inface design collection autumn 2015
inface design collection autumn 2015
IF 9340 I N FAC E D E S I G N C O L L E C T I O N AU T U M N 2 0 1 5 IF 9340 IF 9344 IF 9742 IF 9742 I N FAC E ® C O L L E C T I O N AU T U M N 2 0 1 5 I N FAC E ® C O L L E C T I O N AU T U M N 2 0 1 5 T IME LE SS AE ST HE T IC MODE R N E XCLUSIVE I N FAC E W I T H A N E W L O G O I N FAC E , 4 C O R N E R S Inface introduces a new logo; nordic and strong. The symbol is iconic and b r i n g s a n e w a n d p o w e r f u l i d e n t i t y t o t h e d e s i g n c o m p a n y. Circle , r unes, inner strength and loyalty! The 4 words that capture the idea and soul of Inface , The 4 cor ner s and the c o r e v a l u e s o f t h e I n f a c e b r a n d . A l w a y s t o k e e p i n m i n d a n d t o s t e e r b y. I n f a c e o f f e r s a n e w r a n g e o f b o t h d i s p l a y s , m i r r o r, l o g o b l o c k , p a p e r b a g s a n d c a s e s . Yo u c a n s e e a l l t h e n e w I n f a c e P O S m a t e r i a l s i n t h e b a c k o f t h i s c a t a logue. Inface creates professionalism in ever y shape and for m within moder n eyew e a r. L o v e a n d a t t e n t i o n t o a e s t h e t i c s a n d t i m e l e s s n e s i s t h e c o r e o f t h e I n f a c e i d e n t i t y. - Inface is accessable luxur y I n f a c e r e m a i n s I n f a c e , c l e a r e r a n d s t r o n g e r t h a n e v e r. T h e h i s t o r y i s u n c h a n g e d , o n c e a f a m i l y b u s i n e s s c r e a t e d f r o m p a s s i o n a n d s t r o n g w i l l . To d a y Inface is owned by PDI Group Inter national, based in Aarhus, Denmar k. 10 The colours will remain subtle and classic - Scandinavian coolness. 11 I N F A C E ® C O L L E C T I O N A U T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / T I TA N I U M IF 1175 58 17 089 BROWN/LT. BROWN 091 BLUE/BLACK IF 1177 161 BLACK/BLACK IF 1181 H 38 145 MMTITANIUM 092 CHARCOAL/BLACK 56 17 H 37 145 MM 162 BURGUNDY/GREY 163 DK GUN/LT GUN 53 15 H 39 140 MM IF 1183 52 15 105 GOLD/DK GREEN 106 PURPLE/LAVENDER 12 164 BLUE/SILVER IF 1176 59 17 093 BROWN/LT. BROWN 094 BLACK/BLACK 095 DK. BLUE/BLACK 57 17 H 38 145 MM IF 1178 100 BLUE/BLUE H 37 140 MM TITANIUM 107 RED/CREME 108 DK BLUE/BLUE IF 1185 53 15 H 36 135 MM TITANIUM IF 1186 54 15 H 37 137 MM TITANIUM 096 GUN/GUN 117 GOLD/SILVER 118 SAPPHIRE/SILVER 149 PURPLE/SILVER 150 BROWN/PINK 119 GREY/WHITE 120 WINE/SILVER 151 BLACK/GOLD 152 BLUE/SILVER TITANIUM IF 1195 52 18 H 34 140 MM TITANIUM IF 1196 54 19 H 33 140 MM TITANIUM 141 BLACK/BLUE 142 BLUE/GREY IF 1197 56 17 H 37 145 MM TITANIUM 145 GREY/BLUE 146 SILVER/RED H 40 140 MM TITANIUM H 37 145 MMTITANIUM 165 CHARCOAL/BLACK 166 DK BROWN/GUN TITANIUM 097 BROWN/NUDE 098 CHARCOAL/GREEN 099 PURPLE/PURPLE TITANIUM I N F A C E ® C O L L E C T I O N A U T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / T I TA N I U M 167 BLACK/GUN 168 DK WINE/GUN 143 CHARCOAL/GREEN H 35 145 MM TITANIUM IF 1198 147 BLACK/SILVER 144 BROWN/BEIGE 58 17 54 16 H 36 140 MM TITANIUM 101 BLACK/BLUE 102 BROWN/BEIGE 103 DK. VIOLET/RED 104 BLUE/GREEN IF 1184 53 15 H 35 140 MM TITANIUM IF 1301 53 15 H 36 140 MM TITANIUM IF 1302 54 15 109 BLACK/NUDE 110 BROWN/BEIGE 111 BLUE/BLUE 112 PINK/ROSE 169 GREEN/GREEN 170 RED/SILVER 171 BLUE/LT BLUE 172 BROWN/GOLD 173 BLACK/SILVER 174 GOLD/NUDE IF 1182 148 BROWN/GOLD 175 PURPLE/LT PURPLE176 BURGUNDY/PEACH 13 I N F A C E ® C O L L E C T I O N A U T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / T I TA N I U M IF 1303 54 19 177 BLACK 178 GREY 140 MMTITANIUM 179 WINE 180 BLUE I N F A C E ® C O L L E C T I O N A U T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / T I TA N I U M IF 1304 56 19 148 MM TITANIUM IF 1305 53 18 135 MM TITANIUM IF 1306 55 18 138 MM TITANIUM 181 CHARCOAL 182 DK BLUE 183 GUN 184 BROWN 185 BLACK 186 BURGUNDY 187 BROWN 188 BLUE 189 BLACK 190 GREY 191 LIGHT BLUE 192 SHINY BROWN Pure Titanium April news 2015, a series of strong and powerful fr ames for men, classic shapes and colours, with a contrast colour on the end tip, that gives the fr ame a spor ty look. IF 1306 IF 1304 Pure Titanium feather light in mater ial, masculine in design, with a r aw yet classic look. The design detail on the temple is for sure the inface signature. I N F A C E ® C O L L E C T I O N A U T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / T I TA N I U M IF 1307 53 15 193 BLACK 194 RED 138 MMTITANIUM 195 LIGHT BROWN 196 LILAC I N F A C E ® C O L L E C T I O N A U T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / T I TA N I U M 52 16 IF 1308 54 15 138 MM TITANIUM IF 1309 197 BLACK 198 PINK 199 BROWN 200 BLUE 201 BLACK/GOLD IF 1311 54 16 209 BLACK/GOLD 210 RED/SILVER 135 MM 202 STRAWB. /SILVER 203 SAPPHIRE/GREEN TITANIUM IF 1310 53 16 135 MM TITANIUM 204 BROWN/SILVER 205 BLACK/SILVER 206 BLUE/BLUE 207 PURPLE/PURPLE 208 RUBY/SILVER TITANIUM IF 1312 54 16 135 MM TITANIUM 213 BLACK/SILVER 214 DK PURPLE/SILVER 215 WINE/SILVER 216 BROWN/BEIGE Classic with a twist Beautiful titanium, feminine design. The shapes are classic and will suit any face . The slim lines combine beautifully with the fresh and vivid colours! 135 MM 211 SAPPHIRE/SILVER 212 DK BROWN/NUDE IF 1312 IF 1308 Ladylike Pure titanium, designed for the t r u e l a d y. E l e g a n t a n d s l i m , c l a s sic shapes, full and half rim. The temples are decorated with a subtle Ar t deco inspired design, where the 2 colours are presented ver y precise! I N F A C E ® C O L L E C T I O N A U T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / M E TA L I N F A C E ® C O L L E C T I O N A U T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / M E TA L IF 8361 53 14 135 MM METAL/ACETATE 349 BLACK/SILVER 350 BROWN/GOLD 351 BLUE/SILVER 352 STRAWBERRY/SILVER IF 8363 52 16 135 MM METAL/ACETATE 358 SAPPHIRE/SILVER 359 BROWN/BEIGE 360 PURPLE/LILAC 53 15 138 MM METAL/ACETATE IF 8362 353 BLACK/GOLD 54 14 354 PURPLE/PURPLE 135 MM METAL/ACETATE 355 BROWN/BEIGE 356 WINE/SILVER IF 8391 453 BLACK/LT BLUE IF 8393 51 15 454 BROWN/NUDE 53 15 461 DK GREEN/LT GREEN 462 WINE/NUDE 357 BLACK/WHITE IF 8372 385 WINE IF 8385 437 GREY/BLUE 18 386 BLUE 54 15 438 BROWN/BEIGE 387 BROWN 140 MM 439 BURG./CRANBERRY 388 PURPLE METAL/ACETATE 440 BLUE/SKY BLUE IF 8376 409 BLACK/GREEN IF 8386 53 15 135 MM 410 PURPLE/LILAC 411 BROWN/PEACH 55 16 140 MM METAL 412 RED/SILVER METAL/ACETATE 441 CHARCOAL/RED 442 PURPLE/LT PURPLE 443 SAPPHIRE/GREEN 444 BROWN/NUDE IF 8395 54 16 469 BLACK/LT GREEN 470 BROWN/BEIGE IF 8405 54 18 501 BLUE/BLACK 502 GREEN/GREEN 135 MM METAL 455 PURPLE/ORANGE456 DK BLUE/TURQUOISE 135 MM METAL 463 BROWN/RED 464 BLUE/BLUE H 38 140 MM METAL 471 BLUE/BLUE 472 GREY/LIME 140 MM STEEL 503 CHARCOAL/RED IF 8392 457 DK VIOLET/PINK IF 8394 465 BROWN/GREEN IF 8396 473 GREY/OFF WHITE IF 8406 505 BLACK/LT GREY 52 15 458 BLUE/GREEN 52 16 466 BLUE/BLUE 56 16 474 BLUE/BLUE 55 18 506 DK BLUE/GREEN 135 MM 459 BLACK/RED 140 MM METAL 460 BROWN/PURPLE METAL 467 BLACK/YELLOW 468 WINE/WARM GREY 143 MM 475 BROWN/ORANGE 142 MM 507 GREY/RED METAL 476 BLACK/GREEN STEEL 508 WINE/GREY 19 I N F A C E ® C O L L E C T I O N A U T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / M E TA L IF 8409 52 17 533 LT BROWN/BROWN 534 SILVER/BLUE I N F A C E ® C O L L E C T I O N A U T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / M E TA L / A C E TAT E 135 MMMETAL/TR90 535 DK PURPLE/PINK 536 LT GOLD/CRYSTAL IF 8410 53 17 537 BLUE/GREY 538 GUN/RED 135 MMMETAL/TR90 539 SILVER/TURQUOISE 540 BROWN/BEIGE IF 8417 52 15 333 BLUE 334 FUCHSIA 140 MMMETAL/ACETATE 335 VIOLET 336 LT BROWN IF 8418 53 15 337 BLACK 338 PETROL 140 MMMETAL/ACETATE 339 BROWN Funky and colourful A womens design-ser ies with fronts in stainless steel and temples in 2-coloured laminated acetate . Colur s are many and carefully chosen to comb i n e b e a u t y f u l l y. IF 8411 53 16 135 MMMETAL 509 BLACK/PURPLE 510 BROWN/ORANGE 511 DK BLUE/GREEN IF 8413 54 16 517 BLACK/BLUE 518 BROWN/ORANGE 512 WINE/PINK H 35 135 MMMETAL 519 GREY/LIME 520 BLUE/BLUE IF 8412 513 BROWN/GREEN 54 16 514 DK VIOLET/PINK IF 8414 56 17 521 BLACK/SILVER 522 GREY/RED H 36 140 MMMETAL 515 ORANGE/BEIGE 516 BLACK/GOLD H 36 140 MMMETAL 523 BLUE/GREY 524 BROWN/GREEN IF 8412 20 IF 8418 340 WINE I N F A C E ® C O L L E C T I O N A U T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / M E TA L IF 8419 53 17 341 DARK BLUE 342 BURGUNDY I N F A C E ® C O L L E C T I O N A U T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / M E TA L 140 MMMETAL IF 8420 55 17 343 LIME 345 MATTE BLACK 346 LIGHT BLUE 344 ANTHRACITE 143 MMMETAL 347 GREY BROWN 140 MMMETAL IF 8426 54 18 140 MMMETAL 221 BLACK/MT GOLD 222 PURPLE/MT SILVER223 LT GREEN/MT GOLD224 ORANGE/MT GOLD Slim retro A ver y interesting design ser ies for women in a ver y fine and thin steel. The shapes are ver y elegant and refined. The half r im emphasizes the retro-look of the modern design. Beautiful colours in matte and metals! IF 8425 IF 8419 53 17 217 BLACK/MT GOLD 218 LT BLUE/MT SILVER 219 RED/MT GOLD 220 SH GOLD/MT GOLD 348 RED A new classic Metal frames, half rim for men. A ver y gentlemen-like fr ame with classic vir tues and modern colours. The front and the temple combine the ver y nordic design detail. The Inface touch! 22 IF 8425 I N F A C E ® C O L L E C T I O N A U T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / A C E TAT E IF 9265 857 BLACK/HORN 52 16 135 MM ACETATE 858 BLUE 859 HAVANA/HORN 860 PURPLE I N F A C E ® C O L L E C T I O N A U T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / A C E TAT E IF 9266 861 GREY/HORN 54 17 140 MM ACETATE 862 PINK 863 BLACK 864 BLUE IF 9269 873 HAVANA/GREY 53 17 140 MM ACETATE 874 BLUE 875 BROWN 876 BLACK 877 HAVANA/BLUE H 38 140 MM ACETATE IF 9277 46 19 897 BLACK/BLUE 898 GRADIENT WINE 899 GRADIENT BLUE900 GRADIENT BROWN 901 BLACK/GREEN 701 PURPLE/RED 52 18 137 MM ACETATE 702 BLUE/TURQUOISE 703 BROWN/ORANGE 704 GREY/LT GREY 55 18 140 MM ACETATE 878 BROWN 879 BLACK 880 GREEN 47 19 H 33 143 MM ACETATE 902 BROWN/HORN 903 BURGUNDY/HORN 904 GREY/HORN IF 9313 54 18 143 MM ACETATE 709 BLACK/BLUE 710 BROWN/ORANGE 711 BLUE/GREEN 712 GREY/WHITE IF 9315 53 17 717 BLACK/BEIGE 718 BROWN/RED IF 9317 49 15 140 MMACETATE 719 BLUE/GREY 720 HAVANA/BLACK IF 9312 53 18 137 MM ACETATE 705 BLACK/RED 706 PURPLE/PURPLE 707 BLUE/TURQUOISE 708 RED/PURPLE 54 19 143 MM ACETATE IF 9314 713 BLUE/LT GREY 714 BLACK/BURGUNDY 715 GREY/HAVANA 716 BROWN/HAVANA IF 9278 IF 9311 IF 9316 55 17 721 BLACK/BLUE 722 BROWN/GREY IF 9318 50 15 729 GREEN MARBLE 730 BROWN MARBLE 140 MMACETATE 723 BLUE/GREEN 724 RED/BLACK IF 9314 IF 9270 725 BROWN HORN 24 726 BLACK HORN 132 MMACETATE 727 GRAD SEA 728 GRAD PINK 132 MMACETATE 731 HAVANA RED 732 HAVANA BLUE 25 I N F A C E ® C O L L E C T I O N A U T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / A C E TAT E I N F A C E ® C O L L E C T I O N A U T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / A C E TAT E 26 IF 9321 51 16 733 BLACK 734 GRAD PURPLE IF 9323 53 15 741 BLACK 742 GRAD GREEN IF 9325 50 19 749 BLACK 750 HAVANA/BLUE IF 9327 54 18 753 BLACK 754 HAVANA/GREEN 135 MMACETATE 735 GRAD BROWN 736 GRAD BLUE 140 MMACETATE 743 GRAD BROWN 744 GRAD BLUE 140 MMACETATE/METAL 140 MMACETATE/METAL IF 9322 52 16 737 CHARCOAL 738 PURPLE/FUCHSIA IF 9324 54 17 745 BLUE MARBLE IF 9326 52 19 751 BLACK 752 GREEN/BLUE IF 9328 55 17 755 BLACK 756 BROWN/ORANGE 137 MMACETATE 739 SAPPHIRE/BLUE 757 STRAWB/PURPLE 740 BURGUNDY/RED 140 MMACETATE 746 BURGUNDY MARBLE 747 GREY MARBLE IF 9331 748 BROWN MARBLE 54 18 758 BLUE/GREEN IF 9333 55 17 765 GREY/SILVER 766 RED/BLACK 140 MMACETATE 759 BROWN/PURPLE 760 BLACK/GOLD 140 MMACETATE 767 BLUE/SILVER 768 BROWN/SILVER IF 9332 54 18 761 VIOLET/PINK 762 PURPLE/RED IF 9334 56 17 769 BLACK/SILVER 770 RED/SILVER 140 MMACETATE 763 GREY/TURQUOISE 764 BEIGE/GOLD 145 MMACETATE 771 GREEN/SILVER 772 BLUE/SILVER 140 MMACETATE/METAL 140 MMACETATE/METAL IF 9334 27 I N F A C E ® C O L L E C T I O N A U T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / A C E TAT E / M E TA L IF 9335 53 16 773 BLUE 774 BURGUNDY I N F A C E ® C O L L E C T I O N A U T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / A C E TAT E 135 MMACETATE IF 9336 54 16 775 BEIGE 777 RED 778 GREEN 776 PURPLE 135 MMACETATE 779 PURPLE 54 18 781 BLACK/BROWN 782 BURGUNDY/BLACK 780 BLUE 140 MMACETATE 783 BLUE/BLACK 784 BROWN/GREY IF 9338 55 18 785 BLUE/GREY 786 GREY/BURGUNDY 140 MMACETATE 787 RED/BLACK 788 BLACK/BLUE The strong man Elegant and masculine - moder n and ver y stylish wr apped in retro. Half r im, and adds a ver y characteristic expression to the face. 2 coloured; and the temple wraps around the front. IF 9338 The 1940´s dressed in 2015 This half rim design-series is a time tr avel back to the 1940´s, y e t s t a y i n g h e r e r i g h t n o w. C a t eyed inspired retro fr ames in 3 layered laminated acetates, in strong colours and combined beautifully! IF 9336 IF 9337 29 I N F A C E ® C O L L E C T I O N A U T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / A C E TAT E I N FAC E ® C O L L E C T I O N AU T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / N I F T I E S IF 9339 797 BLACK/DM GREY 52 14 137 MMACETATE 798 GREEN/BROWN799 PINK/ORANGE/BURG800 BEIGE/BROWN/BLUE IF 9340 53 15 801 HAVANA/BLACK 802 GRAD BLACK/RED 137 MMACETATE IF 1191 49 14 135 MM TITANIUM/ACETATE 133 PURPLE/LT.PURPLE 134 BURGUNDY/RED IF 1192 50 15 135 BLUE/BLUE 136 BROWN/BEIGE IF 1194 135 MM TITANIUM/ACETATE 140 MM TITANIUM/ACETATE 803 BLUE/LT BLUE 804 DK PURPLE/LT PURPLE Dressed to kill Pure acetate fr ames for women, s h a p e s a r e b i g a n d d e e p . Ve r y classic and feminine in both d e s i g n , s h a p e a n d c o l o u r. . . v e r y tempting and animalicious! IF 1193 50 17 138 MM TITANIUM/ACETATE IF 9339 138 BLACK/GREEN 51 17 139 GUN/BURGUNDY 140 BROWN/BLUE IF 8367 48 15 130 MM STEEL IF 8368 49 15 130 MM STEEL 397 BLACK 398 PURPLE 399 BLUE 400 BROWN 401 BROWN 402 SAPPHIRE 403 STRAWBERRY 404 GREY IF 8401 48 14 H 30 130 MM STEEL/ACETATE IF 8402 49 15 H 30 132 MM 480 BROWN/BEIGE 482 RED/NUDE 483 BLUE/SKY BLUE 484 BLACK/ORANGE 477 BLACK/TURQUOISE 478 BURGUNDY/CORAL 479 PURPLE/VIOLET STEEL/ACETATE 31 I N FAC E ® C O L L E C T I O N AU T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / N I F T I E S IF 8403 49 15 132 MM 485 BLACK/GUN 487 BLUE/LT BLUE 488 BROWN/GREEN IF 8415 49 14 IF 8404 50 15 135 MM STEEL/ACETATE 489 BLACK/ORANGE 490 BROWN/YELLOW 492 BURGUNDY/GREY 130 MMMETAL 525 DK CHOCO/BEIGE526 BURG/ORANGE-RED 527 PURPLE/VIOLET STEEL/ACETATE 528 GREEN/LT GREEN IF 8416 529 BLACK/RED 50 14 530 LILAC/BLUE 130 MMMETAL IF 9281 50 15 905 BEIGE 906 BLACK 132 MM ACETATE 907 GRADIENT RED 908 GRADIENT GREEN IF 9305 46 16 970 DK PURPLE/TURQ. 971 RED/RED 130 MM 961 HAVANA IF 9282 909 BLACK ACETATE 51 15 132 MM ACETATE 910 GRADIENT BLUE 911 GRADIENT SALMON 912 GRADIENT PINK IF 9306 47 17 133 MM ACETATE 531 RED/ORANGE 532 DK BLUE/TURQUOISE IF 9307 974 PURPLE/BLACK 48 17 975 BROWN/BLACK 972 BLUE/PURPLE 135 MM ACETATE 976 GREEN/BLACK 977 BURGUNDY/BLACK IF 8416 I N FAC E ® C O L L E C T I O N AU T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / N I F T I E S 973 BROWN/RED IF 9308 49 18 978 BROWN/ORANGE 979 GREEN/BLUE 135 MM ACETATE 980 PURPLE/PURPLE 981 BURGUNDY/RED I N FAC E N I F T I E S F O R S M A L L FA C E S IF 9309 982 BLACK/WHITE 50 18 135 MM ACETATE 983 BLUE/BLUE 984 GREY/LIME 985 BLACK/PURPLE ”Nifties” is an extension of the existing Inface collection, offer ing high fashion fr ames to fit small faces. ”Nifties” is an old english word for trendy and Inface defines it as ”attr actively stylish and refined". SMALL AND CHIC 33 I N FAC E ® C O L L E C T I O N AU T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / N I F T I E S IF 9341 48 14 789 BEIGE 790 SALMON 130 MMACETATE 791 ICE Floral nifties A new acetate series for the NIFTIES collection for women. Classic and feminine shapes in the purest italian acetate. Semi transparent fronts, som gradie n t , s o m e d e m i m a t t e . Te m p l e s in flower decor ated pr ints and solid colours. 792 PURPLE I N FAC E ® C O L L E C T I O N AU T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / K I D S IF 9342 49 14 793 BROWN 794 PURPLE 130 MMACETATE 795 TURQUOISE IF 8805 325 BLUE/GREEN IF 8807 41 17 326 BURGUNDY/PINK 327 BROWN/SALMON IF 8806 42 17 H 27 120 MM STEEL 328 PURPLE/LILAC 329 BLACK/GREY 330 BLUE/GREEN 331 BROWN/SALMON 332 BROWN/BLUE 125 MM STEEL IF 8809 43 16 125 MM STEEL IF 8808 44 17 334 BLACK/SEA 335 PURPLE/LAVENDER 336 GREEN/LIME 337 BLACK/BLUE 338 SAPPHIRE/LIME 45 17 125 MM STEEL IF 8810 46 17 343 BLUE/GREEN 344 PURPLE/SILVER 341 BROWN/ORANGE 342 BURGUNDY/PINK IF 9318 STEEL 796 STRAWBERRY 333 BURGUNDY/PINK 34 120 MM IF 8811 48 14 541 BLACK/BLUE 542 BLACK/RED 123 MMMETAL 543 BLACK/GREEN 544 BLACK/ORANGE 345 BLACK/GREY 346 CHARCOAL/GREEN IF 8812 49 15 545 BLACK/GREEN 546 BROWN/SALMON 339 ARMY/ORANGE 340 BLUE/OCEAN BLUE 130 MM STEEL 347 GUN/BLUE 348 BLUE/WHITE 125 MMMETAL 547 DK. BLUE/BLUE 548 CHARCOAL/LT GREY 35 I N FAC E ® C O L L E C T I O N AU T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / K I D S IF 9003 45 18 953 WINE/PINK 954 PURPLE/GREEN IF 9005 47 16 957 BLUE 958 GREY 130 MM 135 MM ACETATE ACETATE IF 9004 46 19 955 BROWN/BROWN 956 GREY/BLACK IF 9006 49 16 959 BLACK 960 BROWN 135 MM ACETATE 135 MM ACETATE Kids and Colours Kids cases in bright colour s for both boys and gir ls. Inside little charms to put on the case or anywhere else you might like it. IF 9729 I N FAC E S U N C O L L E C T I O N 2 0 1 6 I N FAC E ® S U N C O L L E C T I O N 2 0 1 6 IF 9725 54 15 133 MM 949 BLACK 950 BROWN IF 9727 52 20 IF 9729 957 BLACK 958 BROWN IF 9731 52 22 962 CREAM 53 17 133 MM 951 BLACK 952 GRADIENT PURPLE IF 9728 53 17 ACETATE 137 MM SUN RX SUN RX SUN RX IF 9730 135 MM 54 19 SUN RX 960 BLACK 56 17 IF 9732 ACETATE 964 BLACK SUN RX IF 9735 56 15 SUN RX 969 GOLD 970 SILVER IF 9737 54 18 973 BLACK 974 HAVANA IF 9739 53 20 SUN RX 977 HAVANA/LT PURPLE978 BLUE/GREY HAVANA SUN RX 137 MM 967 BLACK/GOLD 968 BEIGE/GOLD IF 9736 57 16 971 BLACK 972 GOLD IF 9738 55 18 975 HAVANA 976 BLACK IF 9740 54 20 ACETATE 979 BLACK/RED SUN RX METAL SUN RX ACETATE 140 MM METAL 140 MM SUN RX 140 MM ACETATE 135 MM 56 17 METAL 137 MM SUN RX IF 9734 METAL 140 MM ACETATE ACETATE 137 MM 966 BLACK/GOLD ACETATE 137 MM 963 GRAD BROWN SUN RX 55 17 132 MM 959 GRADIENT RED IF 9733 ACETATE 965 BURGUNDY/SILVER ACETATE 140 MM 38 SUN RX IF 9726 955 STRAWBERRY/BLACK956 BROWN/HAVANA 52 19 961 BLACK ACETATE 954 BLACK/BEIGE SUN RX 135 MM 953 LT HAVANA/BLACK I N FAC E ® S U N C O L L E C T I O N 2 0 1 6 SUN RX ACETATE 980 GREY/BLUE 39 I N FAC E ® S U N C O L L E C T I O N 2 0 1 6 IF 9741 50 22 140 MM SUN RX 981 BLACK/GRAD BLUE982 HAVANA/GR BEIGE IF 9743 58 16 140 MM 985 BLACK 986 GOLD IF 9745 53 20 989 DK DEMI RED 990 BLACK IF 9747 56 19 993 HAVANA/RED 40 994 BLACK 983 HAVANA 984 DEMI GREY IF 9744 57 16 987 SILVER 988 GOLD IF 9746 55 20 SUN RX IF 9748 58 19 METAL SUN RX ACETATE 140 MM 995 BLACK SUN RX 992 MATTE BLUE ACETATE ACETATE/METAL 140 MM SUN RX 140 MM ACETATE 140 MM 140 MM 991 MATTE BLACK SUN RX 47 24 METAL 140 MM SUN RX IF 9742 ACETATE 996 HAVANA/BLUE SUN RX ACETATE IF 9748 I N FAC E S U N C O L L E C T I O N 2 0 1 6 IF 9742 IF 9742 I N FAC E ® C O L L E C T I O N AU T U M N 2 0 1 5 43 I N FAC E ® C O L L E C T I O N AU T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / P O S I N FAC E ® C O L L E C T I O N AU T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / P O S TIMELESS AESTHETIC MODERN INFACE CASE // 099054 INFACE SUN CASE // 099039 Foldable case for regular frames, 160 x 54 40 mm. Fine canvas with a soft lining inside. Logo on outside, embossed and printed in hotfoil metallics. Foldable case for regular frames, 160 x 65 x 45 mm. Fine canvas with a soft lining inside. Logo on outside, embossed and printed in hotfoil metallics. EXCL USIVE INFACE PIN DISPLAY // 098109 The most simple display you can ever imagine to lift up the frame in a cer tain angle. Base of 4 x 4 cm with a metal pin to hold the frame. The base in a velvety surface and with print in hotfoil metallics. I N FAC E P O S I n f a c e P O S m a t e r i a l s a r e c r e a t e d w i t h t h e 4 w o r d s t o s t e e r b y, b o t h i n d e s i g n , materials and colours. Inface cases are made from 100% natur al canvas, foldable and therefore easier to ship and handle . High quality Inface displays are designed with a smooth velvety surface . The new logo is embossed and printed on cases, displays and papaerbags. cleaning cloths, mirrors, - Inface is accessable luxur y Inface offer s POS mater ials to all customer s who will value and use the m a t e r i a l w i t h r e s p e c t . Yo u r w h o l e w i n d o w c a n b e d e c o r a t e d b e a u t i f u l l y w i t h Inface POS mater ials, and Inface offer s customized solutions. INFACE BASE DISPLAY // 098156 INFACE MIRROR // 098108 A base display for one Inface frame. 20 x 20 cm. The base in a velvety surface and with print in hotfoil metallics. The mirror with several functions; when tr ying on an Inface frame. To be displaying the logo. And a beautifully designed cosmetic mirror for the women. The base in a velvety surface and with print in hotfoil metallics. INFACE LOGO BLOCK // 099130 To be placed next to your Inface frame on display. 9 x 9 cm. The block is created in a velvety surface and with print in hotfoil metallics. INFACE PROMOTION BAG // 097111 Inface paper bag for Inface frames, matte paper in a soft colour with print in hotfoil metallics. Stringhandles in cotton, matching the colour of the paper. 45 44 I N FAC E ® C O L L E C T I O N AU T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / P O S II N F A C E ® C O L L E C T I O N A U T U M N 2 0 1 5 / / P O S PRINTED FOR AUTUMN 2015 I N FAC E B A N N E R S , 4 7 X 1 2 0 C M Best Optics since 1965 Best Optics IF 1302 IF 1302 WOMEN MENS KIDS SUNS IF 1302 IF 1302 IF 1302 Let your Inface sales representative help you order the suitable POS materials for your store exactly. We will help you combine the printed and the display materials. The POS materials are reser ved only for Inface custormers who will use and appreciate the materials availbale. Inface offers customized window foils in your individual meassures. Contact you sales rep for fur ther information. 129340 IF 1302 DECORATE YOUR WINDOWS 129344 129748 129729 I N FAC E P O S T E R S , A 1 I N FAC E D E S I G N C O L L E C T I O N AU T U M N 2 0 1 5 DANISH DESIGN COLLECTION We i n v i t e y o u t o e x p l o r e o u r n e w h i g h f a s h i o n A u t u m n collection 2015. A broad range of Inface essentials, both in material, colour and design, that will intrigue and thrill any soul. IF 1302 IF 1302 IF 1302 Niels Ravn, COO THE PUBLISHER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY TO POSSIBLE PRINTING ERRORS // WWW.INFACE.COM IF 1166 - INFACE ® COLLECTION AUTUMN 2015 // COPYRIGHT © 2015 // Inface Company Denmark A/S // COLOUR DEVIATIONS MAY OCCUR Wir laden Sie ein, unsere neue High-Fashion Herbstkollektion 2015 zu er kunden. Eine breite Palette von Inface Basics sowohl in Material, Farbe und Design, die Jedermann zu faszinieren und begeistern vermögen. IF 1302 Nous vous invitons à découvrir notre nouvelle collection de haute couture Automne 2015. Un large éventail d e p r o d u i t s e s s e n t i e l s I n f a c e , t a n t e n m a t i è r e , c o u l e u r q u e d e s i g n , q u i v o u s i n t r i g u e r a e t v o u s f e r a v i b r e r. 109340 109344 109748 109729 I N FAC E C A R D D I S P L AY, A 4 N A R RO W ( 1 3 C M ) , F RO N T / B AC K INFACE CATALOGUE // 099005 119340 46 119344 119748 IF 1302 IF 1302 IF 1302 IF 1302 IF 1302 IF 1302 IF 1302 IF 1302 The Inface catalogue Autumn 2015, presenting the new August collection and the full and current catalogue. Also the Inface Sun Collection 2016 is presented in this catalogue. A4, 48 pages. 119729 47 DA N I S H D E S I G N C O L L E C T I O N We i n v i t e y o u t o e x p l o r e o u r n e w h i g h f a s h i o n A u t u m n c o l lection 2015. A broad range of Inface essentials, both in mater ial, colour and design, that will intr igue and thr ill any soul. - Niels Ravn, COO INFACE ® COLLECTION AUTUMN 2015 // COPYRIGHT © 2015 // Inface Company Denmark A/S // COLOUR DEVIATIONS MAY OCCUR THE PUBLISHER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY TO POSSIBLE PRINTING ERRORS // WWW.INFACE.COM
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