Star Bulletin - San Diego - Mercedes
Star Bulletin - San Diego - Mercedes
Mercedes - Benz Club of America Star Bulletin More Than a Car. We’re a Community.™ MBCA San Diego Section Officers Michael Cooper President JANUARY 2016 EVENTS ANDsite SPECIAL Note--theSCHEDULE board meeting has beenANNOUNCEMENTS changed. See page 8 (760) 599-0629 Victoria Mazelli, Vice President, (858) 229-3380 UPCOMING EVENTS FOR 2016 Carol Kruse-Ross, Treasurer (858) 245-1991 Bob Gunthorp Historian (619) 421-3254 Steve Ross Membership Chair (619)-508-3925 Diana Kruse Director of First Impressions If any SD Section member would like to serve on the Board of Directors, just contact one of us Newsletter Editor Steve Ross, 619-508-3925 & e- mail Distribution Website Vacant SW Regional Director Bud Cloninger Redaction: MBCA of San Diego Printing & Distribution: Phoenix Direct Mail Services Attention Members: W e hope that you will support our advertisers… they support this Bulletin. Mention this newsletter when you contact them. No inference, however, is made that advertising in this Bulletin implies approval of their products or services by the MBCA, the San Diego Section, its Officers, members, MBUSA, smart GmbH, AMG. Saturday January 16, 2016 at 10:00am we will meet up at the Craftsman Museum, located at 3190 Lionshead Ave, Carlsbad, CA. website is This is a phenomenal exhibit of engineering work on a miniature scale. Just about everything mechanical has been reproduced here on a small scale which includes automobiles, engines, aircraft and other modes of transportation. This museum has been a big hit with numerous car clubs in SOCAL. After lunch we will stop by the Museum of Making Music, just around the corner from Karl Strauss. After touring the exhibits we are proceeding to the Karl Strauss Brewery for lunch also in Carlsbad. Directions will be provided at the Craftsman Museum. ** Friday, Saturday and Sunday February 27-28, 2016 an overnight trip is planned to the Mullen and the newly remodeled Petersen Museum. This will be a two night event, Friday and Saturday. ** Saturday April 16, 2016 we are visiting the Hacienda De Las Rosas Winery, located at 18011 Blue Grass Road, Ramona for lunch and wine tasting. For those who want a group will meet at Mercedes-Benz of Escondido at 10:00 AM and proceed to the winery. Cost is $10.00 for wine tasting and appetizers. Bring your own box lunch and anything you wish to share. ** March, May and June are in the planning stages. A tech session at one of our Mercedes-Benz Dealers is in the works. ** Saturday July 16, 2016 an American Heritage rallye in the South County is planned. Stay tuned for details Due to the rising costs of producing an informative, useful and interesting monthly Star Bulletin your club is going to begin online or digital distribution. For those members who have an email address you will begin receiving your month Star Bulletin via e-mail in early 2016. The Star Bulletin will be in full color with more information and articles of interest to our members. In order for you to receive your star Bulletin it is imperative that we have your current email address which you gave to our National Business office when you joined the MBCA. If you do not want to receive your Star Bulletin by email please notify the editor at For those who do not have an e-mail address you will continue to receive your Star Bulletin by U.S. Mail as you do now. An estimated $2000.00 annually will be saved by not mailing the bulletin. This savings will be used to benefit the members by subsidizing events etc. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in helping the club move forward in this cost savings benefit to our San Diego Section. Page 2 January 2016 STAR BULLETIN THE YEAR END PARTY The San Diego section gathered at the Country Club of Rancho Bernardo to celebrate the holidays and view photos of the past events in 2016. Santa was there with his lovely assistant Mrs. Claus and the guests were greeted by Santa as they arrived at the Ballroom. The tree was up, a beautiful one I might add, the stockings were hung with care and there were toys everywhere. A picture is worth a thousand words they say so let's look at photos. Mr. and Mrs. Claus arrived early to assist in putting the finishing touches on the party setting. Santa was so impressed with the decor that he wanted a photo. Rudy Wokoek and Rose can be seen on the big screen TV. If you look closely you may see Denise our First Lady. A running pictorial was presented highlighting past years events. Elaine and Chuck Davis were a welcome sight at our gala. Elaine is a past Vice President and Chuck was our treasurer for several years. Our Vice President, Victoria Mazzelli making her entry after being welcomed by Santa. I bet we have the prettiest Vice President in our region, maybe in the entire MBCA. Carol Kruse-Ross may be seen in the background sucking up to Santa. Wonder what she wants under the tree this year? Pam, Floyd and Evie Burgess's daughter, Evie Burgess, Carol Kruse-Ross, Walter Welch and Munira Coomber. Doreen Welsh is the lady in the red dress behind Evie The movers and shakers, Mr. Ron Smith, Mr. Michael Cooper, Chairman of the Board, Mr. Ron Davis, and Mr. David Coomber. Distinguished Gentleman to say the least. Ms. Vice, Victoria and Denise Cooper our first lady. Victoria baked homemade sugar cookies with the Mercedes-Benz Star on them and everyone got a Christmas cup filled with cookies STAR BULLETIN January 2016 Page 3 2015 Marilyn Smith, Ron and Lori Grabler, and Wes and Rose Gibbs Table setting with a shot of Victoria's cookies and above a part of the group. Our Vice President presents Mr. Cooper our President with the Member of the Year Award. The member of the year award year is selected by your Board of Directors and may be any member of the club. Michael is the guy who leads our merry band of Mercedes-Benz folk ensuring that we have fun. If you don't have fun let him know straight away and he and his staff will fix it. Elaine Davis and Bob Gunthorp Pose for the cameras. Bob is our resident photographer and Club Historian. Santa "aka" Brian Kruse, Bob Gunthorp, Gary Jarvis, and Rudolf and Cheryl Hradecky Director of First Impressions, Diana Kruse "aka" Mrs. Santa Claus Our Treasurer Carol Kruse-Ross Michael and Denise Cooper. What a great party this was with outstanding food and the ambience was excellent. How often does one get Filet Mignon at the price we paid? Not often, in my opinion of course. The best indication that his was a super Holiday Party was we closed the place down! We are looking forward to a great 2016 with the great people of our club and their Star Cars. Page 4 January 2016 STAR BULLETIN Change of Address Phone # or e-mail If you have a change-of-address Club, please go to, click on MEMBERSHIP, then click on ADDRESS CHANGE and fill in the form. As an alternative, you can call 1-800-637-2360 and talk to anyone at the MBCA National Business Office. FOR SALE: I FOR SALE & WANT ADS: WELCOME!! New San Diego Section MBCA Members Personal classified ads (Sale or Wanted) are FREE exclusively for MBCA members. No commercial or business sales allowed in the classified ad section. Robert Moore~ no vehicle listed on MBCA roster Jeff Baker~ no vehicle listed on MBCA roster Mike Cohill~ Airstream Joseph Decristoforo~ no vehicle listed on MBCA roster A hearty welcome to all our new members. We hope to meet you soon at one of our upcoming events. Please feel free to contact any of the Board Officers (listed on the front page of this Newsletter) with any questions, comments, or concerns. We are always looking for volunteers to help out with ideas, planning, and coordinating e ve n t s . If you would like to feature your Mercedes- Benz vehicle(s) in this Newsletter with an interesting story or photo, please submit in digital format via e-mail to us at ( We would love to get to know you and your Mercedes-Benz driving passion. Ask us how to obtain a FREE name tag to wear at all of our events Identify the make, model and year of this automobile and a free name tag. First correct answer sent to the editor receive a name badge. If you have a name badge you will ceive a beverage of your choice at next event you attend. repeat winners. 1991 300E 2.6. One owner, all records since new. Maintained by dealer of MercedesBenz trained mechanics. 231,000 miles and still runs like new. Solid 23 MPG. $2500.00. if interested call 619-508-3925. Great collage kid car. win will reNo Business advertising is available at competitive rates. Please contact the Treasurer for latest ad rates. e-Mail Steve Ross if you want to place a personal ad in the “for sale” section. Please contact Steve every month to continue to run the a FOR SALE: 1958 220S and a 1959 W219. The 220 S engine will start. Both cars need restoration. Will sell both including some extra parts for $10,000.00. Contact 619-6461569 or Summer Special 20% Discount for A/C Coolant Service. January 2016 STAR BULLETIN Page 5 Attention Advertisers: Any changes? e-Mail Steve at to send a file. Phone (619) 327-0200 Fax (619) 327-0237 1(800) 841-1014 MOTOR WORKS, INC. Automotive Machine Shop European Engine Specialists www .motorworksproma c 1625 Coolidge Ave. National City, CA 91950 For the finest in German engine machine work OCEAN BEACH BOAT & AUTO UPHOLSTERY SINCE 1947 5475 Car Country Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 438-4454 DAVID SKOGLUND Mention this ad and make an appointment in June for the following prices: 107 Chassis tops: German $945 Sonnendeck canvas top $895 One day turnaround!! 4838 Voltaire Street San Diego, CA 92107 (619) 223-9797 Complete Custom Detail Regular $175.00 For MBCA Club Members $129.00 **Plus FREE loan car for the day. (Must present this coupon) 10% Discount On Parts and Labor to MBCA Members (Must present Club membership card while making service appointment) YOUR AD HERE Page 6 January 2016 STAR BULLETIN DESERT STAR REGIONAL DINNER Saturday January 30, 2016 Car enthusiasts from around the world descend on Arizona every January and it is not because our fine weather allows them to keep their cars cleaner longer. No, it is because we have some of the World’s best collector car AUCTIONS!! And the 3rd annual Arizona Concours d’Elegance on the 24th. January brings the beautiful cars with the stunning prices or unbelievable bargains, and so much eye car-candy that many dazed auction attendees are seen wandering the desert for days. So how do the MBCA Desert Stars celebrate the Auction-mania? We get some beautiful cars to gawk at and we eat a great meal together and enjoy the fellowship of the group. We will gather at Maggiano’s Little Italy in a beautiful private dining “room with a view”. Our local Mercedes-Benz dealership, Schumacher European Ltd., will bring new Mercedes-Benz models for us to explore. We will also feature a display of member’s exemplar cars. Andy Reid of Hayden Wood Insurance Agency, Inc. and Dave Tobin of the SL Market Letter will return to provide us with insight and inside information on the cars and the week’s auction events. Also, behind the scenes tours are being planned during the auction week and will be available for Mercedes-Benz Enthusiast participants. This year we are reaching out to other MBCA regions and members. We are planning to bring together local and visiting Enthusiasts who are here in our beautiful “Valley of the Sun”. So plan to meet some new folks, knowing we all share the same love and enthusiasm for Mercedes-Benz and other great marques. Join us at 5:30 PM on Saturday January 30 at Maggiano’s Little Italy, 16405 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, AZ. The family style dinner includes two appetizers, two salads, two pasta dishes, two entrees, and two desserts, plus ciabatta rolls, coffee, hot or cold tea, and sodas, all for $55 per person. The registration form is included here; we require your paid registration by Jan 20, 2016. Call John and Roberta Phin at 480-272-8851 for more information. John and Roberta will make the arrangements at Maggiano’s; please do not call the restaurant. We look forward to seeing you there. Mercedes-Benz Enthusiasts Dinner Jan 30, 2016: Registration Form Contact Information: Name(s) registering: _____________________________________Number Attending_______ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ City: State/Prov.: Zip: ___________________________________________________________ Phone No.: _________________________________________________________ Day/ Night Email Address: ___________________________________ “Exemplar Car” You Would Like to Show at the Dinner_________________________________ Cost is $55 per person. For questions call John or Roberta Phin 480-272-8851. Registrations should be paid by January 20th, after that date call John Phin for availability. Make your check payable to: MBCA Desert Stars and mail to: MBCA Desert Stars, c/o Debbie Ichiyama, 6502 Evans Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85254. Or for Credit Card payment, contact Debbie Ichiyama 480-268-9535 STAR BULLETIN January 2016 2015 20152015 Page 7 EDITORIAL RAMBLINGS Now here's a guy who likes his pizza THE BLITZEN BENZ AND OTHER MERCEDES RACE CARS “Wild Bill” Endicott in Blitzen Benz No.2 the Oct 23, 1917, Arizona Republican Preparation for a race. Location is unknown A Blitzen Benz is Tuned-Up at the International Motor Co One of the two Blitzen Benz cars in New York City in 1915 after a rebuild at International Motor Co A Mercedes 4.5 liter Gp driven by Ralph DePalma won the Indy 500 in 1915. Mr. DePalma was not doing well on the practice laps at Indy. Jesse Vincent Chief Engineer at Packard Motor Car Company told DePalma if he would let him take the car to Detroit he could make it go faster. DePalma agreed and after modifying the carburetor and some other modifications DePalma increased his lap time by a phenomenal 16 seconds. DePalma owned the Mercedes as did some of the drivers of that era. In the 1912 Indy 500 DePalma led the race for 196 of the 200 laps when his Mercedes blew a piston with two laps to go. He and his riding mechanic pushed the car across the finish line to take eleventh place. Star Bulletin PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN DIEGO, CA PERMIT No. 960 16151 Fruitvale RD Valley Center CA 92082 FEBRUARY 16, 6:30pm at MERCEDESAPRIL 2015 BENZ OF ESCONDIDO Located at 1101 W 9th Ave, Escondido CA 92029 Please Note: The board has occasionally cancelled meetings when there is a small amount of business that can be considered adequately by telephone or e-mail. If you are considering joining us for a board meeting, you might want to call a board member first to be sure the meeting will take place as scheduled. MBCA San Diego Section Presidents' Message Presidents Message Happy New Year! I want to thank all that attended the December Christmas Party in December. It was truly nice to see all of you. As we look to the New Year we welcome all members to take advantage of all that the club has to offer. Car purchase discounts, parts and service discounts at your favorite participating Mercedes dealerships, the award winning Star Magazine, local events with your San Diego Section and all of the new friendships that form by being active members. We have a lot of fun events coming up for you including a museum overnight trip in February. Again, thank you for the wonderful memories from 2015 and we look forward to making new memories in the coming year. We look forward to spending time with each of you. Michael Cooper
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