EDUCATiON - Haleakala Waldorf School
EDUCATiON - Haleakala Waldorf School
t H e N e W Pat H fall 2010 Haleakala Waldorf School H a l e a k a l a¯ W a l d o r f S c H o o l N e W S l e t t e r Haleakala Waldorf School is located on the historic kealahou Public School campus. A Social Education "The fundamental law of human beings is interdependence. A person is a person through other persons." —Bishop esmond d utu t appropriate action. this developing social capacity is like a stream flowing underground providing nourishment to the roots of the plants in the soil above. It is the underlay of all the activities of the class throughout the students’ school experience, including each subject area, recess, lunch and field trips. any Waldorf teacher would say “it’s a social education.” daniel Goleman, the author of the best-selling book emotional Intelligence (1995, Bantam Books), validated a fundamental aspect of Waldorf education when he reported that our brain is actually designed to make connections with other humans, and that our relationships have a real biological impact—whether it's succeeding at work or finding fulfillment in our personal relationships. Social intelligence means the ability to be smart in relationships by being able to sense what others are feeling and their intentions, and by having the social skills to act on that information. How do children learn these skills? the socialization process involves learning how to be—with self, with others, with students and teachers, and with life’s adversities and challenges. When children enter school they are under the influence of two sets of socialization agents: their teachers and their peers (Hartup, 1999). Since 1919, Waldorf teaching methods have actively worked to address social education in addition to teaching academics. While training the mind to think freely, creatively, and critically, Waldorf teachers are also actively strengthening their students’ capacities for compassion, understanding, connection with others, the ability to communicate creatively and effectively, and the courage to take Waldorf students also benefit from a collaborative learning environment. lev Vygotsky, scientist, phycologist and cognitive development expert, states that there exists an inherent social — Continued on page 14 Kakou a l l o f u S to G e t H e r dear friends, the story of the typical applicant family to Haleakala Waldorf School is a simple one. Parents are on a journey and seeking an experience for their children that is different from the experience that has caused people like Sir ken robinson to say “schools kill creativity.” they are families who dream that their unique child will be “seen,” that learning can be inspiring, and that the world is a great place to be. What is atypical is what happens when a large number of these searching families decide to work together to provide an amazing experience for their children and for themselves. they experience the power of “kakou.” kakou is the Hawaiian value of “all of us together.” When a group of families come together with the value of kakou, the result is a true community. a father who put two children through HWS and then moved to another school spoke to me recently. He emphasized that one of the best things he appreciated about HWS was that it provided the entire family with a community. We are blessed at HWS to offer our families the truest sense of community. Because “we are in this together,” families have created the village that will share raising the children. they have created aloha coffee Hour to gather and visit with each other. they have created the renowned Night of delight to provide a fun Halloween adventure for the whole family. they have created a care committee to provide for families needing encouragement. due to our families’ help, last year our annual Giving and our enrollments rates were very strong—this in a year when nationally, both rates were down. With the value of kakou, HWS becomes an experience for all of us, not just for the children. With kakou, you and your child can be “seen,” you and you child will be inspired, and you and your child can discover together what a great place our world is. It’s one of the things that makes Haleakala Waldorf School “as remarkable as your child.” We are in this together and the result is that the school is a place for all of us. this year, join us in celebrating the power of kakou. You’ll be glad you did! aloha no, Jocelyn Romero Demirbag Chair of School 21 Haleakala Haleakalā Waldorf School • 4160 Lower Kula Road • Kula, Maui, Hawai‘i 96790 • Tel: (808) 878-2511 • Fax: (808) 878-3341 Gifts Haleakala Waldorf ScHool 2009-2010 GIVING rePort annuaL FunD unrestricted annual gifts aNoNYMouS unrestricted TOTaL unReSTRIcTeD GIVInG HOLIDaY FaIRe eVenT ReSTRIcTeD annuaL GIVInG aNoNYMouS Middle School Specialist aNoNYMouS – librarian and library Improvements aNoNYMouS Volunteer coordinator aNoNYMouS Building & Grounds aNoNYMouS Golf cart HaPPY daY GYMaGerY early childhood department Hcf-roBert eMeNS Black fuNd Pono travel award Hcf-ValleY ISle VISIoN fuNd I’iwi Program JoHN aNd Noor MoreY Marimba Instruments krIStY SaBIN Building materials TOTaL ReSTRIcTeD annuaL GIVInG TuITIOn aSSISTance G. N.WIlcox truSt (Bank of Hawaii,trustee) dIaMoNd aPProacH GrouP $136,270 $84,000 $220,270 $66,595 $55,000 $45,250 $16,000 $1,000 $1,000 $75 $100 $500 $4,000 $250 $123,175 $5,000 $2,500 McINerNY fouNdatIoN (Bank of Hawaii,trustee) TOTaL TuITIOn aSSISTance $28,000 $35,500 HWS RISInG Sun ScHOLaRSHIp FunD aNoNYMouS roaN aNd SuSaN BroWNe WoodY aNd laura HarrelSoN* GaIl SWaNSoN JoHN aNd leoNtINa elder daVId PIlla aNd terrY Vaccaro daVId aNd cHarleNe WaGNer GeorGe aNd BetH Wood $5,000 $50 $20,000 $3,000 $5,000 $100 $10,000 $2,000 tod aNd JacquelINe Wood TOTaL HWS RISInG Sun ScHOLaRSHIp FunD $3,000 $48,150 eVenT SpOnSORSHIp aNoNYMouS leadership Giving event krIStINa lYoNS laMBert leadership Giving event $2,970 $100 couNtY of MauI Vintage Hawaiian Holiday TOTaL eVenT SpOnSORSHIpS In-KInD GIFTS TOTaL cOnTRIBuTIOnS 2009-2010 * one scholarship per year for the next 4 years. $7,490 $10,560 $5,000 $509,250• •Visit Visitour ourwebsite websiteat:• Haleakala • Haleakal HaleakalaāWaldorf WaldorfSchool School BaLance SHeeT aSSeTS (cuRRenT aSSeTS) cash accounts receivable Prepaid expenses Investments Buildings equipment furniture & fixtures land leasehold Improvements Site Improvements other TOTaL aSSeTS June 30, 2010 $285,046.16 $25,312.38 $31,551.89 0.00 $230,958.56 $84,394.32 $34,456.58 $438,137.27 $292,129.46 $45,375.71 $17,454.72 $1,484,817.05 LIaBILITIeS accounts Payable Prepaid Grants Prepaid tuition Prepaid tuition Insurance Mortgage Principle other loan Principle other TOTaL LIaBILITIeS $5,317.24 $148,250.46 $299,579.18 $18,452.77 $427,983.71 $25,938.59 $14,455.58 $939,977.53 eQuITY $544,839.52 IncOMe STaTeMenT JuLY '09-June '10 ReVenue tuition financial assistance fees & Programs Grants donations events Interest & other TOTaL ReVenue $2,326,491 ($502,780) $103,255 $83,650 $335,199 $67,112 $18,741 $2,431,669 expenSe Salary Benefits taxes events equipment operations Professional development repairs & Maintenance Insurance Supplies utilities other (incl. lunch program) TOTaL expenSe $1,487,345 $137,648 $123,444 $18,084 $26,266 $176,973 $36,621 $46,536 $28,764 $64,133 $24,831 $91,817 $ 2,262,461 neT IncOMe $169,208 113 Bringing Her Own Sunshine INaNNa carter, HWS claSS of 2006 S e a B u rY H a l l S a l u tato r I a N G r a d u at I o N a d d r e S S , M aY, 2 0 1 0 the fact that I am standing here to give this speech is a clear indication that I have done my fair share of over-achieving. as a freshman I redid a map project because I got a 94%. don’t worry, the memory makes me gag, and I have since accepted even 62% scores on aP Physics tests without significant loss of enthusiasm. I’ve done my time staying home writing essays on a Saturday, and forgoing the beach and friend time for my homework on weekdays. You know it’s bad when you are arriving early for math class (although Mr. emde might question when I ever did that this year). after I got over my perfectionism freshman year, I became much better at balancing my nerdy tendencies. although I secretly kept up quite well with my schoolwork, I tried not to let it interfere with other, equally important, aspects of my life, like taking my dog to the beach or jumping off waterfalls. I believe that having fun and keeping a good balance of work and play are the most important things in life. My mom has been very good at helping me deal with stress. Whenever I complained about having too much homework she would remind me it was just a game I was choosing to play so I might as well have fun with it. then she would add that I could drop out and go to massage school anytime. I have promised myself that in college I will make it a priority to balance my workload with outdoor outings, theater productions, night time get-togethers, and sleep. Sleep may be a much underappreciated activity at my school, but I plan to do enough of it to keep my wellbeing intact. for those of you ambitious students set on perfect grades and test scores, I would encourage you to be sure it is the track you want. Somehow I got caught up in the whole thing, ivy-league college included, and I wonder…If I had ever stopped to question it, would I have stayed on this path? do not get me wrong, I am grateful and proud and extremely excited to be attending Harvard next fall, but I do not see it as the end all or be all of achieving success or happiness. I believe that happiness causes things, things to do not cause happiness. I hope that every one of my classmates will live happiness, and not get caught up in pursuing it. er 1st grad ) r e h h it ew rade 8th grad etta (now in 6th g n a Leilani P ay e May D d a r g t s 1 5th grade as Surpanik a in the Ram ayana 4 Haleakalā Waldorf School • 4160 Lower Kula Road • Kula, Maui, Hawai‘i 96790 • Tel: (808) 878-2511 • Fax: (808) 878-3341 SeaBurY Hall claSS of 2010, HarVard claSS of 2014 Having a positive outlook changes everything. When I’m unhappy and stressing about useless things I am quite bothered by our screen door that has to be wrenched open, the inescapable mud on clean clothing, our freezer that is constantly freezing shut so that we have to get out the ice chipper and hack our way to the ice cube tray, the elusive leak in our roof that is in just the right spot to splash and hit me in the face every time I walk through the kitchen during a downpour. When I am feeling good all those things become comical, and I can focus on and appreciate the benefits I do get from living in a tiny house in the jungle… like being surrounded by greenery and happy dogs, eating papayas, bananas, lychees, avocadoes, tomatoes, and now even cucumbers, from our land. an anonymous author summed it up well, “Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.” college decision, a nice straightforward “we regret to inform you” rejection from the college I had set my hopes on, I barely got out two tears and didn’t even make it to the ground before arms were lifting me up and guiding me away from the hateful notification web page. I arrived home and was shortly after barraged by girls and chocolate and magazines and flowers. at first I felt that they clearly hadn’t gotten the message, I was rejected! and then I realized they would have treated it the same way whether I was accepted or rejected. Support comes both as a celebration of success and a buffer for failure. our entire class has learned from and taught each other how to act with compassion. as the dalai lama says, “If you want others to be happy—practice compassion. If you want to be happy—practice compassion.” and just remember: “Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” I am going to miss my down-to-earth lifestyle when I am on the east coast. I am going to miss my family, my friends, and the entire class of 2010. this is one of the most supportive groups of people I have ever been involved with. When I received my first n enior at a S ll a H y n S e a b ur ss reunio la c S W H 8t h gr a de as Ruth in Pirates of Penzance • Visit our website at: • Haleakalā Waldorf School S e a b ur y Hall gra duation 5 Mahalo nui loa! July '09-June '10 W e e x t e N d a S I N c e r e t H a N k Yo u to a l l W H o H aV e c o N t r I B u t e d to H W S look at any aspect of education at HWS whether within classrooms, our exuberant festival life or our historic campus and you will find that Haleakala Waldorf School has been suppor ted by people who share a special vision of educational excellence —Waldorf education. as we look back at the 0910 school year, it is remarkable to note the impact of the many generous donors who gave to Haleakala Waldor f School, both through the annual fund and through restricted gifts for specific projects. the effects of this suppor t cannot be overstated — it allows HWS to function and to sustain our unique approach to education. Sun Scholarship Why the Rising by David Wagner ip benefits sing Sun Scholar sh ri e th in t en tm "an inves inves tment in the students — it is an al du ivi ind ly on t no return on this d I believe that the an lie ar ch . ge lar al world at es t of the individu e compound inter th in is t en tm to es ve inv ts that they ha and the unique gif being served by it ." of fer to the world a special Mahalo to our anonymous donors who help us achieve our goals. Why we give to HW S by an anonymous do nor who has donated $500,000 to our sch pledged $500,000 ool and more ! "the school is of service to many, and we salute all who are direc tly an of those d indirectly a part of suppor ting this Please, never forg mission. et that what you set out to do here young people to be , guiding come independent thinker s to stand on own amids t the ch their aos that surround s us is a truly noble that will keep on ca use giving throughout the lives of each young adults and of these direc tly to those who they come in with.… contac t "We would like to say how gr ateful we are that this scho available to familie ol is s on Maui. Many do not yet see the wisd your vision or wha om of t rippling ef fects it can have in a world ours. for those w su ch as ho do, we feel they should be commen ac ting in the best int de d for eres ts of their child ren and the lar ger of a society they w vision ill affec t down the road. and finally, simply say to the gr m ay we eater Haleakala W aldor f School com thank you, for all yo m unity : u do...” 6 ree HWS Giving T ni gave faculty and Alum , rs be em m d ar Parents, Bo ee at Holiday Faire Tr g in iv G w ne r over $3000 to ou DONATE NOW! Giving to HWS is quick and convenient when you visit our new website at Haleakalā Waldorf School • 4160 Lower Kula Road • Kula, Maui, Hawai‘i 96790 • Tel: (808) 878-2511 • Fax: (808) 878-3341 Annual Fund Ha’awi wale! Giving Freely ProVIdING excelleNce for HWS StudeNtS the backbone of our fundraising efforts is the annual fund. the annual fund is a yearly appeal to all members of our community for tax-deductible contributions that make our mission possible. on behalf of all HWS students, thank you so very much for contributing over $500,000 to the school! Your Annual Fund gift going directly to work: fe ol Community Li ho Sc & al iv st Fe Rich ut, Las Posadas Middle School Campo ements Campus Improv tions h Grade Lanai Renova Driveway and 7th/ 8t Excellence in Teaching Professional D evelopment, S alaries and Be nefits • Visit our website at: • Haleakalā Waldorf School Finest Qu ality Supp lies Tuition A ssistance Financial aid for 34% of our students in need as ecial Subject Are Nine Diverse Sp Hawaiiana, Crafts 7 Punana ke ola 'ana (tHe lIVING NeSt) leaderSHIP GIVING cIrcle Pueo $10,000+ anonymous (5) John and leontina elder Mike and angela kroeger McInerny foundation david and charlene Wagner Woody and laura Harrelson ‘Io $5,000 $9,999 Koa'e $2,500 $4,999 county of Maui, department of finance daniel and Barbara Berry foundation G. N.Wilcox trust Mana foods fritz reynolds and christine Hether tod and Jacqueline Wood ‘I'iwi $1,500 $2,499 anonymous diamond approach Group Mustafa and Jocelyn romero demirbag Mette lyons John and Noor Morey Gill Newton Michael and Jill Spalding Gail Swanson tsune and Pricilla carmichael Watanabe fred Baldwin Memorial foundation Peter and liana Horovitz thomas and kristina lyons lambert Beth and George Wood ‘Elepaio $1,000 - $1,499 anonymous (4) Stephen and Patricia abbott anne carter leah damon Warren and allyson freeland david and andrea futch tony and thea Jensen engesser Nicolas and anja kern Judith lambert Nancy Meola Moss foundation Peter and Susie Peck kathy ross Bob and Margo rowland Grant and Brenda thomas Sophia Shoen tom Welch - Mancini,Welch & Geiger llP Hal Wright GIVING BY aMouNt Founders' CirCle $500 - $999 William and Marilyn alpenfels Jeff and Janet Baldwin dennis Brown and cindy krach Glenna carcon robert and Iris chapman city foundation Peter and Vickie conmy todd and Jayne craine the Gas company carl freedman and kim Harter Hawai'i community foundation - Valley Isle Vision fund Isle of Maui Pipe Band Billy and carla Jalbert Brent Pickering and Sally dominick christian rogge and Susanne knappstein kristy Sabin Stefan Schaefer and chenta laury dean and linda kay Whitney Shirley Yokouchi - Yokouchi foundation KoKua CirCle $250 - $499 alexander and Baldwin foundation John and Brenda andrick richard and Melinda armour Jaime and Paula Berdal Mitch and Joan Berman Michael Brand 8 diana loomis dahl laurence dorcy karen ellis Scott and Sherry fisher foodland diannah Goo Jeremy Gooding and Mino Mclean andrew Gross and Jenny-li Hellsen ted and astrid Grupenhoff Jim and Honey Bun Haynes Joseph and Beth Jarrett John and Sheri kerr Steve kreider and Gretchen fisher Paul levinson Michael loo Shelley Maddigan keith and lynette Mccrary ron Moore and Marion Haskins Jim Neiss and Stephanie austin Joseph and konstance Palmore queen ka'ahumanu center keith regan Gray and Bettina ringsby carolyn ross doug and kathryn Smith richard Spork and agna Pang Steven thobe and elizabeth Jordan Stephanie Viela Miles and koko Wolbe Community CirCle $1-249 anonymous (2) robert and kathy adams Marty and Helida adler Nick and Maggie alves Barbara anderson erik and Moana anderson ryan and elizabeth anderson connie anzalone ric and dolores arenas del arkin linda arnold Stanley Bartlett Michael Beaulieu david and kelly Behn Joshua Berman david Blake and Suzanne frew William and cleo Bloedon tom and Gail Boehme raymond and letty Borchers tom Bowman and Patti lousen rick and dawn Brant alan Brisley and kelly Janes consuelo Bronick tobias and letitia Brook Paul Brown roan and Susan Browne Zach Bussewitz and elena Peytcheva Jennifer Busto Bennett cale and Gabby anderman Hank and Barbara carbajal carlo and Samantha carbajal Jocelyn chang Martin and Yasuko claerbout Matthew clement corey and daina collins carol conley Walsh and Shirley conmy Malcolm cooper Malik and Joyanna cotter christina cowell anthony crook and Heidi Sherman Mark and Sol cunningham Sarah cutts Brian and eva daniells erin deeny Joseph delinsky karen delinsky Pete and Jemma dellacroce angelina demirbag linda deslauriers rich doster and Marie fitzsimons kevin and Sandra drake Jeff and Heather drood roberta ducharme russell and kimberly dukes Gerald durkan Miranda ellis tianalee feiteira Shawn and diane fell Haleakalā Waldorf School • 4160 Lower Kula Road • Kula, Maui, Hawai‘i 96790 • Tel: (808) 878-2511 • Fax: (808) 878-3341 In Gratitude ‘09 ‘10 Gifts GIVING BY aMouNt ricky and Marilyn fernandez kat fitzpatrick auriol Naquin flavell Jon flynn and dacia Waller lehua fonseca eduardo Gandolfo frank and lauralynn Giubardo Mark Goldberg and kira enge Steve Goldstein david and Bonnie Gott Hawaii community foundationrobert emens Black fund denver and Shelley Henry rob Hilbun and karen Bouris frederick and lindsey Hill Marc and aly Hodges keith and Johanna Holland Yuriko Holland Paul and Betsy Horovitz ron and lorraine Howlett Michael Hughes dan Hunter anthea Iuorno Michael and deborah Jacob linda Jenkins david Jiminez Mark John andy kauderer and Sagara Sanchez kurt and Sari kawauchi todd and kalia kelmenson James and teresa kimmel Maria knauer Bernard and Helen kovitz Mercy kraft Jesse krebs and lena Walleng Greg laGoy Gisele lalonde robert lang tana larson leslie leclerc Nick and colleen lisowski Nick and Mary Jo lisowski Steven and Marie lopes anders lyons and kiera Strohm-Herman laura Maudsley Maui electric company Guus and carla Mauri allison Mcdonald Patrick and azusa Merrill Sarah Metz Jeannette Milholland chris Miller and rona Smith chris and Nanci Moes linda Morgan tyler Morrison dwight and Julenne Mounts Heather Mueller Joyce Muraoka alan and ruth Murata Jack Naiditch Martha Nerenhausen emily Nielsen Sonya Niess Scott obley and Gwen arkin Hilary Parker Bonnie Pasicznyk david Pilla and terry Vaccaro John Pinkard Paul and cindy Pokorski roland Porgatorio rodney Potter Syd and Vivian rahe craig and teena rasmussen keoki and kim raymond lois reiswig Janet renner andy and anne rice chris and Hillary richards Bill and Monica riker frank rizzo, Sr frank and teresa rizzo Zea robbins konjit robinson Joyce romero Sophia and daniel romero-Schwartz Patricia rosenblad Bob and Ingrid rowland Ian and kalyani russell keith and licia Sakamoto chris and Signe Schaefer david and Jennifer Schwartz Michael and carol Schwarz lina Sena Joey and teresa Sena Brooke Simonds Ned Simonds Patrick and Jody Singsank allison Smith Nicole Smith Starr Snead Scott and Perlita Sniffen charles and lyn Soma elizabeth Spanton erwin and Mary Spork Jim and cami Spurgin Josh and amy Stone Spar Street and Johanna Wilson candle Summers christopher and Irene Sutherland kevin and liz tade Garry and Jan taylor rod and linda taylor rodney and Pamela telford J.P.thoma and Patricia Mccain James and Jenna tolley Gordon and Sally treharne ted and leslie tucker charles and Joan Wallace Ben and Hiroko Ward Joan and Bill Warner cynthia Warner dale and Jackie Webster lin Weidner Michael and linda cochran Welch david and anne Wertheim Bob Wesson rob and lorrie Williams ruth Williams and claire ellis thomas and Julie Ybarra travis Zumwalt and Sky Hawk G I V I N G B Y a f f I l I at I o N alumni anonymous (1) Joshua Berman (08) Sarah cutts angelina dermirbag (08) Heather (Haynes 83) drood Miranda ellis (08) Marc (83)and aly (Parker 87) Hodges kalia kelmenson (86) anders lyons (82) kristina lyons lambert (84) Mino Mclean (89) tyler Morrison (80) Sonya Niess (99) lina Sena (05) Brooke Simonds (95) allison Smith (07) Nicole Smith (99) Board oF direCtors Joan Berman leah damon John elder Sherry fisher david futch laura Harrelson kim Harter christine Hether Peter Horovitz Greg laGoy kristina lyons lambert Mino Mclean Nancy Meola Gill Newton tod Wood Businesses animal care Hospital • Visit our website at: • Haleakalā Waldorf School consuelo's catering county of Maui, department of finance dragon's den Healing center foodland Grins2Go Happy day Gymagery kula Manu farms Mana foods Mancini,Welch & Geiger llP Maui aprons Maui electric company Maui oceanic Properties Maui orthodontics Michael Spalding realty upcountry Home Paradise flower farms Pony express queen ka'ahumanu center r. f. chapman rainbow rentals reynolds capital Management the Gas company FaCulty and staFF robert adams Maggie alves ryan anderson Stanley Bartlett Michael Beaulieu Paula Berdal Paul Brown Matthew clement Vickie conmy Jemma dellacroce Jocelyn romero demirbag kimberly dukes karen ellis 9 In Gratitude ‘09 ‘10 Gifts continued G I V I N G B Y a f f I l I at I o N andrea futch astrid Grupenhoff Shelley Henry linda Jenkins Mark John Mercy kraft Gisele lalonde tana larson leslie leclerc Paul levinson lynette Mccrary allison Mcdonald Jeannette Milholland Joseph Palmore konstance Palmore Susie Peck kim raymond teresa rizzo konjit robinson elizabeth Spanton linda kay Whitney koko Wolbe Julie Ybarra Foundations anonymous alexander and Baldwin foundation G. N.Wilcox trust Bank of Hawaii,trustee city foundation daniel and Barbara Berry foundation fred Baldwin Memorial foundation Hawai'i community foundation - Valley Isle Vision fund Hawai'i community foundation - robert emens Black fund McInerny foundation - Bank of Hawaii trustee Moss foundation Yokouchi foundation - Shirley Yokouchi Friends and Family erik and Moana anderson ric and dolores arenas del arkin roan and Susan Browne Jennifer Busto corey and daina collins Malcolm cooper diamond approach Group laurence dorcy kevin and Sandra drake roberta ducharme 10 auriol Naquin flavell Steve Goldstein Jim and Honey Bun Haynes Michael Hughes Isle of Maui Pipe Band Michael loo Shelley Maddigan Guus and carla Mauri keith Mccrary linda Morgan Heather Mueller Joyce Muraoka alan and ruth Murata emily Nielsen Syd and Vivian rahe keith regan lois reiswig Janet renner Sophia and daniel romero-Schwartz Starr Snead candle Summers Gail Swanson Garry and Jan taylor charles and Joan Wallace dale and Jackie Webster lin Weidner tom and claudia Welch Grandparents Barbara anderson connie anzalone daniel and Barbara Berry tom and Gail Boehme Hank and Barbara carbajal Glenna carcon Walsh and Shirley conmy diana loomis dahl Joseph delinsky ricky and Marilyn fernandez frank and lauralynn Giubardo diannah Goo Paul and Betsy Horovitz Bernard and Helen kovitz Judith lambert Nick and Mary Jo lisowski Mette lyons Jim Neiss and Stephanie austin keoki and kim raymond frank rizzo, Sr Joyce romero Patricia rosenblad carolyn ross Bob and Margo rowland chris and Signe Schaefer Michael and Jill Spalding elizabeth Spanton erwin and Mary Spork Grant and Brenda thomas Gordon and Sally treharne Stephanie Viela Joan and Bill Warner ruth Williams and claire ellis dean and linda kay Whitney rob and lorrie Williams Beth and George Wood Hal Wright parents anonymous (3) Stephen and Patricia abbott robert and kathy adams Marty and Helida adler William and Marilyn alpenfels Nick and Maggie alves ryan and elizabeth anderson richard and Melinda armour david and kelly Behn Jaime and Paula Berdal david Blake and Suzanne frew raymond and letty Borchers Michael Brand rick and dawn Brandt alan Brisley and kelly Janes consuelo Bronick tobias and letitia Brook dennis Brown and cindy krach Zach Bussewitz and elena Peytcheva Bennett cale and Gabby anderman carlo and Samantha carbajal anne carter Jocelyn chang Martin and Yasuko claerbout carol conley Peter and Vickie conmy christina cowell todd and Jayne craine anthony crook and Heidi Sherman Mark and Sol cunningham leah damon erin deeny karen delinsky linda deslauriers rich doster and Marie fitzsimons russell and kimberly dukes Gerald durkan John and leontina elder tianalee feiteira Shawn and diane fell Jon flynn and dacia Waller Scott and Sherry fisher lehua fonseca carl freedman and kim Harter Warren and allyson freeland david and andrea futch eduardo Gandolfo frank and lauralynn Giubardo Mark Goldberg and kira enge Jeremy Gooding and Mino Mclean david and Bonnie Gott andrew Gross and Jenny-li Hellsen ted and astrid Grupenhoff Woody and laura Harrelson denver and Shelley Henry rob Hilbun and karen Bouris frederick and lindsey Hill keith and Johanna Holland Yuriko Holland Peter and liana Horovitz dan Hunter anthea Iuorno Billy and carla Jalbert Joseph and Beth Jarrett david Jiminez andy kauderer and Sagara Sanchez kurt and Sari kawauchi todd and kalia kelmenson Nicolas and anja kern James and teresa kimmel Maria knauer Jesse krebs and lena Walleng Mike and angela kroeger thomas and kristina lyons lambert leslie leclerc Nick and colleen lisowski Steven and Marie lopes anders lyons and kiera StrohmHerman laura Maudsley allison Mcdonald Patrick and azusa Merrill Sarah Metz chris and Nanci Moes ron Moore and Marion Haskins John and Noor Morey dwight and Julenne Mounts Jack Naiditch Gill Newton Scott obley and Gwen arkin Joseph and konstance Palmore Peter and Susie Peck Brent Pickering and Sally dominick david Pilla and terry Vaccaro John Pinkard Paul and cindy Pokorski roland Porgatorio Haleakalā Waldorf School • 4160 Lower Kula Road • Kula, Maui, Hawai‘i 96790 • Tel: (808) 878-2511 • Fax: (808) 878-3341 Mahalo a nui loa I N k I N d d o N at I o N S G I V I N G B Y a f f I l I at I o N c o N t I N u e d andy and anne rice chris and Hillary richards Bill and Monica riker Gray and Bettina ringsby frank and teresa rizzo Zea robbins konjit robinson christian rogge and Susanne knappstein kathy ross Bob and Ingrid rowland Ian and kalyani russell kristy Sabin keith and licia Sakamoto Stefan Schaefer and chenta laury david and Jennifer Schwartz Michael and carol Schwarz Sophia Shoen Scott and Perlita Sniffen dawn Snyder charles and lyn Soma richard Spork and agna Pang Jim and cami Spurgin Josh and amy Stone Spar Street and Johanna Wilson christopher and Irene Sutherland kevin and liz tade rodney and Pamela telford Steven thobe and elizabeth Jordan James and Jenna tolley ted and leslie tucker david and charlene Wagner Ben and Hiroko Ward cynthia Warner tsune and Pricilla carmichael Watanabe Michael and linda cochran Welch david and anne Wertheim Bob Wesson tod and Jacqueline Wood thomas and Julie Ybarra travis Zumwalt and Sky Hawk past parents John and Brenda andrick linda arnold Mitch and Joan Berman Jeff and Janet Baldwin William and cleo Bloedon tom Bowman and Patti lousen robert and Iris chapman Malik and Joyanna cotter Brian and eva daniells Mustafa and Jocelyn romero demirbag Jeff and Heather drood karen ellis kat fitzpatrick Marc and aly Hodges ron and lorraine Howlett Michael and deborah Jacob tony and thea Jensen engesser John and Sheri kerr Mercy kraft Steve kreider and Gretchen fisher robert lang Mette lyons Nancy Meola chris Miller and rona Smith Martha Nerenhausen Hilary Parker Bonnie Pasicznyk rodney Potter craig and teena rasmussen fritz reynolds and christine Hether Joey and teresa Sena Ned Simonds Patrick and Jody Singsank doug and kathryn Smith Michael and Jill Spalding rod and linda taylor J.P.thoma and Patricia Mccain in-Kind donations anonymous 4 life transfer factor Plus a child's dream come true a toy Garden aardvarks to Zebras al Schwartz aloha Natural foods aloha Portraits amazing Grass amy Wakingwolf anderson/clement Music andre deslauriers andrea futch animal care Hospital anja kern anne rice anonymous anthea Iuorno aoa diamond Broker arco Iris designs asian arts atlantis adventures awakening Health therapeutic Massage Services ayumi ditamore Beach Boy Bettina ringsby Biasa rose Big Island candies Bishop Museum Press Bistro casanova Blue Hawaiian Helicopters Body of light Yoga Bounty Music Brian J. Miller Bug Man termite and Pest control Bummis campanile fine art carla Jalbert Photography caroline Skala child care cecilia's quilts chris McNeil ddS cinco and tricia Young connections Jigsaw Puzzles/Buddhafuls consuelo catering cruiser Phil's Volcano riders curves upcountry david and charlene Wagner david Wertheim deborah kremins, New Insights deva lifewear dick's fumigation doc Martin's of Maui dolphin quest Hawaii doubletree alana Hotel Waikiki dr. Bennett's Med Spa duck Soup earth friendly cleaning Products elena Peytcheva elite athlete elizabeth Spanton enray/truroots ergo Baby eve Black Jewelry expeditions fenwick's Beach treasures flatbread flooring direct Warehouse francisco Goya frank and lauralynn Giubardo frogman charters G diapers Gemini Sailing adventures Gr 4 Gourmet extravaganza Grand Wailea resort Hotel & Spa Green Banana cafe Green Mountain/tully's coffee Gwen arkin Haiku cafe Haiku Maui orchids Hair Garden HaIS Hakem Scattergood Haleakala Bike company • Visit our website at: • Haleakalā Waldorf School Haleakala Skyline tour Haleakala Solar Hana lima Soap company Handmaiden Maui & SoNflower designs Hanne J. Holland, lic Massage therapist Harmony Healing Hawaii Nature center Heart of Maui High Mowing organic Seeds Hinu Jewelry Hiro's aloha creations Honua kai Sailing trip Honua'ula Hot Island Glass HSt Windsurfing & kitesurfing Hui No'eau Visual arts center Hula Girl kine design Hula Grill HWS alumni class of 2008 HWS, Grade 2 HWS, Grade 3 HWS, Grade 4 HWS, Grade 5 HWS, Grade 6 HWS, Grade 7 HWS, Nene kindergarten HWS, Pueo kindergarten HWS, advancement office Indigo-Poof Ipo Giclees Island Graphics Isle dream Jean McMahon Jenny-li Hellson Jeremy and Jason elder John and leontina elder Joseph and konstance Palmore Judi riley Juniors Jewels Jus Jocelyn Juvenal & co. ka'anapali Beach Hotel kanoe Blue Photography kapalua land company karen & Miranda ellis kealahealing keokea farms kev's custom Paint kiffman's Maui elite taikwondo kihei Party rentals kim Harter-artist/print maker kimberly kawachi kingswood Shop & Gallery koho Grill & Bar konstance Maka'ala Palmore 11 In Gratitude ‘09 ‘10 Gifts continued I N k I N d d o N at I o N S & t r I B u t e r o S t e r kristin fein kristy Sabin kulamanu farm la Bang lahaina Grill lappert's Hawaii lasensua leilani's on the Beach letarte Swimwear Paia lilipoh Publishing linda kay Whitney linda taylor engineering linda Whittamore lisa Medwedeff livity outernational loc lotus dancer luminous facials lunaroma lychee M & M concepts dba aloha events catering Maggie alves Mahana Massage Makana o Maui Handmade Soap Makani olu ranch Makawao fine art Makawao Hair Saloon Mala ocean tavern Mana o Honua Marianne asher Marilyn alpenfels Marylynn Holland Mary's Gone crackers Maui academy of Performing arts Maui arts & cultural center Maui classic charters Inc. Maui closet company Maui coastal land trust Maui divers of Hawaii/Maui divers Jewelry Maui elite Gymnastics & cheerleading academy Maui family YMca Maui film festival Maui Girl-Paia Maui Mari ocean Jewelry Maui Mind and Body Maui MoonBeams Maui No ka oi Magazine Maui ocean center Maui Wedding cakes Maui's ono/Maui Mamaki Melanie Vallejas, ddS 12 Mele ukulele Michael and Jill Spalding Milagros food Mintra Moana Bakery and café Mothering Natural family living Na lima o ka la Naka Ima Studio Nalu kai lodge New Moon Girl Media Nichola Moss Northshore chiropractic and Massage Numinous Nutiva obentec old lahaina luau olga Berg outdoor living Pacific Green furniture Pacific Whale foundation Pacifica Natural Brokers Paia Inn Paul and Judy Mancini Peahi Pottery Penne Pasta Peter and liana Horovitz Photography by Shasta rose Pickering International Piiholo Zipline Pinatas Pizzo Glass art Polli's Mexican restaurant Pony express tours Proflight Paragliding Pukalani country club PWc Hawaii rachael Makena design reefdancer & america II reiki attunement rishi tea rock n Wow rodeo General Store rodney Potter - rainbow rentals rosemary Hogarty roy's kahana Bar & Grill rueBelle designs ruth's chris Steak House S. reeve Gallery & Gifts Sabrina futch Sagara Sandez-reinoso Sailbags Maui Sailboards Maui Salon Synneve Sandy's Piano Studio Schwarz Jewelry Scott and Sherry fisher Serenity Maui Shane Jacob Shelley Madigan Sherri reeve Siganka Silks! Simmer Hawaii SoNflower designs Specialty retail Shops Stani crystals Starfish Glass Stash tea Stella Blues café Stephanie Nelson Steve Smeltzer Strini art Glass and custom lighting Sugar cane train Surfing Goat dairy Susie trains Maui Suzanna ryan Sweet Skins tamara catz -Paia tamara catz, carla Jalbert and laura Buchani temple of Peace tempt living Harvest foods teralani Sailing teri Holter, lcSW, dcSW teri Sherman teya Penniman the curtis Wilson cost Gallery the dunes at Maui lani the Gem 'n I the Grand Wailea resort Hotel & Spa the Gypsy tent the Pet Shop the reading clinic/carlita tohtz,M.ed. the Westin kaanapali ocean resort Villas thee Salon three treasures tod and Jacqueline Wood tracy Stice treasure Box toys tropo & Hurricane turtle reef - fine Jewelry ufo Parasail 'ulalena at Maui theatre uma Silbey upcountry acupuncture & Herbs upcountry fitness upcountry legends upcountry rotary club upcountry Veterinary acupuncture usborne Books Virginia fish Wailea Beach Marriott resort & Spa Warren and allyson freeland Warren and annabelle's Magic Show Wendy tanno, aesthetician Wolters kluwer Worcester Glassworks We are grateful for the support of each individual, organization and business listed. If we have inadvertently left anyone off the list or misspelled a name, please let us know by calling 878-2511 Haleakalā Waldorf School • 4160 Lower Kula Road • Kula, Maui, Hawai‘i 96790 • Tel: (808) 878-2511 • Fax: (808) 878-3341 Tribute Roster the following tribute Gifts were made in memory or in honor of a student, a faculty or staff member, or a beloved family member or friend. Jade arNold linda arnold deNNY currIer fritz reynolds and christine Hether keItH aNd lYNette MccrarY Heather Mueller kISHa careY keola foNSeca Hilary Parker luaN Blue doSter lorrie and rob Williams HIGGINS MaddIGaN Shelley Maddigan our GraNdcHIldreN WIll PaNG aNd SaM SPork erwin and Mary Spork alIce aNN rIce Nicole Smith Blake rIZZo Garry and Jan taylor rutH WIllIaMS aNd claIre ellIS karen ellis In Honor of Mustafa and Jocelyn Romero Demirbag’s 25th Wedding Anniversary anonomous erik and Moana anderson consuelo Bronick Jennifer Busto anne carter robert and Iris chapman Malcolm cooper kevin and Sandra drake angelina dermirbag John and leontine elder kat fitzpatrick Jon flynn and dacia Waller david and andrea futch david and Bonnie Gott ted, astrid and timo Grupenhoff carl freedman and kim Harter linda Jenkins Nicolas and anja kern christian rogge and Susanne knappstein Greg laGoy Paul levinson anders lyons and kiera Strohm-Herman thomas lambert and kristina lyons lambert Guus and carla Mauri keith Mccrary Jeremy Gooding and Mino Mclean chris and rona Miller, Happy day Gymagery linda Morgan alan and ruth Murata emily Nielsen richard Spork and agna Pang ā Waldorf School Visitour ourwebsite websiteat:• Haleakal • Haleakala Waldorf School • •Visit Peter and Susie Peck Syd and Vivian rahe lois reiswig Joyce romero daniel and Sophia romero-Schwartz Starr Snead Scott and Perlita Sniffen Michael and Jill Spalding Janet renner kevin and liz tade Gordon and Sally treharne charles and Joan Wallace lin Weidner Miles and koko Wolbe 11 13 A Social Education coVer artIcle coNtINued nature in learning. Waldorf teachers use a variety of approaches that involve joint effort by students or groups of students working and playing together to “build” the class and create a support structure that enhances the experience of all. In one third grade experience, students were asked to recite their times tables to receive a star on the multiplication chart. one student had come so close for a couple of weeks, and when for the third time he tried and failed, he hung his head knowing he would have to wait another week while the other students moved ever further ahead. after he was seated, the next student stood and said “pass” and each student after that got the unspoken message and stood up only to say “pass.” they went through the whole class saying “pass” finally coming back to that first child who now knew that every one of his classmates was behind him as he was given another chance to make it through the “six’s” table. With that support he made it and was immediately rewarded with resounding applause and joyful chanting of his name by classmates! the Waldorf philosophy recognizes that the fulfillment of individual human potential promotes the growth and development of humanity. this fulfilled human potential is also our highest hope for a future of global cooperation and peace. "Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding." albert einstein each child benefitted from that experience in ways that had little to do with math, and much to do with social education. academic focus is always matched with artistic discipline; personal development with social understanding. It is a fundamental goal of Waldorf education to bring students to an understanding and experience of the common humanity of all of the world’s people, transcending stereotypes, prejudices, and divisive barriers of classification by sex, race, religion, nationality, and ability. this understanding leads to a global vision of society and citizenship. 1 14 Haleakala Waldorf School • 4160 Lower Kula Road • Kula, Maui, Hawai‘i 96790 • Tel: (808) 878-2511 • Fax: (808) 878-3341 Alumnas Spotlight JoSH JerMaN Josh Jerman (HWS class of ‘92) is a successful realtor in the Wailea area who was selected into the “top 40 under 40” by the Pacific Business News and who has provided over $20,000 in scholarships to graduating seniors in Maui county. He believes that what distinguishes him as an individual is “a tremendous amount of compassion, patience, and tolerance for people” and attributes the development of these qualities in large part to his experience with Waldorf education. responsibility for the class into social responsibility for Maui’s community. each year he offers $1,000 scholarships to Maui county high school seniors who have been accepted to a four year university. He asks each applicant to reflect on how their education will benefit Maui county and how they plan to share what they gain. Mahalo, Josh, for making a difference to Maui county! even as a child, Josh recognized that his Waldorf teachers held the belief that “each child has a greater purpose.” He observed that his teacher, Ms. eleanor dudley, would guide the students in working together as a class to help everyone through their issues and elevate those who were struggling. He learned to understand where others were coming from, and yet at the same time to recognize what was “his” emotionally and what belonged to someone else. Josh gave the example that he was a person who was not likely to become angry just because someone else was. as a result, Josh believes that Waldorf graduates have the confidence to believe in their own strengths and that they are “people who are far more self-directed” than others. for Josh, this has meant that he is extremely comfortable with who he is and what his values are. He was able to develop his own barometer of what is right and wrong and asks before each decision, “is it harmful to others?” and “what will be the effect on the greater issue at hand?” He has also transformed social • Visit our website at: • Haleakalā Waldorf School 15 NON-PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID Haleakala Waldorf School KIHEI HI PERMIT NO. 171 4160 loWer kula road, kula, MauI, HaWaI‘I 96790 tel ep hone : (808) 878-2 5 11 • f a x : ( 8 0 8 ) 8 7 8 - 3 3 4 1 i nfo @ w aldorfmaui.or g • w w w. w a l dor f ma u i . or g " Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant. " -Robert Louis Stevenson t H e N e W Pat H fall 2010 H a l e a k a l a¯ W a l d o r f S c H o o l N e W S l e t t e r E Komo Mai! WelcoMe GoING GreeN! This Ke ala Hou was printed with: 100% recycled content, 100% post-consumer waste, processed chlorine-free paper, soy based ink and generated from wind power. tHe 2010-11 HWS Board of truSteeS: President - Peter Horovitz Vice President - tod Wood treasurer - Gill Newton secretary - christine Hether editor: Maka'ala Palmore Photography: carla Jalbert and HWS Parents Joan Selix Berman John elder Sherry fisher kim Harter kristina lyons lambert laura Harrelson leah damon linda taylor ted tucker Graphic design: danoucha reynon ‘95
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