Gaining Self-Worth At Bountiful High
Gaining Self-Worth At Bountiful High
Bountiful High School Vol. LXIV No. 1 695 South Orchard Drive Bountiful, Utah 84010 November 2014 Basketball Pg.11 Ask Brad Pg. 2 Geek VS Nerd Pg. 6 By Dallas Guymon How does someone feel selfworth in high school? This question has been asked many times. So what is the answer to this timeless question? According to PsychCenter, the question has five parts. First, teenagers have to take a self-esteem inventory. Get a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle of it. On the right-hand-side, write: “Strengths” and on the left-handside, write “Weaknesses.” List 10 things on each side of the paper. If writing 10 strengths is hard, think about what others have said that are compliments, such as “Thanks for listening,” or “Good Job,” or even “You are nice.” These small comments can make a huge difference in someone’s self-worth. When feeling down think about the 10 strengths written down and work to improve the 10 weaknesses. Second, set realistic expectations. Nothing hurts self-worth more than setting unrealistic expectations. It’s ok not to get 4.0. There is no such thing as a perfect student. Everyone makes mistakes on tests, assignments, and quizzes. An old Japanese proverb states, “Fall seven times, stand up eight,” and this applies to all high school students. Failure is not final and setting achievable goals that take some effort to achieve will help someone’s self-worth. Third, set aside perfection and grab a hold of accomplishments. When someone does fall down its good to remember the accomplishment of standing up. The same is true when it comes to classes. When someone does well on a test, assignment, or quiz it’s good to grab hold of that success. Acknowledge the success and list them down. When someone is lacking selfworth at a particular time that is the time to look at the list of success and remember all the good. When a person does fall it is also important to take something away from the fall. It doesn’t mean that person is bad, it simply means the person is human. Mistakes are the time to learn and an opportunity to grow. The person should look at the reasons why they fell and learn in the future not to be tripped up in that way ever again. Fourth, accept others. The best way to spread self-worth throughout Bountiful is by accepting every student. The Bountiful motto is “One Tribe,” and for there to be one tribe it has to accept all its members. This is done by treating every person like a present, tearing away at the wrapping and finding the gift underneath all the superficial wrap. Finally, stop comparing people to people. Nothing can hurt self-worth like unfair comparisons. Everyone has different talents and without these different talents the tribe would be dull and unsuccessful. Each member has its part in making Bountiful High School the best high school possible. So no member should be compared to another member. Everyone has worth. In a tribe each member needs to feel their worth. It’s time to be one tribe and one great worth. state championship is broken down as follows: They won three to zero against Provo in the first round. Afterwards in the quarter finals they beat Mountain View three to zero. In the semi-finals Bountiful lost to Timpview three to zero. Bountiful won the third place game against Springville three to zero. Bountiful volleyball had a great season this year. Photo by Pinterest Gaining Self-Worth At Bountiful High Girls Volleyball Takes Third Place Bountiful Students Experience By Janessa Boynton Photo by Standard Net Bountiful volleyball had thirteen wins and one loss in the regular season. They won four games and lost one in the state tournament. The The girls volleyball team poses with their third place trophy. Thanksgiving By Emma McKee What do people think of when it’s Thanksgiving time? Delicious food, fun family times, and of course, the things people are thankful for. “Oooh, turkey with super creamy mashed potatoes and gravy is my favorite food for Thanksgiving,” Ashley Fleming, a senior states. “Then we HAVE to have rolls and Dutch apple pie, absolutely yummy.” Throughout Bountiful, and other places around the country, Thanksgiving is celebrated with a love for food, family and tradition. How cool is it that everyone has a certain tradition that is done for Thanksgiving, Who knows what each family/friend does during this time of year? “When I was little, my aunt would throw these parties we called ‘Turkey Parties,’ where everything at the party was Thanksgiving themed,” Audrey Brown, a sophomore adds. “How fun would that be?” Having a fun party with cousins and great food, now that is awesome. Going places for Thanksgiving is fun, but not as fun as a room full of all the crazy people, we love. “My dad refuses to go to restaurants,” Audrey Brown comments again. “For one Thanksgiving experience I had, I was up in the forest with my cousins and we got a Christmas tree,” says Weston Graham. How cool would that be? Getting a Christmas tree for Thanksgiving. Well, at least everyone is unique, because that is not something many people would do, or get to do. Another thing that Weston tells about his Thanksgiving experience is where this family eats a Thanksgiving meal. “We eat Thanksgiving in Rexburg Idaho, and my favorite vacation spot is my house.” The home is a great place to go on vacation, which many people do. Not every person stays home, but some people find staying home during a break is fun and relaxing. “Getting together with my family, and having fun with them is something that has impacted my life around Thanksgiving,” Audrey Brown remarks. “Getting together with my family has made me even more grateful for them, they are fun and we have an enjoyable time together.” “Home is a really wonderful place to remember everything you have.” Ashley Fleming finishes off. This Thanksgiving holiday has a lot of meaning behind it. Every group of people around the country have different traditions that are special and unique. OPINION Page 2 Just Thinking About Same Sex Marriage One of the most controversial issues facing people today is the issue of marriage. The issue of whether marriage should stay traditional, between a man and a woman, or if same-sex marriage should be legalized. The issue took a turn when on October 6, 2014, the United States Supreme Court denied a review of a federal case in which a federal judge and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit ruled that denying same-sex couples to marry in Utah is unconstitutional. The Supreme Court’s decision meant that same-sex couples in Utah could get legally married, and Utah began issuing marriage licenses effective that day. Some Bountiful High students have opinions toward the ruling. Cody Jenkins states “I don’t think that it should be legalized because majority of the people are strongly against gay marriage especially in our cultural aspect and the fact that the courts are imposing gay marriage against the will of the people.” An anonymous student in Bountiful believes “that gay marriage shouldn’t be legal because samesex couples shouldn’t have special privileges.” Ben Phan comes at the issue in a different view. He said, “Gay marriage should absolutely be legalized, ideally what I would like to see would be marriage be completely up to the individual. But if that is not the case then gay marriage should absolutely be legalized I don’t think that any state or federal government should have the right to tell someone who they can or cannot marry.” The issue of gay marriage will probably never be fully resolved. But, the hope humanity should have is for all to get along. That as “One Tribe” the students of Bountiful High school will see each side to the argument and be civil one to another. If the Tribe can do this then the future will be bright. Wish Upon A Genie By Jatime Medrano If I were approached by a genie and given the standard ‘three wishes’ deal, my first wish would be “I wish I had a lifetime supply of Heath bars.” The second would most likely be, “I wish I didn’t have a stomachache.” And the third, after I realized that I wasted all my wishes would be, “I wish that I could tell past me helpful tips. Like, don’t waste wishes on friggin’ chocolate?” But if anyone has the opportunity, what would they tell their younger selves? Me, myself, I would give helpful little tidbits along the lines of, “Watch out for that lamppost!”, “Study for that test!”, and “Change out of your pajamas before you leave!” Little things that would have probably made my life a little better, especially the one about wasting wishes on chocolate. Then, for life changing informa- tion, I would tell myself the lottery numbers that would make me a million dollar winner. Invest in windows. Mostly money stuff Think about the things you would tell a younger self and save it for later, maybe write it down, just in case. Because when time-travel is possible, (‘cause we all know it’s going to happen), you will have something to tell yourself. THE BRAVE STAFF AND EDITORIAL POLICY A look at the graph tells all: A whopping 30% of students absolutely love the early Christmas spirit, 4% enjoy it, 18% don’t care, 4% don’t like it and 26% despise the extra dose of Christmas. Asking Bradlee Dear Bradlee, Please help me, we’re getting into the thick of the holiday season and I simply cannot survive another month and a half of Christmas music. The tinny sounding bands, the old-timey vibrato… I’m filled with dread just thinking about what I’ll have to listen to in other peoples’ cars. Please, Bradlee, is there an answer to help me survive the rest of the year? -Frustrated student (Scrooge) Jingle All The Way With These Songs Hello Braves! I’m back with this month’s Bravewalking survey for you! The question of the hour? What do the Braves think of Christmas music before Thanksgiving? Bountiful Students polled on if gay marriage should be legalized. Don’t worry man, I feel you. I really feel you. I’m not the biggest fan of Christmas music, but I’ve had some experience trying to escape the musical monotony that is Christmas music. One route, of course, is to avoid the stuff completely. But do you really want to face scrutiny from your peers for abandoning the holiday spirit? Of course you don’t. No one wants that. Luckily, we don’t even need to consider such an undesirable option. The answer to your struggle may be right under your nose—your stinging, freezing nose. Christmas metal! Stay your pitchforks, friends, we’re not listening to any death metal this season (though, if you’re interested, Gojira is pretty cool…). Chances are, you’ve already heard plenty of Christmas metal. ‘Plenty’ may be an overstatement, actually. There’s only one major provider of Christmas metal, that being Transiberian Orchestra. You know Christmas Eve/Sarajevo, that sweet rendition of Carol of the Bells with the cello intro and the distorted guitars? That’s them. Congratulations, you’re a metal fan! The symphonic metal band called Savatage gathers all their Christmas spirit once a year and tours the world on a festive Christmas romp, temporarily calling themselves Transiberian Orchestra. The years of listening to cover after cover of Let it Snow may be over. You can listen to Christmas music to please your peers (as well as the metal-loving heart that is within all of us), without the feeling that you’re being sold something. Now, if only Grandma would listen to this stuff, too. Thanks for reading, and if you have an idea for next month’s Bravewalking survey, email The Brave newspaper staff at: 513 or to the Editor-in-Chief. SECTON EDITORS: Letters may be printed “Name Janessa Boynton Withheld” upon the request The Brave staff welcomes of the writer. The Brave newsShayla Ballard letters to the editor. Letters paper welcomes suggestions, should be submitted to the comments, questions, and Lauren Barnes editors with both the au- student participation. thor’s name and signature. Leah Higginbotham All letters are subject to conSTAFF WRITERS: sideration in regards to space EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: available and may be edited Dallas Guymon for objectionable content. Bradlee Harle Please submit letters to room “Jingle Bells” plays along with other Christmas music all Christmas season. Emma McKee Hayden Hamblin Jarred McDaniel Jatime Medrano Noah Bean Tristin Hanson Tyler Bohn ADVISOR: Sheree Springer PUBLISHER: Greg Wilkey PRINTER: Spectrum Press Photo by Pixabay By Dallas Guymon Physical ability vs. daily routine STUDENT LIFE By: Natalie Bailey The Great Late Start Debate Page 3 Shayla Ballard Generic Funland By Kieran Gillins Winter Is Coming! Is Everyone Ready? By Noah Bean Residents know that in Utah, the weather can turn for the worst. Scorching heat, heavy drought, and little rain is just some of the bizarre weather in the summer. But what non-Utahns don’t know is that Utah’s winters are extreme. Subzero temperatures, strong winds, heavy snow fall, and huge blizzards. As winter starts to arrive, people need to know what to expect and prepare for the weather. New drivers are inexperienced in the snow, but there are some tricks that drivers can use to master the snow. Driving during the winter can be very dangerous and a lot of things can go wrong. When the roads get icy, all kinds of things can go wrong. Drivers should replace their tires with snow tires. This gives the car more traction in the snow and can give you more control if you skid. Drivers should also replace their head lights for better vision in a snowstorm. Always carry jumper cables and an emergency pack in the vehicle. This should contain a flashlight, a warm blanket, a windup radio, 500 foot long rope, and a first aid kit. Winter doesn’t always have to be horrible. It can be loads of fun too! There are a lot of things to do,;for example, people can go skiing, snowboarding, sledding, make a snowman, a snow fort, and have a snowball fight. There are tons of options. Now for snowball fights, it’s mandatory to have a snow fort. The best way to make one is to start rolling balls of snow, as if making a snowman. Start stacking them up against each other. It should be tall enough to hide behind and to protect the person from being hit while throwing snow balls. The best kind of snow for snow fights is when it’s just warm enough to make the snow wet melt a little bit. This make the snow easy to pack together. If it’s too cold outside it makes the snow powdery. Powder snow is amazing for activities like skiing, snowboarding, and sledding, but not for snow balls. But remember, if people use snow that has rocks, dirt, ice, or slush in it, they can seriously injure someone. Being hit by a hurling ball of ice and rocks would not be a fun experience. Winter can be a love/hate relationship. Its fun or it’s miserable, but it’s just a matter of opinion. How Can Students Sleep Soundly Each Night? By Natalie Bailey Many people are becoming very tired and exhausted during their days, and this is becoming a problem and effecting peoples lives by causing stress. There is a major and amazing solution for this everyone It’s so amazing because of how simple and easy it is. People, it is called sleep. Teens need at least eight hours of sleep to function each day. Most are only getting around three to five hours. This can affect their learning progress, which we all know leads to bad grades which then leads to stress. Major stress that takes so much energy out of you when you could be using that energy for something else that is good. Every night, most teens will be on electronics before bed; this leads to addiction and it becomes a habit. Some might say they aren’t tired until twelve at night or even later. Well, that is even worse, because humans need physical activity each day to keep us healthy physically and mentally. Really, we all should be tired around nine each night because of healthy activity. It is very common for people especially teens to stay on electronics all day, which takes energy, but not in a good way. Let me make this even clearer, we all need to be doing things like hiking and running or anything we enjoy that is great for ourselves. Just take a few minutes for yourself each day; its not impossible. If you work, we all have lunch breaks, take five minutes reading, exploring, anything you enjoy that really gets your brain working. Nothing on Netflix, or any electronic that involves any sort of entertainment is not making your brain work, at least not in a good way because saying “Oh my, she is with him!” is not working anything but drama. I know it seems hard, but everyone can do it. Many deadly things occur with having a cell phone on the road. If you are trying to multitask while driving please don’t, it’s so dumb. Everyone on this planet knows that by now, so why does it still happen? What happens are accidents, sadly and deadly accidents which can ruin you physically and even mentally like you would never even imagine. We all have been told this since we got our permits when we were fifteen, but I’m sure we all say well it won’t ever happen to me. That’s what the others said, until it happened to them. Electronics can wait and it is the same before bed, you are having a brain wreck instead of a car wreck. It is deadly also so treat it the same, and what I mean by that is saying to yourself, it can wait until tomorrow, I need sleep. Our futures are so bright so we should be too. Get sleep and get smart. I have a major dare for each and every one of you; try your best to not use any electronics driving, two hours before bed, and talking in your conversations. Let’s do this as a community, strongly and bravely. We are braves and we are BRAVE. One question that is commonly debated in school is “Should school start later in the day?” After conducting a survey, I found that 87% of students said yes, school should start later than the current starting time. After asking the students why they said that school should start later, the most commonly received answer was that there is not enough time to do homework, participate in extracurricular activities, participate in home and personal activities, go to work for those with a part time job, and still be able to get a good night’s sleep. One student brought to my attention the fact that many students skip breakfast in order to be to school on time, yet teachers are always saying how important a nutritious breakfast and a good night’s sleep are, but there just simply isn’t enough time. Aside from not being able to get a nutritious meal, research shows that lack of sleep can be harmful. Sleep is food for the brain. Without the right amount of sleep a night, people can feel moody, perform poorly, and lack of sleep can affect scores on school exams or on the court or field. Also, research has found that people who do not get enough sleep are more likely to have an accident, injury, and/or illness. Studies show that teenagers need 9-10 hours of sleep every night in order to function and perform to their best ability. One specific study showed that only 15% of students were getting 8 1/2 hours of sleep on school nights, and for many, 8 1/2 hours is just not enough. Some other consequences of not getting enough sleep include limiting teenager’s ability to concentrate, learn, and listen. People who do not get the amount of sleep they need may also begin to forget things and no one wants that to happen because so much time is being put into teaching students new things, so it’s important to make sure that the students are always remembering what they learn throughout the day. If school were to start later than 7:30, students would be able to get some extra sleep and then they would be able to function more efficiently. For teenagers, the pressure to do well in school is way more intense than when they were young children. Therefore, the more pressure placed on them, the more sleep they need to be successful. A poll conducted by a National Sleep Foundation found that more than 25% of high school students fall asleep in class. Those experts also found that loss of sleep is one cause of poorer grades. For these reasons, school should start later than 7:30 so that students can get a good night’s rest, have a nutritious breakfast, lower their stress level, and have a good start to each day. A lack of sleep at home may lead to sleeping in school, which leads to bad grades. STUDENT LIFE Page 4 Inventions That Should Be Invented A hot knife that toasts the bread when cut. This way, there’s no need to wait for the bread to sit in the toaster. Photo Courtesy of By Tyler Bohn Life is full of tedious tasks, homework, chores, school. Why do we still have to do all of these small, repetitive, annoying tasks again and again? Here are some things that should be invented to make life a bit easier. A hot knife that toasts the bread when cut. This way, there’s no need to wait for the bread to sit in the toaster for, like, three minutes. Cheek guard. Everyone has had that time when they bite the inside of their cheek, and it swells up and they want to keep biting it more and it’s really annoying. Something inside the mouth, kind of like a retainer needs to be made to keep this from happening. Spellcheck pencil. Spellcheck is so useful in programs in Microsoft word, but when writing something down on paper, it’s easy forget how to spell a word and then have to rearrange the whole sentence to avoid using that word. There should be a pencil that detects movement and can read what its writing. Then it can determine whether or not the word is spelled correctly. Headphones with built in MP3. It would be kind of like if an iPod Shuffle had built it into the headphones themselves. No one wouldn’t have to deal with the annoying wire, and it would be pretty cool just to have the controls on one of the earphones. Hairspray for every hair style. Spray it on hair, and it just automatically styles it to look like that. There would be curl spray, straight spray, wavy spray, and other different styles. It would be so easy to have a new hairstyle every day. A leg structure that is worn on the legs to take pressure off the feet. It would have some kind of spring system to have a little bounce to steps so it’s not like a stiff cast on the legs. Taking pressure off of the feet, everyone would be more comfortable and able to stand, walk and run longer and stronger. This may be taken as being super lazy, but I’m sure everyone is tired of having to stand somewhere for a long time and having their feet ache. Go to Disneyland for one full day and you will understand. Kelani Battad would also like some inventions to be made. She wants a spray that just makes everything clean, a hologram TV beds, hover cars, and floating food trays so you can walk and eat your food. Zac Jones would want a robot to do his homework and clean his room for him. These are just a few of the inventions that should be invented, and it’s confusing to think why these haven’t been made yet. SIR: the Good, the Bad, and the Changes Students Want Photo Courtesy of Warning: Pranks Only for the Brave of Heart By Lauren Barnes The moment when an early lunch grade becomes a late lunch grade. Photo Courtesy of Pranks are something that can be done year round and it is always funny, not for the person getting pranked, but for everyone watching. Here are some pranks that be done with some simple things that most people have in their home. Since the holidays are coming up we have the wonderful candied onions prank… There just like candied apple, but with a more tearful center. When in doubt, use an air horn. They are one of the most universal noise makers when pranking. Call it crazy but putting an air under a spinney chairs someone sits -beep. Opening a door it hits the wall with an air horn taped to it, a loud noise comes out and scares the crap out of them. Air horns: a simple yet deadly prank. A bar of soap: We don’t see them much anymore on bathroom sinks but a fun prank is to cover the entire thing in clear nail polish. Why on earth? The nail polish will stop the water from making the bubbles. The frustration will rise, and hopefully nothing will break. Warning! Teachers, do not take Diet Coke from students once you read this. Soy sauce is salty dressing of Chinese food. So what prank can be pulled with that? Soy sauce disguised as Diet Coke. Sprite, soy sauce and a Diet Coke or any dark colored soda will work. The Sprite gives it the fizz, the soy sauce, color, Air horn: one of the most universal noise makers when pranking. and the bottle that’s just for decoration. Confetti! All over a car. That would be fun to clean up, right? Fill all the vents with confetti then have the fan all the way up. Party! Now one of the worst pranks ever is when you put Skittles and M&M’s in one bowl. Now put that same bowl on a table of a place where someone would see and watch. This prank is funny to watch but it is the epitome of evil. By Jarred McDaniel That time during Tuesday right before lunch, it’s what determines an early lunch or a visit to a waiting teacher. Though most students love late start, SIR not so much. Though many people don’t have a problem with SIR, it can be inconvenient for some. When it comes to SIR, many students are mixed on whether or not it works for them. When deciding whether or not SIR should be kept, some students in support of keeping it. Brookelle Diven said “It should still be kept, but not be made mandatory”, whereas Jon Smith said “It should still be kept because it’s a good way to check your grades.” But for students who would rather change SIR, Matt Seegmiller says “I would get rid of the paper system because everyone should have a long lunch unless your grades are really low, like an F.” But it’s not all gloom and doom with a yellow paper, SIR is also seen as helping students turn in missing assignments and keep track of their grades. Like Annaliese Schwartz says: “It does help out, because it makes you do better in classes you have low grades in.” But for students, like Jon Smith, he states, “It doesn’t because people usually keep track of their grades themselves.” Most students would prefer to change SIR, a popular choice is to lower the requirements for a blue paper. Matt Seegmiller said, “I would rather have people get yellow papers if they have a D or F but not if they have a C or even a B-.” This is a popular opinion among students which adds to the idea Brookelle Diven states, “It shouldn’t be made mandatory, especially for people who improved their grade after the paper was printed.” Many students don’t mind SIR, but at the same time most students would rather change it to be less harsh on average grades. Page 5 SCHOOL NEWS Our Choir Shouts for Glory at the End of its Wonderful Concert “Shout Glory” it was called and shout glory they did. Bountiful High School’s choirs put on their fall concert October 28 and 29, 2014. It was “An Evening of International Folk Songs and Spirituals,” which featured songs from different countries and in different languages. The show began with the “StarSpangled Banner” and ended with “Shout Glory,” an energetic and rousing piece that featured all the choirs together. This many singers covered the entire stage and spilled out into the auditorium. The piece featured two soloists: Madi Hill and Weston Stacey, both clearly appreciated by the audience. When Madi Hill sang, she looked so happy and comfortable projecting her soulful voice over the auditorium that it made the whole audience cheer. The entire program consisted of several songs from each of the choirs individually prior to the group finale. This included the Phoenix Choir, the Xela Choir, the Men’s Chorus, the Chamber Choir, Photo By Desi Loveless By Ian Pantziris The Junior Choir, having a great time on stage. the Concert Choir, and the A cappella Choir. Some students were in more than one choir. The shifts between choirs were orchestrated with precision as the choir directors had one group go on while the last was leaving. In addition, the singers shifted arrangement between songs. Lots of movement helped keep the audience tuned in to the entire performance, which lasted roughly an hour and a half. Sophomores Ask for a Parking Place in the Lot By Michael Johnson Teacher Spotlight: Mrs. Sides Creative Writing and Jewelry Photo By Dallas Guymon Bountiful High’s new parking lot is as new and sleek as ever. However, with the new parking spaces and islands comes a new problem: less parking. With less parking than before, the school has decided to limit the number of students who can park in the parking lot to juniors and seniors, leaving the sophomores out. Not only do sophomores not get to drive, but the juniors and seniors have to buy a pass to park. Most of the juniors and seniors will tell you that they have been at the school longer, so they should have the right to park in the parking lot. What they won’t mention is that when they were a sophomore they would’ve been upset or annoyed if this policy was in action last year, making them just the same as all of the sophomores who are complaining this year. Another argument people might make is that most sophomores can’t drive anyways. While this is true for the beginning of the school year, by the end it is the exact opposite. Most sophomores will have their licenses and be anxious to drive. It’s also hard also on a transportation aspect. Many students are busy with early morning and after Some of the songs included entertaining choreography. The costumes with lots of sparkles added to the spectacle. Other songs included various instrument accompaniments, such as violin, cello, drums, and piano. The soloists were talented, and this was especially notable in the song “Shambala” that had been made famous by the group Three Dog Night in 1973. Another solo that deserves special mention is the one done by Sam Wittwer during the song “Baba Yetu.” This song, interestingly, is from a video game. His rendition, in Swahili yet, was another crowd pleaser. The energy displayed in the song “Ain’t Judgin’ No Man” also drew much audience appreciation. Overall, the performances were skillful. Choir conductors, Larry Smith and Emily Wadley, gave it just the right air of pleasant informality that made it an evening to enjoy. After the final song, the audience left with enthusiastic chatter and smiles on their faces. A peaceful day at the school’s parking lot, where the juniors’ and seniors’ cars rest. school activities which requires them to be at the school. Having to be at the school then means that they will need a ride back and forth from the school. This can be hard for parents, who then need to try and free up theirschedule so that they can take their students. Even carpooling can get tricky with all of the clashing events. Being able to drive is one of the biggest things that sophomores look forward to. More than the dances, more than the block schedule, maybe even more than dat- ing. So, to have this privilege taken away from them can be really disappointing. How should the school fix this problem? They need to find ways to make more parking space so that all of the students here at Bountiful High can benefit from being able to drive to school. by Tristin Hanson Many of you may know your teachers as, well, teachers, but they also have a regular life outside of teaching. While it may seem quite shocking to think that teachers have ordinary lives too, but they do. They are just like every else. There may be some who care about what goes in their lives some of may not care at all. Ms. Sides teaches Jewelry, AP art history, and creative writing. After school, she often preps for the next lessons she has or reads student reports that are turned in. She often applies her job to her life outside of school. She said, “If I am on a blog I often see something I like to incorporate in a lesson. During her free time she loves to watch films at the Broadway theatre. She also loves painting, sculpting, and writing. While she grades her papers, she likes to listen to music. Teachers have normal live just like us. It seems weird, but they are humans too. on 566 West 1350 South, students can enjoy meals from tangerine chicken to sesame beef. On days when students have more time to eat (long lunch), try Joy Luck and you won’t be disappointed. Students can receive a student dis- count, making this gourmet meal fit in an affordable price range of $4-5. Dunkin Donuts isn’t just for students with a sweet tooth. Dunkin Donuts serves a great grilled cheese. This mouth-watering meal is only $2.99. At their location on Photo Provided By Wikipedia By Cicely Barker Spicy pork tacos, sesame beef, gooey grilled cheese or a thick slice of homemade bread all make for tasty lunches. Even better is that they are all within minutes of the BHS campus and are possible to have during the lunchtime crunch. Students can enjoy off campus cuisine with friends and make it back to class with minutes to spare. When in the mood for Mexican food UTacos is a fast, affordable, and delicious place to eat. Located on 500 South in the parking lot of Uptown Cheapskate, you can get a delicious authentic taco for only a $1.25 and still be on time for class. Joy Luck is another eatery students stomachs clamor for. Located Some delicious tacos from UTacos. 95 East 500 South, students can grab ham and cheese, bacon ranch chicken, and tuna salad sandwiches. You’ll be satisfied with your meal and on time for class. Have a hankering for a fresh baked slice of bread or a healthy sandwich? Go to Great Harvest. Located at 43 East 500 South, the best bakery in Bountiful offers a variety of healthy choices. A PB&J done right is only $2.79 while an irresistible BLT is only $5.81. You don’t want to miss out on quality bread, quality service, and a quality time with your friends. Bountiful eateries love Bountiful High students and they don’t disappoint. Photo By Dallas Guymon Wonderful Food and Where To Find It One of Bountiful’s many wonderful teachers, Ms. Sides. THIS VS THAT Page 6 DC Vs Marvel: Fighting For Our Hearts The greatest comic book creaters of all time, DC and Marvel. A diagram of the Geek and the Nerd. By Lauren Barnes Never ever call them dorks, they can insult like none other. They are awkward, but they are fierce. Nerds: the smart kids in the class and the geeks… the more versatile people. The biggest difference between a geek and a nerd is that a nerd is more academic while a geek is more of a fandom people that have multiple interests. A geek can be a nerd and a nerd can have geeky attributes. But do not mix them up. They have a whole different pretense. Where did the words of the two come from? A geek comes from the Middle English meaning “freak”, it migrated to the United States and used to describe carnival performers. So how on earth did it transfer to someone who enjoys and extensively peruses a single area of study with great interest and energy? The word nerd was a nonsense word in Dr. Seuss’s book If I Ran a Zoo after it was used to describe someone bookish, fashion blind, and socially inept. A nerd is someone who is completely obsessed with academic or other esoteric pursuits. The change of the connotation of the word from bookish to someone is very focused on academics is a very understandable change. Within the world of geeks and nerds they will always intermingle. There is a very fine line between the two and there are some who is the best,” says Azlan Taj, “I could be dumb and I wouldn’t need to get worried about being hurt.” There is a different kind of hero that isn’t known by most people: Anti-heroes. They are the heroes who aren’t bad, but not good ether. Their goals are for their own personal gain. There is Blackfire and Raven. But the most popular Antihero is Marvel’s Deadpool. The amazingly hilarious mercenary is always full of action, adventure, and comedy. He also breaks the fourth wall from time to time by making smarmy comments to the reader. DC doesn’t have very many Antiheroes. It seems that some heroes don’t even need powers, just money. Tony Stark is one of Marvel’s most popular characters. With just his intelligence and his money, he made the powered suit of iron. But someone who also has money and intelligent is Bruce Wayne. When Gotham becomes full of crime and corruption, he is the man for the job. The Great Debate of the # By Noah Bean by Noah Bean Are You A Geeky Nerd? Or A Nerdy Geek? are mostly created by the character, for example, Tony Stark would just be a rich man without his iron suit. Whereas DC’s powers are unnaturally obtained. For example, The Green Lantern gets his powers by wearing an alien ring and Superman gets his ability’s from being Kryptonian. Superpowers are wild and vast, ranging from flying, laser vision, super strength, mind control, it goes on and on. Abby Clark thinks that invisibility is the best superpower. If she had it, she said that she could get away with stuff. “Regeneration By Noah Bean perhero movies too. The immensely popular film “Avengers” was a hit all over the world. The fact that it combines SEVERAL superheroes teaming up with each other to defeat the bad guys makes Derrick Neely his preferred movie between the two. Sophomore Azlan Taj likes “The Dark Knight” more. But he also likes it because it has his favorite super villain in it, the Joker. “Joker is my favorite because he is funny and scary at the same time,” he said Another argument is over superpowers. Marvel’s superpowers by Noah Bean There are a lot of rivalries in business; UPS and FedEx, Apple vs Windows, Target and Walmart. But a more famous rivalry is between the comic book companies DC and Marvel. For instance, Bountiful High senior Derrick Neeley likes Marvel because they have the Avengers. Each company has many characters and a large range of superpowers. Derrick’s desired power is the ability to breathe underwater. Everyone has at least one favorite superhero or superpower. But why? What makes them superior? Two of the most popular superheroes are the Batman and Superman, both of which are by DC. In a fight between the two, Abby Clark says that Superman would win because he is too powerful, but says that Batman would win in his heart. “I like Batman because he is Batman.” These two heroes are made even more popular because of the movies. For Superman, there are the countless movies about The Man of Steel. As for Batman, there is the blockbuster trilogy of The Dark Knight. But Marvel makes su- by Noah Bean By Noah Bean The famous F of Facebook and the T of Twitter. By Tyler Bohn Social media is huge today. There is so many social media sites. Some of the more popular sites would include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Instagram. The most popular of them all Facebook and Twitter, have been rivals for some time now. But which is the better site? Let’s take a look at their features and users to determine. First of all Facebook came out on February 4, 2012, and Twitter in 2006. Though Twitter came out a few years before Facebook, Facebook grew a lot faster, and to this day has many more users than Twitter, according to’s comparison chart. But even though Twitter came out first, it has been recently seen as the newer and hipper social media, some going as far to say that Facebook is for “old people.” Freeman Allred states, “I like Twitter more because Facebook got too mainstream.” Features Facebook and Twitter both have the main feature of posting status. The only real difference here is that Facebook has no size limit to these posts while Twitter has a character limit of 140. But, something that Twitter has are hashtags (#). These are used to categorize posts, or tweets, into a pool of other tweets using the same hashtag. This is useful when looking for what people are saying about something specific, so you can search the hashtag and see tweets that people have made regarding it. This was just recently also added to Facebook as well, but the idea originated from Twitter. Friends vs. Followers Facebook uses the friend system, and Twitter uses followers. On Facebook, a friend request is sent from one person to another, and the other person either accepts or declines it. Once accepted they are both accepted into the system as friends and they can message and see each other’s posts. With Twitter, a user can “follow” another and can see their posts and reply to them without the need of having them accept a request. This is useful for seeing what people you don’t know personally are up to, such as celebrities. In the end, it really depends on which of these two social media sites are being used for to be determined which is better. Facebook with its friend system and longer posts and messaging is better used for personal relationships, like friends and family. Twitter is superior in the use of keeping up with people and subjects that are less personal. Using the follower system, you see what people are posting without having to send a request and have it accepted. You can also reply to posts made by this person without needing them to follow you, and send personal messages if two users both follow eachother. THIS VS THAT Page 7 Battle of the Operating Systems Windows, Mac, and Linux engage in an epic battle for best operating system. Jobs and Steve Wozniak to make one of the first microcomputers, a computer that takes up the least amount of space as possible. Pro: the biggest pro of a Mac is that Mac’s don’t get viruses, it’s actually more difficult to get a virus on a Mac then not to get one. In addition OS X is an easy operating system to use like Windows as well as being able to link to other Apple products easily and with little Frozen: It’s a Love and Hate Thing By Leah Higginbotham and Dallas Guymon Pro: I just can’t hold my love for Frozen back any more! It’s been nearly a year since the hit Disney musical froze theater lines and melted people’s hearts. The top grossing animated film of all time, it topped the charts, leaving not only children, but parents all adoring the charming Olaf, adorable Anna and the relatable Elsa. In Frozen, I found solace from the whirlwind of problems I was facing. “Let It Go” spoke to me on so many levels before I even saw the movie. I literally cried the first time I heard it, because I saw myself in Elsa. She felt what I was feeling, she knew what it meant to feel outcast in a room of friends; what it meant to have a secret you couldn’t even tell your family. That song helped me put the past in the past and get over my fears because as it turns out, my grandmother still loved me after the perfect girl was gone. On another level, Anna also spoke to me, leaving me reminded of how I was when I was happy and innocent. Her rosy, cotton candy outlook on life reminded me how life is better than it seems to be, even in the toughest of situations. Even in the freezing cold, with no reason to expect her sister to respond to her, she trekked on and ultimately saved Arendelle. Whether you hopped on the Frozen bandwagon or not, it’s undeniable the cultural affect it’s had this past year. I don’t think society is going to let it go anytime soon. Con: The only thing that is cold is my heart toward Frozen. I remember seeing Frozen for the first time and loving every second of it, but then it happened; it being the fans. With their constant “Let it Go” covers, insistent Elsa cosplay, and always having people ask me “Do want to build a snowman?” It’s no wonder why I have grown some disdain for the movie. I wish it were different, but I have to live in reality. I have to fight against the machine before whole world is turned into ice. With my flame of logic, good looks, and a dash of hatred I will melt Frozen down to size. My main reason I’d like to point out is that Frozen is just like The Lion King, but with ice. Think about it; a character does something wrong— Elsa freezes over all of her kingdom, and Simba thinks that he killed his father and then the characters run away. After the characters run away horrible things happen to their kingdom and they have to return to save the day. If I can’t copy and paste Wikipedia articles for my English papers then Disney can’t copy and paste their scripts. Next point, people should let go of “Let it Go.” There have been so many covers of “Let it Go,” for seven months I couldn’t go a day without hearing someone sing “Can’t hold it back anymore.” It is time to stop. Finally, why do all parents have to die in Disney movies? I wonder if Walt Disney had mommy and daddy problems because his company sure doesn’t have a problem with killing off the parents. I tell the people of the world just let Frozen go and go actually build a snowman. trouble. Mac’s are also stable computers which keep them from having major issues when a program doesn’t work. Con: first off it’s a lot more expensive, Mac computers are way more expensive compared to Windows computers of the same hardware. Which doesn’t help that the biggest problems with OS X is how features are very basic and any more complex programs or functions are a lot more difficult to use compared to Windows. Linux: Linux is an open source operating system created by Linus Torvalds and thousands of collaborators. Linux, being open source, has many different versions. Ubuntu is the version of Linux that will be used in this example because it’s the easiest, most user friendly version of Linux. Pro: some of the biggest advantages that Ubuntu has is that it’s totally free and is a small install that takes up little memory, it can be installed and run on all computer types as well as being installed on a Windows or Mac computer to either replace the OS or be installed as a separate OS that allows the computer to switch to the OS when restarted at will. Con: It’s more difficult to use than Windows and OS X and it has a steep learning curve, it takes a lot of technical knowledge to use Linux. In addition there are many versions of Linux which can get confusing. The most popular version is Ubuntu but its only one of many choices which takes a lot of time to look into and compare. Not all software is compatible either, most programs on Windows or Mac will have to be made for Linux as well or the files will have to be converted over and even then there’s no guarantee that those files or programs will even work. These operating systems are important choices, especially when getting a new computer which depends on what that computer will be used for. Each choice can change what the computer can and can’t do. Can You Make The Grade? By Lauren Barnes AP: sometimes known as the class of death! It is mostly about getting college credit, but there is another way to get that credit without that giant test at the end of the year. This class is called Concurrent Enrollment. These classes give college credit while students are still in high school and you can get the perks of the college as well. So why the two different classes? AP is more popular in high schools, but CE is the average grade you receive not just on the huge end of year test. Ellie Evans, an AP student said, “I really like to challenge myself and AP class is one way to do that.” But what about CE? What does it to for you? Junior Nathan Rupp said, “Moving to the new school around here I heard of CE was new and decided to try it out.” CE is a college course, so you are a student at a college. One with perks is that you really get a chance to really connect and understand the information because you don’t have so many students in a class. A person can connect with the teacher and get a lot of help from them. Sleep is the most important part of a high scholar’s life, and home- Photo by Janessa Boynton The three biggest operating systems: Windows, Mac, and Linux, are all varied in their own way. Each has its benefits and disadvantages. Windows: Windows is an operating system made by Microsoft. The original Operating System was known as MS-DOS and was made by Bill Gates and Paul Allen to create an operating system that can run and manage computer software. Pro: the biggest pro for Windows is its user friendliness. It’s easy to use, and most programs and games made today are made for Windows. Each version is supported for at least ten years with updates that keep it up to date. Con: the biggest problems with Windows include it being unstable and needing serious tampering or a restart if a program doesn’t work. Windows can become unstable it can also get viruses. Without protection software, even the most minuet of viruses can get into your computer through a web page if no protection software is used. Mac: OS X, also known as Mac, is the operating system used by Apple in all their computers. The original operating system was known as Mac OS and it was made by Steve Photo by Jatime Medrano By Jared McDaniel Whether it’s CE of AP, a class is nothing without the students. work seems to get in the way of that. But are the classes worth it? Evans said, “I don’t know I guess if you don’t pass the test then it’s not really worth it.” Sleep helps people retain information. A lack of sleep would affect how well a student can retain that information. Is the lack of sleep worth it? Annmarie Allred, a senior, said, “Sometimes I wonder.” What is the point of the class? What make the classes so different? What aspects of the class are similar? These are all great questions, and although the class can be taught by the same teacher like CE and AP US history are both taught by Mr. Harris. But which class is better? The thing is that not all students retain information the same way. The important thing to know is how to learn. SCHOOL NEWS Page 8 Meet The Brave Newspaper Staff Take a look at the big happy newspaper family! We all work together to bring this paper together. a very big abundance of writers willing to write about the sports of Bountiful High. I want to be able to have the people know about the sports. Jarred McDaniel I’m probably one of the biggest geeks of the crew. I know a lot about computers, gaming, and science. My friend Nick told me about how much fun newspaper is, so I signed up for it the very next year. Lauren Barnes I joined the newspaper last year and really enjoyed it, so I came back. I think the new ideas that the class has and our ability to work together is really awesome. Janessa Boynton First off I love writing quite a lot. So I was in newspaper my sophomore year and I really liked it. I couldn’t take it last year because junior year is ridiculous so I’m back this year. I like opinion articles the best. That was kind of all I wrote in my sophomore year so I’m trying to do other things this year. I’m pretty much open to writing anything. Dallas Guymon I joined the newspaper to make people angry at my articles – I (Dallas Guymon) will help this year’s paper to be the best. Fashion is my favorite thing to write Photo by Mrs. Springer Tyler Bohn I joined the newspaper staff because I thought it would be a pretty chill class, and so far I have been right. A small amount of people, all just talking about stuff to put in the paper, and then when we’re working we can just listen to some music or whatever. The Bountiful Newspaper Staff works hard to bring the newspaper out for readers every month. about. Shayla Ballard I wanted to join a club that would help me advance in the writing field. I thought that writing about topics I enjoyed in a style I was not used to would help my skills grow stronger and more solid. Oh, and it also looks great on a college application. My writing style has a strong voice and unique style, (or so I’ve been told,) and when coupled with topics aimed towards people in my age group should help the newspaper gain a few more audience members. Tristin Hanson I wanted to join the newspaper staff because I have a passion for writing. I love to write about romance and drama. I am currently writing a book. Leah Higginbotham I joined the newspaper staff in second semester last year, because I was dropping my 4th period from semester 1 and Mrs. Springer was telling my English class about it. I came back this year because I had so much fun last year! I am very excited to be in charge of brave walking this year. I have lots of great questions for the student body. Also, I’m an editor this year, so hopefully there won’t be any grammar errors! Hayden Hamblin I joined the newspaper staff because I thought it would be cool to be able to interview people and keep up the sports section. I learned that there haven’t been By Tyler Bohn thing else could suddenly jump out into the road unaware of the oncoming vehicle. According to Edgar Snyder & Associates®, when you text and drive you are 23 times more likely to get in a car accident, and 3,328 people died in 2012 by texting and driving. And, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 11 teens are killed each day. There is a time and place for texting, and in the car is not one of them. There are many alternatives to texting and driving. Texting can wait until the ride is over. Everyone should try to do anything to keep the phone from being a distraction while driving. Hiding the phone from sight and hearing is a good way to go. A good Taking your eyes off the road just for a few seconds can end in a horrible accident. idea would be to put it in a compartment and silence it. If the text is an emergency that one needs to respond to right away, they should pull over and respond until the conversation is over and then resume driving. If someone has another passenger in the car, they should have them send a message for them if it is important enough to respond right away. Do not text and drive. It is dangerous and selfish. Risks of getting in crashes are greatly increased, and fatal injuries are entirely possible. Drivers should do everything they can to prevent themselves from participating in this dangerous and risky act to send a simple message. Photo courtesy of Five seconds doesn’t seem like much time. That is about the average amount time that someone looks at their phone screen when they receive a text message. What could possibly happen in five short seconds? On the road, a whole mess could happen in that puny amount. The speed limit in residential areas are 25 miles an hour. When someone looks down at their phone screens for five seconds that is approximately 37 feet that is traveled without looking at the road. When traveling on a freeway, at 65 miles per hour, they travel almost 100 feet without looking at the road. This leaves a huge range of space where pedestrians, animals, or any- Noah Bean Honestly, I joined the newspaper so I can be in the yearbook more. I’ve always been good at reviewing video games and movies. I think my opinion is a great contribution. I am a HUGE gamer so I believe that my years of video game experience can finally be worth my time! Take that mom! Bradlee Harle I’m editor in chief of the newspaper, so naturally I returned to guide my people to news-related salvation. My biggest goal this year is to pass on my knowledge of the ever-failing Photo courtesy of Texting and Driving: Five Seconds that Can Kill Jatime Medrano If I’m being completely honest, I only joined the newspaper staff because my mum chose my schedule in my absence on a sick day. I will bring my awesomely awesome awesomeness to the newspaper and make it like, twenty times better. Why Join DECA? By Dallas Guymon Why should anyone join DECA? After reading the previous question most people would think, “What is a DECA?” Well DECA--also known as Distributive Education Clubs of America--is an international association made up of high school and college students that are learning about marketing, management, business, and entrepreneurship. DECA prepares students to become leaders in business. So, “Why should anyone join DECA?” According to DECAEWG there are ten reasons why someone should join. DECA influences career plans. DECA Has opportunities to allow members to earn scholarships. DECA lets members be prepared for career plans in marketing, hospitality, finance, and management. DECA members travel to many schools. If someone does well they can travel to different parts of the United States to compete. Members gain appreciation for the benefits of service and their impact on the world. There is an opportunity to make new friends who have the same interest as you. You have the opportunity to win trophies and awards. Joining DECA will look good on college applications. Students become responsible with ethics, integrity and high standards. DECA members become experienced leaders by practicing leadership skills in several areas. So if these ideas are exciting go and talk to Coach Paige in room 803 for more information. ENTERTAINMENT Page 9 Staying Safe on Black Friday Black Friday shopping is both fun and stressful for many holiday gift buyers. crowds around certain deals thinner and having items more accessible. However, the unofficial holiday can still be dangerous, even with the precautions. It’s up to shoppers to keep themselves completely safe. Firstly, if waiting outside before Sometimes games are hard to afford or get ahold of, and most free games out there are just flash games that are fun for a minute or two, but can become boring very quickly. Here is where this list comes in, all the games here are fully developed and free for download. #5. Zork the Great Underground Empire Released in 1980, this game is known as a text adventure game, where there is nothing but text commands to give all the input. The main character is a nameless adventurer who is in search of wealth and adventure and the goal is to return from the “Great Underground Empire” alive. This is a great example of what gaming used to be before even the NES existed and explains the joke “Hit troll” or “Hit troll with sword.” #4. Catlateral Damage Demo It’s a game about being a cat and knocking over as many items in the house as possible. It’s pretty much a cat simulator, but this simple concept is very entertaining. It can be downloaded or played in browser for free. #3. OpenRA Command and Conquer Red Alert is real-time strategy game released in 1996 now updated with Courtesy of Gang Garrison 2 The nine playable classes from Gang Garrison 2 quickly as possible. That way, some shoppers are out the doors while others are still arguing over dollar DVDs. If a skirmish happens, alert a security guard and carry on. Don’t get involved. Be very nice to employees—they know the best deals and will fill friendly people in on any Loot Crate brings Joy to Nerds 5 Free Downloadable Games By Jarred McDaniel the event, be smart. Dress in layers to be warm outside, but shed a few once inside the doors. Be nice to the nearby people in line—they may know of some deals that others haven’t heard of, and they’ll be more polite to people they know. Make a shopping list and a budget, and get to the check-out as missing details. Not to mentions, they are the only thing standing between Mom’s Christmas gift and a horde of angry shoppers. Remember where the car is parked—no one wants to wander around a parking lot in the cold, shopping bags cutting into their arms. Speaking of cars, roll up the windows, lock the doors, and keep personal belongs out of sight in the glovebox. This includes registration, insurance information, and driver’s license. Don’t make it easy for someone to steal your ID. At Bountiful High, few students go Black Friday shopping. But for those who do, it’s important to make sure they stay safe. All students interviewed, such as Sam Perry and Camille Anjewierden, among others, correctly identified the most dangerous Black Friday store —Walmart. Junior Cesilia Cortez recalls a time when two people got into a fistfight and a cop had to get involved. It is wisest to go to lesser known shops and boutiques; while selections may not be as wide, there are still sales going on, and fewer people to be around. Shopping advice from students range from being nice to being as fast as possible. Says sophomore Bryant McConkie, the safest thing to do during Black Friday is “Just don’t go!” However, for those who enjoy shopping, good luck and stay safe! the newly created OpenRA engine in 2012, this game is a blast from the past updated with a new coat of paint and features such as: a level designer, easy to install mods, and two extra games that use the OpenRA engine: Command and Conquer Tiberian Dawn and Dune; both real time strategy games. #2. Mari0 A change up on the original Super Mario Bros, It’s the exact same setting and levels as the original game but with a twist: Mario also gets a portal gun (based off the popular Portal franchise). This portal gun allows Mario, and up to three other players, to place two portals which let the players (and enemies) travel instantaneously between both portals. This simple concept makes a unique game. #1. Gang Garrison 2 Gang Garrison 2 is a side scrolling online class-based shooter that is a homage to the gameplay and class based teamwork of the game “Team Fortress 2”. Choose from 9 classes, each with their own unique abilities and characteristics. It’s got fast paced gameplay and unique character attributes. The only downside is that internet servers are few and far between, with not many dedicated servers. Still, the game is constantly being supported and updated. Photo Courtesy of Loot Crate Black Friday—the words will raise different reactions in almost everyone, such as excitement, annoyance, and fear. But just how dangerous is Black Friday? How has it been made safer throughout the years? And how can the student of Bountiful High remain safe? The shopping day is often considered the first day of holiday shopping; stores begin turning more profit, otherwise known as “being in the black.” The title is referring to the point where stores begin making more money, and the large discounts and high number of shoppers have made it even more so. It’s good for the economy. However, this all has a downside. Many shoppers go a little crazy, injuring others so they can get the best deals. One woman even brought pepper spray with her to attack other shoppers! However, according to, there have only been seven fatalities in seven years, three of which happened in 2008, so the odds are not as high as many would think. In recent years, stores have been implementing safety precautions. They have guardrails, more security officers, and employees that are willing to help, among other things. Some stores even have people apply for one or two vouchers so they can only get that deal, making Courtesy of Flickr By Shayla Ballard Logo for Loot Crate By Janessa Boynton Geeks and gamers can get exclusive items sent right to their homes with Loot Crate. Loot Crate is a monthly subscription for $13.37 (plus shipping and handling) that gets sent in the mail. It includes exclusive items from brand name companies such as Capcom, DC Collectables, Marvel, Star Wars, and Nintendo. Each month Loot Crate puts together a theme. October 2014’s theme was “Fear” and included a shirt and a Walking Dead exclusive item. This occurs every month. September was “Galactic,” August was “Heroes,” and July was “Villains.” The crates all have items that reflect the theme. For example he Hero crate came with a Groot FUNKO pop figurine. The crates always value up to $40. Most items are exclusive and can’t be found anywhere except in a Loot Crate. Quality items can always be expected. Every subscriber, also known as a Looter, who receives a crate is entered into a drawing for a mega crate. Mega crates can value up to $750, and include things like video games, hoodies, backpacks, and iPods. By subscribing by the nineteenth of every month a crate will get sent in the mail. They always arrive between the 20-25th of each month. The cost is reasonable, and worth the items it holds. Loot Crate always has incredible support and can help with any problem. They send the tracking number by email so Looters always know where their crate is. When subscribed long enough, Looters can become Loot Crate official. They are given a card that can be used at conventions to get discounts at the Loot Crate booths. There are a lot of fun and exciting benefits to being a part of this. Looters describe it as “getting a Christmas present every month”, so subscribe now! Use this exact link to sign up and get the next crate at a discount: WINTER HOLIDAYS Christmas Movies for Children and the Child at Heart Page 10 December is quickly approaching, and with it comes one of the most popular holidays of all time: Christmas. Several traditions are connected with this celebration, such as baking, shopping, and spending time with family. A perfect way to spend time with the family is to watch movies, especially for those who can’t have a civil conversation with their sibling for more than five minutes. There are several holiday movies out there that bring a sense of nostalgia. While some may be better than others, here are some that are heartfelt, honest, and well-loved. Starting the list is an old stopmotion film that has become a tradition. Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town is created by the company of Rankin/Bass Productions, which also turned out several other classics, such as Rudolph the RedNosed Reindeer and Jack Frost. This movie answers the issues people may wonder about come Christmas time. How does Santa deliver so many presents? Why does he come down the chimney? How do reindeer fly? With charming music, a unique style, and lovable characters, this film has become a classic among all ages. In Home Alone, eight year old Kevin is living the dream, with his family in Paris and the house to himself, until he learns that The Wet Bandits are planning on breaking into his family’s house on Photo by Janessa Boynton and Dallas Guymon By Shayla Ballard With movies as good as these, the theater would be packed! Christmas Eve. This movie has become a classic for a reason; its slapstick humor and refreshing realism has struck a chord with many people. The scene with Kevin setting booby traps around his house has become legendary. Despite the ridiculous and famous cast, there is one version of A Christmas Carol that stays accurate to the original story while remaining unforgivingly unique— The Muppet Christmas Carol. Okay, it’s fairly obvious that Jim Henson Productions took liberty with the casting, featuring The Great Gonzo as Charles Dickins and Kermit the Frog as Bob Cratchit, but other than that, it is surprisingly similar to the original story. Scrooge is portrayed by Michael Caine, who is so perfect in the role he’ll have to be seen to be believed. Will Ferrell stars in the next holiday flick, Elf, as the character Buddy, an elf-raised human who goes to New York City to find his biological father. This movie by New Line Cinema ranks as number seven on Forbes’ top-ten Christmas movie list, and for good reason. This movie has a lot of bittersweet and realistic moments hidden under a thick veil of comedy for all ages. The newest movie on this list was made by Aardman Animations, the same people who brought you Wallace and Gromit: Arthur Christmas. If Santa forgot to deliver one present, what would happen? In this unique and heartwarming story, Santa’s underrated son Arthur goes to deliver a bike to a girl in less than two hours. Hilarity and mishap ensue when the family gets involved. The final film is a virtually unknown piece, due to its limited release, but has developed a solid fanbase online. The Nutcracker Prince is the film people saw playing on Cartoon Network and HBO when they were five and have been looking for ever since. It takes the classic fairy tale of The Nutcracker and The Mouseking, and turns it into an actionpacked, romantic, and often intense film that can be watched repeatedly. The characters are highly developed and relatable, the plot takes the Hoffmann classic and transforms it into something magical, and the arrangement of Tchaikovsy’s ballet score is masterfully put together. The stellar cast includes Keifer Sutherland, Megan Follows, Phyllis Diller, and Peter O’Toole. While several movies are known for echoing the holiday spirit and bringing back nostalgic memories, these movies are beloved by all ages, making people feel like children on Christmas morning. Attack of the Killer Christmas Music! Christmas music always starts playing the day after Halloween and people immediately start complaining. “It’s too soon,” some say. “By the time Christmas gets here everyone will be sick of it,” others complain. Is the day after Halloween too soon? Should radio stations hold off for another month? Or should Christmas music only come out during December? Most students think the day after Thanksgiving is the best time. Jon Holbrook said, “Day after Thanksgiving for sure, at the earliest.” After Thanksgiving, people can take it one holiday at time and really get into the music. It wouldn’t be playing too long, so there wouldn’t as great of a chance of getting sick of it. Every single student agreed that the day after Halloween is way too soon. By the time Christmas even gets here, everyone is sick of “Jingle Bell Rock” and “Silent Night” and any number of different versions of songs constantly being on the radio. There are always those few students who believe it’s never too early to get in the Christmas spirit. “Christmas music? I’ve been playing it since September…movies too!” Adrian Mayor, said with excitement. Daci J. Hughes said, “I think you can play it whenever, but it shouldn’t be overplayed.” Despite all this, Christmas music is already on the radio. It has been for weeks. It’s that time of year again, so try to enjoy the music and get ready for another long Christmas season. Photo by Leah Higginbotham By Janessa Boynton Even Santa Claus is tired of Christmas music already. A Holly Jolly Bucket List: What to do When You Have Nothing to do over Break! 4. Build a snowman. The first person to sing “Let It Go” will be promptly attacked with a barrage Out of ideas for the upcoming of snowballs. Christmas Break? Don’t worry, 5. Buy gifts while the prices are there are twelve days of Christmas, low and selection is limited. (Dad and twelve things to do on this needs a Disney princess nightlight, holiday bucket list! doesn’t he?) 1. Decorate the house. Set up 6. Wrap presents. Then unwrap the tree, put up the lights, hang them so the cat doesn’t get Aunt the ornaments, and try not to Bessie’s sweater on accident. Then, ruin everything by falling into the re-wrap them and accidentally evergreen while trying to put the mislabel them anyways. star on top. 7. Cut paper snowflakes. Try not 2. Watch a holiday movie. Try not to get into a debate with mom to cut up bills, birth certificates, or the essay due last Wednesday that over whether or not Die Hard was thought lost. qualifies, (it takes place during 8. Decorate gingerbread houses. Christmas, right? At least, accordFor best results, use superglue to ing to hold the walls together and get 3. Go sledding. And please, for frustrated when it looks nothing the love of all that is good, don’t like something from the Festival of build a jump… Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons By Shayla Ballard Even this bucket is getting into the Holiday spirit! Trees. 9. Bake cookies. It is highly recommended to just skip the boring “baking” part and eat the dough. Salmonella isn’t as bad as the cafeteria workers say it is. 10. Go ice skating. Get embarrassed when displaying skills that rival that of an overweight hippopotamus. 11. Go caroling. And don’t be offended if someone throws a shoe at the group. It means “be blessed with Jimmy Choos this season” in ancient Scandinavian. 12. Make a fire and snuggle under a blanket. Cut this article out of the newspaper and throw it in for maximum warmth! SPORTS Page 11 Bountiful Braves On 3! Photo By Hayden Hamblin By Tristin Hansen The Bountiful High football field and track. Max Tooley, who is currently running back for the Bountiful Braves, says how he prepares for each game is a lot of practice and also reviewing previously recorded football games that he has been in and watches how he performs on the field. He had hoped the team would make it to state championships this year. “It feels good to be a part of the team,” said Tooley who has been playing football since he was 8 years old. Mitch Edwards is also the running back for the Braves team. “It’s like when you turn 16 and you get your first car. The feeling is inde- scribable”, Edwards said, when talking about the best thing about being a football player. One of his most memorable moments in football was when a kid unknowkingly sat on a pile of ants during practice, which crawled up his pants. He freaked out and ran to a drinking fountain that happened to be outside. How Mitch prepares for each game is reviewing past games he was in and actually not going to the gym a few days before. Shifting perspectives, we interviewed Hifo Latu a junior at Bountiful. She has been going to every game since she started last year. When asked about the feeling of watching the Braves play at each game she said, “Every game is a different experience, I love to get ev- eryone pumped.” She says the best part of the game is cheering for the team. She thinks everyone should come, it’s worth your time, even if you are nervous, it can really boost your mood once you come to the game. Brandon Bott is another football player we interviewed. We asked him what it was like to be a part of the team he said “It’s great everyone on the team is family to me” He’s been playing since he was 8 years old. He got interested in football just through the experience of family members who have also played football. He says in order to be a football player, he must be mentally and physically strong. His worst injury in football was when he fractured his back. By Steven Devey This year we are looking at a great basketball season Braves! After looking at the scrimmaging that goes on every day after school, the team looks to be in great shape and looking ready to repeat the win at state. Coach Mr. Maxwell is running the team hard to try to get them conditioned and ready for the season. Basketball is coming up fast so be ready to come try out. After a great year last year, the school has high expectations on how well the basketball team will perform. This year we have lots of talent and potential that will contribute to a very promising season. Last year we had lots of school spirit, but this year let’s try to be even better and bring that Braves school spirit to all the basketball games. At the beginning of the season, the Braves basketball team has great hopes to start out winning and bring school pride to our great school of Bountiful High School. From watching the scrimmages, the team has shown how willing to work they are and how they will stop at nothing to be state champions. School tryouts will be starting at the end of November and the beginning or December. Every day there is open gym where the coaches encourage players to come down and scrimmage each other. They also are conditioning to get an early start on a very great and hopefully successful season. Basketball is such an important sport to Bountiful High because it shows how we have school pride and are willing to stop at nothing to become the best and from the beginning of school history. We have had a strong team for basketball and strong athletes returning from last year that will be showing good work ethic and powerful dedication. We hope the new athletes on the team can learn the say dedication and ethics. Basketball is a very time intensive sport that makes the athletes have to put in extra hard work in school. If they are willing to try out and join the team they need to keep their grades up. Be ready for a great season Braves. The inside of the field house. This is a look at Bountiful High’s scoreboard as well as the posters. Photo By Dallas Guymon Slam Dunking into a New Season Upcoming Sports Events this Winter Bountiful High’s field house. This is where the basketball games are Photo By Dallas Guymon By Hayden Hamblin Wrestling -Dec. 4th Wrestling vs. Kearns @ Kearns High School -Dec. 11th Wrestling vs. East @ East High School -Dec. 18th Wrestling vs. Cyprus @ Bountiful High School -Jan 8th Wrestling vs. Woods Cross @ Bountiful High School -Jan 15th Wrestling vs. Clearfield @ Clearfield -Jan 29th Wrestling vs. Highland @ Bountiful High School Swim -Dec. 6th Swim District Meet @ Davis Rec. Center -Dec. 12th Swim District Meet @ Davis Rec. Center Jan 16th Swim District Meet @ Davis Rec. Center -Jan. 31st Region Swim Championships @ Davis Rec. Center Basketball -Dec. 19th Girls Basketball vs. Clearfield @ Bountiful High School -Dec. 30th Girls Basketball vs. Cyprus @ Bountiful High School -Jan. 6th Girls Basketball vs. Kearns @ Bountiful High School -Jan 6th Boys Basketball vs Kearns @ Bountiful High School -Jan 9th Girls Basketball vs. Judge @ Judge -Jan 9th Boys Basketball vs. Judge @ Bountiful High School -Jan 13th Girls Basketball vs. East @ East High School -Jan13th Boys Basketball vs. East @ East High School -Jan 16th Girls Basketball vs. Woods Cross @ Woods Cross -Jan 16th Boys Basketball vs. Woods Cross @ Woods Cross -Jan 21st Girls Basketball vs. Highland @Highland High School -Jan 21 Boys Basketball vs. Highland @ Highland High School -Jan 23 Girls Basketball vs. Clearfield @ Clearfield High School -Jan 23 Boys Basketball vs. Clearfield @ Clearfield High School -Jan 27th Girls Basketball vs. Cyprus @ Cyprus High School -Jan 27th Boys Basketball vs. Cyprus @ Cyprus High School -Jan 30th Girls Basketball vs. Kearns @ Kearns High School -Jan 30th Boys Basketball vs. Kearns @ Kearns High School SPORTS Recapping Bountiful High Football By Hayden Hamblin with the final score being Bountiful 17 and Springfield 21. With this disappointing loss in the first round of the playoffs, this leads to the end of the Braves season. The Braves had an amazing year with some incredible plays. With the JV’s great season we can’t until next year to unfold. There is a lot of talent on the Bountiful team as seen from the stats. We congratulate our seniors on having an amazing year, and wish them luck with their careers. Go Braves! Courtesy of Desi Loveless Bountiful High’s football team has ended its regular season with a record of 8 wins and 2 losses. The team has done extraordinary well handling the ball on offense as well as holding firm with their defense. With the end of their regular season they became the No. 2 seed in Region 6. The regular season had been a great success, and the Braves had qualified for the playoffs. With the end of the regular season, the Braves had a total of 318 points the whole season and only allowed 139 points against them. The running backs had a total of 2189 rushing yards. All the wide receivers had a total 723 yards. Bountiful Braves ran over the competition. The defense had 625 total tackles, 16 sacks and 10 interceptions. For a ten game season, that is exceptional. The Braves started the playoffs with their first game October 31st. They were entering the playoffs 8-2 against Springfield who was 5-4. Bountiful was upset at the game, The Bountiful Brave Football team against Springville, nearing the end of yet another football season. Rushing Kaden Simmonds 128 carries, 748 yards, 9 TD’s Houston Heimuli 91 carries, 560 yards, 6 TD’s Max Tooley 61 carries, 396 yards, 4 TD’s Defense Tanner Smith 58 tackles, 1 sack Mitch Halverson 54 tackles, 4.5 sacks Kicking Nels Halton 3 Field goals, 42 PAT Meet the Bountiful High Basketball Team Passing Jake Lindsey Comp.-Att. 38-75, 484 Yards, 6 TD’s, Int. 4 Receiving Kaden Larson 12 receptions, 283 yards, 3 TD’s Photo Courtesy of Desi Loveless Page 12 Basketball can be an intense sport, as shown in this photo from a past game. By Janessa Boynton The football season has ended and it’s time for a new sport to take the spotlight. Basketball season is upon us. Meet the Team Night is a great opportunity to get excited for the games and see who is going to be playing. Each team member gets introduced and they play against each other. A majority of the school goes and cheers on their fellow classmates. It is a great way to show school spirit. Students can cheer on their friends and have a great time doing it. The team does a lot better with a crowd cheering them on. They take in the energy. It is a great way to start off the season. T-shirts are thrown into the crowd and students can participate in a free throw contest. Meet the Team Night will be November 20th at seven o’clock in the Fieldhouse. It’s free to get in, so be there or be square. SITH: Students (and Teachers) In The Hall Photos by Dallas Guymon Bountiful Braves Joseph Golightly Elsa Johnson Harrison Smith Mrs. Springer If your life were a TV show, what would be the theme song? “Radioactive” Nacho Libre theme “Dream On” “Wrapped Up In Books” Where do you most want to visit? Germany Germany France Italy What is your greatest fear? The unknown Dead animals in the road Clowns Ski Lifts