brandt in honor of Avery Brazelton a gift from Matthew Jordan 28 in honor of Sally Woolrich Mr. and Mrs. Kent Anderson in memory of Jim Taylor To learn more about the Library Club, or make a donation, please contact Stacy Allen at 713.458.6129 or Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Campbell in honor of Cameron Nicole Dasher in honor of Stuart Cape Echols Ms. Jean Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh W. Johnson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Gus and Maria Papadopoulos Mr. and Mrs. Bob Farmer Leah and Michael Jones Christina and Alexander Papandreou in honor of Claire and Madison Riffle in honor of Alex Farmer in honor of Raleigh Bintliff Wooldridge Catharine and Grant Faulconer in honor of Kiley Nicole Jones and Conner Michael Jones Mr. and Mrs. Jim Finch a gift from Griffin M. McKee in memory of Dr. C.N. Papadopoulos and Aphrodi Mrs. Ana Juarez a gift from Aphrodite Papandreouin honor of Maria Papadopoulos and in memory of Dr. C.N. Papadopoulos in honor of Matt, Katherine, and Hannah Grace Johnston Dr. and Mrs. Alan Kaplan in honor of Eleanor Catherine Grosvenor Mr. and Mrs. David G. Foor Ms. Kaye Keenan in honor of Megan Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Newlin Kessler a gift from John Pederson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Ketterer in honor of Mary Lorrain Perea Ms. Amy V. King a gift from Mary Perea Mr. and Mrs. Neil M. Leibman in honor of Adrianne Leibman Mrs. Sylvia Lohman a gift from Phillip Smith in honor of Sara and Clark Faulconer in memory of Harold William Kerr and Thelma Buffa Kerr Ms. Billye Frantz in honor of Olivia and Julia Tezel, Daren Singer Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fulton in honor of Edie Powers Mrs. Ursula Gambini in memory of Nonno-Iacopo Gambini Susan and Garry Gaskins in honor of Andrew William Gaskins Deborah and Dale Gaudier in honor of Allison Asarch in honor of Olivia Grace Gonzalez a gift from Jordan, Lauren, and Ryan Hammond in memory of Dr. Edward J. Ketterer in honor of Sam King in honor of Adrianne Leibman Dr. and Mrs. Larry T. Patton Mrs. Gary Pearson Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pederson Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pendergast Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Perea Mrs. Ellen Pickett Mrs. Mary Plumlee in honor of Eddie Gaudier in honor of Gavin Lohman; in memory of John Lohman, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Powers Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lottinger in honor of Alexis and Nicolas Gomez in honor of Lucas Ross Lottinger Anne and Robert Pullen Mr. and Mrs. James D. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Marshall in honor of Spencer, Sheldon, and Davis Gray in honor of Matthew Marshall Jordan Jennifer and Michael Grosvenor Mr. Stephen Masoomian and Ms. Katharine Breaux Ms. Pat Matkin in honor of Eleanor Grosvenor Kathryn and Kirk Hachigian a gift from Spencer Powers in honor of Abby and Annie Schwing Dr. and Mrs. Jack D. Quinn, Sr. in honor of Megan Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Smith Ray in honor of Bella Ray and Madeline Ray Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Reid in honor of Kara and Kirk in honor of Katie and Halle Butler Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hachigian Brandi and Keith Maxwell Dr. and Mrs. Bryce McKee Mrs. Sally Reynolds in honor of Kara and Kirk Dr. and Mrs. Fred Hansen Mrs. Betty Hendrix in honor of Griffin McKee in honor of Caroline, Madison, and Jack Reid in memory of Paul W. Wilmore and in honor of Sam Sengelmann Mr. and Mrs. Larry Melody Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Rieke in honor of Christina Day Eickenroht in honor of Christine Melody and John Melody Bridget Hennessey Drs. Paul and Rhonda Metz Dana and Bill Rocha Mr. and Mrs. Roland Miller Mr. and Mrs. A. William Ross, Jr. in honor of Blake Henningsen and Abigail Henningsen Mr. and Mrs. Joel L. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Rundle Sheri and Ronald Henriksen Mr. and Mrs. Lamar M. Morris in honor of Melanie Wallace, Betsy Ginsberg, and Lou Brooks a gift from Emma and Addie Metz Jackie and Carl Henningsen in honor of Haley Schwager in honor of James Henriksen Dr. and Mrs. L. Leighton Hill in honor of Taylor Gutierrez Cathy and Ross Hill in honor of Benton and Ashley Chandler Dr. and Mrs. Ray G. Hooper in honor of Marilyn Lovell Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Huber in honor of Hallie Jeffers Mr. and Mrs. John Huff in honor of Tyler and Cole Huff Judge and Mrs. Lynn N. Hughes in honor of Dylan and Tyler Presswood Mrs. Norma K. Imper in honor of Lucy Irene Haire Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jamieson in honor of Megan and Michael Jamieson a gift from Tatum, Parker, and Kimbell in honor of Drew, Scout, and Makay Morris Gerry and Peggy Murphy in honor of Jennifer Erin Bobo and Katherine Elizabeth Bobo in honor of Mary Lacy Rieke in honor of Cassie Rocha in honor of Addison Putnam in honor of John and William Brueggeman and Parker Browne Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Samuel in honor of Alex Vandiver Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schwing in honor of Abby and Annie Schwing Mr. and Mrs. G. David Neal Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Seinsheimer, III Mrs. Tassie Nicandros Mr. and Mrs. William W. Sengelmann Mrs. Patricia J. Nowak Mr. and Mrs. Farrukh and Farhat Shamsi in honor of Travis Mietschin in honor of Annie and Nicholas Elliot in honor of Cole and Kaitlin Mooney Mr. Dennis J. Olmstead a gift from Reece Olmstead in honor of Claire Seinsheimer in honor of Sam Sengelmann in honor of Mrs. Pickett, Mrs. McQueen, Juhee Shamsi Mr. and Mrs. Jay P. Shani Mrs. Regina Olmstead a gift from Rohan Shani and Ria Shani Mr. and Mrs. Richard Owen in honor of Hayden Shaw Mr. and Mrs. William D. Paddock in honor of Daren Singer a gift from Reece Olmstead in honor of Matthew Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Brewster Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Singer 29 Mr. and Mrs. Clark C. Smith in honor of Rymer Smith; Mrs. Anne Chisholm Mrs. Norma Smith Cla s s o f 2 0 0 8 H i g h S c h o o l C hoices Mr. and Mrs. Fernando J. Somoza Paul Ajak Houston Christian High School Calhan Hale Episcopal High School Austin Porter Episcopal High School Mr. and Mrs. Pat Y. Spillman Patrick Bailey Episcopal High School Dan Hanower Lakeside High School, Seattle Keeler Porter Second Baptist School Mr. and Mrs. Peter Staartjes Marshall Baker Episcopal High School Gus Hennings Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Megan Quinn Memorial High School Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Steppe Krista Beerbower Memorial High School James Henriksen Episcopal High School Meredith Rae St. John’s School Ms. Barbara Stevens Jack Best St. Pius X High School Ashley Herd Episcopal High School Jack Reid The Kinkaid School Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Stewart John Bilek Memorial High School Bobby Heston Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Maddie Riffle Second Baptist School Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stiles Katie Bobo St. Agnes Academy Mason Hunt Episcopal High School Cassie Rocha Houston Christian High School Isabelle Bristol Episcopal High School Courtney Jackson Memorial High School Karen Scarbrough St. Agnes Academy Harris Brooks Rainard School Chris Jansson Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Kimberley Schouest St. Agnes Academy Ashley Brown Episcopal High School Alexis LaBarba Memorial High School Abby Schwing Mercersburg Academy Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Torian John Brueggeman Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Sam Mannetti Second Baptist School Nathalie Seidl Choate Rosemary Hall Mr. and Mrs. Emory E. Treadaway Annie Cape Episcopal High School Ben Matthews Episcopal High School Sarah Sgarbi Memorial High School Mr. and Mrs. Simon H. Upfill-Brown Connie Cape Episcopal High School Corinne McGrath St. Agnes Academy Juhee Shamsi Awty International School Ms. Shirley Vaughan Benjamin Carter Episcopal High School Robert McNiel St. John’s School Emily Statham Memorial High School Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Vobbe Sam Caspary Memorial High School Douglas McNiel Episcopal High School Forrest Surles Episcopal High School Nicky Cassata St. John’s School Carter Mizell Episcopal High School Edward Taussig Episcopal High School John Cheesman The Kinkaid School Caroline Montgomery The Kinkaid School Olivia Tezel Episcopal High School Howard Cheng Houston Christian High School Katherine Moore Episcopal High School Adrianna Thompson St. Agnes Academy Mr. and Mrs. Steven Weyel P.J. Collier Memorial High School Mallory Moreton Second Baptist School Hannah Tosch Episcopal High School Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. White, Jr. David Courtney The Emery/Weiner School Ailie Morgan The Village School Will Tosch Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Dr. and Mrs. F. Brown Whittington, Jr. Camiel Duytschaever The Kinkaid School Matt Murphy Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Alex Vandiver Lamar High School IB Mrs. Dorothy Williams Christina Eickenroht Episcopal High School Bo Nacol Episcopal High School Matt Weisberger Episcopal High School Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wozencraft, Jr. Annie Elliot Episcopal High School Arjun Nijhawan Memorial High School James Whitcomb Houston Christian High School Mr. and Mrs. Denney L. Wright Charles Elmer Episcopal High School Julia Nini Episcopal High School Amy Whiteford Memorial High School Mr. and Mrs. Farris W. Zuspan Sarah Flores Houston Christian High School Joel North Seven Lakes High School Patrick Williford Episcopal High School Ryan Fondren The Kinkaid School Nicole Pipkins Cypress Creek High School Nicholas Woods Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Jay Frazier Lamar High School IB Kevin Pisters Memorial High School Nicolas Zuspan St. Pius X High School in honor of Taylor and Brandon Smith a gift from Sebastian R. Somoza in honor of Hannaka Spillman in honor of Sophia Staartjes in honor of Anabelle and Holden Maples in honor of Riki Stevens Kobayashi in honor of Jack, Carolyn, and Hampton Stewart in honor of Carolyn Story Stiles Ms. Iris R. Stockbridge Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Terry in honor of Vivian and Louise Terry Mrs. Claire Thompson in memory of Charles E. Thompson Sr. Dr. Lisa C. Tidwell and Mr. Mark A. Tidwell in honor of Sarah and Katherine Tidwell in honor of Blake, Will, and Pierce Barineau in honor of Walker, Story, and Carter Sinex in honor of Ann Chisholm and Bobby Linhart in honor of Sam King a gift from Isabelle Morton Vobbe and Jake Stonewall Vobbe Mr. Junhui Wang and Mrs. Yan Zhao a gift from Jessica Wang Mrs. John T. Watson in honor of Douglas and Robert McNiel Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Werlein in honor of Conner Gilliam in honor of Libby, Harrison and Foster Weyel in honor of Harrison and Marlie Turner in honor of Charles Morton a gift from Brent and Daniel Peter Hanower in honor of Cooper and Julia Wozencraft in honor of former student Michael Denney Wright in honor of Nicolas Zuspan 30 Cl a s s of 2008 Graduation speech by Calhan Hale CLASS AWARDS Art: Camiel Duytschaever • Ben Matthews Athletics: Connie Cape • Charles Elmer Drama: Emily Statham • Forrest Surles English: Kristofer Jansson • Kimberley Schouest History: Dan Hanower • Nathalie Seidl Life Skills: Sam Caspary • Emily Statham Math: John Cheesman • Camiel Duytschaever Music: Annie Elliot • Joel North Religion: Patrick Bailey • Katherine Moore Science: Austin Porter • Emily Statham Spanish: Austin Porter • Juhee Shamsi Technology/Yearbook: Ashley Brown • Robert McNiel Theater Tech: Marshall Baker • Alex Vandiver Most Determined Award: John Brueggeman Bonus Civis Award: Krista Beerbower Nota Bene Award: Camiel Duytschaever Leadership Award: Christina Eickenroht Bernice Ruczko Writing Award: John Cheesman Distinguished Athlete Awards: Calhan Hale • Joel North St. Francis Performing Arts Award: James Whitcomb St. Francis Visual Arts Award: Christina Eickenroht Chisholm Award: Sam Mannetti Community Outreach Award: Ailie Morgan Daughters of the American Revolution Award: Forrest Surles St. Francis Awards: Patrick Bailey • Annie Cape • Connie Cape St. Francis Episcopal Day School would like to thank the Class of 2008 for the generous gift of two custom podiums for the Fine Arts Center! Good evening and welcome to the graduation ceremony of the greatest class ever to walk the halls of St. Francis. As one of my best friends told me recently, “Don’t cry because it’s ended; laugh because it happened.” I’m Calhan Hale, and it has been my absolute privilege to be a part of the class of 2008. Tonight, let us not be sad about the separation of such an amazing class, but let us celebrate our many accomplishments. While we have had many individual achievements in the world of PSIA, region choir, athletics, visual arts, and academics, our class is defined by its unity. Our class is a very accomplished one. We have put on two amazing plays: Jailhouse Rock in fourth grade and The Best Christmas Pageant Ever in eighth grade. We also put on one phenomenal musical called Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, which, I must say, -- to beat Mrs. Chisholm to the chase -- was the best musical St. Francis has ever had. We survived Hurricane Rita and were people for others by serving as a refuge for those escaping the hardships of Hurricane Katrina. We helped raise over $25,000 to aid the victims of the 2005 tsunami. We painted a 6-foot-tall fiberglass mustang and won third place in the Rodeo Contest. We were a part of the Varsity Choir that won state five years in a row. There are many more things our grade has done, but we all know what an outstanding group of people this has been, and will be in the future. Out of our many accomplishments, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat was definitely a standout. The opening night was truly one to remember. When we broke from circle backstage, Mr. Linhart instructed us to be silent and to take our places. Being backstage on opening night was a very different feeling from anything I’ve ever experienced before. The cast and crew were all one big family. Many of us were hugging and saying how much we loved each other. It was an overwhelming feeling because we were so excited. Yet, we all knew there was only so much time to say all these things before the moment we had all been waiting for arrived. That night, I tried to describe to my parents how we felt backstage before the curtains opened. The feeling, I said, was similar to how I think I’ll feel just before I die and go to heaven. That’s just how I think it will be: overwhelmed by the desire to say how much we love one another before it’s too late, and yet, so excited for what is to come. I didn’t really think how graduation might relate to these feelings. Graduation is what we’ve all been working toward during our years at St. Francis. Now that it’s here, we realize how hard we’ve worked, how much we have loved, and how much we have been loved. As the curtain opens on the next chapter for all of us, I think that we, the class of 2008, will take this love and these experiences with us into the next opening night of our lives: high school. A thread of memories has woven each of our childhoods together, and this same strand of recollections is what will tie our futures together as well. As we go our separate ways, we will still be connected by these memories that have wound us so closely together in our years at St. Francis. Class of 2008, it is opening night once again. I hope we can go out and embrace our futures with great enthusiasm, but never forget where we came from. Thank you, St. Francis and class of 2008. 31 Al u m n i Up d ates 1970s 1 2 Jim Goettee ’70 graduated from The Kinkaid School. He earned a B.A. in finance from the University of Texas in 1981, and an MBA from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1996. He works as a real estate investor with a private equity firm, the Lionstone Group. Jim’s wife, Marilyn, is a homemaker. The couple lives in Houston with their 8-year-old twin boys: James attends St. Francis, and John attends The Kinkaid School. Jeff Coddington ’73 resides in Austin, Texas. 1980s Sean Carnahan ’80 earned his MBA from the University of Liverpool. He currently works for Allegro Development. His wife, Shalon, works for CMG. The Carnahans live in Houston with their only child, Sterling. 3 Rachel Nation Buddo ’82 is an alumna of St. John’s School, Rice University, and the University of Texas. She and her husband, Nicholas Banham Buddo, reside in Austin, where she works as webmaster at St. Stephen’s Episcopal School. The couple opened their own bed and breakfast, Hancock Guest Cottage, on February 14 this year. Learn more at Val Khuri Hale ’82 graduated from The Kinkaid School in 1986. She earned a BA in psychology from Texas A&M University in 1990. She is a stay-athome mom to daughter Lauren. 4 32 Tony Pannagl Jr. ’83 graduated from Stratford High School and earned a BS in marketing from Texas Tech. He is the founder and managing partner of the Houston-based blended information technology outsourcing and staffing company IS&T. Tony’s wife, Amy, is a stay-at-home mom. The Pannagls and their son, Anthony, reside in Houston. Anthony is in the toddler program at St. Francis. The Pannagls are also members of St. Francis Church. (1) Elizabeth Zak Snodgrass ’84 graduated from Texas Christian University in 1992 and earned her Ph.D. from the University of North Texas in 2001. She is a psychologist in private practice in Dallas. She and her husband, Greg, live in Plano, Texas, with their children, Grant and Zak. (2) Emma West ’84 graduated from the North Toronto Collegiate Institute. She earned a B.S. in biology and environmental science from the University of Western Ontario in 1994. She earned her master’s in zoology in 1997. She works as an environmental and urban planner and is currently on assignment in Amman, Jordan. Shelley Swift Lugon-Moulin ’85 and her husband, Julien, live in The Hague, Netherlands, with their two children, Noah, 7, and Emilie, 3. They frequently fly in to Houston to visit their many cousins. Ruthie Stephenson Emrick ’86 graduated from The Kinkaid School in 1990 and from Rhodes College in 1994. She and her husband, Craig, recently celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary. They have one son, Wells, who turned one in March. (3) Susan Sinex-Magee ’87 and her husband, Phil, have one daughter, Grace Anne, who is attending Primary I this year at St. Francis. Phil and Susan welcomed another baby girl last summer. (4) Suzanne Gerum Stiles ’87 recently bought the Naturino Children’s Shoes and Accessories stores in Houston and Dallas. Naturino of Houston is located at 1121-06 Uptown Park Blvd. Suzanne’s husband, Adam, owns Recana Recruiting and Staffing. Suzanne and Adam have three children who attend St. Francis. (5) Kelley Chisholm ’88 and Courtney Ruman Chisholm ’87 have three children attending St. Francis. Kathryn is in Primary II. Maggie and John Kelley are in the Toddler program. (6) Kyle Ezer ’88 graduated from The Kinkaid School and earned a BA in communications and a minor in drama from Trinity University. He works for Legacy Asset Management, a private investment firm in the Galleria area. His wife, Dana, is employed by First Presbyterian Church. Kyle and Dana met in 1999 while performing in a play in the Warehouse District. Four months after they began dating in February 1999, Kyle and Dana were engaged. They married in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, in June 2000. Kyle has completed the Houston Marathon twice, and he participated in a fourday bike ride from Houston to Dallas to raise money for AIDS patients. Kyle plays the clarinet in the Pearland Community Band. He is also interested in photography and his work can be seen at Kyle and Dana live in Pearland with their 5-year-old daughter, Reagan Elizabeth. Reagan is in kindergarten at St. Francis. (7) Hillary Brooks Houle ’88 is a graduate of Episcopal High School. She earned her undergraduate degree from American University in 1996, and an MA from Johns Hopkins University in 2002. Hillary married Tony Houle on July 21, 2007. They both teach at Episcopal High School. (8) Devin Christison ’89 graduated from Alexander Smith Academy and then attended Louisiana State University. He and his wife, Stacy, have four children: Esteph, Hunter, Joe, and Sarah. Kristin Mercer Anthony ’89 graduated from Memorial High School and then from Texas Christian University in 1997. Kristin and her husband, David, have a son, Chase, and welcomed a daughter into their family on Jan. 3 of last year. Kristin is a KTRK-TV account executive, and David works for Olshan Foundation Repair. The Anthonys reside in Houston. Evan Hunt ’89 is a graduate of the Kent School in Connecticut. He earned a BA in history from the University of Minnesota. He resides in Durango, Mexico, with his wife, Anne, and their two children, Ana Alicia and George. Evan is the middle school and high school principal of the American School Durango. Anne works as a guidance counselor at the school. 5 6 1990s Van Swearingen ’90 moved to the San Francisco Bay Area in 1999. He worked for a variety of policy research centers before earning a master’s degree in public policy from the University of California at Berkeley in 2004. He is currently studying law at the University of California at Berkeley. Rob Chisholm ’90 graduated from Strake Jesuit College Preparatory in 1994, and from Texas Christian University in 1998. He earned his MBA from the University of Texas in 2007. He is currently the senior portfolio manager for Center Coast Capital, an oil and gas pipeline investment hedge fund. Rob and his wife, Jessica, recently purchased a home in the Spring Valley area and are members of St. Francis Church. (9) Missy Schultz Criswell ’90 attended Stratford High School and graduated from Texas A&M University in 1999. She works for Katy Independent School District as a biology teacher. She and her husband, Bobby, were married at St. Francis Church in 2003. Bobby is an inventory control manager for Academy Sports and Outdoors. They 4 7 8 9 33 10 11 have two children, Austin and Elizabeth. (16) 12 Allison Serafin ’90 recently accepted the position of executive director of Teach for America – Las Vegas Valley. She plans to move to Las Vegas to lead the effort to end educational inequality in the Las Vegas area. Andrea Montgomery ’90 married Paul Jonathan Stewart in Houston in January 2008. Paul is in residency in ophthalmology at Baylor Medical. The couple resides in Houston. (11) Jessica Beer ’91 married Jonathan Barrett in February 2007 in New York City. Six members of the eighth-grade class of 1991 were in attendance: Lindsey Tate, Elizabeth Rozelle Borski, Callie Parker, Laura Smith, Amanda Hulsey and Anne Shrader Harrington. (10) 13 14 15 34 Edward Kotar ’91 attended Episcopal High School. He graduated from Texas Christian University in 2000 and from Texas Culinary Academy in 2005. Edward married his wife, Brenna, at the Wedding Trees in Bridger-Teton National Forest. He is currently working for the Four Seasons Hotel in Austin, Texas. Edward and Brenna have one child, Hunter. (12) Ashley Underhill Cavanagh ’91 graduated from Stratford High School. She earned her BA in English and Spanish from Texas A&M University. She and her husband, Bobby, welcomed their second child, Nathaniel Garrett, on Feb. 4, 2008. Ashley is a homemaker, and Bobby is a pediatrician. They reside in Austin, Texas. Emily Swift Webre ’91 and her husband, Chad, just welcomed a new baby boy, Isaac, in March 2008. He joins big brother August. Kristen Stacy Carden ’93 was married in May 2006 and has a beautiful baby girl, Hayley. She and her husband are living in New Braunfels and loving it. (15) David Girkin ’94 graduated from St. Thomas High School. He earned a B.A. in history from Texas A&M University and an M.L.A. in history from the University of St. Thomas. He lives in Houston and works as a history professor at Cy-Fair Community College. Jennifer Brecher Beegle ’94 graduated from Memorial High School. She earned a master’s in montessori education from Loyola College in Maryland in 2009, a BA in business and psychology from Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, Ga., in 2003, and an AA in liberal studies from Landmark College in Putney, Vt., in 2000. Her husband, Philip, will be working with Blue Sky Charter. Jennifer and Philip live in Newman, Ga. Brett Lawler ’91 graduated from Strake Jesuit in 1995 and earned a B.A. in English from the University of Texas in 1999. He recently returned from a second tour in Iraq, where he served on a military transition team as an intelligence advisor to an Iraqi army battalion. Brett’s wife, Kristie, works as a senior marketing specialist for the Texas Historical Commission. The Lawlers live in Georgetown, Texas. (13) Lauren Robishaw ’91 recently became a partner in an art gallery in Chicago. She celebrated her 30th birthday in Tanzania in August 2007. (14) 16 kindergarten in Austin for three years. She is taking a year off to travel and plans to continue teaching abroad. Barr Hortenstine ’96 graduated from Louisiana State University with a B.A. in English and then earned a law degree from Emory University. Barr married his high school sweetheart, Lindsey Riehle, on Dec. 31, 2006. The couple resides in New Orleans, where Barr practices law with the city’s Public Defenders Office. 17 Ashley Blythe Zachry ’94 graduated from Baylor University in 2002 with a BBA in marketing. She currently works for Booz Allen Hamilton. Ashley’s husband, Josh, works for Rackspace Managed Hosting. The Zachrys live in San Antonio. (17) Christopher Graeter ’95 graduated from Episcopal High School and earned a BBA in finance from Texas A&M University in 2003. He is a financial analyst for Copano Energy, L.L.C. Christopher and his wife, Kim, welcomed their daughter, Larkin, into the family on Aug. 11, 2007. They are members of St. Francis Church. Jenny Hill ’95 attended St. John’s School in Houston and Pembroke Hill in Kansas City. She graduated from Southern Methodist University in 2004 with a degree in corporate communications and public affairs. She studied culinary arts at Johnson and Wales University and graduated in 2007. She works as a chef in New York City. Jacquelyn Christison Spiers ’95 graduated from Memorial High School and earned a BBA in management from Houston Baptist University in 2005. She and her husband, Carlos, had their first child, a boy, in March 2008. They live in Houston. Tony Webb ’95 attended Strake Jesuit. He graduated from Washington University in St. Louis, Mo., in 2006. Tony lives in Dearborn Heights, Mich. Elizabeth Holstein ’96 graduated from the University of Texas and taught Rebecca Redden Lewis ’96 graduated from Episcopal High School. She earned a BA in political science and sociology from the University of Southern California in 2001. She graduated from the University of Texas School of Law in 2005. Rebecca and her husband, Chris, welcomed their first child, Colton Andrew, on June 29, 2007. Rebecca is a homemaker, and Chris works in commercial real estate with Griffin Partners. Katy Bailey ’97 graduated from James E. Taylor High School in Katy. She earned a BBA in marketing from Texas Christian University. She currently works as a major account representative for the health care industry and IKON Office Solutions. She ranked in the top 8 percent of her sales force and won her company’s annual trip. Kacie Windlinger Wasserman ’97 graduated from Memorial High School. She earned a BA in art history from the University of Houston. She works as a student programs assistant for the Museum of Fine Arts Houston. Kacie’s husband, Jason, is a financial analyst for Direct Energy. The Wassermans live in Houston. Christina Fannin Welch ’97 is a graduate of Memorial High School. She graduated from Louisiana State University with a BS in mathematics in 2004 and is currently working toward her law degree at LSU. After her graduation in May, Christina and her husband, Christopher Welch, will return to Houston. Christopher is a graduate student studying medical physics. Christina plans to work for Bracewell Guiliani L.L.P. as a tax attorney upon passing the Texas Bar Exam. Traci Norvell ’98 graduated from Memorial High School in 2002. She earned a degree in communications and Spanish from Southwestern University in 2006. She is currently a nursing student at the University of Texas and is engaged to Matt Hudlow. Chris Webb ’98 attended St. Agnes Academy. She graduated from the University of San Diego in 2006. She currently lives in San Diego, Calif. Charles Osterberg ’97 is now in his fourth and final year of medical school at Northwestern University in Chicago. In addition to his rotations at Northwestern, he spent a month in rotation in urology at Weill Cornell Medical School in New York City and is looking forward to a month rotation in alternative medicine in Beijing. Charles’ next step is to continue his education in a residency program. Lauren Pierce ’97 married Ronald Dumosch in July 2007 in Salado, Texas. The couple met at Baylor University, and both now work in Central Texas. (18) Elizabeth Schwartz ’97 attended Episcopal High School. She is studying urban education at the University of Houston – Downtown. 18 35 2000s Greg Bahm ’00 graduated from Memorial High School in 2004. He attends Ringling College of Art and Design and plans to graduate in the next year with a degree in computer animation. He is interning with a computer gaming company in Austin. Cameron Beckham ’00 graduated from Episcopal High School in 2004 and graduated with a BS in accounting from the University of Southern California in May 2008. Cameron is working for Deloitte and Touche in Los Angeles. 19 Katy O’Brien Perkins ’98 is a 2002 graduate of The Kinkaid School and a 2006 graduate of Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pa., where she graduated cum laude with honors in math and economics, was president of Chi Omega sorority, and was elected to the Homecoming Court. Katy married Alexander Douglas Perkins on July 19, 2008, and is currently a research coordinator for a SpineCare Medical Group in Daly City, Calif. (19) Brooke Relyea ’01 graduated from Memorial High School in 2005. She is now studying business at the University of Texas. Haley Robinson ’01 graduated from The Kinkaid School in 2005. She is attending Boston University, where she is studying international relations. Haley is on the women’s field hockey team and was named to the American East Conference All-Rookie team in 2006. As a redshirt sophomore during the 2007 season, she was a starting midfielder. Jeff Bahm ’99 graduated from Memorial High School. He is employed by Nanatahala Outdoor Center. This season will be his fourth as a photo manager and photographer on the Ocoee River in Tennessee. 21 also works for television and radio stations in Jackson, Miss. Ginny Blecher ’02 graduated from Houston Christian High School in 2006. She currently attends the University of Texas at Austin, studying speech pathology. Ginny pledged Delta Gamma in 2006. She serves as the sorority’s director of alumni relations and sings in the chapter choir. She is also active in Campus Crusade for Christ. (20) Kendall Buckalew ’99 is a first-year teacher at Bunker Hill Elementary in Houston. Cliff Hortenstine ’99 graduated from Memorial High School and then earned a degree in economics from the University of the South. Cliff graduated summa cum laude and is a Phi Beta Kappa. He is employed by Parkman Whaling Investment Banking. 36 Katie Sargent ’01 is a junior at Millsaps College. She is studying business with a double minor in political science and geology. She serves on the council for Kappa Delta sorority as the vice president of public relations and was invited to attend the Kappa Delta National Leadership Conference in Boston. She is a member of the Finance Management Association, the E.A.R.T.H. Club, the Political Science Club, the Libertarian Club, the Outdoor Adventure Club, and is one of the founding members and vice president of public relations for the Millsaps College Geology Club. Katie Mimi Warmington ’02 is a sophomore at the University of Texas, where she is studying psychology. She is a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority. (21) Jennifer Weggman ’03 attends the University of Mississippi and is majoring in creative writing. 20 Ann Coddou ’05 attends the High School for the Performing and Visual Arts. She is a member of the science club and enjoys figure drawing. Cavalier Coffield ’05 attends Strake Jesuit. He made Triple Trio choir at Strake and has achieved his Eagle Scout award. Maddie Dorflinger ’05 attends The Kinkaid School. She plays softball and runs cross-country. She is a member of cooking club and Spanish club. 22 Leven Rambin ’04 attended the Professional Children’s School after graduating from St. Francis. She appeared in an episode of the NBC series Lipstick Jungle that aired on Feb. 28, 2008. Leven has been working on a fashion, beauty, and celebrity column for Page Six magazine, and she was cast in an independent film called Gigantic. Leven attended a briefing at the United Nations in April and will participate in a question-and-answer session to kick off Autism Awareness Month. Leven plays the role of Riley on the Fox TV series Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. (22) Ben Estus ’05 attends Episcopal High School. He is involved in theatre and wrestling. He recently performed in Urinetown and won the Tommy Tune Award for Best Actor. He was also in The Front Page and a number of MASQUE productions. ensemble. He performed in the musical Urinetown. He is also involved in wrestling, baseball, and football. Hunter Hudgens ’05 attends Memorial High School. He is involved in weightlifting and plays basketball. Katherine Hunt ’05 attends Episcopal High School. She is a member of the art club and plays field hockey. David Jones ’05 attends Episcopal High School. Meredith Knight ’05 attends Episcopal High School. She is involved in photography and is a member of the MASQUE acting ensemble. She performed in A/Effects and Speak the Speech. Bubba Fish ’05 attends St. John’s School, where he is a member of the film club, is reviewing movies as a guest columnist for The Review, and was the only junior in the school’s production of Noises Off. Bubba also played volleyball for St. John’s. Jake Gerson ’05 attends Episcopal High School. 23 Lacy Ballis ’05 attends Episcopal High School, where she plays soccer. Carolyn Gaut ’05 attends The Kinkaid School. She is a member of the choir, KOCI and Peer Mentors. She plays softball and volleyball and is the captain of the varsity basketball team. Carolyn recently spent her interim term at St. Francis assisting in Mrs. Harris’ lab. (23) David Berry ’05 attends Second Baptist School. He plays football and lacrosse. Reagan Hall ’05 attends Memorial High School, where she runs track. Ashley Callender ’05 attends Episcopal High School. She plays tennis and field hockey, is involved in art, and is an acolyte at church. Maya Hamouie ’05 attends Episcopal High School. She is a member of Students of Service, admissions club, and Model U.N. She also plays basketball. Taylor Callender ’05 attends Episcopal High School. He is involved in golf and wrestling. Jen Hardy ’05 attends Stratford High School. She plays golf. Allison Monroe ’05 attends Episcopal High School. She plays basketball. Holly Herrin ’05 attends Memorial High School and is involved in Young Life. Joe Moore ’05 attends Houston Christian High School. He plays lacrosse and is involved in Young Life and has achieved his Eagle Scout Award. He is also active in theatre and performed in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Westside Story. Hannah Carnes ’05 attends Episcopal High School. She is a member of the art club and plays club volleyball. Austen Chalmers ’05 attends Episcopal High School. Gregory Holmes ’05 attends Episcopal High School. He is a member of admissions club and the MASQUE acting Kimmy LaPorte ’05 attends Memorial High School. She is a member of Darfur club and MMOB. Emily Mohn ’05 attends Memorial High School. She is involved in student council and JAIDS. She also runs track. Jay Magness ’05 attends Episcopal High School. He is involved in sports. Lauren McCleary ’05 attends Stratford. She recently performed in the musical 42nd Street. 37 Samantha Speakmon ’05 attends Episcopal High School. She plays golf. Brant Williamson ’05 attends Episcopal High School. He is involved in golf, baseball, and football. Conner Wilson ’05 attends Memorial High School and was cast as Lefou in their spring production of Beauty and the Beast. 24 Jennifer Morley ’05 attends Episcopal High School. She is an acolyte and plays field hockey. Lynn Norwood ’05 attends Episcopal High School. She is involved in art and tennis. Ben Porter ’05 attends The Kinkaid School. He is involved in football, lacrosse, and Children’s Theatre. He achieved his Eagle Scout Award and was cast in Kinkaid’s production of Beauty and the Beast. Rachael Poujol ’05 attends Keystone National High School. She is involved in acting, dance, and art. She participated in Kinkaid’s production of Rumors. Katie Sales ’05 attends Memorial High School and plays tennis. Sarah Sawaf ’05 attends Episcopal High School, where she is president of the art club. She is also a member of National Art Honor Society and Students of Service. Ariana Saxby ’05 currently attends The American School in London. (24) Andrew Schneider ’05 is a National Merit Semi-Finalist. Zach Sendukas ’05 attends Episcopal High School and is a National Merit Semi-Finalist. Cole Shoemaker ’05 attends Memorial High School, where he is the Assistant Editor of the school newspaper, The Anvil. John Taylor Skilling ’05 attends Episcopal High School. He is involved in music and film-making. 38 Caroline pal High Students club. She Best ’06 attends EpiscoSchool. She is a member of of Service and admissions also runs track. Becca Brandt ’06 attends Episcopal High School, where she is a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the basketball team, and the track team. Thomas Burke ’06 attends Episcopal High School. He plays lacrosse and football and is involved in wrestling. Andrew Elliott ’06 attends St. Thomas High School. He plays golf and is a member of the Spanish club and the rock club. Stephanie Gomez ’06 attends Memorial High School. She is a member of MMOB and SAMMS and plays softball. Patrick Hickey ’06 attends Memorial High School. He plays football, COLT league baseball, and basketball with Chapelwood Church. He is also involved in MMOB. Lauren Hogan ’06 attends The Kinkaid School, where she is a cheerleader and a member of Spirit of Kinkaid and Youth Against Cancer. Abbie Jackson ’06 attends Episcopal High School, where she plays volleyball and lacrosse. Shane Carden ’06 attends Episcopal High School and made the Houston Chronicle’s 2008 Football Honor Roll for his performance as quarterback in their game against Kinkaid. William Cravens ’06 attends Episcopal High School. He is a member of the poker club and is involved in lacrosse and soccer. Douglas Doyle ’06 attends the Tenney School. He plays football and drums. Elizabeth Driggs ’06 attends Episcopal High School. She is involved in photography and photojournalism, is a member of the Spanish club and SOS, and runs track. Gretchen Duff ’06 attends Episcopal High School, where she performed in Urinetown, the spring musical. She is an acolyte, a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and is on the volleyball team. Jordan Jones ’06 attends Episcopal High School. She is involved in art, photography and media literacy, and is a member of Students of Service. Harrison Kane ’06 attends Episcopal High School. He is a member of Young Life and the ping-pong club. He also plays football and is involved in wrestling. Lauren Krell ’06 attends Kinkaid and was cast in their production of Beauty and the Beast. Garret Leach ’06 attends St. Thomas High School. He is a member of a band and the rock club and also plays football. Omar Majzoub ’06 attends Episcopal High School. He plays baseball and soccer and is a member of the Spirit club. Will Maxwell ’06 attends Episcopal High School. He plays football and lacrosse and is a member of the ping-pong club. David McLean ’06 attends Episcopal High School, where he plays lacrosse, football and soccer. Robbe McNabb ’06 attends Episcopal High School. He plays football and basketball. Raffi Nazr ’06 attends St. Thomas High School. He plays bass and is involved in drama. He is a member of the rock club and plays golf. Dino Nicandros ’06 attends Memorial High School and was cast in the role of Beast in their spring production of Beauty and the Beast. Chronicle’s 2008 Volleyball Honor Roll. Julie Weggman ’07 attends Episcopal High School, where she is a member of the cheerleading squad. Annie Elliot ’08 attends Episcopal High School and was recently named a “rising vocal talent” in the school’s newspaper. Calhan Hale ’08 attends Episcopal High School and was recently voted into the Student Council. James Whitcomb ’08 attends Houston Christian and made Varsity Choir. Patrick Williford ’08 attends Episcopal High School and was recently voted into the Student Council. Lierin Peña ’06 attends Memorial High School. She plays the piano and is the Entertainment Editor for Memorial’s newspaper, The Anvil. Laura Porter ’06 attends Episcopal High School. She is a member of Youth Democrats and Students of Service. She is also involved with the newspaper and photojournalism and plays softball. Blake Schouest ’06 attends St. Thomas High School, where he founded the rock club. He is a member of the Spanish club, plays golf, and plays in a band. Elizabeth Strange ’06 attends Episcopal High School. She is a member of Model U.N. and plays lacrosse and field hockey. Ben Tucker ’06 attends Episcopal High School. He is a member of the chess club and plays rugby. Trace Williams ’06 attends Episcopal High School. He is an acolyte and a member of the ping-pong club. He plays football, basketball, and lacrosse. Marika Yanke ’06 attends Alexander Smith Academy and plays lacrosse. Jeff Zuspan ’06 attends St. Thomas High School. He enjoys wakeboarding, waterskiing and kayaking. He is a member of the Spanish club and the rock club and plays guitar in a band. Callie Cantrell ’06 is a sophomore at Lamar High School, where she is on the dance team. Michael Kumpas Jr. ’06 is a sophomore at St. Thomas High School. Michael is a letterman on the varsity swim team. He qualified in both regional and state swim meets. Michael has achieved his Eagle rank with Boy Scout Troop 354. Margaret Warmington ’07 attends Episcopal High School, where she is a member of the repertory dance group and the cheerleading squad. She also plays basketball. (25) 25 Various publications throughout the year feature our alumni. Be sure your latest news is included by e-mailing us with information on graduations, babies, marriages, career starts and changes, updated photos, vacation pictures, etc. Contact Anne Chisholm at 713.458.6141 or e-mail her at to update your information or schedule a tour of campus. You can also update you contact information via our web site: Simply go to the alumni section and select the survey option in the menu bar. We need your current mailing or e-mail address to include you in mailings. Don’t miss seeing photos of all your St. Francis friends! Log on today! Nikki Ellis ’07 attends Kinkaid, where she made the varsity volleyball team. She was also named in the Houston 39 Giving to St. Francis An n u a l Fu n d You can suppor t the mission of St. Fra n c i s t hough the St. Francis Episcopal Day S c h o o l A nnual Fund. These investments brid g e t h e g ap between tuition revenue and the co s t o f e ducating students. Ca p i t a l G i f t s You can suppor t St. Francis by making a m ajor gift in suppor t of a capital proje c t . To learn about capital gift oppor tuniti e s , c ontact Laurie Bilger, J.D. at 713.458 . 6 1 3 0 o r Pl a n n e d G i v i n g T here are many ways to make a lasting g i f t t o St. Francis Ep iscopal Day School that o f f e r f i nancial and tax advantages to the don o r : Oppor tunities include: Appreciated Securities Appreciated Proper ty Real Estate Life Insurance Bequests Retirement Plans Charitable Remainder Tr usts Charitable Lead Tr usts Br i d g e t He n n e s s e y Head of Institutional Advancement 713.458.6178 St a c y A l l e n Director of Annual Giving 713.458.6129 To learn more about these and other ways to contribute to St. Francis’ continued excellence in education, please contact Laurie Bilger, J.D. at 7 13.458.6130 or lbilger@sfedshouston . o r g . L a u r i e Bi l g e r, J . D . M a ke a G i f t O n l i n e w Advancement Associate 713.458.6141 By M a i l Sh a ro n Lu r a 3 35 Piney Point Road Houston, Texas 77024 40 Contact Us Director of Major Gifts 713.458.6130 Anne Chisholm Donor Ser vices Coordinator 713.458.6114 Fa i t h Scholarship Prayer attributed to St. Francis of Assisi Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Where there is hatred, let us sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is discord, union; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; Where there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; To be understood as to understand; To be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Courage Honor 33 5 P i n ey Po i n t Roa d Ho u s to n , Te x a s 7 7 0 2 4 Ph o n e : 7 1 3 . 4 5 8 . 6 1 0 0 ww w. s f e d s h o u s to n . o rg