Global Health Initiatives


Global Health Initiatives
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Global I MPACT
t h ro u g h
Global Health Initiatives
Medical Equipment
General Donations Building Projects
Centura Employee Donations
Trip Revenue
Gift in Kind
Media and Mailing
Medical Projects
Future Project Allocation
K E Y DO N O R S Those who have made gifts of $1,000 or more
Mr. Francisco Almaraz
Dr. & Mrs. Randall Haffner
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Sajdak
Dr. Robert Balas
Dr. & Mrs. Shyamsunder Hatangadi
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Seidl
Ms. Dawn Barr
Dr. & Mrs. John Haworth
Ms. Donita Smutzer
Ms. Susan Barnett
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hodgson
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Spenst
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Barts
Mr. & Mrs. Greggory Jones
Ms. Carol Stiefvater
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Boyle
Mr. Stephen King
Dr. & Mrs. David Watson
Ms. Ellen Buchannan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kithil
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Wiederholt
Ms. Sarah Cary
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Kness
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Young
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cattich
Dr. & Mrs. A. Stewart Levy
Avista Adventist Hospital Administration
Dr. Jodi Chambers
Ms. Kathleen Mayer
CHI Colorado Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Chodkowski
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McTavish
COPIC Insurance Company
Dr. & Mrs. Carlton Clinkscales
Mr. & Mrs. John McWilliams
DePuy Synthes Mitek Sports Medicine
Mr. & Mrs. David Crane
Mr. Peter Meinig
Greenlee Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Curry
Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’Dell
Littleton Adventist Hospital
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Danaher
Mr. & Mrs. Kris Ordelheide
MAP International
Mr. & Mrs. Morre Dean
Mr. Quan Pho
Peak One Surgery Center
Ms. Janet Dennis
Ms. Linda Pilon
Peak Perfusion Group, Inc.
Mrs. Virginia Dignum
Dr. & Mrs. David Raphael
The Brent Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Fons
Mr. Donald Rosen
The Susan & Brad Davis Charitable Gift Fund
Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Gates
Mrs. Janenne Rosen
Versacare, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Giarratana
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ross
Lehigh Valley Community Foundation
Ms. Cathy Hall
Mr. Stephen Sanchez
We are incredibly thankful for all who have given to support the mission of Global Health Initiatives.
About the Cover While visiting a poor section of Belen, Iquitos in Peru, a young girl was treated for pneumonia.
Photo by Cohan Zarnoch, RN
Fifteen years ago, the United Nations voted eight Millennium Development
Goals into effect that they hoped would improve millions of lives around the
world. These goals focused on eliminating the persistent problems of poverty,
hunger, and ill health. Today, significant progress has been made, but much
more needs to be done.
Three of the eight goals deal specifically with health-related issues. These are:
1. Reduction of child mortality
2. Improving maternal health
3. Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
All of Global Health Initiatives’ projects are in areas that struggle with the provision of quality
healthcare, and our work supports these three goals. During this past year we have specifically
targeted the issue of child mortality by introducing two training programs: Helping Babies Breathe
and Essential Care for Every Baby. We were also involved in developing a women’s health project in
Nepal in partnership with several national and international non-profit organizations.
One of the best indicators of improved health is the development of strong and engaged healthcare
institutions. To that end, GHI continues to be committed to supporting and developing our partner
hospitals through continuing medical education, administrative support, facility development, and
provision of medical equipment and supplies. These efforts depend upon hundreds of medical
volunteers, administrators, and donors and none of this could happen without your generous support.
The UN is working to establish new Sustainable Development Goals for 2030. As these goals come
into effect next year, GHI will be celebrating our 10th anniversary. We want to celebrate all that has
been accomplished during the past decade, but also we would like to share our vision of how GHI
will continue contributing to global development over the next 10 years. We hope you will remain a
part of GHI and our desire to create a better world for all of humanity.
Greg Hodgson
Director, Global Health Initiatives
M a k i n g
Partner Hospital
D i f f e r e n c e
A r o u n d
t h e
G l o b e
Scheer Memorial Hospital
24 GHI volunteers during fiscal year
On April 25, 2015, a devastating 7.8-magnitude earthquake buried thousands and injured
many more in Nepal. Sneha, a nine-year old girl, was trapped for days under the rubble of
her home. After being rescued by her uncle, she was taken to Scheer Memorial Hospital
45 Free surgeries for uterine prolapse
and treated for a crushed pelvis.
11 Student scholarships
Your gifts saved Sneha’s life, enabling our team of volunteer doctors and nurses to treat
1 Nepali staff hosted in Colorado
her, along with thousands of other displaced Nepali victims. Thanks to your donations, we
OUTCOMES Your generosity
can continue our commitment to deliver quality patient care at no cost.
continues to provide free surgeries
for women who suffer from uterine
prolapse, which is the focus of GHI’s
work in Nepal. April’s disastrous
earthquakes created a new, immediate
need for relief, and you came together
to give $61,079 in response to this
emergency, providing free medical
care for thousands who were injured
by the disaster. Additionally, your
gifts placed a new echo-cardiography
machine in the hospital’s cardiology
department and brought much-needed
administrative support.
“Donating through GHI made perfect
sense, knowing that the funds raised
here in our community would not
only provide hope to the staff of
Scheer Memorial, but also the means
to directly offer help and healing
to their community, in such a time
of devastation and loss. We are so
thankful to be a part of the GHI family
of trip participants and donors,
making a difference and sharing God’s
love tangibly around the world!”
~ Dr. John & Leslie Haworth
“Through the benevolence of the many supporters of Centura Global Health Initiatives,
we received desperately-needed financial assistance, allowing us to provide free care
to over 1,000 earthquake victims.” ~ Dr. Dale Mole
Hôpital Alma Mater
Gros Morne
6 GHI volunteers during fiscal year
1 Haitian staff hosted in Colorado
OUTCOMES By helping to build
a new outpatient clinic, your gifts
are meeting a crucial need in the
community. Through your
generosity, you’ve also been
providing equipment training and
maintenance, improving laboratory
processes, getting needed supplies
to community health workers,
and organizing a Helping Babies
Breathe project for villages in
northern Haiti.
The newborn baby lay on the table, limp and breathless. Rose, a GHI
volunteer nurse practitioner, rushed into the birthing room ready to revive
the baby. Within just a few heart-pounding minutes of intervention,
the baby let out a cry and began breathing on her own.
Moments like these highlight the need for educating local providers on
neonatal care. Thanks to a Helping Babies Breathe program planned for
Hôpital Alma Mater in Haiti, professionals like Rose can train Haitian
nurses and birth attendants how to help a baby who enters the world
in trouble. Your donations are making a difference one life at a time.
“I am blessed to be a part of GHI’s
Helping Babies Breathe initiatives,
empowering communities to save
newborns. It can take less than a
minute to save a life. All the world’s
babies deserve the best start in life.”
~ Rosemary Danaher,
RN practitioner-neonatal
Mugonero Adventist Hospital / Rilima
Center for Pediatric Orthopedics
Ngoma / Rilima
24 GHI volunteers during fiscal year
29 Free surgeries
12 Children treated for club foot
7 Student scholarships
“I’ve had the opportunity to travel
to Rwanda seven times. Each visit
to Rwanda touches my soul in
a different way as we meet
practitioners and children whose
lives have been improved through
the work of GHI! Every year I return
home with a full heart and gratitude
for the privilege I’ve been granted
to be part of this work.”
~ Dr. Paula Enrietto
OUTCOMES Your gifts gave children
the ability to run and play this year by
providing free surgery for 12 pediatric
patients with advanced cases of club
foot. All areas of orthopedics are a
great area of need in Rilima, so your
generosity is providing long-term
benefits to the community by offering
local surgeons updated training on
ACL surgery techniques. Thanks to
you, the Mugonero Adventist Hospital
was also able to get equipment needed
for its new pediatric ward.
Rwanda is the most population-dense
country in Africa and is home to many
children with untreated club foot. Last
year, Sylvestre Mutabazi, a physical
therapist from Mugonero Adventist
Hospital, attended a GHI-sponsored
training at Rilima Children’s
Orthopedic Hospital. Two weeks after his training, a child was born with bilateral club
foot. Sylvestre was able to successfully treat the child using the Ponseti method he had
learned. Since then, he has treated 16 children for club foot and set up a weekly clinic at
Mugonero. Donors like you help change the lives of hundreds of children, making it
possible for them to walk.
Clinica Adventista Ana Stahl
Waking up to a regular day on his yucca farm, Erick felt as though knives were
digging into his abdomen. After arriving at the health post in his rural village, the
local physician quickly suspected appendicitis and sent him on the first boat to
135 GHI volunteers during fiscal year
the nearest city, Iquitos. His destination was the Clinica Adventista Ana Stahl,
111 Free surgeries
where GHI volunteers Dr. Chris Winter and Dr. Christine Rogness were waiting
4,134 Primary health care visits
to take him into immediate surgery. Your contributions save lives by helping
make these emergency surgeries possible and ensure that people like Erick return
to their families in full health.
4 Peruvian staff hosted in Colorado
OUTCOMES Surgery and
community health are the two
greatest areas where your generosity
is making an impact in Peru. Some
of the ways your generosity has
improved these areas are through
the shipment of a container full of
medical equipment valued at more
than $100,000, capacity building
of administrators to improve patient
satisfaction and human resources,
and laying the groundwork for two
educational projects: Helping Babies
Breathe and Essential Care for
Every Baby.
“We met Erick on our mission trip
in April. He would have suffered
a miserable illness and death
had it not been identified by our
community healthcare team. This
gentleman’s plight made us realize
how fortunate we are to be able
to provide him that care.”
~ Dr. Chris Winter &
Dr. Christine Rogness
We extend the healing
ministry of Christ by
strengthening existing
health facilities and
services in developing
countries, and by
nurturing the health
of the people in those
communities through
local partnerships.
Dr. David Lundy, general surgeon for Castle Rock Adventist Hospital,
prepares for surgery on a young patient in Peru.
Live the mission. Change a life. Change yourself.
Global Health Initiatives
7995 E. Prentice Avenue
Suite 204
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
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