February 27th Edition
The Paper Our Town, Our Paper! Laur ens, Iowa Vol. 6 No. 48 www.thepapernow.com February 27, 2013 Local News Congratulations to the LaurensMarathon Individual Speech Team! The Paper Celebrates! Join us at the Saloon March 2! It’s hard to believe that it has been 5 years since we celebrated the completion of The Paper’s first year in business, and it’s even more difficult to understand how I can possibly be turning 55 in just a couple of days. And yet, it has been five years since we hosted a birthday party at Rumors Pub! I’d like to invite each and every one of you to help us celebrate again this Saturday, March 2nd at The Silver Dollar Saloon. Once again we’ve got the Erik Hovey band on tap, providing original blues throughout the evening. I have to say that I have really enjoyed the Silver Dollar Saloon’s weekly live entertainment and I was very happy that they jumped on board with our choice of Erik Hovey for the party. Live blues in your hometown saloon—that’s a treat! Looking back on the past five years, I would have to say that I have been so very happy with the participation that we’ve seen from all of you. I wasn’t so sure, when we first started, that the idea of user-generated content would catch on. But it has, and we’re all enjoying everything that you’ve had to offer. Everything from articles about your travels and entertainment to The Laurens-Marathon Individual Speech Team traveled to Algona on Saturday, February 23, to participate in the IHSSA District Speech Contest that was held at Bishop-Garrigan High School. The team had 20 entries, and received 16 Division I ratings and 4 Division II ratings. Each Division I rating will advance to the State Speech Contest to be held in Algona, on March 9. The team is coached by Nancy and Ken Kunickis and assisted by Connie Dallenbach and Judy Boettcher. Back Row: Rachel Potter, Will Cleveland, Courtney Post, Connie Dallenbach, Brittany Jones, Tiffani Reese, Nancy Kunickis and Ken Kunickis. Front Row: Addy Boettcher, Becca Hubbard, Emily Walker, Speech Gnome, Kristen Alstott, Ciri Gunnarson, and Logan Sampers. ...continued to page 2... Biggest Little Paper In Town! © Copyright My Laurens, Inc., 2010 All Rights Reserved. 1 Local News & Advertising Join Us! Please help us celebrate The Paper's 5th year in business and the Publisher, Rod's 55th birthday! We are celebrating at the Silver Dollar Saloon on Saturday, March 2nd. There will be cake and refreshments starting at 7 p.m. Live Blues with The Erick Hovey Band will begin at 8 p.m. until 12 p.m. We hope that you will come and join us in celebrating these two milestones! See You March 2 ! nd The Paper Our Town, Our Paper! Our Town Our Paper! ...continued from page 1... school activities, sports, wine, cooking—you name it. Right down to Sheldon’s review of the concession popcorn in the various sports venues around the conference, The Paper is always full of interesting articles—thanks to you! We’ve been very fortunate to have such a great group of subscribers. I’d also like to thank Amanda Tendal for all of the hard work that she puts into each weekly issue of The Paper. Amanda has been such a big part of The Paper’s success! And, I should mention Jean Murray, too—Jean does the final proofreading each week, and does her best to make you, our writers/submitters, look your very best! Ashley Bortscheller also does some proofreading and, on occasion, helps to publish in Amanda’s absence. Now and then, Anita will do the weekly proofread—with the red pen!! We have a great group working on The Paper each week and I hope that you appreciate them as much as I do! We very much appreciate all of you who do advertise with us and we hope that your advertising has been a benefit to your business or organization. I can’t think of a better place to advertise locally than in the weekly edition of The Paper—full color ads, hyperlinks and over 3,600 subscribers! Thank you to all of our advertisers!! Hey, we’ve done our job in holding the line on the subscription cost—the Paper is just as free today as it was the day we started! I haven’t been writing as much for The Paper as I should. Perhaps that’s a good thing for some of our readers! I sort of miss writing something every couple of weeks as I used to, but the Mayor thing seems to take quite a bit of my time these days. I guess if someone were to try to get rid of our stoplights, I’d be ready to go at it again! I hope that you will make it a point to stop by the Saloon on Saturday and join in the fun. I look forward to seeing you there and to another great party celebrating The Paper’s continued success (and my 55th)! 2 Local News & Advertising Students Attend Barbershop Festival On Tuesday, February 12, thirteen L-M students went to the Youth In Harmony Barbershop Festival at Humboldt High School. Students worked with two professional barbershop quartets for the afternoon and then performed that evening. Additional performers included the Harmony Brigade Chorus from Fort Dodge, and the barbershop chorus from Algona. The entire festival, including food, was sponsored by the Fort Dodge Harmony Brigade. Students who attended were: Nick Zurek, Priscilla Hughs, Addison Tate, Tiffani Reese, Logan Sampers, Hailey Wiseman, Taylor Kunte, Addy Boettcher, Courtney Post, Rachel Wood, Ciri Gunnarson, Kristen Alstott, and Becca Hubbard (not pictured). help wanted: Due to a retirement, a position in the maintenance department has become available at approximately 32+ hrs per week, at Pleasant View Home in Albert City. The person selected will be responsible for preventative maintenance, minor repairs, budgeting and supplies and other duties that may be assigned by the Administrator. Maintenance person will frequently be called upon to perform duties involving twisting, bending, crawling, squatting, kneeling, and crouching. Outside work in both winter and summer will be required. Back ground check will be required as well as a physical. Stop by Pleasant View Home office and pickup an application. Applications will be accepted until Friday, March 8, 2013. For further details, please contact Beverly Mericle, Administrator, at 712-843-2237. Biggest Little Paper In Town! World Day of Prayer Observance The World Day of Prayer worship service will be held Friday, March 1 at 2:00 p.m. at the Laurens United Methodist Church. This local ecumenical celebration of prayer and action is sponsored by the women of the Laurens churches. The theme is “I Was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me”. The service was written by the women of France. Everyone is welcome to attend the service and join men and women throughout the world in prayer and song to support ecumenical efforts toward justice, peace, healing and wholeness. The annual offering supports the work of World Day of Prayer USA and helps meet the needs of families around the world who are victims of many forms of poverty, violence and injustice. 3 Local News & Announcements Local & School Calendar Feb. 28 - Grades PreK-11th LifeTouch Spring Portraits at 8:30 a.m.; Girls State Basketball in Des Moines. Laurens Kiwanis Club Presents... tom steinkoenig's "sentimental swing" 10-piece big band March 1 - Professional Development, no classes today; JH Wrestling with Manson/NW Webster at Manson at 4:00 p.m.; 2013 All Iowa Drill Team; Girls State Basketball in Des Moines; Boys Sub-State Basketball. featuring vocalist Bob Fields (Frank Sinatra sound-alike) and "Silk Stockings” vocal trio March 2 - 7th & 8th Grade Girls & Boys L-M Booster Club Basketball Tournament at Laurens at 8:00 a.m.; High School Show Choir Festival at Emmetsburg; District FFA at Sioux Rapids; Girls State Basketball in Des Moines; Boys Sub-State Basketball. Request your favorite songs. Free dance lessons at 6 p.m. by Harold Olesen, Instructor. Dust off your dancing shoes or come to listen and tap your toes. March 4 - Boys State Basketball begins in Des Moines; Laurens City Council will meet at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall; Curbside Recycling-be sure to have your recyclables to the curb early. March 5 - Middle School Solo/ Ensemble Contest at Laurens at 4:30 p.m.; Boys State Basketball in Des Moines. March 6 - SINA Parent Meeting-Dr. Seuss’ Reading Party from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.; Boys State Basketball in Des Moines. March 11, 2013 from 7 to 9 p.m. Adults - $7.50 Students - $5, Pre-school & Under - Free Laurens-Marathon School Old Gym Help Support Local Community Projects. For more info, contact Dale Frantz at (712) 841-2376. Tickets available from any Kiwanis member or at the door! March 7 - FFA Ag Appreciation Breakfast at 6:30 a.m. in the Vo Ag Shop; FFA Member Auction at 7:30 a.m.; 11th Grade ASVAB Testing from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Media Center; Swing Show Dress Rehearsal at 3:30 p.m.; Boys State Basketball in Des Moines. Our Town Our Paper! 4 Local News & Advertising Chad Elliott to Perform at Fonda Arts Center Chad Elliott, a multi-talented artist, brings his music and his art to the Fonda Arts Center stage in a performance Sunday evening, March 3rd. Joining Chad in his blend of roots, blues and folk music is singer, Bonita Crowe, co-owner of The Grape Vine in Clive. Averaging well over 100 shows per year, this Coon Rapids resident is recognized from coast to coast and north to south for his award winning original songs and audience appeal. On display will be Chad’s art, which like his music, reflects his earthy intonations and carry a feeling of “finding place without placement and home where no house stands”. Doubling as a release party for his latest CD, this is sure to be an evening to remember. Doors open at 6:30, with the music starting at 7:00. Donations for this event can be made at the door. Complimentary food and drink will be provided by the Fonda Arts Center, 4th and Main streets in Fonda. For additional information call 712-830-3833 Biggest Little Paper In Town! 304 E Veterans Road | Laurens, IA 50554 | 712-845-4915 Do you want to be part of a winning team? We are looking for the following positions to be filled by a positive, hard working person that enjoys helping others. Come join our winning team, and experience what comfort, care, and compassion can do for you!! The following positions are available: PT Registered Nurse PT CNA Activity Volunteer 4 – 530pm EOE Downtown Laurens, Iowa 712-841-6986 Hours: Mon.-Fri. opening @ 2:00 p.m. Sat.- opening @ 10:00 a.m. Sun. - opening @ noon *5$1'23(1,1* /,9((17(57$,10(17 6$785'$<0$5&+ 6DWXUGD\M$18$5< (5,&+29(<%$1' 3072$0 help wanted: Lodge Inn Laurens is seeking immediate addition to cleaning staff for second story suites. Applicant must be detail oriented and have flexible schedule to include weekends and holidays. Duties include comprehensive cleaning skills plus some on-site laundry. Hours are dependent on guest registration. Applicant could blend this position with another part time position. Mail resume and references to: 102 N 3rd St. Laurens, IA 50554 5 Announcements & Advertising Mr. & Mrs. Tyler Schadegg Erica Teague and Tyler Schadegg, both of Clare, were married Oct. 20, 2012, at St. Matthew’s Catholic Church, in Clare with the reception at the Clare Community Center. Parents of the couple are Steve Teague, Laurens; Lisa Teague, Laurens; and Cynthia Schadegg, of Fort Dodge. Matron of honor was Sara Teff, Fort Dodge. Best man was Chris Fowler, Farnhamville. Bridesmaids were Talena Borer, Humboldt; Sara Kirsch, West Des Moines; Ariel Alstott, Des Moines; and Pocahontas Catholic School Dinner & Auction Fundraiser Sat., March 9th Pocahontas Expo 5:00 p.m. Dinner and Social 7:00 p.m. Live Auction $45 per person For More Information Contact: Mike Peterson 712.358.3027 Amanda Allen 712.358.3244 Check Out Our Facebook Page! Sarah Butterfield, Badger. Groomsmen were Cameron Bristow, Mt. Prospect, Ill.; Matthew Seehusen, St. Peter, Minn.; Matthew McCubbin, Fort Dodge; and Jay Grimes, Ankeny. Flower girls were Anna and Alayna Borer, Humboldt. Ring bearers were Gauge Johnson, Pocahontas; and Heath Anderson, Waukee. The bride is a graduate of Iowa Central Community College. She is an advertising consultant for Consumer News, in Fort Dodge. The groom is also a graduate of Iowa Central Community College and is the IT administrator at Community & Family Resources, in Fort Dodge Photograph by Kristin Zehner Photography. Raffle Items: iPad Mini Weber Grill and $1,000 Cash $20 for 1 Ticket $50 for 3 Tickets $150 for 10 Tickets United Methodist Men’s Annual Soup Supper Need not be present to win! Plus We Are Giving Away $100 to Five Lucky Peo ple! Thursday, March 7th 4:30 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. at Laurens United Methodist Church Serving Chicken Noodle Soup & Chili, Pie/Dessert & Drink D! R O W E H IS T Adults-$5.00 Children 12 & under-$2.50 If you are unable to attend and would like to donate to this event, please contact the Pocahontas Catholic School at 712.335.3603. Our Town Our Paper! 6 Sports News LM Jr. High Wrestlers Traveled to Gilmore City On February 19, 2013 , the Laurens-Marathon JH Wrestlers traveled to Gilmore City to wrestle in a meet. Schools included in this meet were Laurens-Marathon, Manson Northwest Webster, Prairie Valley, Pocahontas Area Community, South Central Calhoun, Southeast Webster/Grand, and Gilmore City-Bradgate/West Bend-Mallard. The team finished with a record of 6W-6L. Ricky Unger started the night with a pin, in :51. He wrestled Jordan Marlins of MNW. In his second match, he got pinned by Colton Klingston in 2:50. Gunnar Arends had another win-lose meet. In his first match against Clayton Reis of Pocahontas Area, he lost by fall in 2:48. In his next match, against Brock Bobinet, also of Pocahontas Area he won 12-4. Jason Wood had two wins this meet. He wrestled Wesley Clausen (SEW), and Garret Bales (SEW), pinning both of them. Jason pinned Wesley in 1:20 and Garret in :48. Mike Mahorney wrestled Matt Kopriva of PAC, and lost by fall in 2:40. In Mike's second match he wrestled Creigton Stauffer of PAC, and lost 4-13. Brandon Beyer took home a win and a loss. In his first match he wrestled Tristian Troutwine, (SEW) and won by fall 2:34. Next he wrestled Lee Fishbaugh (SEW) and lost 8-13. Noah Anderson had a one win/one loss meet including his first loss of the season. In his first match Noah wrestled Logan Fonken from SCC winning by fall in 1:28. Next Noah took on Kaleb Simacek (MNW) losing by fall in 2:27. Good Job Boys! The Chargers will next compete on 2/22 in Early. Meet starts at 4:00. Front L-R Gunnar Arends, Noah Anderson, Jason Wood and Ricky Unger. Back L-R Kacie Cox (Mngr), Brandon Beyer, Mike Mahorney and Braden Ehn (Mngr). Biggest Little Paper In Town! 7 Local News & Advertising At the Library with Glenda Mulder February 27, 2013 Ah, I’m feeling so much better this week! That cold really nailed me. I thought my voice was back to normal too, but yesterday one of my younger patrons said, “Why is your voice so much darker than it usually is?” Don’t you love that? Guess that’s going to take another day or two. New fiction this week includes: Alex Cross Run by James Patterson, Ghostman by Roger Hobbs, Calling Me Home by Julie Kibler, Lake People by Abi Maxwell, Lady Most Willing by Julia Quinn, Kashmir Shawl by Rosie Thomas and Touch and Go by Lisa Gardner. In nonfiction we’ve updated about a dozen books, mostly in the medical section, but a few in the natural sciences too. These were added in memory of Joyce Siddall by her friends and family. Also new in nonfiction is Living with Honor by native Iowan Salvator Giunta, who was awarded the Medal of Honor for his service in Afghanistan. He is the first living recipient of this honor since the Vietnam War. OK, since Jorge Johnsen’s concert is getting closer, I better give you a few more details. Last year when he was still a Luther College student, Jorge was awarded a scholarship to study in St. Petersburg, Russia. One of the terms of this was that he share what he learned when he came back. Lucky us, he asked if he could have a piano concert/slide show. Well, you know what my answer was! Hope you can join us at 7 p.m. Friday, March 15th! When The Book Club read “The Tipping Point” in November there were references to the “Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood”. The author described how this book’s popularity with reading groups catapulted it to the top of national best seller lists. Many of our members had not read that book, so we decided it would make a good choice. Grab a copy & join the discussion on Monday, March 25th at 7 p.m. Stop at the Library & Check it Out! Every Monday that L-M has school @ 10 a.m. Tot Time March 15 - Jorge Johnsen St. Petersburg Recital March18 - 7 p.m. Writer’s Free for All (3rd Monday) March 21 - 10 a.m. Building Futures Play Group (3rd Thursday) March 25 - 7 p.m. The Book Club “Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood” (4th Monday) Decorative Painting Classes Here's an opportunity for kids (9 years and older) of the community to learn basic decorative painting techniques from a trained and experienced painter with over 30 years of expertise. Students will bring home a finished project after each class. Class sizes are limited and will be offered on Saturdays in Laurens. For more information and to Register: Call Mary Richards: 715-205-3302 Email: maresedoats01@yahoo.com Looking for interested participants. Class dates to be determined. Our Town Our Paper! We Have Something for Everyone! Inspired by a Facebook post by former Laurens resident, Carl Hersom, Librarian Glenda Mulder recently expanded the use of the Laurens Public Library to take full advantage of the architecture. This is proof that we certainly do have something for everyBODY at the Library! 8 Local News & Announcements Thank You The Laurens Lounge and Lanes, The Reservation and the Silver Dollar Saloon would like to thank the following business for their excellent door prizes for the 1st annual Pub Crawl! Heart & Home, Treasure Chest, Jack Links, RB Lumber, Hwy 10 Hardware, JH Design, Country Store, Cuts to Dye For, Connie’s Country Curl, Signature Home Styles - Angie Christenson, The Vintage Market, – Wendy Hopkins Designs - Wendy Hopkins The Vintage Market – The Gilded Paintbraesch – Becky Braesch, Hair Cuts and more on Hwy 4 – Pocahontas, Arlington Place – Pocahontas andDarrow Trucking Newell. Marathon Fire Department Pancake Breakfast Come Hungry, We Won’t Run Out! Sunday, March 10th Serving from: 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Serving pancakes, scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, sausage, bacon, french toast, Hashbrowns, coffee, juice and milk. Free Will Donation Summer Ball Registration Registration for the summer softball/ baseball program is this Sunday, March 3rd, from 2:00-4:00 PM, at the United Methodist Church. The registration and uniform form MUST be filled out and returned at this time. Registration Sunday March 3 2:00 - 4:00 United Methodist Church Swim Team is open to swimmers up to 18 years of age with Basic Swimming Skills. *Must be able to Front/Back float & Kick* Questions: Contact Coach Kayla Graff @ 450-2412 Early or Late Registration Contact Kelly tate @ 450-4396 Biggest Little Paper In Town! Be sure to “like” Laurens Swim Team on Facebook! 9 Announcements This photograph was NOT taken by Harry Reid on his old 35 mm black and white camera. Quilters to Meet Town and Country Quilters meeting will be held on Monday, March 4 at 7 P.M. at the Laurens United Methodist Church Bonnie Wood from Quilting on Main will have the program. New members always welcome, come join us. Kindergarten Roundup On Friday, March 8th, LaurensMarathon Community School will be holding Kindergarten Roundup for the 2013-2014 school year. Any child who is, or will be, 5 years old on or before September 15, 2013 is eligible for kindergarten. Students in the Laurens Early Childhood Program will have school on this day. Other potential kindergarten students for next year should report to the WEST wing of our school at 9:00 a.m. The children will be invited to spend some time in the kindergarten room. Along with group activities in the classroom, individuals will also have a vision screening. If your child is not in the Early Childhood Program, you may pick them up at 11:00 a.m. If you have a child who will be in kindergarten next year, and they are not attending the Laurens Early Childhood Program, please contact elementary secretary, Mary Kliegl, prior to March 8th to pick up a packet of preregistration materials. You must have a copy of your child’s birth certificate and immunization records. There will be an informational meeting for all parents on Thursday, March 7th, in the vocal room at 7 PM. Our Town Our Paper! Rod: Happy Birthday!! From Your “friends” in Washington! Hil B.H.O. J.B. Happy 55th Birthday, Rod! Love, Anita, Cole, Bryn, and Connor 10 Announcements & Advertising The Paper Published weekly by My Laurens, Inc. 112 Walnut St. Laurens, IA 50554 Phone: (712) 841-2684 Fax: (712) 841-4662 Website: www.thepapernow.com E-mail: publisher@mylaurens.com Publisher: Rodney Johnson Editor: Amanda Tendal Rights to Use Content: The Paper, its content, archived materials, and our websites, are provided solely for your personal, non-commercial use. The Paper, its content, our websites and all the materials available on our websites are the property of My Laurens, Inc., and are protected by applicable copyright, trademark, and intellectual property laws. You may download, print or transmit The Paper for your personal, non-commercial use. Any commercial use of copyrighted materials requires prior authorization from My Laurens, Inc. Unless explicitly authorized by My Laurens, Inc., you may not modify copy, create derivative works, reproduce, republish, transmit, sell, or distribute in any manner or medium (including by email or other electronic means) any material from The Paper or our websites for commercial purposes. You may not use The Paper or materials available on our websites, in a manner that constitutes an infringement of our intellectual property rights/copyrights or that has not been authorized by My Laurens, Inc. For information about requesting permission to reproduce or distribute materials from The Paper, please contact My Laurens, Inc. at (712) 841-2684 or publisher@mylaurens.com. Engagement Announced Brad and Carol Kocher of Farmington, Missouri are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Kelsey, to Dean Mather. Kelsey graduated from Farmington High School in 2006 and from Missouri Baptist University in 2010 with a BA in Worship Arts. She currently lives in Columbia, Missouri and works as a paraprofessional in the Columbia School District. Dean is the son of Bill and Kristy Mather of Laurens, Iowa. He graduated from LaurensMarathon High School in 2001. He then attended Iowa State University and graduated with a Master’s Degree in Accounting in 2007. Dean is currently employed by the United States Department of Agriculture. Dean and Kelsey were engaged in early December and will be married June 8th in Farmington, Missouri. The couple will reside in Altoona, Iowa. Laurens Knights of Columbus Thank You! A big THANK YOU to Erica and Cuts to Dye For I'm really enjoying my new Snoozies I won at your open house during Cocktails and Mocktails! Meredith Allen FISH FRY Sacred Heart Parish Center Laurens, IA March 1st Serving from 5-7:30 p.m. Adults - $9 Children - $5 (12 & under) Thank You for Your Support! Biggest Little Paper In Town! 11 Advertising OLSON-BIERI-CHRISTENSEN D.D.S., P.C. Linda Olson Bieri, D.D.S. Steven Christensen, D.D.S. P.O. Box 124•111 west main•Laurens, IA 50554 (712) 841-4930•fax (712) 841-4720•toll free (877) 849-1756 Satellite office p.o. box 509•1724 hill ave•suite 100•spirit lake, ia 51360 (712) 336-9111 www.bieri-christensen-dds.com Lodge Inn Laurens “Your Home Away From Home” Reservations •INTERNET ACCESS •NON-SMOKING •AIR CONDITIONED •CABLE TV •MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED Jayne Woodin 712.450.2411 www.lodgeinnlaurens.com Pocahontas Catholic School 305 SW 3rd Street Pocahontas, IA 50574 712-335-3603 www.pokycatholic.org Tuition assistance is available to all, based on need. Our Town Our Paper! Brown Ag Sales 7KHRQO\FDOO\RXQHHGWRPDNH IRUDOO\RXUDJQHHGV 3LRQHHU6HHGV /DQG5ROOHUV &URS,QVXUDQFH 6HHG7HQGHUV 'XSRQW&URS3URWHFWLRQ %UHQW%URZQ 3KRQH EUHQWEURZQ#SODQWSLRQHHUFRP 15XVK/DNH5G /DXUHQV,$ “Satisfied Policyholders” 137 S. Third Street P.O. Box 99 Laurens, IA 50554 Bus: Fax: (712) 841-4568 (800) 480-4568 (712) 841-2426 The Bottom Line Tax & Accounting Services Kristy Mather, C.P.A. 15204 450th St. Laurens, IA 50554 Business Phone: (712) 845-2311 Fax: (712) 845-2311 E-mail: boƩomln@ncn.net 12 Announcements & Advertising Jolliffe & Co. Laurens, IA Professional Tax & Accounting Services 101 South Third St. P.O. Box 126 Laurens, IA 50554 Phone: (712) 841-2671 Fax: (712) 841-2673 1207 Hwy. 59 North P.O. Box 438 Cherokee, IA 51012 Phone: (712) 225-6403 Fax: (712) 225-6404 Phone: (712) 841-4513 Store Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Check Out this Week’s Ad by Clicking the Link Below! Weekly Ad Happy 4th Birthday, Kyler Alan!! We love you! Mom & Dad Ava & Brayton Biggest Little Paper In Town! 13 Church This Week at Laurens United Methodist Church Wed., Feb. 27th Hands of Hope Puppets @ 7 p.m. Fri., March 1st Men’s Bible Study @ 7 a.m. World Day of Prayer here @ 2 p.m. Deadline to order Easter flowers Sat., March 2nd UMM meeting @ 7 a.m. Sun., March 3rd Sunday School @ 9:15 a.m. Fellowship @ 9:30 a.m. Worship @ 10:30 a.m. Communion Choir practice @ 7 p.m. Summer Ball/Swim Team registration here 2-4 p.m. Mon., March 4th Sunday School Teachers mtg @ 7 p.m. Quilt Club @ 7 p.m. Sacred Heart Church Laurens Clustered w/ St. Joseph Church Sioux Rapids Mass Times - Nov. 2012 through Feb. 2013 Friday - 8:30 a.m. Sacred Heart, Laurens Sunday - 8:30 a.m. St. Joseph, Sioux Rapids Sunday - 10:30 a.m. Sacred Heart, Laurens This Week at First Christian Church Wednesday, February 27, 2013 11:30AM ~ Lenten Luncheon at Bethany Lutheran Church 4:30PM ~ Confirmation 6:00PM ~ Lenten Soup Supper 7:00PM ~ Lenten Worship Choir practice to follow Thursday, February 28, 2013 2:00PM ~ Lenten Bible Study at Homestead 3:30-5:00PM ~ Kid’s Club at FCC 7:00PM ~ Lenten Bible Study at church Friday, March 1, 2013 2:00PM ~ World Day of Prayer @ UMC Wednesday, Feb. 27 11:30 a.m. - Lenten Luncheon at Bethany Lutheran Church NO MID-WEEK BIBLE STUDY Sunday, March 3, 2013 Third Sunday in Lent 9:15AM ~ Coffee Fellowship 9:15AM ~ Sunday School 9:30AM ~ Adult Sunday School 10:30AM ~ Worship w/Communion & Bible Presentation Thursday, Feb. 28 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. - Kid’s Club Monday, March 4, 2013 5:00PM ~ Christian Ed./Youth Mtg. Friday, March 1 2:00 p.m. - World Day of Prayer at United Methodist Church Wednesday, March 6, 2013 11:30AM ~ Lenten Luncheon at United Methodist Church 4:30PM ~ Confirmation 6:00PM ~ Lenten Soup Supper 7:00PM ~ Lenten Worship Choir practice to follow Sunday, March 3 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship 10:45 a.m. Children’s Church Worship, Love, Accept~Together in Christ’s Name Our Town Our Paper! 14 Extension News ISU Extension & Outreach Afterschool Program Children in 2nd & 3rd grade spent their afterschool time making cards, letters, and pictures that were mailed to our troops serving overseas. Ornamental & Turfgrass Applicators Course Offered March 6 Biggest Little Paper In Town! Pocahontas County will offer the Ornamental and Turfgrass Applicators Continuing Instructional Course (CIC) for commercial pesticide applicators Wednesday, March 6, 2013. The program can be seen at locations across Iowa through the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Pest Management and the Environment (PME) program. Registration begins at 1 p.m., and the course runs from 1:30 to 4 p.m. The registration fee is $35 on or before February 27 and $45 after Feb. 27. To register, contact Dianne Dirks at the Pocahontas Extension and Outreach office by phoning 712-335-3103 or email dianned@iastate.edu. The course will provide continuing instructional credit for commercial pesticide applicators certified in categories 3O, 3T, 3OT and 10. Topics to be covered include safe storage and handling of pesticides and PPE; laws and regulations; pesticide stewardship; and pests, pest management and pesticides. Additional information and registration forms for this and other courses being offered by the PME program can be accessed at www.extension.iastate.edu/PME. 15 Extension News 4-H Meats Workshop & Tour On Saturday, February 16th 4-Hers & their families attended a Meats Workshop & Tour. The workshop began at the West Bend Public Library where Beth Doran, ISUE&O Beef Program Specialist, led the group in some hands-on activities to help them learn about dressing %, grades of meat, determining quality of meat, and measuring ribeye area in cuts of meat. Pizza was then served for lunch. Following lunch, the group moved to Skoglund Meats & Locker and toured a real locker facility. Mark Skoglund informed the group about the process of getting cuts of meat from the live animal to the meat counter. He showed the participants the different rooms and how the carcass gets from one room to another on hooks that are mounted on a track in the ceiling. He explained the importance and procedures for making sure there is no cross-contamination between raw meat and processed meat. The group got to see a hanging beef carcass and use what they learned to determine the ribeye area, yield grade, and quality grade. Mark also explained a little about how to get into the business of running a locker. It was a great workshop with much learning for all! To find out about other youth opportunities contact the Pocahontas County ISU Extension and Outreach at 712-335-3103. Our Town Our Paper! Tomato Grafting and Disease Management Workshop Grafting tomatoes is centuries old and it has come to the forefront in the past decade for several reasons. Grafting can be used successfully to manage soil borne diseases and improve yields in both hybrid and heirloom tomatoes. Growers also are interested in learning about grafting tomatoes for yield improvement and disease management. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will conduct a tomato grafting and pest management workshop on Tuesday, March 12, at Reiman Gardens in Ames. Presenters at the workshop are Ajay Nair, extension horticulturist, and Laura Jesse and Erika Saalau-Rojas, pathologists with the Iowa State Plant and Insect Diagnostic Lab. The workshop will begin with a 9:30 a.m. registration and conclude at 2:30 p.m. Nair’s grafting presentation starts at 10 a.m. The workshop is co-sponsored by The Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture and Practical Farmers of Iowa. Workshop participants will learn about proper techniques of grafting and handling of grafted plants, and how to manage insect pests and diseases in tomato plantings. Live samples will be available to learn how to identify pests and disease, and their symptoms. Master gardeners, home gardeners and commercial vegetable growers will find this hands-on grafting and pest management experience beneficial. To register go to http://tomatografting. eventbrite.com. Registration is $35 per person. Register by March 10 as seats are limited. For more information on the event please contact Dr. Ajay Nair at nairajay@ iastate.edu or 515-294-7080. 16 Extension News 2013 Spring Cover Crops and Crop Insurance Eligibility Livestock producers who established a cover crop after corn harvest last fall are wondering how this will affect their crop insurance coverage for 2013, according to William Edwards, economist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Edwards has this information from program specialists at the Risk Management Agency (RMA) office in St. Paul (which administers programs in Iowa). “Cover crops such as rye, for example, that were established in 2012 are not insurable themselves,” Edwards said. “And they will not affect the insurability of subsequent crops planted this year if certain rules are followed.” The RMA filed a statement for 2013 that allows spring haying, harvesting or grazing of cover crops up to May 10 without affecting the eligibility of the following grain crop for multiple peril crop insurance coverage. The growth of the cover crop must be terminated either mechanically or with herbicide before any subsequent crop can be planted. Planting a grain crop into a living cover crop is not permitted. Edwards said the RMA definition of a cover crop is “a crop generally recognized by agricultural experts as agronomically sound for the area for erosion control or other purposes related to conservation or soil improvement.” For further detail, check with your local crop insurance agent. Biggest Little Paper In Town! Pocahontas County 4-H Ice Skate 4-H’ers and their families took advantage of a beautiful February day and ice skated at the Grotto Ice Skating in West Bend. Some of the 4-H’ers in attendance are pictured from L-R: Tristan Ahlrichs (front), Daniel Foster, Mark Koezen, Jaden Ahlrichs, Jackson Foster, Manon Koezen, Madeline Nelson, Mary Seehusen, Keely Boker. County Council Meets Pocahontas County Council members met February 19, 2013 to plan the County 4-H Wellness Center activity in partnership with Palo Alto 4-H at the Smith Wellness Center in Emmetsburg on March 1. 17 City Council Minutes The Laurens City Council met in regular session at the Municipal Building at 5:00 pm, February 18, 2013. Mayor Rod Johnson called the meeting to order. Present were Council members Clarence Siepker, Rich Newgard, Gary Heuton; City Manager, Barbara Smith; and City Attorney, Ann Beneke. Councilmen Ken Kunickis, Public Works Director Julian Johnsen and Police Chief Chris Toner were absent. Councilman Newgard motioned to approve the consent agenda consisting of the agenda, minutes of the January 21, 2013 meeting, the list of claims, and the renewal of Heart ‘N Home’s liquor license. Heuton seconded the motion. Ayes all; motion carried. Mayor Johnson opened the public budget hearing. There were no written or oral objections to the 2013-14 budget. After the public hearing was closed, Newgard motioned to approve the fiscal year 2013-14 budget, seconded by Heuton. Roll call vote: Heuton, aye; Newgard, aye; Siepker, aye. The 2013-14 budget was approve by a unanimous vote. Kate Ellis, representing the Laurens Chamber of Commerce, spoke to the council about the City’s summer celebration. It is scheduled to be held on July 19, 20, and 21; with the wine festival on the 20th. Kate also discussed the placement of the Straight lawn mower with the Council. The Chamber would like to have it displayed in City Hall. Siepker motioned, seconded by Heuton to table the discussion until the March 4 meeting when more Council members are present. Ayes all; motion carried. Heuton motioned, seconded by Siepker to approve Resolution 05-13, appointing Jan Hersom, Lois Jirgins, and Connie Dallenbach to a six year term on the library board. Roll call vote: Heuton, aye; Newgard, aye; Siepker, aye. Resolution 05-13 was approved. Newgard motioned, seconded by Heuton to approve Resolution 06-13, appointing Sue Peterson to a five year term on the Parks and Recreation Board. Roll call vote: Heuton, aye; Newgard, aye; Siepker, aye. Resolution 06-13 was approved. Newgard motioned to adjourn at 5:23 pm, seconded by Siepker. Ayes all; motion carried. Claims02Ͳ18Ͳ2013 Our Town Our Paper! ACCO CHEMICALS AFLAC INSURANCE AIRGAS OXYGEN AMAZON DVDS&RISERS ARAMARK SUPPLIES BANKER&TAYLOR BOOKS BARBSMITH MILEAGE BOJIINFORMATIONSYSTEMS TECHSUPPORT BROWNSUPPLY SUPPLIES CHRISTONER PRINTER CONNECTIONS INSURANCE3 DELLMARKETING COMPUTER ELECTORNICSPECIATIES REPAIRS EMERGENCYMEDPRODUCTS SUPPLIES H&WCONTRACTING IMPROVEMENTS HARNR/O CHEMICALS HEMPHILLLAWOFFICE LEGALSERVICES IRS TAXES IOWACENTRAL TRAINING IOWALEAGUEOFCITIES SCHOOL JOHNDEERE SUPPLIES] KAYBATCONTROL BATCONTROL LAURENSFOODPRIDE CLEANINGSUPPLIES LAURENSHOUSEOFPRINT OFFICESUPPLIES LMPC UTILITIES 4,266.01 172.20 25.39 145.51 277.65 505.71 18.81 180.00 833.05 49.99 29.07 887.25 204.75 219.25 9,906.22 1,900.00 50.00 3,832.91 1,495.40 658.00 4.24 165.00 6.58 491.94 98.00 18 City Council Minutes LMU UTILITIES LAURENSPLUMBING LAURENSSTATEBANK REPAIRS MET TESTING THEMESSENGER NOTICES MICROLOGICCOMPUTERS IT OFFICEELEMENTS OFFICESUPPLIES PATMURRAY TRAINING PETTYCASH POSTAGE POCCOEMERGENCYRESP PCERS POCCOUNTYENGINEER SALT/SAND POCCOSOLIDWASTE LANDFILLFEES POLICELAWENFORCEMENT SUBSCRIPTION PROCOOP FUEL PUBLICFINANCIALMGMT PROFESSIONALFEES REBNORDTECHNOLOGIES IT RODJOHNSON MILEAGE SECURESHREDSOLUTIONS SHREDDING SHAMROCKRECYCLE RECYCLING SHELLFLEETPLUS FUEL USABLUEBOOK SUPPLIES VERIZONEWIRELESS COMMUNICATION VISA TRAINING WELLMARK INSURANCE WIGENWATERTECH MAINTAINENCE ZIEGLER SUPPLIES TRUCKPAYMENT TOTAL 768.22 200.33 1,695.42 190.00 146.30 24.40 144.24 73.07 210.15 195.00 428.45 5,103.23 20.00 2,084.78 22,156.40 25.00 18.66 24.25 1,574.71 585.58 357.94 341.77 610.00 5,854.76 10,633.07 36.52 79,925.18 PAYROLL 001 GENERAL 110 ROADUSETAX 600 WATER 610 SEWER 670 GARBAGE TOTALPAYROLL CLAIMTOTAL 3,613.08 1,047.70 1,872.82 1,689.46 1,493.12 9,716.18 89,641.36 ____________________________________ _______________________________________ Rod Johnson, Mayor Attest: Barbara Smith Biggest Little Paper In Town! 19 School News Breakfast Fact MyPlate recommends: The intake of dairy products is especially important to bone health during childhood and adolescence, when bone mass is being built. March 2013 Reference: USDA. MyPlate.gov. Internet: http://www.myplate.gov Laurens-Marathon CSD monday PANCAKE ON A STICK APPLESAUCE tuesday 4 MILK FRENCH TOAST SAUSAGE LINKS 11 SCRAMBLED EGGS ENGLISH MUFFIN YOGURT 6 CHEESE OMELET TOAST, JELLY TROPICAL FRUIT CUP ORANGE JUICE MILK MILK OMELET BLUEBERRY MUFFIN GRAPE JUICE MILK 18 CEREAL MILK MILK ENGLISH MUFFIN 5 thursday GRAPE JUICE ORANGE JUICE HAM PATTIE wednesday PANCAKES LIL SMOKIES 12 LATE START NO BREAKFAST 13 SERVED BREAKFAST PIZZA PEARS friday 7 NO SCHOOL 1 BISCUITS & GRAVY 8 PEACHES MILK 14 MILK SCRAMBLED EGGS BISCUIT,JELLY 15 FRUIT COCKTAIL MILK 19 CEREAL YOGURT 20 SAUSAGE PATTIE EGG PATTIE PEACHES ORANGE JUICE BANANA BISCUIT , JELLY MILK MILK MILK PEARS 21 NO SCHOOL 28 NO SCHOOL TODAY 22 MILK BISCUITS& GRAVY ORANGE JUICE MILK 25 COMBO LINK TOAST APPLE JUICE 26 LATE START NO BREAKFAST 27 NO SCHOOL TODAY TODAY 29 SERVED MILK Our Town Our Paper! 20 School News Lunch Fact Only one in 10 American kids gets enough Vitamin D, and about four out of 10 kids get the recommended amount of calcium. March 2013 Reference: CDC; NCHS. 2007-08. Internet: http://cdc.gov/nchs/nhanes. LAURENS-MARATHON CSD monday tuesday wednesday thursday ALL MEALS INCLUDE MILK friday NO SCHOOL 1 FISH NUGGETS 8 ALTERNATE MEAL : PBJ SANDWICH CRISPITO REFRIED BEANS 4 MEAT LOAF 5 MASHED POTATOES HAMBURGER 6 LASAGNA 7 PICKLES, FRENCH FRIES ROAMAINE LETTUCE SWEET POTATO FRIES CORN BAKED BEANS BABY CARROTS BROCCOLI CORN PEACHES & DINNER ROLL APPLESAUCE & DINNER ROLL FRUIT COCKTAIL BREADSTICK & BANANA PEARS TURKEY , MASHED POTATOES, SWEET POTATOES,GRAVY GRILLED CHEESE CHILI & CRACKERS BABY CARROTS, RANCH 11 TERIYAKI CHICKEN 12 MR. RIBB SANDWICH 13 APPLESAUCE RICE, GREEN BEANS FRENCH FRIES CINNAMON ROLL PEACHES & DINNER ROLL BAKED BEANS & PEARS 14 TOMATO SOUP 15 CORN CRANBERRY SAUCE MANDARIN ORANGES DINNER ROLL SHEPARDS PIE 18 BBQ PORK SANDWICH 19 TACOS 20 CHEESE PIZZA ROMAINE LETTUCE POTATO WEDGES SHREDDED LETTUCE PEAS BABY CARROTS, RANCH FRUIT COCKTAIL & ROLL CORN & GRAPES REFRIED BEANS, CHERRY TOMATO & ORANGES LETTUCE SALAD GOULASH NO SCHOOL TODAY MANDARIN ORANGE 25 ITALIAN CHICKEN 26 27 CHICKEN & RICE, SANDWICH & CORN BROCCOL GREEN BEANS, PEARS BABY CARROTS & RANCH PEACHES PEARS & DINNER ROLL Biggest Little Paper In Town! 21 NO SCHOOL 22 PINEAPPLE 28 NO SCHOOL TODAY 29 21
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