Annual Health Review 2015
Annual Health Review 2015
Annual Health Review 2015 1 Making tomorrow a better place Section heading Annual Health Review 2015 1 CONTENTS Overview 2015 2 Highlights 2015 Overview 2015 3 accident for over 12 months. While at The Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth we have achieved over 1,000,000 hours without any time being lost due to accidents. In Canada for the second successive year Carillion secured the Safest Employers Award. Operating the highest standards of health and safety 4-5 Our people: Passionate and committed to the patient 6-7 Sustainability in action Patient dining and hospital food 10-11 Estates compliance 12 News from around our contracts 13 New projects “I have been very impressed by your staff and their commitment to the Trust, attention to detail and always putting the patient first. The impact on patients, carers, family and visitors that our Facilities Management staff have cannot be underestimated.” Cathy Stone, Director of Nursing, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, Queen Alexandra Hospital Mike Hobbs 8-9 14-15 Managing Director, Carillion Health “2015 has been a year in which we have taken significant strides towards a step change in consistency, compliance and customer experience.” Throughout 2015 our customers have challenged our teams to demonstrate compliance in delivering consistently high service levels while finding ways to reduce costs. This challenging formula has brought out the best in our teams. We believe the progress we have demonstrated is a testament to their commitment, dedication and engagement. We are moving towards a step change in consistency, compliance and customer experience. As a result we are now in an even stronger position to deliver safe patient care and an enhanced patient experience. Our people make contributions that go beyond their ‘day jobs’ displaying acts of genuine caring day in, day out. Examples include domestic services staff alerting nursing staff to patients in the early stages of cardiac arrest; sewing room teams producing activity blankets for dementia patients; security guards intervening to stop self-harm and porters reassuring anxious patients. In 2015 there was a significant reduction in the number of people losing time from work due to work related injuries. However we must continue to strive to make this zero. Carillion’s ‘Don’t Walk By’ programme aims to achieve zero harm by ensuring our people proactively address potential risks to safety. In 2015 there were 37,000 instances where our people did not ‘walk by’ and ensured action was taken to mitigate risk. We are proud that at Darent Valley Hospital no staff have taken time off due to an Setting new standards We have taken significant steps to ensure our compliance regime is robust and is underpinned by a database that evidences the reported compliance status. Our exemplar site at The James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough has set a new standard that we aim to achieve in all our hospitals. And at Southmead Hospital in Bristol we have established a state of the art ‘intelligent’ helpdesk that has become the blueprint for our UK acute hospitals. During 2015 we were delighted to have been given the responsibility of developing new hospitals in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, and Yellowknife, North West Territories and, at the end of 2015 we secured Financial Close on the new Midland Metropolitan Hospital in the West Midlands - achieved in record time. We continue to support the health sector sustainability agenda and sponsor the NHS Sustainability Day Programme. Our teams participated in a range of activities and initiatives. A sustainable innovation worthy of particular note is the development of a tablet based food ordering system that improves the patient dining experience and reduces food wastage. Developing our people We welcomed new colleagues at the Mile End Hospital and Newham University Hospital in East London, The Royal Liverpool University Hospital, New Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, plus our clinics in the Middle East. We also established the first phase of our Leadership Development programme that has been rolled out to over 400 UK personnel. This together with our ‘Your Say’ employee feedback survey enables us to create deeper engagement with our staff and provides them with a personalised career development platform. Delivering a good patient experience is at the heart of everything we do. We look forward to working with our professional partners, customers, patients, their families and visitors in 2016. 2 Making tomorrow a better place Overview 2015 Annual Health Review 2015 Highlights 2015 Royal Liverpool University Hospital (RLUH) We added the Royal Liverpool University Hospital NHS Trust to our facilities management portfolio on 1st April 2015. We are responsible for hard FM services including 24-hour reactive and planned maintenance to the acute hospital, teaching and training facilities, dental hospital and offices. A joint mobilisation approach involved TUPE transfer of management, administration and engineering staff, mobilisation of a new CAFM system, helpdesk and revised working practices. A phased induction process commenced with staff six months prior to service delivery including holding contract specific workshops with the Trust and transferring staff to educate engineers about our service delivery. Mediclinic Middle East Emrill, a Carillion Joint Venture Company, secured its first FM Healthcare Contract in MENA with Mediclinic Middle East commenced on 1st February 2015. The Emrill team works in collaboration with the Infection Control teams for Mediclinic’s reaccreditation with the Joint Commission International (JCI). Emrill have introduced innovations such as using handheld PDAs for domestic services across clinics. This enables the domestic staff to sign-off cleaning regimes using these devices. Emrill have adapted Carillion’s survey tools to create an online survey mechanism with access to the client increasing transparency on our commitment to high standards of service delivery. Emrill are also bidding to deliver specialist services for which they are currently the Managing Agent. This is in line with our strategy to provide TFM services in larger healthcare facilities across MENA. “I was pleasantly surprised at the speed at which Carillion improved performance on many levels while also building excellent relationships with my team.” Eamon Fairclough, Head of Estates for RLUH Barts Health NHS Trust We extended our relationship with Barts Health NHS Trust and we now provide soft facilities management services to the majority of the Trust’s properties including Whipps Cross University Hospital in Waltham Forest and Mile End Hospital in East London. “Well done to all - a great team effort and a significant step forwards for EFM service delivery at Barts Health and our partnering relationship with Carillon”. New Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Ontario, Canada Construction was completed on the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital which opened in December. Carillion Services staff have been on-site since last summer, starting the 30-year services concession. At 1.6 million square feet, the new hospital has a total of 457 inpatient beds representing an increase of 135 beds. Key achievements • We have won 3 new PPP construction and services projects in Canada and the UK. • For the second successive year we have won Canada’s Safest Employers Award. • We mobilised 4 services contracts in Canada, MENA and the UK. • We won the Gold Food for Life Certification for a second successive year at Nottingham University Hospitals. • We won Bronze Food for Life Certification at Barts Health. • St Bartholomew’s Hospital and Mile End Hospital achieved 100 percent in their PLACE scores for a second successive year. • The Queen Alexandra in Portsmouth (QAH) has achieved over 1,000,000 hours of services operation without any time being lost to an accident. Trevor Payne, Director of Estates & Facilities Barts Health NHS Trust 3 Making tomorrow a better place Highlights 2015 Annual Health Review 2015 Operating the highest standards of health and safety Our services address an inpatient bed base of over 11,000 including provision of 18,500 patient meals per day. Safety remains our primary concern - safety for patients and all those who work in and visit our healthcare facilities. During 2015 we continued our relentless focus on health and safety awareness and can evidence significant improvements in safety across our portfolio. A number of these improvements have been recognised by external Awards. Continual reduction in incident and accident rates In 2015 the number of serious accidents (where the injured person needs to take time off work) has sharply declined with a reduction of one third. Factors driving this include the year-on-year improvement in the attitude and behavioural safety of our people. We are alert to our workplaces and demonstrate the ability to make the right and safe decisions and we report incidents quickly if they do happen. Our informed management team ensures robust investigations, detailed scrutiny and application of safety guidance. Highlights 2015 Delivering a compliant estate Our Safety and Compliance reporting systems combined in 2015 to provide unprecedented insight into our compliance status. We know where the issues are, and deal with them effectively. We have placed a major focus on compliance issues to support our UK NHS Trust colleagues with Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspections. We have enhanced fire safety compliance, investigated inherent problems, recognised how these can be rectified and ensured rapid remediation. Directors’ Safety Tours We continued our Directors’ Safety Tours. Our Royal Liverpool site is the first site to result in no corrective actions. A great endorsement for the team in addition to the smooth mobilisation in April! Don’t Walk By (DWB) In 2015 Health Sector employees filed over 37,000 Don’t Walk By reports! 37,000 times we started a conversation and 37,000 times we made our workplaces safer for all those who use them. The sheer number of DWBs and effectiveness of the output makes an incredibly significant contribution to the safety of our sites, the wellbeing of our people and the strengthening of our safety culture. Training Training underpins all we do. Accident prevention and investigation training is delivered to our supervisors and the output is clear to see. Phase One of Temporary Works training is complete with a second cohort targeted in 2016. 2015 was the first full year of sectordeveloped engagement packs being used on sites. “The ‘Don’t Walk By!’ Programme from Carillion is a great example of their alignment with our corporate values and has been an inspiration for some of our work around employee safety.” Sault Area Hospital, Ontario, Canada 4 Making tomorrow a better place Operating the highest standards of health and safety Annual Health Review 2015 Carillion Supporting Infection Control at Portsmouth (QAH) Our team is closely integrated with the Trust’s Infection Control team ensuring infections are minimised. This cross-team engagement has been critical in driving excellence on a consistent basis at the site. The team was shortlisted for the prestigious Kimberley Clark Golden Service Awards recognising their high level of commitment to maintaining strong infection control standards on the site for a continuous 5 year period. Between 2014-2015 there was a 244 percent increase in Enhanced Cleans required, and a 134 percent increase in Infected Cleans required. Our management constantly reviewed rotas, staffing levels and cleaning processes to manage resource efficiency. And during this period and prior, the Trust has not had any wards closed to infection outbreaks for almost six years. Accident-free At QAH, our team are proud of the Carillion Certification Award won in December for having over 1,000,000 hours worked on site without time being lost due to an accident. And at Darent Valley we have not had a lost time incident for over 12 months equating to over 100,000 man hours. Sault Area Hospital (SAH), Ontario, Canada With higher than average amounts of snow and ice, combined with very cold temperatures through the winter months in the Sault Area, the fresh air intake louvers on the building build up frost rapidly and block the minimum required fresh air volume. The maintenance team has to de-ice and clean the louvers regularly, which is done under extreme conditions posing a high health and safety risk. This is also a time consuming process. It can take up to two hours to effectively clean the 24 air intakes, done from inside the air plenum which can reach temperatures of -30° Celsius. On heavy winter days, the majority of the day is spent cleaning louvers manually. Mediclinic, Dubai, UAE The Carillion Safety culture is embedded in our service teams’ operations in the Middle East too. Since the commencement of our contract with Mediclinic, UAE in February the Emrill team have worked closely with the Clinical teams to add great value to their service delivery by developing and delivering key training and videos on critical areas such as Needle Stick Injuries, Code Yellow, Central Sterile Services Department Cleans and Terminal Cleans. There is strong collaboration between the Emrill team and the Infection Control teams for Mediclinic’s re-accreditation with the Joint Commission International (JCI). During 2015 we made a simple modification to the system programming. The task can now be completed in minutes with no implementation costs. Remote capabilities have eliminated the potential of contract penalties incurred for failing to meet the fresh air requirements. This idea has the potential to generate significant savings/cost avoidance and more importantly to reduce health and safety risks and extend the lifecycle of the louvers. Barts Health promoting security Our Barts Health contract is located in a challenging area of East London. The installation of a new CCTV system has resulted in persistent offenders being caught following review of evidence. As part of our Security review we are now trialling a new accredited Physical Intervention and Restraint training model. This new model incorporates a higher standard of training, ‘fit for purpose’ and modelled for the Healthcare environment. “Mediclinic is committed to quality and safe care. The cleanliness of our facility is not only having an impact on our quality and care standards, but is also playing a major role in our patient satisfaction (hence our whole reputation). The Supervisor started under extremely challenging conditions. In just a few weeks she has distinguished herself owing to her enthusiasm and positive approach to her work resulting in an enormous improvement in our housekeeping services. She has the ability to anticipate operational needs and direct her team to achieve all objectives accordingly.” Nursing Manager, Mediclinic Dubai Mall 5 Making tomorrow a better place Operating the highest standards of health and safety Annual Health Review 2015 Our people: Passionate and committed to the patient Leading People Managing Tasks Programme Our Health business provides employment opportunities for over 8,000 people globally. In 2015 we launched our Leading People Managing Tasks Programme in the UK. This programme is a significant and critically important investment for Carillion Health. Equality & Diversity at Portsmouth (QAH) At Portsmouth hospital we have joined our customer in the Everyone Counts Equality & Diversity initiative. In the first year of participation we have achieved the Bronze standard and are now working towards Silver. Our success depends on effectively leading our teams and managing daily tasks to support the patient experience. We provide our Managers and Supervisors with career development opportunities as they work with client teams and are a critical link in the patient services care chain. There are around 1,000 colleagues at the hospital. Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust has itself been shortlisted for a national award in Equality & Diversity delivery and has also been selected as a national Partner by the NHS Employers organisation. The James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough, UK At the James Cook University Hospital our Laundry team won the Trust’s Star Award for their continuing commitment to providing the highest level of linen and laundry services to the hospital. This team also initiated the development of sensory blankets as part of our special dementia care support programme. The first step has been understanding personal skills and experience with a focus on leadership skills and values rather than on technical knowledge. We ran Development Centres for Carillion Health’s Managers and Supervisors with line management responsibility. Participants completed a range of exercises exploring their skills which provided the insight to produce clear development plans. Long term success relies on Managers and Supervisors converting training and development activities into practice. We look forward to the benefits being seen in 2016. Winning Awards A number of our people have been recognised throughout the year for their contribution to the patient experience. This has included Carillion values Awards, including a Carillion Services Quarterly Award winner. Our customers have also celebrated the outstanding contributions of a number of our people. “Because of the way we work, we were quickly recognised as following good practice when it comes to E&D. We’re hoping we’ll have our Silver Award early next year.” Andie Madden, HR Business Partner, Carillion at the QAH Silver Medal for The Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre (The Royal), Canada In 2015, we led the hospital engaging in the process of being recognised as the 2015 Silver medal recipient of the Ontario Hospital Association’s Green Hospital awards. Our employee-led team, with the full support of the Senior Leadership, promotes environmentally sustainable practices. These include energy saving initiatives, food composting, bicycle compounds to promote health commuting to and from work. There has been the installation of a natural gas powered CoGenerator in conjunction with a 98 percent heat recovery unit that will ultimately lead to a reduction of 20 percent in the Royal’s greenhouse gas emissions. 6 Making tomorrow a better place Our people: Passionate and committed to the patient Annual Health Review 2015 in their community, through initiatives such as volunteering and inspiring young people with work placements. Jason’s involvement with King Richard School has continued to grow over the past seven years, resulting in him now being a Senior Governor. Other projects developed by Jason to support students include the provision of work experience, careers days, engaging students in developing a newsletter and providing live briefs aligned to course requirements. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Toronto, Canada In 2015 the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto achieved the highest standard of Accreditation Exemplary Standing, from Accreditation Canada after a rigorous four year process. This recognises that a facility has taken extra steps to invest time and resources to meet rigorous standards set out by Accreditation Canada adopting the three Ps to help minimize risk and deliver safer care: Policies, Processes and Practices. Our Services team worked diligently with CAMH during the four- year long process preparing for the Accreditation Canada surveyor’s onsite visit. “On behalf of CAMH I want to thank the Carillion Services Team for their superb assistance and participation in our recent Accreditation Process. The Process resulted in CAMH receiving Exemplary in providing high quality service at CAMH by all of our Stakeholders and our Partners.” Dean Sabean, Project Director, CAMH, Infrastructure Canada’s Safest Employer Award For the second year running Carillion has received Canadian Occupational Safety magazine’s Canada’s Safest Employers Award that recognizes companies for outstanding accomplishments in promoting the health and safety of their workers. GROWING WITH OUR BUSINESS Val Stephenson’s Development Path Val Stephenson started working at The London Hospital, as it was then in January 1987 in the Facilities Directorate. Jason’s Career Adventure Factsheet Jason Dowling, formerly Information Manager at the Queen Alexandra “I TUPE to Carillion at The Royal London Hospital Volunteered 616Hospital hours over the last transferred seven years decided to spread his wings in 2015 to in July 2006 in the role of Performance Co-ordinator. I joined Engaged 30 members of Carillion staff to support the Work become Improvement Manager with Cleaning in 2008 as Training Manager and went through an programme Carillion Alawi inPlacement the Sultanate of Oman. intense period of training in BICSc, ROSPA registered Manual 2009 – Jason joins King Richard School Governing body. Handling Trainer, IOSH, Food Safety, Aseptic Cleaning Methods. “I arrived from the UK with a broad range I then set up the Training Centre 2013 – Jason wins Employee Volunteer of the Year Awardat RLH. I moved to Cleaning of FM experience, focused on ensuring we Operations in 2012. In October 2014 I was given the opportunity adopt a consistent company approach to our to join the Mobilisation Team as Cleaning Lead for Whipps Cross activities. I have a background in process with a University Hospital. This is a challenging role and I am delighted keen eye on technology and simplifying management information. I am that Carillion has provided me with this next step up.” keen toUP promote progress and improvements jointly achieved on the KEEP TO DATE WITH SUSTAINABILITY contract with a large client team. My role entails working daily 1-1 with the Get involved client, focusingaton Customer service, MI and promoting the customer www.s tnlive.infothat are now becoming reality, from what was a very Making tomorrow a better place facing initiatives through our 2020 sustainability strategy challenging. I’ve learnt that if you think you are going to adopt a UK mentality, you’d better get the next plane back to the UK!” Project SEARCH Project SEARCH is a unique, business led, one year school-to-work internship programme for young people with learning disabilities. It takes place within the workplace and a number of our Health contracts work with the Project in their local communities. In September 2015 the Project expanded at Barts Health taking on 12 interns at Whipps Cross University Hospital and six at Mile End Hospital. Roles include: Main Reception, Portering, Food Stores, Kitchen Assistant to the Head Chef. Adam Kendall undertook a mentoring programme starting with Portering followed by a spell in Patient Dining. He is now on our temporary payroll as a Porter, a job he was extremely keen to do, following in the steps of his Grandfather and Great Grandfather. In 2015, Carillion received the Gold Award for Building and Construction and the Silver Award for Psychological Safety. 7 Making tomorrow a better place Our people: Passionate and committed to the patient Annual Health Review 2015 Sustainability in action We are committed to delivering services sustainably. For the fourth year we supported the NHS Sustainability Day Programme of roadshows across the UK. We celebrated NHS Sustainability Day with a wide range of activities, including special menus in our restaurants making recipe cards available for patients, staff and visitors. FM Supply Chain Sustainability School Ian Stenton, Head of Sustainability at the Royal Liverpool supported our Chief Sustainability Officer, David Picton in the first FM Supply Chain School event held in Manchester in 2015. Ian outlined how an NHS Trust assesses suppliers’ sustainability credentials prior to appointment. Electronic Meal Ordering at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (NUH) At NUH we introduced an electronic tablet meal ordering system that enables patients to order their meals two hours in advance of mealtime. Tablet ordering means that patients receive and eat the meal of their choice increasing nutritional intake. Waste and energy consumption are significantly reduced as a result. Impact of Safety Culture Our Safety initiatives are embedded in our Sustainability programme. Every time we avoid an accident with a patient, a member of Trust or Carillion staff we ensure a ‘right first time’ outcome that is better for individuals and for the public purse. Many of our sustainability engagements in Health this year focused on local communities including Project SEARCH, Business In The Community, supporting charity partner Barnardo’s and supporting our clients’ Charity programmes. Community Engagement in Dartford Our dining teams frequently engage in fund raising activities often on behalf of local hospital charities. At Darent Valley Hospital, Dartford we celebrated Dementia Awareness Week, with an afternoon tea party as part of transforming the understanding of dementia and encouraging people to think and talk about it. Community spirit in Scotland Give and Gain Day is the UK's only national day of employee volunteering. On Friday 15th May the Carillion team from Glasgow Southern General Hospital brightened up the sensory garden at the hospital by planting flowers and shrubs they had donated. Patients can now sit and enjoy the garden. Carillion also ran a MacMillan coffee morning raising £500 and the team raised £500 at a Christmas Fayre. Barts Health skips to it Barts Health celebrated Give & Gain Day by assembling a project team to work on the Skip Garden at King’s Cross. This mobile organic urban city allotment on the King's Cross development site has been created by local partners. The organic garden is divided into separate skips and focuses on local food production. Local young people and business employees work together on projects to improve local sustainability. This is an exciting example of organic urban agriculture on one of the largest development sites in Europe. 8 Making tomorrow a better place Sustainability in action Annual Health Review 2015 Southmead Hospital, Bristol In May twelve members of the Southmead team ran the Bristol 10K to raise money for the Hospital Charity. The team sponsored the charity vests for both Trust and Carillion participants. Mae mdgacho eukar Swindon’s Goan community said “Mae mdgacho eukar” (welcome) to their annual summer festival. Over 3000 people gathered at the County Athletic Ground for the one-day event celebrating the best of Goan culture courtesy of the Goan Swindon Association in an event sponsored jointly by Carillion. Visitors enjoyed live music and Goan fare included Chorico Pao (Goan pork sausages), Xacuti (curry with roasted spices and coconut) and Sorpotel (spicy pork and liver curry). The festival raised £2,000 towards the construction of a community building. Portsmouth – Catherine Booth House Project In July 12 volunteers from our team plus two contractors from Floratec, completed a Business In The Community (BITC) Project at Catherine Booth House in Southsea. Catherine Booth House offers a unique facility by providing temporary furnished accommodation and housing support for couples with children, single parent families and pregnant mothers. Staff work closely with Portsmouth City Council and cater for a wide range of needs, equipping families with life skills to enable them to maintain a tenancy. Carillion cricket day stumps up over £2,000 for Trinity Holistic Centre Trinity Holistic Centre provides support to patients and their families affected by cancer and other long term conditions at South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. It also provides wellbeing services to staff, visitors and members of the public. In August teams from Carillion and the Centre played a charity cricket match that raised over £2,280 for the Centre. John Radcliffe Hospital (JH), Oxford In Oxford, among the many activities undertaken throughout the year was a Shoe Box Appeal. The Carillion team kept collection boxes in each department. Items collected through the Shoe Box appeal from staff of various departments were donated to the Barnardo’s Charity. Royal Liverpool University Hospital We promoted blood donation among our team through emails and toolbox talks. Steve Norris (IMS Manager) said “I have never given blood before so didn’t know what to expect. Registering couldn’t have been simpler, I went to and booked an appointment. The process was extremely quick. Registration, induction and the donation itself took less than 30 minutes. Following the donation, I received a key ring with my blood type printed on it, which could prove vital in an emergency. I would recommend it to anybody, and can’t think of a more valuable use of 30 minutes”. “We are absolutely delighted! We can provide almost all of our clinics within the centre for a week with this funding, supporting up to 150 people.” Heather McLean, Business Manager Trinity Holistic Centre. 9 Making tomorrow a better place Sustainability in action Annual Health Review 2015 Patient dining and hospital food “Food and nutrition are an essential part of the care for patients when they are in hospital. Our team, and that of our supply partners, have set and are maintaining new standards for the quality of hospital food. We are proud to be playing a positive part in the experience of patients, visitors and hospital staff.” Mike Hobbs, Managing Director, Carillion Health Hospital Food Standards Our Dining teams work in conjunction with our Centre of Excellence with the relevant hospital teams to develop and maintain a food and drink strategy based around the nutritional and hydration needs of patients. We are committed to continually improving our food offer for the whole hospital community. Through our Supply Chain the team is further developing our sustainable and local procurement policy for food and services. share intelligence with clinical colleagues particularly in respect of ‘red tray’ patients. For example, we will be able to provide ward teams with data showing that an individual patient is consistently demonstrating poor appetite through the level of wastage recorded. We are also developing a joint staff training programme to ensure that our staff are reporting wastage and identifying patients displaying poor appetite. The programme is tailored to ensure that hospitals and Carillion teams have a closed loop process that ensures the optimum meal experience for the patient. In another initiative we introduced coloured water jug lids, using a different colour lid for the different times of day, to assist in monitoring the hydration uptake of patients. With our supply partners we are delivering healthier food into our hospitals. Our Gold and Bronze Soil Association Certification at our two largest UK contracts - Nottingham and Barts Health respectively are a testament to quality. This includes our retail food offers with healthy, low sugar content selections and with fruit and vegetables given prominence on counters and at point of sale. We recently opened fruit and vegetable stalls at St Bartholomew’s Hospital and Whipps Cross University Hospital where staff and customers can also have fresh smoothies made to order. We work alongside clinical colleagues in identifying patients who require support and assistance with their meals. At Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust we have implemented an electronic meal ordering system developed from our best practice model in Canadian hospitals. The tablet based system enhances interaction with patients, aids meal choice, portion size and addresses special dietary requirements. We are undertaking feasibility studies at three contracts to implement the new system, with a further two sites earmarked. This output will enable us to 10 Making tomorrow a better place Patient dining and hospital food Annual Health Review 2015 Our Supply Chain We recognise the push to ensure that locally produced food finds itself onto our menus and our goal is to achieve a 25 percent local purchase rate. We are working with our supply chain partners to source commercially viable producers for our catering teams to consider. Nottingham is an exemplar of this policy with over 60 percent of its supply chain obtained from local producers. This integrated process of minimising food waste, nudging the public towards healthier eating habits and engaging local supply partners, supports our company-wide focus on delivering sustainable solutions to our clients. As a sponsor of NHS Sustainability Day we are proud of our role in actively leading sustainability initiatives. We are in the process of gaining Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and also Red Tractor accreditation for our Patient Dining menus. Exploring New Avenues Our Centre of Excellence is exploring how we can further improve the patient dining experience by examining best practice in other markets and healthcare facilities in other countries. Launch of ‘The Carillion patient dining experience’ brochure This brochure will be useful for all our customers in providing a detailed insight into our rigorous operating models and how we can enhance the patient dining experience in their particular hospitals. Innovation demands that we cast aside our ‘doing it as we’ve always done it’ mentality and challenge clinical and policy makers as well as our supply chain to think differently and perhaps to pilot fresh approaches. In UK healthcare, we currently insist on offering two full hot meals a day as the preferred model. Might it be a consideration to offer the evening meal as the main meal to ensure it contains the appropriate nutritional content in addition to a light lunchtime hot or cold snack? We are addressing improved regeneration trolleys where food retains heat for longer and heat levels are pre-set for each shelf ensuring the appropriate cooking time for each product. With the ability to switch off shelves not in use, energy usage can be minimised. Such technology is more expensive to procure initially than current regeneration equipment but is much cheaper to maintain and has a significantly longer life cycle than models in general use in the UK. Hospital procurement teams will be seeking out sustainable solutions that mean examining the full life cost of any catering solution. 11 Making tomorrow a better place Patient dining and hospital food Annual Health Review 2015 Estates compliance “We marry lean process concepts to drive efficiencies alongside improved customer service. Barrie Harvey, Chief Engineer, Carillion Health Barrie Harvey, our Chief Engineer looks at a more intelligent approach to supporting Trust colleagues achieve Estates compliance. The industry has a heritage of measuring compliance through adherence, or otherwise, to ppm inspection programmes. This is obviously an essential step but the measure must be confirmation that an asset is compliant in its current state or that remedial works have been completed to return the asset to a compliant condition. We have implemented a compliance system that links to the requirements of Health Technical Memoranda (HTMs). Over the last year we have made great progress in implementing this compliance system. While there is still some way to go in reaching full mobilisation across all our hospitals, we now have readily accessible evidence of our compliance status. The helpdesk also plays a key role in co-ordinating jeopardy management. This process tracks the end to end process for each task. Interventions are made to increase the probability of tasks being closed within the required time. This includes informed decisions about resource allocation, such as diverting resource from a routine task to respond to a higher priority task that presents a safety or availability risk. Customer Context The requirement from our customers is for compliance and savings, and for achieving them now –at the same time ensuring that maintenance activities do not reduce clinical capacity, which is under ever increasing pressure. Over the past year our Engineering Centre of Excellence together with our Health team has been addressing how we can make improvements based on the three pillars of the Uptime Institute™: People, Process and Plant. We have developed a maintenance operating model that we believe sets a new standard in acute hospital maintenance. The fundamental basis for the maintenance service is to keep people safe, keep clinical accommodation available for care and finally to make sure that minor faults and repairs are not forgotten. In short maintaining a safe patient care environment and delivering the service whilst minimising disruption to patient care. Maintenance Operating Model Achieving statutory compliance is paramount, but is not a given. In complex estates the challenges are large. Up to date databases containing asset registers and histories are essential. During 2015 we have completed asset surveys in the majority of our UK acute hospitals and this information now provides a robust foundation against which we are measuring compliance. repaired. During 2015 we introduced our first intelligent helpdesk at Southmead Hospital in Bristol – with immediate beneficial results. For many years helpdesks have been the start point for reactive maintenance. However, this has predominantly been a call receiving and call allocation function. The Carillion operating model is dependent on an intelligent helpdesk based on dynamic knowledge trees that enable efficiency savings and improve service performance. This allows helpdesks to undertake structured prioritisation of tasks, assessment of the need for an engineer to attend to make safe or, alternatively to provide self-help advice to the caller. The dynamic knowledge trees help us determine whether the incident has the potential to impact on availability or whether it is a more routine fault thus enabling us to assess the speed at which the task needs to be resolved. Knowledge trees also allow helpdesk operators to establish specific details of the fault to increase the probability of achieving a first time fix. If the fault is likely to require a temporary repair this can be explained in advance to the caller along with the time in which the issue should be made safe and Analysis of reactive maintenance tasks has revealed that 80 percent of tasks originate from 10 to 15 groups of issues. We have forensically assessed each of these categories to define the nature of the fault, assess the impact on the availability of the space for clinical care, identify appropriate make safe and temporary repair interventions, assess the critical spares that need to be held on site and the requirements for any specialist subcontractors. This information has been captured in Operational Protocols that are then agreed with our customer. This approach has had a significant beneficial impact on service performance and on the understanding of both engineers and the customer of how the majority of reactive maintenance tasks will be managed. The maintenance operating model is an example of how we innovate on behalf of our customers – how we marry lean process concepts to drive efficiencies alongside improved customer service. We are proud of how far we have come in the last year. Our next challenge is to fully embed our current processes. 12 Making tomorrow a better place Estates compliance Annual Health Review 2015 News from around our contracts Southmead Hospital, Bristol and The James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough We have invested considerable time during 2015 in establishing a strong platform for our new Estates Operating Model. A combination of lean thinking and practice together with a system to monitor and evidence compliance means that these two hospitals now become beacons of good practice for our remaining portfolio. The John Radcliffe (JR) Hospital, Oxford Alongside the introduction of Pret a Manager as a retail offer at the John Radcliffe Hospital we have also introduced a new zonal cleaning model. Zone leaders take ownership for local area client relationships, quality of services, rosters and budgets. By switching management focus from delivery by function to servicing the needs of an area we are ensuring that resources are allocated according to local clinical priorities. Let’s hear it for Hero Mathew! Mathew Mundakal has worked as a Patient Services Assistant at The Queen Alexandra Hospital since 2008 and he is an inspiration as an ambassador for infection control according to his manager who says: “He is rarely out of the awards list. His photo was used by the Trust Infection Control team as an ambassador to promote the cleaning requirements within the hospital. We have received so many accolades for him from all areas, and from the staff members he comes in contact with. He received the first Carillion Hero’s Award given on this site in 2009, he has been nominated for the Trust Chairman’s award and was proposed for Trust employee of the month in 2010. Mathew promotes all of the Carillion and Trust values. He has a smile that encompasses everyone he comes in contact with. He is a credit to himself and a credit to the Trust and Carillion. He is the model employee for all staff to aspire to.” Mediclinic, Dubai, UAE We deliver Hard FM services to our Mediclinic client and during the last 11 months we have built a strong relationship with the client. Aside from our focus on embedding a Safety culture within the clinics we have also focused on adoption of technology to improve service efficiency e.g. hand held PDAs to expedite hygiene checks. We have also adapted Carillion’s survey tools to create an online survey mechanism with access to the client thereby increasing transparency on our commitment to high standards of service delivery. ONE BODY LOOK AFTER IT Barts Health NHS Trust The mobilisation of Soft services earlier in 2015 has led to a number of new initiatives being introduced. Many of these will bring consistency in service provision across the five hospitals that are managed by Barts Health. HEALTH LIKE SAFETY Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre (The Royal), Canada In construction, Carillion oversees numerous Additional Work Requests (AWR) for our healthcare clients to address their everchanging infrastructure needs. This year we are developing vacant space in the building at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre to install a Positron Emission Tomography - Magnetic Resonance Imaging (PET MRI) for mental health research purposes. The project started in July 2015 and will be completed end of February 2016 when the magnet is delivered. The MRI suite will be fully operational in April 2016. The opportunity arose during the construction to expand our parking lot by 96 spaces. Work on the parking lot commenced the first week in November. Despite the requirement to break through bedrock, install drainage systems, paving, lining and lighting, we achieved the extremely fast turnaround, and it became fully operational in December. 13 Making tomorrow a better place News from around our contracts Annual Health Review 2015 New projects Midland Metropolitan Hospital, Birmingham In 2015 we reached Financial Close on the new Midland Metropolitan Hospital in Sandwell. The new state-of-the-art hospital, which will have around 683 beds and 13 operating theatre suites, has been designed to meet the highest international standards to support the efficient delivery of high-quality clinical services and the highest standards of sustainability. The hospital will have a number of innovative design features, including a fully enclosed Winter Garden, car parking on the ground and first floors to create a secure environment for patients and staff, and full separation of clinical activities and journeys from the public and non-clinical services. The design and construction process is making full use of BIM to enhance collaboration of the design team and operators. Construction commences early in 2016 with the hospital opening in 2018. Hard facilities services and life cycle maintenance will be provided by Carillion for 30 years. 14 Making tomorrow a better place New projects Annual Health Review 2015 Carillion won two new design-build-finance-maintain hospital contracts in Canada during 2015 - The Saskatchewan Hospital, North Battleford and Stanton Territorial Hospital. These wins expanded our Health activities into two new regions, Saskatchewan and the Northwest Territories. The New Saskatchewan Hospital, North Battleford and Stanton Territorial Hospital, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories are 2352kms and 3063kms from Toronto respectively. The Stanton Territorial Hospital, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada The Carillion Joint Venture Boreal Health Partnership is Carillion’s 9th hospital development in Canada. Yellowknife is located in the subarctic region of Canada where temperatures frequently reach -30˚C and where daylight during deep Winter can be as little as 4 – 5 hours duration. New Saskatchewan Hospital, North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada A Carillion Joint Venture was selected by the Government of Saskatchewan to design, build, finance and maintain the New Saskatchewan Hospital, North Battleford. This is an Integrated Mental Health and Correctional facility which will provide support for offenders living with mental health issues. It will include a 188-bed replacement and a 96-room correctional facility. Construction started in August 2015 and on completion services will be provided by Carillion for a period of 30 years. The new facility features a floor area of over 280,000 sq. ft. and five stories with 105 inpatient beds. Outpatient and inpatient services will include emergency, medical imaging, dialysis, obstetrics, paediatric, cardio and mental health departments as well as day procedure and surgery suites. The new facility is being constructed over 38 months and will provide excellent facilities to support the needs of the residents of the Northwest Territories and the Kitikmeot Region of Nunavut. This 30 year deal will see Carillion provide Hard and Soft services to the hospital once construction is complete. New Royal Liverpool Hospital, Liverpool, UK Work continues apace on the new Royal Liverpool due to open in 2017. Liverpool’s Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Roz Gladden took part in the celebration to ‘top out’ the £335 million building where the construction phase reached its highest point in December 2015. Since Carillion began work in February 2014, 1,666 local workers have been employed on site, with 357 of those workers coming from areas with high unemployment rates. Ninety apprenticeships and 99 work experience placements have also been provided on site and a £100,000 Community Fund has been set up to support local groups. "This is the biggest construction project that Liverpool has seen for years and is the start of a massive transformation for the city. The new Royal and the creation of the Liverpool Health Campus will put Liverpool on the world map for life sciences and give the people of Merseyside a hospital to be extremely proud of." Aidan Kehoe, Chief Executive of the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust 15 Making tomorrow a better place New projects Annual Health Review 2015 To find out more about our services in the health sector or to discuss how we can support your organisation please contact: @Carillionplc Nuala Gilmartin, Business Development E: T: +44(0) 1902 422 431 CAE0318 Carillion plc
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