February 2016
February 2016
REDWOOD PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION A Chapter of the California State Psychological Association P.O. Box 15209 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 RPA DIALOG FEBRUARY 2016 VOLUME 23 NUMBER 1 www.redwoodpsych.org 1 President’s Column Katherine Andre, Ph.D. RPA Executive Committee officers and support staff President: Katherine Andre, Ph.D. (707) 263-6360 Past President: Greg Thigpen, Psy.D. (707) 494-6462 Vice-President: Joe Puentes, Psy.D. (707) 583-9663 Headlights, Tail Lights, and Creating Space My good friend Jennie told me one time about headlights and tail lights as they relate to friends and family who visit. She said, “You are glad to see their headlights as they arrive and after a while, you are glad to see their tail lights as they go.” Treasurer: Michael Pinkston, Ph.D. (707) 575-7230 I kept thinking about this concept when I recently took my grown son to the AIRPORTER for a flight back to graduate school. It was early morning and dark. The tail lights on 101 were pronounced and I was thinking: I need to be glad to see tail lights, but my Secretary and Newsletter sadness was winning AS I THOUGHT about him leaving again Editor: and about not seeing him for a while. Where was my joy for him? Meg Tippy, Psy.D. Then the therapist part of me found the mother part of me and in (707) 237-5209 silence said, “Create space for his joy. Create space for what is CE Coordinator: waiting for him. Create space for his headlights.” Carol Weser, Ph.D. Out loud I inquired, “So what are you most looking forward to (707) 526-2288 when you get back?” That’s all it took for us both. It wasn’t so much that he needed to see his own headlights, and where he was Disaster Response Committee going, but he needed to know that I could too. He needed to know I Chair: could create that space too. Richard Zimmer, Ph.D. (Continued on page 2) (707) 526-7720 x326 Ethics Committee: Ann Strack, Ph.D., Jeff Kahn, Ph.D., Michael Pinkston, Ph.D., & Juliet Dantin, Ph.D. (President’s Column continued) www.redwoodpsych.org 2 SO what does this have to do with RPA? We psychologists form a unique community of diversity and yet we share like mindedness. There is no other profession quite like ours. Few impart the tools for the transformation of lives. Most people can’t understand or comprehend the depth of what it is like to help our clients and patients say goodbye to tail lights and hello to headlights on an ongoing basis, with the concomitant hellos and goodbyes and processes in between. We create safe and transformative spaces for tail lights and headlights. Patients trust us. No matter how professionally gratifying our work is, it comes at a cost to ourselves. That is one of the most compelling reasons why it’s important for us to create space for ourselves and each other. We offer as community and as individuals the commonality and experiential understanding that others can’t. When we create space in our lives for our professional association, we reciprocally are creating the space needed to recharge, refresh, renew, review, revise, redo, revitalize, restore, revive, and reaffirm others and ourselves. What an amazing and valuable benefit of participating in our membership – creating space outwardly and inwardly. We go back out into our varied and diverse spaces, ready to resume helping others create the spaces that they need for change. We want to look ahead to 2016, but before we do, Tail Lights require saying a huge THANKS to our Christmas Holiday Party hosts, Louise (Ousie) Packard and her husband for creating a welcoming and beautiful space for us. It was filled with goodwill and joy. Another huge THANKS to our outgoing president Michael Pinkston. We donated $100.00 in his honor to Sonoma Land Trust. Multiple huge THANKS to our 2015 CE presenters: Mary Flett, Peter Hobson, Joe Persinger, and Dan Pickar and of course our hard-working CE Coordinator Carol Weser. Coming up this year, Headlights see that you will have opportunities for created spaces at 4 more CE dinner meetings, starting with February 3 Marijuana and Psychotherapy at the Flamingo. Then on February 6, we have our own Jeff Martin who offers us a special treat to walk among the beauty of Shollenberger Park with colleagues and learn about something (birding) other than psychology. There will also be our Holiday Christmas Party. Watch your email for current information, dates, times, and locations of gatherings. I hope that you will create your space to be at some or all. Thank you for honoring me with your leadership role as President of your chapter this year. I look forward to serving you along with our dedicated Board. Wishing you a clear and open road ahead… www.redwoodpsych.org 3 New Member Introductions Lynne Harris, Ph.D. I have returned to Sonoma County after retiring from the Kaiser Psychiatry Department in Santa Rosa in 2000. It feels as though my life has come full circle; I am enjoying seeing my former colleagues. I continue my private practice in Novato. Welcome to Other New RPA Members Justine Byk, Psy.D. Justin Forman, Ph.D. www.redwoodpsych.org 4 RPA Calendar of Events Birding Event Guide Jeff Martin, Ph.D. February 6th, 2016, Saturday: Annual Birding Event and Brunch Join us THIS WEEKEND for the annual RPA birding event with RPA member Jeff Martin as our guide. This is a great opportunity to connect with RPA members, appreciate nature, and have fun! No experience necessary. Just bring yourself and your binoculars, comfortable walking shoes, layered clothing and water. Also bring field guides if you have them. Family and significant others are welcome to join. Saturday February 6th, 8:45am-11:00am, Shollenberger Marsh, Petaluma, CA. Heavy rain cancels. Jeff will advise regarding cancellation via RPA listserv and on his voicemail 415-492-8110 (home). Following the outdoor fun, members and their guests are invited to continue their conversations and networking at a no-host brunch at nearby Sheraton Hotel Petaluma. April 21 2016: Save the Date – Next CE Event The next RPA hosted CE Event will be held Thursday April 21, 2016. Dr. Nancy Hoffman will present: Normal Aging and Different Types of Dementia; Neuropsychology for Older Adults. Look for details to be posted on the website and list serve, and announced in the next newsletter! www.redwoodpsych.org 5 Recent RPA Events RPA Holiday Party The RPA Holiday Party, hosted on December 11th at the home of RPA member Louise Packard and her husband Larry Moskowitz, was a fantastic event! Thank you Ousie and Larry for your hospitality! RPA provided food and drinks, and members and their significant others enjoyed a relaxing evening celebrating together. Our gracious hosts Ousie Packard and Larry Moskowitz RPA was very pleased to welcome CPA’s Chief Executive Officer Jo Linder-Crow and her husband David Crow as our special guests. Dr. Linder-Crow gave a brief talk, highlighting recent CPA news and issues pertinent to RPA members and the field. She spoke highly of RPA and its work on behalf of our members. We thank Dr. Linder-Crow for traveling such a long distance to show her support! Honored Guest Jo Linder-Crow CEO of California Psychological Association Jo with guests Katherine Andre and Victor Pacheco Fireside Chat www.redwoodpsych.org 6 Michael Pinkston, Mary Sue Sams, and Mark Kamena Barbara Prosniewski and Carol Weser RPA Holiday Party Continued Laughter and fun! Enjoying the company of colleagues Sarah Doyle and Andy Kerlow-Meyers Mark Kamena and Joe Puentes Celebrating together www.redwoodpsych.org 7 Recent RPA Events Continued February CE Event: On February 3rd, Richard Von Feldt, Psy.D. presented on Maijuana and Psychotherapy to a full room. Dr. Von Feldt explained how marijuana and its derivatives/synthetic forms have dramatically changed in the past three decades, making the treatment of our patients who use it regularly, more challenging. The lecture explored marijuana addiction and the hurdles of treating it in psychotherapy. Education regarding common “street names” and common modes of use were illustrated with photographs and videos. A big thank you to Dr. Von Feldt for sharing his expertise! Presented by Richard Von Feldt, Psy.D. RPA Ethics Committee Offers Consultation Our Ethics Committee welcomes questions about ethical issues in your practice. Michael Pinkston, Ph.D. is your consultant for January/February of 2065. Juliet Dantin, Ph.D., will be available during the months of March/April to consult with you about any ethical concerns you may have. Jeff Kahn, Ph.D. (546-4349) – Nov./Dec. Michael Pinkston, Ph.D. (575-7230) – Jan./Feb. Juliet Dantin, Ph.D. (829-5355) – Mar./Apr. Ann Strack, Ph.D. (762-6216) – May/June www.redwoodpsych.org 8 Announcements and Ads Weekend Retreats for Healthcare Professionals April 15-17 and October 14-16, 2016 The CE program and retreat, “Healing, Mindfulness, and Compassion” is again being held at the beautiful and tranquil Ratna Ling Conference Center in the Redwoods of Sonoma County, California. The weekend conference combines Eastern and Western approaches to healing: Tibetan Yoga and Meditation as well as Balint group sessions that address the complex emotional landscape of the clinican-patient relationship. The accommodations and architecture are exquisite and the weekend is educational, restful, and rejuvenating. Friday dinner to noon Sunday. For further information, schedule, and to register: http://www.tibetanaidproject.org/news-events/healingretreat.html Midlife and Beyond: Women in Transition This women’s group provides a safe, supportive setting in which to explore the challenges of midlife. Come together with other women to find out what you can learn about yourself, what is holding you back, how to cope with the challenges of transition. Strength in Aging—Therapy Group for Women Come share your story in the presence of other women, offer wisdom based on your life experiences, create a sense of connection and empowerment in sharing and validating others’ experiences in a safe place. Overcome isolation, experience a sense of trust, belonging and togetherness. Denise A. Traina, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist (PSY24987) 707-583-2377 www.drtrainatherapy.com Ritch Addison, PhD. raddison@sonic.net 707-576-9813 ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- NEW GIRLS’ GROUP: Low fee available Girls Group (11-14 years) Addressing the specific needs of young adolescent girl and their families Referrals also being accepted for individual/family treatment of children, adolescents, adults, and families. Low-cost services available. Meg Tippy, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist, CA #27044, NY #014821 (707) 237-5209. Child and Adult Case Consultation Group-1 OPENINGPSYCHODYNAMIC, DEPTH ORIENTED ONGOING GROUP- BOTH CHILD AND ADULT CASES WELCOME, MEETS WEDNESDAYS, 11:15-12:30, 3XS PER MONTH IN PETALUMA. $60 PER MEETING, LIMIT 6. Please email or call with interest. Dr.ravitz@gmail.com.- 707772-9802. Liza Ravitz, Ph.D is a Child and Adult Jungian Psychoanalyst, Clinical Psychologist and a Senior Teaching Member of the International Society of Sandplay Therapy (ISST) ----------------------------------- Office sublet in Santa Rosa Spacious, furnished psychotherapy office with waiting room available all day Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and evenings from 5:45 PM Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in downtown Santa Rosa. Amenities include: private off street parking, internet, two restrooms, kitchenette. Suitable for small groups. Ground floor office with three steps to waiting room. For more information or to view call 707-579-9457. www.redwoodpsych.org 9 Announcements and Ads EMDR Therapy Training for Clinicians Complete training over four weekends in Alameda. Saturdays and Sundays: March 5 and 6, April 2 and 3, May 7 and 8, June 4 and 5, 2016. Non-profit, agency and pre-licensed discounts available. BBS and CPA approved for 47.5 CE Credits. This all inclusive training meets and exceeds EMDR International Association standards. Sonoma Psychotherapy Training Institute, Andrew M. Leeds, Ph.D. Director of Training, EMDRIA and EMDR Europe Approved Trainer. Full details at http:/www.sonomapti.com/basictraining.html or call 707-579-9457. ----------------------------------- EMDR Therapy consultation group Face to face consultation group sessions with Andrew M. Leeds, Ph.D. EMDRIA Approved Consultant meet EMDRIA standards for group consultation. We discuss case formulation, treatment planning issues, and how to enhance outcomes during the reprocessing phases of treatment. We meet the first (or occasionally the second) Thursday of the month from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM at my office in downtown Santa Rosa. For more details http://emdrconsultation.net/Choices/Face-toFace-Group-Consultation/ or call 707-579-9457. Submitting Ads and Announcements to the RPA Dialog: Items are free to members and cost nonmembers $40. Each item is limited to 100 words or less. Our next newsletter will be delivered in April. Deadline for submissions is March 20th. Send your ad in the body of an email (no attachments). Submissions will be confirmed with a return email. Please submit items to the Newsletter Editor: Meg Tippy, Psy.D., at DrMegTippy@gmail.com CALENDAR OF EVENTS: February 6th, 2016 Annual Birding Event April 21, 2016 CE Event: Normal Aging and Different Types of Dementia; Neuropsychology for Older Adults. www.redwoodpsych.org 10
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