File - Grand Canyon Chapter Hudson, Essex, Terraplane
File - Grand Canyon Chapter Hudson, Essex, Terraplane
29709 W Mitchell Ave The Canyon News Buckeye, Az 85396 V o l u m e President Jim Osborn 2 , I s s u e 4 F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 3 602-568-0626 Vice President Dick Anderson 10704 W Roundelay Cir Sun City, AZ 85351 Gadsden-Pacific Toy Train Museum Hosted By Don VanManen and Brent Hinde February 2013 623-521-1351 Sec/Treasurer Lorinda Conner 3849 W Calle Lejos Glendale, Az 85310 602-510-6144 Club Store Sharon Dobrinski 3483 Mormon Lake Rd Mormon Lake, Az 86038 Editor Margo Osborn 29709 W Mitchell Ave Buckeye, Az 85396 951-225-2397 Historian Frank Fry 5045 W Spoon Plant Ct Marana, Az 85658 February is about gone and what a strange month in the land we call Arizona!! Cold weather, nice fantastic weather and then cold weather again! And let’s throw in a little snow in Phoenix, Scottsdale and the surrounding areas! With all of this we were able to get in a fantastic meet in Tucson, thanks to Don VanManen and Brent Hinde. Great weather, although it looked like it might not be, but the Hudson gods looked down and parted the storm for us and we had a great time. The train club has done a great job on the museum, and all of us enjoyed their hospitality, and warm welcome along with all the trains that were on display. Again Don and Brent thank you for a good time and your work in planning and putting the meet together. 520-891-1971 Membership Chrmn Tom Haney 910 E Kaler Dr From the Prez’s Glove Box Phoenix, Az 85020-4153 Past Presidents 92-93 Allen Saffrahn 94-95 Carl Hamby 96-97 Galen Moon 98-99 Jerry Crater 00-03 Phil Garrett 04-04 Ben Jefferies 04-08 Frank Fry 09-11 Tom Conner February took Margo and I to Tucson as we joined Frank and Shirley Fry, Jake and Jeanne Weins, and Howard Douglas at the Tubac Golf Resort for the 19th Annual Santa Cruz Valley Car Nuts car show. What a great time we had and with some spring like weather to boot. There were around 500 cars and motor bikes entered and on display!! I want to congratulate Jake and Jeanne Weins on their first place trophy in their class on their 54 Hollywood! Way to go Jake and Jeanne!!!!! On March 16th Karen and (Continued on page 2) Grand Canyon Chapter HET Minutes Page 2 (Continued from page 1) Ande Lange have their meet planned. We will be joining the Valley Road Runners in this meet and they are a great bunch of people and a lot of fun to be with . All the details are in this newsletter and of course I will be sending out reminders when the date draws near. The meeting was called to order by President, Jim Osborn after a great tour of the model train museum in Tucson. Don VanManen gave a lot of us a ride on the train that is set up outside, and then we enjoyed a great turkey and potluck lunch hosted by him and Brent Hinde. In April Tom and Lorinda Conner have a meet planned on the 13th and this again will mark the “Farewell to our Snowbirds”. This is the final meet planned for 2012-2013 and man has it been a fun meet year!! Jim thanked Don and Brent for a great meet. Even though the meet season will end in April, lets not end the fun we have with these old cars!! Try and make as many “Cruise In’s” as possible, call one another and check in, E -mail one another, hey,- we still have nice weather until June here in the Valley- impromptu last minute get together’s, picnic’s, or weekend road trips, who knows it is your club, let the ideas flow. Beautiful cars and people at the meets! February 9th, 2013 It has been fun this year and Margo and I are looking forward to the future of this wonderful chapter we have here in Arizona— Joyce Burrow moved that the minutes be approved as printed in the last newsletter. Frank Fry seconded the motion and it passed. The following Treasurer’s Report was given by Treasurer, Lorinda Conner. Beginning Balance $2,883.11 Income: $ 75.00 Fund Raising $100.00 Store $ 14.00 $000.00 Ending Balance $3,072.11 As Always— OLD BUSINESS: None Sez ya laters-- NEW BUSINESS: Jim received a letter from the Northern California Chapter asking for ads in the National Meet Program. Vivian Crater moved that we place a ¼ page ad for $35.00. Jerry Crater seconded the motion, and it passed. Jimmy Generations of members T h e Jim passed out flyers to the March 16th meet to be hosted by Ande and Karen Lange with a tour of the Arizona Wing Commemorative Air Force Museum C a n y o n N e w s Tom & Lorinda Conner will be hosting the April meet on April 13th at the Martin Auto Museum. They will have final information at the March meet. Jim apologized to Joe Polkus and Brent Hinde for not making sure everyone knew that the January meeting was postponed a week because of the bad weather. Jim asked that we get him an updated roster and birthday and anniversary list to him. He also asked that if any of us have pictures of meets could be emailed or sent to him and also to Sharon Dobrinski to be included in the newsletter and the WTN articles. Health Updates: Dues Expenses in Mesa. Clovis Burrow is having treatments on his knee. Shirley Fry is still having problems with her back and also now has a cold bug and trouble with her eyes. Kathi Cowgill had sent a thank you to our chapter for all the cards sent when Keith passed away. Phyllis Douglas thanked everyone for the cards, calls and emails while she has been down. We were all glad to see her out and about again, and she is hoping to be able to attend the National Meet in July. Tom received a call from Al Saffrahn that he is helping Kathi Cowgill sell her Hudson. It is a very nice 1952 Hudson Hornet Sedan. It will be advertised in the newsletter. Al also has a (Continued on page 3) V o l u m e 2 , I s s u e Page 3 4 ATTENDANCE (Continued from page 2) bunch of old WTN’s he would like to donate to the Chapter. Jim thanked Brent for being a great Vice President, and he will get a gift to him at the March meet. Don VanManen passed out some brochures on the museum. Tom reported that if you are planning on going to the national meet, that we need to get the hotel reservation and meet registration in as soon as possible. The hotel and some of the tours are filling up quickly. Name Car Driven Jim & Margo Osborn 1950 Hudson Commodore Clovis & Joyce Burrows 1954 Hudson Hollywood Jerry & Vivian Crater 1952 Hudson 4 Door Sedan Brent Hinde Elizabeth Dobrinski Pete and Clydene Bolinger Joyce Burrow asked that we all make sure that we get our RSVP’s into the hosts so it makes planning the events easier. Howard and Phyllis Douglas Jim asked that we get any information that needs to be in the newsletter to him within the next week so they can get the newsletter out on time. Rob Vinson New members, Pete and Clydene Bolinger, were welcomed to their first GCC meet. They have a 1935 Terraplane that is heading to the upholstery shop. Frank Fry moved that the meeting be adjourned. Joyce Burrow seconded the motion and it passed. Alan Douglas Don Van Manen Frank Fry Brand X Rode with Conners Brand X 1936 Terraplane Truck Brand X 1939 Hudson 112 Coupe Brand X 1948 Commodore 6 Page 4 THIS & THAT: FYI:--A research project dealing with many facets of the Hudson Motor Car Company and their products is well underway. This is an exciting project that will make pages and pages of Hudson related facts, assembled in one book, available to HET Club & HETHS members. Presently we are looking for brief descriptions or biographies of former HMCC employees, suppliers and dealers. If anyone has a relative that was connected, in some way to the Hudson Motor Car Company, please don’t delay and send the information to include job assignments, years with the company and any special facts. Please send the information and photos to Bob Ross, Services: o - Al Saffrahn – Rebuilds engines, transmissions, overdrives, steering boxes, rear ends plus hundreds of parts and chrome trim. Maricopa, AZ. Phone: 520-568-2911; o – Victor Zamora – Vic’s Auto Window Channeling. La Mirada, Calif 90637; Phone: 562-947-5864 Birthdays Dick Anderson 25th Mayola Holen 18th Charles Kyler 11th Al Safrahn 24th No Anniversaries o – Bill Gilmore – Operates “Automotive Research Services” Doing Highly Detailed Value Appraisals on vehicles of all makes models and years since 1987. Extensive Library. Accepted by Banks, Insurances Company’s, Courts and the IRS. Phoenix, AZ Phone: 602-230-7111 Jason Fisher (Vintage Couch – Bill Albrights Grandson) - Jason has several Hudson Cars For Sale. Also, many 30’s/40’s & 50’s used and reproduction parts. Call with your list. Phone: 909-823-9168; E-mail: Radio Repair: Radio repair for 6V & 12V Classic car radios. Conversion from 6V to 12V possible. Also Speedometer, Guages, & Clock repair Auto Electric Repair & Service Gary Thorson 2729 S. Cottonwood Mesa, AZ 602-618-7019 Lead by new Member - Ken Fox Page 5 GCC Classifieds FOR SALE: 1956 Hudson Hornet Hollywood V-8. Not running, but complete and all original. Interior needs carpet, seats need re-upholstered. Some replacement parts for exterior included. Asking $2,700 O.B.O.; Car is located in NW Tucson, AZ. Contact: Nancy Newton. (520) 572-0147 or E-mail at (Lead by Tom Conner – flyer available with more pictures: 602-510-6144 (c) or FOR SALE: 1947 HudsonPickup. The body is in good condition. Dashboard and seat/door panels are in good shape. The pickup has a flathead six and runs good. The three speed transmission /overdrive needs work on the linkage - the transmission can be switched into all gears by hand. The clutch needs some adjustment or work and the pickup needs brakes and tires. According to the speedometer, the title and last owner, the truck has 52K miles. It has 5 original hubcaps and beauty rings with the original 16 inch rims. It has electric windshields wipers. The owner bought the pickup with the intentioned of joining the HET/GCC and restoring it, but his situation has changed and would like to sell it. Asking $9,500 or contact him and talk. For more detailed information contact John Passananti at 520-270-1051 or his E-mail is The pickup is in Vail, Arizona. Lead by Tom Conner, 602-510-6144, NOTE: If you have any Hudson products, parts, wants or Services that you’d like to advertise in the GCC Newsletter Classifieds – let Jim Osborn or Margo Osborn - our Newsletter Editor know and we’ll place them in the GCC E-Gram and Newsletter for you. They are Free to Hudson Club Members For more pictures and information please visit our website at Page 6 GCC Classifieds FOR SALE 1952 Hornet Sedan Kathi (Keith’s wife) would like for their Hudson to go to someone who would enjoy it. She has asked Al Saffrahn to help her find it a new home. The Hudson is in very good condition with a “special Route 66 designer interior”. Keith had been an Oldsmobile dealer for many years and had installed an Olds engine in it. Manual, AC/Climate control, Power steering kit not installed, Garage kept. Call Al for more information and to make an appointment to view the car in Scottsdale Go to; look for plug in search for “1952 Hudson” for more photos The cost for the car is $13,500. Contact Information: Al Saffrahn - 520-568-2911 NOTE: If you have any Hudson products, parts, wants or Services that you’d like to advertise in the GCC Newsletter Classifieds – let Jim Osborn or Margo Osborn - our Newsletter Editor know and we’ll place them in the GCC E-Gram and Newsletter for you. They are Free to Hudson Club Members For more pictures and information please visit our website at Page 7 From the Shop of Al Saffrahn Engine Oil ratings Use oils with these ratings CI-4, CH-4, SH, SJ, SL Also use zinc treatment with every oil change Hy-Per Lube Zinc treatment 12oz bottle found at Pep Boys 1 bottle per 6qts of oil Sierra Anitfreeze/Coolant Sold only at Napa stores Old World Industries Inc 1-800-323-5440 Transmission and Rear End Gear Lube Use API Service GL-4 only Bravo gear oil EP-90 sold at CarQuest (note GL4 & GL5 are not the same will not lube the yellow parts brass or bronze bushings in trans for rear end) Automatic Transmission oil Use Dextron III or equal. These are the items I use in my shop. If anyone has questions let me know … Thanks Als GCC DUES ARE DUE IN DECEMBER—MAIL OR GIVE TO LORINDA CONNER –3849 WEST CALLE LEJOS GLENDALE, AZ. 85310---- IF YOU HAVE JOINED THE CHAPTER IN THE LAST QUARTER OF THIS YEAR THEY ARE NOT DUE UNTIL DECEMBER OF 2013!! Page 8 GCC Classifieds FOR SALE - 1928 Essex 4-Door This is a barn find project with most parts for the car included. The car has suicide doors, 6 cylinder engine, surface rust (one door with a small rust hole). The car has 56,000 mile as far as can be determined. A restoration was began by a previous owner, but then he decided that he’d rather just buy one already restored so sold this car to it’s present owner. The present owner is 82 and now has decided that he has too many “projects” and needs to downsize. He is asking $3,000 for the Essex. He also has two other project cars For Sale: 1941 Ford Deluxe Coupe (with no drive train), asking price of $2,500. Also, a disassembled 1931 Model “A” pickup with an asking price of $3,500. For more information on any of these cars contact the owner, Doyle Bigelow at 602-696-0929 and tell him Tom Conner referred you to him. For more photos of the Essex or the other cars contact Tom at 602-510-6144 or NOTE: If you have any Hudson products, parts, wants or Services that you’d like to advertise in the GCC Newsletter Classifieds – let Jim Osborn or Margo Osborn - our Newsletter Editor know and we’ll place them in the GCC E-Gram and Newsletter for you. They are Free to Hudson Club Members For more pictures and information please visit our website at Page 9 Page 10 NEW MEMBER ALERT Please welcome new members….. Steve & Carol Sater. P.O. Box 900 Claypool-Miami, AZ 85532 928-473-3065 The Sater's joined the GCC in December 2012 and live in Miami AZ (Claypool PO Box). They have a 1937 Hudson Terraplane 4 door Sedan with 71,000 original miles. The car was originally bought by the owner of a mortuary in Tucson and used for personal use for awhile. When the mortuary was sold the car went with it and the new owner had the car fixed up to use, but passed away and the car sat in a garage for 42 years. The car was handed down to the 2nd owner’s daughter and she eventually sold it to the Saters. Steve and Carol are driving it around the Miami/Globe area and really enjoying it. They also have an older Vette, but they get so much more attention and enjoyment with the Hudson. The car still has the original interior, but the carpet needs to be replaceed and he wondered if there is a place to buy a carpeting kit for it. He thinks it has the original paint, because it shows some wear - not bad yet though. Page 11 MARCH MEET AT THE COMMEMORATIVE AIR FORCE MUSEUM IN MESA SATURDAY MARCH 16 MEET AT THE LANGE'S AT 10:00 AM FOR BREAKFAST, SEE ANDE'S NEW TRAIN SETUP AND CATCH UP WITH OLD FRIENDS--MAYBE MAKE SOME NEW ONES. WE WILL BE HAVING A COMBINED MEET WITH THE VALLEY ROADRUNNER CHAPTER OF VMCCA SO LOTS OF NEW FOLK TO VISIT WITH. THE LANGE'S ADDRESS,-- 10419 W AVALON DRIVE---AVONDALE, AZ 85392 karenlange2@gmail for RSVP or PHONE # 623-393-0050 OR 623-810-9422----PLEASE RSVP BY MARCH 11TH SO THERE WILL BE ENOUGH BACON AND EGGS FOR YOU. WE ALSO NEED TO KNOW IF YOU WILL BE JOINING US FOR LUNCH AFTER THE AIR MUSEUM TOUR. WE NEED TO GIVE THE RESTAURANT A HEAD COUNT BY THE 12TH. The museum tour is $9.00 each, please give Karen a check or cash ahead of time as she will pay for everyone when we get there. We will have a guided tour then some time on your own to look around. We have lunch reservations a short distance away when we finish at the museum. Hope to see all of you on the 16th. If you need directions to the Lange's call or email. ALSO: For any of you that just want to meet at the museum we will plan to be there by approx. 12:30 . The address is 2017 N Greenfield Mesa, AZ. On the NE corner of Greenfield and McKellips---please let us know if you will do this so I have the right head count for both the museum and restaurant. Page 12 HUDSON-ESSEX-TERRAPLANE CLUB APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP The Grand Canyon Chapter NATIONAL HET CLUB: It is necessary that you join the National HUDSON-ESSEX-TERAPLANE CLUB, INC. Dues are payable to HET CLUB, INC.: Charlotte Sargent, Membership, P.O. Box 8412, Wichita, KS 67208-0412. Annual dues in the National HET CLUB are $33.00 regular mail ($43.00 first class mail - Best). Ask a Chapter member for a National Application. (It is not necessary to own a Hudson, Essex or Terraplane product to belong to the Hudson Club, but to just appreciate the Hudson Automobiles.) GRAND CANYON CHAPTER: Dues to join the local chapter, known as the Grand Canyon HET, are $15.00 per year beginning on January 1st and running until December 31st. For new members joining after the first quarter, dues are paid at $3.75 per remaining quarters. If joining in the last quarter, just pay the next years dues. The last quarter is Free to you. Dues are payable to Grand Canyon Chapter/HET and mailed to: Lorinda Conner, 3849 W. Calle Lejos, Glendale, AZ 85310-4153. Applicant: Date: ___________________________ Name: __________________________________ Spouse Name: _____________________________ Address:____________________________________________ Apt#: __________________________ City, State, Zip (9-degit): ______________________________________________________________ Summer Address (if different): ________________________________________________________ Telephone (INCLUDE ARE CODE): _________________________________________________________ E-mail Address: __________________________________ Please list date of birth of you and your spouse (year not necessary) Applicant Spouse Anniversary Date I own the following Hudson – built vehicles Make Model Body Style Serial No. # Cylinders Year 1._______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 13 Terraplane The Terraplane was a car brand and model built by the Hudson Motor Car Company of Detroit, Michigan, between 1932 and 1938. In its maiden year, the car was branded as the Essex-Terraplane; in 1934 the car became simply the Terraplane. They were inexpensive yet powerful vehicles that were used in both town and country, as both cars and trucks bore the Terraplane name. Changing marketplace Hudson had manufactured the inexpensive Essex from 1919 as a lower-priced vehicle line; the company merged Essex into itself in 1922. The Essex is generally credited with helping to make the fully enclosed automobile an affordable model for inexpensive automobiles. The lowpriced closed model Essex coach "had promoted the sensational recovery of Hudson" as an automaker in 1922.[1] Declining sales of the Essex, combined with the growing pressure from the effects of the Great Depression forced Hudson to replace the Essex with a re-designed automobile with a lower manufacturing cost and selling price. Roy D. Chapin decided to repeat the successful strategy in 1932 by producing "a very light car in the bottom price class, a vehicle which would combine style, comfort, and reliability".[1] Although it was daring to launch a car during the Great Depression, Chapin was convinced that the Terraplane name would have "great public appeal" as it also linked with the public interest in aviation that was so prevalent at that time.[1] The new Essex-Terraplane was launched on July 21, 1932, "with sensational vigor" that "accounts of the affair appeared in newspapers throughout the United States."[1] The special event included over 2,000 dealers who came from 40 states to Detroit, Michigan. Hudson also had famous aviatrix Amelia Earhart helping to introduce the first Essex-Terraplane.[2] It was a small, but very powerful, car with a steel frame, built to exacting standards, which is probably why Orville Wright purchased one of the first Essex-Terraplanes for himself.[3] The 1932 model bore a slight resemblance to its Essex predecessors. The 1932 and 1933 models still had the name Essex-Terraplane on the radiator ornament. Terraplane years For 1932 and 1933 the cars were called Essex-Terraplanes. All common U.S. body styles were available. Limited commercial vehicles became available in 1933. In 1932 only the Model K on the 106-inch (2,692 mm) wheelbase with a 193 cu in (3.2 L) 6-cylinder engine was available. For 1933 offerings were expanded. The Model K was retained. A Model KU 6-cylinder on 113 in (2,870 mm) wheelbase was added. Also a Model KT with a 244 cu in (4.0 L) straight-8-cylinder was offered on the 113-inch wheelbase. There were "Standard" and "Deluxe" trim levels for the KU and KT. Only the 1933 Essex-Terraplanes were made with an optional eight-cylinder engine. The Hudson had the identical basic engine but with earlier style updraft carburetor carried over, and a displacement of 254 cu in (4.2 L) due to a larger cylinder bore than the Essex-Terraplane Eight. The Terraplane Eight engines featured more efficient downdraft carburetion. Both engines had the same crankshaft and stroke. 1933 Essex-Terraplane 8-cylinder cars were believed to have the highest horsepower-to-weight ratio of any production automobiles in the world, and were favored by several gangsters of the day, particularly John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson, and John Paul Chase, for their lightness, acceleration, handling, and discreet appearance. The Essex-Terraplane Eight was distinguished by having vent doors on the hood as opposed to all six-cylinder versions that had stamped hood louvers. A 1933 Terraplane 8 convertible coupe set a record for the race to the summit of Mount Washington that remained unbroken for over twenty years. Essex-Terraplanes participated in innumerable record events around the United States, and some others around the world setting dozens of records at many venues. Their particular strength was in hillclimbs. For 1934 the word "Essex" was dropped and the car became the Terraplane. The cars were slightly heavier and rarely joined competitive events, particularly as they now lacked the eight-cylinder powerplant. The name Terraplane remained constant through the 1937 model year. By 1936 Terraplane commercial cars were produced in larger numbers. In 1938, knowing they were going to drop the Terraplane, Hudson management chose to phase out the Terraplane name similarly to how it had been introduced, and the 1938 cars were named HudsonTerraplanes. Concurrently for the 1938 model year, Hudson offered a Model 112 which was virtually indistinguishable in equipment from the Hudson Terraplane, but on a shorter 112 in (2,845 mm) wheelbase and with a smaller engine. The Terraplane did not have an ammeter or an oil pressure gauge.[4] The Terraplane contributed greatly to Hudson Motor's sales during the Depression 1930s. Sales of the Terraplane outpaced Hudson vehicles in the late mid-1930s and it is said that Hudson management was not fond of that fact and that was partly why they chose to eliminate the car as a make. One unique feature was "Duo-Automatic" brakes.[5] Terraplanes had two brake systems—hydraulic and mechanical. Should the hydraulic brakes fail (i.e. the brake line had a leak in it), the mechanical brakes would be used to stop the car.[6] Hudson vehicles were assembled in other countries under license. The British sounding names of "Hudson" and "Essex" had made them popular in countries of the Commonwealth, and thus Terraplanes also were built outside the U.S. in England and Australia in low volume. Australian law made it impractical to import a fully assembled car and thus main bodies were built by local craftsman at firms such as Ruskin Motor Bodies Ltd. and General Motors-Holden's Ltd, both of Melbourne, Victoria. In a few cases these bodies included styles not available in the U.S. market such as tourers (U.S. equivalent phaeton) and coupe utilities (the Australian car-based pickup truck). Page 14 The ROADSTER 5 PASSENGER PHAETON For This practical open car meets the needs of the two-car family. The driving seat is am- ply wide for three while the rumble seat is wider than ordinary for two people. Tight curtains effectually shut out the elements. many who prefer an open car the five- passenger Phaeton has unusual appeal. It has all the appearance of the sport car combined with true practicality. Top and windshield can be lowered to add to sports appeal. 119-inch chassis 119-inch chassis 7 PASSENGER P HAETON This open car for the large family is on the longer wheelbase. The two folding chairs are unusually comfortable, seat cushions and backs being leather upholstered. 126-inch chassis Page 15 Page 16 2012 - 2013 GCC Meet Schedule Contacts for our GCC Meet Schedule: Dick Anderson @ 623-521-1351 or Jim Osborn @ 602-568-0626 What we’ve done September 14th - 16th - Heber - Sylvia MacIntouch hosted a great kick off meet at her cabin with beautiful weather, great friends, super entertainment. and of course, wonderful food. We displayed our Hudsons at the Oktoberfest at the county park. A+ fun! Thanks Sylvia! o – October 21st – Phoenix: The 22nd Annual Orphan Car Show at Los Olivos Park, 28th St & Devonshire (1 blk N. of Indian School) in Phoenix. 9:00am – 2:00pm. (Please be there by @ 8:30, if possible so we can all park together). We have a tradition of winning the award for the “Most Club Participation” except for last year – Let’s get it back this year! John & Sharon Dobrinski are hosting this year. They are providing Sub Sandwich makins and we each need to bring a salad or dessert plus our own drinks. Please let Brent or Jimmy know if you are bringing a Hudson or Nash to the Show. o – October 27th & 28th – Phoenix - GCC display at the Arizona State Fair – We need 8 -10 cars each day if possible. We will have the same very nice location that we had last year. Plan on displaying your car on one or both days. (Arrive @ 8:30 - 9 am and leave @ 8pm). Remember that everyone who brings a Hudson/Nash to the Fair along with everyone in the car get in Free! The Fair has been very generous to provide us with 40 additional Tickets for family and friends. It’s a long day, but a fun day as well and the public response has been phenomenal! Please let Brent or Jimmy know which days you can display your car at the Fair so they can plan. We’ll provide you all a map on how to enter the Fair.- Thanks Even if you don’t have a running Hudson to bring - Come help man our booth for a while and enjoy the Fair as well! o – November 10th - Dewey - 10:30 am thru ? - Clovis & Joyce are hosting a fun time at their home and we'll get to see their “new” show room garage and all of their “toys”! There will be lots of tire kicking, games, gabbin’, and many of the local folks may want to come by and gander at all the Hudson’s so we’ll have a mini car show! Come Friday for dinner and having fun with good friends. See the Flyer in the Newsletter for more details. Please RSVP by Nov. 3rd if possible at 928-623-5054 and let them know what dish you may bring for the lunch at 12:30 Saturday. o – December 2nd – Mesa –11am – 2pm. GCC Christmas Party at the Mesa Marriott in downtown Mesa. Great food, Great Company, Super Raffle items and best of all the honor of providing some super gifts to “Toys 4 Tots” donations. More Information coming. Our Host is Karen Lange and her team. If you’d like to help – please let her know. o – January 12th – Buckeye – Jim & Margo Osborn will be hosting another “SPECIAL MEET” this year. You never know what “Little Jimmy and Purty Margo” will be up to! Stay tuned!! o – February 9th - A Southern Arizona Meet for this month. Don VanManen and Brent Hinde hosting a meet at the Gadsen Train Museum. What's coming up in the 2012 - 2013 Season! (Preliminary - subject to change) o – March 16th – Ande and Karen Lange hosting a meet at the air museum in Mesa. Details comi ng soon. o - April 13th -- Tom and Lorinda Conner hosting goodbye to our snow birds meet at the Martin Auto Museum. More to come!!! o – May & June ?? – It may be hot and the GCC may be on “vacation” - BUT…anyone have a Cruise-In in your area to go to or let’s have a Pot luck at someone’s place just for fun? Let Dick or Jim know. o – July 24th - July 27th - 2013 Western Regional and National Meet in San Mateo California. See the September/ October and future issues of the WTN for more information. It’s close by - let’s have a great GCC showing! Start planning NOW!! o - July 22nd -26th, - 2014 National Meet in French Lick, Indiana. See the WTN for more information. OTHER THINGS GOING ON: February 2013 - Barrett - Jackson Action outing just for fun. This is your club and your ideas for meets are always welcome whether you host the meet or not. If you haven’t hosted a meet yet – it’s not that hard and there are many GCCer’s that would be happy to help you. Just let Brent Hinde or Jim Osborn know. Page 17 Gadsden-Pacific Toy Train Museum Hosted By Don VanManen and Brent Hinde February 2013