Wellington School


Wellington School
Admissions Policy
Foxhall Ro
Wellington School
ton R o ad
v en o
ds Parkway
o ad
St Leonards Drive
West Vale Road
on Ro
r Ro a d
Wellington R
Beeston Avenue
Road Rail
R oa d
North Vale Road
w ay
l a n d s P a rk
Please check our website
for updated information on our
admissions policy.
S t o c k p o rt R
o ad
Stockport Road
Old hall
Wellington School
Wellington School
Wellington Road, Timperley, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA15 7RH
Tel: 0161 928 4157
Email: admin@wellington.trafford.sch.uk
Website: www.wellington.trafford.sch.uk
Wellington School
Ex c el l enc e i n Everyt h i n g
Created by www.concept4.com (ref 6071.1-06/2013), an ISO9001 Quality and ISO14001 Environmental accredited company.
Parent Governor
All my children have
attended Wellington and
thoroughly enjoyed it from
start to finish. They all
reached their full potential
and have now gone on to
begin successful careers.
Welcome to
Wellington School
Choosing a secondary school for
your child may be one of the most
important decisions you make.
Wellington School is a thriving coeducational
11-18 Outstanding Academy. It is over
subscribed and has Humanities Specialist
Our motto is ‘Excellence in Everything’ and
that is our aim in everything we do. To achieve
this, high standards are expected of all our
students and staff.
Wellington School is
exceptionally effective
in educating its pupils...
one of the top 100 schools
nationally in terms of the
progress its pupils make
between Key Stage 2 and
their GCSEs.
David Laws MP,
Secretary of State for Schools
All of our work is anchored in the values of
mutual respect, responsibility, discipline,
care for the individual and high achievement.
We are proud of our School and the
achievements of our students, and our
success is reflected in our popularity. High
levels of student attendance and aboveaverage academic achievement – when
measured against both local and national
levels of attainment – are a clear sign of the
value students and parents place on the
experience of being part of Wellington School.
A school should not only be judged on
results and facilities, but also on the fitness
of its students to succeed in later life. We
believe we serve our students well. More
importantly, so do others – Ofsted rated us as
“outstanding”, a category which represents
the top five per cent of schools in the country.
Indeed, Wellington has recently been named
as one of the top 100 schools in the country in
terms of the progress our students make.
The high standards of teaching, the hard
work of students, staff and governors, and
the active engagement of parents have all
contributed to our School’s success. Everyone
at Wellington is fully committed to maximising
the achievement of every student. It is our
aim to develop capable, confident and caring
young people.
However, the best way for you to experience
our uniqueness is to come and see for
yourselves and I strongly recommend that you
visit the school during one of our open events
or, alternatively, contact us to arrange a visit.
We hope you will agree we have a great deal
to offer and can play a special part in your
child’s future.
Stuart Beeley
Teachers ensure that children reach their full
potential by delivering extra lessons and support.
This, combined with strong leadership, make
Wellington the brilliant school it is. Thank you.
E x ce l l e n ce i n E v e r y t h i n g
The Learning
This is an outstanding
school which provides a
supportive environment in
which students blossom.
It sets very clear and
high expectations which
are known and respected
throughout the school
The main purpose of any successful
school is to promote learning.
The Wellington School curriculum
delivers a broad and balanced
programme of education, designed
to ensure each student achieves
their full potential. We have
well-qualified, dedicated staff
who demonstrate outstanding
commitment and give their time
generously to personalise the
learning experience of every
student. The key to success is to
recognise students’ talents and
needs and treat them as individuals.
Homework is an integral part of learning and
we expect high standards – it is one of the
keys to developing independent learning
skills. Parents are asked to support and
ensure the completion of homework by
the agreed deadlines and through regular
monitoring of the Student Planner. The school
operates a Homework Club in the Learning
Resource Centre each evening, where staff
and Sixth Form students are on hand to
provide help where necessary.
Key Stage 3
In Years 7 and 8 students are taught in broad
ability bands, while in Year 9 they are taught
in sets according to ability. A wide range
of strategies are employed to ensure that
students are actively involved in the learning
process, and their progress is carefully
monitored through regular assessment.
All students study a range of subjects
including ICT, Design Technology and at least
one Modern Foreign Language. Learn to Learn
(L2L) lessons in Years 7 and 8 ensure that
students can identify and address their own
learning needs.
Key Stage 4
In Years 10 and 11 students work towards
formal accreditation in a variety of subjects
including English, Mathematics, Science
and Modern Foreign Languages. A guided
choice programme with a range of options
is provided so that students make sensible,
informed decisions. Students have the
opportunity to achieve nationally recognised
qualifications at GCSE level.
We are given the freedom to do things The freedom and the push to do the things
that benefit the students.
Careful Guidance
Careers education is fundamental to
student development. Our careers
programme is complemented by
the Connexions organisation and
a programme of visits through the
Business and Enterprise in Education
scheme. Students are involved
in careers-related activities from
Year 8 onwards and all students
in Year 12 undertake a professional
work placement.
E x ce l l e n ce i n E v e r y t h i n g
The Highest
A truly wonderful school!
I feel lucky to live within
the catchment area.
The key to the success of
Wellington School is our insistence
on the highest standards in
everything we do. We believe all
students and staff should attend
school smartly dressed and we
expect all students to wear the
specified school uniform. We
believe this promotes pride in
appearance and goes a long way
in assisting the discipline and
reputation of the school. Full details
of our dress code are included in
Student Planners and the Behaviour
and Appearance Code, which is
issued to parents each year.
Achievement and effort prizes are presented
at our annual awards ceremony which takes
place at the prestigious Bridgewater Hall.
We expect everyone to have respect for
each other, acting with courtesy and
consideration at all times. Students who
do not act in accordance with the School’s
Behaviour and Appearance Code will be
sanctioned firmly and proportionately.
Our responsibility to keep parents informed
about the progress of their child is one
we take very seriously. Parents receive
regular, detailed Interim Reports on their
child’s progress and effort, while Parents
Evenings provide opportunities to meet
staff to discuss their child’s achievements.
A termly newsletter offers information
about the school’s work and activities,
and our website is regularly updated.
The Headteacher produces a weekly
online bulletin.
Good work, behaviour or progress is
rewarded by personal letter, postcard, merit
sticker, recognition in the Student Planner
or certificate. Certificates are issued for
excellent attendance and punctuality.
The Greatest Care
Each year group has a Director of Year and
a non-teaching Pastoral Manager. Both will
have a detailed knowledge of each and
every individual student. The Director of
Year and Pastoral Manager work together to
oversee a student’s academic and personal
development. Form Tutors work closely
with each child and, through the School’s
support procedures and policies, provide
all the encouragement needed for each
student to succeed. Parents can contact
staff by letter or telephone initially and,
if a meeting is necessary, appointments
should be arranged in advance so that the
appropriate member of staff is available.
The extremely strong focus placed on teaching
and learning permeates all aspects of school
life. There are very high levels of consistency
so that students receive the same high quality
learning experience in lessons, and know they
can approach staff at any time for help.
The Ideal Environment
Every member of staff has their own teaching base and we have
a well-stocked and used Learning Resource Centre staffed by a
full-time librarian. The school has ten Science Laboratories and
six minibuses to provide student transport for many activities.
Our sporting facilities include a Sports Hall, Gymnasium, playing
fields and a multi-gym fitness suite that is extensively used
during and after the school day. A brand new all-weather sports
pitch will be in use from the Autumn term 2013.
There are nine fully networked computer suites with internet
access which provide a focal point for learning and independent
study both during and after school.
Our fabulous Sixth Form facilities have recently been extended
and refurbished and an on-going programme of improvement has
seen all toilet facilities completely renovated. The dining room
provides healthy meals for every student in one sitting and uses
the cashless ParentPay system. All students stay on site for lunch
and a breakfast service is provided between 7.30-8.15am.
E x ce l l e n ce i n E v e r y t h i n g
A Smooth
The overall feel of the
school is one of pride... staff
are all keen to ensure that
the school has a reputation
for excellence.
Investors in People Assessor
We acknowledge that the move from
primary to secondary school can be
rather unsettling for parents and
students alike. We do all we can to
ease the way. We liaise closely with
our partner primaries throughout
the year and offer an Induction Day
when Year 6 pupils visit and work in
School for a day during the summer
term. New pupils are then familiar
with the site and some of the staff
before they join us. Wellington
continues to develop curricular links
to further facilitate the transition
from Key Stage 2 - 3. Indeed, this
process is enhanced for certain
new starters with the provision of
a Summer School which enables
them to make the best and most
confident start possible.
Throughout Years 5 and 6 we arrange day
visits for partner primaries to enable pupils
to sample some of our specialist facilities
and learn a little about life at secondary
school. We also organise several sporting
competitions for our partner primary
schools and our students take part in the
organisation and running of these events.
Life in the Sixth Form
Our school has a well-established, successful
Sixth Form and a large number of Wellington
students remain with us. The timetable is
structured to include a balance of academic
study and private study as well as providing
opportunities for sport, work experience and
many other enrichment activities.
The curriculum encourages most students to
study four AS subjects in their first year and
three A2s and General Studies in the second
year. Some complete the Extended Project
Our aim is to encourage students to develop
a strong commitment to study, good
academic routines and the skills that will
help them in Higher Education and the world
of work. Sixth Formers enjoy additional
privileges and take on leadership roles as
Prefects and mentors for younger students.
There is a dress code for all Sixth Form
students, who are expected to wear business
suits and be of smart appearance at all times.
Note: There is a dedicated Sixth Form
prospectus and course guide available.
The progress my daughter has made has been
wonderful. She has gained so much confidence
in her time at Wellington and the support she
has received from teachers has been exceptional.
Moving On
100% of our students in recent years
have gone on to secure a place in further
education. This has included A Levels
in our Sixth Form, vocational courses at
the local Further Education College and
modern apprenticeships.
In excess of 90% of our students choose
to go on to University and are successful
in gaining a place. Careers guidance
begins in Year 8 and in Years 9-13,
students are supported by the Trafford
Connexions team.
E x ce l l e n ce i n E v e r y t h i n g
A Wider
Students have very positive
attitudes to learning
and their school. Their
personal development
is outstanding and they
appreciate the excellent
levels of care, guidance and
support they receive.
All students are provided with
those additional educational
experiences that prepare
them for life after school and
develop their social awareness.
The statutory programmes
for Sex and Relationships
Education, Careers Guidance
and Personal, Social and Health
Education are taught with the
sensitivity required to meet the
differing needs of all students
in the school.
Extra Opportunities
Students are encouraged to take
advantage of the many lunchtime and
after-school activities on offer where all
talents, tastes and abilities are catered
for. These activities help to improve the
motivation, confidence and self-esteem
of the students and enable them to
become more effective learners.
A variety of clubs provide the chance to
develop talents and interests in areas
such as Music, Art, Dance, Drama,
Chess, Science and Modern Foreign
A successful school has a thriving
culture of sport. At Wellington, students
take part in competitive sports fixtures
against other local schools in football,
rugby, netball, cricket, rounders,
basketball, cross-country and athletics.
Visits and excursions enrich the learning
experience of all students at Wellington.
Sixth form RE students have the chance
to visit India and an annual skiing trip
is available to all students. We have
a thriving exchange programme with
students from Germany and language
trips to France are also organised.
GCSE Physical Education students
spend a weekend at an outdoor centre
in the Lake District and Geography
students can experience residentials in
Shropshire and The Lakes. The Music
and Art Departments organise gallery
and theatre visits in London and every
subject department in the school
provides opportunities for visits or
ensures visiting speakers offer activities
based in school.
Welcome to
Wellington School
Choosing a secondary school for
your child may be one of the most
important decisions you make.
Wellington School is a thriving coeducational
11-18 Outstanding Academy. It is over
subscribed and has Humanities Specialist
Our motto is ‘Excellence in Everything’ and
that is our aim in everything we do. To achieve
this, high standards are expected of all our
students and staff.
Wellington School is
exceptionally effective
in educating its pupils...
one of the top 100 schools
nationally in terms of the
progress its pupils make
between Key Stage 2 and
their GCSEs.
David Laws MP,
Secretary of State for Schools
All of our work is anchored in the values of
mutual respect, responsibility, discipline,
care for the individual and high achievement.
We are proud of our School and the
achievements of our students, and our
success is reflected in our popularity. High
levels of student attendance and aboveaverage academic achievement – when
measured against both local and national
levels of attainment – are a clear sign of the
value students and parents place on the
experience of being part of Wellington School.
A school should not only be judged on
results and facilities, but also on the fitness
of its students to succeed in later life. We
believe we serve our students well. More
importantly, so do others – Ofsted rated us as
“outstanding”, a category which represents
the top five per cent of schools in the country.
Indeed, Wellington has recently been named
as one of the top 100 schools in the country in
terms of the progress our students make.
The high standards of teaching, the hard
work of students, staff and governors, and
the active engagement of parents have all
contributed to our School’s success. Everyone
at Wellington is fully committed to maximising
the achievement of every student. It is our
aim to develop capable, confident and caring
young people.
However, the best way for you to experience
our uniqueness is to come and see for
yourselves and I strongly recommend that you
visit the school during one of our open events
or, alternatively, contact us to arrange a visit.
We hope you will agree we have a great deal
to offer and can play a special part in your
child’s future.
Stuart Beeley
Admissions Policy
Foxhall Ro
Wellington School
ton R o ad
v en o
ds Parkway
o ad
St Leonards Drive
West Vale Road
on Ro
r Ro a d
Wellington R
Beeston Avenue
Road Rail
R oa d
North Vale Road
w ay
l a n d s P a rk
Please check our website
for updated information on our
admissions policy.
S t o c k p o rt R
o ad
Stockport Road
Old hall
Wellington School
Wellington School
Wellington Road, Timperley, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA15 7RH
Tel: 0161 928 4157
Email: admin@wellington.trafford.sch.uk
Website: www.wellington.trafford.sch.uk
Wellington School
Ex c el l enc e i n Everyt h i n g
Created by www.concept4.com (ref 6071.1-06/2013), an ISO9001 Quality and ISO14001 Environmental accredited company.
Parent Governor
All my children have
attended Wellington and
thoroughly enjoyed it from
start to finish. They all
reached their full potential
and have now gone on to
begin successful careers.