The Royal Update - The Royal Rosarians


The Royal Update - The Royal Rosarians
The Royal Update
April 25, 2012
Issue 202
A Royal Rosarian Publication
Rosarians and
Hospitality Weekend - Friday Fun Night
Submitted by Event Chairs Dame Carla and Squire Gary Stenberg
Do you have an inner biker or biker chick wanting to be
Thanks for reading this
unleashed on the highway? Join us Friday night, June
issue of the electronic
8th from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM for “Ridin’ in the Wind”
newsletter (e-newsletter) of
during Hospitality Weekend.
the Royal Rosarians
produced by Sir Knight
Put on your best motorcycle costume and follow Route
Adam Baker, Editor. If
66 to “Rob’s Roadhouse Diner” for an all-American
you have suggestions or
buffet dinner with BBQ chicken, baked beans, country style mac and cheese, corn
contributions for this
on the cob, sliced watermelon, salad, and apple pie. Stop by Rose Ink Lane and
newsletter, please contact
pick up a temporary tattoo, pose for a photo with a real Harley bike on Harley
Davidson Blvd., have your face drawn by Caricature Artist Barbara Pikus on Subrosa Street and see who wins the prizes for best male and female bikers. Then
dance the night away to the tunes of DJ Bobby Brown.
Contact Information:
Phone: 503-477-0685
Inside this issue:
Hospitality Weekend
Rose Festival Packets
Foundation News
Foundation Project 4
Calendar of Events 4
Secretary of State Interview
Recent Happenings
RRF Grant Award
Membership Meeting
Event Calendar 8
Festival Calendar
Pin Sales
Everyone who attends the Hospitality Weekend will receive a patriotic do-rag in
their welcome bag. If you’re ordering à la carte, the price is $60 per person and
you will receive your do-rag on Rose Ink Lane at the event.
“A Century of Rosarian Spirit”
Packets for our Rose Festival Hospitality weekend, “A Century of
Rosarian Spirit”, are now on sale. We will have a fun-filled weekend
June 7th-10th at the Portland Hilton Hotel, located at 921 SW 6th in
beautiful downtown Portland. We expect this weekend to fill up
fast, as other Festival friends will join us for our Centennial.
Weekend events include: Honorary Knighting Ceremony, The
Queens’ Garden Party, “Ridin’ in the Wind” Fun Night, The Queen’s
Coronation, The Grand Floral Parade, The Centennial Grand Floral
Ball, a Farewell Breakfast and Queen’s Plaque Ceremony at Washington Park. For
complete information, contact Chair Korrie Hoeckendorf at or by
phone at 503-784-8150. The registration form and weekend brochure, which contain
details about all of the events, are available on our website. Sign up now so you don’t miss
out on this once in a lifetime celebration. There are now less than 10 rooms available
for Friday and Saturday night at the hotel! Make your reservations now to join us
for all of the fun during Rose Festival weekend.
The Royal Update
Page 2
Royal Rosarian Foundation News
Submitted by Sir Knight Phil Guzie
Over 40 Letters and Drawings Received from Local 3rd Graders
For the Good of the
PM Trip to San Antonio
Prime Minister Rob
Hungerford and First Lady
Roxanne are currently
celebrating the Fiesta San
Antonio. Check the next
Update issue for photos!
Sash Protocol Reminder
For the Centennial Year,
Prime Minister Rob
Hungerford would like
members to wear sashes
whenever in whites. If you
wear a tuxedo or formal
gown to a ball he would
like sashes to be worn as
well. Sashes are not worn
with greens or with casual
wear. Please see Gayle
Whitehurst to pick up your
sash at events or parades.
You are responsible for
your sash; one sash is
provided for each member.
Seasonal Uniform
As of April 1st we have
changed our seasonal
uniform to white pants
when we are wearing our
green jackets.
Our Royal Rosarian Foundation recently received over 40 letters and pictures from
students of Jason Lee grade school thanking the Foundation for the Grant monies
they received which allowed them to visit our Oregon Zoo on a field trip. Many of
them mentioned that this was the first time they had ever been to the zoo. Please
see the wonderful drawing and letter sent to us from Destiny and you’ll have a
great sense of how our Field Trip Program positively effects our young citizens.
These 40 children were but a small group of the over 8,400 students our
Foundation was able to provide financial aid to through our R.O.S.E.S Field Trip
Program. This program aids area underprivileged children with the funds to allow
them to attend educational and cultural field trips that they might not otherwise be
able to afford.
We encourage all Rosarians to attend one of our monthly Foundation meetings and
to get involved with our efforts. You can find more information about YOUR Royal
Rosarian Foundation at
The Royal Update
Royal Rosarian Foundation News (continued):
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The Royal Update
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Royal Rosarian Foundation - The Donald Project
Submitted by Sir Knight Gordon V. Walker
Recently in a Royal Update article, information was presented regarding The Donald
Project and that the Foundation would start publishing definitions of the various
programs/activities that are a part of what we do. Below is the start of providing this
information to you, our members. These are part of the R.O.S.E.S (Rosarians Offering
Support to Encourage Students) Programs.
Christmas For Kids is a non-religious charity outreach program. Thanks to donated cash
and merchandise, employees' time, and hundreds of volunteers including many Royal
Rosarians, this worthy program has been going on for 22 years.
Underprivileged kids are selected from the greater Portland area for a holiday shopping trip at the Hollywood
Fred Meyer. Many of these children don't have shoes that fit or a warm winter coat. In 2010 over 200 children
went shopping and were able to purchase items not just for themselves, but for more than 360 siblings as well.
Children are matched with one or more volunteers who take them shopping. Most of the wish lists don't even
have toys listed. Basic necessities such as shoes, underwear, and clothing are the favored items. One little boy,
instead of a toy for himself, wanted a pillow for his mother so she wouldn't have to use a pile of rags! And the
wonderful folks at Columbia Sportswear give each child a new coat, as well.
Your Foundation has supported this event since 2005. For the 2011 year, your Foundation contributed $5,000
to this worthy program which now makes the Foundation one of the major sponsors. And of course, Rosarian
volunteers show up to take the kids shopping. By the way, not all eyes stay dry during this most worthy event!
The Community Transitional School, a private school dedicated entirely to the needs of children whose
families are homeless, in transition, or experiencing chronic poverty-related crises.
The school provides each child with a stable, supportive environment that promotes both their personal and
academic growth. Daily enrollment is 60 to 70 students, ranging in age from 5 to 14 years of age, and coming
from families living in the city of Portland or parts of East Multnomah County.
They are fed 2 meals a day and are given new clothing and school supplies. Quoting principle Cheryl Bickel,
“For our students, our school is a refuge from the trauma and hardships of poverty and uncertainty—a place
where they feel a sense of community and belonging. This is a place where they have room to learn, laugh with
friends and build hope.”
In 2011, the Community Transitional School was embraced by the Foundation, resulting in a $5,000 grant and
we just provided them with another grant for $1,305.
Should you have any questions concerning the programs, please feel free to address them to any Foundation
Board member.
The Royal Update
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Secretary of State Candidate Interview
In this issue of the Royal Update, we begin a series of interviews with the candidates
for Secretary of State. The candidates responses will be presented in alphabetical
order by last name. In this issue we feature James Brennan, currently serving as
Minister of Foreign Affairs. Interview by Adam Baker, Royal Update Editor.
How long have you been a Royal Rosarian, and what Committees have you
been involved in during that time?
I was Knighted in 2004, and I have served on Council since 2006-2007. In that time,
I have served as Chairperson for: the Queen's Coronation in 2004 and 2005, the
Christmas Brunch in 2005 and 2006, Portland Rose Festival Foundation Pin Sales in
2005 and 2006, the Prime Ministers Ball in 2006 and 2010, the Hyack Festival in
2006. I was co-chair for the Hospitality Room in 2006, for Local Parades in 2007,
Senior Center Ceremonies in 2007 and the Finance and Budget Committees in 2011.
In addition to those Chair duties, I have served on a number of committees, including the Washington Park
Knighting, as a Royal Communicator, as a Sister City Liaison, as liaison to Travel Portland, with the Royal
Rosarian Foundation Auction, the Poinsettia Fund Raiser, as a member of the Rose Planting Team and as a
judge for the Rose Garden Contest. I have participated in Ship Greetings, VIP Greetings, Senior Center
Ceremonies, the Blessing of the Festival, Cheer and Outreach, New Member Knighting, Queens’ Garden Party,
Fun Night, Hospitality Room, the Grand Floral Ball, Farewell Breakfast, Public Relations, Local Parades,
Traveling Float, Out of Town Visitations, Membership Meetings, Starlight Parade as a Band Marshal, Hosting
by Starlight, The Grand Floral Parade as both a Band Marshal and a Float Marshal, Newsmakers, PA Towers,
Grand Floral Parade Float, the Opening Ceremony of Rose Festival, Junior Parade as a Band Marshal,
Memorial Day March, Veteran's Day Parade, Parade Scripts, Rosarian Event Banners, the Alpenrose Milk
Carton Boat Races, Royal Rosarian Wine Delivery, the Roster, Website, Purely Social Events, PRFF Pin Sales,
RRF Funding Criteria, Centennial Committee and Rose Festival Kids.
What is your favorite part of being a Rosarian?
That is simple...the PEOPLE, the sense of extended family. It is reflective to that of marriage: The true fact that
being a Royal Rosarian has made me aspire to be a better person. We often talk about the power of the White
Suit. It is real. Embrace it. Every time the uniform is put on, I want to be that Ambassador of Goodwill;
because I am representing every Royal Rosarian, every Tradition and every Memory that someone has
cherished of us. It is always rewarding to bring a smile to someone's face and make them feel welcome. I enjoy
it all!
Do you have a favorite Rosarian memory to share?
The ones that first came to mind were of every time Gale Buchanan was at a greeting or event; Gale has a true
gift of spreading joy. He makes you smile just with a look. And when he would approach someone with a
"sticky rose" and shared with them what it represented, it was a sight to behold. Gale made them feel so
honored to be receiving that small token. Gale is the best representation of what a Royal Rosarian Ambassador
of Goodwill should be and has provided many of my most cherished memories.
The Royal Update
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Secretary of State Candidate Interview (continued):
What has been the most surprising thing about being a
member of the Council?
Not so much surprised as reaffirming the selfless and altruistic
approach that is exhibited by Royal Rosarians, experiencing
those members and others, that step up to assist in making
things happen.
How did you meet your spouse and how long have you
been married?
Over 22 years ago the greatest of blessings came into my life.
When working with Rodda Paint as an Operations Manager in
Tualatin; an angelically beautiful young woman (Mindy)
patronized the establishment.
Having realized quickly that she was an exceptional person with a warm loving heart and great kind spirit; it
wasn't long before having convinced her to go on a date. Well, as we know, men only think we make the rules.
It was not long for the hunter to become the hunted. Thankfully, I did not stand a chance and it is my hope that
Mindy feels as much love and joy as she has given.
Do you have children? If so, what are their names and how old are they.
We were never blessed with our own children other than our beautiful nieces; Megan, Christine, Elizabeth,
Julia and Sophia. With the absence of children we have shared our love with Samson (Samoyed), Loki (ShihTzu) and currently Massimo (Shih-Tzu 13 months) and Mojo (Shih-Tzu 9 months).
What type of work do you do? What is the most enjoyable part of your job?
Currently, what I refer to as "Temporarily Retired". Charitable pursuits seem to fill the time very quickly.
The most enjoyable part to the job is working with great people and having a common goal of creating
moments of fun and joy.
What are your hobbies or other activities outside of Rosarians?
Home projects of various kinds. Whenever Mindy says, "You know I was thinking..." it's time to grab the tool
belt. Otherwise: cooking, motorcycling, camping, photography, four-wheeling, traveling, rodeos, theology,
psychology, etc.
What is a motto that guides your daily life?
It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; Anything is possible, the impossible just takes longer.
Thusly, the only easy day was yesterday.
Describe your dream vacation:
Dream vacation? Hmmm. Surf, sand, sunshine, tropical breeze and Mindy.
The Royal Update
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Recent Happenings in Rosaria
As Queen Lamarra Haynes knights Packy the elephant at the Oregon Zoo,
hats are doffed as a salute to the iconic pachyderm. Sir Knight Packy was
knighted in a modified brief ceremony under the rose “Superstar”. Packy
was also named as the Grand Marshal for the 2012 Grand Floral Parade.
Rosarians planted the Royal Rosarian rose at the Pittock Mansion.
Additionally, a plaque was placed next to the rose reading:
“In honor of the 100th anniversary of the Royal Rosarians 2012”.
The Royal Rosarian traveling float won it’s first award of the season at the
Tacoma Daffodil Festival parade, where it took first prize for a float from a
city with a population of over 10,000 people. We are looking forward to
another successful season with this years float!
Rosarians were joined by members of the Portland Rose Festival, the Rose Festival Foundation and the
Blueback Submarine Council of the United States Navy League as they participated in the annual Blessing of
the Festival at The Grotto. This event began with a memorial service for members of the respective
organizations that have passed away during the previous year. A blessing is sought for the Festival season and
afterwards a rose was planted in honor of the contributions made by Father Jack Topper, who also participated
in the planting. This was also the first event that the 2012 Rose Festival Court attended as a group.
The Royal Update
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Foundation Receives Grant Award
Submitted by Sir Knight Gordon V. Walker
As announced by Dave Shipley at our last Membership
Meeting, once again your Foundation is being
recognized by other local Foundations for the good
works we do particularly in regard to our R.O.S.E.S Field Trip Program.
Initially Gayle Whitehurst was instrumental in attracting grant funds for the Field
Trip Program from the Juan Young Trust in the amounts of $7,500 last year and
$10,000 this year.
Recently David Penilton, Dave and Connie Shipley, presented a grant proposal to
Travel Portland to support the Field Trip Program. Their effort has successfully
produced an award of a $15,000 grant payable in three $5,000 installments
beginning with the Fall school term.
Dave also wishes to express his thanks to both Bill McDonald and Lee Ann
Gadilauskas for their assistance in wordsmithing the grant proposal.
Dave went on to say that with the addition of this Travel Portland grant it is
becoming clear the greater Portland Community is becoming aware of the many
ways the Royal Rosarians contribute to the City of Portland as the Ambassadors of
Calendar of Events
• Membership Meeting
Holiday Inn at the Airport,
5:30 PM Social Hour,
6:30 PM Dinner, 7:00 PM
Meeting, May 3rd
(Secretary of State
• Council Meetings
Double Tree Lloyd Center
Hotel, 7:00 PM on May 21st
• Royal Rosarian
Foundation Meetings
Finley-Sunset Hills
Mortuary, 6:30 PM on May
May 3rd Membership Meeting Information
• Gateway Senior Center
Crowning of the Queen
Gateway Senior Center,
The Centennial Committee is Raffling off a complete Centennial Hospitality
Package. This will include: A Hospitality Package for two, two tickets to the Queens Time TBD on May 8th
Garden Party, two nights at the Hilton, two Centennial shirts, a Centennial Ornament
• Cornell Estates Crowning
and a Centennial Tote bag. Raffle tickets are one for $20, three for $50, or five for
of the Queen
$80. Tickets will be sold at the Centennial table at the next membership Meeting or 1005 NE 17th Ave,
you can buy then from Rob Hungerford or Gayle Whitehurst. The Drawing will be Hillsboro, 3:00 PM on May
held at the next Membership Meeting on May 3rd, which will be held at the Portland 10th
Airport Holiday Inn, at 8439 NE Columbia Blvd in Portland.
• St. John’s Parade
This meeting will also be an opportunity for everyone to get all of the up-to-date
Lombard neighborhood,
information that you need for Rose Festival. There will be the latest information on 12:00 PM on May 12th
hospitality and the upcoming out-of-town festivals. You can sign up for volunteer
activities including: Float and Band Marshaling for the Starlight, Junior and Grand
Floral Parades, and Hospitality Suite servers and greeters. You will also have an
opportunity to buy your Rose Festival pin and Centennial merchandise. Social hour For more event information,
please visit
starts at 5:30 PM, with dinner served at 6:30 PM and the meeting starts at 7:00 PM.
Please RSVP with Mark Sleasman,, BEFORE April 29th.
The Royal Update
Page 9
NW Festival & Local
Parade Dates:
Apple Blossom Festival
May 4th-6th, 2012
Wenatchee, WA
Lilac Festival
May 18th-20th, 2012
Spokane, WA
Hyack Festival
May 25th-27th, 2012
New Westminster, BC
Rose Festival
Starlight Parade June 2nd,
Rose Festival Weekend
June 8th-10th, 2012
Portland, OR
Strawberry Festival
June 15th-17th, 2012
Marysville, WA
Capital Lakefair
July 18th-22nd, 2012
Olympia, WA
Seattle Seafair
July 27th-29th, 2012
Seattle, WA
Astoria Regatta
August 9th-13th, 2012
Astoria, OR
Autumn Leaf Festival
September 28th-30th, 2012
Leavenworth, WA
Salmon Days
October 5th-7th, 2012
Issaquah, WA
Apple Blossom Festival
Please join us in Wenatchee, WA for the Apple Blossom Festival!
2012 will be a time for “Walking on Sunshine” with Chancellor
Kathy Fortner-Lewis and her husband Mark with friends from
other Festival groups. Friday night includes a “Hawaiian Luau”
themed dinner and a silent auction, and Saturday night’s formal
dinner is a “Moonlight Serenade” with dancing to the music of
The Steamers. If you aren’t able to join us for the weekend,
please come up for the parade on Saturday, May 6th at 11:00 AM. For more
information, contact event chair Morris Westlund at or
by phone at 503-697-3665.
Spokane Lilac Festival
Join 2012 Lilac Festival President Hal Patton and First Lady
Clare as they invite you to "Dream and Reach for the Stars" as a
tribute to our military who defend our uniquely American Dream,
as well as a challenge to our youth to reach high and follow their
You can find information about their festival packet here. Please
join our traveling float as we participate in the 74th annual Armed Forces Torchlight
Parade on Saturday, May 19th at 7:45 PM.
Rose Festival Pin Sales
The Rose Festival Pins for 2012 are now available for sale! The pins
will allow access to the CityFair for the entire Rose Festival season.
The price, which remains unchanged this year at $5.00, feature a
photo of the beautiful Royal Rosarian Rose in honor of our
Centennial year. To purchase pins, please contact Adam Baker at or 503-477-0685.
Duke Jim Nielson’s Truisms
"The brain is complex. It begins to work at birth, but stops when you get up to
make a speech.”
Jim Nielson, Prime Minister in 1979, was famous for his
“truisms” which he was happy to share in each issue of the
Royal Update. Jim was knighted under the rose “Sutter’s
Gold”, pictured here.
The Royal Update
“Official Greeters and Ambassadors of Goodwill for the City of Portland”
Royal Rosarians
PO Box 6915
Portland, OR 97228
Prime Minister: Rob Hungerford
Council Advisor: Bob Wolcott, Councillor
Editor: Adam Baker
Photographers: Bill Barry, Marie Saturn, Ed
Whitehurst, Mindy Brennan and Lauren Baker
Visit our website: