Saint Thomas the Apostle
Saint Thomas the Apostle
Saint Thomas the Apostle Established 1903 Rev. Msgr. Steven P. Hurley, V.G., Pastor Mr. Francis A. Quinlan, Deacon Ms. Patrice Roman, Music & Choir Director Mrs. Betsy Facciolo, Parish Secretary Mrs. Mickey Cuiffetelli, Parish Bookkeeper Rectory Office - 658-5131 • Fax - 652-6222 Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Email: Website - Facebook - MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM Monday 6:00 PM Tuesday through Thursday 8:00AM THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:00 - 4:45 PM THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Call the Rectory at least 12 months in advance. Initial meeting with couple & parish priest required before setting wedding date. THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Celebrated the 2nd and 4th Sunday at 11:00 a.m. A Baptism Preparation Class is required for new parents. Please call the Parish office to register. NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL After the 6 PM Mass on Monday Nights WILLS In your Will you can remember your loved ones and the institutions that have been important in your life. We hope St. Thomas merits your consideration. VISITS TO THE SICK & HOMEBOUND We are eager to provide visits to both hospitals and homes. Please inform the rectory upon entering the hospital to ensure that the parish staff is aware of one’s hospitalization. The Eucharist can be brought to the homebound on a regular basis. Please advise us of your needs by calling the rectory. ACCESSIBLITY Saint Thomas the Apostle Church has a ramp and is fully handicap accessible. PARISH REGISTRATION We welcome new members to our Parish Family. Please register at the rectory during office hours and notify the rectory if you are moving from the Parish, or if you have changed your address or telephone number. 301 North Bancroft Parkway Wilmington, Delaware 19805 September 4, 2016 TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Dear Brothers and Sisters, What is the cost of being a disciple? Today’s Gospel tells us just how much it costs to be a true disciple of Christ. Jesus makes strong demands of us so that we are prepared to remain true to Him until the end. He asks us to put Him above all things including family ties. He expects each one of His disciples to carry His daily cross and follow Him. Such demands require total dedication. We read in Luke’s Gospel that large crowds had been travelling with Jesus. The time had now arrived for Jesus to separate those who were truly committed from those who were not. Now was the time to see who was ready to deny himself for Jesus, even to the point of death. To make the choice and to discern, Jesus presents two parables. He compared the Christian life to a building project and to warfare. In the first parable, Jesus related that before someone builds a tower, he sits down and calculates the cost. If he does not have enough wealth to finish the tower he does not begin the project. Otherwise, the project will come to an end before it is completed and everyone will laugh at the builder. So it is with His disciples. In the second parable, Jesus said that a king going to war against forces that are far superior, must carefully calculate the cost. He must be cautious and carefully consider his chances of winning the battle. If he does not have any chance of winning or if the risk is too high, he must surrender unconditionally. So it is with Christian discipleship. A disciple cannot serve two masters. We must choose to either commit ourselves or to withdraw. We cannot stand halfway between both sides. Therefore, a true disciple must forsake everything to follow Jesus. A disciple must love Jesus above all others. This point is realized with some shocking and seemingly harsh words from Jesus: “If anyone comes to me without hating father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, yes, and his own life, that person cannot be my follower or disciple.” It is quite obvious from the overall context of Luke’s gospel that Jesus does not mean for us to literally hate our parents, brothers and sisters. Nor does Jesus literally mean to tell us to hate our own lives. On the contrary, we are called to have love and compassion for every single person, regardless of who they are or what their relationship may be to us. What Jesus is saying is basically the same lesson that we have read in other passages, such as the story of the Good Samaritan and the Lord’s Prayer. Namely, those who are true disciples of Jesus recognize that as children of God, we all belong to one family, that we are all brothers and sisters to each other. Luke clearly tells us that the following of Jesus in the most radical terms would mean to find Him in all persons. In following Jesus, we have to go with Him the whole way and have to accept totally His way of seeing life and then putting that into practice in the way we live. True discipleship is to commit oneself to a life of self-renunciation. True discipleship cannot act on impulse, but only on a carefully considered plan of action. It means that we embrace suffering, persecution, obedience, servitude and humility, all for the love of Christ. To sum up, as true followers of Jesus we enter a new family where we recognize every person as a brother or sister. There are times when the needs of others precede family concerns. Often we do not seem to realize that this commitment is the foundation of a genuinely loving relationship. While deep commitment may not guarantee the success of a relationship, it helps more than any other factor to assure it. May God bless you, Monsignor Hurley LET’S HELP LOUISIANA All parishes in Delaware and Maryland’s Eastern Shore will be conducting an emergency second collection this weekend to benefit victims of the flooding in Louisiana. Donations will go to assist Catholic Charities USA in its humanitarian efforts and to provide pastoral and rebuilding support to impacted diocese and Catholic parishes. Please be generous. NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER FOR PEACE You are invited to join Bishop Malooly for an ecumenical prayer service to mark the National Day of Prayer for Peace in Our Communities on Friday, September 9, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. at the historic Cathedral of Saint Peter, Sixth and West Streets in Wilmington, Delaware. OKTOBERFEST- SEPTEMBER 17, 2016 at 6PM- Come join in the fun as we celebrate the fall with German food and cheer. We will also be opening the time capsule that was discovered in the cornerstone of the old gym. If you would like to bring a dish contact Janine Iorri at 658-4792 for suggestions. ST. THOMAS MEMORIAL WALKWAY If you wish to purchase a Memorial Brick honoring a loved one or special occasion please call the Rectory or visit the St. Thomas the Apostle web-site at To place an order in time for the next installation, in November, please do so between now and Labor Day. Thank you. LABOR DAY The first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. LAST WEEKEND’S OFFERTORY $3,639.00 Thank you for your generosity! MASS INTENTIONS Monday, September 5 6:00pm – No Mass Tuesday, September 6 8:00am – Francis J. McCaffery Wednesday, September 7 8 :00am – Catherine and David J. Coll, Sr. Thursday, September 8 8:00am – Marlin and Genevieve Adams Mary and Joseph Iorii Saturday, September 10 5:00pm – Mass for the People Sunday, September 11 8:00am – Naomi C. O’Connor 10:00am – Timothy Crowley MARRIAGE AND FAMILY Marriage Moments: If you want to build a tower or plant a garden you need to plan ahead. So too, if you want to build a strong marriage, plan ahead. Plan a date for next weekend. Parenting Pointers: Are you an employer? Are your personnel policies family friendly? Are you an employee? Are there any changes you can make in your work schedule that would make your parenting easier. ST. VINCENT dePAUL SOCIETY The St. Thomas the Apostle Conference of St. Vincent dePaul Society formed to provide spiritual support and economic assistance to parishioners and our neighbors in distress. For assistance, to volunteer your time and talents to help your neighbors, or for further information, please call the parish office at (302) 658-5131 and leave a detailed message at Extension 6. You are also invited to attend our meeting in the parish workshop at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, September 6. BAPTISM For parents who wish to have their babies baptized the next class will take place on Tuesday, September 13, at 7:00pm in St. Thomas the Apostle Church. Deacon Frank Quinlan will be the instructor. For further information and to register, please call the rectory office at 658-5131. VOCATION REFLECTION In today’s gospel, Jesus asks the crowd “Which of you wishing to construct a tower does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if there is enough for its completion?” Another way of asking the question might be “Which of you trying to make it to the Kingdom of my Father would not first try to figure out how He wants you to get there?” Yet so many times we make our life-choices based on what we want, rather than on what God wants. If you have not yet made a life-commitment, what are you doing to ensure that God’s plan becomes part of your calculations? What is God’s plan for you as you move along the road to eternal life? Want to talk about it? Call or write Father Norm Carroll, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations (302-573-3113, Be sure to visit our website:! BIBLE STUDY: “JAMES: PEARLS FOR WISE LIVING” Bible Study at St. Ann’s Parish, Wilmington: James: Pearls for Wise Living, beginning September 19 at 6:30 pm and continuing every Monday in the school. Cost for the text is $25.50. To register for the study, call Connie Varone at 302-765-9864 or email: GOD IS ON THE AIR Listen to Catholic Forum every Sunday morning at 10:05 a.m. on WDEL 101.7 FM, 1150 AM and Next Sunday, September th 11 , Joseph Zwilling, Director of Communications for the Archdiocese of New York and General Manager of The Catholic Channel on Sirius XM Satellite Radio, will look back on the terrorist attack on New York that happened 15 years ago, and what the Church has done to bring healing. For photos, information regarding upcoming guests, podcasts and more, “Like” Catholic Forum on Facebook at Listen to past episodes of Catholic Forum online at or search “Catholic Forum Radio” on iTunes podcasts. MEMORIAL SERVICES FOR ABORTED CHILDREN On Saturday, September 10, Americans throughout the country will gather at the gravesites of the unborn and other memorial sites dedicated in their honor for the fourth annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children. Prayer services will be held at these sites to remember the loss of more than 55 million children to legal abortion since 1973, and to remind our society of the humanity of the unborn child. Please join us for the memorial service in our community. Saturday, September 10, at 10am at Cathedral Cemetery, 2400 Lancaster Avenue, Wilmington DE 19805. We will gather in the parking lot at Queen of Apostles Chapel for a procession to the grave of the unborn. RESPECT LIFE DAY – ST. HELENA’S The program for the diocesan Respect Life Day on Saturday, Saturday, September 17, at St. Helena’s Church is complete. The speakers will Fr. Paul Schenck, Director of Pro-Life Activities, Diocese of Harrisburg, and we Fr. John McFadden of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Registration will begin at 2:30. At 3:00 p.m., At 5:00 p.m. Mass will be celebrated at St. Helena’s with Fr. Schenck as homilist. At 6:00 p.m. in Masci Hall there will be an Italian Dinner, a fundraiser for Rachel’s Vineyard and 40 Days for Life. $20 for adults, $10 children over 12 -maximum $60 for families with children. To register, contact Pat Radell at, or 302-723-9254. Notes from the Loft Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish Adult Choir 2016 - 2017 season begins with rehearsal on Wednesday, September 14, 2016 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., in the church choir loft. We joyfully welcome back our returning members and enthusiastically recruit new members to share your gifts of talent and time with this faith and spirit-filled Community. For more information about the Adult Choir and the other Parish Music Ministries, please consult the Bulletin in the weeks ahead or see Patrice Roman, Parish Music Director, Adult Choir Director, and Organist. MEALEY FUNERAL HOMES "OUR SUCCESS IS A RESULT OF OUR SERVICE" 654-3005 “Celebrating 40 Years of Neighborhood Italian Done Right” • Tuesday • AND RAFTED SPRESSO ~ Catering Available ~ 10% OFF TOTAL ORDER CALL FOR PICK UP 302-654-9131 Charles P. Arcaro Funeral Home Charles P. Arcaro Funeral Director (302) 658-9095 2309 Lancaster Avenue · Wilmington 302-654-9661 Convenient neighborhood bar and package store Now Serving Sunday Brunch! 10:00am-2:00pm PINJI'S CAFE H C E SPECIALTY SANDWICH & BREAKFAST SANDWICH AND MUCH MORE! 7th & Broom Streets · Limestone & Milltown Roads 652-5913 HEALTH TO GO Convenient place for your party celebrations DO YOU WANT COMFORT AND CARE ALMOST LIKE HOME? Adult Day Program - Provides A Safe, Dependable, Stimulating, And Enjoyable Environment. 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