POP-contaminated sites from HCH production in Sabiñánigo, Spain
POP-contaminated sites from HCH production in Sabiñánigo, Spain
Environ Sci Pollut Res DOI 10.1007/s11356-012-1433-8 11TH FORUM OF THE INTERNATIONAL HCH AND PESTICIDE ASSOCIATION POP-contaminated sites from HCH production in Sabiñánigo, Spain J. Fernández & M. A. Arjol & C. Cacho Received: 3 May 2012 / Accepted: 13 December 2012 # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 Abstract In 2009, hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers (α-HCH, β-HCH, and γ-HCH [lindane]) were listed as persistent organic pollutants (POP) in the Stockholm Convention. Accordingly, the legacy of HCH/lindane production with the associated large HCH waste deposits has become recognized as an issue of global concern and is addressed in the implementation of the Convention. The current paper gives an overview of the major contaminated sites from lindane production of the INQUINOSA Company. This company operated from 1975 to 1988 in the city of Sabiñánigo, Spain. HCH production resulted in the production of approximately 115,000 tonnes of waste isomers which were mainly dumped in two unlined landfills. These two landfill sites, together with the former production site, are recognized sources of environmental pollution. Assessment and remediation activities at these sites are described. A dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) contaminated inter alia with HCH isomers, benzene, chlorobenzenes, and chlorophenols as the main contaminants and an associated contaminated groundwater plume have been discovered at both landfill/dumpsites and at the former production site. The approximately 4,000 t of DNAPLs constitute a serious risk for the environment due to the proximity of the Gállego River. Since 2004, more than 20 tonnes of this DNAPL has been extracted using “pump and treat” techniques. The Aragon Regional Government and the Spanish Environmental Ministry are taking action, focusing on the treatment of DNAPL and on the transfer of the large quantities of solid POP wastes to a new landfill. A range of laboratory tests has been performed in order to plan the aquifer remediation. Responsible editor: Leif Kronberg Introduction This article belongs to the series “Dioxin and POP Contaminated Sites” (Weber et al. 2008) edited by Roland Weber, Mats Tysklind, and Caroline Gaus. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11356-012-1433-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. J. Fernández (*) : C. Cacho Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment, Government of Aragon, San Pedro Nolasco Square, 50071 Zaragoza, Spain e-mail: jfernandezc@aragon.es C. Cacho e-mail: ccacho@aragon.es M. A. Arjol SARGA, Cesar Augusto Avenue 14, 50004 Zaragoza, Spain e-mail: marjol@sarga.es Keywords POP . Lindane . HCH . Organochlorines . DNAPL . Contaminated site . Stockholm Convention Technical hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and the separated γ isomer (lindane) were among the most extensively used organochlorine pesticides. Their production and use have resulted in global contamination (Breivik et al. 1999; Li 1999; Vijgen et al. 2011). Recently, HCH isomers (αHCH, β-HCH, and γ-HCH [lindane]) were added to the persistent organic pollutants (POP) list of the Stockholm Convention (2009). Accordingly, the legacy of HCH and lindane production has been recognized as an issue of global contemporary relevance (Vijgen et al. 2011). The largest challenges are posed by the HCH waste residues generated from the inefficient production process of lindane: Each tonne of lindane generated between 8 and 12 tonnes of other HCH waste isomers (α-HCH, 55–80 %; β-HCH, 5–14 %; δ-HCH, 2–16 %; and ε-HCH, 3–5 %) (Bodenstein 1972). Environ Sci Pollut Res Remaining largely unknown to the public and indeed to the scientific community until relatively recently, this has generated the globe’s largest POP stockpile—estimated at between four and seven million tonnes of wastes (Vijgen 2006; Vijgen et al. 2011). These wastes, together with those generated from recycling of HCH residues, were generally dumped, usually in an uncontrolled manner, in the vicinity of the production facilities. This practice has resulted in numerous contaminated sites around the world (Vijgen et al. 2011; Götz et al. 2012; Jit et al. 2010; Torres et al. 2012; Weber and Varbelow 2012; Wycisk et al. 2012). These wastes and the contaminated sites now need to be addressed as part of the implementation of the Stockholm Convention. The Stockholm Convention states in Article 6 the measures to be used to reduce or eliminate releases from stockpiles and wastes. They must be disposed of in such a way that the POP content is destroyed or irreversibly transformed so they do not exhibit the characteristics of POP or must be otherwise disposed of in an environmentally sound manner. The Convention also mandates that signatory parties shall endeavor to develop appropriate strategies for identifying sites contaminated by chemicals listed in Annex A, B, or C of the Convention. If remediation of such sites is undertaken, then it must be performed in an environmentally sound manner. Lindane has been produced in Spain at four production sites. All production has now ceased, with the last plant operating until 1988. Two production facilities were located in the Basque country of Northern Spain and these are thought to have disposed of around 82,000 tonnes of production wastes. One factory produced lindane in Galicia, generating several thousand tonnes of HCH waste together with several hundred thousand tonnes of contaminated soil in the deposition process. Another facility in Aragon generated approximately 115,000 tonnes of dumped HCH wastes (Vijgen 2006). In this paper, an overview of contamination from the production in Sabiñánigo, Aragon is presented. Sabiñánigo is a small industrial city located in the Aragonian Pyrenees, in the northeast of Spain (Fig. 1), whose development in the beginning and middle of the twentieth century was largely due to the bulk chemical industries located there. During this period, bad environmental practices associated with the dumping of the solid wastes generated by the city and its associated industries resulted in several contaminated sites. By far, the largest producer of chemical wastes was the INQUINOSA Company which was involved in the production of lindane. This company was established in Sabiñánigo in the 1970s, produced lindane from 1975 to 1988, and continued formulating lindane products until 1992. Waste generation data differ somewhat, depending upon the information source, but estimates of approximately 6,800 t/year of solid waste and 300 to 1,500 t/year of liquid waste appear to be reliable. Both waste streams from the γ isomer enrichment for lindane production. In a first refining step, a solid α-HCH-rich waste is generated, and in the second refining step, a liquid/pasty residue with high δHCH concentration (δ-paste) is produced (Jit et al. 2010; Sievers and Friesel 1989). The HCH waste was initially sent for some time to another lindane production plant in France where it was recycled by thermal cracking. At other sites employing this technique, residues highly contaminated with polychlorinated dibenzodioxins/polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/PCDF) are known to have been generated (Götz et al. 2012; Vijgen et al. 2011). Later, in the absence of a market for the products of the cracking process (trichlorobenzene/tetrachlorobenzene), the HCH wastes were packed in drums and dumped at different locations in the vicinity of the INQUINOSA plant. Over a period of 7 years, the pollution status of the areas has been assessed and potential remediation technologies evaluated. Similar studies have been reported in relation to sites in Brazil (Torres et al. 2012; La Laina Cunha et al. 2010) and India (Abhilash and Singh 2009). This article provides an overview on assessment work conducted on the pollution from lindane production residues at the main contaminated sites around Sabiñánigo, including likely and potential impact on the local environment. Details on the scale and extent of contamination are presented and the major resulting threats and challenges are described. The challenges posed by the large volumes of liquid POP waste generated should be noted in this case. This constitutes a potentially very high pollution loading with a high migration potential. It poses, therefore, a threat of both groundwater and surface water pollution. The presence of a large volume of dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL; containing HCHs, chlorobenzenes, benzene, and other organochlorines) and related surface water and groundwater contamination at the dumping sites and the old factory have helped shape the decisions of the Regional Government. Mitigation of the problems is taking place against a background of limited available resources coupled with the very large amounts of POP waste which need to be managed. Materials and methods The assessment and initial remediation works described in this article were developed over 7 years with the participation of several companies contracted by the Regional Government and its technicians. Until 2010, groundwater analyses were carried out by commercial laboratories. Due to the contracting of several institutes, analytical methods used have varied widely. Monitoring of the groundwater plume has been carried out for a wide range of (semi)volatile aromatic compounds (including benzene, chlorobenzenes, phenol, and chlorophenols) and chlorinated Environ Sci Pollut Res Fig. 1 Location of the Sabiñánigo area in Spain pesticides. The analyses of organochlorine contaminants (chlorobenzene, HCHs, chlorophenols, and nonchlorinated compounds) were generally performed using low-resolution gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and involved several commercial laboratories (Aycon, Analytico, Agrolab, and Alcontrol Laboratories). Alcontrol, Analytico, and Agrolab are companies accredited by Raad voor Accreditatie, according to ISO/IEC 17025:2005, for almost all parameters analyzed. GC/MS was used to measure the volatile and semivolatile compounds. In Agrolab Laboratories, the aromatic compounds are determined by the method EN ISO 11423-1, the volatile compounds by method EN-ISO 10301, and the semivolatile compounds by the method NEN-EN-ISO 6468. Alcontrol Laboratories uses their own methods, Analytico Laboratories uses, for all the parameters, the method W6336 GC-MS. Aycon uses the PE-Q-AG-075 (headspace [HS]-GC/MS) method. The analytical differences between laboratories were assessed using blind and duplicate samples and were in an acceptable range. The complex sampling matrices involved the heterogeneous character of the contamination source, and the different analytical methods used by the laboratories resulted in some discrepancies in results. The variation between data for the main control parameters (benzene, monochlorobenzene, and sum of isomers of HCH) ranges from 20 to 30 %. This would prevent any clear comparison between campaigns and/or laboratories data and blur the development trend of the plume. However, with so high concentrations of pollutants, it is considered that this information is applicable to delineate the approximate distribution of the contaminants in the aquifer. On the other hand, discrepancies between analytical campaigns for the same control points are caused by the degree of dilution (high and low water, pumping-free phase) and the high variability in DNAPL composition that determines the load in solution. So, for several campaigns, each control point remains in the same order of magnitude in the total pollutant load, but its distribution varies. In order to reduce analytical errors, facilitate the data availability, and reduce the analytical cost, the government has established its own GC/MS facility (Agilent 7890A) and has carried out analyses under high standard of quality assurance/quality control procedures, including interlaboratory comparisons (Aquacheck program). The volatiles compounds were analyzed by HSGC/MS, whereas for semivolatile compounds and phenols, a solid-phase extraction with subsequent organic solvents dissolution and determination by GC/MS were used. The uncertainty in intercomparison exercises was <10 % for all parameters, with the exception of chlorophenols which reaches 70 % due to the absence of a specific method of extraction. Environ Sci Pollut Res Currently, the hydrogeochemical monitoring program in place generates approximately 160 groundwater samples per year from the Bailín landfill and 120 groundwater samples per year from the Sardas landfill. Over time, this has resulted in more than 1,500 groundwater samples from the Bailín landfill and more than 500 samples from the Sardas landfill being taken and analyzed. Before each sampling campaign, measurements of water and DNAPL level and vertical profiles of temperature and conductivity are taken in order to target specific sampling depths. Samples are taken using bladder pumps and flow cells. For surface water quality monitoring, a monthly campaign is performed involving sampling of seven stations on the Gállego River and along the Bailín Ravin. Sampling is carried out daily or weekly downstream of the Sardas landfill and 500 m downstream of the Bailín Ravin waste deposit, depending upon recent local meteorological conditions. The analytes targeted include benzene, chlorobenzene, and HCH isomers, together with a suite of standard hydrogeological monitoring parameters. The surface water quality monitoring program also includes an annual electrofishing exercise together with sampling of macrobenthos and sediments at seven stations in the Gállego River and its tributary. Results and discussion The 7-year assessment of pollution from the former production of lindane and associated waste dumpsites of the INQUINOSA plant revealed that, during its 17 years of operation, the company had virtually no environmental policy in operation and particular waste disposal. It is estimated that approximately 115,000 tonnes of hazardous organochlorine wastes (largely HCH waste isomers) were disposed in unsecured landfills (dumpsites). The investigation further revealed that four major contaminated sites exist (Fig. 2): the former factory area of INQUINOSA which is now derelict, the Sardas and Bailin dumpsites, and the Sabiñánigo dam. In particular, the two dumpsites were found to be the major legacies of lindane production with aggregated waste quantities estimated at between 30,000 and 80,000 tonnes of HCH for the respective dumpsites.1 These estimates place the sites among the largest HCH waste deposits worldwide (Vijgen 2006; Vijgen et al. 2011; Jit et al. 2010). Former workers of the plant were interviewed as part of the site investigations. From these interviews, it is thought that part of the generated waste stream was disposed of at 1 It is based on the annual production of waste according to different information sources. During some periods, HCH waste was disposed to different landfills which results in difficulties in detailed determination of waste volumes for each landfill. From recent documentation materials discovered in the factory, the upper estimate seems most probable. more distant sites, but the locations remain to be established. Additionally, therefore, several smaller dumpsites probably exist. These have not been addressed by the current investigation which focused on only four major contaminated sites outlined previously. For three of these sites, the Regional Government of Aragon and the Government of Spain are executing the investigation/remediation works. Only the dam is solely supervised by a national authority and the work underway is not described in this study. In the following sections, contamination at these sites and their current situation are described. The assessment activities conducted in recent years and current plans for further remediation are outlined. INQUINOSA’s former production site The production facility of INQUINOSA was closed in 1992 and is today abandoned and derelict. When it was closed, the company removed manufacturing equipment, but left raw materials and waste on the site (see Fig. 3), which have remained on-site ever since. Today, after access to the site was granted by judicial means, soil and groundwater characterization and an inventory of the remaining wastes on the site are being undertaken. The conducted assessments have revealed significant contamination of soil and groundwater (Table 1). Further, the presence of a DNAPL was discovered approximately 30 m from the Sabiñánigo reservoir (Dirección General de Calidad Ambiental, Gobierno de Aragón 2011a). The DNAPL (Table 1) stems from the liquid waste derived from process residues for the enrichment of the γ-isomer and from the mixture of faulty production batches. The main causes of the pollution on-site were the management of solid waste and the infiltration of liquid waste (resulting in DNAPL). The HCH contamination in soil is associated with solid waste dispersion, especially important in the early years of production. In this period, solid HCH waste was managed without control measures. Some of the area in the factory was without concrete flooring. The high contamination levels in the waters are clear indicators of the presence of DNAPLs in the aquifer at the site. About 100 tonnes of HCH, 6 tonnes of o,o-dimethyl phosphorodithioic acid (used in the manufacture of phosmet insecticide), and other chemicals still remain on the abandoned production site. Currently, further characterization of the chemicals and wastes left on-site is being undertaken and further management of this waste is planned. Other work planned in the short term includes a monitoring program needed to characterize the distribution of the DNAPL in the aquifer at the site and formulate plans for its extraction and treatment. Any further demolition of the facility and remediation of the soil are constrained by the legal situation which currently applies to the property and ultimately by the available Environ Sci Pollut Res Fig. 2 Geographic location of the major contaminated sites budget. The task of remediation requires very thorough planning, taking into account the challenges encountered at similar factories where such work has been carried out (Weber and Varbelow 2012) The Sardas landfill The Sardas landfill is located along a geological ridge structure of folded rock layers. The northern flank or limb of this Fig. 3 Abandoned raw materials and wastes at the former INQUINOSA production site anticline is declining with about 30° into the subsurface, while the southern limb is orientated almost vertically. Eocene marls form the geological basement of the Sardas landfill (Fig. 4). It is estimated that between 30,000 and 80,000 tonnes2 of solid HCH waste isomers and 2,000 t in liquid form (DNAPL) were dumped in this site. The total waste volume of the site is approximately 350,000 m3. The site lacks a liner system in its basin and does not have leachate c b a μg/kg μg/kg ε-HCH Total HCH 2,700,000 74,730,000 3,200 640 57,000,000 5,600,000 9,700,000 2,200,000 138,885 3,200,165 452 161 2,303,197 245,523 406,837 105,722 μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L 1 22 730 712 1,158 2,269 640 5,509 7,600 1,400 15,000 37,633 139 16,428 2,535 701 93 6 15 34 – 3 77 2,000 1,400 2,800 120,000 310 42,000 8,200 2,007 245 16 43 123 – Mean 13 31 94 <1 <1 21 20 9 1.800 13 370 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 <1 <1 – Minimum Chromatographically not resolvable constituents Nivel Genérico de Referencia (NGR or generic reference level [GRL]) maximum concentration acceptable for land use in Spanish law Units in micrograms per kilogram dry matter – – 1,000 100,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 – μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L – μg/kg μg/kg μg/kg μg/kg μg/kg μg/kg 2,546 341 65,167 10,561 38,162 12,504 955 308 648 – Pentachlorophenol Monochlorophenols α-HCH β-HCH γ-HCH δ-HCH 60,000 2,200 1,600,000 247,300 801,600 279,000 20,000 1,900 4,200 9.6 10,000 100,000 35,000 40,000 90,000 – – 10,000 100,000 μg/kg μg/kg μg/kg μg/kg μg/kg μg/kg μg/kg μg/kg μg/kg μg/kg Benzene Phenol Monochlorobenzene Dichlorobenzenes Trichlorobenzenes Tetrachlorobenzenes Pentachlorobenzene Dichlorophenols Trichlorophenols Tetrachlorophenols Maximum Unit Mean NGRb industrial (soil limited value) Unita Maximum Water (16 samples) Soil (28 samples) Parameter 16.01 5.95 15.29 14.78 1.74 24.06 1.41 Unknownc Density (g/cm3) 0.25 4.31 0.91 Tetrachlorocyclohexene Pentachlorocyclohexenes Hexachlorohexadiene Heptachlorocyclohexane α-HCH β-HCH γ-HCH δ-HCH 3 4 7.92 6.47 3.66 0.24 Weight percent Benzene Monochlorobenzene Dichlorobenzenes Trichlorobenzenes Tetrachlorobenzenes Pentachlorobenzene Parameter DNAPL (1 sample) Table 1 Concentration of HCH isomers, chlorobenzenes, benzene, chlorophenol, and other chlorinated and related nonchlorinated compounds in soil and groundwaters at INQUINOSA production site Environ Sci Pollut Res Environ Sci Pollut Res Fig. 4 Conceptual model of the Sardas landfill treatment or other protection measures in place. The codisposal of waste from chloralkali production has resulted in a high pH of 13 (Fig. 5). The wastes also contain, in addition to HCH, large amounts of hydrocarbons and metals. Leachates and dispersion of waste have contaminated soils, groundwater, and surface water. In 2009, a DNAPL was detected from the surface (Table 2; Fig. 5). Immediately, collection works and studies of the hydrogeological behavior of the site were initiated. This initial work was focused on identifying viable confinement and treatment options for later implementation. A general high heterogeneity of the subsurface conditions at the landfill site was revealed by the application of various investigation techniques. This includes geological drilling and borehole data, geophysical seismic and electrical tomography, hydraulic characterization by heat–pulse flowmeter measurements as well as pumping tests, and extensive hydrochemical analyses. Based on these investigations, the landfill site was characterized as follows: (1) the landfill is not secured by a bottom liner system, (2) the base of the landfill is saturated Fig. 5 Surface alkaline leachates and DNAPL and in contact with the groundwater, and (3) an extensive DNAPL pool in the downstream area of the landfill was identified (Fig. 4) (Dirección General de Calidad Ambiental, Gobierno de Aragón 2010). The conceptual model of the site suggests that groundwater flow mainly occurs in the Quaternary top layers as well as in the upper 15 m of the altered marl horizon (Dirección General de Calidad Ambiental, Gobierno de Aragón 2011b). A general leachate accumulation is present in the anthropogenic fillings and alluvial silt sediments in the downstream area of the landfill. The presence of the Sabiñánigo dam maintains the water table to a level very constant, between 5 and 10 m below the surface. The DNAPL was detected at very variable depths, even on the surface, where the topography short marl outcrops, up to 40 m deep near the dam. The DNAPL movement is density-driven and follows mainly preferential flow pathways through fractured media. The DNAPL contamination already affected the alluvial deposits downstream that are hydraulically linked to the Gállego River bed. Fortunately, the contamination of surface Environ Sci Pollut Res Table 2 DNAPL composition at the Sardas dumpsite (date: 16 February 2009 Parameter Unit Density Benzene Monochlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,3,5-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,3,5-Tetrachlorobenzenene 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 1,2,3,4-Tetrachlorobenzene Pentachlorobenzene kg/L g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg 1.42 0.426 0.994 5.254 2.13 6.674 0.426 10.224 4.118 8.662 n.d. 3.976 n.d. Phenol Chlorophenol 2,4-Dichlorophenol 2,6-Dichlorophenol Trichlorophenols Tetrachlorophenols Tetrachlorocyclohexenes Pentachlorocyclohexenes Hexachlorohexadiene Hexachlorocyclohexane Heptachlorocyclohexane Heptachlorocycloheptane α-HCH β-HCH γ-HCH δ-HCH ε-HCH Other HCH isomers g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.142 n.d. 1.42 21.726 26.838 n.d. n.d. 0.71 6.532 0.142 12.354 9.656 3.692 7.242 water is retained by the dam that keeps the superficial water level to an upper bound to the alluvial; the contaminant discharge from the gravels is at least somehow retarded and avoids a direct and rapid contamination of the surface water. The monitoring network of the landfill has 51 piezometers; 7 of these are connected to a pumping station for DNAPL extraction. Currently, the DNAPL is controlled by these seven piezometers. The pumped residues, after decanting, are sent to an incinerator. The aqueous phase is stored in two ponds for in situ treatment in a wastewater treatment plant (physicochemical and activated carbon treatment). In order to plan and decide on future decontamination strategies, a range of preliminary laboratory tests have been carried out (with persulfate, peroxide, and nanoparticles of zerovalent iron). To date, the results of these tests have not been conclusive and these studies will probably be extended. To assess the treatability of soil and wastes located at the bottom of the landfill, a pilot thermal desorption test with 43 tons of these materials (with concentrations of 143 mg/kg of total HCH) has been performed. The tests were conducted in a thermal desorption plant designed by EMGRISA (a public company involved in industrial waste management). This achieved removal efficiencies of 99 % of organochlorines with emissions below the established regulatory limits. The quantities of the waste volumes at this site (350,000 m3 of mixed mainly hazardous wastes) and the extremely complex and unpredictable handling caused by the variety of wastes involved (organochlorine wastes, chloralkali wastes with pH 13, wastes with mercury contamination, wastes impacted by other heavy metals, fluorides, oils and hydrocarbons, doughy or saturated wastes, etc.) has currently ruled out an excavation of the landfill and the transfer of contents to a new secure landfill site. Furthermore, the incineration of waste or other alternative approaches for waste removal are currently not being further evaluated. Such comprehensive management approaches involve high and unpredictable costs which in the current Spanish economic situation are simply not available. Current efforts, therefore, are focusing on increasing the capacity of DNAPL extraction, increasing the number of pumping points, and evaluating suitable surfactants for the types of waste and specific site conditions that might allow in situ remediation to some extent. Within the framework of these initiatives, perimeter isolation measures (up to 15 m depth) for the landfill are included. In addition, the management of polluted soil and waste located outside the landfill and their transfer to the new security cell built at the Bailin site (Fig. 8) has been included. Activities necessary for the collection of the leachate draining from the bottom of the landfill need to be further addressed, including an optimization of the overall approach. The thermal cracking plant of HCH—the process with high PCDD/PCDF release in other facilities (Vijgen et al. 2011; Götz et al. 2012)—in INQUINOSA Company never came into operation. A first analytical tests carried out to investigate the presence of PCDD/PCDF in the DNAPL of the Bailin landfill were below detection limits (Supporting information), consistent with the absence of thermal cracking in INQUINOSA and with the use of this landfill exclusively for HCH residues. The conditions, however, under which the Sardas landfill was used suggest a strong possibility of PCDD/PCDF being present: Apart from the heterogeneous chemical waste dumped there, it was common practice also to dump residues from the incineration of municipal solid waste (MSW) and residues from chlorine Environ Sci Pollut Res production—both processes where residues can contain high levels of PCDD/PCDF (UNEP 2005; Weber et al. 2008). In addition, the presence of highly alkaline wastes is known to facilitate the degradation of HCH isomers which have resulted in PCDD/PCDF contamination at another HCH deposit (Braga et al. 2003; Weber 2007; Torres et al. 2012). Further investigation of this potential pollution will be carried out as part of the future work program. The Bailín dumpsite Between 1984 and 1992, the Bailin creek (see Figs. 2 and 6), approximately 3 km south of Sabiñánigo, was used for the disposal and dumping of industrial solid waste and MSW and contains the other large HCH reservoir from the production of HCH at INQUINOSA. The total volume of the landfill is estimated at 180,000 m3, containing 30,000 to 80,000 tonnes3 of HCH solid waste and 2,000 t in liquid form (DNAPL) consisting mainly of organochlorine chemicals (Table 3). Hydrogeological setting The dumpsite is located on top of an interbedded vertical sequence of sandstone and fine-grained limolite layers. This landfill/dump does not have any bottom liner system as a Fig. 6 Landfill sites and geological frame at the Bailin creek securing measure. In 1996, a surface liner, using highdensity polyethylene (HDPE) material, was installed. The contamination plume is a dense mixture of benzene, chlorobenzenes, chlorophenols, alcohols, and HCH isomers (Table 3), comprising densities of 1.5 cps to 950 g/kg. This DNAPL contamination moves downstream through fractured media towards the Gállego River about 800 m away. Here, the contamination plume moves mainly along four vertically orientated sandstone layers that are hydraulically linked by horizontal fractures to adjacent limestone formations (see Fig. 6) (Dirección General de Calidad Ambiental, Gobierno de Aragón 2009). The DNAPL movement highly depends on the underlying rock units and related fracture system which is characterized by corresponding fracture widths and lengths. The plume has reached depths between 20 and 40 m and was observed in a maximum distance of 150 m downstream the landfill site. The plume in the groundwater (Table 4; Fig. 7) has reached the Gállego River and peaks of 1 μg/L of HCH have been measured 0.5 km downstream in the river, with an average concentration of 0.57 μg/L. This drops below detection limits (0.1 μg/L) 2.5 km down the river due to flow increase from a hydropower plant channel and consequent dilution. Occasionally, however, a level around the detection limit of 0.1 μg/L has been recorded at this point downstream. The Environ Sci Pollut Res Table 3 DNAPL composition at the Bailin dumpsite (for four measurements; details in Supporting information Table 1) Parameter Unit Maximum Minimum Viscosity at 25° Density Water Benzene Monochlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,3,5-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,3,5-Tetrachlorobenzenene 1,2,3,4-Tetrachlorobenzene cps kg/L g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg 12.1 1.543 90 11.16 140 18.89 4.93 20.5 6.50 74.92 0.31 13.49 12.72 14.2 1.3662 2.2 9.4 75.53 7.4 2.2 17.03 2.96 29.57 <0.025 5.1 5.3 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene Pentachlorobenzene α-HCH β-HCH γ-HCH δ-HCH ε-HCH Other HCH isomers Phenol Chlorophenol 2,4-Dichlorophenol 2,6-Dichlorophenol 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol Tetrachlorophenols Tetrachlorocyclohexenes Pentachlorocyclohexenes Hexachlorohexadiene g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg 11.1 1.7 60.92 1.91 148.86 129.05 35.90 39.97 1.72 <0.025 0.045 <0.025 1.18 3.426 0.254 18.64 130.69 65.1 n.a. <0.025 48.3 <0.025 134.00 102.2 21.43 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0.9 0.31 n.a. 1.97 74.3 <0.025 Hexachlorocyclohexane Heptachlorocyclohexane Alcohols, volatile fatty acids, and other HCH metabolites g/kg g/kg g/kg 167.00 96.38 148.85 n.a. 1.39 136.1 n.a. not analysed average HCH limit in surface water specified by the Council Directive for priority substances under the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2008/105/CE) is 0.02 μg/L, with 0.04 μg/ L for temporary maximum peaks. To understand the consequences resulting from the need to comply with this legal limit requires the establishment of reliable water monitoring with a detection limit below 0.02 μg/L. For the Bailin site, a yearly release to the Gállego River of 20 kg HCH was estimated from the surface water concentrations. For the previously mentioned Sardas landfill, the yearly release was estimated to approximately 120 kg/ year. The estimates are currently mainly based on surface water measurements and do not consider other diffuse sources. The releases are currently not included in the European Pollution Release Transfer Register, where for POP, levels above 1 kg release are reported. Already the water pollution levels of HCHs of more than an order of magnitude higher than the regulatory limit reveal that action is required for the reduction of releases and inflow to surface water (in addition to the inherent need for protection of the environment). The treatment strategy at this site is also driven by the presence and consequent threat of the migrating DNAPL. Since the discovery of the DNAPL in 2006, the priority has been to stop its flow and control the contamination levels in the aqueous phase. As a result of this initial work, a flow control protocol has been established. Efforts are now focused on studying and understanding how the aquifers behave. First, a conceptual model (Fig. 6) and then a 3D transient mathematical model assimilating a low permeability porous multilayer fractured media (based on Modflow code) was developed, based on a recent study commissioned by the Regional Government to URS Spain. The model includes an area of approximately 90 ha, delimited by the new landfill on the east, the Gállego River on the west, the mountains in the north, and the Bailin stream in the south. The study focuses on details in the sandstone layer which allow the highest percolation of leachate. Several pumping tests, tracers, head pulse gauge, and temperature and conductivity logs, have allowed the permeability of sections and even particular fractures to be established. Subsequently, media permeability assigned by discreet depths in the model has been used to simulate the fractures at different levels of permeability. The model, which fits well with experimental data, was used, in turn, to simulate the hydrogeological equilibrium and to design first pilot tests of potential surfactant treatments. The control of pumping from the aquifer is managed using a network of 150 piezometers and a pumping and wastewater treatment system. The DNAPL is extracted from the aquifer by a programmed pumping system that effectively prevents the flow of the plume. Twenty thousand liters of DNAPL and an average of 15,000 m3/year of leachate have been extracted since 2006. The DNAPL pumped from the piezometers, the sludges, and the loaded activated carbon from the leachate treatment plant is transferred by an authorized waste management company to a hazardous waste incineration company located in France. The leachates, once they have been treated, are stored in a pond and the disposal parameters established by the authorities are checked before the leachates are discharged to the environment. Once the movement of the contamination plume was brought under control, two additional tasks were addressed: the removal of the pollution source and the study and test of potential aquifer remediation techniques. Environ Sci Pollut Res by, in the same valley, was selected. Due to local concerns and security considerations, other sites farther away, but with better hydrogeological conditions, were rejected. The alternative to landfilling, the destruction of the solid wastes, was also rejected for several reasons: In anticipation of an excavation of the landfill and in order to decide what would be the most appropriate remediation techniques in this case, a series of laboratory tests on destruction and remediation methods (see Supporting information 3) have been carried out. The detailed description of these tests and the results will be the subject of future publications. – The excavation of the landfill – In 2007, a project plan for excavation of the wastes and transfer of the Bailin dumping site was decided. A site close The limited numbers of destruction techniques and the duration of several years to complete the treatment including the necessary transfer and storage facilities. The need to remove the source of pollution in the short term as a first step in order to proceed with the aquifer remediation. Table 4 Composition of the leachates from Bailin site along one of the sandstone layers Piezometer numbers Date: 22–28 May 2012 UNID 139 81 26 26 129 143 104 142 Distance to landfill Distance to Gállego River Sampling depth Chloromethane 1,1-Dichloroetane m m m μg/L μg/L 41 837 25 <2.5 <2.5 153 725 35 <2.5 <2.5 220 658 20 <2.5 <2.5 220 658 50 <2.5 <2.5 315 563 50 <2.5 <2.5 453 425 40 <2.5 <2.5 630 248 30 <0.1 <0.1 830 48 45 0.7 <2.5 Trichloroethylene Tetrachloroethylene Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m-Xylene and p-xylene o-Xylene Monochlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3,5-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,3,5-Tetrachlorobenzenene 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene Pentachlorobenzene Phenol μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L 9.2 0.9 33,860.6 24.4 2.1 0.8 2.6 28,188.4 101.0 1,057.4 1,216.8 4.0 731.2 69.1 29.3 58.3 7.8 252.3 8.9 <2.5 24,657.3 20.0 2.6 0.6 2.7 24,595.3 96.4 999.1 912.5 3.9 549.8 50.3 19.3 52.6 7.5 247.0 <2.5 <2.5 7,016.6 21.6 1.1 0.2 2.0 14,885.3 35.4 440.3 371.1 0.9 145.9 15.5 2.7 4.7 0.5 51.5 <2.5 <2.5 26,634.0 26.9 2.8 1.9 0.3 32,730.0 75.3 1,016.0 862.2 3.0 343.8 33.7 6.3 15.9 1.3 207.8 21.7 1.2 54,210.5 79.0 9.4 7.9 11.9 69,378.8 188.0 2,585.7 2,068.1 10.1 1,095.6 101.0 40.7 40.8 2.1 223.2 15.7 3.5 37,708.4 17.6 2.4 2.2 <2.5 29,617.2 142.1 2,301.0 1,632.6 8.8 1,102.4 79.2 32.3 32.7 2.1 256.2 <0.1 <0.1 5.3 1.2 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 12.5 <0.1 3.3 2.4 <0.1 1.8 0.2 0.8 0.3 0.2 1.8 15.5 4.1 35,946.3 23.5 3.3 2.7 0.7 32,088.9 172.6 3,895.0 1,876.1 13.9 1,316.0 83.8 39.8 20.6 1.3 76.1 2- and 4-chlorophenol 2,4-Diclorofenol 3-Chlorophenol 2,6-Dichlorophenol μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L μg/L 271.0 327.0 2,410.0 65.2 9,166.3 271.1 1,740.1 219.1 7,051.5 259.1 289.0 3,595.7 62.8 12,680.9 778.4 1,618.1 735.6 6,387.0 36.7 123.9 567.8 7.7 760.3 95.7 169.1 30.8 284.9 242.5 205.1 4,704.2 47.1 7,040.2 227.5 560.3 276.1 614.2 252.4 241.9 4,535.4 48.1 8,154.0 163.9 1,059.3 238.5 3,283.6 148.8 123.6 1,361.5 24.4 3,715.4 192.6 706.0 188.9 2,350.5 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.2 15.4 0.7 97.3 71.2 <0.1 929.8 11.3 1,745.3 87.6 315.8 61.3 460.5 μg/L μg/L μg/L 16,701.8 967.4 26,679.9 17,886.4 1,030.7 27,657.8 1,890.7 155.1 2,530.6 9,892.5 766.6 12,109.8 13,085.2 714.3 18,380.8 8,588.9 517.2 12,351.6 75.5 7.3 196.2 4,939.9 368.0 6,145.6 Tetrachlorophenols α-HCH β-HCH γ-HCH δ-HCH ε-HCH Total HCH Environ Sci Pollut Res Fig. 7 Distribution of benzene and HCH plume in May 2011 (cross-section in Fig. 6) – The high quantities involved require proper pretreatment and best available techniques destruction facilities, with associated high cost. The activities started in 2010 with the construction of infrastructure to facilitate the excavation (Fig. 8). Due to the inadequate geological characteristics of the selected new site, the new cell has been constructed with additional isolating measures going beyond the Spanish legal requirements. The landfill basin has a set of 5-m-deep drainage trenches, excavated in the rock, to depress the water table. The collected leachates will be taken to a tank and the quality monitored Fig. 8 Infrastructures established to excavate and transfer the Bailin dumping site. a The transfer station for the wastes. b Chutes and dust suppression system. c Pretreatment of the DNAPL. d New landfill for the HCH solid wastes prior to its release to the environment. The new cell capacity is 250,000 m3, enough to store the current Bailin landfill, the residues remaining in INQUINOSA and the soils affected outside the Sardas landfill. As basement on top of the rock, a compacted clay layer, a geo-drain, and a gravel layer connected to a drainage system that divides the base and takes the flows to a control tank was built to isolate the landfill from the environment and to avoid future leakage. Two sets of geomembrane liners of HDPE (1.5 mm), bentonite (5,500 g/m2), and HDPE (1.5 mm) impermeabilize the base. The sets are separated by a geo-drain in order to control possible leakages. A final gravel layer with Environ Sci Pollut Res drainage tubes collects the leachate. This is then taken to a tank connected to the wastewater treatment plant. The final cap at the site will consist of a gas collection system, a set of geomembrane liners of HDPE (1.5 mm), bentonite (5,500 g/m2), and HDPE (1.5 mm), a geotextile, a geo-drain, and soil. The transfer station is designed for the pretreatment of the solid wastes, depending on the size, the moisture content, and the HCH concentration (Fig. 8). It has four chutes, a packing system, a solidification–stabilization unit for high moisture content wastes, a centrifuge unit, a separator unit, and a loading bay. A dust suppression system is installed to minimize the dust release while operational. The excavation is planned for May–October 2013 or 2014, coinciding with the low precipitation period. The operating area will be covered with an HDPE sheet with an installed dust suppression system. A grid of 30×30 m drilling test, sampling 2 m deep (the excavation is planned in 2-m layers), will serve to characterize the solid wastes and to establish the pretreatment regime at the transfer station. To minimize the risks associated with the transfer of the solid waste caused by weather, a meteorological system is available. The operation will be suspended for those days with rain and with medium to high wind conditions. The transfer to the new constructed landfill is not a sustainable long-term solution (Weber et al. 2011), but it will allow actions to remediate the contaminated aquifer and provide a much more secure storage infrastructure until such times as the development of adequate remediation techniques can be devised. These will need to be both costeffective and capable of carrying out the task over a reasonable time frame. Conclusions The manufacture of lindane by the INQUINOSA Company in Sabiñánigo, Spain has resulted in contaminated megasites in the former factory area and the surrounding area. HCH production resulted in approximately 160,000 tonnes of waste isomers which were mainly dumped at two unlined landfills/dumps which pose today the highest threat to the environment and a significant challenge for remediation. With this amount of disposed HCH residues, the site is one of the largest HCH deposit. With the location close to surface waters, the case is additionally of specific urgency. DNAPLs with HCH isomers, benzene, chlorobenzenes, and chlorophenols as main contaminants and an associated groundwater plume have been discovered at both landfill/ dumpsites and the former production site. The approximately 4,000 t of DNAPLs constitute a serious threat to the environment due to the potential impact to the Gállego River. The presence of DNAPL and the large volumes of solid waste (at about 500,000 m3 of solid wastes polluted by a range of contaminants from HCH/other pesticide production, chloralkali, and others) have triggered the remediation strategy of the Government of Aragon. As a priority, DNAPL management is currently being addressed. For the solid POP wastes, currently, only transfer from the unsecured Bailin site to a new secured landfill is planned. Due to the large quantities involved, the resources, time, and appropriate technology for the destruction of wastes is not currently available. For remediation of the aquifer, a range of laboratory tests have been performed, but the technologies assessed (Supporting information 3) need further testing before they could be applied. The case also reveals that remediation of contaminated sites in difficult economic situation is a particular challenge. The costs of securing measures are already high: Since 2005, the average investment for the Bailin landfill is 750,000€/year for the control of the aquifer and 750,000€/year for the management of the leachates and the analytical tests. The resources required to excavate the Bailin dumpsite and to transfer the waste to the secured site are estimated at approximately 19,000,000€ over a period of 3 years. For the landfill of Sardas, the average investment has been 500,000€ yearly since 2009. For the industrial plant of INQUINOSA, cost has been kept below 100,000 €/year in the last 3 years. These costs cover only the expenses of managing and controlling the pollution. They are still considered “low” in comparison to the cost of the final destruction of the POP wastes, the cost of aquifers remediation, and the cost of the investigation and treatment of soils affected around the main contaminated sites. The final elimination of these wastes, as mandated by the Stockholm Convention, will probably have to wait until an affordable treatment is available or until other priorities in the frame of sustainable development are set. References Abhilash PC, Singh N (2009) Seasonal variation of HCH isomers in open soil and plant–rhizospheric soil system of a contaminated environment. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 16:727–740 Bodenstein G (1972) Disposal of wastes from Lindane manufacture. In: Uhlmann E, Verlag K (eds) Lindane monograph of an insecticide. 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