WE ARE 4,500 employees CARILLION CANADA (9% of total Carillion Group) 11% contribution to Group revenue We are one of Canada’s leading integrated support services companies, with extensive construction capabilities, a substantial portfolio of Public Private Partnership projects and a sectorleading ability to deliver sustainable solutions. We also cover the Caribbean region. OUR VALUE MODEL •Financial and natural resources (ethically and responsibly sourced and used) OUR GOAL? To be the trusted partner for providing services, delivering infrastructure and creating places that bring lasting benefits to our customers and the communities in which we live and work. •Skilled, committed and engaged people •Long-term customer, community and supplier relationships •Corporate governance and operational excellence •Strong (risk) management systems and processes HOW WILL WE ACHIEVE THIS? By creating and sharing value for the economy, for society and for the environment. VALUE CREATED AND SHARED • Financial stability and profitability • Economic growth and local development • Diversity and skills • Legacies in communities • A low-carbon, protected environment BUSINESS Making tomorrow a better place From bridges to railways, schools to hospitals – we’re bringing cost savings and efficiencies to public and private sector organisations, which in turn bring value to the wider population. WHAT NEXT? VALUE ADDING: VALUE ENABLERS: BETTER SUPPORT SERVICES Great companies are built on great ideas and we keep challenging ourselves to find even more sustainable solutions using the latest technology. Further increasing the diversity of our workforce will help enable this. PROJECT FINANCE 100% CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 2020 GROUP TARGETS THE OUTCOMES: BETTER BUSINESS Carillion will contribute £40m of suppliers to respond positively to sourcing materials and products from responsible and ethical sources BETTER SOCIETY BETTER ENVIRONMENT BETTER ENVIRONMENT A healthy environment helps communities and business to thrive. Working with our customers and suppliers, we’re cutting carbon, eliminating waste and protecting natural resources. WHAT NEXT? Aware that our snow plow business brought our emissions up in 2015, we will be scaling up our investments in efficient vehicles and doing more around fuel-efficiency in lowincome homes, through our ECAP program with Fortis and BC Hydro in Vancouver. “Carillion is one of the only private sector organisations that demonstrates a commitment towards their tenants” 97% waste diverted from landfill (effectively zero waste) 100% reduction in water consumption (against a 2012 normalised baseline) of contracts have a Carbon Reduction Plan INFINITE GYPSUM In 2015 alone, our operations in Canada diverted and recycled over 26 tonnes of drywall from landfill. As a key component of drywall, it is estimated that by 2030, global use of gypsum will surpass 20 million tonnes, so recycling drywall means that gypsum can be separated and reused infinitely, as it does not degrade. All of our Sustainability KPI targets were independently verified by Bureau Veritas in 2015 SCHOOL £ FORENSIC SERVICES AND CORONER’S COMPLEX, Carillion Canada client BETTER OUR STRATEGY Adding lasting value to society starts on our doorstep. This means focusing on local jobs for local people, training and community engagement. WHAT NEXT? In 2016, Canada will begin tracking the number of Certified Aboriginal Vendors in our database. Through these activities we are building capacity and mentorship which directly relate to sustaining, enhancing and developing future business agreements. 100% contracts to have a Community Needs Plan “Currently, we have over 500 indigenous employees in Canada and have partnered with the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business and the Aboriginal Human Resource Council. Through Carillion and its partners we have the potential to make connections with over 600 indigenous communities and develop both vocational and leadership skills.” More at WE ARE EVOLVING SOCIETY 2020 GROUP TARGETS 25% Summary Sustainability Report Canada 2015 to profitability through sustainability actions All of our Sustainability KPI targets were independently verified by Bureau Veritas in 2015 2020 GROUP TARGETS A BETTER TOMORROW Halfway through our 2020 sustainability strategy period, we have made solid progress on our ambition to make tomorrow a better place. BETTER BUSINESS Building a successful business Leading the way with customers and suppliers BETTER SOCIETY 70% reduction in All Accident Frequency Rate (AAFR), against a 2011 baseline of employees to utilise the Carillion special leave policy for volunteering in areas where we work SIMON BUTTERY, CEO and President of Carillion Canada All of our Sustainability KPI targets were independently verified by Bureau Veritas in 2015 Our people and our partnerships continue to build a better business, connect a better society and create a better environment. For Carillion, sustainability is key to how we shape our competitive future and a better tomorrow. Providing better prospects for our people Supporting sustainable communities OUR FULL REPORT AND SUSTAINABILITY IN ACTION BETTER ENVIRONMENT Enabling low-carbon economies 50% We continually aim to be ever more responsible, as market forces, stakeholder needs and self-expectations evolve. We will revisit our material issues in 2016, reviewing their significance against global trends such as skill shortages, diversity, engagement and collective agreements such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. More at: Protecting the environment CONTACT US Email: Tel: +44 (0) 1902 422 431 Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook @Carillionplc BETTER BETTER BUSINESS SOCIETY Trust in business, regional growth and support for local suppliers are becoming key enablers for sustainable economic recovery and regional regeneration. Across Canada and the Caribbean region, our customers are increasingly looking to us to save costs and carbon. With a diverse workforce, and by working closely with our suppliers, we are able to provide cutting-edge sustainable solutions that deliver this. Gold Winner Bronze Award The built environment sectors face key skills shortages and a decline in young people studying science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) skills. of Canada’s Safest Employer 100% $9.1m of net profit through sustainability strategy Celebration of Achievement award $891m Over 10% increase in employees who exercised employer-supported volunteering and community engagement revenue contribution BE to Nicole Bouchier from Alberta Women Entrepreneurs R E T T TOMOR The theme of this year’s forum was ethical sourcing and sustainable procurement. The event was well received by our supply chain partners in Toronto, Ontario as an example of the importance of sharing experiences around successes and challenges. We hope this will increase the ethical sourcing scores among the suppliers on our database. The day concluded with a clean-up effort of the local shoreline. The Roads business has recently invested in 45 new large trucks RO Forensics Services Coroner Complex (FSCC) and Camfil worked together to recycle 5,211 pounds of air filters, making this the largest recycling outcome in Canada for 2015 Working towards LEED Silver certification at New Oakville Hospital and Canadian Forces School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (Borden) PROTECTING OUR FORESTS 5S HONOURING OUR HERITAGE C E 01 2 SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAIN FORUM, TORONTO trees planted by our Outland business in 2015 which offer significant fuel efficiency savings CARILLION CANADA EMPLOYEE SAVES HOSPITAL COSTS Kevin Murray, a Carillion skilled tradesman at our Sault Area Hospital contract, submitted an idea to the Carillion Ideas Programme that would save the hospital as much as $45,000 (£24,000) over an eight-month period, a return of 10 times the initial investment. From finding new uses for construction waste to cleaning up our shorelines – we are applying our knowhow and community partnerships to protect precious resources and contribute to a low carbon economy. W A (a +17 improvement from 2014) 2015 marked a step-change which called for collective action from businesses, governments and consumers to create a low-carbon environment. 45m success rate of pilot training program in Northern Ontario community, training women to drive snow plows for Progressive Aboriginal Relations +39 ENVIRONMENT We are actively making Carillion Canada an inclusive place for everyone, be it women, indigenous communities or ex-Forces personnel. In Canada, approximately 5,000 ex-Armed Forces personnel attempt a transition to civilian jobs every year. Canada Company, who we’re partnering with, connects business and community leaders with the military. Recognised as Net Promoter score of BETTER US TAI N R ABILITY PERFO Developing indigenous business leaders in Canada through inclusive recruitment and unique, sustainable partnerships. • L ive working relationships with 23 indigenous businesses and communities across Canada • F ive-year partnership with the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business • Our First Nations Natural Resources Youth Employment Program in Northern Ontario, has so far placed 154 students into apprenticeships, with a 97% retention rate. N MA Canada contains 10% of the world’s forests, with almost half of its land area covered by trees. It is our policy to purchase 100% of our wood from sustainable sources, so 14 employees visited York Regional Forest, which is the first Forest Steward Council (FSC) certified public forest and is internationally recognised for responsible management. VOLUNTEERING FOR A CLEANER SHORELINE In September 2015, a team of 24 Carillion Canada employees and their family members helped to clear up litter on their local shoreline. The Vancouver Shoreline Cleanup Celebration Event was organised by our client, Vancouver International Airport. In total, 700kg of litter was taken away – including a washed-up piano!
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cleaning up our shorelines – we are applying our knowhow and community partnerships to protect precious
resources and contribute to a low carbon economy.
Al-Futtaim Carillion 2015 Sustainability Report
Providing better prospects for our people
Supporting sustainable communities