Come Home to Cullowhee - Western Carolina University
Come Home to Cullowhee - Western Carolina University
U.S. Postage Paid First Class Presort Permit #1 Cullowhee, NC 28723 Office of Alumni Affairs 242 H.F. Robinson Cullowhee, NC 28723 Come Home to Cullowhee | WCU AFRICAN–AMERICAN ALUMNI & FRIENDS REUNION CE L E B R ATING D IVERS ITY AT WESTER N CAR OL IN A U NI VE R S I T Y A P RI L 1 1 - 1 3 , 2 0 1 4 Come Home to Cullowhee Mitc anteo h M ‘12 ell ‘09 W CU A FR ICAN –AMER ICAN ALU MNI & FR IEN DS R EUN ION APR IL 1 1–13 , 20 14 Steve Will iam s ‘72 All Western Carolina University African-American alumni and friends are invited to attend this special event. The reunion is open to all WCU alumni and friends and anyone who wants to celebrate diversity at Western Carolina University. It will be a weekend full of reunion activities including campus tours, a luncheon, a nostalgic dinner, and lots more! Registration deadline is April 4, 2014. Come Home to Cullowhee WCU AFRICAN-AMERICAN ALUMNI & FRIENDS REUNION APRIL 11-13, 2014 FRIDAY, APRIL 11 RE UN I ON R E G I S T R AT I O N A N D A CCO M M O D AT I O N S 9am-5pm Madison Conference Center Check in and pick up your reunion packet at the historical Madison Conference Center. All rooms at the Madison Conference Center have sold out. Contact the University Inn ($40.00 per night; 828-293-5442; deadline March 28) or Comfort Inn ($89.00 per night; 828-477-4950; deadline March 28). Mention the reunion for the special rates. W E L C OM E H O M E PO R CH S O CI A L 5-7pm Madison Conference Center Heavy hors d’oeuvres and beverages provided. $10.00 per person. A LUM NI I N S PI R AT I O N A L CH O I R M EET I N G / R EH EA R S A L 7:30-9:30pm Coulter Choral Room 357 SATURDAY, APRIL 12 RE UN I ON R E G I S T R AT I O N A N D B R E A K FA S T 7:30-9am Madison Conference Center Pick up your reunion packet and enjoy a breakfast buffet. $10.00 per person. TO W N H A L L O PEN F O R U M D I S CU S S I O N 9:30-11am University Center Multipurpose Room Black in the Mountains — Then and Now. An open dialogue with current WCU African-American students and alumni. A LUM NI / S T U D E N T CA R E E R & N ET W O R K I N G LU N CH E O N 11am-1pm University Center Grandroom Enjoy lunch and get reacquainted with your classmates from years gone by. There will also be an opportunity for WCU alumni to offer valuable career advice to current WCU students. (Please represent your career area, business or company.) $15.00 per person. P URP L E A N D G O L D F O O T B A L L S CR I M M A G E 1-3pm EJ Whitmire Stadium Watch the Catamounts gear up for 2014 season in this final scrimmage of spring practice. G UI D E D CA M PU S B U S T O U R 1:30-3pm Departs from and returns to the University Center Tour campus by bus and see how it has grown! $5.00 per person. A LUM NI I N S PI R AT I O N A L CH O I R R EH EA R S A L 1:30-3pm Coulter Choral Room 357 RE M I NI S CI N G S E S S I O N 3-4pm University Center Multipurpose Room Fraternities, Sororities, OES, BSUL, Project Care, and other organizations get together and reminisce about those good old days in Cullowhee. A LUM NI R EU N I O N D I N N ER 6:30-8:30pm University Center Grandroom Entertainment by the Alumni and Student Inspirational Choir. Delta Sigma Theta (Pi Gamma Chapter) will celebrate its 30th anniversary. Keynote speakers are Steve Williams ’72, former NFL player and WCU Athletic Hall of Fame member, and Manteo Mitchell ’09 MAEd ’12, Olympic Medalist and 2011 Young Alumnus Award recipient. $25.00 per person. A LUM NI PO S T D I N N E R S O CI A L 9-10:30pm University Center Illusions N P H C S T R O L L O F F CO M PE T I T I O N 9-11pm Coulter Recital Hall SUNDAY, APRIL 13 FA RE W E L L B R E A K FA S T 8-9:30am Madison Conference Center $10.00 per person. S UN D AY W O R S H I P S E R V I CE 10am-12pm Coulter Recital Hall Alumni and Student Inspirational Choir. Reunio n Cha ir Micha el Nay lor ‘82 naylor ‘88 msk@a CHECK OUT 1pm Madison Conference Center FOR MORE INFORMATION Marty Ramsey ’85 | Director of Alumni Affairs | 1.877.440.9990 RESERVATION FORM Name______________________________________________________________ WCU Class Year__________ Major_______________Degree___________________ Address_____________________________________________________________ City_____________________ State______________ Zip_____________________ Phone___________________________ Email _____________________________ Spouse/Guest Name __________________________________________________ No ____ Spouse/Guest WCU Class Year____________ Degree/Major __________________ I am willing to participate in Career Expo, please contact me for additional information. Yes ____ __________________________ $__________ Career/Company Name for Luncheon Expo $10.00 Amount __________ EVENTS ATTENDING Number Attending Rate per person Friday, April 11 Welcome Home Social Saturday, April 12 -0- $__________ $ $__________ -0- $10.00 $15.00 $__________ Complimentary __________ $5.00 $ $__________ -0- __________ __________ Breakfast Buffet Lunch/Career Expo __________ Town Hall Open Forum __________ Campus Bus Tour __________ $25.00 Reminiscing Session Complimentary Reunion Dinner Complimentary $ __________ Amount Post Dinner Social Sunday, April 13 Rate/room $__________ $__________ $65.00 $__________ $10.00 __________ $65.00 Number/rooms __________ __________ Farewell Breakfast MADISON ACCOMMODATION Friday, April 11 Saturday, April 12 REUNION RESERVATION TOTAL $__________ PAYMENT OPTIONS Check (Made payable to WCU Foundation Inc.) Visa Mastercard Discover AmEx Credit Card Number___________________________________________________ Expiration Date_______________________________________________________ Signature (required)___________________________________________________ Return form with payment to: Office of Alumni Affairs, 242 H.F. Robinson Building, Cullowhee, NC 28723 by April 4. Advance reservation forms are required. WCU is a University of North Carolina campus and an Equal Opportunity Institution. 3500 copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $1,997.50 or $.57 each. Office of Creative Services | Feb. 2014 | 14-123