Tesco Stores Ltd Staines Road Feltham
Tesco Stores Ltd Staines Road Feltham
Application for a premises licence to be granted under the Licensing Act 2003 PLEASE R.EAD THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Before completing this form pleaseread the guidancenotesat the end of the form. If you are completing this form by hand pleasewrite legibly in block capitals. ln all casesensurethat your answersare inside the boxes and written in black ink. Use additional sheetsifnecessary. You may wish to keep a copy of the completed form for your records. Ywe Tg_s_cp _q!_olg_s_ I-!q (Insert name(s)of applicant) apply for a prernises licence under section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 for the premises described in Part I below (the premises) and Vwe are making this application to you as the releyant licensing authority in accordance with section 12 of the Licensing Act 2003 Part 1- PremisesDetails Postal addressofpremises or, ifnone, ordnancesurvey map referenceor description Tesco Stores Ltd 507-511StainesRoad Feltham Post town Postcode Feltham TW148BN Telephonenumber at premises(if any) Non-domestic rateablevalue of oremrses Not Yet Assessed,f315.00 chequeenclosed, Part 2 - Applicant Details Pleasestatewhether you are applfng for a prerniseslicence as Pleasetick as appropriate a) an individual or individuals * b) a person other than an individual * i. asa limited company ii. as a parrrership iii. as an unincorporatedassociationor iv. other (for example a statutory corporation) c) a recognisedclub d) a charity e) the proprietor of an educationalestablishment n LIJ n u ! ! n n pleasecomplete section (A) pleasecompletesection(B) pleasecompletesection(B) pleasecompletesection(B) pleasecompletesection(B) pleasecompletesection(B) pleasecompletesection(B) pleasecomplete section (B) pleasecomplete section (B) f) a health servicebody g) a person who is registeredunder Part 2 ofthe Care ! StandardsAct 2000 (cl4) in respectofan independent hospital in Wales pleasecomplete section @) ga) a person who is registeredunder Chrfter 2 ofPart 1 of the Health and Social CareAct 2008 (within the meaning of that Part) in an independenthospital in England tr pleasecomplete section (B) h) the chief ofEcerofpolice ofa police force in England and Wales ! pleasecompletesection@) Ll * If you are applying as a person describedin (a) or (b) pleaseconfirm: Pleasetick yes I am carrying on or proposing to carry on a businesswhich involves the use of the premisesfor licensableactivities;or I am making the application pursuant to a n n statutory function or a function dischargedby virtue ofHer Majesty's prerogative (A) INDMDUAL APPLICAi\TS (fill in as applicable) MrnMIsflMissnMsn Surname I am 18yearsold or over OtherTitle (for example,Rev) First names n Please tick yes Currentpostaladdressif differentfrom premises address Posttown Daltime contacttelephone number E-mailaddress (optional) Postcode SECOI\'DINDMDUAL APPLICAIIT (if applicable) Other Title (for example,Rev) MtnMrsnMissIMrn Surname First names I am 18 years old or over n Please tick yes Current postal addressif different from premises address Posttown Postcode Daltime contact telephone number E-mail address (optional) (B) OTHER APPLICA]\[TS Pleaseprovide nameand registeredaddressof applicantin full. Where appropriatepleasegive any registerednumber. In the caseof a partnership or other joint venture (other than a body pleasegivethe nameand addressof eachparty concerned. corporate)n Name Tesco StoresLtd Address TescoHouse DelamareRoad Cheshunt Waltham Cross Herts ENS gSL Registerednumber (where applicable) ComoanvNumber 00519500 Description of applicant (for example,partnership,company,unincorporatedassociationetc.) Limited ComDanv Telephonenumber(it any) 01707634831 E-mail address(optional)licensing.team@uk.tesco.com Part 3 Operating Schedule When do you want the premiseslicence to start? As soonasoossible If you wish the licence to be valid only for a limited period, when do you want it to end? (pleasereadguidancenote 1) Pleasegive a generaldescriptionofthe pre.rnises sellinga rangeof goodsand services.This includesthe saleof alcohol Retailpremises(supermarket) off the premisesare madefrom for consumption off the premises.Salesof alcoholfor consumption the suoermarket salesflooras shownon the enclosedolan If 5,000 or more people are expectedto attend the.premisesat any one time, pleasestatethe number expectedto attend. What licensable activities do you intend to carry on from the prernises? (Pleaseseesections 1 and 14 of the Licensing Act 2003 and SchedulesI and 2 to the Licensing Act 2003) Provision of regulatedentertaiffn€nt Pleasetick any that aPPlv a) play,s(if ticking yes, fill in box A) n b) films (ifticking yes,fill in box B) ! c) indoor sporting events(if ticking yes, fill in box C) ! d) boxing or wrestling enteriaiffnent (ifticking yes, fill in box D) ! e) live music (if ticking yes, fill in box E) n f) recordedmusic (ifticking yes, fill in box F) tr C) performancesof dance(if ticking yes, fill in box G) ! h) anything ofa similar description to that falling within (e), (f) or (g) (ifticking yes,fill in box H) ! J Supply of alcohol Standarddays and timings (pleaseread guidancenote 6) Day Start Finish Mon 0600 2300 Tue 0600 2300 Wed 0600 2300 Thur 0600 2300 Will tlte suoply of alcohol be for consumotion olease tick (pleaseread guidancenote 7) On the premrses ! Offthe premrses Both ! State anv seasonalvariations for the suoplv of alcohol (pleaseread guidancenote 4) Non standardtimines. Where vou intend to uscllhc Drcuiscstblllhc sunolv of alcohol at different times to those listed in tJte column on tfie left. oleaselist (pleaseread guidancenote 5) Fri 0600 2300 Sat 0600 2300 Sun 0600 2300 State the nam€ and details of the individual whom you wish to specify on the licence as designated premisessupervisor: Name Greg Bartley Address 39 Of{ley Road Hitchin Herts I SG52BB Personallicence number (if known) Harlow/pers/0094 Postcode Issuinglicensingauthority(ifknown) Ha ow District Council K Pleasehighlight any adult entertrinment or services,activities,other entertainmentor matters ancillary to the useof the premisesthat may give rise to concernin respectof children (pleaseread guidance note8). L Hours premises are open to the public Standarddays and timings (pleaseread guidancenote 6) Day Start Finish Mon 0600 2300 Tue 0600 2300 Wed 0600 2300 Thur 0600 2300 Fri 0600 2300 Sat 0600 2300 Sun 0600 2300 State any seasonalyariations (pleaseread guidancenote 4) Non Btandard timinss. Where you intend the preqdle! llqbelDe4llallhc oublic at different times from those listed in the colunn on tle left. p!9499!q! (pleaseread guidancenote 5) M Describethe stepsyou intendto taketo promotethe four licensingobjectives: a) General - all four d and e) (Dleasereadzuidancenorc We are a nationalretailerthatsellsalcoholas partof a broadofferingof goodsand services.We have heldoff-licences in our storesfor manyyearsand are an approvedBritishInstituteof Inn-keeping are in place, centre.We havewriftentrainingpoliciesandformaltrainingprogrammes examination All trainingand whichensureour peopleareequippedto meetall licensingobjectives. materialsare reviewedregularly.All storescurrentlycomplywithour 'Think25' revision/refresher policy,this is broughtto customer'sattentionthroughpointof salematerialwithinthe store.We take legalcompliance veryseriouslyand in additionto localtrainingwe employa centralalcohollicensing compliance nranager andhavea compliance committee. b) The prevention of crime and disorder The premiseswill havedigitalCCTVsystemthatcoversmanyareasof the shopfloor,includingthe withour applicationoroposedareawhichwill be usedfor beerand wine,shouldwe be successful request. lmageswill be retainedfor a minimumof 21 daysand madeavailableon enforcement premises the storeis open. will on the all the time Ordinarily, a memberof theManagement team be A personwill haveresponsibility for the premiseswhilstthe premisesare open. c) Public safety whilstthe premises areopen. for the premises A personwillhaveresponsibility including lookingafterour willbe trainedto supportthe runningof the premises Management relating rules regulations to public and staff. The store will adhere to all and customers safety. d) The preventionofpublic nuisance We intendto be an activememberof thecommunity. authoritiesshouldthe needarise. We welcomethe opportunity to liaisewith Policeand enforcement e) The protection ofchildren from harm All staffwill be trainedand regularlyrefreshedin the corporate'Think25' Policy.Staffwill be trained and'Think25'whensellingalcohol. to lookat thecustomer A tillpromptwillappearon the initialsaleof alcoholthatwillremindthesellerof theirresponsibilities notto sellalcoholto anyoneundertheageof 18. including of our'Think bothstaffandcustomers informing Thestorewilldisplaysignagearoundthepremises 25' policyon alcohol. Checklist: Please tick to indicate rgreement o I have rnadeor enclosedpayrnent ofthe fee. x . I baveenclosedthe plan ofthe premises. X . I have sent copies ofthis application and the plan to responsibleauthorities and otherswhere applicable. X . I have enclosedthe consentform completedby the individual I wish to be designatedpronises supervisor,if applicable. X . I undentand that I must now advertisemy application. X . i understandthat ifl do not comply with the aboverequirernentsmy application will be rejected. X IT IS AN OFFENCE, LIABLE ON SUMMARY CONVICTION TO A FINE NOT EXCEEDING LEVEL 5 ON THE STAI\DARD SCALE. UNDER SECTION 158 OF THE LICENSING ACT 2003. TO MAKE A FALSE STATEMENT IN OR IN COI\IIECTION WITH TIIIS APPLICATION. Part 4 - Signatures (pleaseread guidancenote l0) Signature of applicant or applicsnt's solicitor or other duly authorised agent (seeguidancenote I 1). If signing on behalf of the applicant please state in what capacity. Signature Date 12fr March 2014 Capacity Greg Bartley - Licence Manager For joint applicationsosignature of2od applicant or 2odapplicant's solicitor or other authorised agent (pleasereadguidancenote l2). If signing on behalfofthe applicant pleasestatein what capacity, Signature Date Capacity Contact name (where not previously given) and postal addressfor correspondenceassociatedwith this application (pleaseread guidancenote 13) Greg Bartley Licensing Department,Tesco StoresLtd Cimrs Building C Shire Park Posttown I WelwW Garden Cify 01707634837 Telephonenumber (if any) Postcode I AL7 IZIi If you would prefer us to correspondwith you by e-mail, your e-mail address(optional) Licensing.team@uk.tesco.com F 2.14 L oo 2 1.9l rg'la.dgn rssuE1A ll ,tL DATE I (L|N 29.11.2013 TE..99 express i9 *)Z t5 i: 9l ts {^a cl 5 b DRAW|NG No.Sta EAG ADPNOVEO 92 MOOS B€VISEDI4YOUT IO SUTTNEW DESISN 9TANDASDS PTI,ASE1 svsnuro,RETI ,r!t- u* 6;-f' ,'3'*uA" ro SCqLE 1:100@ A
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