notice of public participation meetings
notice of public participation meetings
NOTICE OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION MEETINGS FOR THE PROPOSED BROWN – NEWTON 345 kV TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT TUESDAY JUNE 9, 2009 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm LAMPASAS MIDDLE SCHOOL CAFETERIA 207 EAST AVE A LAMPASAS, TEXAS 76550 AND WEDNESDAY JUNE 10, 2009 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm MILLS COUNTY CIVIC CENTER (CHAMBER OF COMMERCE) 1103 CLINE GOLDTHWAITE, TEXAS 76844 AND THURSDAY JUNE 11, 2009 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm ADAMS STREET COMMUNITY CENTER 511 E. ADAMS BROWNWOOD, TEXAS 76801 Oncor Electric Deliver Company LLC (Oncor) is proposing to construct a new double-circuit 345 kilovolt (kV) electric transmission line in Brown, McCulloch, Mills, Lampasas, and San Saba Counties, Texas. The proposed transmission line will connect Oncor’s Brown Switching Station site (which is located south and east of County Road 222 in western Brown County, approximately 16 miles southwest of Brownwood, Texas) to the proposed Newton Switching Station site (located west of the intersection of US 190 and FM 2313, west of Kempner, Texas) in Lampasas County (see associated map). Oncor is committed to routing the proposed transmission lines in a manner consistent with the values of the local communities, the Texas Utilities Code, and the Public Utility Commission of Texas rules and policies. The project has been recommended by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) to ensure continued safe and reliable electric service to the State in light of increased integration of electric energy generated by wind production facilities. Completion of the project will enable the new transmission system to efficiently move wind-generated power to market and will add capacity to the entire system. In support of the routing process, Oncor is holding three identical public open house meetings to solicit input for use in determining the preferred route for the proposed transmission line and to share information about line routing alternatives. URS Corporation (URS), a consulting firm retained by Oncor for the project, has identified preliminary alternative transmission line routes for consideration, which are shown as dashed lines on the map. Maps with greater detail will be exhibited at the meeting. Individuals attending these “come and go” open house meetings will have an opportunity to ask questions and provide comments to representatives and technical experts from Oncor and URS regarding the routing of the proposed transmission line. These preliminary alternative routes are subject to modification based on information received at these public meetings and further studies. If you have any questions concerning the meetings, please contact Manuel Flores at (214) 486-7341. Lake Brownwood Blanket COMANCHE COMANCHE COUNTY COUNTY 67 £ ¤ 279 ¬ « Bangs Leo n Riv So ut h er n Ri v Le o 281 Early Hamilton Brownwood 84 CR 222 1602 £ ¤ £ ¤ Proposed Brown Switching Station FM ÿ ® er COLEMAN COLEMAN COUNTY COUNTY Gustine 16 ¬ « FM ÿ ® 2005 BROWN BROWN COUNTY COUNTY MILLS MILLS COUNTY COUNTY HAMILTON HAMILTON COUNTY COUNTY Mullin J " Evant Goldthwaite La mp as a CORYELL CORYELL COUNTY COUNTY sR ive r do Ri r ora Co l ve 377 £ ¤ 281 £ ¤ MCCULLOCH MCCULLOCH COUNTY COUNTY LAMPASAS LAMPASAS COUNTY COUNTY Richland Springs 190 £ ¤ San Sa ba R i v e r San Saba 190 £ ¤ Lometa Proposed Newton Switching Station FM ÿ ® SAN SAN SABA SABA COUNTY COUNTY 2313 16 ¬ « ¬ « J " Preliminary Route Segment BURNET BURNET COUNTY COUNTY 190 £ ¤ Kempner Lampasas 71 Switching Station J " 183 £ ¤ 0 ® BURNE BURNETT CO COUNTY UNTY 4 8 Miles
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