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~ Harrow Council, Licensing Section, POBox 18, Station Road, Harrow. Making a Representation against an Application variation) for a premises licence or club premises under the Licensing Act 2003 PLEASE READ THE FOllOWING (New or certificate INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Before completing this form please read the guidance notes at the end of the form If you are completing this form by hand please write legibly in block capitals. In all cases ensure that your answers are inside the boxes and written in black ink. Use additional sheets if necessary . You may wish to keep a copy of the completed form for your records. Louise Roberts the Licensing make this representation under Act 2003 for the premises described in Part 1 below (delete as applicable) Part 1 -Premises or club premises details L--- Part 2 -Applicant details lam Please tick" 1) an interested party (please complete (A) or (B) below) 0 a) a person living in the vicinity of the premises b) a body representing persons living in the vicinity of the premises C) c) a person involved in business in the vicinity of the premises d) a body representing persons involved in business in the vicinity of the premises 0 c ~~ )J~ , ~~~UGn " "i .~z, '.,:;~"~ ~-" J,. Q ..\ g-~ \} HJ.' Ro [I"'" \ 1'("1"'" ~\ J"" \.)\. ,-,.J'):} A .) :~(,;<'i: ".. ",~". "-,,V,c' ;J.':~ \.JIII,"i " -If yes ~ 2} a responsible authority (please complete (C) below) .f 3) a member of the club to which this application relates fJ (please complete (A) below) Please tick'" yes I am 18 years old or over 0 Current address I Post Town I Daytime contact telephone Email address (optional) -- Telephone number (if any) E-mail (optional) Code ---I number (B) DETAILS OF OTHER APPLICANT Name and address I P~st I'.:; I 2 (C) DETAILS OF RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY APPLICANT This representation relates to the following 1) the prevention of crime and disorder 2) public safety 3) the prevention of public nuisance 4) the protection of children form harm licensing objective(s} Please tick one or more boxes 0 0 " 0 Please state the ground(s) for review (please read guidance note1) The applicant has failed to provide detailed relevant information specific to the premises as to how public nuisance is to be prevented from the premises. Detailed consideration has not been made within the application stating what steps are to be taken to ensure patrons leave the premises quickly and quietly at closing time and how noise from within the premises will not cause a nuisance to local residents. Please provide as much information guidance note 2) as possible to support the application (please read Details specific to the premises have not been submitted within the application as to how the applicant intends to prevent noise from patrons within the premises, patrons entering and leaving the premises, from extracts in the kitchen. This premises has an external garden that backs on to residential properties. Specific details relevant to the premises have not be made to ensure no nuisance is cause from the use of this part of the premises It would be expected that specific details relevant to the premises be provided showing consideration to ensure patrons leave the premises quietly and quickly, such as the provision of signs on the doors, having taxi's available on order for customers, responsible staff who prevent loitering by customers outside the premises. Details should be provided on how noise from within the premises will be monitored and prevented from disturbing local residents. Please tick yes a Have you made a representation relating to this premises before If yes please state the date of that representation, Day Month Year I r t': I IT IS AN OFFENCE, LIABLE ON CONVICTION TO A FINE UP TO LEVEL 5 ON THE STANDARD SCALE [AMOUNT], UNDER SECTION 158 OF THE LICENSING ACT 2003 TO MAKE A FALSE STATEMENT IN OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS APPLICATION Part 5 -Signatures Signature If signing ~ of applicant or applicant's solicitor or other duly authorised on behalf f th~ PPI. nt please state in what capacity. , r) r' ,,'i; ~~~~~.t.~~~ :J; Date: (please read guidance note 3) :~: j i,i. .'..\. agent. (please read guidance note 4) , ~ : July 1 sl 2005 Capacity: Environmental Health Officer -- Contact name (where not previously given) and address for correspondence application (please read guidance note 5) Post town Telephone associated with this Post code number (if any) If you would prefer us to correspond with you using an email a-ddress your e mail-address (optional) Notes for Guidance 1. The ground(s) for representation must be based on one of the licensing objectives. 2. Please list any additional information or details for example dates of problems, which are included in the grounds for representation if available. 3. The application form must be signed. 4. An applicant's agent (for example solicitor) may sign the form on their behalf provided that they have actual authority to do so. 5. This is the address, which we shall use to correspond with you about this representation. Relevant Representations a) b) c) means; are about the likely effect of the grant of the premises licence or club premises certificate on the promotion of the licensing objectives, that the representation were made by an interested party or responsible authority within the period prescribed, 28 days from the application was advertised. in the case of representations made by an interested party (who is not also a responsible authority) that they are not, in the opinion of the relevant Licensing Authority, frivolous or vexatious. Further restrictions apply relating to Police Representations statements. Please check with the Licensing Section. on DPS's and representations on provisional 2) a responsible authority (please complete (C) below) Db 3) a member of the club to which this application relates 0 (please complete (A) below) (A) DETAILS OF INDIVIDUAL APPLICANT (fill in as applicable) Mr 0 Mrs 0 Miss 0 Ms 0 Other title 0 example, Rev) .(for I I Surname I First names - I Please I am 18 years old or over : tick byes 0 Current address I Post Town I Daytime contact telephone Email address number (optional) (B) DETAILS OF OTHER APPLICANT Name and address ~ Telephone number (if any) E-mail (optional) I Post Code I =~~ This representation relates to the following 1) the prevention of crime and disorder 2) public safety 3) the prevention of public nuisance 4) the protection of children form harm Please state the ground(s) licensing objective(s) Please tick one or more boxes 0 0 Db 0 for review (please read guidance note1) A search of the property has revealed the following condition relating to opening hours that will effect the granting of this licence reference LBH/41009. The premises shall not be used except between 08.30 hours and 23.30 hours Monday to Saturday inclusive and 09.30 hours and 1500 hours Sundays and Bank Holidays except with the prior permission in writing of the local planning authority. At the time of the application being decided Council received 23 objections. Responses included concerns about noise and disturbance. ~ ~ -~ ~~~~i =f~i ~ E~ge? IT IS AN OFFENCE, LIABLE ON CONVICTION TO A FINE UP TO LEVEL 5 ON THE STANDARD SCALE [AMOUNT], UNDER SECTION 158 OF THE LICENSING ACT 2003 TO MAKE A FALSE STATEMENT IN OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS APPLICATION Part 5 -Signatures Signature If signing (please read guidance note 3) of applicant or applicant's on behalf of the applicant solicitor or other duly authorised please state in what capacity. agent. (please read guidance note 4) Signature Date. 12 July 2005 Capacity Local Planning Authority Notes for Guidance 1. The ground(s) for representation must be based on one of the licensing objectives. 2. Please list any additional information or details for example dates of problems, which are included in the grounds for representation if available. 3. The application form must be signed. 4. An applicant's agent (for example solicitor) may sign the form on their behalf provided that they have actual authority to do so. 5. This is the address, which we shall use to correspond with you about this representation. Relevant Representations means; a) are about the likely effect of the grant of the premises licence or club premises certificate on the promotion of the licensing objectives, b) that the representation were made by an interested party or responsible authority within the period prescribed, 28 days from the application was advertised. c) in the case of representations made by an interested party (who is not also a responsible authority) that they are not, in the opinion of the relevant Licensing Authority, frivolous or vexatious. Further restrictions apply relating to Police Representations on DPS's and representations on provisional P~9~"?; H v~ Licensing Support Officer Harrow Council Environmental Health Civic Centre 18 Station Road Harrow, Middx HA1 2UT 2 Hillview Road, Hatch End, Pinner, Middx. HAS 4PA Tei/F ax 020 8428 4173 29 June 2005 RE: License, The Moon & Sixpence 250 Uxbridge Road, Hatch End Dear Sir, t understand that an application has been made to extend the licensing hours at The Moon & Sixpence 250 Uxbridge Road, Hatch End. These premises adjoin my property in Hillview Road. When we bought our house the premises were occupied by a branch of Barclays Bank, open for five days a week from 10 am to 3 pm We had no cause to complain about the operation of The Moon & Sixpence until after the building of a conservatory style extension and other work was carried out in 2002. We can only assume that their equipment was changed or altered because ever since we have suffered from a loud whirring noise from after eight in the morning until about 11 pm at night (sometimes until 1 am next morning), for seven days a week. This noise comes from an outlet on the side of their building adjacent to the Van Antoni's restaurant, and it is then channelled between those buildings towards the back of my house, where it sounds considerably louder than it does in the public house garden. Two officers from the Council's out-of-hours services visited us in January 2005 at 10.30 pm and confirmed that this noise was not acceptable. It is a clear breach of their planning condition No.3, which states that 'all plant and machinery including mechanical extraction, refrigeration and air conditioning systems which are used by reason of the granting of this permission shall be installed, used and maintained as to prevent the transmission of perceptible noise and vibration into neighbouring premises. Reason to ensure that the proposed development does not give rise to noise or vibration nuisance to the occupiers of adjoining premises (which we are!). This noise disturbs us during the day and we are unable to get to sleep until after it stops at night. I have repeatedly written to the Council planning department and the Environmental Health department of Harrow Council requesting that they write to J.D. Witherspoon PLC to request that the planning condition is enforced, but\;hey seem reluctant to do this. We also suffer from loud noise and smells when the garden is used. Should the opening hours be extended we should get very little sleep at all. I would ask you to refuse this application until such time as Witherspoons abide by their planning condition No 3 and that the dreadful whirring noise ceases. Thank you .-'-~, \\~\-\ ~- Yours faithfully J. Jeffreys (Mrs. \) 27 Grimsdyke Road, Hatch End, Pinner, HAS 4PJ. 30th June2005. Dear Sir, Concem!!!gthe c~e of licensinghoursat the WethersQoon's PublicHouse 'The Moon and Six~ence'in UxbridgeRoadHatchEnd. This is a quiet residential area and the proposal is certain to increasethe noise and associatednuisanceto those living in the area especiallythe residents of Hillview Road. That the local residents should have to suffer noise from starting cars and almost certainly loud vocal customers at unsocial hours, even until lam on Friday and Saturday, is grossly inconsiderate. I note that a previous application for a similar extension of hours was refused in 2003 on the grounds that it would give rise to increasednoise and disturbance at unsocial hours. I can seeno changeof circumstances that would make this more acceptabletoday. ~~', --,~, -( Yours sincerely, i t if; -..'" ~~ DennisPrice C ~~~~ '.'",~ I.;;,;, -J~ ~ssociation 6 Thorndyke Court Westfield Park HATCH END HAS 4JG 6 July 2005 SarahHinchliffe TeamLeader (Licensing) Environment~ Health, Urban Livi~QO'\~i", Harrow CouncIl London ~9'~~ .~., CivicCentre *" ( HARROW HAl 2UT ~ 1 :tz.,\ DearMs Hinchliffe Anne Swinson Chainnan of Planning Group For The Hatch End Association. ~~"'" 1 f !lff .?1\ ...0 0";J " * GIS: Corporate -f\~ Page 1 of 1 c3\~~~~ ~~'Xo~ s ..Help ..News Map I Labell Data Source ~ ~ 0 Text Background Maps Aerial Maps http://gis/corporate2/map.asp 25/07/2005