The Sounding of the Shofar: Beyond Words
The Sounding of the Shofar: Beyond Words
ig P U B L I S H E D M O N T H LY N O . 9 LIGHTS SEPTEMBER 2011 T Divrei HaRav Words from the Rabbi A poem to prepare us for the High Holy Days: The Sounding of the Shofar: Beyond Words -Author unknown Let me tell you about the meaning of the Shofar: There is a sound beyond sound, A time and a place where words are not necessary. A cry, a scream, a whimper or a sigh need no explanation. Without a word we recognize them and understand their meaning We are silenced by their presence. Professor Saul Lieberman, zichrono l’vrachah Once said that the Shofar is a prayer without words. But how can one pray without words? Aren’t words the very essence of prayer? Don’t we say: May the words of my mouth and the sayings of my heart Be acceptable to you…? On Rosh Hashanah We pray in the purest way possible. Normally we use our throats, our tongue, our teeth and our lips to formulate words of prayers. On Rosh Hashanah, When we focus on our spiritual well-being, And on life itself, We use only our breath, our spiritual essence, to pray. We sound the shofar By breathing in and breathing out. Words are our means of communications. And yet how often are words Misunderstood and misconstrued? How often are words a weapon? How often do we fail to understand even our own words? his special edition of the Chai Lights is designed to help your family prepare for the upcoming High Holy Days. We Wish All a Happy and Healthy 5772 W H AT ’ S I N S I D E Divrei HaRav.............................1 Message from President.........2 Board Invitation........................2 Shabbat Shuvah.......................2 New Year’s Greetings...............3 Simchat Torah..........................4 Tashlich.....................................6 Selichot.....................................6 Babysitting Information...........8 Sisterhood Application.............9 Sukkot.....................................10 Flowers....................................10 Celebration 150.....................11 Men’s Club Application..........12 Schedule of Events................12 Roll of Remembrance............13 ...and much more! We are commanded to hear the sound of the Shofar. To listen carefully And hear the inarticulate sound, the still small voice of Gods’ presence, expressed not in words but in the cry of our soul. 5315 OLD CANTON ROAD • JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI 39211 • PHONE 601-956-6215 • FAX 601-952-0895 • WWW.BETHISRAELMS.ORG Founded 1860 — A member of the Union for Reform Judaism, Serving Reform Congregations in North America President’s Message Beth Israel Congregation, on September 16 thru 18, will be hosting the biggest event ever in our Temple’s history. The Celebration 150 committee has worked for many months to make this upcoming event weekend a wonderful experience for everyone. Thanks to everyone on this committee and special thanks to its leader Peter Sharp. Joshua Nelson’s performance will be a once in a lifetime event for everyone to enjoy. His “teaser” a few weeks ago on Friday at Temple was AMAZING, to say the least. Sunday September 25, 2011 Please join us for the Semi-Annual Meeting BIC Social Hall 4:30 p.m. A quorum is required. 2 So many wonderful things are going on at the Temple, so get on board and join in where your interests lie. Our WONDERFUL secretary Jo Ann, is moving (tears) to Texas to be with her family. Their gain will be our loss. Jo Ann has been a great blessing for me, our board and the entire congregation. At her interview she stated she would always give her full 100%, and we feel she hit 150% during her time with us. Good luck, Jo Ann, and please visit us when you are in Jackson. Thanks to all our teachers of Sunday School, Hebrew School and Adult Education who are generously giving their time. Hope to see everyone for our Celebration 150 weekend. Shalom, Bert Rubinsky Shabbat Shuvah Service Friday, September 30 6:15 p.m. The Board of Trustees invites you to share in a special Oneg immediately following Erev Rosh Hashanah Services on Wednesday, September 28 B E T H I S R A E L C O N G R E G AT I O N High Holy Days Details 2011 School Absences: Letters from Rabbi Cohen will be sent to all area schools, public and private, to inform them that our children will be absent on Thursday, September 29. If individual difficulties arise, please contact the Temple Office. Calling All Children: We strongly encourage parents to bring their younger children to the Neilah (Closing) Service to hear the final blast of the Shofar. All children 2nd grade and older who are at Temple are expected to be in the sanctuary with their families for all High Holiday services. Yizkor Kaddish List: During the Yizkor (Memorial) Service on Yom Kippur day, we will read the names of those who have died during the past year. The names listed below are of those who have been taken from us since Yom Kippur 2010 and will be recalled during the Yizkor Service on Yom Kippur afternoon. If we inadvertently left the name of a loved one off the list or a name is misspelled, please contact the Temple Office. David Siegal, Mina Kuhnreich Gran, Naomi Rubin, David Levy, Maurice Joseph, Lee Gotthelf, Aaron Ozeri, Irwin Ross, Gene Hesdorffer, Sally Asher, Beatrice Snyder, Natalie Brown, Mildred Wise, Mollyne Karnofsky, Wanda C. Calliss, Jimmie R. Jacobs, Florence Weinberg, Charles Hendrix, Earl Solomon, Rubel Lex Phillips, Anita Mittleman, Lona Freedman Cohen, Maxine Harris, Lev Aronov, Billy Ainsworth, and Stewart Docter. Please note that this list was prepared on 8/15/11. Passings beyond 8/15/11 will be included with recent passings at the Memorial Service. Break-the-Fast: We are grateful to the members of our Sisterhood who will be sponsoring a Break-TheFast immediately following the Neilah (Closing) Service on Yom Kippur. W W W. B E T H I S R A E L M S . O RG 2011 New Year’s Greetings L’ShanahTovah from Beth and Steve Orlansky Michele, Ken, Alana, Jacob, and Eric Schipper Judy and Albert Wahba Helen Greenberg Kathryn Wiener and Family Melanie, Will, and Reed Leonard Shelley and Gene Crunk Mary Golde and Bill Howell Bernice and Steve Silberman Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Haber Ted and Donna Orkin Janice and Buddy Blumenthal Laurie and Jim Neidorf Michele, Mike, Brad, and Sarah Krock Richard and Arna Miller The Erlich Family – Edward, Paula, Devon, Remi, and Max Valerie, Jonathan, Gabriel, and Marisa Cohen Jo Ann and Bill Gordon Carol Kossman and Family Lauren Rosenbaum Brown Lou Shornick and Bette Shornick Shirley and David Orlansky Ralph and Melissa Daniel Betsy and Joe Samuels Bea Gotthelf Dana and Jonathan Larkin Traci Stratford Robbie and Marcia Barron Lynne and Roger Rosenfield Joyce and Art Salomon Suzanne Goodwin Peter and Jarmila Zapletal Syril Portnoy Joann Eisenstatt Gerry, Amy, Sarah, and Dorothy Printz Debra, Joel, Seth, Michael, and Becci Jacobs Susan, Mark, Jacob, and Katie Fijman Bea Gavant Susan and Macy Hart and Family Suzanne, Jimmy, Gabriel, and Maya Freedman The Guimbellot Family Sondy and Bob Berman Richard, Jackie, and Judy Gavant Robert, Carey, Brooke, and Sarah Emmich Lynn Crystal The Briggs Family Beth and Gilbert Sollek Honorine and Allen Weiss Elaine Crystal Emily Kamber The Schwartz Family Marla Harbor, Erik and Benjamin Hearon Howard and Cheryl Katz and Family Angela and Gil Hoffberg The Balfour Family Melanie, Dana, and Matt Dobel Reva and Ellis Hart L’ShanahTovah 3 Simchat Torah & Consecration Wednesday, October 19 Potluck Dinner, 5:30 p.m. Services, 6:15 p.m. $4 per person for chicken entrée and beverage. The rest is potluck. RSVP to Charna Schlakman at: or call (601) 607-7725 no later than Monday, October 17. In addition to the number in your party, please indicate which item you are able to provide, salad, dessert, or side dish. Come dance and sing; hear the last verses of Deuteronomy and the first verses of Genesis; and see the Torah unrolled before your very eyes and formally welcome our kindergarten and 1st grade children to Jewish Education. DAN NICHOLS SUKKOT RV TOUR Monday, October 17 at 6 PM in BIC’s backyard Come sing and dance to the amazing Jewish rock music of Dan Nichols as he tours the South during Sukkot! Bring a picnic basket, your lawn chair and enough dessert to share! Dan’s Jewish music has become a vital part of the Reform Jewish world, with Jewish youth and clergy alike incorporating it into their study, worship, and communal celebrations. Songs like The Na Na Song, Kehillah Kedoshah, Hoshia, and Sweet As Honey, are among the most popular songs in liberal Judaism today. Check him out at Tour sponsored by : Beth Israel performance by: URJ Henry S. Jacobs Camp Ellen and Shawn Alexander Melanie Dobel Kelly and Lawrence Haber Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Schlakman One Happy The Goldring Family Foundation 4 B E T H I S R A E L C O N G R E G AT I O N Oy Vey! The Kids Religious School and BITY Updates Shalom! Nishma? Hakol B’Seder? Oops! I keep dreaming that I’m still in Israel! It was awesome; feel free to ask me about it. The bad news is I’m back from Israel and I’ve started school... which brings me to the good news - A new year of BITY is about to begin! :-) We had the first BITY board meeting Sunday, August 14 (two days before my birthday) to start planning our year and prepare for freshman kidnapping. It was the party of a lifetime! The kidnapping was Sunday, August 21, bright and early! We are thrilled to have 10 new freshman members of BITY. We welcome Jacob Craig, Avery Cohen, Katie Fijman, Nina Humphrey, Ben Kaminsky, Zoe Mabry, Ashley Rubinsky, Jacob Schipper, Justin Schlakman, and Jacob Shute. Tuesday, August 23, we had a meeting for Sunday school Madrichim and I hope all of our BITY members will take this opportunity to continue their Jewish learning while giving back to the Beth Israel Community. Labor day weekend, we’re going to Jacobs Camp for NFTY Southern Leadership Institute. When we return, we’re looking forward to participating in the 150th Anniversary activities and planning for Yom Kippur afternoon services. The board is all excited for this year and we look forward to high participation at more events which will make this another fabulously successful, awesome, fun-filled year! Jason Snyder BITY President Sam Palmer, Kovi Katz and Israeli Avia Ben Michel A call to action... Ashley Rubinsky and Lily Katz Please join Beth Israel’s New Campus Beautification Group Religious School Update The Religious School is off to a fantastic start. Sunday School began August 28 and Hebrew School/ Confirmation followed on the 31st. Thank you to all the parents that participated in our parent education session on the first day of class. Rabbi Cohen and I are looking forward to the opportunity to host parent education once a month this year in addition to family education sessions! As a reminder, Wednesdays Hebrew times are different than last year. Hebrew Hangout is from 4:45-5:15 and Class is from 5:15-6:15 pm. Please arrive on time-both on Sundays and Wednesday-to ensure that class can begin as scheduled with all in attendance. W W W. B E T H I S R A E L M S . O RG For the month of September we have Sunday School on September 11th, 18th and 25th. Family Education is September 25 at 10:30 am in the social hall. Hebrew and Confirmation dates for September are the 7th, 14th and 21st. There is no Hebrew or Confirmation on the 28th (Erev Rosh HaShanah). Join us Wednesday, October 19th at 6:15pm for Simchat Torah and the Consecration of our Kindergarten/1st grade class as they begin their formal Jewish education here at Beth Israel. “For as the earth brings forth its bud, as the garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring forth, So the Lord G-D will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.” Isaiah 61:11 Now that we’ve installed beautiful gardens at Beth Israel, we need your help to do ongoing maintenance (periodic weeding, fertilization, trimming and planting annual flowers) and make recommendations for improving and maintaining our grounds. If you’d like to join this group, please email Michael Steiner ( 5 Mazel Tov Congratulations to Jacob Fijman who was named one of Jacobs Camp’s 2011 Counselors of the Year along with Memphian Sarah Arnold. Jacob is a recent graduate of St. Andrew’s Episcopal School and an entering freshman at Louisiana State University. Jacob’s peers shared the following about him: “He handles all stressful situations calmly and maintains his energy no matter what task are on his plate. Jacob constantly looks for ways to improve; every day, he strives to be a better staff member. He puts his whole self into making sure his campers have the summer of their lives.” Jacob was pleased to be recognized, “It is really nice to be acknowledged by the entire staff. It means a lot to me. I think it is important to help kids make friends that they will have for a lifetime.” Tashlich A Symbolic Service to Cast Away our Sins Elul, a time for reflection... Selichot Service and Dessert Reception Sunday, October 2 5:00 p.m. Reservoir Overlook on the Natchez Trace Parkway Bring a picnic and enjoy. Directions : I-55 North to Natchez Trace Parkway - Tupelo. Overlook Park at Natchez Trace mile marker 115 6 Saturday, September 24 9:00 p.m. A service that warms the heart and soul including a taste of High Holy Day music and special prayers for forgiveness. B E T H I S R A E L C O N G R E G AT I O N The Sisterhood Spotlight We had a wonderful kick off to the new year at our Sisterhood Membership Brunch. Thank you to Susan Hart for hosting the event as well as the Sisterhood Board for providing some delicious treats. Our board includes: Charna Schlackman, First VP; Kim Rost, Second VP; Mindy Humphrey, Treasurer; Mindi Phillips, Recording Secretary; Suzanne Freedman, Corresponding Secretary; Susan Fijman and Marla Harbor, Parliamentarians; Gilda Hesdorffer and Amy Printz, Advisors. I thank them for their leadership, and we welcome all suggestions as together we make this an outstanding year in Sisterhood. Check out our exciting new programs and events listed throughout Chailights. Join us for one event or all of them! We look forward to seeing you soon! L’Shanah Tova! Michele Schipper President September Monthly Meeting Tuesday, September 13, 2011 Join us for Tailgating: Sisterhood Style 5:30 p.m. - $5 Meeting - 6:00 p.m. Show your support for our long-standing Meals on Wheels program by attending and donating much needed items: Small fruit juice or small gatorade in plastic bottles with screw on tops; frozen vegetables of any kind; single serving (PLAIN-no spiced) apple sauce; Stouffer’s boxed stuffing; #2 (large size) cans of: green peas, vege-all, green beans, pinto beans, baked beans, spinach; whole wheat pasta: elbow, shells, rotini, rigatoni, etc. Frozen casseroles, including vegetable casseroles, chili, and vegetable soup - enough to feed 16 people – are also needed. Please clearly label: “Meals on Wheels, name of food, date prepared.” Also, monetary donations are welcome. RSVP Deadline - Monday, September 12 As always, if you need transportation, please let us know when you RSVP. RSVP to Susan Fijman at 601.260.4130 or W W W. B E T H I S R A E L M S . O RG September 11, 2011 3:00 p.m. Hospice Ministries Interfaith Service 10th Anniversary of 9/11 Hospice Ministries Chapel 450 Towne Center Blvd. Ridgeland, MS 39157 7 BABYSITTING INFORMATION ROSH HASHANAH Wednesday, September 28, 8:00 P.M. (infants – 1st grade) Thursday, September 29, 10:00 A.M. (infants – 1st grade) YOM KIPPUR Friday, October 7, 8:00 P.M. (infants – 1st grade) Saturday, October 8, 10:00 A.M. (infants – 1st grade) Saturday, October 8, 3:00 P.M. (infants – 1st grade) DEADLINE FOR RESERVATIONS: Wednesday, September 21. COST: $10.00 per session for the first child; $5.00 per session for the second child; $4.00 per session for any additional children. We want to provide safe, organized care for children whose parents are attending services and here’s how it works: 1. Children will be divided into age groups as follows: a) infants – 4 yrs. b) 5 yrs. – 6 yrs. Please note that siblings might not be in the same room. Lists will be posted outside of each classroom. Check these lists so you’ll know to which room(s) to bring your child(ren). 2. Send a toy or book with your child. 3. Bring a drink and something to eat for your child. Please put his/her name on the snacks. Snacks are not available from the Soda Machine. 4. Please make sure that an adult, not an older sibling or friend, picks up your child at the conclusion of Services. 5. Children will not be permitted to go back and forth from the sanctuary to the classrooms. Your child must remain in the classrooms through the conclusion of Services. 6. Children have to be registered by Wednesday, September 21. We will not accept any reservations beyond this date. We will not be able to accommodate your child at the last minute. Please avoid any disappointment. Make sure your reservation and payment are received by September 21. 7. Please Note: Make your reservations as soon as possible!! We need to know how many sitters to reserve. Please complete the form below and return it to Beth Israel Sisterhood, 5315 Old Canton Road, Jackson, MS 39211. Reservations must be accompanied with your check. Please mark the appropriate days and times. Please be sure to list names and ages of child/children. DETACH AND SEND ROSH HASHANAH & YOM KIPPUR BABYSITTING RESERVATION Please complete this form and return it to Beth Israel Sisterhood at 5315 Old Canton Road, Jackson, MS 39211 before September 21. Reservations must be accompanied by your check. ROSH HASHANAH Name and age: Time of Service:8:00 p.m. _____________ 10:00 a.m. _____________ Please check box if your child(ren) have any allergies we should be aware of. If so, please list for each child. YOM KIPPUR Name and age: Time of Service:8:00 p.m. _____________ 10:00 a.m. _____________ 3:00 p.m. _____________ Please check box if your child(ren) have any allergies we should be aware of. If so, please list for each child. 8 B E T H I S R A E L C O N G R E G AT I O N Breakthe-Fast Beth Israel Sisterhood invites you to a Break-the-Fast immediately following the conclusion of services on Yom Kippur Day, Saturday, October 8 Save the Date Sunday, October 23, 2011 Please return form by September 9 to have your greeting included in the October Chai Lights. Sisterhood October Monthly Meeting and Brunch 10:30 a.m. Location t/b/a September Sisterhood Book Club Meeting will be held at the Temple Sunday, September 25, 2011 at 11:00 Please join us even if you have not attended previously. Our September selection is “Foreign Bodies” by Cynthia Ozick. Check the Barnes & Noble website for the overview. Plus, there are many other interesting reviews of this book on-line. Everyone is welcome! W W W. B E T H I S R A E L M S . O RG 9 High Holidays Flowers for September 2011 Rosh Hashanah Pulpit Flowers given by: Rosh Hashanah Reception Centerpiece given by: Bea Gotthelf, Donna and Ted Orkin, Lynn Orkin Koff and Marty Nislick, Dianne Orkin Footlick and James Moore, Bruce Taffet, Suzanne and Enrique Fefer in loving memory of Isadore and Gussie Lehman, Lehman Engel, Phyllis and Julius Herman, Harold Gotthelf, Freda and Adolph J. Orkin, Sr., Celeste and D. H. Orkin, Adolph J. Orkin Jr., T. Stanley Orkin, Sr., Joan Luxenberg Orkin, Elizabeth Orkin Taffet and William B. Taffet. Debra and Joel Jacobs and Tammy and Bert Rubinsky in loving memory of Rose and Sol Sherman, Bertha and Joseph Rubinsky, Richard Brown, Natalie Brown Betty and Toby Rubinsky, Simon Rubinsky, Sydney and Sadie Jacobs, Lena Finegold, Nick Karno, and Arthur and Helen Weiss. Jan and David Docter in loving memory of Marian Jacobs Docter, Stewart Docter, and Lottie Brock Brady. Shabbat Shuvah Pulpit Flowers given by: Sandy and Mickey Fischer, Dana and Jonathan Larkin, and Suzanne and Jim Freedman in loving memory of Beatrice and John Fischer, Shirley and Bernard Klateman, Jack Freedman, Lona Freedman Cohen, Bennett Freedman, and Ruth Charmow. Yom Kippur Flowers will be listed in October Chailights. Sukkot Celebration Wednesday, October 12 Pizza-in-the-Hut, 5:30 p.m. Outdoor Services, 6:15 p.m. $5 per person for pizza, drinks and dessert RSVP to Jo Ann at 601-956-6215 by Friday, October 7 10 Smell the etrog Wave the lulav Eat outside like wandering Jews Bring something natural to decorate the Sukkah B E T H I S R A E L C O N G R E G AT I O N 150th Raffle Drawing Anniversary 1861- 2011 Grand Prize Weekend Schedule Choice of Packages: Friday, September 16th Shabbat service with URJ senior Vice-President Dan Freelander, congregants, friends and families. Dinner following service. Saturday, September 17th 10:15 am Shabbat Service at URJ Henry S. Jacobs Camp a tour of camp and visit with friends. 5:30 pm Gala Dinner at the Mississippi Museum of Art The Lights are Bright on Broadway New York, New York 4 days/3 nights accommodations • Value $3,900 Or Harbor Cities Duet Seattle, Washington & Victoria, British Columbia 4 nights total accommodations • Value $4,100 Or Savor California’s Wine Country Community Concert with Joshua Nelson, the Mississippi Mass Choir, and Sonoma, California 4 days/3 nights accommodations •Value $4,500 Second Prize Sunday, September 18th A round of golf, including cart, lunch and prizes. Four person scramble format. Lunch for non golfers also available. Please RSVP by August 15th or call 601-956-6215 Fairview Inn 2 night get away • Value $790 Third Prize IPAD2 • Value $500 Tickets: $25 each or 6 tickets for $100 Tickets available in Beth Israel Office C Golf Tournament oncert S A T U R D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 1 7 t h featuring JOSHUA NELSON with the MISSISSIPPI MASS CHOIR and BETH ISRAEL SHIRIM CHOIR & Contact: Arna Miller 601-214-1954 C 150th elebration Dinner $30 CONCERT ONLY TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM JACKSON COLISEUM BOX OFFICE AT (601) 353-0603 Space is limited for most events. We encourage you to make reservations early W W W. B E T H I S R A E L M S . O RG 150th Celebration Dinner Mississippi Museum of Art Sunday September 18, 2011 Deerfield Country Club Concert Jackson Convention Center Entries to be sent to: 150th Anniversary Golf Tournament c/0 Beth Israel Congregation 5315 Old Canton Road Jackson, MS 39211 I wish to participate on the following levels: Hole Sponsor ...... $100.00 Signage at tee box Team Sponsor .... $300.00 (Four Person Team) Individual .......... $75.00 Lunch Only ........ $12.00 11 High Holiday Schedule 2011-5772 Saturday, September 24 Selichot Program..........................................................9:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 28 Erev Rosh Hashanah Service......................................8:00 p.m. Thursday, September 29 Rosh Hashanah Day............................................(Office Closed) Children’s Service.........................................................9:00 a.m. Morning Service......................................................... 10:00 a.m. Friday, September 30 Shabbat Shuvah Service..............................................6:15 p.m. Sunday, October 2 Memorial Service at Cemetery................................ 10:30 a.m. Tashlich & Picnic...........................................................5:00 p.m. Location: Reservoir Overlook- Natchez Trace Parkway Friday, October 7 Kol Nidre.........................................................................8:00 p.m. Saturday, October 8 Yom Kippur Day Children’s Service.........................................................9:00 a.m. Morning Service......................................................... 10:00 a.m. Text Study.......................................................................1:00 p.m. Afternoon Service.........................................................3:00 p.m. Yizkor (Memorial Service)............................................4:30 p.m. Neilah (Concluding Service)........................................5:15 p.m. Break-the-Fast Wednesday, October 12 Sukkot Picnic.................................................................5:30 p.m. Service............................................................................6:15 p.m. Thursday, October 13 1st Day of Sukkot.................................................(Office Closed) Wednesday, October 19 Erev Simchat Torah Potluck Dinner...........................5:30 p.m. Service & Consecration...............................................6:15 p.m. Thursday, October 20 Simchat Torah .....................................................(Office Closed) Beth Israel Men’s Club Application Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:_________________ (Home) _________________ (Work) _________________ (Cell) E-mail:___________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for supporting the Men’s Club. Detach and return your $25.00 check to: Beth Israel Congregation- Men’s Club • 5315 Old Canton Road • Jackson, MS 39211 12 B E T H I S R A E L C O N G R E G AT I O N Beth Israel Bathroom Renovations Greetings, More generous donors have stepped up to help with the project. YEA!! Here are two tiny glimpses of the bathrooms since their “facelifts” have been completed. They look AMAZING. It’s been like a beehive around here for the past 3-4 weeks, and everything has come together so nicely. As Paula Loeb put it so well, “Seeing the new bathrooms is worth a trip from anywhere.” So make it a point to check them out the next time you are at the temple, then extend your personal thanks to all those who have made these improvements possible. Thanks again to Phil Pollack, all his many collaborators and crews for the superb job they have done. Kudos to the brilliant person who asked Phil to manage the project. He is our new hero! Thanks also to the following who have made recent donations: Laurie and Jim Neidorf Erik Hearon and Marla Harbor Anonymous Donors Roll of Remembrance Beth Israel continues with the tradition of publishing a Roll of Remembrance. With your help, this simple yet dignified means of honoring the memory of our beloved departed will again become part of our Memorial Service on Yom Kippur. To include the names of your cherished departed in the Roll of Remembrance, please fill out the attached form and return it to the office no later than Friday, September 30th. It is imperative we have this information no later than the given date. This will enable us to prepare the book for the printer. We will distribute the book at the Yizkor Service on the afternoon of Yom Kippur, October 8th. A tradition to honor the memories of our loved ones with a special Yizkor donation to the temple is customary. Let the memories of the past provide for our future. L’ Shannah Tovah! Please include the names listed below in the Beth Israel Congregation Roll of Remembrance. I have enclosed a Yizkor donation: ____$18 ____$36 ____$50 ____$100 ____Other Remembered by: ________________________________________________________________ Names (Please Print) W W W. B E T H I S R A E L M S . O RG 13 Announcements | Birthdays & Anniversaries FROM THE OFFICE Keeping In Touch! We need the addresses of all undergraduate college students attending school out of town. The Sisterhood sends “happies” all through the year and we want your children to be included. Please email their college address to Debra Jacobs at as soon as possible. If the information is not available until a later date, please contact Debra by September 15, 2011. Contributions processed after August 15th will be included in the October ChaiLights. Reports and articles for the October Chailights are due Thursday, September 15th. Submissions should be emailed to Submissions received after the 15th will be included on a space available basis. CALENDAR REMINDERS FOR SEPTEMBER Monday, September 5............................................Meals on Wheels Wednesday, September 7............... Billy Brumfield House - Ian Paul Friday, September 9................................................Meals on Wheels The Temple Office will be closed the following days in September in observance of national holidays and High Holy Days: Monday, September 5, 2011, in observance of Labor Day Thursday, September 29, 2011, for Rosh Hashanah Religious School will not be held on Sunday, September 4, 2011. Hebrew Hangout, Hebrew, Confirmation Dinner and Confirmation will not be held on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 due to High Holy Days. 2011 - 2012 Fall Talmud Class Forming If you are interested Please indicate if you would prefer Breakfast or Brown Bag Lunch Classes Day of the week preference — Tuesday,Wednesday or Thursday? And here’s the address to the survey: forms/2011-fall-talmud-class-interest-survey/ 14 Happy Anniversary to... 9/02 9/04 9/04 9/05 9/05 9/11 9/25 9/28 9/29 Joy and Howard Roffwarg Stacy and Paul Dampf Maryann and Steve Jacobson Peggy and Larry Goldstein Amy Lappen and Neal Oliver Joan and Ralph Daniel, Jr. Frankie and Frankie Springer Angela andGil Hoffberg Susan and Mark Fijman Happy Birthday to... 9/01 9/02 9/03 9/03 9/04 9/04 9/04 9/06 9/06 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/08 9/08 9/10 9/10 9/10 9/10 9/10 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/13 9/14 9/15 9/16 9/16 9/18 9/19 9/19 9/19 9/20 9/20 9/21 9/22 9/22 9/23 9/23 9/23 9/23 9/24 9/25 9/27 9/27 9/28 9/29 9/29 9/30 Shirley Orlansky Craig Tucker Benjamin Johnson David Ladden Bruce L Hirshman Hanna Schwartz Traci Stratford Dee Farrell Sam Haber Ella Rockoff Miriam Smith Gilbert Sollek Erez Allouche Sara Hirshman Janice Blumenthal Hannah Humphrey Sam Humphrey Maryann Jacobson Bebe Workman Robert Emmich Reva Hart Donald Sawyer Jennifer Tucker Jonathan Larkin Gary Brandt Alexander Nessel Rachelle Geiger Joyce Salomon Matthew Ladden Shawn Alexander Melanie Dobel Sarah Krock Clay Crystal Alana Schipper John Cohen Mark Fijman Jonathan Fratkin Valerie Cohen Dana Dobel Rachel Jarman Sadie Klein Alec Kassoff Paula Erlich Jonathan Orlansky Syril Portnoy Irv Feldman Joan Daniel Angela Hoffberg Michelle Mack B E T H I S R A E L C O N G R E G AT I O N Thank You In Honor of Judy Wahba’s Birthday In Memory of Jill Gavant Matthews, Cutrer & Lindsay, P.A. to the Cemetery Fund A Friend to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Mary Golde and Bill Howell to the Cemetery Fund Phil D. Stotland to the General Fund Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stanley to the Cemetery Fund Amy and Arty Finkelberg to the Cemetery Fund Janet and Perry Fleckman to the Cemetery Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hesdorffer to the General Fund Mr. and Mrs. Paul Solomon to the General Fund Gilda Hesdorffer to the General Fund Rose Marks to the Cemetery Fund Elliott and Corinne Beard to the General Fund Resa Rudney, Enid and Michael Rudney and Alice and Michael Solomon to the General Fund Richard Gavant to the General Fund In Memory of Lona Freedman Cohen In Honor of Ellis Hart’s 95th Birthday In Memory of Myron Gavant Fran, Courtney and Jeremy Larkin to the General Fund Bea Gavant to the General Fund Robbie and Marcia Barron to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Eugenia and Marcelo Ruvinsky to the General Fund Amy and Arty Finkelberg to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Bea Gotthelf to the Tikkun Olam Fund Drs. Stephen and Bernice Silberman to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund The Haber Family to the Beautification Fund Ethel Mittenthal to the Tikkun Olam Fund Syril Portnoy to the General Fund Kathryn Wiener to the Tikkun Olam Fund Melanie Dobel to the Tikkun Olam Fund Elaine Crystal to the Cemetery Fund Sondy and Bob Berman to the Caring Committee Fund A Friend to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hesdorffer to the General Fund Mr. and Mrs. Paul Solomon to the General Fund Gilda Hesdorffer to the General Fund In Honor of Brianna Larkin’s graduation from College with her Masters Degree Bernard and Janice Blumenthal to the Mitzvah Committee In Honor of Lou Shornick’s Birthday Bernard and Janice Blumenthal to the Mitzvah Committee In Memory of Florence Weinberg Bernard and Janice Blumenthal to the Caring Committee A Friend to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund In Memory of Dr. Gene Hesdorffer Richard Gavant to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Richard Gavant to the General Fund In Memory of Lawrence Gavant Richard Gavant to the General Fund In Memory of Mollyne Karnofsky A Friend to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund In Memory of Wanda C. Calliss A Friend to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund In Memory of Jimmie R. Jacobs A Friend to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Syril Portnoy to the General Fund In Memory of Anita Mittleman A Friend to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund In Memory of Billy Ainsworth A Friend to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Gilda Hesdorffer to the General Fund In Memory of Maxine Harris Kathryn Wiener to the Cemetery Fund Albert Leveck to the Cemetery Fund Dr. Aaron Trubman to the Cemetery Fund Joe Harris to the Caring Committee Cousins Susan Abrams Nelson and daughter, Janet Nelson to the General Fund Gerald P. Crystal to the Cemetery Fund Lisa Binder to the Shirim Choir Fund Nell Weiss to the General Fund Susan Craig to the Cemetery Fund W W W. B E T H I S R A E L M S . O RG For the Recovery of Elaine Crystal Kathryn Wiener to the Temple Beautificaton Fund In Honor of Tammy Rubinsky’s Birthday Betsy and Joey Samuels to the General Fund Bernice and Steve Silberman to the Caring Committee In Memory of Maurice Joseph Gerald P. Crystal to the Cemetery Fund In Appreciation of Rabbi Cohen Joe Harris and Family to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Izabella Ivshin and Family to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund In Memory of Charles Hendrix Melanie Dobel to the BITY Fund In Memory of David Levy Elaine Crystal to the Cemetery Fund A Friend to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund For the Recovery of Elaine Crystal A Friend to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund For the Recovery of Syril Portnoy A Friend to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund In Memory of Stewart Docter Amy and Arty Finkelberg to the General Fund In Memory of Vladimir Ivshin Robbie and Marcia Barron to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund In Memory of Sara Gorelik Robbie and Marcia Barron to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund In Memory of Lev Aronov A Friend to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Amy and Arty Finkelberg to the General Fund Robbie and Marcia Barron to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund 2012 Confirmation Class Parents Meeting September 7, 2011 6:00 p.m. In the Rabbi’s Office 15 Non-Profit Org U. S. POSTAGE PAID Permit #123 JACKSON, MS 5315 Old Canton Road, Jackson, MS 39211 Phone: 601.956.6215 Fax: 601.952.0895 Yahrzeits for September 2011 Sept 2 – 3 Julius L. Herman* Samuel Neidorf Lehman Engel* Rose Salomon Estelle Binder Irving Jacob Buchman Donna Feinberg* Sam Rabin* Hilda Shapero Eddie Yawitz Lena Gaethe Finegold Carrie Hatry* Henry Leveck Mose Hesdorffer* Betsy Rae Smith Mimnaugh Morris Rosenzweig* Sept 9 - 10 Susan Kweller Max M. Lawfer Sam G. Loeb Abe A. Rotwein* Louis Muskin* A.D. McWilliams Arthur Benjamin Weiss Irene Giannesini Adolph J. Orkin, Jr. Helen Pollack Lil Burnstein Rob Roy B. McIntosh Agnes Boyd Ruth Prince Lamensdorf Eliezer Eliyahu Weiner* Irene Cohn Elaine Mack Sam Phillips Fanny Ruvinsky Sept 16 - 17 Michael Carson* Aaron Kay Edith Rosenthal Levine Ann Alpern Joseph Blacher Jeanette P. Lind Gary Orkin Herman Weiss* Bernard Shapero Al Sherman Lee Korelitz Max Plotkin* Fanny Smith Aaron Harbor Carol Hart Eleanor Miller Ralph Salomon* Amelia Hatry* Sarah Golod Margie Rinehart Sept 23 - 24 Sept 30 – Oct 1 Frank Barron David M. Friedlander James Hearon Marie Ascher Sternberg* Abner Fedida Philip Haimowitz Frank Milton Jolley Robert Kuttnauer Helen Parish Weiss Harry C. Carson David H. Rice* Doris R. Schneider Max Mushlin Solomon Schwartz* Sam Cohen* Miriam Dorfman Phillip Kaufman Harold Kolodney Harry L. Singer* Sydney Jacobs Jennie Korelitz Herman Loeb Nell Cohen* Beatrice J. Fischer* Morton Adler Sheila Thrower* Dudley Burwell* Meyer Crystal* Celia Greenfield Sadye Bear Hart Jesse Harvey Rose K. Mitchell* David Simon Martha R. Joseph* Steve Laskin* Pearl Tannenbaum Robert Greenberg* Joan Luxenberg Orkin* Jack Spiegel Dorothy D. Carson Edith Nerad Rose Dorothy Levy William Oppenheim Herbert Dorfman Sam Eisman Bernard Klateman* Leona Korelitz Joseph Pack *Denotes Memorial Plaque