Happiest of Holidays! - Southwest Florida - Mercedes


Happiest of Holidays! - Southwest Florida - Mercedes
MBCA | Southwest Florida Section
Issue No. 6, 2015
November / December 2015
Happiest of
In This Issue
President’s Column
Officers and Directors
New and Renewing Members
New Event Notices
Punta Gorda Oktoberfest
Monthly Breakfast Meetings
Lake Mirror & Mimi’s meeting
Editorial Exhaust and...
Ft. Myers area... Mimi’s Café
2nd Saturday of most months.
Next Meetings - Nov14, Dec 12
Random pics of random subjects
Classified & More
Calendar of Coming Events
Sunshine STAR
Naples area... Perkins on Pine Ridge
4th Saturday of most months.
Next meetings - Nov 28, Dec 26
MBCA | Southwest Florida Section
November / December 2015
From the President
President: Tom Harruff
239-591-8049 tharruff1813@comcast.net
Greetings to all and welcome to our 14
new members, 39 multiple section members, and 30 renewed members since 9-0115. Our Section membership currently stands
at 421 members (as of 11-01-15) up 6.6% for the year to
date and we have gained 68 new members so far this
year. Since 1-01-15 we have had 15 members transfer in
to SWFL from other MBCA Sections. We welcome these
new and transferred members to SWFL and look forward to
seeing each of you at a future Section event. Please keep
up the good work recruiting new members and renew your
individual effort to bring in at least one new member this
year! If you are happy with your Section, your Section’s activities, and the benefits of MBCA membership, you will be
our best spokesman for recruiting new Club members. We
are still looking for members interested in volunteering to
become Directors of SWFL to help us in the management of
your Section.
Vice President: Glen Sholl
239-272-1328 gsholl@comcast.net
Secretary: Anne Harruff
239-591-8049 AnneHarruff@comcast.net
Treasurer: Joel Taub
239-549-0435 taub.joel@gmail.com
Section Directors: The Officers named above, and
John Meyer
239-450-1998 johnmeyersr@hotmail.com
Ron Cordeau
239-322-8817 roncor@hotmail.com
Thomas Starrett
941-347-7119 tomstarr74@comcast.net
Southeast Regional Director: Pierre Hedary
407-765-2867 mbownersforlife@bellsouth.net
As we are winding down the year we are enjoying the benefits of all of your hard work. Our VP Glen Sholl will be attending the MBCA Fall Board meeting outside of Boston, MA
in mid-November to receive the 2014 Section of the Year
award from the National Board. Thanks Glen for receiving
that honor for our Section.
Membership Chair: Anita Kinderman
239-825-9442 SWFLMBCAmembership@gmail.com
Sunshine Star Publisher: Tom Harruff
1943 Empress Ct., Naples, FL 34110
239-591-8049 tharruff1813@comcast.net
Both of our Oktoberfest events, Car Show in Punta Gorda
and the dinner at the Black Forest Mill restaurant in Naples
were well attended. Hope to see you next year.
Newsletter Editor/Director: Jerry Kinderman
239-641-7928 editor.swflmbca@yahoo.com
Webmaster/Director: Ron Cordeau
239-322-8817 roncor@hotmail.com
Our annual Holiday Party is scheduled for December 6th at
The Club at Olde Cypress again this year. See the flyer in
this issue and get your reservations in soonest. Spaces are
limited. We are looking forward to their new Chef and our
entertainment for this year. As always we will be subsidizing
part of the cost of your dinner and will have drawings for gifts
as well as table prizes. Guests are welcomed.
Anne has scheduled two Ladies of Mercedes events for early next year. The first is our Fifth Annual Ladies Tea at the
Ritz-Carlton Naples on Saturday February 6th and the next is
a docent guided tour and lunch at the Baker Museum at Artis
-Naples. Both events have been well attended in the past
and we hope that they are again this year. Gentlemen are
welcome to accompany the Ladies at both events. See the
flyer in this newsletter.
Facebook: Mario Puente
239-204-7434 mpuente-benz@hotmail.com
The Southwest Florida Section Sunshine Star newsletter is published
on odd-numbered months. It is mailed electronically or via post to all
members of the Section, appropriate members of other Sections,
MBCA executives and our valued advertisers.
All copy for inclusion should be received no later than the first of any
even-numbered month.
Any technical tips, automotive experiences or interesting items relating
to Mercedes-Benz are encouraged and welcome.
Our thanks to Section Member Mario Puente for his work on
our Facebook page. We have over 900 “likes” on the page.
It provides information about our section and is a gateway
for individuals to follow our activities.
Members may advertise to buy or sell, free of charge, any personal
Mercedes-Benz auto, part or accessory. All insertions in the Sunshine
Star are the opinions and statements of the writers, advertisers, etc.,
and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this Section or MBCA.
Call concerning commercial advertising rates .
Tom Harruff, President, SWFL MBCA
No authentication is given or implied as to the validity of any expressed opinion or statement.
Questions? Call your Section Officer at 239-591-8049,
or our National Business Office at 1-800-637-2360 M-F 8am-5pm MT. Or visit www.mbca.org
Sunshine STAR
MBCA | Southwest Florida Section
November / December 2015
Since the last newsletter; John Abell, Algirdas Alksninis, Andrew Djiounas,
Daryl Fisher, Chris Haas, Carol Isaacs Hastings, Charlene Hoover,
Todd Johnson, Patrick and Jeffrey Lannigan, George Penz, Frank Rabbito,
Deborah Rowland and Richard Druckenmiller, and Henry Woodruff
And transferring to SWFL; George Penz, Jim Shiflet and David Bossi
We’re so glad you’ve joined us!
And Thank You to our 30 Renewed Members for your continuing MBCA Membership!
for the
Watch lyer
Officia oon!
Sunshine STAR
MBCA | Southwest Florida Section
November / December 2015
Oktoberfest in Punta Gorda
Mercedes-Benz and BMW autos to delight the
festival participants, the perfect weather, the
food, the beer... A great time! Big THANKS to
Tom and Loretta Starrett for making the car
show happen once again! There was beer, too!
Thanks to Deni Wise for sharing his professional
photos of SWFL MBCA. Other photos, Mario
Puente, Jerry Kinderman.
Sunshine STAR
MBCA | Southwest Florida Section
November / December 2015
What an awesome weekend!! These are a few images from our section's
participation in the 2015 Lake Mirror Classic.
Jack's 500E, Mike's 450SEL, Ron's 190E 2.6 and Mario's 190E 2.3 16V took
part as some of the seven Mercedes-Benz cars in the entire event.
Story and photos Mario Puente
Sept 12, 2015 Breakfast meeting at Mimi’s in Ft. Myers. SWFL members with Gary Eidson’s 1957 Morris Minor Traveller.
More small cars: We have a Chicagoland Section couple who’ll be moving here, with their Smart cabrio!
Story and photos Mario Puente
Sunshine STAR
MBCA | Southwest Florida Section
November / December 2015
Sunshine STAR
MBCA | Southwest Florida Section
November / December 2015
Editorial Exhaust ...
Punta Gorda Oktoberfest Car Show
was great! Thanks to Tom Starrett for
getting it together again. There were a
lot of BMWs there also, but with the copious beer, it was all friendly.
home, just a reminder that a secondsection membership is only $15 per year
more. That’s quite a bargain when you
realize you’ll be getting updates and info
from two sections all year long. So, I’m
looking forward to seeing our new second
section members from the Ozark section!
Dick Dav…(oops, I promised I wouldn’t
Welcome to “The Season”, and with it our
identify him) ‘A nice guy’ shared pictures
Snowbird friends and lots of activities, not
of “Cow Art” and “Spotted Cow” beer from
that we slouch during the summer. But
up North. So it’s not just me.
we can always use new ideas for stuff to
With the popularity of SWFL as a winter
do. If you think of something fun, toss it
by one of the Directors and let’s see if we
can make it work.
Submissions are always welcome and
wanted. Letters and email too, as we can
all use the information. So long as it
doesn’t embarrass me.
May you and yours have a most Happy
Thanksgiving, Happy Chanukah, Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year!
Moooving along,
You may only be
young once,
but you can be
immature forever.
About the Mercedes-Benz Club of
The Mercedes-Benz Club of America
(MBCA) is the largest Mercedes-Benz
enthusiast organization in the world. As
a non-profit 501(c)(7) organization, the
Club proudly serves close to 30,000
Members who belong to one of 85
MBCA Sections throughout North America. MBCA’s mission is to provide Mercedes-Benz enthusiasts with unique access to casual and competitive car
shows, cash savings on new MercedesBenz vehicles, 24/7 online technical advice, parts and accessory discounts at
participating Mercedes-Benz Dealerships, performance driving events, safe
driver training, plus world-class membership conventions not available elsewhere. A subscription to the Club’s 100+
page magazine, The Star, is delivered to
Members every other month and is included with annual membership dues of
$55/U.S.; $65/Canada & International.
MBCA’s national business office is headquartered in Colorado. For more information about membership and member
benefits, please visit www.mbca.org or
call 800.637.2360 weekdays 8am4:30pm Mtn Time.
More Than a Car Club.
We’re a Community.sm
Sunshine STAR
MBCA | Southwest Florida Section
November / December 2015
Treasurer’s Report
Joel Taub
It is my pleasure to provide the MBCA SWFL
Section Treasurer’s Report for the first time
since assuming responsibility for the position. I am pleased to report that the Section
had a cash balance of $7,395.60 as of January 1, 2015, and a cash balance of $9,612.54
as of September 30, 2015.
The Section’s membership continues to enjoy unprecedented growth, which results in
increased rebates of member dues from the
MBCA National Business Office (NBO). The
rebates are provided by NBO to each section
to help defray local section operating costs.
Also, our Section has enjoyed generous support from local businesses advertising in the
Section newsletter. In addition, we have
realized significantly reduced printing and
postage costs by distributing our full color,
award winning newsletter primarily by
We continue to underwrite the cost of a
number of events for members during our
busy winter season. We partially subsidized
two major section events, the annual Holiday Party and the annual Farewell Picnic.
We provided gift baskets for several section
events, including two Ladies of Mercedes
events, the annual Fort Myers car show, and
the Holiday Party, purchased five MBCA
items for drawings at the Holiday Party, and
we purchased supplies and drinks for the
Farewell Picnic. We gave a gift to section
members for planning the picnic and we
gave Mercedes-Benz of Fort Myers a gift for
hosting our annual car show. We also gave
a gift to a Mercedes-Benz of Naples manager for his support of the Section, and we
made a donation in support of the Punta
Gorda Oktoberfest car show. For the first
time, we supported the larger community
by helping to sponsor a scholarship at a local
automotive technical school, which we hope
to do annually.
We look forward to being able to continue
to help defray the costs of club events so
that more members will want to participate
in those events, and so that potential new
members will be attracted to our reasonably
-priced events where they can discover the
MBCA community.
Please continue to suggest new events,
knowing that your club directors are available to assist, and that financial support is
also available as we seek to grow and to
discover new ways to be a special-interest,
caring, and responsible community. Also,
please continue to patronize our local advertisers so they will continue to support our
Respectfully submitted,
Joel Taub
SWFL MBCA Octoberfest Dinner. Real German food,
and an accordion soloist playing Deutsch-Musik. No
group photo at the private dinner held at the Black
Forest Restaurant in Naples... everyone was too busy
eating. This will be an annual event!
Das beste!
(I did say
“Lean together”
didn’t I.)
Sunshine STAR
MBCA | Southwest Florida Section
November / December 2015
Sunshine STAR
MBCA | Southwest Florida Section
November / December 2015
Questions? Call your Section Officer at 239-591-8049
Sunshine STAR
MBCA | Southwest Florida Section
November / December 2015
Classified: For Sale
1980 Mercedes-Benz 450SLC
$14,500 obo Mileage: 73,250 Exterior: Blue / Interior:
Beige. Very well maintained vehicle in EXCELLENT
CONDITION (mechanically and physically). Perfect collectors vehicle. Enjoy driving without putting any expenses into it. Serviced by European Motors. Please contact
for further information! Call 239-248-0623 or email at
1985 Mercedes-Benz 500SEC Coupe
Champagne/Beige; Runs well; Needs some work; FL allyear; 122,000 mi; RWD; Serviced regularly at European
Motors of Naples. $3700 OBO; Call 216-470-5493
Free Money!
That got your attention!
It’s like Free Money! Members advertise in the Classified for free!: Get cash for your unwanted M-B stuff!
Clean out your garage and put your car back in!
Member, M-B cars or parts, no charge. Limit 4 lines w/
one picture, or 6 lines no picture.
Non-member, M-B cars or parts, $10.00 per issue. Limit
4 lines. Picture with ad, $15.00 per issue.
Got Chrome?
Sunshine STAR
MBCA | Southwest Florida Section
November / December 2015
Upcoming Events
Southwest Florida Section, Mercedes-Benz Club of America
Nov 14
SWFL Section Breakfast Meeting at Mimi’s Café, Ft. Myers, 8:30 AM
Nov 28
SWFL Section Breakfast Meeting at Perkins, Naples, 9:00 AM
Dec 6 Sun
Annual SWFL Holiday Party – The Club at Olde Cypress, Naples
Dec 12
SWFL Section Breakfast Meeting at Mimi’s Café, Ft. Myers, 8:30 AM
Dec 26
SWFL Section Breakfast Meeting at Perkins, Naples, 9:00 AM
Jan 9
SWFL Section Breakfast Meeting at Mimi’s Café, Ft. Myers, 8:30 AM
Jan 23
SWFL Section Breakfast Meeting at Perkins, Naples, 9:00 AM
Feb 6
SWFL Ladies of Mercedes Tea, Ritz-Carlton Naples
Feb 13
SWFL Section Breakfast Meeting at Mimi’s Café, Ft. Myers, 8:30 AM
Feb 13
Cars on Fifth, Ferrari Club of Naples.
Feb 19-21
Boca Raton Concours d’Elegance
Feb 27
SWFL Section Breakfast Meeting at Perkins, Naples, 9:00 AM
Mar 5
SWFL Ladies of Mercedes Tour and Lunch, Baker Museum, Artis-Naples
Do We Have Your Current Email Address?
The Club and our own Section use electronic communications
and we email our newsletters. So be sure to let the NBO
know of any changes to your email address to ensure up to
date information with both the NBO and your Section.
Contact Membership Services with your updates…
mbca.org or call 1-800-637-2360.
Southwest Florida Section MBCA On The Web!
Questions? Call your Section Officer at 239-591-8049,
or our National Business Office at 1-800-637-2360 M-F 8am-5pm MT. Or visit www.mbca.org
Sunshine STAR
MBCA | Southwest Florida Section
November / December 2015