notice of special general meeting
notice of special general meeting
N O T I C E O F S P E C I AL G E N E R AL M E E T I N G Sutherland Credit Union Limited AN 89 087 650 708 A Special General Meeting of Sutherland Credit Union Limited will be held on Friday the 15th of February 2013, 6pm at Hazelhurst Gallery, Gymea, NSW. AGENDA 1. Transfer of Business from Manly Warringah Credit Union Limited To consider and, if thought fit, to approve the following special resolution submitted by the Board of Directors: That the members of Sutherland Credit Union Limited approve the proposed total transfer of business by Manly Warringah Credit Union Limited to Sutherland Credit Union Limited, and that the proposed transfer take effect on 01/3/13 or on such other date as the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority determines. and That, on the date that the transfer of business from Manly Warringah Credit Union Limited takes effect, the Constitution of Sutherland Credit Union Limited be amended by: (a) replacing Rule 13.1 with the following: 13.1 Number of Directors The credit union must have such number of directors being not less than five (5) and not more than nine (9) as the Board from time to time determines. (b) replacing clauses A2-1 and A2-2 of Appendix 2 – Common Bond with the following: The credit union does not have a common bond. and That, on the date that the transfer of business from Manly Warringah Credit Union Limited takes effect, the company name of Sutherland Credit Union Limited be changed to Strategic Partnerships Group Limited. Notes To be passed, this resolution requires the approval of at least 75% of the votes cast by members at the Special General Meeting, in person or by proxy. One member one vote prevails on a show of hands or a poll (with the possible exception that, on a poll, members may be able to vote in different capacities.) The reason for the transfer of business along with additional information is set out in the Information Document enclosed with this Notice. Please read the Information Document carefully. The resolution will also make changes required for the transfer of business to take effect as agreed to by the boards of Sutherland and Manly Warringah. The Sutherland Constitution will be amended to increase the maximum number of directors from 7 to 9, which is required for the merged credit union to have 9 directors on the board after the transfer of business, and to remove the common bond so that the merged credit union can accept new members after the transfer of business who are not residents of, or do business in, the Sutherland Shire. The company name of Sutherland will also be changed, although the boards intend that the merged credit union will continue to do business under the business names Sutherland Credit Union and Northern Beaches Credit Union. Your Board unanimously approves this proposal and recommends that you vote FOR this resolution. 2. Payments to Non-transferring director If, and only if, members approve the special resolution in Agenda Item 1, to consider and, if thought fit, to approve the following separate resolution to pay a benefit to the Director not continuing on the board of Sutherland Credit Union: That members approve and authorize payment by Sutherland Credit Union Limited to Bob Manning of $15,209 on the last business day prior to the transfer of business taking effect Bob Manning has served as a Director for 8 years. Bob is currently a member of the Nominations Committee and the Remuneration Committee. His term is due to expire in 2013. Notes To be passed this resolution requires the approval of a majority of the votes cast by members at the Special General Meeting, in person or by proxy. The purpose of this resolution is to pay a benefit to the director who will not remain on the board following the merger acknowledging his contribution to the Credit Union over a number of years. Your Board unanimously approves this proposal and recommends that you vote FOR this resolution. 3. Constitutional amendment – additional directors for future transfers of business To consider and, if thought fit, to approve the following special resolution submitted by the Board of Directors: That the Constitution of Sutherland Credit Union Limited be amended by: (a) in Rule 13.1, renumbering the content as paragraph (a) and inserting the following new paragraph (b): (b) (b) If the business of another company is transferred to the credit union under the Financial Sector (Business Transfer and Group Restructure) Act 1999 (Cth) the board may appoint up to 3 persons who were directors of the transferring company immediately prior to the transfer of business as additional directors. Paragraph (a) does not apply to additional directors. The term of office for an additional director commences from the date of the transfer of business and ends at the end of the third AGM after appointment or such earlier date as determined by the board at the time of appointment. The board may determine the remuneration of additional directors. Rule 17.1 does not apply in relation to the remuneration of additional directors. in Rule 1.1, before the definition of ‗ADI‘, inserting a new definition of ‗additional director‘ as follows: additional director means a director appointed by the board under Rule 13.1(b) Notes To be passed, this resolution requires the approval of at least 75% of the votes cast by members at the Special General Meeting, in person or by proxy. The purpose of this resolution is to allow the board to appoint up to 3 additional directors in the event of any future transfer of business from another company to the Credit Union, where the additional directors are all directors of the transferring company. This allows directors of the transferring company to join the board without any existing directors having to vacate their office or requiring any further amendments to the Constitution. The term of office for additional directors cannot exceed the third AGM after their appointment. As members approve an aggregate amount of remuneration to share between directors each year, increasing the number of directors will reduce the amount each director can receive. To avoid this, the board will be able to determine the remuneration of additional directors as separate amounts in addition to the remuneration approved by members. Your Board unanimously approves this proposal and recommends that you vote FOR this resolution. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD David Harll Secretary Proxies You can appoint a proxy to attend and vote at the meeting on your behalf. Your proxy does not have to be a member of the Credit Union. An Appointment of Proxy form is enclosed with this Notice. It includes instructions on how to vote using a proxy. Please read these instructions carefully. To be valid, your Appointment of Proxy form must reach the Credit Union no later than 48 hours before the start of the Special General Meeting. AP P O I N T M E N T O F P R O X Y Sutherland Credit Union Limited ABN 89 087 650 708 Speci al General Meeting th If you cannot attend the Special General Meeting to be held on Friday the 15 of February 2013, 6pm at Hazelhurst Gallery, Gymea, NSW and you are entitled to vote at the Special General Meeting, you may appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf. This proxy only applies to the Special General Meeting, and any adjournment of that meeting. YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT Please read the instructions carefully before completing this Appointment of Proxy form. You are encouraged to use Section D (on the reverse side of this form) to direct your proxy how to vote on each resolution. A YOUR DETAILS Membership in the Name(s) of: Membership Number For Body Corporate Members – please provide your ACN/ABN Member’s Address B WHO DO YOU WANT TO APPOINT AS YOUR PROXY? I appoint as my proxy (tick one box only): Chair of the Special General Meeting OR the following person: Name Address C If you appoint the Chair as your proxy and direct the Chair how to vote, the Chair must call a poll on that vote and must vote the way you direct. If you want to appoint someone else, give their name and address. If you do not provide a name, you will be taken to have appointed the Chair as your proxy. Your proxy can only cast your vote on a poll not on a show of hands. If a poll is called and you direct the proxy how to vote then the proxy can only vote as you direct. If the proxy is not present at the meeting when the vote is taken or chooses not to cast your proxy vote, then you are taken to have appointed the Chair as your proxy. The Chair must vote the way you direct. YOUR SIGNATURE Individual Member or Primary Joint Member If you have appointed someone else as your attorney, your attorney can sign this Appointment of Proxy on your behalf. If you are a member jointly with someone else, only the ‗primary joint member‘ needs to sign. You are the primary joint member if the notice of Special General Meeting sent with this Appointment of Proxy was addressed to you. Your Signature (or Attorney‘s Signature) Members that are Body Corporates A body corporate member must sign this Appointment of Proxy form in accordance with its Constitution. Signature of Director*/Sole Director & Secretary*/Authorised Person* Signature of Director*/Secretary*/Authorised Person* * Delete whichever is not applicable D HOW DO YOU WANT YOUR PROXY TO VOTE? You can direct your proxy how to vote at the Special General Meeting. Your proxy can decide how to vote himself or herself on any business at the Special General Meeting in relation to which you do not provide any direction how to vote. Direction to Chair for Item 2. If you have appointed the Chair as proxy (or the Chair becomes your proxy by default) and you have not marked any of the boxes below next to Item 2, then you hereby direct the Chair to vote in favour of the resolution on that item, even though Item 2 is connected directly or indirectly with the remuneration of a member of the key management personnel. Tick the appropriate box if you want to direct your proxy how to vote: FOR Item 1: To approve the proposed transfer of business by Manly Warringah Credit Union limited to Sutherland Credit Union Limited including amendments to the Constitution (relating to board size and common bond) and change of company name Item 2. To approve payment of $15,209 to Bob Manning on the last business day before the transfer of business Item 3. To amend the Constitution to all for the board appointment of up to 3 additional directors in the event of a transfer of business. AGAINST ABSTAIN If you mark the ABSTAIN box, you are directing your proxy not to vote at the Special General Meeting and your vote will not be counted when calculating whether the required majority of members has passed the resolution. E WHAT DO I DO NEXT? Once you have completed this Appointment of Proxy you may give it to Sutherland Credit Union Limited by: hand-delivering it to our registered office at Level 2, 670 Princes Highway, Sutherland NSW; posting it to Sutherland Credit Union Limited at PO Box 535, Sutherland NSW 1499; or faxing it to Sutherland Credit Union Limited on fax number 02 9521 4754. If you will be faxing this Appointment of Proxy form back to us, please fax both pages and complete the following details (to assist us if the pages of your fax become separated): Membership in the Name(s) of: Membership Number If your attorney signed this Appointment of Proxy, you must also send us the original or a certified copy of the Power of Attorney. If an authorised person signed this Appointment of Proxy for a body corporate member, the original or a certified copy of the authorisation must also be sent to us. IMPORTANT For your appointment to be valid this Appointment of Proxy must reach Sutherland Credit Union Limited by no later than 48 hours before the start of the Special General Meeting. INFORMATION DOCUMENT PROPOSED TR ANS FER OF BUSI NESS By M ANLY W ARRING AH CREDI T UNION LIMITED To SUTHERL AND CREDI T UNION LIMITED Manly Warringah Credit Union Limited ABN 81 087 650 299 (Manly Warringah) and Sutherland Credit Union Limited ABN 89 087 650 708 (Sutherland) propose to merge by transferring all of Manly Warringah‘s business to Sutherland. The merger will proceed if members of Manly Warringah and Sutherland approve the merger proposal at their respective Special General Meetings and the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) provides the necessary regulatory approvals. Please note that the merger proposal is a total package. Members can only choose to approve or not approve the merger proposal in its entirety as described in this Information Document. The only exceptions to this are the payments to the non-transferring Manly Warringah and Sutherland directors which can only be paid if Manly Warringah and Sutherland members approve them by separate resolutions at their respective Special General Meetings. Your Board prepared this Information Document in order to provide members with information about the merger proposal. The Boards of both credit unions unanimously endorse the contents of this Information Document and are not aware of any other information that is material to members' decision whether or not to approve the merger. Attached are 5 Schedules, which form part of this Information Document: Schedule 1 highlights the products and services that Sutherland and Manly Warringah currently offer Schedule 2 compares loans, savings and term deposit products for both credit unions. Schedule 3 sets out the fees and charges that both credit unions currently charge members. Schedule 4 includes assurances from the Board of Manly Warringah. Schedule 5 describes differences between the rights and liabilities attaching to member shares in Sutherland and Manly Warringah Please read this Information Document and the attachments carefully before deciding whether to attend the Special General Meeting and vote. If you have any queries, please call one of the member information lines below. Sutherland Credit Union Limited Manly Warringah Credit Union Limited Member Information Line Member Information Line Telephone: 1300 784 388 Telephone: 1300 13 1964 E-mail: E-mail: DISCLAIMER The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has approved this Information Document pursuant to Rule 9 of the Transfer Rules No 1 of 2004 for purposes of the Financial Sector (Business Transfer and Group Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 6 OF 41 Restructure) Act 1999 (Cth). In deciding whether to approve this Information Document, APRA has consulted with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Both APRA and ASIC accept no responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of any matters contained in this Information Document or attached to this Information Document. Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 7 OF 41 THE MERGER The merger will involve a total transfer of business by Manly Warringah to Sutherland under the Financial Sector (Business Transfer and Group Restructure) Act 1999 (Cth). On the merger date: all of the assets and liabilities of Manly Warringah become assets and liabilities of Sutherland; the duties, obligations, immunities, rights and privileges applying to Manly Warringah apply to Sutherland; each member of Manly Warringah will become a member of Sutherland and will be issued with a $10 member share in Sutherland unless the member is already a member of Sutherland in which case Sutherland will refund the amount paid up on the Manly Warringah member share; each member share in Manly Warringah will be cancelled, other than the member shares of the directors of Manly Warringah; the board of Sutherland will comprise of 9 directors: 5 directors from Sutherland and 4 directors from Manly Warringah; the company name of Sutherland will change to Strategic Partnerships Group Limited; the constitution of Sutherland will be amended as described on page 24 under ―Changes to the Constitution of Sutherland. Sutherland is not making a payment to Manly Warringah or its members for the transfer of business. If the members of Manly Warringah and Sutherland approve the transfer proposal, and subject to APRA granting the necessary regulatory approvals, the merger between Manly Warringah and Sutherland will take effect on 1/3/13 or such later date approved by APRA. Further information about the effect of the merger on the rights and liabilities of Manly Warringah‘s members is set out under ―Effect of the Merger On the Rights and Liabilities of Manly Warringah Members‖. DEREGISTRATION OF MANLY WARRINGAH AFTER MERGER After the merger, Manly Warringah will be an empty shell company without any assets and with its directors being its only members. The Board of Manly Warringah gives its assurance that it will deregister the Manly Warringah company, that it will ensure that all Manly Warringah funds are transferred to Sutherland, and that it will prepare, sign-off and lodge financial statements for the Manly Warringah company, to the extent required by law (see Schedule 4). ! For the reasons set out in this Information Document, Sutherland and Manly Warringah credit union’s Boards both unanimously endorse the merger proposal and recommends that you vote FOR it. Each director of both Sutherland and Manly Warringah credit union intends to vote FOR the merger proposal. BACKGROUND MANLY WARRINGAH CREDIT UNION LIMITED Manly Warringah Credit Union commenced trading as McKellar County Credit Union in 1965 with 179 members, $15,000 in assets and one branch. Over the years 10 credit unions merged into what today trades as Northern Beaches Credit Union. Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER PAGE 8 OF 41 Manly Warringah Credit Union, trading as Northern Beaches Credit union, as at 30/6/12 has 10,148 members, 28 staff, $118 million in assets and 4 Branches located at Manly, Warringah Mall, Dee Why and Newport. Manly Warringah Credit Union is in the unique position of being the only credit union in its catchment area of Sydney‘s Northern Beaches, therefore offering a genuine viable alternative for local people to the major banks. SUTHERLAND CREDIT UNION LIMITED Originally established in 1969 as the Australian Atomic Energy Commission (AAEC) Employees Credit Union Ltd, a change was undertaken in 1982 to a community based financial institution under the name of Shire of Sutherland Credit Union Ltd. In 1994, the name was amended to Sutherland Credit Union Ltd and has continued since then providing financial services to the broader Sutherland shire community. The Credit Union‘s current distribution network comprises a head office at Sutherland and four branches, located in Sutherland, Engadine, Miranda and Cronulla, together with a suite of remote access facilities incorporating ATM access, EFTPOS, internet banking and telephone banking. As at the proposed merger date, it is anticipated that Sutherland will have over $200 million in assets, 10,300 members, and 36 employees. WHAT ARE THE REASONS FOR THE MERGER? Cost Efficiency The retail financial services industry continues to consolidate due to intense price competition and increasing regulatory requirements. This competitive market environment has placed pressure on interest rate margins which makes it difficult to maintain earnings through reasonable fee charges and cost control. These trends are expected to continue and require a different business approach to meeting future challenges. While both Credit Unions are niche players supporting and providing banking services to our local communities, we compete for the same savings and loans as the major banks in the same regulatory environment. Where large banks generally operate on a cost to income ratio under 60%, Credit Unions typically are considerably higher, and while we don‘t pay dividends to shareholders, there remains the pressure to operate more efficiently than is currently the case. The Sutherland and Manly Warringah Boards commissioned detailed financial modelling of what a combined Credit Union would look like. The modelling confirmed that in comparison to the two individual Credit Union future projections, a combined Credit Union is expected to achieve considerably better results from a cost-efficiency perspective. For example, in year 3 the cost to income ratio for the merged entity is projected to be around 75% in comparison to current year individual scenarios of >85% and >90% for Sutherland and Manly Warringah respectively. A reduction of approximately $1m in operating costs per year would be achieved by the end of the second year of the merged entity. The majority of these savings would be from running one core banking system instead of two, and one executive management & administrative team. There would be no reduction in branches or service staff. This significant improvement in operating efficiency would mean a financial institution better equipped to deal with and respond to competitive pressures in terms of pricing, resources and services. If both Credit Unions were to continue as individual entities (without a merger), the opportunities for either to achieve significant cost reductions in its own right without damaging service capability are regarded as minimal. Regulation and Compliance Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 9 OF 41 Similarly, compliance with prudential standards and other regulatory changes has required significant investment in technology, stronger corporate governance, and enhanced management expertise. Proper compliance response demands a significant amount of Board and management time and a commensurate allocation of resources. Both Boards believe that the combined larger credit union will have greater potential to compete for more members' business whilst meeting its prudential responsibilities. The Boards of both Sutherland and Manly Warringah are striving to ensure that members have access to a credit union that not only meets their current and future financial needs in this highly competitive environment, but is a viable and successful banking and financial services alternative. The proposed merger will retain the essential credit union characteristics of a focus on members, and a structure based on the principles of mutuality. Continuing our brands A fundamental consideration for both Boards was the desire to continue offering financial services under the existing brands. Specifically for this reason, a new company name, ‗Strategic Partnerships Group Ltd‘ is proposed, which will trade as ‗Sutherland Credit Union‘ and ‗Northern Beaches Credit Union.‘ This structure also allows for the future addition of other Credit Unions wishing to merge but continue with its own brand. In terms of structure, Strategic Partnerships Group Limited will become the sole legal entity after transfer, with one AGM, one set of accounts, and one board of directors. The deposit guarantee (currently $250,000) will apply only once across deposits held in either Sutherland or Manly Warringah accounts or both. Both Credit Unions have a long and proud association with their respective geographic catchment areas, the Sutherland Shire and the Northern Beaches peninsular. Each Credit Union identifies strongly with its member base and is actively involved in providing banking services and support for the local community. Sutherland and Manly Warringah have both provided long term sponsorship support for local clubs, groups and causes. Both Credit Unions have a high level of engagement with local business groups and social enterprises. As community based financial institutions, active support takes the form of fund-raising, financial assistance, and promotion of local hospitals, volunteer surf life saving clubs, and other charitable causes. In 2012, Sutherland invested in an ‗Artist in Residence‘ program, providing children in 20 local schools with the opportunity to be taught by a professional artist, at no cost to the school or parents. This annual community project will be extended to the northern beaches area if the merger proceeds. Further, both Credit Unions offer the same innovative local business support program (Mutual Advantage Program at Manly Warringah and Mutual Value Program at Sutherland). These programs provide unique support and incentive for local businesses that do their banking with the Credit Union, and are an important point of difference from other financial institutions. Accordingly, given the investment in local banking and community support, a key requirement for both Boards was the continuation of brands, branch networks and local involvement. Under this proposed merger model, both Credit Unions would continue to operate in their own market under their own branding. Branches, cards, statements, stationery, Internet Banking, etc would retain current branding. The core banking system used by Sutherland offers a solution that allows both Credit Unions to continue offering services under the separate brands. Additionally and importantly, given the geographic separation, there is no duplication of branches and therefore will be no branch closures as a result of the merger. The Memorandum of Understanding negotiated by the two Boards specifically includes a minimum 5 year requirement for retention of the brands and branches. Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 10 OF 41 Both Boards believe that this solution is more desirable than the more typical merger model for Credit Unions where the smaller Credit Union is generally absorbed and the brand discontinued after a set period of time. The retention of both brands and branch networks, plus the expanded range of products and services available to all members is anticipated to result in retention of existing business as well as greater potential for expansion. Why Sutherland and Manly Warringah? Synergy. The two Credit Unions are very similar in structure, culture and membership profile. Each has 4 branches, a strong service ethos, and approximately 10,000 members from a similar higher value socio-economic background including a strong small business segment. Manly Warringah and Sutherland have a positive recent history of cooperation and sharing resources with the introduction of the Mutual Value and Mutual Advantage Programs a good example. The similarities in size and member demographics allow for a straight forward planning and implementation of marketing & business development activities. Minimal duplication. There is no overlapping of branches, meaning minimal disruption to staff and members, and no change to existing branch networks. Matching Objectives. A desire to continue the Credit Union name and service, but on a bigger scale from a stronger financial base. Future Growth Opportunities Acquisition Both Boards believe that the branding model for this merger will prove attractive to other credit unions in a similar position looking for the twin objectives of scale efficiency and brand retention in coming years. The greater resources of a merged entity to generate growth within the Northern Beaches and Sutherland Shire catchment areas can be complemented by the potential addition of like-minded credit unions that see our model as a preferable alternative to being absorbed into the brand of a much larger credit union. Credit unions in general have a strong affinity with their local community or employment group, and a desire to see that relationship continue. This model offers brand continuity and with it, the retention of community and customer relationships. Natural Growth Both Sutherland and Manly Warringah Credit Union have demonstrated a capability to grow their asset base over recent years from their respective catchment areas. Sustainable growth requires a strong and stable capital base. The financial modelling indicates a greater capacity for the merged entity to generate and sustain capital through retained earnings than either Sutherland or Manly Warringah individually, under a variety of CPI (cost) and growth scenarios. This is due to improved scale and cost effectiveness of operations once merger savings have been achieved. Capital Adequacy Ratio Sutherland (as at June 2012) Manly Warringah (as at June 2012) Merged Entity Projections*: Year 2 Merged Entity Projections*: Year 3 15.69% 15.30% 15.77% 16.42% * Assumes CPI of 3%pa and growth of 3% pa. Note, Merged Entity profit and Capital projections are higher for each cost and growth scenario modelled beyond Year 2. Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 11 OF 41 With relatively low penetration in the Sutherland Shire and Northern Beaches catchment areas, both Boards see considerable potential for growth within those communities. A better resourced merged entity will be better placed to take advantage of that potential. Overall In considering suitable merger partners, both Sutherland and Manly Warringah Boards considered the benefit to members as the driver of any proposed partnership. As relatively smaller financial institutions, Sutherland and Manly Warringah have been exposed to market and regulatory challenges and associated cost pressures. These same market challenges have caused an escalation in voluntary merger activity throughout the credit union sector, as credit unions have sought to maintain their competitiveness by harnessing the benefits of enhanced scale and operational efficiency. The consequence of these changes is that credit unions have become stronger and more viable financial institutions. In arriving at the decision to recommend this merger to members, the Sutherland Board reviewed the potential of a number of other credit unions and concluded Manly Warringah to be the best strategic fit at this point in time, for the reasons outlined in this document. The Board of Manly Warringah assessed the merits of other partnership models in detail over the past 12 months, and concluded that the financial viability was too great a risk to pursue. The option of voluntary transfer of assets to another credit union was not viewed as appropriate, necessary, or in the best interests of members in comparison to this merger proposition, and was therefore not considered. Accordingly, both Boards formed the view that this merger is the best option for members in terms of longer term stability and continuation of the individual brands. Both Sutherland and Manly Warringah Boards have been closely monitoring the market environment and regulatory trends, and expect them to intensify in the years ahead. Consequently, both Boards have recognised an opportunity to pursue this voluntary merger in order to achieve greater scale economies and to acquire the financial capacity to respond more easily to increasing competition. The merger will deliver tangible and immediate benefits to both Sutherland and Manly Warringah‘s members in terms of access to a broader product range than is currently the case. Following the merger, it is anticipated that the merged entity will commence with assets of over $308 million, 20,000 members and around 57 employees. Within 2 years, the cost base is expected to be over $1m lower, delivering a substantial improvement in efficiency. Both Sutherland and Manly Warringah Boards firmly believe this merger is in the best interests of Members as it is expected to achieve an outcome that delivers a financially stronger financial institution more capable of competing in the current market, while importantly retaining both brands and distribution networks. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF THE MERGER FOR MEMBERS The Boards of Sutherland and Manly Warringah Credit unions believe that the merger proposal has the following advantages for members: General The merged credit union will have a greater capacity to meet its ongoing prudential and regulatory requirements as a viable banking alternative for members. The merged credit union will remain a mutual and retain the mutuality principle of one member one vote. This allows all members an equal opportunity to contribute to the governance of the credit union. The merged entity will use its larger size to compete for more members' business. Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 12 OF 41 Once the two credit unions have been fully integrated, the merger will release operational cost savings that will be used to enhance the range and competitiveness of member products and services. A reduction of an estimated $1m in annual operational costs is expected to deliver a more efficient business cost to income ratio of around 75% compared to the current 85%+ and 90%+ for Sutherland and Manly Warringah respectively. The merged credit union will retain the brand and branch networks of both Sutherland and Manly Warringah for a minimum of 5 years with the objective of this continuing. The merger model is based on better resources to develop existing brands. The new Board will comprise five directors nominated by the Board of Sutherland and four directors nominated by the Board of Manly Warringah to ensure that both original entities continue to have input into the strategy of the combined entity and a role in ensuring sound governance of the combined entity. The appointment of responsible persons is subject to Sutherland‘s Fit and Proper policy. Sutherland and Manly Warringah currently have a wide range of retail financial services and the combined strength will allow the merged entity to provide a broader product range at competitive prices with fair fees and charges. The staff members of the merged organisation may have improved career opportunities in the larger structure. The merger will reduce concentration risk for both parties. The merged entity will therefore have broader market coverage. Members from both Sutherland and Manly Warringah will have access to the 8 branches and all ATM‘s of the merged entity. By specific prudential regulation, Manly Warringah is limited in its aggregate provision of average-sized mortgage secured loans. The merged organisation will not be so limited. Specific Sutherland Members will gain access to the following existing products that Manly Warringah members currently have access to: o Bonus Saver facility o Introductory rate home loan. o Merchant facilities for those Members operating a business. o Travelex facilities. o Branches at Dee Why, Newport, Warringah Mall and Manly o Special offers from more Sydney businesses through the Mutual Value Program (MVP). Plus exposure to more potential customers for participating businesses. Manly Warringah members will gain access to the following existing products that Sutherland members currently have access to: o o o o o o eSaver facility, 1, 2 and 5 year fixed rate options for property loans. Offset facility on Investment Loans Superannuation Access facility Branches at Sutherland, Engadine, Miranda and Cronulla. Special offers from more Sydney businesses through the Mutual Advantage Program (MAP). Plus exposure to more potential customers for participating businesses. Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 13 OF 41 A disadvantage of the merger may be that some products and services, including fees, charges, interest rates and features may change as they are aligned over time. The Boards of Sutherland and Manly Warringah believe that members of both credit unions will benefit from access to the combined set of current facilities. While the interest rates applicable to current loan and term deposit facilities will be maintained for the duration of their existing term, new facilities opened post-merger will be at be at interest rates available at the time, which may or may not be better. At the time of writing, there are some differences which may be considered less favourable, and these items include: Sutherland offers a lower interest rate on Cash Management Accounts for balances over $5,000. However Sutherland offers an eSaver facility (not currently offered by Manly Warringah) offering a higher rate of interest on the full balance. Sutherland offers a lower interest rate (by 0.05%) on business account balances greater than $50,000, and interest is credited quarterly instead of monthly. However, for amounts less than $50,000 Sutherland‘s interest rates are higher. The interest rate applicable to Sutherlands‘ Basic Loan product is slightly higher than Manly Warringah‘s equivalent ‗Minimiser‘ product by 0.09%. However the application fee for the Sutherland product is $255 lower. The establishment fee for an overdraft secured by residential mortgage is $100 at Sutherland and at Manly Warringah. However the variable interest rate for the Sutherland facility is lower. Some credit fees for Sutherland are higher (eg, arrears, credit default notices). However, Sutherland‘s loan establishment fees for personal loans and mortgages are equal to or lower than Manly Warringah‘s. It is noted the merged credit union intends to conduct a full review of fees and charges prior to alignment upon integrating the two banking systems. This is anticipated to occur within 6 months of the formal merger approval. No decision on detailed alignment has been taken to date. For further information please refer to information under ―Products and Services‖ in the Sutherland Directors‘ Statement below, and to the comparison of Sutherland‘s and Manly Warringah‘s existing products and services in Schedules 1, 2, and 3 including details of fees, charges and interest rates. The Sutherland Directors‘ Statement reports that the merged entity intends to provide the full range of services provided prior to the merger by either credit union, upon integration of the two banking systems. The intention is to integrate the banking systems by the end of June 2013. Duplication of some roles will occur in the area of back office administration and this will result in a reduction of positions. It is anticipated that the reduction will be restricted to around six positions. While this process will be achieved through voluntary redundancy in the first instance across Sutherland and Manly Warringah staff in affected areas, the loss of these positions could be considered a disadvantage. The Boards of Sutherland and Manly Warringah note that these reductions will be considerably less than would be the case in merging with a much larger credit union or a credit union with duplicated branch networks, and that redundancy provisions for both credit unions are more generous than prescribed under the relevant Award. Manly Warringah will contribute 4 of the 9 Directors upon merger. This could be viewed as a disadvantage in terms of representation, however it is the unanimous recommendation of the Manly Warringah Board that the 5:4 split is a positive outcome for members. The Board has considered the entirety of the merger and believes that the advantages significantly outweigh the disadvantages for members arising from the merger. Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 14 OF 41 EFFECT OF THE MERGER ON THE RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES OF MANLY WARRINGAH MEMBERS After the merger, each member of Manly Warringah (except its directors) will cease to be a member of Manly Warringah and their $10 member share in Manly Warringah will be cancelled. Each Manly Warringah member will be issued with a $10 member share in Sutherland and will become a member of Sutherland, unless the member is already a member of Sutherland in which case Sutherland will refund the amount paid up on the member‘s Manly Warringah member share. There are a number of technical differences between the rights and liabilities attaching to member shares in Manly Warringah and Sutherland. In addition, there are some differences between the Constitutions of Manly Warringah and Sutherland that may impact on members‘ enjoyment of rights. These differences are described in Schedule 5. Two of the differences described in Schedule 5 will not apply to transferring Manly Warringah members on becoming members of Sutherland, namely: in the event of a restructure of Sutherland involving a demutualisation only persons who have been members for at least 1 year can share in any surplus or profits; only a person who has been a member of Sutherland for at least 1 year can nominate for election as director. These rules will not apply to transferring Manly Warringah members because on the merger taking effect they will be deemed to have met the requirement for 1 year membership of Sutherland for the purpose of these rules. Sutherland – Tier 1 Shareholder Sutherland has on issue 13,000 $100 Tier 1 Shares in addition to its member shares. The only holder of Tier 1 Shares is CUNA Mutual Life Australia Limited. CUNA Mutual Life Australia Limited also holds a member share in Sutherland and thus will have the opportunity to vote on the transfer at Sutherland‘s Special General Meeting. Tier 1 Shares are investment shares which carry: • The right to receive dividends in priority to dividends payable to member shareholders. • No right to vote. • In a winding up of Sutherland, a right to payment of the issue price of the shares (but only after payment of the subscription price on member shares), but no right to otherwise share in any surplus. Sutherland has the ability to issue further Tier 1 shares in the future. The fact that Sutherland can issue, and has issued, Tier 1 Shares does not affect the rights Manly Warringah members will have on becoming member shareholders of Sutherland. Member rights are set out in the Constitutions of each credit union. To obtain a copy of the Constitution of Manly Warringah please contact the Manly Warringah member information line (02) 1300 13 1964, or by email, or for Sutherland‘s Constitution, contact Sutherland on 1300 784 388 or by email SUTHERLAND DIRECTORS’ STATEMENT The directors of Sutherland have provided the following statement setting out their intentions in relation to future management of the business. Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 15 OF 41 FUTURE DIRECTIONS The business of Sutherland and Manly Warringah will be integrated as soon as practical following the merger date approved by APRA. Further details about the integration process are provided in the following sections. NAMES The merged credit union‘s company name will be ‗Strategic Partnerships Group Limited‘. Strategic Partnerships Group Limited intends to use the trading names Northern Beaches Credit Union and Sutherland Credit Union in relation to the Manly Warringah and Sutherland existing branches and business for a minimum period of 5 years, BRANCHES The administrative headquarters and registered office of Sutherland will remain located at Level 2, 670 Princes Highway Sutherland. Manly Warringah‘s head office at 17-19 Oaks Avenue, Dee Why will become a regional administrative office of the merged credit union. Following the date of the merger, all existing Sutherland branches and Manly Warringah branches will continue to operate and provide the same levels of service to members as they do today. Members of Sutherland will be able to access Manly Warringah branches and vice-versa. STAFF On the merger date, all permanent Manly Warringah staff will become staff members of Sutherland on employment terms and conditions, including salaries and accrued leave entitlements that are no less favourable than those that applied to them immediately prior to the merger. The Chief Executive Officer of Sutherland, David Harll, will step down and receive a payment as per the terms of his current contract. The Head of Sales and Operations at Sutherland, Shawn Griffiths will become the Chief Executive Officer of the merged entity. The Chief Executive Officer of Manly Warringah, David Clulow, will be employed in the merged entity in the role of Deputy Chief Executive Officer. Where duplication of back office roles exists, reduction will be achieved by voluntary redundancy in the first instance. Redundancy packages for Manly Warringah and Sutherland non-contract staff will be offered on terms exceeding the statutory minimum specified by the National Employment Standards. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Immediately after the merger, all products currently held by members of either credit union will continue under their existing terms and conditions including interest rates, fees and charges. There will be no immediate change to BSB, account numbers or banking authorities. Interest rates on term deposits and fixed rate loans held at the date of the merger will remain fixed for the remainder of the term. After the merger Sutherland will review current interest rates, fees and charges in order to ensure that pricing is fair, profitable and sustainable. Sutherland will also review all loan, savings and investment products with the intention of developing a range of products that meets members‘ needs. Sutherland intends to integrate the Sutherland and Manly Warringah products and services by the end of June 2013. Members will be informed of any changes to their products in accordance with the existing terms and conditions of the products. Upon integration of the banking systems, Sutherland intends to continue to provide the full range of services provided by either credit union prior to the merger. Schedules 1, 2 and 3 list and compare the products and services that Sutherland and Manly Warringah currently provide, including details of fees, charges and interest rates. Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 16 OF 41 The merged credit union will continue to provide Sutherland‘s Mutual Value Program and Manly Warringah‘s Mutual Advantage Program. WHAT IF THE MERGER DOES NOT PROCEED? For reasons explained elsewhere in this Information Document, your Board believes the proposed merger will provide benefits to members. If the merger proposal does not proceed, the operations of Manly Warringah and Sutherland will continue at least in the short term, on the basis that they do today. However, neither Manly Warringah nor Sutherland would have the same capacity to deliver the enhanced member services that the merged credit union would have and the credit unions would continue to absorb increasing regulatory and compliance burdens individually. Further, the Manly Warringah and Sutherland Boards expect the various competitive and market pressures explained elsewhere in this Information Document will intensify in the years ahead, and may require both Credit Unions to identify an alternative merger partner in the medium term. There is no guarantee that an alternative future merger would be on the same terms as proposed here. FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE CREDIT UNIONS The following table summarises the financial position of Sutherland and Manly Warringah and is based on audited financial reports for each credit union as at 30th June 2012 and as at 30th June 2011. If you require further financial information about either credit union please call or email the credit union. Contact details are set out on the front page of this Information Document. Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 17 OF 41 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL Sutherland Credit Union Northern Beaches Credit Union POSITON Audited Audited Audited Audited 30-Jun-12 30-Jun-11 30-Jun-12 30-Jun-11 ASSETS Cash assets Receivables due from other financial institutions Loans and advances 8,886,190 9,746,980 9,002,584 9,038,151 34,812,816 29,984,425 18,945,429 12,958,600 84,008,942 154,515,648 157,003,583 86,549,099 Other investments 694,043 716,076 315,604 315,604 Property 173,616 165,726 2,725,571 2,828,307 Other assets TOTAL ASSETS 1,479,022 2,343,429 927,122 1,182,193 200,561,335 199,960,219 118,465,409 110,331,797 LIABILITIES Overdrafts and borrowings 261,542 - Deposits 180,627,474 180,299,430 106,516,708 98,731,039 Payables 4,951,314 5,178,976 2,035,116 1,717,901 Provisions TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS - 392,816 366,157 174,156 168,919 186,233,146 185,844,563 108,725,980 100,617,859 14,328,189 14,115,656 9,739,429 9,713,938 12,526,875 12,334,966 8,475,320 8,454,459 1,126,580 1,126,580 - - 674,734 654,110 1,264,109 1,259,479 14,328,189 14,115,656 9,739,429 9,713,938 MEMBERS' EQUITY Retained earnings (General Reserve) Share Capital Preference Shares Other reserves TOTAL MEMBERS' EQUITY COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS Sutherland Credit Union Northern Beaches Credit Union OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Audited Audited Audited Audited 30-Jun-12 30-Jun-11 30-Jun-12 30-Jun-11 Interest income 13,284,272 13,233,194 7,445,362 7,400,714 Income expense 7,928,585 7,635,532 3,751,251 3,282,828 Net interest income 5,355,688 5,597,662 3,694,111 4,117,886 Fee, commission & other income 1,095,797 1,642,646 1,102,979 1,160,536 6,451,485 7,240,308 4,797,090 5,278,422 Impairment losses 39,285 8,336 88,487 207,553 Fee & commission expenses 94,979 101,465 282,872 292,084 General administration 4,823,265 4,310,178 3,161,966 3,274,088 Other operating expenses 1,185,845 1,254,416 1,229,959 1,224,166 308,111 1,565,913 33,806 280,531 Profit before income tax Income tax expense 25,454 452,794 8,315 58,856 Total income for the year 282,657 1,113,119 25,491 221,675 Total comprehensive income for the year 282,657 1,113,119 25,491 221,675 There has been no material change to the financial position of either credit union since 30th June 2012 and members will be informed of any material change between the date of this document and the date of the members resolutions at the Special General Meeting. Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 18 OF 41 THIRD PARTY ADVICE MANLY WARRINGAH Manly Warringah used the services of Grant Thornton auditor Max Perry and corporate services consultant, David Ingham to perform a due diligence review on Sutherland. Mr Perry performed a review of strategy, credit risk and financial risk, Mr Ingham reviewed corporate risk, secretarial risk and operations. The results of the due diligence indicated that there were no matters that would adversely affect the members of Manly Warringah on the transfer of business to Sutherland. SUTHERLAND Sutherland used Grant Thornton auditor Neville Sinclair to conduct a due diligence review of Manly Warringah. Sutherland engaged Paul Venn (lending consultant) to review a sample of Manly Warringah‘s loan contracts for compliance. Sutherland also engaged Daniels Bengtsson Legal & Consulting to review various legal and compliance aspects of Manly Warringah. The purpose of the reviews was to satisfy the Board of Sutherland that none of the areas under review would adversely affect the interests of depositing members.The due diligence exercises undertaken on behalf of Sutherland found that none of the findings were material to the interests of Sutherland members accepting a transfer of business from Manly Warringah. There was one matter identified by Daniels Bengtsson Legal and Consulting which your Board sought clarification on from them together with asking management to review the potential liability to Sutherland. Daniels Bengtsson Legal and Consulting stated that in their opinion the matter was not material. A second independent legal opinion on the matter was obtained from Mark Swivel Legal which also concluded there would not appear to be any potential liability arising. Notwithstanding these opinions, your Board resolved to set aside sufficient reserves to cover any such potential liability, which is in keeping with best Risk Management practice. The due diligence reports and subsequent assessment and clarification concluded that there were no issues reviewed that would be adversely material to the interests of member depositors on a transfer of business. CURRENT DIRECTORS OF SUTHERLAND AND MANLY WARRINGAH Daryl Chipperfield Sutherland David Milne Sutherland Mitchell Reece Sutherland Helen Hartley Sutherland Peter Geraghty Sutherland Bob Manning Sutherland Gary Thomson Manly Warringah Raymond Brown Manly Warringah Matthew Haes Manly Warringah Adam Walkaden Manly Warringah Rick Chown Manly Warringah Brian Green Manly Warringah Susan Griffin Manly Warringah Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 19 OF 41 THE PROPOSED MERGED CREDIT UNION BOARD If the merger is approved, Strategic Partnerships Group Board will consist of 9 directors, comprised of 5 current Sutherland directors and 4 current Manly Warringah directors, as set out in the table below. DIRECTORS OF STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS GROUP LIMITED AFTER THE MERGER Director Current Credit Union Term Ends Daryl Chipperfield Sutherland 2014 AGM David Milne Sutherland 2013 AGM Mitchell Reece Sutherland 2013 AGM Helen Hartley Sutherland 2015 AGM Peter Geraghty Sutherland 2015 AGM Gary Thomson Manly Warringah 2014 AGM Raymond Brown Manly Warringah 2013 AGM Matthew Haes Manly Warringah 2015 AGM Adam Walkaden Manly Warringah 2014 AGM The qualifications and experience of the 9 directors of the proposed new Board are set out in the table below. Director Daryl Chipperfield David Milne Qualifications and Experience Daryl Chipperfield has been a director of Sutherland for 5 years and is currently the Chairman of the Board of Directors, previously Chairman Audit & Risk Committee and member of the Nominations and Remuneration committees. Daryl has been involved in the financial sector covering building societies and credit unions, holding senior management roles, and for the past 20 years has operated a successful accounting, taxation and consulting business. Daryl is a Certified Practising Accountant (FCPA) and is the current Chairman of CPA Australia‘s Disciplinary Tribunal. In 2007 he was awarded by CPA Australia, the President‘s Award for his contribution to the NSW Division as the convenor of the Menai Accountants Discussion Group. Additionally Daryl is a Justice of the Peace and a member of the Australian Mutuals Institute Ltd. David Milne has been a Director of Sutherland since 1999, and is the current Deputy Chair. David has been a practicing lawyer since 1976 specialising in banking and litigation, and has performed legal work for a number of Credit Unions since 1982. David is a member of the Chairman‘s Committee and Audit and Risk Committee. David‘s qualifications include LLB, FAMI and Notary Public. Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 20 OF 41 Mitchell Reece Helen Hartley Peter Geraghty Gary Thomson Raymond Brown Matthew Haes Mitchell Reece has been a director of Sutherland for 9 years. She has previously been a member of both the Audit & Risk and Remuneration Committees. Mitchell trained as a teacher and has taught business and legal subjects at a number of Sydney TAFEs as well as delivering courses at the Law Society of New South Wales. She has been a solicitor for 20 years and is the principal of her law practice at Jannali where she has been located since 2001. Helen Hartley has a Bachelor of Arts degree and Master of Letters degree from the University of New England in NSW. She has been employed in a variety of senior management roles in the Insurance industry, including Lenders Mortgage Insurance, Consumer Credit Insurance and General Insurance. Currently she is employed by the BT Financial Group in their Life Insurance division working on a number of Life risk and internal Superannuation projects. She is an Associate of the Mortgage Industry Association of Australia and has been a member of the Board of Sutherland since 2010. Helen is the current Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee. Peter Geraghty has been a director of Sutherland for 2 years and is currently a member of the Audit and Risk Committee. Peter‘s background is in Sales & Marketing and Business Management, he is currently Managing Director of Sanders Property Agents, a Real Estate Agency in the Sutherland Shire. Sanders Property Agents was established in 1957 and currently employs 21 staff. Peter is a Licensed Real Estate Agent, he is currently studying the Diploma in Business Management and is a member of the Real Estate Institute of New South Wales. Gary Thomson has been a Director of Manly Warringah for 6 years, and currently holds the position of Chairman of the Board. He is a member of the Corporate Governance Committee and will take up the position of Deputy Chair in the proposed merged entity. Gary is a currently Deputy General Manager at a Local Government Organisation with 10 years experience in the areas of risk and planning. He holds a Graduate Diploma in Local Government Management and is a member of the Australasian Mutuals Institute. Gary has been a member of Manly Warringah since 1980. Raymond Brown has been a Director of Manly Warringah since 1988 and currently a member of the Governance Committee. During his time on the Board he has been the Chairman for in excess of 10 years and has represented as Chair/member on all of the CU‘s committees. He has had a working career in Local Government (45yrs approx.) in the Accounting/ Financial Control areas as well as Human Resources – currently working for Manly Council. He has also lectured at TAFE (supervision/management) during that time. Raymond is a Member of the Australasian Mutuals Institute and a Justice of the Peace. He holds qualifications in Human Resources and has undertaken and presented numerous training programs. He comes with a wealth of knowledge regarding the industry. Matt Haes has been a director of Manly Warringah for 6 months and is also a member of the Audit and Risk committee. Matt's background is in financial management and governance of financial service organisations including public companies and not for profit entities. He was Head of Finance and Company Secretary for Centric Wealth Ltd, one of Australia's leading independent wealth management businesses, for in excess of 8 years. He has most recently been appointed as CFO of an ASX listed public company. Matt has a Bachelor of Economics, is a Chartered Accountant, Chartered Secretary and is a member of the Australasian Mutuals Institute. Adam Walkaden Adam Walkaden has been a Director of Manly Warringah for 5 years and currently holds the position of Chair of the Corporate Governance Committee. Adam holds a Bachelor of Arts and Law and has been admitted as a Solicitor by the New South Wales Supreme Court. Adam is currently employed as a legal officer by the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union and is a member of the Australasian Mutuals Institute. Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 21 OF 41 The current Directors of Manly Warringah and Sutherland Credit Unions listed below will not be directors of the merged credit union. NON-TRANSFERRING DIRECTORS CURRENT CREDIT UNION Brian Green Manly Warringah Rick Chown Manly Warringah Susan Griffin Manly Warringah Robert Manning Sutherland Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 22 OF 41 INTEREST OF OFFICERS AND OTHER STAKEHOLDERS IN THE MERGER The following directors of either Manly Warringah or Sutherland, who will not become or remain as directors of Sutherland, will receive payments on the last business day before the merger, as listed below, subject to members of the relevant credit union approving each payment by separate resolution at its Special General Meeting. POSITION NAME Non-transferring director Brian Green Non-transferring director Rick Chown Non-transferring director Susan Griffin Non-transferring director Robert Manning BENEFIT $13,827 (including statutory superannuation) provided he remains a director of Manly Warringah until immediately before the merger. $13,827 (including statutory superannuation) provided he remains a director of Manly Warringah until immediately before the merger. $13,827 (including statutory superannuation) provided she remains a director of Manly Warringah until immediately before the merger. $15,209 (including statutory superannuation) provided he remains a director of Sutherland until immediately before the merger. Sutherland‘s Chief Executive Officer, David Harll, has agreed to step down on the merger taking effect and will be entitled to a payment under his employment contract. Other than as described above or elsewhere in this Information Document: No Director or Officer of either Manly Warringah or Sutherland has any interest in the proposed transfer of business; No Director, Officer, member or depositor of either Manly Warringah or Sutherland will receive any compensation, consideration, incentive or benefit in relation to the transfer of business; No Director, Officer, member or depositor of either Manly Warringah or Sutherland has any agreement that is conditional upon the proposed transfer of business. Continuing Directors of Manly Warringah will receive a higher level of remuneration than premerger, with the overall Board remuneration shared as determined by the Board, post merger. Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 23 OF 41 CHANGES TO THE CONSTITUTION OF SUTHERLAND As part of the special resolution put to Sutherland members to approve the merger proposal, Sutherland‘s Constitution will be amended to: Increase the maximum number of directors on the board (as determined by the board) from 7 to 9 directors – this allows Sutherland to have a board of 9 directors from the merger date; and To remove the existing common bond, which limits new members primarily to residents and businesses in the Sutherland Shire – this allows the merged credit union to accept new members after the merger from the Northern Beaches and other areas outside of the Sutherland Shire. Note also that at the Sutherland Special General Meeting members will also be asked to pass another special resolution to amend the Constitution to allow the board to appoint up to 3 additional directors in the event of any future transfer of business. This proposed change is separate from this merger, and Sutherland members may or may not agree to make this amendment. HOW DO MEMBERS VOTE ON THE MERGER PROPOSAL? The merger proposal will only be approved if members of Manly Warringah and Sutherland pass special resolutions approving the proposal. This means that in order to approve the merger proposal, at least 75% of votes by members of Manly Warringah and Sutherland cast on the resolution, at their individual meetings, will need to be FOR the resolution. Members can vote: In person: Please arrive early if you decide to attend the Special General Meeting, as you will need to register your attendance on arrival. By proxy: Even if you cannot attend the Special General Meeting, you can vote by completing the enclosed Appointment of Proxy and sending it back in the reply paid envelope included with this notice. Voting by proxy is simple and is explained in the Appointment of Proxy form. Please Note. One member one vote prevails on a show of hands or a poll (with the possible exception that, on a poll, members may be able to vote in different capacities). If you wish to vote by proxy please read the Appointment of Proxy form carefully before completing it. It is important that you complete the Appointment of Proxy form correctly otherwise your vote may not be counted. The Appointment of Proxy Form allows you to appoint the Chair of the Special General Meeting as your proxy. The Chair must exercise your proxy vote according to your direction. You may appoint other people as your proxy, however, you should be certain that they will be attending the Special General Meeting. Please Note Direction to the Chair for Item 2. If you have appointed the Chair as proxy (or the Chair becomes your proxy by default) and you have not marked any of those boxes next to items 2, on the appointment of proxy form, then you hereby direct the Chair to vote in favour of the resolution on those items, even though item 2 is connected directly or indirectly with the remuneration of a member of the key management personnel. We recommend that you appoint the Chair as your proxy as it reduces the risk that your vote will not be counted. Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 24 OF 41 WHAT IF I HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE MERGER PROPOSAL? Manly Warringah will hold an information evening on 1 February 2013 at Dee Why RSL 932 Pittwater rd Dee Why, NSW at 6pm. This will be a forum for members to raise questions in relation to the proposed merger. The Chairman of Manly Warringah will act as moderator to facilitate discussion of the proposed transfer of business. Sutherland will hold an information evening on 31 January 2013 at Level 2, 670 Princes Highway, Sutherland NSW at 6pm. This will be a forum for members to raise questions in relation to the proposed merger. The Chairman of Sutherland will act as moderator to facilitate discussion of the proposed transfer of business. Members are also encouraged to raise any questions in relation to the merger before the information evenings, the contact details are set out on the front page of this Information Document. Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 25 OF 41 Schedule 1 – Comparison of Products and Services (as at 30th April 2012) Products and Services Member Shares Savings Accounts Term Deposits Loan Accounts Fees and Charges Statements Sutherland Credit Union One $10 Member Share Yes — refer to Schedule 2 Yes — refer to Schedule 2. Yes — refer to Schedule 2. Yes — refer Schedule 3. Monthly and Quarterly Northern Beaches CU One $10 Member Share Yes — refer to Schedule 2. Yes — refer to Schedule 2 Yes — refer to schedule 2. Yes — refer Schedule 3. Monthly and Six Monthly E-Statements ✓ ✓ Telephone Banking ✓ ✓ Internet banking ✓ ✓ Mobile Banking ✓ ✓ Cheque Books ✓ ✓ Visa Debit Card ✓ ✓ Redicard - ✓ Mastercard Credit Card ✓ ✓ BPAY ✓ ✓ ATM/EFTPOS ✓ ✓ Periodic Payments ✓ ✓ Direct Debit and Credits ✓ ✓ Quick Debits ✓ - Counter Cheques ✓ ✓ Telegraphic Transfer ✓ ✓ International Drafts - ✓ General Insurance ✓ ✓ CTP Insurance ✓ ✓ Consumer Credit Insurance ✓ ✓ Mortgage Protection Insurance ✓ ✓ Travel Insurance ✓ ✓ Income Protection insurance ✓ ✓ Financial Planning Services ✓ ✓ ✓ $5,000 per member/day except for Cronulla branch that does not have cash withdrawal facilities $3,000 per member per day ✓ Car Buying Services Branch Cash Internet Banking - external transfer Secure SMS ATM & EFT using card & PIN ✓ $1,000 per card per day , with $500 inclusive EFTPOS limit per card per day. Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER $2,000 per member/day $1,500 - $1,000 per card per day P AGE 26 OF 41 Schedule 2 – Comparison of Loans, Savings and Term Products (as at 30th April 2012) PERSONAL ACCOUNTS Transaction Savings Accounts Account Name Balance tiers ($) Interest rates Sutherland Credit Union Access Account / Equity Access / Line of Credit / Equity line of Credit $1 – less than $5000 to less than $10,000 plus $5000 $10,000 0.00% p.a. 0.10% p.a. 0.20% p.a. Interest calculation Interest calculation Interest credited $0- $500 Over $500- $50,000 Over $50,000 0.00% p.a. 0.05% p.a. 0.25% p.a. 6 monthly Daily on entire balance Quarterly Sutherland Credit Union Northern Beaches CU Account Name Interest rates Transaction Account Daily on proportion of closing balance Interest credited Balance tiers ($) Northern Beaches CU Senior Savers Account Deeming Account $2,000 to less than $44,600 3.00% $0- less than $2,000 0.25% $44,600 + $0-$2,000 4.25% 0.00% p.a. Daily on proportion of closing balance Quarterly Over$2,000 $50,000 2.75% p.a. Over $50,000 3.75% p.a Daily on proportion of closing balance Quarterly Special Purpose Account Sutherland Credit Union Account Name Balance tiers ($) Interest rates Interest calculation Interest credited Northern Beaches CU Maxisaver $0-$4,99 0.10% $5,000$49,999 0.50% No Equivalent Product $50,000-$99,999 $100,000 + 1.00% 1.50% Daily on proportion of closing balance Quarterly Online Savings Account Sutherland Credit Union Account Name Balance tiers ($) Interest rates Interest calculation Interest Credited Northern Beaches CU eSaver All balances 4.00% Daily on closing balance No Equivalent Product Monthly Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 27 OF 41 Cash Management Accounts Sutherland Credit Union Northern Beaches CU Cash Management Cash Management Account Name Balance tiers ($) Less than $500 $500$4,999 $5000$9999 $10,000$24,999 $25,000 $49,999 $50,000 $99,999 $100,000 $249,999 $250,000+ Nil 0.10% 0.50% 0.75% 1.00% 1.35% 3.10% 3.10% Interest rates Int calculation Int credited Balance tiers ($) Interest rates Interest calculation Interest credited Over $100,000 $250,000 $250,000+ Nil 1.25% p.a. 2.00% p.a 2.75% p.a 4.25% p.a 4.50% p.a. Quarterly Northern Beaches CU Super Access All Balances No Equivalent Product 3.95% Daily Monthly Northern Beaches CU Bonus Saver Balance tiers ($) Normal Interest rates Interest credited Over $50,000 – $100,000 Quarterly Account Name Interest calculation over $25,000 $50,000 Daily - on whole balance Sutherland Credit Union Bonus Interest Rate $5,000 $25,000 Daily on whole balance Sutherland Credit Union Account Name Less than $5,000 No Equivalent Product $0- 500 Over $500 $50,000 Over $50,000 0.00 % p.a 0.40% 0.60% p.a. 0.00% p.a. 2.25% p.a. 4.50% pa Daily on proportion of closing balance at normal interest rate. Interest paid at Bonus rate if no more than 1 debit on account per calendar month. Monthly Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 28 OF 41 Sutherland Credit Union Northern Beaches CU Account Name Christmas Club Christmas Club Balance tiers ($) $1+ $1+ Interest rates Interest calculation Interest credited Early withdrawal fee 2.00% p.a. 1.00 % p.a Daily balance Daily Balance October October Access limited to 15 November – 31 January annually Interest penalty of half current rate Sutherland Credit Union Northern Beaches CU Account Name 100% Offset Mortgage Offset Balance tiers ($) All balance All balance As per current linked loan As per current linked loan Interest rates Interest calculation Interest credited Eligibility Daily Daily Offset in linked Loan Offset in linked Loan Holding of eligible loan type. Minimum balance $2000 maintained to receive offset benefit. Holding of eligible loan type. Business Accounts Transaction Savings Accounts Account Name Balance tiers ($) Interest rates Interest calculation Interest credited Sutherland Credit Union Business Access / Business Equity/ Line of Credit / Equity line of Credit $1 – less than $5000 to less than $10,000 plus $5000 $10,000 0.00% p.a. 0.10% p.a. 0.20% p.a. Northern Beaches CU Business Account Less than $500 0.00% p.a Over $500 $10,000 0.05% p.a Over $10,000$50,000 0.05% p.a Daily on proportion of closing balance Daily - on whole balance 6 monthly Quarterly Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 29 OF 41 $50,000 + 0.25% p.a LOAN ACCOUNTS Home Loan (Variable Rate) Sutherland Credit Union Account Name Interest Rate (indicative) Establishment Fees Simple Switch Variable 6.74% $200 Valuation and Legal Fees At cost Contract Variation Fee $100.00 Redraw Fee Discharge Fee Account Name Interest Rate (indicative) Establishment Fees Northern Beaches CU No equivalent product $25.00 200.00 plus costs Sutherland Credit Union Northern Beaches CU Standard Variable Rate 6.48% Standard variable 6.74% $200 $275.00 Valuation and Legal Fees At cost At cost Contract Variation Fee $100.00 $100.00 Redraw Fee Discharge Fee Account Name Interest Rate (indicative) Establishment Fees $25.00 $25.00 $200 plus at cost At costs Sutherland Credit Union Northern Beaches CU Interest Only 6.48% Interest Only 6.74% $200 $275.00 Valuation and Legal Fees At cost At cost Contract Variation Fee $100.00 $100.00 $25.00 $25.00 $200 plus at cost At costs Sutherland Credit Union Northern Beaches CU Basic 6.33% Minimiser 6.24% Establishment Fees $495.00 $750.00 Valuation and Legal Fees At cost At cost - $100.00 Redraw Fee Discharge Fee Account Name Interest Rate (indicative) Contract Variation Fee Redraw Fee Discharge Fee Account Name Interest Rate (indicative) Establishment Fees $25.00 $25.00 $200 plus at cost At costs Sutherland Credit Union Northern Beaches CU Home in One 7.09% $200.00 Valuation and Legal Fees At cost Contract Variation Fee $100.00 Redraw Fee $25.00 Discharge Fee $200 plus at cost Sutherland Credit Union Northern Beaches CU Introductory Loan 5.89% for 1 year then to Minimiser rate Account Name Interest Rate (indicative) $750.00 Establishment Fees Valuation and Legal Fees No Equivalent Product No Equivalent Product At cost Contract Variation Fee $100.00 Redraw Fee $25.00 Discharge Fee At cost Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 30 OF 41 Home Loan (Fixed Rate) Account Name Sutherland Credit Union Northern Beaches CU 3 Year Fixed Rate 3 Year Fixed Rate 6.05% 5.89% Establishment Fees $495.00 $750.00 Valuation and Legal Fees At cost At cost N/A N/A N/A At cost At cost Sutherland Credit Union Northern Beaches CU Interest Rate (indicative) Contract Variation Fee Redraw Fee Discharge Fee N/A Home Loan (Fixed Rate) Account Name Interest Rate (indicative) 2, 5 Year Fixed Rate 6.01%, 6.69% Establishment Fees $495.00 Valuation and Legal Fees At cost Contract Variation Fee Redraw Fee Discharge Fee No Equivalent Product N/A N/A At cost Unsecured Personal Loans Sutherland Credit Union Northern Beaches CU 17.25% $100 11.20%- 15.20% $100.00 Contract variation fee Nil Nil Early repayment fee Nil Nil Redraw fee N/A Nil Sutherland Credit Union Northern Beaches CU 8.80%-17.25% 9.24%-13.20% $100.00 $150.00 Nil Nil Interest rate Establishment fee Secured Personal Loans/Car Loans Interest rate Establishment fee Contract variation fee Early repayment fee Nil Nil Redraw fee N/A N/A Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 31 OF 41 Overdraft Secured By Residential Mortgage Sutherland Credit Union Northern Beaches CU 7.09% $100 8.09% $50.00 Contract variation fee Nil Nil Temporary limit increase fee Nil Nil Annual review fee Yes $100 Interest rate Establishment fee Secured By Assigned Savings Sutherland Credit Union Interest rate Establishment fee Northern Beaches CU 12.25% $100 Contract variation fee Nil No Equivalent product Temporary limit increase fee Nil Annual review fee Yes Unsecured Sutherland Credit Union Northern Beaches CU 17.25% $100 14.95% $100.00 Contract variation fee Nil Nil Temporary limit increase fee Nil Nil Annual review fee Yes Yes Interest rate Establishment fee Fixed Term Deposits - Interest paid at annually or at Maturity Sutherland Credit Union Northern Beaches CU Term in Months $1,000 $4,999 $5,000 $19,999 $20,000$49,999 $50,000 Plus 1 N/A N/A N/A 3 N/A 4.65% 6 1.60% 4.70% $1,000 $4,999 $5000- $49,999 $50,000+ N/A N/A N/A 4.00% 4.80% 4.80% 3.60% 4.85% 5.05% 4.85% 4.85% 3.60% 4.85% 4.95% 9 N/A 4.65% 4.80% 4.80% N/A N/A N/A 12 N/A 4.60% 4.75% 4.75% 2.90% 4.75% 4.90% 18 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.90% 4.65% 4.85% 24 N/A 4.45% 4.00% 4.60% 2.90% 4.55% 4.80% Fixed Term Deposits - Interest paid at Quarterly Sutherland Credit Union Term in Months $10,001 $20,000 Northern Beaches CU $1,000 $4,999 $5,000- $49,999 $50,000+ 6 3.60% 4.85% 4.95% 12 2.90% 4.75% 4.90% 2.90% 4.65% 4.85% 2.90% 4.55% 4.80% 18 $1,000 $10000 $20,000+ No Equivalent Product 24 Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 32 OF 41 Fixed Term Deposits - Interest paid monthly Sutherland Credit Union Term in Months $5000- $19,999 6 12 $50,000+ n/a 4.35% 4.50% 4.50% n/a 18 24 $20,000 $49,999 Northern Beaches CU 4.20% 4.35% 4.35% $1,000 $4,999 $5,000- $49,999 $50,000+ 3.60% 4.85% 4.95% 2.90% 4.75% 4.90% 2.90% 4.65% 4.85% 2.90% 4.55% 4.80% Fixed Term Deposits – MemberPlus – Interest annually or Maturity Northern Beaches CU Sutherland Credit Union $50,000 Plus Term in Months $1,000 $4,999 $5,000 $19,999 $20,000-$49,999 3 N/A 4.90% 5.05% 5.05% 6 N/A 4.95% 5.10% 5.10% 9 N/A 4.90% 5.05% 5.05% 12 N/A 4.85% 5.00% 5.00% 24 N/A 4.70% 4.85% 4.85% No Equivalent Product Fixed Term Deposits – MemberPlus – Interest Fortnightly Northern Beaches CU Sutherland Credit Union $50,000 Plus Term in Months $1,000 $4,999 $5,000 $19,999 $20,000-$49,999 3 N/A 4.65% 4.80% 4.80% 6 N/A 4.70% 4.85% 4.85% 12 N/A 4.60% 4.75% 4.75% 24 N/A 4.45% 4.60% 4.60% Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER No Equivalent Product P AGE 33 OF 41 Schedule 3 – Comparison of Fees and Charges (as at 30th April 2012) Transaction Fees Monthly Account Fee (per account) Branch Withdrawals – Cash Branch Withdrawals – Cheque Branch Deposits NAB Deposits BPAY Transactions Internet Banking Direct Debits Direct Credits Transfer Between Credit Union Accounts Over the phone/counter transactions (operator assisted) Visa retail and merchant purchases (signature) Visa Debit Card Transactions, Credit Button ATM - Balance Enquiries ATM - Withdrawal - RediATMs / NAB ATMs ATM - Withdrawal - Other Bank EFTPOS Personal Cheques ATM - Declined transactions Periodical Payment By Cheque Periodical Payment By EFT Quickdebit Sutherland Credit Union $3.00 with balances less than $1000.00 $3.00 $3.00 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil $3.00 Nil Nil Nil $1.25 Fee charged by ATM owner $1.25 $2.00 Nil Nil Nil Nil Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER Northern Beaches CU Nil $2.00 $2.00 Nil Nil Nil Nil $0.85 Nil Nil $2.00 $0.35 Nil Nil $1.00 $0.50 + Fee charged by ATM owner $0.85 $0.75 $0.50 $7.00 Nil Nil P AGE 34 OF 41 Transaction Fee rebate Sutherland Credit Union MemberPlus and Junior members receive 5 free counter transactions per month. Transaction fees apply to all accounts with the Credit Union with the exception of ESaver and Christmas Club. Fee rebates are given for electronic transaction and member cheque transaction as outlined below Northern Beaches CU Rebate of member fees is based on: Combined balances of deposits and loans for the month All Members : Rebate $4.00 per mth Further: Rebate $1.00 per mth for every $2000.00 of combined balances Maximum Rebate: $50.00 per mth Sutherland Credit Union. Electronic transaction include: EFTPOS RediATM Every member is entitled to a minimum number of free electronic transactions based on account type and balances held. Transactions over the free electronic transaction count per month are charged at $1.25 per transaction. Balance Junior Deeming MemberPus Business Other Account Members Accounts holders $0- $4,999.99 15 8 8 5 5 $5000.00 15 8 8 8 8 $24,999.99 $25,000.00 15 15 15 12 15 $249,999.99 $250,000 120 120 120 75 120 Sutherland Credit Union. Member Chequing Withdrawals Every member is entitled to a minimum number of free electronic transactions based on account type and balances held. Transactions over the free electronic transaction count per month are charged at $2.00 per transaction. Balance Junior Deeming MemberPus Business Other Account Members Accounts holders $0- $4,999.99 N/A 7 7 5 5 $5000.00 N/A 7 7 7 7 $24,999.99 $25,000.00 N/A 12 12 10 12 $249,999.99 $250,000 N/A 100 100 50 100 Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 35 OF 41 Business Accounts Monthly Fee Business Deposit Book Transaction fees Sutherland Credit Union $10.00 per account where balance is less than $500.00 $10.00 As above Northern Beaches CU $1.00 - Cheque Fees Corporate Cheque enquiry/copy (Trace) $25.00 Member Cheque enquiry/copy (Trace) $25.00 Member Cheque Deposit (Trace) Special Clearance Cheque Deposit Stop Payment Request On Member Cheque (if presented) Stop Payment Corporate Cheque Cheque Deposit Dishonour $50.00 - Northern Beaches CU $10.00 $5.00 Min $20.00 ( up to $60 per hour) Min $20.00 ( up to $60 per hour) $30.00 $35.00 $9.00 $10.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 Min $20.00 ( up to $60 per hour) $5.00 N/A $20.00 $8.00 $8.00 $7.50 $15.00 $30.00 $6.00 $9.00 Bank Cheque Corporate Cheque Sutherland Credit Union At cost $3.00 Member Cheque Copy Member Cheque Book 25 Book 50 Book 100 Book Member Cheque Honour fee Member Cheque Dishonour Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 36 OF 41 General Fees Visa Cash Advance Visa cash Advance Overseas ATM Sutherland Credit Union rd $20.00 for 3 and subsequent cards $4.00 $4.00 Emergency Visa Card (Overseas) At cost Redicard Card Fee Visa and Redicard Replacement Fee PIN Change Northern Beaches CU $1.00 per mth. $5.00 $5.00 $AUD equivalent of USD 175.00 at request. rd Visa Card Replacement (Overseas) Emergency Visa Card Overseas Cash Request Visa Card Currency Conversion Fee Visa Chargeback Visa Voucher Retrieval Document Retrieval from Archive - per item Dormant Account Fee - per annum Statement Copies per statement Voucher Search Unofficial Agency Withdrawal - at another Credit Union Coin Handling Fee Sorted Coin Handling Fee Unsorted Coin Handling < $100 per deposit Coin Handling $100 to < $600.00 per deposit Coin Handling > $600.00 per deposit Large Cash Withdrawals daily up to $5000.00 Large Cash withdrawals daily > $5000.00 Overdrawn Savings MemberPlus Membership Per Annum (over 45 years old) Audit Confirmation Xmas Early Transfers or Withdrawals $35.00 for 3 and subsequent cards N/A At cost $AUD equivalent of USD 175.00 at request. 3% of conversion amount $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 per hour $36.00 $5.00 $25.00 per hour $0.00 $5.00 per $100.00 2% of deposit $0.00 $5.00 per $1000.00 of part thereof. $25.00 $30.00 $25.00 Min $20.00 ( up to $60 per hour) $10.00 $4.00 Min $20.00 ( up to $60 per hour) $35.00 $5.00 $15.00 $6.00 $24.00 - $25.00 - $10.00 Regular Payments Periodical Payment Rejection Fee Direct Debit Dishonour Quick Debit Rejection Fee Direct Debit Honour fee Direct Debit transfer fee Incoming SWIFT Transfer Swift transfer Outward Domestic Swift transfer Outward International Swift transfer trace Direct Entry Trace Sutherland Credit Union Northern Beaches CU $8.00 $22.00 $8.00 $8.00 $5.50 $25.00 $40.00 $50.00 $25.00 Nil 9.00 N/A $6.00 Nil $15.00 Nil Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 37 OF 41 Currency and Funds Transfer Sutherland Credit Union Foreign Currency Deposits - Cheque Inward Foreign Cheque Dishonour Fee Overseas Draft Overseas Telegraphic Transfer in non A$ Overseas Telegraphic Transfer in A$ Foreign Currency Cash Passport - Northern Beaches CU $10.00 Nil $15.00 $20.00 $50.00 1% minimum $4.00 1.1% of reload minimum $15.00 * Note the above Currency and Transfer Products will be available to Sutherland members post merger. Lending Fees Establishment Fee - Personal Loan Establishment Fee - Overdraft Establishment Fee - Car Loan Establishment Fee - Mortgage Establishment Fee Mortgage (refer Products) Mortgage Preparation Commercial Loan Top Up loans Loan Variation Loan Redraw Fee Switch fee Discharge of Registered Mortgage Monthly Service fee (Interest only loan) Line of Credit Service fee Bill of Sale Handling fee Substitute Security on Bill Of Sale Revs/VSR Registration Solicitors Fee for Upstamping of Mtge/BOS Other Solicitor & Third Party Fees St Credit Facility 1 Arrears Notice Credit Facility Default Notice Agent Field Call Credit Bureau Listing fee Solicitors Letter of Demand Insufficient Funds/Overlimit Fee Sutherland Credit Union $100.00 $50.00 $100.00 $195.00 $495.00 (Basic) At cost $195 plus 0.25% of loan amount for loans greater than $100,000.00 At cost $25.00 $1000.00 $200 plus all Legal fees at cost $8.00 per month $10.00 per month $65.00 At cost At cost At cost At cost $25.00 $50.00 At cost $25.00 per listing At cost $25.00 per instance Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER Northern Beaches CU $100.00 $150.00 $275.00 $750.00 (3Yr Fixed & Intro) At cost N/A $100.00 At cost $25.00 At cost Nil Nil At cost At cost At cost At cost At cost $20.00 $20.00 $60.00 At cost At cost Nil P AGE 38 OF 41 Differences in Member Rights and Liabilities The table below describes differences in the rights and liabilities attaching to member shares of Sutherland and Manly Warringah Sharing surplus and profits in a demutualisation Redemption Dividends Topic Sutherland Manly Warringah Member shares carry a right to share equally in any dividend determined by the Board and approved by general meeting. Member shares carry no entitlement to dividends The right to be paid dividends is subject to any preferred entitlement to dividends holders of other classes of shares may have. Sutherland has Tier 1 preference shares on issue that carry a right to be paid dividends in preference to member shares Sutherland must redeem a member‘s member share on request, and repay the subscription price if: the member withdraws all deposits and repays all financial accommodation; Sutherland has sufficient profits to repay the subscription price; Sutherland will not be in breach of any prudential standard; Sutherland‘s capital base is adequate for purposes of APRA‘s supervision ; Sutherland is not subject to any APRA restriction on redeeming member shares; APRA has not appointed an administrator to control Sutherland‘s business. In the event of a restructure involving a demutualisation only qualifying members (members of at least 1 year standing) can participate in any surplus or profits Impact on transferring Manly Warringah members Members will no longer be subject to a prohibition on receiving dividends. However, members will still have no entitlement to receive dividends, only a right to share equally in dividends if paid. To date Sutherland has never paid dividends on member shares. Manly Warringah must redeem a member‘s member share on request, and repay the subscription price if: the member withdraws all deposits and repays all financial accommodation; Manly Warringah has sufficient profits to repay the subscription price. Members‘ right to redeem their member share and have their $10 subscription price repaid will be subject to additional conditions that would only apply if Sutherland was failing to meet its regulatory prudential requirements as an APRA regulated Authorised Deposit-taking Institution. No rules limiting who can share in surplus and profits in a demutualisation Transferring Manly Warringah members will all be qualifying members entitled to participate in any surplus or profits in the event of a demutualisation, because they will all be taken to have been members of Sutherland continuously for 1 year as at the date of the merger for the purpose of this rule. Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 39 OF 41 Surplus in a Winding-up Topic Sutherland Manly Warringah In a winding-up of Sutherland each member is entitled to share equally in any surplus. In a winding-up of Manly Warringah each member is entitled to share equally in any surplus, except where in a voluntary windingup the members resolve that any surplus be transferred to another credit union or company organised on the basis of the principles of mutuality. Impact on transferring Manly Warringah members Transferring Manly Warringah members will have a right in the event of a winding-up of Sutherland to share equally with all other Sutherland members in any surplus and will not be subject to any right of members collectively to resolve to transfer the surplus to another organisation. The table below describes other differences between the Constitutions of Sutherland and Manly Warringah that may impact on the enjoyment of rights and benefits by members. Demutualisation approval procedure Eligibility to be a director Topic Sutherland Manly Warringah In order to be a candidate for election as director a person must: be a member have mental capacity; not be a minor; have been a member continuously for at least 1 year as at the date of nomination (unless the board grants dispensation within 28 days of nomination); not be disqualified by law from being a director and provides Sutherland all information and consents it reasonably requests to determine this; be fit and proper under the Board‘s Fit and Proper Policy. In order to be a candidate for election as director a person must: be a member have mental capacity; Sutherland‘s Constitution includes a procedure requiring member approval by ballot participated in by at least 25% of members in each class, and approved by at least 75% of votes cast in each class, for any demutualisation proposal to have effect. This is in addition to the requirements at law. Manly Warringah does not have any Constitutional procedures relating to a demutualisation. Note however that as a matter of law, a person can only be a director if: they are not a minor; are not disqualified by law from being a director. Impact on transferring Manly Warringah members The additional conditions for nominating as a director of Sutherland are: providing information and consents to determine if they are disqualified at law; being assessed as fit and proper under the Board‘s Fit and Proper Policy; at the date of nomination being a member of at least 1 year. The first 2 additional conditions are consistent with the prudential standards on fitness and propriety of directors applicable to ADIs. The last additional condition will not apply to transferring Manly Warringah members as they will all be taken to have been members of Sutherland continuously for 1 year as at the date of the merger for the purpose of this rule. This does not relate to the rights of individual members. However, it imposes additional conditions on the ability of members collectively to approve a demutualisation. Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 40 OF 41 Manly W arringah Credit Union Limited TO Sutherland Credit Union Limited TRANSFER OF BUSINESS – FIRST LETTER P AGE 41 OF 41