2016_Separate Financial Statement Quarter I
2016_Separate Financial Statement Quarter I
Vingroup Joint Stock Company SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS QUARTER I - 2016 Vingroup Joint Stock Company CONTENTS Pages General information 1-2 3 Report of management Separate balance sheet Separate income statement Separate cash flow statement Notes to the Separate financial statements 4-6 7 8-9 10 - 39 Appendixes: Group structure as at 31 March 2016 40 -44 Explanation for the variances of PL between two period 45 Basic financial ratios 46 Vingroup Joint Stock Company GENERAL INFORMATION THE COMPANY Vingroup Joint Stock Company ("the Company") is a joint stock company established in Vietnam pursuant to the Business Registration Certificate No. 0103001016 issued by the Hanoi Department of Planning and Investment on 3 May 2002 and the Business Registration Certificate No. 0101245486 re-issued on 12 May 2010. The Company also subsequently received the 60th amended Business Registration Certificates dated 18 March 2016. The Company's shares were officially listed on the Hochiminh City Stock Exchange ("HOSE") from 19 September 2007 pursuant to Decision No.106/QD-TTGDHCM issued by the Director of HOSE on 7 September 2007. The current principal activities of the Company are to construct, trade and invest in real estate properties; to carry out capital mobilization and investment activities; and to provide general administrative services. The Company's head office is located at No.7, Bang Lang 1 street, Vinhomes Riverside Eco-urban Area, Viet Hung ward, Long Bien district, Hanoi, Vietnam. Its branch is located at No. 72, Le Thanh Ton street and No. 45A, Ly Tu Trong street, Ben Nghe ward, district 1, Hochiminh city, Vietnam. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Members of the Board of Directors during the period and at the date of this report are: Mr Pham Nhat Vuong Mr Le Khac Hiep Ms Pham Thuy Hang Ms Pham Thu Huong Ms Nguyen Dieu Linh Ms Vu Tuyet Hang Mr Ling Chung Vee Roy Ms Mai Huong Noi Mr Marc Villiers Townsend Mr Joseph Raymond Gagnon Chairman Deputy Chairman Deputy chairwoman Deputy chairwoman Deputy chairwoman Deputy chairwoman Member Member Member Member Resigned on 22 April 2016 BOARD OF SUPERVISION Members of the Board of Supervision during the period and at the date of this report are: Mr Nguyen The Anh Mr Dinh Ngoc Lan Ms Do Thi Hong Van Ms Nguyen Thi Van Trinh Head of Board of Supervision Member Member Member 1 Vingroup Joint Stock Company GENERAL INFORMATION (continued) MANAGEMENT Members of the Management during the period and at the date of this report are: Ms Duong Thi Mai Hoa Ms Mai Huong Noi Mr Pham Van Khuong Ms Nguyen Dieu Linh Mr Dang Thanh Thuy Ms Vu Tuyet Hang Ms Nguyen Thi Diu General Director Deputy General Director Deputy General Director Deputy General Director Deputy General Director Deputy General Director Deputy General Director LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE The legal representative of the Company during the period and at the date of this report is Ms Duong Thi Mai Hoa. 2 Vingroup Joint Stock Company REPORT OF MANAGEMENT Management of Vingroup Joint Stock Company ("the Company") is pleased to present its report and the separate financial statements of the Company for quarter I 20016. MANAGEMENT'S RESPONSIBILITY IN RESPECT OF THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Management is responsible for the separate financial statements of each financial period which give a true and fair view of the separate financial position of the Company and of the separate results of its operation and its separate cash flows for the year. In preparing those separate financial statements, management is required to: ....select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; ....make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; ....state whether applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the separate financial statements; and ....prepare the separate financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue its business. Management is responsible for ensuring that proper accounting records are kept which disclose, with reasonable accuracy at any time, the separate financial position of the Company and to ensure that the accounting records comply with the applied accounting system. It is also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. Management confirmed that it has complied with the above requirements in preparing the accompanying separate financial statements for Quarter 12016. STATEMENT BY MANAGEMENT Management does hereby state that, in its opinion, the accompanying separate financial statements give a true and fair view of the separate financial position of the Company as at 31 March 2016, and of the separate results of its operations and its separate cash flows in accordance with Vietnamese Accounting Standards, Vietnamese Enterprise Accounting System and the statutory requirements relevant to the preparation and pr~l?~.r:l.tation of the separate financial statements. ......... ~~~GROUP·>··... :/~~~ an =: . ..alf of management: !~~1~\ "",. --\I<- .... ~ :' Jot-« : ... ./'()1.lJHQD.Cl-Hr\I.'lI\!Ia Hanoi, Vietnam 04 May 2016 3 B01a-ON Vingroup Joint Stock Company SEPARATE BALANCE SHEET As at 31 March 2016 Currencv: VND Code ASSETS Notes 100 A. CURRENT ASSETS 110 111 112 I. Cash and cash equivalents 1. Cash 2. Cash equivalents 120 II. Short·term Investments 121 122 123 4 5 1. Held-for-tradingsecurities 2. Provision for diminution in value of held-for-trading securities 3. Held-to-maturityinvestments 130 III. Current accounts receivables 131 132 135 136 137 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Short-term trade receivables Short-term advances to suppliers Short-term loan receivables Other short-term receivables Provision for doubtful debts 140 IV. Inventories 141 6 7 8 9 1. Inventories 150 V. Other current assets 151 152 153 155 1. Short-term prepaid expenses 2. Value-added tax deductible 3. Tax and other receivables from the State 4. Other current assets 10 11 4 Ending balance Beginning balance 24,965,416,588,095 24,238,821,543,283 699,019,340,601 1,071,293,410,389 649,019,340,601 50,000,000,000 571,293,410,389 500,000,000,000 1,528,291,448,000 2,142,032,490,611 32,369,112,000 32,369,112,000 (15,077,664,000) 1,511,000,000,000 (14,958,000,000) 2,124,621,378,611 14,621,970,277,545 16,585,572,752,924 513,966,039,998 173,731,754,361 11,222,611,901,893 2,820,728,372,342 (109,067,791,049) 288,691,127,787 132,228,960,187 12,496,760,202,648 3,769,416,074,672 (101,523,612,370) 893,895,227,906 730,548,865,044 893,895,227,906 730,548,865,044 7,222,240,294,043 3,709,374,024,315 41,828,907,279 46,698,974,728 13,394,986,624 35,767,944,963 4,110,702,151 7,129,601,709,885 2,923,154,643 3,657,287,938,085 B01a-DN Vingroup Joint Stock Company SEPARATE BALANCE SHEET (continued) As at 31 March 2016 Currency' VND Code ASSETS Notes 200 B. NON-CURRENT ASSETS 210 215 216 I. Long-term receivables 1. Long-term loan receivables 2. Other long-term receivables 7 220 II. Fixed assets 221 222 223 227 228 229 1. Tangible fixed assets Cost Accumulated depreciation 2. Intangible fixed assets Cost Accumulated amortisation 230 III. Investment properties 231 232 13 1. Cost 2. Accumulated depreciation 240 IV. Long-term assets in progress 242 12 14 1. Construction in progress 253 1 Investment in subsidiaries 2 Investments in associates, jointly controlled entities 3 Investment in other entities 254 4 Provision for dimunition in value of long-term investments 255 5 Held-to-maturityinvestments 1. Long-term prepaid expenses 2. Deferred tax assets 3. Other long-term assets 55,991,602,065,672 54,082,083,973,729 9,568,955,465,111 11,135,844,306,667 9,568,952,825,111 2,640,000 11,135,841,666,667 2,640,000 217,808,663,074 214,091,787,205 196,040,823,686 263,166,988,365 (67,126,164,679) 21,767,839,388 38,654,838,880 (16,886,999,492) 194,042,685,458 253,059,710,604 (59,017,025,146) 20,049,101,747 35,150,011,380 (15,100,909,633) 82,254,873,272 82,735,895,923 87,706,085,875 (5,451,212,603) 87,706,085,875 (4,970,189,952) 3,408,960,714,522 2,805,541,943,578 3,408,960,714,522 2,805,541,943,578 41,158,424,279,041 38,275,539,416,775 36,723,752,608,248 34,479,034,583,248 15.2 1,482,214,318,182 2,919,437,075,345 1,482,214,318,182 2,314,290,515,345 (87,167,222,734) 120,187,500,000 - 1,555,198,070,652 1,568,330,623,581 53,369,465,209 1,828,605,443 1,500,000,000,000 67,515,682,870 814,940,711 1,500,000,000,000 80,957,018,653,767 78,320,905,517,012 15.3 15.4 260 VI. Other long-term assets 261 262 268 Beginning balance 15.1 250 V. Long-term Investments 251 252 Ending balance 10 11 270 TOTAL ASSETS 5 B01a-ON Vingroup Joint Stock Company SEPARATE BALANCE SHEET (continued) As at 31 March 2016 Currency: VND Code RESOURCES Notes 300 C. LIABILITIES 310 311 312 313 314 315 318 319 320 I. Current liabilities 1. Short-term trade payables 2. Short-term advances from customers 3. Statutory obligations 4. Payables to employees 5. Short-term accrued expenses 6. Short-term unearned revenues 7. Other short-term payables 8. Short-term loan and finance lease 16 338 339 400 I. Capital 1. Contributed share capital Shares with voting rights 2. Share premium 3. Other funds belonging to owners' equity 4. Undistributed earnings 421 Undistributed earnings accumulated 421a to prior year-end Undistributed earnings of this period 421b 410 411 411a 412 420 18 19.1 41,069,956,307,068 16,742,967,511,595 20,129,324,462,839 511,443,107,585 533,334,439,982 4,304,491,083 1,185,537,799,498 22,428,999,123 7,377,474,863,033 7,108,443,811,291 136,288,096,579 28,358,671,263 9,352,323,347 14,600,225,361 764,864,295,381 26,643,140,910 5,047,407,477,029 14,101,810,232,969 23,471,008,779,917 20,940,631,844,229 23,471,008,779,917 18,558,230,083,647 2,382,401,760,582 40,743,042,362,255 37,250,949,209,944 40,743,042,362,255 37,250,949,209,944 19,398,548,510,000 19,398,548,510,000 18,765,136,668,299 18,681,880,870,000 18,681,880,870,000 17,279,282,355,761 26,000,000,000 2,553,357,183,956 26,000,000,000 1,263,785,984,183 1,263,785,984,183 1,289,571,199,773 6,467,923,866 1,257,318,060,317 80,957,018,653,767 78,320,905,517,012 - 20 21 - TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUITY ~ Ngo Thi Huyen Preparer 40,213,976,291,512 19.2 - 440 Beginning balance - 17 330 II. Non-current liabilities 1 Long-term loans and finance lease obligations 2 Convertible bonds D. OWNERS' EQUITY Ending balance .. NguyenThi Thu Hien Chief Accountant 04 May 2016 6 B02a-ON Vingroup Joint Stock Company SEPARATEINCOMESTATEMENT Quarter I - 2016 ITEMS Code 01 02 10 11 20 21 22 23 25 26 1. Revenue from sale of goods and rendering of services 2. Deductions 3. Net revenue from sale of goods and rendering of services 4. Cost of goods sold and services rendered 5. Gross profit from sale of goods and rendering of services 6. Finance income 7. Finance expenses Quarter I 2016 Quarter I 2015 22.1 22.1 271,986,129,060 192,538,116,883 271,986,129,060 192,538,116,883 22.1 271,986,129,060 192,538,116,883 271,986,129,060 192,538,116,883 23 236,477,576,425 138,282,580,306 236,477,576,425 138,282,580,306 35,508,552,635 2,174,290,685,769 54,255,536,577 2,823,418,441,825 872,638,907,665 746,765,474,212 6,264,314,161 41,868,499,901 719,457,631,682 566, 194,520,155 54,255,536,577 2,823,418,441,825 719,457,631,682 566, 194,520,155 16,430,522,603 35,508,552,635 2,174,290,685,769 872,638,907,665 746,765,474,212 6,264,314,161 41,868,499,901 1,289,027,516,677 1,874,780,501 1,529,387,290 345,393,211 2,141,785,824,117 650,699,590 1,289,027,516,677 1,874,780,501 64,474,720 586,224,870 1,529,387,290 345,393,211 2,141,785,824,117 650,699,590 64,474,720 586,224,870 1,289,372,909,888 2,142,372,048,987 1,289,372,909,888 2,142,372,048,987 22.2 24 - In which: Interest expense 9. Selling expenses 10. General and administrative expenses 32 40 11. Operating profit 12. Other income 13. Other expenses 14. Other (loss)/profit 50 15. Profit before tax 51 16. Current corporate income tax expense 26 52 17. Deferred income tax (income)/expense 26 60 18. Net profit after tax 30 31 Ngo Thi Huyen Preparer 04 May2016 2015 2016 Notes 25 25 16,430,522,603 815,374,847 815,374,847 (1,013,664,732) 1,289,571,199,773 2,142,372,048,987 (1,013,664,732) 1,289,571,199,773 2,142,372,048,987 Duong·ThiMai Hoa General Director Nguyen Thi Thu Hien Chief Accountant 7 B03a-DN Vingroup Joint Stock Company SEPARATE CASH FLOW STATEMENT for the three-month period ended 31 March 2016 Currency' VND Code ITEMS Notes For the three-month period ended 31 March 2015 For the three-month period ended 31 March 2016 I. CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING 01 02 03 04 05 06 Profit before tax Adjustments for: Depreciation and amortisation Changes in provisions Foreign exchange losses Profits from investing activities Interest expense 14 15 Operating profit before changes in working capital Increase in receivables (Increase)!decrease in inventories Increase!(decrease) in payables (other than interest, corporate income tax) (Increase)! decrease in prepaid expenses (Increase)!decrease in held-far-trading securities Interest paid Corporate income tax paid 20 Net cash flows used in operating activities 08 09 10 11 12 13 2,142,372,048,987 10,536,709,216 94,831,065,413 219,373,156,250 (1,954,834,552,727) 784,150,182,463 6,466,084,425 (10,246,783,025) 108,314,556,671 (2,803,357,906,115) 626,733,382,632 443,429,470,503 (322,009,096,942) - 70,281,383,575 (482,428,046,826) (12,466,188,511) (406,346,024,509) (14,287,702,994) (91,901,193,402) 5,877,485,576 - II. CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING Purchase, construction of fixed assets and 21 other long-term assets Proceeds from disposals of fixed assets 22 and other long-term assets Loans to other entities and payments for 23 purchase of debt instruments of other entities Collections from borrowers and proceeds 24 from sale of debt instruments of other entities Payments for investments in other entities 25 (net of cash acquired) Proceeds from sale of investments in other 26 entities (net of cash held by entity being disposed) Interest and dividends received 27 30 1,289,372,909,888 (434,167,802,846) (7,120,779,636) (302,387,726,598) (740,501,936,424) (813,024,286,186) (363,837,696,205) (567,782,657,902) 247,711,452 Net cash flows used in investing activities 8 (4,371,470,954,632) (2,999,753,142,062) 5,753,904,884,851 3,535,729,633,310 (6,755,088,356,800) (3,427,339,986,844) 5,170,984,804,091 2,656,169,175,249 3,013,903,424,661 120,565,912,477 2,090,909,568,005 (324,676,816,360) B03a-DN Vingroup Joint Stock Company SEPARATE CASH FLOW STATEMENT (continued) for the three-month period ended 31 March 2016 Currency' VND Notes Code ITEMS 33 34 III.CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Drawdown of borrowings Repayment of borrowings For the three-month period ended 31 March 2016 For the three-month period ended 31 March 2015 10,144,156,949,482 1,388,682,996,381 (11,866,838,650,851) (1,302,976,857,938) (1,722,681,701,369) 85,706,138,443 40 Net cash flows from financing activities 50 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (372,274,069,788) (1,051,994,964,103) 60 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period 1,071,293,410,389 1,314,658,214,340 61 Impact of exchange rate fluctuation - . 70 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period 699,019,340,601 262,663,250,237 Ngo Thl Huyen Preparer 4 Nguyen Thl Thu Hien Chief Accountant 04 May 2016 9 '~~;"""':' Duang Thl Mal Hoa General Director Vingroup Joint Stock Company B09a-DN NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Quarter I 2016 1. CORPORATE INFORMATION Vingroup Joint Stock Company ("the Company") is a joint stock company established in Vietnam pursuant to the Business Registration Certificate No. 0103001016 issued by the Hanoi Department of Planning and Investment on 3 May 2002 and the Business Registration Certificate No. 0101245486 reissued on 12 May 2010. The Company also subsequently received the 60th amended Business Registration Certificates dated 18 March 2016. The Company's shares were officially listed on the Hochiminh City Stock Exchange ("HOSE") from 19 September 2007 pursuant to Decision No.106/QD-TTGDHCM issued by the Director of HOSE on 7 September 2007. The current principal activities of the Company are to construct, trade and invest in real estate properties; to carry out capital mobilization and investment activities; and to provide general administrative services. The Company's head office is located at No.7, Bang Lang 1 street, Vinhomes Riverside Eco-urban Area, Viet Hung ward, Long Bien district, Hanoi, Vietnam. Its branch is located at No. 72, Le Thanh Ton street and No. 45A, Ly Tu Trong street, Ben Nghe ward, district 1, Hochiminh city, Vietnam. As at 31 March 2016, the Company has 68 subsidiaries. The information on these subsidiaries, along with the Company's voting rights and equity interest in each subsidiary are detailed in the Appendix 1. As at 31 March 2016, the Company also holds investments in a number of associates as presented in Note 15.2. 2. BASIS OF PREPARATION 2.1 Accounting standards and system The separate financial statements of the Company expressed in Vietnam dong ("VND"), are prepared in accordance with the Vietnamese Enterprise Accounting System and Vietnamese Accounting Standard and other Vietnamese Accounting Standards issued by the Ministry of Finance as per: ~ Decision No. 149/2001/QD-BTC dated 31 December 2001 on the Issuance and Promulgation of Four Vietnamese Accounting Standards (Series 1); ~ Decision No. 165/2002/QD-BTC dated 31 December 2002 on the Issuance and Promulgation of Six Vietnamese Accounting Standards (Series 2); ~ Decision No. 234/2003/QD-BTC dated 30 December 2003 on the Issuance and Promulgation of Six Vietnamese Accounting Standards (Series 3); ~ Decision No. 12/2005/QD-BTC dated 15 February 2005 on the Issuance and Promulgation of Six Vietnamese Accounting Standards (Series 4); and ~ Decision No. 100/2005/QD-BTC dated 28 December 2005 on the Issuance and Promulgation of Four Vietnamese Accounting Standards (Series 5). Accordingly, the accompanying separate financial statements, including their utilisation are not designed for those who are not informed about Vietnam's accounting principles, procedures and practices and furthermore are not intended to present the financial position and results of operations and cash flows in accordance with accounting principles and practices generally accepted in countries other than Vietnam. 2.2 Applied accounting documentation system The Company's applied accounting documentation system is the General Journal system. 10 B09a-DN Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter I 2016 2. BASIS OF PREPARATION (continued) 2.3 Fiscal year The Company's fiscal year applicable for the preparation of its financial statements starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December. 2.4 Accounting currency The separate financial statements are prepared in VND which is also the Company's accounting 3 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 3.1 Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand, cash in banks and short-term, highly liquid investments with an original maturity of less than three months that are readily convertible into known amounts of cash and that are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value. 3.2 Invetories Inventory property Property acquired or being constructed for sale in the ordinary course of business, rather than to be held for rental or capital appreciation, is held as inventory and is measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost includes: ~ Freehold and leasehold rights for land; ~ Amounts paid to contractors for construction; Borrowing costs, planning and design costs, costs of site preparation, professional fees for legal services, property transfer taxes, construction overheads and other related costs. Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of the business, based on market prices at the reporting date and less costs to completion and the estimated costs of sale. The cost of inventory recognised in profit or loss on disposal is determined with reference to the specific costs incurred on the property sold and an allocation of any non-specific costs based on the relative size of the inventory property sold. Other inventories Inventories are carried at the lower of cost incurred in bringing each product to its present location and condition and net realisable value. The perpetual method is used to record the costs of other inventories, in which construction materials are valued at the cost of purchase, on a first in first out basis. Provision for obsolete inventories An inventories provision is created for the estimated loss arising due to the impairment of value (through diminution, damage, obsolescence, etc.) of raw materials, finished goods, and other inventories owned by the Company, based on appropriate evidence of impairment available at the balance sheet date. Increases and decreases to the provision balance are recorded into the cost of goods sold account in the period. 11 B09a-DN Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter I 2016 3 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 3.3 Receivables Receivables are presented in the separate financial statements at the carrying amounts due from customers and other debtors, after provision for doubtful debts. The provision for doubtful debts represents amounts of outstanding receivables at the balance sheet date which are doubtful of being recovered. Increases and decreases to the provision balance are recorded as general and administrative expense in the separate income statement. 3.4 Tangible fixed assets Tangible fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. The cost of a tangible fixed asset comprises its purchase price and any directly attributable costs of bringing the tangible fixed asset to working condition for its intended use. Expenditures for additions, improvements and renewals are added to the carrying amount of the assets and expenditures for maintenance and repairs are charged to the separate income statement as incurred. When tangible fixed assets are sold or retired, their costs and accumulated depreciation are removed from the balance sheet and any gain or loss resulting from their disposal is included in the separate income statement. 3.5 Intangible assets Intangible assets are stated at cost less accumulated amortisation. The cost of an intangible asset comprises its purchase price and any directly attributable costs of preparing the intangible fixed asset for its intended use. Expenditures for additions, improvements are added to the carrying amount of the assets and other expenditures are charged to the separate income statement as incurred. When intangible assets are sold or retired, their costs and accumulated amortisation are removed from the separate balance sheet and any gain or loss resulting from their disposal is included in the separate income statement. 3.6 Depreciation and amortisation Depreciation and amortisation of tangible fixed assets and intangible assets are calculated on a straightline basis over the estimated useful life of each asset as follows: 38 years 3 -10 years 3 - 10 years 3 - 5 years 3 - 8 years Buildings and structures Machineries and equipment Means of transportation Office equipment Computer software 3.7 Investment properties Investment properties are stated at cost including transaction costs less accumulated depreciation. Subsequent expenditure relating to an investment property that has already been recognized is added to the net book value of the investment property when it is probable that future economic benefits, in excess of the originally assessed standard of performance of the existing investment property, will flow to the Company. 12 Vingroup Joint Stock Company B09a-DN NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter I 2016 3 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 3.7 Investment properties (continued) Depreciation and amortisation of investment properties are calculated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of each asset as follows: Buildings 30 - 50 years Amortisation of land use rights with definite terms presented as a part of investment properties is calculated on a straight-line basis over the definite term. Investment properties are derecognised when either they have been disposed of or when the investment properties are permanently withdrawn from use and no future economic benefit is expected from its disposal. The difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the assets is recognised in the income statement in the period of retirement or disposal. Transfers are made to investment properties when, and only when, there is a change in use, evidenced by ending of owner-occupation, commencement of an operating lease to another party or ending of construction or development. Transfers are made from investment properties when, and only when, there is change in use, evidenced by commencement of owner-occupation or commencement of development with a view to sale. The transfer from investment property to owner-occupied property or inventories does not change the cost or the carrying value of the property for subsequent accounting at the date of change in use. 3.8 Borrowing costs Borrowing costs consist of interest and other costs that an entity incurs in connection with the borrowing of funds. Borrowing costs are recorded as expense during the year in which they are incurred, except to the extent that they are capitalized as explained in the following paragraph. Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of an asset that necessarily take a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use or sale are capitalized as part of the cost of the respective asset. 3.9 Prepaid expenses Prepaid expenses are reported as short-term or long-term prepaid expenses on the balance sheet and allocated over the period for which the amount are paid or the period in which economic benefits are generated in relation to these expenses. Long-term prepaid expenses include long-term prepaid land rental and other long-term expenses that bring future economic benefits for more than one year period. 3.10 Investments Investments in subsidiaries Investments in subsidiaries over which the Company has control are accounted for under the cost method of accounting in the separate balance sheet. Distributions from accumulated net profits of the subsidiaries arising subsequent to the date of acquisition are recognised in the separate income statement. Distributions from sources other than from such profits are considered a recovery of investment and are deducted to the cost of the investment. Investments in associates Investments in associate over which the Company has significant influence are accounted for under the cost method of accounting in the separate balance sheet. Distributions from the accumulated net profits of the associates arising subsequent to the date of acquisition by the Company are recognized as income in the separate income statement. Distributions from sources other than from such profits are considered a recovery of investment and are deducted to the cost of the investment. 13 B09a-DN Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter I 2016 3 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 3.10 Investments (continued) Held-for-trading securities and investments in other entities Held-for-trading securities and investments in other entities are stated at their acquisition costs. Provision for investments Provision is made for any diminution in value of the held-for-trading securities and investments in capital of other entities at the balance sheet date in accordance with the guidance under Circular No. 228/2009fTT-BTC dated 7 December 2009 and Circular No. 89/2013fTT-BTC dated 26 June 2013 issued by the Ministry of Finance. Increase and decrease to the provision balance are recorded as finance expense in the separate income statement. Held-to-maturity investments Held-to-maturity investments are stated at their acquisition costs. After initial recognition, held-to-maturity investments are measured at recoverable amount. Any impairment loss incurred is recognised as expense in the separate financial statements and deducted against the value of such investments. 3.11 Payables and accruals Payables and accruals are recognised for amounts to be paid in the future for goods and services received, whether or not billed to the Company. Payables to contractors are recorded based on interim work certificates between two parties, regardless of whether or not billed to the Company. 3.12 Accrual for severance pay The severance pay to employee is accrued at the end of each reporting year for all employees who have more than 12 months in service up to the reporting date at the rate of one-half of the average monthly salary for each year of service up to the 31 December 2008 in accordance with the Labour Code, the Law on Social Insurance and related implementing guidance. The average monthly salary used in this calculation will be revised at the end of each reporting year following the average monthly salary of the 6month period up to the reporting date. Any changes to the accrued amount will be taken to the separate income statement. This accrued severance pay is used to settle the termination allowance to be paid to employee upon termination of their labour contract following Article 48 of the Labour Code. 3.13 Provisions Provisions are recognised when the Company has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event, it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. When the Company expects some or all of a provision to be reimbursed, for example under an insurance contract, the reimbursement is recognised as a separate asset but only when the reimbursement is virtually certain. The expense relating to any provision is presented in the separate income statement net of any reimbursement. If the effect of the time value of money is material, provisions are discounted using a current pre tax rate that reflects, where appropriate, the risks specific to the liability. Where discounting is used, the increase in the provision due to the passage of time is recognised as a finance cost. 14 Vingroup Joint Stock Company B09a-DN NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter I 2016 3 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 3.14 Foreign currency transactions Transactions in currencies other than the Company's reporting currency of VND are recorded at the actual transaction exchange rates at transaction dates which are determined as follows: - Transactions resulting in liabilities are recorded at the selling exchange rates of the transaction of commercial banks designated for payment; - Payments for assets or expenses without liabilities initially being recognised is recorded at the buying exchange rates of the commercial banks that process these payments. At the end of the period, monetary balances denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the actual transaction exchange rates at the balance sheet dates which are determined as follows: - Monetary assets are translated at buying exchange rate of the commercial bank where the Company conduct transactions regularly; - Monetary liabilities are translated at selling exchange rate of the commercial bank where the Company conduct transactions regularly. All realised and unrealised foreign exchange differences are taken to the separate income statement. 3.15 Convertible bond Bonds that are convertible by the holder into a fixed number of ordinary shares of the Company are separated into financial liability (a contractual arrangement to deliver cash or another financial assets) and equity instrument (a call option granting the holder the right, for a specified period of time) based on the terms of the contract. In cases where the number of ordinary shares to be converted is not fixed, the entire convertible bonds are classified as a financial liability. 3.16 Bond issuance costs Bond issuance costs are amortised on a straight-line basis during the term of the bond and recognized as either finance expenses or being capitalized. At initial recognition, bond issuance costs are deducted from the par value of the bond. Periodically, the bond issuance costs are amortized by increasing the par value of the bond and such amortizations are recognized as either finance expense or being capitalized in correspondence with the recognition of interest expenses. 3.17 Treasury shares Own equity instruments which are reacquired (treasury shares) are recognised at cost and deducted from equity. No gain or loss is recognised in profit or loss upon purchase, sale, issue or cancellation of the Company's own equity instruments. 3.18 Appropriation of net profits Net profit after tax (excluding unrealised exchange gains as at the balance sheet date) is available for appropriation to shareholders after approval in the annual general meeting, and after making appropriation to reserve funds in accordance with the Company's Charter and the Vietnamese regulatory The Company maintains the financial reserve fund which is appropriated from the Company's net profit as proposed by the Board of Directors and subject to approval by shareholders at the annual general meeting. 15 BOga-DN Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter 12016 3 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 3.19 Revenue recognition Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Company and the revenue can be reliably measured regardless of when payment is being made. Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received, excluding discounts, rebates, and sales taxes or duty. The following specific recognition criteria must also be met before revenue is recoqnised: Revenue from sale of inventory property Revenue from sale of inventory property is recognized when the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the properties have passed to the buyer. Revenue from leasing of investment properties Rental income arising from leased investment properties is accounted for on a straight line basis over the lease term of ongoing leases. Rendering of services Revenue is recognized when services are rendered to the customers. Gains from securities trading, capital transfer Gains from securities trading and capital transfer are determined as the excess of selling prices against the cost of securities sold. Such gain is recognized on the trade date when the relevant contracts are executed. Interest Revenue is recognized as the interest accrues (taking into account the effective yield on the asset) unless collectability is in doubt. Dividends Income is recognized when the Company's entitlement as an investor to receive the dividend is established. 3.20 Taxation Current income tax Current income tax assets and liabilities for the current and prior years are measured at the amount expected to be paid to (or recovered from) the taxation authorities. The tax rates and tax laws used to compute the amount are those that are enacted as at the separate balance sheet date. Current income tax is charged or credited to the income statement, except when it relates to items recognised directly to equity, in which case the current income tax is also dealt with in equity. Current income tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right for the Company to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities and when the Company intends to settle its current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis. Deferred income tax Deferred tax is provided using the liability method on temporary differences at the balance sheet date between the tax base of assets and liabilities and their carrying amount for financial reporting purposes. Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences, except: ~ where the deferred tax liability arises from the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction which at the time of the related transaction affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss; 16 Vingroup Joint Stock Company B09a-DN NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter 12016 3 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 3.20 Taxation (continued) Deferred income tax (continued) ~ in respect of taxable temporarily differences associated with investments in subsidiaries and associates, and interests in joint ventures where timing of the reversal of the temporary difference can be controlled and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future Deferred tax assets are recognised for all deductible temporary differences, carried forward unused tax credit and unused tax losses, to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which deductible temporary differences, carried forward unused tax credit and unused tax losses can be utilised, except: ~ where the deferred tax asset in respect of deductible temporary difference which arises from the initial recognition of an asset or liability which at the time of the related transaction, affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss; ~ in respect of deductible temporarily differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates, and interests in joint ventures, deferred tax assets are recognised only to the extent that it is probable that the temporary differences will reverse in the foreseeable future and taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilised. The carrying amount of deferred income tax assets is reviewed at each balance sheet date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow all or part of the deferred income tax asset to be utilised. Previously unrecognised deferred income tax assets are re assessed at each balance sheet date and are recognised to the extent that it has become probable that future taxable profit will allow the deferred tax assets to be recovered. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when the asset realised or the liability is settled based on tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted at the balance sheet date. Deferred tax is charged or credited to the income statement, except when it relates to items recognised directly to equity, in which case the deferred tax is also dealt with in the equity account Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right for the Company to off-set current tax assets against current tax liabilities and when they relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on: ~ either the same taxable entity; or ~ when the Company intends either settle current tax liabilities and assets on a net basis or to realise the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously, in each future period in which significant amounts of deferred tax liabilities or assets are expected to be settled or recovered. 4. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Ending balance Cu"ency: VND Beginning balance Cash on hand 114,797,121 157,631,730 Cash in banks 648,904,543,480 571,135,778,659 Cash equivalents TOTAL 50,000,000,000 699,019,340,601 500,000,000,000 1,071,293,410,389 Cash equivalents include bank deposits in VND with terms ranging from 1 month and earn interest at rates 4.5% per annum (31 December 2015: 4.3% per annum). 17 809a-DN Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter I 2016 5. SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS 5.1 Securities held for trading Currency: VND Beginning balance Ending balance Cost Listed shares - DPM (i) TOTAL Cost Provision Fair value 32.369.112.000 17.291,448.000 (15.077.664.000) 32.369.112.000 32,369,112,000 17,291,448,000 (15,077 ,664,000) 32,369,112,000 ================== Fair value 17,411.112.000 Provision (14.958.000.000) (14,958,000,000) ==1=7=,4::::::1::::::1;.;,,1::::::1;,;2=,0::::0::::::0 (i) Shares of Petrovietnam Fertilizer and Chemicals Corporation; 5.2 Held-to-maturity investments Ending balance Short-term bank deposits and certificate of deposit (i) Cost Carrying value Cost Carrying value 497.621.378.611 497.621.378.611 Current portion of long-term bank deposits Certificate of deposits (i) Currency: VND Beginning balance 1.388.000.000.000 1.388.000.000.000 1.388.000.000.000 1.388.000.000.000 1,511,000,000,000 1,511,000,000,000 2,124,621,378,611 2,124,621,378,611 TOTAL (i) Short-term deposits and certificate of deposit as at 31 March 2016 have terms ranging from 6 months to 1 year and earn interest at rates ranging from 5.2% to 9.2% per annum. 18 Vingroup Joint Stock Company S09a-DN NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter I 2016 6. TRADE RECEIVABLES Currency: VND Ending balance Receivables from transfer of inventory properties Receivables from leasing investment properties and rendering of related services Receivables from rendering management & royalty services to the subsidiaries TOTAL Beginning balance 5,327,895,645 4,758,036,054 10,210,619,016 16,117,468,318 498,427,525,337 267,815,623,415 513,966,039,998 288,691,127,787 Currency: VND 7. LOAN RECEIVABLES Ending balance Beginning balance Short-term Current portion of loans to customers Loans to other companies Loan to related parties TOTAL Long-term Loans to a corporate counterparty Loans to related parties TOTAL 987,111,564,022 987,111,564,022 83,077,886,534 10,152,422,451,337 83,077,886,534 11,426,570,752,092 11,222,611,901,893 12,496,760,202,648 55,000,000,000 55,000,000,000 9,513,952,825,111 11,080,841,666,667 9,568,952,825,111 11,135,841,666,667 8. OTHER SHORT TERM RECEIVABLES Ending balance Receivables from disposal of investments Interest receivables Receivables from dividend and share of profit from subsidiaries Deposit for a business co-operation contract Others TOTAL 19 Currency: VND Beginning balance 1,284,335,436,774 93,448,998,244 1,415,355,192,675 257,156,250,000 1,050,000,000,000 229,236,685,568 939,964,899,900 1,050,000,000,000 270,646,983,853 2,820,728,372,342 3,769,416,074,672 Vingroup Joint Stock Company B09a-DN NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter I 2016 9. INVENTORIES Ending balance Inventory properties under construction TOTAL Provision for obsolete inventories Net value of inventories Currency: VND Beginning balance 893,895,227,906 893,895,227,906 730,548,865,044 730,548,865,044 893,895,227,906 730,548,865,044 10. PREPAID EXPENSES Currency: VND Ending balance Beginning balance Short-term Prepaid expenses for soft-ware copyright 1,831,495,940 CIT 1% temporary witheld from downpayments 5,117,857,281 Selling expenses related to apartments not yet handled over Other short-term prepaid expenses 15,869,886,769 19,009,667,289 3,920,546,757 2,148,456,107 41,828,907,279 13,394,986,624 Goodwill 25,846,351,516 34,461,802,024 Prepaid office management fee 22,418,285,952 26,621,714,568 Other long-term prepaid expenses 5,104,827,741 53,369,465,209 6,432,166,278 TOTAL 7,325,983,760 Long-term TOTAL 67,515,682,870 11. OTHER CURRENT AND NON-CURRENT ASSETS These are deposits for investment purpose in potential projects or for acquiring shares in other entities. Balances of other current and non-current assets as at 31 March 2016 are as follows: Currency: VND Ending balance Beginning balance Short-term Deposits for investment purpose TOTAL 7,129,601,709,885 7,129,601,709,885 3,657,287,938,085 1,500,000,000,000 1,500,000,000,000 1,500,000,000,000 1,500,000,000,000 3,657,287,938,085 Long-term Deposits for investment purpose TOTAL 20 B09a-DN Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter I 2016 Currency: VND 12. TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Cost: Beginning balance Additions In which: New purchase Decreases In which: Disposal Ending balance Accumulated depreciation: Beginning balance Addition In which: Depreciation for the period Decreases In which: Disposal Ending balance Net carrying amount: Beginning balance Ending balance Bui/dings & construction Machinery & equipment Means of transportation Office equipment Others Total 45,939,641,000 538,765,574 117,572,344,476 87,702,991,373 1,305,968,181 10,001,152,727 315,144,960 253,059,710,604 10,316,297,687 10,001,152,727 315,144,960 (209,019,926) 10,316,297,687 (209,019,926) 1,305,968,181 (209,019,9262 263,166,988,365 45,939,641,000 538,765,574 127,573,497,203 (209,019,9262 87,809,116,407 1,318,211,336 302,860,383 470,252,447 340,136,910 27,659,492,911 4,152,079,585 29,194,145,049 3,449,054,704 374,923,403 25,465,124 59,017,025,146 8,269,596,706 302,860,383 340,136,910 4,152,079,585 3,449,054,704 (160,457,173) 25,465,124 8,269,596,706 (160,457,173) 1,621,071,719 810,389,357 31,811,572,496 (160,457,1732 32,482,742,580 44162114291664 44131815691281 6815131127 (27116231783} 89191218511565 95176119241707 58150818461324 55132613731827 21 400,388,527 (160,457,1732 67,126,164,679 93110441778 90515791654 194104216851458 196104018231686 B09a-ON Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter I 2016 13. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES Currency: VND Building and structures Cost: Beginning balance Additions 87,706,085,875 Ending balance 87,706,085,875 Accumulated depreciation: 4,970,189,952 Beginning balance 481,022,651 Amortisation during the period 5,451,212,603 Ending balance Net carrying amount: Beginning balance 82,735,895,923 Ending balance 82,254,873,272 14. CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS Ending balance Currency: VND Beginning balance 1,182,610,844,453 1,135,894,144,276 Vincom Can Tho 1 project 797,925,514,855 631,867,706,667 Vincom Thanh Hoa project 16,862,925,190 12,942,906,625 Vincom Hue project 84,003,297,597 71,638,460,640 477,647,706,783 411,639,602,203 Vincom Thai Binh project 91,474,479,013 61,882,078,218 Vincom Ha Tinh project 74,927,243,964 50,625,915,469 Ha Long project 116,223,939,801 34,016,862,606 Vinhomes Riverside Hai Phong project 468,382,266,887 309,249,657,518 48,370,075,522 46,548,869,440 50,532,420,457 3,408,960,714,522 39,235,739,916 2,805,541,943,578 Vinhomes Riverside 2 project Vu Yen Island project Vincom Yen Bai project Others TOTAL 22 S09a-ON Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter 12016 15. LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS Currency: VND Beginning balance Ending balance Cost Fairva/ue 34,479,034,583,248 34,479,034,583,248 1,482,214,318,182 1,482,214,318,182 1,482,214,318,182 1,482,214,318,182 2,919,437,075,345 2,832,269,852,611 2,314,290,515,345 2,314,290,515,345 120,187,500,000 120,187,500,000 36,723,752,608,248 -Investment in associates - Others long term investments TOTAL Cost 36,723,752,608,248 - Investment in subsidiaries - Held-to-maturityinvestments Provision Fair value 41,245,591,501,775 87,167,222,734 87,167,222,734 41,158,424,279,041 23 38,275,539,416,775 38,275,539,416,775 Provision B09a-DN Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter I 2016 15. LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS (continued) 15.1 Investments in subsidiaries Ending balance Vincom 1 Construction Management LLC Vinhomes Real Estate Management Limited Hanoi Southern City Development Joint Stock Saidong Urban Development & Investment Joint Royal City Real Estate Development & Investment Xavinco Land Joint Stock Company Ha Thanh Real Estate Investment And Urban Tan Lien Phat Construction Investment Corporation Tay Tang Long Real Estate Company Limited Vincom 2 Construction Management LLC Vincom 3 Construction Management LLC Vinhomes 1 Real Estate Trading Limited Liability Vinhomes 2 Real Estate Trading Limited Liability Vincom 6 Construction Management LLC Vincom 7 Construction Management LLC Times Trading Investment and Development VME Marketing Limited Liability Company Vinpearlland Limited Liability Company Vineco Agricultural Investment Development and Vinschool One Member Company Limited VinAcademy Education and Training Limited Vincom Security Service Limited Liability Company BFF Commercial Trading Investment Limited VinPro Trading and Services Limited Liability Vinlandscape JSC Vinlinks JSC VinEcom Limited Liability Company SuperHigh-speed logistics services JSC Vincom Retail Joint Stock Company Southern Star Urban development and Trading 30 Investment JSC 31 Hoa Mai Trading Commercial Services LLC 32 Me Tri Sport and Entertainment Development JSC 33 Vietnam Exhibition Fair Center Joint Stock Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 34 Vinaconex-Viettel Urban Development JSC 35 Hoa Hong Yang Agriculture and Food JSC 36 Hoang Lan Production - Trading - Service JSC 37 Vincommerce General Commerce Services JSC 24 Currency: VND Beginning balance 2,974,398,834,032 220,000,000,000 31,000,000,000 5,290,741,538,618 2,212,943,935,291 3,929,484,785,749 2,071,029,000,000 100,000,000 4,948,890,138,887 635,000,000 156,100,000,000 33,810,000,000 300,000,000,000 5,640,000,000 2,100,000,000 17,000,000,000 1,561,000,000,000 1,100,000,000 3,605,384,894,672 493,600,000,000 100,000,000,000 28,500,000,000 2,000,000,000 198,000,000,000 940,000,000,000 1,789,720,899 347,116,186,600 577,500,000,000 148,050,000,000 2,974,398,834,032 754,190,080,000 724,190,080,000 220,000,000,000 5,792,493,038,618 2,212,943,935,291 3,929,484,785,749 2,071,029,000,000 100,000,000 4,948,890,138,887 635,000,000 217,910,000,000 300,000,000,000 5,640,000,000 2,100,000,000 17,000,000,000 1,561,000,000,000 4,415,561,419,672 1,400,000,000,000 100,000,000,000 28,500,000,000 2,000,000,000 198,000,000,000 1,789,720,899 347,116,186,600 170,770,000,000 170,770,000,000 1,810,830,790,050 1,810,830,790,050 1,395,329,678,450 180,000,000,000 210,000,000 1,395,329,678,450 180,000,000,000 280,000,000 1,665,550,000,000 36,723,752,608,248 34,479,034,583,248 B09a-DN Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter 12016 15. LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS (continued) 15.2 Investmentin associates Currency: VND Foreign Trade Concrete Joint Stock Company Green City Development Joint Stock Company ("Green City JSC") Ending balance Beginning balance 15,300,000,000 15,300,000,000 663,181,818,182 663,181,818,182 Thang Long Real Estate Trading Investment JSC ("Thang Long JSC Vien Dong Pearl Investment and Urban Development Liabilities Limited Company ("Vien Dong Pearl LLC") 167,500,000,000 167,500,000,000 519,232,500,000 519,232,500,000 M.Y.M Fashion JSC 117,000,000,000 117,000,000,000 n) 1,482,214,318,182 1,482,214,318,182 Total The information on these associates, along with the Company's voting rights and equity interest in each associate are as follows: No 1 2 3 4 5 Name Foreign Trade Concrete JSC ("Foreign Trade JSC") Green City Development JSC ("Green City JSC") Thang Long Real Estate Trading Investment JSC ("Thang Long JSC") Vien Dong Pearl Urban Development Investment LLC ("Vien Dong Pearl LLC") M.Y.M Joint Stock Company "M.Y.M JSC" Voting rights (%) Equity interest (%) Head office 1st floor, 35-37 Chuong Duong port, Nguyen Thai Binh ward, District 1, Hochiminh city No. 72 Le Thanh Ton, Ben Nghe ward, district 1, Hochiminh city No. 191 Ba Trieu street, Le Dai Hanh ward, Hai Ba Trung district, Hanoi Principal activities ....Producing and wholesaling concrete productsg ....Investing, developing and trading real estate properties ....Investing, developing and trading real estate properties 30.00 30.00 49.10 46.65 35.00 35.00 45.00 45.00 No. 72 Le Thanh Ton, Ben Nghe ward, district 1, ....Investing, developing and trading real estate properties Hochiminh city 39.00 39.00 No.7 Bang Lang 1, Vinhomes Riverside Ecourban Area, Viet Hung, Long Bien, Ha Noi 25 ....Manufacturing clothes S09a-ON Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter I 2016 15. LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS (continued) 15.3 Other long-term investments Ending balance Thanh Nien Media JSC Textile and Garment Group Ho Chi Minh Trading Investment JSC Currency: VND Beginning balance 12,400,000,000 12,400,000,000 552,395,000,000 552,395,000,000 2,129,642,075,345 1,749,495,515,345 225,000,000,000 Vinhomes Real Estate Management LLC 2,919,437,075,345 TOTAL 2,314,290,515,345 15.4 Held-to-maturity investments Currency: VND Ending balance 16. Long-term deposits (*) 120,187,500,000 TOTAL (*) Cost of long-term deposits equal to their fair value 120,187,500,000 STATUTORY OBLIGATIONS Ending balance Currency: VND Beginning balance 209,777,453 Value added tax payable 3,801,272,509 Personal income tax Others TOTAL 17. Beginning balance 9,072,164,065 293,441,121 280,159,282 4,304,491,083 9,352,323,347 Ending balance Currency: VND Beginning balance ACCRUED EXPENSES 1,143,085,561,024 721,923,032,743 Accrued cost for sold properties 17,060,421,530 17,060,421,530 Accrued construction costs 21,113,931,895 21,113,931,895 Accrued severance allowance 1,494,457,470 1,494,457,470 Other accrued expenses 2,783,427,579 3,272,451,743 1,185,537,799,498 764,864,295,381 Accrued interest expenses TOTAL 26 B09a-DN Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter I 2016 18. OTHER PAYABLES Centralised cash management in master account payable to subsidiaries Deposit for acquiring investments of the Company Redemption of advance under the General Construction Contract Deposit by a subsidiary under coperation contract for development for real estate project Currency: VND Beginning balance 925,033,024,537 1,293,743,363,509 5,295,000,000,000 2,028,000,000,000 412,000,000,000 Social insurance payables Deposits by customer Other short-term payables TOTAL 19. Ending balance 810,514,542,712 810,514,542,712 5,567,353,348 4,813,179,362 195,418,007,070 384,898,778,987 145,941,935,366 113,437,612,459 7,377,474,863,033 5,047,407,477,029 LOANS AND BORROWINGS 19.1 Short-term loans Ending balance Currency: VND Beginning balance Short-term loans 7,108,443,811,291 14,101,810,232,969 TOTAL 7,108,443,811,291 14,101,810,232,969 19.2 Long-term loans Ending balance Domestic bonds (i) International bonds (ii) Loans from related parties TOTAL Currency: VND Beginning balance 16,641,933,332,632 4,312,986,463,982 11,711,832,812,685 4,343,145,914,555 2,516,088,983,303 2,503,251,356,407 23,471,008,779,917 18,558,230,083,647 (i) Domestic corporate bonds issued As at 31 March 2016, the Company has the following domestic bonds: ... The first bond has a book value of VND 4,000 billion consisting of 400,000 bonds, issued on 11 February 2014 with a maturity term of 5 years. Interest rate applied in the first and second interestbearing periods is 11% per annum and in subsequent periods, interest rate is determined by the average paid-in-arrears 6-month saving interest in VND announced by 4 reference banks including Agribank, Vietinbank, BIDV and Vietcombank (+) 4% per annum. 27 B09a-DN Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter 12016 19. LOANS AND BORROWINGS (continued) 19.2 Long-term loans (continued) (i) Domestic corporate bonds issued (continued) ....The second bond has a book value of VND 3,000 billion consisting of 30,000,000 bonds, issued on 8 September 2014 with a maturity term of 5 years. Interest rate applied in the first and second interestbearing periods is 11% per annum and in subsequent periods, interest rate is determined by the average paid-in-arrears 6-month saving interest in VND announced by 4 reference banks including Agribank, Vietinbank, BIDV and Vietcombank (+) 4% per annum. ....The third bond has a book value of VND 800 billion consisting of 8,000,000 bonds, issued on 18 June 2015 with a maturity term of 4 years. Interest rate applied in the first interest-bearing periods (from issuance date but not including 16 September 2015) is 11% per annum and in subsequent periods, interest rate is determined by the average paid-in-arrears 6-month saving interest in VND announced by 4 reference banks including Agribank, Vietinbank, BIDV and Vietcombank (+) 4% per annum. ....The fourth bond has a book value of VND 2,000 billion consisting of 20,000,000 bonds, issued on 02 June 2015 with a maturity term of 2 years. Interest rate applied in the first interest-bearing periods is 11% per annum and in subsequent periods, interest rate is determined by the average paid-in-arrears 6month saving interest in VND announced by 4 reference banks including Agribank, Vietinbank, BIDV and Vietcombank (+) 5% per annum. ....The fifth bond has a value of VND 4,000 billion consisting of 40,000,000 bonds, issued from 05 Nov 2015 with a maturity term from 2 to 3 years.lnterest rate applied in the first and second interest-bearing periods is from 10.5% to 11% per annum and in subsequent periods, interest rate is determined by the average paid-in-arrears 6-month saving interest in VND announced by 4 reference banks including Agribank, Vietinbank, BIDVand Vietcombank (+) 5% per annum. .... The sixth bond has a book value of VND 1,950 billion consisting of 1.950 bonds, issued on 19 February 2016 with a maturity term of 5 years. Interest rate applied in the first interest-bearing periods is 7.75% per annum. This bond is unsecured. ....The seventh bond has a book value of VND 1,050 billion consisting of 1.050 bonds, issued from 18 February to 07 March 2016 with a maturity term of 10 years. Interest rate applied in the first interestbearing periods is 8.5% per annum. This bond is unsecured. (ii) International corporate bonds .... International bonds with face value of US$200 million were issued in November 2013 for a maturity term of 4.5 years. These bonds are unsecured, bearing fixed interest rate of 11.625% per annum and interest is paid twice a year. 20. CONVERTIBLE BOND Convertible bonds with the face value of US$300 million are issued in April and July 2012 with a term of 5 years. This type of bonds is unsecured, bearing fixed interest rate of 5% per annum. Under the terms of these convertible bonds, the bondholders have the right to convert the bonds into ordinary shares of the Company the rates subject to annual adjustment annually on 3 October, from 3 October 2012 to 3 October 2016. From 22 January 2016 to 25 February 2016, bond holders have converted all of these remaining bonds balance into ordinary shares of the Company. 28 S09a-ON Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter I 2016 21. OWNERS' EQUITY Currency: VND Increase and decrease in owners' equity Contributed charier capital Opening balance 18,681,880,870,000 Treasury shares Share premium Other funds belonging to Owner's Equity 26,000,000,000 17,279,282,355,761 Net profit for the period Increase from conversion of convertible bonds Closing balance 716,667,640,000 1,485,854,312,538 19,398,548,510,000 18,765,136,668,299 Undistributed earnings Total 1,263,785,984,183 37,250,949,209,944 1,289,571,199,773 1,289,571,199,773 2,202,521,952,538 26,000,000,000 29 2,553,357,183,956 40,743,042,362,255 S09a-ON Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Quarter I 2016 (continued) 22. REVENUES 22.1 Revenue from sale of goods and rendering of services Gross revenue In which: Revenue from sale of inventory properties Revenue from leasing activities and rendering related services Revenue from rendering management & royalty service to subsidiaries Quarter I 2016 Currency: VND Quarter I 2015 271,986,129,060 192,538,116,883 3, 167,090,909 11,970,453,308 34,174,222,631 260,015,675,752 155, 196,803,343 271,986,129,060 192,538,116,883 Revenue deduction Net revenue In which: Revenue from sale of inventory properties Revenue from leasing activities and rendering related services Revenue from rendering management & royalty service to subsidiaries 3, 167,090,909 11,970,453,308 260,015,675,752 34,174,222,631 155,196,803,343 23.2 Finance income Quarter I 2016 Currency: VND Quarter I 2015 Interest income 662,677,840,879 668,309,066,825 Foreign exchange gain 219,373,156,250 Other financial income 1,292,239,688,640 2,174,290,685,769 TOTAL 23. 2,155,109,375,000 2,823,418,441,825 COST OF GOODS SOLD AND SERVICES RENDERED Quarter I 2016 Currency: VND Quarter I 2015 3,167,090,909 Cost of inventory properties sold Cost relating to the leasing activities and rendering related services Cost of rendering management & royalty service to subsidiaries 8,911,214,358 29,145,882,354 227,566,362,067 105,969,607,043 236,477,576,425 TOTAL 30 138,282,580,306 Vingroup Joint Stock Company B09a-DN NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter 12016 24. FINANCE EXPENSES Loan interest Quarter I 2016 Currency: VND Quarter I 2015 746,765,474,212 566,194,520,155 108,314,556,671 Foreign exchange losses Allocation of bond issuance fees 36,534,746,909 60,538,862,477 Provision for diminution in value of investment 87,286,886,734 (16,438,248,600) Loss on disposal/sale of investments 82,976,792 1,968,823,018 872,638,907,665 847,940,979 719,457,631,682 Quarter I 2016 Currency: VND Quarter I 2015 Other income Income form disposal of fixed assets 1,874,780,501 650,699,590 Other income 1,097,367,290 650,699,590 Other expenses Cost of disposal of fixed assets 1,529,387,290 64,474,720 Other financial expenses TOTAL 25. OTHER INCOME AND OTHER EXPENSES 777,413,211 777,413,211 Other expenses NET 26. 751,974,079 345,393,211 64,474,720 586,224,870 Quarter I 2016 Currency: VND Quarter I 2015 CORPORATE INCOME TAX Current corporate income tax expense 815,374,847 Deferred tax (income)/expense {1,013,664,732} (198,289,885) TOTAL 31 809a-ON Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter 12016 27. TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES. 27.1. Significant transactions with related parties Currency: VND ....Purchase of assets and rendering management services: Related parties Vincom Retail JSC Vinpearl JSC Vinpearl Phu Quoc LLC Vincommerce JSC Times Trading LLC Tan Lien Phat JSC Hanoi Southern JSC Royal City JSC Vinhomes 1 LLC VinpearJManagement LLC Vincom 3 Construction LLC Vincom 1 Construction LLC Relationship Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Payables for purchase of assets and services rendered Payment for purchase of assets and services rendered Revenue from rendering management services, royalty and utilities (42,940,972) 31,991,040 38,801,290,576 (10,352,221,162) (18,241,301,977) 6,384,880,827 2,992,322,797 (2,536,417,672) (2,876,100,000) (90,729,184,433) (261,874,360,357) 1,151,708,121 1,477,100,000 5,273,196,936 762,724,347 12,526,121,686 1,625,109,428 11,726,662,047 124,591,184,261 31,023,973,746 19,641,219,612 32,499,636,328 7,378,062,261 235,045,878 184,327,562 Vinpearl Phu Quoc LLC Relationship (315,757,149) (3,020,838,455) (65,624,988) (90,684,164) (91,748,718) (184,327,562) Currency: VND ....Share disposal and acquisition transactions: Related parties Collection of revenue from rendering management services, royalty and utilities (32,658,335,101) (16,012,242,607) Receipt from share disposal Share disposal Subsidiary 32 Share acquisition Payment for share acquisition 810,176,525,000 (810,176,525,000) Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter 12016 27. TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES (continued). 27.1. Significant transactions with related parties (continued) Currency: VND ~ Capital contribution. dividend receipt and co-operation transactions: Related parties Relationship Capital contribution Dividend receivables Dividend received Times Trading LLC Subsidiary 300,000,000,000 (300,000,000,000) Royal City JSC Subsidiary 512,156,250,000 (255,000,000,000) Tan Lien Phat JSC Subsidiary 340,000,000,000 (340,000,000,000) Vincom 3 Construction LLC Subsidiary 28,000,000,000 VinEco LLC Subsidiary 906,400,000,000 Collection of deposit 5,000,000,000,000 Currency: VND ~ Lending and borrowing transactions: Collection of loan principal Borrowing Repayment of borrowing principal Relationship Lending Vinpearl Ha Long LLC Subsidiary (63,000,000,000) Tan Lien Phat JSC Subsidiary (1,207,000,000,000) 2,207,000,000,000 Royal City JSC Subsidiary (196,000,000,000) 863,982,065,481 Saidong JSC Subsidiary (340,856,105,150) 665,973,680,039 Hanoi Southern JSC Subsidiary (200,000,000,000) 1,018,409,209,904 Vinpearl Nha Trang LLC Subsidiary 832,000,000,000 (3,078,340,818,626) Vinpearl Phu Quoc LLC Subsidiary 285,000,000,000 (2,575,000,000,000) Phu Quoc Tourism JSC Subsidiary (241,000,000,000) 50,000,000,000 Vinpearlland LLC Subsidiary (128,000,000,000) 66,692,444,443 Vincom Retail JSC Subsidiary Subsidiary (213,170,400,000) 1,404,941,666,667 (1,442,000,000,000) Related parties VinmecJSC (159,398,900,000) (1,870,000,000,000) 33 Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter I 2016 27. TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES (continued). 27.1. Significant transactions with related parties (continued) Collection of loan principal Borrowing 223,281,916,666 300,000,000,000 Currency: VND Repayment of borrowing principal (1,300,281,916,666) ....Lending and borrowing transactions (continued) Related parties Vincommerce JSC Relationship Subsidiary Lending Hong Ngan JSC Subsidiary 1,083,000,000,000 (1,245,064,097,225) Vinaconex-Viettel JSC 753,000,000,000 500,000,000,000 (570,000,000,000) Metri JSC Subsidiary Subsidiary VEF Center JSC VinDS LLC Subsidiary Subsidiary 900,000,000,000 Southern Star JSC Vinpearl Management LLC Subsidiary (249,000,000,000) (599,000,000,000) 180,000,000,000 Subsidiary (180,000,000,000) Currency: VND ....Collection and payment of interest: Related parties Vinpearl Ha Long LLC Royal City JSC Saidong JSC Times Trading LLC Hanoi Southern JSC Vinpearl Nha Trang LLC Vinpearl JSC Relationship Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Vinpearl Phu Quoc LLC Subsidiary Phu Quoc Tourism JSC Subsidiary Interest payable Interest receivable 10,188,950,000 20,820,715,188 12,943,526,627 13,784,887,396 61,727,580,381 Interest paid (960,821,147) 14,144,994,850 (36,465,261,149) 57,312,398,656 Interest received (525,614,214) (23,042,658,950) 14,362,772,825 (43,938,435,111) 24,000,000,000 (131,444,444) 15,092,000,000 34 Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter I 2016 27. TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES (continued). 27.1. Significant transactions with related parties (continued) Currency: VND ....Collection and payment of interest (continued): Interest payable Interest paid Relationship Interest receivable Vinpearlland LLC Subsidiary 14,244,333,334 Vincom Retail JSC Subsidiary 274,162,192,973 (85,885,800,000) VinmecJSC Subsidiary 9,550,916,667 (20,827,916,667) North Vincom Retail Ltd Subsidiary 53,221,583,334 Vincommerce JSC Subsidiary 2,604,955,694 Hong Ngan JSC Subsidiary (29,786,440,900) 54,935,902,775 Southern Star Urban JSC Subsidiary (6,167,777,778) 14,553,777,778 Related parties Interest received (307,555,557) 86,829,600,000 (650,801,832,084) (57,123,500,003) (34,283,328,446) 35 B09a-DN Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter I 2016 27. TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES (continued). 27.2. Amounts due to and due from related parties ~ Trade receivables : Currency: VND Amount 31,023,973,746 219,256,480,400 124,431,607,978 11,246,550,456 32,443,896,883 Relationship Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Transaction Management fee receivables Management fee receivables Management fee receivables Management fee receivables Management fee receivables Management fee receivables Subsidiary Management fee receivables 37,840,359,108 Relationship Subsidiary Transaction Interest receivables Currency: VND Amount 80,446,747,046 Saidong JSC Subsidiary Interest receivables 29,853,859,634 Royal City JSC Subsidiary Interest receivables 21,987,381,858 Dividend receivables 257,156,250,000 16,920,166,665 Related parties Southern Star JSC Royal City JSC Tan Lien Phat JSC Hong Ngan JSC Vinhomes 1 LLC Vinpearl Phu Quoc LLC Vincom Retail JSC 12,526,121,686 ~ Other short-term receivables : Related parties Southern Star JSC Tan Lien Phat JSC Times Trading LLC Interest receivables Interest receivables Subsidiary Vinpearlland LLC Subsidiary Subsidiary Vinmec JSC 56,307,586,828 Interest receivables 100,151,303,498 Subsidiary Interest receivables BFF LLC Subsidiary Interest receivables 9,917,740,131 19,373,616,460 Vinpearl Da Nang LLC Subsidiary Interest receivables 52,302,888,891 Vinpearl Ha Long LLC Subsidiary Interest receivables 42,832,088,889 Phu Quoc Tourism JSC Vincom Retail JSC North Vincom Retail Ltd Subsidiary Interest receivables 20,495,027,777 Interest receivables Interest receivables 176,857,686,193 26,577,777,778 Relationship Associate Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Transaction Interest payable Interest payable Interest payable Interest payable Currency: VND Amount 12,048,186,112 57,589,079,790 32,398,333,334 44,012,356,224 Subsidiary Interest payable Interest payable Subsidiary Subsidiary ~ Other short-term receivables: Related parties Vien Dong Pearl Ltd Hong Ngan JSC Vinmec JSc Vincommerce JSC Vietnam Exhibition Fair Center JSC Vinpearl Phu Quoc LLC Future Property Invest LLC Vincom Retail JSC Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Interest payable Interest payable 36 43,744,404,434 43,183,069,212 10,287,499,999 164,373,636,018 B09a-DN Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Quarter 12016 28. COMMITMENTS (continued) AND CONTINGENCIES Commitments relating to investing activities No. Name of investee Tay Tang Long 1 LLC Vincom Security 2 LLC Vincom 3 Construction 3 ManagementLLC 4 Vinhomes 2 LLC Vincom 7 Construction 5 ManagementLLC VinAcademy Educationand 6 Training LLC Investee's chartered capital The Company's capital contribution commitment Amount Actual contributed capital Committed uncontributed capital Amount Amount % VND VND 10% 635,000,000 29,365,000,000 50,000,000,000 100% 2,000,000,000 48,000,000,000 400,000,000,000 100,000,000,000 376,000,000,000 94,000,000,000 94% 94% 217,910,000,000 5,640,000,000 158,090,000,000 88,360,000,000 50,000,000,000 47,000,000,000 94% 17,000,000,000 30,000,000,000 50,000,000,000 47,000,000,000 94% 28,500,000,000 18,500,000,000 950,000,000,000 644,000,000,005 271,685,000,000 372,315,000,000 VND VND 300,000,000,000 30,000,000,000 50,000,000,000 Capital expenditure commitments relating to on-going real estate projects The Company has entered into a number of contracts relating to the development of some real estate projects of the Company. The oustanding commitment on these contracts amounted to approximately VND4,197 billion as at 31 March 2016. According to Decision No. 4233/QD-UBND dated 10 September 2015, the People Committee of Hanoi has approved the adjustment of additional investment stage of the overhead roads projects along Ring Road 2, section from Vinh Tuy bridge to Nga Tu So under a Build-Transfer contract. As at 31 March 2016, the outstanding investment cost of phase 1 of the project is estimated at VND2,591 billion. Other commitment Commitments on site clearance and land compensation for Vu Yen project Pursuant to the Official Letter No. 3070/UBND-DC2 on the advance for site clearance and land compensation for Vu Yen Island Project, a complex of entertainment facilities, residential areas and ecological park in Hai An ward, Thuy Nguyen district, Hai Phong city, the Company is obligated to pay site clearance and land compensation amounting to VND351.8 billion. As at 31 March 2016, the remaining committed amount is VND132.5 billion. Commitments to acquire shares of a subsidiary from an individual According to share transfer contracts dated 28 September 2015 between the Company and a shareholder of an existing subsidiary, the Company commits to acquire 26,379,686 shares, which is equivalent to 31.72% charter capital of this subsidiary. The consideration under this contract is VN0852.7 billion. 37 Vingroup Joint Stock Company B09a-DN NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter I 2016 28. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES (continued) Commitments under share transfer contract of VEFAC JSC According to share transfer contracts of the strategic investor signed between the Company and Vietnam Exhibition Fair Center One-member Limited Liability Company on 13 March 2015, the Company commits to mobilise 100% capital for the construction of the National Exhibition Fair Center in accordance to the approved project schedule. Within 3 years from the handover of the land area to VEFAC, the first stage of the National Exhibition Fair Center should be completed except for delays due to certain unexpected causes. Commitment on site clearance and land compensation for Vinhomes Riverside Hai Phong project Pursuant to the Official Letter No. 2294/QD-UBND from the People Committee of Hong Bang District dated 17 November 2015, the Company is obliged to settle site clearance and land compensation costs amounting to VND728.3 billion. As at 31 March 2016, the outstanding committed amount is VND428.3 billion. Commitments to acquire shares of an associate from individual counterparties According to share transfer contracts dated 25 November 2015 between the Company and individual counterparties, the Company commits to acquire 40% share capital of an associate. The consideration under this contract is VND1,320 billion. As at 31 March 2016, the Company has made deposit of VND400 billion to these two counterparties. Commitments to acquire shares in a long-term investment from individuals According to share transfer contracts dated 25 November 2015 between the Company and individual counterparties, the Company commits to acquire 245,258,503 shares, which is equivalent to 81,75% charter capital of an existing long-term investment of the Group. The value of this contract is VND7,357 billion. As at 31 March 2016, the Company has transferred the deposits to these individuals, which amounted to VND6,OOObillion. 38 B09a-DN/HN Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter 12016 29. RECLASSIFICATION OF CORRESPONDING FIGURES Comparative figures is the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2015 which is audited by Ernst & Young Vietnam LLC (EY). Certain corresponding figures have been reclassified to conform to current year's separate financial statement presentation. 30. EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE There are no other events occurring after the balance sheet date that have significant impact or can impact materially to the Company's operation and separate income of the Company after the balance sheet date. »:.. Ngo Thi Huyen Preparer Nguyen Thi Thu Hien Chief accountant 04 May 2016 39 Duong Thi Mai Hoa General Director Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter 12016 APPENDIX 1 - THE GROUP STRUCTURE AS AT 31 MARCH 2016 No. Full name Voting right 1 Vincom Retail JSC 100.00% 2 South Vincom Retail Ltd 100.00% 3 North Vincom Retail Ltd 100.00% 4 Metropolis LLC 100.00% 5 Riverview Complex DaNang LLC 100.00% 6 Suoi Hoa Urban Development and Investment JSC 88.00% 7 Vin Tay Commercial Trading JSC 95.00% 8 Hanoi Entertaiment Culture Sport Center JSC Blue Star Urban Development and Commercial Investment JSC 100.00% 10 An Phong Investment JSC 100.00% 11 Times Trading Investment and Development One Member LLC 100.00% 12 Vinhomes 1 Real Estate Trading LLC 100.00% 13 Vinhomes 2 Real Estate Trading LLC 100.00% 14 Royal City Real Estate Development & Investment JSC 9 100.00% 98.36% Equity Registered office's address interest 99.06% Vinhomes Riverside (1) 99.06% No. 72, Le Thanh Ton and No. 45A Ly Tu Trong, Ben Nghe ward, District 1, HCM city 99.06% No. 72A, Nguyen Trai street, Thuong Dinh ward, Thanh Xuan district, Hanoi 99.06% No. 72, Le Thanh Ton Street, Ben Nghe ward, District 1, HCM city 99.06% Ngo Quyen street, An Bac Hai ward, Son Tra district, Da nang city 87.17% Km1 + 200, Tran Hung Dao street, Suoi Hoa ward, Sac Ninh city, Sac Ninh province 94.11% No. 14 Nguyen Trai, An Hoi ward, Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city 99.06% No.2, Pham Ngoc Thach Street, Trung Tu ward, Dong Da district, Hanoi 99.06% No. 12, land 99, Nam Duong street, held 19 Thuong Thanh Ward , Long Bien District, Hanoi 99.06% No.3, Road 3/2, No. 11 Ward, No. 10 District, Hochiminh 100.00% No. 72, Le Thanh Ton and No. 45A Ly Tu Trong, Ben Nghe ward, District 1, HCM city 100.00% Vinhomes Riverside (1) Principal activities Investing, developing and trading real estate properties Leasing real estate properties Leasing real estate properties Investing, developing and trading real estate properties Investing, developing and trading real estate properties Investing, developing and trading real estate properties Leasing real estate properties Leasing real estate properties Investing, developing and trading real estate properties Leasing real estate properties Investing, developing and trading real estate properties Trading real estate properties 99.93% Vinhomes Riverside (1) Trading real estate properties 98.36% No. 72A, Nguyen Trai street, Thuong Dinh ward, Thanh Xuan district, Hanoi Investing, developing and trading real estate properties 40 Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter I 2016 APPENDIX 1 - THE GROUP STRUCTURE AS AT 31 MARCH 2016 No. Full name Voting right Equity Registered office's address interest 98.90% No. 458, Minh Khai street, Vinh Tuy ward, Hai Sa Trung district, Hanoi 94.00% Vinhomes Riverside (1) Hanoi Southern City Development JSC Saidong Urban Development & Investment JSC Xavinco Land JSC 98.90% 96.44% 96.42% 70.00% 65.80% 75.00% 74.70% 20 Isado Business Cooperation and Development LLC Tan Lien Phat Construction Investment Corporation JSC Hong Ngan Real Estate JSC 100.00% 94.00% 21 Xalivico LLC 74.00% 71.35% 22 Vietnam Exhibition Fair Center JSC 83.32% 83.32% 23 90.00% 89.99% 74.00% 74.00% 67.17% 67.17% 26 Southern Star Urban Development and Trading Investment JSC Hoa Mai Trading Commercial Services LLC Metri Sport and Entertainment Development JSC Dong Phu Hung - Sinh Thuan JSC 99.00% 97.73% 27 Metropolis Hanoi LLC 100.00% 98.36% 28 Sunflower Development and Investment JSC 100.00% 75.17% 15 16 17 18 19 24 25 94.00% Principal activities Investing, developing and trading real estate properties Investing, developing and trading real estate properties Investing, developing and trading real No. 191, Sa Trieu street, Le Dai Hanh estate properties ward, Hai Sa Trung district, Hanoi Investing, developing and trading real Vinhomes Riverside (1) estate properties Investing, developing and trading real No. 72, Le Thanh Ton Street, Sen estate properties Nghe ward, District 1, HCM city Investing, developing and trading real No. 31, Ngo Gieng, Dong Cac street, estate properties Cho Dua, Dong Da, Hanoi Investing, developing and trading real 233 Nguyen Trai Street, Thuong Dinh estate properties ward, Thanh Xuan district, Hanoi Investing, developing and trading real No. 148 Giang Vo street, Giang Vo estate properties ward, Sa Dinh district, Hanoi Investing, developing and trading real No. 72, Le Thanh Ton Street, Ben estate properties Nghe ward, District 1, HCM city Investing, developing and trading real No. 72, Le Thanh Ton Street, Sen estate properties Nghe ward, District 1, HCM city Investing, developing and trading real No 7 Thang Long Avenue, Me Tri estate properties Ward, Nam Tu Liem District , Hanoi Highway 55, village Thang Hai, Thang Investing, developing and trading real Hai Commune, Ham Tan ,Sinh Thuan estate properties Province Investing, developing and trading real HH land area, Pham Hung street, Tu estate properties Liem, Hanoi Investing, developing and trading real T4-L2-10, Room 10, 2nd floor, Times estate properties City, 458 Minh Khai, Hai Sa Trung o district, Hanoi 41 Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter 12016 APPENDIX 1 - THE GROUP STRUCTURE AS AT 31 MARCH 2016 No. Full name 29 Vinaconex-Viettel Urban Development JSC 30 100.00% 32 Vietnam Lotus Industrial and Commercial Investment JSC Vietinbank Trade Union Investment JSC Vinpearl JSC 33 Vinpearl Management LLC 100.00% 34 Vlnpearl Nha Trang LLC 100.00% 35 Vinpearl Da Nang One Member LLC 100.00% 36 Vinpearl Hoi An One Member LLC 100.00% 37 Vinpearl Quy Nhon JSC 38 Future Property Invest LLC 39 Tay Tang Long Real Estate LLC 59.00% 40 Tay Ho View Hotel and Tourism LLC 70.00% 41 Vinpearl Bai Dai LLC 90.00% 31 Voting right 98.30% 100.00% 100.00% 98.00% 100.00% Equity interest Registered office's address 75.14% Floor 9, Vinaconex Tower, No. 34 Lang Ha Street, Dong Da district, Hanoi 98.59% No. 93, KP4, Hung Dao Vuong street, Trung Dung ward, Bien Hoa city 97.52% Chua Tham Street, Xuan Lam, Thuan Thanh, Bac Ninh province 88.34% Hon Tre Island, Vinh Nguyen ward, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa province 88.34% Vinhomes Riverside (1) 88.34% Hon Tre Island, Vinh Nguyen ward, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa province 88.34% Truong Sa road, Hoa Hai ward, Ngu Hanh Son district, Da Nang city 88.34% Phuoc Hai Block, Cua Dai ward, Hoi An city, Quang Nam province 86.57% Hai Giang Village, Nhon Hai Commune, Quy Nhon city, Binh Dinh province 88.34% Truong Sa road, Hoa Hai ward, Ngu Hanh Son district, Da Nang city 53.29% No. 72, Le Thanh Ton Street, Ben Nghe ward, District 1, HCM city 61.84% No. 58 Tay Ho Street, Quang An ward, Tay Ho district, Hanoi 79.51% No. 17A Bach Dang Street, Phuoc Tien ward, Nha Trang city, Khanh Hoa province 42 Principal activities Investing, developing and trading real estate properties Investing, developing and trading real estate properties Investing, developing and trading real estate properties Investing, developing and trading hospitality services Management consultancy, real estate brokerage, auction, tourism support and promotion Investing, developing and trading hospitality services Investing, developing and trading hospitality services Investing, developing and trading hospitality services Ecotourism and other services Investing, developing and trading hospitality services Investing, developing and trading real estate properties Investing, developing and trading hospitality services Investing, developing and trading hospitality services Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter I 2016 APPENDIX 1 - THE GROUP STRUCTURE AS AT 31 MARCH 2016 No. Full name 42 Cam Ranh Investment LLC 90.00% 43 Hon Mot Tourism JSC 83.63% 44 Hon Tre Investment And Development LLC Phu Quae Tourism Development and Investment JSC 90.00% 46 Vinpearl Phu Quoc One Member LLC 100.00% 47 Vinpearl Ha Long LLC 100.00% 48 Vinpearlland LLC 100.00% 49 86.96% 51 BFF Commercial Trading Investment LLC Vincommerce General Commerce Services JSC VinDS Trading and Services LLC 52 Vinlinks JSC 79.96% 53 Vincom 1 Construction Management LLC 100.00% 54 Vincom 3 Construction Management LLC 100.00% 45 50 Voting right 55.00% 72.35% 70.00% Equity interest Registered office's address 79.51% No. 16, Mac Dinh Chi, Phuoc Tien ward, Nha Trang city, Khanh Hoa province 73.88% Hon Tre Island, Vinh Nguyen ward, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa province 79.51% No. 42/2 Dong Nai,Phuae Hai ward, Nha Trang city, Khanh Hoa province 48.59% Bai Dai Area, Ganh Dau Commune, Phu Quoc District, Kien Giang province Principal activities Investing, developing and trading hospitality services Investing, developing and trading hospitality services Investing, developing and trading hospitality services Providing short - stay services Investing, developing and trading 48.59% Bai Dai Area, Ganh Dau Commune, Phu Quoc District, Kien Giang province hospitality services 88.34% Reu Island, Bai Chay ward, Ha Long City, Quang Ninh province 100.00% Hon Tre Island, Vinh Nguyen ward, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa province 86.94% No. 72, Le Thanh Ton Street, Ben Nghe ward, District 1, HCM city 60.37% No. 72, Le Thanh Ton Street, Ben Nghe ward, District 1, HCM city 69.23% Vinhomes Riverside (1) 79.96% 5th floor, 3D Building, Duy Tan street, Dich Vong Hau ward, Cau Giay district, Hanoi 100.00% Vinhomes Riverside (1) 99.93% Vinhomes Riverside (1) 43 Investing, developing and trading hospitality services Amusement park andtheme park entertainment services Sale of goods in retail outlets Retails in department stores Sale of goods in retail outlets Providing logisctic and other related services Residential and civil constructions Architecture activities and technical consultancy Residential and civil constructions Architecture activities and technical Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter 12016 APPENDIX 1 - THE GROUP STRUCTURE AS AT 31 MARCH 2016 Equity Registered office's address interest 99.93% Vinhomes Riverside (1) No. Full name 55 Vincom 7 Construction Management LLC Vinmec International General Hospital JSC Vinschool One Member LLC 100.00% Vinacademy Education and Training LLC Vincom Security Service LLC 100.00% 99.93% Vinhomes Riverside (1) 100.00% 100.00% Vinhomes Riverside (1) 70.00% 70.00% Vinhomes Riverside (1) Produce and trade agricultural products 89.02% 62.32% Co Quan Commune, Gia Khanh town, Binh Xuyen district, Vinh Phuc province Produce and trade agricultural products 77.50% 54.25% Km13, Highway 51, Long Khanh 3 Hamlet, Tam Phuoc commune, Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai Province. 70.59% 38/2 Bach Dang Street, Ward No.7, Da Lat City. Lam Dona province 70.59% No. 1/5 Le Hong Phong Street, Ward No.4, Da Lat City, Lam Dong Province 100.00% Vinhomes Riverside (1) Produce and trade agricultural products 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Voting right VinEco Agricultural Investment Development and Production LLC VinEco-Tam Dao agricultural Investment Development and production LLC Dongnai - Vineco Agriculture LLC Hoang Lan Production - Trading Service JSC Hoa Hong Yang Agriculture and Food JSC Ha Thanh Real Estate Investment And Urban Infrastructure -Hop Nhat Trading JSC Vinlandscape Design Construction And Landscape Management LLC Ocean Mart Express JSC 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 99.80% 100.00% 80.00% 98.90% No 458, Minh Khai street, Vinh Tuy ward.Hai Ba Truna district. Hanoi 100.00% Vinhomes Riverside (1) 79.80% 5th floor, 3D Building, Duy Tan street, 100.00% Vinhomes Riverside (1) Principal activities Rendering architectural & construction technical advisory services Health care, medical and related services Providing education services Vocational education & training Security services Produce and trade agricultural products Produce and trade agricultural products Transportation constructions roads and railway Providing logisctic and other related Landscape maintenance services Sale of goods in retail outlets 48.29% No. 19, Nguyen Trai Road, Khuong Truna ward. Thanh Xuan district. Hanoi (1) Full registered office address: No.7, Bang Lang 1 street, Vinhomes Riverside Eco-urban Area, Viet Hung ward, Long Bien district, Hanoi. (*) These companies are in the process of completing necessary procedures for dissolution. 44 Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE INTERIM SEPARATE INCOME STATEMENTS (continued) Quarter 12016 APPENDIX 2 - EXPLANATION FOR THE VARIANCES OF PL BETWEEN TWO PERIOD Currency: VND (follow Cicular No15512015/TT-BTC date 06/1012015) Quarter I 2015 Difference % 2016 PL ITEMS Quarter 12016 01 Gross revenue Deductions Net revenue 271,986,129,060 192,538,116,883 79,448,012,177 41.26% 271,986,129,060 271,986,129,060 192,538,116,883 79,448,012,177 41.26% 271,986,129,060 Costs of goods sold and services rendered Gross profit 236,477,576,425 138,282,580,306 98,194,996,119 71.01% 236,477,576,425 35,508,552,635 54,255,536,577 (18,746,983,942) -34.55% 35,508,552,635 2,823,418,441,825 719,457,631,682 566, 194,520, 155 (649,127,756,056) 153,181,275,983 -22.99% 21.29% 31.89% 02 10 11 20 6,264,314,161 25,437,977,298 154.82% 2,174,290,685,769 872,638,907,665 746,765,474,212 6,264,314,161 41,868,499,901 2,141,785,824,117 (852,758,307,440) -39.82% 1,289,027,516,677 1,874,780,501 1,529,387,290 650,699,590 64,474,720 1,224,080,911 1,464,912,570 188.12% 2272.07% 1,874,780,501 1,529,387,290 345,393,211 586,224,870 (240,831,659) -41.08% 345,393,211 1,289,372,909,888 2,142,372,048,987 (852,999,139,099) -39.82% 1,289,372,909,888 21 22 23 25 26 - In which: Interest expenses Selling expenses General and administrative expenses 2,174,290,685,769 872,638,907,665 746,765,474,212 6,264,314,161 41,868,499,901 30 Operating profit 1,289,027,516,677 Financial Income Financial expenses 31 32 Other income Other expenses 40 Other profit 50 Net profit before tax Corporate income tax expense 51 52 Current corporate income tax expense Deferred corporate income tax income/(expense) 16,430,522,603 180,570,954,057 (198,289,885) (198,289,885) 1,829,039,579 815,374,847 (1,013,664,732) 815,374,847 (1,013,664,732) 815,374,847 (1,013,664,732) -39.81% 1,289,571,199,773 (852,800,849,214) 2,142,372,048,987 1,289,571,199,773 Net profit after tax EXl2lainations for exceed of 10% increase/decrease in the Income Statement's norms between the 2 rel20rt l2eriods _ Revenue in quarter 1 of 2016 increased significant in comparation to the same period last year mainly due to increase in revenue from management fee and loyalty. Cost of good sold increased in corresponding with revenue. 60 _ The decrease in income from investing activities is the main cause of decreasing in financial income in this period. Financial expenses increased mainly due to loan interest and allocation of bond issuance costs of new bond issue for the Company's operation. _Selling expenses increased due to advertising expenses for real estate projects. Administrative expenses increased in line with increase in real estate activities. - Other income and other expenses increased due to income and expenses from disposal of fixed assets. 45 Vingroup Joint Stock Company NOTES TO THE INTERIM SEPARATE INCOME STATEMENTS {continued} Quarter 12016 APPENDIX 3: BASIC FINANCIAL RATIOS Unit Items Current period Last period Asset Structure Non-Current asset I Total Asset Current asset I Total Asset % % 69.2% 30.8% 69.1% 30.9% Equity Structure LiabilitesI Total equity Debts I Total Equity {*} Net Debts I Total Equity {*} Owner equity I Total equity % % % % 49.7% 37.8% 9.3% 50.3% 52.4% 44.7% 10.5% 47.6% Times Times 1.44 1.49 1.17 1.20 % % % 1.59% 474.1% 3.2% 3.26% 1112.7% 6.1% Liquidity Quick ratio Current ratio Profitable Profit after tax I Total Asset Profit after tax I Total revenue Profit after tax I Owner equity 46