The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur Live Sports Daily


The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur Live Sports Daily
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
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Issue No. 92 26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Earthquake Strikes Near Lombok
Earthquake Causing Severe Property Damage in North Lombok Also Felt in Parts of Bali
suffered severe property damage
Also damaged in the quake were 15
due to the earthquake where 24 peo- mosques, 10 Hindu temples and 2 Budple were injured.
dhist monasteries.
The injuries and property damage
reports emanate from three districts
of Lombok: Gangga, Tanjung and
An earthquake measuring 5.4 on the Richter Scale shook Bali and it‘s neighboring
island of Lombok at 12:42
pm local time on Saturday, June 22, 2013.
Of the 24 injured, three were said to
have suffered injuries that required
Six villages affected by the earthquake
reports a large number of homes are now
level with the ground, causing residents to
share accommodation with neighbor or set
up make-shift housing.
No property damage or injuries have been
reported on the Island of Bali.
Information from the Indonesian Department of
Meteorology, Climatology
and Geophysics (BMKG)
said the epicenter of the
earthquake was 14 kilometers northwest of Lombok at a depth of 10 kilometers.
The quake was felt as far
away as Bali where mild
shaking was noticed in
North Bali and Jembrana,
and a loud bang reported
by some people near
Nusa Dua.
The Bali Post reports that
1,700 homes in Lombok
Live Sports Daily
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Page 3 Girl Of The Week: Tami (21)
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
By Rotary Club Bali Nusa Dua
24 August - 1 September
Friday, 16th - Sunday, 18th August 2013
Taman Bhagawan, Tanjung Benoa, Bali
August 9-10, 2013
Arma Museum Ubud
Every Wednesday
4.00pm - 4.45pm
Kids and adults are welcome
at the Power of Now Oasis, Mertasari Beach
Advanced players in Sanur / Renon Area
Call Wally on 0819 9957 1288
To fill our Event Calendar we need YOU! Please send your events for the
next weeks to:
Page 03
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Kancang, Monyet?
Bali‟s Wanara Wana Monkey Forest Asks Visitors Not to Feed the Monkeys Nuts
―guard the
guards who
guard the
forest‖ want
visitors to
stop giving
the primates
nuts of any
do their best to ensure the
health of these animals.‖
when the Balinese honor domestic pets and livestock.
Animal health experts have
identified the high cholesterol
and protein content of nuts as
the root of an obesity epidemic
among the long-tailed macaques at Wanara Wana Forest.
Eggs, like peanuts, are tightly
controlled as Suardika links a
high protein diet to enhanced
libidos. Fearing an overpopulation of monkeys, Putu explained: ―We carefully control
the monkey population because
The curator
we only have a limited space
of the MonIn an effort to provide a more
here. An uncontrolled populaThe Wanara Wana Monkey
key Forest, I Putu Suardika, told varied and healthier diet for the tion explosion could lead to
Forest in Ubud, Bali is asking
The Jakarta Post: ―Please do
monkeys. the monkeys are now nasty turf wars between rival
visitors to refrain from giving the not carry nuts into the forest
fed sweet potatoes, rambutan,
monkey packs.‖
hundreds of monkey living there and do not feed the monkeys
coconut, papaya and vegetaany form of nuts.
with nuts since it will badly afbles. Once every two days baThere are currently an estifect their health. There will be
nanas supplement the diet of
mated 600 monkey now living in
Concerned that the monkeys
no sanction imposed upon visi- the monkeys with raw eggs
the 14-hectare forest on the
living in sacred preserve are
tors who do not follow this poladded as a special treat on the southern border of Ubud.
getting too corpulent, those who icy, but I believe the visitors will Tumpek Kandang holy day
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26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Bold Thief in Kuta Employs New Modus Operandi
Thief Breaks Open Safety Deposit Boxes at Balisani Hotel in Kuta Making off with Large Sum of Money and Other Goods
The Bali Post reports that thief struck the
Hotel Balisani on Jalan Padma Utara in
Kuta on Friday, June 21, 2013 breaking
open a number of safe deposit boxes holding the valuables of guests.
belonging to at least six foreign visitors
were carried away by the thief who
somehow managed to rifle open locked
safety boxes left by the guests in the
Hotel‘s care.
Millions of rupiahs in cash, passports, cred- The theft was reported by Hotel Balisani’s
its cards, airline tickets and other valuable manager, Gede Suamba, to local police
who continue to investigate the incident.
Hammering the Point Home
U.K. Man in North Bali Held by Police After Attacking his Wife with a Hammer
Police say evidence, eyes witnesses and
interviews with John Burns (58) indicate the
man assaulted his wife Kadek Suryadi (30)
with a hammer causing the Balinese
woman head injuries and bruising on various parts of her body.
The incident was reported to police on
June 16, 2013 when Suryadi was admitted
An U.K. national is under arrest by police in to a hospital in Singaraja.
the North Bali regency of Buleleng suspected of having brutally attacked his wife
Speaking to The Bali Post, the police in
with a hammer, sending the woman to hos- Singaraja have asked for the assistance of
the U.K. Embassy in Indonesia, pledging
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they will handle the case in a proportional
way according to the laws of Indonesia.
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Geothermal Project Rejected for Religious Reasons
As reported by The Bali Times
Bali has rejected the central
government‘s plan to build a
geothermal power plant in
Bedugul, Tabanan, due to a
religious reason.
we must uphold and
until now my response
(towards the plan) is
still no,‖ he said in
Denpasar, the capital
of the province.
Pastika said there are
still other green
sources such as water, solar
energy and waves that could be
exploited for it. ―It may be more
expensive but it also has a
price,‖ he said.
The governor said the main
The province‘s governor, I
reason for his decision is that
Made Mangku Pastika said here because mountains, forests,
he would stick to his decision to beaches, lakes and estuaries
reject the development of the
are holy areas.
―The Balinese people and I
―I think it is a local wisdom that could not as yet accept it. So, I
apologize for that,‖ he said.
The ministry of energy and mineral resources has planned to
build the plant and is awaiting
for the governor‘s approval. ―We
will start it as soon as the governor agrees,‖ energy minister
Jero Wacik said after speaking
at a meeting with Hindu leaders
here on Friday.
Various parties have expressed
their rejection to the project
located in the Batukaru wildlife
preserve in the districts of Tabanan and Buleleng for fear it
would cause environmental
The Hindu Dharma Council of
Indonesia (PHDI) has also
asked the government not to go
Wacik said if the project is finahead with the plan saying that
ished Bali will have an addi―mountains and forests are contional electricity supply of 150 to sidered holy sites by Hindus.
200 megawatt.
Moreover Bali is also a small
island,‖ PHDI‘s central execuBali, which is the country‘s most tive board chairman Ida
popular tourist destinations, at
Pedanda Ketut Sebali Tianyar
present needs around 600
megawatt and in the future the
province would need up to
Bali is mostly populated by Hin1,000 megawatt.
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Reporter Dies on Bali Trek
Anak Agung Gusti Ngurah Krisna Yana – Bali Travel Journalist Dies in Hiking Accident
Yana, who volunteers as a scout
leader, was said to be surveying a
coming expedition by a group of high
school students when the accident
A reporter from the Bali Travel Newspaper,
Anak Agung Gusti Ngurah Krisna Yana,
aged 26, died after falling into a ravine in
the tourist area of Tanah Wuk, Sangeh in
Yana‘s body was found lodged against a
tree from where he managed to telephone
a friend to ask for help before expiring from
his injuries.
Anak Agung Gusti Ngurah Krisna Yana
was well known as a reported for the Bali
Travel Weekly.
A doctor at Sanglah‘s General Hospital
confirmed that Yana‘s was dead on
The hospital released Yana's body for final
arrivals when his body was brought to disposition in his home village located in
the hospital on Saturday, June 15, 2013.
the sub-district of Marga, Tabanan.
An examination of the man‘s body revealed
wounds consistent with a fall into a ravine.
Current News
Jakarta Man Drowns While Swimming on Petitenget Beach in Bali
A 22-year-old man from Jakarta, Permadi Tejokusumo,
drowned on Tuesday, June 18,
2013, while swimming at Petitenget beach in North Kuta,
Holidaying in Bali with a Dutch
companion, Ruben Boelle (23),
the two went for an afternoon
swim and were both swept out
to sea.
Assisted by others, Boelle managed to return to shore while
Tejokusumo disappeared from
A three-day search by a joint
team discovered Tejokusumo's body in the
surf not far from where
he first disappeared
three days before.
The man's body was removed
from the beach and sent to the
morgue of Bali‘s Sanglah General Hospital in Denpasar.
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
And the Winner is . . .
Constitutional Court Rejects Challenges to May 15 Bali Governor Race
of Bali. Instead, Puspayoga
and Sukrawan chose to
challenge the results on the
basis of alleged structural
and systematic irregularities
that allegedly reduced the
number of total votes cast.
Allegations that fraudulent
votes were cast using the
names of non-participating
The Indonesian Constitutional Court has
voters were denied by the Bali Elections
rejected efforts by Anak Agung Gede Ngu- Commission (KPU-Bali) who presented
rah Puspayoga and Dewa Nyoman Sukra- proof to refute these claims. The Courts
wan to appeal the results of the May 15,
also stated that voters casting multiple
2013 Bali gubernatorial election.
votes by representing nonpresent voters have ocAli Mochtar, the chief judge of the Constitu- curred in past legislative
tional Court, told the PDIP candidates that races, presidential races
their appeal of the elections results had
and the election of regional
been rejected in its entirety in a decision
leaders without objection.
rendered in Jakarta on June 20, 2013.
Furthermore, the Court
As reported by OKEZONE, the court ruled found that the opening of a
that the plaintiff had failed to adequately
ballot box by the Buleleng
question the results of the vote count that
Election Commission (KPU
declared Made Mangku Pastika and I Ketut -Buleleng) three days after
Sudikerta as governor and deputy-governor the vote recapitulation had
no potential to change the previously announced vote outcome.
The Court also rejected allegations of
―money politics‖ saying the evidence presented did not support those charges.
In closing, the Constitutional Court ratified
the findings of the Bali Provincial Election
Commission (KPU-Bali) that declared Pastika and Sudikerta governor and deputygovernor for Bali 2013-2018 by winning
50.02% of the vote casts.
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Probe continues into toddler‟s kidnapping
As reported by Bali Daily (The
Jakarta Post) while Kuta Police
continue to investigate the kidnapping of French toddler
Logan Mattei, 2, alleged abductor Sonia Gonsalez is being
detained by the police and considered a suspect.
Kuta Police deputy chief Adj.
Comr. I Nyoman Gatra, said
another matter had come to
light during the investigation.
When searching the rented
room in Denpasar used by the
suspect, whose real name is
Joaninha Maria Graciet Verdial
Vieira, alias Grandong, the police discovered several sharp
weapons, including a sword and
dozens of arrows, with a man
claiming to be her husband,
Manuel Hendrique Soares, 44.
Currently, Vieira has been
charged under the Criminal
Code and the Child Protection Law and is facing a
maximum sentence of 12
Vieira told police the weapons
years imprisonment. Vieira had
were souvenirs to take home to apparently been on vacation in
Timor Leste. ―We are still inves- Bali for one month, having vistigating because we don‘t know ited the island many times since
where she got them from,‖ said the 1990s. She has been imGatra on Tuesday.
prisoned three times here for
The police also confiscated a
folding knife, stun devices and
The police admitted that with
knuckle dusters. With this eviher history, she had not been
dence secured by the police,
hard to find. Prior to being
the couple is now facing a life
caught, Vieira had taken the
sentence under emergency
kidnapped toddler to Lembah
Pujian Church with the intention
of leaving him there. She told
the church attendant that the
child was a relative and that she
had to return quickly to Timor
Leste but did not have any
money. This story netted her Rp
7 million (US$702).
The child was taken to a church
orphanage in Lovina, Singaraja.
Local police found him there
healthy but a little tired and
brought him to Denpasar, where
he was reunited with his father.
We got mail
We got an email from one of our
readers just before we started
printing the Weekly. This is
what he wrote about the new
I would just like to present my
opinion of the new so called
tunnel near Kuta.
Actually its only a hole not a
tunnel.I suppose we were all
expecting a real tunnel after
travelling many tunnels throughout the World.
Its really is AMAZING to think
someone could plan and build
this "tunnel" and make the traffic worse than it was before.
What is so AMAZING is that
now all traffic must exit (if coming from Sanur) into the Airport
Road Jalan Ngurah Rai.
So if the traffic is banked up (as
it is most of the time) you cant
even get back to Kuta or Sunset
Even more AMAZING is that
you have to cross 2 lanes of
traffic to do so.
Good one Bali,that was money
down the hole.
It made someone rich and us
more stress in the morning.
(T.C Bali)
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Money, Money, Money
Local Tourism Leaders Sees Indonesia Tourism as Underfunded and Lacking a Long-Term Plan
for this purpose.
figures,‖ said Kandia.
Speaking at the inauguration of the Bali
Tourism Promotion Board (BPPD) held in
Bali on Tuesday, June 18, 2013, Kandia
said that limited funding available for tourism promotion was holding back tourism
I Nyoman Kandia bemoaned that Malaysia
spends 20 times more on tourism promotion than Indonesia. He added that the
great weakness of tourism promotion in
Indonesia is the lack of an overall, longterm strategy.
―The House of Representatives
(DPR) see tourism as an industry
I Nyoman Kandia, a member of the Indone- already in operations, thinking ‗so
sian Tourism Promotion Board has told
why should we give it funding.‘ The that Indonesia ideally needs DPR is not aware of the strong
at the minimum of Rp. 1 trillion (US$100
effect of tourism and how one tourmillion) to promote the country‘s tourism
ist staying a week in Bali can creindustry.
ate employment for 50 people.
This contrasts with the mere Rp. 20 billion Drivers work. People visit shops.
(US$2 million) allocated in the state budget But, the DPR doesn't see these
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
BIZNET Bali International Triathlon 2013
BIZNET Bali Triathlon 2013 Ends as Organizers Prepare to Meet Challenges on the Road Ahead
The 7th BIZNET Bali International Triathlon was held on
Sunday, June 23, 2013 at Jimbaran Beach and along the
southernmost peninsula of
Nusa Dua.
Over one thousand athletes
took part in the Olympic distance, Sprint distance and 5kilometer fun run at this year's
Slovenia athlete Michael Bucek
was awarded the best overall
time in the Olympic Distance
event with a time of two hours
seven minutes forty-three seconds, beating out Indonesian
athlete Andi Wibowo with a time ridien Jimbaran Bali Resort.
of two hours, thirteen minutes
and forty-seven seconds.
On Sunday race-day a brief
ceremony on the beach at JimBest overall Olympic distance
baran, officiated over by the
time for a woman was turned in Regent of Badung, Anak Agung
by Michelle Boyes of Australia
Gede Agung, and the President
at two hours thirty-six minutes
Director of BIZNET Netand fifty-one seconds. Boye‘s
works, Adi Kusma, preceding
time bested fellow-Australian
the start of the Olympic distance
Nathalie Laurendeau and Britswim at 7:00 am, followed 20
ain‘s Katherine de Rome.
minutes later by the Sprint DisThe races formed the centertance event and the 5km fun
piece of three days of activities rub a short while later.
starting on Friday with bike
course tours, a Balinese bike
Throughout the morning the
blessing, group swims and an
spacious Race Expo and Tranathlete reception at the Private sition Area provided by the InResidence Villas of the Four
terContinental Resort Bali was
Seasons Resort at Jimbaran
alive with the through-flow of
athletes transitioning from
On Saturday, group runs and
swimming to cycling to the runswims were conducted leading ning race. Meanwhile, a large
up to a late afternoon race brief- number of vendors offer food,
ing and a sumptuous high-car
drink and services against the
dinner presented by the Le Me- background of live music and
award presentations.
BIMC Hospital manned a wellequipped medical field hospital
to assist racers; BIZNET connected racers and the press
with their sophisticated Fiber
Optic Internet service; Herbalife
distributed nutritious drinks; Jari
Menari provide complimentary
massages to exhausted athletes – representing a sampling
of the many interesting stands
in operation throughout the
Just before sunset athletes and
others gathered on the cliffside
of the AYANA Resort and Spa
Bali for the traditional ―Rock the
Race Party‖ co-sponsored by
Bir Bintang and Plaga Wines.
The events concluded with a
joyous fireworks display under a
splendid full moon before all
those in attendance were invited down for a cocktail at the
legendary Rock Bar.
During the final nights cocktail, Brennan Lindner of Generic Events and a cofounder of the Bali Race
spoke to those in attendance, highlighted how traffic
and Bali‘s rapid growth continued to challenge organizers. Despite the deployment
of additional pacalang
(community enforcement
officers) and police for the
7th running, significant problems were encountered that are concerning to
both the race organizers and
the government of the Island
who seen the BIZNET Bali
International Triathlon as a
valuable component of the
Island‘s yearlong schedule of
Fundamental changes in the
racecourse are now under
discussion at a number of
levels that will secure the
future of the Bali International Triathlon for years to
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26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
At the Stroke of Midnight
Gasoline and Diesel Prices Increased in Indonesia at Midnight, Friday, June 21, 2013
June 21,
The increase took effect from
midnight that same day.
Jero Wacik said the government
pledged in the wake of the hike
to increase national production
of fuel targeting 1 million barrels
of crude oil per day with a con-
comitant increase in gas production.
In Denpasar, the government's
announcement sparked long
lines at gas pumps as people
line up to full up their tanks for
the last time at the ―old‖ price.
In the ensuing rush, some gas
stations reportedly ran low on
fuel supplies during the course
of the evening.
Calvin & Hobbes
A liter of
rose 44% to
Rp. 6,500
per liter,
while diesel
fuel rose
22% to Rp.
Fuel prices increased across
5,500 (US$0.55) per liter.
Indonesia at midnight on Friday, According to the Bali Post, the
increase was announced by the
Minister of Energy and Natural
Resources, Jero Wacik, at the
office of the Coordinating Minister of the Economy on Friday.
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Cryptic Crosswords
1 Plainly it's said to describe a type of truck
9 Puzzle that's nothing if not negative (7)
10 I get shot about in the lift (5)
11 Kind of help in office (4)
12 Force the company to take Eric on in design (8)
14 Dark thoughts? (6)
16 Another fruit carried in the banana ship (6)
18 Control shown as others fall (8)
19 Engage me with a plea for silence (4)
22 He'll give support in return (5)
23 Legal or otherwise it's a lively movement (7)
24 He's a mess and suffers humiliation (11)
2 Hastily make and hoist a flag (3,2)
3 I had taken the French loaf (4)
4 Possibly push to a conclusion (6)
5 Supporter likely to maintain contact (8)
6 One impression of the publishing trade (7)
7 It will be presented by a group at one (6,5)
8 How near David got to Goliath? (6,5)
13 It's always used up when needed (8)
15 Flag officers? (7)
17 May be in leaf at last (6)
20 They cut in inches (5) 21 Design for a tailless aircraft (4)
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Solution for this crosswords on page 25
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Somewhere in Iowa an elderly couple named Ethel and Fred are engaged in Fred reaches under the covers he grabs Ethel by her t#ts and says, "Ethel if
these could produce milk, we could get rid of that damn cow". Ethel thinks nothing of
Fred's remark. Fred then reaches further down into the cover and grabs Ethel by her
s###ch. Fred then replies "Ethel if this here could catch mice we could get rid of that
damn cat‖ at this remark Ethel rips the covers off the bed grabs Fred by his d%%k
and says "Fred if this was a little bigger we could get rid of your damn brother."
A married couple is driving along a highway doing a steady forty miles per hour. The wife is behind
the wheel. Her husband suddenly looks across at her and speaks in a clear voice. "Darling," he
says. "I know we've been married for twenty years, but I want a divorce." The wife says nothing, keeps looking at the road ahead but
slowly increases her speed to 45 mph. The husband speaks again, "I don't want you to try and talk me out of it, "he says, "because
I've been having an affair with your best friend, and she's a far better lover than you are."
Again the wife stays quiet, but grips the steering wheel more tightly and slowly increases
the speed to 55. He pushes his luck. "I want the house," he says insistently. Up to 60. "I
want the car, too," he continues. 65 mph. "And," he says, "I'll have the bank accounts, all
the credit cards and the boat." The car slowly starts veering towards a massive concrete
bridge. This makes him a wee bit nervous, so he asks her: "Isn't there anything you
want?" The wife at last replies - in a quiet and controlled voice. "No, I've got everything I
need." she says. "Oh, really?" he inquires, "So what have you got?" Just before they slam
into the wall at 75 mph, the wife turns to him, smiles, and says, "The airbag."
A guy walks into a bar with his dog and says, I'll have a Scotch and water and my dog
would like a whiskey sour. The bartender says, "Sorry, we don't allow animals in here."
The dog replies, "Hey, I'm tired of being discriminated against. Just give me a drink." The
bartender says, "Oh, no, not another ventriloquist with the old talking dog trick. Both of
you, get out of here!" "No, no, no, this isn't a trick, I promise you," says the man, "I tell you what, I'll go for a walk around the block and
you talk to Rover here." The man leaves and the bartender sees him turn the corner. "Now, can I have my drink." says the dog. The
bartender is amazed. "Sure you can and it's on the house! Listen, can you do me a favor? My wife works next door at the cafe. It'll
make her day if you go in and order a cup of coffee. Here's ten bucks and you can keep the change afterwards." "Okay." says the dog
and he takes the ten dollars and leaves. Ten minutes go by and the dog doesn't come back. The owner returns and asks where is the
dog. So both of them go off to see what happened to the dog. As they approach the cafe,
Masters of Transport And
they see Rover going at it hot and heavy with a French poodle in the alley between the bar
and cafe. The owner shouts, "What are you doing! You've never done this before!" The dog
shrugged. "Hell, I've never had any money before."
A Scotsman, an Irishman, and an Englishman are each sentenced to a year in solitary confinement; before being locked away, each is to be granted a year's supply of whatever he
wants to help him get through the long, long spell alone. The Scotsman asks for a year's
supply of whisky; it's given to him and he's locked away.The Irishman asks for a year's supply of Guinness so he's locked up with several thousand bottles of it. The Englishman
asks for a year's supply of cigarettes and he's given a pile of cartons and the cell door is
shut on him. One year later, the doors are all unlocked. The Scotsman staggers out and
shouts, 'I'm free!' and then keels over dead from alcohol poisoning. The Irishman is
dragged out into the light, whereupon he promptly dies of liver failure. When the door to the
Englishman's cell is opened, everybody watches eagerly to see what sort of a wreck the
man has made of himself. To their surprise, he walks right out the door, sidles up to the
first person he sees, and asks, 'I say you wouldn't happen to have a match, would you?'
Little Johnny is sitting in biology class, when his teacher states the fact that only humans
stutter, and no other animal in the world does. Johnny raises his hand and says, ―you are
wrong, Miss Finch!" "Really, would you mind telling us why that is Johnny?"
"Well, Miss Finch, the other day I was playing with my cat on the porch. The neighbor‘s
Rottweiler came around the corner, and my cat went "fffff! fffff! fffff!" and before he could
say "F…" the dog ate him!"
Have another one? Send your photo
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Sanur gets cancer house
As reported by Bali Daily (The
Jakarta Post) Denpasar mayor
Ida Bagus Rai Dharmawijaya
Mantra on Sunday opened a
Rumah Sehat (house of health)
offering information on reproductive health, as well as
women‘s cancer screening.
The facility is located alongside
Intaran Market on Jl. Danau
Tondano No. 1, directly across
the of Dangin Peken hamlet
community hall.
―Cervical cancer, sexuallytransmitted diseases and HIV/
AIDS have spread and threaten
―I would like to thank the Austra- the younger age-groups and we
lian Consul for his tireless effort would like to contribute to the
in rallying support for the estab- fight against these diseases
lishment of this facility,‖ Mantra through this facility,‖ Yayasan
said, adding that the facility
Rama Sesana head, Dr. Luh
would enable more women to
Putu Upadisari said.
get vital information on the
deadly disease.
Rama Sesana is a local founda-
tion focusing on women‘s health
issues. In 2004, it established a
similar facility in Pasar Badung,
the island‘s largest market, to
assist poor traders and workers.
In that market, the foundation
has provided services for over
9,000 women.
―We are operating the facility in
Sanur at the invitation of the
banjar and with financial assistance from Inspirasia and AusCrossword solution from page 22
tralian donors,‖
she said.
Air Niugini to Fly Port Moresby to Bali Starting August
Air Niugini, the national airline of Papa New
Guinea, has announced its intention to
commence direct flights between Port Moresby and Bali effective August 5, 2013.
ment with the Indonesian national airline
Garuda will allow passengers bound
between the two destinations to fly on
either airline thereby increasing flight
frequency and access to the respective
Garth McIlwain, chairman of the board, told route systems of each carrier.
PNG Media that his airline will fly once
Air Niugini flies to 10 international destieach week to Bali using a Boeing 737 airnations including Hong Kong, Fiji, Auscraft.
tralia, Singapore, Tokyo and Cebu.
Operating under a code-sharing arrange-
Page 24
The new facility
offers pap
smears as early
detection for
cervical cancer,
pregnancy tests, family planning
services, HIV and STD tests, as
well as teaching breast selfexam for early detection of
breast cancer, and offering
counseling and outreach work
by peer educators.
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26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
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26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
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26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Professional taxi service expected for „new‟ Ngurah Rai
Can you imagine that at an international airport, finding a taxi
may depend on the driver‘s
home situation?
As bizarre as this may sound, it
can happen when you are at
Ngurah Rai airport in Bali.
―I am annoyed with my wife this
Page 28
morning. That‘s why I
decided to leave home as
early as possible to drive
airport visitors,‖ Nyoman,
an airport taxi driver, told
a passenger who had just
arrived at the airport at 7
a.m. after an early morning flight leaving Jakarta
at 4:30 am.
Upon arrival, the Indonesian
passenger found that the airport
taxi service booth was unattended, despite the presence of
some men wearing taxi-driver
uniforms outside the booth, all
of whom were eagerly greeting
only foreign visitors.
Despite operating at Ngurah Rai
airport for a long time, the airport taxis–around 236 of them-apparently do not provide a
round-the-clock service for passengers. Some drivers are selfemployed, while others work for
private individuals. These owners are incorporated in the airport taxi cooperative.
From 1 a.m. to 8 a.m., there
may not be a driver on duty at
the airport, so passengers on
late night or early morning
flights may have to use the
rental cars that often charge
ridiculous amounts, such as Rp
400,000 (US$40.20) for a trip to
downtown Denpasar that is only
Rp 90,000 by taxi.
Airport taxi cooperative phone
operator Made Bagi vaguely
said, ‖Our taxis are available
from the first to the last flights of
the day. Well, the booth only
opens at 8 a.m.‖
―I agree that an international
airport taxi service should operate 24 hours. We should work
shifts, the drivers. But we don‘t
have a regulation for that yet.
So far, we only have rules that
regulate our neatness wearing a
uniform,‖ said Nyoman.
Continue reading on page 29
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
Continuation of “Professional taxi
service expected for „new‟ Ngurah
Rai” from page 28
Along with
the major
taking place
at the airport, which
when renovated will
welcome hundreds of international delegations for the upcoming APEC Summit in
October, the airport management is mulling
improving the professionalism of its taxi
service by accepting other private taxi operators at the new international and domestic terminals.
of services requires improvement. All of
this depends on the airport management
policy,‖ said Mertadi. Currently, Blue Bird
operates around 750 taxis in Bali.
Last year, state-owned airport management company Angkasa Pura I recorded
113,562 incoming and outgoing flights,
both domestic and international, from Ngu-
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
rah Rai airport. These figures showed a
significant increase of over 9,000 flights
compared to the 103,771 flights in 2011.
Last year also saw 14.17 million passengers onboard those flights, 1.4 million more
people than the 12.77 million passengers
recorded in 2011.
(Bali Daily - The Jakarta Post)
―We are still in the process of analyzing our
needs for this transportation mode,‖ Efferson Siregar, operational manager at Ngurah Rai International Airport, told Bali Daily
cautiously. ―However, we do hope that before the APEC summit this study will be
completed, and if the study finds it necessary, the new [taxi] fleet will be welcomed,‖
he said.
Currently, only local taxis registered in the
airport taxi cooperative have the right to
transport passengers inside the airport
compound. Other private taxi operators,
such as national brand Blue Bird, can only
take passengers who are willing to walk an
extra 500 meters to the airport compound
entrance gate.
Marketing manager of the Bali-chapter Blue
Bird Group, Nyoman Mertadi, acknowledged that in addition to the group‘s
Golden Bird luxury car rental, which currently is allowed to operate at the airport,
the company also hopes the management
will open fairer competition for taxi operators at the newly refurbished airport.
―Currently we are re-tendering for our existing operational right for Golden Bird car
rental. However, just like other regular taxi
operators outside the airport taxi cooperative, all of us have a similar desire that
healthier competition rather than monopolistic practice will be encouraged for taxi
services in the airport, which is expected to
become a five-star international airport.‖
―An airport is the first and last impression
for any visitor to this island. So, the quality
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26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Biznet Expands Internet and Pay TV Services in Bali
residents. Good Internet service levels and
high-definition cable
television are becoming
important needs,‖ Adi
Kusma, president director and founder of
the company, said in a
As reported by The Jakarta
Globe Supra Primatama Nusantara, a leading fixed-line Internet
and multimedia provider in Indonesia that owns the Biznet Networks trademark, is expanding
its services in the popular tourist
island Bali.
He told the Jakarta Globe in
February that Biznet had invested around $50 billion last
year to expand its Internet and
data center services.
available to around 53,000
Adi, who is a nephew of Rudy
Suliawan, a businessman who
controls the Midplaza Group
said in February he wanted to
extend his fiber optic cable network to 10,000 kilometers and
provide cable pay TV service to
between 200,000 and 250,000
homes in Indonesia.
and even Yahoo.
While Biznet can only serve
some Bali customers with its
Internet service at the moment,
it plans to launch its pay television service in September, Adi
The number of Internet users in
Indonesia is expected to grow
Biznet offers network, Internet,
data center, cloud computing as
well as pay television services,
which are supported by a fiber
optic network and the largest
data center in the country.
According to data from the Indonesian Internet Service Provider
Association (APJII), there were
This year, it will invest around
63 million registered Internet
the same amount to further exusers last year, accessing the
pand the business.
Web through various means,
The company already extended
including fixed-line and mobile
its fiber optic network on the
―The Bali investment is part of
The company, which was estab- devices such as smartphones
island by 500 kilometers, and by our one-year budget,‖ Adi said
lished in 2000, serves numerand tablets.
the end of this year, it is exvia BlackBerry messenger.
ous large corporations. They
pected to increase to 1,000
include Bank Central Asia, Bank The APJII forecasts the number
Biznet‘s fiber optic network,
Mandiri, BHP Billiton, Cocato almost double in the next
including Bali, has now reached Cola, Citibank, Mizuho Bank,
three years, to 130 million in
―Bali is a resort area, where
6,000 kilometers, while its pay
Inpex, Kaskus, Reuters, Sam2015.
many foreigners also become
television service has been
poerna, Shell, Toyota, the WWF
Page 31
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26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Australian Threatened Seven Years in Prison
As reported by
The Bali
Cindy Sheed (42) could face a
maximum of seven years in
prison for allegedly taking items
that are not hers.
dispute with the victim, Stephen
Blackwell, who is also from Australia due to their relationship
has ended.
―The defendant and the victim
were known living together in
Perumahan Indah Pesona Resident Number 9 Pemogan, Denpasar. It is the victim‘s house,‖
he said.
However, they lived together
just a few days, because the
The General Prosecutor Kade
victim expel the accused after
Wahyu described his indictment their relationship ends.
on the trial with the Chief of
Judges Panel AA Wirakanta in
Apparently the defendant did
the Denpasar District Court.
not accept the victim‘s manner,
so that when the victim left for
He said that the action took
his home country, she used the
place in March 2013 at a differ- chance to come to the house
ent time that was triggered by a with the aim of
taking the goods.
The defendant directly damaged the lock and opened the
fence door with a spare key he
―Then the defendant contacted
the witnesses, Ketut Sudiarta,
to help her taking a car in the
garage,‖ he said.
While the defendant was in the
house, the victim‘s man, Made
Mujana came in. Seeing a
harmful action, he asked the
lady from the land of the kangaroo.
To see the man coming the
defendant was annoyed, even
she scolded him off.
He didn‘t accept the way the
defendant treated him so he
reported her to the police.
―Apparently she isn‘t satisfied
with her first attempt, few days
after the incident, she again
came to the victim‘s house and
took various items,‖ he said.
For her action, she is charged
with two-coated article, namely
Article 363 Paragraph 5 of the
Criminal Code in conjunction
with Article 64 Paragraph (1) of
the Criminal Code and Article
362 of the Criminal Code in
conjunction with Article 64 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.
The threat of punishment is a
maximum of seven years in
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Hotel Rates in Bali Increase 15%
As reported by The Bali Times
indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) predicts
room rates in Bali will rise about
15 percent from current rates,
following the price hike of subsidized fuel oil (BBM).
and set distribution scenarios
that provide a destination that
open possibility for a longer
stay,‖ he said.
in Denpasar.
It still imposes rates as agreed,
although rising fuel prices will
make car rental rates increasing.
of Pawiba
He said that within a short time
Soediana said that it would
of visit it could influence occuAccording to him, the impact of raise vehicle rental rates 10 to
pancy rates. Moreover, there is such conditions has previously 15 percent as a form of antici―In the past when there is a rise now the government plan to
been anticipated by the contract pation of rising fuel prices.
of fuel prices, hotel room rates
raise fuel prices which impact
clause with partners.
―The increase in the rate is with
increased about 10-15 percent on the increase in room rates.
―Usually before signing the con- the assumptions or predictions
from the previous price. At this
Meanwhile Association of the
tract, it has been explained to
if the government raise price of
time we do not think it will be
Indonesia Tours and Travel
the partners that there will be a premium Rp2,000 and diesel
much different from that range,‖ (Asita) plans not to raise rates if correction if we face such condi- Rp1,000,‖ he said.
said Chairman of the Governing the subsidized fuel prices intion as now,‖ he said.
Body of PHRI Bali Tjokorda Oka crease.
The fuel price increase will cerArtha Ardana Sukawati in Den- ―We can‘t raise rates as agreed Regarding vehicle rental rate
tainly have an impact on tourpasar.
with other agencies, both at
increase that is certainly must
ism transport rental rates, but
home and abroad,‖ said Chair- wait the decision of the Bali
the amount is not equal to the
According to him, the increase
man of Asita Bali I Ketut Ardana Tourism Transport Association increase in fuel prices.
of fuel prices resulted in the
tourism industry, especially
hotels raise room rates as
generally the purchase for
the energy sector account
for 35 percent of operating
―In the end we have to increase the room rate because we are also dealing
with competitors so that the
rates should be adjusted,‖
said the former Regent of
He said that PHRI Bali can
accept the government‘s
plan to raise fuel prices, but
the impact of rising hotel
room rates will be passed on
to consumers.
On the other hand, he said
that the length of tourists
staying in Bali in recent
years is getting shorter that
is less than four days,
whereas prior to 2002 the
length of stay reached 14
He said that it is influenced
by global factors such as the
easy access and the quantity
of flights to the island.
―We can‘t avoid the global
impact, what we need to do
is to improve the quality of
tourist destinations in Bali
Page 35
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Business as Usual
Fuel Price Increase Not Expected to Dent Indonesia‟s Fast-Growing Tourism Industry
tourism targets will not be
revised following dramatic
increases of between 22%
-44% in fuel prices.
Speaking at the opening of
a cultural festival in Jakarta on Wednesday, June
Indonesia‘s Minister of Tourism 19, 2013, Pangestu said, ―There
and the Creative Economy, Mari will be no correction in tourism
Elka Pangestu, has declared
targets because all impacts and
that domestic and international implications have been take into
Page 36
The Minister, quoted in The Bali
Post, said she anticipated that
Indonesia continues to target 9 the tourism industry would find
million foreign tourist visits for
ways to be more efficient in its
all of 2013. Meanwhile, the gov- use of energy, such as occurred
ernment is holding firm on its
after the last increase in fuel
expectation that 250 domestic
tourist trips will be undertaken in The higher energy cost is exthe current year, a number the
pected by the Minister to give
Ministry of Tourism thinks will
new impetus to green hotel and
increase to 400 million trips by
green environment programs.
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
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26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Thou Shell Not Kill
World-Wide Protest Mount Against Bali‟s Illegal Turtle Trade
The environmental activist
group ProFauna has delivered
an international online petition
to Bali‘s governor demanding
he take steps to end the illegal
trade of turtles and turtle eggs
in Bali.
concerned about the illegal turtle trade in Bali, which has increased again,‖
The petition orchestrated by
ProFauna and SOS Sea Turtle
was handed to the governor at
his office on Wednesday, June
The non-governmental agency‘s 19, 2013. Promulgated on the
Bali coordinator, Jatmiko WiInternet, 25,000 signatures from
woho, told The Jakarta Post:
around the world signed on to
―The petition shows that the
urge quick action by the goverinternational community is now nor to stop the turtle trade.
Jatmiko added: ―We hope
the Bali governor can take
more serious, concrete
and thorough action to put
an end to the illegal turtle
Jatmiko said the ongoing trade
in turtles is tainting the image of
Bali and may eventually affect
the island‘s main business of
tourism. The Jakarta Post report
hinted that if the government
fails to heed calls to stop the
turtle trade, calls to boycott tourism as occurred in 2000 might
be repeated.
Hand-Made in Bali
Bali Handicraft Exports Increase 10.89%
Bali handicraft and wood
products, primarily composed of carved statues,
generated US$13.84
million in export earnings
during the first three
months of 2013.
same sectors in Q1 2012.
This represents a
10.89% increase in export earnings from the
According to Bank Indonesia, exports of handicrafts remain sluggish due to weak demand from European and U.S. markets.
According to Dwi Pranoto of the Bali branch of Bank Indonesia,
something of a recovery in handicrafts may be underway as the
Q1 2012 export figures were 6.09% ahead of Q1 2011. The
stronger rate of growth in Q1 2013 fuels views that a slow-paced
recovery may be underway in the handicraft sector.
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26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Bali alerted to 14 new drugs
As reported by Bali Daily (The
Jakarta Post) while 14 new
drugs have been found widely
distributed across Indonesia,
Bali still serves as a transit point
for drug trafficking to and from
Jakarta, West Java and other
parts of Indonesia.
the new drugs had been identified in BNN laboratory examinations over the past couple of
years. Some of themhad been
created by mixing several drugs
already being trafficked, while
others were new substances
formulated abroad and traded in
being hallucinogens, stimulants
and depressants.
ness. So far, only 560 users
have reported to the centers,‖
said Budiarta, as quoted by
Currently, Indonesia has on Wednesday.
proximately 5 million drug usAs of May this year, over 300
ers. Only around 18,000 of
drug- and liquor-related cases
them are currently in rehabilita- had occurred in Bali, as cited by
local newspaper Bali Post.The
country is targeting being drug
The National Narcotics Agency
Bali itself is home to around
free by 2015.
(BNN)‘s deputy director of law
These 14 new drugs are among 55,000 drug users. Head of Bali ―Well, the term ‗drug free‘does
and cooperation, Brig. Gen.
251 new types recently discov- -chapter BNN, I Gusti Ketut
not really mean free at all, but it
Charles Victor Sitorus, urged
ered worldwide.
Budiarta, said that BNN had
means that we are expecting to
the enforcement of stronger
established seven rehabilitation be able to suppress the numsecurity measures to prevent
He said that the 14 new drugs
centers for drug users in Bali,
bers of drug traffickers to less
Bali‘s continued role in drug
would soon be included on the
located at PAV Sandat Sanglah than 2.8 percent of total users,‖
trafficking nationwide and world- prohibited drug list in Law No.
Hospital in Denpasar, Puskesargued Charles.
35/2009 on narcotics. ―We will
mas (community health center) I
include this new list as an anKuta and Puskesmas Abianse- Currently, BNN is developing
Charles acknowledged that so
nex of the same law,‖ said
mal in Badung, Puskesmas 3
cooperation with around 100
far 14 new drugs had been
Charles, hoping that once the
Tabanan, Puskesmas Ubud I
government agencies to supfound in Bali, however, Jakarta law contained the new drug list, and II in Gianyar, Bangli Mental press the numbers of traffickers
still recorded the highest distri- BNN would be able to stop
Hospital and Yayasan Kasih
and users by implementing
bution of trafficked drugs nation- more violators.
Kita Bali.
urine tests for civil servants.
―Drug users continue to be from
BNNis also working with four
the same age group, between
―However, most drug users are airlines, including Lion Air and
Charles, who was speaking in a 25 and 55 years old,‖ he said,
still reluctant to go due to
Mandala Air, to enforce stricter
BNN focus group discussion in adding that the new drugs had
shame, fear of being caught by measures to tackle drug traffickBali on Wednesday, said that
the same effects as older ones, the police and lack of awareing in the country.
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26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Room Rates in Bali Under Pressure From Energy Costs
Bali Room Rates Predicted to Increase 15% Following 44% Hike in Fuel Costs
The Bali Chapter of the Indonesian Hotel
and Restaurant Association (PHRI-Bali) is
predicting the hotel room rates will increase
around 15% as the result of the fuel price
increase of 44% for premium gas that
came into effect on June 22, 2013.
As reported by Bisnis Bali, PHRI-Bali says
that while they accept the government‘s
decision to increase fuel costs, the actual
cost of this increase will be passed on to
the consumers.
such as a significant
increase in energy
costs, take place.
Earlier, the chairman
of the Bali Transportation Association
(PAWIBA), Bagus Soediana said he preThe chairman of the PHRI-Bali, Tjokorda
Separately, the Indonesian Association of
dicts transportation costs will increase beOka Artha Ardana Sukawati (Cok Ace),
Travel Agents (ASITA) says there are no
tween 10-15% due to the increase in fuels
says he expects the increase in room tariffs plans to increase the tariffs of travel agents costs.
to largely reflect the increase that occurred charges to domestic and international part- Fuel costs went up 44% or by US$0.20 per
when fuel cost last increased. Cok Ace
ners due to ongoing contractual commitliter for premium on June 22, 2013. Diesel
explained that energy costs represent 35% ment. In some instances, however, agree- fuels costs increased US$0.10 per liter on
of all operating costs for accommodation
ments do exist that allow rates to be inthe same date.
creased when overriding circumstances,
Sanur Weekly Tide Charts June 26 - July 03, 2013
* = New Moon
** = Full Moon
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Not Going with the Flow
Angry Bali Villagers Close Ayung River to White Water Rafting Operators
Angry villagers living along the
banks of the Ayung River in
Central Bali brought river rafting
operations to a complete halt on
Sunday, June 23, 2013, when
they cut trees, felling them
across the river and making the
passage of the rubber rafts
used by rafting companies impossible.
Page 44
Reported by both Nusa
Bali, The Bali Post and
DenPost - hundreds of
villagers blockaded the
river in protest at the failure of river rafting companies to pay an agreed Rp.
500,000 (US$50) per
month to each of the 11
communities (banjars) for the
past ten months.
Villagers complain that the hundred of tourist visitors traveling
the river on rafts prevent traditional economic pursuits such
as fishing or the breeding of live
fish. For this reason, the rafting
companies agreed to provide
each Banjar a cash compensation of Rp. 500,000 each month.
But, for the past 10 months, the
rafting companies argue they
are no longer able to make
these payments.
Police and military personnel
were deployed along the river
on Sunday to keep the peace
on Sunday while rafting operations came to a halt.
Villagers have pledged even
stronger action if any attempt is
made to remove the fallen trees
blocking the river before an
acceptable settlement is
reached between local resi-
dents and the rafting operators.
Meanwhile, the chief of the local
police precinct has promised to
convene a meeting of between
rafting operators and the local
banjars to try to achieve a
peaceful solution to the protests.
An estimate 12 rafting companies operate river trips along the
Ayung River. has learned
that rafting operations along
the river resumed on Monday,
June 24, 2013.
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Stop (Building) in the Name of the Law
Villas in Jembrana Being Issued Permits and Licenses for Non-Conforming Construction
And, despite
what is an obvious violation of
building and zoning codes, “Villa
33” appears to
have a complete
set of permits
and licenses.
A member of
commission C of the Jembrana House of Representatives (DPRD-Jembrana),
Putu Kamawijaya, said on
Friday, June 14, 2013, that
he deeply regretted such
As reported by,
flagrant disregard for the law
many of the newly built villas
could occur, especially when
clearly violate minimum setback the rules are so clear.
rules from the shoreline but
somehow manage to hold a full He was also concerned that
set of permits and building liconstruction is being allowed
to continue on the construction of a building
This anomaly is fueling suspithat violates the law, with
cion of official collusion and
local officials choosing to
corruption in the issuance of
close their eyes.
building and site permits.
―This is not happening only in
Several of the ―suspicious‖ villas Perancak, but in many other
are located in the village of Per- places. Violations occur, but no
ancak, Jembrana.
one takes action,‖ complained
Putu Kamawijaya.
One, named “Villa 33” is still
under construction. This particu- He said that permits have been
lar villa has raised protests be- issued points to official collusion
cause its distance from the
to break the law.
shoreline is less than 50 meters
while the minimum legal setKamawijaya said any building
back from the shoreline for all
being built in violation of the law
areas in Bali is 100 meters.
requires the relevant authority
must have the courage to take
The surge in villas being built in
the Bali regency of Jembrana
has brought attention to bear on
the legality of the permits held
by these structures.
The Sanur Weekly HandyMan List
corrective action.
After he surveyed the new villas
in Perancak, he said all held the
He called on authorities to move complete set of licenses, includagainst the illegal villas, regard- ing principle permits and buildless of who owns or back the
ing permits. ―So everything is
subject projects.
OK,‖ insisted Widarta.
Meanwhile, the head of the local enforcement office for Jembrana, Putu Widarta, said that
his authority was only to check
several documents that must be
held by the villa project.
The Provincial Zoning Law of
Bali (RTRWP 2009) stipulates
that any official issue a building
permit that does not conform to
the zoning law is subject to 5
years imprisonment.
This List contains Names and Numbers of reliable HandyMan and HandyWoman.
Pak Wayan (Electrical, Plumbing, Air conditioning) Call: 0361 7966020
Pak Anton (Expert Tiller little English, First Class Worker from Java) Call 081339862372
Pak Yose (Plumbing, Pools, Spas, Saunas, Awnings, Sails etc.) Call: 0813 3709 1769
Pak Yono (Gardening, Landscaping) Call 085 2339 75649
Installation Services (Electrical, Plumbing, AC, etc...) Call Made 087 8611 68488 or Wayan 0819 3600 08857
Made Toucan (Speaks good English, driver very good at all aspects building trade. Can work unsupervised)
Ref the Gov 0821 1238 5795 Ready to start 085 2379 46418
Pak Syaifur First Class Carpenter Own Tools Call 085850222731
Pluto for all home maintenance. Fluent English. Call 081 8055 6105
Additions to this list are welcome. Please send name, description and number to
Page 45
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Keeping an Eye on the Road
Indonesian President to Inspect Bali‟s New Toll Road
scheduled to personally inspect
the project on Tuesday, June
25, 2013.
Now that the new toll road connecting Benoa – Ngurah Rai
Airport – Nusa Dua is now
100% completed, President
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is reports that the
Indonesian president will be in
town to inspect a number of
infrastructure projects in connection with the (Asian-Pacific
Economic Cooperation) APEC
Summit to be held in Bali in
Akhmad Tito Karim, the CEO of
PT Jasa Marga, the managers
of the toll road, said the President would travel the new road
from the Ngurah Rai access
road and head towards Nusa
place in mid-July after formal
inspections are conducted by
the Minister of Public Works,
Minister of Transportation and
Indonesian Police.
President Yudhoyono is also
scheduled to inspect ongoing
renovations at Bali‘s Ngurah Rai
Once the work on the project is
certified as acceptable by the
Minister of Public Works, the
12.7-kilometer long toll road can
be formally inaugurated by the
The formal handover of the project to the Government will take
New frog species found in Bali
As reported by Bali Daily (The
Jakarta Post) Scientists from
Indonesia and Japan have discovered a new species of mini
frog in Bali and have named it
Amir Hamidy,a researcher from
the Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI), and scientists Masafumi Matsui, Amir Hamidi and
Koshiro Eto from the Graduate
School of Human and Environ-
mental Studies at Kyoto University in Japan, published their
joint scientific finding in the Zootaxa Journal issued on June
The newly found frog species
measures around 18.3 mm long
in females and 17.4 mm in
males, as reported by Antara
news agency. The brown mini
frog is distinctive due to its tiny
body and unusual toe configura-
tion, where the middle toe is
much longer than those to the
side. It has only been found in
two areas in Bali — WongayaGede and Batukaru, at a
height of 435 to 815 meters
above sea level.
The scientists found the frog in
ricefields in these two sites.
According to the scientists, Bali
is now the eastern-most place
for the Microhyla species to be
found. ―Bali will become a key
area to learn more about the
evolution of the microhylid genus.‖
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
Sanur Weekly Online Edition
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Useful Numbers
Ambulance : 118
Fire : 113
Police : 110
Search & Rescue : 51111
Blue Bird Taxi - (0361) 701111
Hospitals & Clinics
BIMC Hospital +62 361 761 263
SOS Medical Clinic +62 361 710 505
Sanglah Public Hospital +62 361 227 911
Kasih Ibu Hospital +62 361 223 036
BRITISH CONSULATE +62 361 270 601
GERMAN CONSULATE +62 361 288 535
CONSULATE OF ITALY +62 361 701 005
US CONSULATE +62 361 233 605
SWISS CONSULATE +62 361 751 735
The Sanur Weekly Advertising Price List
¼ Page
½ Page
Full Page
Full back Page
¼ Front page
Middle Double Side
40.000 IDR
75.000 IDR
150.000 IDR
225.000 IDR
225.000 IDR
375.000 IDR
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Please contact us for a personal meeting if you need some additional graphic design work.
Page 50
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013
52 Warung Kayu Api
51 Lazer Sport Bar
49 Good Massage
Utama Spice
MD Warung
50 Power of now Oasis
53 Sanur Deli
Sanur Weekly is published by: PT ABDI DWIPANTARA, JL. MERTA SARI No. 50, Denpasar, Bali.
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
26. Jun - 03. Jul 2013