Now 9th Feb 2015 - Aquinas Catholic College
Now 9th Feb 2015 - Aquinas Catholic College
AQUINAS CATHOLIC COLLEGE MENAI 9th February, 2015 Vol.23.No.2 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Last Thursday saw the Aquinas Community gather for our touchstone event of the year; our Opening College Mass. Mr Craig Kelly, Federal Member for Hughes, Mr Michael Blowes Southern Region Secondary Consultant, Mrs Julia Zuza of the Parents’ Representative Group, many parents and parishioners were able to join us in a beautiful liturgy that sets our course for the 2015 academic year. I would like to acknowledge the terrific work of a number of staff in preparing students and organisational matters that allowed for such a meaningful liturgical celebration. Thanks to; Mrs Monk our Assistant Religious Education Coordinator, Mr Smith for his technical work, Mrs Bosi, Mr Broady for their ministry in Music, the Support Staff for the myriad of details they look after so capably for us, Fr Phil Zadro our Parish Priest for his leadership of our mass and ongoing support and lastly, and by no means leastly, Mr O’Connor, our Religious Education Coordinator, for bringing all of these elements together in such a thoughtful way. A key element of our liturgy sees our Year 11 & 12 Student Leaders commissioned along with new staff and the candle for our seventh stream class in Year Eight, 8 Yellow. Congratulations to those student leaders who as part of their commissioning undertook to lead with empathy and with a sense of wholeness, hope, justice and revelation. We look forward to the gifts this group of senior students will bring to the College throughout 2015. College Captains Adrienne Bogard Joshua Bradstock College Vice Captains James Carroll Isabella Krstanovski La Salle House Captains Michael Bonnici Sophie Maxwell MacKillop House Captains Mia Pimentel Zachary Ramsay Nagle House Captains Nathan Roumanos Claire Serwa Rice House Captains Nicholas Dillon Louise Spratt Cassandra Bruce Michael O’Brien Year 11 Leaders Nathan Costa Dylan Foskett Miah-Rose Lake Stephanie Sargeant Jenna Lennon Joshua Swan At the mass we were also able to explore our theme for 2015, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.” (Matt 5:8) Anzac Road Menai NSW 2234 Phone 9543 0188 Facsimile 9541 0398 ‘Enlivened by the Spirit’ I mentioned to students that this purity in heart was a deeply internal connection with their soul, their very essence. It is practically the way, in which we are all, gifted by God, the capacity to be the unique individuals that we are and yet to be. It is also our responsibility to be blameless in who we are; Being who WE can be. It is not just a term for saints like St Agatha [who’s Feast Day it was on February 5] or the newly announced martyr, Archbishop Oscar Romero, it is in fact a purity for all of us. It is the hope of the entire staff here @ Aquinas that all of our students will, throughout 2015, make inroads in their journey to achieving all that they can in this year; educationally and as young people approaching adulthood. This will not be a smooth course … but these challenges and dealing with them will develop resilience that is key in becoming a more mature person. “Justice is a certain rectitude of mind whereby a person does what they ought to do in the circumstances confronting them.” Thomas Aquinas’ view on this was a challenge I set the student body for 2015 in a simple way, “Do what you ought.” The staff @ Aquinas are looking forward to witnessing the way in which the young people of this College wrestle with this challenge throughout the course of the year. More practically, the CEO, Sydney has a number of policies and practices in place to meet many of the realities of the operational requirements of running of a school. One such procedure is the ‘Delegated Responsibility for Senior School Leaders’ to act in the absence of both Mr Nastasi and myself. This would only happen in unique circumstances where on a day the Principal and Assistant Principal were not at the College Campus. I am pleased to again announce that after consultation with Fr Phil Zadro, Parish Priest, and the CEO Regional Office that Mr Hulme, our eLe@rning Coordinator has been given this delegated responsibility. We are indeed lucky to have a senior staff member who has the requisite experience as ‘Acting Assistant Principal’ on the staff here at Aquinas. I would also like to draw parents’ attention to the existence of the Council Of Catholic School Parents NSW / ACT, a peak body that represents parents in all Catholic Schools in our state. The link to their website is: and to their latest newsletter & bulletins is: I would encourage parents to stay informed of matters across the sector by periodically utilising the resources of the council. James Corcoran Principal ‘Enlivened by the Spirit’ 2 Assistant Principal Reminder- Staff Development/Pupil Free day Tuesday 10th February Just a reminder that Tuesday 10th February 2015 (Week 3, Term 1) is a Staff Development /Pupil free day, where our staff will be undertaking some training in the area of Gifted Education. Key Dates Week 3 (A) Term 1 Monday 9th February Year 7 Peer Support program Period 3 Tuesday 10th February Staff Development Day/Pupil Free Wednesday 11 February Year 7 Parish Mass at 8.20am Aquinas Assembly at 11.00am in the JPII hall Thursday 12th February Year 12 Drama excursion to Onstage Friday 13th February Census day Roses Day House meetings during pastoral for swimming carnival preparations SSCCC Tennis Sport Monday 16th February College Swimming carnival at Sutherland Pool Tuesday 17th February SSCCC RL U/15's and Opens East trial at Aquinas Catholic College Year 7 Peer Support program period 5 Wednesday 18th February Ash Wednesday Year 8 Parish Mass at 8.20am Ash Wednesday liturgies in Year groups during Period 6 Thursday 19th February Pastoral lesson during Period 4 Friday 20th February Sport Senior Blood Bank visit th Week 4 (B) Term 1 Robert Nastasi Assistant Principal ‘Enlivened by the Spirit’ 3 ‘Enlivened by the Spirit’ 4 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AT AQUINAS So how do you spot a pure heart? I reflected on our 2015 theme “Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God,” (Matt 6:8) before the beginning of our Opening Mass last week. Jesus tells us later in the Gospel that what comes out of our mouths is an indicator to the quality of our hearts. Let us all be mindful of not only what we say but how we say it. Be careful with your words. Once they are said they can only be forgiven, not forgotten. THE GOOD NEWS: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mark 1:29-39 An excerpt from “A preaching tour in Galilee” Mark 1:37:38 37 When they found him, they said to him, “Everyone is searching for you.” 38 He answered, “Let us go on to the neighbouring towns, so that I may proclaim the message there also; for that is what I came out to do.” MR O’CONNOR SAYS… Jesus already had a group of people that had committed to following him. He had already called the first disciples (1:16-17) and it is them that He addresses when He says, “Let us go on.” Jesus recognised that he needed help in completing the task that he had set. We all have our part to play in proclaiming the message but our challenge is to go to “the neighbouring towns!” It is easy to proclaim the message in our homes and in our RE classrooms. Our challenge is to take the message to our sporting fields and supermarkets so that Jesus’ message of love infiltrates all aspects of our lives. Steve O’Connor Religious Education Coordinator ‘Enlivened by the Spirit’ 5 Duke of Ed News Silver On Friday a group of Year 11 and 12 students travelled to Glenworth Valley to complete Aquinas’ first Silver Duke of Ed expedition. The students were challenged from the very beginning, using maps and compasses to prepare grid references and waypoints for the trip ahead. The three days consisted of kayaking, hiking and mountain bike riding; forcing the students to challenge themselves and each other. They self navigated a total distance of 35km through narrow and wide river channels, steep cliffs and swampy overgrown terrain, whilst battling the high temperatures thrown at them. In addition they were confronted by angry cows, intrigued horses, nasty mosquitoes, huge leeches, biting fire ants and stinging wasps! However, they all pulled together to overcome these challenges and supported each other through the difficulties. The students did have a lot of fun though; as most of these challenges were outweighed by the hidden waterholes, cool creeks, the bad jokes, crackling camp fires, starry nights, a late night visit to an eerie grave (and the story that went with it!), and Miss Flegg’s giant marshmallows! Congratulations to these dukes for completing their practice expedition in such great style, and we look forward to them completing the first Silver Award at Aquinas Catholic College! (YR11) James Black, Anna Ciacchi, Nathan Costa, Charlie Edgar, John Englezos, Corey Hall, Jacob Moussa, Clinton Murphy, Sarah Ramsay, Ethan Rix, Georgina Skinner, Barron Si and Lachlan Tax (YR12) Mikaela Dunn and Louise Spratt. Bronze This weekend also saw the first group of Year 10 students for 2015, complete their practice hike at the Heathcote-Waterfall Loop. This was their first experience of hiking with the Duke of Ed, and by all accounts was very successful. So much that they arrived at the finishing point nearly an hour early! They began to learn orienteering skills with reading maps and using compasses, and having to navigate various destinations. Although they experienced very hot weather, they were able to cool themselves off at Kingfisher Springs, which was conveniently located at their campsite! Congratulations on your first Duke of Ed experience! A big thankyou to the guides at Sydney Coast Walks, Miss Van Eijk and Miss Cooper for their support and guidance over the two days! Also a big congratulations to Brielle Gatenby (10P) who was selected in the winning prizes for WetlandCare Australia 2015 Photography Competition! Brielle chose photography as her skill for the Bronze Duke of Ed and has certainly been improving in that area! Well done Brielle! ‘Enlivened by the Spirit’ 6 ROSES DAY Every year the Aquinas Community has raised money for Project Compassion by holding "Roses Day" around the time of Valentines Day, a well known celebration of friendship and love. Aquinas staff and students will have the opportunity to order roses for those they care about which will be delivered to pastoral classes on Friday 13th February. All money raised will go to Project Compassion. This is the major fundraising initiative run by Caritas Australia, a Catholic agency for overseas aid and development. Year 12 students will be visiting pastoral classes to collect orders and payments from students. All orders and payments must be made by 9am on Thursday 12th February. 1 rose $3 6 roses $18 12 roses $35 Any questions please see Mrs Monk MATHS DEPARTMENT RECALL CORNER Each week Maths Recall is included in the newsletter to encourage junior students to regularly focus on non calculator skills. Please show your answers to your maths teacher during your next lesson, as it shows interest and excitement about mathematical skills. 1. The sum of two numbers is 21 and the difference is 5. Find the two numbers. 2. Find the quotient of 48 and 6. 3. Write 63451 in expanded form. 4. Find the factors of 18. 5. Evaluate Mrs Catherine Fensom Assistant Mathematics Coordinator ‘Enlivened by the Spirit’ 7 eLe@rningNewsletter 2015 USER AGREEMENTS All students have been given a copy of the 2015 User agreement to take home and be signed by a parent/carer. Could I ask all parents/carers to discuss the importance of this agreement. This form must be returned as soon as possible. Students who do not have this form returned signed will have access on the College network restricted. CeNET Usernames At the end of last week we received a large number of student usernames that were provisioned. We anticipate the remaining usernames to arrive early this week. We thank both parents and students for your understanding with this enormous take. During the week we were informed that over 22, 000 usernames needed to be created. TEXTBOOKS All students in Year 8-10 should have access to their textbooks online. Could all parents please check their child has access and inform the Pastoral teacher if access is not successful. The Religion textbook has been emailed via a link to all the students. Could they all check their school email address and download the RE textbook. Care for New Devices A large number of parents have organised Apple branded products for their child. Could we remind parents to consider the Apple Care Protection Plan to cover the device. Unfortunately repairs to these devices are very costly, and protection that this plan offers could be a valuable investment for the future. Please contact your retailer or Apple online as this can be purchased for a set time after the initial purchase. Student ID Cards All students are required to carry their student ID card with them at all times. New cards will be issued to students in Years 7, 9 and 11. Students who are new to the College will also receive a Student ID card. Safer Internet Day (SID) is organised by Insafe in February of each year to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially among children and young people across the world. Could all parents and carers please discuss this with their child. Unfortunately this day fall on our Pupil Free Day. All students are asked to consider their own personal internet usage on this day. Fone Free February (Phone Free February) This month students are asked to consider the correct etiquette in using their mobile phone. Whilst the theme for the month aims to raise money for selected charities, it is worth considering the amount of time students are using their devices. Family time is the most important time in the household, and discussion of the day is important for praise, affirmation or to assist in building resilience. I have attached a reference from the website: The 2015 campaign is focused on taking back dinnertime and we are calling on individuals across Australia to host Fone Free dinners for their family, friends and colleagues, who make a donation for a seat at the table. Each dinner will raise money to help make a specific charity dream come true. One dinner free of distractions is all it takes, to be present in the moment and enjoy a meal with people closest to us. Over the coming weeks we will be sending information ragrding parent access through Coneqt-p our parent portal. Mr Hulme eLe@rning Coordinator ‘Enlivened by the Spirit’ 8 SPORT - NSWCCC The Registration process for trials for CCC teams have changed. To nominate for consideration the following process needs to be followed. REGISTRATION PROCESS ON WEBSITE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. 9. 10. 11. Go to website On top right hand side of page, click LOGIN. If you don’t have a login or you have forgotten your login, go to the HELP button (located on the top right hand side written in Blue) Once you are logged in, go to the NSWCCC Home Page. Click on (Individual Sport you wish to trial for) Click on Register Please complete the registration process. Click on “Register for this Sport” at the bottom of the page. An email will be sent to your Sport Coordinator for approval and consent. You will also be required to pay online for individual sports which must be done before the event. Please allow 7-10 days for administration to process. (this is not done automatically) You can login to your account at any time to view sport coordinator approval NSWCCC Entry into individual Sports and Team Sports TEAM SPORT ENTRIES Southern Sydney Combined Catholic Colleges is the pathway for our students to progress to the NSWCCC Championships and NSWCCC selection. SSCCC run trials for the following teams: Baseball U/15 and Open Rugby League Swimming Soccer Rugby Union Cross Country U/15 and Open Touch Athletics If students wish to trial for the SSCCC teams there is a school trial first, before they progress. When students are successful in making the school team they will be asked to register on the NSWCCC website to progress to the SSCCC selection. Individual Entries NSWCCC selection trials are run for the following sports which are either individual sports or sports which do not have a selection championship. AFL Cricket Diving Golf Hockey Netball Softball Tennis Triathlon Volleyball Waterpolo These Sport trials are for those students who perform at an elite level rather than just having a go. Therefore students are only progressed to the trials if they demonstrate the necessary skills in that sport for the NSWCCC standard. Sport experience is offered during Friday afternoon sport, weekday afternoon and weekend sport. As you can imagine with over 150 Catholic High schools, if every school sent a bunch of kids to have a go, the trial would soon blow out to a gala day and the NSWCCC selection trial would not serve it purpose of progressing the correct students to NSW All Schools and National level. If you are interested in finding out more information on NSWCCC trials and events please look at the website, or email me at Mark Barnes Sports Coordinator ‘Enlivened by the Spirit’ 9 PARENT INFORMATION EVENING GUEST SPEAKER PAUL DILLON - DRUG & ALCOHOL EDUCATION WEDNESDAY 11TH MARCH ST JOHN BOSCO COLLEGE HALL 7.00pm - 8.30pm Paul Dillon has been working in the area of drug education for the past 25 years. Through his own business, Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia (DARTA) he has been contracted by many agencies and organisations across the country to give regular updates on current drug trends within the community. He continues to work with many school communities across the country to ensure that they have access to good quality information and best practice drug education. In recent years, he has worked extensively with a range of sporting organisations including the Australian Cricketers Association, the Rugby Union Players Association and the Football Federation of Australia to provide training workshops to elite athletes on a range of alcohol and other drug issues. In 2009 his best-selling book for parents was released titled ‘Teenagers, Alcohol and Drugs‘. With a broad knowledge of a range of content areas, Paul regularly provides media comment and is regarded as a key social commentator in Australia, appearing on a wide range of television programs including Sunrise, TODAY and The Project discussing topical issues. Paul also had a regular spot on a national radio program on Triple J for seven years where he dealt with current youth drug issues. Paul also has a blog where he discusses topical issues of the day, as well as addressing some of the questions and queries he is regularly asked by those attending his presentations. ‘Enlivened by the Spirit’ 10 MATHS CHALLENGE Answers: SCHOOL PHOTOS To order school photos online, please go to: 1. 13 and 8 2. 8 Code: 5LY E1Y 9WZ 3. 6 x 10000 + 3 x 1000 + 4 x 100 + 5 x 10 + 1 4. 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18 5. 9 Maths Department UNIFORM SHOP THURSDAY 12 February 8:00am—9:00am Please note the Uniform Shop only sells Sports Uniforms and School bags The Uniform Shop does not accept Eftpos or Credit cards There will be a SECOND HAND UNIFORM sale THURSDAY 12 FEBRUARY 8:00am-8:30am Outside College Office If you have any donations, please hand them in to the office College caps and sports socks can be purchased from the College Office Thank you Most items are $5 CANTEEN ROSTER TERM 1 TIME: MONDAY-THURSDAY 10:00-1:35, FRIDAY 9:30-12:45 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 9/2 10/2 11/2 12/2 13/2 CHRISTINE KLEIN PUPIL FREE DAY PETA BOURKE, SUSAN GAYDON, MICHELLE WHEATLEY ANTOINETTE KERLE, ROSE HENDERSON CATHY CARUCCIO, JOANNE STORTENBEKER, BERNADETTE AHERN LIZ GARCORZ, CAROLYN BARLOW MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 16/2 17/2 18/2 19/2 20/2 SWIMMING CARNIVAL JO O’HARA, KARINA MICHAEL JACKIE TORO, LIBBY YIP, JOANNE ASHE ZEFFY DELHAS, SARAH RAYMOND, ANN-MARIE WALKER FIONA EDGAR, KAREN WILLSON, KATE BELL, NICOLE DENOBREGA THEODORA KONTOGIORGIS ‘Enlivened by the Spirit’ 11
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