The McNairy County News
The McNairy County News
The McNairy County News Published by McNairy Countians for McNairy Countians Thursday, May 17, 2012 50¢ News: Community: Sports: This week’s Tell Me A Good Story is about the Tennessee National Guard unit, a product of World War II, and how it was established by military at Selmer. Craig Mullins has been awarded a $500 educational award in a national competition with other students who are members of Modern Woodmen of America. The McNairy Central Bobcats claimed their first ever Region Championship on Wednesday with an 8-6 win over Covington. They are one win away from the State Tournament. News, Pg. 6 Community, Pg. 12 Sports, Pg. 16 Fire on Falcon Road Walking Tall Trilogy Photo by Tom Evans Pusser historian Steve Sweat heads down the red carpet as Dwana Pusser-garrison, Madison garrison, and Jack Coffman wait their turn. Photo by Tom Evans The fire was not completely extinguished until 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday afternoon. Selmer Fire Chief Anthony Carr stated that the cause is unknown at this time and an investigation is continuing by the State Fire Marshall’s Office. A fire early Tuesday morning resulted in an estimated $1 million in damages to Carolina Southern Trucking Company owned by Sammy and Sherry Kiser. The company is located on Falcon Road in Selmer and employs more than 140 people. The shop building was totally destroyed along with three semi-trucks and a forklift that were in the shop. The Selmer Fire Department received the call at around 5:30 a.m. and worked until almost 9 a.m. to bring it under control. Volunteer fire departments from Ramer, Eastview, Sulphur Springs, and Bethel Springs were called in with their tankers to back up Selmer. “Selmer Fire Chief Anthony Carr stated that the State Fire Marshall’s Office would be called in to investigate the cause of the fire. A ceremony at The Marty in Adamsville last Thursday unveiled the new Walking Tall Trilogy, the three movies about the life of former McNairy County Sheriff Buford Pusser. The three movies, Walking Tall, Walking Tall II, and Walking Tall The Final Chapter, have just been re-released on DVD and Blu-Ray by Shout! Factory. “The quality is so much better than the original films that were made back in the 1970’s,” said Dwana Pusser-Garrison daughter of the late Sheriff Pusser. “I want to thank everyone for coming and for all those who have supported my father and his memory over the past several years. With the new re-release of the movies in higher quality I feel it will bring back a lot of interest in my father and what he stood for.” See PuSSER, Pg. 5 Larron King was a hero Walking for Jesus Photo by Tom Evans Larron and Anita King pictured in October of 2009 when Larron was named Citizen of the Year. The dictionary says a hero is a person who is admired for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Larron King was that kind of person. Larron King, age 49, of Selmer went home to the Lord to be reunited with his daughter Lauren early Monday morning after spending almost a month in intensive care in a Memphis hospital. He will be remembered as a hometown hero for his devotion, dedication, and caring spirit for others. King was injured in a one-vehicle wreck on Sulphur Springs Road on April 16th as he drove home from his job in Middleton. He was airlifted to THE MED in Memphis with severe damage to his spinal cord. The day after his accident Chris Whitten and friends of Larron began a movement to try and help Larron and the family. They organized a “Prayer in the Park” where friends came to join together and prayed for a miracle for his body to be healed. “Praying for a Miracle” t-shirts were designed and sold to help raise money for the family and businesses and individuals purchased blue bows in support of Larron. What made people want to help this man and his family? They were just following an example he set earlier when his family went through a See KiNg, Pg. 3 County truck overturns A McNairy County Highway Department gravel truck overturned early Tuesday morning that resulted in the driver, Robbie C. Bias, Jr. of Adamsville, being taken to the hospital. A road crew was working on Prather Road near Michie when the accident occurred. The crew was digging out portions of the road that had sunken in and filling them with rip-rap and then applying gravel over the rip-rap prior to paving. Bias’ truck was loaded with gravel and when he got on the edge of the road the load shifted causing the truck to overturn. Bias was treated at the scene and then transported to McNairy Regional Hospital with possible shoulder and neck injuries. “He is one of our best drivers and that was why he was driving one of our newest Mack dump trucks,” said Highway Superintendent Harvey Neal Smith. “We’ve THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: Photo by Tom Evans Cody Taylor of Bolivar walked from Food giant to Walmart and back to the First Baptist Church carrying a cross. Members of the Walnut Grove Baptist Church in Bolivar were in Selmer on Saturday and walking for Jesus. Cody Taylor and a couple of friends carried a large cross down Mulberry Avenue. Taylor said he planned to walk with the cross on Savannah drivers license center closed Photo by Tom Evans State Troopers look over the scene of Tuesday morning accident when a McNairy County Highway Department gravel truck overturned on Prather Road near Michie. never had anything like this happen since I’ve been here.” Two wreckers were called from Moore Brothers Wrecker Service to pull the truck back upright. The accident hap- pened around 9 a.m. and was investigated by THP Officer Kennie Lamberth. T he Te n ne s s e e Department of Safety and Homeland Security announced Monday that the Hardin County Driver Service Center located at 60 Brazelton St., Unit 10, in Savannah is temporarily closed due to a building maintenance issue. The facility will be closed until further notice. During the closure, citizens may visit neighboring driver service centers in neighboring counties. The Chester County and Henderson County Clerk’s offices can produce Your 7-Day Forecast for McNairy County: Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday There is no one righteous, not even one. Romans 3:10 his back from Food Giant to Walmart and then back to the Selmer First Baptist Church and then back to Food Giant. “We just want people to be aware that Jesus is alive and we want them to come to know him,” said Taylor. Sunny HIGH: 85 LOW: 58 Precip. chance: 0% Partly Cloudy HIGH: 85 LOW: 59 Precip. chance: 0% Sunny HIGH: 83 LOW: 60 Precip. chance: 0% Sunny HIGH: 83 LOW: 60 Precip. chance: 0% CMYK Partly Cloudy HIGH: 83 LOW: 61 Precip. chance: 20% Thundersorms HIGH: 82 LOW: 62 Precip. chance: 40% Thunderstorms HIGH: 85 LOW: 63 Precip. chance: 30% duplicates and renewals for non-commercial driver licenses. Licenses may also be renewed online at www. The nearest driver service options are: •Hardeman County Driver Service Center – 200 Harris Street, Whiteville, TN 38075 •Chester County Clerk – 133 E. Main Street, Henderson, TN 38340 •Henderson County Clerk – 17 Monroe Ave., Suite 2, Lexington, TN 38351 Volume 4, Number 29 CONTENTS: Obituaries:................ 8 Sheriff’s Report: ....... 7 Courtroom ................ 7 Community: .............. 9 Campus: ................. 13 Sports: ................... 16 Classifieds: ............. 22 The McNairy County News Page 2 Thursday, May 17, 2012 NEWS Aim hosts Music at the Market Customer Appreciation Day & Open House Photo by Bryan Huff The Silver Threads, Rich Gilbert and Eileen Rose, entertain the crowd this past Saturday night. Nashville musicians Eileen Rose and Rich Gilbert know as The Silver Threads, the subjects of Brian Tull’s new mural being painted at the Rockabilly Park, were in town last Saturday night for a performance and to give locals a chance to see the faces on the mural in person. The duo set up under the Farmers’ Market pavilion and entertained the crowd, which was not as big as expected mostly in part because of the rainy weather. Tull says he is having fun working on the mural and plans to have it finished in time for a dedication service at this year’s Rockabilly Festival scheduled for June 9th. Anyone who didn’t get a chance to come to last Saturday night’s event but would like to make a donation to help fund the new mural can send it to Arts in McNairy at P.O. Box 66 in Selmer. You can check out the McNairy County News facebook page for photos of Saturday night’s event. Thursday, May 24th 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Community South in Adamsville Whitten benefit a success Photo by Alan Murray Left to right: Tammy Moore, David Johnson, Micah Whitten, Jimmy Moore, Dana Johnson, and not pictured Nelda King. Friends of longtime THP Officer Micah Whitten hosted a benefit on his behalf on Saturday at the Stantonville Community Center and over $13,000 was raised. Whitten, who served as Tennessee State Trooper for 23 years was diagnosed with Wilson Disease, which causes too much copper to accumulate in the body. He received a liver transplant in 2011 and was showing improvement when he suffered a stroke this past April 8th. Last Saturday’s event headed up by David and Dana Johnson and numerous friends of Whitten’s was a success. Entertainment, was provided by local bands and the Smokehouse Rednecks cooked up some delicious barbeque, chickens and bologna. A cakewalk, cow pie bingo, and a motorcycle ride also were held to help raise money. “On behalf of Micah and everyone who helped with the benefit we would like to say a big thank you for making it such a success,” said Dana Johnson. “Thanks to all those who attended and all those who volunteered, donated items, or helped in any way.” Join Us For Hotdogs, Chips & Lemonade Plus Balloons For The Kids!!! 237 Main St., Adamsville 731-632-3346 Equal Housing Lender Member FDIC 2005 Chevy Impala #11077A We’re Here to Help! 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo #11172A Local Trade, Great Ride and a Great Price! 5,988 $ 2007 Chevy Colorado 4x4 #111239 CERTIFIED, Extended Cab, Tons of Eye Appeal. 13,788 $ Low miles, local trade, great ride and a great price! 2004 Ford F-150 XLT #11093A 9,988 $ Crew Cab, Local Trade. 2007 Chevy Silverado #11098A Loaded, Local Trade. 14,988 $ 8,988 $ 2008 Ford Escape #11067A Local Trade. Immaculate! 11,988 $ 2011 Nissan Altima #111248 CERTIFIED USED CAR, Factory Warranty. 15,988 $ CALL OR COME BY AND SEE MICHAEL FOX TODAY! P R E -O O W N ED D C AR R S , T R U CK K S & M O T O R CY Y CL L ES S 731-989-9500 1170 US HIGHWAY 45 NORTH • HENDERSON, TENNESSEE The McNairy County News Thursday, May 17, 2012 Page 3 NEWS School lunches going up a quarter The McNairy County School Board met last Thursday night with the meeting being held in the MCHS Little Theater. Chairman Frank Lacey opened the meeting with prayer. The minutes of the April meeting were approved along with the certified and classified personnel reports. It was noted that all current principals will be the same for the next school year except Carloyn Giesler of Selmer Elementary, who is retiring after 43 years in education. Supervisors for the 2012-13 year will remain the same. The Board approved custodial bids for the 2012-2013 year with Better Source Supply and American Twine getting the contracts. The waste disposal bid was awarded to Waste Connections. Bids for LP gas went to Val Propane and Paul Fisher Oil was awarded the diesel fuel bid with a low bid of 3.298 per gallon. Bids for school nutrition were approved unanimously. Due to increases in food costs and delivery costs the Board approved a 25-cent increase in the price of school lunches. The cost will go from $1.25 to $1.50 for elementary school students and from $1.50 to $1.75 for high school students. This will be the first increase for school lunches in several years. The Board discussed a proposal by E&W Electrical Solutions in regards to installing new lights in the county’s schools, which the company said would result in substantial savings in a year’s time. The cost would be almost $24,000, but the company stated the savings would equal the cost in the first year. After some discussion, a motion by Larry Smith to bid the proposal out was made and approved unanimously. The Planning Committee met recently and discussed ways to get tax revenue for the building of two new schools. Chairman Lacey stated that he wanted the board members to submit five names each to Mr. Miskelly to work with the county commission on what might be done to get funding. In his director of schools report Mr. Miskelly thanked the teachers and students for a good year. The mother of a student at MCHS addressed the Board and asked them to reconsider the punishment handed down to her daughter who would not be allowed to walk the line at graduation. She has been in alternative school and has the required credits to graduate and will get a diploma, but can’t walk the line. A motion by Larry Smith to allow her to walk the line was defeated by a 5-2 vote with Smith and Kevin Isbell voting yes and Frank Lacey, Lynn Baker, Jean Jones, Tony Chapman, and Jarrell Stanfield voting no. “I feel your pain and I understand what you must be going through,” said Chairman Lacey. “We all love our kids and we want them to be death, Larron wanted to do something to help the families at the Ronald McDonald House, who were experiencing what he and Anita had just gone through. He decided to go and grill some chickens and fix them a meal. He only planned this as a one-time thing. But after seeing the joy it brought to the families and to him he continued doing it once a month and had continued doing it up until his accident last month. He also did special things for them at Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving and other holidays. In February of 2000, Larron and Anita formed Lauren King Ministeries in honor and memory of their daughter. In 2009 he was named as McNairy County’s Citizen of the Year for his dedication and caring for others. One man’s caring atti- tude has helped hundreds of people over the past several years. He has made a difference in the lives of many. He was a real hero and will be missed by everyone who knew him. Funeral services for Larron were scheduled for Thursday, May 17th at 1 p.m. at the Selmer First Baptist Church. Memorials may be directed to the Lauren King Ministeries at 152 Shelton Loop in Selmer or the Larron King Trust Fund at Regions Bank. King From pg. 1 trying time. Larron and his wife Anita’s daughter Lauren was born on Mother’s Day fifteen years ago. She was diagnosed with Leukemia and had to enter St. Jude Hospital right after being born. Larron and Anita stayed in Memphis at the Ronald McDonald House while Lauren was undergoing treatments. She lived a year and eight days. Following her happy. But we have a disciplinary board that we have trusted to make decisions and we need to do what they have suggested. If we start overturning the decisions of the people we’ve trusted to make those decisions we’re going to open the flood gates.” A motion by Smith to have a special called meeting to discuss the action was also voted down 5-2. AHS Band Director Frankie Congiardo and Assistant MCHS Band Director Daniel Vargason addressed the Board to inform them about the McNairy Percussion Group they had formed with members of the MCHS and AHS percussion groups. The group has 32 members and traveled to five competitions recently. They finished third out of 17 groups in their final competition after finishing 9th out of 10 groups in their first competition. “We had a great experience and it was nice for both schools to work together,” said Congiardo. Board members were then invited to the band room to view a video of the group’s performance. After a brief statement from Willard Summers, a member of the audience, the meeting was adjourned. Jerrolds to join Home Banking Company Home Banking Company President and CEO Jim Rickman announces that Chris Jerrolds will be joining the lending team at the Savannah office. Rickman comments, “As Senior Vice President, Chris joins an already successful group, but brings his own expertise. He has an extensive and widespread background, serving as President and CEO of Central Bank for 15 years. His banking education includes training at the Sheshunoff Graduate School of Banking in 2009, and prior to that The Graduate School of Banking at LSU in 2002. Chris also attended the American Bankers A ssociat ion Nat iona l Commercial Lending School. We are lucky to have someone with his training and experience join our lending team.” Chris credits his degree in accounting from the University of Tennessee in 1984 for beginning his career and developing a love for all things financial. After gradu- ation he went to work for a CPA firm in Nashville, and then owned and operated a CPA firm in Savannah. He calls Savannah home and is happy to be continuing his career here. “I’m thrilled,” Chris says, “to be a part of such a successful company that shows such dedication and care to the people of Savannah. Home Banking Company has always been a name synonymous with service, commitment, and friendly faces. I am happy to be a part of a com- Buford Pusser h 24t Festival Annual Calendar of Events munity bank as reputable as Home Banking Company.” Chris is married to Michelle who teaches second grade in Hardin County. They have two sons, John: age 24, and Christopher: age 20. The Jerrolds attend First Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Savannah where Chris serves as an Elder. “Chris Jerrolds”, bank president Rickman concludes, “is experienced and totally dedicated to helping the people of1128 our CongratSeniorClass_MCN community with all of 5/14/12 7:23 PM Page 1 their lending needs.” H O M E $15 Arm Bands 7 p.m. • Gospel Night 7 p.m. • Karaoke Night Featuring The Cagles, Wanda Ferguson, Vicki Atkins, Belinda Christopher, and Chase Teague. C O M P A N Y Congratulations to the Class of Wednesday, May 23rd Thursday, May 24th 5 p.m. • Carnival Opens 5 p.m. • Carnival Opens $15 Arm Bands B A N K I N G Sponsored by Ma Ma Fia’s Cafe and hosted by Mike Bernier Friday, May 25th 9:30 a.m. • Bus Tour of the local Buford Pusser sites Anchor Trailways bus will depart from and return to the museum 5 p.m. • Carnival Opens $15 Arm Bands 6 p.m. • Adamsville Idol at the pavillion - arrive early for same day sign-up After the winners are announced you’re invited to enjoy the newly released movie and interviews of “Walking Tall.” Saturday, May 26th 8 a.m.-3 p.m. • Car Show Judging at noon, prizes at 3 p.m. 8:30 a.m. • 5K run Sign-up during the weeks before and receive a discount 10 a.m. • Carnival Opens $25 All Day MEGABAND Your hard work has finally paid off. 10:30 a.m. • Festival Parade 11 a.m. • Opening Ceremonies Come see us at Home Banking Company for all of your future financial needs. Including Local and National Law Enforcement Officer of the Year 3 p.m. • Storytelling ß at the Buford Pusser Home and Museum featuring Jack Coffman and Steve Sweat 5 p.m. • The Battle of the Bands CASH prize!!! 7 p.m. • SPWA Championship Wrestling 10 p.m. • Carnival closes ending the festival Early sign up is encouraged for all registered events. Get your sign up sheets at Adamsville City Hall, The Buford Pusser Museum or download them at Selmer - 795 East Poplar Avenue, 731-645-6166 Finger - 2378 Leapwood Road, Finger, 731-934-4655 Savannah - 860 Wayne Road, 731-926-9000 Corinth - 1300 South Harper Road, 662-287-1883 For additional information or questions reguarding this year’s festival, please contact the Buford Pusser Home and Museum at 731-632-4080 or email at $3.00 OFF Arm Band Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Only Limit one coupon per person with this coupon No arm bands after 10 p.m. All carnival activities provided by Member FDIC w w w. h o m e b a n k i n g c o . c o m 97 Years Strong! EQUAL HOUSING LENDER The McNairy County News Page 4 Thursday, May 17, 2012 NEWS Graduation Word Search Angry or Grateful See if you can find the words associated with graduation. Congratulations to all the 2012 graduates. SUNRISE By David Coy It’s like learning to live with an amputation, some have said. You are never the same as you were before. This is certainly true, when we reflect upon struggling to make sense of our loss. We may feel as if we are in the dark groping to find our way to the light. I can remember doing just that when I was a child for fun, but as an adult and you are stumbling in your journey of grief, it is anything but fun. For a time we cannot make sense of anything. We also may feel that our emotions are all over the place, running the gamut of the alphabet all at once. For some the difficult choice may be whether to be angry for our loss or to be grateful for the time we had. We probably have heard it said by our guardian many times, ‘nothing lasts forever.’ Yet though we know this in the back of our mind, we nonetheless form strong attachments to people and things. We develop deep sentimental value on them and then when there is that separation, especially unannounced and unexpected, it often will shake us to our very core. We might begin to doubt our values, beliefs, and our trust in what we formerly felt secure. If we choose anger over gratitude then we risk postponing or even preventing healing from taking place. No, I am not saying it is an easy, clean choice either. Often our mind is in a fog and we are not thinking clearly, and our focus and concentration is not working as it has formerly. Thus we may be in a battle with anger on the one side and gratitude on the other, and anger seems to be the stronger of the two. Anger can be a very powerful and consuming emotion. When I was a youth I was taught the importance of gratitude and when I am given something, to say thank you, show appreciation for what I have been given. Because nothing lasts forever sometimes I forget to say thank you. This is Sunrise. Advertise in the paper the others are copying! Accomplish Announcement Applications Award Celebration College Class Ring Cap Career Ceremony Cards Class Mates Commemerate Diploma Degree Education Friends Finish Future Gift Gown Graduate High School Job Professor Proud Party School Success Special Salutatorian Tassel Teacher University Valedictorian Year Book Reception held for Gloria Stamper VOTE for TOM CAULEY Photo by Jennifer Moore Adamsville Elementary School teacher Gloria Stamper was honored with a reception recently. She is retiring after 40 years in education. She is presented with a Key to the City by Adamsville Mayor David Leckner. Cold Comfort Farm Steve Fulwood Organic Produce: Tomatoes, Onions, Potatoes, Peppers & Much More McNairy County Mayor On August 2, the citizens of McNairy County will hire a new county mayor. In order for you to make a more informed decision I submit my resume. Education: Bachelor’s Degree-Commerce with a minor in International Business Master’s & Ph.D.-East Asian Studies Friday, May 25th Associates Degree-Economic Development (Recruitment, Expansion and Retention of Business and Industry) Farmers Market in Selmer Currently enrolled in a Master’s Program in Community Development beginning at & every Friday & Saturday from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. after that. (Work History, next week) Paid for by Tom Cauley, Penny Carroll, Treasurer Thursday, May 17, 2012 The McNairy County News Page 5 NEWS County Commission Snapshots of McNairy County History meets The McNairy County Commission held their May meeting on Monday night with 18 of the 21 commissioners present. Minutes of the April meeting were approved. The Commission approved a request by Mayor Ashe to apply for a Litter Grant in the amount of $47,900. Names submitted for approval to the 911 Board were Darrell Goodrum, Amy Oakley, and Guy Buck. They will be voted on at the June meeting. Names submitted for a Safety Committee were; Judy Bivens, Guy Buck, Harvey Smith, Darrell Goodrum, and David McCullar. Mayor Ashe advised that if the county has a Safety Committee then they could get a discount on their Workman’s Comp insurance. Commissioner Stan Wheeler gave a report from the Building Committee. He asked the Commission to approve an agreement between the county, the Town of Selmer, and 911 on who pays for what in the newly acquired buildings that will house 911 and some of the fire equipment. He also asked that the Commission approve the agreement on use of the Latta Building. Both requests were approved unanimously. Commissioner Jim Rickman advised that the Budget Committee was meeting every Monday night and was making progress toward a new budget. Commissioner David McCullar gave a report from the Road Committee. He made a motion that two new roads, Osage Road and Osage Lane, be added to the road list since they met all the requirements. His motion was approved unanimously. He also made a motion that surplus property from the Highway Department be auctioned off in July. An amendment that the auction company for the sale be one from the county was added and the motion passed unanimously. It was reported that the new bridge on Friendship Road had been completed and approved by the state and that bids would soon be let on bridges on Falcon Road and Bethel Purdy Road. Superintendent of Roads Harvey Neal Smith informed the Commission that McNairy County was one of only three counties in the state that will have completed their bridge list when the final two bridges are finished and he was proud of that accomplishment. The Commission discussed the ongoing situation with American Timber and Land in regards to reimbursement for damages to Connie Smith Road when the company was cutting timber in the area. County Attorney Craig Kennedy was asked to get more information for a possible lawsuit against the company and present it at the next meeting. The Commission discussed the possible purchase of the Coon Creek property. “We need to get the property appraised in order to see if we might be able to get a grant for the purchase,” said Mayor Ashe. “It would be a great project if we could get in on a grant.” The Pink Palace in Memphis currently owns the land but has discussed selling it. Craig Kennedy gave an update on seven properties that had been advertised for sale due to back taxes owed against them. Mayor Ashe advised they had bids on four of them. A request by Mayor Ashe to approve the Debt Management Policy presented to the Commission a couple of months ago was approved unanimously. Mayor Ashe informed the Commission that a grant for $750,000 had been approved and part of that money would be used to install early warning sirens at all of the county’s fire stations. Part of it would also be used for new 911 equipment, a generator for the courthouse, and new fire trucks. Approved as Notaries were; Ashley Bowman, Amanda Isbell, Johnnie S. Lohman, Dina Mitchell, and Lara Laurence. With no further business the meeting was adjourned. Photo Submitted This old photo was taken around 1936 of the Adamsville men’s basketball team. Standing left to right; #10 – James Dudley Pecry, #8 – Edwin Perkins, #4 – Jamie D. Perkins, #11 - Furman Seay, #5 – G.A. Shelton. Front row left to right; #12 – Willard Ross, #3 – Kenneth Varnell, Coach Raymond “Shorty” Dodds, #9 – Robert Goad, and #7 – Percy Clyde Doss. Visit us on the web! Pusser From pg. 1 The movies brought nationwide and worldwide attention to McNairy County and Sheriff Pusser’s fight against crime and corruption along the Tennessee Mississippi state line back in the late 1960’s and early 70’s. The red carpet event, held last Thursday, featured a documentary containing interviews from some of the actors who played in the first movie, along with comments from Buford’s daughter Dwana, his granddaughter Madison, Museum Curator Renee Moss, Pusser historian Steve Sweat, Pusser’s longtime friend Jack Coffman, and others who knew him. FT McNairy/Hardeman Co. Advocate Working with victims of crime BS or 3 years exp., reliable transportation req. Ability to work with diverse populations Send resume to: 62 Directors Row Jackson, TN 38305 EOE or Find Us on Facebook! NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Adamsville Board of Zoning Appeals does hereby give public notice of a called meeting to be held at the Adamsville Town Hall in the Conference Room, the 30th day of May 2012, at 2:30 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss and act upon a request to allow an apartment as a use permitted on appeal in the B1 District located at 202 Willow Street. A copy of the site plan may be viewed in the office of the Codes Enforcement Officer during regular business hours. All interested parties are invited and encouraged to attend. The McNairy County News Page 6 Thursday, May 17, 2012 NEWS “Tell Me A Good Story!” T.N.G. Summer Camp, 1955-63 Photos submitted Second cook Sgt. Jim Henry Gray (left) and Private Royce Hendrix show off a massive rattlesnake skin taken at Ft. Stewart. It is not recalled just how the snake was taken but Bobby Harris had something to do with it, according to Sgt. John Mitchell. Company D personnel have just been through the chow line after a hard day’s work. Company D’s kitchen was headed up by Sgts. Dow Parrow and Troy McDaniel. Spc. 2 Billy Martin was a second cook in Company D’s kitchen. First Sgt. Fred Plunk worked closely as a liaison between W/O Goodrum and Company Commander George Huggins. A scene from the “boonies”, the youngster in full dress fatigues is Bill Woods, son of Major Hugh Woods. He is now a doctor in Jackson, TN. Lt. Arvy Ledbetter discusses the merits of a scope to Lt. Bob Latta and two unidentified. West Tennessee’s Newest Wrecker Service Moore Brothers Towing & Recovery Across the Road or Across the Country • No Hill Too Steep, No Ditch Too Deep! 24 HOURS Letters were a precious commodity to the boys away from home for two weeks. The letter writer above is believed to be Pvt. Wm. Foote. By Bill Wagoner County Historian The Tennessee National Guard unit was a product of World War II and established by military at Selmer. Some had fought in that war. The heart and soul of the 4/117th Company of the famed so” Division Unit was W/O Ray Goodrum, a local who had served in World War II. Capt. George Huggins had been an early officer and by the 1950’s was company commander. His officers variously from 1955-1963 were Lt. Arvy Ledbetter, Capt. W.O. Browder, Lt. W.T. Clifton, Field Marshal Norman Carroll, Lt. Bob Latta, Lt. George Weatherford, Capt. George Brooks, Capt. Jett Ramer, Major Hugh Woods and others whose names were forgotten. For 8 years, 1955-63 the 4/117th was shipped by rail or truck convey to Ft. Stewart, an Army base near Hinesville, Georgia. Training included a week on bivouac and a week in camp. Men worked in basic instruction/training on rifle range, motor pool and related military order. A full kitchen set-up was used in camp and transported to the bivouac area miles out in the Georgia pine country. Rattlesnakes were huge, a dime-a-dozen in number and to be found in abundance. The summer encampment of 1963 was spent at Ft. Campbell, Ky. The T.N.G. permitted military training and allowed personnel to remain at home and on job. The unit was slated for duty during the Cuban Crisis under President John Kennedy. Vice President Lyndon Johnson asked his Texas National Guard to be sent instead. The photos were made in 1959. These comments are recollections of 50 years ago; some names may have been omitted but not intentionally. These photos are from the collection of Billy Martin, 41117th second cook. (Bill Wagoner, 3068 GilchristStantonville Rd., Stantonville, TN. 38379, 731-632- 0635, T.N.G. 1955-63, second cook in D Company) Sgt. John Hamm takes a stroll throw the company area. DONNIE MOORE: 731-610-0893 • WAYNE MOORE • TREY MOORE: 731-610-6687 Business #662-415-9354 Home #662-287-2717 1914 N. Polk St. (old Hwy. 45 N.) • Corinth, MS 32 Inches Standard TV Limited Quanity 79 $ IN SHOP TV SERVICE ON STANDARD & FLAT SCREEN TVS The property located at 211 North Maple is in violation of the City of Adamsville Property Maintenance Ordinance. If the property is not cleaned-up by May 21, 2012, the City of Adamsville will do so at the owner’s expense or in lieu of lien against property. If you need further information, please contact Danny Daniels, Codes Enforcement Officer, at (731)632-4214 ext. 25. TJ’s Auto & Diesel LLC Certified Cummins technician. Tony Johnson, Owner Cell: 731-453-4483 Shop: 731-645-4853 Repair all makes & models! 6927 Hwy 45 South Ramer, TN Due to our regular city meeting falling on Memorial Day this month, City of Ramer monthly meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday, May 22, 2012. Hwy. 64 & 45 Bypass • PO Box 8 • Selmer, Tennessee 38375 Phone 731-645-3933 or 1-800-748-9428 HOLDER’S ATTENTION RESCHEDULED MEETING 24 HOURS MAXEDON PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL New Installations or Repairs Licensed, Responsible & Reasonable Gerald Maxedon 645-8951 610-5541 Registered Angus Bulls FOR SALE Add Pounds and Quality to Your Next Calf Crop Traveler 004 and Mytty In Focus Bloodlines Excellent EPD’s John & Debra Bradley 901-834-1034 | 901-626-2624 Family-owned Century Farm with over 50 years in cattle business in Savannah, TN The McNairy County News Thursday, May 17, 2012 Page 7 NEWS McNairy County Sheriff’s Report (911 calls) May 7, 2012 •288 Ervin Rd. – Alarm going off. •2482 Buena Vista Rd. – Harassing threats. •11172 Hwy 45 S. – Medical overdose. •2288 Clarance Barham Rd. – Alarm going off. •6217 Hwy 45 S. – Public service. •Race Path Rd. – Caller wanted to speak with an officer. •1445 Blankenship Rd. – Theft of property. •300 Industrial Park Rd. – Caller wanted to speak with an officer. •Old Stage Rd. – Welfare check. •302 Clarence Barham Rd. – Animal control, animal bite. •859 Rose Creek Rd. – Harassing phone calls. •6744 Beauty Hill Rd. – Theft of property. •Rose Creek Rd. – Serving warrant. •2663 Airport Rd. – Suspicious person. •913 Purdy Rd. – Suspicious vehicle. May 8, 2012 •5217 Hwy 45 S. – Theft of property. •1250 Old Hwy 45 – Theft of property. •Roy Seay Rd. – Animal control. •419 Dixie Ln. – Animal control. •242 Stacy Loop – Alarm going off. •9647 Hwy 22 N. – Public drunk. •337 Dixie Ln. – Animal control. •662 Bethel Purdy Rd. – Animal control. •12378 Hwy 57 W. – Welfare check. •Hwy 45 near Eastview – Reckless driver. •Milledgeville Gas Station – Assault report. May 9, 2012 •297 Linsey Ln. – Suspicious activity. •Old Hwy 45 S. – Burglary. •732 Chambers Store Rd. – Alarm going off. •1778 Capooth Rd. – Officer assistance. •Wright St. – Civil matter. •Beauty Hill Rd. – Reckless driver. •614 Felix Taylor Rd. – Trespassing. •Chewalla Rd. – Suspicious open door. May 10, 2012 •10976 Hwy 45 Burglary. S. – •3075 Buena Vista Rd. – Suspicious activity. •Hwy 199 & Finger Café – Suspicious vehicle. •545 Montrose Carroll Rd. – Suspicious person. •141 N. Third St. – Domestic dispute, verbal. •7595 Hwy 22 S. – Harassing threats. •300 Industrial Park Dr. – Take report on theft of property. •Hubb Gilchrist Rd. – Suspicious activity. •1044 Charlie Pounds Rd. – Disturbance, unknown. •Conner Rd. – Suicidal subject. •Hwy 142 – Assist motorist. •Gann Rd. across from store – Theft of property. •Airport Rd. – Suicidal subject. •2467 Gilchrist Stantonville Rd. – Vandalism. McNairy County General Sessions Court •Michael W. Alley: 1755 Old Union Ln., Adamsville - Possession of Ephedrine and Ephedrine Derivatives – Guilty, fined $250 & costs, sentenced to 48 hours, supervised probation for 1 year, alcohol/drug evaluation. •Timothy E. Blakney: 448 Perkins Rd., Adamsville – Driving on Suspended License – Guilty, pay costs, supervised probation, no driving in TN for 6 months. •Michael C. Bushart: 1275 High School Rd., Selmer – Evading Arrest & DUI – Dismissed, officer failed to appear in court. •Chasity Butler: 1976 Simmons Rd., Henderson – Driving on Suspended License – Dismissed on payment of costs, supervised probation, defendant has valid license. •Barry L. Clayton: 9644 Hwy 45 N., Bethel Springs – Possession of Schedule II Drugs, Possession of Dr ug Pa rapher na lia, Initiate Manufacture of Methamphetamine, Promoting Meth Manufacture – Bound over to grand jury. •James Leroy Cobb: 4265 Hwy 45 S., Selmer – Driving on Suspended License (2nd or subsequent) – Guilty, fined $25 & costs, license suspended for 6 months, supervised probation. •Tommy R. Cummings: 717 Circle Hill Dr., Selmer – Possession of Schedule IV Drugs, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Assault Attempt, Failure to Appear – Dismissed. •Chasity Crabb: 2940 Hubert Manuel Rd., Michie – Promoting Methamphetamine Manufacture, Possession of Ephedrine & Ephedrine Derivatives, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Guilty, fined $250 & costs, supervised probation for 1year, alcohol/drug evaluation. •April N. Deshaizer: 1800 Watkins Rd., Michie – Possession of Ephedrine and Ephedrine Derivatives – Guilty, fined $250 & costs, judicial diversion for 11/29 •James A. Dickey: 1371 Dickey Rd., Selmer – Initiate Manufacture of Methamphetamine, Tampering With Evidence, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Bound over to grand jury. •Tina M. Dunaway: 330 Florence Ave., Selmer – Possession of Schedule II Drugs – Dismissed, officer failed to appear in court. •Jonathan D. Finley: 1576 Hardin Graveyard Rd., Adamsville – DUI, Simple Possession/Casual Exchange, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Bound over to grand jury. Initiate Manufacture of Methamphetamine, Promoting Methamphetamine Manufacture, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Bound over to grand jury. •Mauri Foster: 1034 Curtis Hill Church Rd., Bethel Springs – Theft (up to $500) & Criminal Trespassing – Dismissed on state’s motion to not prosecute. •Gary W. Fults: 200 Lewis St., Savannah – Theft (up to $500) – Guilty, pay costs, sentenced to 14 days, pay $120 restitution, supervised probation. •Billy R. Gibson: 1961 Major Hill Rd., Bethel Springs – Simple Possession/Casual Exchange – Guilty, fined $250 & costs, sentenced to 48 hours, supervised probation for 11/29, drug/alcohol evaluation through JACOA. •Lag A. Goolsby: 210 Shanna Dr., Selmer – Reckless Driving – Guilty, fined $25 & costs, supervised probation. •Thomas R. Hayslett: 1400 Airport Rd., Selmer – Driving on Revoked License – Guilty, fined $25 & costs, license suspended additional 6 months, supervised probation. •Stephanie L. Ingle: 1797 Feddie Davis Rd., Ramer – Initiate Manufacture of Methamphetamine, Promoting Methamphetamine Manufacture, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Bound over to grand jury. •Oran G. Jaco III: 3968 Hwy 45 S., Selmer Initiate Manufacture of Methamphetamine, Promoting Methamphetamine Manufacture, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Bound over to grand jury. •Amanda E. Kern: 35 Yvonda Way #3, Savannah – Possession of Ephedrine and Ephedrine Derivatives – Guilty, fined $250 & costs, supervised probation for 1 year, alcohol/drug evaluation. •Randy L. Kiser: 230 N. 7th St., Selmer – Domestic Assault – Dismissed on payment of victim’s medical bills. •Ricky J. Kyle: 968 Bud Long Rd., Selmer – Simple Possession/Casual Exchange – Dismissed on payment of costs if drug evaluation and counseling is completed, 24 hours community service, supervised probation. •Angela K. Lipford: 1580 Joe Dillon Rd., Michie – Possession of Schedule II Drugs, Assault Attempt, Possession /Sell/Barter/Give Away Legend Drug – Guilty, pays costs, diversion for 6 months. – Possession of Drugs in a School Zone – Dismissed, state’s motion to not prosecute. •Rebecca Mayo: 312 Cox Ln., Bethel Springs – Shoplifting – Guilty, fined $50 & costs, supervised probation. •Autar S. Momi: 174 Courts Ln., Little Rock, AR May 11, 2012 •536 Milam Rd. – Suspicious vehicle. •Bethel – Theft of property. •4639 Hamburg Rd. – Alarm going off. •133 Beverly Ln. – Retrieve property. •Stantonville – Public service. •Hwy 57 & 45 – Animal control. •300 Industrial Park Dr. – Caller wanted to speak with an officer. •838 Hopkins St. – Theft of property. •7357 Hwy 64 E. – Alarm going off. •323 Gann Rd. – Public service. •10954 Hwy 45 S. – Theft of property. •McCormick Weeks Rd. – Motor vehicle accident with injury. •300 Industrial Park Rd. – Caller wanted to speak with an officer. •Lester Plunk Rd. – Suspicious vehicle. •2492 Falcon New Bethel Rd. – Shots fired. – Possession of Synthetic Cannabinoids – Guilty, fined $250 & costs, placed on diversion for 11/29, all seized paraphernalia seized for destruction. •Shaun P. Murphy: 133 Warren Ave., Selmer – Vandalism (up to $500) & Assault Attempt – Guilty, fined $25, sentenced to 10 days, pay $65 restitution, no contact with victim. •Deena L. Ricketts: 611 West Main St., Greenfield – Burglary, Criminal Trespassing – Bound over to grand jury. •Leslie D. Seaton: 450 Bray Rd., Henderson – DUI – Guilty, fined $1,250 & costs of $705.73, sentenced to 48 hours, supervised probation for 11/29, drug/alcohol evaluation, counseling, and rehab, no driving in TN for 1 year. – Simple Possession/ Casual Exchange & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Dismissed on plea to DUI. •Zandall Stricklin: 1605 Pin Hook Rd., Savannah Possession of Ephedrine and Ephedrine Derivatives – Guilty, fined $250 & costs, supervised probation for 1 year, alcohol/drug evaluation. •Heather L. Sweat: 156 Dunaway Rd., Selmer Initiate Manufacture of Methamphetamine, Promoting Methamphetamine Manufacture, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Bound over to grand jury. •Nathaniel A. Wade: May 12, 2012 •McNairy Rd. – Suspicious activity. •7856 Hwy 22 S. – Alarm going off. •Sherry Lynn Dr. – Suspicious person. •Hwy 224 S. – Suspicious activity. •254 Amber Ln. – Vandalism. •Ramer Selmer Rd. – Motor vehicle accident, no injuries. •251 Falcon Rd. – Animal control. •856 Highlander Trails – 911 hang up. •1914 Clarence Barham Rd. – Theft of property. •Hwy 22 S. – Reckless driver. •Michie – Public service. •94 Albert Owens Rd. – Extra patrol requested. May 13, 2012 •Hwy 22 – Drunk driver. •941 Hill Rd. – Civil matter. •Near Michie Pharmacy – Suspicious activity. •Ramer Quick Stop – Caller wanted to speak with an officer. •6742 Hwy 45 S. – Alarm going off. •Lacefield Trailer Park – Assault report. •150 High School Rd. – Suspicious activity. 415 Florence Ave., Selmer Initiate Manufacture of Methamphetamine, Promoting Methamphetamine Manufacture, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Bound over to grand jury. •Jennifer L. Weaver: 299 CR 201, Iuka, MS – Possession of Ephedrine and Ephedrine Derivatives – Guilty, fined $250 & costs. •Christian J. Webb: 2600 Curtis Hill Church Rd., Bethel Springs – Theft of Property ($500 to $1,000) – Bound over to grand jury. •James Welling ton: 97 Whispering Pine Ln., Selmer – Accessory After the Fact, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Guilty, fined $150 & costs, sentenced to time served, supervised probation. •Chasity Westenhoefer: 976 Atkins Ln., Selmer – Driving on Suspended License – Dismissed on payment of costs, supervised probation, defendant has valid license. •Lucas L. Wilson: 218 Baptist St., Adamsville – Driving on Suspended License – Dismissed, costs taxed to state. •Kimberly R. Wood: 46 Deshazier Ln., Savannah – Probation Revocation Warrant – Defendant must pay $695 and then this will be dismissed. – Possession of Ephedrine and Ephedrine Derivatives – Guilty, fined $250 & costs, supervised probation. SMITH BEER BOARD MEETING The Michie Beer Board will meet Monday, May 28, 2012 at 6:45 p.m. at the Michie City Hall to consider an application for the retail sale of beer at Top O’ The River Restaurant owned by Timothy Hearnsberger located at 5831 Highway 57 East. The public is invited to attend. Bs BAIL BONDS Bail Bonds Frankie Smith 610-0640 Serving McNairy & Hardin Counties J & B Auto Sales Bethany Shelton Selmer, TN has what you need to get there! Late Model Trucks and SUVs 731-645-2222 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING The City of Adamsville regular monthly commission meeting will be Monday, May 21st at 7 p.m. at Adamsville City Hall. The public is invited to attend. •1431 Tommy Sanders Rd. – Vandalism. •9495 Hwy 22 S. – Suspicious vehicle. 2 GREAT SPECIALS AVAILABLE ALL DAY Lunch for 2 - Includes a Medium 1-Topping Pizza and two 20 oz. drinks for only Jim Rowsey 731-610-0715 • Brian Rowsey 731-645-0155 125 Old Hwy. 45 South • Guys, TN • (731) 239-8486 CHAPTER 7 BANKRUPTCIES starting at $500.00 plus court costs Call 731-645-3100 $7.99 Buy a Large Specialty Pizza at regular price and get a FREE order of Bread Sticks or Cheese Sticks. 200 Wayne Rd. • Savannah • 731-926-7272 HARVEY DURHAM HEALTH “Your Health Is Our Primary Business” Insurance Health - Independent & Group Long Term Care Senior Market Products ~ DME Products Let us design a plan that is right for you. Harvey Durham Owner/Agent 106 Ash St., Suite II, Adamsville, TN • (731) 607-9022 Cell • (731) 632-9820 Office • (731) 632-9821 Fax email: • The McNairy County News Page 8 Thursday, May 17, 2012 OBITUARIES Larron King Larron King was born December 16, 1962 in McNairy County, TN the son of Shirlene Goolsby and the late Preston E. King. Larron was a 1981 graduate of McNairy Central High School. On August 8, 1982, he married the love of his life, Anita Smith. In February of 2000, L a r r o n and Anita founded Lauren King Ministries, w h i c h b e c a m e affiliated with Ronald McDona ld House and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Larron was extremely committed to this work. He was a devoted father and husband, and a dedicated worker with church youth groups for many years. He was a member of Moore’s Schoolhouse Full Gospel Fellowship Church. In 2009, Larron was named McNairy County’s “Citizen of the Year.” He has also received Shelby County’s “Shining Star Award” for volunteer service, and Lauren King Ministries has been named “Volunteer Group of the Year” by Ronald McDonald House. In his free time, Larron loved hunting, fishing, and spending time with his son, Wes. Larron departed this life on May 14, 2012 in Memphis, Tennessee at the age of 49 years, 4 months, 28 days. He is survived by his wife of almost 30 years, Anita (Smith) King of Selmer, TN; a son, Wes King of Selmer, TN; his mother, Shirlene Goolsby King of Pocahontas, TN; two sisters, Sharon Hart and husband Larry of Selmer, TN and Sheila Henry and husband Joey of Corinth, MS; inlaws James E. (Shorty) and Freddie Smith of Ramer, TN; three sisters-inlaw: Judy Kirk and husband Roger of Ramer, TN; Vickie Lyles and husband Jimmy of Ramer, TN; and Betty Caldwell of Corinth, MS; a brother-in-law, Mike Smith and wife Janie of Ramer, TN; several nieces and nephews; and many extended family and friends. In addition to his father, Larron was preceded in death by a daughter, Lauren Elizabeth King; paternal grandparents D. M. and Mittie Atkinson King; and maternal grandparents Roy Milton and Vestie Locke Goolsby. Services will be held on May 17, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. at First Baptist Church in Selmer, Tennessee. Burial will follow in the McCalips Chapel Cemetery in Selmer, TN. Ora Layton Aldridge Rice Ora Layton Aldridge Rice was born July 2, 1922 in McNairy County, TN the daughter of the late Harrison and Doshie Susan Archer Aldridge. She was united in marriage to Gaylord P. “G.P.” Rice in November in 1945. Mr. R ice preceded her in death in Novem b er of 1972. M r s . R ice was a certified nursing assistant for over 30 years, she worked at Shelby County Nursing Home for several years. She was a longtime resident of Memphis, a fan of Memphis State basketball, loved the Atlanta Braves, sang in the choir at LaBelle Baptist church in Whitehaven, and had also worked as a waitress at Southwestern Grill. She loved her family and was a second mother to her nieces and nephews. Mrs. Rice departed this life on May 2, 2012 in Altamonte Springs, Florida at the age of 89 years, 10 months. She is survived by a brother-in-law, Grover E. Ward of Memphis, TN; nephew, Harrison Eugene Ward and wife Teri of Ft. Lauderdale, FL; nieces, Doshie Mildred Byrd and husband Scot of Ventress, LA and Hannah Layton A ldridge of Maitland, FL; greatnephews, Richard S c o t Byrd and wife Pam of Por t Island, LA and Caleb Lee Ward, III of Memphis, TN; great niece, Tabitha Melissa Byrd and fiance’ Joel fo Baton Rouge, LA; host of extended family and friends. In addition to her husband and parents, Mrs. Rice was preceded in death by sister, Callie Mildred Ward; brother, James Harrison Aldridge; nephew, Caleb Lee Ward, Jr. Services were held on May 5, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. at Refuge church of Christ in Bethel Springs, Tennessee, with Michael Price officiating. Burial followed in the Refuge Cemetery at Bethel Springs, Tennessee. Marilyn M. Chamberlin Marilyn M. Chamberlin was born August 25, 1927 in Chicago, IL the daughter of the late George and Evelyn Glynn Manning. She departed this life on May 10, 2012 in Jackson, Tennessee at the age of 84 years, 8 months, 15 days. Mrs. Chamberlin was a member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Jackson, TN and was a homemaker. She was the widow of C. Joseph Chamberlin. She is survived by two daughters, Kathleen Graham and husband Samuel of Bethel Springs, TN, Karen Maddock and husband David of Sonora, CA; two brothers, George Manning Jr. of Chicago, IL, Albert J. Manning of Greenville, SC; four grandchildren, Thomas Graham of Scottsboro, AL, Jeffrey P. Graham of Oakland, TN, H. Joseph Lauterbach of Cupertino, CA, Hank Graham of Hernando, MS; seven great grandchildren, Jacob Graham, Kaleb Graham, Kameron Graham, Nicole Lauterbach, Taylor Watkins, Landon Watkins, Dustin McDonald; a greatgreat-grandchild, Eva Claire McDonald. A host of extended family and friends. In addition to her parents and husband, Mrs. Chamberlin was preceded in death by a son, Charles Joseph Chamberlin. There was no public service. Shackelford Funeral Directors of Selmer was in charge of arrangements. Guestbook may be signed at Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, TN. Thank You The family of Brandon Scott Brown would like to thank each of you for your prayers, visits, words of kindness, the beautiful flowers, cards and phone calls. A special thank you to the following: Bro. Phil Mitchel for your friendship and the touching eulogy; to Bro. Tim Elrod and Good Hope Baptist Church for their outpouring of love and fellowship meal. Words cannot express how blessed we are to have such a loving supportive group of friends and community. We love you all, Mike Brown and Janet Penny, Lindsey and Richard The family of Brandon Scott Brown Lucy W. Davis Lucy W. Davis of Selmer, TN was born July 19, 1939 in Chattaroy, WV the daughter of the late Daniel and Malissa Finley Watson. She departed this life on Tuesday, May 8, 2012 in Corinth, MS at the age of 72 years, 9 months, 19 days. Ms. Davis worked at General Electric for approximately 12 years and at Dollar General for about 20 years. She was presently working part-time at Southwood Inn in Selmer. She enjoyed reading and watching sports. She was an Assembly of God. She is survived by a daughter, Patsy Moore (Troy) and family of Selmer, TN; three sons, Joey Davis (Connie) and family of Oakland, TN, Tommy Davis (Perry) of Selmer, TN, Ty Davis of Selmer, TN; two grandchildren, John Thomas Davis of Selmer, TN, Joshua Davis of Selmer, TN; four sisters, Annie Brewster of Chattaroy, WV, Peggy Corea of Bakersfield, CA, Bessie Watson of Chattaroy, WV, Millie Kaseeska of Tampa, FL; five brothers, Jim Watson of Oak Hill, WV, Louie Watson of Chillicothe, OH, Joe Watson of Stoutsville, OH, Bill Watson of Williamson, WV, Tony Watson of Havre de Grace, MD ; her stepmother, E t h e l Watson of R ich lands, VA. A host of extended family and friends. In addition to her parents, Ms. Davis was preceded in death by two sisters, Wanda Faye Craven and Barbara Coldwell. Services were held on May 12, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. at Shackelford Funeral Directors in Selmer, Tennessee, with Bro. Clint Overton officiating. Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital or Larron King Family Trust in care of Regions Bank. Eual R. Austin Eual R. Austin, 84 died Friday in Jackson. Services were Monday at 11:00 at Shackelford Funeral Directors in Selmer with Andrew Thompson officiating. Burial followed in Hope McNairy County Memorial C e m e t e r y at Selmer, Tennessee. Mr. Austin grew up in the Jacks Creek area in Chester C o u nt y. He was a U. S. Navy Seaman First Class from 1945-1946. He owned Austin’s Barber Shop in Jackson and Eastgate Barber Shop in Memphis. He also owned and operated Nancy’s Fabrics and Drapery Company and Joy’s Untrasonic, both in Memphis. Survivors include sons Dennis Austin (Joy) of Jackson and Danny Austin (Vanita) of Selmer; grandson John Austin (Katie); granddaughters Emily Austin Thompson (A ndrew) and Anna Elizabeth Austin; greatg r a nd d au g h ters Jayden Danielle Austin, Alice Elizabeth Thompson, Alli Claire Austin, M a r y K at her ine Austin. He was preceded in death by parents Homer and Velmar Stanfill Austin; brothers Clettus, Earl, Ottis, and Max Austin; sister Faye Day; and grandson Daniel Austin. Memorials may be made to Relay for Life. Billy Pickle Billy Pickle was born November 7, 1932 in McNairy County, TN the son of the late Irvin and Ruth Brush Pickle. He was united in marriage to Durell Forsythe. Mr. Pickle was retired from the City of Selmer, where he worked with the Street and Sanit ation Department. He loved airplanes and flying, and was a faithful member of Life Tabernacle in Selmer. Mr. Pickle departed this life on May 2, 2012 in Selmer, Tennessee at the age of 79 years, 5 months, 25 days. He is survived by his wife Durell (Forsythe) Pickle of Selmer, TN; a sister, Peggy Griffin of Selmer, TN; four broth- ers: Bobby Pickle and wife Patsy of Selmer, TN, Tommy Pickle of Selmer, TN, Johnny Pickle and wife Donna of Bethel Springs, TN, Jackie Pickle and wife Erin of Bethel Springs, TN; and many extended family and friends. Services were held on May 6, 2012 at 3:30 p.m. at Shackelford Fu nera l Directors in Selmer, Te n n e s s e e , with Thomas Davis officiating. Burial was in the Moore’s Schoolhouse Cemetery at Selmer, Tennessee. Memorial contributions in memory of Mr. Pickle may be made to Life Tabernacle in Selmer, TN. Mary Jane Estes Mary Jane Estes was born August 22, 1924 in McNairy County, TN the daughter of the late Henry and Gladys Smith Flowers. She was united in marriage to William Madison Estes in the summer of 1941. Mr. Estes preceded her in death on April 25, 2005. Mrs. Estes worked at several garment factories in the M c N a i r y County area, Brown Shoe Company, and part-time for 17 years at Southwest TN Human Resources. She was a member of the Selmer Second Baptist Church in Selmer, Tennessee. She enjoyed cooking for her family, especially Sunday dinners. Mrs. Estes departed this life on May 5, 2012 in Selmer, Tennessee at the age of 87 years, 8 months, 13 days. She is survived by two sons, W.C, Estes and wife Ann of Jackson, TN, Doug Estes and wife JoAnn of Bethel Spring, TN; a daughter, Kathereine Ingle of Selmer, TN; six grandchildren, Tammy Cooper and husband Tim of Bethel Springs, TN, Kristy Estes of Selmer, TN, Lisa Harston and husband Stan of Jackson, TN, Shelia Robertson and husband Michael of Shiloh, TN, Patty Vickers and husband Jeff of Selmer, TN, Stacie Black of Bethel Springs, TN; 15 greatgrandchildren, 8 great-greatg ra ndchi ld ren; host of extended family and friends. In addition to her husband and parents, Mrs. Estes was preceded in death by a sonin-law, Tom Ingle; two brothers, Howard Flowers and Acie Flowers; and a grandson, Thomas Wayne Ingle. Services were held on May 7, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. at Shackelford Funeral Directors in Selmer, Tennessee, with Tony Polk officiating. Burial followed in the Moore’s Schoolhouse Cemetery at Selmer, Tennessee. Scott D. Hadley Scott D. Hadley was born August 1, 1967 in Nashville, TN the son of Gerald Hadley, Jr. and Loretta Sullivan Hadley. He was united in marriage to Billie McDaniel on May 4, 1991. Mr. Hadley was a caprenter. He was a loving son, husband, father and grandfather. In his spare time, he enjoyed looking for arrowheads and spending time with his grandsons. He was well known for his wonderful chocolate chess pies. He will be greatly missed and was loved by all who knew him. Mr. Hadley departed this life on May 1, 2012 in Corinth, Mississippi at the age of 44 years, 9 months. He is survived by his wife Billie Hadley of Counce, TN; two daughters, Keisha Tinsley and husband Jordan of Michie, TN, Misty Hulen and husband Jeremy of Savannah, TN; his mother, Loretta Hadley of Bethel Springs, TN; father, Gerald Hadley, Jr and wife KAthy of Bethel Springs, TN; three grandsons, Hunter Stricklin, Fisher Hulen, Charlie Tinsley; two brothers, Kristopher Hadley of Bethel Springs, TN, Jesse Hadley of Bethel Springs, TN; two sisters, April Adams and husband Shane of B e t h e l Springs, TN, Vickie Smith and h u s b a n d Randall of Bethel Springs, TN; paternal grandfather, Rev. Gerald Hadley, Sr and wife Jannie of Ramer, TN; host of nieces, nephews, and friends. He is preceded in death by maternal grandparents, Dennis Sullivan, Jr. and Anna Dee Sullivan; paternal grandmother, Betty Patterson Hadley. Services were held on May 4, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. at Shackelford Funeral Directors in Selmer, Tennessee. Burial followed in the Falcon Cemetery at Selmer, Tennessee. Marie Brown Marie Brown was born January 21, 1929 in Michie, TN the daughter of the late O. O. and Lois Williams Moore. She was united in marriage to James T. Brown on December 23, 1948. Mrs. Brown was formerly employed as a supervisor in the garment manufacturing i n d u s t r y. She also w or k e d for Brown S h o e Company in Selmer, and the former Maple Hill Nursing Home. She loved to work in her garden, quilt, crochet, tend her flowers, and go fishing. Mrs. Brown was a member of the Fellowship Baptist Church in Selmer. Mrs. Brown departed this life on May 1, 2012 in Stantonville, Tennessee at the age of 83 years, 3 months, 10 days. She is survived by her husband of 63 years, James T. (Buddy) Brown of Stantonville, TN; a daughter, Pat Rickman and husband Nelson of Selmer, TN; a son, Billy Brown and wife Pam of Stantonville, TN; four grandchildren: Chad Rickman and wife Laura, Monica Matlock and husband Jay, Beth Baker and husband Bradley, Kerry Brown and wife Beth; eleven g reat-g randchildren: Sidney Rickman, Braden Rickman, Trey Rickman, Case Rickman, Ty Matlock, H a n n a h Matlock, S a m Matlock, K a i l e y B a k e r , L a i n e y B a k e r , Makayla B r o w n , Kason Brown; two sisters, Louise Clayton of Corinth, MS and Juanita (Tot) Taylor of Michie, TN; a brother, Paul Moore of Michie, TN; and many extended family and friends. In addition to her parents, Mrs. Brown was preceded in death by two brothers, Travis Moore and J. R. (Bully) Moore. Services were held on May 3, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. at Shackelford Funeral Directors in Selmer, Tennessee, w ith Chad Balentine and J. D. Matlock officiating. Burial followed in the Union Grove Cemetery in Selmer, Tennessee. Cards of Thanks are due by Tuesdays at noon and the cost is $5.00. 731-645-7048 ROWLAND MONUMENTS Anthony & Vickie Rowland Certified Memorialists 3320 Main Street Bethel Springs, Tenn. Ph. 731-934-7460 Selmer Drug Co. 133 W. Court Ave. • Selmer, TN 731-645-5391 Bobby Mitchell, DPH The McNairy County News Thursday, May 17, 2012 Church Calendar May 19th •We’re Going Fishing We’re going fishing and you are invited at the Selmer City Park on May 19th at 5 p.m. This is a City, County Wide Crusdade. Everyone is welcome for singing, ministering, fellowship, singing and talent. Tipton family from Arkansas. Bobby Flurry and Back Up singers from Lucdale, MS. Joseph Hamilton from Mayfield, Ky and local talent. •Outreach Ministry Mock Trauma On May 19th from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m., The Mending Hearts Outreach, Inc. a newly developed outreach ministry of Cypress Creek 1st Baptist Church will be putting on a mock trauma entitled “Life Choices” r/t the consequences of distractions while driving, whether texting or driving, or talking to friends, etc. This event is geared towards our youth today and anyone who is more concerned with other “things” while driving a vehicle on today’s busy roads. We will have a wrecked vehicle in the parking lot of Cypress Creek Church, also a mock trauma, and scene set up for a funeral in the fellowship hall and the sanctuary. Cypress Creek First Baptist Church is located at 14 Falcon Street in Selmer, TN. May 20th & 25th •BBQ, Yard/Bake Sale There will be a yard and bake sale on Friday, May 25th at Michie Church of God of Prophecy on Hwy. 57 beginning at 7:00 a.m. Boston butts can also be pre-ordered for $30 through Sunday, May 20th. They will be ready for pick up on Friday, May 25th between 4:00 and 6:00 at the church. Perfect for Memorial Day picnics or family gatherings. Contact Jim or Bridget Merry (632-3971) or Lynn or Connie Baker (632-3969) to order. All proceeds will help in Jim and Bridget (Finley) Merry’s adoption. May 20th-May 23rd •Unity Baptist Church VBS Unity Baptist Church will hold their Vacation Bible School from May 20th until May 23rd. Celebration begins at 6 p.m. and the day’s adventure ends at 8:30 p.m. VBS is for ages 3 through 6th grade. This year’s theme will be Babylon Daniel’s Courage in Captivity. Call for more information 662-415-8405. May 21st-24th •Chewalla Baptist VBS Chewalla Baptist will hold their Vacation Bible School on Monday, May 21st - Thursday, May 24th from 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. daily. VBS is for children ages Kindergarten-5th Grade. The theme is Sky: Everything is Possible with God. If your child needs a ride to VBS, call (731) 239-6222. May 21st - 25th •Babylon Bible School Curtis Hill Church (at 1642 Curtis Hill Church Road) invites families to Babylon: Daniel’s Courage in Captivity Vacation Bible School. All ages are invited to step back in time at Babylon from May 21st to May 26th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. For more information call 645-3326. May 27th •Homecoming The Pleasant Site Cemetery Homecoming will be on May 27th. •Decoration at Stantonville Cemetery Decoration at Stantonville Cemetery on May 27th. Please remove all old flowers and take them with you. Please give your donations to Shorty Hill or Junior Kiddy and thank you for your donations. June 2nd •Bake Sale Solitude Free Will Youth Group will be having a bake sale at the Piggly Wiggly in Adamsville on Saturday, June 2nd from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. June 3rd •Curtis Hill Church Homecoming Curtis Hill Church Homecoming will be on June 3rd at 10 a.m. This year you will be blessed with the Bobby Bowen Family Ministries from Nashville, TN. They will be singing from 10:30 a.m. until 12 noon followed with a potluck lunch. So everyone come by and enjoy some good singing and good food. More information call 731-645-3326. June 4th-8th •VBS at First Baptist Church in Adamsville First Baptist Church in Adamsville will be having their VBS from June 4th – 8th. Join us for Bible Study, Crafts, Music, Recreation, Snacks, and lots of fun! For ages 4 years to 6th grade. 7:45 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. Breakfast will be served for kids attending VBS and workers only. VBS will begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 11:45 a.m. Family Night: Wed. June 6th Free Pizza and Homemade Ice cream will be served. The church is located at 222 West Main St. in Adamsville, TN. For more information or for bus pickup for your children in Adamsville City limits call the church office at 632-3787 by June 1st. June 10th •Annual Love Day The Cypress Creek 1st Baptist family will be honoring Pastor Clifford Wynn and family on June 10th with their annual “Love” Day. Our guest speaker for the 2:30 p.m. afternoon service will be Pastor Christopher Traylor and the Little Zion Church family from Corinth, MS. The church if located at 14 Falcon Street in Selmer, TN. For questions please call 731-645-8094. June 17th •Singing On June 17th at 3 p.m. in the afternoon Spiritual Messengers Gospel singing group will be at Cypress Creek 1st Baptist Church for a “Father’s Day” singing. We invite everyone to come out and enjoy this group and other invited guests. The church if located at 14 Falcon Street in Selmer, TN. June 23rd •Praise in the Park On June 23rd at 2 p.m. at the John Street Park in Corinth, MS. The Cypress Creek 1st Baptist Church will be hosting “Praise in the Park.” We have invited numerous churches in the Corinth, Mississippi area to fellowship with us on this day to enhancement our fellowship with each other. We have asked each church to bring their praise teams, dance teams, singers, soloist, step teams, etc. to come and perform and have fun-filled day. Other Church Related News or Meetings •Service Announcement Selmer First United Methodist Church is excited to provide needed transportation for our community to join us on Sunday mornings. Praise service is at 8:30 a.m., Sunday School classes at 9:30 a.m. and morning worship 10:45 a.m. All are welcome, however, we will need 48-72 hours to get you placed on our schedule. All persons will need to fill out and sign an authorization sheet in order to be transported on the church van. The church is located at 1122 West Cherry Ave., Selmer, TN. Please join us by calling the church at 731645-5267 and ask for Laura. •Worship Service The First Annual Mother/ Daughter banquet at Sulphur Springs UMChurch was a huge success. The ladies enjoyed a great meal and Ruby Barber brought a timely devotional. It was a wonderful opportunity to honor and remember Mother’s Day. We welcome you to worship with us each week. We are located at the corner of Sulphur Springs and Dunaway Roads. •Service Announcement Little Chapel Pentecostal Church located on Canal Street in Selmer invites everyone to attend services at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. each Sunday and at 7 p.m. on Thursday nights. Pastor is Lee Willis. •Pleasant Site Cemetery Clean-up The Pleasant Site Cemetery would like everyone to remove any old flowers for mowing and spring cleaning. Donations are need for mowing and up keep. Send donations to: Kathleen Littlejohn, Treasurer at 3771 Gravel Hill Road, Selmer, TN 38375. •Lakeview Baptist Live Video If you are unable to attend church on Sundays please watch the Lakeview Baptist Church service live at 10:05 a.m. and 5:50 p.m. on their website at Just click on “Watch Live Video” and then enjoy! •Service Announcement Weekly service times for Cypress Creek 1st Baptist Community Calendar Notice: The Clay Wagoner Memorial Bluegrass Show will NOT be held in May at the Community Center nor at the Buford Pusser Festival. Next show will be held June 16th at the Community Center in Adamsville featuring Lisa Lambert and Pine Ridge Boys. May 18th •Family Night Woodmen of the World Family Night will be held on Friday, May 18th WOW Lodge 78 will be having Family Night at the Selmer Civic Center starting at 6:30 p.m. We’re planning a home cooked meal with award presentations to follow. All member are encouraged to attend and bring a guest. May 19th •AHS Class of 1972 Reunion The AHS Class of 1972 is planning a 40-year reunion for May 19th. They are still missing contact information for some class members. If you would like to help with this event or might know the addresses of certain class members contact Linda Harville at 632-0761, Myra Brooks at 632-0560 or 6320332. •Old Iron Club The Tennessee Old Iron Club will be at Burnt Church on Saturday, May 19th during “Farm Day.” Tractors, mules, etc. will be on display. Concessions available. •Fish Fry Mason Crescent Lodge #70 will be hosting a fish fry, Saturday, May 19th. It will begin at 11 a.m. until ? Donations are $7/plate. It will be at the McNairy Alumni Stop Litter. TENNESSEE’S HAD ENOUGH LOVE McNairy County... KEEP IT CLEAN Call 731-645-5909 to report trash on county roads. • Sponsored by TDOT and Keep Tennessee Beautiful Joe L. Brown Attorney at Law 419 Main Street P.O. Box 314 Savannah, TN 38372 Phone 731-925-2202 Fax: 731-925-2263 DISABILITY CLAIMS NO FEE UNLESS DISABILITY BENEFITS AWARDED Community Center, located at 500 Lipford Rd., Selmer, TN. May 20th •Rockabilly Beauty Pageant The Annual Rockabilly Beauty Pageant will be held on Sunday, May 20th at 2 p.m. at the Selmer Civic Center. There will be 12 different age groups ranging from 0-6 months up to 23 years and above. Cost to participate is $20 before May 1st, $25 after May 1st, and $30 on day of pageant. For more information call 731-607-8788 or email to RockabillyBeautyPageant@ May 21st •AARP Safe Driving Course The AARP Safe Driving Course will be offered at the McNairy County Senior Center, 408 Park Avenue, Adamsville on May 21st-22nd from 12:20 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. Everyone 50 years of age or older is invited to attend the class. Check with your insurance company to find out if discounts are available on your auto premiums. The 8 hour refresher course will be taught by an AARP Certified Instructor. Registration fees will be sponsored by Hardin County Bank. For further information or to pre-register call Cindy Thrasher at 6320302. May 25th •Brian Free and Assurance JAF Promotions proudly presents, “An Evening with Brian Free & Assurance!” on Friday, May 25th in Page 9 COMMUNITY Church: Sunday School 9 a.m., Service-10:15 a.m., Corporate Prayer Service-6:30 p.m., and Bible Study-7 p.m. Pastor Clifford E. Wynn invites everyone to attend. •Clear Creek Baptist Clear Creek Baptist in the Lawton Community would like to invite everyone to their church services. Sunday service begins at 9:30 a.m. with combined traditional and contemporary music. Sunday school begins at 10:30 a.m., youth and evening services begin at 6 p.m. Wednesday’s services begin at 7 p.m., youth and Adventure Club for children also begin at 7 p.m. •IGNITE Ignite is an Adamsville area-wide Bible Study for all teenagers. It is held each Monday night at 6 p.m. at the Adamsville First Baptist Church. • JamZone Cypress Creek First Baptist Church JamZone Youth Dept. has children’s church every Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. for youth 0-18 years of ages. Dinner is served at 6:30 p.m. for all the children who would like to eat prior to children’s church. JamZone is a place for children to kick back, have fun, and learn about how to become a disciple for Christ. JamZone has van pickup for anyone who may need a ride. For more information you may 645-8094 or 610-1881. •KIDStuff at Adamsville First Baptist KIDStuff at Adamsville First Baptist Church! Two exciting programs for children: Pioneer Club for grades 1 – 4 and Bible Explorers Club for grades 5 & 6. KIDStuff begins at 6:15 p.m. every Wednesday evening. Supper at 5:30 p.m., $1 for children, $3 for youth & adults. Our bus picks up children from the AES Afterschool Program. Bus rider forms are available in the school office (we cannot transport your child without one). •Beauty Hill Pentecostal Church services Beauty Hill Pentecostal Church invites everyone to attend services at 10 a.m. with Pastor Jonathan Tubbs. Everyone is welcome. •Safe Harbour Church Service God Works Miracles Today! Testimony service Sundays at 5 p.m. at Safe Harbour Church. The church is located at 1514 Savannah, TN at the Hardin County High School Auditorium beginning at 7:00 p.m. Brian Free is known as the most awarded tenor in gospel music and has one of America’s finest male quartets. Also special guest, Josh & Ashley Franks will be appearing. Tickets can be purchased at Community South, Main Branch in Savannah, and New Life Christian Bookstore, Corinth, MS. For credit card orders or more information, go to www. or call 731-607-1948. Doors will open one hour before concert. May 26th •Buford Pusser Festival Car Show The 24th Annual Buford Pusser Festival Car Show will be Saturday, May 26, 2012 from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. located behind Jack’s Restaurant in Adamsville, TN. There will be 24 classes. There is a $20 entry fee. Best of Show and Specialty Awards will be presented. For more information, call Melanie King at 731-697- Peach Street in Selmer, TN. No pressure, no preaching, no money collected, real testimonies, real people and real miracles. 15 minutes of singing and 45 minutes of testimonies. Call 632-1107 to schedule a date to testify. Others come and hear what the Lord has done! •God’s Way Church You’re invited to services at 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Sunday. Bro. Kerry Sanders invites everyone to attend. The church is located at 1121 Peach Street in Selmer. •Bethesda Presbyterian Church Services Bethesda Presbyterian Church invites you to our Sunday services. Adult Sunday School at 10 a.m. and Worship Service and Children’s Church at 11 a.m. Pastor Chris Dancer and congregation invite everyone to attend. •Fresh Life Now Classes Fresh Life Now Classes are being held every Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. at Life Wind Covenant Church at 63 Linsey Lane in Selmer. Sunday services will be held at 10:00 a.m. Come and be blessed with powerful anointed praise and worship and learn how to receive “Fresh Life” now. For more info, call (731) 614-2715 or (731) 434-0064. •Support Group A New Beginning Church is sponsoring ‘Singles Again’, a support group for singles due to death or divorce. The group will meet the first Thursday of each month. For more info, call 934-4709. •Service Announcement World of Truth Church will have their Sunday services at 10 a.m. Please come and be with us and let God change your life. •Service Announcement Refuge Church of Christ located at 3426 Refuge Road in Bethel Springs, TN would like to invite everyone to attend their services. Sunday service times are 9:30 a.m. Bible Study, 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship and 6 p.m. Night Worship. Wednesday service begins at 7 p.m. *Fax your church events to 731645-7049 or email to news@ These listings are free. Please keep them as brief as possible. We are happy to help promote events for our local churches in McNairy County. We also offer discounts to any church that would like to purchase a block ad. 9149 or email for a See eveNtS, Pg. 10 Southgate Cinemas 410 Florence Rd. • Savannah 731-925-3954 Admission: $7.50 Adults • Child $5.50 Sun. Matinee $5.50 • Seniors $5.50 Fri. 5/18 - Thurs. 5/24 “THE LUCKY ONE” SHOWS FRI. & SAT. ONLY AT 9:15 P.M. Fri - Sat: 6:55/9:20 Dark Shadows Sunday: 1:55/6:55 (PG-13) Mon,Wed, Mon, ,Wed,, Thurs: 6:55 Fri - Sat: Fri 77:05/9:10 :05 05/9 /9:1:10 10 The Dictator Sunday:Sat: 7:05 2:05/7:05 (R) Mon,Wed, Thurs: 7:05 The Three Fri - Sat: 7:00 Stooges Sunday: 2:00/7:00 (PG) Mon,Wed, Thurs: 7:00 Fri - Sat: 6:50/9:25 Battleship Sunday: 1:50/6:50 (PG-13) Mon,Wed, Thurs: 6:50 Fri - Sat: 6:45/9:30 The Avengers Sunday: 1:45/6:45 (PG-13) Mon,Wed, Thurs: 6:45 What To Expect Fri - Sat: 6:50/9:25 When You’re... Sunday: 1:50/6:50 (PG-13) Mon,Wed, Thurs: 6:50 The McNairy County News Page 10 Thursday, May 17, 2012 COMMUNITY events From pg. 9 •White beans and cornbread dinner Adamsville Chapter No. 330, Order of the Eastern Star will be serving a white beans with ham and cornbread dinner during the Buford Pusser Festival, Friday, May 25th and Saturday, May 26th, 2012. Take out plates will be available. Plates will also be available at the Lodge Hall, 112 N. Oak Street. Complete dinner $6.00. Serving will state at 5 p.m. on Friday. Saturday serving time will start at 11 a.m. until 8 p.m. Rada Cutlery products will be available for sale. Stop by our stand for a meal, for something cold to drink, to check out the Cutlery products or just to say hello. We look forward to seeing you there. June 2nd •McNairy County Equine Association The McNairy County Equine Association show will be on June 2nd at 7 p.m. Negative Coggins required. Call 731-610-2088 or 731343-2014. The next upcoming shows will be June 30th at 7 p.m. and August 4th at 7 p.m. June 8th •Rockabilly Antique Car Show The 4th Annual Rockabilly Antique Car Show will be Saturday, June 9, 2012 from 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. in downtown Selmer, TN. This car show is for vehicles thru 1987. No one admitted before 8:30 a.m. due to 5K run. There will be no classes, no judging, everyone receives a plaque with a picture of their vehicle in front of the new 2012 Rockabilly Mural. There will be 20 Rockabilly Choice Gas Pump Trophies. For more information, call Melanie King at 731-6979149 or email for a flyer June 12th-15th •Cub Scout Day Camp Shiloh District 2012 Cub Scout Day Camp from June 12th-15th from 8:30 a.m.3 p.m. at the Selmer City Park. First day check-in on Tuesday is 8 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Theme: “Cub Scout Jedi: Scouting With The Force.” The park is located at the intersection of Hwy. 64 and Hwy. 45 in Selmer. It is also between the campuses of Selmer Elementary and Selmer Middle School. All campers, Tot Lot participants, and adults are required to turn in a completed Part A and B Annual Health Form with registration. Parent/ guardian must sign camper in/out with their Den Leader each day. Anyone arriving after 8:30 a.m. or before 3 p.m. must report to Camp Headquarters before going to Den. Do not drop camper off without checking with your Den Leader. Campers will only be released to parents unless prior, written permission is provided. For more information call Jonathan Mehr at 731-610-0512 or July 7th •AHS Class 1992 Reunion The 1992 Adamsville High School class will be having their 20th Reunion on July 7th at Uptown’s in Savannah, TN. Please call 662-869-3383 for more information. September 4th •Alaska Discovery Land and Cruise The McNairy County Senior Center presents: Alaska Discovery Land and Cruise featuring a 7-day Southbound Cruise aboard the Diamond Princess and h igh l ight s…Fa i rba n k s, Stern Wheeler Discovery, Denali National Park, Music of Denali Dinner Theater, McKinley Express Rail, Anchorage, Whittier, Hubbard Glacier, Glacier Bay, Skag way, Juneau, Ketchikan, Inside Passage, Vancouver, B.C., and Seattle, WA, Departing September 4, 2012, the 13-days adventure will include 21 meals, transportation to and from the airport, round air from Memphis International, Air taxes, fees and surcharges, port charges, hotel transfers, and lodging in Fairbanks, McK inley, A nchorage, Diamond Princess, and Seattle. For further information, brochure, and pricing contact Cindy at 632-0302. Other events or Meetings •Old photos needed Pictures are needed for the 2013 McNairy County Historical Calendar. We need good, old pictures of McNairy County before about 1940, anywhere in the county, of people, places and community functions; pictures of people and places, gone but not forgotten, showing our way of life. We prefer pictures that have not been widely circulated. Photos of people need to be at least 75% identified. The person who submits the photo that is used on the calendar front will receive a free calendar. Pictures for the 2013 calendar will be selected by a committee from the McNairy County Historical Society. All proceeds go to the Museum and historical projects. You can email your picture in jpg to nanc y wkennedy@hotmail. com or deliver a good print to the McNairy County Museum at 114 N Third St on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12 noon to 3 p.m. or mail a good print to Historical Society, POB 925-1740 Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Got money for Mother’s Day? Spend it here! Buy the Esante & get FREE software *Esante was $5,999. Software valued at $600. COME WHILE THEY LAST! Babylock Dealer •Summer Reading Jack McConnico Library, in compliance with the TN State Library and Archives, would like to announce dream big – read, our summer reading program for 2012. Calling all Big Dreamers! Plan to join us for crafts, book readings, free food, and many more fun events. The child (age 12 and under) that checks out and reads the most books from the library will receive a grand prize! No previous winners are eligible for the grand prize. Events will be June 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd at 10:30 a.m. For more information, call Library Director Norma Humphries at 731-645-5571. •Free Computer Class The Jack McConnico Library in Selmer is offering free, four sessions per person computer classes, to anyone 18 or older. Everyone is invited to come by the library to register and receive details. Classes will be taught from 5:15 to 7:15 p.m. Please call library director Norma Humphries for more info at 645-5571. •FREE computer classes The McNairy County Senior Center now has free computer classes and oneon-one training and assistance available each Tuesday and Wednesday from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Free Wi-Fi is also available for your personal use. For further information call 632-0302. •GED Classes Need a job? No High School Diploma! We can help! COME LET US GET YOU STARTED ON THE PATH TO SUCCESS! Come by the Adult Education Center at 701 Industrial Park Rd. in Selmer or call us at 731-645-5386. We will help you get your GED, improve your academic skills, enhance your employability and prepare you for higher education. •FREE Computer Classes The Irving Meek Library in Adamsville is hosting free computer classes each Tuesday and Thursday from 4 to 6 p.m. They invite all ages to attend. They will provide all levels of instruction from beginners on up to advanced. •Selmer Lions Club The Selmer Lions Club meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at the Southern Taste Restaurant in Selmer at noon. Their mission is to serve our community through providing assistance to those with vision problems. All members are urged to attend. •2012 Travel Opportunities Selmer Senior Center is offering several wonderful trips for 2012, something for everyone. May 1-5 “Ride the Rails” in West Virginia •AA Meetings AA meetings are held at Purdy Rd. & Forrest St. in Selmer on Wednesday at 8 p.m. and Saturday at 8 p.m. For more info, contact 731-439-2240, 439-2274 or Meryl Rice For State Senate Kick-off Rally With Refreshments, Music, & Speakers from 6-8 p.m. A Caravan of Supporters Will Leave the McNairy County Courthouse at 5:00 p.m. Paid For By Friends of Meryl Rice Come by Lynnfield Place and visit with Mr. Burns and listen to his music. Mr. Burns, who is 98, performed Country Western Swing Music with his band, The Ranch Boys, which included Sonny James, on WHBQ Channel 13 in Memphis. With quality care for seniors in a nurturing, home-like setting, assisted living now offers more freedom and support than ever before. •Medication Assistance •Social Activities •Nurse Supervised Staff •Nearby Medical Facilities •24 Hour Assistance •Laundry • Housekeeping Freddie Burns Lynnfield Place Assisted Living “The Next Best Thing to Home” Call Pam Durbin Hatcher Owner/Administrator at 731-646-0064 150 High School Road • Selmer, Tennessee 610-0138. Meetings are also being held at First United Methodist Church located on Hwy. 64 W. in Selmer on Monday and Thursday at 8 p.m. •Al-Anon Meetings There will be a weekly meeting of Al-Anon on every Monday evening in Savannah at the First Methodist Church on Main Street. Call 607-0008 for info. •••• Fax your events for our community calendar to 731-6457049 or e-mail them to news@ Birthday Announcement •Multiple Sclerosis Support Group McNair y & Hardin County ASK (Alive & Still Kicking) MS Support Group. If you, a family member, or a friend suffers from this unpredictable, incurable disease, join us for a time to share and learn. You aren’t alone. Sometimes talking and listening to others who share your same symptoms is the best medicine. Caregivers of MS patients are also welcome. Affiliated with the National MS Society, we meet at 6:00 p.m. on the last Tuesday of every month, at the Adamsville Senior Center, Park Ave, Adamsville, TN. For more information please call Brandi at (731) 632-0013. at Big Daddy’s Restaurant On Highway 64 in Whiteville, TN (in Piggly Wiggly shopping center) $2,599 •Community-wide Bingo at Adamsville Healthcare Adamsville Healthcare, formerly known as TriCounty, is hosting a community-wide bingo night each 3rd Tuesday of the month. The time is from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Admission is free and donations are excepted. All ages are invited. has limited space available and a deposit of $100 is due ASAP. June 1 – 3 is a trip to Renfro Valley, KY, which will include 4 fabulous shows, cost is $450. August 25-September 5 is a wonderful cruise/land tour of beautiful Alaska. More details and pricing are available upon request. October 20-26 we will be on our way to San Antonio, TX for a fun filled trip including one night in New Orleans, LA. Cost is $989 with a $100 deposit due by July 2nd. November 26-28 we will get a start on the holiday season with a trip to Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg for some fun, shows and shopping. Cost is $379 with a $100 deposit due by August 10th. For more information on any of these great trips contact Hollie Knight at 731645-7843. Thursday, May 24th Nita’s Sewing World 2003 Wayne Road, Savannah 957, Selmer, Tenn. The cutoff date for pictures is Friday, May 18, 2012. Thank you for helping us preserve McNairy County’s history. Look Who’s Turning 1 and Into Everything Jeffrey Leelynn Crews Jeffrey will celebrate his first birthday, on his actual birthday at the Selmer City Park on Sunday, May 20th at 4 p.m. Jeffrey is the son of Jimmy and Crystal Crews of Stantonville, TN. His proud grandparents are Granddaddy Randy and Grammy Melvene Crews of Dyersburg, TN and Papa Jeffery and Nana Jammie Roberson of Stantonville, TN. BRIDAL REGISTRY May 5, 2012 Wendy Gortney & Gary Wright June 9, 2012 Lisa Miller & Cody Smith June 16, 2012 Heather Owens and Tony Johnson June 30, 2012 Jennifer Brown & Chad Timbes August 11, 2012 Mary Lauren Walden & Daniel Teague BABY REGISTRY Amber Leonard (May) April Riley (June) Vine & Branches 1140 W. Court Ave. • Selmer, TN N 645-7733 James M. Hoover, DDS welcomes Dr. Heath A. Robertson Dr. Heath A. Robertson (left) is welcomed by Dr. James Hoover to his dental practice at 720 East Main Street in Adamsville (East Main Plaza). Dr. Robertson, son of Pam and Mark Robertson of the Saltillo area, is a graduate of Hardin County High School. After his undergraduate degree from Middle Tennessee State University he received his Doctor of Medical Dentistry degree from University of Alabama at Birmingham. He will be offering most dental services including fillings, extractions, root canals, gum treatment, veneers, crowns, bridges, partials, dentures, bleaching, implants and eventually orthodontics. Dr. Robertson will begin seeing patients June 18. James M. Hoover, DDS General and Cosmetic Dentistry 720 East Main Street • Adamsville, TN 38310 Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (lunch 12-1) & Friday 8 a.m.-Noon Phone 731-632-4754 The McNairy County News Thursday, May 17, 2012 Page 11 COMMUNITY North Central McNairy County Happenings By: Brenda Chapman Watkins Contributing Writer Romans 8:38-39, “ For I know that nothing can keep us from the love of God. Death cannot! Life cannot! Angels cannot! Leaders cannot! Any other power cannot! Hard things now or in the future cannot! The world above or the world below cannot! Any other living thing cannot keep us away from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord.” WOW!! Nothing going snatch you away from God’s hand, if you are a child of His! Purdy Trade Days is just nearly here. June 1-2 is the time. You will find at least one thing you’ll be interested in like; arts, crafts, food venders, flea market, yard sales and music. Also, rumor has it there may be a car/truck show, a motorcycle run and maybe a trail ride to come into town sometime during the day on Saturday. Hey, they can pull this all off; remember “Wings” came in for a landing at Joe David’s grand opening of the Purdy Store. Keep watching McNairy County News as the date nears. A mighty man and worker of God went to be with the Lord on Monday morning. Our prayers and thoughts are with the Larron King family today. His funeral will ne Thursday, May 17th at 1:00 p.m. at First Baptist Church in Selmer, TN. Mr. Smarty tells everyone he meets on the streets, that those vegetables are going to kill Brenda and he can prove it. How? Because I had open heart surgery and vegetables is all I eat. Hey, it’s been over 15 years since I had heart surgery! Just sitting here now waiting on John Ross Gage’s squash to get big enough to eat. Already had green onions and radishes from Bro. Randy. Yummy! The FFBC Youth have a project going that is going to benefit the veggie folks out here. They have planted a Community Garden under the leadership of Morris & Rena Wilson and expert guidance from John Ross. Now, isn’t that just about the bestest idea ever? Morris and Rena are wonderful youth teachers and leaders. We really appreciate all they do for the kids and with the kids. By this time next week, school will be out. Oh no!! What’re we going to do with all the “I’m bored”? Idea here! We can send then up to Randy & Tonya’s and Neal & Brenda’s. Here’s betting they’d be calling for a bus ticket home in a matter of a few days, after they work them over a day or two. Maybe they should have planted a few acres of cotton. Remember those days? Don’t much believe they would say a word about being “bored”! Smarty says what is wrong with kids these days is computers and cotton patches. Too many computers and not enough cotton patches. Smarty and son, Smarter and grandson, Smartest are breaking a young pair of mules. They are young and Bett’s going be some kind of unhappy when she finds this out! She remains on her extended stay over at Stanley & Helen’s. Really, I personally feel she and Mable have become good friends and it’s hard to leave her. Vera Reed, where have you & David been? You’ll are missing out in this muleskinning event? Seems like you need to be overseeing these guys, to make sure the new girls are treated good. Spot does not miss a trip. He loves mules MUCH better than Randy Smith! Oh, yes! The new girls’ names are Bessie & Ada. Andy says that Ada is the sweet one. Mother’s Day was another great Sunday at Forty Forks! Mr. Lloyd began the celebration with a song, “The Comfort of Her Wings”. Then Ms. Becky & the children gave every Mother/ Lady a gift. Ms. Wanda Carroll was recognized as oldest Mother, April Gantt was the youngest Mom and Helen Chambers was honored for the most children present. Jeremy Whitten ended the celebration with a piano solo, “Word of God Speak”. Jeremy is Morris and Rena Wilson’s son-in law. He is married to Holly Wilson Whitten and they have two beautiful girls, Blair & Brinley. Bro. Randy’s sermon was another biblical truth centered on Mother’s, beginning with Eve, from the book of Genesis. He spoke of how God created Eve from Adam’s side to be his helpmate and chose her to be the first mother. Randy pointed out with great emphasis that, according to God’s words and His law that marriage and procreation is between, one man and one woman! There is no other way! FFBC is so blessed to have a man of God like Bro. Randy Smith. He preaches only from The Word of God, which is the Holy Bible. Like it or not it will always be the truth! Randy will be the first one to tell you he preaches to himself, as well as the church body and sometimes it’s not easy stepping on your own toes. Thank you Randy & Becky! Bro. Randy was present when Dr. Dolan came out of the operating room and said Smarts was “weird”. Smarty had a hay-day when the cardiologist said that Randy was “abnormal”! He said Forty Forks was in bad shape if the piano player was “weird” and the preacher was “abnormal.” But praise God Bro. Randy’s test was wonderful good news! However, Dr. Dolan’s surgery fixed the piano player’s hand, just not his head! Smarty said that there might not be anything that can be done for Bro. Randy’s abnormal status, which part of it is that he don’t like mules and that is very abnormal. Rudy & Judy Moore of Finger, were spotted eating Mother’s Day, at the popular restaurant, Whisker’s Catfish, in Henderson. Whisker’s occasionally advertises with The McNairy County News. Watch for their ad! Take the time this week to call on the One that gives us hope and peace. We have the promises of the God Almighty! He will never leave us alone! NEVER! Movie Review Exciting Films Coming Soon for Movie Enthusiasts A film I am looking forward to which is just around the corner is based on the book “Savages” by Don Winslow. Winslow is a great writer using exceptional dialogue to hook the reader, and the film is directed by Oliver Stone. The story involves three friends in California in the illegal drug business. The three friends are Taylor Kitsch, Aaron Johnson, and Blake Lively. Taylor Kitsch plays an ex-seal with deadly skills. Aaron Johnson plays a college graduate who majored in Business and Botany. He is also a philanthropist. Blake Lively plays their love interest. Rumor has it Stone will return to rough and tough action he used in some of his earlier films. “The Amazing Spider Man” will be coming this summer. Spidey will probably have a huge box office audience. “The Dark Knight Rises” This may be Batman’s last adventure. However, predictions seem to think it is going to be a large box office hit. Hollywood will probably find a way to bring the Bat back. “Argo” is based on a true story on the Iran revolution in the late 70’s. The CIA teams up with Hollywood in order to travel to Iran and rescue six hostages while pretending to be filming a movie. Ben Affleck stars and directs this film. If “The Town” was a film the reader enjoyed, this may be another hit for movie goers. Affleck directed and starred in “The Town” also. This will open after the summer hits. Another one I am waiting for is “Django Unchained.” It is directed by Tarantino. I must see anything Tarantino does. His dialogue is sharp, tough, strong, and real. The conversations taking place gives the audience edge of the seat tension. The movie stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Samuel L. Jackson, Christoph Waltz, Kerry Washington, and Jamie Fox. It is set in the pre Civil War era. The film uses the Spaghetti Western theme. It means lots of shoot’em ups, plenty of fights, and strong dialogue. Basically the Spaghetti Westerns began in the 60’s with Sergio Leone. The name came from the fact most were made by Italians. Remember “The Man with No Name,” “A Fistfull of Dollars,” and “The Good The Bad and The Ugly” umm sounds familiar. Django Unchained” will be controversial because of its theme. We will probably see some very graphic and horrible scenes which unfortunately some of the events were based on truth, if what I read about it is factual. This film opens on Christmas Day. “The Bourne Legacy” We have a new Jason Bourne. Do not worry if you viewed “The Town,” the Bourne character should be up to par. Jeremy Renner played one tough guy in “The Town.” Jeremy Renner plays Jason Bourne. He convinced the audience he was the character in “The Town.” I have high hopes he will do the same in this Bourne film. Of course, I have not mentioned all of the films coming our way in the near future. We will have lots of adventure, The Next give away will be on June 28th at the new location-445 Farber St., Adamsville. CHICKSAW STATE PARK RESTAURANT 245 Lake Levee Rd. • Henderson, TN Grading scale: ✮✮✮✮✮+ - good as it gets ✮✮✮✮✮ - don’t miss ✮✮✮✮ - excellent ✮✮✮ - good ✮✮ - fair ✮ - poor no stars - don’t bother The Davis family would like to thank everyone who attended the birthday celebration for our mother Mrs. Cornelius (Corney) Davis. We also would like to thank everyone for all of the gifts and kind words. She was thrilled to see all of her old friends and family without all of you it would not have been a success again. Thank you so much. The Davis family If you die, will your family be buried in debt? Help protect your family with life insurance from Modern Woodmen of America. Call today – I can help you plan for life. C SHAWN SISK, FIC* Agent name (State) Lic. (number) PO BOX 333 Address ADAMSVILLE, TN 38310 City, State 731-438-0206 Phone Modern Woodmen email Food Give Away for the Needy in McNairy County Thursday, May 24, 2012 8:30 a.m. until all food is given away At NEW LOCATION 445 Farber St., Adamsville Corner of Farber and Walnut Street Across from the Tri-County Nursing Home and Adamsville Community Center We plan to have this program available every month, watch paper for date. Sponsored: Mid-South Food Bank and McNairy County Loaves and Fishes Terry Burns is a lifelong movie buff and is employed by the McNairy County Board of Education. He can be contacted at Thank You NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE TO QUALIFY FOR FOOD: Monthly income below $2,700 for a family of four. (Bring pay stub or Food Stamp Card) Need picture ID or Social Security Card Bring utility bill stub (showing you live in McNairy County) Only one box of food, per household or address First come, first serve until all food is given away. loud noises, fights, shootings, cartoons, comedies, drama, documentaries, science fiction, animation, and all the genres we can think about. It appears to me movie goers will have a variety of entertainment to choose from in the next several months if they so desire. See you at the movies - or not. You decide. I really think it is going to be a great year for all kinds of entertainment and escapism. Leave behind stress, backstabbing, smart remarks, negativism, or just take a break from kindness, helpfulness, positive remarks, fun, and go to the movies for more pleasurable activities, and entertainment just like you get at work. Whatever the case see ya at the movies. DIE0312 THANK YOU Joe’s Shoes to all who made our Grand Opening a success! Quality, Service & Expert Fit! 206 FILLMORE ST. • CORINTH, MS PHONE 662-286-8064 Mon.-Sat. Mon. Sat. 8:30 a a.m. to 5:30 p p.m. Sun. 1 p.m. p.m m. to 5 p.m. m “Best Catfish” “Best Choice” “Best View” Join Us For Our “All You Can Eat” Catfish Buffet with Deep Fried Catfish, White Beans, Homemade Coleslaw, Hushpuppies, French Fries, Homemade Chocolate & Peach Cobbler, Salad Bar & More. (Bev. Extra) ONLY $6.99 SATURDAY “All You Can Eat” Seafood Buffet Featuring on the Buffet, “SNOW” Crab Legs, Peel-Um & Eat-Um Shrimp, FROG LEGS, Fried Shrimp, Crayfish, Clam Strips, Fried Chicken, Hushpuppies & More! Salad Bar, Fruit Bar, all included. (Bev. extra) ONLY $16.99 SUNDAY BUFFET Served from 10:30 a.m. Sunday Brunch, Served with Five (5) Entrees, (4) or more Vegetables, Rolls, Fruit & Salad Bar. (Bev. extra) ONLY $9.99 WEEKEND SPECIALS 8 oz. Ribeye, choice of Potato & Salad Bar $9.99 WE WILL BE OPEN MEMORIAL DAY 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.!!! Hours: Fri. 4 p.m.-9 p.m. • Sat. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. • Sun. 9 a.m.-7 p.m. 731-983-0301 S i li i iin Light/Heavy Specializing h Duty Industrial Footwear •Work & Western Boots •Safety & Non-Safety Styles •Slip-On and Lace-Up •Waterproof, Insulated & Non-Insulated •Met Guard Safetyy Boots A Special Thanks to family, friends, employees and contractors who made it a success. Cold Beer Deli Sandwiches and Deli Items Groceries and Convenience Store Items 336 Gann Road • 731-645-5501 The McNairy County News Page 12 Thursday, May 17, 2012 COMMUNITY Recipes Chicken Fried Steak •3/4 cup vegetable oil •1 1/2 pounds beef round, trimmed and cut into 4 (6-ounce) pieces (butcher can do) •1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, divided •Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper •3 eggs, beaten with 2 tablespoons water •2 cups milk Add the oil to a large heavy bottomed skillet, over medium heat. Meanwhile, prepare the beef by pounding each piece to tenderize. Put 1 1/4 cups of the flour in a shallow dish and season well with salt and pepper, to taste. Add the egg mixture to a shallow dish and season with salt and pepper, to taste. Dredge the steaks in seasoned flour, shaking off any excess, then dip them in the egg mixture and back into the flour. Once oil is hot, add the steaks and fry until golden, about 3 to 4 minutes per side. Be sure to not overcrowd the pan and do in batches, if necessary. Remove the fried steaks to a paper towel lined dish and set aside. Sprinkle the remaining 1/4 cup of flour into the cooking oil and whisk until fully incorporated. Cook over medium-high heat until just slightly darker in color, about 3 minutes. While whisking, pour the milk in a slow steady stream. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer until thick, another 5 to 6 minutes. Taste the gravy for seasoning and adjust as necessary. Arrange the steaks on serving plates with the gravy spooned over the top. Enjoy immediately. Beef Stroganoff •2 pounds top sirloin roast, trimmed •Kosher salt and fresh cracked black pepper •3 tablespoons garlic infused olive oil •1 onion, chopped •2 cups good quality beef stock •1 1/2 cups sour cream Cut the beef against the grain into narrow 2-inch long strips about 1/2-inch thick. Pat dry and season with salt and pepper, to taste. In a large saute pan, heat 2 tablespoons of the infused olive oil over medium-high heat. Add the prepared beef and brown on all sides, about 3 to 5 minutes. Remove the meat from the pan and set aside. Add another tablespoon oil to saute pan, if needed, and add the onions. Cook until light golden, stirring and adding 1/4 cup of beef stock to deglaze the pan. Stir in the remaining beef stock and the beef with any resting juices back to the skillet and simmer for 10 minutes. Stir in the sour cream and just heat f Adamsville Cub Scout Pack participate in soap box derby through, do not boil. Taste for seasoning and adjust, as necessary. Transfer the stroganoff to a serving platter and serve. Baked Pork Chops in OnionSour Cream Gravy •4 -6 pork chops •1 tablespoon flour •1 (1 1/4 ounce) package Lipton Onion Soup Mix •2 1/4 cups boiling water •1 cup sour cream Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Brown chops and move to a 9x13 baking dish. Leave 1 tablespoon drippings in pan. Add to pan the flour and onion soup mix. Blend in water. Pour over chops in baking dish. Cover with foil and bake for 30 minutes. Uncover and continue to bake for another 30 minutes. Remove pan from oven. Remove chops from pan to serving dish and then add in the sour cream to the liquid in the pan to make gravy. Serve immediately. Serve with potatoes or noodles. Photo submitted Pack 234 Spring Cub-o-ree attendees celebrate their first place victory in the soap box derby competition with a trophy. Adamsville Cub Scout Pack 234 soap box derby racers bested the competition from other packs in the Shiloh District to be the Spring 2012 Cub-o-ree champions at the recent wild-west themed weekend camp experience at Horse Creek Wildlife and Animal Sanctuary, Savannah. Each light-weight soap box car was pushed by four scouts while another manned the interior of the craft. Trophies were awarded for first, second, third places and best of show. Selmer Pack 32 wins Mullins earns Modern Shiloh District Pack Woodmen scholarship of the Year 2011 Chocolate Cherry Pie •3/4 cup dried cherries •2 cups boiling water •3-1/2 cups chocolate ice cream, softened •3/4 cup miniature semisweet chocolate chips •1 chocolate crumb crust (9 inches) •Hot fudge ice cream topping and maraschino cherries, optional Place dried cherries in a small bowl; cover with boiling water. Let stand for 5 minutes; drain. In a large bowl, combine the ice cream, chocolate chips and cherries. Spread into crust. Cover and freeze until firm. Slice; drizzle each piece with fudge topping and garnish with a maraschino cherry if desired. Wonton Kisses •24 milk chocolate kisses •24 wonton wrappers •Oil for frying •Confectioners’ sugar Place a chocolate kiss in the center of a wonton wrapper. (Keep remaining wrappers covered with a damp paper towel until ready to use.) Moisten edges with water; fold opposite corners together over candy kiss and press to seal. Repeat. In an electric skillet, heat 1 in. of oil to 375°. Fry wontons for 2-1/2 minutes or until golden brown, turning once. Drain on paper towels. Dust with confectioners’ sugar. Visit the McNairy County News on Facebook! Thanks to our 6,370+ fans for making us McNairy County’s most popular newspaper. Will $255 Photo by Bryan Huff Alan Youngerman Shiloh District executive, Dan Way Committee Chariman, Johnathan Mehr Cub Master. APSU Awards Degrees To Students From McNairy County Area Austin Peay State University hosted its 83rd Spring Commencement ceremony on Friday, May 4, in the campus’ Dunn Center. More than 1,000 students were awarded degrees, including the following individuals from the McNairy County area: • Jessica N. Wilson, bachelor of science. THE SMOKEHOUSE Bar-B-Que & Grill Tues.-Thurs. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. • Fri.-Sat. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Closing Tuesday, May 8th as we make our move to our new location 224 N. Maple (Morgan Plaza) ANNOUNCING OUR OPENING DATE VERY SOON! Check us out on Facebook for more new items & prices! 224 N. Maple, Adamsville • 632-1440 This VBS is something worth roaring about! Join us in Babylon, where we’ll explore what life was like for Daniel and his friends, captives in a strange land. You’ll craft cool projects in the Marketplace, laugh as you play Bible-times games, visit with Daniel, and eat some interesting food. Plus, you’ll meet lots of new friends! pay for f r yo fo y your ur funeral? Funerals can cost more than $10,000. Social Security only pays $255. Help protect your family with life insurance from Modern Woodmen of America. Call today – I can help you plan for life. Darren Bowers, FIC Agent name (State) (number) TN Lic.Lic. #1001517 Address 109 N. 3rd St. City, State Selmer, TN 38375 Phone (731) 610-3909 Modern Woodmen email FUN0312 Craig Mullins has been awarded a $500 educational award in a national competition with other students who are members of Modern Woodmen of America. Modern Woodmen, a fraternal benefit society offering financial services, has local representatives and is based in Rock Island, Ill. Mullins, the son of Randy and Nicole Mullins, of Ramer, plans to use the grant to attend the University of Memphis. He is one of 100 grant winners chosen this year. During the past 40 years, Modern Woodmen has committed millions of dollars in financial assistance to hundreds of students through its Fraternal Scholarship Program. Applications for the 2012-2013 Scholarship Program will be taken in the fall of 2012. Founded in 1883 as a fraternal benefit society, Modern Woodmen of America offers financial services and fraternal member benefits to individuals and families throughout the United States. Local Modern Woodmen representative Floyd D. Mangrum can be reached at 731-645-9557. Unity Baptist Church 825 Unity Church Rd., Ramer, TN May 20th - May 23rd 6 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. For ages g 3 to 6th ggrade For more information call 662-415-8405 The McNairy County News Thursday, May 17, 2012 Page 13 CAMPUS BSES Students Pull for The Memorial erected to honor Ronald McDonald House Cheyenne Henderson Photo submitted Pictured is Mrs. Linda Dennie’s Second Grade Class with the pop tabs that they have collected this school year. Submitted by: Christie Roach BSES Campus Reporter Bethel Springs Elementary School students are participating in the Pop Tab program to support the Ronald McDonald House. The little, seemingly insignificant tab you pull to open your alumi- num cans helps the Ronald McDonald House provide a safe and comfortable place families can call “home” while their children recover in nearby hospitals. The Pop Tab program is an environmentally smart, community friendly program which focuses on separating the pull tab from the aluminum beverage cans. The tab Photos submitted This is the memorial the sixth grade has erected at the elementary school in memory of Cheyenne Henderson, their classmate who died in a house fire. They held a dedication ceremony last Friday. is a higher grade of aluminum than the can, resulting in higher dollar return per pound of cans. The pop tabs are recycled and the proceeds go directly to families in need who are staying at the house. Anyone and everyone can collect pop tabs! It’s easy, fun, and a great project for schools and community groups. Rotary Scholarships presented Karen Lange, President of The Selmer Rotary Club, presented Rotary Scholarships to outstanding students at both McNairy County High Schools! The Selmer Rotary Club is proud of the entire 2012 graduating class! We wish them well with their post-secondary education and future endeavors! Photo submitted Rotary Club President Karen Lange (center) presented Rotoary scholarships to AHS seniors Chelsea Franks (left) and Victoria Johnson (right). Knight earns full scholarship to MTSU Brianne Knight, a graduate of Adamsville JR/SR High School is the recipient of the Adamsville Alumni, Mary Lou Johnson, Simon & Lessie Bell, & TN Hope Lottery scholarships valued at $21,250 collectively. She was also recently selected to receive the DREAM Scholarship from Middle TN State University. As an award winner of the DREAM scholarship, Brianne will receive full tuition coverage up to 15 semester hours in addition to $1,000 per year. This tuition paid scholarship will be renewable for each year of her undergraduate studies up to eight semesters, depending on academic requirements. Recipients were selected for the scholarship based on Tennessee residency, academic requirements, financial need, and contribution to the diversity of the university. Brianne was also eligible to receive the Presidential Scholarship valued at $24,000 for four years at Martin Methodist College. She will attend MTSU. Congrats, Brianne! We are very proud of your accomplishments and wish you the best as you embark on your journey to pursue your dreams. Love, your family & friends Photo submitted Rotary scholarship recipients at MCHS were, (L to R): Sarah Beth Stephens, Haley Forsythe (awarded the Dudley Richard Memorial Scholarship), Holly Henson & Norlecia Harris. Selmer Elementary announces honor list Ethan Replogle Chasity Simmons Elijah Staggs Emma Stewart Maggie Whitaker 4th Grade Principal’s List Sloan Atkinson Clara Bodiford John Cox Katie Crowe Will Deaton Keaton Gray Tucker Gray Allie King Tanner Parmley Danielle Pigg Allison Roberts Emma Tull Owen Vandiver Rebecca Woodruff Tori York Colton Judd Kailee King Mason Latham Houston McCullar Tyler Mullins Honor Roll Aidan Buck Brandon Carroll Jordan Carroll Hailey Dotson Nate Garrett Cierra Hill Lindsay Henderson Tyler Hughes Skylar Jeanes Welding Machine & Torch Repair BSES Promotes Child Abuse Prevention Photo submitted Pictured are Lynnlee Brown, Anita Graves, and Amber Burney. Submitted by: Christie Roach BSES Campus Reporter Character Counts sponsored a Pinwheels for Prevention coloring contest during April for Child Abuse Prevention Month. First and second graders attending Bethel Springs Elementary colored and designed pinwheels for prevention because it should not hurt to be a child. Lynnlee Brown’s pinwheel was selected as first place from the first graders. Amber Burney’s pinwheel received first place from the second graders. Winners received a gift bag with prizes including a pinwheel. Michie announces Valedictorian and Co-Salutatorians Photo submitted Michie School is proud to announce the 8th grade Valedictorian and Co-Salutatorians for 2011-2012. The Valedictorian is Grayson Chandler, and Robin Moore and Madelynn Lynch share the honor of Salutatorian. Congratulations to these three outstanding students. GARY’S GOLD, GUNS & PAWN oung Welding Supply, Inc. 460 Pinhook • Savannah, TN 38372 Phone 925-6700 • 925-3864 Nights Open Monday - Friday • 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. WE DELIVER!!! Welding Supplies • All Welding & Industrial Gases Helium • Propane • Fire Extinguisher Service Paying TOP DOLLAR for GOLD! 22 SKYLINE DR. • SELMER, TN (on the hill across from the car wash) 731-645-7080 The McNairy County News Page 14 Volume 07 Member of the Tennessee High School Press Association Thursday, May 17, 2012 Issue 72 May 16, 2012 AWARDS DAY Math English The PawPrint is a publication of the McNairy Central High School Journalism Department. The views and opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of the administration, faculty or staff. EDITOR Rachel Burns REPORTERS Holly Henson Aaron Friend Katie Boggs ADVISER Lisa Forsythe Algebra I Cassidy Ashe, Carrie Clausel, Algebra I Honors Chase Smith, Geometry Mason Ruby, Algebra II Brian Thacker, Algebra II Honors Joey Bakeer, Advanced Algebra Brittney Kirk, Math Kayla Barber UPCOMING EVENTS: Physical Education May 9 •LAST Day to turn in picture orders English I Auburn Pickens, English I Honors Chase Smith, English II Elizabeth Beene, English II Honors Mason Ruby, English III Deven Graham, English III Honors Joey Bakeer, Communication for Life Hannah Godfrey, AP / Dual Credit English Sarah Hunter, English - Hunter Burns, TCAP Writing Score of 6 Cheyanne Honey May 10 •Senior Banquet 6:00 May 16 Science •Graduation Practice 11:15 •Girls Basketball Tryouts May 18 •Graduation 7:00 PM May 21 •Summer School starts Lifetime Wellness Trudy Berryman, Will Latham Personal Fitness Joey Sanders, Driver’s Education Autumn Locke Social Studies FOREIGN LANGUAGE Spanish I Matt Chandler, Clay Dancer, Spanish II Kaitlyn Boggs, Aaron Friend SCIENCE Biology I Ian Jobe, Nathan Mizzell, Biology II Autumn Locke, Chemistry I Jacie King. Chemistry II Jennifer Naillon, Physical Science Jacob Mullins, Physics Craig Mullins, Environmental Science Brandon Thurman World History Xavier Prather, World Geography Ramon Pineda, American History Lane Brewer, Kennith Reed Humanities Award Stuart Littlejohn, U. S. Government Molly George, Economics Jacie King Foreign Language Career-Technical Education CAREER-TECHNICAL Agriculture Julie Smith, Ag Mechanics Grant Saum, Carpentry Zach Holmes, Clinical Internship Kasey Kennedy. Family Consumer Science Brittney Kirk, Collision Repair Matthew Thurmond, Computer Application Kassy Brush Career-Technical Education CAREER-TECHNICAL Interior Design Lidia Sosa, Welding Madison Twitty, JTG Lydia Childers, Engineering Josh Schueller, Medical Therapeutics Sarah Beth Stephens, Marketing Angela McBride, , Web Design Samantha Russell Fine Arts Art Molly Weatherford, Choir Kayla Carnagey, Hannah Weatherford, Band Jerry Emmons, All State Honor Band Jerry Emmons Modern Woodmen Aaron Friend, Presented by John Friend, Joey Bakeer Summer School Information Credit Recovery & Make-Up Time May 21 - June 08, 2012 7:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Project Catch-Up May 29 - June 04, 2012 7:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Handbooks & Registration Forms are located in Guidance. 45 $2 75 ale $4 25 e$ 0 lux Wood urio Arm us c Re hoc clin Reg ola ers . $1 te l in 779 eat her Sa l 9 x, D mE C, A ,M isco ver s to 1 2m Cas onth h W s Sa AC. me Vis a a • Up nB $ 1 ner 9 95 $ s 29 95 ags ecli die R Kid Bea 9 19 le $ 9 27 le $ Sa 5D raw Cor er Wo al, W od hite Ches Reg . $7 Colo t, Blu 79 rs. e Rec Tape line ste rs, A ry W sso ing Reg c h o . $1 ose rted F Back 099 from abr ics t Sa o e$ 25 0 v cheit Quee all-w Mir st, Dr en Pa ood Reg ror, 3 edsser wnel BOe ak Be . $3 466 rawer inthi Ladn,d5drdawroom Sa ghtstascapeer le $ nd Casabella D Tabark Br 5pc le w own Pub ith fin set Reg 4 w ish . $5 ood ped 79 bar esta stoo l Sa ls le $3 89 9 Win h Ric gBa h, a ck R sso ecl Reg r t ed iner . $6 col 29 o rs S pa c S e$ a le $ 10 Lea e Save 99 t 13 Reg asso her Re r Reclin 9 . $1 c r e l 399 ted c iner, r M Sa olors Su assi l Ash R e clin ley Se 19 ers ctio 9 R and nal eg. $ Con , 2 206 sole 9 Sa l e$ (Store Closed Early Wednesday To Prepare!) Oak Wh 2Dra ite we 1D rn raw igh Reg er N tsta . $1 igh nd o tsta r 89 nd S • Ma Cash, ste Ch ec rc •up to 1 Disc ard, k, V is 2 m ov ont er Ame a, hs s Ex r am pr ican e e WA as ca ss C s Clearance Center Sof Sw t i also burgu vel Ro glid ndy ckers Reg es a leat ! . $1 nd her 209 r Sa eclinesthat le e$ le $ 29 9 uri ous Sle Che igh rry Reg F u . $5 ll or bed i Finish 49 Q ue n S a en Lux 2wa pat y Recl 79 tern ine 9 Re s an rs In g. $ d R asso 739 ich rte colo d Sa rs l Ash Deeley 3p Mic p Ch c Liv rofi oco ing be l R Reg . $1 Rr, Sofaa,te or Moom Su 727 eclin Lov och it Sa er eseat a l & Thursday, May 17, 2012 The McNairy County News Page 15 Clearance Center Casabella LOCATED BEHIND CASBELLA FURNITURE 662-665-9965 CORINTH, MS The McNairy County News Page 16 Thursday, May 17, 2012 SPORTS Congiardo advances to state AHS’ Gean & Wilson are region runner-ups Coach Michael Harvill and three of his Lady Cardinal tennis players traveled to Memphis on Monday for Region 8A-AA tennis competition. Adamsville’s Darby Congiardo competed in the singles competition while Allie Gean and Maddie Wilson took part in doubles. In her opening match, Congiardo defeated Angeleane Blue of Memphis Middle College; 6-3, 6-1. The win set up a rematch with Alice Nelson of Sacred Heart who had beaten her for the district title the week before. Congiardo had her game on Monday as she defeated Nelson 6-3, 3-6, 6-1 to win the region title and advance to the state tournament in Photo by Tom Evans Darby Congiardo will be the first Lady Cardinal in the history of the school to advance to the state tournament. Murfreesboro next week. In doubles action, Gean and Wilson got a win in their opening match over Pleas and Daniels of Middle College; 6-0, 6-0, setting a rematch of the district championship match with Julea Tignor and Kennedy Brookefield of TCA. Tignor and Brookefield prevailed again as they won the match; 6-1, 6-3 to claim the region title and advance to the state tournament. “I can’t say enough about the girls and what they were able to accomplish this year,” said Coach Michael Harvill. “I am very proud of them. Maddie and Allie have a bright future ahead of them in tennis, and they are just freshmen. Now we are going to try to get Darby ready for state. She is the first girl in Adamsville tennis history to make it to state, so this is very special. She’s had a great year and now we want to take it to a state level.” Darby will open the state tournament against the Region 2 champion next Thursday at noon. Matches will be played at Old Fort Community Park tennis courts in Murfreesboro. Good Luck, Darby! Photo by Tom Evans Adamsville’s Maddie Wilson (top) and Allie Gean (above) were district and region runner-ups in doubles. Bobcats win district & region MCHS one win from state berth It took the McNairy Central Bobcats a long time to finally win another district championship, but they got it done last Thursday night at South Side as they defeated Lexington 3-1. The last district title for the Bobcats came way back in 1987. The Bobcats topped that one on Wednesday when they captured their first region championship in school history as they rallied to beat Covington 8-6 after trailing 5-1 going into the fifth. With the win, they improved to 28-10-1 on the season, another school first for most wins in a season. The previous record was 26. The Bobcats will host Memphis Fairley on Friday at 1 p.m. and a win will put them in the state tournament, which would set anoth- er record because the Bobcats have never made it to state. “I’m proud of the guys and the way they are playing right now,” said Coach Brian Franks. “I think we’ve got the whole community excited and pulling for us.” The win over Covington on Wednesday was huge as it gave the Bobcats a home game in sub-state action on Friday. The score was tied 1-1 after two innings of play. Covington went on to take a 5-1 lead in the third. In the fifth the Bobcats came alive and plated 5 runs to go up 6-5. They plated 2 more runs in the sixth to lead 8-5. Covington got a leadoff homer to open the seventh, but the Bobcat defense and pitcher Dakota Roden closed the door and the celebration began. “We just have to keep playing like we’re playing and take it one game at a time,” See BoBCATS, Pg. 17 Photo by Tom Evans The Bobcat baseball team is pictured after winning the Region 7-AA Championship on Wednesday afternoon following an 8-6 come-from-behind win over Covington. This was the first region championship in school history. Loss to TCA ends Cardinals’ season AHS finished 18-16-1 The Adamsville Cardinals watched their season come to an end last Thursday night with a 9-5 loss to Trinity Christian Academy in the District 15-A Tournament at TCA. The Cardinals fell behind 5-0 in the first two innings and could not recover. “This was a disappointing conclusion to our season as we felt we had a great shot to get back to region and state,” said Coach Steven Lambert. “Our defense, which had been pretty good all year let us down in this game. We had 4 errors, 3 of them with two outs and we gave up 6 unearned runs. Hats off to Drew Griswell who came in to pitch in the third and held TCA in check to give us MCHS’ Chandler signs with Bethel College Photo by Tom Evans Adamsville’s Kasey Hurley (5) turned in a great pitching performance but it wasn’t enough to get past Riverside on Wednesday night in the District 15-A tournament at TCA. Photo by Tom Evans Pictured with Blake are his parents Tracey and Teresa Chandler. Standing in back are, from left to right: Bobcat Assistant Coach Ken Hutcherson, Bobcat Head Coach Brian Franks, Bethel College Head Coach Rusty Thompson, Bethel Assistant Will Cripps, Blake’s brother Matt, and grandfather Merle Dancer. McNairy Central’s Blake Chandler will take his baseball talents to the college level in the fall after signing a scholarship with Bethel College in McKenzie on Wednesday. Chandler was recruited as a pitcher for the Wildcats. He is currently 6-3 on the season with 1 save and has an ERA of 1.71. At the plate, he is hitting .362 with 33 RBIs and 18 doubles. “Blake is a great player, a great person, and he will be a great addition to Bethel’s team,” said Coach Brian Franks. “He’s made some big plays for us this season and has been a great senior leader.” Bethel head coach Rusty Thompson, a former standout at Hardin County, said he was excited to sign a player with Chandler’s ability. “Blake can step in and help us right away,” said Coach Thompson. “We’re really excited that he chose to become a Wildcat.” Bethel College, which is located in McKenzie is a member of the NAIA. Congratulations Blake! a chance to rally. I’m proud that we fought back, but we just couldn’t catch up. TCA is a good young team that made several big defensive plays to stop us.” The Cardinals suffered their first loss in the tournament the previous night when the dropped a 5-0 decision to Riverside, last year’s Class A State Champions. The game was scoreless until the fifth when Riverside put 5 runs across the plate. “We wasted a great pitching performance by Kasey Hurley,” stated Coach Lambert. “Kasey pitched great and we played great defense, but just couldn’t do anything with our bats.” The Cardinals finish the season with an overall record of 18-16-1. Riverside Cardinals 5 0 Neither team scored for the first four and a half innings. Riverside finally got going in the bottom of the fifth when they plated 5 runs. The Cardinals were unable to score and managed only 2 base hits for the game. Josh Chappell and Montell Johnson each had a single for Adamsville’s only hits. Kasey Hurley was the tough-luck loser on the mound. TCA Cardinals 9 5 In a win or go home game the Cardinals allowed TCA 2 See CARDS, Pg. 17 The McNairy County News Thursday, May 17, 2012 Page 17 SPORTS Selmer Unified Soccer Awards banquet Cards From pg. 16 runs in the top of the first and 3 in the second to fall behind 5-0. TCA added 4 more runs in the fifth to up their lead to 9-0. Adamsville finally got a run in the sixth to make it 9-1 and then picked up 4 in their final at bat to make the final score 9-5. Errors hurt the Cardinals as they made 4 for the game and three of those came with two outs. They also stranded six runners. Jalen Kendall was the losing pitcher. Jacob Wallis was 1 for 3 with a home run and an RBI. He scored twice. John Reed Odom went 1 for 3 with 2 RBIs. Jalen Kendall was 1 for 3 with a run scored and an RBI. Hunter McSwain went 1 for 3 and scored a run. Kasey Hurley was 1 for 4 and scored a run. Photo by Gina Lamberth Pctured are, from left to right: Hayse Barnes, Evan Lamberth, Dalton Allen, JD Farner, Edgar Macias, Anthony Wheeler, Luke Glover, Gage Baker, Tyler Johnson, and Cody Moore. Back row: Coach Alek Floyd, Allen Bright, Cade Suggs, Giovanni Fucito, Lorenzo Clark, Hayden Smith, Paker Wheeler, and Jesse Magill. Selmer Unified Soccer held their awards banquet at Selmer Middle School on Thursday, May 10th. Receiving awards were: Photo by Tom Evans Cardinal catcher Hunter McSwain (19) chases a low and outside ball. First year letterman awards: Tyler Johnson, Cody Moore, Hayse Barnes, J D Farner, Dalton Allen, Gage Baker. Rookie of the year: Evan Lamberth Never Back down: Luke Glover Most Improved: Cade Suggs Best Hustle: Anthony Whitaker Most Versatile: Lorenzo Clark Best goal keeper : Jesse Magill Best offensive player: Hayden Smith Best defensive player: Allen Bright 3rd year player Most Aggressive: Edgar Macias Best Throw-in: Parker Wheeler MVP: Giovanni Fucito Advertise in the McNairy County News! Call 645-7048. D-K Mfg. & Construction & Culverts Bobcats From pg. 16 said Coach Franks. “We have the talent to do it and we’re playing some good baseball right now. Our goal was to win the state championship and with one more win we’ll have a chance to get to Murfreesboro and see if we can do it.” District Championship Bobcats 3 Lexington 1 With Lexington needing to beat the Bobcats twice to win the District 14-AA title the Bobcats made some noise early as they scored 2 runs in the first inning. Lexington had the bases loaded in the first with one out, but Dakota Roden struck out the next two batters to end the threat. Lexington finally scored a run in the third, but the Bobcats answered to build a 3-1 lead. That would be the final runs of the game as the Bobcats held on to win 3-1.Lexington got a base runner on a walk in the seventh and brought the tying run to the plate, but Dakota Roden struck out the next batter to end the game. Roden went the distance, giving up 5 hits and striking out 7. Austin Gafford went 2 for 3 with a double and 2 RBIs. Blake Chandler went 1 for 3. Dakota Roden had an RBI on a sacrifice fly. Region First Round Bobcats 4 Dyersburg 0 The Bobcats got some early momentum in the bottom of the first when they scored 2 runs with two outs. Blake Chandler singled and Dakota Roden reached on an error. Austin Gafford followed with a double to right-center that scored courtesy runner Jacob Mullins and Roden. Craig Mullins then followed with a double that scored Roden to make it 3-0. The game stayed 3-0 until the bottom of the sixth, when the Bobcats added an insurance run. Matt Chandler scored on a bases loaded walk to put the Cats up 4-0. Dyersburg led off the top of the seventh with a base hit, but pitcher Blake Chandler was able to get the next three batters and the Bobcats began their celebration. Chandler went the distance striking out 5 and allowing just 3 hits. He didn’t walk a batter. Brady Dancer went 2 for 2. Matt Chandler was 1 for 2 and scored a run. Austin Gafford was 1 for 3 with a double and 2 RBIs. Craig Mullins went 1 for 3 with an RBI double. Marcus Nash went 1 for 4. Dakota Roden had an RBI. EVEREADY AUTO PARTS 624 Mulberry Avenue • Selmer, TN 38375 731-645-5304 or 731-645-6604 Family Owned & Operated Since 1947. Motor Treatment for gas and diesel engine Save the life of your mower, tiller, etc. by adding SeaFoam to your fuel! Photo by Bryan Huff Austin Gafford (27) drove in 2 runs with a 2-out double against Dyersburg. * Fuel Stabilizer * Dries Fuels and Oils * Frees Lifters - Rings * Carbon Cleaner * Upper Cylinder Lube * De-Icer Anti Gel $6.49 12”-96” • 20 ft. - 30 ft. length • All Sizes Available ALSO: Backhoe, Dozer & Trackhoe Work, Metal Carports, Buildings & Garages Delivery Anytime - Day or Night Michie, TN • 731-239-9405 • 731-645-2549 Moss Miller, Inc. in Henderson Michael Fox Michael Invites All His McNairy & Hardin County Friends To Stop By And Let Him Help You With A Nice Pre-Owned Car, Truck, or SUV. 731-438-1088 Cell 731-989-9500 Office M&M Body Shop 24 Hour Wrecker Service 3926 Hwy. 45 S. Selmer, TN 731-645-5353 4-Wheel Alignments Insurance Claims Welcome! UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT NEW KITCHEN CABINETS ADAMSVILLE MINI STORAGE Available immediately at our modern manufacturing plant. 719 E. Main • Adamsville, TN 731-632-4646 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. • Sat. 8 a.m.-12 noon Sun. by appointment only No llong wait and d we can fix any ki kitchen h or b bath. h JIMMY HOWELL JUSTIN HOWELL We also stock a large number of counter top colors and styles for your convenience. 1303 W. Market Street • Bolivar, TN SMITH CABINET SHOP HOWELL INSURANCE AGENCY Since 1991 Trained personnel to assist with your plans. 1505 South Fulton Dr. • Corinth, MS 662-287-2151 (731)658-4982 “For All Your Insurance Needs” Auto • Home • Life • Health • Commercial Give us a call for your FREE quote! C11,12,13,14F Photo Submitted Selmer Unified team member Evan Lamberth (26) tries to chase down the ball in recent soccer action. Lamberth was named Rookie of the Year at the awards banquet 5x10 - $25.00 • 10x15 - $45.00 10x10 - $35.00 • 10x20 - $55.00 $15.00 1st Month - Any Unit! Check out our move in specials The McNairy County News Page 18 Thursday, May 17, 2012 SPORTS AHS’ Lambert stepping down Adamsville High School baseball coach Steven Lambert has decided to step down as the Cardinals head baseball coach, but will continue to teach at the school. Lambert has been head coach since 2000 and has compiled an overall record of 230-233-1 in his twelve seasons. His teams have won a region championship (2006) and advanced to the state tournament in 2010. The Cardinals have made three sub-state appearances during his tenure. Coach Lambert says he decided to step down to spend more time with his family and also due to some health concerns for his father, who recently had a stroke, and his mother-in-law, who is battling cancer. “I want to thank the AHS administration for their support over the years and to all the businesses who have supported us financially,” said Coach Lambert. “And a special thanks to all the players and parents I’ve had the opportunity to be associated with over the years.” You Can Play Better Golf Common Swing Faults - 12 Photo by Tom Evans Adamsville’s Steven Lambert is stepping down after 12 years as head baseball coach. Brother and sister both bag bucks This week we will address the final swing fault in our series. Commonly known as “Chicken Winging”, the lead arm breakdown during the downswing causes a number of undesirable results when present in a golfers swing. The arm closest to the target at address is known as the lead arm. This arm creates the swing plane and the width of the swing. Chicken Winging is a loss of extension or breakdown of that arm through the impact zone. This fault causes a dramatic loss of power and speed during the swing as well as creating severe pain in the golfers elbow joint. The fault is present if there is any evidence of the elbow leading the wrist at impact. Additionally, we can diagnose the fault by watching the arm extension through impact looking for a nice “V” shape pointing at the target right after impact. Common physical causes of this fault lie in the strength of the lead arm and the flexibility of the lead shoulder. Any loss of flexibility in this joint will force the golfer to compensate by allow- Photo Submitted Jim Merry, PGA - TPI CGFI ing the lead arm joint to break down. We also know that improper sequencing during the downswing will lead to Chicken Winging. If the golfer is making an over the top motion with the golf club, the golfer is often forced to breakdown the lead arm to compensate for the forces of the club swinging across the target line. Improve this motion and the Chicken Wing will go away too. Chicken Winging is a fault that will rob you of precious speed and distance. If you feel like you are fighting a left arm breaking down at impact, please email me at pgajim@ or give me a call at 731-925-0439 and I will help you play better golf! $ SAVE MONEY! $ We can put your ad in front of thousands of potential customers each week for less money! Call 645-7048. $ SAVE MONEY! $ Photo Submitted Evan Lamberth killed his deer while hunting in Purdy last Fall. He was shooting a .243. Photo Submitted Amelia Lamberth killed her deer last Fall while hunting on Hines Gin Road. She was shooting a 30-30. Michie team wins tournament Photo Submitted The Michie 7 and 8 year olds Dixie Youth Baseball team won the 4th Annual King of the Mountain Coach Pitch Tournament in Iuka, MS on May 12, 2012. Pictured are, front row, left to right: Aidan Klitzke and Bryson Terry. Second row: Vance Malone, Bryson Harris, Dylan Malone, Jacob Driskell, and Cole Denton. Third row: Taylor Lumpkin, Colton Riggan, Layne Glenn, and Shane Helton. Back row: Coaches Jeremy Glenn, David Terry, Nick Malone, Josh Malone and Wayne Lumpkin (not pictured). TENNESSEE RIVER LOTS impson & S impson S Paul Simpson General Practice of Law Free office consultation. No Attorney Fee on Social Security Claims unless benefits are recovered Open Monday - Friday • 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 108 North Third St., Selmer • 731-645-3366 Not certified as civil or criminal trial specialist by the TN Commission on continuing legal education and specialization TN River Lots!! Tennessee River RV / Camper Lots For Sale White Oak Landing, TN Riverfront $17,500, Creek-front $12,500 City water, Power, Paved Roads, Boat Ramp, Privacy Gate all available. Soil suitable for septic. Located between Clifton and Linden off of Hwy 128. Please call 731-549-4119, 731-847-6391, or 731-614-0634. See Thursday, May 17, 2012 The McNairy County News Page 19 SPORTS Players receive post-season awards SidelineS •Cardinal Football Camp May 21st – 24th The annual Cardinal Football Camp for boys entering grades 4-8 is scheduled for May 21st – 24th at AHS. Mark your calendars! Instructors will include Cardinal coaches and former players. There will be individual instruction and also punt, pass, and kick competitions. Also, the Cardinal summer weight lifting program will begin on May 21st. •Lady Bobcat Softball Camp May 22nd – 25th MCHS head softball coach Mellanie Surratt will hold her “FUNdamental” camp for girls entering grades 2 thru 4 on May 22nd thru 25th from 9 a.m. until noon at the Lady Bobcat softball field. The “Elite” camp for girls entering grades 5 thru 8 will be held on May 22nd thru May 24th from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. each day. Cost is $40 if registered by May 17th and $45 if registered after that date. Send your check to Coach Mellanie Surratt, 3657 Charlie Pounds Rd., Stantonville, TN 38379. Several local players in softball, baseball, and soccer were recognized for their outstanding season both on the field and in the classroom. Congratulations to Baseball: the following MCHS Bobcat District 14AA and AHS players. South Division Archive Photo Archive Photo Dakota Roden: District 14AA South Player of the Year. Austin Gafford: AllDistrict & All-Tournament. •Lady Cardinal Softball & Basketball Camps May 29th – June 1st AHS head softball and basketball coach Todd McGee will hold softball and basketball camps on Tuesday, May 29th thru Friday, June 1st for girls entering grades 1 thru 8. Softball camp will run from 9 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Basketball camp will run from 1 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. Cost for one camp is $35 and includes a t-shirt. Cost for both camps is $65 and one t-shirt or $75 for two t-shirts. Mail your check to Coach Todd McGee, 1320 Rich Rd., Savannah, TN 38372. •Lady Bobcat Basketball Camp June 11th – 13th Coach Jerry Lott will hold his annual Lady Bobcat Basketball Camp on June 11, 12, & 13 for girls entering grades 3 – 9. Grades 3 -5 will meet from 8:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. and grades 6 – 9 will meet from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Cost is $45. To register call Coach Lott at 645-7673. Archive Photo Archive Photo Blake Chandler: AllDistrict & All-Tournament. Craig Mullins: All-District & All Tournament. Cardinal Baseball: District 15A Kasey Hurley: All-District Archive Photo Marcus Nash: All-District. Archive Photo Jonathan District. Nixon: All- •Cardinal Basketball & Team Root Hoops Camp June 11th – 14th Adamsville men’s basketball coach Nathaniel Root will hold a Summer Hoops Camp on June 11 – 14 for boys and girls entering grades K – 8th. Cost is $25 and instructors will be Nathaniel Root, Earl Barron (NBA), Duane Erwin (Europe League), Steven Price, Will Barkley, Greg Martin, and Tim Campbell. Each camper will receive a t-shirt. There will be individual instruction, skills competition, and take-home instructional material. Grades K – 4 boys and girls will meet from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m. and boys and girls grades 5 – 8 will meet from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. You can register the first day of camp. Archive Photo The Selmer Parks and Recreation Department will be holding Summer Camp again this year during the month of June only. The camp will begin at 7 a.m. until 5 p.m. each day. The fee will be $50.00 for the week, or $12.00 for daily campers. Fee will include snack and lunch each day. Camp will begin June 4. If interested come by the Selmer Community Center and fill out a form. There will be a limited amount of United Way support if you qualify. Compare the ad rates, compare the circulation, compare the quality and you’ll see why The McNairy County News is the CLEAR choice! River City Concrete •Design Team Relay for Life Golf Tournament • Radio Dispatched Trucks Archive Photo Jacob Wallis: All-District •After School Golf PGA professional Jim Merry is now offering spring classes at Fox Chase Golf Course near Counce. Juniors of all ages and abilities are encouraged to join in and learn the FUNdamentals of golf. Contact Jim at 731925-0439 for details and registration information. •Pick a Partner Bass Tournament If you love fishing in the Great Outdoors, join us for a brand new event benefiting Shelby Farms Park and Greenline! Spend a weekend on beautiful Pickwick Lake for a great cause. Our “pick a partner” bass fishing tournament will feature exciting giveaways and a chance to win a huge cash prize! First place $10,000 guaranteed; 2-25th place based on field; $500 Big Fish prize each day; Win a fishing trip with Bill Dance. Vendor booths will be available, both days on June 23rd and 24th. Discounted rooms are available at Counce Hampton Inn. For more info, call Bill Latham at 731441-4645 or email •Golf to End Hunger Tournament Our Daily Bread Ministries Food Pantry will sponsor their “1st Annual Golf to End Hunger” golf tournament on June 2nd at the Shiloh Falls Golf Club. This will be a 4-person scramble with a 9 a.m. shotgun start. Cost is $60 per person or $240 per team and includes lunch. Sponsorship opportunities are available. To register or donate contact: 689-5050, 607-9448, 607-4803, or 438-5242. You can also visit their website at . •SWTDD Golf Tournament The Southwest Tennessee Development District will host their 5th Annual SWTDD Future Choices Golf Tournament on Wednesday, June 6th at Pickwick Landing State Park Golf Course. Registration and lunch will be from 11:30 a.m. until 12:45 p.m. There will be a shotgun start at 1 p.m. For more info contact Teresa Sanders at 731-668-6412 or email to tsanders@ •SPWA Championship Wrestling Enjoy SPWA Championship Wrestling every Saturday night at the old Action Apparel building in Ramer. Doors open at 5 p.m., and bell time is 7:30 p.m. New talent and hot new matches added weekly. Admission is only $5. Buy one ticket and get one free! Children under 6 get in free. Call Brenda at 434-0232 or 434-8424 for more info. Archive Photo Drew Griswell: All-District Advertise in the paper the others are copying! •Summer Camp Design Team of Savannah will hosting the Henderson Walton Memorial Relay for Life Golf Tournament at the Shiloh Golf Course in Adamsville on Friday and Saturday, June 1st and 2nd. This will be a Texas Scramble format. There will be two flights with cash prizes. Cost is $400 per 4-man team. Hole sponsorships are $175. For more info call VaRand at Design Team at 925-4448. Archive Photo Jalen Kendall: All-District Archive Photo Montell District. Johnson: All- Archive Photo Josh Chappell: All-District PostSeason Awards continued on page 20... • Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed! • Free estimates on all types of concrete work INDUSTRIAL • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Concrete Septic Tanks • Field Line Pipe • Gravel & Hauling Highway 45 South • Selmer, Tennessee Phone 731-645-7903 Selmer Police Department Accepting Applications POLICE OFFICER Full-time Position Certification Preferred: Police Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T) Deadline: May 25, 2012 • 5 p.m. Details: Incumbents in this classification are responsible for enforcing city codes, ordinances and local, state and regulations by patrolling, performing surveillance, investigating crimes, responding to emergency calls, and performing other public safety activities. Minimum Qualifications: Must be a U.S. citizen, honorably discharged from the U.S. armed forces (if applicable), and at least 21 years old. Must have a high school diploma or GED. Certified law enforcement experience will be given preference. Must not have been convicted of or plead guilty to or entered a plea of nolo contendere to any felony charge or violation of any federal or state laws or city ordinances relating to force, violence, theft, dishonesty, gambling, liquor or controlled substances and meet any other standards as set forth in Tennessee Code Annotated § 38-8-106. The Town of Selmer, Tennessee is an Equal Opportunity Employer. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Town will provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities and encourages both prospective and current employees to discuss potential accommodations with the employer. The McNairy County News Page 20 Thursday, May 17, 2012 SPORTS Post-Season Awards continued Archive Photo Archive Photo MCHS Soccer: Josh Court: South Division Juan Macias: All-District District 15 A-AA Defensive MVP MCHS Softball: District 14 AA Archive Photo Kindra Brown: All-District Archive Photo Taylor Hutton: All-District Archive Photo Samantha oaks: All-District Archive Photo Brandon District Archive Photo Jacey Whirley: All-District All- Archive Photo Macee Taylor: All-District Archive Photo Brittany Lambert: Academic Stricklin: All- Archive Photo Kristina Academic Milford: All- Archive Photo AHS Soccer: Dustin Plunk: All-District District 15 A-AA AHS Softball: District 15A Archive Photo Nikki White: All-Tournament Archive Photo Macayla Kiddy: All-District & All-Academic Congratulations to all our fine McNairy County student athletes. We’re proud of you all! Follow The McNairy County News on Facebook for all the latest local news, weather and sports! SELMER U-STOR OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE 751 Mulberry, Selmer, TN 38375 • 731-453-5534 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO TENNESSEE CODE ANNOTATED 66-31-105(2)(G), NOTICE is hereby given that the content of unit 6, 31, 61 in the self storage facility known as SELMER U-STOR, will be sold at auction to the highest bidder for cash on June 2nd at 12:00 p.m. to satisfy an owner’s lien on such contents, claimed by the business known as SELMER U-STOR. Said self-storage facility is located at the address set forth herein where the sale will take place. The occupants and unit numbers in which the sale of items will include are as follows: Laura Specie, unit 6 and Wendy Sanders, units 31 and 61. Dated this 30th day of April, 2012 Selmer U-Stor, by Don Maney, owner and Kim Williams, property manager. JOB OPENING Established business in Selmer, TN, has an immediate opening for a full-time customer service representative. Prior phone or customer service experience preferred. Bi-lingual a plus, but not required. Includes benefits. Bring resume in person to NCS Fulfillment, 149 Railroad St., Selmer TN. JOB OPENING Finance office has opening for CSR. Good customer relation skills and positive attitude a must. Experience helpful but not required. Full time, insurance, bonus and 401K. Fax resume to: 731-645-6463 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The McNairy County Board of Education will be accepting bids for Custodial Uniforms, Dust Mops, Mats, Shop Towels, Dust Mop Handle and Frame. Bids should be delivered to the McNairy County Board of Education Office by 10:00 a.m. on May 18, 2012. Bids will be opened at that time. Bids specifications may be obtained at the following location: McNairy County Board of Education 170 West Court Avenue, Room 107 McNairy County Courthouse Selmer, TN 38375 The McNairy County Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to award the contract as deemed in the best interest of the county. WILSON APPLIANCE REPAIRS 22 Bethesda Loop • Selmer, TN• We Make House Calls Ron Wilson 731-610-8282 • 731-645-4815 PUBLIC NOTICE Inman Bros. Storage Units Contents in the following units will be sold at Public Auction on June 1, 2012 at 1 p.m. Owner’s may pay back rent and remove contents before 6-1-12. Flora Kirk - Unit 15 Brenda King - Unit 29 NOTICE FOR INVITATION TO BID Originally Volunteer Realty, this office is located in downtown Selmer at a REDUCED lease rate! Call 731-607-6680 or 731-926-0560 for more information. AUCTION Friday, May 25 at 6 p.m. The Mary Jean Upright Estate 163 Hill Lane, Bethel Springs Tn. Located behind Mast Tires, Hwy 45, 8 miles north of Selmer, 8 miles south of Henderson. Nancy White - (731) 608-2720 and Greg Lipford - (731) 608-1770, Owners The McNairy County Board of Education, through the School Nutrition Department, is requesting bids for, Milk, Bread and Pest Control for the 2012-2013 school year. A copy of the bid documents will be available at the School Nutrition Office, 615 West Cherry Avenue, Selmer, Tennessee. The bid must be returned to the McNairy County Board of Education, School Nutrition Department, 170 West Court Avenue, Selmer, Tennessee, by Thursday, May 24, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. Bids will be opened at 10:00 A.M. on May 24, 2012. If you should have questions, please contact Gayle Brooks, School Nutrition Supervisor, at (731)645-7731. The McNairy County Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids. In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call toll free (800)632-9992 (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800)877-8339; or (800)845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. A very nice 3/4 bedroom, 2 bath home with 3 mobile home rentals on 3 acres. Offered in 2 tracts and as a whole. Let your rent make your house payments! Tract # 1 • 3 Mobile Homes And 1 Plus Acres Tract # 2 • Nice House And 1 Plus Acres Tract # 3 • House And 3 Mobile Homes On 3 Acres Open House By Appointment And For Inspections By Calling Tony At 731-926-3133 Or Open House Sunday May 20 From 2 Until 4 Pm NO BUYER’S PREMIUM! 20% as earnest money HERITAGE AUCTION & REAL ESTATE Savannah, Tenn. • Tfl#4556 Jeff Wilkes, 1-931-676-5100 or 731-607-8213 Tony Neill, Auctioneer TFL#1468 Ph. 731-926-3133 Visit for more info. The McNairy County News Thursday, May 17, 2012 YARD SALE Yard Sales Advertise here for as low as $5 per week!!! Call 731-632-0836 Fri., May 18th & Sat., May 19th 8 a.m. until ??? 1572 Old Stage Rd., Adamsville Estate/Plumbing Company/ Yard/Garage Sale Glassware, antiques, PVC fittings, pipe insulation, office supplies, electric & hand tools, yard equipment, clothes & housewares. YARD SALE GIANT YARD/BAKE SALE Friday, May 18th & Saturday, May 19th 143 Sunset Cove, out 64 E. Girl’s white 4 poster single bed, recliner, vacuum cleaner, toys, books, purses, jewelry, men’s, women’s, girl’s clothes & shoes, household items, yard tools, collectables. Youth Fundraiser Sat., May 18th • 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. First Christian Church in Adamsville 254 North Maple Street Furniture, toys, clothing, lots of good stuff, too much to mention. Twice Read Yard Sale At Granny’s Best Thrift Lots Of Nice Items! Saturday 8 a.m. until ??? Book Exchange Granny’s Best Thrift Store 731-926-1233 Yard Salers Bring Your Yard Sale Leftovers Or Complete Yard Sale To Granny’s Best Thrift 360 Main Street Savannah Mon.-Fri. 10-5 • Sat. 10-3 Layaway Available Gift Baskets & Avon Available! On The Hill At The North Y In Selmer Hwy 64 West • Call 610-2356 And If You Need Extra Money, Better Not To Throw It Away...Or If You Are Cleaning Out An Attic, Garage Or Storage Building, We Buy Items Or Estate Sales. We buy DVDs, Disney movies & good clean VHS with cases. We Can Make Arrangements To Meet You There During The Evenings... Non Smokers Only Please. Call 610-2356. We Are Open Thursday Thru Saturday 9-4. Page 21 TIMBER CONTRACTOR NEEDED to cut 3 tracts of timber. Cut, Load and Haul - $18 / ton. If interested call 731-632-0877. Property #1: 22 Lots at PICKWICK DAM, overlooking Tennessee River will make a great RV Park for rent income. Lots priced at $11,000 to $26,000 each. 350 Arnold Lane, Savannah,Tn. Property #2: 3.376 acres great garden spot, county water, only 1/4 mile off Hwy 117 (Shiloh road), short drive to Pickwick Dam & Tennessee River. Frontage on two roads, great building tract or double wide mobile home site. $39,500. Address: Rossway Lane off Fullwood Road, Stantonville, Tn. 38379 Property #3: 1.4 ACRES, plus “Fire damaged home” 2400 sq ft under roof. Home has some fire damage.Exterior of the home is intact and decent condition, roof looks to be new. Water well, large garden spot, circle limestone driveway. State Hwy 89 frontage. The right person could rebuild this large home, $32,500. Live in it or sell it, making a large profit on your investment. Address: 4238 Sidonia Road, Sharon, Tn. 38255 Property #4: 1.452 acre, county water meter, sewer tank, 200 amp electric box & pole, driveway. 2 BR-2BA Mobile home. Only 6 miles to super Walmart. Just off Hwy 412 & I-40 . $36,500. Address: 90 Chelco Lane, Huron, Tn. 38345 Property #6: 2.843 acres, all treed tract, State Hwy 22 frontage, water, gas, electric, phone at highway. $15,000. Address: 7780 Hwy 22 North, Morris Chapel, Tn. 38361 Property #7: 3 bedroom, brick, re place, large front & side porch, shady lot with huge oak trees. Good garden spot, paved driveway, city water, city gas, cable TV, high speed net. $49,500. Address: Milledgeville, Tn. 38359 Property #8: 3.13 acres, long State Hwy 22A frontage. All trees, building site ready or set mobile home. ALSO Frontage on Republican Circle. Corner lot. $15,000. Address: 100 Republican Circle, Enville, Tn. 38332 Property #9: Large waterfront lot. Pickwick/Shiloh Shores, Lot #90. $55,000. Address: Declan Lane, Map 124, Parcel 004.00, Group B. Property #10: Corner lot -Hwy 79 Four Lane & Oak Grove Road near Paris Landing State Park. State sewer permit paid. $8,500. Address: Hwy 79 Four Lane & Oak Grove Road, Paris, Tn. 38242 Property #11: 1.25 acres-Good garden spot. Known as old England home place. $8,500. Address: Davis Road off Happy Hollow Road, Sardis, Tn. 38371 Property #12: Lot at Pickwick Dam, Tn. Large trees, over looks Tennessee River, $11,000. Address: Bellis Road, Savannah, Tennessee 38372 Property #25: 1 acre - Across the street from Pine Tree Golf & Country Club. $8,500 Address: Hidden Valley Circle, Lexington,Tn. Property #26: One acre - All trees, water, gas, elecrtic on paved road. $8,500 Address: Stormwood Lane, Lexington, Tn. 38351 Property #27: 40 Acres - With 10 acre lake. Rolling hills over looking valley with spring fed creek. Partially fenced, to make a small cattle and horse ranch. Lots of deer, rabbit, turkey and a few quail. Hill top building sites. 1/2 Mile off Hwy 22 South 4 Lane overlooking lakes, 1 mile to Huntingdon, south city limits. 11 Miles south to I-40 at Exit 108. $100,000. Address: Westport Rd, Huntingdon, Tn Property #28: 4 acres- Build your home or set your mobile home here, just outside of the city. High and dry crop or pasture land on paved county road. Just off four lane highway. $20,000. Address: Clyde Road, Huntingdon, Tn. 38344 Property #29: 25 acres, crop land, woods, creek, paved road, some fencing. Near Wal-Mart and downtown Huntingdon. $55,000. Clyde Road, Huntingdon, Tn. Property #32: 4BR, 3½ BA, Den, LR, breakfast room, dining room, basement safe room, approx. 3000 sq. ft. Small building could be used for Mother-inLaw quarters. Storage sheds, huge shade trees. $100,000. Address: 2 miles south of Adamsville, Gilchrist Road, Stantonville, Tn. Property #33: 5 acres, Hwy 64. $30,000. Address: Crump, Tn. 38327 Property #34: Commercial tract in city of Crump, all open, Hwy 64. $100,000. Address: 2350 US Hwy 64 Adamsville, Tn. 38310 Property #38: 3.5 acres, lake front, 4BR, 3BA, fronts Hwy 22 between Adamsville & Milledgeville. $110,000. Address: 7150 Hwy 22 N, Morris Chapel. Property #39: Large old General Store building, last used for auction house in Milledgeville. Need roof repair. Sell as is, approx.4,000 sq. ft. $12,500. Address: 95 Main Street, Milledgeville, Tn. 38359 Property #40: 12,000 sq. ft. building, being used as Milledgeville Flea Market. Located at 4-Way Stop, Milledgeville. $165,000. 9652 Hwy 22 N, Milledgeville, Tn. Property #41: Large Factory Building, used for clothing manufacturing - 3 phase current loading dock, nice offices. DIRT CHEAP $110,000. Address: 3462 Bethel Purdy Road, Bethel Springs, Tn. (old Murry Hill Mfg. Building). We Need Tools, Good Men’s, Women’s And Kid’s Shoes, And Good Clean Clothing No Stains! Good Purses Without Any Stains Or Odors. 1-column Yard Sale ads only $5 per week., or double the price & double the size! We have the lowest yard sale ad costs in the area, with proven results! Property #36: 140 Joe Scott Lane - 3 BR, 2 BA, replace, 4- PROPERTY #37 - 370 Wharf Rd. - Pickwick Dam area car garage with covered breezeway, large corner lot, 1 mile to 3BR, 2BA, replace, large home, beautifully decorated shaded lot. Mile to Pickwick Dam. $90,000 Pickwick Dam Lake, $110,000. PROPERTY #5 - 1320 Snake Creek Loop - Adamsville - PROPERTY #52 - 685 Circle Rd. - Morris Chapel - 3BR, 3BR, 2BA, computer room, island kitchen, 14x28 LR, Bar-B- 2BA all laminate ooring, large Bar-B-Q deck with wheelchair ramp. $60,000 Q deck, private setting, good garden spot. $60,000 PROPERTY #31 - 711 Willis Rd. - Sardis, TN - 3BR, 2BA, PROPERTY #16 - 192 Pleasant Ridge Loop - Adamsville large Bar-B-Q deck, replace, island kitchen, 1½ acres. 3BR, 2BA on large shaded oak treed lot, carport, large priva$60,000 cy deck, out building, childs playhouse and swings. $70,000 ABSOLUTE Saturday, May 26th 9:00 a.m. H.L. Pickering Estate PROPERTY #30 - 1305 Hinkle Rd. - Sardis, TN - 3BR, 2BA, PROPERTY #17 - 6615 US Hwy. 128 - Savannah - 5 bedlaminate oor, Bar-B-Q deck. $50,000 room, 3 bath on 5 acres, replace, large shop. $125,000 1056 John Moore Road • Bethel Springs, TN From Hwy 45, turn west onto Buena Vista Road, continue to Sandy Flat Road, turn left onto Sandy Flat Road, follow to John Moore Road. Watch for Signs! PROPERTY #35 - 405 Wharf Rd. - Pickwick Dam - Selling PROPERTY #45 - 1045 Hutton Rd. - Sardis - 2BR, 1BA on AS IS. Needs remodeling, asphalt drive. $40,000 level lot, well water plus city water, shed. $12,500 Real Estate sells at 10:00 a.m. Real Estate consists of 3000+ sq.ft. home, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, basement, 2 car attached garage, central heat & air, decks, fruit trees, pasture with 15 acres and a beautiful lake and 20’ x 30’ shop. • McCoy Pottery • Cast Iron Patio Furniture • Yard Art • Concrete Fountain • Outdoor Chimenea • Bird Feeders • Gazing Balls on Stands • Cast Iron Well Pump • 6 piece Dinette • Corner Cabinet • Plant Stands • Pie Safe • Lamps • Pictures • What Nots • Collectibles • Hand Made Quilts • Kenmore Side by Side Refrigerator • Stone Jugs & Crocks • Kitchenware • Frigidaire Glasstop Range (NEW) • Graniteware • Salt Glaze • Milk Cans • Hoosier Cabinet • Glassware • 1¢ Gum Machine • Vacuums • Tiffany Style Fixture • Oak Table w / Claw Feet and 6 Chairs • Cobalt Blue Glass • Sofa Tables • 2 Oak China Cabinets • Kimball Organ • Armchairs • Recliners • Gas Fireplace • Brass Figurines • Area Rugs • Hundred Hummell Figurines • Old Bottles • Books • Entertainment Center • Lamps • Oil Lamps • Mirrors • Railroad Lanterns • Cast Iron Mail Box • Old Radios • Cow Bells • Dippers • Washboards • Occupied Japan • Churns • Old Prints and Paintings • Civil War Era Powder Flask (Very Rare) • Sanyo Flat Screen TV • Cedar Chest • Art Glass • 4 pc. Bedroom Suite (Modern) • Oil Heaters • Maytag Washer & Dryer • Primitive Quilt Box • Computer • 5 pc. Super Oak Bedroom Suite (Repro) • Antique Oak Rocker • Victorian Rocker • Super Lamps • End of The Day Glass • Clocks • Antique Frames • Milk Stools • Collector Dolls • Linens • Quilt Racks • Collection of Princess Diana • Diner Juke Box • 4 Pc. Oak Bedroom Suite (Antique) • Sewing Kits • Antique Cheval Mirror • Old Mickey Mouse Phone • Old Toys • Mickey Mouse Alarm Clock • Several Ladies Fur Coats • Norman Rockwell • Coca Cola Boat Paddles • Christmas Decor • Trunks • Exercise Equipment • Leroy The Concrete Yard Man • Yard Trellis • 42” Yardman Riding Mower • Foosball Table • Tapestries • Cream Separator • Copperware • ‘99 Pontiac Sunfire • Crosscut Saw • Tiller • Tools • Lanterns • Corn Sheller • Yard Tools • Cotton Scales • Sled • Buggy Wheels Terms: Real Estate 15% Certified Funds, Non-Refundable, Down Day of Sale, balance due at closing on or before June 19th, 2012. Personal Property to be paid in full day of sale. 10% buyers premium. Larry A Partner Co. of Jay Whirley Auction Sales Mike Crawley or Jay Whirley (901) 674-4893 or (731) 610-8913 TN License #5123 • Memphis, TN 38119 RAINES Realty (731) 610-3800 TN License #3939 • Selmer, TN 38375 PROPERTY #47 - 410 Spring Hill Rd. - Sardis, TN - 2.6 PROPERTY #23- 490 Wayne Rd. - Commercial or Resiacres, old Moore home place, house burnt, MH elec. pole, dential Home/Ofce building across from Central Bank. 3-car garage, smoke house, wash house, storm house, large $150.000. SALE OR LEASE $850 PER MONTH. garden, fruit trees, overlooking green valley. $26,500 Property #13: 3 acres commercial tract, frontage on three streets. Across street from Dairy Queen, next door to Super 8 Motel. $385,000. Address: 1319 E Wood St., Paris, Tn. Property #42: 3500 sq. ft. building, Hwy. 64 with extra lot that has septic tank for mobile home. Building rented for $500 month - good tenants. $65,000. Address: Hwy. 64, Adamsville, Tn. 38310 Property #14: 8.6+ acres, all in good growing timber. Building lot graded with dozer ready to build or set dw mobile home on. Water meter, city gas, cable tv,phone,electric,high speed net all at new paved county road. $60,000 $49,500. Address: 825 Circle Road, Morris Chapel, Tn. 38361 Property #43: 3 BR, 2 BA brick home. Large old oak trees, white picket fence, large garden spot. $39,900. Address: 279 Litt Wilson Road, Bethel Springs, Tn. 38315 Property #15: 2.354 acres-Grade work done & ready for Home, good timber, phone, water, gas, cable tv, electric at road. $22,500 $16,500. Address: 855 Circle Road, Morris Chapel, Tn. Property#18:1.25acresonHwy104.$12,500.Address:Hwy104,Saltillo,Tn.38370 Property #44: 5.555 acres, great building spot, city water, all in timber. $25,000. Address: 259 Litt Wilson Rd., Bethel Springs, Tn. 38315 Property #46: 2 acres, Chestereld Community, with septic tank, water & electric. There was a doublewide mobile home on this lot with concrete pad. $26,500 Address: 273 Praline Place, Lexington, Tn. Property #19: Was Community South Bank Building. Will make a great Fast Food Drive thru-$165,000. Address: 9602 Hwy 22, Milledgeville, Tn. 38359 Property #48: Do you need to own a small lot in the City of Lexington so your kids can go to Lexington City Schools and you can vote in the city election - this is a very small lot on Morningside Drive. $2,500. TM: 071G, Group A, Parcel 00102 Property #20: 1 acre, large trees. city water, & city gas meters. Mobile home was on this lot. $12,500. 3475 Stage Road, Scotts Hill, Tn. 38374. Property #49: 7.7 acres, All wooded, limestone driveway and culvert in Pickwick/ Counce. House lot ready to build, $42,500. Address: Preacher Drive, Counce. Property #21: 1/2 acre, large Trees, Sewer permit. $9,500. Address: Oakview Dr., Adamsville, Tn. Property #50: 2 large Commercial Buildings, 2 acres, CH&A, glass front, $55,000. Address: 39175 Hwy. 69, Milledgeville, Tn 38359 Property#22:RiverfrontlotontheTennesseeRiveratPICKWICKDAM,TN.Anewcabin/ home is started on this lot. $80,000. Address: 405 Arnold Lane, Savannah, Tn. Property ##51: 3 BR, brick, large garden spot, huge oak shade trees. 279 Litt Wilson Rd., Bethel Springs. Property #24: MOBILE HOMES - 16’ x 80’ 3 bedroom 2 bath-$16,000; DOUBLEWIDE, 28’ x 44’ 3 bedroom 2 bath-$ 25,000. Address: 2350 U.S. Hwy. 64, Crump, Tn. 38327 Owner Financing Jimmy Glenn You may contact your local Real Estate Agent or Bank for nancing. 731-632-0877 The McNairy County News Page 22 CLASSIFIEDS WanT To Find SoMe BargainS? PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Buy & Sell Locally in the Classifieds. get great deals When You go Local! * get Paid Faster * no Shipping advertise in the Mcnairy County news classifieds & have your ad listed on our website for free! Classified line ads are $5.00 for 30 words. Call our office at (731) 645-7048 for details, or email AUCTIONS FOR SALE PRE-AUCTION INSPECTION/FOR SaleMake Offer Now! To settle Mary Jean Upright Estate. 1,268 sq.ft., 2 bath, house with double car garage, plus 3 mobile homes for rental income, all on 3 acres. 8 miles to Henderson or Selmer at 163 Hill Lane, just off Hwy. 45. Tony Neill TFL # 1468, Auctioneer Broker, 731-926-3133. Visit www.tonyneill. com. (21-TF) STORAgE bUIlDINgS. Rental returns, new factory direct. Cash or rent to own. No credit check. Call 662-415-8180. (26-29) SAT, MAY 19 At 10 a.m., Kiddy Enterprises Trucking Company & Real Estate. 301 Cardinal Drive, Corinth, Miss. (See Ad). 10% Buyers Premium On All Sales. For Terms Visit The Web At Heritage Auction & Real Estate, Inc. Tfl #4556, Clifton Tn. 931-676-5100. Jeff Wilkes Broker/ Auctioneer 731-607-8213. Tony Neill Broker /Auctioneer, Tfl# 1468, Ms. # 1091F-1090, Tony Edward Neill Ms. Broker#17315, 731-926-3133, t_neill@, REAl ESTATE Auction Thursday, May 31st at 6 p.m., 350 Acres of Hardwood & Pine Timber on Hardins Creek, right of way off Hwy 64 West, Waynesboro Tennessee, 10% Buyers Premium, Auction held at Jeanetts Cafe, Waynesboro Square, Heritage Auction & Real Estate TFL #4556, 931-676-5100, Jeff Wilkes 731-607-8213 or Tony Neill TFL#1468, 731-926-3133. SATURDAY, JUNE 9 At 10 a.m. 3 Houses And Lots Of Antique Furniture And Glassware, Selling To Settle Estate, Savannah Tn. Contact Jeff Wilkes 731607-8213. 10% Buyers Premium On All Sales. For Terms Visit The Web At Heritage Auction & Real Estate, Inc. TFL #4556, Clifton Tn. 931-676-5100. Jeff Wilkes Broker/ Auctioneer 731-607-8213. Tony Neill Broker/Auctioneer, TFL# 1468, Ms. # 1091F-1090, Tony Edward Neill Ms. Broker#17315, 731-926-3133, t_neill@, RECREATIONAL VEHICLES FOR SAlE: 27 foot camper, sleeps 6, $3,000. Call 731-926-6418. (29) FOR SALE FOR SAlE: 1,000’s of records, both 45 rpm and albums. 45’s – 50¢ each and albums $1. All different kinds of music. Call 731-645-6828 or 731-610-7015. (44-TF) FOR SAlE: Frigidairde SxS refrigerator, 22.6 c.i., ice & water in door. 731-9260721. (28-29) NEED A Starter, Alternator, Battery, or Winch? We stock over 1,700, also do repairs. Road and Field Starter Service Hwy. 64 East Savannah. 731-925-3838. (10-39) RENOvATION SAlE: Appliances, Windows, Doors, and Various Items. Call 731-607-3880. (19-TF) FOR SAlE: Used Frigidaire refrigerator, like new, $450. Call 731-610-8282. (28-29) FOR SAlE: White Frigidaire Refrigerator, frost proof works great, $125. Mocha brown sofa, 3 cushions, like new, $325. Phone 731-645-8283. (29) FOR SAlE: 2 Old Cedar Bucket Ice Cream Freezer, Christmas Dishes, Jewel Tea and Franciscan Ware. 731-645-6145. (29) PETS AFORDAblE gROOMINg at 4 My Pets Grooming & Boarding at 678 Baker Rd. in Selmer. Call 645-4494 (28-TF) HOMES/APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR SAlE: 6.5 acres of land on Russom Rd. North of Selmer $300 down & $184/ mo, See South Chester Farms at or call 662-551-0339. (28-31) FOR RENT: Apartment for rent at Oakwood Apartments. 1 bedroom $325/mo., 2 bedroom $350/mo. Deposit required, no pets. Phone 610-2877 or 645-5288. (TF) ADvERTISINg HElP: - Looking for the lowest rates around on advertising? The McNairy County News has the best rates, thousands of readers and experienced graphic designers who can design your ad for you. Tell more & Sell more! Call 731-645-7048. (TF) HOUSE FOR Rent: 3 bedroom, 1 bath with central heat & air in Adamsville. Must have references & deposit required. 731-926-5393. (29) HOMES FOR SALE FOR SAlE: 5 bedroom, 3 ½ bath, 9 ft. ceilings, open design, on the Golf Course in Adamsville. $319,000. Call Ben at 731-610-7600. (27-TF) FREE PUPPIES: Good puppies needing good home. Wormed, 5 black, 3 brown, raised around family. 731-439-5710. (29-30) LAND FOR SALE FOR SAlE By Owner/Agent, 3.7 acres, timber, public utilities, timber, build home or mobile home, Kennie Lane, Selmer, Tn. $6,000, Tony Neill TFL#1468 Call 731-926-3133. (28-29) FOR SAlE by Owner Agent, 10.7 acres, timber, pond, public utilities, build new home or mobile home, $15,000. Call Tony Neill TFL#1468. Call 731-926-3133. (28-29) •Farm Ditching • Septic Tank •Dirt Work & Top Soil •Gravel & White Rock •Pre-Fab Storm Shelters YARD wORk: Mowing, trimming, all types of yard work. Free estimates and senior citizens discount. Call 731-6104928. (28-30) wIll SIT with the sick or elderly. Will do light housekeeping, run errands, light cooking. Good references. Phone 645-6830. (TF) AgREED DIvORCES $299 plus court cost. Call 731-645-8557. (18-TF) D&A HANDYMAN Service: Pressure washing, exterior (detailing) on homes, yard clean-up and haul off, gutter and window cleaning, carpentry work, plumbing, floor leveling, replace rotten floors and sills, moisture control, interior and exterior painting, roof repair. References furnished, 25 years experience, free estimates, satisfaction guaranteed. Ask about our Special Winter Discounts on Pressure Washing. 731-645-2940. (23-TF) WANTED A-1 PRICES Paid junked, wrecked, or good running vehicles! Up to $1,500. Call Dave at 731-727-6962. (26-TF) wANTED: OlD tube-powered guitar amps, tubes and tube testers. Working or non-working. Call 646-0791. If no answer, leave message and brief description of item(s). (34-TF) wANTED: bUSINESSES that need more customers. We can help. Advertise in The McNairy County News, McNairy County’s number one source for local news. We have the best graphic designers around and they can design your ad for you. Phone 645-7048. (TF) wANTED: PICTURES of the old time fiddlers, musicians in McNairy County, Theron Thomas, Con Crotts, Banks Bros. and others who recorded at Stant Littlejohn’s. Contact Shawn Pitts 6453850, 645-5873. (TF) wANTED: SOMEONE to bushhog State Highway 224 in Stantonville. Call B. Wagoner 731-632-0635. (27-TF) wANT TO buy Cherokees, Grand Cherokees, and Commanches for parts. 731-439-0638, Dex. (28-29) JOB OPPORTUNITIES THE SMOkEHOUSE Bar-B-Que & Grill is now accepting applications for waitresses and kitchen help. 731-632-1440. (29) wANT TO buy non-working electric stoves for parts or to repair. 731-6103131, Mike. (28-29) Classifieds work! Call 645-7048 Member Memphis Multiple Listing Service MARY MILLER 610-0490 Call 731-645-3832 for an appointment. BRUCE MANLEY 610-7129 440 Jones Lane, Bethel Springs: Call us for your appointment to look at this 2 BRs w/bonus room, 1 bath home. This home is sitting on 6 acres of land, has a metal carport, and is in a very private location at the end of Jones Lane. Good price of $52,500. 815 Mulberry Ave., Selmer: A Walk-In Ready Business!! All equipment with the building remains with the building. Office & bath are heated and cooled. Will Sell or Lease!!!!!!! 1401 New Bethel Rd, Selmer: Brick 2 Bedroom 1 Bath House with fenced in back yard and Storage building sitting on .66 acres, Close to town, with NO City Taxes. Open Living area with Eat-In Kitchen with good sized bedrooms and lots of closet space throughout the house. New Roof & Central Heating and Air Priced to sell @ $54,900. 1634 Buena Vista, Bethel Springs: Totally remodeled 3 bedroom 2 bath with 10 ft ceilings with lots of Character. All new plumbing, electric, and ceramic tile and laminate flooring. Beautiful new Kitchen cabinets and counter tops. This is a MUST SEE. Priced @ $86,900. 275 Mollie Dr., Selmer. Corner Lot, 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 2 car garage, fenced-in backyard. This prime location is priced thousands below appraisal. DARLENE CAGLE 610-6002 304 Azalia Rd., Adamsville: Brick 3BR-1.5 bath home sits on a corner lot in a good area & school district. Will make a good starter home or if you are down sizing - come see & make this yours. Great price of $58,500. HOUSE FOR SALE Markus Tidwell BOOM TRUCK Backhoe & Dozer Service Adamsville, TN Ph. 632-0257 or 926-5107 SkIllED CAREgIvER offering servicesNeed a caregiver for your disabled or elderly relative? Local well skilled certified nursing assistant seeking private duty cases of individuals in need of such care, references available. Call 731-6460116. (28-29) bRIAN DEMPSEY Masonary-I lay anything out of brick, block or rock. Sidewalks, mailboxes, underpin houses and trailers. Also brick entire houses build flower beds, etc. Free estimates, discounts for senior citizens. I work year round. Over 20 years experience, quality work at a fair price. Call 731-645-8831. (27-32) TAx DOllARS for down payment. See Theater Home at Clayton Homes in Corinth, MS. 662-287-4600. (11-TF) FOR SAlE: 3 male Teacup Chihuahua puppies. All shots. $200 each. Call 731610-5607. (29) FOR RENT: Kenneth Sweat – Houses, Apartments, Townhouses & Trailers. Committed to providing Safe/ Affordable homes in a family friendly environment. No pets - No Crack/Party Houses, reference & deposit required. 610-0807 or 645-3130 (38-TF) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WANTED MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE NO DOwN payment with land. Four bedrooms, 2 bath starting at $39,950.00. Clayton Homes, Corinth, MS. 662-287-4600. (11-TF) HOMES/APARTMENTS FOR RENT LAND FOR SALE FOR RENT: Need a quiet, clean, comfortable place to live for less money. We rent motel rooms by the week or month. Cable TV, Free High Speed Internet, swimming pool, microwave, & refrigerator. Clean, quiet, comfortable and close to everything. Old Home Motel in Adamsville, 731-632-3398. American owned since 1960. (TF) 2 bEDROOM Duplex for rent. Call 731645-4707 if no answer leave message. (01-TF) Thursday, May 17, 2012 3342 Center Hill Rd., Finger: Take a look at this immaculate 3BR, 2B home w/pantry, stove, DW, refrigerator, also has dining room & living room, CH&A, above ground pool w/decks, plus out buildings. All sits on .87 acres. Country Living at it’s best - “Quiet & Peaceful” - Call to see for yourself!!! Priced at $ 61,300. Emerald Lane, Morris Chapel: Beautiful lot on the Tennessee River close to Jackson, Memphis and Nashville. Enjoy the Peace and Tranquility and all of the other features that this river has to offer. Great price of $50,000. 4580 Essary Springs Rd, Pocahontas: Country Living at a cheap price! This 2 Bedroom 1 Bath home is situated on 2.8 acres, with Central Heating and Air. Also has a Storage Building/Workshop. Lots of privacy. Priced @ $54,900. SUPER ESTATE AUCTION Sunday, May 20 at 1:30 p.m. In Historic Corinth, Miss. • Perry A. Johns Post 6 • American Legion • 511 South Tate Street Turn north at the red light at the intersection of U.S. Hwy 72 and Tate Street. Go approximately 1/2 miles on the right. Watch for Signs! Phone Bids will be accepted with early registration • We have a really fine selection of antiques, Civil War items and furniture. YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS AUCTION!!! • Rare Jefferson Davis Secession Speech • 1861 Civil War Saber W/Sheath • Civil War Pistols • U.S. & Confederate Bills from 1860’S to 1930’S • 1800’S Music Box • N.B. Forrest Collectibles • East Lake Bed • Victorian Walnut Commode • Jelly Safe • Late 1800’S Transitional Bed • Lion Head Chair • Victorian Bow Back Parlor Chair • Primitive Wood Machinist Cabinet • East Lake China Cabinet • Victorian Walnut Washstand • Walnut Sugar Chest • Oak Grandfather’s Clock • Oak Center Table W/ Glass And Claw • 48”X66” Victorian Tapestry • Victorian Fern Stand • 1800’S Wicker Casket • Victorian Window Table • 2 Mahogany Twin Beds • Mahogany 2 Tier Cloverleaf Table • Cedar Wardrobe • Duncan Phyfe Record Cabinet • Hand Made Pine Trunks • Cast Iron “Uncle Sam” Mechanial Bank • Civil War Confederate Stamps • Aunt Jemima Cookie Jars and other Black Americana • 1800’S Boot Jack • Misc. Sterling Silver Jewelry • Asst. Cameo Jewelry • Pocket Bible • 1862 Infantry Tactical Book • 1849 Colt Pocket 31 Cal. Pistol • 1862 Colt Navy Police 36 Cal. 3rd Generation • Fender Acoustic Guitar in Case • 1950’S Coke Sign • Bronze Girl Figurine • Cotton Land Black Americana Song Book • Unusual Decorative Crock • Mid 1800’S Slave Document • 1930’S Sun Crest Tin Sign • Shell Sign • Kendall Motor Oil Sign • Pepsi Sign • Lighted Schlitz Sign • 1957 Chevy Belair Fender Chrome • Open Pontiel Vases • ”Priester” Memphis, TN Sign • 2 Amber Coca Cola Bottles • Stone Mtn Memorial Plaque • Black Americana Cotton Field Scene • 1855 N.B. Forrest Slave Ad w/Newspaper • Antique Burnneds Cocaine Bodle • Brass Mermaid Lamp W/Glass Prisms • Civil War Buckles • Civil War Breast Plates • Tintypes of Misc. Soldiers • Uncirculated C.C. Silver Dollars • 1878 C.C. Silver Dollar • WWII Nazi Hitler Book • Memphis Marion & Selmer N.B. • Forrest R.R. Bond • Misc. Advertisments • Asst. Comic Books • Depression Glass • Iris & Herringbone Glassware • Jadeite Glassware • Carnival Glassware • Case XX Meat Cleaver • Vaseline Glass • 2 School House Pot Bellied Stoves • Corn Sheller • Misc. Silver Dollars & 1/2 Dollars • Old Oak Ice Box • Martha Washington Chair • Mahogany Buffet • Corner Cabinet • Asst. Dressers • Victorian Bed • 3 ft. Black Boy Smoke Stand w/Cig. • Holder & Ashtray • Thumb Size NT Pocket Bible • Victorian Courting Bench • 2 Library Tables • Marble Top Washstand • Fliptop Game Table • Pickle Canister • Fly Trap • Various Era Lamps & Oil Lamps • Victorian Piano Stool • Asst. Pictures & Mirrors • Kentucky Wild Cat Pedal Car • Marbles, Sports Cards • 8Track Tapes • Epergne • 3pc Cherry Bdrm Suite • Walnut Hall Tree • Arrowback Rocker • Bookcases • Oak Washstand W/ Mirror • Qn. Anne Dining Table • Ladder Back Chairs • Wrought Iron Pot Holder • Martha Washington Sewing Stand • Hand Painted French Marble top table • Cherry Nightstand • Victorian Candle Stand • Cedar Bench • 10 Legged Table • Buffet w/Mirror • Wrought Iron Bed w/ Funnel Rails • White Kitchen Cabinet • U.S. Model 1928 A1 Thompson 45 Cal. • Asst. Vintage Toys • Vintage Movie Projectors • Daisy Red Rider BB Gun • Philco Record Player w/Stand • Cast Iron Water Heater • Teletalk Intercom System • Electro Shock Therapy Unit • Military Comics WWII • Misc. Advertising of All Sorts • Various Military, Shriner, Eastern Star & Masonic Items • Danbury Mint Princess • Diana Bride Doll • Misc. Jewelry Many, Many More Items,Too Numerous To List! Something For Everyone! THIS IS ONLY A PARTIAL LISTING. MORE ITEMS ARE BEING CONSIGNED BEFORE THE SALE DATE! TERMS: Cash or good check w/valid ID and letter of credit from bank if not known by auction company. Sales tax will be charged if you do not have a copy of your tax ID number. No exceptions! All items will have to be paid in full the day of the auction. All items will need to be removed the day of the auction unless arrangements can be made for later pick-ups. 10% Buyer’s Premium will be added to final bid to adjust the final selling price. American Auction Company nor any of the staff makes any guarantees. All items are believed to be true and correct by the sellers. Announcements made the day of the auction supercede any and all prior publications or announcements. We look forward to seeing you there. 731-610-1458 For more information and photos, visit us on or American Auction Co. For all your auction TN 4309 • AR 1987 Auctionzip ID #4676 needs, contact Nationwide Auctioneers & Liquidators Keith Moore: “We work harder for your top dollar!” Col. Keith Moore at MAL 259 • MFL 416 AMERICAN AUCTION CO. Thursday, May 17, 2012 The McNairy County News Page 23 CLASSIFIEDS Congratulates the AHS Lady Cardinals on their accomplishments this season and wants to give them a Big Bear Hug! Photo by Tom Evans From left to right: Coach Michael Harvill, Maddie Wilson , Darby Congiardo and Allie Gean. Darby e Alli Maddie Allie Gean & Maddie Wilson: • District 15A-AA Runners-Up in Doubles • Region 8A-AA Runners-Up in Doubles AHS Lady Cardinals Team: • District 15A-AA District Runners-Up Darby Congiardo: • District 15A-AA Player of the year • District 15A-AA Runner-Up in Singles • Region 8A-AA Champion in Singles • First-Ever Female at AHS to make the State Tournament Todd’s Discount Drugs 347 E Main Street • Adamsville, TN 731-632- 0995 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK - 365 DAYS A YEAR! Page 24 The McNairy County News Thursday, May 17, 2012
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