FYE Notepad - Western Carolina University
FYE Notepad - Western Carolina University
B Y: G L EN D A HE N S L E Y NO V EM B E R 11 , 2 0 13 Special Report: Connect the Dots! How do we connect the elements that make higher education so rewarding? As members of the academy (students and educators) we have unique opportunities to integrate learning and life; to intersect with other perspectives and ways of knowing -- and to become richer in the process. This issue features a few such engagements – recent past and on the horizon. Connect the Dots – an Exhibit by the Creative Life LLC Gallery 130 of the Fine Art Museum Bardo Arts Center --- November 14 – 21 Opening & Reception Thursday, November 14, 2013 4:00-6:00 pm Atrium Star Lobby & Gallery 130 Please join us for an evening reception and entertainment Works by first-year students express how they connect the dots – in their learning and their life; how they connect the past to the present and vision the future. FIND US ON FACEBOOK! http://tinyurl.com/CreativeLife2013 Family Table WHEE Call U! This year’s WHEE Call U campaign is officially over! WCU Catamounts have collectively communicated with almost all of our new 1623 freshmen students. 62 faculty/staff volunteers and 24 Entourage students have sent over 300 emails and spoken directly to or left voice mails for over 1200 students. The FYE office is currently working on scanning the reports one last time to try to insure we reached every student. We are also working with the Office of Academic Initiatives for suggested follow-ups to make sure our new Catamounts know that we are vested in their success and here to help them as they continue their climb. Many thanks to our volunteers for making this a success and for your commitment to WCU first-year students! Now—who is ready for the spring campaign….. Perspectives EYE on FYE – the 4th annual contest is underway! Please encourage your students to submit their creative expressions to the FYE office before the semester ends! Rules and information about this year’s theme, Connect the Dots is on the FYE Website ** Click the camera for this video trailer about this year’s contest. As one of their first-year learning outcomes, the contest theme provides a unique opportunity for students to creatively demonstrate how they have accomplished this university goal - and perhaps provides you with a different twist on a final course evaluation…… just a thought- All first-year students are welcome to enter. If you have questions about the contest or need ideas about how to integrate it into your course, please feel free to contact me at ghensley@email.wcu.edu Tool Box--- Connect the Dots Learning Goal “Connect The Dots” Assessment Activities: “You The Super Hero” Short Film/ Presentation Learning Activities: Connecting personal interests/ abilities, academics, co-curricular activities, etc. Activity- “You the Super Hero” From John Schweikart, WCU International Programs Write a short script for a video/ power-point or other interactive media form on how you became the super hero that you are today. Steps1) Using your own personal background, history, interests, abilities, academics, and co-curricular activitiesdevelop a storyline of how your specific powers and abilities make you a new and unique super hero. You are not Superman, Wonder Woman, or any other previous heroic character- you are you with only the powers and abilities you actually have! 2) Show in detail how you came to realize who you are and what your powers are that enable you to make a change in the world? In particular, answer the following: a. How did you adapt to this new realization and what do you see as your responsibilities in using your powers? b. What events, people, situations, have been critical in enabling you to discover your powers, and how do you plan on contributing to society? c. What particular challenges must you face with your powers? What things or situations rob you of your powers to do good? d. How are you going to share your super powers with the world? Who are your allies going to be and who or what are going to be your enemies? e. What is your motto as a Super Hero? What values are central to this motto and why is this is an essential part of who you are? Students will present their short 5 min. videos/multimedia presentations to the class- and the class will ask questions about why each student feels the way they do, and then the class will discuss who has powers in common and who has powers that could be complimentary to others in the class, and then as a whole we will discuss what we could set as a goal we all want to reach by working together. The CORE: The Education Briefcase An open letter from the eBriefcase team: Faculty and Staff: We all recognize that student portfolios are a useful tool to help students integrate varied educational experiences and to reflect on the impact of those experiences on their education. The Education Briefcase (eBriefcase), an on-line portfolio tool, was developed as part of WCU’s first Quality Enhancement Plan to help programs take advantage of the portfolio approach to promoting integration of learning. The eBriefcase is located within the Blackboard Learning Management System and is available to all students, faculty, and staff. Robust technical and pedagogical support is in place for both students and faculty through the Technology Commons and the Coulter Faculty Commons. The eBriefcase has been introduced to students over the past four years in their first year composition courses and in transition courses. A few programs have embraced the electronic portfolio concept and have fully incorporated the eBriefcase into their students’ educations. Some instructors have integrated the eBriefcase into single courses in a more limited, but still effective way. Just as the Quality Enhancement Plan and its learning outcomes have become integrated into our institutional culture, so is the eBriefcase available to anyone who wishes to use it to support integration of the QEP learning outcomes. We hope that you will continue to explore the power and scope of this tool in supporting your students’ educational experience. Visit the eBriefcase inside of Blackboard for tutorials, sample portfolios, and on-line support (click the “My eBriefcase” tab on far right of the gray bar at the top of the Blackboard opening page). Feel free to contact the eBriefcase Implementation Team if you have questions, or contact the Coulter Faculty Commons to explore possibilities. Nory Prochaska, Chair, eBriefcase Implementation Team Laura Dinunzio, Technical Support for Students, Technology Assistance Center Carol Burton, Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies CEO Reminders---Calendars – Events – Opportunities CALENDARS Student Life Calendar: For a complete listing of what's going on for students from intramurals, to concerts and lectures, to organizations, arts and culture, and so much more.... Events Calendar: Information on arts and culture at WCU - plays, concerts, art exhibits, films, and more... Service Learning: Current Events ACE: Arts and Cultural Events Calendar Coulter Faculty Commons Calendar National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week November 17-23 National Education Week ---November 18-22 -- Contact Chris Pedo for more information EVENTS th 5 Annual Native American Heritage Expo November 11-13 in the UC Grand Room Understanding our Past, Shaping our Future Exhibition – 1 day only th Monday November 11 from 8am-5pm UC Grand Room The Real Space Cowboys Insights & Reflections th Thursday, November 14 at 2pm UC Theatre OPPORTUNITIES Service Matters WCU Employees- Use your time to make a difference! Did you know that you can receive paid time off for volunteering in the community? All full-time EPA and SPA staff members are eligible for 24 hours Community Service Leave per calendar year. Food Security --- WCU making a difference! Student Support Services is sponsoring a non-perishable food drive to support The Community Table of Jackson County. The CTO is in dire need of donations therefore, your support is greatly appreciated. Donated items will be delivered to CTO on Monday, November 25th. If you wish to donate, items can be dropped off in the SSS main office. For more information contact Jacqueline Owens or Becky Lindsay. http://www.communitytable.org/ http://www.communitytable.org/documents/wishlist1.pdf Ripple on…… The Ripple Effect Learning Community is sponsoring a food drive to help children in Jackson County! The following items are needed and can be delivered through November 25 to our classroom each Monday in Killian 116 from 2:30-3:20: 1. Packages of crackers - preferably the cheese crackers, avoid peanut butter cracker packs. These can be the larger cracker packages (6 to a pack) or even the smaller ones (4 to a pack) 2. Fruit cups - especially the mandarin orange ones! 3. Nutrition bars - prefer the fruit Nutribars or Kellogg's bars. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Cereal - anything that is not TOO sugary (avoid Fruit loops, etc.) Small 3 ounce boxes of apple juice Instant oatmeal or grits Goldfish crackers Fruit gummies - not the candy kind - the fruit juice type. Applesauce Backpacks! They are in desperate need of these, they will even accept gently used ones! It is our goal to have these items ready to deliver the Tuesday BEFORE Thanksgiving. Items may also be delivered to me in HHS 314. Thank you in advance for your support of this project! Ripple on~Rebecca (Lasher) Spring Break in Jamaica! This civic engagement and service learning trip is open to all majors, both undergraduate and graduate students. To learn more, contact Dr. Victoria Faircloth victoria@email.wcu.edu Groups offered by Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) See the CAPS website to learn more about the free and confidential weekly groups offered by Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS). This semester our offerings address a variety of concerns that may impact your students. Please take a look at the details and let your students know about the availability of this resource. 1960’s: Take it All In! WCU’s 2013-2014 Interdisciplinary Theme Magical Mystery Tour, Beatles, 1967 Who: The Inquisitive (Not sure what the 60’s were about? Check these links out for some ideas: Pinterest (1960’s); Facebook Page (1960’s); Event Calendar (1960’s); The 1960’s WCU Page What: The WCU Magical Mystery Tour (of the 60’s) A showcase of important social, political, technological, scientific, and of course musical and artistic feats of humanity that were achieved or endured during “The Sixties”. When: Thursday, January 30, 2014 – 5:00 pm-7:00 pm Where: Ramsey Center Concourse Area Why: To witness and investigate what the decade offers for learning, contemplation, exploration, and scholarship within your respective disciplines! How: There are two ways to get involved with The WCU Magical Mystery Tour Show up on the evening of the event, and soak it all in! If this sounds more like you – click here: TAKE THE TOUR Career Services Peer Career Mentors! Peer Career Mentors offer students on-location guidance and support from their Mobile Mentoring Station at locations across campus. They can critique resumes, teach students how to search for jobs, showcase resources like Perfect Interview and Focus 2, and help research careers. Please look for their yellow table, and refer students to the PCMs for help with any of these tasks. Their schedule for the semester is here PEAKS Potty Times Western Carolina PEAKS disseminates a newsletter called the Potty Times every two-three weeks which includes toilet teasers, words of wisdom, campus events, etc. If you would like for us to advertise a specific event in the calendar section, please send me an e-mail with what you would like included. I will need the information the Tuesday before each week that one goes to print. Contact Laura Ansley, Department of Residential Living. • November 17 - December 1 – Need information by November 12 • December 1 - December 13 – Need information by November 26 Resource File Blackboard --- reference and participate in the Transition Pathways Course site.... Education Briefcase – resources and information for students and for faculty………. CFC on the Web --- help with teaching, technology, and more--- helping you do what you do better! OrgSync --- the place for student clubs and organizations and other co-curricular opportunities . First-Year Seminar: Liberal Studies – resource guide for faculty teaching the first-year seminar … Transition Pathways: An instructor resource - resource guide for FYE transition course instructors … FYE on the Web --- many resources and network links to help you along the way ….. FYE Message Board – A weekly e-journal for and by FY students. Engage students in the conversation of learning and experience – with each other! The next regular publication date is November 1, 2013 --- please let me know if you want to share updates about programs, events, or other opportunities for teaching and learning in FYE! Glenda Hensley, FYE Director ghensley@wcu.edu