bulletin of 10 july 2016
bulletin of 10 july 2016
THE CROWN A WORD FROM OUR PASTOR This autumn, the Archdiocese will begin Renew My Church, a program designed to reinvigorate and revitalize the parishes of the Archdiocese. For the next several weeks, we will publish articles by Rev. Louis J. Cameli designed to help us develop a theological understanding of what Renew My Church is striving to accomplish. We Belong to Christ in the Church: A Practical Ecclesiology for Renew My Church Father Louis J. Cameli Part 2 The beginnings of the Church: disciples gathered around Jesus. All four gospels report that Jesus gathered disciples around him from the very beginning of his public ministry. These gathered disciples represent the earliest nucleus of what would become the Church. So, for example, the Gospel according to Mark offers this account in chapter three: Jesus went up the mountain and called to him those whom he wanted, and they came to him. And he appointed twelve, whom he also named apostles, to be with him, and to be sent out to proclaim the message, and to have authority to cast out demons. So he appointed the twelve: Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter); James son of Zebedee and John the brother of James (to whom he gave the name Boanerges, that is, Sons of Thunder); and Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus, and Simon the Cananean, and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him. Mark 3:13-19 The text tells us some important things about this earliest community gathered around Jesus. The gathering of these disciples who will become apostles is a work of grace, that is, a sheer gift. They gather around Jesus, because he calls them. And he calls them simply because he wants them. It is nothing that they have earned, merited, or deserved. It is a pure gift that he calls “those whom he wanted.” And it is by a like grace that we find ourselves in the community of disciples we call Church. Mark says that Jesus “appointed twelve.” The original Greek phrase actually reads, “…he makes the twelve.” He creates or forms a community, the Twelve. That mirrors our own experience in the Church: the Lord brings us together to form a community not based on anything other than his call. The purpose of this community is extraordinarily important and clearly focused: they are “to be with him and to be sent out.” There is a paradox in this. It seems that it ought to be either “to be with him” or “to be sent out from him.” In fact, it is both. The community of disciples stays in the company of Jesus, they learn from him, and they experience him first hand. At the same time, he sends them out in mission to carry his message and his healing reconciliation to the world beyond the community. Again, this echoes our experience of being part of the community of the Church. We are called to be in the company of Jesus, to share in his word and sacraments. We are also called to move beyond ourselves to bring him and his ministry into the world. The passage from Mark then gives the names of the individual disciples and even their nicknames. This community is, indeed, a community but it is certainly not an anonymous crowd. People are known individually and by name. Although it may not always be the case with our experience of church, the ideal is that we too are not just part of a crowd but known and loved individually, just as we would know and love others. Then, we know that both together and individually we are called and sent. Finally, the name of Judas Iscariot who betrayed him appears. His name signals the fragility of the individuals who belong to the community and of the community itself. The grace and the call come from the Lord, but they can only take hold of those who are willing to respond. Again, we know that the Church embraces saints and sinners, those who are strong and those who are weak. Question: Do I actually have a sense that we are Catholic, because we have been called to be in the company of Jesus? Do I have a sense of purpose that directs me to share Jesus with others in word and action? Do I connect with others who have similarly been called by Jesus? SUMMER/SUN/SAFETY The beginning of this summer has started out reaching the 90’s and it sounds as if this trend is going to continue throughout the entire summer. With this intense heat we tend to seek out anything that will cool us off – swimming pools, lakes, ocean fronts and waterparks. As we spend time in the water cooling off we are also exposing ourselves to the Sun. Sun exposure in small amounts gives us valuable doses of Vitamin D, which helps to support bone health, the immune system, decreases cholesterol, decreases blood pressure and helps with depression. This is great stuff, but on the other hand, large amounts of Sun exposure can expose us to two types of UV Rays: UVB and UVA. Both can do harm to the skin. UVB Rays can penetrate the outer layer of skin, causing damage to skin cells. UVB Rays are the primary cause of sunburn. UVB Rays play a part in the formation of skin cancer with frequent sun exposure. UVA Rays can pass through window glass and penetrate deep into the layers of the skin. They contribute to premature signs of aging and play a part in the formation of skin cancer with frequent sun exposure. What can we do? To protect us from UVA and UVB Rays we can apply sunscreen. Sunscreen has a SPF number posted on the label. (Example SPF 30) SPF is a measurement of how long you can stay in the sun with sunscreen before getting burned. If you apply a sunscreen with a SPF of 15 this means that it will take 15 times longer for your skin to burn than it would without using sunscreen. So, in order to protect us from UVA and UVB Rays we need to do the following: • Use a Broad Spectrum sunscreen. This means that the sunscreen provides protection against both UVA and UVB Rays. • Make sure the sunscreen is water resistant. The sunscreen with water resistant properties will last during swimming or sweating for up to 40+ minutes. • Use a sunscreen with a SPF of 30 or higher on skin that receives daily sun expose. • Be a shade seeker. • No tanning bed is “safe.” They emit UVA rays and may increase the risk of skin cancer. • Please see your dermatologist at least once per year and do monthly skin checks on yourself. • Wear sunglasses all year long! Our eyes are exposed to the sun every single day – spring/summer/ fall/winter. Have a safe and healthy summer! Blessing, Jeannette Barczak Parish Nurse E TH N R FO N O K E P O ING BO LL O DUR RS. I SS th HOU LL MA 17 W Y 11 CA 0 E L TH R 2 , JU FFICE N, A YE NDAY R O ATIO MO ULA FORM071 G IN 5-8 RE 86 R FO I AT N TO REGISTRATIONS Divine Infant Jesus School is still accepting registrations for the 2016/2017 school year. For more information, an individual tour or to receive an enrollment packet, please contact the school office at 8650122. HELP WANTED Divine Infant Jesus School has an opening for a part-time school secretary/receptionist. Computer skills required. Monday through Friday, August 1st through June 30th, from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm. For more information or to schedule an interview contact Mr. Gramarossa at 708-8650122 or email len.gramarossa@divineinfant.org SUMMER OFFICE HOURS Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursdays From 7:00 am to 12:00 pm Closed Mondays & Fridays For information about registration Visit our website @ www.divineinfant.org Office Phone—708-865-0122 Fax-708-865-9495 BLOOD PROGRAM TEAMS UP WITH FREE EYE SCREENINGS Saving lives is a major challenge. And it is twice as difficult in the middle of summer, when many regular donors are on vacations or traveling elsewhere. Nevertheless, area hospitals still need donated blood to keep pace with scheduled or emergency surgeries due to accidents on our roads and in our homes. In addition, the massacre by a gunman in Orlando, Fla., has put another hurdle for our local LifeSource Blood Services, which oversees the Westchester Blood Program, because they reached into its supply to send some blood to ease the need in Florida. The Blood Program‘s third drive of this year will take place on Saturday, July 23, from 8 a.m.to 3 p.m. at Divine Providence School, 2500 Mayfair. And the donors – actually, all of the public – will have a rare chance to do something for themselves, and at no cost. The Westchester Lions Club will offer free eye screenings to detect Diabetic Retinopathy and Macular Degeneration. The Lions’ mobile unit will be parked just outside the school during the blood drive. The Lions will welcome anyone who wants to have their eyes checked. The WBP has changed the title of its drives from Community Blood Drives to West Towns Blood Drives because of the rapidly rising number of out-of -town donors who take part. The local organization also announced that it has surpassed 25,000 units collected since its founding in June 1974. It remains the most prolific community blood group in the Chicago area and one of the most-honored in the nation. So far this year, it has collected 200 units, with three drives remaining. The process of donating blood is safe and speedy, requiring no more than 45 minutes. Questions regarding the drive should be directed to Carl Panek, WBP chairman, at 708-606-4548; for the eye screenings, call Lions member Andreas Brandt at 708-606-3884. ON A SUMMER’S DAY Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time. SUBURBAN CATHOLIC SINGLES GROUP (SCSG) Multi Parish Ministry For singles in their 40’s and 50’s July Events Saturday, 7/16, 6pm, join us for German Fest at Sacred Heart Parish, located at 114 Elizabeth St., Lombard. Cost is your dinner. Please RSVP by 7/13. Above events are subject to change. You can contact us at singlesadmin@gmail.com Find us on Facebook – Suburban Catholic Singles FREE EYE SCREENING OFFERED BY THE WESTCHESTER LIONS CLUB Diabetic Retinopathy is the leading cause of new blindness in adults in the United States today. Early detection is a major factor in the prevention of visual loss. This screening may determine if you have a retinal problem associated with macular degeneration. PLACE: Divine Providence School, 2500 Mayfair Avenue, Westchester DATE & TIME: Saturday, July 23rd from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. Sponsored by the Westchester Lions Club in conjunction with the Lions of Illinois Foundation and Illinois Retina Associates, S.C. Held in conjunction with the Westchester Blood Drive For additional information, call Lion Andreas Brandt at 708-606-3884 JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Could anyone object to Jesus' supreme lesson in mercy, the parable of the Good Samaritan? Jesus' devoutly religious audience certainly did! Scant sympathy for anyone foolish enough to travel crimeridden "Jericho Highway" alone. Much sympathy for priest and Levite, hurrying to assigned temple ministry, unwilling to risk ritual impurity through hands-on mercy. No sympathy for Jesus' scandalous hero. Samaritans were religious apostates and political enemies. Jesus challenges them--and us--to seek God's presence not only in liturgical beauty but in a fellow traveler's self-inflicted misfortunes. See God's presence even in someone outside the law, whose hands-on mercy springs not from religious obligation but from the heart's instinctive goodness. Since Jesus became our "Good Samaritan" despite our foolishness and sins, who are we to ration our mercy? "Who is my neighbor?" (Luke 10:29). The next person we see who needs hands-on mercy! No conditions, no limits, no exceptions. Especially in this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Jesus commands, "Go and do likewise" (10:37). --Peter Scagnelli, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. INTERFAITH CAREER NETWORK Get Answers to Your Most Perplexing Job Search Questions Join us on Thursday, July 21 from 7-8:30 pm and discover new avenues to getting employed. Learn new tactics to build confidence and help accelerate your job search success. We'll share ideas on how to target the companies and contacts that can move your job search forward. You'll meet other job seekers who will share ideas on what has worked for them in their search and who can connect you with new contacts from within our community. Please bring 10 copies of your resume and/or handbill to share with the group at St. John of the Cross Parish Center, 5005 S. Wolf Road in Western Springs. This meeting is open to everyone and there is no cost to attend. Help ICN Help Others We have many tools to assist job seekers, but we need your assistance to provide the most important element of a job search which is open positions. If you are a hiring manager or aware of open positions in your company, please send this information to jobs@interfaithcareernetwork.org. Any and all postings are welcome. ICN job seekers are at all stages of their career, in every industry, with a broad spectrum of education and experience. All job postings will be communicated to our 400+ ICN Yahoo group. Ideally it will be a WIN/WIN for your company and a qualified job seeker in our community. If you have any questions or for additional information you can also contact Judy Kennedy at jkennedy1333@ameritech.net or Tom Rohan at tom_rohan@yahoo.com. Lastly, to learn more about ICN, visit our website at www.interfaithcareernetwork.org. Interfaith Career Network (ICN) offers job support through various programs throughout the month. For further information, please visit our website at www.interfaithcareernetwork.org. LITURGY FOR THE WEEK SATURDAY, July 9 5:00 pm Austin J. Boyle; Charles Gimino SUNDAY, July 10 7:30 Thomas Smith; Rick Yurkovich; Rosemarie & Albert Tassi; Gloria Bruno; John Knox; People of the Parish 9:30 Ruth Chabot; Joseph Riedl, Sr. 11:30 Jane Ulsafer-VanLanen; Konstantinas Jablonskis; Samuel & Genevieve Gimino; Carol Wilk MONDAY, July 11 8:00 Irene Bartaletti; Jeffrey Stevens TUESDAY, July 12 8:00 Pat Ryan WEDNESDAY, July 13 8:00 Richard Jurevich; Walter & Mary Wanick; Ben & Dolores Sniegowski THURSDAY, July 14 8:00 Ben Sniegowski; Eileen Watts FRIDAY, July 15 8:00 Sue Abbott; Charles Eichinger; Drew Xenakis; Andrew Xenakis SATURDAY, July 16 8:00 Katherine Buban 5:00 pm People of the Parish SUNDAY, July 17 7:30 Thomas Smith; The Otto Bezouska Family; Rosemarie & Albert Tassi; Rick Yurkovich; Gloria Bruno; John Knox 9:30 All the faithful departed 11:30 Virginia VanLanen; Konstantinas Jablonskis; John Joyce; Eileen Watts; Mary Pat, Therese & Barney Crosson; John Knox PRAY FOR THE SICK OF THE PARISH Arlene Buszkiewicz Carl Celestino, Sr. Nick Labovsky Danny Mulligan Janine Nywood Len O’Connell Kathy Reed Gene Rogala Gary Sekerka Trudy Tetzloff Jacob Vincent Bob Wiegel Loving God, give strength to all who struggle with illness. Grant them courage when they are afraid and comfort when they are in pain. Because of government regulations, hospitals and nursing homes are no longer allowed to notify us if you are admitted to either facility. If you or a family member would like to be visited in the hospital or nursing home, please call the rectory at 8658071. If you or a family member are sick or homebound and would like to be added to our prayer list, visited, receive Holy Communion or be anointed, please call the rectory at 865-8071. WEEKDAY SERVERS MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 8:00—Henry Lah; Mary Lah THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 8:00—Rachel Shuflit; Patrick Lopez NEXT WEEKEND’S MINISTERS COMMUNION MINISTERS LECTORS SERVERS SAT. 5:00 CELEBRANT Fr. Michael D. Thoms W. Thoms Teens M. Gutierrez M. McGee SUN. 7:30 Fr. Michael M. Vent M. Yurkovich S. Laszkiewicz M. Weber E. Caday O. Nevarez SUN. 9:30 Fr. Tom F. Mockler J. Percival A. DiFiore C. Schukies A. Urban R. Shuflit SUN. 11:30 Fr. Joyce M. Ernst A. Garbacz N. Mihel D. Kozerski A. Groppe S. Houston READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 1:10-17; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Tuesday: Is 7:1-9; Ps 48:2-8; Mt 11:20-24 Wednesday: Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Ps 94:5-10, 14-15; Mt 11:25-27 Thursday: Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Ps 102:13-14ab, 15-21; Mt 11:28-30 Friday: Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10-12abcd, 16; Mt 12:1-8 Saturday: Mi 2:1-5; Ps 10:1-4, 7-8, 14; Mt 12:14-21 Sunday: Gen 18:1-10a; Ps 15:2-5; Col 1:24-28; Lk 10:38-42 WEDNESDAY, JULY 13 CH—4:00 pm Music Dept. TUESDAY, JULY 19 PR—7:00 pm Calendar Meeting WEDNESDAY, JULY 20 CH—4:00 pm Music Dept. WEDNESDAY, JULY 27 CH—4:00 pm Music Dept. TUESDAY, AUGUST 2 PR—7:00 pm School Board WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3 CH—4:00 pm Music Dept. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10 CH—4:00 pm Music Dept. PROTECTING CHILDREN PLEASE USE GiveCentral.org FOR ALL YOUR DONATIONS Divine Infant Jesus Parish depends on your generosity in order to carry out its ministry of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ and teaching and healing in his name. We do not charge for anything. We rely solely on your Sunday and Holy Day donations. To make it easier for you to give your gifts to Divine Infant, we work with GiveCentral.org. When you sign up with GiveCentral.org, you can make all your Sunday, Holy Day, second collection, and every other donation that you make to the parish. Then you never have to use a parish envelope or put anything in the collection basket ever again! Please visit GiveCentral.org to create your personal and secure donations account. Thank you for your generosity! At Divine Infant Jesus Parish and School, the protection of our children is of utmost importance, and we comply fully with the policies of the Archdiocese of Chicago and the USCCB Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. To learn more, go to our website dnn.archchicago.org/divine infant and click on the tab “Protecting Children at D.I.” or visit archchicago.org and click on the button “Protecting Children.” If you do not have internet access and would like to learn more, please contact the rectory or call the Office for Protection of Children and Youth at 312 534-5254. WOULD YOU LIKE TO RECEIVE ALL PARISH MAILINGS ELECTRONCIALLY If you would like to receive parish mailings— Christmas and Easter letters, statement of annual contributions, and yearly report—by email, please send an email to the parish at d.infant@comcast.net. In the subject line write “Parish Email,” and then in the body of the email write your name, street address and envelope number if you know it. This will help save the parish money in printing and postage. Thank you! WELCOME... SUNDAY OFFERING July 3, 2016 ————-———————————————— Average weekly expenses $15,655 This week’s collection 8,646 Deficit ($ 7,009) When you are away for a weekend, we hope you will remember your offering to Divine Infant. Thank you. ...to Divine Infant Jesus Church. If you are new to our church or just visiting, please stop and introduce yourself. We are pleased to have you share in this celebration of the Eucharist. If you do not have a church home, or your church is not a home to you, we invite you to become part of our parish family. Our church is open to anyone looking for a spiritual home. To register, please call the rectory at 865-8071. We are so glad you are here and hope you will come back again for Mass or to become a parishioner. DIVINE INFANT PARISH NEWCASTLE AND CANTERBURY AVENUES WESTCHESTER, ILLINOIS 60154 REV. MICHAEL WANDA, Pastor (ext. 203) REV. GERALD JOYCE, Pastor Emeritus (ext. 206) REV. THOMAS WINIKATES, Associate (ext. 204) DEACON JAMES SPONDER (ext. 306) MR. LEONARD GRAMAROSSA, School Principal SR. SUSAN MAJCEN, O.P., Director of Religious Education Website: divineinfant.archchicago.org Like us on Facebook SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: (Confession) Saturday: In the Reconciliation Room 4:00 to 4:45 pm or by appointment. BAPTISMS: Baptisms are celebrated on the 2nd & 3rd Sundays of the month at 12:45 pm. By Archdiocesan regulation and parish policy, parents are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation session before the Baptism of their child. These sessions will usually be held on the first Sunday afternoon of the month. Call the secretary at the rectory (865-8071) to register for the session and schedule the Baptism. Rectory: 1601 Newcastle Avenue, 708 865-8071 D.I.V.M. SERVICES: Communion to the sick, food shopping, necessary Fax number: 708-865-8032 transportation, emergency meals, transportation to Mass. Resource E-mail: d.infant@comcast.net information also available. If you need help from any of these services, please let us know as much in advance as possible so the School: 1640 Newcastle Avenue, 865-0122 & 865-0233 chairpersons can make arrangements and the volunteers arrange E-mail: divineinfant@comcast.net their schedules. If you are able to volunteer to help provide these Office of Religious Education: 865-8086 services to our parishioners, we can always use more help. Please Parish Nurse, Ms. Jeannette Barczak, BSN, HTP, 352-7518 call the rectory at 865-8071. Bereavement Ministry: Dr. Claudia Dado, MAL (ext. 304) WEDDINGS: Couples should contact the rectory and speak to a priest Catechumenate: Dr. Claudia Dado, MAL (ext. 304) shortly after the engagement, but no less than four months before the Music Director: Mrs. Janet Reif, (ext. 302) desired wedding day. Assc. Mus. Dir: Mrs. Judy Schindler, 383-4288 or (ext 302) No date should be set (especially in reserving a hall) for your wedding until you have spoken to a priest. In this way, you will not be Business Manager: Mr. Jerry Priore, (ext. 209) disappointed if the church has been previously reserved for another Rectory Secretary: Mrs. Toni Podock, (ext. 201) SUNDAY MASSES: 7:30, 9:30 & 11.30 SATURDAY EVENING: 5:00 pm WEEKDAY MASSES: 8:00 am SATURDAY MORNING: 8:00 am HOLY DAY MASSES: 6:30, 8:00, and 7:00 pm ceremony. Please keep in mind the times that are available for weddings at Divine Infant: SATURDAYS—1:00 pm and 3:00 pm WEEKDAYS—–Any reasonable hour CHURCH NAME & NUMBER— Divine Infant #9216 ADDRESS— 1601 Newcastle, Westchester, Il. 60154 PHONE— 708-865-8071 E-mail: d.infant@comcast.net CONTACT PERSON— Elsie Masterson SOFTWARE— Microsoft Publisher 2003 Windows XP Professional Adobe Acrobat 6.0 PRINTER— HP Laserjet 5P NUMBER OF PAGES SENT— Cover through 10 SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN— July 10, 2016 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS—
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