February 2014 - Academy Publishing, Inc.
February 2014 - Academy Publishing, Inc.
Wekiva High School February 2014 Volume 7 Vision Academic and personal success for every student. Mission Each student will reach the highest standards of academic and personal success. Beliefs Students • Students are our first and foremost priority. • All students can and will learn in a challenging atmosphere. • Students are entitled to a safe and secure learning environment. Curriculum & Instruction • Rigor and relevance lead all instruction. • Constant self-assessment enriches our programs. • Extracurricular activities are vital to a well-rounded education. • Teamwork is essential. Community • Students, faculty and staff are life-long learners. • Faculty and staff are professional role models. • Respect and accountability are the cornerstones of all relationships. To download a PDF version of this newsletter, go to www.academypublishing.com. “Prepare for Greatness” Number 2 February 2014 A Message From the Principal D ear Mustangs, Mustangs are stampeding toward the 2014-2015 school year! We are registering for next year and preparing for the FCAT, End of Course, Advanced Placement and Industry Certification exams that begin with FCAT Writing on February 25. During these testing times, please be sure your Mustang is on time to school and brings to each test a good night’s sleep the night before, breakfast the morning of and the confidence and perseverance that we have been instilling throughout the year. Our incoming ninth graders enjoyed “Mustang Round Up” on January 23 during which they experienced some of the electives they can sign up for at Wekiva. Additionally, students and parents attended Future Freshmen Parent Orientation on January 29 to meet teachers and find out about such advanced opportunities as our Laser Photonics Magnet, and Scholars, AgriScience and Health Science Academies. Our guidance counselors visited with students from Piedmont, Lockhart and Ocoee Middle Schools. They have also been registering our current Mustangs through their English classes; after that process, they will be meeting individually to determine final schedules. Our full curriculum guide can be found on our web site. Students will have their schedule of courses for next year in May so they can make changes over the summer before June 14 as we want all students to gallop in to the school year with a full and correct schedule day one. When assisting your Mustang with his or her registration, please keep this important fact in mind: College Admission Officials’ first admissions priority is the RIGOR of ACADEMIC COURSEWORK taken in high school. GPA is not first but THIRD on their priority list (SAT and ACT scores are second). That means that it is more important for your child to pursue difficult academic work than to get straight A grades. Please make sure your child is attempting as many Honors/Pre-AP and AP classes, while also finding time to explore interests. This is a shift in mindset from those years in elementary and middle school when GPA was the first priority. Testing and our May 31 graduation are around the corner. Because of multiple legislative changes, please note that each graduating class has different requirements for testing and graduation. With each new year there is increased accountability, so please make sure your and your Mustang understand what he or she will need to pass to graduate. There’s a full page for each graduation class in the curriculum guide which I encourage you to track yourself with as our Mustang’s Prepare for Greatness. • Upcoming Events • • Band • • Fine Arts • “...college admission officials’ first... priority is the rigor of academic coursework taken in high school... it is more important for your child to pursue difficult academic Speech & Debate work than to get Student Services News Agriculture Department straight A’s” • Honor Roll List • Athletic News Sincerely, Elise Gruber Principal Inside This Issue: Page 2 Mustang Matters Upcoming Events February 13...................Mr. & Ms. Mustang Pageant – 7p.m. February 17...................Student Holiday –Presidents’ Day - School Closed February 21...................3rd Quarter Progress Reports Distributed; Black History Month Assemblies February 22...................PULSE Conference hosted by Wekiva February 24...................Music Pre-Music Performance Assessment Concert - 7 p.m. February 25...................FCAT Writing Test March 8...........................SAT Administration March 11.........................PTSA Meeting – 5:45 p.m.; SAC Meeting – 6:45 p.m.; Drama Showcase – 7 p.m. March 18.........................3rd Quarter Exams: Periods 1, 4, & 7 March 19.........................3rd Quarter Exams – Periods 3 & 5 March 20.........................3rd Quarter Exams – Periods 2 & 6 March 21.........................Teacher Work Day – No School for Students March 24 – 28.............Spring Break April 4..............................3rd Quarter Report Cards Distributed; Grad Bash – Universal Studios April 5..............................Apopka Art & Jazz Festival April 5-6..........................Relay for Life April 7-8..........................FCAT Reading Retake Tests April 8..............................PTSA Meeting – 5:45 p.m.; SAC Meeting – 6:45 p.m. April 12............................ACT Administration; Wekiva Prom – Buena Vista Palace April 14-15....................Grade 10 FCAT Reading Test April 15............................Top 5% Seniors Dinner/Celebration – 6 p.m. April 18............................3rd Quarter Grade Level Award Programs April 21-22....................Grade 9 FCAT Reading Test April 23- 26.................Spring Musical – 7 p.m. (Special Matinee Performance on April 26 – 2 p.m.) May 1................................Chorus Spring Concert – 7 p.m. May 2................................4th Quarter Progress Reports Distributed May 3................................SAT Administration May 5................................Spring Piano Recital – 7 p.m. May 8................................Dance Spring Concert – 7 p.m. May 12..............................Senior Class Awards Program – 6:30 p.m. May 13..............................PTSA Meeting – 5:45 p.m.; SAC Meeting – 6:45 p.m.; Orchestra Spring Concert – 7 p.m. May 15..............................Band Spring Concert – 7 p.m. May 20..............................Guitar Spring Concert – 7 p.m.; Spring Football Game vs. Mt. Dora – 7:30 p.m. Biology End of Course Assessment Need to get your brain in shape for the Biology End of Course Assessment? If your child is currently taking biology, they will be required to take the Biology End of Course Exam as part of their final grade for the class. This comprehensive exam will be given in May, but NOW is the time to begin to prepare! In order to help your son or daughter be successful on this exam, he or she will have access to multiple websites as well as additional opportunities for face-to • face instruction and review with the team of biology teachers here at Wekiva High School. The information for access to the websites will be sent home with your child at a later date, so be sure to be on the lookout for additional communications that will be going home with each student. Or goal is for EVERY biology student to pass!! Please help us by encouraging your son or daughter to start preparing now. Wanted: Scholars! The Scholar’s Academy at Wekiva High School will be accepting applications for potential incoming 9th grade students over the next few months. Any student interested in being part of the academy should contact Brian Charboneau @ brian.charboneau@ocps.net or (407)297-4900 (ext. 4626). Words of Advice for the FCAT Writing Test Parents, please remember that FCAT Writes will be given to every sophomore on February 25th. Please encourage your sophomore to be rested, eat a good breakfast, and do his or her best on this writing assessment! If you have any questions or concerns about this assessment, please contact Wekiva’s Writing Coach, Kristi Draus at Kristi.draus@ocps.net. Dropping Off Students in the Morning at School We have noticed an increase in the number of parents who drive their teenagers to school and drop them off in the middle of Hiawassee Road! Considering this is a two-lane highway on both sides of the street, this practice is extremely dangerous! In fact, it has already caused an accident. We know everyone is very timeconscious; however, for the safety of your child please do not drop your teen off in the middle of Hiawassee Road. Please enter by way of the main entrance and follow the stream of other parents who are dropping off their teen in front of our Media Center. We appreciate and value your cooperation and your care for the safety of all our teenagers! Thank you in advance! Heath brings Home Gold from Special Olympics Shawn Heath was the only bowler to make it to the State Games this year. He competed on November 16, 2013, at Boardwalk Bowl, and Shawn is sporting a shiny new Gold Medal for his first place win at the State Games. We congratulate Shawn for a tremendous job WELL DONE! We are very proud of Shawn! February 2014 Page 3 District 8 Marching Band Music Performance Assessment We congratulate the Wekiva High School Marching Band for their tremendous performance at the District 8 Marching Music Performance Assessment on Saturday, November 2, 2013, in the Citrus Bowl. The band earned an overall Excellent rating and a Superior rating in the General Effect category. The effect of the show was very apparent as the band received one of the largest audience reactions. We would also like to share our pride in having Benjamin Roldan and Christian Herrera selected for the Florida All-State Band! This is the third year in a row Wekiva has been fortunate to have students selected for this prestigious event. Benjamin Roldan was 1 out of only 8 trombone players in the entire state selected for the 9th and 10th grade Concert Band, and Christian Herrera was 1 of only 4 trombone players selected for the Jazz Band. This is a tremendous accomplishment! We are so very proud of these fine musicians! Fine Arts Kudos Wekiva students have many talents which earn them special recognition. We congratulate six of our Wekiva Chorus students for being selected to be a part of the All-County Choir. These students were selected from hundreds of students who auditioned from every school in the county, and only between 12 and 15 students from each voice part were chosen for the entire county. This is a very prestigious honor, and we congratulate Tawny Arguelles, Daniel Ally, Garfield Headley, Samantha Boelter, Logan Braue, and Christopher Delostrinos for being selected. Three of these students received additional accolades; specifically, Tawny Arguelles, Daniel Ally, and Garfield Headley have been selected for the 2014 All-State Chorus! This is quite an accomplishment as thousands of students across the state of Florida participate in an audition that includes a written music theory test, a sight-singing audition, and an octet reading in which they are required to learn 8 pieces of music and record them for a panel to judge them. Most schools are fortunate to have even 1 student selected, so we are honored to have 3 such hard-working and talented young musicians! We are extremely proud of all these remarkable students! And the noteworthy accomplishments in Fine Arts do not end here….we congratulate the Wekiva High Dance Company, Synergy Dance, for their success on November 8, 2013, at the All-County Dance Expose. Many of our Wekiva Dance students were selected to be a part of the All-County Lyrical Production and/or the All-County Hip Hop Production. These students were selected from approximately a hundred dancers who auditioned from every school in the county, and only 20 dancers were chosen for each Production Number. This is a very prestigious honor, and we congratulate Jennika Clarke, Salathiel Davis, Maritza Desir, Elizabeth Greer, Paige Howder, Helena Sostre, and Tiffany Williams for being selected. In addition, all of the company members participated in Master Classes on that Friday, followed by an adjudicated performance that evening. Wekiva was awarded 2 Excellent Awards and 1 Superior Award for their performances. Way to go, Wekiva Dance Company! Just when you thought the congratulatory notes were completed…we are very proud of the following students for auditioning and being accepted into the Orange County All-County Band:9th and 10th Grade Concert Band: Tyler Peters and Benjamin Roldan; 11th and 12th Grade Symphonic Band: Charles Hafner, Aquilla Marshall, Justin Tapper, and Richard T Rogers; Jazz Band: Aquilla Marshall. These students worked tremendously hard to prepare for these auditions and represented our school well during the All-County Festival in January. Finally, we extend our congratulations to two of our guitar students who were selected, by audition, for the All-County Guitar Ensemble: Hagen Meeks and Samantha Reyes. We also share our pride in congratulating our Orchestra students! On Saturday, November 9, 2013, they went to District Solo and Ensemble, at Lake Nona High School. Each solo and ensemble performance received an excellent or a superior rating, when they performed for judges. Many of these students had only been playing their instruments for two months! We are thrilled with these results and look forward to many more noteworthy accomplishments from our Orchestra students! ‘Mustang Matters’ February 2014 Published Four Times Per Year Orange County Public Schools P.O. Box 271 Orlando, FL 32802 Issue #2 Page 4 Mustang Matters Honor Roll 4.0 Straight “A” Honor Roll We are extremely proud of the following Mustangs who earned straight “A’s” in all their courses for the second marking period: ADAMS, MORGAN DANIELLE ALI, SHOBANNAH ANDREWS, BRITTANY LAYNE ATKINS, CHANDLER MARQUIS BECKINSALE, TIMOTHY ALEC DAVID BERG, NICHOLAS MORRIS BOORNAZIAN, TARA ROSE BORTON, ARIANA JASMINE BRIDGES, BRITTANY LATRICE BRIGGS, REBECCA DANIELLE BRYANT, AMBER FAYE CASTILLO, JAZLEEN ALEXIS CHANTILOUPE, CHENNEL ANNASTACIA CHARLES, PIERRE CHOWDHURY, RHEA ISLAM COOKS, CHRISTIAN ALLEN COVILLE, AARON JACKSON CRUZ, STEPHANIE ROSEANNE DEMOSTHENE, ASHLEY DESSERT, CASSIDY DANIELLE DOSSOUS, BRIANNAH ROSE DUVAL, ENANE FENN, TRUSHAWN FORTUNA GRACIA, KEMBERLIE FRAZIER, CHESTER CEREAN IV GAYLE, ISAAC MATTHEW GAYOT, TARAPHANIE HELENE GILBERT, LOGAN KEITH GILZEN, JACOB BYRON GIRON, JENNIFER GURKSNIS, BREYANNA F HAFNER, MATTHEW JAMES JAGDEO, JESSICA JAMES, DALTON JACOB JOHNSON, SAMANTHA LEANN LAM, EMILY HOANG LEE, RACHEL LERICHE, HAILEE ELISE LE’VERE, KAMARR EVAN LEWARK, AURORA MAKENZIE LOPEZ, BREANNA MAGGIO, WILLIAM MAIN, RAYCE JACOB MARGIOTTA, DEBORAH VITTORIA MARTINEZ, ROBERT CARLOS MATTHEWS, MELISSA GRACE MATTIS, AYANNA MYCHELLE MCCOY WATSON, DE MARCUS ISAIH MCILRATH, JAX STEPHENS MCTIGUE, ERIN ELIZABETH MERCADO, SYDNIE MARIE MEZA, MORELIA JESSICA MINEHART, KYLE ZACHARY MORRISON, JAMES ALOYSIUS II NANAN, NICKOLAS RICHARD NGUYEN, CUONG NJIE, JARAI B.K ODOM, NICHOLAS JOHN ONG, RICHARD LY OWENS, TAYLOR DEE PEREZ, AMERICOS PETERS, JAMES MICHAEL PIERCE, COURTNEY RENEE REDDICK, CANDICE PATRICE RIVERA NEGRON, PEDRO JOSE RIVERA, JASMIN SELENA RIVERA, MARIE ANGELIQUE ROGERS, MARTHA ANN SARRIS, KAITLIN REBECCA SICKLER, BERKLEY RAINE SINGH, ALYSSIA ROSHINI SMITH, EMILY ROSE STAUDT, KRISTINA LYNN SWANSON, ALYXANDRA TORRES RIVERA, JASSIRYS MICHELLE TRAN, HANNAH NGUYEN URENA GONZALEZ, KENIA IVON VANDYKE, XAVIER WILKINSON, CRAIG WALLACE 3.0-3.9 “A/B” Honor Roll The following Mustangs should be commended for their efforts in earning “A/B” honor roll status for the second marking period: ABBADIE, AARON ACOSTA, BRYAN HENSENY ADAMS, MATTHEW R AFRANEWAA, NANA AMA BOADU AGUILAR OROZCO, JOSE LUIS AGUILAR, MARIA MERCEDES AGUIRRE DE LEON, LESLIE VANESSA AHMAD, SABINA AKOON, JADA TAI AKOON, JENAI ALEXIS ALDOSSARY, LATIFAH LOLA ALEXANDER-LEWIS, CANDACE-ROSE MARIKA ALEXANDRE, ELIJAH JEREMIAH ALEXANDRE, KECIANA K ALEXIS, FRANCINE ALEXANDRA ALLEN, BREANNA ALLEN, MEGAN ALYSE ALLEN, STEVEN ALLENDE MOLINA, NOELYS DENISE ALLISON, KYLA ALLY, DANIEL ASIF ALVARADO-HERNANDEZ, NAZARIO AMARAL, ERIC BRAGA ANDERSEN, JONATHAN MARK ANDERSON, TALIYAH SYMONE ANGELES, BIANCA MARIA ANIAPAM, KWAME AMPENE ANTHONY, SHATERRANCE LA MIKA ANZO, NANCY ARCHER, KEON ANTHONY ARGUELLES, TAWNY LEVZ ARISTILDE, SHEALTIELE ARNOLD, TYLER FREEMAN ASUNCION, JOHN KRISTIA N ATKINS, KATIE ESTELLE AYDELOTTE, TREVOR AYDELOTTE, ZACHARY BAGOT, JOSHUA STEPHEN BAILEY, ASHLEY NICHOLA BAIRD, SYDNI BROOKE BAKER, DESTINY ARKISHA BAKER, TARRIYAH AMARIE BALDERAS, MAITE GUADALUPE BANALES, VANESSA BARGAINEER, JARAE NEECOLE BARGAINEER, JAROD RASHON BARREAU, VICTORIA J BARRETT, TIFFANY KIARAH BASTOS, ASHLEIGH ELIZABETH BEATON, ALEXIS BEHRENDT, KALEB WARNER BEHRENDT, PARKER ANTHONY BELL, ANTHONY MANUEL BELL, BARTIMAEUS TREVON BENHAM, GABRIELLE MARIE BENITEZ, JUAN PABLO BENNETT, HANNAH ELIZABETH BERGSCHNEIDER, BEVERLY MICHELLE BERONILLA, FIDEL MARCUS LECHUGA BERRINGER, ZACHARY TYLER BERRY, RAEGAN LYNAE BEY, CHLOE IMANI BILLUPS, TYREEK DUBOIS BOELTER, SAMANTHA DIANE BOHLER, GUYSEN NAPOLEON JR BRANN, CHEYAN KRISTINA BRATHWAITE, ELISA STARR EBONY BRATTON, CARESSA MARIE BRAUE, LOGAN ALEXANDER BRIDGES, AMAYA BRIGGS, RACHEL NICOLE BRIGHAM, JORDEAN S BROOKS, CANELIUS JR BROWN, ALICE NELLIE ANN BROWN, AUSTIN CURTIS BROWN, JANAE ANGELA BROWN, JARED MALIK BROWN, KEVIN GRANT BROWN, KRISTINA LAUREN BROWN, LILLIE-ANNA MCKENZIE BRUCE, AARON CHRISTOPHE BRUTUS, EMMANUEL BRUTUS, JAMES GODSON BRUTUS, RACHEL MARIE BRYANT, QUENTIN DSHAWN BUMANN, CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL BURGE, CASSANDRA ANN MARIE BURGOS, LIZENID BURKE MONDS, ALONNA NICOLE BURKEPILE, LACEY MAE BUSH, ALISHA ANNETTE BUSH, KYNDALL CHEYENNE CALL, NICHOLAS STEVEN CAMPBELL, MARCI CAMPBELL, QUMARI DE’SHAWN CAMPOPIANO, LEA FRANCESCA CANFIELD, BRIANNA LEIGH CARABALLO, XIOMY ELENA CAREY WALKER, CHRISTIAN CARR, SHASHANESHA CARTY, SHAINA STACY ANN CASTANEDA, YARELIS CASTILLO, JESENIA DENISE CASTILLO, KIMBERLY NOELIA CASTRO, MEGHAN EVE CENTENO, FEDERICO M CESAR, ZURI ANA CHAN, SATISH ANDREW CHANDERDAT, ANDREW NAVENDRA CHAVIS, SAMANTHA JAMISON CHISOLM, DARREN ANTONIO CHRISTIE YOUNG, DE ANNA CLAIBORNE, TANNER ERIC CLOUDEN, TARIQ JAHMAL CODE, LA SHAYLA CODNER, C’ANDRE COLEMAN, YAWN RICO JR. COLLAZO, FRANKIE ELFRAN COLLIER, KATHARINE ALEXANDRA COLLINS, MARSHAY DYON COLON, ARIEL DESTINY COLON, MARINA ALICIA CONWAY, DAQUAN SUGARRAY COSTA, KATHLEEN JARMENDIA COVILLE, HOLLIE MAY COX, TAMARA ANTOINETTE CRESCIONI, CAMILIA ROSA CRESCIONI, ERIK OMAR CRUZ, LYDIA MARILYN CRUZ, MELANIE ANN CULLEN, STERLING ANNE CUMBIE, CIARA KATRIE CUNNINGHAM, AUDLEY CHRISTOPHER CUPIDAN, YOLIZMA CURINTON, ALESHIA SHANTERIA CUTLER, JEREMIAH SHAWCAR DANG, PHUONG THI THANH DANGERFIELD, DEANDRE DANIEL, KENNETH NAHOUM DAVIS, DOUGLAS CAMERON DAVIS, MARCUS JEROME DAVIS, NORRIS ABDOUL DAVIS, SALATHIEL DANISE DAVIS, TREVEON AMARI DAVIS, ZENOBIA SEGUOAUS TIERRA DEBILLE, ANTHONY JOSEPH DEFOOR, CANDICE SHAE DEL VALLE, VICTOR JESUS DELGADO, LIDIA ELIANA DELICE, KRYSTELLE FRANCESS DEMOSTHENE, BRADLEY DEMOSTHENE, BRYAN DENNIS, CALI LEANN DEPAIVA, SAVANNAH RAE DERFUSS, SEAN MITCHELL DESSERT, SHAINA ROCHELLE DESUE, KOBE LEVERT DEWEY, MADISON MARIE DEWEY, MATTHEW CHARLES DHANRAJ, STEPHANIE HEMA DIAZ, PATRICK DICKSON, KAITLIN CHEYENNE DION, CHARLES ANTOINE DION, CHARLES ANTOINE DONALDSON, ALISHA JADE DOOLEY, SARAH MARIE DORELUS, ERCHELLE DUNKLEY, WESLEY DONALD DURAN, AUSTIN DURAN, SIERRA EARNEST, LAUREN PAIGE EDGE, JANELLE A EDWARDS, NAKI KADEEM ELLIOTT, CAMDEN JACOB ELLIS, ZARIYAH N ELZIE, CHRISTINA RENEE ESQUIVEL PEREZ, EDREY EUGENE, DANTE ALAIN FAIL, ERICA MARIA FARNAM, TIFFANI ANN FENELUS, VANESSA LINDSAY FERSOLA ALCANTARA, YELISSA NICOLE FIGUEROA RAMOS, VICTOR EMANUELLI FISH, CAMERON NOEL FOLKES, RICKY MARQUIS FORBES, EDMUND FOUTS, WILLIAM EDDISON FRANCOIS, ERICKA TASHA FRISH, KYLIE ANN MARIE FULTON, STEPHANIE MARIE GABRIEL, JEREMY ADAM GALARZA, DENISE NICOLE GARCIA MENDOZA, MICHELLE GARCIA, JASMINE ROSE GARCIA, JAVIER GARCIA, JONATHAN ALIZE GARCIA, SABRINA CHRISTINE GARDNER, ROGER DEJUAN GARRETT, LINDSEY NICOLE GATES, JORDAN MICHAEL GELAIS PIERRE, SANDY LOVE GENTILE, MICHAEL ANTHONY GIDUS, THOMAS DANIEL GILLETTE, RILEY ANNE GILLIAM, QUARTNEY KORONA GLOVER, DARWIN ORLOVE GOHMAN, PHOENIX GONZALEZ, EMMANUEL VICTOR GONZALEZ, GISSELLE GONZALEZ, GISSELLE MARIE GONZALEZ, GIZELLE ASHLYN GONZALEZ, JESSICA MARIE GONZALEZ, RACHEL EMILY GOODRICH, HANNAH ELIZABETH GOODRIDGE, JONAS MAJESTIC GOODSON, BAKHARI GORDON, TIFFANY ELEZEBETH GOSS, CHAMPANGE LYNETT UNRTICE GRACE, JERMAINE MACEO JR GREAUX, ADAM GENE GREEN, TIANNA SHAVON GREENE, IAN GRICE, CHELSEA ELIZABETH GUAMAN, JO-ANNE GUERRA, MIKAYLA ALEXANDRIA GUILIANO, NICHOLAS DAVID GUILLEN, MARCEL GUO, XIANG FENG GUZMAN, TESSA P HAFNER, CHARLES HENRY HAFSANUR, MIM HAGAN, DANIELLE JORDAN HAIFA, FAREED WAJDI HAIFA, SHAWKI WAJDI SHAWIK HAIMDAS, ANTHONY TEENARINE HAINESWORTH, ANGEL NICOLE HALL, CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH JR HALL, ZAKOYA R HAMARIC, LAURA KATHERINE HAMILTON, SAMANTHA JOSEPHINE HANES, RODNEY C HANLEY, LAURA ANN HANNAH, KIRKWOOD LAWRENCE II HARMAN, JESSICA FAITH HARPER, BRIANNE MCKENZIE HARPER, JAMES RAYMOND II HARRIPERSAD, GABRIELLE SARAH HARRISS, CHLOE ALEXANDRA HARVEY, LAMARCUS VENET HAUS, TAYLOR ANN HAWKINS, CHRISTOPHER ALAN HEADBERG, DUSTIN ROB HEATH, SHAWN RYAN HEFLIN, ASHLEY AMANDA HEISS, SARAH TERESA HENDERSON, OCTAVIA HERNANDEZ FERNANDEZ, YADIRA HERNANDEZ, ISABEL HERRERA, ELI CESAR HEYER, DESTANI MICHELLE HEYWARD, CHANDLER CATHELINE HILL, JOSEPH MICHAEL HILL, RODRYK NIZELL HILTON, SPENCER MARK HINZ, TRAVIS ALAN HOANG, AN PHAN KHANH HOCKEY, CODY LEE HOHM, NICOLE ELISABETH HOLLAND, BRYANN DANIELLE HOLLOWAY, DARION KAI’REE HORELICK, MAKENZIE DELANE HORTON, DARIAN NICOLE HOSIER, SIERRA JADE HOWARD, AARON HULISKA, CHRISTOPHER ISAAC HUQ, LAILA HURLEY, JESSE LEE HURLEY, SAMANTHA LEE INGRAM, EBONI SIMONE INNISS, NIA BRIANNA IRVIN, SHANIAH LANAE ISAAC, NAVYA IUS, GABRIELLE ELIZABETH JACKSON, KAMERA VIRGINIA JACKSON, RAIMELLO ANTWON JACKSON, TARA LEIKO JACOBS, MICHAEL JR JACQUES-LOUIS, K’TURA TONIA JAHNKE, CHRISTINE ELIZABETH JAIMES, ALEXIS JAMES, JELANI NIGEL JANVIER, SHAWNA ANNETTE JARNIGAN, JOSHUA GARRATT JASSO, JONATHAN JERICHO, JESSE JAMES JETER, LACI MICHELE JIMENEZ, JADE LINNETTE JOCELYN, CHELSEA DEJA JOHNSON, ADRIAN JOHNSON, BRIANNA PATRICE JOHNSON, CELINA JOHNSON, DANIELLE MARIE JOHNSON, JAVON M. JOHNSON, JAVON SHAMAR JOHNSON, JOSEPH LUNDRE JONES, JOVAN DARNEL JONES, RYAN MICHAEL JOSEPH, ASHNEE GRAY JOSEPH, JEFFREY JURADO, ANDRES FELIPE KAMENS, CAMILLE JADE KAY, MIRANDA LYNN KELLY, DELANEY ASHLYN KELLY, KYLE ROBERT KESE, JUDE PRINCE ASAMOAH KESE, RHODA DAVIS KING, ELLIE ANN KING, NOEL ALLY KLEIER, AUSTIN EDWARD KLEIER, JUSTIN WILLIAM LABOY, CARLA MICHELLE LAGUERRE, MIDELINE LAGUERRE, SHANIA LALANDE, COURTNEY JANE LANDSINGER, CATHRINE NELL LARKINS, DAVID SKYY LATIGUE, DEBORAH LATTIN, JAHNYQUA IYOSHA LAYTON, JOHN BURTON LE, MANFRED PHUE LEHEUP, BENJAMIN LEHEUP, JOHNATHAN THOMAS LEWIS, JANECE ELLISHA LEYANNA, SIENNA MARIAN LOPEZ MACIO, ALEJANDRA NOHELY LORA, AMBAR ROBERLY LOWREY, KELLI JO LUBIN, SHAKARA TRACY LUCAS, DOMINIQUE ARIEL LUCERO, HANNAH MARIA LY, EMILY LYONS, DIAMOND MADDOX, CHIARA S MADDOX, DEZLARAE MAGGIO, CALEB MATTHEW MAIN, KYLA LEEANN MAIN, RACHEL LYNN MALDONADO PEREZ, KELVIN ENRIQUE MAMADAMONOVA, KHAIRINA MANNIX-THOMAS, KRISTEN MARBRA, KIEREN THALIL MARCANO, CURTLY CALETUS MARQUEZ, JORGE FRANCISCO MARSHALL, AQUILA JAMES MARTIN, DOMINIQUE BEATRICE MARTIN, JUZANNE CHRISTOBEL MARTIN, TYJA MARKEIR MARTINEZ, FEDERICO MARTINEZ, GISELLE MARTINEZ, JOAQUIN MC GEE, NATALIE MCCALLISTER, JOHNATHAN HUNTER MCCONNELL, JILLIAN MARIE MCCRAY, BENNY KAESEAN MCCRAY, KAERRA BREYONA MCFARLANE, SHANTELL LERESSA MCKOY, MARTINA MCLEMORE, MYA FELICIA MCLEOD, DEJA DEBRA MCMILLIAN, DEMAURIUS J SHAWN MCPHERSON, JAEWAN DEONTE MEDINA, TIFFANY AMBER MEDRANO, CARLOS MIGUEL MEEKS, HAGEN COLE MEEKS, JAMES ALLEN MELENDEZ, KIARA RAQUEL MELLOR, STEPHEN MELTON, LATAVIOUS MERVILUS, LAUREN YVETTE METAYER, GALIANO GREGORE MEULENS, INDIRHA REBECCA MIAH, MEHJEBIN A MILLER, CHRISTOPHER VINCENT B MILLER, DEJA CERAI MILLER, DIANA RAE MILLER, RACHAEL LYN MILLER, TIMOTHY LAWSON MILLIGAN, HEATH CHRISTOPHE MILLIS, MASON MC KINLEY February 2014 MILLS, KYLE ANTHONY MILLS, TYQUARIUS JERMAINE MINEHART, KAYLA NICOLE MITCHELL, AMANDA AFRICA MITCHUM, MELISSA YVETTE MOFFETT, KADIJA JESSICA MOHABIR, JUSTIN ANTHONY MOJICA FLORES, JOSE IVAN MONAGAN, EDWARD DEMETRICE MONESTIME, TYLER ANTHONY MOODY, ALEXIS KRISTIA MOORE, JULIA MARIE MOORE, TARYNN ALEXIS MORALES MAYMI, JUAN CARLOS MORRIS, JAZMINE MARIE MORRIS, KEON TYRIK MORROW, BENJAMIN LOGAN MOULTON, SHANELL ALESIA MYRTIL, WHITNEY CHRISTINE NAUTH, RAJIV DEVINDRA NAUTH, RYAN YOGENDRA NEAL, JUSTUS TYVUNTAI NELSON, GRACE ANN NEUBAUER, ALEXANDRIA MARGARET NEUBAUER, ZACHARY CREED NEWSOME, ZU MONDRAE NATHANIEL NGUYEN, KIM NGAN NOEL, MARIE O FFILL, MEGAN RENEE O LOUGHLIN, MICHAEL OCASIO GARCIA, GABRIELYS OLIVER, CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH OLIVERAS, KEISHLA MARIE OMRAO, PRETIMA ORMAND, JESSE MICHAEL ORRAS, RAEANNE NOELLE ORTIZ, DIANNA MARIE OSBORNE, ERICA MARIE OSBORNE, TYLER OVALLE, MARCANTHONY OVANDO, ESTEFANY AGRIPINA PAJOTTE, JOVANAH PALMER, SEAN CHRISTOPHER PARK, SEOHYEON PASSERA, CHRISTINA LEE PASSERA, XABRINA IRENE PATTERSON, DA JON JAQUEZ PATTERSON, ISHAN PAYNE, NASIR ELIJAH PAYNE, TASHIQUIONA T T PEAVEY, AUSTIN TAYLOR PENATE, GISSELLE PEOPLES, VON ARTHUR JR. PEREZ COLON, NANCY NICOLE PEREZ, AMERISHA PEREZ, CHRISTOPHER PEREZ, MELANIE PERKINS, THERON MORRITZ JR PERKINS, TRELANI MONTRAIL PERRY, TEHYA TESS PETERSON, DYNESHA PETERSON, TRENTON JAMES PHAN, DAVID CANH PHILEMONT, SAMANTHA PHILLIPS, CHARLES DANIEL PIERCE, MATTAIAH HENDRICK PIERRE, BABARA PIERRE, JOEL PIMENTEL, JOCELYN PINEIRO, WALFRANK DAVID PLATT, REYANNE DEANNA POLLARD, ERIC LYNN POOLE, JARED ELIAS POTTS, KALYN MARIE POWELL, JOVAUGHN LAMAR PRIEM, MORGAN ASHLEY QUINONES, MARCUS QUINTANA, DAVID QUINTERO, BRYANNA LIN RAMOS CANARTE, GERALDINE Page 5 RAMOS, LUIS GABRIEL RANIEY, MARVIN MALIK JR RASSEL, ISABEL MAGALI RATLIFF, MERCEDES REED, KASSI NICOLE REED, PAUL REID, CHARLANA REISING, EMILY ANN REPACI, RAYMOND WILLIAM RESENDIZ, JESUS M REYES, BRENDA REYES, SAMANTHA ANGELICA RICCI, KAITLYN ROSE RICHARDSON, ALEXIS E’MON RICHARDSON, MESSIA KOROHN RICKS, BRIYANA LATRELE RIGGINS, KRISTIAN RIOS, TIFFANY A RIVERA CRUZ, YAMIL FRANCISCO RIVERA, HANNAH JEAN RIVERA, NICHOLAS JOSEPH ROBERT, KERBY DAVID ROBERTS, ANTHONY GERMAINE JR ROBERTS, JACOB AARON ROBERTS, MARISSA LYNN ROBERTSON, AUSTIN ROBINSON, MAYA MICHELLE ROBLES, ABRAHAM ROCHE, DARREN RODRIGUES, EVELISE IVETE RODRIGUEZ ROSA, ABIGAIL RODRIGUEZ TORRES, JENNIFER RODRIGUEZ TURINO, IRIAN RODRIGUEZ, ABIGAIL LEE RODRIGUEZ, ERIKA JACELIS RODRIGUEZ, GILBERT RODRIGUEZ, JENNIFER RODRIGUEZ, JEREMY RICARDO RODRIGUEZ, JOSE RODRIGUEZ, MARTIN JR RODRIGUEZ, SABRINA M RODRIGUEZ, YOSELINE JAQUELIN ROGERS, RICHARD THOMAS ROLLINS, MATTHEW MC CRERY ROLON, MARY JIMENEZ ROMAND, NATHAN BEN ONY ROMERO, MANUEL JAVIER ROSA, ADAMARIS ROSARIO, KIARA LIZ ROY, RAYMOND LUIS RUCKSTUHL, KATHERINE MARIE RUNNELLS, HAYDEN RUTLEDGE, LATRAVIA ALISHA SAAVEDRA, ROBERTO MARTIN SAINT PIERRE, JAMES SALAS SANCHEZ, BRYAN ALEXIS SALTERS, SHARAD JUWAN SANCHEZ MATIAS, IVANESHKA LEE SANCHEZ, HECTOR MANUEL III SANTANA, MATTHEW SANTIAGO, CHRISTIAN ANDREW SANTIAGO, RUTH ZONELY SANTOS, CARMITCHELL MARIE SARBER, BRANDON RONALD SCEALS, CAROLINE STERLING SCHOEN, ELLIS SCHULLO, ELIZABETH SCOGGINS, TRAVIS DANIEL SCOTT, ANAYA AVIANNA SCOTT, JARVIS SENATUS, TAINA DOROTHEE SERRANO, JESUS ALFREDO SHACKELFORD, DEVONTE LEOTIS SHARMA, DEMITRI PAMESHWAR SHARP, JOSEPH ANTHONY SHAW, JASON TYLER SHEFFERMAN, SEAN DAVID SHELTON, MARY CHELSEA SHEPPARD, RUBEN WESLEY SHERMAN, CHEYANNE NICOLE SIERRA, ALAURA ROSA SIGLE, HALEY LYN SILVA, ANTHONY JOHN SIMMONS, ALEX DERON SIMMONS, AMYA CAPRICE SINGH, KARAN BRANDON SKATES, AUTUMN MARIE SKIPPER, SAVANNAH SLAYTON, JAMILAH ATIYA SLEDGE, NOAH D’VON SMALLWOOD, TYRESE LEVELLE SMALT, KYLE ANDREW SMITH PAEZ, BIANCA YELIZ SMITH, AUBREY SMITH, BREANN JOYCE SMITH, DE ANNA SMITH, KALA ANN SMITH, KELLY MARIE SMITH, LAUREN SMITH, ROASIA LEONA SMITH, SAMUEL VON JR SMITH, SARA ABIGAIL SOSTRE, HELENA CAROLSUE SOTELO, FERNANDO SOTO, AGUSTIN SEBASTIAN SOTO, ANNE MARIE SPECK, AYLA RAINE ST. JACQUES, AGLAMENTA STANLEY, DUSTIN RAY STANLEY, SHAWN MICHAEL STEELE, DANIELLE CHANAE STEPHENS, HANNAH ELIZABETH STEVENSON, MALCOLM STEWART, KYAMANNI STONE, CAYSEA RUTH STOUTE, SIMEON SOLOMON SUBA, RAMONA RENUKA SUNDAR, NANDENI SWEETLAND, TANESHA MICHAELA SWINGLE, ANTHONY TALBERT, JACOB ALLEN TAPPER, CALA PRISCILLA TARR, DANIELLE THAI, KEVIN QUOC THOMANN, JARRYD STEPHEN THOMAS, KHANDIA THOMAS, TAKEIDRIA THOMAS, TANEIA RENEE THOMPSON, JASMINE MELISSA THOMPSON, SPENCER TIMOTHY TIENE, CHANTAL TIPPINS, LAUREN DESTINY TIRADO, MICHAEL ALEXANDER TOMPKINS, MALLORY ROSE BLANC TORRES, LYRIC DAMONI TOUCHTON, ALLISON MARIE TRAUTSCH, JACOB ALAN TREJO, GLORIA MARIANA TRIGUEROS, ANGEL RUBEN TROELL, AMY NICOLE TRUONG, KELLEY AL TUCKER, ALEXANDER TURNER, GAGE TYLER TURNER, MASON GREGORY TURNER, MORGAN SYLESE TWIDDY, DEVIN TREY TWIDDY, DEVIN TREY VALDEZ, ALEXANDRA CELESTE VALENZUELA, CRISTIAN ATILANO VALIS, ARIEL NORREY VALLES, OLRITCH VALVERDE, MARCO VICENTE VANDERSLUIS, NINA SIMONE VANKERSCHAEVER, CODY ALEXANDER VEGA, MAGDIEL JOSE VELASQUEZ, RIQUE TRANIECE VELAZQUEZ QUILES, JOSHUAN RICARDO VELAZQUEZ, JOANNA VELEZ, EDUARDO GABRIEL VERA, JEHU DAVID VERRECHIO, BROOKE ALICEN VERTUS, NADEGE VIERA, SABRINA MARIA VILLA HERNANDEZ, EMILY MARIE VILLALOBOS, ANDREW LEE VILLALOBOS, ANGELICA MARIE VO, HUY-HOANG VORHEIS, BRETT VOSE, CARISSA VU, LAURA LYNNE WALDHEIM, SCOTT VAN WALKER, CARLY ROSE WALKER, DESLYN JOSEPHINE WALKER, MICAH RACHEL ANN WALTON, JOSHUA NATHAN WARD, JORDAN TYLA WARREN, JOCORREA LOVETTE WASHINGTON, ADRIAN JERMAINE WASHUTA, AMBER NICOLE WEISENT, EMILY DAWN WELCH, AMY LYNN WELLER, BRITTANY NICOLE WEST, FAITH MARIE WEST, LUCY ELLA WHARTON, ALEXIS TIARA WHITE, LIZABETH AMY WHITE, TYREEK LAVON WHITLOCK, SHELBY JEANETTE WHITLOW, DENISE MARIE WHITLOW, KATIE ANNE WILLIAMS, ALEXIS CHRISTINE WILLIAMS, JAYDA RENEE WILLIAMS, MIESHA DENISE WILLIAMS, SENSI EMELIA WILLIAMS, TIFFANY WILLIAMS-LEE, JADA ALEXIS WILLS, YEROUK WILSON, RONEL ORLANDO WINTERS, DANIEL RAPHAEL WOLFE, ROLAND WOLFORD, SAVANNAH LEIGH WONSEY, PATRICIA ANN WOODBURY, KAMRON STEWART WRIGHT, SAMANTHA LYNN WYNN, EMILY MARIE ZACKERY, JAMES EDWARD JR ZAMORA, JULISSA ZAMUDIO, ALAN ZIERS, EZEKIEL News from Student Services Due to the departure of a counselor (Ms. Flader) in guidance, all students are being taken care of by the remaining four counselors. If you have questions, please check our website as it has all pertinent information: teacherpress.ocps.net/heatherjones Algebra EOC scores are in!! If you took the Algebra EOC in December, you can find out your scores. Contact your counselor if you have difficulty viewing your scores. ACT scores are in!!! If you are a junior or senior and took the ACT in December, the scores are in. Contact your counselor if you have difficulty viewing your scores. Good luck to everyone! Real World Applications for AP Human Geography Mrs. Charboneau’s AP Human Geography students are applying what they are learning in the classroom and helping others improve their lives at the same time! Income from course t-shirt sales has gone to support individuals in less developed areas of the world (e.g., Vietnam, Georgia, and Cambodia). We have selected 2 women and 1 group to be the recipients of a $25 (each) microloan through Kiva (http://kiva.org). Students learned that microcredit programs are very small, low-interest loans that, generally, impoverished people ask for in order to start or expand a business and/or alleviate poverty. Our particular recipients are using their loan monies to start a café, improve the safety of a house, and build a community septic system with a hand washing station. These loans are repaid in increments each month and several installments have already been made on our loans! Page 6 Mustang Matters Upcoming Music Events Wekiva Speech & Debate News On February 24, 2014, our Chorus, Band, and Orchestra programs will present their annual Pre-MPA Concert in preparation for their Music Performance Assessments. These ensembles will perform the repertoire that they will later perform for a panel of judges who will score them according to a rubric set by the state. Come and see them in our own Wekiva High School Auditorium on Monday, February 24, at 7:00 p.m. The concert is free and open to the public. On Thursday, May 1, 2014, the Wekiva High School Chorus will present its Spring Concert entitled “Songs from the Silver Screen.” This concert will feature selections from some of your favorite films. The concert is at 7:00 p.m. In the Wekiva Auditorium, and the cost is $3 for adults, $2 for students. The Wekiva Speech and Debate team has been having a tremendous year with Varsity and Novice tournaments. We have seen Varsity debater Jessica Jagdeo have a stellar year improving from month to month moving from 3rd place in Student Congress to winning consecutive 1st place trophies. This entire season she has been a stand out in the event. In Dramatic Performance Sean Duncan has also been a leader in the pack this season. He has scored 1st place, 2nd place, and Best Novice trophies this year. Our team has also grown this year by adding monthly novice tournaments through the formation of the Central Florida Debate Initiative. This has allowed our novices to participate in after school scrimmages to compete to fine tune skills and win medals. We have had several stand outs at these tournaments with Kamarr Le’Vere dominating Oral Interpretation with his 1st place medals each time he competed. Celina Johnson and Gizelle Gonzalez earned 1st place in Public Forum Debate, and the duo of Daniel Musser and Jasper Pickels earned 2nd place in Public Forum Debate. The regular season is coming to a close with the remaining tournaments leading up to state and nationals. On February 21st the team will compete to see who will represent our district at the Grand National tournament in Chicago in May. In March we will see who competes at the Varsity State tournament, and this year Wekiva will host the Florida Novice State Tournament. We are looking for volunteers (student and adult) to help with the tournament. We need individuals to help guide participants to their rooms, serve food, judge, and with clean up. This is a fantastic opportunity to help serve the Speech and Debate programs across the state. On Thursday, January 23rd we hosted Voices Out Loud a night where we celebrated two national competitions the NEA sponsored Poetry Out Loud and the English Speaking Union’s Shakespeare Monologue Contest. We selected the Wekiva representatives for both contests. The state representative for Poetry Out Loud is Kamarr Le’Vere. He will compete in Tallahassee in March for the state title. The winner of the state competition will travel on to compete at nationals in Washington DC for the opportunity to win a $20,000 cash prize. In the Shakespeare Monologue Contest Sean Duncan took home the 1st place prize. Sean will compete in February at the Central Florida ESU competition for the opportunity to travel to New York City to compete at the national competition that is held at the Lincoln Center. The winner of the competition will receive a scholarship to study acting in England. Both Sean and Kamarr have had a promising year competing on the Speech and Debate team. Spring Musical Preparations Are Underway Our Spring Musical, The Drowsy Chaperone, is currently in production. Please mark your calendars for these performance dates: • Wednesday, April 23rd, 7p.m. • Thursday, April 24th, 7p.m. • Friday, April 25th, 7p.m. • Saturday, April 26th, 2p.m. (matinee) and 7p.m. Come out and enjoy this incredible collaboration including music, dance, and drama! Orchestra News Mrs. Andrea Tobin, Director Beginning Orchestra Our Beginning Orchestra is doing great things, as they begin to really become proficient on their instruments. We are so proud of how much they have learned in just a short period of time! It is so fun to watch everyone become more confident with their own musicianship and also be able to work as a team and sound like a great ensemble. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Our Orchestra Spring Concert is Tuesday, May 13th, at 7pm, in the Wekiva High School Auditorium. We’ll be combining with the WHS Advanced Orchestra, the Piedmont Lakes Middle School Orchestra, and the Lockhart Middle School Orchestra. Advanced Orchestra Our Advanced Orchestra is busy preparing for our Concert Music Performance Assessment, where we will perform for three judges, during our stage performance, and for one judge during our sight reading performance. We have one opportunity to perform well on that day, so we are working hard to do great things. During the sight reading portion of our assessment, we will have to read a piece of music that we have never seen before, after only looking at it and discussing it for a few minutes. This is very similar to the professional musician who may have to play new music, on sight, frequently. We are very proud of our students, who are coming together to support one another, as a fine musical team. Guitar News Mrs. Andrea Tobin, Director Advanced Guitar Our most advanced students make up our Wekiva High School Guitar Ensemble: Samantha Reyes, Sean Palmer, Kristina Brown, Hagen Meeks, and Shawn Stanley. These students performed at the Florida Living Center and helped those residents enjoy a wonderful evening of music. We are excited about having the opportunity to watch our Advanced Guitar students become fine musicians! $25 OFF any repair made with proof of coupon No other discounts or coupons can be used with this coupon February 2014 Page 7 Athletes of the Week Mustangs Basketball Ring of Honor This year our Athletic Department has tried to recognize various athletes for their outstanding athletic talents and skills. These student athletes work hard, persevere, and serve as excellent role models for their peers. We will continue to acknowledge our student athletes in subsequent editions of our quarterly newsletter. We take great pride in sharing the following with you: Male: Ray Repaci (12th) – Bowling During the State championships, he struck more than 80% of the time and was instrumental in spurring our team on to victory. Time and time again he made key shots to keep us in the game. In addition, He finished 2nd beating out over 250 of the top bowlers in the state to take the runner up medal in individual competition. Male: Cody Vankerschaever (Boy Soccer) Vankerschaever, as captain, led Wekiva to the to the team’s first win of the season. In the district match versus Ocoee he scored the first goal to put Wekiva ahead and assisted on the second goal to seal the Mustang win. Female: Yolizma Cupidan (Girls Basketball) Against Ocoee, she scored 13 points and recorded 9 rebounds. The next night in the win over Evans, Cupidan had a double-double scoring 13points and 11 rebounds. To cap off the week, she scored a high 18 points and grabbed 9 boards. Male: Andy Obregon (Boys Soccer) As a field player Andy was a good addition for Wekiva’s soccer team this year. With the starting goalie knocked out of action with a concussion Andy volunteered to step in and help his team. His selfless act for the team has been inspiring to the staff and players. In the past three games he has made over 75 saves. So far this season he has lead us to two shutouts. With the potential to be one of the best goalies in the area Andy Obregon is well on his way to becoming the best soccer player he can be. His courage and commitment to the teammates leaves little to doubt about why he deserves this award. Male: Willie Carmichael (Boys Basketball) In the games vs. Lake Wales, Oviedo, and Windermere Prep, Carmichael averaged 18 points and 12.7 rebounds per game. This helped lead to a perfect 3-0 week. Female: Luset Manuel (Girls Weightlifting) At the Sub-District Championships, Manuel (199 class)came from behind and won her weight class with a season best clean and jerk of 180lbs. She also benched a 140lbs for a total of 325 for the meet. Luset advanced to the District Championships at Timber Creek. Male: Aaron Bruce (Wrestling) Aaron placed 3rd at the Hutchins Invitational Tournament at Bishop Moore. He finished with 4 wins and 1 loss. Bruce, the team’s captain, currently boasts a 21-1 season record and looks to compete for a District title on February 1st at Ocoee. Female: Jaleeyah Cayo (Girls Weightlifting) Jaleeyah placed second to her teammate in Sub-District and Metro Championship. She has made substantial gains this year on bench press and clean and jerk with 135 and 140, totaling 275. Jaleeyah is a hard worker and a determined young lady. Male: Ruben Monroe (Boys Basketball) The senior forward led the Mustangs (19-3) to a 3-0 record during the week of January 20, 2014. Monroe was the scoring leader in 2 of the 3 games that week, scoring 19 points vs. Olympia and 14 points vs. East Ridge. Ruben has been noted as one of the most improved players in the state. Female: Girls Weightlifting Team The Girls Weightlifting team brought home their 4th Metro title and 2nd District Championships during the week of January 20th.. This team has been a consistent power throughout Central Florida. Seven of the team’s lifters competed at the FHSAA State Finals on February 8th at the Kissimmee Civic Center. At the time of this writing we do not know the results. As our basketball program enters its 7th year of existence, we are proud of the accomplishments of our teams and players over the years. In the last 6 years, 8 Mustangs have gone on to play college basketball and we expect 3-4 others to sign this year. Tonight marks a special night in our program, as we introduce our Wekiva Basketball Ring of Honor. The Ring of Honor is established to recognize young men who not only continued their basketball careers successfully in college but also demonstrated positive character and academic achievement beyond the walls of Wekiva. The men who will be inducted into this Ring of Honor will not only have proven themselves to be successful on the court but off the court as well. So it is with great pride that we recognize our inaugural member of the Wekiva Boys Basketball Ring of Honor, Ian Wilhelm! Ian Wilhelm’s Career Accomplishments: Wekiva High School • 2 year starter and captain • 3rd highest 2-year point total in school history (498) • All-Metro Conference Honorable Mention • 2nd Highest Scoring Game in school history (34) • 3.63 Overall GPA Warner University • 4 year letterman, 3 year starter, 2 year captain • 2nd Team All-Conference Junior Year • NAIA Scholar Athlete Award Senior Year • Florida Sun Conference All-Academic Team Senior Year • NABC Honor Court Award • Scored 1135 points • 3.55 Overall GPA-Graduate in Sports Management Girls’ Weightlifting Team Wins Again! Girls Weightlifting-METRO WEST CHAMPIONS Last Friday, the Girls Weightlifting captured the Metro West Championship. The Lady Mustangs clutched a 20 point gap against their competitors. Our rivals, the Darters, took second and West Orange placed third. The girls shined seizing five Metro champions in the 101, 139, 154, 169 and 199 weight classes. Jennika Clarke took second in the 129 weight class with a 260 total. In the 183 and Unlimited weight class, Roasia Smith and Manasseha Murray obtained a runner-up finish with 275 and 325 totals respectively. Jaleeyah Cayo finished second behind teammate Crist’ani “Alexis” Pollock in the 154 weight class. Congratulations Ladies! The Lady Mustangs were District Champions! They defeated a few of the toughest teams at the State Championship on January 23, 2014, thumping great rival, Timber Creek Timberwolves and 26 other schools. The Mustangs won with a 44 point victory, St. Cloud and the Wolves who placed second and third. In the 101 weight class, Senior Jarae Bargaineer, captured her individual District title, winning with a 300 total. Bargaineer tied the State record in the clean and jerk with 165 pounds. Shaniah Irvin and Crist’ani “Alexis” Pollock also gained individual District titles. Both girls had 330 and 325 respectively. Pollock obtained a personal record of 170 on bench press. Other state qualifiers were Roasia Smith, Luset Manuel, Kaitlin Dickson and Lesli Rolle. Rolle was the big surprise of the night, who grabbed a personal best of 240. A huge congratulations to the other young ladies who performed fabulously, Jennika Clarke, Janica Owens, Manasseha Murray and Raegan Berry. All seven young ladies competed in the State Championship February 8th at the Kissimmee Civic Center. At the time of this writing the results of the state Championship were not known. We believe our ladies are the best in the state and hope they performed exceptionally well! Boys’ Soccer Update Senior Cody Vankerschaever has been selected for Third Annual POSTYOURT Florida High School Class vs Class All-Star Boys Soccer Games. Games will be held on SATURDAY, March 22 , 2014 at Northside Christian School in St. Petersburg, FL. (Address: 7777 62nd Ave N St. Petersburg, FL). As one of thirty senior class soccer players to be selected, the boys’ soccer coaching staff are proud of his accomplishments for the 2013-2014 season. Orange County Public Schools WEKIVA HIGH SCHOOL 2501 N. Hiawassee Rd. Apopka, FL 32703 wekivahigh.ocps.net Home of the Mustangs! Mustang Matters Non Profit Organization US Postage PAID Permit #885 Orlando, FL Phone: 407-297-4900 Fax: 407-297-4970 OCPS EEO Non-Discrimination Statement The School Board of Orange County, Florida, does not discriminate in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities, on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, marital status, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other reason prohibited by law. The following individuals at the Ronald Blocker Educational Leadership Center, 445 W. Amelia Street, Orlando, Florida 32801, attend to compliance matters: ADA Coordinator & Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Supervisor: Carianne Reggio; Section 504 Coordinator: Latonia Green; Title IX Coordinator: Matthew Fitzpatrick. (407.317.3200) Administrative Staff Principal D. Elise Gruber, Ed. D. Assistant Principals George Kispert Angela Clayton Kimberly Santana Demetria Wilson Deans Richard Carr, Kristi Draus Jeffrey Sharpe Emilio Vitulli “Prepare for Greatness” February 2014 National Ocean Science Bowl Agriculture Department A select team of students competed in the 10th Spoonbill Regional Competition for the National Ocean Science Bowl on Fri. Jan. 31 - Sat. Feb. 1, held at the College of Marine Science, University of South Florida in St. Petersburg, Florida. This regional competition involved 17 teams from high schools around Florida, with the winning team going on to the National Ocean Science Bowl Competition to be held in Seattle this year. The theme for this year’s competition was “Ocean Acidification.” The 17 teams, each consisting of five students, competed through answering questions pertaining to the ocean. The dinner on Friday, January 31st, 2014 included pre-dinner College exhibits and swag giveaways, a keynote speaker, and coaches ‘mockSpoonbill competition. On Saturday, February 1st the competition included round-robin rounds, followed by double elimination. Prizes were provided for the students, and all expenses were paid, including meals and hotel accommodations. Wekiva’s team consisted of Carly Walker, Leila Huq, Juan Rodriquez, Jarod Bargaineer, Dustin Hamilton, and Caleb Maggio. At the time of this writing the results of the competition were unknown. We hope that these exceptional students showed off their knowledge and concern for our ocean by competing for the opportunity to go on to Seattle! District FFA competition was Feb. 4, 2014. Our three blue ribbon winners are Brett Vorheis in extemporaneous speaking, Austin Kleier in tractor driving, and Gabi Lus in Creed speaking. Winning the district qualifies one for the state competition. Our FFA members were also participating in Ag Mechanics, Horse judging and livestock judging. We were also involved with the Old Florida Festival Feb. 8/9 at the Field of Dreams park selling sweet tea and corn hole games for kids. Our Alumni Association has been formed for the Apopka area representing Apopka Memorial Middle, Piedmont Middle, Lockhart Middle, Apopka High School, and Wekiva High School. We have about 25 members participating in the Central Florida Fair Feb. 26-March 8 in everything from designing a putt-putt hole, landscaping competition, to market steers, swine, poultry, rabbits, and cavy. Our members meet every two weeks on Tuesday and our 11 member officer team meets weekly to plan and organize activities. February 7 was our 5th annual Pets on Parade Day where students in their science class can come and interact with our animals and their handlers. We had horses, cows, and hogs on display just to name a few. Page 8
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