This is my 1942 Ford GPW, Serial Number 76157, date of delivery
This is my 1942 Ford GPW, Serial Number 76157, date of delivery
This is my 1942 Ford GPW, Serial Number 76157, date of delivery 10/28/42, MFG Plant: Louisville, KY. It was purchased as a hunting buggy in May of 1976 as my college graduation present. I did a slow restoration to its original configuration and finished in July of 2006. My GPW and I have been in two movies, Red Rose of Normandy and USS Seaviper. We are affiliated with the Road to Victory Military Museum located in Stuart, FL,. Milo Valencic ASSISTENT EDITOR: CLUB T SHIRT SALES: Catherine Mackenzie Peggy and Walter Keller The SOUTHERN OUTPOST, is the official newsletter of the First Florida Chapter of the Military Vehicle Preservation Association and is posted on the website at every other month starting at the end of January of each year and mailed to non-computer members at the same time upon request. All article's and photos submitted for publication, become the property of the FFCMVPA. Artistic and photo's submitted do not necessarily represent the views of the Officers and Regional Coordinators of the club and the newsletter. No edition of the newsletter or it's contents, may be used for monitory gain or commercial use, without the expressed permission of the FFCMVPA. FROM THE PRESIDENT 10/14/14 Presidents Report I told Frank this was going to be a short president’s report. As It’s only been as short time since the last club meeting. However we made a big decision to move the Rally to a new location and we have been working on the many issues of that move. I hope many of you can make the next meeting Saturday, November the first. Renningers will be having a military antique sale Saturday and Sunday It would be a good time to show your military vehicle if you can bring one. This meeting is to go over the plans for the rally and to get volunteer’s to commit to work the rally. There is a lot to do ahead of time. I have started to receive many calls from organization’s wanting military vehicles I will try to direct them in the right direction for the area coordinators that may be able to help them with their activities. If they have fliers I will try to get them to Dick to post on the calendar. Dick Daren and Roger Francis are doing a good job with the calendar and web site thanks guys. Frank is back up to speed with the newsletter so please send in your pictures and articles to be in the newsletter so everyone can see what is going on in the club. This meeting will also have the results from the elections of President, Vice President, and Treasure. I also would like to do a shout out to Stan our secretary for a great show at the cruising to the creek car show, we had 7 military vehicles and a lot of nice cars. But the best part was that the show brought in more than 18 thousand dollars for the Ronald MacDonald house. I hope everyone is doing well. We have picked up a few new members and I hope they can come to the meeting. Please remember to keep our troops in your prayers. It is very dangerous overseas at this time and I know some of you have loved ones over there as I do. Thanks. Dave Thomas President FFC, MVPA. SUPPLY ROOM Ads are free to Members and non-members but are limited to 100 words and one photo per ad. This section is intended for persons who have an occasional item (s) for sale. Occasionally, ads from other newsletters which may be of interest to Members, will be published. Ads will run for two consecutive issues and then be dropped. If you wish to extend an ad please let me know as soon as you can. If, however, you have a lot to sell, I suggest putting it on a full page ad at $5.00 per issue for Members or $10.00 per issue for non-members. Business card ads are $10.00 for six issues for Members and $20.00 for six issues for non-members. You will have a choice where your ad will be, in the Newsletter or on the site, so as not to be redundant. Note the address Dept, it say's it all. The next page will be a special feature of the newsletter with random Military Museums in the State of Florida and will feature different museums in each issue. Also, there will be a second special feature of different veteran organizations and veteran volunteer organizations. 2015 dues are due by 01 January 2015. Make your check payable to the First Florida Chapter, MVPA and send it to the Secretary. Do not send it to the Treasurer. Armed Forces History Museum 1 Bunker Ave. & State Rd. 16 East 1402 Roseland Avenue 319 Stypman Blvd. 2050 34th Way North Green Cove Springs, Florida Largo, FL 33771 ( 904) 584-8719 Sebring, Florida 33870 (863) 385-0992 Stuart Fl. 34994 772=334=2990 5629 SR 16 West Building 3040 Starke, Florida 32091 MB Jeep Desk $1800 This was on Ebay and did not sell, the fenders are replica's in wood 904-682-3196 VETERANS Organizations and SERVICES GOAST OF WW2 WW2 Personnel superimposed to the same spot in the present. Vietnam moving Wall Ashburn Georgia Story by Jim Butler and pictures by Kevin Vislocky. It was a dark and stormy day as we set out for Ashburn Georgia for the Vietnam moving wall. Kevin Vislocky stopped by the house and we left from there to meet Eddie Tucker at Tifton Georgia in route to Ashburn. Jerry Sumner met us at the wall display. It was one of the best moving wall displays we had been to with a lot of detail. The next one we go to in the good old South Georgia summer I'm going to bring a tent and make a swimming pool in old Huck's bed. Kevin brought his Humvee up from Havana,and Eddie had his Humvee with tow missile system,and Jerry had his M151A1 with his static display. Eddie also towed his Mighty Mite up with the Hummer. I brought old Huck my M35A2c. About mid day dark clouds moved in and we broke camp for home. I have not seem rain that hard since SEA. All I could see of Kevin's Humvee was the snorkel sticking up and two head lights in my rear view mirror. But by the time we got to Moultrie all was well again and we had another great adventure. ATTENTION 1st November 2014-Saturday, 4th Quarter General Membership Meeting, Renningers Antique Center, 20651 US 441, Mount Dora, FL. Meeting starts at 1230 hours. RSVP to Dave Thomas, 352-288-0604 or Dave Johnson, 352-694-4956, or Lindsay Orr. 386-479-9644. NOTE: ELECTIONS TO BE HELD AT THIS MEETING. PHOTO UPDATE OF THE GROWLER Being built in OCALA It is built on the 151 frame and modified body. I just hope they did not stick with the suspension system. Short Artillery version Phillip Thomas in Afghanistan Mr and Mrs. Dave Thomas are the proud parents of Phillip and Dave is our very own club President. Keep your guard up, Phillip and the 351st, come home safe. Green Cove Springs Coast Car Council by Dave Thomas We took the halftrack and mule, Stan and a friend of his, both brought ww2 jeeps, and the guys from the north Florida museum brought a duce and a M151, there was a m37 dodge also. Coast Car Council An open Letter from the President of the First Coast Car Council: Wow, what a great day we had yesterday at "Cruisin' to the Creek" Car Show and Community Festival. I would like to thank all the F.C.C.C. volunteer staff from 30 car clubs, and the staff of Ring Power and their families, who were so very important in the success of the day's event. Additionally thanks to all the businesses and vendors that showed their community support by participating. And of course thanks to all the great car lovers who displayed or appreciated the 400 - 500 vehicles that were displayed for such a great cause, The Ronald McDonald House of Jacksonville. As early evening had set in and the last show car was driving out, and I had made my last trip around the beautiful 23 acres to ensure that everything was in place, I took a few minutes to reflect on what we had just accomplished. From a vision I had a little over 6 months ago, when I read that the previous show location in downtown Jacksonville could possibly be under construction come show time, to the success of today's event when a Sheriff's Officer estimated we had 6000-8000 people in attendance at that moment, not to mention all that had come and gone during the day. Think about it. A group of volunteer individuals from 30 car clubs united in their efforts, with individuals from over 30 more clubs also participating to help critically ill children and their families. During the awards ceremony I recognized that there were numerous Grandpas, Sons and Grandsons standing side by side participating in their love of automobiles. Having just read an article less than a week ago that "car guys" might be a dying breed, I was elated to hear mention of one family with 4 generations in attendance. It was everyone from the young guys with "tuner cars" to us old guys with the antiques working together in harmony for the good of others. There might have been a few small glitches due to inexperience at such a nice new location, but I promise that those will be learning experiences for the future. In 2001 when the First Coast Car Council received the award for "Outstanding Civic Organization" from the Association of Fundraising Professionals, at a huge luncheon, I sat next to Wayne Weaver, who was receiving a similar award for an individual. I was extremely proud to represent all of you and your hard work over the years. But I was even more proud yesterday, when I reflected on our accomplishments of the day. Even though the final tally of funds raised is not complete at this moment, all of you should take pride in knowing that you helped to make this our best show in the 28 years we have done this. Over twenty-six years ago, before I got in involved in the F.C.C.C. I served a number of years as President of the West Duval Jaycees. In that organization I learned a lot about myself, community, and what a great feeling it is to serve others. I have tried to lead my life based on the principles from their creed that we recited during each meeting. So changing the first word from "We" to "I" , I would like to share those principles with you. I believe: That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life; That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations; That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise; That government should be of laws rather than of men; That earth's great treasure lies in human personality; And that service to humanity is the best work of life. It is my hope that many of you will find some of these principles useful in your lives. Thank you again. Lets do it again next year! President, Lon Greenwood New member Mark Ellis won Best Truck with his M-37. FFC Secretary Stan Kinmonth's GPW won a "Top 40" award I will be putting outside and inside ad's in the news letter, that benefit the members and are hobby related. There will be a free period of two issues per ad,and at the end of that period the advertiser may op to pay to keep it in the rest of the year. So if you buy something from one of these ad's, tell them that you seen it here. Photos on this page submitted buy Stan Kinmonth Green Cove Springs Korean War Fallen Solder FFC OPERATIONS SCHEDULE ISSUE 08 28 September 2014 GENERAL INFORMATION 1. This schedule will be issued as required to inform members on e-mail of upcoming events. 2. A copy can also be found in the web site and in the newsletter. 3. The schedule is issued by Dick Deren @ Tel # 727-515-7365. 4. Activities for the club to participate in should first go to the area coordinator for the region the activity is to occur in before they come here. This will put the coordinator in the loop and enable him to make decisions necessary to make the activity happen. 5. Activities listed preceded with an “FYI” are informational only. For example, car shows where the club is not participating in as a group but may be of interest to members. 6. Details of on going events are listed at the end of the schedule. 7. Here is a list of Regional Coordinators and their e-mail addresses and phone numbers ( included is the phone number and e-mail address of our club president): Dave Thomas, President, 352-817-1087, 352-288-0604, Russell Deese, Panhandle Region, 229-377-1528, Jerry Sumner, North I 75 Corridor Region, 229-387-6984, Stan Kinmonth, Northern Region, 904-276-1418, Charles Hildebrandt, Central Region, 352-603-2627, Michael Roberts, Eastern Region,772-215-3470, George Hecht, Western Region, 727-443-2942, Curt Leonard South Western Region, 941-371-7587, Fred Perkins, South Eastern Region, 954-434-8747, If the FFC contact on an activity is other than the above persons, their e-mail and phone will be listed with the event. Regional Coordinator’s e-mail and phone # will not be listed on every event. 8. *** in front of a listing indicates a new listing. NOTICE FFC Member David Johnson will be filling in as Central Region Coordinator while Charles Hildebrant is on leave of absence. David can be reached at:, 352-694-4956. Please Note: This publication is subject to change without notice PAGE 01 (Page 2) EVENTSSCHEDULE CALENDAR OPERATIONS MANEUVERS ****FYI 02, 03,04 October 2014-Lamar and Julia Rowland’s Annual Vehicle Rally and Flea Market, HWY 153, Samson, AL. Contact Lamar at 334-313-6040 for details. FYI 17-19 October 2014-Friday thru Sunday, Lake Mirror Classic Auto Festival, Lakeland, FL .Go to for details. 25 October 2014-Saturday, Central Region, static display. Florida State Elks, Army of Hope Program, fund raiser and picnic benefit our soldiers and their families, at Port Orange Elks Lodge 2723, 5207 South Ridgewood Ave., Port Orange, FL. FFC Contacts: Dave Thomas, Charles Hildebrant or David Johnson. See flyer on page 10. 01 November 2014-Saturday, 4th Quarter General Membership Meeting, Renningers Antique Center, 20651 US 441, Mount Dora, FL. Meeting starts at 1230 hours. RSVP to Dave Thomas, 352-2880604 or Dave Johnson, 352-694-4956, or Lindsay Orr. 386-479-9644. NOTE: ELECTIONS TO BE HELD AT THIS MEETING. ****FYI 01 November 2014-Saturday, Central Region, Florida Antique Extravaganza, 10am to 4:30pm at Renninger’s Antique Center, 20651 US HWY 441, Mt. Dora, FL. 32757. Although this is not necessarily a club activity, we will be there any way for our meeting, so bring your MV if you can. Questions-Call Renninger’s coordinator, Greg Spalding at 407-462-2163 or ****02 November 2014-Sunday, Eastern Region, “Rumble in the Lot” Car Show, benefit our Troops and their families at Surf Dawgs Grille and Brew Pub, 2996 Lake Washington Road, Melbourne, FL. Set up 0900 to 1000. Show runs 1000 to 1700. Request for military vehicles via an e-mail. FFC Con: Michael Roberts. See flyer on page 11. ****08 November 2014-Saturday, Central Region, Titusville American Legion Post #1 First Annual Veterans Day Parade, Titusville, FL. Parade starts at 1100. Line up at 0830 in City Hall parking lot. FFC Con: Charles Hildibrant or David Johnson. ****FYI 09 November 2014-This activity has been changed to an FYI item. They still desire some military vehicles but nothing any larger than a Jeep. Also, no special lodging rates or secure parking for trailers. It is not known whether or not they will charge an entrée fee for military vehicles. Sunday, Western Region, Vintage Motor Classic Car Show with military vehicle display to honor our nations heroes, St. Petersburg Yacht Club, 11 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg, FL. Event Con: Bill Waters, 727-580-1804. See flyer on page 7. ****09 November 2014-Sunday, Western Region, static display, Tri-City Cruisers “Salute to Our Veterans Car Show” at Bay Pines VA Hospital, 10,000 Bay Pines Blvd., Bay Pines, FL. 0900 to 1500. Show runs 0900 to 1500. Registration until 1100. Fee is $20. Pre registration fee is $15. See flyer for phone number to call to pre register. Although this is a club function, individual registration is required. Advise George Hecht if you plan to attend in order that he can arrange for spaces all together. FFC Con: George Hecht. See flyer on page 12. PAGE 02 (continued on page 03) OPERATIONS SCHEDULE MANEUVERS (continued) ****11 November 2014-Tuesday,static display, Veterans Day Ceremony, Bay Pines VA Hospital, 10,000 Bay Pines Blvd, Bay Pines, FL Arrive around 0900. Ceremony starts at 1100. FFC Con: George Hecht. (As of 01 October, this activity is tentative) 11 November 2014-Tuesday, North Eastern Region, Veterans Day Parade, Stewart, FL. FFC Con: Michael Roberts. Call Michael for additional info as to line up location and times. See flyer on page 9. ****15 November 2014-Saturday, Northern Region, Veterans Appreciation Day Parade and static display in MacClenny, Fl. Parade starts at 1100 at 2nd street and will proceed to 8th street and terminate at the Macclenny City Park, 160 West Blvd. where we will display the vehicles for the afternoon. FFC contact: Stan Kinmonth FYI 07 February 2015-Saturday, Western Region, Boggy Bottom Auto Fest. Show benefit the Honor Flight of West Central Florida, Boggy Bottom Ranch , 8409 Lupton Place, Plant City, FL. 11am4pm. Cost $35.00 per vehicle (includes one “all you can eat” BBQ dinner). Go to show web site at www.BoggyBottomAuto for more information. ****13, 14, 15 March 2015– First Florida Chapter’s “The Charles Craven Winter Rally and Swap Meet’ ( previously known as the “Southern Outpost Winter Rally, renamed in memory of Charles Craven, Chapter Vice President and founder of the Rally) Note: This is a new date and a new location for this rally. Rally location: Renninger’s Antique Center and Flea Market, 20651 US HWY 441, Mt. Dora, FL.32757. See flyer on pages 05 & 06 The latest issue of the SOUTHERN OUTPOST is available on the web site. Go to www.flmvpa REMINDER #1: Nominations are being taken for the positions of President, Vice President and Treasurer. If you would like to nominate someone to one of these offices, please cal or e-mail Charles Hildibrant to get the person on the slate. Nominations will be accepted up to the day of the elections. Elections will be held a the 4th Quarter 2014 General Membership Meeting on 01 November 2014 to become effective on 01 January 2015. Reminder #2 2015 dues are due by 01 January 2015. Make your check payable to the First Florida Chapter, MVPA and send it to the Secretary. Do not send it to the Treasurer. Reminder #3 Absentee ballots have been mailed out to all members by Charles Hildebrant. If you do not plan to attend the 1 November meeting, please mail in your ballot to Charles. PAGE 03 Regularly Scheduled Events FYI-The Southeastern Region meets most Fridays (weather permitting) at the Tower Shops in Davie, FL. in conjunction with a weekly car show. FFC Con: Fred Perkins,, 954-434-8747. FYI-The Western Region meets on the last Thursday of each month at the Quaker Steak and Lube Restaurant, 49th Street ( where 49th Street meets US 19), Pinellas Park, FL. In conjunction with their Thursday night car show. FFC Con: George Hecht,, 727-443-2942. FYI-Dade City, FL. Car Show the first Saturday of every month, 1600 hrs. FFC Con: John Bolender, FYI-Webster Car and Cycle Swap Meet– The first Sunday of each month year round. 0800 to 1500. Webster Flea Market, 516 NW 3 Street, Webster, FL. Website: for map and additional info. E-mail:, 352 -628-4656. FYI-Tampa Wax Slingers monthly Cruise In, every 3rd Saturday of the month, 1700 to 2000 at Tres Amigos Cantina, 2025 Brandon Blvd., Brandon, FL 33511. For more info call Jessica Cianfrocca at 813-409-2630. FYI-Applebee’s Car Show, Moultrie, GA. First Saturday of each month. 1600 hrs. till ? 50% off your meal if you enter your vehicle. 1st, 2nd, 3rd place peoples choice trophies awarded each month. FFC CON: Russell Deese, , 229-3771528. FYI-Third Sunday every month. Putnum County Fairgrounds Car Show and Swap Meet, 117 Yelvington Rd., East Palatka, FL. 32131. 0800 to 1500 hrs. Event Con: 352505-8287. FYI-First Saturday of every month. Dade City Car Show, downtown. 1600 hrs. FFC CON: John Bolender, 813-355-7277, FYI-Second Sunday every month. USA Flea Market Car Show, US. 19, Port Richey, FL. PAGE 04 PAGE 05 PAGE 06 PAGE 07 PAGE 08 PAGE 09 PAGE 10
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