Sunday, July 26, 2015 - St. John Baptist Church


Sunday, July 26, 2015 - St. John Baptist Church
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Church-wide Theme: Reach Up, Reach Out & Reach In
Acts 1:6-8
9055 Tamar Drive
Columbia, MD 21045
(410) 992-6977
Rev. Dr. Robert A. F. Turner,
Senior Pastor
Rev. Dr. Ostein B. Truitt,
Assistant Pastor
8:00 AM – Traditional Service
9:10 AM – Sunday School
10:15 AM – Blended Service
12:00 Noon – Contemporary Service
Rev. Janelle Bruce,
Youth Pastor
Rev. Sadie Woolford,
Associate Pastor, Pastoral Care
Praise the Lord and welcome to St John Baptist
Church! On behalf of the entire St John family,
allow me to take this opportunity to thank our
friends, guests and members for choosing to
help us lift up the name of Jesus here today. We
say to you who are unsaved-join Jesus! To you
who are unchurched-join us in membership,
as we seek to make disciples for Jesus Christ.
To be “A Christ Centered Church,
Making a Difference
for Jesus Christ in
the Church, Community, Home &
To be a thriving spiritual center that reaches people for Christ and builds believers to be Christ-like.
(Matthew 28:19-20; Jude 1:20-21)
◊SJBC Question of the week◊
What are some ways you experience God’s power in your life?
(Don’t forget to tweet your responses, like and share with your friends!)
Special thanks to the many volunteers that made our Annual Picnic a success. The food
was great and the fellowship heart-warming! It is impossible to list every name but we
do want to recognize Sis. ‘Chon Cottman, Sis., Vera Miles, Bro. Harold Hunt, Bro. Stevon
Sutton, Bro. George Rayford, Rev. Janelle, the kitchen and hospitality ministries, our
servers, phenomenal cooks and all who stepped up to do the tasks that needed to be
done. God blessed us through you!
We respectfully ask that no food or drink be brought or eaten in the sanctuary.
SJBC Image Policy - By entering this Church, you hereby grant St John Baptist Church the right,
but not the obligation, to photograph, film and capture you and your likeness, on film and/or through any
other method currently available or that becomes available in the future. You further agree that these images may be used in the production, exhibition, distribution, promotion, publicity and advertising of similar events and any other event sponsored by St John Baptist Church. Under no circumstances will your
likeness be used in connection with commercial endorsements of any kind.
“The Power of God”
8:00 a.m.
*Congregation Stands…..……………………………...…………….**Ushers May Seat Worshippers
Call to Worship……………………...………………………….…..…….....…..Rev. Regina Mitchell
Invocation (*)………………………..…………………………………….……...……...Rev. Mitchell
Choral Response (*)………………………………………………………………….Cathedral Choir
Hymn of Praise (*)(**)……………………………..………...……………………....Cathedral Choir
#217 “No Not One”
Responsive Reading (*)………………………………………………….…………....…Rev. Mitchell
#547 “God the Omnipotent”
Baptism (**)
Pastoral Announcements (**)…………………...….……….…………….…….....Rev. Ostein Truitt
The Welcome (**)……………………………………………….…...…………...Sis. Courtney Ward
Offertory/ Choir Selection…………………………………………………………...Cathedral Choir
Introduction of Guest Preacher………………………………………………...…………Rev. Truitt
Sermonic Selection (**)……………………………………………….……………...Cathedral Choir
Scripture(*)/Sermon ...…..………..…..………………………………...…........Rev. Sadie Woolford
Invitational Hymn (*)……………………………………………….………...Choir & Congregation
#411 “Lift Him Up”
Altar Prayer (*)…………………………………………..…………………………………Rev. Truitt
Closing Hymn (*)……………….…………………………...………………...Choir & Congregation
#512 “We are Climbing Jacob's Ladder”
Benediction (*) …………………………..…………….…………………….….......... Rev. Woolford
Enter to Worship
Cry Room Available
Depart to Serve
“The Power of God”
10:15 a.m.
*People Stand…………………………………..…….………………**Ushers May Seat Worshippers
Call to Worship……………………..…….……………….…..………….....Rev. Carolyn Fredericks
Opening Prayer (*)………………………………....………...…………………..…...Rev. Fredericks
Song of Praise (**)……………….………………………………….…….…….Voices of Inspiration
Community News (**)…………………………………………….………………..Rev. Ostein Truitt
Welcome Guests (**)……………………………………..………………….….…….....Sis. Pat Tyler
Children are dismissed for Big Children’s Church (ages 6-11) in the Chapel &
Little Children’s Church (ages 3-5) in the Nursery
Prayer/Receive Financial Gifts/Song…………………...….……………...……Voices of Inspiration
Introduction of Guest Preacher………………………………………….……...…………Rev. Truitt
Song of Preparation (**)………………………………………...………………Voices of Inspiration
Read God’s Word (*)/Sermon……………………….……………..………..…….Rev. Tyrone Jones
First Baptist Church of Guilford
Special Invitation & Song (*)……………………………….………..…..…...Choir & Congregation
“He Saw the Best in Me”
Community Prayer (*)…………………………….………………………….…….………Rev. Truitt
Closing Song (*)……………………………………………………....….…….Choir & Congregation
“Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow”
Closing Prayer (*)……………………………..………………………………….……..…..Rev. Jones
Enter to Worship
Cry Room Available
Depart to Serve
“The Power of God”
12:00 p.m.
*People Stand…………………………………...….…..……..….**Ushers May Seat Worshippers
Opening Words/Prayer (*)…………………………………….…...….……..…Rev. Ostein Truitt
Worship & Praise (**)……………………………..……………….…………..……..Praise Team
Welcome Guests (**)…………………….………..…………..………………..…...…...Rev. Truitt
Worship & Praise (**)……………………………………...……….……..…………..Praise Team
Baptism (**)
Community News (**)…………………………………...………………….…………..Rev. Truitt
Children’s Message (**)…………………………..……...…………………….....Sis. Anita Hilson
Prayer/Receive Financial Gifts/Song……………………………………………..…..Praise Team
Sacred Arts Presentation (**)………………………………………………………...………..DOI
Introduction of Guest Preacher………………………………………...……...………Rev. Truitt
Special Song (**)……………………………………….………………...……...……..Praise Team
Read God’s Word (*)/Message…………...……………..………….……….….Rev. Tyrone Jones
First Baptist Church of Guilford
Special Invitation & Song (*)……………………..…………………….………………..Everyone
“He Saw the Best in Me”
Community Prayer (*)……………………………………..…….………...……………Rev. Truitt
Closing Song(*)………………………..……………………………….………………….Everyone
“Hallelujah You're Worthy to Be Praised”
Closing Prayer (*)……………………………………..………………...……………….Rev. Jones
Enter to Worship
Cry Room Available
Depart to Serve
Church Evacuation Overview
In the event of an emergency you are requested to remain where you are in order to
receive instructions on how to proceed.
If we need to evacuate the building:
1. Please follow the instructions of staff positioned along the way and head to the
designated safe area.
2. Parents please do not attempt to go and get your children if they are in Children’s
Church. Once all children have been accounted for, you will be allowed to reunite
with them.
3. Please do not attempt to go to your car or to drive off the parking lot.
4. Please remain in the designated safe area until instructions to return to the building
are given.
We are so happy to have you worship with us today.
As you take your seat, please take a minute and familiarize yourself with
where the exits are located.
In the event of an emergency you will receive appropriate instructions from
the pulpit.
Attention Ministry Leaders
If you would like to reserve a table after Sunday Worship services in the Fellowship
Hall to promote your ministry event, please utilize our on-line Midas system.
The earlier you reserve the better; we have a limited number of tables.
Thank You.
Forward ministry bulletin requests by Monday at 6 p.m.:
TODAY, Sun., 7/26
Wed., 7/29
Fri., 7/31
Sun., 8/2
Tues., 8/4
Fri., 8/7
Sat., 8/8
Sun., 8/9
After All 3 Worship Services “Utilize My Deacon” Sessions for members
assigned to Dea. Merrick & Dea. Snell
All 3 Worship Services
Shoes for Schools Offering
10:15 a.m.
Middle School Church—Classroom 159
7 p.m.
Special Power Hour: 60min. Praise Break
10 a.m.
Nutritional Standards Bill Veto Vote
All 3 Worship Services
Youth Enhancement Fund Offering
After All 3 Worship Services “Utilize My Deacon” Sessions for members
assigned to Dea. Jones & Dea. Robinson
7 p.m.
Single Women’s Prayer Hour
7 p.m.
The Remnant (MS & HS)
8 a.m.
Summer Boot Camp—Lake Elkhorn Park
9 a.m.-Noon
CPR Class—Fellowship Hall
10:15 a.m.
High School Church—Classroom 159
Every 3rd Sunday is Br ing a Fr iend
Sunday & Youth Sunday!!!
Service Styles:
8 a.m.—Traditional Service
9:10 a.m.—Sunday School for all ages
10:15 a.m.—Blended Service
12 Noon—Contemporary Service
SPECIAL Mid-Week Power
Hour Service
*60 Minute Praise Break*
Wed., July 29th
7 p.m. ~ Chapel
12 Noon Service SA Presentations
for July:
4 Sunday - Dance Ministry
Led by Bro. Eric Byrd, Minister of Music
and Rev. Janelle Bruce, Youth Pastor
Youth Enhancement Fund (YEF)
Sun., Aug. 2nd ~ All 3 services
Our Youth program continues to grow and
expand on Sunday and during the week.
There’s so much going on for our youth and
so much more to be offered. Please prayerfully consider giving to the YEF during our
second offering next Sunday. By giving to
this fund you’ll ensure that we will be able to
continue to address the needs of our youth
both in the church and community.
Back 2 School Sunday
Sun., Aug. 30th
All 3 Worship Services
Mark your calendars to participate!
Let’s celebrate!
We will lift in prayer our children,
youth attending college, teachers,
professors and administrators as they
prepare for a new academic year.
Pastor’s Sabbatical Guest Preachers Schedule
July 2015
July 26
8 a.m.
Rev. Sadie Woolford
10:15 a.m.
Rev. Tyrone Jones
Aug. 2
Aug. 9
Aug. 16
Aug. 23
Aug. 30
August 2015
8 a.m.
10:15 a.m.
Rev. Ostein Truitt
Rev. Ostein Truitt
Rev. Orlando McGruder
Rev. Marshall Prentice
Rev. Anthony Bennett
Rev. Al Jackson
Rev. Elizabeth Sapp Jones Rev. Carolyn Fredericks
Rev. Janelle Bruce
Rev. Janelle Bruce
12 noon
Rev. Tyrone Jones
12 noon
Rev. Ostein Truitt
Rev. Donte Hickman
Rev. Anthony Bennett
Rev. Bowyer Freeman
Rev. Janelle Bruce
Did you know that we offer a Personalized Communion for members experiencing significant health
challenges or bereavement which prevent attending the 1st Sunday worship services?
To sign up, you MUST do one of the following before 3:00 p.m. on the Friday before the 1st Sunday:
1. Call your Deacon 2. Call the church at 410-992-6977 3. Email
Please be prepared to communicate, or leave a message with ALL of the following:
1. Full Name
2. Address
3. Phone Number
4. Email Address (if available)
A Deacon will be in touch to arrange a mutually agreed upon time for you to receive Communion
before the 2nd Sunday. SJBC Deacons: “We Serve You – If You Let Us”
Aug. 8th at 8 a.m.
& then EVERY 2nd & 4th Sat. during the Summer!
Lake Elkhorn Park—Columbia
Registration isn’t necessary but for more
information, please contact:
Bro. Joe Williams, Certified Personal Trainer
Frederick Douglass Haynes, III, is a prophetic pastor, passionate leader, social activist, and eloquent orator and educator engaged in preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, fighting against racial injustice; committed to economic justice and empowerment in under-served communities
and touching and transforming the lives of the disenfranchised. For 31 years, Dr. Haynes has
served as a visionary and innovative senior pastor of Friendship-West Baptist Church in Dallas,
Texas. Under his servant leadership, the ministry and membership have grown from less than
100 members in 1983 to over 12,000.
Dr. Haynes was born in Dallas, TX and grew up in San Francisco, California. He is the grandson
and son of socially conscious and active pastors. Haynes graduated, with honors, from Bishop
College in 1982 with a B.A. degree in Religion and English. He earned a Masters of Divinity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. In 2005, he earned a Doctorate in Ministry from the Graduate Theological Foundation where he was afforded the opportunity to study
at Christ Church, Oxford University in Oxford England.
As a reflection of Dr. Haynes' commitment to community transformation and social consciousness, he serves in various leadership capacities in organizations that champion social change
and education. He also serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of Paul Quinn College in
Dallas, Texas where he has also served as an adjunct professor.
The community outreach of Dr. Haynes has created opportunities for him to address large audiences via radio. He hosted Freddy Haynes Unscripted; the tag line was "edutainment for community empowerment" on Radio One's 94.5, KSOUL, a local radio show in Dallas. The show debuted at number one in its time slot in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. He gave the
"Inspirational Vitamin" as the concluding voice on K104’s Skip Murphy Morning Show for over 7
years and for 10 years has given the message on the Praise Break for the nationally syndicated
Rickey Smiley Morning Show, reaching over 70 cities. It should be noted that both of these
shows have a hip hop radio format, but because of the ability of Haynes to reach young people,
he was asked to give inspirational messages during these shows.
Dr. Haynes is married to Debra Peek-Haynes, founder and President of Quorum Commercial, a
commercial real estate firm. They are the proud parents of Abeni Jewel Haynes.
Revival 2015: Mon., Aug. 10th - Wed., Aug. 12th
7 p.m. Nightly, meditative prayer 6:45 p.m.
African American Community Parent Academy
Parent Advocacy: Finding Solutions to School Concerns
Sat., Aug. 8th
10 a.m.–Noon
Celebration Church, 6080 Foreland Garth, Columbia, MD 21045
Learn valuable information about how to resolve school-related concerns. Representatives
from the Office of School Administration of the Howard County Public School System will share
rights parents have and supports available to assist families with finding solutions in a timely
and effective manner.
Services available:
• Child Care
• Limited Transportation
• Interpreting
Please call in advance to arrange services: 410‑313‑1598
This is a free event offered to representatives from the faith.
Dr. Robert Emery, Professor from the University of VA, Divorce Mediation Expert, will be the
morning keynote speaker followed in the afternoon by keynote speaker Kathleen M. Dumais, Maryland State Delegate. Several panels of professionals will present issues with structured time at the
end for all participants to address the issues and possible solutions.
For me information contact Dea. Kathleen Cheek at 908-347-0546
Do you know how to save someone’s life? Get the facts.
Howard County Fire and Rescue’s CPR Team will be at SJBC on
the following Saturday’s from 9 a.m.—Noon:
Aug. 8th and Oct. 10th.
CPR is not on the job training; don’t wait until it’s too late!
The Facts:
Sudden Cardiac Arrest is when someone unexpectedly collapses, and their heart stops. They’re not
They need CPR immediately.
It happens nearly 400,000 times a year to people of all ages, races, and health conditions.
The victim’s chance of survival decreases every minute without CPR, and after 10 minutes with no intervention your loved one is gone.
CPR & AED is the true life saving combination.
To register, please visit:
Sat., Oct. 31st at 2 p.m.
To purchase tickets or for more information, please contact:
Sis. Evelyn English at (443) 421-1229 OR Sis. JoAnn Burnett at (410) 262-2986
*** One Sunday - One Service ***
The Usher Ministry needs your smile, your time, & your service! We are recruiting for all three
services. Training is available every 3rd Saturday.
We have an urgent need for the following:
 3 Sunday Youth Services (Adults are also welcome to serve w/ their Youth)
 3 and 4 Sunday—8 a.m Service
st nd
 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 Sunday—Noon Service
For more information or to volunteer, please contact:
Sis. Mary Morgan (Adults) at 609.424.7979 ~ OR
Sis. Valerie Bruner (Youth) at 410.802.6947~
Over the next weeks, Deacons are inviting members to attend 15-20 minute "Utilize Your Deacon Information Sessions" after each Sunday service. Sessions are designed to ensure that you (1) know your
deacon and (2) know how to maximize support from your deacon. Two weeks before your session, your
deacon will send you a post card announcing the session date. No need to do anything until your invitation comes, but when it does, please make sure to mark your calendar so you can attend.
After today's services, members assigned to Dea. Merrick and Dea. Snell are meeting in the
Fellowship Hall. Signs will direct you to their meeting rooms.
Next week, Sun., Aug. 2nd, members assigned to Dea. Jones and Dea. Robinson are meeting after each
We look forward to seeing you at your session and communicating how we can serve you. St John, Let's
Discover Something New Together - How you can maximize support from your deacon.
SJBC Deacons: “We Serve You - If You Let Us.”
Single Women’s
Prayer Hour
Tues., Aug. 4th and 18th
Every 1st & 3rd Tues. of each month
7 p.m. in Room 157
Join us as we discover something new, together -- how to appreciate our blessings and best serve
God in our season of singleness. There will be prayer, reading of Scripture & fellowship. Feel free to
bring and be responsible for your children who can stay in an adjoining room while we meet.
For more information, please contact Sis. Cecily Christian at
Golden Hearts Annual “Shoes for School” Campaign
Today, Sun., July 26th you can help make a child prepare for the upcoming school year in a special
way! We will be taking a special offering to help provide much needed shoes for children to start
the school year right! Special envelopes will be made available for all who want to participate, or
you can donate by:
1. Writing a check payable to St John Baptist Church, with Shoes for School on the memo line.
2. Contribute through e-giving on the church's website and check-off Shoes for School.
For more information, please contact Sis. Darrah Hall:
410-997-2564 or
Four Season Dinner
Sat., Aug. 22nd from 3:30-6:30 p.m.
Long Reach High School Cafeteria
All SJBC officers, members, friends and the community are invited to attend this great opportunity to
fellowship, enjoy the food & entertainment AND have fun. Children are welcomed! International
foods & healthy options available!
Door Prizes ~ Prizes for Best Season Booth
Cost: $8 + $1.43 transaction fee/ Children 5 and under are free
Purchase tickets by visiting:
Register for food contributions in the Fellowship Hall after each service.
For more information, please contact Sis. Mae A. Beale at (301) 596-2432
Bridgeway Community Church
9189 Red Branch Rd., Columbia, MD 21045
Cost: $129
Register at:
Live HD Video Conference—This is a must attend event for
leaders in the church and community, and for members who want
to learn effective ways to serve in our church.
Be one of the 260,000 leaders who will participate.
For more information, please contact Rev. Truitt:
410-992-6977 x1007 OR
Middle School Church: TODAY, Sun., July 26th and Every 4th Sun. at 10:15 a.m.
High School Church: Sun., Aug. 9th and Every 2nd Sun. at 10:15 a.m.
We’ll have a service designed by & for you! Meet us in classroom 159!
Calling All Middle School Youth for a Back to Schoo Luau!
Fri., Aug. 14th from 7-9 p.m.
Fellowship Hall
Come out and enjoy the Limbo, Congo line and get prayed up for the new school
year! Join us for Food, Fun and Fellowship!
If you are interested, please contact:
Sis. Edwina Britt at 443-812-0442 or
Back to School
Sat., Aug., 29 & Sun., Aug. 30
We’ll have something for every age group!!!
Sat., Aug., 29th
10 a.m.-12 p.m. ~ Water Activities; come ready to get soaked, bathing suits
are great and don’t forget a towel (ages 3-11)
12:15-1:15 p.m. ~ Flag Football Game (ages 1 2 & up)
1:30-3 p.m. ~ Parent workshops regarding the transition to
Elementary, Middle and High school & what’s needed for your
student’s success
1:30-4:00 p.m. ~ Teen Mixer Sponsored by Sunday School w/food, games, a
DJ and fun (ages 13-18)
Sun., August 30th
All students are asked to sit in the front sections reserved for them.
Special sermon and prayer for young people, youth workers and school employees.
For more information, to sign-up for football or to volunteer, please contact:
Rev. Janelle at 410.992.6977 ext. 1014 or
The SJBC Mission Ministry is sponsoring a Back to School Supply Drive!
Mon., July 20th - Sun., Aug. 16th
Supplies can be placed in the box located on the stage in the Fellowship Hall. A flier with
suggested items will be available at the Information Center.
For more information, please contact Sis. Jean Somerville at 410-997-1584 or
Sis. Ella Witherspoon 410-997-3367
Howard County Nutritional Standards Bill CB-17 Council Vote to Override CE Kittleman Veto
Fri., July 31st at 10 a.m.
George Howard Building, 3430 Court House Dr., Ellicott City, MD 21043
Join SJBC, PATH and the Horizon Foundation to show support for the Howard County Council vote
to override County Executive’s veto of Nutritional Standards bill CB-17. This bill was passed 4-1 by
the Council on Thurs., July 6th and vetoed by the County Executive on Mon., July 13th.
Also contact the Howard County Council members by phone, email, regular mail, and use social
media in support of the bill and the veto override.
For more information, please contact: Bro. Yaw Adu at or 510-682-6357
Sis. Franora Gray at
Prayer Line
Dea. Dwayne Parker is on the prayer line during the
month of July. Join him for prayer!!! Call: (410) 995-6089
Greenfield Senior Living ~ Dea. Shirley Alston
Brighton Gardens Assisted Living
Geraldine Gaillard ◊ Ernestine Jones ◊ Iris Moran
Lorien Nursing Home ~ Beulah Patterson
Leola Anderson ◊
Ruth Craigen ◊
Eunice Frazier (VA)
Gayla Elder-Leak
Thelma Giles
Week of 7-26-2015: Rev. Orlando McGruder
If you desire a visit, please contact the Minister or Deacon assigned for the week.
*Bold indicates new entries for this week.
Our Sick
Doris Collier
Ayesha Dobbins Kaini Bradford
Henson Michael Emma Outen Herman Thompson
Shelly McCrae
Beverly Moore Johnnie Bingham
Tania McAllister Cynthia Hill
Mabel Clarke
Rainsford Trivers Gwendolyn Wilkins Carol Holland
Kescia Powell Elise Smith
Debbie Harrison
Devin Aikens Ed Tucker Phyllis Isaacs Roberta Manns
Lynda Jones-Burns Wanda Hutchinson Snail Millner
Devin Aikens
Greene, Jr.
Reaves Mabel
Phyllis Isaacs
Kersley Vauls Melvin Shelton Phronnie Jones
Mabel Lipscomb
Martha Lee
Lee Lynda
Towson Martha
Gerry Gorham
Snail Millner
Reaves Ira
Jr. Mattie Simmons
David E.
Greene, Jr.
Elise Smith
Angela & Andrew Bouie
Prayer Due to Illness
Curtis Washington– cousin of Glenda Morton
Dea. Adrienne Fleming’s aunt Betty Pryor & friend
Yemi Jimason
Marlene Reagin -sister of Joanne Tyson
Olivia Brodie, Sister of Rev. Carolyn Fredericks
Margaret Walker—Friend of Dea. Alfreda McCoy-Gwynn
Celia E. Jackson—Sister of Deacon Bill Ross, Sr.
TyAnne Martin—Sister of Lorna Evans
Shanita Smith—Friend of Rev. Janelle Bruce
John Wigglesworth—Brother of Wilbur Wigglesworth
Ricky Harrison—Friend of Dea. Lenny Harper
Tonya Gorham’s aunt Elaine Hubbard
Dea. Bill Ross’ brothers, Eugene Ross and Earl Ross
Cindy Baker’s mother & God-father
Clover Peart’s Mother Nettie Green
Hilson Family friend—Orville Swafford
Joe Williams’ mother (Gladys Williams)
Erica LeMon’s grandmother, JoAnne Isabel
Darian Sharp– Son of Crudella Carroll
Cecilla Sanya, mother of Cica Bradley
Dea. Dwayne Parker’s mother
Llewellyn Richardson’s sister
Debbie Harris’ mother Olivia Woods
Lorna Carmichael’s mother Betty Harrell
Phronnie Jones’ Son, Son-in-Law & brother Willie Burnett
Dea. Alfreda McCoy-Gwynn’s sister Anna Blount
Dea. LeeRoy Bronner’s sister Betty Bridges
Ted King’s mother Christine Herb Massie’s son Chris
Debra Washington’s mother Ronza Moore
Dea. Alan Murrell’s sister Pam Garnett
Beulah Patterson’s husband David
Alma Stephens’ daughter-in-law Carolyn Stephens & her
sister, Ethel Spencer
Brian Steward
Rev. Carolyn Fredericks mother
Tina Sesay’s uncle & his wife
Dea. Ray Johnson’s wife Gloria
JoAnn Burnett’s cousin Marquis Young
Clarke Gordon Sr.’s daughter Kristin Oseitutu
Mary Williams’ brother Russell & niece Katrina
Rev. John West’s brother Mike & father John West, Sr.
Jocelyn Apollon’s brother Kenneth Swanson
Glenda Morton’s cousin Sheena Brewer
Melvin Shelton’s wife Alberta
Hazida Hosein’s father
Ann Wills—Friend of Dea. Harper
Alesha Holliday’s husband Levi
Leslie S. Turner’s niece, Catherine
Margaret Stephens’ sister Bessie Allen-Holmes
Jocelyn Apollon’s grandson
Nelson Rodriguez’s close family member
Tonja Byrd’s friend Rona Philliph
Carla Frazier’s uncle Louis Frazier
Karen Williams’ nephew Eli Roselle
Emma Outen lost her mother
Ilean Johnson lost her uncle
Tara Kittrell lost her uncle
Rose Pinder lost her brother
Sermon Title:
Sermon Cd’s are available in the Fellowship Hall.
Senior Pastor
Rev. Dr. Robert A.F. Turner
(410) 992-6977
Office #121
Assistant Pastor
Rev. Dr. Ostein Truitt
(410) 992-6977 Ext. 1007
Office #119
Assoc. Pastor for Pastoral Care
Rev. Sadie Woolford
(410) 992-6977
Operations Manager
Sis. Vera Miles
(410) 992-6977 Ext. 1010
Office #118
Minister of Music
Bro. Eric Byrd
(410) 992-6977 Ext. 1013
Office #136
Sr. Admin. Project Coordinator
Sis. ‘Chon Cottman
(410) 992-6977 Ext. 1005
Youth Pastor
Rev. Janelle Bruce
(410) 992-6977 Ext. 1014
Office #111
Building Manager
Rev. John West
(410) 992-6977 Ext. 1015
Office #112