Disruption Management Plan


Disruption Management Plan
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Belmont Academy
Belmont Academy
Belmont Academy
February 07 Rev 1
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Scope and Purpose
Description of Work Location
Scope of Works
Presentation to School Senior Management
Team (SMT)
Carillion Building Project and Lead Team
Construction Working Hours and Arrangements
for Delivery and Parking
Programme / Phasing
Decant Operations
Site Security
Activities with Risk
Environmental and Other Possible Impacts
Emergency Procedures
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Potential emergencies that may arise
Likely impacts
breaking into darkness
site during construction
surrounding area
Inform / Notify
Prevent easy access (robust
security precautions, 24/7
cameras where appropriate)
H&S Manager.
Ensure site is kept as tidy as
Security guard to inform
police immediately
Contain fuel, identify source
of leak, block source of leak,
and clean up spill & dispose
of correctly.
Project Manager,
Data loss, Loss to
curricular activities,
Find reason for Power loss,
power to be returned
Project Manager,
Project Manager,
Health and Safety
Risk of
Postal Bomb: Put it down
gently and walk away. Close
and Lock door if possible.
Evacuate and Cordon the
area. Do not place the
package in Water. Call the
police. Telephoned Bomb
Threat: Record call if
possible, Listen for Accents
Notify Manager. Inform the
police and Evacuate.
Isolate Area, Raise Alarm,
Evacuate Immediate area,
Appendix A – Contact Details
Appendix B – Emergency Response Plan
Action required
Project Manager;
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Appendix B Emergency Response Plan
The following emergency measures are for implementation in the event of the
incidents as outlined below.
1. 0
Contact Numbers in the Event of an Emergency:
This document will present in a formal manner the organisation and activities of Carillion
Building with regard to the health, safety, environmental, and quality requirements for the
construction of Belmont Academy. Furthermore it will describe the arrangements relative to
the management of Disruption. The purpose of the document is to:
Environment Agency (Pollution
0800 80 70 60
Local Water Company: 0845
601 8855
Environment Agency
Glasgow Office - 0141 2753000
Fire Brigade:
Part 1 – User Guide
There will be 24-hour security cover on site at all times who will take
control in the event of any emergencies, which arise out of hours.
Fire Plan
A Project Fire plan will be developed following a fire risk assessment of the
relevant workplace.
To ensure that in event of an emergency everyone, (including visitors,
contractors & adjacent School etc.) is sufficiently aware with actions that should
be taken to ensure the safe evacuation of the workplace.
The plan and fire risk assessment should be lodged at a suitable location,
maintained and available for inspection as required.
Where the Carillion Construction Site has an existing school in close proximity,
the project manager will ensure the Fire Plan is written in conjunction with the
School representative.
Both parties will be equally familiar with each others emergency Fire plan
including roués for evacuation and muster areas.
Procedures for liaison with the Emergency services at the incident should be
specified. The Emergency Coordinator will control the evacuation from the
assembly point. The officer-in-charge of the first appliance to arrive will be met
by the Carillion Senior person and the School Representative.
To ensure evacuation procedures are thorough and workable, familiarisation
exercises and an evacuation drill should be undertaken at appropriate times
throughout the construction period.
Scope and Purpose
Provide information to the school and set down how construction work will be
Outline the parties to be contacted and when to contact them
Identify the risks of construction works and mitigation measures taken to prevent
disruption to Educational Services
Detail the arrangements for liaison between the school, Carillion Building and South
Ayrshire Council.
Carillion Building has been appointed as the Design and Build Contractor with the
responsibility for the Construction of the new Belmont Academy. The Project Manager for the
School is TBC
Description of Work
Phase 1 works will see the construction of the New Belmont Academy building on the area
currently occupied by the school‟s grass sports pitches.
The existing school buildings will be fully segregated from the new construction area during
this time.
The new building will consist of three teaching wings, sports block and a dining area linked to
a central circulation entrance core.
On completion of the new school building and associated landscaping works, the Phase 2
works will begin.
The existing school buildings will be demolished and the area cleared to allow the
construction of the new sports pitches.
Again the works will be fully segregated from the new school building.
If so desired by the school a member of the2 Carillion Management team will deliver a
presentation to school children between the ages of 7-14. The presentation will involve
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Disclosure Scotland
It has been agreed, following discussions with South Ayrshire PPP representatives, that as the
construction site activities are, at all times, fully segregated from the operations of existing live
Schools, it would not be necessary to clear all project construction operatives, supervisors &
staff, through the Disclosure Scotland process.
New School
However, during the project construction period there may be occasions when it is necessary to
access the existing school buildings to undertake survey works and services inspections.
It is agreed that selected members of the Carillion Project Management Team will forward their
details for clearance by Disclosure Scotland. This will allow selected Carillion Project
Management Team Members to „escort‟ key sub-contractor staff or operatives, should access
be required to any school buildings during the school day.
The Carillion Project Manager of each individual school will ensure a list of the nominated
management team members, identified and checked, is passed to their respective PPP
Throughout the construction process, access to the live schools will continue to be controlled by
the issue of identification passes and „sign in‟ procedures, specific to each school.
The „sign in‟ and issue of identification passes will continue to be administered by the respective
schools office.
Floor Plan
Appendix A – Contact Details
Carillion Building
South Ayrshire Schools PPP Project
New Prestwick Academy
Newdykes Road
Carillion Building
South Ayrshire Schools PPP Project
New Belmont Academy
Peggieshill Road
Carillion Building
South Ayrshire Schools PPP Project
New Prestwick Academy
Newdykes Road
Carillion Building
South Ayrshire Schools PPP Project
New Belmont Academy
Peggieshill Road
Tel No
Fax No
Tel No
Fax No
Tel No
Fax No
Tel No
Fax No
Alan Wilson
Project Director
01292 553 100
01292 553 151
07891 566 424
Fergus Shaw
Project Manager
01292 287419
01292 289851
Graeme Aitken
Health & Safety Manager
01292 553 100
01292 553 151
Gary Porter
Construction Manager
01292 287419
01292 289851
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
12.813.7 Telephone failure
During the course of the works the location of all known telephone cables will be
located on site and marked on plan. Telephone supplies to the school will not be
used. A separate supply will be brought to site for the works and the
accommodation to prevent disruption of supplies to the school as a result of site
Access blockage
The site will arrange a separate access point for site vehicles. The point of access
and the site construction area will be fenced appropriately to prevent unauthorised
access. Delivery restrictions will be strictly adhered to in all situations.
Emergency Procedures
An Emergency Response Plan will be developed and is a live document. It will be
continually updated as the project progresses. This will be displayed in prominent
locations and should be communicated to all within the school building. It is the
responsibility of teaching staff to ensure pupils are aware of evacuation
procedures. ACarillion Building will prepare a detailed emergency response plan
will be prepared by the Principal Contractor. This plan will detail the immediate
actions and who to contact in the event of an emergency.
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Scope of Works
The scope of works for Belmont Academy can be summarised as the construction of a new
Secondary school including hard landscaping and upgrading of playing fields.
4.0 Presentation to the School Senior Management Team (SMT)
To ensure a full understanding of this Disruption Management Plan, a presentation to the
School SMT will be carried out. This handout will act as a communication tool to provide the
school representatives with information on the management team responsible for the
construction of their new school, the work that will be carried out, the measures that will be
put in place to minimise disruption, and the liaison procedures between both parties.
The presentation will be to the school Head Teacher and designated members of their Senior
Management team and will take the following format:
Introducing our team,
Structure of 2 tierCarillion Buildings team,
Scope of works to be carried out,
Phasing of Works
Arrangements for access to construction areas,
Escorting arrangements for our workers
Possession of which areas and when,
Line of communication
Consultation meeting arrangements and access to plans and drawings.
Contacts, and when to contact them
Possible disruptions,
Arrangements for access during holidays,
Emergency Procedures
Procedures for removal of contractors and pupils
4.1 Pupil Interaction
Carillion recognise that the construction of a new secondary school has huge potential
benefits for both educational interest and the potential for future construction industry
To raise awareness and promote a sense of enthusiasm and involvement in the construction
of the new school, Carillion management team will undertake an initial presentation to the
secondary school pupil council. This will focus on the construction process and the
difficulties of managing the works to reduce disruption to a minimum.
Carillion management Team will also assist where practical with any reasonable requests
from the school to participate in School Activities. In the past Carillion Project teams have
been involved with after school clubs, careers presentations, presentations on engineering,
construction, design, Protection of the Environment, and Sustainability.
If so desired by the school a member of the Carillion Management team will deliver a
presentation to school children between the ages of 7-14. The presentation will involve
showing the latest Health and Safety Executive
video on kids and Construction sites. The
video is called game over and lasts for 9 minutes. It meets with the national curriculum for 714 year olds. The video will be paused and a number of issues will be discussed. It
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Carillion Building will also assist where practical with any reasonable requests from the
school to participate in School Activities. In the past Carillion Project teams have been
involved with after school clubs, careers presentations, presentations on engineering,
construction, design, Protection of the Environment, and Sustainability.If so desired by the
school a member of the Carillion Management team will deliver a presentation to school
children between the ages of 7-14. The presentation will involve showing the latest Health
and Safety Executive video on kids and Construction sites. The video is called game over
and lasts for 9 minutes. It meets with the national curriculum for 7-14 year olds. The video
will be paused and a number of issues will be discussed. It encourages the kids to think
about the hazards of a construction site and the potential repercussions of playing within
these areas.
5.0 Consultation Project Managers
The Carillion Building Project Manager will have regular consultation meetings with the
Head Teacher (and / or School Representative) the Authority Representative and the
school senior management team. The first meeting will take place prior to site
The meeting will allow Carillion Building to take into consideration any activities the school
may require planning around to minimise disruption of education. It will also allow the head
Teacher and his/her team to let Carillion know in advance of any likely future impacts.
Carillion Building will discuss the detailed work interfaces for the programme period
following the meeting and any experiences with the school during the previous period. Any
restrictions or special requirements will be discussed and agreed. Particularly noisy/dusty
work will be raised and discussed. Special deliveries and activities will be notified to the
Head Teacher where a potential conflict with school traffic exists.
Carillion Building Project and Lead Team Structure
The organisation for the Carillion Building South Ayrshire Schools Delivery Team is
contained below:
Lead Team
The following are members of the lead team that will have contact with the schools on a
regular basis:
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Cutting /grinding /cutting.
Minimise cutting and grinding on site with preplanning of service holes in
brickwork or concrete works.
On cutters and saws, use equipment and techniques such as dust extractors to
minimise dust. Consider a wet cutting saw or use vacuum extraction
Spray water during cutting or paving slabs to minimise dust.
Demolition of Belmont Academy
Due to the high-risk nature of demolition works the following list, which is not exhaustive,
shall be taken into consideration
All cut off shall be checked and written confirmation obtained by Utility
Companies for Health and Safety records prior to commencement.
Steel plate protection shall be placed over existing service crossing
points where these are to remain live.
All asbestos materials shall be removed safely prior to the
commencement of demolition this will be done in accordance with all
current legislation and the specialist contractor‟s method statement.
The original boundary fencing will be maintained during demolition this
may be supplemented by Heras fencing in some areas.
Dropping zones will also be isolated with the use of Heras fencing
All access and fences shall be suitably signed to warn the general public
of our demolition activities on the site and that all visitors to the site shall
be controlled and directed to the official site entry system.
Lorries exiting or entering the site will be in accordance with the site
traffic management plan, which will be in place prior to commencement
of demolition.
All debris shall be wetted if necessary to reduce dust emission and
reduce the possibility of nuisance to surrounding residential and
commercial properties.
12.513.4 Vibration
Most construction operations and traffic will cause vibrations.
All operations, which
produce vibration and give cause for concern, will be assessed and will have special
considerations implemented.
Project Director
The Project Director has overall responsibility for the delivery of all the schools. Each
project manager has delegated responsibility from the Project Director.
Power Failure
During the course of the works the location of all known power cables will be located on
site and marked on plan by Carillion Building. Where possible power supplies to the school
will not be used. A separate supply will be brought to site for the works and the
accommodation to prevent disruption of supplies to the school as a result of site
Health and Safety Manager
The Health and Safety Manager will liase with the Local Authority health and safety
department and the Heath & Safety Executive. He reports directly to the Project Director
12.713.6 Water failure
During the course of the works the location of all known water pipes will be located on site
and marked on plan.
Technical Services Manager
The Technical Services Manager is responsible for ensuring corporate and client
requirements are met and will liaise with schools with regard to carrying out joint projects of
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Best Practice:
Haul routes
Select suitable haul routes away from sensitive areas of the site if possible.
Pave heavily used areas or use geotextiles, e.g. around batching plant or haul
routes – sweep these regularly.
Reduce the width of haul roads (while still allowing two-way traffic) to minimise
surface area from which dust may be produced.
Sweep paved access roads (whilst still allowing two-way traffic) and public
roads regularly.
Limit vehicle speeds – the slower the vehicles the less the dust generation
Damp down
Where possible use enclosed chutes for dropping to ground level demolition
materials that have the potential to cause dust and regularly dampen the chutes
Dampen down the structures and demolition piles regularly
Adopt best practice solutions to ensure safe controlled demolition of structures
at all times.
Clean the wheels of vehicles leaving the site so that mud is not spread on
surrounding roads – dry mud turns to dust.
Ensure that exhausts do not discharge directly at the ground
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Project Planner
The Project Planner works in support of the Project Teams and has responsibility for
ensuring the smooth planning and timing of operations to avoid conflict with school
Project Team
The following members of the team will have delegated responsibility for the delivery of
the new build school.
Project Manager
The Project Manager has delegated responsibility from the Project Director, and is
ultimately responsible for ensuring that the performance of second tier contractors
runCarillion Building is safe and in accordance with company standards, is on time and
to the quality standards agreed. He is the main point of contact between the school and
Carillion Building.
The Construction Manager will be responsible for coordinating sub contractors on site
and managing the works on a daily basis. He reports directly to the Project Manager.
Belmont Academy Organogram
Earthworks and Excavations
Revegetate or seal temporary or completed earthworks as soon as possible
Keep earthworks damp – try to programme to avoid exceptionally dry
Alan WIlson
Project Director
Graeme Aitken
H&S Manager
Material Handling and storage
Minimise the storage time of materials on site
Store materials away form the site boundary and downwind of sensitive areas.
Ensure that all dust-generating materials transported to and from site are
covered by tarpaulin.
Avoid spillage, and clean up as soon as possible
Concrete batching and pouring
Mix large quantities of concrete in enclosed/shielded areas
Before concrete pours, vacuum drift in formwork rather than blowing it out.
Keep large concrete pours clean after they have gone off – they generate large
quantities of dust.
Andrew Davidson
IMS Manager
Fergus Shaw
Project Manager
Iain Shaw
Project Quantity Surveyor
Gary Porter
Construction Manager
Quentin Wilson
Design Manager
Site Engineer
John Stewart
Jim Crombie
Services Manager
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Contact Details for all Parties.
In the event of an emergency or the need to contact a member of Carillion Building,
please use the contact details contained within Appendix B.
During holiday periods, Carillion Building will provide the school with a list of out of hours
contact details and what to do in the event of an emergency.6.2
Furniture, Fitting
and Equipment
Construction Working Hours and Arrangements for Delivery and Parking
Work will mainly be carried out between the hours of 0730 and 18.00 Monday to Friday
and 0730 to 1400 on Saturday.
In the result of work being undertaken outwith theses hours a procedure will be identified
with consultation with the Local Authority.
Contractors will not integrate with school children at anytime. Segregation will be
maintained at all times. In circumstances where there may be a conflict between school
management and contractors movement within the school this will be discussed and
agreed with the school representative.
Carillion will, where possible, coordinate deliveries to out with peak times for the safety
of pupils and teachers:
Carillion will ensure a detailed Traffic Management Plan is in place for the works to
segregate and control al deliveries. All vehicles will be supervised by a banksman to
ensure safe working.
Site Access Times
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Appendix D Site management13.0
The risk of noise occurring during construction is high. If as a result of our operational
activities, levels of noise are produced that cause nuisance to the surrounding
community, the Local Authority Environmental Health Department can restrict or even
stop our work. In order to mitigate this risk and disruption to Educational Services we will
adopt the following best practice methods:
 When setting up on site Carillion will notify the Local Authority EHO of our
works and give them details of a contact person for the site who can deal with
any complaints. The site will keep them informed of the progress of the works
and the dates and times of any particularly disruptive activities.
 Working hours will be adhered to and noise levels will be monitored where
applicable to ensure acceptable levels are achieved.
 The public will be encouraged to contact the site with any concerns that arise.
This will give the site the opportunity of addressing those complaints before
formal action is taken.
 Before work starts, Carillion will make contact (in association with the client)
with local residents through local councillors or other community
representatives and let them know what is happening on the site. This can help
to improve local understanding of the works programme and will provide the
opportunity for the concerns of local people to be addressed.
 Before work starts, we will identify all potentially noise sensitive boundaries to
the site.
 At noise sensitive locations, we will undertake monitoring of background noise
before site works begin.
 At noise sensitive locations, Method Statements will include any actions, which
can be taken to reduce noise levels.
 Where there is a perceived risk of site activities creating a nuisance due to
noise, project contact details will be prominently displayed. By giving
neighbours a direct point of contact Carillion Building can then manage
individual concerns and will reduce/eliminate any need for the involvement of
the enforcing authorities.
No Access
The site will where practicable use noise suppressant equipment, which will reduce the
likelihood of noise at source. Equipment used on site, which may give rise to this,
includes dumpers and pneumatic tools. Noisy work will be carried out at times which will
be out with teaching times and at times agreed with the HT. Where this is known e.g.
demolition works this will be planned where possible to occur at holiday times or even
weekends (subject to local authority agreements).
08:30 to 09:10
12:15 to 13:45
15:15 to 15:45
Dust is defined as any airborne solid matter up to the size of 2mm, (CIRIA). The
construction work will be undertaken using best practice methods:
School Starts
School Ends
Site Access 7Times
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
CB- SAS -2
Carillion Building
Procedure for
Cessation of Works out with key dates
Date Nov 06
Rev 1
School Community
Meets with CB to
report Disruption
Carillion Building
Agrees and changes
work method or timing
or disagrees and
notify authority
Changes to work
method requires
new method
statement and risk
assessment to be
Authority Representative Specialist Contractor
All vehicles used by the contractor including personal vehicles of operatives and all
associated delivery vehicles will be restricted from access to school designated parking
areas. It is the responsibility of the local authority to enforce restricted parking areas
where there is no legal demarcation.
Carillion will work with the Local Authority on the provision of parking made available to
the schoolteachers during the decant & construction phases.
Will attend site
within 90 minutes
Agrees with
Work Stops and
is rescheduled at
no extra cost or
new method is
implemented at no
extra cost
compiles report of
incident and
actions take
arrives and
reviews method
Review conducted
by the Authority
will consider
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Work continues
with no change to
Programme / Phasing
At each liaison meeting between the school representatives and Carillion Project team.
Carillion will produce and discuss the forthcoming events. This will promote an
understanding of construction phasing and allow the Head Teacher and his team to
discuss any concerns.
Overall Programme dates
Works at <<Insert Name of New Build>> High are scheduled to start on <<Start
Date>> with a completion date of <<Completion date>> – an overall period of
Milestone dates for the construction of Belmont Academy are as follows:
Phase 1 (Construction)
08/01/07 to 25/07/08
Phase 2 (Demolition)
11/08/08 to 19/12/08
We will be issuing a regular newsletter, which will let all stakeholders know the activities
you will see being carried out over that month.
Report will be
submitted to e4a,
CB Technical
Services Manager,
and School
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Construction Phase 1 (Jan 07 – July 08)
Carillion Building
Procedure for
Cessation of Works during key dates
Hoarding erected segregating existing building from construction zone
Date Nov 06
Rev 1
School Community
Carillion Building
Meets with CB to
report Disruption
Work Stops
Authority Representative
Specialist Contractor
Belmont Academy – Phase 1 Construction
2.4m High
Proposed Site
Pupil Access
Agrees and changes
work method or timing
or disagrees and
notifies authority
Site Boundary
Pupil Access
Changes to work
method requires
new method
statement and risk
assessment to be
Existing School
New School
Access Road
School Access Only +
Segregated Pupil Access
Additional Site Access
Will attend site
Review conducted
by the Authority
will consider but is
not obligated to
depend upon
during key dates.
arrives and
reviews method
compiles report of
incident and
actions take
Agrees with
Garage Access
th Jan 07 to 25th July 2008
88th Jan
07 to 25th July 2008
Drawing Reference : SAS/BA/04
occupied buildings
Work is
rescheduled at no
extra cost or new
method is
implemented at no
extra cost.
within 90 minutes
Report will be
submitted to e4a
CB Technical
Services Manager,
Authority ’s
and School
Work continues
with no change to
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
The Authorities representative will have the final say, excluding any measures contained
within the DRP, on the subjectivity of disruption.
Cessation of Works out with key dates
The difference between this procedure and during keys dates is that work will not stop
until the Authority Representative arrives. The Authority Representative will only be
called when there is a difference of opinion on whether disruption is being caused
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Phase 2 Construction and Demolition (Aug 08 – Dec 08)
Decant from existing buildings / new school building occupied
Reposition hoardings
Demolition and removal of existing building
We school works
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
The site will where practicable use noise suppressant equipment, which will reduce the
likelihood of noise at source. Equipment used on site which may give rise to this include
dumpers and pneumatic tools. Excessively noisy work will be carried out at times which will be
out with teaching times and at times agreed with the HT. Where this is known e.g. demolition
works this will be planned where possible to occur at holiday times or even weekends (subject
to local authority agreements).
Phase 2 Construction (Aug 08 – Dec 08)
Demolition complete
New Pitches / Grass and all weather - complete
Hard and soft landscaping complete
Contractor accommodation, equipment, fencing etc removed
Project complete – 19/12/08
Site Boundary
New School
Formation of
The ground conditions between the source and the receiver
Background vibrations
Vibration perceived by the human body is in the region of 0.15mm/s to 0.3mm/s peak particle
velocity at frequencies between 8 Hz and 80 Hz. Vibrations above these levels can disturb,
startle, cause annoyance or affect work activities. At higher levels that can be described as
unpleasant or even painful. BS 6472 details acceptable levels of tolerance in relation to
Phase 2 Construction
New School Occupied
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Relevant Legislation and Guidance including
Control of Pollution act 1974
Environmental Protection Act 1974
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Environmental Protection Act 1990
Land Compensation Act (Scotland) 1973
Noise Insulation Regulations 1975
Evaluation of Human Exposure to Vibration in Buildings BS 6472
Noise control on Construction and open sites BS 5228
Noise and Vibration control on construction and open sites BS 5228 Part
Outline of Procedures
During key dates
The Schools Representative would be expected to liase with the teachers in relation to any
reported disruption. The School Representative will then evaluate whether the disruption is
appropriate to implement the cessation of work procedure.
July- -Dec
Garage Access
Drawing Reference : SAS/BA/09
In the event it is appropriate the Schools Representative will contact the Carillon Building
Project Manager and work will stop on his say so. The method or work proposed by the
Contractor will be checked against the work being carried out. If the work deviates from the
proposed method then the Contractor will be issued with penalty points and the work will
continue under the original proposed method. If disruption is still being caused or is likely to be
caused then the Contractor will be instructed to change his method of work or a new time for
the work will be set.
Where a compromise cannot be reached and in the opinion of the Project Manager disruption is
not being cause then the Authorities Representative will be required to attend or resolve by
phone within 90 minutes. After ninety minutes have elapsed and the Authority Representative
has not attended site nor has resolved by phoned, work will recommence without a change to
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Statutory nuisance is defined as a matter which is prejudicial to health or a nuisance and
specifically includes:
- noise emitted from premises such as noisy parties
- noise from vehicles, machinery or equipment in the street including
- the state of premise such as verminous conditions
- accumulations or deposits such as rubbish dumping
- smoke, gas, fumes or noise emitted from premises
- nuisance arising from the place or manner in which an animal is kept
(e.g. overcrowding)
- accumulations or deposits such as rubbish dumping
- smoke, gas, fumes or noise emitted from premises
- nuisance arising from the place or manner in which an animal is kept (e.g.
In order to mitigate this risk and disruption to Educational Services we will adopt the
following best practice methods:
When setting up on site Carillion will notify the Local Authority EHO of our works
and give them details of a contact person for the site who can deal with any
complaints. The site will keep them informed of the progress of the works and the
dates and times of any particularly disruptive activities.
Working hours will be adhered to and noise levels will be monitored where
applicable to ensure acceptable levels are achieved.
The public will be encouraged to contact the site with any concerns that arise.
This will give the site the opportunity of addressing those complaints before formal
action is taken.
Before work starts, Carillion will make contact (in association with the client) with
local residents through local councillors or other community representatives and
let them know what is happening on the site. This can help to improve local
understanding of the works programme and will provide the opportunity for the
concerns of local people to be addressed.
Before work starts, we will identify all potentially noise sensitive boundaries to the
At noise sensitive locations, we will undertake monitoring of background noise
before site works begin.
At noise sensitive locations, Method Statements will include any actions, which
can be taken to reduce noise levels.
Where there is a perceived risk of site activities creating a nuisance due to noise,
project contact details will be prominently displayed. By giving neighbours a direct
point of contact Carillion Building can then manage individual concerns and will
reduce/eliminate any need for the involvement of the enforcing authorities.
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Decant from existing School to New School (TBC)
The Specialist Removal Contractor, in conjunction with the teachers responsible for each
department, will complete a survey of Existing Furniture and Curricular Equipment. This
survey report will clearly identify the item (or group of items e.g. books), specific reference
number, existing location, area of relocation within new school and noticeable damage. The
report will also state if the Existing Furniture and Curricular Equipment is to be moved to a
location other than the new school or is to be disposed of.
The Survey Report will include all White Goods. The Authority will be responsible for all
services disconnection of all White Goods.
The Survey Report will include all IT Equipment. The Authority will be responsible for all IT
services disconnection and labelling of all IT Equipment and Ancillary Equipment. Each hard
drive (CPU) should be labelled and grouped with its associated monitor, keyboard and mouse,
all of which should be similarly labelled.
The Authority should be responsible for making arrangements for the transfer of leased
equipment (Photocopiers, etc). Photocopiers and other items will need to be removed prior to
the decant period.
Packing, Moving and Unpacking Process
Following the survey carried out by the Specialist Contractor, in conjunction with the teachers
responsible for each department, a fully itemised schedule will be available identifying all
Existing Furniture and Curricular Equipment – books, desks, filing cabinets, IT equipment,
gym equipment, white goods, metal/woodwork equipment, science equipment, etc.
The Specialist Contractor shall pack the items that require to be moved, as stated within the
Survey Report. All boxes, furniture and curricular equipment will be securely taped and
labelled on the top and side to show the correct destination.
Filing cabinets must be labelled fit for transfer to the new location. Under these circumstances
there will no need to empty their contents into boxes. The cabinets may be transferred full,
provided that they have been locked or the drawers have been taped securely shut.
Boxes must not be overloaded in order to ensure the contents remain undamaged and
contained therein.
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
The Specialist Contractor shall move the boxes, furniture and curricular equipment
specified to be located within the new School.
The Specialist Contractor shall move the boxes, furniture and curricular equipment
specified to be located within another Authority location.
The Specialist Contractor shall unpack the boxes within the specified location of the new
school, remove any protective coverings from furniture and curricular equipment and shall
dispose of all packing materials.
An Authority Representative shall be present during the moving and unpacking process
and will confirm any divergence from the Survey Report. The Specialist Contractor shall
rectify any divergence noted.
Disposal Process
After the removal of ALL boxes, furniture and curricular equipment from the existing
School, the Specialist Contractor, The Authority Representative and The Contractor shall
survey the existing School and reconfirm that the items left are to be disposed of. Any
additional items requiring to be ‟saved‟ shall be noted and moved as required.
The Specialist Contractor shall remove all furniture and curricular equipment left within the
existing School and dispose of.
Cessation of Work Procedures
The cessation of work procedure will allow the schools representative to halt the contractor
from working where excessive disruption is preventing the provision of education services.
The cessation of work has immediate effect only during key dates, therefore the cessation of
work procedure can be split into two:
Cessation of work during key dates period
Cessation of work out with key dates period
Each procedure has been flow charted and is contained in the DMP for each specific school.
In the main it is anticipated that stop work procedures will come into effect where excessive
noise or vibration prevents the curriculum from being delivered. It is therefore important that
excessive levels of noise and vibration is defined and guidelines are available to the following
Authority Representative
Carillion Building Project Manager
School Representative
Specialist Contractor
The guidelines contained within this document will set levels of action and measures that
must be taken when these levels are reached. These levels will only be applicable out with
key dates; this will ensure that where noise is potentially causing nuisance at exam times
then work will immediately stop . Set levels where action must be taken out with key dates
will allow the following advantages:
No ambiguity
Remove subjectivity
Ensure swift resolution of disturbances
Allow the works to progress or stop efficiently
Compliance with programme
Noise and Vibration levels and Actions
The risk of noise occurring during construction is high. If as a result of our operational
activities, levels of noise are produced that cause nuisance to the surrounding community,
the Local Authority Environmental Health Department can restrict or even stop our work.
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Activities with Risk
The following section outlines the activities that will present the most significant risk
and details the mitigation measures and systems of work that will be put in place to
ensure the risk of these activities is reduced to a manageablelevel.
The following section outlines the activities that will present the most significant risk
and details the mitigation measures and systems of work that will be put in place to
ensure the risk of these activities is reduced.
Measures for Segregation
The Specialist Contractor shall apply suitable protection to the floors, walls, frames etc. of the
new school to fully protect the surfaces from damage during the decant process. A Method
Statement for the protection of the new School must be prepared by the Specialist Contractor
and approved by Carillion.
The protection to the floors will be removed by the Specialist Contractor after the completion
of the decant process.
The Authority will be responsible for the reconnection of all transferred white goods and IT
Site traffic and school pedestrian traffic will be kept separate at all times. Work areas
will be fenced off from the school access point and around the working area within
existing school grounds. point.
Consideration will be given in risk assessments to the craneage of materials and
removal of materials from delivery vehicles, so as not to endanger others.
Where construction access is necessary within the school, liaison with the school will
be carried out prior to requirements and the appropriate measures taken before work
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Construction Risks
The pre-tender H&S Plan will incorporate the design risk perceived by the design team
during the design & planning stage of the Project. Carillion Building will ensure risk
assessments are carried out for all operations.
Risk assessments will be carried out for each activity to identify the hazards and to
determine whether the item is considered to be a risk to occupational health & safety,
environment or quality. Assessments will be based on the probability of an incident
occurring and the severity in terms of population exposed and likely outcomes if such
an incident should occur. The procedures/precautions to be adopted to eliminate,
reduce or control the associated risk to those carrying out the work and any other
persons, who may be affected, should be included in the assessment.
The Planning Supervisor will prepare the Pre Tender Health and Safety Plan and
Carillion Building will develop a Construction phase health and safety plan, which will
ensure thorough procedures are in place to mitigate all risks during the project. These
risks will include those perceived to others not in our employment.
The Authority will confirm all existing electrical equipment for transfer to the new school as
„Statutory Compliant‟ to all current legislation and guidance.
The Authority shall remove all „Hazardous Chemicals‟ and radioactive material from the
existing School. The Specialist Contractor shall pack and move the other chemicals as
referenced within the survey report.
Programme for Decant
The decant will be undertaken during a specified period to be agreed with the Local Authority.
The Specialist Contractor shall commence the survey of existing furniture and curricular
equipment on a specified date.
The teachers will be available „full time‟ to assist in the preparation of the survey report from a
specified period to e agreed with the Local Authority. During this time the teachers will
confirm the accuracy of the report and will identify which items will be located within the new
school, moved to another location or disposed of.
A period will be allowed for packing, transferring and unpacking the items to be located in the
new school and packing and transferring the items to be located in any other agreed location.
The final survey of the school to confirm the items to be disposed of will be undertaken as
soon as possible after removal of all equipment.
The items to be disposed of will be removed from the existing school once all representatives
have agreed that remaining equipment is not required.Such arrangements will be agreed in
advance with the Authority Representative.
The construction areas at all times will be fully segregated from the school to remove
the risks to the school pupils, staff and visitors from site activities will be limited. The
activities, which may affect the outside population, may include noise, dust and
vibration and will be managed to a minimum.
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Site Security
Carillion operate a 24 hour 7 days a week security Policy.
Temporary hoardings and/or fencing shall be erected and maintained as necessary to
minimise the risk of unauthorised persons from gaining access to the site during the
South Ayrshire Schools PPP
Removal Procedures
Alcohol & Drugs are not permitted on site at any time. Anyone suspected of being under
the influence of alcohol/drugs/solvents whilst attempting to enter the site will be refused
permission. Anyone found on site under the influence of alcohol/drugs/solvents will
render the offender liable to disciplinary action, which will involve removal from site.
Refused permission. Anyone found on site under the influence of alcohol/drugs/solvents
will be subject to disciplinary action, which will include removal from site.
Carillion shall ensure that tools and plant are not left unattended and are checked and
locked up at night and at meal times if the Site is vacated.
Access to scaffolds etc by means of ladders shall be in accordance with Good Industry
Practice, Legislation and Guidance to minimise the risk of unauthorised persons gaining
access to the scaffolds.
Carillion will maintain a safe lighting installation and level of illumination in and around
the Sites during the Works including all temporary power supply requirements
particularly during periods of interruption to the mains power supply.
Both vehicles and operatives entering and leaving the site will be liable to a random
search by the Project Security team.
Offices,Carillion Building offices, Sub Contractor offices, welfare facilities and car parking
will be clearly identified. Contractors will be informed that there should be no parking on
live school rounds
The movement of vehicles into and out of the site will be in accordance with section 2.1.
controlled by times.
All visitors will be required to report to the project offices and sign in.
Teachers will not be permitted onto the Construction site unless site management
accompanies them.entry into construction areas, unless they are invited and
accompanied by a Carillion member of staff and been through the visitor‟s induction.
Visitors to the construction areas will be required to attend a Visitors Induction prior to
being allowed access to the site. (Occasional visitors will require re-induction every two
A pass system will be in operation, which will monitor all persons entering or exiting the
construction area. The pass will be numbered and will contain the operatives name,
contractor name and a photograph, plus additional information iei.e. First Aider, job title,
this is to be on display at all times. Any person without a pass will not be allowed on site.
VisitorsA visitor‟s pass will be issued as required to visitors once they have been
As part of the induction procedure, all trades are advised that there is to be no contact
with pupils during the course of the works.
Interaction of any kind with pupils is not permitted; anyone in contravention of this rule
will be removed from site. Interaction includes “wolf” whistling, shouting and/or bad
language. Anyone unaccompanied by a school representative outside the designated
area of work will be removed from site.
Should a pupil be found within the construction works area, they will be removed and
held within the Carillion Management Office on site and the Head teacher or senior
representative called.
Identification of Construction Works
In the construction of all our works, Carillion Building and its Trade Contractors will
ensure that clear and concise information is displayed at all work areas. Statutory notices
as well as site specific signage will be clearly identifiable informing all of new routes to be
taken to avoid the work area, scope of works, duration and contact telephone numbers.
Adequate temporary hoardings and/or fencing in accordance with Good Industry Practice
and Legislation shall be erected and maintained as necessary to minimise the risk of
unauthorised persons from gaining access to the Sites during the Works;
Access to Work Areas out of hours – holidays, evenings, weekends
During the construction period it may be necessary to carry out works outside the normal
hours both to maintain programme and to keep disruption to the school to a minimum, an
example of these works may be the erection of partitions or particular noisy work. At
these times the school representative will be informed 4 days in minimum.
advance of the works being carried out, to ensure both parties are aware of what is
required and to ensure that a key holder is available.
advance of the works being carried out, to ensure both parties are aware of what is
required and to ensure that a key holder is available.