Kredyt Bank Group - Bank Zachodni WBK
Kredyt Bank Group - Bank Zachodni WBK
Kredyt Bank Group Financial results for 2Q 2008 Warsaw, August 7, 2008 1 • Highlights • Analysis of results, Group • Business lines, Bank • Appendix 2 Key features for 2Q 2008 • Further growth of the core activity. Gross Operating Income, earned in the 2Q’08, was higher by 13,3% in relation to the 2Q’07. • Increase of KB’s market share in the mortgage lending. KB’s sale of mortgage loans amounted to PLN 1.7 in the 2Q’08, allowing to mantain one of the top positions on the Polish mortgage loans market in terms of sales. • Mortgage loan portfolio boosted by 80% in comparison with 1H’07. • Consumer loan portfolio increased by 56% in comparison with 1H’07. z 21 new outlets launched under the network expansion plan within the period I VI’08 (83 branches operational since the start of the project; KB network included 391 outlets as of the end of 1H’08). 3 Financial highlights 2Q 2008 2Q’08 1Q’08 2Q’07 Δ 08/07 % Loans (gross, PLN bln) 20,1 19,0 14,5 +38,7% Deposits (PLN bln) 19,3 18,6 17,1 +12,8% FTE (ths) 7,0 6,9 6,4 +8,6% Branch network 391 389 362 +8,0% 4 Financial highlights 2Q 2008 – P&L 1Q’08 2Q’07 Δ 08/07 % 322,9 314,0 293,7 +9,9% +16,6% 384,6 372,7 339,4 +13,3% -535,8 +18,1% -287,7 -248,1 -238,1 +20,8% 144,8 -20,3% 69,8 75,0 99,9 -30,1% 1H’08 Δ y/y % Net fee and commission income (PLN mln) 636,9 +14,6% Gross operating income (PLN mln) 757,4 General administrative expenses (PLN mln) Net profit (PLN mln) 2Q’08 5 Financial highlights 2Q 2008 - indicators Δ 08/07 pp 1H’08 1Q’08 1H’07 Cost/Income 1 70,7% 66,6% 69,9% +0,8pp ROE 1 15,9% 17,2% 17,2% -1,3pp Loans/Deposits 99,7% 97,8% 78,8% +20,9pp Loans/External funding 2 83,6% 81,1% 73,2% +10,4pp 9,8% 9,5% 11,3% -1.5pp CAR 3 1 Cost/Income and ROE - ytd funding = customer deposits + interbank funding (loans) 3 CAR for 2008 calculated according to Basel II 2 External 6 Balance sheet breakdown ASSETS LIABILITIES & FUNDS in PLN m +25% y/y in PLN m 30 189 +25% y/y 1 021 717 +4% Other 24 166 24 166 987 895 19 288 Customers 13 517 30 189 -20% 2 186 Other Equity 19 339 Customers 3 746 Interbank (borrowed loans) +3% 2 116 +43% +13% 17 148 Securities Interbank Cash 5 697 5 496 +4% 3 611 -22% 2 818 1 320 555 +146% 1 365 2 687 2Q'08 2Q'07 2Q'07 +184% +56% 4 201 Interbank deposits + Repo 2Q'08 7 Profit and Loss breakdown Gross operating income 1H’08 Δ y/y % 2Q’ 08 2Q’ 07 Δ mln Δ % Gross operating income 757 +17% 385 339 46 +13% Total costs -536 +18% -288 -238 50 +21% Operating profit 221 +12% 97 101 -4 - 4% Net impairment charges for financial assets, other assets and provisions Share of profits of associates in PLN m +13% 385 339 6 39 -33 34* -9 +26 -35 86 -1 0 0 0 Profit before tax 187 -19% 88 128 -40 - 31% Income tax -43 -13% -18 -28 -10 - 35% Net profit 145 -20% 70 100 -30 - 30% the 1H 2008 net impairment was positive and amounted to PLN +34 mln +41% -15% +20% 55 73 250 Other Trading NFC NII 208 2Q’07 *in +4% 7 2Q’08 8 • Highlights • Analysis of results, Group • Business lines, Bank • Appendix 9 Volumes Customer receivables1 in PLN m 19 030 14 509 Corporate 6 994 Households 7 515 2Q’07 8 284 10 746 20 123 +39% y/y 8 073 +15% y/y 12 050 +60% y/y 2Q’07 1Q’08 2Q’08 Total Loans 3,6% 3,9% 3,9% Households Loans 3,4% 3,9% 4,1% Corporate Loans 3,7% 3,8% 3,5% 2Q’08 1Q’08 Customer liabilities1 KB market share - loans2 +6% KB market share - deposits2 +4% in PLN m 17 148 Corporate 7 267 Households 1Receivables 18 586 7 493 9 881 11 093 2Q’07 1Q’08 gross, end of period, consolidated 19 339 +13% y/y 7 978 +10% y/y 11 361 +15% y/y 2Q’07 1Q’08 2Q’08 Total deposits 3,8% 3,6% 3,7% Households deposits 3,9% 3,7% 3,7% Corporate deposits 3,6% 3,6% 3,7% 2Q’08 2NBP segmentation – residents only, bank statutory 10 Volumes – assets under management Mutual funds volume change* (PLN m) Market -6% -11% 3 318 3 249 3 131 -4% 2Q’07 *Volume 1Q’08 of investment funds and insurance capital funds collected through KB network -31% 2Q’08 11 Net interest, fees and commissions NII F&C in PLN m in PLN m -4% -15% +21% y/y 493 +20%y/y +3% 243 +3% 86 407 2Q’07 250 149 71 73 1Q’08 2Q’08 1H’07 1H’08 F&C (income structure) 208 1H’08 1H’07 9,8% 10,7% 34,1% 37,3% 22,8% 1Q’08 2Q’08 1H’07 1H’08 18,7% Distribution of mutuals and insurances Payment and handling transactions for customers 10,8% 11,5% 2Q’07 144 Payment cards and ATMs Loans 33,6% 10,8% Other 12 Operating expenses Operating expenses Quarterly Total 238 25 Depreciation 90 248 Cumulatively 288 +21% y/y 26 +2% y/y 122 +36% y/y Total 454 Depreciation 50 NHR 168 24 93 FTE in PLN m 536 +18% y/y 50 +0% y/y 216 +28% y/y 6 854 123 2Q’07 6 994 +8,6% y/y 6 444 NHR HR +2,1% 131 1Q’08 139 2Q’08 +14% y/y HR 236 270 1H’07 1H’08 +14% y/y 2Q’07 1Q’08 2Q’08 13 Loan quality Impaired loans/gross loans*, coverage ratio 69,1% 70,7% Impaired loans - volume in PLN m +9,6pp y/y 61,1% -5% y/y 1 536 10,6% 2Q’07 6,1% 5,5% 1Q’08 2Q’08 * On customer’s portfolio basis, w/o banks 1 167 1 110 1Q’08 2Q’08 -28% y/y -5,1pp y/y 2Q’07 14 • Highlights • Analysis of results, Group • Business lines, Bank • Appendix 15 Retail banking performance Number of clients 930 2Q’07 Customer business per client in ths 962 985 Quarterly in PLN ths 25,5 1Q’08 2Q’08 22,9 1Q’08 2Q’07 2Q’08 Retail loans* in PLN m , Margin 4,5% 25,8 3,6% Retail deposits* in PLN m , Margin 1,8% 3,6% 1,8% 1,8% 13 547 12 155 +12% y/y 12 828 10 827 +61% y/y 12 143 7 561 2Q’07 1Q’08 2Q’08 * Data according to the Bank’s current internal segmentation. 2Q’07 1Q’08 2Q’08 16 Retail banking – mortgage loans Mortgage loans – portfolio, margin KB market share in PLN m 1,5% 1,4% 1,3% +15% 7 643 6 669 2Q’07 1Q’08 2Q’08 Total mortgage loans 4,4% 5,2% 5,6% PLN 5,7% 5,8% 5,6% FX 3,5% 4,7% 5,5% +80% y/y Mortgage loans – quarterly sale 4 392 4 247 11 756 number 3 448 7 484 FX 5 835 1 991 3 221 PLN 3 251 In PLN m 1 691 1 248 924 2 256 2Q’07 1Q’07 2Q’08 2Q’07 1Q’08 2Q’08 17 Retail banking - products Saving accounts - volume Credit cards - quantity +27% y/y +105% y/y 324 in PLN m 5 672 264 180 5 512 129 4 483 158 Żagiel KB 2Q’07 in ths 1Q’08 788 135 +1058% y/y 144 115 2Q’08 1Q’08 2Q’07 2Q’08 Bancassurance – gross premium written (quarterly) in PLN m 43 Loans granted by Żagiel – portfolio* in PLN m Quarterly sale 813 649 +69% y/y 481 +14% 1 848 2 108 +56% y/y 1 347 181 68 2Q’07 1Q’08 2Q’08 2Q’07 1Q’08 * consolidated figures 2Q’08 18 Corporate banking performance Customer business per client Number of clients Quarterly in PLN mln 3 891 3 863 3,4 3 678 2Q’07 3,1 1Q’08 Corporate loans* 1,5% 2Q’07 2Q’08 1,3% 1,5% 1,3% 8 143 1Q’08 Corporate deposits* in PLN m 8 412 +13% y/y 1,3% 5 671 2Q’08 in PLN m 1,4% 5 706 +18% y/y 4 846 7 175 2Q’07 3,5 1Q’08 2Q’08 * Data according to the Bank’s internal segmentation. 2Q’07 1Q’08 2Q’08 19 • Highlights • Analysis of results, Group • Business lines, Bank • Appendix 20 Balance sheet ASSETS (PLN mln) LIABILITIES Δ mln 2Q’08 2Q’07 Cash and balances with Central Bank 1 365 555 810 +146% Amounts due from banks and financial assets at fair value 2 818 3 611 -793 Loans to customers 19 288 13 517 5 697 Investments in securities Tangible and intangible fixed assets Other assets Total Assets ch. % (PLN mln) Amounts due to banks 2Q’08 2Q’07 Δ mln ch. % 7 947 3 464 4 483 +129% -22% Amounts due to customers 19 339 17 148 2 191 +13% 5 771 +43% Repo transactions 0 543 -543 5 496 201 +4% Total equity including current net profit 2 186 2 116 70 +3% 718 682 36 +5% Subordinated liabilities 209 414 -205 -49% 303 305 -2 0% Other liabilities 508 481 27 +6% 30 189 24 166 6 023 +25% 30 189 24 166 Total Equity and Liabilities 6 023 - +25% 21 Income statement (PLN mln) 2Q’08 Net interest income 2Q’07 Δ mln ch. % 250 208 42 +20% Net fee and commission income 73 86 -13 -15% Dividend, net trading income, profit (loss) from investment activities 55 39 16 +41% 7 7 0 0% Gross operating income 385 339 46 +13% Total costs 288 238 50 +21% Operating profit 97 101 -4 -4% Net impairment charges for financial assets, other assets and provisions -9 26 -35 - 0 0 0 0% 88 128 -40 -31% Income tax -18 -28 10 -36% Net profit 70 100 -30 -30% Other operating income and expenses Share of profits of associates Profit before tax 22 Contact information Investor Relations Office E-mail: Surf to for the latest update. • This presentation is provided for informational purposes only. It does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation to buy any security issued by the KB Group. • KB believes that this presentation is reliable, although some information is condensed and therefore incomplete. • This presentation contains forward-looking statements with respect to the strategy, earnings and capital trends of KB, involving numerous assumptions and uncertainties. The risk exists that these statements may not be fulfilled and that future developments differ materially. Moreover, KB does not undertake any obligation to update the presentation in line with new developments. • By reading this presentation, each investor is deemed to represent that it possesses sufficient expertise to understand the risks involved. 23
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