Your Source


Your Source
Issue 5 : Spring 2013
Yo ur S o urc e
Note from the Agency:
Spring is in the air! The sun is shining and the heat index is low. We certainly hope you are
taking advantage of this time of year because all too soon we will be complaining about
the heat, humidity and threat of summer storms.
It is now that I encourage people to review their insurance. Be sure to familiarize yourself
with your coverages and ask about all applicable discounts and endorsements to help best
protect you while keeping your premiums as low as possible. Florida insurance companies
are constantly changing their guidelines, coverages, and discounts so it is important to
trust that your agent is doing a thorough review of your policy every year. You should
understand what is covered and what is excluded on your policies before it is too late.
Please take advantage of our friendly, knowledgeable staff. We are always eager to review
your policies and translate the complicated language of insurance.
Tiffany Lehman
Member of the Great Naples Chamber of
Youth Leadership Collier Program Chair
Naples Equestrian Challenge Board Member
Naples Equestrian Challenge Risk
Management Committee Chair
2012 Distinctive Women
Donna MacNiven Junior Leadership Fund
Community Events:
04/06 Wiggins Pass Nature Festival
04/11 Evening on Fifth
04/13 Fine Art and Craft Show
04/13 Immokalee’s 2013 Annual Harvest
04/28 Taste of Collier
05/04 Naples Equestrian Challenge Kentucky
Derby Party
05/10 Arts Naples World Festival 2013
05/11 Great Dock Canoe Race
06/01 Flea and Farmers Market
06/09 Water and Ski Show
06/15 Recycle Regatta
What’s in the NEWS
After the recent tragedy
in Tampa, FL the reality
of sinkholes has become
apparent. So, what is a
sinkhole? A sinkhole, by Florida
law is a “landform created by
subsidence of soil, sediment,
or rock as underlying strata
are dissolved by groundwater. A sinkhole forms by collapse
into subterranean voids created by dissolution (the dissolving)
of limestone or dolostone or by subsidence as these strata are
dissolved”. With Florida’s water tables dropping it is no surprise
that we have more sinkholes than another other state in the
Recently Florida law has changed to require that Catastrophic
Ground Collapse (CGC) coverage be included in all homeowners
insurance policies. It is important to understand the differences
between Sinkholes and Catastrophic Ground Collapse so
you know how the coverage applies to your home insurance.
Catastrophic Ground Coverage is defined as “ geological activity
that results in all of the flowing: 1.) The abrupt collapse of the
ground cover; 2.) A depression in the ground cover clearly visible
to the naked eye; 3.) Structural damage to the building including
the foundation; 4.) The insured structure being condemned and
ordered to be vacated by the government agency authorized by
law to issue such an order for that structure”.
Many Florida insurance companies have limited their options
to endorse this coverage onto a homeowner’s policy. Please
review your home insurance policy to confirm whether or not
you are currently protected for Sinkhole losses.
Product of the Quarter
Personal Liability Umbrella Insurance
Imagine you are backing out of a parking space in the Publix
parking lot. You turn to look over your shoulder and within that
split second a small child runs behind your car. As fear sets in
for the safety of the child so does panic, for your liability. Most
parents will not be satisfied with a check written from your auto
insurance company to cover the extensive medical bills. This is
when they come after you, personally.
I do not paint this ugly picture to scare you but rather to inform
you of the importance of protecting yourself against things we
cannot predict. Lawsuits are all too common these days and a
personal liability umbrella policy helps to protect you and your
assets at a higher limit than offered under a standard insurance
policy. Umbrella coverage can be placed over residential, rental,
and commercial properties, vacant land, personal and commercial
autos, watercrafts, and recreational vehicle. Coverage can range
from $300,000 to $10,000,000.
What Does
That Mean?
This section will give you a brief definition on insurance coverages that you may not be
familiar with. Much like the medical profession we tend to throw around certain words
and acronyms, expecting others to know what we are saying. Well now you can!
PIP/ Florida No-Fault Insurance:
Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is part of your vehicle
insurance that covers medical expenses, lost wages (if you
are employed), and other damages. PIP is often referred to
as “no-fault” coverage because it is designed to be paid out
regardless of who is “at-fault,” or legally liable when bodily
injury occurs as the result of an accident by the named insured,
resident relatives, persons operating the insured vehicle,
passengers in the insured motor vehicle, and persons struck
by the insured motor vehicle. The coverage also extends to
children who suffer an injury while riding a school bus. The covered amount paid is:
• 80 percent of all reasonable expenses for medically necessary medical services
• 60 percent of disability benefits for any loss of gross income and earning capacity per
individual from inability to work due to injury caused by the auto accident
• 100 percent of replacement services (e.g., child care, housekeeping, and yard work)
• A $5,000 per individual death benefit.
• Maximum paid amount is $10,000
In Florida, if you own a
are required to carry auto
insurance with the state
minimums, including PIP
coverage. Be aware that if
your vehicle is non-operable
you are required to turn
in your tag; otherwise you
legally must obtain insurance
for that vehicle. PIP coverage is not cheap and due to the rise in PIP claims over the past
10 years auto insurance rates continue to increase. The Insurance Information Institute
reported an increase in auto rates close to 70% per year resulting from the number of
false PIP claims. Immoral lawyers, corrupted medical practitioners and criminal gangs
are at the root of it all.
It’s time to start thinking about Hurricane Season!
As many seasonal residents head home, we want to make sure you have secured your property the
best you can. Below is a check-list for you to use before leaving town.
Hurricane Preparedness Checklist
□ 1. Water and food (at least a 3-day supply),
don’t forget your can opener!
□ 2. Flashlight
□ 3. Batteries
□ 4. Battery operated radio
□ 5. First-aid kit
□ 6. Medications (including Tylenol,
Benadryl, allergy meds)
□ 7. Rain Gear
□ 8. Extra House and Car Keys
Help us, help you!
Give us your feedback. What would you like to
know about insurance?
(239) 325-3030 phone
(239) 325-3033 fax
3765 Airport Road N., Ste. 201
Naples, FL 34105
□ 9. Cell Phones
□ 10. Copy of important documentation
(medical records, insurance papers,
passports, birth certificates)
11. Insect repellent and sunscreen
12. Blankets and pillows
13. Pet supplies
14. Small, multi-purpose tools
15. Cash
(Refer a friend and enter to win a $25.00
gift card to your favorite, local restaurant.)