PRIMARY - Le Mémorial de Caen
PRIMARY - Le Mémorial de Caen
A HISTORICAL JOURNEY EN First Name: .............................................. Name: ...................................................... SP EC IM YEARS OLD PRIMARY FROM 9 HISTORY NOTEBOOK Culture Science Education Services This museum opened in 1988 will take you through the history of the 20th century. Your booklet will guide you through the various spaces in the Mémorial that are dedicated to the Second World War. Flags of countries that fought during the Battle of Normandy. Building in the shape of a limestone rock broken in two, symbolising the damage suffered by the city of Caen. Fault symbolising the breach opened by the Allies during D-Day. Phrase by Paul Dorey, from Caen, speaking in the name of Normandy « Pain crushed me, fraternity put me back up, a river of freedom gushed from my wound ». SP EC Stones and messages given by various countries when the Mémorial opened in 1988. IM EN PRIMARY WELCOME TO THE MÉMORIAL DE CAEN Non-Violence is a sculpture made by the Swedish Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd. One of the copies of this piece was installed on the forecourt of the UN headquarters in New York. SUMMARY 1918 1944 1945 r 360 Wa es a rld nch em Wo ma cin ond rro lar Sec 3: A ircu the e2 c ing Pag ber -Day em D em 944: 1 2: R e 2 June s Day h ect Pag t obj rD r 0: 6 o a Day ady f e2 Dew Pag t re he f th 9: T ies ge nd o ation e e1 ll in Pag The A nd the term ar ex 8: ra e1 wa tion to orld W Pag otal u W sec ar to 6: T e 1 m per W Pag ro ean 4: F urop E e1 don Pag From Lon ce n 2: om e1 t fr ista ation s s p Pag esi Re ccu 1: R ench eO r e1 h F t Pag he er eat 0: T e und def e1 lif ch Pag ily ied Fren a up :D o occ » t e9 r s i a Pag e W r ey anc ar Wa : Fr Phon d W rld e8 « orl Wo Pag om st W nd : Fr Fir eco e6 the e S Pag of of th end ing the ginn rom e be 4: F to th e Pag 02 1939 1940 EN In the orange square: A photo of the room where you have to go. The French Resistance Look for this photograph in the room and write down the name of this Resistance fighter. In the speech-bubbles: Questions. 3 In a rectangle: A text that will help you answer the questions, or that you can read after the visit of the museum. SP EC 2 4 5 Name: ………………...........................……......................... Using information from the text, give a name to this photo. IM 1 FRANCE IN THE DARK YEARS On each page of this booklet, you will find: In orange: Instructions to help you find the documents. A bit of help: This Resistance fighter is called: ……………………......................................... A notepad to give you more details. General de Gaulle, pictured in this photograph, refuses the defeat of France. He takes refuge in London. On 18th June 1940, he puts out an appeal on the radio, and urges people to resist the Germans and Pétain. It is the « Appeal of 18th June ». What are the actions taken by the Resistance in France? Link up these sentences to the photos. ANTI-SEMITISM: The hatred of Jews, accused of being responsible for all the problems, is called 10 Anti-Semitism. All the Jews, including children, are affected. The Anti-Semitism developed by the Nazis spreads the persecution of the Jews to all the conquered countries including France. They help the people wanted by the Germans (Resistance fighters, Jews, etc) by giving them false ID papers. They carry out acts of sabotage against the Germans. • • • • They denounce the Nazi propaganda, and appeal to the Resistance by spreading leaflets and underground newspapers. • • 03 THE FAILURE OF PEACE From the end of the First World War to the beginning of the Second World War EN You enter a spiral. You can see it in the middle of this page. Follow it, it will show you the events from 1918 to 1939. ATTENTION: Start on this map at the beginning of the spiral! IM Benito Mussolini is pictured in this photograph. From 1922, he establishes a dictatorship in Italy. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. SP EC In what way does this photo show that he is an authoritarian leader? What you need to remember: Since 1933, Hitler has been trying to extend his territory. Germany invades Poland on 1st September, 1939. France and Great Britain then declare war on Germany. The Second World War starts. 55 million people will die. 04 1922 1929 An economical crisis leads to unemployment, extreme poverty and sometimes violence. It weakens European countries. The victorious allies (France, Great Britain, USA and Italy) sign a peace treaty in Versailles that imposed serious sanctions on defeated Germany: loss of territory, shrinking of the army, payment of war damages. The democracies hope that this war will be “the last of the last”. 1939 VANQUISHED United States Italy France ........................... .......................... On 11th November 1918, the war is over. The toll is terrible: 10 million people died. Beginning of the spiral SP EC The Second World War is declared. VICTORS IM 1918 In 1919 EN 1919 Place Great Britain and Germany in the table below: 1933 Once he is in power, Hitler imposes his dictatorship on Germany. The Third Reich replaces the Republic of Weimar. Look at the photos on the wall. Can you tell that Germany is getting ready for the war? Explain your answer. ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... 05 FRANCE IN THE DARK YEARS From « Phoney War »... Link up these three sentences to the documents. • Civilians have to: • • IM Take refuge in shelters. EN Walk towards the displays on the right and on the left. Getting ready for war changes the life of civilians. Use a gas mask. • SP EC Buy war bonds to finance military operations. • • 3rd September 1939 on Germany Great Britain and France declare war 10th May 1940 Germany invades France Go towards the back of the room. Describe this photograph: ......................................................... What is this woman running away from? ......................................................... What is the meaning of this photo? ......................................................... 06 © BARCH, Bild 146 - 1971 - 083 - 01 / Photo : Tritschler ... to French defeat 1940 (Those drawings and photographs are not displayed in the museum.) EN The Battle of Britain From June 1940, England, gathered behind her leader Winston Churchill, is threatened with invasion. England will resist thanks to her air force. In this caricature: What is this English soldier looking at in the sky? .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... Caricature published on 18th June, 1940, in the Evening Standard. IM In July 1940, Great Britain rejects Hitler’s peace proposal, and is expecting the worst. English children are taken to the North of the country to find refuge. 7th-30th September SP EC May-June 1940 French defeat Blitz over London What you need to remember: England has resisted heroically against the Nazi attack launched during the autumn of 1940, and is now the only free European country at war against Germany. Between 7th and 10th September, the « Blitz » over London kills 7,000 Londoners. But the German bombers also suffer heavy losses. Hitler is then forced to postpone his attack. 07 FRANCE IN THE DARK YEARS France is occupied EN Now walk towards the big electronic map called « Split France ». Put these words in the right space: Hitler • Pétain • leader of Germany • leader of France • defeated • victorious IM ................................... ................................... SP EC ................................... Write the names of the two zones on the map. ................................... ................................... 08 What does this handshake represent? ................................... …………………….................................................... ............................................................................ A bit of help: Because of the defeat, new borders divide France. There are two main zones: the northern zone occupied by the Germans, and the southern zone, on the other side of the “demarcation line”, where the Vichy Regime was established. Daily life under the Occupation EN This is the reconstruction of a French street under the Occupation. Complete the sentences with these three words: Nazi • bombardments • bicycles SP EC IM This poster was pasted up by the ................... occupant. Petrol is unobtainable. People use ................ Behind this cellar window, civilians protect themselves from ................................. What you need to remember: Germany pillages the wealth of the conquered countries: crops, cattle, the production of manufactures, works of art, etc. French shops lack everything. Ration coupons are used to share products among French people. Replacement products are also introduced, they are called « ersatz ». For example, roasted barley replaces coffee, and wooden soles replace leather. 09 FRANCE IN THE DARK YEARS The French Resistance Look for this photograph in the room and write down the name of this Resistance fighter. EN Name: ………………...........................……......................... IM Using information from the text, give a name to this photo. A bit of help: SP EC This Resistance fighter is called: General de Gaulle, pictured in this photograph, refuses the defeat of France. He takes refuge in London. On 18th June 1940, he puts out an appeal on the radio, and urges people to resist the Germans and Pétain. It is the « Appeal of 18th June ». ……………………......................................... What are the actions taken by the Resistance in France? Link up these sentences to the photos. They help the people wanted by the Germans (Resistance fighters, Jews, etc) by giving them false ID papers. They carry out acts of sabotage against the Germans. 10 • • • • They denounce the Nazi propaganda, and appeal to the Resistance by spreading leaflets and underground newspapers. • • EN Resist from London SP EC IM Most of the allied troops defeated in France are repatriated from Dunkerque to England. Great Britain welcomes the leaders and the soldiers who, along with the French, refuse Nazism. Czechoslovakia, Poland, the Netherlands, Norway, Belgium or Luxembourg all organise the Resistance: either secretly in their country, or in exile from London. This poster isn’t displayed in the museum This poster shows a « V ». What does this letter mean? Tick the right answer: • Vain • Victory • Victim 11 WORLD WAR - TOTAL WAR From European War... EN These two rooms explain you how the war that had The war spreads to North Africa ……………………................ IM Who does this beret belong to? Link up this event to the corresponding zone on the map. SP EC The Battle of the Atlantic Complete the sentence below with these words: Great-Britain – sub-marines ships Complete the sentence below with these words: Great Britain • submarines • ships In the Atlantic, the German ……………………............. attack the allied ……………………............. jeopardising the supplying in material of …………………….............. Link up this event to the corresponding zone on the map. January 1941 Great Britain fights against Germany on her own. 12 Atlantic ocean What is What the is the consequence consequence this Score out of thisofattack? attack? the Score out the wrong statement. wrong statement. Pearl H • The United States enter the war. • Japan capitulates. June 19 Germany attacks ... to World War EN started in Europe, became a World War from 1941. The invasion of the USSR IM Here are three statements about the invasion of the USSR, on 22nd June 1941. Pacific ocean SP EC Score out the wrong statement. Harbor Look at the press headlines and the two posters. Which event do they refer to? • The German army invades the USSR by surprise. • The Russians manage to fight off the German army straight away. • The German army burns many villages, and slaughter thousands of civilians. Link up this event to the corresponding zone on the map. ……………………................ Link up this event to the corresponding zone on the map. 41 the USSR. December 1941 The United States enter the war against Germany and Japan. 13 WORLD WAR - TOTAL WAR From persecution... Translation of the sign in this photo: « Play park for children. Jews prohibited ». SP EC IM Look at this photo taken in occupied France during the war and explain what it shows. EN Go towards the wall of photos called « From persecution to extermination ». ANTI-SEMITISM: The hatred of Jews, accused of being responsible for all the problems, is called Anti-Semitism. All the Jews, including children, are affected. The Anti-Semitism developed by the Nazis spreads the persecution of the Jews to all the conquered countries including France. …………………….................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................... What you need to remember: 14 itic Nuremberg Laws: In 1935, the Nazis impose the racist and Anti-Sem ibited. • Marriages between Germans and Jews are proh hers, doctors...). (teac • The Jews are excluded from some professions gradually from society as a whole. • They are excluded from public transports, and including of Europe. This genocide will kill six million Jews In 1941, the Nazis decide to exterminate all the Jews camps where which means that the Nazis take them by train to 1,250,000 children. Most of the Jews are deported, forms. . This persecution of the Jews comes in different they are murdered with gas as soon as they arrive To do the following exercise, look at the big wall of photos located on the right of the entrance to this room. Link up the words to the corresponding images: • • • • SP EC Marking with a star • • • Look at the big red wall called « Extermination Camps », and write down the names of two extermination camps. © Barch, Bild 183-S59096 / anonyme Exclusion • IM Humiliation Deportation EN ... to extermination Translation of the sign in this photo : « Jews Prohibited ! » What you need to remember: This tragedy is called the Holocaust or the Genocide of the Jews. ……………………......................................... ................................................................. Now walk through the next room. 15 WORLD WAR - TOTAL WAR IM Dirige-toi vers les grandes affiches au fond de la salle. EN Total war SP EC Complete the three boxes above with the following words: • soldier • farmer • blue-collar worker Find this game in one of the displays. Using a simple cereal box, young Americans pretend they are bombing a Japanese city! Write down the name of this game: …………………….................................................... …………………….................................................... A bit of help: This poster shows you that the Total war affects everyone. Even women work for the war effort. Every means is implemented to reach the final victory. This game tells you that the propaganda is everywhere, even in children’s games! 16 Go to the last room that is called « The final toll and aftermath of war ». Together, the three allied heads of state organise the world of tomorrow: new borders, new governments. In June 1945, they create the UN: the United Nations. EN The end of the war Write down the name of the three countries that were at the Yalta Conference. IM In Europe Churchill Roosevelt Country: …………............. Country: …………............. SP EC In this display, choose an object that, according to you, represents the fall of Nazi Germany. Explain your choice. Chosen object: .................................................................... Explain your choice: ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ Staline Country: …………............. In Asia In order to force the Japanese to surrender, the Americans use an atomic bomb that they drop over two cities on 6th and 9th August 1945. 250,000 people die. Write the names of these two cities. ……………………...................................................... .............................................................................. What you need to remember: The use of the atomic bomb shows the horror, and the violence of this World War. In Europe, the war ends on 8th May 1945. But in Asia, the Japanese do not surrender until 2nd September 1945. The Second World War is over. A total of 55 million people died, including 30 million civilians. Leave this room and walk up the stairs. 17 D-DAY AND BATTLE OF NORMANDY Link up these three sentences to the corresponding photos. In August 1943, the Anglo-Americans decide to land on the West of Europe. It will be Normandy. SP EC The American General Dwight Eisenhower is entrusted with the organisation of D-Day. His staff meet in Southwick Park. • IM • EN The Allies get ready for D-Day The troops and the material are assembled in cities in the South of England. Entrainment can start. 18 • • • • The D-Day objects EN Observe the showcase of this room, find these objects, and write down what they were used for during the Landings. ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... SP EC IM ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... 19 D-DAY AND BATTLE OF NORMANDY 6th June 1944 Go to the relief map of the D-Day landings. EN On 6th June 1944, at 6:00 in the morning, the most powerful naval force of the century is on its way: over 6,000 ships, 155,000 men, 1,500 tanks. It is the beginning of Operation Overlord. Which country do the D-Day ships leave from? IM ………….....................………… The unfolding of the attack ………….....................………… SP EC On the map of the Landings, have a look at where the German defences are concentrated along the Channel. What you need to remember: D-Day marks the beginning of the liberation of France. A hundred days of fighting will then take place in Normandy. Paris is liberated on 25th August 1944. 20 IM Which region did Hitler think the Allies would land on? Write down your answer. SP EC On the map, indicate the names of the five D-Day beaches. EN D-Day .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. Complete the sequence below, using the following dates: 25th August 1944 - 6th June 1944 • Spring 1943- January 1944: Operation Husky in Sicily and invasion of Italy • ..................................................: Invasion of Normandy • 1 5th August 1944: Operation Dragoon • 2 1st August 1944: End of the Battle of Normandy • ..................................................: Liberation of Paris 21 REMEMBRANCE Remembering the Second World War EN You are now in the main hall of the Mémorial de Caen. IM This is the end of the visit that told you what happened between 1918 and 1945. In your family, you may have seen photos, or heard stories about the war. This is called « Remembrance ». SP EC Link up these two photos that illustrate the remembrance of the Second World War in Normandy to their caption: • • 22 • Remembering British pilots and the role of the allied Air force during the Battle of Normandy. • Remembering American soldiers. What you need to remember: orate al events commem All year long, national or region learnt from the past, this war so that lessons can be and peace can be protected. Arromanches 360 circular cinema EN « Normandy’s 100 days » SP EC IM The circular cinema plunges you into the heart of the Battle of Normandy. This new film (19 minutes) is shown on 9 screens in HD. Archives footages collected from around the world witness the completeness of the Battle of Normandy. This film is a tribute to the men of all nations who fell and to the 20.000 civilian killed during the liberation of Europe. 23 EN “ Pain crushed me, fraternity put me back up, a river of freedom gushed from my wound ”. An inscription, the words of a Caennais, Paul Dorey (1921-2002), speaking on behalf of all Normandy, is engraved on the massive white limestone façade. © LE MÉMORIAL DE CAEN – June 2015 Reproduction, including partial reproduction, is strictly forbidden. Director: Stéphane Grimaldi IM Realisation: Eric Powolny - Clothilde Mazau Cultural Manager: Isabelle Bournier - Design : Communication Manager: Franck Moulin Communication Assistant: Corinne André Iconographic researches: Marie-Claude Berthelot - Translation: Mathilde Mazau SP EC Photographic credits and iconographic sources © Collections Le Mémorial de Caen : couverture : p 3-6-7-11-12-15-16-19 / Archives Nationales du Canada : couverture-p 21-18 / Droits Réservés : couverture-p 3 / Le Mémorial de Caen : couverturep 3-4-5-7-8-9-12-22-23 / S.Colomyès : p 2 / Musée du Général Leclerc de Hauteclocque et de la libération de Paris – Musée Jean Moulin : p 3 / La Documentation Française : p 3 / CDJC – Le Mémorial de la Shoah : p 14 / Yad Vashem : p 15 / Bundesarchiv © Barch, Bild 183-S59096 / anonyme : p 15 / NARA : p 17-18-19-22 / US Army : p 20-18 / Éditions Le Goubey : p 23 / Calvados Tourisme – S.Guichard : p 23 / Imperial war Museum : p 18. Designer: Jacques Millet & Alain Carasso (World War, Total War) Scenographer for the Main Hall, the Second World War area: Yves Devraine Scenographer for the World War, Total War area: Dominique Paolini Scenographer for the Cold War area: Zette Cazalas Scenographer for the Berlin at the heart of the Cold war area: Philippe Miesch Print: 300 copies Printed in France in June 2015 by Dauphin (14) Formal deposit: 2nd quarter 2013 ISBN 978-2-84911-194-9 Le Mémorial de Caen Esplanade Général Eisenhower CS 55026 – 14050 CAEN Cedex 4 Téléphone : +33 (0)2 31 06 06 45 Fax : +33 (0)2 31 06 01 66 Culture Science Education Services