Delhi - The Pioneer
Delhi - The Pioneer
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The Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) headed by Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on Saturday cleared the induction of 24 indigenously-designed and manufactured Dhanush 155 mm guns, and acquisition of 145 M-777 Howitzer guns from the US. The apex body for giving the go-ahead to acquisition plans for the armed forces, the DAC also reviewed and cleared deals worth over C28,000 crore — including six missile boats, five diving support vessels, flight simulators for Jaguar T 00?RaXTbU^d[Pb <;0PaaTbcTSU^a \XbQTWPeX^da BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 AP MLA from Sangam Vihar and Vice-Chairman of the Delhi Jal Board (DJB), Dinesh Mohaniya was on Saturday arrested by the Delhi Police for allegedly misbehaving with a group of women who had gone to him to complain about a water crisis. Police dragged him from his seat while he was addressing a Press conference at his office in Khanpur in South Delhi. Reacting to the arrest, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal tweeted, “Modi declares Emergency in Delhi. Arresting, raiding, terrorising, filing false cases against all those whom Delhi elected. Mohaniya arrested from his Press conference in front of all TV cameras. What message does Modi want to give to everyone?” Mohaniya, was booked on June 23 after locals of Sangam Vihar alleged that the MLA and his supporters roughed them up and misbehaved with women in his office when they went to complain about irregular water supply. Turn to Page 4 Related report on P3 A 07^fXciTaVd]X]PRcX^] 5X[T BD"C4BC5;867CF8C71A07<>BBD224BB5D; New Delhi: The first flight trial of Brahmos supersonic missile fitted on the SU-30 MKI frontline fighter jet was successful at test range in Nashik on Saturday. The supersonic missile capable of hitting a target at 290 km is already inducted into the Army and Navy. The ultimate test will be conducted in the next few months with the SU-30 firing the missile at a target while performing manoeuvres in simulated battle conditions. P5 fighter jets and indigenous electronic warfare systems for the IAF. However, the most significant approval by the DAC is the induction of Dhanush, often labelled as “desi Bofors”. Manufactured by Ordnance Factory, Jabalpur, the Army will get the first three guns by the end of this month for user trials followed by another three guns by September-end. Another lot of 18 guns will come to the Army in the next one year. The Bofors controversy in the mid-1980s hampered the induction of state-of-the-art long-range artillery guns thereby impacting the Army’s operational capabilities in the subsequent years. At present, more than 3,000 long-range artillery guns capable of hitting a target at more than 40 kms in all kinds of terrain are needed as the present set of Bofors guns are in the last stage of their operational life. Giving details of the artillery gun acquisition plan approved by the DAC during the two-hour-long meeting here, officials said the bulk production of Dhanush guns will enable better exploitation and setting up of indigenous manufacturing facility later on. The drawing, design and manufacturing technology was acquired from Bofors when the deal was inked with the Swedish firm in 1980s and Ordnance Factory, Jabalpur started developing the indigenous gun here five years ago. Dhanush has a range of more than 38 km as compared to Bofors’ 27 km. The “desi Bofors” also has an electronic sighting system for aming the gun accurately at the target. The Army has placed an order for 114 guns and will expand the order to 415 guns if the present lot of 24 guns passes the test, officials said. The total cost of the project is more than C1,300 crore. The other artillery gun to get the nod by the DAC is M777 Howitzers for fighting wars in the mountains. This light weight gun can be airlifted by helicopters or carried on horseback to the forward-most posts for deployment. The Army will get 145 Howitzers from the US through the Foreign Military Sale (FMS) route wherein the US Government will stand guarantee for delivery schedule and maintenance. Turn to Page 4 >eTa \]1aXcbbXV]_[TP U^a!]S1aTgXcaTUTaT]Sd\ /HDYHDVVRRQDV SRVVLEOH(8¶V IRXQGLQJVWDWHVWHOO 8QLWHG.LQJGRP Eh`f]ecRdhY` R^SfdYVUT`_g`j ReAR^a`cV\Z]]VU :7DAB7443F0=8Q BA8=060A ight Central Reserve Police E Force (CRPF) personnel, including two officers, and two militants were killed in one of the worst highway attacks at Pampore town, 12 kilometres south from here on Saturday afternoon. Sources said that 25 CRPF personnel have been wounded in the attack, some of them critically. & Kashmir Chief Jwonammu Minister Mehbooba Mufti the by-election from ver a million people signed O a petition in the United Kingdom calling for a second 3T\^]bcaPc^ab^__^bX]V1aXcPX]´bTgXcUa^\cWT4DX]?Pa[XP\T]cB`dPaTU^[[^fX]V 5aXSPh´b4DaTUTaT]Sd\aTbd[cX];^]S^]^]BPcdaSPh 0? supporters and growing by the hour, led to the collapse of the website of the House of Commons for some time because of the high numbers of people who visited the website to ask for the rerun. The petition, set up by William Oliver Healey on Friday, hours after the shocking Brexit result, called for implementing the rule that “if the Remain or Leave vote is less than 60 per cent based on a turnout less than 75 per cent, there should be another referendum”. Parliament released a message on its official website that it will consider the request for a discussion, as Parliament is committed to consider any request or initiative with more than 1,00,000 signatures. The committee concerned with petitions will meet on Tuesday to decide whether to approve a debate in this regard. A total of 51.9 per cent of Britons voted on Thursday to leave the EU in a referendum, Turn to Page 4 Related reports on P6 Eyewitnesses said that militants waylaid a six-vehicle CRPF convoy when it reached a highway cur ve near Tanchibagh at Namlabal in Pampore town around 4: 45 pm and opened indiscriminate fire on a bus filled with CRPF personnel. The troops of 161-battalion CRPF were returning from Panthachowk area in Srinagar after going through a day-long practice session. “The attack was sudden, quick and intense,” a police officer said. Two attackers were quickly neutralised in the retaliatory action, sources said. Turn to Page 4 >VYS``SRhZ_d 20?BD;4 2_R_e_RXSja`]] 8<064>5C=C42784 :8;;4AA4;40B43 2WT]]PX) ?^[XRTWPeTaT[TPbTS SjYfXV"#!!! X\PVT^UcWTbdb_TRcfW^ PccPRZTS8]U^bhbcTRWXTBfPcWXB ^RcXZ_`Wg`eVd ^]5aXSPh8]cWT22CEU^^cPVTP h^d]V\P]RP]QTbTT]fP[ZX]V :7DAB7443F0=8Q BA8=060A 0?80=BQ ;>=3>=14A;8= referendum over the country’s EU membership following the shock Brexit vote. The petition will now have to be discussed in the British Parliament, having crossed the 1,00,000 signature-mark that is required to trigger a debate in the House of Commons. The petition, till now has garnered 13,00,321 signatures and the number is constantly rising. Meanwhile, in Berlin, the EU’s founding nations said on Saturday that they want Britain to begin leaving the union “as soon as possible”. However, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the EU need not be particularly nasty in the exit talks with Britain. Meanwhile, in London, the petition, signed by 13,00,321 0b^[XSTaRPaaXTbP]P\\d]XcX^]Q^gaTR^eTaTSUa^\cWTSP\PVTS_PaP\X[XcPahQdb X]?P\_^aT^]cWT^dcbZXacb^UBaX]PVPa^]BPcdaSPh 0? Anantnag Assembly constituency of south Kashmir on Saturday defeating her Congress rival with a margin of 12,085 votes. Her rivals were unable to put up a formidable fight in an election that saw one-thirds of the electorate exercising their franchise in the constituency on June 22. Mehbooba polled 17,701 votes from the total of 28,500 votes while her nearest Congress rival Hilal Shah secured 5,616 votes. The Opposition National Conference candidate Iftikhar Misger stood a distant third with 2,811 votes. The verdict is much better for the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) as compared to the 2014 elections when Mehbooba’s late father Mufti Muhammad Sayeed had faced a tough challenge from Shah who had polled more than 10,000 votes. Turn to Page 4 QaXbZ[hfXcWPQPRZ_PRZAPX[fPh <X]XbcTaBdaTbW?aPQWd^] BPcdaSPhR^]S^[TScWTf^\P]8C _a^UTbbX^]P[³bSTPcWP]SSXaTRcTS APX[fPh^UUXRXP[bc^cPZTd_cWT \PccTafXcWcWTCP\X[=PSd 6^eTa]\T]cU^aPaaTbcX]VcWT Rd[_aXcPccWTTPa[XTbc ?$ 024B?A8=C4A3DC44 1>>:BA8>14AC7 =Tf3T[WX) 0RTb_aX]cTa3dcTT 2WP]S^]BPcdaSPhQTRP\TcWT UXabc8]SXP]UT\P[TPcW[TcTc^ `dP[XUhU^acWT \TcaTSPbWX] >[h\_XRbX]"%hTPabPbbWT Q^^ZTSPAX^6P\TbQTacWPccWT !%cW6:^bP]^e<T\^aXP[<TTc X]0[\Pch:PiPZWbcP] ? 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Launching the flagship Smart City Mission into implementation mode with the launch of 14 projects at the Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex in Pune, Modi described the “Smart City Mission” as a “people’s movement” in which the Government had successfully brought about “participatory approach” among the people, an approach that involved tapping of the “talent pool” among the citizens. “The Smart City concept is not merely allocating money for some project. In its own way it CWTaTfPbPcX\TfWT] daQP]XbPcX^]f^d[SQT R^]bXSTaTSPRP[P\XchCWTaT dbTSc^QTSTQPcTb^]cWT X[[TUUTRcb^UdaQP]XbPcX^]<h cWX]ZX]VXbSXUUTaT]cFT bW^d[S]^cR^]bXSTa daQP]XbPcX^]PRP[P\XchQdc P]^__^acd]Xch A °?<=PaT]SaP<^SX ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SX[^^ZbPcPST\^]bcaPcX^] SdaX]VB\Pac2XcXTb4gWXQXcX^]X]?d]T^]BPcdaSPh ?C8 is a people’s movement. It is an attempt to sow seeds of a bright future based on past experience. Our experiment has been suc- cessful,” Modi said. Exhorting city planners not to treat urbanisation as a “calamity” but as an “opportu- nity”, the Prime Minister said, “There was a time when urbanisation would be considered a calamity. There used to be debates on the ill-effects of urbanisation. My thinking is different. We should not consider urbanisation a calamity but an opportunity. If we consider urbanisation a calamity, we would be more worried about providing basic amenities to the population. If we consider it an opportunity we can effectively bring about makeover of the cities in question.” Turn to Page 4 APXPaaTbcTS ?=BQ ?0C=0 ubious Class 12 Arts ‘topD per’ from Bihar, Ruby Rai was arrested on Saturday by the Special Investigation Team of the police from the premises of Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB). She was arrested soon after an interview by a panel of experts that had called her for a retest. Ruby had been given a third opportunity to appear before the panel of experts to prove her merit. After failing to turn up for the retest the first two times on different pretexts she came on Saturday and appeared before the panel, but her replies were found to be highly unsatisfactory. All the 13 students who topped the Class 12 Board exams had been called for a retest after it was revealed that Turn to Page 4 UX[\bce! =4F34;78kBD=30H k9D=4!%! % %LJ\HWQRW DY`hTRdV`WUVacRgZej JUHDW D9@HE:>6 F8C7<44=0:B78A0> :?56A6?56?4652J+C6DFC86?46 Z_X+=ZR^9V^dh`ceY;VWW8`]US]f^ ;VddZVEFdYVc3Z]]Af]]^R_ CReVU+' "! t’s much too familiar if you can jog back your memory to the 1996 original which came in to sweep you with its own version of alien invasion, albeit with a much smaller space ship and way lesser CGIs. Independence Day: Resurgence plies you into a much, much bigger alien ship, a behemoth as big as 3,000 miles in diameter. Naturally then, the invasion and the design of destruction is much bigger too and that’s where the film scores most — its lifelike visuals of a queen bee alien throwing death in all directions, not to mention the energy it generates to steal the core of the Earth and end life on the planet. The story, the characters, even the premise is much the same as the original version. So, in a way, it does breed familiarity but the grand scale on which it unfolds this much too similar story gives it back some punch. Just when the American President is giving a salutary speech of return of peace to Mother Earth, a sinister force from an alien hive is seeking to take away life itself. Encased in a shield so strong that it is unbreachable, this queen bee is a force none in humanity has seen or imagined, not the delectable psychiatrist on a trail of unravelling alien signage, not the scientist doctor, not even “Mr President” who was the centre point of action in the last film. A lot of officialese and big talk later, the great American solidarity pulls back from the brink and all is saved till the next invasion. The realism, sadly, goes missing alongside the Prez and the film, despite great designs and greater special effects, falls here and there in the campaign it stretches through territory that is not too unfamiliar and thus less scintillating. But worth a watch nevertheless. I C2>2?C2892G#! Z_X+?RhRkfUUZ_DZUUZbfZGZT\j <RfdYR]DY`SYZeR5Yf]ZhR]R CReVU+' "! o one showcases depravities of the human mind as graphically as Anurag Kashyap. Raman Raghav 2.0 is an allin-one show of the debauchery of the human mind through two characters — one a mindless, certified killer who kills for the heck of it, the other a uniformed law enforcer high on abuse, and not just of substance. Together, the two script a racy psycho-thriller which stands still in some places as starkly as it runs amok with unimaginable and yet unstated violence in other. The mind games are splashed in blood and gore which the director skillfully makes you imagine more than he shows. Though the film lets out a big and clear disclaimer that this is not about the 1960s’ serial killer Raman Raghav, it draws heavily from the much documented Mumbai marauder who infamously confessed to have killed more than 40 people on the streets as also to raping and killing his sister. Here, Nawazuddin Siddiqui as Raman is cataclysmic, in other words brilliant as the unrelenting killer with dilated eyeballs covered in eerily N brown contact lens. Siddiqui’s approach to the kills is stealthy, well studied and sparingly habitual and as he treads the slums of Mumbai, or the footpath dotted with the sleeping homeless, he brings you to the edge of fear without really throwing the blood at you. His killing instrument, an iron jack, trails him with curdling noise but it is his entire demeanour of coolness to crime and the philosophy of killing that makes you cringe. Vicky Kaushal as the cop on this killer’s trail mesmerises too with his inherent negativities which, sadly go unexplained. Why would he be in the haze of cocaine, why would he kill with such impunity, why would he be so abusive of his girlfriend, are areas which needed to be fleshed out. But as far as Kaushal goes, he too does his best to show the worst. The covert violence in the film draws you inexorably into the mess that’s on display in a dingy, smokey, unforgiving Mumbai where the darkness of its principle characters complements the shades given to the lanes, bylanes and slums of the megapolis. It’s an uncomfortable film to be with, especially because it pulls you in without an escape. ab TV has been known to tickle everybody’s funny bone ever since its inception. The channel, which always brings in new comedy concepts, has come up with the ultimate concept — telling the story of the viewers. Titled Khidki, the latest offering from Sab TV is being helmed by actor, director and producer JD Majethia who is popular for making shows like Sarabhai vs Sarabhai; Khichdi; Badi Door Se Aaye Hain; Baa, Bahu aur Baby etc. Majethia will be seen in the role of the sutradhaar or the narrator. Explaining the show’s pattern, Majethia said: “We wanted to do something new. Creating a new story from scratch is fine for a while but the writers get tired of doing the same thing over and over, and it starts looking stale. So, for Khidki, we invited our viewers to send mazzedar stories of their families which we will adapt into mini-series of five-six episodes each. What can be a better way to connect to the audience?” Anooj Kapoor, Senior EVP and Business head, Sab TV, said: “Khidki is a concept that will S AVV\Z_e`eYZd\YZU\Z 35$.5,7,52<PHHWVWKHFDVWDQGGLUHFWRURI6DE79¶VODWHVWVKRZ WRJLYH\RXDJOLPSVHRIZKDWOLHVRQWKHRWKHUVLGHRIWKHZLQGRZ bring people’s real stories to the screen. There will be new stories and new characters each week.” The show is being directed by Umesh Shukla of Oh My God fame and will see some stellar actors in various stories, including Sarita Joshi, Rajeev Mehta, Lubna Salim and Aishwarya Sakhuja. The actors will, possibly, be seen playing other characters in later stories. The producers have already received over 12,000 entries within two weeks from different parts of the country. “We came up with the name Khidki because through these stories you can peek into people’s homes. Khidki ke andar bhi jhaank sakte ho, aur bahar bhi. Along with a fun story, we also want to give people a message, much like my film Oh My God,” explained Shukla. Being great storytellers themselves, Majethia and Shukla have also contributed a few stories from their own lives and families. “There was a funny incident with my father’s mamaji, back in the 1940s. He was supposed to get married but had been told that he can’t meet his bride before the wedding. The story will see his attempts to have a chat with his future wife,” revealed Shukla. The show will go on air on June 28, 2016 and the team already has enough stories to last the next six months at least, they said. ´DFS_^dU^dYcc_bU`UdYdYfUµ Q Will the audience see a different Aishwarya in Khidki? This is the first time you’ll see me doing comedy. Second, the role I’m playing in this story, Anju, is a girl only for name’s sake. She is a total tomboy and enjoys punching people. She is totally mad. Q Is there any actor you always wanted to work with? I always wanted to work with the cast of Khichdi, and my dream has come true. Rajeev Mehta (who played Praful) will be my father here and JD sir is there as the sutradhaar. Q How difficult is comedy? Very. I learnt so much in my 10 days of shooting. Comedy is all about timing and the actors need to rehearse a lot to get that right. The action and reaction has to be perfect. Q Saas-bahu drama, comedy, reality shows. What’s left? For now, this is enough. If you start exploring everything at once, you become jack of all trades and master of none. I want to make people laugh now. Q Any other projects? 08B7F0AH0B0:7D90cT[[b ?A0:A8C8A>HPQ^dcWTaa^[TX]:WXSZX Things are lined up but I can’t disclose much right now. But it’s a daily which will also be a comedy. Q You were away from fiction for two years… It was not a conscious decision to stay away from fiction. But the things that came my way did not excite me. The content seems repetitive and it’s not morally satisfying for me. An actress’ shelf life is quite short and I want to explore everything within that. Q Is the content regressive? As an actor, I am responsible for the things I portray. Superstition is a major problem in our country and our Government is making a lot of effort to get rid of it. I don’t want to support superstition. But I won’t say I’ll never do that. It’s possible that two years later I’ll have no work and I have to do such a show. Q Why do these shows work? It’s all about the audience. Good shows like Dahleez, which people like me can relate to, don’t get enough TRPs because people like us don’t have time to watch TV. And those who have time to watch TV don’t have the mentality for these kind of shows. ´GQ^dd_cY^WQ^T TQ^SUd__µ 0=64;0?0;9>Ab_TPZbc^RWX[SPRcaTbbB0=8H0C0D@D44AfW^fX[[QT bTT]_^acaPhX]VcWTa^[T^UbTeT]hTPa^[S<P]_aTTc^]CE³bFPPaXb BP]XhPX] aTP[[XUT 0b<P]_aTTc X]FPPaXb Q How do you manage your studies along with acting? I go to NTCC school in Malad, Mumbai, and my teachers there are very supportive. So I don’t find it hard to work as an actor and study alongside it. When I’ve a lot of homework to do, I take it with me to the set and I complete it there. I don’t work late nights, maximum time would be nine. Q Do your parents accompany you to the set? My father always accompanies me to the shoots. My parents got divorced when I was three. Since then, my dad has continuously supported me. He is a choreographer and he really understands me. My dadi, too, was very supportive and now that she is no more, I feel like I’m living her dream. Q Do you get treated differently by your friends at school? I don’t have many friends at school. I’m hoping that once I start coming on TV I will become more famous. C4;;HC0;4 ;24BF6=:?6E@ ;F586;92=2< ^[^ab³ \^bc PfPXcTS SP]RT 2aTP[Xch bW^f 9WP[PZ 3XZWW[P 9PP Xb bTc U^a BTPb^] ( 0_Pac Ua^\ ]Tf R^]cTbcP]cb cWT bW^f fX[[P[b^WPeTPQaP]S]TfYdSVT ¯9PR`dT[X]T5Ta]P]STi 2^]UXa\X]V WTa _aTbT]RT ^] cWTbW^f9PR`dT[X]TbPXS)°3P]RT XbP]X]cTVaP[_Pac^U\h[XUT*Xc³bP U^a\ ^U Tg_aTbbX^] cWPc T]PQ[Tb \Tc^R^]]TRcfXcW\hPdSXT]RT 8c³bcWXb_PbbX^]cWPcWPbQa^dVWc Q Do you want to be an actor in future? No, I want to do everything from singing and dancing, to acting. I was a non-actor when I did my first short film, Pari Ki Pukar in Delhi. Later, I went for acting classes and I’ve been acting since then. Whenever someone asks me what I want to do in life, I say ‘I want to be all in one’. Q Other than Waaris, what all serials have you worked for? I’ve worked in a lot of serials. I started by playing Anarkali in Jodha Akbar. Then I worked in Shapath, Balika Vadu and Sumit Sambhal Lega. Since I have started working in Waaris, my confidence has reached another level. Q What do you do when not in school or on the set? I hate cartoons like Chota Bheem and Doraemon, so I avoid watching any of that. I usually work on myself from acting to stunts. I try working on my cartwheel and splits. \T c^ 9WP[PZ 3XZWW[P 9PP CWXb bcPVTWPbfXc]TbbTSb^\T^UcWT \^bc cP[T]cTS PRc^ab Ua^\ cWT X]SdbcahP]S8P\ST[XVWcTSc^QT P_Pac^UXcb[TVPRh8c³bP]W^]^da c^ bWPaT cWT T[XcT Ydah _P]T[ fXcW :PaP] 9^WPa P]S RW^aT^VaP_WTa 6P]TbW 7TVST 1^[[hf^^S fT[R^\TS \T fXcW ^_T] Pa\b C^SPhPb8cPZTcWTUXabcbcT_X]c^ cT[TeXbX^]8W^_TcWPccWXb[^eTP]S bd__^ac\d[cX_[XTb\P]XU^[S± CWTaT Xb P]^cWTa ]Tf cfXbc cWXb bTPb^] Pb cWT fX]]Ta ^U 9WP[PZ 3XZZW[P 9PP BTPb^] % BP[\P]HdbdU:WP]fX[[QTbTT] Pb^]T^UcWTR^]cTbcP]c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c^f]WP[[" =4F34;78kBD=30H k9D=4!%! % >`YR_ZjRRccVdeVU`_ 00?6^eTa]\T]c Eh`YV]UZ_ <YR[``cZ<YRd aTYTRcb<70\P]U^a RWR]dVTYRcXV+22A ]j_TYZ_XTRdV BPhbXcXbcPRcXRb 2E>³bY^QX]B3<2 c^SXeTacPccT]cX^] A094B7:D<0AQ =4F34;78 Ua^\<<:WP]´b \daSTaRPbT fter the BJP-led Government at the Centre returned 14 Bills to the A Delhi Government, the AAP BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 he AAP on Saturday blamed the Centre and BJP and T claimed that its MLA Dinesh Mohaniya was arrested on false charge. It said that it was a “pressure tactic” by BJP to deviate attention from NDMC estate officer MM Khan’s murder case and “save” Lt Governor Najeeb Jung and MP Maheish Girri. Delhi’s ruling party also claimed that Station House Officer of Jamia Nagar Mangesh Tyagi, who led the probe in Khan’s murder case, was transferred on June 9. Also, the ACP of the area was shifted. The Union Home Ministry has returned 14 Bills passed by Delhi Assembly, saying proper procedures were not followed by the AAP Government while adopting the legislations. “If you look at the events in the last few days. 14 Bills (passed by the Delhi Assembly) have been sent back (by the Centre). Mohania was arrested today. The SHO probing Khan’s mur- ?^[XRTSTcPX]00?<;03X]TbW<^WP]XhPX]=Tf3T[WX^]BPcdaSPh der case has been transferred. “All these suggest one thing, that it is to pressurise AAP, which has been taking forward the case, and save LG Najeeb Jung, BJP MP Maheish Girri and NDMC vice-chairman Karan Tanwar,” AAP leader Ashutosh told reporters here. AAP also furnished a letter, claimed to have been written by Khan’s elder daughter Ikra, demanding reinstatement of Tyagi. Convenor of AAP Delhi unit Dilip Pandey termed as “unusual” the transfer of police personnel ahead of Ramzan, saying at this point of time policemen are not shifted because of their familiarity with an area. Delhi Police had termed it as “routine” transfer as 53 Inspectors were also shuffled in the same list, he claimed. “We have been demanding that Delhi Police should stop reporting to the L-G as he has started influencing the case,” Pandey alleged. AAP has also been demanding the arrest of Jung, Tanwar and Girri in Khan murder case. The party claims that Tanwar and Girri had written letters to Jung, in favour of hotelier Ramesh Kakkar, the prime accused in the case. Girri has denied writing any such letter. Referring to a sting by AAP in 2014, party leader Raghav Chadha said Mohania is the MLA who was involved in the operation that “caught” Delhi BJP vice-president Sher Singh Dagar allegedly offering bribe, in an attempt to poach party Legislators. >@?D@@?C625J4=2:>5:D4@>D BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 ays before monsoon strikes Delhi, major power distribution companies in the national capital on Saturday claimed that they are prepared to check incidents of moisturerelated breakdowns through a series of measures. Power major BSES, which supplies electricity to around 70 per cent of Delhi, said its two discoms — BRPL and BYPL — have given a gap between the ground and the base of transformers in low-lying areas and have undertaken the task D ?X^]TTa_W^c^ of pruning trees to prevent entangling of cables. The other measures include cleaning rooftops to avoid water logging that may lead to seepage and moisture and ensuring proper fencing around all plinth and polemounted transformers. “We urge people to alert BSES in case somebody comes across fallen trees and branches on electricity wires due to rain or strong winds. This will enable us to take prompt corrective action,” an official statement said. Government refused to accept Union Home Ministry’s order on the appointment of the Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in the South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC). The AAP Government has instead proposed another officer for the post. According to sources, the AAP Government has reportedly rejected the MHA order appointing Mangesh Kashyap ( DANIPS 1995 batch) as CVO of the SDMC and has instead issued order proposing the name of BR Meena, a 1997 batch IPS officer of UP cadre, for the post. The argument of Delhi Government is that it had sent a panel of officers including the name of HPS Sran (DANICS officer) and BR Meena to MHA to appoint one of them as CVO. But the MHA did not consider Delhi Government’s panel at all. Instead SDMC proposal to appoint Kashyap as CVO was accepted by MHA and the Ministry has issued orders appointing him as the SDMC CVO. The Delhi Government’s contention is that Kashyap is neither an IPS officer nor senior enough to hold the high-profile post. The Delhi Government has also issued a note to SDMC stating that it is going to seek clearance of the CVC on the appointment of Meena for the post. Meena’s name, however, did not figure in the SDMC’s list. The SDMC in its list had recommended the name of Mangesh for the post of the CVO. It was on June 7, that the Union Home Ministry ordered the appointment of DANIPS officer Mangesh Kashyap as the CVO of the SDMC. In an office memorandum, Director (Services) AV Dharma Reddy said, “The undersigned is directed to convey the approval of the Competent Authority for appointing of Shri Mangesh Kashyap, DANIPS, presently in Delhi Police, as the Chief Vigilance Officer in South Delhi Municipal Corporation for a period of three years extendable by another two years with specific concurrence of the Central Vigilance Commission. You are requested to issue appropriate order/notification.” The copy of the memorandum among others has also been marked to the office of the Lieutenant Governor, Delhi Chief Secretar y, SDMC Commissioner, Police Commissioner and Director (Local Bodies) of the Urban Development Department. As per the procedure, the MHA clears the name of the CVO and the same is notified by the Delhi Government. The final clearance for the said post is given by the Mayor and the South Delhi Municipal Corporation Appointment Committee. F^\P]U^d]S WP]VX]VUa^\ UP]X]=TQBPaPX BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 30-year old woman was found hanging from her A ceiling fan in her room in South BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 day after a man was lynched by a mob in north-east Delhi’s Khajoori Khas on Friday night, Delhi Police has arrested two persons in connection with the crime. Although police still claimed that they could not identify the victim yet. According to a senior police official, the accused has been identified as Mohammed Salim(25) and Ishtiaq(27). “We have till now arrested two persons in connection to the lynching of the 30-year-old man. We will soon identify the victim and there can be further arrests. Further investigation is on,” said the police official. The man was lynched by a mob for allegedly trying to kidnap a five year-old-girl near her house while she was playing in the E-Block of the Khajoori Khas area on Friday afternoon. The incident took place at around 1pm when the girl was playing with her friends near her house. Sources said that two men walked up to the child and one of them tried to lift her and walk away. However, the girl somehow managed to free herself from him and ran inside her house. Locals standing nearby saw what was just transpired and caught hold of one of the two men. The mob allegedly thrashed him. In order to save himself, he ran inside a building. Sources further said that Mini, who was living on the first floor, saw the man and asked him who he was. On being questioned, he ran upstairs. Simultaneously, the mob which had been trailing him caught and dragged from the first floor of the building and brought to the main street. Mini alleged that the man was half unconscious. A Delhi’s Neb Sarai on Friday. According to a senior police official, the deceased has been identified as Firoza. Firoza’s in-laws allege that she commited suicide but Firoza’s family says that due to pressure from her in-laws and husband, she committed such an act. Police took her body to AIIMS for post-mortem where both Firoza’s family was present. Firoza’s husband Firoz said that her father had died few days back due to which she was very depressed. On 24th evening, Firoza was with her husband and kids in one room. After a while, she left and went to another room and closed the door. When her husband went to knock on the door, there was no reply. Her husband kept banging and then called neighbours who came and broke the door open. Firoza was then seen hanging from the ceiling. Firoz immediately called the police who took the body to AIIMS. “We have registered a case under section 174 crpc and and inquest proceedings have been initiated. Further investigations in this matter is on,” said the police official. CWaTTZX[[TSX]cadRZ\XbWP_ 4`_deRS]VT`^^ZeddfZTZUVSjYR_XZ_X New Delhi: A truck carrying cement toppled in outer Delhi’s Alipur killing three persons and injuring three on Saturday. According to a senior police official, the deceased has been identified as Bucchan Singh(40), Pawan(30) and Dilip(30), who were from Munger and were staying in Shakurbasti in Delhi. Police have sent the bodies for postmortem to a nearby hospital. The injured persons have been identified as Arvind, Nangu and Varun. The deceased were sitting on the back of the truck while the injured were sitting with the driver, who is the accused, identified as Kailash(37), in this case. Police are currently searching for the accused truck driver. At 5:20 Saturday morning, a passerby at the place of incident informed police about the overturned truck. Police immediately rushed to the spot and took the six persons to the hospital where three were declared brought dead while the othree three were critically injured. SR BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 Delhi Police constable posted A with the PTC unit of the force committed suicide by hanging himself from the ceiling fan at his residential home in north-west Delhi’s Jahangirpuri on Saturday. According to a senior police official, the accused has been identified as 47-year-old Kamal Kumar, who is survived by wife, two sons and one daughter. Police said on Friday night that Kumar had gone to his brother’s house in Keshavpuram and his kids had gone to their grandparent’s house along with their mother. After having dinner at his brother’s house, Kumar wanted to stay over at his house but his brother could not accommodate him as his house was too small and there was no place for Kumar to stay. “Kumar kept insisting his brother if he could stay back at his place but his brother could not accommodate him as there was no place for him to sleep in the house. So kumar had to get back home,” said the police official. Police sources said Kumar had financial problems and was suffering from tuberculosis. Apart from these, Kumar also had a drinking habit, claimed police. “Kumar used to indulge in drinking and was suffering from tuberculosis. He sometimes used to have arguments with his wife due to this reason,” said the official. ]PcX^]# =4F34;78kBD=30H k9D=4!%! % BfcR_dRTcZ]VXVZ_TZUV_e+ Af_[RSe`h_eV_dV <^QP[[TVTS[h PccPRZb0ZP[X3P[ <;05PaiP]P :WPc^^]bW^dbT ?=BQ 270=3860A7 what could be seen as a by some miscreIants,nmischief torn pages of the holy Quran were found in Punjab's only Muslim-majority town of Malekotla late on Friday triggering a night of arson and violence in the city. Sources said the incident occurred after prayers on the third Friday of the holy month of Ramzan. A mob targeted the house of local Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) MLA Farzana Khatoon after damaging 12 cars, including four of the legislator, forcing the police to resort to firing. Police sources said 100 rounds were fired to control the mob. Farzana, 62, is the wife of former Punjab Police DGP Mohammad Izhar Alam, who is also an Akali loyalist. Alam made Malerkotla his home in 2010 after retirement when he became the Punjab Wakf Board chairman. He would have got the SAD ticket but for Sikh hardliners who raked up his controversial tenure during the days of militancy. Farzana won the 2012 Assembly elections on the SAD ticket after a bitter battle with her Congress rival and two-time MLA Razia Sultana, 49, who is backed by her husband and IPS officer Mohammad Mustafa. She was a sitting two term MLA when she was defeated by Khatoon. Many in police and bureaucratic circles see the desecration as a power struggle between the two powerful leaders, backed by their husbands in the run-up to the Assembly polls early next year. Six policemen, including a DSP was injured as protesters who numbered around 300400 indulged in stone pelting, torched a car and a room meant for security men outside the MLA's house. The legislator who was in the house was safe, DSP Randhir Singh said on the incident Friday night. Police and security men of Khatoon fired in the air to disperse the crowd. The mob pelted stones at police personnel injuring to six policemen, including a DSP, said police. Heavy police force has been deployed in the wake of the incident. DIG (Patiala Range) BS Sidhu said, "Situation (in Malerkotla) is peaceful now." A case has been registered in this regard, police said, adding that no arrest has been made so far. DGP (Law and Order) Hardeep Singh Dhillon along with IG (Patiala Z one) Paramjit Singh Umra Nangal on Saturday visited the area and reviewed the situation. 6d]SXRWPAPcWHPcaP >VYS``SRhZ_d c^QTWT[S^]9d[h% 2_R_e_RXSja`]] =Tf3T[WX)CWTBWaX9PVP]]PcW <P]SXa?aT\XbTbWT[SPb_TRXP[ bTbbX^]fXcWcWT\TSXP^]5aXSPh aT[PcX]Vc^cWT_aT_PaPcX^]P]S _[P]]X]VU^acWTT]bdX]V#(cWBWaX 6d]SXRWPAPcWHPcaPfWXRWfX[[QT WT[S^]%cW^U]Tgc\^]cWCWT APcWHPcaP^U?daX9PVP]]PcWXb fXc]TbbTSQhbR^aTb^U_T^_[TCWT RWPaX^cb^UcWTcWaTT\PX]STXcXTb PaT_d[[TSUa^\cWT9PVP]]PcW cT\_[TP]SRd[\X]PcTPc6d]SXRWP cT\_[T0RR^aSX]Vc^:P\STe 1XbfP[bTRaTcPah^UcWT<P]SXa°P R^[^aUd[_a^RTbbX^]fXcWePaX^db 6WP]cP<P]SP[Xb1WPYP]<P]SP[Xb fX[[QT^aVP]XbTSEPaX^db9WP]ZXb ST_XRcX]V\hcW^[^VXRP[bc^aXTbfX[[ QT_Pac^UcWTVaP]S_a^RTbbX^]± 5^acWT^]TfTTZUTbcXeP[PRPa]XeP[ WPbQTT]_[P]]TSfXcWb_TRXP[ PccaPRcX^]bbdRWPbcaPSXcX^]P[U^^S P]SWP]SXRaPUcbbcP[[b_d__Tc bW^fb\PVXRbW^fbP]S^cWTa PRcXeXcXTbU^ah^d]VRWX[SaT]CWTaT XbP[b^PaaP]VT\T]c^U0]]P1W^V ?aPbPSP]S:WXRWPSX?aPbPSU^acWT STe^cTTbfWXRWfX[[QTSXbcaXQdcTS cWa^dVW^dccWTSPh BA SjYfXV"#!!! From Page 1 Mehbooba’s election to the Assembly was necessary as she had to become member of one of the two Houses of J&K legislature within a period of six months from taking oath as the Chief Minister. She became the first woman Chief Minister of Jammu & Kashmir on April 4. The bypoll in Anantnag was necessitated after the demise of Mufti Muhammad Sayeed on January 7. The PDP has now regained its number of 29 legislators in the Assembly. Mehbooba’s election to the Assembly would necessitate by-election in Anantnag Lok Sabha constituency that she is currently representing. After winning the election Mehbooba thanked the voters for reposing faith in her and vowed to continue her efforts for development of Jammu & Kashmir. Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated Mehbooba on her “phenomenal” victory. “Congratulations to J&K CM Mehbooba Mufti for the phenomenal victory in the Anantnag cWTd]X^] CWT6Ta\P]U^aTXV]\X]XbcTa X]eXcTSWXbR^d]cTa_PacbUa^\ 5aP]RT=TcWTa[P]Sb8cP[h1T[VXd\ P]S;dgT\Q^daVc^cWT 6^eTa]\T]c³bEX[[P1^abXV\P]bX^] ^]cWT^dcbZXacb^U1Ta[X] 0bWTfPbWTPSX]VX]c^cWT \TTcX]VBcTX]\TXTaX\_[XTSXcXb X\_^acP]cU^a[TPSTabc^QTccTa R^]]TRcfXcWcWT4D³b\^aTcWP] $\X[[X^]RXcXiT]bP]SaTPRcc^ cWTXaf^aaXTb 7TbPXS]^fXbcWTcX\Tc^UX]S^dc fWPccWT!&aT\PX]X]V4D R^d]caXTbfP]cU^acWTUdcdaT^UcWT d]X^]7TbPXScWThP[b^]TTSTSc^ [XbcT]c^cWT4D³bRXcXiT]bP]SWTPa °cWTTg_TRcPcX^]b^UcWT_T^_[T± BcTX]\TXTa\T]cX^]TScWTaTUdVTT RaXbXbWXVWd]T\_[^h\T]cP\^]V h^d]V_T^_[TX]b^dcWTa]4da^_T P]SbTRdaXchR^]RTa]bU^[[^fX]V cWTcTaa^aPccPRZbX]5aP]RTP]S 1T[VXd\PbX\_^acP]cXbbdTbfWTaT _T^_[TWPScWTaXVWcc^Tg_TRc QTccTaP]bfTabUa^\4D_^[XRh \PZTab 7^fTeTaWTRPdcX^]TSPVPX]bc \PZX]VaPbWSTRXbX^]b°8c³bc^cP[[h R[TPacWPcX]cX\Tb[XZTcWTbT^]T bW^d[S]TXcWTaQTWhbcTaXRP[]^aUP[[ X]c^_PaP[hbXb±BcTX]\TXTabPXS 0[\^bcSTUXP]c[hWTbPXScWPc°8³\ ?=BQ 30;C>=60=9 ecurity forces comprising DAP Latehar and the CRPF seized huge stocks of deadly improvised explosive devices (IED), pressure cooker bombs, cartridges and chemicals on Saturday from the jungles falling under two police stations of Herhunj and Manika in Latehar district. Latehar SP Anoop Birtharey said that the security forces recovered two IEDs of 35 kg each, besides two pressure cooker bombs weighing 5 kg each along with 1,145 cartridges of 0.22 bore. All these seizures were done during two search operations made in the jungles of Herhunj and Manika. The SP said that it was Doree jungle in Herhunj and Vishunpura bandh jungle in Manika. Also, 60 kg of chemicals were recovered in plastic containers. The chemicals were ammonium nitrate and ammo- S Assembly by-election,” he tweeted. Earlier, Opposition legislators in the Assembly alleged that several electronic voting machines were not properly sealed that led to protest by candidates at the counting hall in Anantnag. Former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah had congratulated Mufti three days ago in the Assembly saying that her win was imminent in the backdrop of “misuse of official machinery for the Chief Minister’s election”. Abdullah ridiculed her for skipping the Assembly when the demands for the grants for departments under CM’s control were being discussed in the Assembly. Meanwhile, the PDP has thanked Anantnag people for the support. “I salute the people of Anantnag for having shown immense political maturity and steering clear of the propaganda floated by the Opposition and having voted for PDP in great numbers,” PDP chief spokesperson Mehboob Beg said in a statement. The people have reposed their faith in Mufti Sahab’s idea of sewing together PDP-BJP alliance for the larger good and development of the State and have not fallen for the gimmicks played by the Opposition, he said. >eTa \]1aXcbbXV] 5a^\_?PVT ]XRZ]P\TS°1aTgXc±fXcWcWT _PacXRX_PcX^]^U&! _TaRT]c^U e^cTab <TP]fWX[T^]BPcdaSPh5aP]RT daVTSP]Tf1aXcXbW?aX\T <X]XbcTac^cPZT^UUXRTPb`dXRZ[h Pb_^bbXQ[T6Ta\P]5^aTXV] <X]XbcTa5aP]ZFP[cTaBcTX]\TXTa W^bcX]VcWTbXg^aXVX]P[BcPcTb^U cWT4DX]1Ta[X]bPXScWThfTaTX] PVaTT\T]ccWPc;^]S^]\dbc]^c fPXcc^bcPaccWTR^\_[Tg _a^RTSdaT^UTgcaPRcX]VXcbT[UUa^\ cWTQ[^R °FTY^X]c^VTcWTaX]bPhX]VcWPc cWXb_a^RTbb\dbcQTVX]Pbb^^] Pb_^bbXQ[Tb^fTS^]³cT]Sd_X] P]TgcT]STS[X\Q^_TaX^SQdc aPcWTaRP]U^Rdb^]cWTUdcdaT^U 4da^_TP]ScWTf^aZc^fPaSXc± CWT4da^_TP]D]X^]\dbcWTTS °cWTTg_TRcPcX^]b^UcWT_T^_[T±^] XbbdTbbdRWPb\XVaPcX^]P]S d]T\_[^h\T]cPbXcaTb_^]Sbc^ 1aXcPX]³be^cTc^[TPeTcWTQ[^R 6Ta\P]h³b5^aTXV]<X]XbcTabPXS ^]BPcdaSPh 5aP]ZFP[cTaBcTX]\TXTafPb \TTcX]VfXcWc^_SX_[^\PcbUa^\ cWT4D³bUXeT^cWTaU^d]SX]V ]PcX^]bX]1Ta[X]U^aWPbcX[h PaaP]VTScP[ZbU^[[^fX]V1aXcPX]³b bcd]]X]Ve^cTCWdabSPhc^[TPeT 8eWUXQe\_V954c 19?<?:XaXcST\P]Sb S__[UbR_]RcY^ 58APVPX]bcEPSaPX] <QdUXQbZe^W\U 1XZP]Ta[P]SSTP[RPbT RTacPX]cWPcR^d]caXTbcWPcWPeT b^\TcWX]Vc^bPhfX[[]^cP[[^f cWPccWTXa4da^_TfX[[QTcPZT] PfPh± CWT4DfPbQdX[cX]cWTVaX\ PUcTa\PcW^UF^a[SFPa88fXcWcWT W^_T^U[TPSX]VcWTSTbca^hTS R^]cX]T]cc^P\^aT_TPRTUd[P]S _a^b_Ta^dbUdcdaT5Xabc[Pd]RWTS PbcWT4da^_TP]2^P[P]SBcTT[ 2^\\d]XchX] ($ XcfPbcda]TS X]c^cWT4da^_TP]4R^]^\XR 2^\\d]XchX] ($&QhcWTbXg U^d]SX]V\T\QTab_aTbT]cX] 1Ta[X]cWXbfTTZT]S 6aPSdP[[h\^aTP]S\^aTfTbcTa] 4da^_TP]BcPcTbY^X]TSFXcWcWT UP[[^UR^\\d]Xb\X] ('(cWT TR^]^\XRP]S_^[XcXRP[d]X^]P[b^ ^_T]TSXcbS^^abc^TPbcTa]P]S RT]caP[4da^_TP]R^d]caXTb[XZT 7d]VPahP]S?^[P]S 3Tb_XcTcWTd]X^]³bRdaaT]cRaXbXb 1T[VXP]5^aTXV]<X]XbcTa3XSXTa ATh]STabbPXScWThf^d[S°cahc^ V^UdacWTa]^ffXcWcWT4da^_TP] X]cTVaPcX^]± °FT]TTSc^SXbRdbbfXcWcWTD: CWTfPh^dcQdcfT]TTSP[b^c^ SXbRdbbW^fXcXb_^bbXQ[Tc^S^ \^aTfXcWb^\T_Pac]Tab^afXcW !&\T\QTabcPcTbX]SXUUTaT]c R^]RaTcTUXT[Sb±ATh]STabc^[S aT_^acTab nium sulphate, he added. Apart from this, security forces also recovered naphthalene balls that are used as insecticides in houses. The Maoists use these balls to further make their IEDs more deadly, said the SP. These balls were more than 2,000 to 2,500 in numbers. Police sources said that Maoist badges were also recovered from the dumping site that was found with the help of specific inputs from intelligence sources. These articles were just hidden in the jungles in a way nobody could get any suspicion about them. Notably, on May 27 last, security personnel had recovered another huge consignment of the Maoists. As many as 577 pipe bombs, 335 gelatin bombs, 263 hand grenades, 183 cartridges and 3 ammunition chargers were buried in a 500-litre capacity water tank. 2c^je`XVeZed From Page 1 Giving the breakup of the time lag, officials said once the 750-million-dollar deal is inked in the coming months, the first 25 guns will be bought off the shelf and delivered in India. This will save cost of transportation. The remaining guns will be brought to India in knock down condition and assembled here, they said. The DAC also approved parleys for fixing the pre centage of offsets for this contract, officials said. At present, the vendor has to plough back at least 30 per cent of the total contract price back into the Indian industry if the deal is over Rs 300 crore. The other deals cleared by the apex body included six missile boats for the Navy. The Rs 13,000-crore deal will see the Navy opting for Indian manufactured boats to replace six ageing vessels acquired from Russia in the 1980s. In all, the Navy has 12 boats as of now. The Navy also got the go-ahead for a Rs 386-crore plan for modernisations of its dockyards besides Rs 150 crore sanction for procuring five diving support vessels. The IAF was sanctioned Rs 500 crore for procuring flight simulators for Jaguar fighter aircraft and a Rs 1,300-crore approval for indigenous electronic warfare system from Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL). The DAC also approved design and development of counter measures system for T-90 tanks, officials said. New Delhi: BJP MP Kirit Somaiya has sought registration of a criminal case against Robert Vadra, son-in-law of Congress president Sonia Gandhi, by the Rajasthan Government in connection with an alleged land deal scam in the border town of Bikaner. In a letter written to the Rajasthan Director General of Police, Somaiya has said that as Vadra was the "ultimate beneficiary" in the said deal, a criminal conspiracy FIR by police should be made against his companies and and his agent. The MP added that while the State Government had "confiscated" the said land after the case came to light, the "issue of criminal conspiracy remains as it is". The State Police had earlier registered an FIR in the land deal, without naming Vadra, and has also filed multiple chargesheets against a +LJKZD\WHUURULQ -.FODLPV &53)PHQ From Page 1 The identity of slain militants suspected to be Lashkare-Tayyeba cadre, is being ascertained. Sources said that almost everyone in the bus that came under the attack received bullet injuries. The wounded personnel were immediately rushed to hospital where eight of them succumbed to injuries. The CRPF spokesman, Bhavesh Kumar Choudhary said that two militants were killed in the exchange of gunfire. Unconfirmed sources said that two attackers managed to flee the encounter site in a car towards Srinagar. “I saw a CRPF vehicle frantically manoeuvring a traffic jam at Panthachowk while escorting injured personnel to hospital,” a college professor told The Pioneer. This is the second highway attack on security forces on number of accused involved in the case. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) is also probing this land deal, in the Kolayat block of Bikaner, under charges of money laundering and has recently issues summons to a firm linked to Vadra in the case— Ms Skylight Hospitality Private Limited. The case is related to the purchase of 275 bigha land allegedly by the company in Bikaner. Vadra has denied any wrongdoing even as Congress party called the action "sheer political vendetta". Rajasthan Government had last year cancelled the mutation (transfer of land) of 374.44 hectares of land, after the land department claimed to have found that the allotments were made in the names of "illegal private persons". PTI Srinagar-Jammu National Highway during this month. Earlier, on June 3, Hizbul Mujahideen militants ambushed a Border Security Force convoy at Bijbehara town in south Kashmir, 45 kilometres from here. Three BSF men were killed in the attack. A LeT spokesman Abdullah Ghaznavi while claiming responsibility for the attack said that 13 CRPF personnel were killed in the attack that lasted for one hour. “These martyrs are the sons of Kashmiri nation,” Ghaznavi said. Sources said that flow of traffic came to a grinding halt after the attack as people went helter-skelter when the exchange of fire was taking place. Governor NN Vohra and Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti have strongly condemned the attack. “The only purpose of such blood-spattered acts of violence is to add to the tragedies and miseries of the people and subvert the Government’s efforts aimed at bringing per- 3dQX^db1XWPac^__Ta 5a^\?PVT cWT²c^__Tab³WPSeTah[Xcc[TXSTP^U cWTbdQYTRcbX]fWXRWcWThV^c SXbcX]RcX^]bAdQhWPSQTT]RPdVWc ^]PCERWP]]T[bPhX]VcWPcbWT bcdSXTS_a^SXRP[bRXT]RTP]S Tg_[PX]TScWPcXcfPbcWTbRXT]RT^U R^^ZX]V8]RXST]cP[[hcWaTT^UcWT SdQX^dbc^__TabQT[^]VTSc^ EXbW]dAPX2^[[TVT^UEPXbWP[X SXbcaXRcfWXRWWPScWTd]X`dT SXbcX]RcX^]^U_a^SdRX]Vc^__Tab P[\^bcTeTahhTPa0?Pc]PR^dac XbbdTSP=^]1PX[PQ[TFPaaP]c PVPX]bcU^dac^__Tab^UcWT X]cTa\TSXPcTTgP\X]PcX^]X]R[dSX]V AdQhX]cWTTgP\aPRZTcBRXT]RT c^__TaBPdaPQWBWaTbcWPcWXaS c^__TaAPWd[:d\PaP]SEXbW]d A^h2^[[TVT_aX]RX_P[1PRWRWP APXbSPdVWcTaBWP[X]XAPXPaTcWT ^cWTacWaTTPVPX]bcfW^\cWT PaaTbcfPaaP]cfPbXbbdTS0 ]d\QTa^U_T^_[TWPeTP[aTPSh QTT]PaaTbcTSX]R^]]TRcX^]fXcW cWXbbRP]SP[X]R[dSX]V1B41 RWPXa\P];P[ZTbWfPa?aPbPS BX]VWWXbfXUTP]STg93D<;0 DbWPBX]WPEPXbWP[XR^[[TVT \P]PVX]VSXaTRc^a1PRWRWPAPX P]Sb^\TbcPUU^U1B41P]S _Tab^]P[PXSTb^UBX]VW<P]h R^[[TVTbX]R[dSX]VcWPc^UAPXWPeT P[aTPShQTT]STaTR^V]XiTSbX]RT cWT]<TP]fWX[TSdaX]V`dTbcX^ ]X]VcWT?0^UU^a\Ta1B41 RWPXa\P]aTeTP[TScWPcAb $[PZW fPbRWPaVTSU^aSTR[PaX]Vc^__Tab cWa^dVWSdQX^db\TP]b?Pc]P BB?<P]d<PWPaPYbPXS manent peace and prosperity to Jammu & Kashmir,” the Chief Minister said in a statement. Mehbooba said the elements inimical to interests of Jammu & Kashmir have always tried to derail the peace efforts and the latest militant strike at Pampore was again aimed at subverting the peace and development initiatives launched by the Government. Mehbooba, while expressing solidarity with the bereaved families of the security forces personnel, prayed for early recovery of the injured including civilians. Governor NN Vohra also conveyed his sympathy to the families of those killed and wished early recovery to the injured personnel. Describing the attack as the handiwork of elements trying to disturb the peaceful environs of the State, Deputy Chief Minister Nirmal Singh said, “We should all collectively work to defeat these forces who are trying to perpetuate the cult of violence and destruction.” 00?RaXTbU^d[Pb<;0PaaTbcTSU^a\XbQTWPeX^da 5a^\?PVT 7TWPbQTT]Q^^ZTS^]RWPaVTb^URPdbX]VWdacRaX\X]P[ X]cX\XSPcX^]P]SdbX]Vf^aSVTbcdaT^aPRcX]cT]STSc^X]bd[c cWT\^STbch^UPf^\P]0RXchR^dacWPbP[b^aTYTRcTSWXb QPX[_[TPP]SbT]cc^cWaTTSPhbYdSXRXP[Rdbc^Sh 6XeX]VeT]cc^WXbXaT3T_dch2WXTU<X]XbcTa<P]XbWBXb^SXP bPXS<^SXWPb°UPX[TSc^RadbW±cWT00?X]3T[WXfWXRWXb S^X]V_^[XcXRb^UW^]Tbch°CWTfPhbTaX^dbRWPaVTbWPeT QTT]b[P__TS^]<^WP]XhPbdVVTbcbcWPc<^SXXb QPUU[TSCWTfPh3T[WX?^[XRTRP\Tc^PaaTbc00?<;0Xb R^]ST\]PQ[T?^[XRT_XRZTSd_<^WP]XhPX]cWT\XSS[T^UP [XeT?aTbbR^]UTaT]RTPbXUWTXbP]^c^aX^dbcTaa^aXbc± BXb^SXPbPXS0]^cWTa00?[TPSTa0bWXbWCP[fPacfTTcTS °<^SX³bhTPa[^]VRT[TQaPcX^]b^U#hTPab^U4\TaVT]Rh QTVP]fXcWWXb_^[XRTPaaTbcX]V00?<;0/3X]TbW<^WP]XhP X]cWT\XSS[T^UP_aTbbTa± <^WP]XhPXbcWTTXVWc00?<;0fW^XbPaaTbcTSQh3T[WX ?^[XRTbX]RTcWT_PachRP\Tc^_^fTaU^acWTbTR^]ScX\TX] 3T[WX5TQadPah! $ 0ccWTcX\T^UQTX]VSaPVVTSPfPhQh_^[XRT<^WP]XhP bPXS±H^dRP]bTTW^fcWT_^[XRTXbSaPVVX]V\TPfPh[XZT W^^[XVP]bf^d[SX]Ua^]c^Uh^daThTb±c^?aTbbaT_^acTab CWT<;0WPbadQQXbWTSP[[cWTP[[TVPcX^]bbPhX]VXcfPbP] 6PDUW&LW\ From page 1 “Some people get uneasy the moment they hear the word smart city. My concept of smart city is very simple: People should get sufficient water and other basic amenities uniformly through modern methods. The cities should become centres of economic activities; there is development-friendly environment and the cities should have increased capacities to tackle poverty,” the Prime Minister said. Elaborating on how he looked at cities as places that combat poverty in a big way, Modi said: “Economists look at the cities as mere growth centres. I look at it differently. For me, it is cities that have the potential to digest poverty. It is for this reason that the people from places where there is poverty migrate to cities and make a living. The migrants not only eke a livelihood in cities but also send some money back to their families in villages. Our effort is to make cities powerful that they can digest maximum poverty”. Talking of the role played by citizens in the execution of “smart city projects”, the Prime Minister said: “All cities should accept the challenge of turning PccT\_cc^STUP\TWX\PbcWTfPcTa\PUXPXbUadbcaPcTS QTRPdbT^UcWT3T[WX6^eTa]\T]c³bRaPRZS^f] 0RR^aSX]Vc^_^[XRT<^WP]XhPfPb_XRZTSd_Ua^\cWT R^]UTaT]RTPbWTfPbPe^XSX]VcWT]^cXRTbbTaeTSc^WX\U^a R^^_TaPcX]VX]cWTX]eTbcXVPcX^]X]cWTRPbTbPVPX]bcWX\ ?^[XRTbPXScWPccWThWPSTeT]aTPRWTSWXbW^dbTPc!P\X] cWTX]cTaeT]X]V]XVWc^U5aXSPhP]SBPcdaSPhc^bTaeTWX\ ]^cXRTQdcWTfPb]^c_aTbT]cW^\TP]ScWT^RRd_P]cb^UWXb W^dbTSXS]^cPRRT_ccWT]^cXRT°FTWPSc^_XRZWX\d_X] QTcfTT]cWT?aTbbR^]UTaT]RTPbWTfPbPe^XSX]V^da]^cXRTb bTaeTSc^WX\U^aR^^_TaPcX]VX]^daX]eTbcXVPcX^]X]cWT RPbTbaTVXbcTaTSPVPX]bcWX\±bPXSPbT]X^a_^[XRT^UUXRTa °<^WP]XhPWPbQTT]PaaTbcTSd]STaBTRcX^]b"!"e^[d]cPaX[h RPdbX]VWdac$%RaX\X]P[X]cX\XSPcX^]$(F^aS VTbcdaT^aPRcX]cT]STSc^X]bd[ccWT\^STbch^UPf^\P] "$#0bbPd[c^aRaX\X]P[U^aRTc^f^\P]fXcWX]cT]cc^ ^dcaPVTWTa\^STbch"$#0BTgdP[WPaPbb\T]c"$#1 0bbPd[c^adbT^URaX\X]P[U^aRTc^f^\P]fXcWX]cT]cc^ SXba^QTP]S"$#2E^hTdaXb\bPXS9^X]c2^\\XbbX^]Ta^U ?^[XRTb^dcW4PbcA?D_PSWhPh CWTR^\_[PX]P]cbaTR^aSTScWTXabcPcT\T]cbQTU^aTP <Tca^_^[XcP]<PVXbcaPcT^]5aXSPh^]cWTQPbXb^UfWXRW _^[XRTaTVXbcTaTSPRPbTd]STaBTRcX^]$%RaX\X]P[ their cities into smart cities. It is not just the civic bodies and elected representatives, but the citizens should also accept the challenge, the people should participate in making their cities smart. All these things will happen because of people participation and partnership. When I asked for suggestions from people on smart cities, 25lakh people sent suggestions to me Expressing his happiness over the successful manner in which the Swachchh Bharat Mission had taken off across the countr y, the Prime Minister said: “Cleanliness has become a favourite subject in our country. There was a time when only such schemes where the Government would invest money and those schemes where the people would derive individual benefits would become popular. For the first time there is change in the approach where the Prime Minister is not giving any money and at best he offering suggestions on why we should keep homes, localities and cities clean. Recent media surveys have said that the Swachchh Bharat Mission has emerged as to number one Government scheme in terms of popularity. The Swachchhata Abhiyan is a reflection of the changing mood of the people.” Through video-link, Chief Ministers of Rajasthan, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh Vasundhara Raje Scindia, Naveen Patnaik and N Chandrababu Naidu respectively outlined their smart city vision. Alluding to a statement by Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje congratulating him and Urban Development Minister M Venkaiah Naidu for selecting Jaipur and Udaipur in the Smart cities project, Modi said: “Vasundharaji congratulated me and Venkaiah Naidu for choosing Jaipur and Udaipur for inclusion in the smart cities project. Let me clarify that we have not chosen the two cities and other cities under the Smart Cities Mission. The credit should go to people of Jaipur and Udaipur. It is they who have emerged winners in the smart city entry competition. It is they and the officials of the local municipal corporations who have fulfilled the parameters required for the selection of their cities in the smart city project”. The Prime Minister congratulated media houses to have smart city projects on to a mission mode and through their newspapers they attempted to make citizens vigilant and built up pressure on the local civic bodies to fulfil the parameters required X]cX\XSPcX^]BTRcX^]$(f^aSVTbcdaT^aPRcX]cT]STSc^ X]bd[ccWT\^STbch^UPf^\P]P]SBTRcX^]"!" _d]XbW\T]cU^ae^[d]cPaX[hRPdbX]VWdac^UcWT8]SXP]?T]P[ 2^STPccWT=TQBPaPX?^[XRTBcPcX^] 0]^cWTaRPbTWPbQTT]aTVXbcTaTSPVPX]bc<^WP]XhPU^a P[[TVTS[hb[P__X]VP%hTPa^[S\P]X]CdVW[P`dPQPSPaTP ^]5aXSPh°C^SPh5aXSPhfWT]fTfT]cc^3X]TbW <^WP]XhP³b^UUXRTWTaTUdbTSc^XST]cXUh\T8\dbcbPhcWPc8 V^c^WX\SPX[hQTRPdbT^UfPcTaXbbdTbCWT\^bcX\_^acP]c _PacXbcWPcWTS^Tb]³cTeT]bXV]^a_dcbPbcP\_^]^da R^\_[PX]cb0UcTacWPcWT_dbWTS\TP]S^cWTaf^\T]P]S TeT]PQdbTSdbFTfP]ccWPcP]58AbW^d[SQTaTVXbcTaTS PVPX]bcWX\P]SWTbW^d[SQTPaaTbcTS±bPXScWT R^\_[PX]P]cPbT]X^aRXcXiT]°FWT]WTPQdbTSP]S_dbWTS dbfTP[b^SXScWTbP\T0aTfTWTaTc^QTQTPcT]d_. CWTaTXbPbTeTaTfPcTaXbbdTWTaTFTfT]ccWTaT^][hc^PbZ U^afPcTaP]S]^cU^a\^]Th±bPXScWTT[STa[h\P]fW^fPb a^dVWTSd_ 0RPbTaTVPaSX]VcWTX]RXST]cfPbaTVXbcTaTSPVPX]bc <^WP]XhPd]STaBTRcX^]b"!"_d]XbW\T]cU^ae^[d]cPaX[h RPdbX]VWdacP]S"# _d]XbW\T]cU^afa^]VUd[aTbcaPX]c P]S"#PRcS^]TQhbTeTaP[_Tab^]b^UcWT8]SXP]?T]P[ 2^ST8?2PccWT6^eX]S_daX?^[XRTBcPcX^] for the selection of smart cities. “For instance after Mysore turned out to be first among the list of chosen smart cities, there is now pressure on the people in Bengaluru and they are working hard to catch up with Mysore. We would like to take competition forward and create an atmosphere of competition,” the Prime Minister said. Speaking on the occasion, Urban Development Minister M Venkaiah Naidu said that the smart city projects launched on Saturday was the first fruits of urban renaissance taking place in the country as a result of paradigm shift in the approaches to urban development ushered in by the Government. “The journey towards the much desired urban transformation has begun in a Team India spirit with the collective effort of people, urban local bodies and State Governments. This transformation is an integral part of Making of Developed India,” Naidu said. Earlier, Modi visited an expo on Smart Cities, inaugurated a contest on ‘Make Your City Smart’ and a Smart Net Portal on the occasion at the Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex at Balewadi, on the outskirts of Pune. Maharashtra Governor Ch Vidyasagar presided over the function, Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and Minister of State for Urban Development Babul Supriyo were among the dignitaries present. Meanwhile, the Shiv Sena and other Opposition parties - Congress, NCP and MNSboycotted the function for the ruling BJP’s failure to address the concerns expressed by them about the Smart City project and lack of invitations to their leaders. However, Pune Mayor Prashant Jagtap - who had earlier announced that he would boycott the function as he had not been invited properly and that his name did not figure on the invitation card attended the function, keeping in mind the protocol of the first citizen of Pune city. On his part, the Prime Minister sought to keep the Punekars in good humour by saying at the end of his 30 minute speech: “Pune fell short of Bhubaneswar just by one and half marks in the ‘City Challenge Competition’. When I come next to Pune, I would like Pune - which is the land of Chhatrapati Shivaji and the city of Lokmanya Tilak - to become number one smart city in the country. At the same time, I would also like to appeal to the cities across the country not to lag behind Pune. Then we will have a real competition on hand”. [P]S\PaZ$ =4F34;78kBD=30H k9D=4!%! % 2\YZ]VdYdY``edU`h_ 6XNKRLVXFFHVVIXOO\WDNHV%UDKPRVWRDLU DA¶d^VcXVchZeYB65 T ?=BQ =4F34;78 ?=BQ ;D2:=>F ithin hours of Uttar W Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav reiterating his resentment over the merger with gangster-turned-politician Mukhtar Ansari’s party, the Samajwadi Party on Saturday called off the merger with Qaumi Ekta Dal (QED). The QED’s merger with the SP had evoked much criticism. The SP also decided on reinduction of Secondary Education Minister Balram Yadav, who was sacked by Akhilesh apparently for facilitating the merger. Earlier, as Akhilesh minced no words in saying Ansari will not be welcome in the SP, his party’s parliamentary board met here to decide on revoking the merger besides reinducting Balram. “Mukhtar Ansari will not be welcome in the party. We don’t want such people in the party,” Akhilesh said during a programme organised by a news channel here, publicly air his displeasure over on the merger with Ansari’s QED. “There will be no merger of Qaumi Ekta Dal in the Samajwadi Party... This has been decided at the parliamentary board meeting,” SP national general secretary Ram Gopal Yadav told newspersons after the meeting of the party’s highest policy-making body. Akhilesh had taken a similar tough stand on the inclusion of mafia-turned-politician DP Yadav before the 2012 elections. The announcement of the merger on June 21 by Cabinet Minister Shivpal Yadav, who is brother of Akhilesh’s father and party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav, had led the Chief Minister to say that he didn’t take the decision. Akhilesh had earlier too expressed his unhappiness over the merger with QED, as it came ahead of next year’s Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls. “If party workers perform their responsibilities, then there will be no need of another party.” Besides sacking Balram, he is also understood to have been upset with prisons minister Balwant Ramoowalia, who had reportedly ordered Ansari’s transfer from Agra prison to Lucknow jail. Ansari was lodged in Agra jail in connection with killing of BJP MLA Krishnanand Rai in 2005. Akhilesh had, however, later described the merger as an “internal matter” of the party and said he had no displeasure over it. By merging QED, the SP was hopeful of attracting the Muslim vote bank in eastern Uttar Pradesh especially in Ghazipur, Mau and Varanasi. he first flight trial of Brahmos supersonic missile fitted on the Sukhoi-30 MKI frontline fighter jet was successful at test range in Nashik on Saturday. The supersonic missile capable of hitting a target at 290 km is already inducted into the Army and Navy. The ultimate test will be conducted in the next few months with the SU-30 firing the missile at a target while performing manoeuvres in simulated battle conditions. The maiden demonstration flight, carried out at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited(HAL) Nashik, involved the long range Russiamade fighter jet flying with the 2.5 ton missile fitted on to its undercarriage for more than 45 minutes. However, the triad of missiles integration into all the three Services will only be complete when the fighter jet is successfully able to fire air to ground missile in the coming months. The IAF plans to modify 45 SU-30s to carry Brahmos if the firing tests are successful. :TYaXfP[´bPS\XbbX^]c^88C]^c^]\TaXc)BfP\X ?=BQ =4F34;78 JP leader and Rajya Sabha member Subramanian B Swamy on Saturday stepped up his verbal attack on Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal by questioning his admission to IIT-Kharagpur. Alleging that Kejriwal did not get admission to IIT on merit, Swamy waved copies of replies from IIT-Kharagpur on the issue sought under Right to Information Act. Earlier, Swamy and Congress president Sonia Gandhi’s son-in-law Robert Vadra took on each other on the social media over the former’s remarks about ‘waiters’. “All his life he (Kejriwal) has done fraud. He says he was a meritorious student in IIT but I have records of how he got his admission,” Swamy alleged. Suggesting Kejriwal had not taken the IIT-JEE entrance exam, Swamy said that the Delhi CM may have possibly used his father’s connections to C7434;782<<0H70E4?>BB81;HDB4378B 50C74A³B2>==42C8>=BC>64C4=A>;;438= C748=BC8CDC4;0BCA>F >5AC82>;D<=B7>FB C70C:49A8F0;70B=> A0=:88C74?A>101;H 20<4C7A>D67>C74A <4C7>3B get enrolled in the institute. “Last row of RTI column shows that Kejriwal has no rank (IIT). He probably came through other methods,” Swamy said. The BJP leader had sought details of the process by which Kejriwal got admission to IITKharagpur in the 1980s and was awarded a BTech (Hons) degree. In a Press release, he cited the RTI reply from the institute which was asked to provide basis of Kejriwal’s entry into BTech programme and his All India Rank (AIR) in any competitive exam such as the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE). IIT- Kharagpur replied it does not have the information available. However, the RTI gave other details of Kejriwal — including his Roll No in the Mechanical Engineering course and the years of study and did not provide the copy of grade sheet of subjects since it is exempted from disclosure under the RTI Act. Meanwhile, Swamy engaged in a verbal dual with Vadra after the latter criticised the BJP leader over his remarks about waiters. Taking a dig at Swamy over his apparent swipe at Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in which he had said Ministers who wear a coat and tie look like waiters and must be instructed to wear Indian clothes, Vadra wrote on his Facebook page that using such a terminology was derogatory and classist. “Undermining waiters who work hard for a living; making condescending and derogatory remarks about them is deplorable and classist,” Vadra wrote. However, Swamy retaliated by saying: “Mr Vadra should concentrate on staying out of jail instead of making political comments.” He then went on to add: “Vadra’s mother was a waitress in a small restaurant in England. Perhaps this is why he felt bad when I spoke about waiters…I only said that Ministers shouldn’t look like waiters. It wasn’t against anyone.” He sought to downplay his threat of “bloodbath” making it clear he did not intend the literal meaning of the word but only hinted at “chaos” which has not happened. 3X]ZPaaT_[PRTb <PdahPPb;TPSTa ^U>__^bXcX^]X] D?0bbT\Q[h CXQXbQ`cBQgQd7_fdQc[c `U_`\Ud_XU\`\_dec´R\__]µ ?C8Q ;D2:=>F escribing the Harish Rawat D Government in Uttarakhand as “one steeped in SP legislature party on Saturday named Dalit leader B Gaya Charan Dinkar as the Leader of Opposition in the Uttar Pradesh Assembly days after Swami Prasad Maurya quit the party. The decision was taken at a meeting of Bahujan Samaj Party legislators chaired by party supremo Mayawati here. After Maurya raised a banner of revolt against Mayawati and quit the party, the names of four MLAs were doing the rounds for the coveted post. Dinkar's name for the post was on the top because he is believed to be one of BSP's key Dalit leaders in the Bundelkhand region. He is an MLA from Naraini in Banda district. 62-year-old Maurya, who was the former Leader of Opposition in the state Assembly, had quit the party on June 22. ?C8Q 70A83F0A corruption”, BJP president Amit Shah on Saturday asked the people to dislodge it from power and help the lotus “bloom” in the State. “With a BJP Government at the Centre, it would be ideal if there is a BJP Government in the State as well. That would ensure smooth implementation of development schemes conceived for the State by the Centre,” he said sounding the poll bugle from the party’s Shankhnad rally at Rishikul Maidan here. Asking the people to get rid of a “corrupt Government embroiled in scams”, Shah said if they were looking for development, they should overthrow it in the 2017 Assembly polls in the State and let the lotus bloom. Mocking at Congress for accusing BJP of “murdering democracy” in the hill State, Shah urged the people never to forget June 25, the date on which former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had declared Emergency and “muzzled the whole nation”. “You should never forgive those who imposed Emergency and murdered democracy silencing a whole nation and reducing the media to a helpless mouthpiece of those in power,” he said. Assuring that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had “grandiose” plans for Uttarakhand, Shah said it was necessary to have a BJP Government in the State to help those plans materialise. Taking a dig at Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi for “repeatedly asking” what has the BJP Government done in the last two years, he said the party has given the country an “audible” Prime Minister in place of “one who was audible only to Sonia and Rahul Gandhi”. “You ask us what did we do? My answer is, we have given the country a Prime Minister who speaks. You had given the country a PM who could be heard either by you or Soniaji,” he said, adding that the Congress’ also left a legacy of scams worth C12 lakh crore. Rolling out a long list of schemes launched by the Modi Government, especially for the poor, farmers and women, the BJP president said Rahul should pose the question to Rawat instead. “While you (Rahul) relax and beat the heat in a foreign land, you ask us what did we do in two years. You better ask that question to your Harish Rawat whom the whole country saw negotiating a deal to buy back the support of disgruntled MLAs for C5 crore each,” said Shah referring to the sting CD controversy involving the Uttarakhand Chief Minister. With his “track record of corruption”, Rawat has no right to remain as the Chief Minister even for a minute, he said, exhorting the people to give BJP a mandate so that Centre’s schemes, including distribution of free LPG connections to five crore poor by 2018, could be achieved in totality. penetrate deep inside the enemy territory to destroy their vital installations from stand-off ranges. Moreover, the integration brings a paradigm shift in the capability of the IAF vis-a-vis its adversaries, officials said here. The Su-30- Brahmos combination will carry out air combat operations within and beyond visibility range and Brahmos is a joint venture between India and Russia for the design, development and manufacturing of the supersonic cruise missile. Many countries — including Vietnam — have evinced interest in procuring this missile and the Indian Government is seriously considering the proposal. Explaining the significance of the successful test flight, Brahmos chief Sudhir Kumar Mishra said the test will go down in the history as first in the world marking combination of supersonic cruise missile with a long range fighter aircraft. Once successfully integrated in the firing mode in the coming months, the air version of Brahmos will enable the IAF C=?^[XRTR[PX\b eXcP[[TPSbX] cTRWXT³b\daSTa BQ7QcgY`UQd@= _fUb>C7VYQcS_ :D<0A274;;0??0=Q 274==08 ive police teams are working round-the-clock in search of the person who murdered the 24-year-old Swathi, a software engineer, at Nungambakkam railway station on Friday morning. Though there were no CCTVs installed at the suburban railway station, the police could get the image of a young man leaving the Nungambakkam station from CCTV outside the station immediately after Friday’s gruesome murder. A senior police official told reporters that they had some definite clues about the person who is believed to be the murderer. “Swathi had confided to her friends that she was being followed by a stalker. Though her friends had asked her to approach the police, she chose to ignore it,” said one of the investigators. The image of the murderer which the police collected from the CCTV has been released and the police expect that the murderer may either give in himself or the investigators may zero in him in the next few days. The call records of the victim are being pursued by the police. Nungambackam saw another murder on Friday night when a security guard working in one of the business complex was found murdered late Friday. Ramesh(48) was murdered by his colleague Pazhani on Friday night and the police arrested him on Saturday from a bus station. F ³=B6)7^fc^[^bTP]TV^cXPcX^] Qh=PaT]SaP<^SX 5PX[TS<^SX3X_[^\PRh´ ?=BQ =4F34;78 ongress vice-president Rahul Gandhi, who is out C of India for a short visit, took to social media to take jibe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the NSG fiasco. In a tweet, Rahul equated the failure to gain membership with failed Modi diplomacy. CPI too said India should not think if the US has agreed to a slot for New Delhi in Nuclear Suppliers’ Group (NSG), everyone else will agree to it. “NSG: How to lose a negotiation by Narendra Modi #FailedMo diDiplomac y”, tweeted the Gandhi scion. This came after the attack from other Congress leaders at PM Modi. The Congress, who termed the developments at the NSG meet an “embarrassment” to the country and a “huge diplomatic letdown” by the Government, questioned the “desperation” to gain mem- 6^ecU[X_U[^_^]SaPUcU^aTbc _^[XRh)3^Rd\T]cYdbc²bcdSh ?C8Q =4F34;78 n a flip-flop, the Environment Ministry on ISaturday said it had “inadvertently” uploaded a “study” and “not issued” any draft forest policy, days after it put up a document, titled the Draft National Forest Policy 2016, on its website and sought public opinion. The Ministry said the study done by Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM) in Bhopal was “inadvertently” uploaded on its website as draft forest policy. “The Ministry has not issued any draft notification on National Forest Policy. What has been uploaded on the website was a study done by Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal. The study has not been evaluated by the Ministry. “The Ministry has not taken any decision on draft forest policy. The study report prepared by IIFM, Bhopal was inadvertently uploaded as draft forest policy on the website,” said SS Negi, Director General, Forest, and Special Secretar y, Environment Ministry. The Ministr y had uploaded the draft national forest policy on its website which, once ratified, would have replaced the 1988 policy. bership of the elite nuclear club. Senior Congress spokesperson Anand Sharma too came down hard on the Modi-led Government. “We do not know why India showed its desperation and allowed the country to be equated with Pakistan on the issue of NSG membership,” Sharma said. For his part, CPI General Secretary D Raja said the BJP and the party-led central Government should first take Parliament into confidence on such foreign policy matters. Raja said that in 2008, India could not get technology despite a waiver from NSG due to the “adverse” position taken by the US. "Why India is not questioning the US on this?...The US is supporting India now because it wants to capture the market here,” the Rajya Sabha member said. “It is not China (which is) stonewalling the membership, but BJP and the Government that have created hype over the issue after the US assured support for NSG membership. NSG is a body which has its own criteria and regulations. India should not think that once America agrees, everyone will agree,” Party’s Raja said in a statement. will provide the IAF with the capability of attacking targets protected by powerful air defence assets. Integration of Brahmos with the Su-30MKI will render the weapon a multi-platform capability while making the IAF the only air force in the world in prosession of a supersonic cruise missile system. HAL chief T Suvarna Raju, who was present at the flight test, said “it is a perfect example of Make in India and an engineering marvel in aviation history of India.” He pointed out that this unique program was taken up by HAL as an indigenous challenge at its Nashik Division and the required data was generated without the assistance of Russia for the modification. With successful integration of BrahMos on Su-30 MKI aircraft, 40 Su-30 MKI aircraft are expected to be modified. The maiden flight will be followed by series of test flights and complete evaluation and certification of BrahMos missle on Su30 MKI aircraft,Raju said. 0ccPRZ^]<X]XbcTab´ R^]e^h)APY]PcW PbZb>SXbWP6de c^T]bdaTbTRdaXch New Delhi: Concerned over the attack on the cavalcade of two Union Ministers in Odisha, Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Saturday called up Governor SC Jamir and Chief Minister Navin Patnaik and asked them to ensure safety and security of central leaders visiting the State. B8=670;B>C>;3 ?0C=08:C>4=BDA4 B054CH0=3B42DA8CH>5 D=8>=<8=8BC4AB E8B8C8=6C74BC0C4 The cavalcade of Union Ministers Santosh Gangwar and Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti and former Jharkhand Chief Minister Arjun Munda was pelted with stones allegedly by a group of ruling BJD workers, led by one MLA, when they were on way to attend a meeting in Odisha’s Bargarh to mark two years of the NDA Government. In his telephonic conversation, the Home Minister asked the Chief Minister to look into the incident and take appropriate action to prevent such untoward incidents in the future. Singh also told Patnaik to ensure safety and security of Union Ministers visiting the State. In his phone call to the Governor, the Home Minister took stock of the incident and asked him to send a detailed report about the incident. ?C8 f^a[S% =4F34;78kBD=30H k9D=4!%! % 1A4G8CB565B5>4E= 6F>Z_ZdeVcdacVdd F<W`cbfZT\ViZe CWT5^aTXV]<X]XbcTabUa^\4D´bU^d]SX]VbXg9TP]0bbT[Q^a]Ua^\;dgT\QdaV?P^[^ 6T]cX[^]XUa^\8cP[h9TP]<PaR0haPd[cUa^\5aP]RT5aP]ZFP[cTaBcTX]\TXTaUa^\ 6Ta\P]h3XSXTaATh]STabUa^\1T[VXd\P]S1Tac:^T]STabUa^\cWT=TcWTa[P]SbQaXTU cWT\TSXPPUcTaP\TTcX]V^]cWTb^RP[[TS1aTgXcX]1Ta[X]^]BPcdaSPh 0? BR^ccXbW2PQX]Tc\TTcbc^ SXbRdbbaTb_^]bTc^³;TPeT´e^cT Edinburgh: First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is holding a cabinet meeting on Saturday to discuss the Scottish Government’s response to Britain’s vote to leave the European Union (EU). The historic referendum on Thursday saw Scotland, London and Northern Ireland vote in favour of ‘Remain’ — while England and Wales backed ‘Leave’, BBC reported. Scotland voted in favour of Britain staying in the EU by 62 per cent to 38 per cent, but the UK as a whole voted to leave by a margin of 51.9 per cent to 48.1 per cent. Sturgeon said it was “democratically unacceptable” that Scotland faced being taken out of the EU against its will. She said a second independence referendum was “highly likely”. Hundreds of people protested against the EU result in Glasgow and Edinburgh on Friday evening. Sturgeon said there was now a “significant divergence” between Scotland and the rest of Britain which she “deeply regretted”. Agencies @aa]VRUVcWRTVd 7XUNH\¶V(UGRJDQ a`de3cViZeµT`fa¶ VD\V%UH[LWLV London: Britain’s Opposition µVWDUWRIQHZHUD¶ Labour party leader Jeremy 064=284BQ 14A;8= U States have urged Britain E to hold speedy talks on leaving the bloc after it voted to end its membership in a historic referendum. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said negotiations should begin as “soon as possible”. He made the comments after an urgent meeting of the six EU founder members to discuss the decision. British PM David Cameron has said he will step down by October to allow his successor to conduct talks. The six countries attending the summit in Berlin — Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands — first joined forces in the 1950s and still form the core of the EU. “We say here together, this process should get under way as soon as possible so that we are not left in limbo but rather can concentrate on the future of Europe,” Mr Steinmeier said. His Dutch counterpart Bert Koenders said the continent could not accept a politi- cal vacuum, saying “this will not be business as usual”. Meanwhile on negotiations, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said: “It shouldn’t take forever, that’s right, but I would not fight for a short time frame.” She added that she was seeking a “objective, good” climate in talks on Britain’s exit from the EU, and that there was no need to make deterrence a priority. Mrs Merkel also said there was “no need to be particularly nasty in any way in the negotiations; they must be conducted properly”. The first summit of EU leaders with no British representation will be held on Wednesday, a day after Mr Cameron holds talks with members. Global stock markets and the pound fell heavily on the news of the so-called “Brexit”, while credit rating agency Moody’s cut the UK’s outlook to “negative”. The UK must now invoke Article 50 of the EU Lisbon Treaty, which sets out a twoyear timetable for negotiations on withdrawal. European Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker said the EU-UK split was “not an amicable divorce”, but nor had they had a “deep love affair”. He has also said exit negotiations should begin immediately. “Britons decided yesterday (Friday) that they want to leave the European Union, so it doesn’t make any sense to wait until October to try to negotiate the terms of their departure,” Mr Juncker said in an interview with Germany’s ARD television network. Corbyn is facing a ‘coup’ from within his party for not campaigning strongly enough to prevent the country’s exit from the European Union. Two Labour MPs submitted a motion of no confidence in the leader after the referendum results showed Britain had voted in favour of leaving the EU, saying he did not convey a clear message. Labour MPs Dame Margaret Hodge and Ann Coffey submitted a motion of no confidence against Corbyn to Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP) chairman John Cryer. The motion has no formal constitutional force but calls for a discussion at the PLP’s next meeting on Monday. Ankara: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said Britain’s planned departure from the European Union signalled the “beginning of a new era” and warned the bloc could face new breakups. “I see this decision made by the people of Britain as the beginning of a new era for Britain and the EU,” Erdogan said during a fast-breaking dinner late on Friday, in his first comments on the shock referendum result. “Like the entire world, we expected a ‘yes’ result in the referendum but it turned out like that,” he said. Voters in Britain decided Thursday to leave the EU, raising questions over the future of the bloc. %UH[LWELJEORZ WR8.VFLHQFH VD\WRSVFLHQWLVWV ;^]S^])BT]X^abRXT]cXbcbX] 1aXcPX]WPeTaTPRcTSfXcWSXb\Ph c^cWT]PcX^]³bR^[[TRcXeTSTRXbX^] c^fP[ZPfPhUa^\4DcWPcWP]Sb cWT\]TPa[h Q]PhTPaU^a aTbTPaRWP]SbT]Sbc^cWTXa [PQ^aPc^aXTbb^\T^UcWT\^bc QaX[[XP]c\X]SbX]cWTf^a[S CWT[TPeTe^cT_a^\_cTS X\\TSXPcTR^]RTa]bU^acWT UdcdaT^UbcPUUP]SbcdST]cbUa^\ ]^]D:\T\QTabcPcTbP[aTPShPc f^aZX]1aXcPX]P]ScWTX\_PRc cWTaTbd[cR^d[SWPeT^]cWT PQX[Xch^U[TPSX]VX]bcXcdcX^]bc^ PccaPRccWTQTbc^eTabTPbcP[T]cc^ cWTR^d]cah?Pd[1^h[TE2^U ;TXRTbcTaD]XeTabXchRP[[TScWT °bW^RZX]VaTbd[c±P°SPaZSPhU^a D:bRXT]RT±P]SRP[[TSU^aTeTah TUU^acc^QT\PSTc^R^d]cTaP]h X\_aTbbX^]cWPccWTD:WPS QTR^\T[TbbfT[R^\X]Vc^ X]cTa]PcX^]P[aTbTPaRWTab 3T\^]bcaPc^ab^__^bX]V1aXcPX]´bTgXcUa^\cWT4DX]?Pa[XP\T]cB`dPaTU^[[^fX]V 5aXSPh´b4DaTUTaT]Sd\aTbd[cW^[SP_a^cTbcX];^]S^]^]BPcdaSPh 0? ?aTbbdaT\^d]cbU^a9TaT\h2^aQh]c^`dXc ;^]S^]) 8]cWTfPZT^UD:³b1aTgXce^cTbTeTaP[;PQ^da?Pach_^[XcXRXP]b^] BPcdaSPhRP[[TSU^a_Pach[TPSTa9TaT\h2^aQh]c^bcT_S^f]W^[SX]VWX\ aTb_^]bXQ[TU^aP_^^aaTUTaT]Sd\RP\_PXV]P]S[PQT[[X]VWX\X]RP_PQ[T^U fX]]X]VPVT]TaP[T[TRcX^];TUcXbc2^aQh]fW^WPbbcadVV[TSc^fX]Ud[[ _Pachbd__^acbX]RTcPZX]V^eTacWTaTX]b^UcWT_PachX]BT_cT\QTa! $Xb SdTc^VXeTPb_TTRWPQ^dccWTUdcdaT^UWXb?Pach4UT]TfbaT_^acTS7T ST]XTSc^[^RP[\TSXP^]5aXSPhcWPcWT_[P]]TSc^aTbXV] °8fX[[RPaah^]±2^aQh]bPXS°7TR[TPa[hXb]³ccWTaXVWc_Tab^]c^ [TPScWT_Pachc^cWT]TgcVT]TaP[T[TRcX^]bQTRPdbT]^Q^ShQT[XTeTbWT RP]fX]±;PQ^da?Pach<?5aP]Z5XT[SbPXS5^a\TaBWPS^f2WP]RT[[^a ^UcWT4gRWT`dTa2WaXb;Tb[XTbPXS2^aQh]bW^d[S°aTR^]bXSTaWXb _^bXcX^]±RP[[X]VU^aPe^cT^UR^]UXST]RTaTVPaSX]VcWT[TPSTabWX_ 80=B D:´b4D2^\\XbbX^]Ta;^aS7X[[c^aTbXV] London: The UK’s European Commissioner Lord Hill is to stand down, saying “what is done cannot be undone” after the UK voted to leave the European Union. In a statement, he said he did not believe it was right for him to carry on with his work as the commissioner in charge of financial services. But he will stay on for a period of weeks to ensure an “orderly handover”. A close ally of Prime Minister David Cameron, Lord Hill had argued for the UK to remain in the EU. EC]Y\YdQbid_ \YVddbQ^cWU^TUb RQ^*=UTYQ Washington: The Pentagon is set to lift its ban on transgender troops within the coming weeks, US media reported. The move would be another major milestone for America’s vast military, which up until five years ago still banned gay troops from openly discussing their sexuality under a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. USA Today said the transgender announcement is expected July 1 and the plan would require each branch of the military to phase in the new policy over a 12-month period. Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook declined to confirm reports, but said a decision was due “soon.” Currently, Pentagon rules allow transgender troops to be discharged from the military. Defence Secretary Ashton Carter last year ordered all military roles — including combat positions — to be opened to women. AFP He will be replaced by Latvian politician Valdis Dombrovskis, currently European Commissioner for the Euro. Lord Hill’s announcement comes as EU foreign ministers urged Britain to hold speedy talks on leaving the bloc, after it voted to end its membership 4YZ_RCfddZRVjV T]`dVcWcZV_UdYZaR^ZU eV_dZ`_dhZeYHVde Beijing: Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin promised ever-closer cooperation and oversaw a series of deals on Saturday, as the two countries deepen ties in the face of growing tensions with the West. In what was Putin’s fourth trip to China since Xi became President in 2013, the two men stressed their shared outlook which mirrors the countries’ converging trade, investment and geopolitical interests. “Russia and China stick to points of view which are very close to each other or are almost the same in the international arena,” Putin said. The Russian leader added that the two had discussed “strengthening together the fight against international terrorism”, the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula, Syria, and stability in the South China Sea. Russia and China have been brought together by mutual geopolitical concerns, among them wariness of the United States. AFP on Thursday. And Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she would be seeking “immediate discussions” with Brussels to “protect Scotland’s place in the EU” following the so-called Brexit vote. Sturgeon has said a new Scottish independence referendum is “highly likely”. European Commissioners are among the most powerful officials in Brussels, with the ability to make laws across a range of policy areas, but the UK will cease to have one when it leaves the EU. Agencies )HPDOHEOXHWLW VLQJVZKHQLQ GDQJHU6WXG\ Washington: Scientists have found for the first time that females of a songbird species, known as the blue tit, sing in the presence of predators. Until now, the singing behaviour of songbirds had been mainly associated with competitive behaviour and the search for a partner. Moreover, males had long been considered to be the more active singer. Females were compared to the behaviour of the males and were seen as relatively “lazy” with regard to singing. These assumptions had also been applied to the blue tit. Female blue tits, like males, also display a variety of vocal patterns. This suggests that vocalisation is not limited exclusively to courtship or competition. Herbert Hoi and Katharina Mahr of the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna have demonstrated for the first time that female blue tits sing in the presence of a predator.PTI SHRSOHGLHLQ :HVW9LUJLQLDIORRGV 6;>14 CA>CC8=6 824;0=34;42CB?A4I 0<834DA>B1A4G8C AThZYPeXZ) 8RT[P]SQTVP]e^cX]V X]P_aTbXST]cXP[T[TRcX^]^] BPcdaSPhcf^\^]cWbPUcTacWT ?P]P\P?P_TabbRP]SP[cPX]cTS _Pac^UcWT_^[XcXRP[T[XcTfXcW ]TfR^\Ta6dS]X9^WP]]Tbb^] bTT]R[X]RWX]VP]TPbheXRc^ah ?^[[X]VbcPcX^]b^_T]TSPc!" P\fXcW!#$8RT[P]STab RPbcQP[[^cbP\XS1aTgXcP]S4da^ U^^cQP[[R^\_TcXcX^] ADBB80BCA8:4B:8;;#& 28E8;80=B8=40BCBHA80 ?T^_[TbdaeThcWTSP\PVTc^P]TXVWQ^dabRPaSP\PVTSQhU[^^SfPcTabX] FWXcTBd[_WdaB_aX]VbFTbcEXaVX]XP 0? Richmond: At least 20 people, including an eight-year-old boy and a toddler, have died in flooding in West Virginia, according to state officials. Heavy storms and flooding have caused widespread damage throughout the state, said Governor Earl Ray Tomblin. A state of emergency was declared in 44 of the State’s 55 counties. Rescue efforts were under way for about 500 people trapped in a shopping centre while officials continued to search for others stranded in devastated areas. The flooding has destroyed more than 100 homes and knocked out power for thou- sands after a storm system dumped nine inches of rain on parts of the State. The Governor said 200 National Guard soldiers were carrying out search and rescue efforts as well as health and welfare checks in eight counties across the state. A church pastor told the AP news agency an eight-yearold boy slipped, fell into a creek and was swept away. The boy’s mother attempted to save him but lost her grip on the child, according to Harry Croft, pastor at Marwin Church of the Nazarene at Wheeling. The child’s body was found about a half-mile from where the family lives. AP FX[[fPVT³YTWPS´ c^³UaTT´?PZaXeTab Ua^\8]SXP)BPTTS Lahore: JuD chief and Mumbai attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed has said he will wage a “war” against India to get Pakistani rivers “freed”. “We are going to wage jehad (war) against India to get our rivers freed,” Saeed said while addressing a gathering of Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) workers in Sialokot district of Punjab Province on Friday. Saeed, on whose head the US has put a bounty of $10 million, claimed “freedom movement” of the Kashmiris is “gaining momentum day by day”. Saeed said Dukhtraan-e-Milat’s head Asiya Andrabi told him that situation in Kashmir has “changed” now. “Asiya Bibi told me by telephone that those who were talking about Independent Kashmir are no more on the scene while young leadership has come forward and it will give a fresh impetus to the freedom campaign,” Saeed, who founded the terror group Lashkar-e-Tayyeba, said. Saeed said Pakistan should take serious notice of the United States’ warnings which have raised the curtain from its “evil designs” against it. “Time is ripe now for Pakistan to change its foreign policy with the US, Iran and India,” he said. Saeed also vowed to foil every conspiracy aimed at damaging the ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project. PTI 1TXadc) AdbbXP]PXabcaXZTbZX[[TS Pc[TPbc#&RXeX[XP]bP]Sf^d]STS S^iT]b\^aT^]BPcdaSPhX]P YTWPSXbcWT[Sc^f]X]TPbcTa] BhaXPP\^]Xc^abPXSCWTBhaXP] >QbTaePc^ahU^a7d\P]AXVWcb bPXScWTaPXSbWXccWTc^f]^U 0[@daXhPWR^]ca^[[TSQhcWT 8b[P\XRBcPcTVa^d_X]BhaXPb ^X[aXRW3TXa4ii^a_a^eX]RT 58E434038=B><0;8 7>C4;0CC02: <^VPSXbWd) 0c[TPbcUXeT_T^_[T fTaTZX[[TSX]P]PccPRZ^] BPcdaSPh^]PW^cT[X]cWT B^\P[XRP_XcP[<^VPSXbWdcWPc fPbbfXUc[hR[PX\TSQh0[@PTSP PUUX[XPcTSBWPQPPQ\X[XcP]cb _^[XRTbPXS°FWPcfTZ]^fXb cWPccWTaTfTaTPc[TPbc$eXRcX\b X]R[dSX]VcWaTTbTRdaXchVdPaSb P]ScWPcbXg^cWTabfTaTX]YdaTS± ^UUXRXP[8QaPWX\<^WP\TSbPXS &KLQD3DN(FRQRPLF &RUULGRURQWUDFN VD\V&KLQHVHHQYR\ Beijing: The $46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a mega infrastructure project that is aimed to link Kashgar in China’s Xinjiang province to Gwadar deep sea port in Pakistan, has made progress and benefited local people, a Chinese diplomat said. The completed part of the CPEC project, under China’s Belt and Road Initiative, is bringing tangible benefits to local people, Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Sun Weidong said in an interview with Xinhua news agency. Sun said the two countries have launched a host of early harvest projects focusing on energy and transport infrastructure to meet Pakistan’s immediate needs. In the energy sector, 16 projects have been sorted out to be implemented first, which can generate 10.4 million kw of electricity in total, Sun said, adding that half of the projects have been under construction, and will help Pakistan ease its power shortages. A solar power plant in Punjab province’s Bahawalpur city, built by the Chinese company ZTE Energy, has recently installed a 300-mw generator unit, which can produce 480 mn kWh annually, enough to satisfy the daily power consumption of at least 2,00,000 Pakistani families, Sun said. IANS ]PcX^]& =4F34;78kBD=30H k9D=4!%! % 6]R_X`gR_deVadU`h_ RdE?4`_XcVddTYZVW :D<0A274;;0??0=Q 274==08 he Tamil Nadu Congress Committee has plunged into a major crisis with EVKS Elangovan announcing his resignation as president of the State unit on Saturday. It was S Gopanna, the spokesman of the TNCC who announced that Elangovan has quit as TNCC chief owning the moral responsibility for the debacle of the Congress in the assembly election held on May 16. The Congress, which contested the election as an ally of the DMK won eight of the 41 seats it was allotted by the Dravidian major. In the last assembly the Congress had only five members. “Elangovan has resigned from the post of president of the TNCC. He sent his resignation last week to party president Sonia Gandhi,” Gopanna said here on Saturday. Elangovan was not available for comments. Elangovan was appointed as TNCC chief early 2014 and since then the party has seen many events including women party leaders filing police complaints against the former on various counts. But during the T last two years Elangovan was in the forefront of all agitations against the ruling AIADMK in Tamil Nadu and the BJP at the Centre. The period also saw many senior Congress leaders including P Chidambaram, KV Thangabalu and H Vasanthkumr meeting party president Sonia Gandhi many times demanding the ouster of Elangovan as State unit chief. Last week Elangovan had suspended some of the party functionaries including Vishna Prasad, former MLA and son of former PCC chief M Krishnasamy for anti-party activities. Since Elangovan has not issued any statements for or against the high command, one has to assume that there was no pressure on him to quit from the central leadership. “He would have understood the fact that the High Command was not happy with him. This resignation should have happened long back as Elangovan through his actions and words had earned many enemies,” said a senior TNCC leader. Once the news about Elangovan was announced at E5ATYZVWX`Vd <P]PaaTbcTSU^a `_#URjWRde PQdbX]V\X]^aX] RXRZ_deE]R_U RWX[SaT]³bW^\T RTbfZdZeZ`_SZU 0=D?B70A<0Q 6DF070C8 ><4A50A>>@Q 7H34A0103 pposition’s protest against the Telangana O Government’s move to acquire land for the Mallanna Sagar dam in Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao’s home district Medak district has further intensified with the Telangana TDP president A Revanth Reddy launching two day hunger strike on Saturday. Revanth Reddy, who sat on the fast at Etigadda Kistapur village, said that the struggle would continue till justice was done to the thousands of farmers. He lashed out at the Chief Minister for using the brute police force to suppress the agitation by the farmers. “The policemen are threatening the farmers to sign the papers and accept whatever compensation is paid to them”, he said adding that he will be the first person to face the stick and the bullet of the police in this struggle. He demanded that instead of making empty promises the Chief Minister should pay the compensation to the farmers. Meanwhile concerned over the spreading protests in the districts the Chief Minister today held a meeting with Irrigation Minister T Harish Rao and top officials of the department to discuss the rehabilitation package for the oustees of the project. The Chief Minister directed the officials to pay compensation to the affected farmers as per their wishes. “The Government is willing to pay the compensation either under the land acquisition act 2013 or the GO 123 as per the wishes of the farmers,” he said. he police in Assam’s Baksa T district have arrested a security guard on the charge of sexual harassment of a minor girl at a Government-run Children Home in the district. Interestingly, the accused is also the husband of the House Mother of the children’s Home. CWTX]RXST]cc^^Z_[PRTPc =^acWTPbc<XbbX^] 2WX[SaT]7^\TX]1PZbP SXbcaXRc^U0bbP\ The incident took place Northeast Mission Children Home at Barama in the district, police said and added that the district administration had closed the Home after the incident and shifted all the 24 inmates to another children’s Home located nearby. Police said that the incident of sexual harassment by the person came to the light only recently after a team of Child Welfare Committee (CWC) of the social welfare department visited the Home and interacted with the inmates. “The accused, Mangal Bodo(55), is now in judicial custody. A 13-year-old girl inmate of the Home narrated to the CWC team all about how the accused sexually harassed her. Later, another inmate narrated how she had escaped twice earlier from his sexual harassment attempts,” Inspector Durlav Chandra Das of Barama police station said. “The person was arrested while based on a complaint lodged by the CWC officials,” police said. Last year, a similar incident of sexual assault was reported from another Home in eastern Assam’ Dibrugarh district. <>=B>>=<8B4AH 0XPEDLXQGHUZHWVSHOO RQHNLOOHGUHVFXHG C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 15-year-old boy drowned in a swollen nallah and at A least 18 persons were rescued in monsoon-related incidents, even as eight houses collapsed either partially or fully in various parts of the metropolis. Mumbaikars prepared themselves for a wet weekend, as heavy rains lashed the Island city and suburbs since Friday night, inundating the suburban railway tracks, flood-prone roads and low-lying areas. Civic officials said that two children – aged 15 and 12 years – fell into a swollen nallah while they were playing at Mulund’s Highland Park locality in north-east Mumbai in the early hours of Saturday. Of them, a 12-year boy Arbaj Hasan Ansari was rescued by the fire brigade officials, while another boy Aftab Irfan Khan (15) died. Of the eight house col- lapses reported from various parts of the metropolis, the fire brigade personnel rescued 17 persons stranded inside the first and second floor flats of a building that partially collapsed at Khar (east) in northwest Mumbai. The ser vices on the Central Railway ( Main), Harbour and Western Railway were affected because of the water-logging of tracks at various places. The trains ran anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes behind the schedule. While the island city registered a rainfall 58.2 mm during 24 hours ending at 8.30 am, the suburbs received 115.2 mm rainfall during the same period. Meanwhile, the city weather bureau has forecast intermittent rains with “heavy to very heavy falls” at few places and “extremely heavy rains at one or two places” in the city and suburbs, during the next 48 hours. the TNCC headquarters, lobbying for the post has begun immediately. One of the front runners for the post is S Thirunavakarassar, an AIADMK-turned-BJP-turned Congress leader. Thirunavakasassar, who has the image of a party-hopper, stands a better chance to be appointed as the TNCC chief since he is acceptable to DMK supremo M Karunanidhi also. The names of P Chidambaram, Peter Alphonse and H Vasanth Kumar are also in circulation. There is a strong feeling that the High Command should consider someone young with experience for the post. There are young veterans like CD Meyyappan, who headed the Youth Congress for many years and known for their integrity and dedication. According to a senior Congress observer in Chennai, the high command should find out a new face for the party in Tamil Nadu. “The dissident leaders will approach the high command with the demand to ouster anybody who is appointed as the State party chief. Only a new and young person would be able to lead the party at this juncture,” said the observer. 2^]ca^eTabXTb\Pa:TaP[P6^ec´bUXabc\^]cWbW^f EA90H0A09Q :>278 C74<>BCB4A8>DBF0BC74908;8=6>5C74CF> 30;8CF><4=8=C70;0BB4AH:0==DA0BC74 he jailing of two Dalit women in Kannur and the 7><434?0AC<4=C8B148=670=3;431HC7427845 Marxist Chief Minister’s ‘inap<8=8BC4A78<B4;5 T propriate’ comments over it, the alleged disrespect shown to Olympian Anju Bobby George and the controversy over the recital of Sanskrit Shloka on the International Yoga Day have made lusterless the performance of Kerala’s CPI(M)led LDF Government in the first month of its rule despite the several bold administrative measures it has begun to adopt. Incidentally, all these three ‘bloomers’ (as one Marxist leader termed these controversies) were linked to CPI(M) members in the Cabinet and a section in the State party leadership itself and several functionaries of some of its partners in the LDF are feeling extremely embarrassed about the incidents and their political fallout. The 19-member LDF Cabinet with CPI(M) Politbureau member Pinarayi Vijayan as Chief Minister was sworn in on May 25 following the Left combine’s tremendous victory in the May 16 State election in which the Left bagged 91 of the total 140 seats in the Assembly and reduced the tally of the Congress-led UDF, which was ruling the State from 2011, to just 47. “If I put the issue in the simplest terms, these three controversies were totally avoidable,” said a top leader of the CPI, which has four Ministers in the LDF Government. “The most serious among the three was the jailing of the two Dalit women in Thalassery, Kannur as the Home Department is being handled by the Chief Minister himself,” he said. The general criticism within the LDF against the Government over this issue is that the police had acted as per the wishes of the local CPI(M) functionaries who had made a complaint against the two Dalit women, daughters of a Congress leader, creating an opportunity for the Congress and the BJP to allege that the infamous “cell rule” of the Marxists have returned to Kerala. What complicated the sending of the two women, one of them with her 18-monthold child, was Pinarayi’s comments over it. He first said he had no knowledge of the incident though it took place in his home district and despite being in charge of Home affairs. Then he told newsmen, “Ask the police”. Thirdly he said this was not the first time a child had gone to jail. “The fact is that Pinarayi often tends to forget that he is now Chief Minister and not a Marxist Czar,” was how a close aide of State Congress president VM Sudheeran responded to the issue. “He is yet to grow up. If the captain himself is being so undiplomatic, how can his lieutenants like Industries Minister EP Jayarajan grow up into efficient administrators?” he asked. Jayarajan, also in charge of the Sports Department, found himself in the centre of a controversy after he allegedly insulted Olympian Anju Bobby George, who after the encounter resigned as Kerala State Sports Council’s president, by stating directly to her that the council was neckdeep in corruption when she, appointed by the former UDF Government, was at its helm. The controversy did not stop at the borders of Kerala as Anju was not just a Kerala sportsperson but an internationally acclaimed national athlete. However, unlike Pinarayi, Jayarajan tried to be as diplomatic as possible in the aftermath saying that there were no bad feelings between him and her but that was not enough to save the Government from the trap he had led it into. “The new Government does have the right to reconstitute the Sports Council just like any other board or corporation. If there were allegations, these could have been looked into. But all this could have done in an amicable way. If that was done, we could have avoided a lot of bad feelings and criticisms,” said a leader of the Janata Dal(S), a minor constituent of the LDF. He said CPI(M) Health Minister KK Shailaja’s open announcement of objections to the Sanskrit Shloka recited at the International Yoga Day was equally avoidable. “What she said about the secular nature of Yoga was true but how can a Sanskrit Keertana be against secularism? There were better ways of putting her feeling about it,” the JD(S) leader said. According to senior journalist PVS Warrier, three big controversies in thirty days, “that too in the first 30 days”, is too much. “Most Keralites even the Left’s adversaries - feel that Pinarayi can be a tough administrator with the ability to deliver what his front promised: “Everything will be all right”. But it seems that this way, they are not going to do that,” he said. 0RGLEODPHV PHGLDIRUVKLIWLQJ RI,3/PDWFKHV IURP0DKDUDVKWUD C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SX^] ?BPcdaSPhc^^ZPbfX_TPccWT \TSXPU^aaPXbX]VWdTP]SRah^eTa cWT°TgRTbbXeT±dbT^UfPcTaU^a \PX]cT]P]RT^URaXRZTc_XcRWTbcWPc [TSc^bWXUcX]V^U8?;RaXRZTc \PcRWTbUa^\<PWPaPbWcaPTPa[h cWXbhTPa FXcW^dc\PZX]VP]haTUTaT]RTc^ cWTR^]ca^eTabh^eTacWT °TgRTbbXeT±dbT^UfPcTaU^a \PX]cT]P]RT^URaXRZTc_XcRWP]S cWTbdQbT`dT]c1^\QPh72^aSTa bWXUcX]VcWT8?;\PcRWTbbRWTSd[TS X]Sa^dVWcWXc<PWPaPbWcaPQTh^]S <Ph cWT?<c^dRWTSd_^]cWT XbbdTSdaX]VcWTR^dabT^UWXb b_TTRWPUcTa[Pd]RWX]V #_a^YTRcb ^U?d]T³bB\Pac2Xch?[P] °B^\TcX\Tb^da\TSXPUaXT]Sb cPZTcWX]Vbc^bdRWP[TeT[cWPc^]T RP]]^cTeT]_[PhRaXRZTcX]cWT BcPcTFWTaTeTacWTaTXbbcPSXd\ ^afWTaTeTa\PcRWTbPaTWT[ScWT Va^d]SWPbc^QTfPcTaTSP]S \PX]cPX]TS^]"%$SPhb^UcWT hTPaXaaTb_TRcXeT^UfWTcWTaRaXRZTc \PcRWTbPaTPRcdP[[h_[PhTS^a ]^c±cWT?aX\T<X]XbcTabPXS °8cRP]]^cWP__T]cWPccWT\^\T]c cWTRaXRZTc\PcRWTbPaTbWXUcTS^dc ^UcWTbcPSXd\cWTVa^d]Sb\T] f^d[Sbc^_b_aX]Z[X]VfPcTa^]cWT Va^d]S;XZT8bPXScWPccWTVa^d]S WPbc^QTfPcTaTS^]P[["%$SPhb XU\PcRWTbPaT_[PhTS^a]^c \^]ThfXbT' =4F34;78kBD=30H k9D=4!%! % 5@6?d_XYbUc_SYQ\]UTYQQWU^Si NEW DELHI: EPFO’s Central Board of Trustees (CBT) will consider a proposal on July 7 to appoint a professional agency for managing its social media presence on Facebook and Twitter to avoid communication gaps. The development comes in the wake of protests and street violence in Bengaluru earlier this year, following EPFO’s order on tightening of rules for withdrawing provident fund money. Later, the Labour Ministry had to roll back the order. “The proposal to engage an agency to manage social media platforms for EPFO is listed on the agenda of the meeting of the CBT’ led by Labour Minister on July 7,” a senior ministry official said. “It is mooted in the backdrop of communication gap which led to the violence recently. The agency will be hired collectively by ESIC, EPFO and the ministry for estimated cost of C3 cr per annum,” he said. PTI 7^]^aPah _a^UTbb^abWX_U^a 206BWPa\PQh2WX]PePabXch NEW DELHI: Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) Shashi Kant Sharma has been conferred honorary professorship by the Nanjing Audit University in China on Saturday. “Shashi Kant Sharma was conferred the honorary professorship by the Nanjing Audit University in China on Saturday. It is the only university which is recognised by the Institute of Internal Auditors,” the CAG office said in a release here. In his acceptance address, CAG put an emphasis on capacity building for auditors of international fraternity in view of ever-changing governance structures. He stressed on the need for co-operation among the five Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), especially in data analytics, audit of infrastructure projects and environmental issues. Sharma is in Beijing to take part in the first meeting of Supreme Audit Institution (SAIs) of BRICS countries. BRICS SAI leaders have agreed to actively enhance quality of auditors to enable SAIs to play a bigger role in advancing economic and social development, Sharma was quoted as saying. He also led a delegation of Auditor Generals of BRICS to a meeting with Chinese Vice-Premier Zhang Gaoli and discussed progress of the summit. At Friday's meeting, CAG talked about the big strides taken by the Indian Government in automating services and collecting, compiling and reporting data on its programme interventions. India is in the process of establishing a Data Analytics Centre and has finalised a big data management policy to meet the big data challenges in future, he told the audience on Friday. He also hoped that this would enable the SAIs to come up with more incisive audit findings and to assist governments in formulating appropriate policies, the release further said. PTI :_UZRacVaRcZ_Xac`[VTedh`ceY #$S_W`cWf_UZ_XSj2::3+7> ?C8Q 14898=6 is preparing a basket of projects worth $2-3 billion Iforndia funding by the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) in several areas including urban development and energy and offered to set up an office of the China-backed bank in New Delhi. On the third day of his visit here, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley made the offer while addressing the Board of Governors Session of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the bank headquartered here. “India has a huge unmet demand for investment in infrastructure and is preparing basket of projects worth $2-3 billion for AIIB funding in the areas of urban development (including smart cities), energy, urban transport, railways, inland waterways and water supply,” said an Indian Embassy statement providing details of Jaitley’s address. “(The) Finance Minister offered India’s support in establishment of a regional office of AIIB in New Delhi to effectively cater to this potentially large portfolio and speed up the process of project development, monitoring and implementation,” the statement said. 6HYHQILUPVLQUDFHWRPDQDJH (3)2¶VHTXLW\LQYWVLQ)< NEW DELHI: Seven asset managers -- SBI Mutual Fund, ICICI Prudential, Reliance Capital, HDFC, LIC, UTI and Kotak Mahindra -- are in the race to manage retirement fund body EPFO’s investment in stock markets in the current fiscal. “The Finance Audit and Investment Committee (FAIC) will open technical and financial bids submitted by seven firms -SBI Mutual Fund, ICICI Prudential, Reliance Capital, HDFC, LIC, UTI and Kotak Mahindra -- for managing EPFO's market investments in the current fiscal,” an EPFO official said. “FAIC will give recommendation on the basis of bid evaluation to the EPFO's apex decision-making body, the Central Board of Trustees (CBT), headed by the labour minister to take a final call on the issue.” The meeting of the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation’s trustees is scheduled for July 7. Once approved by CBT, the selected firm will manage EPFO's stock market investments for this fiscal. At present, SBI Mutual Fund is looking after EPFO’s stock investments in ETF. The term of the SBI Mutual Fund will end on June 30. EPFO had started investing up to five per cent of its investible deposits in Exchange Trade Funds (ETFs) in August last year and put in around C6,500 crore in the ETFs till April-end. The body has plans to invest about C6,000 crore in the stock market in the current fiscal. EPFO had chosen SBI Mutual Fund to manage its stock market investments as SBI has been its sole banker since it started operation way back in 1952. PTI *RYWUHYLHZVUROOLQJRXWRI SDQ,QGLDHDXFWLRQIRUWHD NEW DELHI: Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has reviewed rolling out of pan-India e-auction for tea with a view to streamline the process and ensure faster realisation. “Faster realisation of auction proceeds is likely to address the demand of the producers who hesitate to offer their teas in auction due to longer credit period,” tweeted Sitharaman. On the first day, Coonoor has registered the highest amount of sale. “On the first day of the auction following sales were made with regard to lots offered. Kolkata (73 per cent), Cochin (42 per cent), Coonoor (92 per cent),” she said. It will “lead to greater transparency in terms of buyers' bidding and settlement of payments,” she added. The pan India e-auction was rolled out by the Tea Board in all the auction centres except Coimbatore on June 23. PTI H`c]UEVR4`WWVV 6ia`Wc`^@Te#! =4F34;78) 8]eXTf^UcWTT]R^daPVX]V ST\P]SU^aXcbcTPX]8]SXPcWTBaX;P]ZP CTP1^PaSB;C1fX[[QT_PacXRX_PcX]VX] F^a[SCTP2^UUTT4g_^X]<d\QPXU^a cWT!]SR^]bTRdcXeThTPaCWT#cWTSXcX^] ^UcWXbP]]dP[TeT]cfX[[QTWT[SUa^\ >Rc^QTa!!!! %BTeTaP[[TPSX]VBaX ;P]ZP]cTPUXa\bfXcWePaXTcXTb^UcTP _a^SdRTQaP]SbP]SU[Pe^dabfX[[QT _PacXRX_PcX]VX]cWTTeT]c °CWT8]SXP]\PaZTcb]^f^UUTaT]^a\^db bR^_TU^a_a^SdRcX]]^ePcX^]PbST\^]bcaPcTS QhaXbX]VR^]bd\_cX^]^UBaX;P]ZP]cTPCWT Tg_^XbeTah_a^UTbbX^]P[[hTgTRdcTSP]S ^UUTabB;cTPUXa\bPbX]V[TS^^abR^_Tc^ STP[QdbX]TbbfXcW8]SXP±bPXSA^WP] ?TcWXhPV^SP2WPXa\P]BaX;P]ZPCTP1^PaS EReREV]VRc^e`cRZdVC$\Tc NEW DELHI: Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) will raise up to C3,000 crore from its promoter Tata Teleservices through allotment of preferential equities. “Board of directors of the company at its meeting held on June 25, 2016, has considered and approved issue of redeemable preference shares up to an amount of C3,000 crore to Tata Teleservices Limited (Promoter) on preferential basis,” Tata Teleservices Maharashtra (TTML) said in a regulatory filing on Saturday. PTI ²BZhXbcWT[X\XcU^aX]ecbX]8]SXP³ 14898=6) BZhXbcWT[X\XcU^a X]eTbc\T]cbX]8]SXPP]SXcb TR^]^\XRVa^fcWXbbdbcPX]PQ[T QTRPdbTXcWPbP[^c^USXbcP]RT c^R^eTa5X]P]RT<X]XbcTa0ad] 9PXc[ThbPXS^] BPcdaSPh °8cVa^fcWXb bdbcPX]PQ[TU^acWT aTPb^]cWPc8]SXPWPb [^c^USXbcP]RTX] cTa\b^UTR^]^\XR Va^fcWc^R^eTa± 9PXc[ThfW^XbWTaT^] PUXeTSPheXbXcc^[S 2WX]TbTbcPcTad]22CEX]P] X]cTaeXTf8]eXTf^UcWXbP[^c^U _^cT]cXP[TgXbcbU^aX]eTbc\T]cb X]X]UaPbcadRcdaTdaQP]XbPcX^] W^dbX]V_^fTafPcTaP]Sb^RXP[ bTRc^aWTbPXS In his address, Jaitley said the AIIB has come up amidst huge expectations in a difficult time for the global economy. “The overall recovery of the global economy remains very modest and global growth rate projections have been revised downwards, even though the Asia-Pacific region remains the growth engine for the world,” he said. Notwithstanding the global headwinds, however, India 8]SXP³bU^aTg_^^[ PST`dPcTc^cPRZ[T 1aTgXcX\_PRc)A18 KOZHIKODE: The country’s foreign exchange reserves and import cover of more than a year would be sufficient in managing the temporary effects of Brexit, a Reserve Bank official said on Saturday. “India's forex reserves of more than $360 billion and import cover of more than a year would be adequate in managing the temporary effects of the recent Brexit, if at all there is an impact,” RBI Regional Director, Thiruvananthapuram, SMN Swamy, said here. He was speaking after inaugurating a day long seminar on 'Role of private remittances in the socio-economic scenario of Kerala' at the Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode (IIMK). Swamy also spoke on the importance of remittances in reducing India's reliance on foreign aid, building the country's forex reserves as well as meeting the current account deficit, an IIM-K release said. Chairperson of Technology Business Incubator of IIM-K Prof Keyoor Purani stressed on the importance of channelising remittances into entrepreneurial ventures so that Kerala can transform itself from a consumption to a production economy. PTI °5^adbc^SPhbZhXbcWT[X\Xc CWPcXbcWTZX]S^UX]eTbc\T]cb fTaT`dXaTCWTaTU^aTP[^c^U TR^]^\XRPRcXeXchWPbc^V^X]c^ Xc2daaT]c[h_dQ[XRUX]P]RTbPaT cPZX]VcWT[TPSX] S^X]Vb^8P\bdaTX] SdTR^dabTPbcWT TR^]^\hXb_XRZX]V d__aXePcTbTRc^afX[[ P[b^Q^^bccWXb±9PXc[Th bPXS °BTR^]S[hfTVaTf X] cWT[Pbccf^hTPab STb_XcTcWTUPRccWPc fTWPS[TbbcWP]]^a\P[ \^]b^^]<^]b^^]_[PhbeTah X\_^acP]ca^[TX]8]SXPb TR^]^\XRVa^fcWCWXbhTPa W^_TUd[[hcWT\^]b^^]bTT\bc^ QTP[[aXVWc±WTbPXS?C8 continues to maintain a high growth rate at 7.6 per cent in 2015-16 compared to 7.2 per cent in the previous year. “AIIB presents a much-needed additional financing window dedicated to infrastructure projects and meeting the financing gap that may be beyond the capacity of the individual countries and the existing MDBs (Multilateral Development Banks),” Jaitley said of AIIB’s role. AIIB was officially established last year with an authorised capital of $100 billion in which India and 56 other countries joined as founding members. China is the largest shareholder with 26.06 per cent voting shares. India is the second-largest shareholder with 7.5 per cent followed by Russia 5.93 per cent and Germany with 4.5 per cent. China also houses the New Development Bank headquarters of BRICS countries - Brazil, India, China and South Africa in Shanghai. It is headed by eminent Indian banker K V Kamath. The AIIB on Friday released its first set of loans totalling to $509 million for infrastructure projects in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Tajikistan. Outlining India’s development paradigm, Jaitley said India has undertaken reforms in FDI and initiated large investments in rural infrastructure, national highway, inland waterways, shipping, power sector and smart cities, the statement said. Jaitley also met China’s Finance Minister Lou Jiwei and held talks on bilateral economic cooperation, upcoming G20 Summit in Hangzhou, and the BRICS Summit in India. 0060DULWLPHSODQVWR KLUHRYHUPHUFKDQW QDY\RIILFHUVVKRUWO\ <037DBD30=B07>> Q =4F34;78 hose who want to pursue their career in merchant T navy have a reason to cheer as Mumbai-based ship management firm MMS Maritime India (MMSI) plans to recruit over 200 merchant navy officers from six major cities in the country soon. Especially, those who are primarily residing in New Delhi, Lucknow, Bhopal, Patna, Dehradun and Bhubaneshwar, will get this opportunity over next few months, according to a top company official. The new recruits from these leading cities of North and East India will be placed aboard specialised fleet of 23 oil & gas tanker-ships owned by MMSI's parent companyMeiji Shipping Group-one of the oldest shipping companies in Japan, established in 1911. Meiji Shipping Group is listed on Japan's Stock Exchange. Confirming the development, Sanjay Bhavnani, Chief Operating Officer of MMSI said, “The new positions we are seeking to fill will be across the full spectrum of roles from merchant navy officers and masters to chief engineers based in Dehradun,” said Sanjay Bhavnani, Chief Operating Officer of MMSI. Bhavnani further said, “The employment at MMSI has always been a preferred choice by North and East India based highly-paid merchant navy officers. We have got one of the highest retention rates in the ship management industry. MMSI is well known for offering its merchant navy officers a career progression, and tailored individual support and training.” As merchant navy officers earn tax free remuneration in foreign exchange, as high as $15,000 per month per officer, their savings and investments in real estate, etc have contributed a lot over the years to the economic growth of North and East India. jca^l 8=C4A=0C8>=0;30H0608=BC3AD601DB40=38;;828CCA05582:8=6C>14 >1B4AE43C>30H!%C79D=4 !%cW9d]TBd]SPhXb^QbTaeTSPbcWT8]cTa]PcX^]P[3PhPVPX]bc3adV 0QdbTP]S8[[XRXcCaPUUXRZX]VP]SXbPV[^QP[^QbTaeP]RT8cXbPd]X`dT ^__^acd]XchU^aP[[^Udbc^cPZTPbcP]SP]Sbd__^accWT_a^WTP[cWf^a[S SadVRP\_PXV]4eTahhTPaXcXbR^\\T\^aPcTSfXcWRP\_PXV]bP]SP bTaXTb^UTeT]cbP[[^eTacWTf^a[SPX\TSPcaPXbX]VPfPaT]Tbb^UcWT\PY^a _a^Q[T\cWPcX[[XRXcSadVdbTaT_aTbT]cbc^b^RXTchP]S_PacXRd[Pa[hc^h^d]V _T^_[TC^R^]eThcWT\TbbPVTPbTaXTb^UTeT]cbPaTR^]SdRcTS bW^fRPbX]VePaX^db_^bXcXeTPRcXeXcXTbbdRWPbcWT\PbbPfPaT]TbbTeT]c ²AD=PVPX]bc3adV0QdbTPc8]SXP6PcTTeTahhTPa<^aTcWP]#_T^_[T fX[[_PacXRX_PcTPc8]SXP6PcTX]cWT\^a]X]Vc^b_aTPScWT\TbbPVT²CWX]Z 7TP[cW=^c3adVbCWXbhTPabU^RdbXb)°;Tcb3TeT[^_2^\\d]XcXTb fXcW^dc3adVb±D]X^]<X]XbcTa^UB^RXP[9dbcXRT4\_^fTa\T]c CWPPfPaRWP]S6TW[^cP[^]VfXcWcWTD]X^]<X]XbcTab^UBcPcTU^aB^RXP[9dbcXRT4\_^fTa\T]c:aXbWP]?P[ 6daYPaP]SEXYPhBP\_[PfX[[cPZTcWT_[TSVTPc'0<PccWT8]SXP6PcT[Pf]bfXcW^cWTaSXV]XcPaXTbP]S# _PacXRX_P]cbCWT²AD=PVPX]bc3adV0QdbTfX[[QTU[PVVTS^UUQhcWT<X]XbcTabU^acWT\PbbbT]bXcXbPcX^] U^[[^fTSQhPbh\Q^[XRB[^VP]<PaRWfXcW?^[XRT1P]SbCWT\PX]PccaPRcX^]^UcWXbFP[ZcW^]Xb_PacXRX_PcX^] ^U9PfP]bUa^\SXUUTaT]c1^aSTa6dPaSX]V5^aRTb>]cWXb^RRPbX^]cWT?aTbXST]c^U8]SXPfX[[R^]UTacWT =PcX^]P[0fPaSbc^cWT^aVP]XbPcX^]bP]ScWTX]SXeXSdP[bU^acWTXa^dcbcP]SX]VR^]caXQdcX^]X]cWTUXT[S^U3adV ?aTeT]cX^]CWTRTaT\^]hfX[[cPZT_[PRTPc !"?<EXVhP]1WPfP]=Tf3T[WX :E82106B>A34A5>A3DAA84B 5A><2>0BC6D0A3 CWT:WPSXP]SEX[[PVT8]SdbcaXTb2^\\XbbX^]:E82WPbPSSTShTcP]^cWTaUTPcWTac^XcbRP_CWT ^aVP]XbPcX^]WPbQPVVTSUXabcTeTa^aSTaU^abd__[h^U"$SdaaXTb Ua^\cWT8]SXP]2^Pbc6dPaSU^a cWTdbTQhXcbd]XcbX]2WT]]PX<d\QPX:^RWX?^aQP]SdaP]S?PaPSTT_PcPc^cP[R^bc^U C #[PZW FWX[T !!$SdaaXTb WPeTQTT]^aSTaTSU^a<d\QPXd]Xc&$SdaaXTb WPeTQTT]^aSTaTSU^a?PaPSTT_ $U^a?^aQP]STa#"U^a2WT]]PXP]S!$U^a:^RWXd]Xcb^UcWT2^Pbc6dPaSCWT^aSTaf^d[S]^c ^][hWT[_X]RaTPbTcWTTPa]X]Vb^UcWTPacXbP]bPccPRWTSc^:E82QdcP[b^VXeTPQ^^bcc^cWT:WPSX QaP]S:E82WPbQPVVTScWXb^aSTaQhfX]]X]VP]^_T]cT]STaU[^PcTSQh2^Pbc6dPaS[Pbc\^]cWCWT cT]STaWPb[XbcTSbTeTaP[bcaX]VT]cb_TRXUXRPcX^]bcWPccWT_a^SdRcb\dbc\TTc<^aTcWP] $bd__[XTab UX[[TScWTcT]STaX]fWXRW2^Pbc6dPaSU^d]SR^bcP]S`dP[Xch^U:E82QTbcP]SVPeTcWXb^aSTa 2<3^U=;2BPaPc:d\Pa0RWPahPP]S3XaTRc^a5X]P]RT=;2APZTbW:d\PafXcWcWT³<^bc8]U[dT]cXP[25>b^U 8]SXP0fPaSR^]UTaaTSc^cWT3XaTRc^aQh2WPacTaTS8]bcXcdcT^U<P]PVT\T]c0RR^d]cP]cb28<00[b^bTT]PaT ?=?PcWPZ8]ST_T]ST]c4gcTa]P[<^]Xc^a84<?BT[ePZd\PaECWP]VP_P]SXP]3XaTRc^ab=;23a= Bd]SPaPSTeP]84<BWXeAPYBX]VW2E>=;2P]SBT]X^a^UUXRXP[b^U=;2;X\XcTS b_TRXP[( =4F34;78kBD=30H k9D=4!%! % 6HULDONLOOHU5DPDQ5DJKDYZKRURDPHGWKHVWUHHWVRI0XPEDLLQWKHVEHFDPHDVXEMHFWRILQWHUHVW IRUILOPPDNHUVDQG,36RIILFHUWXUQHGDXWKRU56.XONDUQLDOVRNQRZQDVWKH6KHUORFN+ROPHVRI,QGLD 7KRXJK$QXUDJ.DVK\DS¶VILOPLVQRWDERXW5DPDQ5DJKDY6$1*((7$<$'$9 WHOOV\RXZK\WKLV SV\FKRSDWKLFNLOOHULVQRWMXVWDGHDGGXVW\ILOHLQWKHSROLFHUHFRUGURRP e was an ordinary man who walked alone, holding an umbrella in his hand on the busy streets of suburban Mumbai. He liked being wellgroomed, would regularly massage his body with coconut oil, comb his hair and carry a mirror to see how he was looking. His love for chicken curry finally made him spill the beans about his killing sprees. He never got into any fights or kept grudges. Yet, 40-year-old Raman Raghav terrorised Mumbai in the late 60s, murdering over 40 people, including slumdwellers and chawl residents. “If you looked at him, nobody could have said that he could be a killer, that too a serial killer. His outwardly appearance was deceptive and showed no symptoms of madness. A well-groomed killer like Raghav was extremely conscious about his appearance. It’s much more easier to identify a mad man than a person like Raghav,” Vasan Bala, coscriptwriter of Raman Raghav 2.0, tells you. It all started in 1965-66 when a series of murders took place in the eastern suburbs of Bombay along the Central Railway Line. Eyewitness Krithika, a relative of one of the victims, gave a statement to the police that she had seen a man of Raghav’s description lurking in the area the night her kin was killed. According to RS Kulkarni’s book Footprints On The Sand Of Crime, Raghav was caught and interrogated by detective inspector VV Vakatkar who recalled that ‘he was a hard nut to crack.’ Vakatkar also mentioned that a pocket diary had been recovered from Raghav in which he had penned down words like khatam and khallas. Due to lack of evidence, Raghav was set free only to return in 1968, killing over a dozen people, this time in the northern suburbs. Nobody knew who was behind the gruesome killings. Some thought it was an animal, others thought it could be aliens. But the cops suspected Raghav. “Vigilante groups in the suburbs would often lynch or beat up a homeless stranger or migrant on the suspicion that he was Raghav. There were absurd rumours like the killer H a^\b^[eX]VWXVW_a^UX[TRPbTb[XZT cWTAP\P]APVWPeZX[[X]VbP]ScWT <P]fPc\daSTabc^RPcRWX]VW^[S ^UU^aTXV]b\dVV[Tab^UP\\d]XcX^] V^[STcRFP[R^ccP]S3^]iTAP\PZP]c BWTbWPVXaXaP^:d[ZPa]XfW^fPbRP[[TS cWTBWTa[^RZ7^[\Tb^U8]SXPQTRP\TP W^dbTW^[S]P\T 8cWPbQTT] hTPabbX]RT:d[ZPa]X _PbbTSPfPhQdcWXbfXUTP]SSPdVWcTa 0]XcP1W^V[TUTT[_a^dScWPcWTXbbcX[[ aT\T\QTaTSPUcTab^\P]hhTPab °<h\^cWTadbTSc^cT[[\TcWPc AP\P]APVWPefPbcWTUXabcRPbTWT V^cfWT]WTfPb]Tf[hP__^X]cTSPb WTPS^UcWT2aX\T1aP]RWX] (%'CWPc cX\T\P]h_T^_[T`dTbcX^]TSWXb \TcW^S^Ub^[eX]VRPbTb7TfPb]^c cP[[^afT[[QdX[c7TSXS]³c[^^Z[XZTP _^[XRT^UUXRTa8]UPRcWT[^^ZTS\^aT [XZTPQP]ZTa^aP_a^UTbb^acWP]P]8?B 5 0]XcP1W^V[T SPdVWcTa^UcWT[PcT AB:d[ZPa]XcT[[b B0=644C0H030E PQ^dcWTaUPcWTa³b WXVW_a^UX[TRPbTb P]SW^fWTSTP[c fXcWcWT\ could turn into a dog or a bird and that’s why nobody could catch him,” director Sriram Raghavan, who first made a short film Raman Raghav, A City, A Killer in 1991, tells you. With no leads in the case, in 1968, the case was handed to the newly appointed head of the Crime Branch Ramakant Kulkarni. Observing the pattern of the crime and trying to connect the dots with the 1965 cases, Kulkarni observed that “19 people had been attacked while asleep and had head injuries. While nine of them had succumbed to their injuries, none of the survivors could not recollect anything useful enough to establish the identity of the assailant. They were killed by having their skulls smashed with a hard and blunt instrument” Kulkarni wrote in his book. “More than 2,000 cops were on the manhunt around the MaladGoregaon-Jogeshwari area. During that time, there was no television and to make matters worse, there was a newspaper strike in Mumbai. So there was a lot of panic and rumour mongering amongst the populace,” Raghavan recalls. “My idea of a serial killer was based mostly on crime fiction and movies from the West. Raghav helped shatter that. He was a semi-literate migrant living on petty thefts. He was suffering from schizophrenia and heared a voice in his head telling him to kill random people. He mercilessly bludgeoned a pavement dweller and sat next to the corpse and had a meal. I used to wonder what must be going on in his head. Raghav, I was told, used to be lucid in conversation and suddenly got provoked and fly off the handle,” Raghavan says. It was the then sub-inspector Alex Fialho, who was roaming around Bhendi Bazaar and he spotted the suspect. “Those days, I used to carry a photograph of Raghav in my shirt pocket. I was waiting for a bus and I saw a well-built man in khaki shorts and a long blue bushshirt walking towards me. Something about the man struck me and I instinctively decided to follow him. As he walked past me, he gave me a casual glance as I was in uniform. He glanced again and drew my suspi- cion,” Fialho said in an interview to a newspaper in 2007. Fialho observed that Raghav was carrying a wet umbrella. As it had not rained in south Mumbai that day “I asked him where he was coming from and he replied Chincholi (Malad). This strengthened my doubt. He was also carrying halfrimmed spectacles and a thimble that belonged to a Malad tailor who had been killed a couple of days back. Later, I found out that he was going to sell it in chor bazaar. I called for a jeep and asked Raghav to sit in it. He unsuspectingly sat and we drove off to the police station. I called in the fingerprint experts and the prints matched with him,” Fialho, who was then felicitated and rewarded C1,000 for the big catch, said. His personal belongings consisted of a pair of spectacles which he stole from a victim, two combs, a pair of scissors, a stand for burning incense, soap, garlic, tea dust and two pieces of paper with some mathematical figures on them. Looking at his criminal records, it was found that Raghav was a history-sheeter and had spent five years in prison for robbery. He had also raped his sister before murdering her. His records disclosed that he had several aliases like Sindhi Dalwai, Talwai, Anna, Thambi and Veluswami. But Raghav refused to speak for weeks even after going through third degree torture. “His murders didn’t have any motive other than the ones he himself justified. He used to kill for five paise or two paise or for the household goods and food. He was a necrophiliac. He would just pick on people who were helpless and alone, which is why he went untraced for a very long time,” Bala says. “It was a strange mix of power and fear. Probably, he would have killed someone older to show power but someone as young as a sixmonth-old to show fear. A baby is the most powerless person. It’s very difficult to explain why Raghav killed the baby. But one thing was certain. There was no guilt about his cold-blooded acts & he was completely remorseless, which made him scary,” Bala says. The investigation took the cops to a village in Tamil Nadu where =Q[Y^W _VdXUVY\] WT [XUT ^U AP\P] APVWPe fPb UXabc C_a^YTRcTS ^] RT[[d[^XS Qh BaXaP\ APVWPeP] °8 fPb [^^ZX]V U^a f^aZ CWTaT fPb ]^ bPcT[[XcT CE cWT] ^][h 3^^aSPabWP] P]S cWT E7B QdbX]Tbb fPbQ^^\X]VEXST^\PVPiX]TbfTaT eTah _^_d[Pa <h _a^SdRTab WPS P] XSTP^US^X]VPeXST^\PVPiX]T^]cadT RaX\T X] <d\QPX CWPc fPb fWT] 8 RP\T PRa^bb AB :d[ZPa]Xb Q^^Z 5^^c_aX]cb>]CWTBP]S>U2aX\TCWT \^\T]c8aTPSPQ^dcAP\P]APVWPe 8fPbW^^ZTS±APVWPeP]bPhb 5^a WXb _a^YTRc WT \Tc :d[ZPa]X 4B <^SPZ 2^\\XbbX^]Ta ^U ?^[XRT P]S 3a ?PcZPa cWT _bhRWXPcaXbc fW^ WPS TgP\X]TS APVWPe °CWT X]XcXP[ bRaX_cU^RdbbTS^]cWT\P]Wd]cUa^\ cWT _^[XRT _^X]c ^U eXTf Qdc 8 V^c X]cTaTbcTS X] cWT ZX[[Ta <h QXVVTbc PbbTcfPbAPVWdQXaHPSPefW^_[PhTS APVWPe±APVWPeP]bPhbPSSX]VcWPc WXb UX[\ WPb R^\T X]c^ cWT [X\T[XVWc PUcTa !$ hTPab QTRPdbT ^U 0]daPV :PbWhP_bAP\P]APVWPe! 8c fPb 0]daPV fW^ bPf APVWPeP]bUX[\P]SSTRXSTSc^\PZT AP\P] APVWPe ! CP[ZX]V PQ^dc WXbXSTP^U_a^YTRcX]VAP\P]APVWPe Pb cf^ _T^_[T X] WXb UX[\ :PbWhP_ bPhb) °1h S^X]V cWXb 8 fP]cTS c^ bW^f cWPc fT PaT [XeX]V X] P f^a[S fWTaT P _^^a \P] [XZT AP\P] fX[[ P[fPhbQT_d[[TSd_P]ScWT_^fTaUd[ APVWPef^]cCWTUX[\WPbR^\T^dc ^U P] TgcaT\T[h _PcaXPaRWP[ \X]SbTc P]S 8 SXS]³c fP]c c^ d]STa[X]T Xc Qh VXeX]V P [TRcdaT 8]bcTPS 8 bW^fTS W^f aTP[XbcXR cWT f^a[S Xb X] P eTah bdQc[TfPh± Raghav grew up. Michael, the man who made akada (a metal object) for Raghav, with which he would kill people, knew him since childhood, revealed that Raghav’s roommate was also found dead, but no one ever suspected him. Michael told the cops that Raghav was a small-time thief who was never went to school. It was around this time that Raghav left Tamil Nadu for Pune. Since his return to killings in 1968, he had been living in jungles outside the suburbs of Mumbai. “Not much is known about his life before he came to Mumbai. Some said that he was married and his wife left him because he was jailed on the day of his marriage. There were different stories that were circulated but none had any validation,” Bala says. Meanwhile, the cops in Mumbai were having a tough time trying to make Raghav speak. The only thing he kept saying was that he wanted chicken curry. After a few weeks when all efforts failed, the cops decided to serve Raghav some chicken curry. “We were sitting in the interrogation room of the Crime Branch office when someone casually asked Raghav whether there was anything else he wanted. Without a moment’s thought, without even batting an eyelid, Raman Raghav said, “murgi.” Next, he wanted hair oil, a comb and a mirror. ‘I would also have liked a prostitute, but I guess, the law does not permit that while one is in custody’,” Raghav was quoted as saying in Kulkarni’s book. After massaging his body with coconut oil, he combed his hair and looked into the mirror for a few seconds. He then agreed to talk and what he revealed shocked every cop present in the room. Raghav went on to say: “I shall tell you all about them. Get a vehicle, an armed guard and two witnesses. The law requires that. And I shall show you the iron akada I used to commit the murders, knives and other things which I have hidden in the bushes at Areray Milk Colony.” Raghav confessed to committing 41 murders. Asked why killed people, he said that he had directions from God to do so. He also detailed the modus operandi. “A few days later, I saw a hut where a family was sleeping. I cut the string which fastened the front door and then hit the husband with an iron rod, killing him instantly. The woman and child who woke up, started shouting. I killed them too. I was thinking of sleeping with the woman but someone came and I ran away. The gold necklace turned out to imitation jewellery,” Kulkarni quoted Raghav in the book. Talking about another murder Raghav said: “On the Malad side, I saw a hamlet. A bearded man was sleeping. The door was open. I hit him and he died on the spot. I took his wristwatch and when I saw some money in his jhabba. I also took some peanuts, an umbrella and a torch. Once home, I tore the jhabba to make handkerchiefs.” Raghav also confessed to killing a woman and two children sleeping in a hut. He hit her twice or thrice until she died. He then removed the bedsheet and found she was naked. Kulkarni doesn’t elaborate on this because what Raghav said was too disturbing and horrifying to pen down. A chargesheet was prepared and the trial began. Raghav’s defence lawyer PV Pawar pleaded to the Additional Sessions Judge that his client did not understand the repercussions of his acts. A psychiatrist observed Raghav for a month and declared him mentally sound. He was sentenced to death. But Pawar appealed that Raghav was mentally ill. This led the Bombay High Court to refer Raghav to a Special Medical Board of three psychiatrists. The panelists said that Raghav was suffering from chronic paranoid schizophrenia. In all the five interviews he gave to the medical board, Raghav showed ideas of reference and fixed and systematised delusions of persecution and grandeur. The delusions which the accused experienced were about two distinct worlds, the world of kanoon and the world in which he lived. He had an unshakable belief that people were trying to change his sex but that they weren’t successful because he was a representative of µ0\IDWKHUZDVDSUREOHPVROYHU¶ ^UUXRTa1dcWTbda_aXbTSTeTah^]TcX\T P]SPVPX]FTfTaTeTahh^d]VfWT] cWTAP\P]APVWPeX]RXST]cWP__T]TS P]SfTSXS]³caTP[XbTW^fQXVXcfPb d]cX[fTaTPS\hUPcWTa³bQ^^Z 5^^c_aX]cb>]CWTBP]S>U2aX\T FWT]8fPbh^d]V\hY^QfPbc^Rdc ^dcP[[cWT]Tfb_P_TaPacXR[TbcWPcWPS WXb]P\TP]SRaTPcTPUX[T±0]XcP aTRP[[b BWTcT[[bh^dcWPcWTaUPcWTafPb ]^ccWTZX]S^U_^[XRT^UUXRTaPb _^acaPhTSX]\^eXTb°7TfPbd_aXVWc P]SeTah_a^dS^UWXbY^Q8aT\T\QTa WTf^d[SR^\TW^\TP]ScP[ZPQ^dc cWTR^]eXRcX^]bP]SfWPccWTYdSVT f^d[SbPhPQ^dccWTRPbTb;XZT BR^c[P]SHPaS_T^_[TdbTSc^cP[Z PQ^dccWT<d\QPX2aX\T1aP]RWP]SWT fPbcWT\P]fW^bTcXcd_7TfPb 6^SUTPaX]VP]SaTPSP[^c^UaT[XVX^db Q^^Zb7TWPSPeTahWd\P]TP__a^PRW c^[XUT7T]^c^][hRWPbTScWTRaX\X]P[b QdcP[b^cW^dVWcPQ^dccWTeXRcX\bcWTXa UP\X[XTbP]ScWTX\_PRcPRaX\TWPb^] b^RXTch±0]XcPbPhb 1dcXcfPb]^cPbXU:d[ZPa]XfPb RWPbX]VRaX\X]P[bP[[cWTcX\T7TfPbP UP\X[h_Tab^]c^^P]Sb_T]c`dP[Xch cX\TfXcWcWT\°7TP[fPhbWPScX\T U^adbP]S]TeTaQa^dVWcW^\TWXb f^aZ7T]TeTaUTPaTScWPc^da[XeTb R^d[SQTX]SP]VTaQTRPdbT^UWXbf^aZ <h\^cWTaXbPeTahbca^]V_Tab^]P]S c^^ZRWPaVTP]S\P]PVTSTeTahcWX]V ^]cWTW^\TUa^]c±0]XcPcT[[bh^d PSSX]VcWPcWTaUPcWTafPbP_a^Q[T\ b^[eTa °7TfPbPbdRWPb_TRXP[_Tab^] C^SPhWTXb]^\^aT1dcXUWTfPb P[XeT8f^d[SV^c^WX\fXcW\h _a^Q[T\b7TWPSPb^[dcX^]c^ TeTahcWX]V7Tc^dRWTSb^\P]h[XeTbX] <d\QPXQdc]TeTaQaPVVTSPQ^dcXc± 0]XcPbPhb 0UcTaaTcXaX]VX] ((:d[ZPa]X _dabdTSWXb_PbbX^]¯\dbXR °FWT]fTfTaTh^d]V\hUPcWTa kanoon, and that he was a divine power or Shakti. He firmly believed that people were trying to put homosexual temptations in his way so that he was converted into being a woman. A homosexual intercourse, he insisted, would convert him into a woman. He said that the Government had brought him to Mumbai to commit thefts and other criminal acts. He believed that there were three Governments in the country — the Akbar Government, the British Government and the Congress Government and that these Governments were trying to persecute him by tempting him into wrongdoing. On the basis of the medical board’s report, his death sentence was commuted to life term in 1987. He spent time at Yerwada Jail in Pune till his death at Sasson hospital due to a kidney failure in 1995. But why a movie on a killer? Director Anurag Kashyap was curious how a homophobic could turn do such horrendous killings. “One thing I wanted to explore was that he was homophobic. It was exactly like the shooter in Orlando’s gay night club who had a homosexual orientation, according to his wife, and feared this tendency. So he became homophobic and took it out on others. I feel, Raghav was like that. In the 1960s, homophobia was not clearly defined and people were ashamed of being homosexual. I wanted to explore these things in a time where it was not talked about openly,” Kashyap says. “He had a superiority complex. He came from a warrior background and he used to take pride in it. He was a misogynist. When I was researching for my film Paanch and investigating Rajendra Jakkal, who committed several murders and was serving a jail term wrote a book which got banned, the jailers talked about it. In the book, Jakkal refers to Raghav as extremely respected and saintly person. For me, how that transition in Raghav happened, was a big gap. That made me curious and through our imagination, we have tried to fill the gaps in the film,” Kashyap says. dbTSc^_[PhcWTbXcPa P]ScPQ[P0UcTa WTaTcXaTSWT[TPa]cc^_[PhcWT WPa\^]Xd\ PbfT[[7TdbTSc^bPhcWPc \dbXRXbb^\TcWX]VcWPch^dRP]RaTPcT Qhh^dabT[Uh^dS^]³c]TTSP]hQ^Sh T[bT±0]XcPcT[[bh^d 3Tb_XcTWPeX]VbdRWP]X[[dbcaX^db RPaTTa:d[ZPa]XTeT]bTcd_cWT 8]bcXcdcT^UCTRW]^[^VhP]S5^aT]bXR BRXT]RTX]A^WX]XX]3T[WXWTfPb c^dVW^]WX\bT[UP]SaTVaTccTS]TeTa WPeX]VbcdSXTS7X]SXP]S<PaPcWX °7Tc^[S\TcWPcWTfXbWTSWT R^d[SfaXcTX]7X]SXP]S<PaPcWXb^cWPc fWPcTeTaWTfa^cTR^d[SQTaTPSQh \P]h\^aTCWTUPRccWPcWTaTPS:PQXa b^[PcTX]WXb[XUTfPbP[b^b^\TcWX]V cWPcWT[P\T]cTS8dbTSc^caP]b[PcTcWT faXcX]Vb^U:PQXafWXRWWTfXbWTSWT R^d[SWPeTaTPSfWT]WTfPb\dRW h^d]VTa±0]XcPcT[[bh^d b_^ac =4F34;78kBD=30H k9D=4!%! % 1VdUb@DEcXQ4edUUaeQ\YVYUcV_b! ]TQcXQdBY_ >SXbWPb_aX]cTaQTR^\TbUXabc8]SXP]f^\P]X]"%hTPabc^`dP[XUhU^a>[hX] \ ?C8Q =4F34;78 ce sprinter Dutee Chand on Saturday became the first Indian female athlete to qualify for the 100m dash in Olympics in 36 years as she booked a Rio Games berth at the 26th G Kosanov Memorial Meet in Almaty, Kazakhstan. 20-year-old Dutee clocked 11.30 seconds in the women's 100m heats and then ran an even better 11.24 seconds in the finals to win a silver medal in the Kazakhstan Meet too book the Rio Olympics ticket. In the process, Dutee bettered her own national record of 11.33secs which she set at Federation Cup National Championships here in April. The qualifying mark for the Rio Olympics was set at 11.32 seconds. Dutee is the first Indian woman to have qualified for 100 metres race in an Olympics after legendary PT Usha com- A as she was found to have a higher level of testosterone (male hormone) than was permissible in a woman athlete, according to the IAAF hyperandrogenism rules. Dutee lost an entire year of training and competition but faced the turmoil bravely and fought the ban at the Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS) in Switzerland. In July last year, in a historic verdict, the CAS partially upheld her appeal and allowed her to resume her career. "I am really happy to have qualified for the Olympics. It has been a tough year for me. My hard work and that of my coach (N Ramesh) has paid off," Dutee said after booking the Rio berth. "I could qualify for the Olympics due to blessings of a lot of people. I want to thank Sports Authority of India, Sports Ministry, Athletics Federation of India for their support. I will continue to work hard and hope to bring a medal for the country," she added. peted in the blue-riband event in the 1980 Moscow Games. The Odisha athlete is the first Indian woman athlete to make the cut for an Olympics 100m dash since the qualification system was introduced in the event. There was no qualification system when Usha took part in the 1980 Olympics. Overall, four Indian women have taken part in the 100m dash in the Olympics — Nilima Ghosh and Mary D'Souza (1952), Mary Leela Rao (1956) and Usha (1980). Dutee is the 20th Indian track and field athlete to have qualified for Rio Games. For Dutee, it is a remarkable achievement to qualify for Olympics as she had to fight her way back to an international career by winning a landmark 'gender' case last year. She was banned mid 2014 and dropped from the Commonwealth Games C@J92=6DDE62>C@===2?<2 ?0C=08:2>=6A0CD;0C4B3DC44 17D10=4BF0A) Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Saturday congratulated sprinter Dutee Chand for having qualified for Rio Olympics and said that the people of the state wished her all success in the forthcoming Games. Describing Dutee's Olympics qualification a historic achievement that brought glory for Odisha, Patnaik wished victory for her in Rio, according to a statement from the Chief Minister's Office. Odisha Athletic Association Secretary Asirbad Behera congratulated Dutee and announced Rs 50,000 for her. Joyed over her feat, Dutee told an Odia television channel that her success was the result of 14 years of hard work. She said the support of her family played a key role in her achievement. She is the first athlete from Odisha to have qualified for Olympics in an individual event. F8]SXTbRadXbT _PbcB0c^_[Ph 0dbbXTbX]5X]P[ 4]V[P]S^_T]Tab³!$%ad]_Pac]TabWX_TPbT?^\bc^ fXRZTcfX]X]bTR^]S>38 0?Q 1A8364C>F= 05?Q 18A<8=670< he West Indies advanced to the final of the one-day tri-series by beating South T Africa by 100 runs on Friday, led by a cen- listering hundreds by Jason Roy and Alex Hales hauled England to a crushing 10-wicket win over Sri Lanka in the second One-day International at Edgbaston. England, set a modest 255 for victory, finished on 256 without loss as they won with more than 15 overs to spare to go 1-0 up in the five-match series following Tuesday's tied opener at Trent Bridge. Roy, named man-of-the-match after also completing two run-outs, was 112 unbeaten at the finish and Hales 133 not out, both batsmen recording their highest scores at this level. Their unbroken stand surpassed England's record ODI partnership of 250 set by Andrew Strauss and Jonathan Trott for the second wicket against Bangladesh at Edgbaston in 2010. England's total was also the highest scored by any side winning an ODI by 10 wickets, topping the 236 scored by New Zealand against Zimbabwe at Harare last year. Victory also saw England win the inaugural multi-format Super Series, with Sri Lanka now unable to surpass their 13-3 points lead in the remaining three ODIs and lone Twenty20. Successive fours by Hales off leg-spinner Seekkugge Prasanna saw the Nottinghamshire opener to a 91-ball century. It was the start of a thrilling sequence in which Hales scored EXRc^ah 26 runs in five balls off P[b^bPf Prasanna -- two fours fol4]V[P]SfX]cWT lowed by three sixes. Hales was dropped on X]PdVdaP[\d[cX 126 but by then it hardly U^a\PcBd_TaBTaXTb mattered. fXcW;P]ZP]^f Roy, a ball after surviving an lbw appeal on 99, d]PQ[Tc^bda_Pbb drove Prasanna down the cWTXa ""_^X]cb[TPS ground for six to go to a 92X]cWTaT\PX]X]V ball century including six fours and four sixes. cWaTT>38bP]S Prasanna's 8.1 overs cost 78 [^]TCfT]ch! runs, with Sri Lanka captain Angelo Mathews — who suffered a hamstring injury at Trent Bridge -— not bowling. Earlier, Adil Rashid took two quickfire wickets as England held Sri Lanka to 254 for seven after Mathews won the toss. B 1P]VPa0QWPh aTcPX]TSPb 0bbc2^PRWTb =4F 34;78) The BCCI on Saturday retained Sanjay Bangar as the batting coach while Abhay Sharma will continue as the fielding coach of the Indian cricket team for the upcoming tour of the West Indies. The BCCI in a short press release stated that both coaches have been appointed after consulting chief coach Anil Kumble. Sources say no bowling was appointed since Kumble, India's highest-wicket taker, is incharge of the team. Both Bangar and Sharma were part of the coaching staff during the recently-concluded limited overs series in Zimbabwe where India won ODI series 30 and T20 series 2-1. Interestingly, Bangar is the only member of the support staff that came on board when Ravi Shastri was made the Team Director back in 2014. Bangar's former Railways colleague Sharma was the fielding coach of the U-19 India team and also worked with the India A team before landing his maiden assignment with the senior Indian team in Zimbabwe. It has been learnt that BCCI did not want to delay appointment of assistant coaches as the camp for the West Indies tour will start in Bengaluru from June 28. PTI tury from Darren Bravo and three wickets by paceman Shannon Gabriel. The hosts will now meet Australia in the tournament final at the same venue on Sunday. Left-hander Bravo made 102, including 12 fours and four sixes off 103 balls, as his third one-day ton lifted West Indies from early trouble at 21-4 to 285 all out in 49.5 overs. He shared a record fifth wicket stand of 156 with Kieron Pollard, who chimed in with 62 off 71 balls, including seven fours and two sixes. South Africa's chase was undermined by the fiery Gabriel as the visitors were bowled out for 185 in 46 overs. Spin ace Sunil Narine supported well 4]V[P]Sb!$%X]"# ^eTabXbcWTWXVWTbc bdRRTbbUd[ad]RWPbTfXcW^dc[^bX]VP]hfXRZTcb X]^]TSPhX]cTa]PcX^]P[bCWT_aTeX^dbWXVWTbc fPb!"%X]#!!^eTabQh=TfITP[P]SPVPX]bc IX\QPQfTPc7PaPaT^]0dVdbc#! $ 0[Tg7P[Tb\PSTP]d]QTPcT] ""fWX[T9Pb^] A^hbR^aTS !]^c^dc8cfPb^][hbTR^]S X]bcP]RTfWT]Q^cW4]V[P]Sb^_T]TabbR^aX]VP RT]cdahX]^]TSPhX]cTa]PcX^]P[b<PaRdbCaTbR^cWXRZ #P]SEXZaP\B^[P]ZX %WPSS^]TXcPVPX]bc B^dcW0UaXRPPcCWT>eP[^]9d]T!'!"fWTaT cWThWPSPSSTS!U^acWTUXabcfXRZTc 0[Tg7P[TbP]S9Pb^]A^hbbcP]SfPbP[b^cWT UXUcWWXVWTbc^_T]X]VbcP]SX]^]TSPh X]cTa]PcX^]P[b CWTd]STUTPcTS!$%ad]bcP]S]^fcWT WXVWTbcUXabcfXRZTc_Pac]TabWX_PVPX]bc BaX;P]ZPX]^]TSPhX]cTa]PcX^]P[bP]S cWXaSWXVWTbcU^aP]hfXRZTcCWXbfPbP[b^cWTcWXaS WXVWTbc_Pac]TabWX_U^aP]hfXRZTcX]^]TSPhTabX] 4]V[P]S 5PXbT[5TPcdaTb Leg-spinner Rashid, unlucky to go wicketless in a return of none for 36 in 10 overs at Trent Bridge, took two for 34. Sri Lanka were struggling at 191 for seven in the 41st over. But an unbroken stand of 63 between Upul Tharanga (53 not out) and Suraj Randiv (26 not out) bolstered their total. Dinesh Chandimal (52), restricted by a hamstring injury during his innings, and Mathews (44), shared a fourth-wicket stand of 82 in front of a capacity crowd of just over 23,000 at a sunny Edgbaston. Danushka Gunathilaka, dropped in the slips on five, drove two straight sixes in three balls off leftarm paceman David Willey. But fast bowler Liam Plunkett, whose last-ball six secured Tuesday's tie, struck with his third delivery when Gunathilaka (22) was caught behind. Rashid rocked Sri Lanka with two wickets for no runs in three balls. The series continues in Bristol on Sunday. 80XPED3DOWDQVWDUWRQZLQQLQJQRWH here is something about Mumbaikars and their connection with sports. T Bearing the non-stop rain, fans made their D<d\QPP]S9PX_da?X]Z?P]cWTab_[PhTabX]PRcX^]X]<d\QPX^]BPcdaSPh the score read 20-18 in favour of the hosts. After a technical time-out the host team looked all charged up. Manjeet Chhillar showed why he was the captain with a superb tackle on Rahul Chaudhari. With four minutes remaining, Sandeep scored a vital raid point with an outstretched leg to reduce the deficit to just three points. Late on, reviews were flying from the Titan's end and they won most of them except the last one as Pune made it 26-24 with two minutes to go. A frantic Rahul went all in with his raid but was tackled and so was Vinoth to make it 28-24. Experience shone through in the end for the Paltan as they won the opening game of season 4. Meanwhile, in the second game of the day between Jaipur Pink Panthers and U Mumba, it was the team from Mumbai who beat Jaipur 36-34. Anup Kumar of U Mumba started the proceeding with a bonus point. U Mumba raced off to a solid lead in the beginning of the game. In the 9th minute, Mumbai lead 5-2 and to add more misery on Jaipur, the team was all out in the 15th minute. The play witnessed a stoppage as U Mumba players were asked to go out due to a technical violation. At stroke of halftime, the hosts were leading 20-12. In 21st minute, the team was all out but this time it was U Mumba. Shabeer Bapu, who earlier played for Panthers, caused more pain to his old side as the visitors were again all out in the 29th minute. In the end, it was Rakesh Kumar and Shabeer Bapu were the hero for the U Mumba team as they guided the team to win. On the opening night of the Star Sports Pro Kabaddi League, bollywood stars Amitabh Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan, Ranbir Kapoor, King of Bollywood — Shah Rukh Khan — and cricketer Virat Kohli were among the attendees to motivate and encourage the players. with 3-38 and all-rounder Carlos Brathwaite took 2-39. Gabriel provided the crucial early scalps of Quinton de Kock, Faf du Plessis and A.B. de Villiers as the Proteas slumped to 28-3. De Kock chopped an inside edge to the wicket-keeper Denesh Ramdin, du Plessis was lbw and de Villiers edged a drive. Narine soon claimed Hashim Amla lbw and captain Jason Holder had J.P. Duminy fending to gully at 51-5. Farhaan Behariden top-scored with 35, Wayne Parnell contributed 28 and there was a late flourish by the last pair of Morne Morkel (32 not out) and Imran Tahir (29) but there was no way back for South Africa. B8=6;4B >9708B8=380020?C08=5>A0DBC>DA NEW DELHI: FXRZTcZTT_TaQPcb\P] =P\P] >YWP fPb c^SPh ]P\TS RP_cPX] ^U cWT 8]SXP 0 cTP\ fWXRWfX[[cPZT_PacX]cWTcf^d]^UUXRXP[CTbcbP]S P U^da]PcX^] >]TSPh c^da]P\T]c X] 0dbcaP[XP bcPacX]V0dVdbc #>YWPWPSP\T\^aPQ[T0dbcaP[XP c^dafXcW8]SXP0cTP\X]! #fWT]WTWPSbcadRZ P S^dQ[T Wd]SaTS P]S P Wd]SaTS X] P U^daSPh \PcRW AP]YX Ca^_Whb WXVWTbc ad] bR^aTa BWaThPb 8hTafW^fPbXV]^aTSU^acWTFTbc8]SXTbc^daXb P[b^ _Pac ^U cWT b`dPS P[^]V fXcW :TSPa 9PSWPe 0gPa ?PcT[ 1PaX]STa BaP] P]S 3WPfP[ :d[ZPa]X ?PRTa EPad] 0Pa^] P[b^ UX]Sb P b_^c PUcTa QTX]V ^eTa[^^ZTSU^a8]SXPbc^da^UcWTFTbc8]SXTb8]SXP 0 B`dPS ) =P\P] >YWP 2 5PXi 5PiP[ 0ZWX[ 7TafPSZPa BWaThPb 8hTa :Pad] =PXa <P]XbW ?P]STh :TSPa 9PSWPe EXYPh BWP]ZPa 0gPa ?PcT[ 9PhP]c HPSPe 3WPfP[ :d[ZPa]X 9PhSTe D]PSZPc 1PaX]STaBaP]BWPWQPi=PSTT\EPad]0Pa^]P]S BP]YdBP\b^] 90C8=E4A<0Q <D<108 way to the National Sports Club of India, Mumbai to witness the opening ceremony followed by the two exciting game of the Star Sports Pro Kabaddi League season 4 here on Saturday. After Puneri Paltan edged Telugu Titans to a 28-24 win, U Mumba had an easy outing against Jaipur Pink Panthers, winning 20-12. On the opening day, Puneri Paltan was up against Telugu Titans. And the players from the teams gave the audience exactly what they came for. Paltan started the game on aggressive note and looked like they meant business. Paltan were leading 3-1 in the fourth minute and were in good rhythm. But Telugu Titans crawled back in contention, superbly tackling Paltan captain Manjeet Chhillar. The Titans opened their score in the 15th minute, tackling Deepak Hooda. Manjeet then made it 4-2 in the 14th courtesy of a well-executed running leg touch. Both the teams were trading blows as Rahul made sure the Paltan didn't run away with an unassailable lead with a clever hand touch. Hooda found it hard to open his account as he was tackled for a second consecutive time reducing Pune's team to merely three. In the 9th minute of the game, Paltan were all out and Titans had gained 5 point lead over their opponents. The away team looked on fire and was looking to take the game away from the hosts. At half-time the score read 12-15 in favour of Titans. Paltans then returned the favour by inflicting more tackles and made the team something to think about in another break. But that was not the end for Paltan. They fought back hard and now FIGURATIVELY B?0=8B7?;0H4AB3AD6C4BC431HD450 SAINT-MARTIN-DE-RE: Cf^cX\T STUT]SX]V RWP\_X^]bB_PX]b_aT_PaPcX^]bU^acWTXa4da^! % [Pbc %R[PbWfXcW8cP[hfTaTSXbad_cTSPb _[PhTab fTaTU^aRTSc^cPZTP]P]cXS^_X]VR^]ca^[QhD450 ^] BPcdaSPh >] BPcdaSPh \^a]X]V X]cTa]PcX^]P[bfTaTaT`dXaTSQh^UUXRXP[bUa^\D450b P]cXS^_X]VR^]ca^[c^S^P]^dc^UR^\_TcXcX^]cTbc PccWTXaW^cT[QPbTX]8b[TSTATcWTB_P]XbWU^^cQP[[ UTSTaPcX^]bPXSX]PbcPcT\T]cCWT_[PhTabfTaT]^c ]P\TS 1[^^S P]S daX]T cTbcb fTaT cPZT] fXcW^dc P]hX]RXST]cB_PX]UPRT8cP[hX]PaT_TPc^UcWT4da^ ! !UX]P[X]?PaXb^]<^]SPh 98CDA08F8=BB8;E4A8=8BB5F>A;32D? 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F2`dP[XUXTa :Th1Pcc[Tb 05?Q ;H>= oth the Republic of Ireland and France camps have played down Thierry Henry's infamous handball, but Irish fans will be hoping for revenge in Sunday's Euro 2016 last 16 clash. It was at the Stade de France in Paris on November 18, 2009 that Henry used his hand — twice — to control the ball in the buildup to William Gallas' late goal. The incident, dubbed 'Le Hand of God', helped seal France's 2-1 aggregate win and left Irish fans feeling robbed of a 2010 World Cup place. Both squads still contain players who were involved that night. France's goalkeeper Hugo Lloris, defenders Bacary Sagna and Patrice Evra and striker Andre-Pierre Gignac all started, while Moussa Sissoko and goalkeeper Steve Mandanda were unused substitutes. For the Irish, Shay Given, John O'Shea, Glenn Whelan and Robbie Keane started the match, while Aiden McGeady came on in extra-time. Both teams have claimed that the incident six years ago will have little bearing on Sunday's tie in Lyon. "A lot of water has gone under the bridge since then," said France's assistant coach Guy Stephan. "Of course we have discussed it, but I honestly don't think it will impact on the game." Irish boss Martin O'Neill took a similar line, but admitted his side's 'Green Army' of supporters want revenge. "I think we have decided to forget about it -- that's something coming from Ireland," the Ireland boss said. "It will be a talking point obviously, but I don't think it will concern us when we play the game." The Irish have a few injury concerns. Full-back Stephen Ward has an ankle injury from the 1-0 win over Italy that earned the last-16 berth and sat out Friday's training. B 38<8CA8?0H4C 5a^\QTX]VPaT[PcXeT[hd]Z]^f]_[PhTaP hTPaPV^?PhTcWPb\PSTWX\bT[UP ]PcX^]P[WTa^X]5aP]RTb^UPa5^[[^fX]V P]X\_aTbbXeTRP\_PXV]fXcWFTbc7P\ cWTfX]VTaWPbRPaaXTScWTU^a\fXcWWXb ]PcX^]P[cTP\c^4da^b0UcTabR^aX]VP] X\_aTbbXeTfX]]TaX]cWT^_T]TaPVPX]bc A^\P]XPWT_d[[TS^UUP]^cWTaPVPX]bc 0[QP]XP5aP]RTfX[[W^_TWTR^]cX]dTb cWPc\PVXRP[c^dRW A>11841A03H 3Tb_XcTQTX]VP[TUcQPRZcWTU^a\Ta <P]RWTbcTaD]XcTSPRPST\h_[PhTaWPb QTT]^]T^UcWTZThPccPRZTabX]cWT 8aT[P]SbaP]Zb7Xb_T]TcaPcX^]S^f]cWT [TUcU[P]Z\PZTb[XUTSXUUXRd[cU^acWT ^__^bXcX^]7TST[XeTabSP]VTa^db Ra^bbTbS^f]cWPcU[P]ZP]SV^^SfXcW bTc_XTRTb=^cc^\T]cX^]WXb[PcTfX]]Ta PVPX]bc8cP[hbTRdaTS8aT[P]SPZ]^RZ^dc QTacWX]cWXb4da^ 7cR_TVgd :cV]R_U ;8E4>=B>=HB8G k %)"?< A>03C>;0BC % 5aP]RT_[PhTabSdaX]VPcaPX]X]VbTbbX^]^]cWTTeT^UcWTXa\PcRWPVPX]bc8aT[P]S Jon Walters has a sore Achilles tendon, but ran out with the team. Robbie Brady wrote himself into Irish football folklore with the headed winner in the victory over Italy, the 24-year-old's late effort sparking wild scenes of celebration in the stadium and at home. "It makes me feel proud of where we come from and (for me) just to be a little part of the history of that is unbelievable," said the Norwich City midfielder. But Ireland's assistant coach Roy 0? Keane says his team will have to match their performance against Italy if they are to knock out the host nation at the Stade de Lyon. "If they perform the way they did the other night, we'll give ourselves a chance," said the exManchester United midfielder Keane. "We were in there fighting, but we need energy. "We need to close people down, win the ball back and when we do get it back, we need to take care of it." "We'll roll our sleeves up and get on with it. We'll be ready." The prize on offer for the winner is a quarter-final against England or Iceland, who play on Monday. France coach Didier Deschamps has been given food for thought in midfield. A purposeful display in the goalless draw with Switzerland means Newcastle United midfielder Sissoko is pushing to keep his place at Blaise Matuidi's expense. Despite a low-key start to Euro 2016, Juventus' Paul Pogba was one of the few French stars to shine against the Swiss as 5A0=24 8A4;0=3 SaPfebCdaZTh ! fX]ebA^\P]XP "[^bbeb1T[VXd\ !fX]eb0[QP]XP fX]eb8cP[h SaPfebBfXbb he hit the woodwork twice. The profile of West Ham forward Dimitri Payet has gone through the roof in his host country, thanks to his goals in the wins over Romania and Albania. In the wake of those performances, French magazine 'Society' has ran a cover with his head photoshopped on the body of France's president Francois Hollande under the headline "Payet for president". 3RODQGHGJH6ZLVVLQVKRRWRXW 10;4>=24 0608=C74 38554A4=24 P 0?Q B08=C4C84==4 05?Q ?0A8B areth Bale was the creator of the only goal - an own-goal - to put Wales into G the European Championship quarterfinals with a 1-0 win over Northern Ireland on Saturday. Bale's cross was aimed at teammate Hal Robson-Kanu but it was inadvertently tipped into the net by Northern Ireland defender Gareth McAuley in the 75th minute. "We knew it was going to be an ugly match. Obviously no disrespect to Ireland, but they make it difficult to play (against)," Bale said. "We knew up top we weren't going to get a lot of the ball. There's not much space." The only goal threat by the Welsh before the slightly fortuitous breakthrough came from a free kick from Bale. For much of the game, Northern Ireland successfully nullified the world's most expensive player and the tournament's co-leading scorer with three goals. oland spent time preparing for a penalty shootout — and it showed. The team qualified for the quarterfinals of the European Championship for the first time after it converted all its penalties to beat Switzerland 5-4 in a shootout. Following a 1-1 draw Saturday that Switzerland had dominated for long periods, Grzegorz Krychowiak stepped up to score the winning penalty into the top left corner. Poland will play either Croatia or Portugal in the quarterfinals on Thursday in Marseille, its best performance in a major competition since the 1982 World Cup in Spain when it made the semifinals. Krychowiak's winning penalty capped an impressive display by Poland's players during the shootout. The only player to miss was Switzerland midfielder Granit Xhaka, who fired his kick wide of the left post. "Preparing for this match, we tried to improve our penalties, and we knew they'd be taken in the best possible way," Poland coach Adam Nawalka said through a translator. "We knew the five players to take them. Emotions were running high so we had to check at the end of extra time if the players still wanted to take them. Everyone had to confirm, and all five of them did." Towards the latter stages of the match at the Stade Geoffroy-Guichard in ?^[P]S´b9PZdQ1[PbiRihZ^fbZXaXVWcRT[TQaPcTbWXbV^P[PVPX]bcBfXciTa[P]S^]BPcdaSPh the former industrial city of SaintEtienne, Poland had been pinned back in its own half, seemingly content with the prospect of the penalty shootout. Jakub Blaszczykowski scored his second goal of the tournament to give Poland the lead in the 39th minute with a low shot that went between the legs of Switzerland goalkeeper Yann Sommer. 1966ceb`bYcUT_fUb 9<UQWeUdUQ]cUhYd FP[Tb_[PhTabRT[TQaPcTcWTXaV^P[PVPX]bc=^acWTa] 8aT[P]S^]BPcdaSPh 0? "They are really organized," said Bale, who danced with his daughter on the field after the win. "We had to be patient. They were probably the better team today. We had to hang in there and show a lot of courage." Wales will next play either Hungary or Belgium in the quarterfinals in Lille on Friday. It will be the first time Wales will contest a quarterfinal match since the 1958 World Cup, its last appearance at a major tournament. In a drab British derby, it was the Northern Irish looking more dangerous in front of goal at the Parc des Princes in the first half of their first major tournament since the 1986 World Cup. "It's devastating really," Northern Ireland coach Michael O'Neill said. "To lose as we did, the nature of the goal is very disappointing." They certainly made the Welsh work hard for their first-ever tournament knockout stage win. "They made it difficult for us but we showed a lot of heart, a lot of courage," Wales coach Chris Coleman said. "The good thing about these boys is they have that bit of spirit and when they aren't playing well they can hang on. It wasn't pretty." ?C8 Q =4F34;78 he All India Football Federation (AIFF) expressed T regret and surprise over the sudden decision of two I-League clubs Salgaocar SC and Sporting Clube de Goa to pull out of the country's top tier domestic tournament. Terming it as a knee jerk and speculative reaction, AIFF General Secretary Kushal Das said: "We along with our Marketing partners have been very transparent sharing our thoughts with all stakeholders regarding the way forward for Indian Football. "It was clearly stated that the shared draft was only a proposal and we would like suggestions from various stakeholders. The AIFF has been receiving various suggestions and the last one was received only a week back. "Since it involves setting the roadmap for Indian Football every aspect needs to be carefully considered. So the assumption made by the Clubs that AIFF has not responded is presumptuous and speculative," he added. Reacting to the allegations of the Clubs about financial matters, Sunando Dhar, CEO, I-League said: "The amount for fielding age-group sides in the respective competitions of AIFF which were pending since 2008, was agreed in an I-League committee meeting that the same would be adjusted against the I-League participation fees. This has been in practice for the last 3-4 years." 1060=411;0BC0855 :>;:0C0)Mohun Bagan and East Bengal on Saturday blasted the AIFF for overlooking the I-League clubs after two Goan giants, Sporting Clube de Goa and Salgaocar pulled out of the country's top tier domestic tournament. "It's another nail in the coffin. Now, what's left to play for in the I-League. The president and his entourage should play the ILeague now," East Bengal secretary Kalyan Majumdar said. The East Bengal top boss, however, did not specify what would be their course of action. Terming it a black day, Mohun Bagan general secretary Anjan Mitra called for an urgent meeting of all the state associations. Switzerland equalized with an 82nd-minute bicycle kick from Xherdan Shaqiri to send the match into extra time. Allowed far too much space on the edge of the area, Shaqiri jumped with his back to the net before firing a left-footed shot inside the post. Shaqiri was a constant threat to Poland with his speed of touch and play. Switzerland substitute Eren 6Ta\P]h]TTSc^ UX]SXcbRdccX]VTSVT 0?Q 4E80=;4B108=B ermany needs to find its cutting edge. GThough More specifically Thomas Mueller does. it's unbeaten in its three games so far at the European Championship, the world champions have struggled to convert their chances. That was particularly evident in its final group match against Northern Ireland when Germany had 26 efforts on goal but only converted one through Mario Gomez. Still, the 1-0 vic8Vc^R_jgd D]`gR\ZR tory was enough for ;8E4>=B>=HB8G k ()"?< the team to progress to the round of 16 at Euro 2016. Its reward, a seemingly straightforward match against Slovakia in the northern French city of Lille on Sunday. Coach Joachim Loew knows there's a problem and has juggled his front line during the tournament, introducing Gomez into the team for the match against Northern Ireland. Though the rejigged attack created a lot more and showed more fluency, Loew said he's "not happy with the goal-conversion rate." One puzzle is the performance of Mueller, who has yet to score in eight games over two European Championships. He arrived in France following his best season yet for Bayern Munich, scoring 32 goals and setting up 12 others, helping his team to win the Bundesliga and German Cup double. 5Pe^daXcTb1T[VXd\ fPah^U7d]VPahcWaTPc 0?Q C>D;>DB4 or a team at the European Championship, F being the clear favorite to reach the quarterfinals surely has to be a good thing. That's not how Belgium sees it. At least in public, its players and coaching staff appear wary as they prepare for Sunday's game in Toulouse against Hungary in the round of 16. Led by the likes of Eden Hazard and Kevin De Bruyne, Belgium is among the teams being tipped to win Euro 2016, while Hungary is playing at its first major tournament since the 1986 World Cup. However, the Hungarians have already caused one upset 3V]XZf^gd 9f_XRcj at the tournament by finishing top ;8E4>=B>=HB8G k !)"0< of Group F after a thrilling 3-3 draw with Cristiano Ronaldo's Portugal in their final group match. Now they are looking to defy the odds a second time. "Hungary have really surprised everyone, but they deserve it," Belgium midfielder Axel Witsel said. "We'll have to be careful." Fellow midfielder Radja Nainggolan feels Belgium has the players to at least make the semifinals, and they have already showed their resilience. The team opened with a 2-0 loss to Italy, but was quick to bounce back with wins against Ireland and Sweden to finish second in Group E. 0? Derdiyok had two good chances in the latter period of extra time to win the match but Lukasz Fabianski kept his team in the game. Those saves were crucial as they set up the shootout that Poland had clearly prepared for. "In general we are very happy as we did something we had not done before," Blaszczykowski said. <4BB8A403H5>A2>?06;>AH 05?Q =4FH>A: ionel Messi will bid to gild his legacy as the greatest footL baller of his generation here Sunday by ending Argentina's 23year wait for a major title in a dream final against holders Chile in the Copa America Centenario. For Messi's many millions of admirers, the five-time world footballer of the year has already achieved enough in his glittering career to be considered in the same bracket as Pele and Diego Maradona. Yet the only hole in the Barcelona superstar's CV — a major tournament title with 0aVT]cX]P_[PhTabSdaX]VPcaPX]X]VbTbbX^]PWTPS^UcWTXa2^_P5X]P[PVPX]bc2WX[T 0? Argentina — is invariably, and somewhat unfairly, cited as a jus- Germany and to the Chileans on ity" and "leadership." tification to Maradona amped up the penalties in Santiago last delay his elevarhetoric this week shortly after year. 2cXV_eZ_Rgd 4YZ]V tion to football's B>=H4B?= k $)"0<<^]SPh Argentina booked their place On each occapantheon. in the final with a 4-0 demosion, Messi has That could all change on borne the brunt of the backlition of the United States. Sunday before a sell-out crowd of lash from critics in "We will certainly win on Sunday... And if we 81,000 at East Rutherford's MetLife Argentina who trot out a don't win, they shouldn't Stadium, the home of the NFL's familiar laundry list of come back," Maradona New York Giants, when Argentina grievances. He has no pastold an Argentinian television face the Chileans in a rematch of sion. He doesn't sing the anthem. He doesn't "feel" the shirt. network. last year's Copa America final. Messi is not above being Barely a ball had been kicked It is the third final in as many years for Messi and his teammates, in this Copa America before angered by the criticism. "I get annoyed by the people who suffered agonizing defeats in Maradona, a regular sniper, the 2014 World Cup final against accused him of lacking "personal- who attack you without thinking," he said in a recent interview. "We got to two finals. We didn't win. What can you do? But we got to the final. It's not like we lost in the last 16." So far in the United States, Messi has shown no sign of being overburdened by the pressure to end Argentina's wait for a title. After missing Argentina's opening group match — a 2-1 win over Sunday's opponents Chile — he scored an electrifying 19minute hat-trick against Panama after coming on as a substitute before going on to equal Gabriel Batistuta's Argentina goals record in the 4-1 quarter-final win over Venezuela. Against the US on Tuesday, he scored a magnificent curling freekick to become his country's leading international goalscorer with 55, while setting up two more goals in a magical all-round display. Since the opening loss to Argentina on June 6, the Chileans have improved with each game to compile their best run of results since Juan Antonio Pizzi replaced Jorge Sampaoli as manager in January. They humiliated Mexico with a 7-0 thrashing in the quarterfinals and polished off Colombia 2-0 in the semi-finals. QPRZ_PRZ ! =4F34;78kBD=30H k9D=4!%! % ³6WPhP["PfPXcbV^^SbRaX_c]TfSXaTRc^a´ Q Any plans for Ghayal 3? Why not? I would love to take this franchise forward. But I would like someone to write a good script and someone else to direct. I won’t direct it the next time. Acting and directing simultaneously is a bit too much. Q How have the action sequences changed? We still like to do that hero-hitting-villain-flying concept. I wanted to move away from that and make it real. There is the use of technology but it’s not advanced enough in India to make it look real6811<'(2/ istic. However, PRAKRITI ROY catches up with DEOL our chase before the TV premiere of his film Ghayal sequences were Once Again on Zee Cinema tonight at pretty real. 8.30 pm to talk about his plans for the Q What do you next few months, his tryst with enjoy the most — direction & production and acting, directing or what he feels about producing? censorship Acting is great fun, nothing better than it. In direc- 7DONWLPH tion, you get to create something and say what you want to say in totality. It’s a bit tougher than acting as you have to control a team. Production is comparatively harder. It’s like a baraat that’s with you for 100 days and you never know kab kaun naraaz ho jata hai. Q Your views on the new actors? There are various kinds of new actors these days. Some believe that they can become actors through their six pack. Some think dancing will make them actors. Some feel that they can just look the part and be good actors. And then there are few jinko acting ka bhoot sawaar hai. They are quietly working. I can’t recall names but there are some like Abhay (Deol) who are doing great work. Abhay does cinema he believes in. Q Any friends in the industry? We make friends only during school. After that, it’s convenience. Q What about your son Karan’s debut film? Any advice from you? I am on it. We are in the pre-production stage. No advice as such but as a parent I can only teach him what is right and wrong. After a certain age, you do what you want to do. Q What films are you working on? Right now I am entirely focussed on Karan’s film. Apart from that, I’m shooting Bhaiyyaji Superhit where I am in a double role with co-stars Preity Zinta and Ameesha Patel. I am also part of the remake of the Marathi film Poshter Boyz, directed by Shreyas Talpade. Bobby (Deol), Shreyas and I are acting in it. I am in talks with SS Rajamouli for my next production. Q Any new movies you’ve enjoyed? I don’t watch movies. I have only seen my dad’s films. I’ve still not seen Ghayal. I was so busy making it! Q Your film Mohalla Assi (2010) got stuck with the Censor Board because of abusive language… What can one say about controversies? Some producers know how to cash in on it, some don’t. The producers of Mohalla Assi are still fighting for its release. I hope it sees the light of day. I don’t think there was anything objectionable in it. Q Your thoughts on censorship? As creative people, we never want any curbs on our work. But there’s a board sitting there to correct us. Whether they are right or wrong is an unending debate. I would want only certification. People deciding these things should look at films as works of fiction. Many times, other parties get involved, which should not be the case. Actually, we need to censor Internet and TV where people often get away with anything. Q Does your father Dharmendra comment on your films? He tells me when my films are good. But it’s more fun if he says“Yeh kyun kiya? Nahi karna chahiye thha.” Q Would you like to do a biopic? That has become a fad these days. I am not a great believer but if the subject is good and the character interesting I will do it, but not for the sake of doing it. Q If there was anyone you could work with again, who would it be? I wish it was possible for me to work with Amrish Puriji. I don’t think there is another person who comes even close to him in acting. %5,()(1&2817(56 BP[\P]:WP]Xb]^ccWT^][hPRc^ac^WPeTbWTSWXb_P]cbU^aWXb d_R^\X]V\^eXTBd[cP]>eTacWThTPab\P]hbcPabX]R[dSX]V0\XcPQW 1PRWRWP]P]S0ZbWPh:d\PaWPeTS^]TcWTbP\TbPhb?A0:A8C8 A>H alman Khan and his film Sultan have been creating a lot of buzz lately, what with his ‘raped woman’ comments and the alleged ban imposed on Arijit Singh from doing playback for him. But what has really caught people’s attention in the film’s trailer is his langot or chaddi, as many like to call it. The Bhai of Bollywood was quite uncomfortable with the idea of wrestling on the 70 mm screen wearing just a langot. Even director Ali Abbas Zafar says how difficult it was to convince him to wear it. But as we can all see, they managed it somehow. When the poster was initially released, many twitterati took to trolling it, saying that it looked photoshopped. However, there are supporters as well, and none other than Aamir Khan, who said at a Press conference that Salman looks handsome in a langot. Even Salman Khan told his fans through Twitter that he designed the langot himself as “My only concern with the langot was that it shouldn’t look vulgarish #Sultan”. Not to mention, Aamir Khan. In his next film, Dangal, he will be seen playing a wrestler too. One can surely expect AXVWcc^[TUc)0\XcPQW1PRWRWP]X]3^]:PQXa1TSXX]:W^^]1WPaX<PP]VBP[\P]:WP]X]Bd[cP]9^W]0QaPWP\X]3^bcP]PP]S0ZbWPh:d\PaX]:TT\Pc a lot of skin show happening there as well. who was nothing short of a hunk with Keemat (1998) where Akshay Kumar Not many would remember that this Satta don’t quite make the cut. It is when an A-list actor appears on Greek God looks even back when could be seen in briefs and all his hairy is not the first time Salman wore something like this on screen. The actor who screen sans shirt and pants that people untoned and hairy bods were in vogue, glory. His fans wouldn’t mind seeing him is infamous for being shirtless wore long really get talking. And our Sallu Bhai is not sizzled the screen with his model-like in underwear now though, as he is pretty much hairless and extremely fit. swimming trunks in a song for Hum the first one either, now will he be the last. body and his toned abs. Rangeela (1993) saw Jaggu dada aka King Khan Shah Rukh Khan also gave One might remember veteran actor Aapke Hain Kaun. In fact, he also wore a bikini in his 1990 film Baaghi, unbeliev- Dharmendra in the film Dharam Veer the audience a peek into what he looks like Jackie Shroff wearing the briefest of (1977). Although he did not exactly wear in the briefest of trunks in a song for the briefs. And how can the image of able as it may sound. While bikini-clad Bollywood actress- a chaddi, the skirt donned by him was dan- movie Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge Shakti Kapoor posing for a magazine in the 90s in just a blue cloth around his es still make news (Alia Bhatt in Shaandar gerously short. Then there is Big B. Given (1995). There is the hairy brigade, of course. loins ever leave anyone’s memory? was the latest), an actor in his underwear his stature and the elegance associated with Before Salman Khan made waves makes for an even better headline. There the Bachchan family, seeing the film Don Anil Kapoor played a swimming instrucare exceptions to this, of course. That gang now, where he wears tiny swimming tor in Tezaab (1988). His job description, with his chaddi, it was John Abraham of naive first-years in 3 Idiots saying trunks, will come as a shocker for many. in a way, entitles him to wear only the in Dostana (2008) who had all the A memorable shot of a swimming trunks on screen, despite how cringe- women, and probably even men who “Jahanpanah….tohfa qubool kijiye” and were so inclined, drooling over his hot the hooligan brothers named after days trunks-clad actor is that of Kabir Bedi worthy he may look. Then there was the scene from bod. He had not one but two scenes in the of the week from the 70s film Satte Pe from Khoon Bhari Maang (1988). Bedi, S D:K6@77:=> 92D8C@H? 94556>;31;D<cP[ZbPQ^dcWXb[PcTbc UX[\8]ST_T]ST]RT3Ph)ATbdaVT]RT Q Did you ever think you’d end up making another Independence Day? Not really. I’d always wanted to work with Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin again because I had such a good time making the first one. I didn’t consider it until they called. By that time I was hoping that it would come to me because I loved what I heard. Q Your character David has changed over the years. Is he still a reluctant hero? He’s nothing if not conscientious. He is seriously immersed in his challenging job. He finds the technological advances interesting. But even after 20 years, we’re still processing the loss of three billion people. Q How was this one different from the last? It’s not very different. Roland’s way of filmmaking felt familiar. He’s grown, the technology has grown and the whole size of this movie is bigger. There is some impressive CGI. Q How was it working with people who were fans of the first film? Liam, with whom I had a few scenes, couldn’t have been more delightful. I’m not sure what he knows of my work. We didn’t really talk about that, but I’d seen all the Hunger Games movies and was interested in his work. He’s an instinctual and admirable artist. Q What about the aliens? Well, we can’t travel like they do. They travel using wormholes. And they have more knowledge. But in some ways they seem to reflect our own small stupidities. We learn from them some of what we need to learn about ourselves. Q Is there anything else that’s new? Yes, we’re all in the same boat, the planet is fragile and human beings are all part of a family and not to work in accordance with that is stupid and unnecessary. film where his extremely worked out body was visible for all to see. In fact, audience even got a slight peek into what was beneath the trunks. The yellow swimming trunks remain etched in everyone’s memory. In fact, the scene became so popular that Tushar Kapoor paid a tribute to it with a spoof in Kya Superkool Hain Hum. Finally, there is Dishoom that will also hit the screens soon. John will be seen once again wearing an extremely tiny swim suit. And this time, the effect will be doubled because joining him in the exact same ‘outfit’ is none other than his co-star in the film, Varun Dhawan, who described the experience as “fun”. µ5R_TVZd]Z\VScVReYZ_X¶ emo D’Souza has been a part of the film industry for almost two R decades now. The man who started as a background dancer for Rangeela in 1995 recently won the National Award for his choreography of the song Deewani mastani from the film Bajirao Mastani. The ace dance guru has a lot on his plate right now, what with Dance+ Season 2 starting from July 2, 2016 and his film projects happening simultaneously. But he is not complaining because he says, “Dance is my life. Woh hai toh main hoon. It’s as important to me as breathing.” Remo recalls his first ever audition for a background dance that became a life-changing moment. “I auditioned for Rangeela. They wanted 50 dancers and about 250 people turned up. They made their choice without even seeing me dance because of my looks. I was very thin, very dark and didn’t have good clothes. Ab AC mein rehke achha dikhne laga hun! That is the moment I will never forget. I requested them not to reject me on my looks. Finally they saw me dance and I got selected,” he reminisces. At that point in his life, his only dream was “kuch toh banna hai”. Now, that he has been recognised for his work with the highest honour India has to offer, he feels, “That dream is back now. National Award mila hai. I will work harder to prove that I deserve this and more. It’s still the same feeling.” For Remo, music and dance are incomplete without each other. “They have such a positive effect on you. Whenever I hear music, I am at peace. I feel a vibe and the moves come to me automatically. Like 2W^aT^VaP_Wh SXaTRcX^]_a^SdRcX^] ¯A4<>3³B>DI0 WPb\PbcTaTSXcP[[7T cP[Zbc^?A0:A8C8A>H PQ^dcWXbQTVX]]X]V fXcWSP]RTbcadVV[Tb V^P[bPbP[b^WXb d_R^\X]VUX[\bP]S BTPb^]!^U3P]RT when you do Kathak, the taal-mel between the music and feet is the perfect dance combo.” During his struggle days, Remo shares, he had an experience that reinforced his belief in dance. He taught at Maa Kali Ashram in Mumbai’s Andheri to earn a living when he didn’t have films. A special child came to him to learn dance as a therapy. “The way he learnt from me despite his physical problem was very special and an eyeopener. That experience has left a deep impact on me,” he tells you. With his Deewani mastani choreography and the accolades he won for it, Remo has silenced all who associated him only with western dance styles. In fact, he tells you that Indian styles are superior as it involves “using your body, face and expressions”. He agrees that in India, traditional styles are being overshadowed by western styles. “The biggest example of this is my Bengali film on the martial folk dance — chhau. I made the film in 2008 and it has still not been released. This year, I will try to release it. I have a feeling I can do it now,” he says. But he also believes in bringing other dance styles to India. “I would love to make a film on ballet. People would be encouraged to learn it from a very small age,” he says. Despite his own expertise in various dance forms, Remo doesn’t believe that it’s all about versatility. “Through Dance+, we want to break that perception and let the contestants do what they are good at. In the process, I also learn. There are dancers coming with forms I’ve never even heard of like Ghetto and Dance Hall,” he says. Dance styles are not the only new thing that one will see on Dance+ 2. Super Judge Remo will also be seen hosting some episodes along with Raghav Juyal. “Raghav is very funny. Standing with him and hosting will be a challenge. He doesn’t listen to me, he’s like a naughty kid. But he is a bit afraid of me as well. We share a great rapport, so it should be fun,” he elaborates. The choreographer, who has two sons aged 12 and 15 years-old, tells you that neither of his sons are interested in dancing. While one wants to be an author, the other wants to play football. Remo himself, however, knew at a young age that he had to be a dancer. He shares, “I used to live in Jamanagar, Gujarat. That time, there was no cable, only video cassettes available for rent. I saw the video of Michael Jackson’s Thriller at a friend’s place and couldn’t believe how could anyone move like that! I managed to collect C25 and rented the cassette. That is where I learnt my first dance steps from.” For now, Remo is also producing a film starring Shakti Mohan (a captain on Dance+) and Salman Yusuf Khan. The film is the fulfillment of a promise made to both the dancers during Dance India Dance2. He is also directing a film that will star Ajay Devgn. “I have made everyone dance, except Aamir Khan and Shah Rukh Khan. So that is still on the bucket list. As for Ajay, that will be my test as a choreographer,” says the dnce master who has been lucky till now to get actors like Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone who are good dancers. There are hundreds like Remo who dream of making it big as a dancer. Remo’s advises: “Believe in yourself. Unless you do that, why will anyone believe in you? Work hard. Most important is to have patience.” '(/+,'(/,*+7 VARUN CHOPRA, 23 Filmmaker CdeTU^d _VSY^U]Q )LOPPDNHU9$581&+235$ ZKRPDGHLWWR&DQQHVWKLV\HDU ZLWKKLVGRFXPHQWDU\WHOOV 35$.5,7,52<DERXWKLVZRUN KRZKHJRWWKHUHRWKHUSURMHFWV WKDWKHLVLQYROYHGLQ here are not too many who can boast of screening their film at Cannes Film T Festival. There are even fewer who can proudly claim that at age 23. Varun Chopra is one of those few. After having screened his documentary God on a Leash at Cannes, Varun is on a high. The documentary was shot in Delhi, his hometown, and documents two niche communities — the madaaris and the beherupiyas. The film explores the concept of veneration of God and regressive ancestral practices. It opens a window to an embellished niche world through comparative contrast with an unembellished human experience. “The film draws parallels between the life of a captured monkey family: 20-year-old Dharmendra, his 15-year-old mate Hema and their offspring Isha. All these personalities travel from place to place with their human master Daleep. These animals are dressed up and made to perform human-like actions for public amusement. Amid all the frolic lies the true reality of how they are being mistreated and trained: Their teeth are taken out, they are starved and kept in a pathetic state in an area infested by flies and mosquitoes and tied to a rusted iron leash.” The documentary also follows the life of a child from the behrupiya (impressionist) community who dresses up like a monkey and mimics the animal, again as a public spectacle. The impressionist community is in dire straits, trying to preserve a 1000-year art form. “The behrupiyas are illiterate and in poverty due to lack of alternate skills. Without rehabilitation, they will continue to be thrashed in the unbreakable cycle of physical, social and material oppression,” Varun says. The subject of the film came to the 23year-old from his childhood memories of watching similar performances. “Making the film helped me unravel the intricacies of this of this performative space,” he tells you. While Varun is doing his Masters in film production at the School of Film and Television, Loyola Marymount University, US, he has spent most of his life in Delhi. He went to Delhi Public S chool, Mathura Road, and later to Ramjas College for graduation in Mathematics. It was at DU that he came in touch with the theatre scene in Delhi. He always wanted to get into filmmaking but “it needs courage to come to terms with what you really want, to prove it to yourself before you begin to prove others”. For him, it involved a journey from crunching numbers in a math class to auditioning for small parts in indie films. Although he enjoys cinematography and editing, his heart lies in direction. “I remember shooting play-acting with my cousins. Most of the time I would feature in them, but the idea of creating something was more meaningful than the content,” he says. God on a Leash was part of Court Metrage, the short film corner at Cannes. It was selected and featured through The Creative Minds Shorts Selection. For Varun, the Cannes experience was a lesson in humility. “It was humbling. At Cannes, you are only as good as your film. There are veteran filmmakers and producers who have been coming to the festival for 15 years. There is much sense in listening and grasping from the greats instead of blowing your own trumpet. I learnt so much just from talking to people. Everyone has that little experience that leaves you better informed. I talked to film producers, actors, distributors, investors and even entertainment lawyers,” Varun tell you. Making a documentary is not how Indian filmmakers usually like to start their career. The ultimate dream is to have a feature film with a huge budget and a star name. Varun has worked on many shorts before, but for his first film, he felt that the documentary style would be the best to tell the story he wanted to narrate. “There are many hurdles to cross before moving to feature films. That comes only with time and proving one's credibility as a filmmaker,” he admits. Considering that he is one of a handful of people representing India at Cannes, that is if you don’t count the Bollywood divas, and that he is studying at an international film school, Varun is someone who can give you a picture of how Indian cinema is seen abroad. “We are everywhere. Literally. I am a novice to comment on any statistical standings but people have started to recognise the likes of Anurag Kashyap or Q (Quashik Mukherjee) as frontrunners of alternate Indian cinema.” he reveals. Right now, Varun is working on a lot of new projects, including a feature film script. His next project is based on a true story of at-risk kids in foster care. It will go into production this October and is to be shot in California. Varun’s motto? Making his films to tell poignant stories that have a personal connect with him. ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U >Ug4U\XY:e^U"&" !& 8´\PbRXUXVXa[8U8 RP]WPeTP]hcWX]V X][XUT8´SfP]cc^]b ^UVaTPcbRXUX\^eXTb 8c´bb^_a^VaTbbXeT QTPdcXUd[P]S X\PVX]PcXeT °I^TBP[SP]P 5 A > < ER\Z_XZeR_`eTYYZXYVc BXSSWPacWP<dZWTaYTT´bQ^^ZXbPQ^dc cWTQXacWVa^fcWP]SUdcdaT^U^]T ^UcWT\^bc_^fTaUd[P]SSP]VTa^db XSTPbX]bRXT]RTWXbc^ah°cWTVT]T C 7 4 8 = B 8 3 4 :Wj`fdTcVR^YReV 8]WTaR^[d\]BcX[Tcc^b<X]XhP 2WPccTaYX_PhbcaXQdcTc^\daSTaTS 9^2^gP]ScWTUTPa[TbbSTUT]STab^U Wd\P]XchfW^RP]]TeTaQTQdaXTS 7`cRYRaajh`c\a]RTV C^\PZTcWTf^aZ_[PRT_a^SdRcXeT cWTaTXbP]TTSc^cWX]ZQTh^]ScWT aXcdP[P]SPfPZT]cWTb_XaXcdP[cWT X]]TaWP__X]Tbb^UcWTT\_[^hTTb 3D ?PaP[[T[TSdRPcX^])A^PSQQTh^]S3 FWT]3T[WXD]XeTabXch P]]^d]RTbXcbUXabcRdc^UU [XbcU^ad]STaVaPSdPcT R^dabTb_aTSXRcPQ[h cW^dbP]Sb^UbcdST]cbfX[[ QTaTYTRcTSFWTaTS^ cWThV^]^ffWT]cWT Ua^]cXTabcWThPb_XaTU^a PbdRRTbbUd[UdcdaT[TPS cWT\c^PSTPST]SPbZ 0=0=H01>A6>708= P]SB7A03370B8=67 hile Delhi University (DU) will release its first cut-off list for undergraduate courses on June 30, its St Stephen’s College had announced its own list last week on June 20. The cut-off required for admission into English Honours at Stephen’s was 99 per cent! As comedian Vir Das summed it up, “Stephen’s English cut-off is 99 per cent; which means to study English, you probably have to get 100 per cent in Physics, Chemistry, Economics, History, Maths etc.” This time every year, it has consistently been the same farce that has dragged students by the reins of a ludicrous monopoly of marks, of quantity over quality that eventually finds thousands of students on the edges of despair and disillusionment. Not only do they battle the ordeal of getting into the university, appropriate alternative options that Humanities students have in this country are few and far between. India’s unhealthy obsession with medical and engineering sciences has clouded the vision of its finest students and has reduced academic integrity and intensive research to a state of doom. At the same time, DU is not to be blamed either. With the unbelievably lenient and excessive marking patterns of CBSE, school students easily score over 80 and 90 per cent and apply to DU for undergraduate studies. With thousands vying for 50-100 seats in every classroom, the university has no option other than setting up sky-high percentages to ensure that only the fittest eventually survives. In fact, five days before the registrations to undergraduate courses in the university were closed, two lakh students had reportedly already applied for 60,000 seats. By the time the registration process was completed on June 19, the number of applicants must have substantially increased. Established in 1922, DU has consistently showcased excellence in teaching and research and has been the epitome of academic superiority for other universities in the country. Its rich heritage and records of intellectual distinction are unparalleled. But where do these thousands of rejected students go when the frontiers they aspire for a successful future lead them to a dead end? Looks like the Delhi-NCR region now has a few answers to this poignant question. While much cynicism has generated about private universities mushrooming particularly in the NCR, some of them seem to have genuinely assumed the mantle of furnishing a forum for aspiring undergraduates. The fully residential Ashoka University, set up in 2013, is one such option. It is a private, non-profit university that seeks to offer its students a multidisciplinary liberal education; education that would substantially blur the boundaries between arts and sciences, while emphasising learning as a sacred responsibility. It offers undergraduate and postgraduate programmes across the humanities, social sciences and fundamental natural sciences. It claims that two third of its students are supported by scholarships and other forms of financial aid so that meritorious students can afford this expensive private education. With state-of-the-art amenities available on its huge, posh campus, students are exposed to the finest academic and extracurricular facilities, such as running its own newspaper, creative workshops, a 24x7 library, a gym, cricket pitch, football field with flood lights, a 10-m shooting range, swimming pool, tennis, running track, basketball, squash courts, and much more. Its academic partners include University of Pennsylvania’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences; University of California, Berkeley; University of Michigan; Sciences Po, W C747>?48BC70C C78BA48=E86>A0C4BC74 CA038C8>=>5;814A0;0ACB 0=3B284=24BF78274G8BC43 8=8=380B8=24=0;0=300=3 C0:B70B78;01DCF0BBC85;431H 01A8C8B72>;>=80;D=8E4AB8CH BHBC4<8CF8;;2A40C40 E81A0=CF>A:5>A240=30= 43D20C432>=B284=C8>DB 28C8I4=AH Paris; King’s College London; Trinity College, Dublin; and Yale University. These partnerships extend to the development of faculty exchanges, summer abroad programmes for students and research projects. Its academic council members include Kaushik Basu, Senior Vice-President and Chief Economist, World Bank; historian and author Ramachandra Guha; global scholar Christophe Jaffrelot; Sunil Khilnani, professor and director, King’s India institute, among many other such illustrious names. Its mentors are Basu; Robert Greenhill, CEO World Economic Forum; Narayan Murthy, co-founder, Infosys, and so on. Stanford University’s professor and author Saikat Majumdar, who is also one of Ashoka’s visiting faculty members, says: “At Ashoka, my special focus is the development of English as a language of global literature. I also teach courses on literary modernism and interdisciplinary critical theory. The professors have full freedom in designing the courses. They are part of a larger curriculum for the respective majors as well as part of the general education requirements for the students, but individual texts and assignments are up to the discretion of individual professors. For instance, in my class on world literature in English, which I taught last monsoon semester, I chose a selection of fiction, poetry, non-fiction and criticism from different parts of the global British Empire which I taught through a combination of lectures, interactive discussion, multimedia presentation, as well as smaller discussion sections led by a teaching assistant once a week.” Majumdar believes that the students at Ashoka are, in fact, even better than his students at Stanford, as in addition to intellectual excellence, these students brings a sense of history, a political sense of one’s position in the world, which he says he has not encountered often in American students, bright as they are. Though he does add, “It is very hard to compare Ashoka, only in its third year now, with Stanford, which is a major research university, now in its 125th year. As of now, Ashoka offers more of the environment and the culture of elite liberal arts and science college rather than a research university, though it is slated to open graduate and postgraduate divisions for individual disciplines soon and so will also develop its research resources more intensively. Presently, it probably compares better with colleges such as Williams, Kenyon, and Oberlin. The key thing is that Ashoka does not plan to offer professional education, such as in medicine, business and law, but emphasises fundamental liberal arts and sciences education, often in an interdisciplinary context, which is a foundation on which any career or further training can be based, as it offers more of a lifetime education rather than for a specific kind of job.” Many universities that have evolved in the Delhi-NCR region in the past share the sentiment that they seek to revolutionise higher education in India. All and sundry are making the claim that they are substantially distanced from money-making schemes and will not propagate capitalist greed placing education in the dock. So what is it that makes Ashoka stand apart in the otherwise cutthroat money-making dissection of the culture of learning? Majumdar replies, “India, along with its other Asian neighbours such as China and Singapore, is now beginning to see a revival of liberal arts and sciences education. Many employers in India are beginning to tire of employing monochromatic engineers of a single and linear kind of training, and are looking to employ those who can productively integrate humanistic, scientific, and interpersonal aptitudes. While public education is essential, India also needs a culture of elite private institutions which can offer this kind of education without the trappings of Governmental bureaucracy at every step. This is what private liberal arts colleges and Ivy League institutions have achieved in the US. Ashoka and other leading private, nonprofit liberal arts and sciences institutions are a necessary step in this direction. “They will serve and prepare some of the best students in India, who are now beginning to decide to stay back rather than leave for similar institutions in the West. The hope is that this reinvigorates the tradition of liberal arts and sciences education — which has existed in India since Nalanda and Takshashila — but was stifled by a British colonial university system. It will create a vibrant workforce for the new economy and an educated and conscientious citizenry.” This line of thinking is inspiring but it also makes one wonder if higher education in India will tend to be exclusivist and overly elitist. While one is not sure where one can draw the line, the growing popularity of such universities is soon becoming inescapable. To cite another example, the Shiv Nadar University (SNU) was established in Greater Noida in 2011. Founded by Shiv Nadar, a renowned Indian industrialist and philanthropist, the university with a 286-acre, fully residential campus claims to share the objective of expanding similar higher education facilities. //a# ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U PN=RAH 3D4C>;02:>543D20C8>= 0<>=6=0C8E4BB8A3>=0;3 5A84;;<2;4>3BC0AC43C74 ?D=901D=8E4AB8CH8=;07>A4 >Ug4U\XY:e^U"&" !& 6WD\JODPRURXV WKLVVXPPHU 8]SXP³b[TPSX]VUPbWX^]STbXV]TaP]Sbch[Xbc BWTW[P:WP]P]S?Ta]XP@daTbWXaTb_TRcXeT[h bWPaTfXcW0=0=H01>A6>708=b^\T X]]^ePcXeTcX_b^]bcPhX]VcaT]ShcWXbbTPb^] A^\P]RX]V T`]`_ZR]YVcZeRXV FXcW\T\^aXTbV^^SP]S_PX]Ud[cWTXSh[[XRWX[[ c^f]<R[T^S6P]YbcP]SbP_Pac8cWPbaTVPX]TS Xcb_^bXcX^]PbcWT_TaUTRcWX[[aTcaTPcP]SXcbV[^ah XbQda]X]VPbQaXVWcPbcWTU[XRZTaX]VU[P\T^U 1dSSWXbcQdccTa[P\_bbPhbB><4=B4=6D?C0 baby born in Calcutta many years ago still maintains his dominant presence on both sides of undivided Punjab, although he is almost forgotten in the city where he was born in 1810. Sir Donald Friell McLeod, the East India Company’s Lieutenant Governor of Punjab, still has a road named after him in Lahore. The Indian part of Punjab, which was later included in Himachal Pradesh, still has a panoramic hill station named after him on the lap of Himalayas under the shadow of the splendid Dhauladhar range. McLeod Ganj, the hill town of Himachal, was once a dream retreat for the European community living in this part of India who found it a fitting replacement for Darjeeling and Shimla, the other two preferred hill stations where our former rulers found their second home. Though McLeod Ganj was never blessed with huge development such as railways, top class educational institutes and the best of luxur y hotels — all that Darjeeling and Shimla got over the years — it was still a piece of little Europe for many who left their homes for this country years ago. Walking down the memory lane will show us that three historical incidents shaped the growth of McLeod Ganj in the past 165 years. The first was in 1850, just after the second Anglo-Sikh war, after which the East India Company took control of Kangra Valley and a garrison was set up in the upper part of Dharamsala, then a small village. It was the time when Lord Elgin fell in love with the hill town, which boomed with activity. Then came the devastating earthquake of Kangra Valley on April 4, 1904, that left 19,400 people dead and destroyed the entire region. This made the place lose its shine in comparison to Shimla, which became the new favourite destina- A tion of Europeans to set up home. After 1947, with India’s Independence, McLeod Ganj almost became a ghost town. It, however, got a new lease of life in 1959 when the 14th Dalai Lama, the spiritual Buddhist leader of Tibet, fled his homeland after a failed armed uprising against the Communist Party of China and took refuge here with a large number of Tibetan aristocrats and common people. Soon, the Tibetan Government in exile was set up here and the city, which was once a peaceful home for many Europeans, became a bustling mini Tibet. No colonial hill station of India changed its character as drastically as McLeod Ganj did and that is why it is still exceptionally attractive. The radiant touch of the British is still visible in its dilapidated houses, decaying shops, neardestroyed burial ground, and a well-built church. The romance with McLeod Ganj starts from the city square which was once a picture postcard arena but is now an overcrowded traffic jungle. Here stands a silent solder of time in the form of a fade shop which has been witnessing the people of the place since 1860. As unbelievable as it may sound, the Nowrojee & Son shop founded in 1860 was once the lifeline of this town because it was the only place that ensured the supply chain of commodities to the European dwellers here. From the best quality wine to chocolate or the latest European matchbox to British newspapers, every single domestic need was met by this shop. It even had its own postal service! Today the shop is not even a shadow of its past but still bears testimony of a bygone era. It still has old furniture, giant glass jars, cabinets, electrical lampholders and switch boards. The wall is full of publicity materials of petrol, soda water and cigarettes for brands that CA0E4;;>68BC82B <R;T^S6P]YXb!&!Z\ Ua^\2WP]SXVPaWP]S$ Z\ Ua^\=Tf3T[WX CWTaT³b]^aPX[WTPSP]S h^d]TTSc^caPeT[QhRPa Ua^\?PcWP]Z^c CWT]TPaTbcPXa_^acXbX] :P]VaPfWXRWXb" Z\PfPh CWTaTPaT_[T]ch^UW^cT[b* 7?C32W^cT[b^UUTaV^^S eP[dTU^a\^]Th H^dRP]P[b^R^eTa:P]VaP U^ac<Pba^^acT\_[TadX]b P]S1WPVbd]PcWcT\_[T H^dRP]QdhP[^c^UV^^Sb Tb_TRXP[[hCXQTcP]WP]SXRaPUcXcT\b Europeans used to enjoy. No wonder a glow signboard hanging from the ceiling reads: “The Statesman — the dependable daily”, clearly implying what was the most preferred newspaper of Europeans in that era. Another interesting spot is the St John’s Church built in 1852 to serve British soldiers and their families. A masterpiece of typical European architecture, the church is built of hand-cut local granite stone placed block by block. The wide range of Dhauladhar Himalaya is visible from its courtyard. Many years ago, this panorama captivated the attention of one man — James Bruce, the eighth Earl of Elgin, who after serving in Canada, Jamaica and China finally landed in India to serve as the Viceroy of the East India Company. He loved the place so much that he sent three deodar saplings from here to his home, Broomhall House near Edinburgh, where they still stand tall. However, Elgin died in an accident here in 1863 when he fell off his horse. He was buried in the church ground selected by Lady Elgin considering her husband’s affection for this place. The simple yet beautiful grave of Elgin still stands with a star on ?4A=80@DA4B78 B747;0:70= he creations of Pernia Qureshi, one of India’s leading stylists and fashion entrepreneurs, represent the modern Indian young woman’s grace and flamboyance. Her fashion website — Pernia’s Pop-Up Shop — showcases the works of India’s top designers, including Sabyasachi Mukherjee, Manish Malhotra, JJ Valaya, Ritu Kumar, Rohit Bal, Tarun Tahiliani, Satya Paul, Masaba Gupta, and many more. The website leads the style-savvy customer to an extraordinary range of the trendiest looks of the season from Indian labels. Pernia’s signature festive collection is Amrapali, for which actress Sonam Kapoor was the showstopper recently. Pernia says, “The Amrapali collection is based on the 1960s’ era in which the fashion revolved around everything sexy and exquisite. We have a lot of draped silhouettes, dhoti pants, cut-outs, bustiers, and dabka embroidery. So while it is inspired by India, it is also very modern.” Given her glorious list of clients, one may wonder if they ever face major creative clashes. She replies, “The most important aspect about handling clients is keeping communications open. The people involved need to talk about the issue and discuss their feelings about any creative clash, and that’s our mantra.” What makes Pernia’s collection unique is that it is inspired by the yesteryear film of the same name starring Vyjayanthimala as the royal courtesan in the ancient empire of Magadha. She adds, “The clothes in the film are so exquisite and sexy yet Indian; I thought every frame was a painting. The music and the choreography in the film have also always inspired me. I thought there could be a modern version of the costumes — that’s where the thought came from.” Shehla Khan, on the other hand, is designer to some of the leading Hindi film actresses such as Priyanka Chopra, Kareena Kapoor, Jacqueline Fernandez, and Sonam Kapoor, and recently launched her spring collection. It entails short dresses, jump suits, jackets and evening gowns with intricate embroidery, digital printing and other special techniques. The line has been created with the help of the Indian craftsmanship and using the finest textiles. Sensuous gowns as well short dresses grace the collection enriching it with perfectionism and rejuve- nating modernity. The range displays an array of dynamic colours and varying styles apt for both day wear and evenings out. She says, “It’s called ‘A Sky full of Stars’, which is basically my version of how I visualise the sky. It’s a dreamy, surreal interpretation of elements of the sky: Stars, rainbows, clouds. I have tried to depict all these elements in my embroidery techniques in a somewhat different approach, such as clouds of different colours, a rainbow with clusters of stars or even tiny flowers shown as starbursts.” About what is crucial for her while designing, she says, “Sticking to what I believe in first and foremost, the fabric quality, finish and fit must excel in quality, and lastly being original with my ideas. Of course, we all do take inspiration from various other designers but I believe that everyone has their own identity and it’s unnecessary to try and imitate that.” Probably that is why, Shehla says she also does not feel pressurised having to deal with her superstar clients. Far from being trapped in creative confrontation and tantrums among the stars, Shehla chooses to invest in their individual charms and strengths. She explains, “They all have a sound knowledge of fashion. For example, Sonam can add her own insights to the outfit. Kareena is also a pleasure to work with because she is so beautiful that just anything looks like it’s made of gold on her. That’s the same with Katrina. Again, Karishma can make the most plain outfit look ultra chic.” When it comes to tips for readers, both Pernia and Shehla have constructive fashion tips to share. Pernia believes, “Styling is an expression of a person’s vision and varies from person to person. It portrays a sense of individuality. I think a sari can never go out of style. But when it comes to crocs, I detest them and will never try them on!” Shehla says, “My favourite fashion statement is always own what you wear and if you can’t own it, then don’t wear it. This is how faux pas take place when fashion is forced on someone. Spring advice is to go as easy as you can. Less is more, bare your shoulders with a pretty blouse or a flowy dress. Rip your jeans as much as possible or cut them off into shorts and make it look chic with a pretty blouse and heels. If you can afford to show it, then flaunt it!” T its top, with an iron railing encircling it. The grave has a marble tablet with the introduction of Lord Elgin, a man with whom this place will always remain emotionally intertwined. Lady Elgin also donated two Belgian stained glass, which are still seen here. The bell of the church has its own story. After the earthquake, the church was almost destroyed and its bell tower collapsed, breaking the bell into pieces. Soon a donation drive was started to buy a new bell for the church, and finally in 1915, a new bell arrived but it was too heavy to be installed on the top. So it was placed on the left side of the main gate. After local criminals tried to steal it in 1994, the bell was put under lock and key. The real magic of a bygone era can be best felt by visiting the burial ground next to the church. Prevailing in utter decay and extreme negligence, the graveyard still has several marble and granite tablets announcing many deaths. Earthquake, epidemics, bear attacks, war and fever took several lives of Europeans who called this town home. The social scenario of Mcleod Ganj took a dramatic turn from 1959, when the Dalai Lama was given shelter by the Nehru Government. Overnight a small sleepy hill town with a colonial touch got converted into a mini Tibet with a flood of refugees who came with their own language and culture. Today it is known as mini Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, and the evidence is palpable in every corner of the town. In some places, there are more Tibetans than Indians on the road. Its shops are full of Chinamade Buddhist worshiping commodities and its air is heavy with religious chants as well as political slogans. Posters demanding Tibet’s freedom or anti-China sentiments are on the walls, and Tsuglag Khang or the Dalai Lama temple, is the centre of Buddhist religious teaching and as a museum of Tibet’s struggle for independence. The giant Buddha statue faced towards Tibet along with Padmasambhava and Avalokiteshvara will surely blow your mind. The 11-headed Avalokiteshvara statue has its own history. The original statue was established by King Songtsen Gampo in the seventh century at the central cathedral of Lhasa, only to be destroyed by Chinese soldiers in 1967. Fleeing Tibetans somehow salvaged some bits of the face and sneaked them into Mcleod Ganj via Nepal. Here they reconstructed the replica of the statue in 1970. Inside the complex, there is Kalachakra temple and Namgyalma stupa, a memorial dedicated to those who lost their lives in Tibet. The centre also runs a well-documented museum vividly describing Tibet’s rich Hindu and Buddhist legacy and its plunder at the hands of China. The Tibetan theatre is often performed here. Just 14 km from Mcleod Ganj stands the Norbulingka or the jewel park. This is the replica of the last summer palace of the Dalai Lama in Tibet and houses an excellent museum and handicraft centre. The doll museum and the Tibetan national museum are also worth a visit. The Thangka painting centre, wood carving centre, and metal art craft centre are full of talented Tibetan craftsmen who settled in India over a period of time. Over and above there is a peerless view of the Dhauladhar range, one of the best ranges of the Himalayas. On a clear day, when the snow-capped peaks appear over the horizon and the last beams of the sun rest on the snow, it looks like heaven. Today with many memories and pain, Mcleod Ganj still stands apart. It has regained its position as the perfect hill retreat and its glory is burning as bright as the flickering flame of Buddhist butter lamps. 5 A > < ?0 6 4 t claims to be a multi-disciplinary, student-centric, research-focused university offering a range of academic programmes at the undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels. Sadaf Khan, its Public Relations Officer, says, “SNU offers an undergraduate curriculum that is unique in India. It is designed to allow students to major in a particular subject while also studying and experimenting with a range of other minor and elective subjects. “As far as placements are concerned, the first two graduating classes have been placed in over 50 top-ranked Indian and global companies, including Dell, Edelweiss, Larsen & Toubro, Axis Bank, among others. Over 13 per cent of the graduating class of 2016 has secured admissions in Masters and Doctoral programmes in some of the top international universities including the University of Michigan, Duke University, University of Illinois, University of California, University of I @QbQ\\U\UTeSQdY_^*B_QTRUi_^T4E Massachusetts, University College London etc. In India, the university’s students have been selected by IIM Lucknow and ISB Hyderabad to pursue higher education.” SNU is reportedly also building global partnerships with some of the best institutions around the world, including Carnegie Mellon University, Duke University, the University of Pennsylvania, and so on. Within the NCR region, it is a full-time residential university with hostel facilities separate for boys and girls. The campus also has a post office, a mini shopping complex, a bank, and a salon for the students as well as entailing tuck shops, a night café and a coffee shop. It also boasts of a gym and sports facilities of high standards. It has synthetic basketball and lawn tennis courts with flood lights, volleyball courts, a football ground, cricket field, two fitness centres, badminton courts, a yoga room, and rooms for indoor sports. About its admission procedure, Khan says, “SNU has a comprehensive, multi-dimensional selection process which consists of a basic eligibility score based on Class 12 board scores. Students fulfilling this eligibility criterion are encouraged to apply to the university where they are required to appear for a two-hour Shiv Nadar University Scholastic Aptitude Test (SNUSAT) and a one-hour Academic Proficiency Test (APT). Based on a comprehensive assessment of performance in all the stages, the best of the students are selected.” SNU’s fees ranges between C6 lakh and C9.4 lakh for a period of four years depend- ing on the programme the student wants to pursue. At the same time, it also offers scholarships to all the students enrolled in undergraduate programmes covering part/full expenses for the entire duration of the course. Almost 90 per cent of the students at SNU are on scholarships. This year, it announced that C35 crore has been earmarked for scholarships alone. Another such university sharing similar academic objectives is the Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD), which was established by the Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi through Dr B R Ambedkar Vishwavidyalaya Act, 2007, and notified on July 29, 2008. Sarmistha Roy, its Deputy Registrar, says: “AUD’s aim is to reconceptualise social sciences and orient them to face new challenges posed by social, political and economic realities of our times. At present, we have seven UG programmes, 19 PG courses and 14 research programmes. We have 103 permanent faculty members and 1,757 students.” About the ethics of the institution, she says, “The idea is to create professionals/practitioners who are self-reflective, methodologically trained, informed, skilled and sensitive to social and political realities. It strives to raise their consciousness above caste, class, religion, gender, environment, and other domains that engender marginalisation and discrimination.” Soft skills development, Roy says, forms an integral part of education at AUD. The university has stipulated a norm of 25 per cent of curricular time to be assigned for field-based learning experiences acquired through internships, field attachments, field immersion, team-building exercises, and research projects. Students are guided to develop research proposals and tools, collect data and analyse it in the research courses, fieldbased projects and in the dissertation components. Roy also mentions that several postgraduate programmes have components like a self-development workshop or a basic research skill training/writing workshop that facilitate and enhance personal and professional skills development. The MPhil Development Practice programme has a course on group processes in every semester. Tuition Fees for Undergraduate Programmes (BA Hons) is C1,100 per credit (96 credits in three years), for Postgraduate and Research Programmes C1,380 per credit where PG credits range from 64 to 70 in two years. At the same time, the university extends full waiver of tuition fees to all students belonging to SC, ST, and PwD. A comprehensive fee-waiver policy is also adopted for meritorious but underprivileged students. Roy mentions, “The university offers full and partial tuition fee waivers to students who are in need of support given their economic background. Students with an annual family income of less than C6 lakh will be considered for tuition fee waiver.” For the differently-abled, scheduling classes on the ground floor and a provisional washroom are some measures undertaken. The university is in the process of putting in place some facilities at its campuses at Kashmere Gate and Karampura, includ- ing the hostel it shares with IGDTUW for physically disabled students and staff. These facilities include tactile guiding path, JAWS and dragon software (for blind students), ramps, handrails, height adjustable support arm, chest and support grabber in toilets (for physically disabled), lifts etc. It’s high time we wandered into ways that do not lead to Delhi University alone. As in every year, many dreams will be shattered this year too when numerous students will not make it to the university after the first list is out; many of them will also be gifted and devoted youths. Hopefully they will realise that, as Tomas Transtromer had once said, in the middle of the forest there is an unexpected clearing, which can only be found by those who get lost. P]P]hP_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U 4E4;H=F0D67³B58ABC F854³B=0<4F0B4E4;H= C74HF4A4:=>F=0B²74 4E4;H=³0=3²B744E4;H=³ >KKGO >Ug4U\XY:e^U"&" !& >RYVdYJ`XZ+2a`aXfcf he Beatles, at the vanguard of pop music — the engine of the technology-enabled popular culture revolution — had found a radical new sound in hallucinogenic highs (Revolver, 1966). At a time when liberation was the leitmotif and mainstream religion had given way to non-denominational spiritual seeking, the Beatles thrilled to the prospect of alternative states of consciousness. Enter Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The Beatles were already drawn to Indian philosophy and culture by the time they encountered him. The plot of their second feature film, Help! (1965), revolved around a Hindu cult intent on recovering a sacred artefact and accordingly, the soundtrack had a surfeit of Indian instruments. George Harrison had already begun experimenting with the sitar under the tutelage of maestro Pandit Ravi Shankar. The Indian influence was apparent in many of his songs including, ‘Love You To’ (Revolver) and ‘Within You Without You’ (Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band). Harrison’s musical capers were, perhaps, inspired by his obsession with Swami Paramahansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi (1946), which he promptly recommended to other members of the group. On June 25, 1967, when they performed ‘All You Need Is Love’ for the world’s very first live satellite TV production, Ringo Starr was dressed in what resembled a shimmering purple kurta. The Beatles were by no means the only pop group enamoured with drugs and higher states of consciousness. The future drummer of The Doors, John Densmore and keyboardist Ray Manzarek met at a TM session in 1965 and decided to put the band together there and then. They borrowed the name from a book by Aldous Huxley (who was closely associated with the Vedanta Society of southern California and its head, Swami Prabhavananda) titled, The Doors of Perception, published in 1954. The Beatles, prepped for an encounter with a real, live guru, found one in their own backyard. Patti Boyd, George Harrison’s wife of the time, who had attended Maharishi’s lecture in London, persuaded the band to attend his address at the Hilton. John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison attended; Ringo Starr couldn’t because he’d just had another son. Harrison later said, ‘I knew I needed a mantra — a password to get through to the other world. And, as we always seemed to do everything together, John and Paul came with me.’ John embraced TM enthusiastically. Ringo Starr received an over-the-top phone message from him saying they were all going to Wales T =4F 0AA8E0;B ?4AB>=0;8CH 34E4;>?<4=C 0=3B>5CB:8;;B 1Pad]:<XcaP >gU^aSD]XeTabXch ?aTbbC"!$ CWXbQ^^ZPX\bc^_a^eXST RadRXP[X]bXVWcbX]c^ePaX^dbUPRTcb^U STeT[^_X]V^]T³b_Tab^]P[XchPbfT[[Pb X\_a^eX]VfaXccT]eTaQP[P]S]^]eTaQP[ R^\\d]XRPcX^]bZX[[b5d[[PccT]cX^]Xb_PXS c^faXcX]VTUUTRcXeT2Eb_PacXRX_PcX^]X] Va^d_SXbRdbbX^]bP]ScPRZ[X]VY^Q X]cTaeXTfb4\_WPbXbXbP[b^[PXS^]W^]X]V _dQ[XRb_TPZX]VP]Sb_TTSaTPSX]VbZX[[b8c P[b^_a^eXSTbX]_dcb^]Pe^XSX]VR^\\^] \XbcPZTb^Ub_TTRWP]SQTWPeX^da <>>=F0;:4A EXaT]SaPBWPWP]Th 1TR^\TBWPZTb_TPaT C"(( >]9d[h! 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A 90-minute audience with him, a TM seminar in Bangor at which they were given mantras and the world’s most popular rockstars were hooked. Mick Jagger and Marianne Faithfull joined them. At a press conference, they proclaimed that LSD was over and meditation was their new fix. On August 27, 1967, while the “Fab Four” were still in Bangor, they received news that their business manager, Brian Epstein had died of a drug overdose. They were devastated — Brian had been a friend and confidante — and turned to their new-found guru for comfort. “F***ing idiot” — was John Lennon’s description of Maharishi to Rolling Stones’ Jann Wenner, many years later. ‘I was stunned. We all were. And the Maharishi — we went into him, “He’s dead,” and all that. And he was sort of saying, “Oh, forget it. Be happy”.’ Lennon’s outrage at Maharishi’s vapid response took a long time brewing. At the time the Beatles were deeply enamoured, with John and George appearing on the Frost Report to endorse meditation. Even so, they soon found it necessary to tell the Maharishi — first through a representative and then in person — that he couldn’t use their names to advance his business interests. George put the guru’s attempts to parley his proximity to the Beatles into promoting TM, down to his “unworldliness”. However, in terms of business acumen, Maharishi was anything but unworldly — UK’s satirical current affairs magazine, Private Eye, referred to him as “Veririchi Lotsamoney Yogi Bear” as early as 1967. By January 1968, John Lennon had begun work on ‘Across the Universe’, one of Beatles’ most popular tracks of all time, with the refrain “Jai Guru Deva...Om”. The following month, George, John and their wives headed for Rishikesh and were soon joined by Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney. Scottish musician Donovan, Mike Love of the Beach Boys, Mia Farrow — on the brink of a divorce from Frank Sinatra — and her sister, Prudence, were already there. Fifteen sherpa-loads of Heinz baked beans were said to have preceded their arrival. There, on a hill overlooking the town and the Ganga, they listened to the Maharishi’s lectures and practiced meditation seriously — after they had gotten rid of the press, which turned up at the ashram gates in droves. Apart from spiritual gymnastics aimed at self realisation under the guidance of their guru, the musicians had a lot of fun — Mike Love and George celebrated their birthdays at the ashram; the Beatles and their partners dressed in Indian clothes, gorgeous kurtas and saris; they produced great music with Donovan penning a number for George’s sister-in-law, Jennifer Juniper and John for Mia’s sister, Dear Prudence. He also wrote Bungalow Bill, mocking a young American called Rik de Herrera, who’d come to visit his mother at the ashram. And then the spiritual bubble burst. The member of the group least enamoured of the Maharishi, Ringo Starr, who had missed the guru’s first lecture, also happened to be the first amongst the four to leave the ashram. Paul McCartney left a few weeks later. Finally, it was the arrival of electronics wizard “Magic Alex” — Yanni Alexis Mardas — a close friend and business associate of the Beatles, which signalled the end of the idyll. Not only did he break the rules of the ashram by smuggling in alcohol, he alleged that the Maharishi had made advances towards his American girlfriend. This was to precipitate the departure of George and John and dent the latter’s faith permanently. To this day, the incident at the ashram is subject to various interpretations. 4SXcTSTgRTa_cUa^\6dadbQh1WPeSTT_:P]V _dQ[XbWTSQhFTbc[P]SC 6WRU\RIWKHSDVWSUHVHQWDQGIXWXUH ?d[XciTafX]]TaBXSSWPacWP<dZWTaYTTWPbcPZT]bRXT]RTfaXcX]VP]^cRWWXVWTafaXcTbA094B7B8=67 icrosoft co-founder and philanthropist Bill Gates believes that in five years, mosquitoes which have been genetically modified to be resistant to malaria and dengue, can become part of our environment system. In a related though unconnected development, scientists have used gene-editing technology to alter the patterns on the wings of a butterfly. In the first case, an engineered segment of the gene is introduced into the mosquito’s DNA that causes nearly 100 per cent of its offspring to inherit the changed gene. Gates is hopeful that the breakthrough will drastically reduce malaria and dengue deaths across the world. There is no danger from the butterfly with any wing pattern, but the success in tweaking the design of its wings demonstrates the tremendous progress genetic science has made over the last many decades since ‘gene’, as it is understood today, came to be known to humankind. In comparison to the ‘miracles’ unleashed by genetic scientists today, the cloning of the first mammal — Dolly the sheep — just 20 years ago, now sounds like a walk in the park. The story of the gene is, therefore, fascinating. But a story can be only as good as its telling. The best written plots can sink if they are rendered in an insipid fashion. This danger is all the more real when the story-teller comes with a baggage of impressive knowledge that can overwhelm not just the reader and leave him befuddled but also the story-teller himself, who has to constantly shuttle between his expertise and the ignorance of the lay recipient. One would, thus, expect Siddhartha Mukherjee, cancer physician, researcher and geneticist, stem cell biologist and an assistant professor of medicine (at Columbia University), to be struck down as a writer by the very advantage that has taken him this far in his medical profession. He proved the expectation wrong five years ago with his The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer. That it fetched him a Pulitzer prize is beside the point; with this book, Mukherjee created a new style — a new genre wouldn’t be an exaggeration — in non-fiction science writing, much in the way that Isaac Asimov did in science fic- M tion. Imagine, a ‘biography’ of uncles. It was only fair for a cancer! Here, then, was an future partner that I should author who could rock, even come with a letter of warnwhen dealing with a grim and ing.” It was a difficult time for specialised subject such as canhis family too. He writes, “By cer. He has lived up to that then, heredity, illness, norreputation with his latest book, malcy, family and identity The Gene: An Intimate History, had become recurrent themes and taken it a notch higher. of conversation in my family. There is a hint in the title Like most Bengalis, my parof what must have prompted ents had elevated repression Mukherjee to broach the and denial to a high art E9686?6 story of the gene, besides the form… It was hard not to DZUUYRceYR fact that since he has experimagine that a heredity com>f\YVc[VV tise in the area — and it is an ponent lurked behind this AV_XfZ_C&*& ‘in thing’ too — the subject family history.” He refers to it will have suggested itself. ‘An as the “same scar of history”. It is important to centralise the intimate history’ is not merely a reference to the depth of the subject that the author author’s ‘personal’ issue because it not just triggered in him a burning desire to traverses; it’s to do with his family as well. explore as deeply and for as long as he He begins, indeed, with a personal story which is painful and traumatic. Two of his could, the world of genes and their behaviour, but also surely prompted him father’s brothers and a cousin suffered from mental illness. It was clearly a genet- to write the book, intrinsically linking his family’s tragedy to what appears as an ic disorder. Mukherjee wondered if the impersonal subject of science. It troubled wayward gene, which must have found place in his DNA too, would rear its head him always, and he admits as much when he acknowledges, “While my family’s hissomeday. He tells the reader in the book, tory of mental illness was cutting through “When I met Sarah, now my wife, for the my consciousness like a red line, my scifourth or fifth time, I told her about the entific work as a cancer biologist was also splintered minds of my cousin and two converging on the normalcy and abnormalcy of genes.” But then, fresh question began troubling him: What if we learned to change our genetic code intentionally? If such technologies were available, who would control them? Who would be the masters, and who the victims, of this technology? The ethical part was, and remains, the most tricky; scientific advances are, after all, a matter of knowledge, technology, perseverance and some luck. So, at the outset, Mukherjee offers that the book “is the story of the birth, growth and future of one of the most powerful and dangerous ideas in the history of science: The ‘gene’, the fundamental unit of heredity, and the basic unit of all biological information.” He expands on the use of the term ‘dangerous’ by pointing out that the ‘manipulation’ of matter led to the invention of the atomic bomb. The manipulation of organisms through gene-altering, could similarly lead to worrisome fallouts. He says that fiddling with genes in test tubes is one thing; doing it in the context of human cells is another, with unknown consequences: “It is one thing to try to understand how genes influence human identity or human sexuality or temperament. It is quite another another thing to imagine altering identity or sexuality or behaviour by altering genes.” It is the latter thought, he maintains, “inflected with both promise and peril”, that must concern humankind. Mukherjee will take heart from the fact that there is a strong lobby across the world, not just in theology or humanity, but also within the scientific community, which shares the concern and is maintaining a vigil to ensure that science does not take on more than it can handle. Meanwhile, driven by personal quest and professional understanding, Mukherjee has shaped The Gene into an eminently readable account. He traces the progress of genetic science from the time of Charles Darwin (whose theory of the survival of fittest in the 19th century ignited new thinking, though many of his contentions later proved to be flawed) and the priest, Gregor Mendel (who is credited as being the father of modern genetics, though many of his theories too, like those of Darwin, later failed to stand stringent tests). Incidentally, while both these greats worked around the same time, neither seemed to be aware of the other’s path-breaking studies. The author introduces interesting trivia to seize the readers’ attention. He informs, for instance, that Mendel had repeatedly failed in the natural sciences test as part of his initiation into the teaching profession; the priest also had enormous problems with biology (he found it, in Mukherjee’s words, a “wild, overgrown garden of discipline, lacking any systematic raising principles”). There is also the case of a geneticist who went on to win a Nobel prize, having ranked 250th in his class of 250 students in a college exam. In the course of the journey the author takes the readers on, mapping the discovery of the genes, to their individual identification, isolation, understanding of the human characteristics they determine and seeking to weed out the bad ones, and to their alternations, he sort of takes a break to delve on some extremely traumatic episodes where the pretext of genetic behaviour was used to exterminate populations based on their race (the Nazi Holocaust, for instance) or to prejudice against people based on the colour of their skin (in the United States). It reminds us of the dangers of science falling into the wrong hands. Towards the end, he returns to where he began from: His family problem. He wonders, “Can we imagine a genetic test for schizophrenia? The first step would involve creating a compendium of all the genes involved — a gargantuan problem for human genomics. But even such a compendium would be insufficient. Genetic studies clearly indicate that some mutations only act in concert with other mutations to cause the disease. We need to identify the combination of genes that predict the actual risk.” This would just be the beginning. For all the huge strides that genetic science has taken, and is taking, there is a great deal out there which is beyond human understanding. There’s no doubt it will be cracked someday, but the thin line that divides the application of scientific discoveries, and ethics, mustn’t get erased. ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U 8=38A060=378703C74BD?A4<42>DAC ?02:43F8C770=3?82:43²2><<8CC43³ 9D364BF7>B49>1F0BC>>E4ACDA=C74 0;;07010378672>DAC³B9D364<4=C>59D=4 $342;0A8=674A (& 4;42C8>=0BE>83 KLEJEKJ >Ug4U\XY:e^U "&" !& 'HPRFUDF\LVDQDOLHQ FRQFHSWWRG\QDVWLHV De`cZVd`WgZ`]V_TV 6D4BC2>;D<= =0344<5?0A0270 Wc`^AR\ZdeR_ TRT]c[hfWX[TQa^fbX]VcWa^dVWcWTbWT[eTb^U1^bc^]³bUP\^db 7PaePaS1^^ZBc^aT8U^d]SPQ^^Z^]?PZXbcP]fWXRWfPbUXabc _dQ[XbWTSX] ($0[cW^dVWcWT]P\T^UcWTPdcW^afPb\XbbX]V cWTQ^^ZfPb_dQ[XbWTSX];PW^aTX]3TRT\QTa ($8cXbPRdaX^db [Xcc[TQ^^ZfWXRWTg_[PX]b?PZXbcP]PbPh^d]VR^d]cah\PSTd_^UePaX ^dbTcW]XRVa^d_bfW^bT<db[X\\T\QTabV^cc^VTcWTac^RaTPcTP <db[X\\PY^aXchR^d]cahc^bPUTVdPaScWTTR^]^\XRP]S_^[XcXRP[X]cTa Tbcb^UB^dcW0bXP³b<db[X\bUa^\cWT\PY^aXchad[T^U7X]SdbX]8]SXP 8]cTaTbcX]V[hcWTQ^^ZcWT]V^Tb^]c^bdVVTbccWPc?PZXbcP]fPb P[b^RaTPcTSc^bPUTVdPaScWTX]cTaTbcb^UB^dcW0bXP]2WaXbcXP]bP]S [^fTaRPbcT7X]Sdb^U8]SXPfW^fTaTP[b^²d]STacWaTPcUa^\d__Ta RPbcT7X]Sd\PY^aXcPaXP]Xb\P]S]PcX^]P[Xb\³ 8R^\_PaTScWXbfXcWP ((!²?PZXbcP]BcdSXTb³Q^^ZX]fWXRWcWT PdcW^afT]cc^VaTPc[T]VcWbc^Tg_[PX]?PZXbcP]PbPcWT^[^VXRP[bcPcT bdaa^d]STSQhT]T\XTb8]UPRccWTQ^^ZRPaaXTSPbT_PaPcTRWP_cTa^] cWTbT²T]T\XTb³fWXRWfPbbdQSXeXSTSX]c^bTRcX^]b^]7X]Sdb 2WaXbcXP]bP]S9Tfb4eTabX]RT ($\dRWWPbRWP]VTSX]cWTaT[X VX^dbP]STcW]XRST\^VaP_Wh^U?PZXbcP]QdccWTR^d]cahbcX[[XbP \d[cXRd[cdaP[T]cXchfXcW]d\Ta^dbTcW]XRR^\\d]XcXTb[P]VdPVTb <db[X\bTRcbP]SbdQbTRcb 0[cW^dVWcWTR^d]cahfPbR^]RTXeTSPbP<db[X\\PY^aXchbcPcT PRR^aSX]Vc^bRW^[PaP]STSdRPcX^]Xbc07=PhhPacWTXSX^\^U<db[X\ \PY^aXcPaXP]Xb\bcPacTSVPX]X]V\^aTRdaaT]RhX]cWTR^d]cah³bTcW^b PUcTacWT (& TPbc?PZXbcP]STQPR[T1dcfWTaTPbcWT ($Q^^Z Tg_[PX]TScWXb\PY^aXcPaXP]Xb\PbP]T]cXaT[hX]R[dbXeTXSTPXcQTRP\T \^aTTgR[dbXeTPUcTa (& AdQX]PBPXV^[Xb^UcWTeXTfcWPccWTPccT\_cc^T]U^aRTcWXbTcW^b cWa^dVWbRW^^[cTgcQ^^ZbQTVP]X]cWTTPa[h ('b8]WTa_P_TaP]S TbbPh²APSXRP[XbPcX^]^UBcPcTB^RXTchX]?PZXbcP]³BPXV^[X]U^a\b cWPcX]cWT ('bcWTbh[[PQdbfPbaTeXbTSP]ScTgcQ^^ZbfTaTaTfaXc cT]c^RaTPcTP\^aT\^]^[XcWXRX\PVT^U?PZXbcP]PbPcWT^RaPcXRbcPcT P]S?PZXbcP]XRXcXiT]bPb<db[X\^][h 0RR^aSX]Vc^BPXV^[cWXbR[TPa[hcT[[b]^]<db[X\bcdST]cbcWPc cWThPaTTgR[dSTSUa^\cWT]PcX^]P[XST]cXch8]P]TgcT]bXeT!! 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This was some three decades before the advent of the Internet and cell phones. Computers were unheard of and television notionally existed, courtesy Doordarshan, in the big metropolitan cities. Few homes had telephones and still fewer had telephones that were not perpetually ‘out of order’. In Jamshedpur, life was played out, frame by frame, in monotonous black and white, with occasional stretches of technicolour excitement. Jump cuts were considered too startling, but they couldn’t be avoided entirely: These usually came by way of unsettling news from the world beyond Jamshedpur, either borne by the Calcutta papers that came by the morning train and were distributed late in the afternoon, or riding the radio waves of Akashvani. People tuned into All India Radio to listen to Lotika Ratnam and Nilima Sanyal, not so much for what they had to say but to hear their voice so that they could imitate their accent. But that was okay, because, as I said, news travelled fast in Jamshedpur. And so it was that although the Calcutta papers did not arrive on June 25, 1975, everybody knew by mid-morning of the events with cataclysmic consequences of the previous evening in faraway New Delhi. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had ‘recommended’ to President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed the declaration of Internal Emergency as she had information that there was “an imminent danger to the security of India being threatened by internal disturbances”. The President had complied without a murmur of protest. At the stroke of the midnight hour the previous night, civil liberties and fundamental rights had been suspended; censorship imposed; Opposition leaders arrested; and, dictatorship of the dynasty had replaced democracy of the people. India was in chains all over again, this time enslaved by its own. “Don’t talk to strangers,” parents instructed their teenaged children. Over the next few days a strange fear descended upon the people of this country — the fear of being punished and persecuted by the Emergency regime through its many agents and agencies. The dreaded midnight knock became the metaphor of those dark, terrible days when friends stopped trusting friends, relatives shunned relatives, teachers squealed on students and vice versa, and censors eager to please Congress bosses decided what was fit to print. Not everybody, though, was appalled by Indira Gandhi’s tanashahi — I learned that word from our physics teacher who was a tyrant in the classroom but would incessantly rage against the tyranny of what he would bitingly describe as an “illegitimate Government”. There were middle-class collaborators who, convinced that imitation was the best form of N flattery, mimicked Sanjay Gandhi’s mannerisms and style of speech, and wore white kurta-pajamas similar to his. Hoodlums wore white kurtas over drainpipe pants and ran extortion rackets. Many people thought the Emergency was a good idea because trains ran on time and Vinoba Bhave endorsed Indira Gandhi’s evil decision, calling the Emergency “Anushasan Parv”. Newspapers, barring honourable exceptions, caved in without a fight: Journalists, asked to bend, chose to crawl. Meanwhile, dissent and its expression through protest was met with swift retribution. The RSS, which mobilised its vast network of swayamsevaks to launch an underground movement against Indira Gandhi’s dictatorship, was banned. But that did not deter swayamsevaks from persisting with their movement that was described by The Economist as “the only nonleft revolutionary force in the world … its platform at the moment has only one plank: To bring democracy back to India.” The only other organisation which led from the front in the fight-back was the Akali Dal. Indira Gandhi tried to coopt the Akalis, but they rebuffed her gesture; for them, freedom was far more important than power. The Intelligence Bureau and the Central Bureau of Investigation were used for intimidating and harassing both rich and poor 8cfX[[QTP\PccTa^U PQXSX]VbWP\TU^a 1T]VP[XbcWPc^]T^U cWTXa^f]°2WXTU <X]XbcTaBXSSWPacWP BWP]ZPaAPh° RP\Td_fXcWcWT XSTP^UdbX]VcWT 2^]bcXcdcX^]c^ZX[[ UaTTS^\X]8]SXP P]SSaPUcTScWT STR[PaPcX^]^U 4\TaVT]Rhc^ fWXRW5PZWadSSX] 0W\TS\TTZ[h P__T]STSWXb bXV]PcdaT on mere suspicion of anti-Emergency activism. The Income Tax Department was instructed to let loose a reign of terror on trade union leaders. People were arrested and packed off to jail; many of them were brutally tortured to extract a confession that would serve the Emergency regime’s political interests — for instance, that he/she was a CIA agent. The Constitution was slyly amended to declare India a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic, an absurdity whose burden we are still forced to carry. To inspire confidence in the Supreme Leader, a massive Soviet-style propaganda offensive was launched. Billboards were put up with slogans like “The Leader is right, the nation’s future is bright!”In offices, including those in the private sector, Congress goons put up posters, urging people to “Work more, Talk less.” It was all very darkly reminiscent of the Third Reich. Indira Gandhi had the Supreme Court packed with handpicked ‘committed’ judges whose job was to overturn the Allahabad High Court’s judgement of June 15, declaring her 1971 election as void and disqualifying her from contesting elections for the next six years. To demonstrate their ‘commitment’ to her, the judges also suspended the provision for habeas corpus without which India is no different from a police state ruled by a tin pot dictator. By the time Indira Gandhi called a general election in the spring of 1977, the people had made up their minds. On voting day they voted out the Congress! Indira Gandhi and her son Sanjay were trounced in constituencies they considered to be their family heirloom and, therefore, theirs by right. A chastened Indira Gandhi lifted the Emergency on March 21, 1977. Forty-one years later, the excesses of the Emergency era may appear too distant in the past to be worthy of recall. But to believe that would be incorrect. There has been no change in the attitude of the Congress and the party’s first family makes no effort to hide its unshakeable belief that it has the divine right to rule India, either directly or indirectly, and not be held accountable for the many sins of omission and commission of which the Nehru-Gandhis are guilty. Indeed, to forget the Emergency would be a grave injustice to those who suffered so that liberty and rights would be ours. A footnote: It will forever be a matter of abiding shame for Bengalis that one of their own — Chief Minister Siddhartha Shankar Ray — came up with the idea of using the Constitution to kill freedom in India and drafted the declaration of Emergency to which Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed meekly appended his signature. (The writer is a current affairs journalist based in NCR) 5 4 4 3 1 0 2 : 9^TYQcX_e\TTUdQSXYdcU\V Vb_]2bUhYdQVVQYb Reader response to Swapan Dasgupta’s column, Usual Suspects, published on June 19: Hardly matters: If Pakistan’s exit from the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation affects us, Britains exit from the European Union too should affect us. Our economy does not depend so much on exports/imports. Brexit is media-driven. Economies of large countries do not collapse because someone is in or out. Jitendra Staying aloof: Rightly, India has no business to get involved in the Brexit affair. One thing is certain that no country in this world can live in isolation. The whole system is so intermingled that living in isolation will seal the fate of a country. Trade has become an essential thing. For example, India has trade relations with Pakistan and China. This proves the point that we cannot leave them because they are our neighbours and we have to do business whether we like it or not. Venkataraman Jagadesan Looking beyond: When there is so much prophecy and analysis over the Brexit, much of it with several imponderables for India, and the security net that even after the divorce, only the governing body of UK-EU trade will change. As a diversion from our own state of affairs, we are looking at this impending international event, the Brexit, to see more in it for us than is fair or even rational. Ashish Rai DXUV_bUcdXQfURUU^ `\e^TUbUTQ^T[Y\\UT Reader response to Kanchan Gupta’s column, Coffee Break, published on June 19: Being forest friendly: A tree is a devata, a god on earth. The sight of a solitary tree in a barren land triggers a sense of well-being. An atmosphere of calm prevails in a forest. Forests were the nurturing ground for the rise of the minds who gave us the Upanishads. Scientific studies have shown that chemical environment of the atmosphere around trees is good for health. Soil scientists and students of environment can enumerate innumerable benefits of forests. And these benefits are available equally to animals living there. Man, focused on himself, tants are necessary for the world as a whole. Humans who cannot think beyond their selfish interests must realise that forests are necessary if they wish to retain their sanity. Ashok Chaturvedi forgets that forests are vital for the survival of animals. The recent culling of monkeys, nilgais and wild boars has been contributed to by the diappearance of forests. It is sad that the Government has succumbed to a method which is totally alien to Indian ethos and could not think of a humane alternative. We must adopt all measures to develop forests in and around our cities, including the planned smart cities. Unplanned urban spread, eating into agricultural land and forests, has to be curtailed to avoid many ills including the conflict between man and animal. Indeed forest corridors along the rivers must be planned for animals, including the elephants, to help them move around, a natural part of their life cycle. Forests and all its inhabi- Saving our environment: Human beings are increasingly becoming materialistic. However, they must ensure that animals and birds live peacefully in their natural habitat. In order to save animal lives and environment, meat consumption must be reduced. Also, it is a fact that vegetarianism or a climate change diet can save this planet. To safeguard climate changing to worse and promote tourism model conservations — forest type must be developed. Mahesh Kapsi ce^TQi C74 (#"14=60;50<8=4 2>D;370E4144=0E>834385 1>0CB8<?>D=343C>:44? C74<>DC>5C7470=3B>5 C7490?0=4B42>D;370E4 144=DB43C>34;8E4AA824 ]QWQjY^U >=?G>KJA >Ug4U\XY:e^U"&" !& +RZ.HMULZDOJRWFDXJKWLQ KLVRZQZHERIHQWUDSPHQW bd]SPh Vd_bWd_ 70A8B70=:0AEH0B he problems of Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal have grown manifold. He tried with all his might to push ex-CM Sheila Dikshit into controversies. As soon as the Congress started discussions for her appointment as in-charge General Secretary of Punjab, Kejriwal took out the file of the alleged C400-crore water tanker scam and wrote a letter to the Central Government. He also wrote to Delhi L-G Najeeb Jung and demanded action. After that the police hurriedly registered an FIR. But interestingly Kejriwal’s name was also in that FIR! Though Dikshit has been made an accused in the case, Kejriwal is facing charges for allegedly trying to save her. Now it looks like it was Dikshit who had laid the plot to entrap Kejriwal. When the Delhi Government wrote a letter against her, she raised the question that if there was indeed a scam, why did the Kejriwal Government let it continue for the past one and a half year? The same question was raised on social media too, with many saying that Kejriwal had often raised the tanker scam during his election campaign but when he formed the Government, he did nothing to put an end to it. Now, ACB chief Mukesh Meena wants to interrogate both Dikshit and Kejriwal. Two more corruption cases have become a headache for Kejriwal — the controversy over app-based premium bus service and contract for all investigations to a special forensic lab. Gopal Rai has been removed from the transport ministry in the first case. But the Kejriwal Government should gear up to face the heat in the coming days. T 2>=6BC0;;B 3428B8>=>=D? he Congress is not going to take any T big decision on Uttar Pradesh yet. Though there is a lot of speculation over =^fXc[^^Zb[XZTXcfPb BWTX[P3XZbWXcfW^WPS [PXScWT_[^cc^T]caP_ 0aeX]S:TYaXfP[FWT] cWT3T[WX6^eTa]\T]c fa^cTP[TccTaPVPX]bc WTabWTaPXbTScWT `dTbcX^]cWPcXU cWTaTfPbX]STTSP bRP\fWhSXScWT :TYaXfP[6^eTa]\T]c[Tc XcR^]cX]dTU^acWT_Pbc ^]TP]SPWP[UhTPa. =8C8B7´B<8BB8>=! ( the name of CM candidate, the newly appointed in-charge General Secretary of the State, Ghulam Nabi Azad, and the party’s election strategist, Prashant Kishor, are of the view that no big decision should be taken right now. Reliable sources in the Congress say the party will wait for the BJP’s move; whether BJP puts forward any candidate or not, and if it does, who will be the candidate. Only after that will the Congress decide. It is also being said that leaders of the Congress are in touch with the SP and BSP for alliance. Apart from this, the possibility of a third front is also being looked into. The reason for not taking a decision at the moment is obvious — the Congress is seriously thinking about projecting a member of the Gandhi family. If the Congress, after the BJP’s decision, decides to project Priyanka Gandhi, then there will be no alliance with anyone and the hough Nitish Kumar has time and again said that he doesn’t wish to T become the PM, in reality he has already started his campaign for Mission 2019. He is eyeing UP and Jharkhand from where he can increase the number of his MPs. Last month, first in Varanasi and later in Patna, he said he was not a fool and didn’t daydream to become the PM on the basis of his limited MPs. This was an indication that he would try to increase the number of MPs. But this is also clear that it will not be possible on the basis of just Bihar. That is why Nitish has accelerated his politics in UP and Jharkhand. In Jharkhand, he has partners such as former CM Babulal Marandi. In the past two months, Nitish has addressed three rallies in Jharkhand. He has attended public gatherings in Dhanbad, Palamu and Ranchi. Nitish has also announced he will launch a liquor prohibition programme in the State. With all this, he is clearly laying the groundwork to fight elections along with the Congress, JVM and RJD. Nitish has also addressed three rallies in UP in the past two months and said he will be taking an extensive tour of the State soon. He hasn’t been able to find any partner in UP, but despite that he has held rallies in Varanasi, Lucknow and Mirzapur. Along with the liquor ban issue, he is also cautiously playing the caste card and is trying to establish himself among non-Yadav voters. =>C 0 =85CH3428B8>=. party will have to go alone. Ground preparations have started for this. More than three teams have been roped in to find answers to this question: What is the probability to win under Priyanka’s command? ?A>1;4<B>5B?<;0B the sword of Damocles is hangIdaysningUP,ago, over the heads of SP MLAs. Some the party had announced the names of 146 candidates for the upcoming Assembly Elections. After that, 10 more candidates have been finalised. But there is no word on the remaining 229 sitting MLAs. Candidates for only those seats are being announced where the SP had lost in the last elections. The party has a different strategy for the winning seats and it is not disclosing it. On the contrary, the BSP has given an indication to its MLAs that they will be made candidates. This means that tickets of 79 MLAs are reserved. Similarly, 41 MLAs of the BJP and 29 MLAs of the Congress have been assured that they will fight again. Now, MLAs of the BSP, Congress and BJP have started working in their constituencies. But MLAs of the SP are worried. Sources in the party say that almost 100 MLAs can be denied tickets. CM Akhilesh Yadav is ready to refuse tickets to almost half of his MLAs to nullify the effects of anti-incumbency. This has led to a lot of anxiety among the MLAs, who have now started reaching out to other parties. Most of them are said to be in touch with the BJP and are hopeful of getting tickets from the party. This time, the BSP has also kept aside its traditional policy and is ready to give tickets to all those who come from the SP. So, many MLAs of the SP are also in contact with the BSP. Leaders of the SP are of the view that firstly there will be a stampede-like situation in the party and then a negative impression will be created. But the problem is that the party can’t announce it will cut tickets of its MLAs immediately. Now, almost all Opposition parties are waiting for the SP’s next move. 19?´BE>C4B70A4 8=D? UP, the BJP had got 42 per cent votes Itheninelection the last Lok Sabha Elections. Now, strategists of the party are calculating how much votes would decrease in the Assembly Elections on the basis of the past LS polls data. In each State, the BJP has lost at least 10 per cent votes in comparison to what it had got in the Lok Sabha Elections. Will the BJP become the number one party if it loses 10 per cent votes in UP too? Sources in the BJP say that Dalit votes are quite important for the party. Last time the party had got Dalit votes, especially in western UP; Jat and Jatavs had also come together due to polarisation. But probably this would not happen in the Assembly Elections. There are almost 8 per cent Dalit votes in the State. The BJP had got Yadav votes in the LS Elections, but it might not happen this time. So, the party is eying 12 per cent non-Yadav, OBC votes — Lodh, Kurmis and Kushwaha. Apart from this, Brahmins, Vaishyas, Tyagis and Bhumihars make around 14 per cent votes. Jat votes are 6-8 per cent and Thakurs are 4 per cent. The BJP’s equation is based on these 45 per cent votes. In comparison to the last Assembly polls, the SP and BSP had lost 6 per cent votes in the last LS polls, but other parties were the greatest losers, with 10 per cent of their votes being transferred to the BJP. here has been a lot of debate and disT cussion over former cricketer Chetan Chauhan’s appointment as the chairman of the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT). Attacking the Government on this issue, the Opposition parties have doled out several suggestions as well. But as soon as the controversy over Chauhan started, the issue of Raghuram Rajan’s resignation crept in. After that, the so-called warriors of social media started debating Rajan’s case, ostensibly forgetting the controversy over Chauhan. So, for now, this row has died down. But when the debate on Chauhan was taking place, social media warriors of the BJP gave some interesting arguments. A lot of things were written to support Chauhan’s appointment. One supporter of the Government raised the issue of the Congress’s Ram Niwas Mirdha, who was appointed as the chairman of Lalit Kala Akademi in the 70s. Later, he was appointed as chairman of the Sangeet Natak Akademi also. The appointment of UR Ananthamurthy as chairman of FTII was also raised. If this debate had continued, some other controversies related to some other commissions or institutes would have also come out in the open. 2>F49?665659:DE@C:42= 5:D4@FCD6 he history of the first half of the 20th Century in India mainly centres around the Independence movement and the Congress party. Historywriting on the World Wars from an Indian perspective, in terms of India’s contribution to the wars and their impact on India, is almost non-existent. In last few years, some efforts have been made to fill this lacuna. Srinath Raghavan’s India’s War: The Making of Modern South Asia 1939-1945 is one such commendable endeavour. Over the years, through various intellectual mechanisms, the British rule in India has been painted in benign colours. The devastation it caused in India for two centuries has been reduced to footnotes in history. Raghavan brings out the exploitative nature of British colonialism brilliantly, especially the British interest in increasing the size of the Indian Army coupled with their reluctance to provide the soldiers with proper training and necessary armaments. In the chapter ‘Mobilizing India’, the author documents how the size of the Indian armed forces was increased exponentially from two lakh to 25 lakh in the span of a mere five years. The British looked at India as an inexhaustible source of manpower and resources to fight the war. But they were not ready to equip newly raised units to existing standards. T BaX]PcWAPVWPeP]WPbbd\\PaXbTSP]T]cXaTT_^RW^U8]SXP]WXbc^ahVXeX]V cWTaTPSTabPfW^[Tb^\Td]STabcP]SX]V^UcWPcTaPbPhbA>78CBA8E0BC0E0 Raghavan notes, “As a consequence, the forces raised in India and sent abroad were chronically under-equipped and reliant on all manner of patchwork solutions.” The concept of using the forces raised in colonies as cannon fodder was still prevalent in the British war planners’ minds when they deployed illequipped and under-powered armoured regiments to Iraq — a tank country. Gen Archibald Wavell, the Commander-inChief of India, wrote to the Chief of Staff explaining the shortage of essential equipment: “There is not a single fighter in India at present capable of taking the air against German or Japanese machines; India has not at present a single modern tank or armoured car.” All this changed once the Japanese threat became real. Through 18 chapters, Raghavan takes us through the socio-political-military aspects of Indian life. The book touches upon various facets of military life, from the change in the composition of the Indian armed forces due to rapid expansion, the British perspective of Indian castes and martial and non-martial races, the varied reasons of soldiers for serving the British, the loyalty of Indian soldiers towards their masters, the impact of the Indian National Army (INA) and their rebellion on the psyche of British-Indian armed forces. A remarkable portion documents Subhas Chandra Bose’s interaction with the Germans, particularly Adolf Hitler. The deftness with which Hitler transferred the liability of INA to the Japanese and sent Bose eastwards in a German submarine is admirable. Hitler did not interfere in Indian affairs as he had plans to crack a deal with the British. The book is full of such nuggets which give its readers a peep into the minds of the mighty men of that era. Three chapters, ‘Coils of War’, ‘Declaration for India’, and ‘Post-war’, deal with the political aspects of the war. The Indian national leaders emerge as illequipped to understand the intricacies of the global world order; they were incapable of exploiting the war contribution of India to gain favours for her from the comity of nations. In spite of the great support that India enjoyed in Washington, particularly with President Franklin D Roosevelt, China stole a march on India. The book touches upon various aspects of the politics of that era and will inspire scholars to explore this genre further. It records an Indian Air Force offi- cer as saying, “I am sure the Indians who are fighting now in this war will be the real reformers of India. I am not a politician but... you can be sure of one thing, definitely India must be reformed on the lines of modern thought.” Similarly a Pashtun soldier told a British officer, “We suffered in the war but you didn’t... we bore with this that we might be free.” Everyone fought for his own reason, but what is worth pondering over is simply that when Indians could fight so valiantly for the British war, which was fought using their men and resources, why didn’t they fight the British and win their own freedom? Who could have stopped Indians from throwing the British out of India? It remains for future scholars to do so. In the space of a single volume, the author has summarised an entire epoch of Indian history, giving the readers a wholesome understanding of that era. The book is well-furnished with maps, figures and tables that provide relevant data to substantiate the text. The economic data provided makes this book valuable to students of economic history. More than 50 pages of notes, mostly from primary sources, highlight the massive effort put into writing this book. A must read for anyone interested in Indian history and/or the military history of India. CWTfaXcTaXbP]X]ST_T]ST]cY^da]P[Xbc ce^TQi 0<4A8208B06A40C?>F4A C>30H?A>101;HC74>=;H BD?4A?>F4AF40224?C C70CF4F0=CC>0=30A4 A403HC>F>A:F8C7C74DB ¯E;038<8A?DC8= ]QWQjY^U >Ug4U\XY:e^U"&" !& 2D;CDA4 ;0=4 B C 8 ; 4 C C > B 1[^^ShR^]bTaePcXb\ EJPANJ=PEKJ=H =V`e`eVdeZWjZ_"&^WZ]^]RhdfZe eonardo DiCaprio has been ordered by a judge to give testimony in a lawsuit surrounding 2013 comedy The Wolf of Wall Street. Andrew Greene, a former associate of the film’s subject Jordan Belfort, has claimed that a supporting character, presented as a “criminal” and “degenerate”, is loosely based on him. He’s now suing producers, including Paramount Pictures, for $15m. A judge has already rejected claims of defamation, but has allowed Greene to amend his initial objection to malicious libel. Greene’s lawyers have been trying to depose DiCaprio but he has been “too busy”, and the defendants have stated that the testimonies of director Martin Scorsese and screenwriter Terence Winter should suffice. But his involvement as a producer has led to judge Steven Locke requiring him to testify “at a reasonable time and place agreed to by the parties”. Greene, a childhood friend and ex-colleague of Belfort, believes that Nicky “Rugrat” Koskoff is modelled after him. The character L <8=8H0270CC4A98 5^cebY^WW_fUb^Q^SU±dbYRQ\]_^QbSXYSQ\_bTU]_SbQdYS±YcQ^_dXUb f_SQdY_^Xe]Q^cXQfUU^WQWUTY^2edceSXYcdXUXUQTi`_gUb TUbYfUT Vb_]ceSSUccY^dXYcf_SQdY_^Q^Tc_XYWXQbUdXUcdQ[UcdXQdgXU^ ^UUTUTYdXQc\UTYdc`QbdYSY`Q^dcd_Y^SYdUXQdbUT_V]Q^QWQY^cd]Q^ is played by PJ Byrne; Greene claims the portrayal repeatedly mocked his hairpiece, as well as depicting the character as a drug user. “The motion picture’s scenes concerning Mr Greene were false, defamatory, and fundamentally injurious to Mr Greene’s professional reputation, both as an attorney and as an investment banker/venture capitalist, as well as his personal reputation,” the suit says. ;P;P;P]S e``aV_GV_ZTVWZ]^WVde hiplash director Damien Chazelle’s musical romance La La Land is set to open this year’s Venice film festival. The film reunites Crazy, Stupid, Love stars Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, and is pitched as a tribute to Hollywood’s golden age of musicals but will have a contemporary setting. It will premiere in competition on August 31. This year’s jury will be headed by Sam Mendes. Gosling will play a jazz pianist who falls for Stone’s aspiring actor but the two face problems when they become more successful. JK Simmons, who won an Oscar for his role in Whiplash, and the singer John Legend also star in the film. “La La Land is a film that does not merely reinvent the musical genre, it gives it a brand new start,” said Alberto Barbera, Venice artistic director, in a statement. “If Whiplash was the revelation of a new filmmaker, La La Land is his definitive, albeit precocious, consecration among the great directors of Hollywood’s new firmament.” Last year’s festival was opened by W hen you shout out the same message repeatedly from stage, posters, television — in fact from every spot one turns toward, would you be surprised if someone believed you enough to act upon your word? When a politician repeatedly asks people to get enraged and hate another community, he may hope to be voted in as the right candidate to protect these people from the perceived danger he has created. Of course he knows well that it is as much likely that someone in his audience is pushed over the edge to pull out the guns and kill the danger himself. The reaction of the audience to his persuasion is decisively out of his control, and yet he knowingly triggered it. There has been an ugly antiimmigrant tone to the campaign over the June 23 referendum on Britain’s membership in the European Union (EU). The Leave campaign essentially highlighted that as a great nation Britain will be truly sovereign only away from Brussels. A poster by Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK Independence Party, which has been strongly antiEurope and anti-immigration from its inception, showed a long line of Middle Eastern refugees waiting to cross a European border. The text said: “BREAKING POINT. The EU has failed us all. We must break free from the EU and take control of our borders.” Never mind that the border in Farge’s poster was that between Croatia and Slovenia. And we can also ignore the fact that Britain, as an island country and as a non-signatory to the Schengen treaty, remains largely insulated. Further, we must not mind the gross misinformation W of the official and unofficial Leave campaigns of Brexit that suggested that Turkey and its 77 million Muslims are soon to join the EU. These deviations from the truth are rampant as long as they can successfully stir up emotions of xenophobia amongst voters. The lovely Jo Cox, a rising star in the Opposition Labour Party who, not coincidentally, was a strong backer of Britain’s remaining inside the EU, was murdered on June 16. The suspect arrested in the killing, Thomas Mair, has a history of mental illness. But he was also reported to have been in contact with far-right groups in the United States and Britain, and to have said, “Britain first!” several times as he attacked Jo. Britain First is a far-right nationalist group. Such an act of violence is uncommon in Britain and there was a shocking realisation that the Brexit vote had made it socially acceptable to voice anti-immigrant or xenophobic sentiment in a way it wasn’t a decade ago. The Brexit campaign was suspended by both sides for a day of mourning and respect for Jo, shifting the entire focus of the world on to the anti-immigrant tactics of the Brexit vote’s Leave campaign. A vote exercises the right of individual choice, within the framework of a democratic form of governance. Ensuring governance — be it tribal, monarchical, democratic — is yet another vocation that we human beings have historically engaged ourselves in as we wade through our days in the world. But such is the heady power derived from success in this vocation, and so high are the stakes involved, that when needed it has led its participants to incite hatred of man against man. The campaigns to get votes are out of control. Politicians stir up <DA34A439>2>GF0B 0BCA>=6102:4A>5 1A8C08=³BA4<08=8=68= C744DBD270=02C>5 E8>;4=248BD=2><<>= 8=D:0=3C74A4F0B0 B7>2:8=6A40;8B0C8>= C70CC741A4G8CE>C4 703<0348CB>280;;H 0224?C01;4C>E>824 0=C88<<86A0=C>A G4=>?7>182B4=C8<4=C 8=0F0H8CF0B=³C 034203406> public sentiments to get votes and then have no control on the reactions they have generated. Conservative movements rooted within a political rhetoric of hatred can especially have dangerous outcomes. Violence could be deliberately unleashed by the politician, and/or there could be inadvertent bloodshed as a result of an out-of-control emotional hate campaign. In the case of the latter, indeed the perpetrators of hate and the individuals reacting to such political rhetoric are both to blame. Because neither were supposed to take the vocation of governance so seriously. In the United States, Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign has insisted on racial profiling and the need to target specific demographic groups living in the country for extra scrutiny. He bragged of his foresight when just a few days before Jo’s murder this fortnight, a mass shooting occurred inside a gay night club in Orlando, killing 50 people. The victims included the gunman who was identified as Omar Mateen, an American born to Afghan parents. It was the deadliest mass shooting by a single gunman in the US, and historically the most violent attack on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) community in the United States. Trump hopes the incident would improve his poll ratings. He tweeted, “Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism...” He argued that the attack justified his earlier proposed ban on Muslims entering the US. He even falsely claimed that Omar Mateen was born in Afghanistan, whereas Mateen was in fact born in New York not far from Trump himself. In a speech Trump made right after the shootout, he called for suspending immigration “from areas of the world where there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe, or allies”. Anything goes for stirring up drama and making politics quite literally a matter of life and death. How much blood will it take for us to realise that these strategies for winning votes is a game played by a few fellows who have just chosen politics as their vocation? Can we snap out of the frenzy and accept politics, religion, corporations as man-made institutions who have now become larger than the cost of our own lives? I ask this to all my readers, in tribute to Jo Cox and the fearless defenders of humanity who can never be buried. Because they are seeds. CWTfaXcTaXb2WXTUBdbcPX]PQX[Xch>UUXRTaU^acWT Va^d_^UR^\_P]XTb9X]SP[BcTT[P]S?^fTa;cS BWTXbP6[^QP[;TPSTabWX_0[d\]P^UcWTF^a[S 4R^]^\XR5^ad\\X]XhPRWPccTaYX/YX]SP[bcTT[R^\ Everest, which received middling reviews and box office, but previous years have seen Oscar winners Birdman and Gravity kick things off. The 31-year-old Chazelle made his name with the acclaimed drama Whiplash, which won three Oscars and was nominated for two more, including best picture. He also cowrote the hit sci-fi thriller 10 Cloverfield Lane. ;fUZ5V_TYe`a]RjBfVV_GZTe`cZR udi Dench is set to play Queen Victoria for the second time in drama Victoria & Abdul. The Oscarwinning actor will reunite with director Stephen Frears for the project. It will be their third film together after Mrs Henderson Presents and Philomena. The drama will be based on Shrabani Basu’s book Victoria & Abdul: The True Story of the Queen’s Closet Confidant, and the screenplay will come from Billy Elliott’s Lee Hall. It’s the true story of the unlikely friendship between the monarch and a young clerk who travelled from India to participate in the golden J jubilee. As the pair grow closer, he begins to change her world view. He became a replacement for her confidante John Brown. Their friendship was brought to the big screen in 1997 in drama Mrs Brown, for which Dench received an Oscar nomination for her portrayal of Victoria. Frears’ most recent film was period comedy Florence Foster Jenkins, which starred Meryl Streep as a socialite with ambitions to sing. Dench is next to be seen in the longdelayed romance Tulip Fever, also starring Alicia Vikander and Christophe Waltz. > 3 3 ;H 4=>D67 140A0CC02:BF><0=AD==8=6 <0A0C7>=8==4F<4G82> ildlife officials say a bear W attacked a woman running a marathon in a national preserve in northern New Mexico. The woman suffered several bites and scratches and had injuries to her head, neck and upper body that weren’t life-threatening. The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish says the woman was racing when a female black bear confronted her in the Valles Caldera National Preserve. Officers say the victim surprised the bear after her cub had run up a nearby tree. Other joggers helped her until emergency crews arrived. She was airlifted to an Albuquerque hospital. Game and Fish and the National Park Service are warning people to stay away from the area. Officials are trying to find the bear to test it for rabies. 0? 2>;>A03>10B432><?0=H A4;40B4BF8=45>A20CB Colorado company is looking to help cat owners enjoy the experience of sharing a glass of wine with their pets. The non-alcoholic, beet-based cat wine was developed specifically for cats by Denver-based Apollo Peak. Cats can enjoy the company’s products in two varieties, including the red Pinot Meow and white Moscato. “All of our cat wine products have a proprietary blend that includes all-natural organically grown catnip, fresh beets and natural preservatives to help hold the taste and colour,” the company says on its website. “We believe in natural ingredients for our particularly classy feline friends.” While the lack of alcohol ensures that cats won’t get drunk from drinking Apollo Peak’s wine, the products do contain organic cat- A nip, which can produce a kind of drunken reaction. “Depending on how much they drink — the effects will vary,” the company says. When cats smell catnip, they tend to get funny, move around and play a lot. The exact opposite occurs when they ingest catnip. They normally will become more “mellowed” out when they drink the wine, so it might actually help for restless nights. D?8 4=6;8B750A<4AA024B?86BC> ?A4382C4DA454A4=3D<E>C4 orget the opinion polls and betting F odds, one English farmer has his own way of predicting the outcome of Britain’s looming referendum on whether to stay in the European Union or leave — racing his miniature pigs. The pigs of Pennywell Farm in Devon successfully predicted the outcome of Britain’s national election last year and are again fighting it out on the track in some political racing that rival the “Remain” and “Leave” sides’ own campaign battles. PM David Cameron is leading the “In” campaign and former London Mayor Boris Johnson, also from the ruling Conservative Party, is urging Britons to vote “Out” in the June 23 referendum. As the latest polls show growing momentum for the “Leave” camp, the farm in southwest England is putting four pigs to the test each afternoon on a 137-m-long course, with both sides represented. Racing for the “Remain” camp are ‘David Hameron’ and ‘George Hogsborne’, a play on the name of Finance Minister George Osborne. For the “Leave” camp the racers are ‘Boar-is Johnson’ and ‘Iain Duncan Sniff ’, a reference to leading Eurosceptic and Conservative ex-Cabinet Minister Iain Duncan Smith. ATdcTab ³E8A68=1DAB0A84B´B274<4 AD;43D=2>=BC8CDC8>=0; controversial scheme offering university scholarships to young South A African women who remain virgins is unconstitutional, the Commission for Gender Equality ruled recently. The ‘maiden’s bursaries’ offered by a local Mayor sparked a nationwide debate in January, with critics slamming the scheme’s emphasis on virginity as outdated while traditionalists said it would help preserve African culture. The gender commission said the programme discriminated against women because male students were not subjected to the same tests. “Any funding by an organ of state based on a woman’s sexuality perpetuates patriarchy and inequality in South Africa,” it said in a statement. “It is not the cultural practice that is the problem here; it is the allocation of state funds on the basis of girls’ sexuality that violates the constitutional protection to equality, dignity and privacy,” said Sanja Bornman, an attorney with Lawyers for Human Rights. Recipients of the scholarships were required to undergo virginity testing each time they returned home for holidays. ATdcTab ?4=C06>=7>=>DAB702:4AB 5>A4G?>B8=68CB>=;8=45;0FB n 18-year-old high Aoneschool graduate was of two people sin- gled out by the Pentagon for hacking into its website and Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said he was thankful to them. Carter met the teen, David Dworken, and another hacker, Craig Arendt, the two who identified the highest number of potential vulnerabilities in several Defense Department websites, including its main one, The hackers were participating in the Pentagon’s first “bug bounty,” where it asked those with hacking capabilities to investigate five public websites and identify potential lapses in security where a nefarious hacker could do damage. D?8 ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U OLENEPQ=HEPU 7>FC>58=306>>3B?>DB4. C7414BCB8=6;4F0H8BC> 34B4AE406>>3B?>DB4 ¯270A;4BC<D=64A >Ug4U\XY:e^U"&" !& 5^aPbdRRTbbUd[aT[PcX^]bWX_XcXb X\_^acP]cc^T]bdaTcWPcTeTahi^]T X]cWTW^dbTXbQP[P]RTSPb_TaEPbcd bRXT]RTfaXcTb :7DB7344?10=B0; 78334=B>D;B ?A0<>3?0C70: 2aTPcX]VP WP__hf^aZ_[PRT C5<695C31> 31EC5GB9>;<5C*4?3C Ta\Pc^[^VXbcb]^fQT[XTeT 3cWPcaTVd[Pa[hTg_^bX]VcWT UPRTc^cWT[XVWcP]ST[TRca^ \PV]TcXRaPSXPcX^]Ua^\ b\Pac_W^]TbRP]SP\PVTcWT bZX]b_TTSX]Vd_PVTX]VP]S _a^\^cX]VfaX]Z[Tb3^Rc^ab TeT]R[PX\cWThRP]cT[[fWXRW WP]SP_Tab^]W^[SbcWTXa _W^]TX]YdbcQh[^^ZX]VPc fWXRWbXST^UcWTUPRTXb\^bc SP\PVTS°H^dbcPacc^bTT Sd[[SXach[^^ZX]VcTgcdaTcWPc h^dRP]]^cXST]cXUh^]^]T bXST^UcWTUPRT±B_TPZX]V PWTPS^UcWT50245PRXP[ 0TbcWTcXR2^]UTaT]RTP]S 4gWXQXcX^]X];^]S^]3a BX\^]I^PZTX<TSXRP[ 3XaTRc^a^UcWT;X]XPBZX] 2[X]XRX]7Pa[ThBcaTTcbPXS) °CW^bTfW^cPZTP[^c^UbT[U XTbP]SQ[^VVTabbW^d[S f^aah4eT]cWTQ[dT[XVWcfT VTcUa^\^dabRaTT]bRP] SP\PVT^dabZX]8cWX]ZcWTaT XbPVP_X]cWT\PaZTcU^a _a^SdRcbfWXRW_a^cTRc QTRPdbT8Z]^fcWTaTPaT_T^ _[TfW^cPZT[^cb^UbT[UXTb P]SQ[^VVTabfW^R^\Tc^ \TP]S8WPeTbTT]cWPccWTaT XbSP\PVTcWTaTP]ScWTaT PVTX]VcPZX]V_[PRT8c³bPSXU UTaT]cfPeT[T]VcW^UaPSXPcX^] b^bd]bRaTT]f^]³cQ[^RZXc± 1@<1>D21C54 495D3?E<485<@49125D93C ^]bd\X]VWXVW`dP[Xch 2_[P]cQPbTSSXTcbdRWPb fW^[TVaPX]bUadXcbeTV TcPQ[Tb]dcbbTTSbP]S [TVd\TbRP]bdQbcP]cXP[[h [^fTacWTaXbZ^USTeT[^_ X]VCh_T!SXPQTcTbbPhbP ]TfbcdSh[TSQhP] 8]SXP]^aXVX]bRXT]cXbc 0\QXZPBPcXYP_a^UTbb^aPc cWT7PaePaSC72WP] BRW^^[^U?dQ[XR7TP[cWX] 1^bc^]CWTUX]SX]Vb bW^fTScWPcTPcX]VP WTP[cWheTabX^]^UbdRW SXTcfPb[X]ZTSfXcWP"# _TaRT]c[^fTaSXPQTcTb aXbZfWX[TP[TbbWTP[cWh eTabX^]¯X]R[dSX]VU^^Sb bdRWPbaTUX]TSVaPX]bP]S _^cPc^Tb¯fPb[X]ZTS fXcWP %_TaRT]c X]RaTPbTSaXbZBdRWSXTcb PaTWXVWX]UXQaTP]cX^gX SP]cbd]bPcdaPcTSUPcch PRXSbP]S\XRa^]dcaXT]cb bdRWPb\PV]TbXd\P]S PaT[^fX]bPcdaPcTSUPc ?25C9DI31> 25@1CC54?>F914>1 W ome is where your heart is. Or probably, where you intend to keep it. With home, you attach a number of desires and wishes that you want to be fulfilled in this lifetime. It is not merely a hearsay that you desire peace, happiness and a lot of love from your home. In fact, you want to be in the best of state at your home where you are cohabiting with your spouse, partner or where you intend to share cordial relationships with other members in the family. Although people have awakened to the importance of Vastu Shastra much later than to that of astrology, yoga, tantra and ayurveda; yet it is a fruitful deviation. Today, people are using the science of Vastu to ensure that they have a blissful and happy married life. There are a set of guidelines, both proven and scientific, that ensure that couples remain married and in harmony with one another and their surroundings. A recent marriage or years of togetherness may strain or wear out the charm over a period of time. There could be a sudden jolt or a nagging issue that can lead to deeper troubles in the future. Either or both the partners may have already used conversation, family advice and even counselling to a great extent, but the end results have been futile or unconvincing at the least. This is exactly where the remedies and science of Vastu Shastra comes into the picture. F clutter. It is important to avoid adding a dustbin or waste area or dumping old articles in this zone. It is also important to avoid using red and pink colour in this zone. Mirror or dressing table in the South-East zone of the house may result in bad consequences such as accidents or injuries to the inhabitants. Similarly, placing them in the South-West also negatively impacts your marriage. Toilet should be in SSW, WNW or in ESE. H ;>E48=<0AA8064 Vastu Shastra is no trick or recipe to create magic out of thin air. It is a study or the science of the effects of directions of a built-up space on the lives of the occupants or co-inhabitants of that space. Today, you can co-relate this age-old jewel of authentic Indian architectural science ^\T]fW^PaT^QTbT P]STPcWXVWUPcWXVW bdVPaSXTcbRP]RPdbT\d[ cX_[TVT]TaPcX^]bc^STeT[^_ \TcPQ^[XR_a^Q[T\bTeT]XU cWT^UUb_aX]VR^]bd\T WTP[cWhSXTcbP]TfbcdSh WPbU^d]SFWX[T^cWTa bcdSXTbWPeT[X]ZTSP f^\P]³bWTP[cWX]_aTV]P] Rhc^WTaRWX[S³bfTXVWc [PcTaX][XUTP\^dbTbcdSh PcFPbWX]Vc^]D]XeTabXchXb cWTUXabcc^X]SXRPcTcWPc TeT]QTU^aTQTR^\X]V _aTV]P]cPf^\P]³b^QTbX chRP]RPdbTVT]TcXRPQ]^a \P[XcXTbcWPcbdQbT`dT]c[h PaT_PbbTScWa^dVWcWT UT\P[TQ[^^S[X]Tc^Pc[TPbc cWaTTVT]TaPcX^]bCWXb X]RaTPbTbcWTaXbZ^U^QTbX chaT[PcTSR^]SXcX^]b°>da UX]SX]VbX]SXRPcTcWPcP \^cWTa³b^QTbXchRP]X\_PXa cWTWTP[cW^U[PcTaVT]TaP cX^]b±bPXS:T[[T7<^[Th _a^UTbb^aPccWTFPbWX]Vc^] D]XeTabXchCWTaTbTPaRW bW^fbcWPcP\^cWTa³b^QT bXch¯P]SXcbPbb^RXPcTS \TcPQ^[XR_a^Q[T\b¯RP] QTX]WTaXcTScWa^dVW\Xc^ RW^]SaXP[3=0_aTbT]cX] cWTd]UTacX[XbTSTVV hen work is duty, life is slavery; when work is pleasure, life is joy.” These famous words of thinker, writer Maxim Gorky more than sum up the need for reinventing the present-day workplace. The fast-paced modern society has demolished many a beliefs about the workplace, created many and distorted some. Not that the workplace has not changed. It has changed and changed significantly. There is more speed, more technology and much more greed leading to astronomically high productivity. However, whether all is well or not is a question that needs to be answered? Apparently yes. Salaries are shooting through the roof. Technology is providing a lot of leisure and there is significantly high output. The simplest assumption is that it is a win-win. The management and the employees, the shareholder and the vendors, everyone is gaining. Materially it seems to be a highly viable model. But is this sustainable also? Though it will not be easy to conclude, yet given the various indications that can be noted about the state of the affairs of the workplace, we may be inclined to believe that all is not well. The frequent complaints about work-life balance, the rising number of workplace stress victims, the increase in the number of burnout cases are all suggestive that the workplace is not as hunky dory as it is made out to be. Managements complain about the attrition rates, employees complain about a menace called 24x7x365. None is at peace. This cannot be sustainable. What is missing in all this seemingly colorful façade of the workplace is the realisation about the basic nature of the workforce. The workplace has changed. So has the mix and the appearance of the workforce. But the essence of the highly diverse workplace of today still remains the same. At the periphery, the members do appear to be technology-driven robots who are wired to the many variations of networks and dance at the click of the mouse. But in the core they remain emotional beings, who feel, think and who are moved more by connectivity of the head and the heart rather than the various programming languages that are developed to control their behaviour. It needs to be understood that merely a good pay and pleasant work environment may not necessarily make them productive. Productivity depends upon the internal state of mind. The most important attribute determining productivity is the happiness of the employees. To make the workplace productive there is a need to think beyond the ritual and awaken the spiritual, the inner happiness of the employees. A happy worker is a productive worker if he perceives that happiness arises from the workplace. It becomes extremely important for the managers to create a happy workplace. Happiness is contagious and happiness makes the workplace productive. Happy people tend to be much more productive and creative. They are willing to walk the extra mile. They are less likely to take leaves and are considered to be healthier. How to do it? While models may not be easy to find, cues can be picked up from the leadership style of Herb Kelleher, the former CEO of South West Airlines. His philosophy was simple — “the employees come first”. Management thinker Kanter’s comment on Kelleher style is noteworthy: “Remarkable results are possible when employees are liberated to take charge of the rules and have fun on the job.’’ The key — look after your employees well. 10;0=28=64;4<4=CB and its relevance in solving the different mysteries of human life, desires, aspirations and wishes. For a beautiful marriage to survive the test of time, it is imperative to make a deep analysis of your home and the balance in its five different elements or Panchtattava: Water, air, fire, earth and space, and the 16 different directions or zones of Vastu. Any extent of imbalance in the elements and their respective zones can disrupt the harmony of a dwelling and even a workplace. Vastu offers a wide array of solutions that can be put to practice to ensure that the fine balance between the elements is restored. It is through these remedies and balancing acts (also referred as space programming by the Vastu Expert, MahaVastu) that there is synergy and symmetry in the energies and balance is established with objects and materials within a living space. ?08A>5;>E418A3B C74F4338=6 ?7>C>6A0?720= 147D=6>=C74 F0;;>A?;0243 >=C74143B834 C01;48=C74 B>DC7F4BC I>=4>5 A4;0C8>=B78?B C>4=BDA4C70C D=34ABC0=38=6 20A40=3 A4B?42CA4<08= 8=C02C8=C74 <0AA8064 One of the highly recommended MahaVastu remedies, based on Vastu Shastra, for resolving marital discord is a pair of love birds. When placed in the South-West Zone of relationships, skills and marriage, the symbol of love helps you experience the hen we refuse to take responsibility of what we should, we suffer. The following examples will bring out this fact in some detail. I will start with the masses who flock to gurus with the hope that such persons can solve all their problems. Yes, gurus can be helpful in guiding, but the effort has to be ours. What is the scriptural injunction? The Bhagavad Gita guides, “Know that from the real knowers of truth by honouring them, properly enquiring from them and serving them. By approaching them thus they shall give you wisdom.” (4.34) They will give you wisdom but we have to implement it. When we don’t do it, the original problem/problems remain and we have a false hope. The next example is similar. A rich man has some pressing problem. He looks for an easy solution; he consults his favourite astrologer/palmist/panditji, who suggests some solution like chanting a particular mantra so many times. What does this rich man do? He entrusts this job of chanting to a panditji. Who benefits? Panditji mostly if he has chanted properly. The rich man has false hope of getting his problem fully solved. The third example is of a good percentage of Indian husbands, who leave the responsibility of their children to W true meaning of love. It is one of the proven Vastu techniques to strengthen love and bonding in marriage. In case there is a newlywed couple, this remedy helps in forging a loving relationship and lifelong bonding between the husband and wife. 5>A0;854;>=6D=8>= The wedding photograph is the reminder of love and companionship in your relationship. It can be hung on the wall or placed on the bedside table in the South-West zone of relationships to ensure that the understanding, care and respect remain intact in the marriage. Marriage photos should not be placed in SSW, WNW, and ESE zones. It is recommended to use lighter shades on the walls as well as drapes, curtains and bedsheets in the bedroom of a married couple. Kitchen or toilet in the South-West can disrupt the chords in marriage. Use a Vastu remedy such as a coloured stone under the fire source/stove in the kitchen or a similar colour remedy to block the negative effects of toilet in the South-West zone of relationships. North of North-West (NNW) is the zone of attraction and sex, hence it should be activated and free of any For a successful marriage, it is important to exercise balance in other aspects of your life as well. Monetary gains, intellectual satisfaction, joy and fulfillment, health and immunity, peace and understanding are some of the many factors that influence marriage or any other relationship. The restoration of harmony in these areas can be achieved through the balance in their respective zones of Vastu and the five major elements or the Panchtattava as discussed earlier. For a successful relationship and to build the protective wall of trust and respect around your marriage, it is important to ensure that each and every zone (including the South-West zone of relationships that has already been balanced) is also balanced as per the Vastu science. The use of the right colour, the appropriate metal and other materials symbolic to that zone need to be balanced using the scientific approach of Vastu. The crux of Vastu Shastra lies in the alignment of the geometric axis of the earth with the structural axis of a property or a living space. The stronger the alignment, more favourable will be your attribute (relationships, education, skills, health etc) in that zone. CWTfaXcTaXbcWTU^d]STa^U <PWPEPbcdP]SP]PdcW^a ,WLV\RXUSUREOHP 1TR^\TPSTe^cTT^U6^SbdaaT]STac^WX\R^\_[TcT[hP]S]^ _a^Q[T\fX[[QTX]bda\^d]cPQ[TfaXcTb098C:D<0A18B7=>8 their wives. Mothers do take such responsibility, but what about the father’s contribution? As no one can be perfect, the mother is likely to err sometimes. Then what happens? The whole family has a problem. Similarly, many parents appoint tutors to oversee the studies of their wards and then forget about it. What happens in most cases? The results are not at all satisfactory because tutors also need to be supervised. The fifth and sixth examples are of how we misuse water and electricity. When the water supply is abundant, taps run full and many times unnecessarily. What happens? We may exhaust the sources sooner than rains etc can replenish them. Then we are stuck. Same is the story with electricity. The affluent class uses electricity as if using more of it is better. At some point, they face load shedding. Then we go to our surroundings. How many bother to keep it clean? How many are cognisant of not polluting our rivers, including the holy ones? How about not polluting the atmosphere by burning leaves, etc? Why do we avoid voting and allow wrong persons to get elected? These all become our problems in time and we pay a price. Astonishingly, most of us have solutions for the problems of others. Our topics revolve around those only. However, these are limited to give advice if someone affected cares to listen to us. Others have to solve their problems, and we have to solve ours. Don’t we have a lot of stake in solving our problems? CWTfaXcTaXbP_a^UTbb^a^U\P]PVT\T]cP]S_dQ[XR b_TPZTa7TRP]QTaTPRWTSPc__PcWPZXb\/V\PX[R^\ Unfortunately, a modern man has learnt new tricks to deal with personal problems. Painkillers like Opioid are fast gaining acceptance. In one TV programme, they presented a person who consumed an astronomical number of Opioids and somehow survived. Some others don’t. How did this person’s problem get solved? Why was it not attempted to be solved earlier? How long are we going to escape facing our problems and not become real problems ourselves? There is an explanation for this. Sometimes, we feel the problem is too big to solve and we must now retreat to the world of drinks, drugs, etc. Fortunately, no problem is too big if we do what Arjuna did in the Bhagavad Gita. Pandavas were faced with unconquerable Bhishmadeva, Dronacharya and Karna. What did Arjuna do? He took shelter of the Almighty. And then what happened? Lord Krishna used Arjuna as an instrument and won the war for the Pandavas. (11.33) This is what we need to do too. Become a devotee of God (18.65), totally surrendered to him and him alone (18.66) and no problem will be insurmountable (18.58), and we will never become problems ourselves. But remember, we have to do our part first. 1XbW]^XXbPb_XaXcdP[faXcTaP]SRP]QT aTPRWTSPcb_XaXcdP[/PYXcQXbW]^XR^\ ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U P=NKP C74A4³B=>F74A4H>D 20=14C70C8B=³CF74A4 H>D³A4<40=CC>14 ¯9>7=;4==>= >Ug4U\XY:e^U"&" !& H>DA F44: 07403 <037D:>C8H0 2C:6D <PaRW! =6@ 9d[h!"0dVdbc!! D28:EE2C:FD=^e!"3TR! 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( 5TQ ' <PSWd:^cXhPXbPcPa^cRPaSaTPSTab_XaXcdP[WTP[TaP]S5^d]STa<BWTiPX\8]bcXcdcT^UCPa^c3XeX]PcX^]2^]cPRcSTcPX[b)\PSWd/X]SXPcPa^cR^\fffX]SXPcPa^cR^\<)('&"!'""" 0BCA>BC@4 170A0C17DB70=?03<034> e have so far discussed in detail about the dynamics of mind in our previous issues and also the need to remain conscious about its orderly functioning. It is time now to see in practical terms how a disorderly mind could invite long drawn pains and sufferings in life. The other day a distressed lady, not knowing how to come out of her traumatic situation, came seeking guidance. Her opening question was: “What wrong have I done for the ordeal I have gone through for almost a decade now? I have been subjected to continued abuse, physically, mentally, emotionally and otherwise. I am totally drained out, my confidence is shattered. My mind seems to have lost its balance, and have lost all hope in life. I am just pulling on my life for my children. And shall I be able to come out of this marriage?” Well, if you don’t remain true to yourself, nobody can help you. Human being is empowered to guide one’s action by choice and discrimination. By ignoring your discriminating abilities, impulsively you made a wrong choice on instinctive judgment. Evidently, you had to bear with the consequences thereof. As would happen to any budding W 8QPLQGIXOOLYLQJOHDGVWRSDLQ young girl, you too nursed fanciful dreamy perception about your prospective mate. Befitting your expectations, the first flamboyant handsome young man you chanced upon, you blindly went after him. And when you saw that the guy spent lavishly on you, drove you in swanky car, and lived in a posh locality, you thought he was resourceful enough to take good care of you. In awe of his seeming realities, you never cared to do a reality check on his true nature. You did not pay attention to elders’ counsel for buying some time so that you were able to know the man in and out. And you rushed through marriage. The truth about his true-self dawned upon you only after settling down in marriage, but by then it was too late. Your astrological pointers speak loud of why you conducted yourself as above. But no knowledge of astrology was needed to explore man’s true nature. You just had to buy time and watch him closely. Marital separation or not, is exclusively your prerogative. But before you take the call, you need to get over your present mental predicament and rebuild yourself afresh. Otherwise, you may not be able to take a reasoned stand. Second, you may not be able to articulate your actions well. Third, you may not be able to withstand the challenges coming your way in the process. So, work upon yourself by following the process suggested. Let us now look at her astrological pointers. The Sun is locked in adverse formation to Jupiter. It speaks of her swaggering ego with a closed mind, stuck to her self-beliefs. She may not take advice and counsel of elders kindly. Both the luminaries, the Sun and Moon lock horns with mischievous Neptune. The obvious implication is that she would be stuck to her fanciful dream perceptions, often distanced from ground realities. Bound by her self-delusions, she would not acknowledge truth on its first appearance, and ignore it till pushed to the wall. Moon, ill-disposed off to Uranus, makes her erratic. Mars and Mercury close by, makes her irritable and restless, and which accounts for her distracted attention. In a fit of anger, she may lose her sense of reasoning and control. Saturn placed adverse to Ketu, would not allow her to take on challenges coming her way head on. She may rather try to find an easy escape route. Consequently, her problems get dragged on for long. All put together made her vulnerable to act unmindfully in life. Turning to her husband’s chart, Rahu placed in his 3rd house identified with basal instincts, implies that he would be mean-minded person. Also, he would be in a bad company. Neptune in the 4th house, crossing path with Mars, implies in the first place, speaks of bad parentage. Second, he would be suffering from inferiority complex. Third, he may have violent temperament, and may often ill-treat others, particularly the near and dear ones. Moon placed adverse with Mercury as well as erratic Rahu, speaks of his weird mind-set, unpredictable mood swings, fuzzy thinking, insensible reasoning and judgment. The Sun placed adverse to Venus, read together with Moon ill-disposed off to Jupiter, speaks of his volatile emotionality and his self-indulgences. The result is there to see. I wish, she sincerely follows the advice offered, and soon she would feel empowered enough to conduct prudently. 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