BROCHURE Female RR_COR Ok:Layout 1
BROCHURE Female RR_COR Ok:Layout 1
COLLECTIONS 161 WOMEN ABSTRACT EYES AND LIPS P.173 COLL 69 CHIC CAMELEON P.175 COLL 74 VOGUE CAMELEON P.209 P.177 COLL 26 ABSTRACT COLL 75 VOGUE CAMELEON FIXED HEAD WOMEN W I T H R E M OVA B L E L I P S EGGHEAD P.181 COLL 76 VOGUE CAMELEON P.219 P.183 COLL 32 PURE COLL 83 ABSOLUTE CAMELEON R E M OVA B L E FAC E P.187 COLL 81 ABSOLUTE CAMELEON R E M OVA B L E FAC E W I T H R E M OVA B L E L I P S P.191 COLL 81 ABSOLUTE CAMELEON R E M OVA B L E FAC E W I T H R E M OVA B L E P.213 P.211 COLL 55 GEM COLL 60 SKETCH P.223 P.221 COLL 33 PURE P.215 COLL 83 ABSOLUTE COLL 52 VOGUE P.225 COLL 83 ABSOLUTE WOMEN SCULPTED HAIR P.229 COLL 28 PURE COLLECTIONS INDEX CAMELEON FIXED HEAD W I T H R E M OVA B L E collections index WOMEN P.231 COLL 51 VOGUE WOMEN REALISTIC P.235 COLL 27 CHIC P.237 COLL 50 VOGUE WOMEN PLUS SIZE EYES AND LIPS P.191 P.241 P.193 COLL 81 ABSOLUTE CAMELEON COLL 81 ABSOLUTE CAMELEON COLL 90 VOLUPTUOUS R E M OVA B L E WOMEN HEAD LINGERIE P.197 P.249 COLL 28 PURE LINGERIE COLL 82 ABSOLUTE CAMELEON R E M OVA B L E H E A D P.243 COLL 91 VOLUPTUOUS P.251 COLL 83 ABSOLUTE CAMELEON P.245 COLL 92 VOLUPTUOUS P.253 COLL 90 VOLUPTUOUS P.255 COLL 91 VOLUPTUOUS WOMEN W I T H R E M OVA B L E FA B R I C LIPS P.203 COLL 82 ABSOLUTE CAMELEON P.259 COLL 56 COUTURE P.261 COLL 58 VOGUE TAILOR MADE 163 MEN CAMELEON R E M OVA B L E FAC E P.269 COLL 86 ABSOLUTE CAMELEON CHILDREN R E M OVA B L E H E A D ABSTRACT P.313 P.275 COLL 38 SWEET P.283 COLL 26 ABSTRACT P.285 COLL 88 ABSOLUTE CAMELEON MEN EGGHEAD P.291 P.289 COLL 35 PURE COLL 36 PURE MEN SCULPTED HAIR CHILDREN SCULPTED HAIR P.315 COLL 43 RAINBOW CHILDREN REALISTIC P.317 COLL 40 RAINBOW P.319 COLL 41 RAINBOW COLLECTIONS INDEX MEN ABSTRACT collections index COLL 87 ABSOLUTE CAMELEON ACCESSORIES P.295 P.323 COLL 29 PURE COLL 62 SKETCH ACCESSORIES MEN REALISTIC SPECIALS P.301 P.299 COLL 45 VOGUE COLL 30 CHIC P.333 P.331 COLL LUSCIOUS COLL 73 EMOTION M E N FA B R I C P.309 P.305 COLL 49 VOGUE TAILOR MADE COLL 57 COUTURE 165 Our range of collections is made up of two types of mannequins: (1) CAMELEON mannequins (2) traditional mannequins WOMEN CAMELEON CAMELEON mannequins have removable elements that enable you to change the appearance of your mannequin at will. Read about our CAMELEON mannequins on the next page166 167 Fa c e s F 1 / F 2 Lips and eyes F1 Fa c e K 6 Fa c e K 4 Fa c e K 5 Lips F1 R E M OVA B L E H E A D V E R S I O N S ( C O L L E C T I O N 8 2 W O M E N ) A L S O AVA I L A B L E I N M E N V E R S I O N F O R C O L L E C T I O N 8 7 Head L4 Head L5 Head L2 Lips F1 Head L3 Lips F2 FIXED HEAD VERSIONS (COLLECTIONS 83, 74, 75, 76) M6 Lips F1 74/F1 Lips and eyes F1 74/F2 Lips and eyes F2 75/F2 Lips and eyes F2 M3 Lips F2 76/1 Lips F2 WHAT IS A CAMELEON MANNEQUIN? THE CAMELEON MANNEQUIN is a new concept from WINDOW Mannequins. It is a range of mannequins with removable heads, faces, eyes and lips that enable you to change the look of your mannequins in a simple click using different components with magnetic fittings. Some versions allow you to create more than 70,000 different looks from the same mannequin, allowing you to create unique displays, renewing the impact of your windows or stores on a per manent basis. The mannequin now plays a major role in your decoration or seasonal themes. SEE OUR STYLE GUIDE TO DISCOVER THE HUNDREDS OF FINISHES OF HEADS, FACES, EYES AND LIPS AVAILABLE. ? CAMELEON MANNEQUINS R E M OVA B L E FA C E V E R S I O N S ( C O L L E C T I O N 8 1 ) 169 WOMEN CAMELEON F I X E D H E A D W I T H R E M OVA B L E E Y E S A N D L I P S 171 07 COLL69 REFINED MATURE FEMALES WITH REMOVABLE MAKE UP CHIC CAMELEON The CHIC series of mannequins represents the mature elegant woman of today. The FIXED HEAD WITH elegant silhouettes are forceful yet refined. The collection is made up of both relaxed R E M OVA B L E E Y E S Mannequin’s revolutionar y CAMELEON removable make up. You can choose from AND LIPS hundreds of lip colours and eye designs to coordinate the mannequin with your and catwalk attitudes. The CAMELEON version of the CHIC series utilizes WINDOW COLL 69 clothing collections. See our style guide for options. THE MANNEQUINS ARE REALISTIC DELIVERED WITH TWO SETS OF STANDARD LIPS AND EYES, see style guide for 01 02 03 04 06 For references of products on this page see glossar y 05 WOMEN CAMELEON • FIXED HEAD details.. Head 74/F2 6901 6902 6903 6905 6906 6908 6912 6915 6916 6919 6920 173 10 COLL74 FASHIONABLE YOUNG WOMEN WITH REMOVABLE MAKE UP VOGUE CAMELEON The VOGUE series of mannequins represents the fashionable young woman of today. FIXED HEAD WITH The elegant postures communicate a fresh and youthful cool attitude. The collection R E M OVA B L E E Y E S VOGUE series utilizes WINDOW Mannequin’s revolutionar y CAMELEON removable AND LIPS make up. You can choose from hundreds of lip colours and eye designs to coordinate is made up of both casual and fashion attitudes. The CAMELEON version of the COLL 74 the mannequin with your clothing collections. See our style guide for options. THE REALISTIC MANNEQUINS ARE DELIVERED WITH TWO SETS OF STANDARD LIPS AND EYES, 01 02 03 05 04 06 07 08 09 For references of products on this page see glossar y Head 74/F1 WOMEN CAMELEON • FIXED HEAD see style guide for details.. Head 74/F2 Ar ticulated knees 7401 7402 7403 7404 7405 7406 7407 7408 7409 7410 7411 7412 7413 7414 7415 7416 7417 7418 175 10 COLL75 FASHIONABLE YOUNG WOMEN WITH REMOVABLE MAKE UP VOGUE CAMELEON The VOGUE series of mannequins represents the fashionable young woman of today. FIXED HEAD WITH The elegant postures communicate a fresh youthful cool attitude. The collection is R E M OVA B L E E Y E S series utilizes WINDOW Mannequin’s revolutionar y CAMELEON removable make up. AND LIPS You can choose from hundreds of lip colours and eye designs to coordinate the made up of both casual and fashion attitudes. The CAMELEON version of the VOGUE COLL SCULPTED HAIR 03 01 04 05 02 06 07 08 09 For references of products on this page see glossar y WOMEN CAMELEON • FIXED HEAD 75 mannequin with your clothing collections. See our style guide for options. Head 75/F2 Ar ticulated knees 7501 7502 7503 7504 7505 7506 7507 7508 7509 7510 7511 7512 7513 7514 7517 7518 177 WO M E N C A M E L E O N F I X E D H E A D W I T H R E M OVA B L E L I P S 179 07 COLL76 FASHIONNABLE YOUNG WOMEN WITH REMOVABLE LIPS VOGUE CAMELEON The VOGUE series of mannequins represents the fashionnable young woman of today. FIXED HEAD WITH The elegant postures communicate a fresh youthful cool attitude. The collection is R E M OVA B L E L I P S series utilizes WINDOW Mannequin’s revolutionar y CAMELEON removable make up. EGGHEAD You can choose from hundreds of lip colours to coordinate the mannequin with your made up of both casual and fashion attitudes. The CAMELEON version of the VOGUE 02 03 04 05 06 For references of products on this page see glossar y WOMEN CAMELEON • FIXED HEAD 01 COLL 76 clothing collections. See our style guide for options. Head 76/1 Ar ticulated knees 7601 7602 7603 7604 7605 7606 7607 7608 7609 7610 7611 7612 7613 7614 7617 7618 181 07 COLL83 CONTEMPORARY YOUNG WOMEN WITH REMOVABLE LIPS ABSOLUTE CAMELEON The ABSOLUTE series of mannequins represents the fashion conscious youth of FIXED HEAD WITH today. The postures communicate the new generation attitude. The collection is made R E M OVA B L E L I P S scene. This version of the Absolute CAMELEON series has removable lips to ABSTRACT / EGGHEAD har monize the mannequin with your lingerie collections. See our other Absolute up of both casual and asser tive attitudes inspired by the ver y latest world fashion COLL 01 02 03 04 06 For references of products on this page see glossar y Head M6 8301 8304 8302 05 WOMEN CAMELEON • FIXED HEAD 83 collections for more options for your lingerie. Head M3 8305 8306 8307 8309 8310 8314 8315 8317 8318 8320 8321 8323 8324 183 WO M E N C A M E L E O N R E M OVA B L E FAC E 185 10 COLL81 CONTEMPORARY YOUNG WOMEN WITH REMOVABLE FACES ABSOLUTE CAMELEON The ABSOLUTE series of mannequins represents the fashion conscious youth of today. The postures communicate the new generation attitude. The collection is made R E M OVA B L E FA C E S up of both casual and asser tive attitudes inspired by the ver y latest world fashion ABSTRACT / EGGHEAD scene. This version of the Absolute CAMELEON series has removable faces to harmonize the mannequin with your clothing collections or your store decoration. The COLL 81 collection 81 offers more than 74,000 different possibilities from hyper abstract to options.. 01 02 04 05 03 06 07 09 08 For references of products on this page see glossar y Fa c e s K 4 8101 8102 WO M E N C A M E L E O N • R E M OVA B L E FAC E S hyper realistic looks and ever ywhere between. See our style guide for all available Fa c e s K 5 8104 8105 8106 8107 8109 8110 8114 8115 8117 8118 8120 8121 8123 8124 187 WOMEN CAMELEON R E M OVA B L E FAC E W I T H R E M OVA B L E E Y E S A N D L I P S 189 11 COLL81 ABSOLUTE CAMELEON R E M OVA B L E FA C E S W I T H R E M OVA B L E L I P S OR EYES AND LIPS COLL SEMI-ABSTRACT 01 02 03 05 06 04 9 07 Fa c e s F 1 / F 2 10 WO M E N C A M E L E O N • R E M OVA B L E FAC E S 81 08 Fa c e s K 6 For references of products on this page see glossar y 191 12 COLL81 ABSOLUTE CAMELEON R E M OVA B L E FA C E S W I T H R E M OVA B L E E Y E S AND LIPS COLL REALISTIC 01 02 03 06 07 04 08 10 05 09 11 WO M E N C A M E L E O N • R E M OVA B L E FAC E S 81 Fa c e s F 1 / F 2 For references of products on this page see glossar y 193 WO M E N C A M E L E O N R E M OVA B L E H E A D 195 08 COLL82 CONTEMPORARY YOUNG WOMEN WITH REMOVABLE HEADS ABSOLUTE CAMELEON The ABSOLUTE series of mannequins represents the fashion conscious youth of R E M OVA B L E H E A D S today. The postures communicate the new generation attitude. The collection is made ABSTRACT scene. This version of the Absolute CAMELEON series has removable heads to up of both casual and asser tive attitudes inspired by the ver y latest world fashion harmonize the mannequin with your clothing collections or store decoration. See our 02 05 06 04 03 07 For references of products on this page see glossar y WO M E N C A M E L E O N • R E M OVA B L E H E A D S 01 COLL 82 style guide for all available options. Head L4 8201 8202 8204 8205 8206 8207 8209 8210 8214 8215 8217 8218 8220 8221 8223 8224 197 09 COLL82 ABSOLUTE CAMELEON R E M OVA B L E H E A D S EGGHEAD COLL 01 02 03 05 06 07 08 04 WO M E N C A M E L E O N • R E M OVA B L E H E A D S 82 Head L2 For references of products on this page see glossar y 199 WO M E N C A M E L E O N R E M OVA B L E H E A D W I T H R E M OVA B L E L I P S 201 08 COLL82 ABSOLUTE CAMELEON R E M OVA B L E H E A D S ABSTRACT OR EGGHEAD W I T H R E M OVA B L E L I P S COLL 01 02 05 06 Head L5 03 04 07 WO M E N C A M E L E O N • R E M OVA B L E H E A D S 82 Head L3 For references of products on this page see glossar y 203 WOMEN 205 WOMEN ABSTRACT 207 08 COLL26 ABSTRACT ABSTRACT WOMEN ABSTRACT The ABSTRACT series of mannequins represents a mature woman in abstract positions. The postures are dynamic and adapted to a wide range of fashion. Matching heads stands are available for this collection. COLL 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 For references of products on this page see glossar y AB1 AB2 AB3 AB4 AB5 AC 1 AC 2 AC3 AC 4 AC 5 AC 6 AD 1 AD 2 AD 3 AE1 WOMEN ABSTRACT 26 AE2 209 05 COLL55 GEM EXTRAVAGANTLY STYLED WOMEN ABSTRACT / EGGHEAD The GEM series of mannequins is an extravagantly styled group of women with references to the cubic ar t masters. More than a mannequin, a sculpture, for those looking for an ar tistic twist to their displays. COLL 55 02 03 04 For references of products on this page see glossar y 551 552 553 WOMEN ABSTRACT 01 554 211 08 COLL60 SKETCH GIANT FASHION STATEMENT ABSTRACT The SKETCH series of mannequins represents the feminin figure seen through the fashion designer’s sketch. The flamboyant lines of the SKETCH mannequins puts the accent on the fluidity of the female body with style and harmony. The mannequin is an imposing sight with its 2.10 metres in height. COLL 01 02 05 03 04 06 07 For references of products on this page see glossar y 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 6010 6011 6012 6013 WOMEN ABSTRACT 60 6014 213 07 COLL83 ABSOLUTE CONTEMPORARY YOUNG WOMEN ABSTRACT The ABSOLUTE series of mannequins represents the fashion conscious youth of today. The postures communicate the new generation attitude. The collection is made up of both casual and asser tive attitudes inspired by the ver y latest world fashion scene. The collection is available in a great range of contemporar y finishes. COLL 83 02 03 04 06 05 For references of products on this page see glossar y 8301 8302 8304 8305 8306 8307 8309 8310 8314 8315 8317 8318 8320 8321 8323 WOMEN ABSTRACT 01 8324 215 WOMEN EGGHEAD 217 07 COLL32 PURE REFINED MATURE FEMALES WITH STYLIZED HEAD STYLIZED EGG The PURE series of mannequins represents the mature elegant woman of today. The elegant silhouettes are forceful yet refined. The collection is made up of both relaxed and catwalk attitudes. The collection has 2 different styles of head spread over the 24 positions. COLL 32 01 02 03 06 For references of products on this page see glossar y 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 3231 3232 3233 WOMEN EGGHEAD 05 04 3234 219 07 COLL33 PURE REFINED MATURE FEMALES WITH EGGHEAD EGGHEAD The PURE series of mannequins represents the mature elegant woman of today. The elegant silhouettes are forceful yet refined. The collection is made up of both relaxed and catwalk attitudes. COLL 33 01 02 03 06 For references of products on this page see glossar y 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 3310 3311 3312 3313 3314 3315 3316 3317 3318 3319 3320 3331 3332 3333 WOMEN EGGHEAD 05 04 3334 221 06 COLL52 VOGUE FASHIONABLE YOUNG WOMEN WITH EGGHEAD EGGHEAD The VOGUE series of mannequins represents the fashionable young woman of today. The elegant postures communicate a fresh youthful cool attitude. The collection is made up of both casual and fashion attitudes. COLL 52 01 02 03 04 For references of products on this page see glossar y WOMEN EGGHEAD 05 Ar ticulated knees 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 5210 5211 5212 5213 5214 5217 5218 223 07 COLL83 ABSOLUTE CONTEMPORARY YOUNG WOMEN EGGHEAD The ABSOLUTE series of mannequins represents the fashion conscious youth of today. The postures communicate the new generation attitude. The collection is made up of both casual and asser tive attitudes inspired by the ver y latest world fashion scene. The collection is available in a great range of contemporar y finishes. COLL 83 01 02 03 04 05 For references of products on this page see glossar y 8301 8302 8304 8305 8306 8307 8309 8310 8314 8315 8317 8318 8320 8321 8323 WOMEN EGGHEAD 06 8324 225 WOMEN SCULPTED HAIR 227 08 COLL28 PURE REFINED MATURE FEMALES WITH SCULPTED HAIR SCULPTED HAIR The PURE series of mannequins represents the mature elegant woman of today. The elegant silhouettes are forceful yet refined. The collection is made up of both relaxed and catwalk attitudes. The collection has 4 different styles of head spread over the 24 positions. COLL 28 02 05 06 03 04 07 For references of products on this page see glossar y SLD1 SLD2 SLD3 SLD4 SLD5SLD6 SLD7 SLD8 SLD9 SLD10 SLD11 SLD12 S LD13 SLD14 SLD15 S LD16 SLD17 S LD18 SLD19 S LD20 SLD31 S LD32 SLD33 WOMEN SCULPTED HAIR 01 S LD34 229 05 COLL51 VOGUE FASHIONABLE YOUNG WOMEN WITH SCULPTED HAIR SCULPTED HAIR The VOGUE series of mannequins represents the fashionable young woman of today. The elegant postures communicate a fresh youthful cool attitude. The collection is made up of both casual and fashion attitudes. The collection has 2 different styles of head spread over the 16 positions. COLL 51 02 03 04 For references of products on this page see glossar y WOMEN SCULPTED HAIR 01 Ar ticulated knees 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 5110 5111 5112 5113 5114 5117 5118 231 WOMEN REALISTIC 233 07 COLL27 CHIC REFINED MATURE FEMALES REALISTIC The CHIC series of mannequins represents the mature elegant woman of today. The elegant silhouettes are forceful yet refined. The collection is made up of both relaxed and catwalk attitudes. COLL 27 02 05 03 04 06 For references of products on this page see glossar y LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 LD9 LD10 LD11 LD12 LD13 LD14 LD15 LD16 LD17 LD18 LD19 LD20 LD31 LD32 LD33 WOMEN REALISTIC 01 LD34 235 07 COLL50 VOGUE FASHIONABLE YOUNG WOMEN REALISTIC The VOGUE series of mannequins represents the fashionable young woman of today. The elegant postures communicate a fresh youthful cool attitude. The collection is made up of both casual and fashion attitudes. COLL 50 02 05 03 04 06 For references of products on this page see glossar y WOMEN REALISTIC 01 Ar ticulated knees 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 237 WOMEN PLUS SIZE 239 06 COLL90 VOLUPTUOUS PLUS SIZE WOMEN WITH HOARDS OF FEMININ CHARM PLUS SIZE The VOLUPTUOUS series of mannequins represents the fashion minded plus size SCULPTED HAIR woman of today. She is elegant and sexy, with hoards of feminin charm. The curvaceous postures communicate a confident and cool attitude. The collection is made up of both casual and fashion attitudes. The VOLUPTUOUS collection was elaborated in collaboration with an international PLUS SIZE top model. COLL 90 02 03 04 05 For references of products on this page see glossary 9001 9002 9009 9011 9012 9013 9014 9015 9017 9020 9024 WOMEN PLUS SIZE 01 9025 241 07 COLL91 VOLUPTUOUS PLUS SIZE WOMEN WITH HOARDS OF FEMININ CHARM REALISTIC PLUS SIZE The VOLUPTUOUS series of mannequins represents the fashion minded plus size woman of today. She is elegant and sexy, with hoards of feminin charm. The curvaceous postures communicate a confident and cool attitude. The collection is made up of both casual and fashion attitudes. The VOLUPTUOUS collection was elaborated in collaboration with an international PLUS SIZE top model. COLL 91 02 05 03 06 For references of products on this page see glossary 9 1 01 91 0 2 9 1 09 9111 9112 9113 9114 9115 9117 9120 9124 04 WOMEN PLUS SIZE 01 912 5 243 05 COLL92 VOLUPTUOUS PLUS SIZE WOMEN WITH HOARDS OF FEMININ CHARM PLUS SIZE ABSTRACT The VOLUPTUOUS series of mannequins represents the fashion minded plus size woman of today. She is elegant and sexy, with hoards of feminin charm. The curvaceous postures communicate a confident and cool attitude. The collection is made up of both casual and fashion attitudes. The VOLUPTUOUS collection was elaborated in collaboration with an international PLUS SIZE top model. COLL 92 02 03 04 For references of products on this page see glossary 9201 9202 9209 9211 9212 9213 92 14 9215 9217 9220 9224 WOMEN PLUS SIZE 01 9225 245 WOMEN LINGERIE 247 05 COLL28 PURE LINGERIE REFINED MATURE WOMEN SCULPTED HAIR The PURE series of mannequins represents the mature elegant woman of today. The elegant silhouettes are forceful yet refined. The PURE LINGERIE version of the PURE range has larger breasts specially adapted for lingerie and swimwear. See our other PURE collections for more options for your lingerie. COLL 28 02 03 04 For references of products on this page see glossar y SLD1/90B/LG SLD8/90B/LG WOMEN LINGERIE 01 SLD20 /90B/LG 249 06 COLL83 CONTEMPORARY YOUNG WOMEN WITH REMOVABLE LIPS ABSOLUTE CAMELEON The ABSOLUTE series of mannequins represents the fashion conscious youth of ABSTRACT / EGGHEAD today. The postures communicate the new generation attitude. The collection is made R E M OVA B L E L I P S scene. This version of the Absolute CAMELEON series has removable lips to up of both casual and asser tive attitudes inspired by the ver y latest world fashion har monize the mannequin with your lingerie collections. See our other Absolute COLL 83 collections for more options for your lingerie. 01 02 03 04 For references of products on this page see glossar y Head M6 8301 8302 WOMEN LINGERIE 05 Head M3 8304 8305 8306 8307 8309 8310 8314 8315 8317 8318 8320 8321 8323 8324 251 05 COLL90 VOLUPTUOUS PLUS SIZE WOMEN WITH HOARDS OF FEMININ CHARM PLUS SIZE The VOLUPTUOUS series of mannequins represents the fashion minded plus size SCULPTED HAIR woman of today. She is elegant and sexy, with hoards of feminin charm. The curvaceous postures communicate a confident and cool attitude. The collection is made up of both casual and fashion attitudes. The VOLUPTUOUS collection was elaborated in collaboration with an international PLUS SIZE top model and has ideal COLL 90 proportions for lingerie and swimwear. 02 03 04 For references of products on this page see glossary 9001 9002 9009 9011 9012 9013 9014 9015 9017 9020 9024 WOMEN LINGERIE 01 9025 253 06 COLL91 VOLUPTUOUS PLUS SIZE WOMEN WITH HOARDS OF FEMININ CHARM PLUS SIZE REALISTIC The VOLUPTUOUS series of mannequins represents the fashion minded plus size woman of today. She is elegant and sexy, with hoards of feminin charm. The curvaceous postures communicate a confident and cool attitude. The collection is made up of both casual and fashion attitudes. The VOLUPTUOUS collection was elaborated in collaboration with an international PLUS SIZE top model and has ideal 01 02 03 05 For references of products on this page see glossary 9 1 01 91 0 2 9 1 09 9111 9112 9113 9114 9115 9117 9120 9124 WOMEN LINGERIE 04 COLL 91 proportions for lingerie and swimwear. 91 2 5 255 WO M E N FA B R I C 257 08 COLL56 COUTURE REFINED MATURE WOMEN TAILORED IN FABRIC EGGHEAD The COUTURE series of mannequins represents the mature elegant woman of today. FA B R I C The elegant silhouettes are forcefull yet refined. The collection is made up of both relaxed and catwalk attitudes. COLL 56 02 05 06 03 04 07 For references of products on this page see glossar y 561 562 564 568 569 5615 5616 5620 563.B 564.B WO M E N FA B R I C 01 568.B 259 08 COLL58 FASHIONABLE YOUNG WOMEN TAILORED IN FABRIC V O G U E TA I L O R M A D E The VOGUE TAILOR MADE series of mannequins represents the fashionable young EGGHEAD woman of today. The elegant postures communicate a fresh youthful cool attitude. The FA B R I C busts tailored in many fabrics and an exciting range of heads to create your personnal collection is made up of both casual and fashion attitudes. The mannequins come with look. COLL 58 02 03 06 04 07 For references of products on this page see glossar y 5801 5803 5804 5806 05 5817 WO M E N FA B R I C 01 5818 261 10 COLL58 V O G U E TA I L O R M A D E EGGHEAD FA B R I C COLL 58 02 06 03 04 05 07 08 WO M E N FA B R I C 01 09 For references of products on this page see glossar y 263
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