RecordKeeper is an integrated web and PDA application that allows
RecordKeeper is an integrated web and PDA application that allows
RecordKeeper is an integrated web and PDA application that allows an agricultural grower to keep track of operations such as planting, fertilizer and pesticide applications, irrigation, tilling, harvesting, and the dates and times when those operations were performed. These operations are recorded as they are performed in the field via the RecordKeeper PDA application. The operations data records are collated and distributed via the RecordKeeper web application, and stored for future reference. Costs of operations in the field and associated equipment and personnel can be calculated as needed. Copies of the RecordKeeper PDA application are available from customer support. To use the PDA features of RecordKeeper, you will also need the following: • • • A Compaq iPAQ (3600 or 3800 preferred) or Dell Axium PDA with a Windows Pocket PC 2000 operating system Appropriate equipment (including sync cord, cradle, power cord, etc) for synchronizing your PDA with your desktop computer Microsoft ActiveSync installed on your desktop, and all appropriate drivers for synchronizing your PDA with your desktop computer 1 Calendar The main function of the RecordKeeper application is the Calendar module. Action events are recorded on the day they occur and consist of equipment, personnel, and operational details. The action events are recorded on a day-by-day basis using the calendar, as shown above. There are currently six types of events that can be recorded: Irrigation – Irrigation events. Application – Fertilizer, manure, pesticides, or similar chemical applications. Planting – Varieties, equipment, planting characteristics, and all the management choices associated with planting a crop. Harvest – The equipment and personnel associated with a harvest, as well as the total yield from the field. Tillage – The equipment, personnel, and manner in which a particular tilling operation is performed. Miscellaneous – Miscellaneous events used to record field notes. These events are color-coded and linked by the calendar, with all Grower events shown as the default. You may also select individual farms or fields, and the calendar will refresh to show the events for that particular set of fields. Clicking on the Date Summary button brings up a pop up calendar window which is used to display an action summary for the selected day. Events can be added into RecordKeeper in three different ways. First, they can be added on a field-by-field basis using Add Event. Secondly, they can be created using programs in the Event Wizard. Finally, they can be added in the field using the RecordKeeper PDA application. Refer to the Calendar – Add Event and Calendar- Event Wizard sections later in this document. 2 Setup The Setup page allows the grower to configure the following elements of their account: Grower Info, Grower Entry Setup, Groups, Programs, Equipment, Personnel, Field Info and Expenses. Selecting the Grower Info mode allows you to enter administration information for a particular grower in the following form. Data to be entered includes contact information such as name, address, city, state, zip, phone, cell, fax and email. There are also three check boxes to indicate whether or not the grower will be using zones, personnel, and/or equipment. Selecting the Grower Entry Setup mode allows you to set which entry categories you will be recording, and whether or not you will be recording costs for that entry category. Categories are organized by the following actions: Application, Planting, Irrigation, Tillage, Miscellaneous, and Harvest. The forms below are for setting up the Planting and Harvest actions. 3 The forms below are for setting up the Irrigation and Tillage actions. Application entry categories are organized by specific category, selected from a select box, as in the application action forms below. Individual options for any entry category can be selected specifically by clicking on the provided Options arrow button to the right of each line, as in the form below: This form also allows you to set the costing units (i.e. $/ac, $/ton, $/lb, $/Gal, $/oz, total $). If the costing unit you wish to use is not available, please contact customer support to see about including a new unit in the application. 4 Selecting the Groups mode allows you to create distinct sets of grower profiles, equipment, programs, or personnel. You select between the different sets via the Group Type select box. A group name can be added, deleted or renamed for each group type. Program group types can be added by selecting name, action and program and clicking on Add to Group. You can remove existing programs from the group by clicking on Remove from Group. You can save the program group by clicking on Save. See the Programs group form below on the left. Profile group types can be added by selecting on a farm, field or zone and clicking on Add to enter a profile name. You can remove existing farm/field/zones from the group by clicking on Remove from Group. You can save the profile group by clicking on Save. See the Profile group form below on the right. Personnel group types can be added by selecting on Personnel and clicking on Add to enter a personnel name. You can remove existing personnel from the group by selecting the person and clicking on Remove from Group. You can save the personnel group by clicking on Save. See the Personnel group form below on the left. Equipment group types can be added by selecting on Equipment and clicking on Add to enter an equipment name. You can remove existing equipment from the group by selecting the equipment and clicking on Remove from Group. You can save the equipment group by clicking on Save. See the Equipment group form below on the right. 5 Selecting the Programs mode allows you to create specific programs for individual categories and events. A program is simply the name designated (i.e. Grasshopper Treatment) to describe an action type (i.e. Application, Harvest, Irrigation, Planting or Tillage) and the details and costs associated with that action. The first step is to select an Action Type and category if the Application action type is chosen. Next, the details for a particular action type may be selected and entered accordingly including any associated costs. Finally, a program name and comments may be entered. You may save the program by clicking on Save Program. In the frame to the left, each created program is listed. You may display or modify an existing program by clicking on the program name. Programs can be renamed, saved or deleted by clicking on the corresponding buttons (Rename Program, Save Program, Delete Program). Each program may be set to active or inactive by clicking on the active check box. Only active programs will be downloaded to the PDA application for recording in the field. Selecting the Equipment mode allows you to set up specific pieces of equipment for use in the various events. You may select a type and enter the make, model, the VIN/Serial #, equipment width, number of rows for planters or harvesters, equipment capacity, year, cost rate and comments. If available, cost rate is automatically estimated based off of location. Equipment setup names can be added, renamed or deleted by clicking on the corresponding button (Add, Rename, Delete). You can save the equipment setup by clicking on Save. In the frame to the left each created equipment setup is listed. You may display or modify an existing equipment setup by clicking on the name. See the form below on the left. Selecting the Personnel mode allows you to record personnel usage in the RecordKeeper application. You may enter personnel contact information including address, city, state, zip, phone, pay rate, cell, fax, email, applicator #, drivers license and comments. Personnel setup names can be added, renamed or deleted by clicking on the corresponding button (Add, Rename, Delete). You can save the personnel setup by clicking on Save. In the frame to the left each created personnel setup is listed. You may display or modify an existing personnel setup by clicking on the name. See the form below on the right. 6 Selecting the Field Info mode allows you to record administrative information about a particular field within a profile. You may select a group, farm and field and enter the following information: FSA Field Number, Insurance Number, Tract Number, County, Section, Township, Range, Landlord, and Crop Split. You can save the field information by clicking on Save. Selecting the Field Expenses mode allows you to record expenses in the field not directly related to the basic actions such as tillage, application, planting, irrigation or harvest. The indirect expenses are as follows: Administrative Fees, Bollweevil Eradication, Consulting, Crop Insurance, Miscellaneous, Rent, Scouting, Services and Soil Sampling. The first step is to select a farm and field and create a profile by clicking on Add Profile. Next, build the expense list by clicking on Add New Expense. Select the expense type and season and enter the cost with associated units. Click on View to enter any comments. Field expenses can now be saved by clicking on Save Field Expenses. In the frame to the left, each created field expense is listed. You may display or modify an existing field expense by clicking on the name. 7 Calendar - Add Event The first step of adding an Event is to select a farm and field and create a profile by clicking on Add Profile. The second step is to select a date for the event by clicking on a calendar date, or selecting the date using the drop-down boxes. The third step is to create an action list by selecting an action type (Application, Irrigation, Planting, Harvest or Tillage). Once you’ve selected an action type, you will also need to work your way through additional steps, depending on the specific action. You may also enter what percentage of the field the action was applied, and select a beginning time and ending time. The fourth step is to select the personnel and equipment groups associated with this event. The fifth and final step is to select the company name and enter any comments. With the completion of this step, you can save the event by clicking on Save. The details of creating an action list based on action type are as follows: Selecting the Application action type allows you to select a category, such as Fertilizer. Fertilizer method and type may be selected and amount may be entered with units selected. Fertilizer cost may be entered and cost units selected. The Application action may be added to the action list by clicking on Add Action to List. 8 Selecting the Harvest action type allows you to select the harvest type, the type of harvester, the number of harvester heads and head spacing. Total and component yields may be entered with units selected (LB, BU, Tons, KG, CWT, BBL). Market value may be entered in dollars per unit selected. Costs may be entered for each item in dollars per unit selected. The Harvest action may be added to the action list by clicking on Add Action to List. Selecting the Irrigation action type allows you to select a method and type and enter an amount with units selected in inches (in), millimeters (mm) or centimeters (cm). Irrigation costs may be entered and cost units selected. The Irrigation action may be added to the action list by clicking on Add Action to List. See the form below on the left. Selecting the Tillage action type allows you to select the type of tillage and enter a percent of field and beginning and ending time. The Tillage action may be added to the action list by clicking on Add Action to List. See the form below on the right. 9 Selecting the Planting action type allows you to select a planting type, crop and variety. Planting direction and associated costs may be entered in dollars per unit selected. Planting type may be added by clicking on Add. You may also select planter type and rows, row spacing, cover crop method and type, previous crop, residue amount, saved seed, seed depth, seed size, seed spacing and seed treatment. Emergence and seed population with units selected may be entered. Costs may be entered for each item in dollars per unit selected. Planting and seed details may be added by clicking on Add. Seed type may be selected and associated cost may be entered in dollars per unit selected. The Planting action may be added to the action list by clicking on Add Action to List. 10 Calendar - Event Wizard The Event Wizard is a linear record-generating function that allows you to quickly record events for one or more fields or zones. It is a six step set of forms that allows you to select a profile, an event date, a program, personnel, equipment, and enter comments. The following forms show an example of each step of the Event Wizard. The first step of creating an Event is to select a Group, Farm, Field and/or Zone and create a profile by clicking on Add Profile. See the form below on the left. The second step is to select a date for the event by clicking on a calendar date, or selecting the date using the drop-down boxes. See the form below on the right. The third step is to select a program by choosing a program group via the Program Group select box, or choosing an individual program via the Action Type and Program select boxes. Once you’ve selected an program or group of programs, you may add them to the program list by clicking on Add Program to List. You may also enter what percentage of the field the action was applied, and select a beginning time and ending time. See the form below on the right. 11 The fourth step is to add Personnel by choosing a group in the Personnel Group select box, or by choosing individual personnel in the Personnel select box. Once you’ve selected individual personnel or a group of personnel, you may add them to the personnel list by clicking on Add Personnel to List. You may also enter personnel hours in the edit boxes. See the form on the left. The fifth step is to add Equipment by choosing a group in the Equipment Group select box, or by choosing individual equipment in the Equipment select box. Once you’ve selected individual equipment or a group of equipment, you may add them to the equipment list by clicking on Add Equipment to List. You may also enter equipment hours in the edit boxes. See the form on the right. The sixth and final step is to select the company name and enter any comments. With the completion of this step, you may save the event by clicking on Finish. 12 You can also select fields in the Event Wizard by geographical representation. Clicking on the MAP icon next to the group/profile or farm select boxes will generate a window showing the boundaries of all fields within that group/profile or farm. Fields can be added to the action in progress by clicking on the relevant boundary in this new window. Fields can be unselected by re-clicking the boundary in question. This function allows the user to be able to identify fields by location and size when uncertain as to their identity. 13 Tools This page is a collection of various tools that have been added to RecordKeeper for customer convenience. The tools include Program, Cost, Personnel and Equipment edit tools. There is also a field worksheet that may be printed out and used in the field in place of the hand held PDA application. Selecting the Program Edit Tool mode allows for the modification of an existing program across a wide array of farms and fields over a specified period of time. This tool has four sections: Select Program, Make Modifications, Select Group/Farm to Apply To, and Select Date Range and Options. The first step is to select a program by choosing an action type, category and program name. The next step is to make modifications to the program by clicking on the check boxes where modifications are needed and making the necessary modification. The next step is to select the group or farm to apply the program modifications. The final step is to choose the date range and options by selecting the begin and end dates from the drop-down select boxes and clicking on the desired options. Clicking on Finish applies the program modifications to the selected group or farm. Clicking on Undo Mass Edit restores the program to what it was before the modifications were applied. One advantage of the program edit tool is providing the ability to delete individual entries from multiple entry groupings like chemicals, seed treatments, and so on. Selecting the Cost Edit Tool mode allows for the modification of costs across a wide array of farms and fields over a specified period of time. This tool has four sections: Select Entry, Select Group/Farm to Apply To, and Select Date Range and Options. The first step is to select an action type, category, entry type and option and enter the cost in the units selected. The next step is to select the group or farm to apply the cost of the entry option. The final step is to choose the date range and options by selecting the begin and end dates from the drop-down select boxes and clicking on the desired options. Clicking on Finish applies the cost of the entry option to the selected group or farm. Clicking on Undo Mass Edit restores the cost of the entry option to what it was before the modification was applied. One advantage of the cost edit tool is to allow a customer to add costs of entry options to a set of events after they were recorded. 14 Selecting the Personnel Edit Tool mode allows for the modification of personnel work rates across a wide array of farms and fields over a specified period of time. This tool has four sections: Select Personnel, Select Group/Farm to Apply To, and Select Date Range and Options. The first step is to select personnel and enter a work rate in the units selected. The next step is to select the group or farm to apply the personnel work rate. The final step is to choose the date range and options by selecting the begin and end dates from the drop-down select boxes and clicking on the desired options. Clicking on Finish applies the personnel work rate to the selected group or farm. Clicking on Undo Mass Edit restores the personnel work rate to what it was before the change was applied. One advantage of the personnel edit tool is to allow a customer to add personnel work rates to a set of events after they were recorded. Selecting the Equipment Edit Tool mode allows for the modification of equipment work rates across a wide array of farms and fields over a specified period of time. This tool has four sections: Select Equipment, Select Group/Farm to Apply To, and Select Date Range and Options. The first step is to select equipment and enter a work rate in the units selected. The next step is to select the group or farm to apply the equipment work rate. The final step is to choose the date range and options by selecting the begin and end dates from the drop-down select boxes and clicking on the desired options. Clicking on Finish applies the equipment work rate to the selected group or farm. Clicking on Undo Mass Edit restores the equipment work rate to what it was before the change was applied. One advantage of the equipment edit tool is to allow a customer to add equipment work rates to a set of events after they were recorded. 15 Products The end product of the RecordKeeper application is the generation of various reports displaying the information recorded in useful formats. Reports are listed in the Mode selection box and are added as they become available. The following reports are currently available: Action Summary, Cost Summary, Planting Summary, Chemical Summary, Fertilizer Summary, Irrigation Summary, Tillage Summary and Product Matrix. The Action Summary report provides a summary of events performed in a specified time frame on a group, farm or field selected. The first step of generating this report is to select a farm and field and create a profile by clicking on Add Profile. The second step is to select a time frame for the event by clicking either Year-to-Date or Date Range buttons. If Date Range is selected then use the drop-down boxes to choose a start and end date. The third step is select one or more action types by clicking on the designated check boxes. You may click on the Check All button to select all action types. The Application action type also lists check boxes for each associated category. The fourth step is to select the report options associated with this event such as Entry, Personnel and Equipment detail, Cost, Comments and Field Expenses. The fifth and final step is to select an output format such as PDF. With the completion of this step, you can create the Action Summary report by clicking on Create Report. The Cost Summary report provides a summary of cost events performed in a specified time frame on a group, farm or field selected. The same steps are followed to generate this report as in the Action Summary report. The only difference is that report options are limited to Field Expenses. 16 The Planting Summary report provides a summary of planting events performed in a specified time frame on a group, farm or field selected. The same steps are followed to generate this report as in the Action Summary report. The only difference is that there are no report options to select. The Chemical Summary report provides a summary of chemicals application events performed in a specified time frame on a group, farm or field selected. The same steps are followed to generate this report as in the Action Summary report. The only difference is that the report options are the selection of chemical type and brand. 17 The Fertilizer Summary by Nutrient report provides a summary of fertilizer application events performed in a specified time frame on a group, farm or field selected. The same steps are followed to generate this report as in the Action Summary report. The only difference is that there are no report options to select. See the form on the left. The Irrigation Summary report provides a summary of irrigation events performed in a specified time frame on a group, farm or field selected. The same steps are followed to generate this report as in the Action Summary report. The only difference is that there are no report options to select. See the form on the right. The Tillage Summary report provides a summary of tillage events performed in a specified time frame on a group, farm or field selected. The same steps are followed to generate this report as in the Action Summary report. The only difference is that there are no report options to select. See the form on the left. The Product Matrix report provides a matrix report including the selection of showing all chemical options. See the form on the right. 18 The Field Map Summary report provides a map and summary of events performed for the selected fields. Many of the same steps are followed to generate this report as in the Action Summary report. In this report, image backgrounds may be selected for the map along with field fill and outline colors, which display the selected action types. See the image below on the right for an example of setting the fill type. 19