JULY 17, 2016 ST. JOSEPH BASILICA SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME DEVOTIONS Rosary Mon.- Sat., 7:30am 1109 Chestnut Street Alameda, CA 94501 MASS TIMES Monday through Saturday 8:00am Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00pm Sundays 7:30am * 9:30am * 11:30am 7:00pm Sacrament of Penance Saturday, 3:30 to 4:30pm or by appointment First Friday Adoration after the 8:00am Mass with Vespers at 5:30pm followed by Benediction Our Lady of Perpetual Help Wednesday after 8:00am Mass PARISH OFFICE HOURS 9:00am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday Office closed for lunch Noon to 1:00pm VOLUNTEER COVERAGE Sat. 8:30am-12:30pm Sun. 8:30am-1:00pm Rev. George Alengadan, Pastor………510-995-9421 Rev. John Carillo, Associate Pastor……510-995-9475 Deacon Matthew Murray 510-995-9444 Mary Kovalitsky, Office Manager & Bulletin Editor 510-995-9420… Parish Office phone: 510-522-0181 Parish Office fax: 510-522-2864 Parish Office email: OUR MISSION: TO LIVE AS JESUS TEACHES WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS! When I was younger my father and I used to go on camping trips with a large group consisting of fathers and their sons. A priest always went with us so that he could say the holy Mass for us in the forest and be available to hear confessions. I will never forget a homily that he gave on one of those trips. He told us that it is not enough to know about Jesus, we have to know Jesus. One can know every detail of all of the Gospels, pore over every Christological book, talk to a hundred biblical scholars, but still not know Jesus. If He is indeed a divine Person with two natures, divine and human, than this means that we can speak to Him. And perhaps an even more challenging and thrilling truth is that Jesus can speak to us. In the Gospel for this Sunday from Luke chapter 10, Jesus finds rest in the house of Martha and Mary. Martha is busy about being as hospitable as possible and demands that Mary, who sits with Jesus, help her. Christ responds saying that Mary, in sitting at His feet, “has chosen the better part.”This “better part” is the mystery about which St. Paul speaks in his letter to the Colossians in the Second Reading, which “is Christ in you, the hope for glory.” Christ is the revelation of God His heavenly Father, as we read in 1 John 4:9: “In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him” (RSV). By sitting with Jesus and listening to him, Mary was able to come to know this incredible love of God our Father. God, who is wrapped in mystery, is shown to Mary in her living room! The Cathechism of the Catholic Church, quoting St. John Paul II, tells us that “All Christ’s riches ‘are for every individual and are everybody’s property.’”There, in Martha and Mary’s home, Christ shared with them the greatest treasure on earth: a relationship with the living God! While it is good that Martha made sure to get Jesus a good meal, it was “better” for Mary to sit down and actually listen to what He has to say, because He actually has something very important to share! Our lives are pretty packed with many very good things, from work to school to raising kids to keeping up with relatives and friends to sports and to actually having time to rest. Yet oftentimes we forget about the Source of all these opportunities, namely, God our Father. Remaining in contact with Him helps us to put our lives in order, helping us see why we have all these blessings in the first place. And where can we go to find that contact with the Father? In Jesus Himself. The more we come to know Christ, the more we come to know the living God and the communion that he wishes to share with us. We can come into contact with Jesus in so many ways. The very best is Sunday Mass. After all, what better way can we come to know Christ than by listening to His words and receiving Him- Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity- in the Eucharist? That is why it is so important for us to go to Mass every Sunday: because it is the best way to come to know Christ. After the Mass, the best way to get to know Christ is through our own personal prayer, prayer in our own words. In our personal prayer we speak to Christ with absolute confidence in his love for us. We can also hear him speak to us, to our concrete situations, particularly through his words in the Gospels. A Christian’s greatest treasure is knowing Jesus Christ. Is it your first priority? God bless, have a great week, and may Mary and St. Joseph pray for us, Deacon Matthew Murray Bishop Barber's statement on the recent shootings Our hearts are heavy as we mourn the senseless loss of life across our country this week, in Baton Rouge, in Minneapolis and in Dallas. We pray for mercy, for consolation and for healing for those who have lost loved ones, for those who have been killed and wounded, and for those whose hearts have been twisted by hatred. Let us also pray for courage, for each of us, to answer this escalating cycle of violence with more powerful acts of mercy and love. All lives matter, no matter the color of our skin or the profession of faith we make. We are all children of God and all human life is sacred and precious. Please join me in seeking common ground, and in calling upon our civic leaders to work together to find resolution to this escalating violence. Love is stronger than hate, but it requires each of us to act with courage and compassion. Let us recall the words of Pope Francis, “May the God of peace arouse in all an authentic desire for dialogue and reconciliation. Violence cannot be overcome with violence. Violence is overcome with peace.” Bishop Michael C. Barber, SJ Diocese of Oakland OUR PARISH WISH LIST Our new “baby priest” Fr. John Carillo needs a car. If anyone can help him out please contact him directly at 510-995-9475 or email him at Does anyone have or know of someone who might have a life-sized statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary they would like to donate? We are planning an outside grotto and need a large statue for that setting. We have our new Sacred Hands reminder in all the pews and would appreciate it very much if everyone would be more mindful and quiet when putting the kneelers up and down. AND if you could just look around after Mass and clean up your pew it would be much appreciated. ON LAST THING, please remember to reserve the first pew in the very front of the Basilica and the first pew at the break for those who are disabled, using walkers or wheelchairs. Thanks so much for your attention to these matters. THANKS FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT BUT WE MISSED OUR WEEKLY GOAL BY $1,281.73. COLLECTION FOR July 9/10, 2016 Weekly Goal $10,352.27 Plate Collection $9,949.41 EFT Collection $1,366.00 Total Parish Collection $11,718.27 If every parishioner gave an extra $2.00 a week we would meet our goal. Please think about this and pray on how you might be able to increase your weekly giving. REMEMBER REGISTRATION OPEN FOR CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION! Children’s Faith Formation classes for children age 4 through Jr. High are offered on Sunday mornings during the school year. Advance registration is encouraged; register before August and save $10 per child! Forms available online at, on the parish website at, in the parish office, or contact Anne Marie at 995-9409. ( 8th graders who have already received First Eucharist have the option of either committing to the intensive one-year Youth Confirmation program OR joining the Junior High Children Faith Formation class.) YOUTH MINISTRY UPDATE! Youth Confirmation Teens who have received 1st Eucharist from grades 8-12 and be able to fully commit to the schedule including Sunday Liturgy, classes and service hours are eligible for Youth Confirmation 2016-2017. We are now accepting applications. There is a $10 discount per candidates if you enroll before August 1st and a $10 increase per candidate after September 1st. Those teens who attended 1st year preparation must re-register. Applications are available online and in the Parish Office. For further questions please contact Sr. Kim at Small Group Leader Youth Confirmation Process is planning for 2016-2017 and seeking out “leaders” faith filled people to facilitate “small group reflection with teens. We are provided resources, training and support. If God call you to this ministry please contact Sr. Kim at 510-995-9574. Our Grief Support Group is gathering on Monday July 18th from 7:30 to 9:30pm upstairs in the Parish Center at 1119 Lafayette Street. All are welcome! For questions please call 510.205.3712 or email: DID YOU SEE FATHER GEORGE AT THE PARADE? He was there waving on our High School Band who took home the second place win in School Band Float category. DID YOU ENJOY THE CONCERT ON SUNDAY? What lovely music was made by our parishioner and conert pianiast Donna Stoering, Naser Musa, Palestinian oud master, and Donna’s daughter, Erin Nolan, who accompanied on the viola last Sunday. If you have not had a chance to attend these monthly concerts yet plan to do so on August 7 at 2pm when Gabriel Beistline will accompany Donna on the cello. Complete concert listing can be found on our website. MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, July 16 8:00 a.m. For the people of the parish, liv. & dec. 5:00 p.m. For the people of the parish, liv. & dec. Sunday, July 17 7:30 a.m. For the people of the parish, liv. & dec. Dorothy Connell † 9:30 a.m. George Naclerio Sr. 11:30 a.m. Paz & Roberta Posadas † 7:00 p.m. Lucita Paradiang †death anniversary Monday, July 18 8:00 a.m. For the Fathers of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Tuesday, July 19 8:00 a.m. For all priests in the Diocese of Oakland Wednesday, July 20 8:00 a.m. For all Deacons and their wives in the Diocese of Oakland. Thursday, July 21 8:00 a.m. For the people of the parish, liv. & dec. Friday, July 22 8:00 a.m. Gloria Garibaldi Krause † Saturday, July 23 8:00 a.m. For the people of the parish, liv. & dec. 5:00 p.m. Jo Campbell † Sunday, July 24 7:30 a.m. Sally Gallagher † 9:30 a.m. Benito A. Awayan † 11:30 a.m. For the people of the parish, liv. & dec. 7:00 p.m. Victoria Quintell † Let us remember...All those who have died, especially Barry Weiss. UPCOMING MEETINGS/EVENTS Aug 7: Notes for Nourishment Concert Aug. 27: New Parishioner Breakfast. 9:00am Oct 15: St Joseph Year of Mercy Pilgrimage to the Holy Doors (Cathedral of Christ the Light) Contact Susan, for more info. ELDER CARE Do you have clients whose parents are not doing that well at home? Should they be thinking about assisted living? How can you help them bring up this delicate subject? Come hear Helen Lindberg, AC, CareQuest, guide you through this conversation sharing her professional and personal journies. Thursday, July 21, 6 to 7:30 p, Mercy Retirement & Care Center. For more info visit: CAN YOU USE A LITTLE PEACE THIS WEEK? Taizé is an ecumenical, candlelit service of prayer in simple chant, Scripture readings, silent worship and veneration of the Cross, offered as a witness to peace and reconciliation, for which we gather each month. Join us Friday, July 22, 2016 at St. Joseph Basilica, at 8:00 P.M. Visit us on and PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Kathy Bartlett, Romelita Bautista, Svetlana Masgutova, Garth Waters, Elvie Mendoza, Joan Cummings, Sandy Anderson, John Cashman, Sam Kong Kee, Josslyn Tramel, Carola Devlin (Ireland), Numeriano, Lori Agazzi, Martinez Espinoza, Elisa Lee, Kyle Anthony, Jennifer Lizardo, Doreen McAfee, Ernesto Sanchez, Jennifer Manchester, Dianne Nobriega, Herb Robles, Dr. Benjamin Reyes, Ramon Tirona, Fr. Jim Sloan, Patricia Glynn, Gail Crichton, Lily Hansen, Sherry Crevani, Gina S. Corral, Baby Leo, Charles H. Thomas, Jim Lynch, Joey Camacho, Iong & Fong Che, Mr/Mrs. James West, Patricia Becker, Alejandro Elopre, Robert Santos, Billy Caver, Juner Valencia, Florence Anne Cordray, Juana Valenzuela, Rachel Sutherland, Carlie Bell, L. Corral, Blanca Herzog, Juanita Estrellas, Tom Hall, Jim Langowski, Ofelia Osalbo, Christopher Herrera, Nimfa Banzuelo, Robert Torres, Amelia Miguel, Juanita Estrellas, Edis Rodriguez, Anna Cheung, Kirk Miller, Vincent Gueverra, Maria C. Sanchez, Lucy Ramirez, Jo Leitz, Vicky Rosen, Nico Stavrianopoluos. For prayer requests, please call the Parish Office, 522-0181 Please let the office know when you want your name removed from the list. Thank you. ST. JOSEPH BASILICA 1109 CHESTNUT STREET PHONE: 510-522-0181 — FAX: 510-522-2864 Email: website: PARISH STAFF SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Preparation for registered, active parishioners should begin at least six months in advance of the proposed wedding date. Please contact Fr. George, 995-9421 or Mary Kovalitsky at 995-9420. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Please stop by the Parish office or check our website under “Sacraments” for information, schedule and registration form for infant baptism (6 or younger) or contact Mary, 995-9420. Sister Kim Nguyen, Youth Ministry Coordinator 510-995-95……………… Julie Pond, Coordinator Finances, Facilities/Events 510-995-9411……………… David Howitt, Music Director 510-995-9403…………… Michael Chinnavaso, 7 PM Music Coordinator 510-522-0181…………… St. Vincent de Paul………………24-hour hot-line 510-995-9471 ARE YOU NEW TO OUR PARISH? St. Joseph’s is an active and diverse parish. If you are new, please fill out a registration form at the Parish Office, in the church’s vestibule or online at PLEASE SUBMIT BULLETIN INFORMATION TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE EVENT ST. JOSEPH MINISTRIES Newcomers are welcome to join Monday, 7:00-9:00pm Wednesday, 7:30-9pm Tuesday, 10:00-11:30am Thursday, 10:00-11:30am 1st Monday, 6:45-8:00pm Thursday, 4:00-5:00pm 1st Wednesday, 7pm 3rd Monday, 7:30-9:30pm 2nd Thursday, 7-8:30pm Wed.,8:30-10:00am Sat., 8:30-10:30am Eric Bertelsen, Liturgy Coordinator 510-995-9404…..……… Tamara Centeno, Wedding Coordinator 510-282-4621………… For adults or children over age 6 please contact Anne Marie, 995-9409. All God’s Children Charismatic Prayer Group Basilica Choir rehearsal Bible Study Bible Study Boy Scouts Children’s Choir Girl Scouts Grief Support Knights of Columbus Legion of Mary Legion of Mary Anne Marie Fourre, Director of Faith Formation 510-995-9409……….…… COMMUNITY STAFF Ken Jennings, Principal of SJND High School 510-523-1526................ …… Dr. John Rizzo………..Principal of SJND Elementary School, 510-522-4456…………...… Deacon Matthew Murray, Campus Minister…… 510-995-9444…………………… Pastoral Care Team RR BAS SJR RDR SJR BAS SJR DR SJR RR RR Rite of Christian Initiation / Inquiry Scripture Reflection St. Vincent DePaul Society Taize Prayer Service Young Ladies Institute 7pm Spirit Ensemble rehearsal 1st Sat. , 8:45-9:30am SJND Classroom #106 Wed. 7:30-9:00pm Tuesday, 7 to 8:30pm 4th Thursday 7:00-7:30pm 4th Friday, 8:00-9pm 2nd/4th Mon., 7:00-8:30pm Thursday, 7:30-9:00pm DR SJR SJR BAS SJR BAS BAS/ Basilica SJR/ St. Joseph Room (in Parish Center) DR/ Damien Rm. (in Parish Center) RR/Reconciliation Room ADS HERE WORK PARTY BRINGS ST. JOSEPH COMMUNITY TOGETHER! As a pastor I felt very proud of our parish staff and community that came together for "summer cleaning" last Saturday. Deacon Matthew Murray and his team put order in the sacristy and flower room. Eric had a big team dusting and cleaning the pews and floor of the Basilica. David H and some of the choir members put order in the music closet. Anne Marie had a strong team in the parish center to organize the library. Mary and her office volunteers made sure that the front office looks neat and tidy. Fr. John, Dr. Rizzo the new principal of SJES and Patricia our housekeeper took leadership in cleaning the kitchen. Rich Davis, Shirley along with Sr. Kim and a group of volunteers did excellent gardening. Surely our parishioners are blooming like our gardens. It was a great joy to watch our parishioners connecting with each other during lunch. Truly the family that works and eats together stays together. BULLETIN NUMBER 421600 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Joseph Basilica 1109 Chestnut Street Alameda, CA 94501 TELEPHONE: 510-995-9420 CONTACT PERSON: Mary Kovalitsky EMAIL: SOFTWARE: MS PUBLISHER 2007 ADOBE ACROBAT 9 ADOBE READER X ADOBE DISTILLER 0 WINDOWS XP PRINTER: Ricoh Aficio 2800 Super G3 TRANSMISSION TIME: Wednesday, 10am BULLETIN FOR SUNDAY: 07/17/2016 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 1 THROUGH 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: All Color Bulletin, eff. 8/31/14
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