w" ),1f Ef r: tqqq LLq
w" ),1f Ef r: tqqq LLq
lnsetT name and addrcssof relevantlicensingauthorry and ils referencenumber(optional).1 Applicrtion for a premiseslicenceto be granted urder the Lic€nsine Act 2003 PLEASf, READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS FIRST B€forecompletingtbis form pl€asereadthe guidancenotesat th€ endofthe form. Ifyou arecompleting this form by handpleasewrite legibly in block capitals.In all casesensurelhat your answersareinsideihe boxesandwritten in black ink. Use additionalsheetsifnepessary. You may wish to k€ep a copy of ihe completed folm for your rccords. w" ),1f Efr: tqqqLLq (Insen nane(s) of applicant) apply for a premiseslicenceunder section17 ofthe LicensingAct 2003 for the premisesdescribedin Part 1 below (the premises)and l/we are making this application to you as the relevant licensing ruthority in accordancewith section12 ofthe Li€ensingAct 2003 Part 1- PremisesDetails Postal ad&ess ot' premisesor, ifnone, ordnancesurvey map referenceor description MERNIS FOOD, UNIT 2 HANWORTH TRADING ESTATE, HAMPTON ROAD WEST, FELTHAM, MIDDLESEX, TW136DH Posttown FELTIIAM Postcode T\d136DH Telephonenumber at premises(if any) Non-domestic rateablevalue of premises f54,OOO BAND C Part 2 -ApplicaniDetails Pleasestatewhetheryou are appling lor a premiseslicenceas Pleasetick as approp.iate a) an individual or individuals * b) a personother than an individual * n pleasecomplete section (A) i. as a limited company X pleasecompletesection(B) ii. as a partnership n pleasecompletesection(B) iii. asan unincorporaled association or n pleasecornplelesection(B) iv. other (for examplea stalutory corporation) n pleasecomplete section (B.i c) a recognisedclub n pleasecomplete section (B) d) a charity n pleasecompletesection(B) e) the proprietor of an educatioml establishnent ! pleasecomplete section (B) 0 a health service body n pleasecomplete section (B) C) a personwho is register€dunder Palt 2 ofthe Care tl Act 2000 (c14)in resp€clofan independert Standards hospitalin wales pleasecomPleiesection (B) ga) a personwho is registeredunder Chapter 2 ofPat 1 ofthe Healthand SocialCareAct 2008(within the meaning of that Part) in an independenthospiial il1 England n pleasecomplete section (B) h) the chiefofficer ofpolice ofa policelorce in England andWales ! pleasecompletesection(B) * Ifyou are applyirg as a penon describedin (a) or (b) pleaseconfirm: Pleasetick yes I am carying on or ploposhg to carry on a businesswhich involves the use ofihe prenises for licensableactivities;or I am making lhe application punuant lo a X statutory funcion or a tunction dischargedby viftue ofHer Majesry's prerogative (A) INDMDUAL u. n ! APPLICANTS (fill in as applicable) u." n Missn Surname Iam 18yearsold or over ra" n Odler Title (for example,Rev) First names n Please tickyes Currmt poslaladdressif differentfrom premises address Posttown DaYtimecontact teleDhonenumber E-mail address (optional) Postcode SECOND INDMDUAL iv|. ! APPLICANT (if applicable) Mr, n viss ! Surnam€ I am I8 yearsold or over M, fl OtherTitle (for example,Rev) First names ! Please rickyes Cunent postal addressil differcnt fiom prel ses Postcode Da).timecontact telephonenomber E-mail addr€ss (optional) (B) OTIIIR APPLICANTS Pleas€provide nameand registeredrddressofapplicant in full. \Vhere appropriate pleasegive any register€dnumber. In the caseof a partn€rship or other joint v€nture (other than a body corporate),pl€asegive the nameand addr€ssof eachpsrty concem€d. Name MERNIS FOOD LTD Address 204,226 IMPERIALDRWE, HARROW, MIDDLESEX, ENGLAND, IIA2 7HH Registerednumber (where applicable) 09144780 Description of applicanr (for example,partnership, company, unincorporatedassociationetc.) PRIVATE LM1TED COMPANY Telephonenumber(if any) E-mail address(optional) Part 3 Operating Schedule Wh€n do you want the Femises licence to start? ff you wish the licence to be valid only for a limited period, when do you want it to end? DD MM 1 DD MM Pleasegive a generaldescdptionofthe premis€s(pleasereadguidancenote1) A WHOLESALE(CASH& CARRY) COMPANYMPORTING FOODAND OTHERPRODUCTS FROMROMANI,AFOR SAIE BY WHOLESAIE TO EAST EUROPEANRETAIL OUTLETSAND BY RETAIL TO MEMBERSOF THE PUBLIC. THE PREMISESIS A LARGEPURPOSEBUILT WAREHOUSELOCATEDON A TRADING ESTATEwlTH AN OUTSIDELOADING AREA AND CAR PARK. THEREARE OFFICES,STAFF TOILETS& A KITCHENAREA TO THE SIDEAND OFFICESABOVE TO THE REARON THE FIRSTFLOOR. If 5,000 or morc people are expectedto attend the premisesat any one time, Dleasestate the number exDectedto attmd, wllat licensableactivities do you intend to carry on iom the piemises? (Pleases€esecrons 1 and i4 of&e Licensing Act 2003 and Schedules1 and 2 to the Licensing Act 2003) Provisionof regulatedentertainment a) plays(if ticking yes,fi11in box A) b) films (ifticking yes,filt in box B) c) indoorsportingevents(if ticking yes,fill in box C) d) boxingor wrestlingente$ainnent(if ticking yes,filI in box D) e) live music(if ticking yes,fill in box E) f) recordedmusic(if ticking yes,filI in box F) c) pedormances of dance(if ticking yes,fill in box G) h) an)'thingof a similardescriptionto thatfalling within (e),(0 or (g) (if ticking yes,fill in box H) Pleasetick any ihat apply ! n n n n n n n Provision of late niqht relreshment (if ticking yes, 6ll in box l) Supolv of rlcohol (ifticking yes,fill in box J) X In all casescomplete boxes It L and M A Plays Standarddaysandtimings (pleasereadgnidancenote Will the performanc€ of a bliy trk€ place indoors or ouldoors or bodr - oleasetick (pleaseread suidancenote 2) Indoors Outdoon Day Mon Start Finish Both n n n Pleasesive further detrils here (pleasercadguidancenote3) Tue State any seasonalvariations for performine plavs (pleaseread guidance note4) Ttur Fri Non statrdardtimines. Wlere you intend lo usathe premisesfor the o€rformanceof plavs at dilTerenttim€sto thoselisted in the cotrmn on the lefl. pleaselist (pleasereadgridancenore5) Sat Sun J Supply ofalcohol Standarddaysandtimings (pleasereadguidancenote Duv Start Mon 08.00 Finish 18.00 Tu€ Will th€ supplv of alcohol be for coasumption plselglqg! (pleaseread sridarce note 7) On the ! Off the prcmises X Both ! Stateanv seasotrslvadations for the supplv ofalcohol (pleasercad gl]idancenote4) NONE 08.00 18.00 08.00 18.00 Thur Fri Notr slandard timings. r,Vhererou inlend to usethe premisesfor the suoolv ofalcohol al different times to thoselicted in the column on the 08.00 08.00 1 8 . 0 0 lqlt de$q!!q! (pleasercadguidancenote5) NONE 18.00 Sat 08.00 17.00 Sun 09.00 i1.00 Statethe name and detailsof the individual whom you wish to specifyon the licenceas designated premisessupervisori Name MS ALEXANDRA-LIDIA ANGHELINA Addrcss 113GREATSOUTHWESTROAD, HOUNSLOW, I\,1IDDL ESEX, TW47NR TW4 7NR Personal lic€ncenumber(ifknown) TBA Postcode Issuinglicensingaurhority(if known) LONDON BOROUGHOF HOUNSLOW K Pl€asehighlight any adult ent€rtainmentor serr,,ices, activities,other entertainmentor matters rncillary to th€ useof the premisesthat may give rise to concemin respectof children (pleaseread guidance note8). NONE L Hourspremises arc open to th€ public Standarddaysandtimings (pleasereadguidancenote Dav Start Mon 08.00 State anv seasonalvariations (pleaseread glridancenote 4) NONE Finish 18.00 Tue 08.00 r8.00 08.00 1 8 . 0 0 Non rtandard timinqs. Wbere rou intend the premisesro be open lo lhe Thur 08.00 18.00 Fri 08.00 18.00 Sat 08.00 17.00 Sun 09.00 14.00 p!Cg!q!!qt(pleasereadguidancenote5) NONE K Pleas€ highlight any adult enterttinment or servi€es,activities, other entertainment or matten ancillary to the use of th€ pr€mises that may giv€ rise to concertr in rcspect oI children (pleaseread guidancenote 8). NONE L Hourspremfues are open to the public Standarddaysandtimings (pl€asereadguidancenote Dav Start Mon 08.00 Stat€ any seasonalvariations (pl€asercad guidarce note 4) NONE Finish 18.00 Tue 08.00 18.00 08.00 18.00 Non standard timings, !\tere lou inlend the premise\ lo be open to the Thur 08.00 18.00 Fri 08.00 18.00 Sat 08.00 17.00 Sun 09.00 14.00 public tt different timesfrom thoselisted ia the column on the l€ft p!e!!gl!!! (pleasercadguidancenote5) NONE M Describe ttre stepsyou intend to take to promote the four licensing objectives: a) Generul- all four ectiveslb. c. d and et fDlease read ANDACTIVELY PROI\,4OTE WEWILLOPEMTEOURBUSINESS INA RESPONSIBLE I\4ANNER THELICENSING OBJECTIVES AT ALLTII\4ES. b) The Drev€ntion of crime and disorder 1)A) THE PREI\/IISES LICENCEHOLDERSHALLENSURETHATA CCTVSYSTEI\4 IS INSTALLED POLICE.THE IN THEPREI\4ISES OF A STANDARD ACCEPTABLE TO THE IUEIROPOLITAN SHALLBE II,IAINTAINED IN GOODWORKINGORDER& FULLYOPEMTIONAL SYSTEI\4 HAVEACCESS COVERING ALLINTERNAL AREASOFTHEPREMISES TOWHICHTHEPUBLIC & ALSOTHEAREAIM[.4EDIATELY OUTSIDE THEPREMISES, ALLENTRY& EXITPOINTS SHALLBECOVERED ENABLING FRONTAL IDENTIFICATION {FULLHEAD& SHOULDERS I[.4AGES), OF EVERYPERSONENTERING THEPREMISESIN ANY LIGHTCONDITION TO AN EVIDENTIAL STANDARD. A CAMERASHALLBE INSTALLED IN THE SERVERY/ TILLAREANO HIGHERTHENA I\4ETRE THE FLOORANGLEDUPWARDSSO AS TO TAKEA FACIALSHOTOF ALL PERSONSIN FROI\,,I ITSAREAOF COVER, B) MANAGEMENT & PERMANENT MEMBERS OF STAFFWILLBETRAINED INTHEOPERATION OF THE SYSTEMWITHAT LEASTONEMEI\4BER OF THISCCTVCOI/PETENTSTAFFON DUTY EVERYDAYTHEPREMISES ISOPENFORBUSINESS, C) THE CCTVSYSTEI\4 WILLHAVETHE CAPABILITY TO EITHERDOWNLOAD FOOTAGEONTO DISKOR I\4EMORY STICK,THE FOOTAGEOF THE CCTVSYSTEMWILLBE RETAINEDFORA MINIMUM PERIOD OF 31 DAYSBEFORE RE-WRITING ITSELF WITHCORRECT DATE& TIME THE FOOTAGESHALLBE MADEAVAILABLE TO POLICEOR LOCALAUTHORITY SHOWING. OFFICERS UPONREOUEST. D) IFTHECCTVSYSTEMIS BROKEN THEPREMISES LICENCE HOLDER SHALLNOTIFY THE AS SOON LICENSING AUTHORITY AS SOONAS POSSIBLE ANDGETTHEFAULTRECTIFIED AS PRACTICABLE. F) THEPREMISES LICENCE HOLDER THATA LOGIS KEPTWITHTHE SHALLENSURE DETAILSOF THE DATESOF ALLWORK/ REPAIRSCARRIEDOUTONTHE CCTVSYSTEIVI INCLUDING THENAME& PHONENUMBER OFTHEENGINEER. 2) THERESHALLBE NOSUPPLYOFALCOHOL FORCONSUMPTION OFFTHEPREI\4ISES EXCEPT IN SEALED CONTAINERS. 3) AN INCIDENTBOOKSHALLBE KEPTAT THE PREI\4ISES ANDIVADEAVAILABLE TO THE POLICE ORAUTHORISED COUNCIL OFFICERS WHICHWILLRECORD THEFOLLOWING: A) ALL CRII\,1ES REPORTED. B LOSTPROPERTY, c ALL EJECTIONSOF CUSTOI\,4ERS. D ANYCOI\,4PLAINTS RECEIVED. E ANYINCIDENTS OF DISORDER, F ANY FAULTSIN THE CCTV. G ANYREFUSAL INTHESALEOFALCOHOL. ANYVISITBY A RELEVANT AUTHORITY OR EI\,lERGENCY SERVICE. THECHALLENGE 25 PROOFOFAGEPOLICY WILLBEOPERATED AS THEPROOFOFAGE (SEEBOXE FORFURTHER SCHEI\,1E. DETAILS). 5) ALLSTAFFSHALLBETRAINED FORTHEIRROLEANDINTHEPROVISIONS OFTHE LICENSING ACTINCLUDING CHALLENGE 25 ON INDUCTION ANDGIVENREFRESHER (SEEBOXE FORFURTHER INTERVALS. TRAININGAT A I\4INII\,1UM OF SIX I\,,IONTHLY DETAILS). COVEREDBY CCTVAT ALLTI|\,'IES. BE SPECIFICALLY 6) ALL DISPLAYS OF ALCOHOLI\,4UST OF BEER,LAGERORCIDERSHALLBE SOLD 7) A MINII\4UI\4 OF FOUR(4)CANSOR BOTTLES INANYRETAIL SALETO THEPUBLIC. 8) NO BEER,LAGEROR CIDERABOVE6% ABV I\,IAYBE SOLDBY RETAILSALETO THE PUBLIC. 9) THE PREI\4ISES WILLACTIVELYENGAGEWITHANDWORKWITHIHE LOCALPOLICE TEAMS, TEAI\,,I ANDPOLICE& COUNCILLICENSING EXITDOORANDPOINTOF DISPLAYED BYTHEENTRY/ 1O)NOIICESWILLBE PROMINENTLY ADVISINGCUSTON4ERS: SALE(ASAPPROPRIATE) 25 ARE IN OPERATION; THATCCIV & CHALLENGE -[HE ACT REGARDING OF LICENSING ADVISINGCUSTOI\4ERS OF THEPROVISIONS UNDFRAGE & PROXYSALES; TIMESOF THE & IHE OPENING OFTHEPERMITTED HOURSFORTHESALEOFALCOHOL PRE[,4ISES; TO LEAVEQUIE]LYANDNOTTO LOITEROUTSIDE; TO DISPOSEOF LITTERLEGALLY; NOTTO DRINKALCOHOL OUTSIDE OR INTHESTREET; (ORCOPIES) WILLBE KEPTAT ANDTOBACCO PRODUCTS 11)INVOICES FORALLALCOHOL TO POLICEOFFICERS, AUTHORISED AVAILABLE THE PREMISESFORA YEARANDBE I\,,IADE ON REOUEST. OFFICERS OR HI\,4RC / UKBAOFFICERS COUNCIL cl Public aaf€tv ANDREGULARLY PLANWILLBE PREPARED A FIRERISKASSESSI\4ENT & EMERGENCY FIRESAFETYTRAINING. REVIEWED. STAFFWILLBEGIVENAPPROPRIATE d) The preventionofpublic nuisance DISPLAYED BYTHEENTRY/EXITDOORANDPOINTOF 1) NOTICES WILLBEPROI\4INENTLY 1OFORFULLDETAILS. SEESECTION B CONDITION SALEAS APPROPRIATE_ PERSONSFROMLOITERING DISCOURAGE 2) I\4ANAGEI\4ENT ANDSTAFFWILLPROACTIVELY THEWAREHOUSE. OR DRINKING OUTSIDE 3) THEAREATOTHE FRONTWILLBE KEPTTIDYAT ALLTIIVES. GLASSWARE WILLBE RECEIVED OR REMOVALOF RUBBISHESPECIALLY 4) NO DELIVERIES AND07.OO DAILY, TAKEPLACEBETWEEN2,I.OO e) The protectionofch;ldrenfiorn harm BEOPERATED ANDONLYA 25 PROOFOFAGEPOLICYWILL 1)THECHALLENGE HI/ FORCESPHOTOGMPHIC DRIVINGLICENCE, A VALIDPASSPORT, PHOTOGRAPHIC & THE OR PROOFOF AGECARDWITHTHEBEARER'SPHOTOGRAPH IDENTITYDOCU|\rlENT AS PROOFOFAGE, ON ITWILLBEACCEPTED PASSLOGO/HOLOGRAM RECORDWILLBE KEPTAS PARTOF THE INCIDENTBOOKAND 2) A WRITTENREFUSALS TO POLICEOR COUNCILOFFiCERSON REQUEST, I\4ADE AVAILABLE DISPLAYED BY THE ENTRY/EXITDOORANDPOINTOF 3) NOTICESWILLBE PROI\4INENTLY B CONDITION 1OFORFULLDETAILS. SEESECTION SALEASAPPROPRIATE_ ANDAT REGULAR 4) ALLSTAFFWILLBETRAINED FORTHEIRROLEON INDUCTION IDENTIFYING PERSONS THEREAFTER. TRAINING WILLINCLUDE INTERVALS OF SIXMONTHS ANDRECORDING ACCEPTABLE PROOFOFAGE,MAKING UNDER25.I\4AKING A CHALLENGE, ALCOHOL RETAILING. A REFUSAL. PROXYSALES.AVOIDING CONFLICT ANDRESPONSIBLE ANDI\4ADE WILLBE KEPTFORALLSTAFFI\,lEIVBERS 5) WRITTENTRAININGRECORDS AVAILABLE TO POLICE ORCOUNCIL OFFICERS ON REQUEST. AGECHECKFUNCTION 6) UNLESS AN EPOSTILLIS IN USEWITHAN INTERGRAL WILLBEDISPLAYED BYTHETILLTO INCORPORATED IN IT , A MANUAL TILLPROIVPT REI\4IND S'AFF TO APPLYCHALLENGE 25 & CHECKPROOFOFAGEWHEREAPPROPRIATE. Checklist: Pleasetick to indicate asreement I x x . I have maaleor enclosedpaynent ofthe fee. . I have encloseddre plan of the prcnises. . I havesentcopiesofthis applicationand th€plan to rcsponsibl€aulhoritiesard otherswherc applicable. a' . I have enclosedthe consentform completed by the individual l wish to be d€signatedpremises superv'sor.ilapplicable. v . I undeNtandthat I mustnow advertisemy application. X . I undeNtandthatifl do not complywith the aboverequirem€nts my applicationwiil be rejec,ed. IT IS AN OFFENCE, LIABLE ON SUMMARY CONVICTION TO A FTIIE NOT EXCEEDING LEVEL 5 ON TIIE STANDARD SCALE, UNDER SECTION 158OF THE LICENSING ACT 2003, TO MAKE A FAISE STATEMENT IIi OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS APPLICATION. Part 4 - Signatures (pleasereadguidancenote 10) Signatureof applicant or applicant's soli€itor or oth€r duly authoiised agent (seeguidancenote I 1). If signhg on behalf of the applican! please strte in what capacity, Signature Dal-- 2 0n n 6 Capacily {UTHORISTD T ICF\SINCCONSUT TA\T For joint appli€atiotrs,signatureof2"d rpplicstrt or 2'd applicsnt's solicitor or other authorised agent (pleasereadgxidancenote l2). ff signingon behalfof the applicant,pleasestatein what capacty. Signature Date Capacily Contact name (wher€ not previously given) and postal addressfor correspondenceassociatedwith this application(pleasereadguidancenote l3) GT LICENSING CONSULTANTS, 55 CODENHAM GREEN, BASILDON, ESSEX. SS165DT Postrown BASILDON Postcode I 5516sDT 07810826?78 Telephonenumber(if an)) If you would prefer us to correspondwith you by e-mail, your e-mail addrcss(optional) googlerndil.com grlicensingconsuhdnls@ Notesfor Guidance Describe the premises,for example dle t]?e ofFemises, its generalsituation and layout and any other infonnation which could be relevant to the licensing obje€tives.W}lere your application includes off-supplies ofalcohol and you intend to provide a place for consumptionof theseoffsupplies,you must include a description olwhere the place will be and its Foximity to the premises. 2. Wlere taking place in a building or oiher stluctule pleasetlck as appropiate (indoors may include a tent). 3. For example the twe ot'activity to be authodsed,ilnot already stated,and give relevant fu her details, lor example (but not exclusively) whether or not music will be amplified or unamplified. 4. Fo. example (but not exclusively), where d1eactivity will occur on additional days during the summermoflths, 5. For exanple Out not exclusively), where you wish the activity to go on longer on a particular day e.g.Ch.istmasEve. 6. Pleasegive timingsin 24 hourclock (e.g.16:00)and only give detailsfor rhe daysofthe week when you intend the prernisesto be used for the activity. 7. Ifyou wish peopl€to be ableto consumealcoholon theFemises,pleasetick'on the premises'.If you wish people to be able to purchasealcohol to consumeaway from the premises,pleasetick 'offthe premises'.lf you wish peopleto be ableto do both,pleasetick 'both'. 8. Pleasegive information about an)'thing intended to occur at the premisesor ancillary to the use of the prerniseswhich may give dse to concem in respectof children, regardlessof wheth€r you intend childrcn to have accessto the premises,for example (but not exclusively) nudity or selnlnudity, films for restricted age groups or the presenceof gaming machines. 9. Pleaselist here stepsyou will take to promote all four licensing objeciiv€s together 10. fte applicdion lorn musrbe signed. 11. An applicant'sagent(for examplesolicitor)may sign the folm on thelrbehalfprovidedthatthey have actual authority to do so. 12. Wlere iherc is morc than one applicant, each ofthe applicant or their respectiveagelt must sign the application fom. 13. This is dre addresswhich we sha11useto conespond with you about this applicalion. L PROEU'ED BY AN AUTODESKEEUEATIOML FROdIJCT g E _ti 6F,l 'I I O LILlI :: q) (5 (J (t) P e o E LU s2 o = .F53 = !gE =. 2A E t sa a e
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