January 10 - The Royal Rosarians


January 10 - The Royal Rosarians
The Royal Update
January 10, 2012
Issue 196
A Royal Rosarian Publication
Rosarians and
“Celebrating the Century” Centennial Auction
Submitted by Dame Barbara Brennan
Thanks for reading this
issue of the electronic
newsletter (e-newsletter) of
the Royal Rosarians
produced by Sir Knight
Adam Baker, Editor. If
you have suggestions or
contributions for this
newsletter, please contact
The 2012 Celebrating the Century Benefit Auction and Dinner is just around the
corner! Your Auction committee is creating an evening filled with fun to help raise
funds to support the Rosarians' good works in the community. To whet your appetite, here are a few of the
many items and activities that are available:
· Tickets to Portland Opera’s Candide
· One week of fun and sun in Lake
Havasu, Arizona
· Four one-day Park Hopper passes for
Disneyland and California Adventure Park
· A 7-day luxury yacht tour for two
· Roundtrip airline tickets
· Private dinner for eight at the Vista House
· An 8-course Spanish Tapas dinner
· Moonstruck Chocolates tasting event
Contact Information:
Phone: 503-477-0685
Please register online at (for a table or
individual tickets) at 2012 Auction, mail in
your registration information or contact Jacquie Janulis (503-332-0783 or
Inside this issue:
Centennial Auction
“Decades of Fashion”
Recent Happenings
Event Reminders 3
Festival Calendar
And of course we continue to
accept items for both the Silent and
Oral Auctions through January 20,
2012. Please fill out and submit a
donation form online at 2012
Auction or contact Jeri Beck
(360-903-4661 or
damejeri@me.com) to let her
know what you are donating. We’re looking forward to seeing you at the Benson Hotel on Saturday, February 11,
The Royal Update
Page 2
“Decades of Fashion” Show
For the Good of the Rosarians!
100 years of history shown through "DECADES OF
FASHION". Join us in reviewing how we developed
as an organization, how our First ladies showed off
their sense of style and how the world around us has
We will feature gowns and wardrobe items from many
of our past Queens and court members, some of our
most memorable Fun Night costumes and other
wardrobe items from the
decades. Mark your
calendar for Sunday,
March 18, 2012, at 2:00 PM, at the Embassy Suites
PM Trip to San Antonio,
Hotel, 319 SW Pine St. Seating will be limited so
make your reservations early. A registration form is
online or call Jacquie Janulis at 503-332-0783.
Rob and Roxanne will take a
trip to celebrate the Fiesta
San Antonio Festival, April
22nd-29th, 2012. For more
information, contact Duke
Bob Strader at 503-621-3778
or by email at
We are still looking for a few more period wardrobe
pieces. If you have anything available, please call
Kathie Bagley at 503-544-4448 or Renee Morgan at
Recent Happenings in Rosaria
Sash Protocol Reminder
On January 5th, the Royal Rosarians welcomed a
For the Centennial Year,
group of over 40 students and teachers from
Prime Minister Rob
Kaisei High School in Sapporo, Japan to Portland.
Hungerford would like
The students are participating in a cultural
members to wear sashes
exchange program visit with students and staff at
whenever in whites. If you
Grant High School.
wear a tuxedo or formal
gown to a ball he would like
sashes to be worn as well.
Sashes are not worn with
greens or with casual wear. All of the visitors will be staying
with host families and participate
New Member Knighting
in educational experiences at
Do you know someone who Grant High School from January
would be a great addition to 5th to January 10th. The visit is
our membership? Plan now helping to foster the sister city
to sponsor someone to be
relationship and the relationship
knighted at our annual
between the two schools.
ceremony in 2012!
The Royal Update
Page 3
NW Festival & Local
Parade Dates:
Daffodil Festival
April 13th-15th, 2012
Tacoma, WA
Apple Blossom Festival
May 4th-6th, 2012
Wenatchee, WA
Lilac Festival
May 18th-20th, 2012
Spokane, WA
Hyack Festival
May 25th-27th, 2012
New Westminster, BC
Rose Festival
Starlight Parade June 2nd,
Rose Festival Weekend
June 8th-10th, 2012
Portland, OR
Strawberry Festival
June 15th-17th, 2012
Marysville, WA
Capital Lakefair
July 18th-22nd, 2012
Olympia, WA
Seattle Seafair
July 27th-29th, 2012
Seattle, WA
Astoria Regatta
August 9th-13th, 2012
Astoria, OR
Autumn Leaf Festival
September 28th-30th, 2012
Leavenworth, WA
Salmon Days
October 5th-7th, 2012
Issaquah, WA
Event Reminders
January 20, 2012 - Purely Social
On Friday, January 20, 2012, at 6:30 PM, Sir knight Tom Marantette and Lady MaryWinn will host our next Purely social gathering at Atiyeh Bros., located at 6750 SW
Bonita in Tigard.
This will be a fun social event, potluck style. There is no cost, just bring your favorite
potluck dish and beverage. This will be your opportunity to bring that special guest to
learn about the Royal Rosarians. Informational tables will be set up at this event for
you and your guest to visit at your leisure and learn what we are all about and what is
involved to join our unique organization. Contact event chair Patty Hufford at
971-285-0059 if you are planning to attend or with any questions.
February 2, 2012 - Membership Meeting
Our next meeting of the Rosarian membership will be at the Double Tree Lloyd Center
on February 2, 2012. Social hour starts at 5:30 PM, dinner will be served at 6:30 PM
and the meeting will begin at 7:00 PM.
Your choices for dinner are:
• Garlic pepper crusted flat iron with demi-glace and crumbled smokey Rogue River
bleu cheese over rosemary red potatoes
• Bronzed salmon organic avocado crème fraîche with crisp cabbage slaw and plum
tomato pico
• Stuffed portabello mushroom served with roasted vegetables and quinoa over
roasted red pepper sauce
All dinner choices are $35.00. Please contact Mark Sleasman with your reservation at
marksleasman@msn.com or by phone at 503-643-8920.
March 14, 2012 - Newsmakers
The time has come for us to celebrate and honor select newsworthy individuals from
this past year. The event will take place at the DoubleTree Lloyd Center at 7:00 PM.
Pricing is unchanged this year, at $49.00 per seat and you can also sponsor tables of
eight for $392.00. Corporate and Media Table sponsorships are also available for
$475.00 and $575.00 respectively.
To reserve your table, call Aivars Saukants at 503-256-0749 to pay by credit card, or
e-mail your reservation to a.saukants@gmail.com.
Duke Jim Nielson’s Truisms
"I have a new philosophy. I'm only going to dread one day at a time.”
-Charles Schultz
Jim Nielson, Prime Minister in 1979, was famous for his
“truisms” which he was happy to share in each issue of the
Royal Update. Jim was knighted under the rose “Sutter’s
Gold”, pictured here.
The Royal Update
“Official Greeters and Ambassadors of Goodwill for the City of Portland”
Royal Rosarians
PO Box 6915
Portland, OR 97228
Prime Minister: Rob Hungerford
Council Advisor: Bob Wolcott, Councillor
Editor: Adam Baker
Photographers: Bill Barry, Marie Saturn, Ed
Whitehurst, Mindy Brennan and Lauren Baker
Visit our website: