November 2015 - The Department of Surgery | Wayne State University
NOVEMBER 2015 Wednesday, November 11 Inside this issue: ACS Clinical Congress 2015 1-4 Dr. Tim Mullin and the 1967 Detroit Riot 5 Surgical Engineering: The Science of the Future 5 WSSS Annual Lecturer 6 63rd Annual Detroit Trauma Symposium 6-12 Reports from the Outfield 13 2015 WSSS Dues Notice 14 WSU Monthly Conferences 15 WSSS The 102nd meeting of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) took place in Chicago this year during the early part of October. Many of the current and past surgical residents and faculty surgeons participated in the meeting. Many of our past and current faculty members also participated in committee meetings of the ACS, whereas Dr. Mark Diebel (WSUGS 2017) presented a poster entitled, “Tranexamic Acid Administration Protects Against Acute Lung Injury Following Shock Conditions: An In Vitro Model.” As per the departmental tradition, there was a reunion for the department of surgery on Tuesday evening at the Hilton Hotel. This was well attended and quite lively. (Left to right) Dr. Mike Malian (WSU/GS 1989/92), Dr. Brian Shapiro (WSU/GS 1988/93), and Dr. Jeffrey Nicholas (WSUGS 1995) Dr. Mark Diebel shows off his poster presentation Dinner time for the WSU Alumni Dr. Heather Dolman (WSU/GS 2000/06), Dr. Mona Taleb (WSUGS 2016), and Dr. Wesley Francis (WSUGS 2007) 16-17 (Left to right) Dr. Alicia Olson (WSUGS 2016), Dr. Alex Stoffan (WSUGS 2014), and Dr. Jerry Stassinopoulos (WSU/GS 2004/09) Dr. Adrien Kant (WSUGS 2007) and her guest. Dr. Lydia Donoghue (WSU/GS/PS 2001/2006/08) and Dr. Hale Wills (WSU/GS 2004/2010) Sunday, November 1 NOVEMBER 2015 Dr. Sandy Engwall (Sessions) (WSUGS 1983) Dr. David Bouwman (WSUGS 1978) Dr. Samantha Tarras (WSUGS 2011) with Mark Wisniewski and their two sons Dr. Norman Burns (WSUGS 2005) and Dr. Terra Pearson (WSUGS 2014) Dr. Michael Klein and Mrs. Jackie Gayer Dr. Chris Steffes (WSUGS 1993) and Dr. Renato Albaran (WSUGS 1998) Dr. Majid Aized (WSUGS 2016) and Dr. Faraz Khan (WSUGS 2016) Dr. Jerry Stassinopoulos (WSU/GS 2004/09) with his bride, Nicole Dr. Christopher Gayer (WSU/GS/PS 2003/10/11 and Dr. Chuck Conway (WSU/GS 2001/07) Page 2 Dr. Randy Smith (WSU/GS 1981/86), Dr. Donald Weaver (WSUGS 1979), and Dr. Jeffrey Nicholas (WSUGS 1995) NOVEMBER 2015 Dr. Brian Shapiro (WSU/GS 1988/93) and Dr. Ryan Edwards (WSUGS 2002) Dr. David Edelman (WSU/GS 2002/09) and Dr. John Webber (WSU/GS 1992/99) Dr. Jose Fernandez (WSUGS 2016) and his bride, Karla Viera (Left to right) Mrs. Ina Silbergleit, Dr. Simon Kovalik (WSUGS 1981), Dr. Allen Silbergleit (WSUGS/TS 1960/65), and Ms. Jody Kovalik Dr. Norman Burns (WSUGS 2005) with his bride, Dr. Irene Wu (WSUGS 2007) Dr. Mark Dittenbir (WSUGS 1990), Dr. Anna Ledgerwood (WSUGS 1972), and Dr. Sarah Larson (WSUGS 2016) Dr. Michael Klein and Dr. Jeremy Ciullo (WSUGS 2016) Dr. James and Mrs. Julie Tyburski (WSUGS 1992) Dr. Evan Gellar (WSUGS 1987) with is bride, Dr. Sheri Ford, and Dr. Michael Busuito (WSU/GS/PS 1981/86/88) Page 3 NOVEMBER 2015 Dr. Jeremy Ciullo (WSUGS 2016) and Dr. Mona Taleb (WSUGS 2016) Dr. Jeffrey Bender (WSUGS 1985) and Dr. Soumitra Eachempati (WSUGS 1996) Dr. Chuck Conway (WSU/GS 2001/07) and Dr. Irene Wu (WSUGS 2007) Dr. Ruben Peralta and Dr. Robert Crawford Mrs. Janet Damm and her husband, Mr. Edward Damm (Left to right) Dr. Randy Smith (WSU/GS 1981/86), Dr. Mark Dittenbir (WSUGS 1990), and Dr. Anna Ledgerwood (WSUGS 1972) Page 4 NOVEMBER 2015 Tim Mullin Researches 1967 Riot Dr. Timothy Mullin (WSUGS 1982) and his bride, Fran, were in Detroit earlier in October as part of a project to review the 1967 Detroit riot when the old Detroit Receiving Hospital and the department of surgery stepped to the forefront to care for the brunt of many seriously injured patients. Tim met with a number of individuals including Drs. Charlie Lucas (WSU/GS 1962/67) and Anna Ledgerwood (WSUGS 1972), who provided reminiscences about this hectic week in July of 1967. Tim would like to hear from anybody who has remembrances or information about the riot. He can be reached at Dr. Timothy and Mrs. Fran Mullin Surgical Engineering: The Science of the Future Dr. Greg Auner Dr. Greg Auner heads up this division of bioengineering, has produced many products, and is well supported by a number of grants from different private and public sectors. Dr. Charles Shanley (WSUSOM 1987), former Chief of Surgery at William Beaumont Hospital, and is currently Professor of Surgery, Part-Time Research, at WSU, is closely working with Dr. Auner in the development of new ideas and new projects related to this technology. Dr. Shanley and Dr. Auner provided a tour of this research facility to Dr. Charlie Lucas and Dr. Anna Ledgerwood on Friday, October 16. Following a very scientific tour, Drs. Shanley, Lucas, and Ledgerwood visited their favorite restaurant, Ristorantè Giovanni’s, in southwest Detroit, where they were visited by Dr. Donald Smith, the former Chief of Oral Surgery at the Veterans Administration Hospital. During their wonderful meal, Chuck Shanley and Don Smith discussed some of their former colleagues. Dr. Charles Shanley and Dr. Donald Smith Dr. Charles Shanley Thursday, November 26 Page 5 NOVEMBER 2015 2015 Annual Lectureship Each year prior to the Detroit Trauma Symposium, the Wayne State Surgical Society (WSSS) has their annual lectureship on the morning prior to the symposium. This year, the WSSS Lecturer will be Dr. Ronald Maier, who is the vice-chair and professor of Surgery at Washington University and surgeon-in–chief at the Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, Washington. Dr. Maier has been the leader Dr. Ronald V. Maier of this very productive trauma center in Seattle and has described some of the classic 21st century publications related to trauma and hemorrhagic shock. His presentation is entitled, “A Century of Progress in Trauma Resuscitation.” All of us should try to be present at his lecture on Wednesday morning, November 4th, at the Crockett B Auditorium in the University Health Center located at 4201 St. Antoine Avenue in Detroit. DETROIT TRAUMA SYMPOSIUM Each year, the Detroit Receiving Hospital, representing the DMC and the Michael and Marian Ilitch WSU Department of Surgery, sponsors the Annual Detroit Trauma Symposium, which is under the able guidance of Dr. Larry Diebel (WSU/GS 1980/86). This trauma symposium is the oldest in the nation. The 63rd annual symposium is being held November 5-6 at the MGM Grand Detroit Hotel Casino. This will be an excellent symposium attended by over 700 people. You should make your plans to attend. Page 6 Dr. Larry Diebel NOVEMBER 2015 The 63rd Annual Detroit Trauma Symposium is Here! Remember, the members of the Wayne State Surgical Society are provided attendance at the Annual Trauma Symposium as part of their WSSS dues. As usual, the list of speakers is outstanding! Page 7 NOVEMBER 2015 Page 8 NOVEMBER 2015 Page 9 NOVEMBER 2015 Page 10 NOVEMBER 2015 Page 11 NOVEMBER 2015 Page 12 NOVEMBER 2015 REPORTS FROM THE OUTFIELD 2015 RESIDENT GRADUATES Dr. Jennifer Bradley (WSUGS 2015) reports that she has passed her oral board examination and wishes to thank all of the faculty members for their help and mentoring during her residency years. You can congratulate Jennifer at Dr. Jennifer Bradley DRH Celebrates Robert F. Wilson, MD, FACS, MCCM On Tuesday, October 20, Detroit Receiving Hospital held a reception in honor of Dr. Robert F. Wilson’s (WSUGS/TS 1963/65) 57 year career of a tenacious pursuit of medical knowledge, education, and clinical innovation. Many stopped by to honor Dr. Wilson. Mrs. Jackie Wilson chats with an old acquaintance at Dr. Wilson’s reception Page 13 (Left to right) Dr. Jim Tyburski (WSUGS 1992), Ms. Cindy Luiz (front), Dr. Heather Dolman (WSU/GS2000/06), Dr. Robert Wilson (WSUGS/TS 1963/65), Ms. Celeste Wirth, and Dr. Al Baylor (WSUGS 2005) congratulate Dr. Wilson Wayne State Surgical Society NOVEMBER 2015 2015 Dues Notice MARK YOUR Name: CALENDARS Address: November 5-6 Detroit Trauma Symposium City/State/Zip: Detroit, MI Service Description Amount 2015 Dues Payment __ $200__ My contribution for “An Operation A Year for WSU” *Charter Life Member _ ____ _$1000__ November 7-10 Western Surgical Association Meritage Resort and Spa Napa Valley, CA Total Paid____________________________________________________ Payment by Credit Card Include your credit card information below and mail it or fax it to 313-993-7729. Credit Card Number:_________________________________________ Type: MasterCard Visa Expiration Date: (MM/YY)__________ Name as it appears on card:__________________________________ Signature:__________________________________________________ Billing address of card (if different from above): Street Address______________________________________________ City______________________ State____________ Zip Code_______ *I want to commit to becoming a charter life member with payment of $1000 per year for the next ten (10) years. Send check made payable to Wayne State Surgical Society to: Deborah Waring Department of Surgery Detroit Receiving Hospital, Room 2V 4201 St. Antoine Street Detroit, Michigan 48201 Please Update Your Information The WSUSOM, Department of Surgery wants to stay in touch. Please contact Deborah Waring at to update your contact information. Page 14 NOVEMBER 2015 Page 15 WSU MONTLY CNFERENCES 2015 Death & Complications Conference Every Wednesday from 7-8 Didactic Lectures - 8 am Margherio Conference Center (Enter through Scott Hall) Wednesday, November 4 LOCATION: Crockett B, University Health Center Death & Complications Conference “A Century of Progress in Trauma Resuscitation” Ronald Maier, MD Harborview Medical Center, Seattle, Washington Wednesday, November 18 LOCATION: Scott Hall, Green Lecture Hall, 3rd Floor Death & Complications Conference “Locally Advanced Breast Cancer” Lydia Choi, MD WSU Department of Surgery Wednesday, November 25 LOCATION: Margherio Conference Center Death & Complications Conference TBA WSU Department of Surgery NOVEMBER 2015 Page 16 Missing Emails Over the years the WSU Department of Surgery has lost touch with many of its alumni. If you know the email, address, or phone number of the following WSU Department of Surgery Residency Program graduates please email us at with their information so that we can get them on the distribution list for the WSU Department of Surgery Alumni Monthly Email Report. Ram Agrawal (1974) Aftab Khan (1973) Parvid Sadjadi (1971) Mohammad Ali (1973) Mark Leiser (1996) Samson P. Samuel (1996) David B. Allen (1992) Samuel D. Lyons (1988) Knavery D. Scaff (2003) Tayful R. Ayalp (1979) Dean R. Marson (1997) Steven C. Schueller (1974) Robert C. Birks (1970) Syed A. Mehmood (2007) Anand G. Shah (2005) Juan C. Calzetta (1982) Mehul M. Mehta (1992) Anil Shetty (2008) Sebastian J. Campagna (1969) Toby Meltzer (1987) Chanderdeep Singh (2002) Kuan-Cheng Chen (1976) Roberto Mendez (1997) Raj A. Sukhnandan (1966) Elizabeth Colaiuta (2001) Mark D. Morasch (1998) D. Sukumaran (1972) Fernando I. Colon (1991) Daniel J. Olson (1993) David G. Tse (1997) David Davis (1984) David Packer (1998) Christopher N. Vashi (2007) Teoman Demir (1996) Daniel S. Paley (2003) Carlos M. Villafane (1990) Judy A. Emanuele (1997) Y. Park (1972) Larry A. Wolk (1984) Lawrence J. Goldstein (1993) Bhavik G. Patel (2004) Peter Y. Wong (2002) David M. Gordon (1993) Michael M. Peikoff (1970) Shane Yamane (2005) Raghuram Gorti (2002) Jerome P. Pucelik (1966) Chungie Yang (2005) Karin Haji (1973) Everton Quadros (1968) Hossein A. Yazdy (1970) Morteza Hariri (1970) Ami Raafat (1998) Lester S. Young (2008) Abdul A. Hassan (1971) Kevin Radecki (2001) Lawrence S. Zachary (1985) S. Amjad Hussain (1970) Sudarshan R. Reddy (1984) Paul Zidel (1986) Rose L. Jumah (2006) Edgar Roman (1971) R. Kambhampati (2003) Renato G. Ruggiero (1994) Thursday, November 19 WAYNE STATE SURGICAL SOCIETY The Wayne State Surgical Society (WSSS) was established during the tenure of Dr. Walt as the chairman of the Department of Surgery. WSSS was designed to create closer contact between the current faculty and residents with the former resident members in order to create a living family of all of the WSU Department of Surgery. The WSSS also supports department activities. Charter/Life Membership in the WSSS is attained by a donation of $1,000 per year for ten years or $10,000 prior to ten years. Annual membership is attained by a donation of $200 per year. WSSS supports a visiting lecturer each fall and co-sponsors the annual reception of the department at the annual meeting of the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Mark A. Herman (WSU/GS/1994/2001) passed the baton of presidency to Dr. Randall W. Smith (WSU/GS 1981/86) at the WSSS Gathering during the American College of Surgeons meeting in October 2014. Members of the WSSS are listed on the next page. Dr. Smith hopes that all former residents will become lifetime members of the WSSS and participate in the annual sponsored lectureship and the annual reunion at the American College of Surgeons meeting. NOVEMBER 2015 Page 17 Members of the Wayne State Surgical Society Charter-Life Members Ahn, Dean Clink, Douglas Albaran, Renato G Colon, Fernando I. Allaben, Robert Conway, W. Charles Ames, Elliot L. Davidson, Scott B. Amerikia, Kathryn C. Edelman, David Auer, George Flynn, Lisa M. Grifka Thomas J. (Deceased) Herman, Mark A. Holmes, Robert J. Huebl, Herbert C. Johnson, Jeffrey R. Bassett, Joseph Fromm, Stefan H. Baylor, Alfred Fromm, David G Johnson, Pamela D. Kovalik, Simon G. Bouwman, David Galpin, Peter A. Lange, William (Deceased) Cirocco, William C. Gerrick Stanley Lau, David Ledgerwood, Anna M. Rose, Alexander Lim, John J. Rosenberg, Jerry C. Lucas, Charles E. Sarin, Susan Malian, Michael S. Shapiro, Brian McIntosh, Bruce Smith, Daniel Montenegro, Carlos E. Smith, Randall W. Narkiewicz, Lawrence Stassinopoulos, Jerry Novakovic, Rachel vonBerg, Vollrad J. (Deceased) Ramnauth, Subhash Rector, Frederick Walt, Alexander (Deceased) Weaver, Donald Whittle, Thomas J. Wilson, Robert F. Wood, Michael H. Zahriya, Karim Washington, Bruce C. Members of the Wayne State Surgical Society Bambach, Gregory A. Gayer, Christopher P. Meade, Peter Spencer, Amy R. Baute, Peter B. Goltz, Christopher Mueller, Michael J. Sugawa, Choichi Baylor, Alfred E. III Gursel, Eti Nicholas, Jeffrey M. Tarras, Samantha Bloch, Robert S. Hamamdjian, Khatch Noorily, Michael Tennenberg, Steven Bucci, Lorenzo A. Heartwell, Barbara Paley, Daniel Thomas, Gregory A. Busuito, Michael J. Herman, Mark A. Phillips, Linda G. Thoms, Norman W. Dawson, Konrad L. Horness, Mark D. Prendregast, Michael Vasquez, Julio Dente, Christopher J. Ivascu, Felicia A. Resto, Andres Vyas, Satish C. Denney, Myron K. Johnson, Jeffrey R. Resto (Spotts), Josette Whittle, Thomas J. Dolman, Heather S. Joseph, Anthony Sferra, Joseph Williams, Mallory Engwell, Sandy Kaderabek, Douglas J. Shanley, Charles J. Wood, Michael H. Field, Erin Klein, Michael Shanti, Christina Zehnpfennig, Michael Flake, Thomas M. Kline, Gary M. Siegel, Thomas S. Ziegler, Daniel W. Gallick, Harold Lloyd, Larry R. Silbergleit, Allen Zoellner, Steven M. AN OPERATION A YEAR FOR WSU January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015 Albaran, Renato G. Holmes, Robert J. The WSU department of Surgery has instituted a new group of alumni who are remembering their training by donating the proceeds of one operation a year to the department. Those who join this new effort will be recognized herein as annual contributors. We hope that all of you will remember the department by donating one operation, regardless of difficulty or reimbursement, to the department to help train your replacements. Please send you donation to the Wayne State Surgical Society in care of Dr. Charles E. Lucas at Detroit Receiving Hospital, 4201 St. Antoine Street (Room 2V), Detroit, MI, 48201. Malian, Michael S. Siegel, Thomas S. Bambach, Gregory A. Huebl, Hubert C. McIntosh, Bruce Smith, Randall W. Cirocco, William C. Johnson, Pamela D. Narkiewicz, Lawrence Williams, Mallory Conway, W. Charles Kovalik, Simon G Novakovic, Rachel Wood, Michael Davidson, Scott Lim, John J. Shapiro Brian Zahriya, Karim
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