cymbal guide 2009
cymbal guide 2009
Cymbal Guide 2009 8 40553 00637 7 All features are subject to change without notice. Not responsible for typographic errors. No part of this catalog may be reprinted, reproduced or included in any online-services in any form in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Meinl cymbals. Printed in Germany. M-CA401108 U1-U4_Lay_fin.indd 1 Cymbal Guide 2009 24.11.2008 13:45:00 Uhr Our MISSION PrODuCTION ArTISTS EVENTS MEINL DruM FESTIVAL CYMBALS PErFECT rIDE QuICK VIEW DruM GEAr MErCHANDISE 4 6 14 34 44 52 100 124 128 134 Des Kensel with his band High on Fire backstage, GIGANTOUR 2008 MEINL CYMBALS Our company was founded in 1951 by my father, Roland Meinl. Since then, we have become one of the leading cymbal manu facturers worldwide. Back then and through today and beyond, our success is based on the four company principles: AuTHENTICITY; FrOM DruMMErS FOr DruMMErS All of the keypersons in our operation are accomplished drummers themselves. They live drums and their job 24/7. Being authentic is nothing we are desperately trying to be. We are drummers first. Every major decision that we make is evaluated from a drummer’s point of view first. For us, that is the key to everything. roland Meinl Company Founder, 1929 - 2007 BEING A STEP AHEAD. FOr uS, INNOVATION IS EVErYTHING We are not content to rest on our laurels. As a result of many inten sive discussions with musicians of all styles, we are continuously developing new sounds and optimizing our current range. We have proved and established our leading position in the field of research and development of new alloys in cymbal production. rESPONSIBILITY FOr Our FELLOW MAN AND THE ENVIrONMENT We don’t simply measure our success by sales figures alone. The way in which we achieve these figures is just as important to us. As a familyrun company, we strive to combine business with decency. We respect our employees, our customers, our musicians, and our environment. A sense of responsibility towards our fellow man and the environment does not necessarily conflict with competitiveness and profitability. reinhold Meinl TOP QuALITY INSTruMENTS Our production facility is the most modern of its kind in the world. The instruments we make here are of the highest quality in terms of production methods and the materials we use. This guarantees maximum player satisfaction, the best possible sounds, and lasting playing pleasure. It makes us proud when musicians confirm that Meinl cymbals...inspire! Reinhold Meinl Owner 4 5 TO PrOTECT THE WOrLD WE LIVE IN å Our rESPONSIBILITIES INCLuDE METAL rECYCLING All of the metal waste emerging from the production process is returned to our raw material suppliers. There those valuable metal components will be entirely recycled. PrOTECTING THE ENVIrONMENT IS AN ESSENTIAL PArT OF WHAT DEFINES uS AND Our DAY TO DAY ACTIVITIES. WATEr CONSErVATION A specially developed vacuum distillation system for our cymbal degreasing unit enables us to save approx. 90,000 liters (23,775 gallons) of drinking water per year. At Meinl, it is of utmost importance to ensure that all of our operations are being executed utilizing the highest possible level of environmental care and preserva tion. When buying a Meinl cymbal, you can be sure of this. You have our word. CLEAN AIr EXHAuST Specially engineered airfiltration systems for our polishing and lacquering ma chines ensure the exhaust of only pure and clean air back into the environment. SAVING ELECTrICITY To keep our electricity usage at a minimum level, all of the buildings are equip ped with motion sensors. Additionally, a centralized lighting and machinery control panel prevents the unnecessary waste of electricity. PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM Our own solarpowerplant (PhotovoltaicSystem) produces approx. 50,000 kilowatt hours every year which we feed into the public electricity system. This is enough energy to supply 16 houses with the electricity needed, or to cover onethird of our own electrical demands. rENEWABLE ENErGY All of the electricity used in our facility is produced from renewable energies and comes from water power plants. By doing this we reduce the carbon monoxide emission, which the production of the electricity for our operations would cause if normal energies were used, from 200 tons per year, down to zero. METAL rECYCLING 6 WATEr CONSErVATION CLEAN AIr EXHAuST SAVING ELECTrICITY PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM WASTE rECYCLING For us it goes without saying that all of the different kinds of waste, such as paper, plastic, cardboard, styrofoam, biological litter, and other components are disposed separately. Waste is a valuable raw material and should be treated as such by recycling. This Catalog is printed on paper made of PEFC certified timber. PEFC supports international consensus on forests’ vital role in fighting climate change. 7 A STEP AHEAD THE WOrLD’S MOST MODErN CYMBAL PrODuCTION State of the art machinery is used in our German factory. The results are cymbals of the highest quality and the best possible sound and consistency. Our cymbal manufacturing facility is unequalled worldwide in terms of hightech engineering and efficiency. CNC uNIT This CNC unit (computerized numerical control) lathes the cymbals. Due to its computerization, this process is repeated in exactly the same way with every cymbal. This results in a constant level of quality for every instrument in terms of sound and look. uLTrASOuND DEFATTING This specially developed machine uses ultrasonic waves and special liquids to degrease the cymbal surface resulting in the best possible cleanliness and optical desirability of the cymbal’s finish. 8 9 TrADITIONALLY HANDCrAFTED IN Our OWN TurKISH CYMBAL SMITHY Here, every cymbal is made by hand, from start to finish. Unique pieces of art are created using ancient craftsmen skills passed on through generations. CASTING It all begins by melting the two components, copper (80%) and tin (20%) and casting the bronze. This pro cess is done by only the most experienced craftsmen. It’s a crucial step for the cymbal’s final sound. LATHING A lot of intuition is needed when lathing the cymbals by hand. This process not only reveals the cymbal’s surface, it also fine tunes its tone. Again, years and years of experience are necessary to handlathe a cymbal. 10 11 THE BEST OF BOTH WOrLDS TrADITIONALLY HANDCrAFTED kMb20 kByzance WOLFGANG HAFFNEr q (GErMANY) »I PLAY HAND HAMMErED CYMBALS, ‘CAuSE THEY SOuND AS INDIVIDuAL AS I DO.« 12 HIGH-TECH COMPuTErIZED MANuFACTurING kSoundcaster kMb10 kMb8 kGeneration X kClassics kMCS kHCS LANG q THOMAS (AuSTrIA) »I NEED EQuIPMENT THAT IS 100% CONSISTENT AND rELIABLE - WHENEVEr, WHErEVEr - juST LIKE ME.« 13 åDEFINING THE SOuND Anytime a drummer enters the studio, the sound that is captured in that session remains forever. STuDIO SOuND »MEINL CYMBALS ALWAYS DELIVEr THE SOuNDS THAT I’M EXPECTING TO HEAr. I CAN ALWAYS rELY ON THEM TO GET THE jOB DONE rIGHT THE FIrST TIME« Jason Bittner (Shadows Fall) 14 »I’ve been using other cymbals for years, but not anymore. Meinl cymbals have a sound that’s all their own. Finally a cymbal that has its own personality. They record with explo sive top end and rich fullness on the bottom. Rock music has been waiting for a sound like this. Meinl is defining the drum sound for a new generation of Rock bands.« Nick Raskulinecz, Grammy Winning Producer Jason Bittner tracked the drums for Shadows Fall’s 2007 release “Threads of Life” at Studio 606 in Northridge, CA. 15 LIVE SOuND ENDurING THE EXTrEMES »I HAVE BEEN PLAYING MEINL CYMBALS FOr MOrE THAN TEN YEArS NOW. I uSE SOuNDCASTEr CuSTOM AND BYZANCE SErIES CYMBALS. THEY HAVE TO ENDurE EXTrEME SITuATIONS BECAuSE OF MY PLAYING STYLE AND PYrOTECHNICAL EFFECTS DurING Our SHOWS. THEY SOuND GrEAT NIGHT AFTEr NIGHT.« Christoph Schneider (Rammstein) åCuTTING THrOuGH For arenas and on big stages, cymbals are exposed to lots of challenges. »»Schneider's Schneider's Meinl cymbals have to cut through Rammstein's monstrous guitar sounds. The ride and hihat are his most personal cymbals in his setup and are therefore essen essen sound.« tial for the band's sound. Rossi Rossberg, drumtech for Rammstein since 2005 16 17 The Band die Fantastischen Vier about their Drummer Flo Dauner YOU ARE ONLY AS GOOD AS YOUR DRUMMER q Flo Dauner > Besides playing with Paul van Dyk, Nexworld and German Pop Idol, Flo has been the drummer for Germany’s Hip Hop Superstars “Die Fantastischen Vier” for many years. He has been essential in shaping the band’s sound and in helping them achieve their success. kSMUDO: To begin with, Flo is a great guy. Also, he is one of the best and most groovy drummers in Germany. kMICHI BECK: Flo has been playing drums with us for the last 15 years. Throughout that time we have received numerous awards like “ECHO” or “COMET” for best German live-act. Why? If nothing else then because we have the best drummer in Germany ;o) Thanks f.l.o. kTHOMAS D.: Flo Dauner, a wonderful human being and machine-like drummer. Flo is one of the coolest guys I know, and is also an unparalleled drummer. Total commitment, passion, and unbe lievable timing. I have to say though that in the 15 years we have played together, he has made only about 3 to 4 mistakes. 18 19 jOHN BOECKLIN // Devil Driver When drumming in extreme measure, you physically need to find those un tapped muscles and mind power for your body to allow it. KEVIN LANE // White Chapel Being in an extreme style of music is very demanding in terms of physical endurance. Using all of your limbs is necessary at all times, so I basically couldn’t touch a skateboard if my life depended on it. rOMAIN GOuLON // Necrophagist THE NEED FOr SPEED Extreme drumming also refers to the mental side of playing. Technicality, odd meters, unusual fills, and cymbal phrasings are some extreme steps to master. WOrLD CLASS ATHLETES EXTrEME METAL DruMMErS WOrK HArDEr THAN PrOFESSIONAL ATHLETES. HErE IS WHAT SOME OF THE WOrLD’S MOST EXTrEME DruMMErS HAVE TO SAY ABOuT THEIr SPOrT. 20 jON rICE // job for a Cowboy I sweat buckets at every show. That’s what has kept me skinny as a rail throughout my tenure in extreme metal bands. jON rICE (jOB FOr A COWBOY) Sounds of the Underground Tour Orlando, FL 21 »THE 23" FITS MY STYLE PErFECTLY« jEAN PAuL GASTEr (CLuTCH) THE ALL NEW 23" rIDE ENHANCED TONE AND DYNAMICS Because I play a basic set up, I need for each of my cymbals to have a wide variety of sounds, tones, and most importantly dyna mics. Each of these cymbals should have a cutting bell and should be capable of produ cing a punchy crisp ping, a dark washing tone and also a heavy crash. I find that large hand hammered cymbals do this job the best, with the Meinl 23" ride cymbals truly fulfilling all of these duties. 22 23 Interview with Mikey B THE HEAVY METAL DREAM MIKEY B, DRUMTECH, SPEAKS ABOUT LIFE WITH CHRIS ADLER AND LAMB OF GOD How is it teching for one of the world's best Metal Drummers out there right now? Mikey B: Working with Chris has been of the most challenging jobs I've ever done. He's very particular about his drum set-up. He's extremely precise in his approach to playing and is al ways progressing stylistically-spea king. He demands excellence of me as a technician in his on-going efforts to push the envelope of drumming in the pursuit of perfection. Mikey B and Chris Adler (Lamb of God) Backstage, Unholy Alliance Tour 2006 Cincinnati, OH 24 Are you living the heavy metal dream? Mikey B: I get to travel the world with my friends, doing something I love to Mikey B Drumtech for Chris Adler since 2005 do, working for one of the best me tal bands in the industry, and getting paid to do it. Yes, I am truly living the heavy metal dream. How are your experiences working with Meinl? Mikey B: Meinl is an outstanding re putable company that is passionate about their work. They have excellent lines of cymbals that represent an ex ploration of sound, making for a per fect marriage between the ideas of the artists and the cymbals they produce. It's a pleasure to work with them. 25 11:47 am 10:35 am 10:51 am 6:14 pm 2:30 pm 7:31 pm 9:01 pm Touring is a lot of sitting around trying to find something better to do, mixed with moments of sitting around doing the one thing I love most…playing drums. 8:58 pm 26 27 q DErEK rODDY: »HAvING THINGS TO HELP GET AWAY FROM THE DAILY LIFE OF TOURING IS ESSENTIAL TO GETTING THROUGH A TOUR… WITHOUT kILLING A BAND MEMBER…AT LEAST FOR ME.« My practice station would be the biggest “need” for me, as I love playing so much. Along with that...reading ma terial, listening material, coffee, personal space and a clean room to rest in…can be a life saver out there. å KEEPING MY CHOPS uP k PRACTICINg is key at staying on top of my game. k TOIlETRIES Can’t leave home without them. Clean body, clean mind. k COFFEE AND COKE Caffeine is not a bad vice to have... k READINg is essential. Strong mind, strong body. OPEN YOur SuITCASE BEING ON THE rOAD CAN BE FuN... Or IT CAN BE A NIGHTMArE. k My IPOD Tunes for the road and tunes to play along to. Songs that inspire me and songs to inspire with. 28 29 TruE BAVArIAN STYLE very unusual, but at the same time very entertaining, are the little trailers that these guys perform as an intro duction to the rudimental segments on the DvD. ON THE SET OF BENNY GrEB’S DVD TAPING MY BrASS BAND Here I am performing with my brass band consisting of the incredible Rainer Winterschladen (trumpet), Sebastian Hoffmann (trombone), and Uli krug (Sousaphone) in the beau tiful Mendelssohn Saal in Hamburg. It’s usually used for classical music recordings. Benny is one of our main international artists and also a close friend to Meinl. We are proud and honoured to sponsor him and to be a part of his exciting DvD. The concept he introduces is revolutionary and of timeless value for many drumming generations to come. THE ALPHABET OF rHYTHM This is a shot from the first chapter where I introduce the alphabet. We had to travel a lot and spend some money to get that thing built. It tur ned out great. 30 THE OrCHESTrA STuDIO IN HAMBurG We were lucky to be able to film a solo performance, a “Grebfruit” song, and the 3rd chapter in this awesome loca tion. This studio has an unbelievable sound. 31 Our ArTIST rELATIONS TEAM… NoRBERT ANd JASoN BITTNER SETTING uP HIS KIT AT THE WITH FuLL FoRCE FESTIVAL GOING ABOVE AND BEYOND THE CALL OF DuTY CHRIS WITH THoMAS NooNAN ANd AARoN GILLESPIE AT MAyHEM FESTIVAL CHrIS ADLEr ABOuTT CHrIS BrEWEr THOMAS LANG ABOuT NOrBErT SAEMANN »TO ME, CHRIS IS THE FACE OF MEINL CYMBALS« »NORBERT IS ALSO IN PART RESPONSIBLE FOR MY SUCCESS IN THE DRUMMING WORLD« The relationship Chris and I have, be gan around 2003. I had recently com pleted my rather extensive cymbal setup with another company and had been out touring on a new LAMB OF GOD record. Chris reached out and attempted to introduce me to Meinl Cymbals, but I was not interested. We decided to keep a dialog open, but not try and force anything. Eventually I called Chris for a very direct conver sation. I told him that even if we went through every line and found cymbals that sounded as good as what I was playing, it would not be good enough. They had to sound better. "Hey man, no problem," he said undaunted. I was finding interesting and unique sounds that complemented my play ing. One very big problem became ap parent though. My ride cymbal. I had 32 CHRIS MEETS CHRIS BACKSTAGE a ride from the early 70's that was a defining part of my sound. Chris went through and sent out every possible option for me, even several prototy pes. No luck. This went on for seve ral months, there didn't seem to be a solution, and neither of us wanted a compromise. Totally unexpected, Chris called me with an invitation to the Meinl factory in Germany to sit down with the entire team in order to create the perfect ride cymbal. Seri ously? I jumped at the chance and off we went. The meeting itself was interesting.... here I was, a relatively new player on the scene, barely known outside of the US and I'm in a boardroom with the heads of the company, the mar keting team and the factory workers. The questions were appropriate, but intense. "You can't find one ride cymbal we make that you like? Why do you need such a specific sound and what is it that you are missing?" I couldn't properly explain since my German isn't great, but it seemed like everyone was willing to listen. How ever there was still a slight question of why. What happened next was far and away the deciding factor for me to work with Chris and Meinl cym bals. The team was speaking to each other in German about my answers and potential design challenges. Chris interrupted. "This guy is impor tant to my work and this company. He speaks for a lot of players I am wor king with and we need to be listening and ready to work on this." Several weeks later I had the prototypes of the 24" Pure American Metal Ride at my house. This was the largest, hea viest cymbal Meinl has ever made, and it is perfect. My story is not unusual. Take a look at the Meinl roster. Most of those play ers have a similar story to tell about Chris Brewer. His determination to make Meinl cymbals the best and work with the people he believes in is uncommon and irreplaceable. To me, Chris is the face of Meinl cym bals. I've learned through him that this is a company that believes in its products and its future. Never con tent to hope the products are good enough, driven to outdo itself and the industry, just like Chris himself. He's also a pretty good drinking buddy. Norbert isn’t just the best A&R guy in the drum business, he’s also a crea tive businessman, an accomplished drummer, and an all around great guy. He’s become a close friend to me and my family. To me working with Nor bert is never just business, it’s always great fun and a real pleasure. Not only is Norbert directly responsible for the huge success of the Meinl company in the recent years, but he’s also in part responsible for my personal success in the drumming world. He’s done an amazing job understanding my musi cal needs, providing incredible service and support when I am touring, and he’s being a rocksolid A&R manager who represents me in a creative and professional way. He’s been a brother and accomplice to me through all the madness and mayhem of the music business and a friend who has always supported me through years of tou ring & performing all over the world. No matter how stressful and crazy my work and my life gets sometimes, I always know I can trust and rely on Norbert. He’s the best in the biz. NoRBERT ANd THoMAS HANGING ouT AT THE BEACH 33 THE WOrLD IS Our STAGE MEINL DruM FESTIVAL 2009 ruSSIA / MOSCOW ADAMS DruM FESTIVAL 2008 NETHErLANDS / ITTErVOOrT q niCk d'Virgilio June 2009 September 14 MuSIKMESSE 2008 GErMANY / FrANKFurT q oli rubow, Felix lehrmann, jost niCkel, benny greb March 1215 MONTrEAL DruMFEST 2008 CANADA / MONTrEAL q wolFgang haFFner, eriC bodreault DruMMEr LIVE 2008 ENGLAND / LONDON qtreVor lawrenCe jr October 2526 BEYErDYNAMIC DruMDAY 2008 GErMANY / HEILBrONN q reinhard sChwarzinger, Felix lehrmann, jost niCkel, Flo dauner June 1415 February 23 MEINL DruM FESTIVAL 2008 GErMANY / GuTENSTETTEN qjost niCkel, johnny rabb, jaska raatikainen, benny greb daniel sVensson Felix pollard MODErN DruMMEr FESTIVAL 2008 uSA / PurCHASE, NY q derek roddy September 2021 MIKE TErrANA CLINIC TOur 2008 PHILIPINES, THAILAND, KOrEA, TAIWAN June 1521 September 0607 SALON DE MuSIQuE 2008 FrANCE / PArIS q niCk d'Virgilio September 1213 WINTEr NAMM SHOW 2008 uSA / ANAHEIM, CA January 1720 34 PASIC 2008 uSA / AuSTIN, TX q derek roddy November 0608 SuPErDruMMING 2008 AuSTrIA / GMuNDEN q thomas lang, benny greb wolFgang haFFner, ralF gustke, Felix lehrmann, stephan maass October 1819 35 MATT CLArK (MAYLENE AND THE SONS OF DISASTEr) jOrMA VIK (THE BrONX) MEINL ON VANS WArPED TOur 2008 NATE NOVArrO (COBrA STArSHIP) THE LEGENDArY TOur rOLLS ON MOE CArLSON (PrOTEST THE HErO) DANIEL WILLIAMS (THE DEVIL WEArS PrADA) ETHAN LuCK (rELIENT K) 36 37 MENT jEFF FABB WITH HIS BAND IN THIS MO MICHAEL jOCHuM (jONATHAN DAVIS) TrIVETT WINGO (THE SWOrD) jASON BITTNEr (SHADOWS FALL) 38 DErEK KErSWILL (KINGDOM OF SOrrOW ) 39 N) BrANN DAILOr (MASTODO AArON GILLESPIE (uNDErOATH) MEINL ON MAYHEM FESTIVAL 2008 THOMAS NOONAN (36 CrAZYFISTS) THE NEW METAL TOur 40 41 DANIEL SVENSSON (IN FLAMES) jASKA rAATIKAINEN (CHILDrEN OF BODOM ) jON rICE (jOB FOr A COWBOY) DES KENSEL (HIGH ON FIrE) 42 43 A TWo dAy FESTIVAL FoR dRuMMERS 44 MOrE THAN 2,000 VISITOrS OVEr TWO DAYS AND SOME OF Our MOST POPuLAr ENDOrSEES MADE THE FOurTH MEINL DruM FESTIVAL THE MOST SuCCESSFuL ONE EVEr! 45 SATuRdAy – Ed uCATIoN dAy jOHNNY rABB PANEL DISCuSSION MASTERCLASSES, A PANEL dISCuSSIoN ANd CyMBAL SEMINAR ANSWEREd EVERy QuESTIoN CYMBAL TEST »I WAS THErE FOr TWO DAYS Benny lets a member of the audience sit in during his masterclass. One day for teaching and one day for performing. I was really impressed by the audience when I was teaching. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Everybody tried to get as much infor mation as possible. They received lots of charts with practice material and I made sure that I got a copy of the other drummers’ handouts as well.« Jost Nickel (Jan Delay) jOST NICKEL 46 47 o RM A N SuNdAy – PERF CES PLAyING AT THE '08 MEINL dRuM FESTIVAL: BENNy GREB JoST NICKEL FELIX PoLLARd dANIEL SVENSSoN JoHNNy RABB THoMAS düRRFELd JASKA RAATIKAINEN It seems as if every artist who has played at our festival so far performs at his absolute peak. Some of their best solo drum performances ever happened here. This is one way in which our artists give something back to us for the years of support we have given them. jOHNNY rABB (u.S.S.A) BENNY GrEB (jErOBEAM) THOMAS DürrFELD DANIEL SVENSSON (IN FLAMES) jASK A rAATIKAINEN (CHILDrEN OF BODOM) 48 FELIX POLL ArD (LIONEL rICHIE) jOST NICK EL (jAN DELAY) 49 FrOM DruMMErS FOr DruMMErS DruM FESTIVAL ATTENDEE CHrISTIAN BENNING PICTurED WITH BENNY GrEB AND THOMAS DürrFELD HAD THIS TO SAY: »THE DruM PErFOrMANCES ON THE SECOND DAY HAVE BEEN THE BEST EVEr.« 50 The Meinl Drum Festival is about family. Drum enthusiasts from all over the world gather together each year at this event because of their love for drumming and the strong camaraderie which results from it. The Meinl Drum Festival has an awesome inspiring vibe, leaving all who have participated and attended with an assurance of why we all do what we do. 51 Listen! CONTENT PRODUCTS Hear each cymbal at hear it at Perfect Ride Aggressive sound, aggressive design • B20 Bronze Alloy • Musicality and maximum projection • Brilliant finish • Hand hammered into shape Tradition and Individuality • B20 Bronze Alloy • Utmost in musicality • Hand hammered into shape • Extensive range Total innovation and character 54 • Different sounds • Innovative concepts • High-tech computerized manufacturing Traditional 62 Brilliant 66 DArk 70 Extra Dry 74 Finding the ultimate form of expression 60 High quality and a wide selection of models 80 Absolute quality and sound 88 New style, new sound • B8 Bronze Alloy • Excellent craftsmanship • Extensive selection of different models • Outstanding sound characteristics 100 102 110 JAzz 76 Experience brilliance and warmth • B12 Bronze Alloy • Brilliant finish • High-tech computerized hammering soundcaster Custom 82 soundcaster Fusion 86 Innovative sound, Innovative design • B10 Bronze Alloy • Innovative concept • High-tech computerized hammering • Cutting yet warm sound A new standard of sound and performance • B8 Bronze Alloy • Outstanding finish 52 • High-tech computerized hammering • Precise with high energy levels 94 • B8 Bronze Alloy • Harmonically matched • MS63 Alloy • Specially matched • Outstanding sound • Unbeatable value 116 • Outstanding quality • Unbeatable value 120 Quick View 124 Drum GEar 128 Merchandise 134 53 rECOMMENDED STYLES Heavy Metal | Punk | Alternative | Hard Rock | Rock AGGrESSIVE SOuND, AGGrESSIVE DESIGN · B20 BrONZE ALLOY · HAND HAMMErED INTO SHAPE · BrILLIANT FINISH · MuSICALITY AND MAXIMuM PrOjECTION 54 Meinl’s Mb20 cymbals are a combination of superior materials, craftsmanship and strength, resulting in an aggressive sound. They are heavy cymbals which have been developed to meet all of the requirements for today’s hard hitting drummers playing loud music. Ultrasonic cleansing device 55 rOCK SPLASHES HIHATS CrASHES rOCK CHINAS A loud, tight highpitched sound with an extremely direct and cutting attack. A very durable splash. HEAVY SOuNDWAVE MEDIuM HEAVY Aggressive, powerful and loud with a penetrating, energetic open hihat and a cutting chick. Explosive with fast response, bright tonality with powerful feeling. Medium to heavy weight boosting its volume, making them the perfect sonic complement to the Mb20 heavy crashes. Hand hammered Rock China with an aggressive and brash sound. Effective for riding, accenting and effects. 10" MB20-10RS-B 12" MB20-12RS-B 14" MB20-14HSW-B 15" MB20-15HSW-B WHAT’S uNIQuE ABOuT MB20 HIHATS? The Mb20 hihat models have been designed for loud music. They are slightly heavier than the usual hihats and are available in 14" and 15" soundwave versions which result in a powerful sound that’s dominant and cuts through any given volume. 56 18" MB20-18RCH-B 20" MB20-20RCH-B 16" MB20-16MHC-B 18" MB20-18MHC-B 20" MB20-20MHC-B HEAVY A mix of explosive power and tone for cutting projection. Loud and direct with a clarified response. 16" 17" 18" 19" 20" MB20-16HC-B MB20-17HC-B MB20-18HC-B MB20-19HC-B MB20-20HC-B 57 rIDES HEAVY BELL rIDES PurE METAL rIDE Massive bell, extreme heavy weight and highly polished finish make this cymbal a distinctive ride with out standing sound qualities for louder musical settings. 24" MB20-24PMR-B Includes a free 24" Professional Cymbal Bag MEDIuM HEAVY Highly polished finish and medium heavy weight gives a defined clear stick definition with a nice wash. 20" MB20-20MHR-B HEAVY Heavier weight and highly polished finish gives a bright, dry and glassy ping. Excellent stick definition with medium sustain. 20" MB20-20HR-B 21" MB20-21HR-B 22" MB20-22HR-B 58 Solid, large bell produces a clear, dominant sound with fullbodied attack. Loud and powerful, yet musical. 20" MB20-20HBR-B NEW 22" MB20-22HBR-B WHAT’S THE CHrIS ADLEr »PurE METAL rIDE« ALL ABOuT? Failure. The inspiration of the Pure Metal Ride is failure – across the board. No one seemed to be able to create a ride cymbal that had such a personality that it could stand up and control a rhythm, a kit, or even an entire band. To me, a ride cymbal is as important to my sound as my kick or snare and anything less than perfect is unacceptable. It took me years to understand for myself and then be able to explain exactly what that perfect sound was – and Meinl listened. We built this together from the ground up experimenting with measurements, weights and different metals, traveling to the factory in Germany and bashing prototype after prototype behind my kit until the choice became crystal clear. Together we have succeeded at creating what has been missing from cymbal lines for years. A ride cymbal with an incredibly powerful, unique voice of its own that is based purely on what we as players want – not what some company thinks fits a trend. If you’ve never questioned your ride sound before, try the Pure Metal Ride and you will not only understand why you should have, you never will again. 59 TRAdITIoNAL BRILLIANT dARK EXTRA dRy JAzz rECOMMENDED STYLES Alternative | Rock | Country | Pop | Jazz | Fusion | Latin TrADITION AND INDIVIDuALITY · B20 BrONZE ALLOY · HAND HAMMErED INTO SHAPE · uTMOST IN MuSICALITY · EXTENSIVE rANGE 60 Meinl Byzance cymbals are completely hand hammered into shape and satisfy the highest demands. Every Byzance cymbal is a piece of art and has its own unique sound characteristics which can never be duplicated. Cymbal hand hammering 61 HIHATS TrADITIONAL CrASHES WHICH CrASH CYMBAL WEIGHT COrrESPONDS WITH WHICH STYLE OF MuSIC? TRAdITIoNAL Traditional finish cymbals have a completely lathed surface and a warm, smooth and rich sound. The harmonic spectrum has slightly dominant mids. SPLASHES CHINAS MINI HATS THIN THIN THIN CrASHES Light weight with increased sensitivity and response. Ultra warm and fine sounding with a soft, smooth chick. Outstanding musical cymbal, ideal for studio work. Light weight, sounds fairly washy and dark in a narrow frequency range. Soft attack and a fairly short sustain. have a fairly dark sound. They respond very quickly and have a short sustain. They are ideal for lighter and softer playing styles like Jazz and Fusion. 14" B14TH NEW MEDIuM Wide dynamic spectrum with a soft, warm sound. Unobtrusive and controlled open hihat sound with a crisp chick. A nice spread with great attack. Punchy and washy but still with a traditional feel. Aggressive, brash attack with a complex spread. Trashy sound with an explosive response and long sustain. Fast, quick responsive hihat with an energetic, controlled open sound and a defined, warm, cutting chick. 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 22" 10" B10MH 12" B12MH B6S B8S B10S B12S B14CH B16CH B18CH B20CH B22CH NEW 13" B13MH 14" B14MH 15" B15MH HEAVY Heavier weight for a powerful sound, with a brash open hihat in a wide dynamic range. 14" B14HH 14" B14TC 15" B15TC 16" B16TC 17" B17TC 18" B18TC MEDIuM THIN CrASHES MEDIuM THIN Washy and fairly dark sound with a full frequency spectrum. Loud attack with moderate sustain. show more richness and volume in their sound. They are ideal for Jazz, Fusion, and Pop while offering a more cutting sound. 16" B16MTC 17" B17MTC MEDIuM CrASHES 18" B18MTC 19" B19MTC MEDIuM Traditional, warm sound in an extremely wide dynamic spectrum. Energetic, exploding attack and a louder response. 16" B16MC 18" B18MC 20" B20MC 21" B21MC 22" B22MC HEAVY Heavier weight increases power and focus, for a direct and loud response. r 16" B16HC NEW 18" B18HC NEW 62 reveal a full and rich sound with the ability to cut through a louder mix. They can be used in Jazz, Pop and Rock Music because of their wide frequency spectrum. HEAVY CrASHES are mainly used for stronger and more energetic playing. They produce more volume and project a bright, clear, and cutting sound. Ideal for Rock, Hard Rock and Heavy Metal settings. 63 TrADITIONAL TrADITIONAL rIDES SIZZLE rIDES PING rIDES THIN MEDIuM Dark and shimmering in the traditional style. Clear bell definition and a mellow stick response with a washy ping. Sizzles, along with the outstanding sound attributes of this Medium Ride, combine to form a shimmering sound with an extremely long sustain. Excellent stick definition with a bright, clear ping. Glassy, highpitched sound with short sustain for extremely busy patterns. 20" B20TR MEDIuM Balanced, controllable stick response with a defined ping and a blend of bright overtones. Warm basic sound with medium sustain and bell. 20" B20MR 21" B21MR 22" B22MR 23" B23MR NEW 24" B24MR HEAVY Powerful and focused sound with a defined, bright bell. Solid, fullbodied stick response with a clear ping. 20" B20HR 21" B21HR NEW 64 22" B22HR 23" B23HR NEW WHAT’S uNIQuE ABOuT 23" rIDE CYMBALS? If a 22" ride doesn’t deliver that little extra that you are looking for, and the sound of a 24" ride would be too dominant for your playing, the all new 23" Byzance medium and heavy rides are the way to go. It closes that gap and offers a ton of new playing possibilites and sound options. A cutting bell sound, crisp ping, and an overall dark tone is what this extraordinary cymbal has to offer. The all new 23" Meinl Byzance rides add a new variety of sounds, tones, and most importantly, dynamics to your playing. 20" B20PR 22" B22PR 20" B20MR-S 22" B22MR-S PrOFESSIONAL CYMBAL BAGS Carry your cymbals in a safe and secure way. Check out our Meinl Professional Cymbal Bags on page 129. 65 BrILLIANT BRILLIANT HIHATS FAST HIHATS MEDIuM A brilliant, bright sound, based on the highly polished surface and bright finish. A wide dynamic spectrum. Hihat features two different finishes, enabling a dry immediate response, an extremely fast chick, and a short sustain. 13" B13MH-B NEW 14" B14MH-B 13" B13FH 14" B14FH Brilliant cymbals are polished up to six times to a high gloss finish. Only in this manner can the unique appearance of Meinl’s brilliant cymbals be guaranteed. These cymbals captivate with their reflective surfaces and bright, rich sound. SPLASHES CHINAS HEAVY Increased focus through heavier weight with a very clear and brilliant sound and a bright, powerful open hihat. 14" B14HH-B 66 Highpolished finish, brilliant and bright sound with fast response. Brilliant, bright overtones with a sizzling, trashy, brash sound. 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" B6S-B NEW B8S-B B10S-B B12S-B NEW B14CH-B NEW B16CH-B B18CH-B B20CH-B NEW WHAT ArE THE THOMAS LANG »FAST HIHATS« ALL ABOuT? My favourite cymbal in my set-up are the 13" Fast Hihats. Why? Let me tell you why: It has a clean, polished top but a filthy dirty bottom (like Yin and Yang, it is all in one). It is pristine yet messed up, it is full of contrast and controversy. It giggles with a childlike voice when gently tickled with the tip of my sticks and roars like a wild animal when brutally abused. It snaps at me when I slam my boot down on the pedal and hisses like a snake when I splash it with my foot. It barks when I whack it with the shoulder of my stick and it screams when I ride it half open. It translates my every mood, vision and feel into sounds I like to hear. After hours of violent abuse it still sits there on the stand, shiny and unhurt, innocently smiling at me, as if it was saying: “Oh yeah? Is that all you’ve got little drummer boy?” 67 BrILLIANT BrILLIANT CrASHES rIDES THIN MEDIuM Highpolished finish contains bright overtones with a silky, washy, dark sound. Short sustain. Highpolished finish effects a clear, warm sound with bright overtones. Defined ping with medium sustain. 14" B14TC-B 15" B15TC-B 16" B16TC-B 20" 21" 22" 24" 17" B17TC-B 18" B18TC-B MEDIuM THIN Bright and brilliant overtones with a moderate sustain that is silky, clear. 16" B16MTC-B 17" B17MTC-B 18" B18MTC-B 19" B19MTC-B Medium weight, highpolished finish with a clear, warm sound. Lots of bright, brilliant overtones with a medium sustain. 68 20" B20MC-B A blend of definition and tone in a cymbal with shimmering sound and feel. Bigsized heavy bell produces a clear and cutting bell sound. 21" B21SR-B NEW HEAVY High frequency range caused by the highpolished finish. Penetrating, defined, bright bell and a glassy, clear ping. 20" B20HR-B 22" B22HR-B MEDIuM 16" B16MC-B 18" B18MC-B B20MR-B B21MR-B B22MR-B B24MR-B NEW SErPENTS rIDE WHAT’S THE DErEK rODDY »SErPENTS rIDE« ALL ABOuT? Adaption. Nothing displays this better in the natural world than the Serpent. Swift, delicate, accurate, powerful, mystical, intense, scary. These terms also describe the adaptations of my new Serpents Ride. Perfectly adaptable in its natural world: Music. 69 DArK dARK HIHATS CrASHES rIDES Untreated finish. Esoteric, dark sound with a dirty, earthy open hihat and a short sustain and chick. Dark in a low frequency range, and esoteric character caused by the untreated finish. Earthy with a strong attack and a short sustain. Low frequency range with esoteric character due to the untreated finish. Dark, earthy, with a short sustain and a defined ping and bell. Dark cymbals are not lathed and have their original appearance and sound characteristic. They are distinguished by an earthy sound with a fairly short sustain. SPLASHES SPECTruM HIHATS 13" B13DAH 14" B14DAH Dark, earthy sound with a strong, punchy attack. Short sustain in a low frequency range with esoteric character. Unique pairing, designed with Rodney Holmes’s personal inspirations in mind. Solid, strong chick sound with tight stick response and plenty of presence. 8" B8DAS 10" B10DAS 13" B13SH NEW 14" B14SH NEW 16" B16DAC 17" B17DAC 18" B18DAC 20" B20DAR 21" B21DAR WHAT ArE THE rODNEY HOLMES »SPECTruM HIHATS« ALL ABOuT? The idea I had for the spectrum hihats were similar to the concept I had for the spectrum ride. I wanted to have a pair of hats that I could use no matter how heavy the music, or how delicate. Crisp, but full. Clean, yet earthy. Cutting, while being warm at the same time. Able to drive aggressive grooves without getting in the way, but is still able to splash and color. Fast and powerful, yet intelligent and sensitive. Some call it a contradiction. But I call it completeness. 70 71 DArK STADIuM rIDE DArK SKY rIDE SPECTruM rIDE The 22" size combined with the relative light weight, the dark finish top, and lathed bottom create a smooth wash with a buttery feeling. The bigsized heavy bell produces a pingy and pene trating sound. Distinctive, clear and penetrating bell. Low to mid frequencies with a fairly dark ping. very harmonic and musical ride with a special spirallathing. Unique sized ride cymbal in dark finish. It has the same sound character as the 20" dark ride, yet with a higher pitch and faster response. 19" B19SKR NEW 22" B22STR NEW 22" B22SR WHAT’S THE NOrIAKI KuMAGAI »SKY rIDE« ALL ABOuT? This special 19" ride cymbal brings us the wonderful variegated power of expression. It’s like the vast expanse of ocean and the sky that spreads out infinitely. Please enjoy this deep and vast sound! WHAT’S THE rODNEY HOLMES »SPECTruM rIDE« ALL ABOuT? The perfect combination of old world craftsmanship and modern technology. A classic elegant sound combined with an aggressive clear projection. Indie Rock, electronic styles, or Jazz and other music. This cymbals transcends genres. 72 While either crashing it along with electric guitars, or playing intricate stick patterns in acoustic situations, the Spectrum Ride encompasses the spectrum of musical possibilities and sound. WHAT’S THE TrEVOr LAWrENCE jr. »STADIuM rIDE« ALL ABOuT? By far the Stadium Ride is the most versatile ride cymbal I’ve ever had. It’s completely powerful for those times when I need exclamation from the bell, yet I can crash it, swing on it, and pull as many sounds out of it as I need. The brilliant people at Meinl took my vision and made it an incredible reality beyond my expectations, and now I am proud that we can share it with you. This ride is the king of rides. 73 EXTrA DrY rIDES EXTRA dRy Extra Dry cymbals have big hammer marks which in combination with the untreated, natural finish enable an extremely dark sound with a short sustain. Dominant lows with an esoteric character. HIHATS CrASHES MEDIuM Extremely musical cymbal with dry stick definition and an outstanding short sustain. Unlathed surface and big hammer strokes produce a dry and warm sound in a low frequency range. 20" B20EDMR 22" B22EDMR 74 MEDIuM THIN Distinctive hihat due to its weight relation between top and bottom. Dry and defined, fat chick due to heavy bottom. Light weight top produces a dark stick response with little wash. Unique light weight crash with an extremely dry and low pitched sound. Trashy overtones, soft response with a fast decay creating an overall “dryness”. 13" B13EDMH NEW 14" B14EDMH 16" B16EDTC 18" B18EDTC DELuXE STICK BAG If you’re looking for more than just a normal stick bag, you have to check out the Meinl Deluxe Stick Bag. This bag offers more than a normal stick bag, as it delivers some special features and can be used for your personal belongings at your gig. Check it out on page 131. 75 CrASHES CHINA rIDE jAZZ JAzz Jazz cymbals have a regular finish and contain outstanding sound qualities. They were developed for the natural vintage sound that traditional Jazz requires. With a complex blend of sounds, an overall darkness and a nice spread, these factors come together to form a warm, musical mix. EXTrA THIN Extreme light weight crash with a warm and natural vintagesound. Washy, dark attack with a fast, fullbodied response. Suitable as a light ride. SPLASH HIHATS 16" B16JETC 17" B17JETC NEW 18" B18JETC Exotic, trashy sound with a soft feeling. very controllable and responsive in a wide dynamic range. Well suited for a smooth, sizzling ride or a slow swelling crash. 22" B22JCHR THIN Delicate and musical Jazz cymbal. Fast and explosive with a warm, lowpitched sound. Complex frequency range with a smooth decay. Suitable as a light ride. Winner of the M.I.P.A. Musikmesse International Press Award Musically deep and dark. Colorful with a papery, washy attack and a wide smooth spread. 10" B10JS NEW THIN Exceptional lightweight hihat with a low volume stick response and a soft, smooth chick. Blends well and has a comfortable feel. 13" B13JTH NEW 14" B14JTH 16" B16JTC 17" B17JTC NEW 18" B18JTC MEDIuM THIN Fast and explosive with a warm, dark sound, yet with a clear projection. Complex frequency range with a fast decay. Suitable as a light ride. 16" B16JMTC 17" B17JMTC NEW 18" B18JMTC 76 77 jAZZ jAZZ SWEET rIDES rIDES FLAT rIDE CLuB rIDES Delicate, sensitive cymbal with a sweet feel. Soft stick response with a sparkling spread and long sustain. Perfect for brush work. EXTrA THIN A clear, sweet ping with a subtle hum, little buildup and a long sustain. Excellent for low to medium volume situations. Distinctive Flat Ride with a great presence. Big hammer marks enable the cymbal to sound dark and warm, yet soft and smooth. Long, sizzling sustain. 20" B20JSlR 20" B20JSR SWEET lIgHT RIDE SWEET RIDE Extreme light weight ride with a dark, smooth and complex tonal structure. A beautiful, wide spread and shimmer with a long sustain. 20" B20JETR 22" B22JETR 20" B20JFR 20" B20JCR 22" B22JCR NEW THIN Traditional Jazz Ride with a perfect blend of spread and shimmer. Intensive hammering results in a harmonic, colorful sound with lots of depth. 20" B20JTR 22" B22JTR MEDIuM THIN Low pitched sound, yet with very nice washy overtones. Warm and fullbodied stick response with a soft buttery feel. Huge spread with a long sustain. 20" B20JMTR 22" B22JMTR 78 WHAT ArE THE WOLFGANG HAFFNEr »CLuB rIDES« ALL ABOuT? Many drummers think that a flat ride can only be used in Jazz. That is not true! The fact is that a flat ride can be used in various styles of music and situations, such as Pop, Jazz, Ballads, Blues, Fusion and many others. My Meinl Club Rides sound perfect both live and in the studio. They have a cool touch and look absolutely stunning. 79 rECOMMENDED STYLES Heavy Metal | Punk | Alternative | Hard Rock | Rock | Country | Pop EXPErIENCE BrILLIANCE AND WArMTH · B12 BrONZE ALLOY · BrILLIANT FINISH · HIGH-TECH COMPuTErIZED HAMMErING · rICH, WArM, GLASSY TONE 80 The Meinl Soundcaster cymbal series is the result of extensive R&D efforts in finding new and exciting sounds. The cymbals are made from B12 bronze alloy, for a smooth, rich sound with great dynamics and expression. Ideal for the creative and expressive drummer. Cymbal polishing device 81 HIHATS SOuNDWAVE HIHATS CrASHES MEDIuM MEDIuM SOuNDWAVE THIN Full frequency attack with an outstanding warm and brilliant sound. Smooth open hihat with a defined chick. Highly polished finish and waved bottom increases brightness, response, crispness and volume. A strong cutting chick. Light weight crash with a brilliant, clear attack, fast response and a warm, shimmering, short sustain. 13" SC13MH-B 14" SC14MH-B 14" SC14MSW-B 16" SC16TC-B 18" SC18TC-B POWErFuL SOuNDWAVE MEDIuM Combination of heavier weight, waved bottom and highly polished finish produces a clear and penetrating sound. Combination of warmth and clear, bright overtones, due to the polished finish. The range of Meinl Soundcaster Custom cymbals is the result of extensive R&D efforts in finding new exciting sounds. The B12 bronze alloy combined with the brilliant finish results in a mirrorlike surface for a brighter, richer, and more brilliant sound, yet with a controlled amount of high frequencies. SPLASHES DISTOrTION SPLASH CHINAS POWErFuL Extra thin with open, glassy sound. A sharply, focused, penetrating cut with brilliant, high overtones. 6" 8" 10" 12" SC6S-B SC8S-B SC10S-B SC12S-B An exceptionally powerful effect cymbal defined by a narrow sonic range. Fairly hard attack with an extremely crisp, flashy and high pitched sound. Long shimmer and lively fade. 12" SC12DS-B Loud and warm spread with a trashy, clear attack and explosive response. Good for riding, crashing and effects. 16" SC16CH-B 18" SC18CH-B 20" SC20CH-B very energetic and powerful with a brilliant highpitched open hihat sound. Strong chick caused by heavier weight. 14" SC14PH-B 14" SC14PSW-B 14" SC14MC-B 15" SC15MC-B 16" SC16MC-B POWErFuL Strong, penetrating attack and cutting power. Lots of bright, brilliant overtones with a medium sustain. 16" SC16PC-B 17" SC17PC-B 18" SC18PC-B 82 17" SC17MC-B 18" SC18MC-B 19" SC19PC-B 20" SC20PC-B 83 rIDES MEGA BELL rIDE 4 PIECE CYMBAL SETS Soundcaster Custom cymbal sets are available in two versions: The CyMBAl SET includes a 14" Medium Soundwave Hihat, a 16" Medium Crash and a 20" Medium Ride. The POWER CyMBAl SET includes a 14" Powerful Soundwave Hihat, an 18" Powerful Crash and a 22" Powerful Ride. Every set includes a free 22" Professional Cymbal Bag. MEDIuM Defined, clear ping with a warm, brilliant response and a medium sustain. A balanced and musical bell. 20" SC20MR-B POWErFuL Heavy weight and highly polished finish produces a solid high frequency stick attack with a clear penetrating ping and bell. 20" SC20PR-B 21" SC21PR-B 22" SC22PR-B 84 Enormous distinctive bell with a piercing, penetrating glassy sound. Lots of cut for high volume settings. 22" SC22MBR-B WHAT’S uNIQuE ABOuT THE SOuNDCASTEr CuSTOM MEGA BELL rIDE? The 22" Soundcaster Custom Mega Bell Ride is hammered from a premium B12 bronze alloy. The cymbal features an exceptionally wide and tall bell with a loud, penetrating and sharp ping sound which has been designed to meet all of the requirements for Heavy Metal, Hard Rock and Rock Music. Its lack of build up and wash makes it the preferred ride cymbal for drummers who need their ping to be heard in a loud musical environment. CYMBAL SET POWEr CYMBAL SET SC-14/16/20 14" MEDIUM SOUNDWAvE HIHAT 16" MEDIUM CRASH 20" MEDIUM RIDE Includes a free 22" cymbal bag SC-14/18/22 14" POWERFUL SOUNDWAvE HIHAT 18" POWERFUL CRASH 22" POWERFUL RIDE Includes a free 22" cymbal bag 85 NEW HIHAT CrASHES rIDES MEDIuM MEDIuM MEDIuM Smooth and voluminous open hihat sound with a defined chick. Wide dynamic spectrum with a warm character. Full frequency spread with an enhanced shimmer. Combination of an outstanding warm character and a clear sound. Defined, solid stick attack with a strong bell due to the unlathed surface. Outside lathed edge increases spread with a medium sustain. 14" SF14MH NEW 16" SF16MC NEW 18" SF18MC NEW The Soundcaster Fusion cymbals combine two different finishes in one cymbal. Unlathed, brilliant finish and closed lathing finish. This outstanding finish and the laserengraved logos results in a stunning and distinctive look. The cymbals have the outstanding sound characteristics of the Soundcaster Custom range, yet the close lathing at the edge gives the Soundcaster Fusion cymbals more wash and a shorter sustain. SPLASH CHINA 20" SF20MR NEW POWErFuL Energetic, powerful, and warm sound due to its special lathed edge. Fat, strong stick response with a loud bell. WHAT’S THE »SOuNDCASTEr FuSION« FINISH ALL ABOuT? Clear and warm sound. very musical splash. 10" SF10S NEW 86 Combination of trashiness and brilliance. The close lathing at the edge effects an enhanced washy sound. 18" SF18CH NEW 20" SF20PR NEW 22" SF22PR NEW The Soundcaster Fusion finish has an out standing look. It combines two different finishes in one cymbal. The lathed surface section effects a thinner edge due to its close lathing compared to the unlathed, brilliant finish area at the middle of the cymbal. These different material thicknesses effect a warm and shimmering sound with an enhanced wash. 87 rECOMMENDED STYLES Heavy Metal | Punk | Alternative | Hard Rock | Rock | Country | Pop INNoVATIVE SouNd, INNoVATIVE dESIGN · B10 BrONZE ALLOY · INNOVATIVE CONCEPT · HIGH-TECH COMPuTErIZED HAMMErING · CuTTING YET WArM SOuND 88 Meinl’s Mb10 cymbals are made out of B10 bronze alloy. The fundamental sonic characteristic of this alloy is responsible for an extremely modern and sophisticated sound. An extensively lathed and highly polished cymbal surface results in a modern look and plenty of attitude. Computer controlled lathing device 89 SPLASHES CHINAS HIHATS Flexible, buttery feel with an out standing crisp and wellbalanced spread. Fast and very controlled attack with a bright and warm sound. Explosive attack with a biting, crispy and trashy sound. Brash and penetrating, but very musical in its spread. MEDIuM SOuNDWAVE 8" MB10-8S-B 10" MB10-10S-B 12" MB10-12S-B 17" MB10-17CH-B 19" MB10-19CH-B Cutting, high pitched sound with quick attack. Energetic open sound with a sharp and crispy chick. The waved bottom eliminates air lock for maximum clarity. 14" MB10-14MSW-B 15" MB10-15MSW-B FAT HAT Oversized hihat for more volume and a thick response. Special hammering and airlockelimination effect a low pitched, dark sound. An exceptional hihat. 16" MB10-16FH-B NEW 16" MB10-16TC-B 18" MB10-18TC-B 14" 15" 16" 17" WHAT’S THE FLO DAuNEr »FAT HAT« ALL ABOuT? So many times in the past I wanted a different and louder hihat sound than the average 14". So I am really happy and proud to have been able to design my own 16" fat hat together with Meinl. I love it. Light weight crash with a moderately bright sound. Soft and very responsive feel with a rich and warm shimmering character. Bright, warm and wellbalanced sound in a wide dynamic range. Full, even and soft responsive feel with an extensive spread. versatile, allpurpose classic rock crash. Heavier weight increases the volume and raises the pitch. Powerful and sizzling open sound with a full bodied, fat chick. The wavy bottom eliminates air lock for maximum clarity. 90 THIN MEDIuM HEAVY SOuNDWAVE 14" MB10-14HSW-B CRASHES MB10-14MC-B MB10-15MC-B MB10-16MC-B MB10-17MC-B 18" MB10-18MC-B 19" MB10-19MC-B 20" MB10-20MC-B HEAVY Total power and presence with an explosive attack. Heavy weight delivers highend tones, yet with a basic warm character. 16" MB10-16HC-B 18" MB10-18HC-B 20" MB10-20HC-B 91 RIdES BELL BLAST rIDE 1999 - 2009 Meinl cymbals celebrates 10 great years with Jason Bittner. 4 PIECE CyMBAL SETS Mb10 cymbal sets are available in two versions: The CyMBAl SET includes a 14" Medium Soundwave Hihat, a 16" Medium Crash and a 20" Medium Ride. The HEAvy CyMBAl SET includes a 14" Heavy Soundwave Hihat, an 18" Heavy Crash and a 20" Bell Blast Ride. Every set includes a free 22" Professional Cymbal Bag. MEDIuM The ultimate balance of bright stick definition with pure tone and glassy ping. The big sized sweetspot bell offers a penetrating loud sound. A great cymbal for rock! 20" MB10-20MR-B 21" MB10-21MR-B HEAVY Fairly wide range with a defined ping. The large sweetspot bell delivers a fullbodied and fat sound. Perfect for louder playing. 22" MB10-22HR-B 92 The combination of a heavy weight, a highly polished finish and a large bell offers an extremely highpitched, glassy ping with a penetrating, loud bell, resulting in defined and articulated sticking. 20" MB10-20BBR-B WHAT’S THE jASON BITTNEr »BELL BLAST rIDE« ALL ABOuT? The Bell Blast Ride is the perfect culmination of sound, beauty and craftsmanship. After about a year of R&D, the Meinl company and I have developed a ride cymbal that is perfect for Rock/Metal, but suited for other types of music as well. Made with Meinl’s Mb10 alloy this cymbal (when riden upon) produces nice, quick, articulate, even strokes. There was a great amount of thought and time put into the size, shape, and contours of the bell and cymbal alone! Speaking of the bell, it is simply INTENSE…It does exactly what it’s supposed to do – get your attention! CYMBAL SET HEAVY CYMBAL SET MB10-14/16/20 14" MEDIUM SOUNDWAvE HIHAT 16" MEDIUM CRASH 20" MEDIUM RIDE Includes a free 22" cymbal bag MB10-141820H 14" HEAvY SOUNDWAvE HIHAT 18" HEAvY CRASH 20" BELL BLAST RIDE Includes a free 22" cymbal bag 93 rECOMMENDED STYLES Heavy Metal | Punk | Alternative | Hard Rock | Rock | Pop A NEW STANDArD OF SOuND AND PErFOrMANCE · B8 BrONZE ALLOY · HIGH-TECH COMPuTErIZED HAMMErING · OuTSTANDING FINISH · PrECISE WITH HIGH ENErGY LEVELS 94 The Mb8 cymbals prove Meinl’s longtime knowhow and competence in manufacturing cymbals out of B8 bronze alloy. They offer the best possible sound of a B8 bronze in combination with an outstanding look and perfor mance. The cutting, explosive and crystal clear sound sets a new standard of cymbal sounds. Robot hammering system 95 SPLASHES MINI HAT HIHATS CRASHES CHINAS RIdES Glassy, clear sound with a focused and penetrating cut. Fast explosive attack yet with a nice spread. Small, aggressive pairing with lots of glassy overtones and an outstanding biting, sharp chick. Suitable as an auxiliary hihat. MEDIuM MEDIuM 10" MB8-10MH-B NEW 14" MB8-14MH-B Aggressive, energetic sound with shimmery highs and a responsive feel. Powerful attack with medium sustain. Nice, wide spread with lots of highs, and a fundamental tone. MEDIuM Powerful feeling with an exceptionally clear voice. Precise and sharp chick sound for articulate playing. 8" MB8-8S-B 10" MB8-10S-B 12" MB8-12S-B NEW HEAVY Based on the medium hihat version, yet with enhanced loudness and power for more projection. Perfect for live situations. 14" MB8-14HH-B NEW CYMBAL CLEANEr You should clean your cymbals periodically to keep them looking good. The easy handling of the Meinl cymbal cleaner enables you to clean your cymbals quickly. Just spray on the surface and wipe off. Check it out on page 133. 96 14" 16" 17" 18" 19" 20" MB8-14MC-B MB8-16MC-B MB8-17MC-B MB8-18MC-B MB8-19MC-B NEW MB8-20MC-B HEAVY Strong attack with lots of brilliant and shimmery overtones. Strong, cutting crash for heavy playing. 16" MB8-16CH-B 18" MB8-18CH-B 20" MB8-20CH-B NEW Classic rock ride cymbal with an extreme clear and defined ping. Big bell offers a glassy, penetrating and fullbodied sound. 20" MB8-20MR-B 22" MB8-22MR-B HEAVY very powerful and energetic ride cymbal. Fairly heavy feel with a strong, ping stick sound and a sweetspot bell for comfortable playing. 20" MB8-20HR-B NEW 22" MB8-22HR-B NEW 16" MB8-16HC-B NEW 18" MB8-18HC-B NEW 20" MB8-20HC-B NEW 97 98 4 Piece CYMBAL SETS Effect Cymbal Set Mb8 cymbal sets are available in three versions: The Cymbal Set includes a 14" Medium Hihat, a 16" Medium Crash and a 20" Medium Ride. The Rock Cymbal Set includes a 14" Medium Hihat, an 18" Medium Crash and a 22" Medium Ride. The HEAVY CYMBAL SET includes a 14" Heavy Hihat, 18" Heavy Crash and a 22" Heavy Ride Every set includes a free 22" Professional Cymbal Bag. The Mb8 effect cymbal set includes a 10" Splash, an 18" China and a free cymbal attachment. CYMBAL SET ROCK CYMBAL SET HEAVY CYMBAL SET NEW Effect Cymbal Set NEW MB8-14/16/20 14" MEDIUM HIHAT 16" MEDIUM CRASH 20" MEDIUM RIDE Free 22" cymbal bag MB8-14/18/22 14" MEDIUM HIHAT 18" MEDIUM CRASH 22" MEDIUM RIDE Free 22" cymbal bag MB8-141822H 14" HEAVY HIHAT 18" HEAVY CRASH 22" HEAVY RIDE Free 22" cymbal bag MB8-10/18 10" SPLASH 18" CHINA Free cymbal attachment 99 Perfect Ride The Ride cymbal is the essential piece of the kit. 100 101 perfecT ride along WiTh The snare drum, The ride cymbal is The mosT imporTanT insTrumenT for every drummer. The sound and feel of the ride cymbal can lift him and his band to a whole new level of playing. Each Meinl signature ride is as unique as the artist who helped create it. In each of these cymbals they have found their ultimate form of expression…and so can you. 24" pure meTal ride 21" serpenTs ride 22" specTrum ride No one seemed to be able to create a ride cymbal that had such a personality that it could stand up and control a rhythm, a kit, or even an entire band. To me, a ride cymbal is as important to my sound as my kick or snare and anything less than perfect is unacceptable. We built this together and have succeeded at creating what has been missing from cymbal lines for years. A ride cymbal with an incredibly powerful, unique voice of its own. If you’ve never questioned your ride sound before, try the Pure Metal Ride and you will not only understand why you should have, you never will again. Adaption. Nothing displays this better in the natural world than the Serpent. Swift, delicate, accurate, powerful, mystical, intense, scary. These terms also describe the adaptations of my new Serpents Ride. Perfectly adaptable in its natural world: Music. The perfect combination of old world craftsmanship and modern technology. A classic elegant sound combined with an aggressive clear projection. Indie Rock, electronic styles, or Jazz and other music. This cymbals transcends genres. While either crashing it along with electric guitars, or playing intricate stick patterns in acoustic situations, the Spectrum Ride encompasses the spectrum of musical possibilities and sound. Derek Roddy Rodney Holmes Chris Adler Altarfalz_Einleger.indd 3 18.11.2008 17:18:53 Uhr 22" sTadium ride 19" sky ride 20", 22" club rides 20" bell blasT ride 18" safari ride By far the Stadium Ride is the most versatile ride cymbal I’ve ever had. It’s completely powerful for those times when I need exclamation from the bell, yet I can crash it, swing on it, and pull as many sounds out of it as I need. The brilliant people at Meinl took my vision and made it an incredible reality beyond my expectations, and now I am proud that we can share it with you. This ride is the king of rides. This special 19" ride cymbal brings us the wonderful variegated power of expression. It’s like the vast expanse of ocean and the sky that spreads out infinitely. Please enjoy this deep and vast sound! Many drummers think that a flat ride can only be used in Jazz. That is not true! The fact is that a flat ride can be used in various styles of music and situations, such as Pop, Jazz, Ballads, Blues, Fusion and many others. My Meinl Club Rides sound perfect both live and in the studio. They have a cool touch and look absolutely stunning. The Bell Blast Ride is the perfect culmination of sound, beauty and craftsmanship. After about a year of R&D, the Meinl company and I have developed a ride cymbal that is perfect for Rock/Metal, but suited for other types of music as well. Made with Meinl’s Mb10 alloy this cymbal (when riden upon) produces nice, quick, articulate, even strokes. There was a great amount of thought and time put into the size, shape, and contours of the bell and cymbal alone! Speaking of the bell, it is simply INTENSE… It does exactly what it’s supposed to do – get your attention! My Safari Ride is a perfect cymbal for percussive attack and quick decay. Using the splash to create accents really allows for some new grooves and ideas for my playing. The flat ride combined with the small 8" splash creates a unique set of original sounds. For live and studio playing, the Safari ride allows me to create short cutting notes, trashy textures, strong accents and a wide range of effects. Thanks to Meinl, I have had the opportunity to create the sounds I heard in my mind! Trevor Lawrence Jr. Noriaki Kumagai Wolfgang Haffner Johnny Rabb Jason Bittner Altarfalz_Einleger.indd 4 18.11.2008 17:20:01 Uhr rECOMMENDED STYLES Alternative | Rock | Pop | Drum’n’Bass | Jazz | Fusion | Experimental TOTAL INNOVATION AND CHArACTEr · DIFFErENT SOuNDS · INNOVATIVE CONCEPTS · HIGH-TECH COMPuTErIZED MANuFACTurING 102 Winner of the M.I.P.A. Musikmesse International Press Award Meinl’s innovative and awardwinning Generation X cymbals pave the way to a completely new world of revolutionary cymbals. These cymbals have sounds which are consciously different and aimed towards advanced, experimental and unconventional drummers who are motivated to explore new sound territories. Meinl’s Generation X cymbals offer contemporary and modern sounds which were designed in cooperation with some of today’s most remarkable drummers. Laser engraving device 103 ELECTrO STACKS X-TrEME STACK CHINA CrASHES FX HATS TrASH HAT Hard, sizzling attack due to the waved china top with a trashy, white noise effect and an extremely short sustain due to the combination of two cymbals. The bottom cymbal contains jingles which enable an exceptional sizzling attack. An adjustable sustain is possible by using the wing nut of the cymbal stand. Large cutouts, exceptionally defined shape and wavy edge makes this cymbal outstanding and innovative. It delivers an extreme trashy sound with a lot of aggressive bite. Useable as a crash or a china for accenting and punctuating. An auxiliary hihat with a very sharp and extremely cutting sound. The brilliant, chrome surface and the laser engraved tribaldesign makes this cymbal’s finish outstanding. 8"/10" gX-8/10ES 10"/12" gX-10/12ES 12"/14" gX-12/14XTS 15" gX-15CHC-B 17" gX-17CHC-B 19" gX-19CHC-B 8" gX-8FXH NEW 10" gX-10FXH NEW Holes in the top and bottom eliminate air lock for maximum clarity. Dry, immediate response with a rattling, sizzling sound. Adjustable sustain by utilizing the wing nut and felts of the cymbal stand. WHY STACK CYMBALS? By putting two or more cymbals on top of each other, new and unique sounds can be created. Modern music requires new and hip sounds which can’t be realized with conventional cymbals. By stacking cymbals, radical sounds are achieved which reflect the drummer’s creativity and open mind. Unconventional white noises and trashy effects are sounds demanded by many producers in today’s studio world. From a playing standpoint, stacks are used for fast accents and special effect sounds. Due to the fact that they are naturally muffled, they can also be used for keeping time, similar to the function of hihats or ride cymbals. 104 12"/14" gX-12/14TH WHAT’S THE BENNY GrEB »TrASH HAT« ALL ABOuT? For many years now I have been looking for a trashier and more washy x-hat combination, but without loosing attack when I need it. I also wanted a sound that is very unique, but that still blends in well with my other cymbals and hihat sounds. I experimented a lot... combining various splash and china cymbals of different sizes, thicknesses and materials. The final result is… snare roll please… tadaaaah! My 12"/14" Trash Hat that I mostly use as an x-hat on my right, but can also be used on a regular hihat stand to create totally new sounds. Check it out! It’s perfect for adding a new color to your sound and inspires you to play new stuff. Give me feedback on how you’re using it. Stay creative! 105 DruMBALS SAFArI HIHAT SAFArI CrASH SAFArI rIDE THE rABB PACK CYMBAL SET A complete prepacked pitchmatched cymbal setup. It’s a perfect addon for the existing setup and includes a free 8" Drumbal. Placed on any drum, they are perfect for imitating white noise, hand claps, and other electronic effects. Drumbals transform your acoustic drumset into an acoustic drum machine. Especially designed to meet the requirements of today’s Drum’n’Bass and Jungle scene. It provides a multitude of new sounds. The bottom hihat contains jingles which enhance the spectrum. 8" gX-8DB 10" gX-10DB 12" gX-12SH The quick decay achieved by the two cymbal combination is perfect for adding white noise for simulating loops or effects for whatever style you are playing. Breakbeat ride with a trashy, white noise sound. Extremely short sustain due to the combination of two cymbals in one instrument. 18" gX-18SR 16" gX-16SC HOW’S THE DruMBAL uSED? By placing the Drumbal on the snare drum, you can: a) Hit the Drumbal with the stick, creating a clap similar to a drum machine. b) Hit the snare drum head creating an electronic snare sound. c) Use the snare head for ghost notes and the Drumbal for accents. By holding the handle of the Drumbal you can: a) Lift the Drumbal off the snare drum/ tom tom and slam it down creating trashy accents. b) Lift the Drumbal off and place it on the head while hitting the snare drum (snares off)/ tom tom with the stick to change the pitch similar to a talking drum. 106 WHAT’S THE TENSION TuNING SYSTEM? Using the wing nut of the cymbal stand, you can tune the Safari ride and crash to sound any where from trashy to virtually no decay. The Safari hihat can be tuned to control the amount of trashiness by increasing or decreasing the tension of the hihat clutch. gX-12/16/18 12" SAFARI HIHAT 16" SAFARI CRASH 18" SAFARI RIDE Includes a free 8" Drumbal 107 FILTEr CHINAS A fast, sharp and almost sinister sound. Quieter than most chinas, they have a short sustain due to the waved edge. 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" gX-8FCH gX-10FCH gX-12FCH gX-14FCH gX-16FCH SIGNAL CrASH/ KLuB rIDE jINGLE FILTEr CHINAS CrASHES Equipped with three jingles along with the distinctive sound attributes of a Filter China. It has a shimmering, rattling sound with a slight belllike characteristic. An exceptional effect cymbal. An extremely fast crash with a contemporary “white noise” quality. Short sustain due to the waved edge. Ideal for fast accents. 10" gX-10FCH-J 12" gX-12FCH-J 14" gX-14FCH-J WHAT ArE TOM’S BECKEN ALL ABOuT? 16" gX-16SyC 17" gX-17KC 18" gX-18KC SyNTHETIC KOMPRESSOR KINETIK TOM’S BECKEN SETS A complete prepacked pitchmatched cymbal setup. It’s a perfect addon for the existing setup and includes a FREE 14" Filter China. Explosive attack, ideal for bigger accents due to a great response. When played with lighter sticks, it turns into a sweet and jazzy sounding ride cymbal with little wash. 18" gX-18SC gX-TB14/16/18 16" SYNTHETIk CRASH 18" SIGNAL CRASH/kLUB RIDE Includes a free 14" Filter China gX-TB14/17/18 17" kOMPRESSOR CRASH 18" kINETIk CRASH Includes a free 14" Filter China The Generation X Tom’s Becken are a pitchmatched range of contemporary crash cymbals that provide acoustic and electronic drummers with modern sounds that resemble artificially engineered cymbal samples. A perfect range for electronic drummers since they are quieter than most crash cymbals. Tom’s Becken are “db compressed” and ideal for rehearsal rooms as well as controlled recording environments (close miking recommended). Their feel is soft and flexible. 108 109 rECOMMENDED STYLES Alternative | Rock | Pop HIGH QuALITY AND A WIDE SELECTION OF MODELS · B8 BrONZE ALLOY · EXCELLENT CrAFTSMANSHIP · EXTENSIVE SELECTION OF DIFFErENT MODELS · OuTSTANDING SOuND CHArACTErISTICS 110 Meinl Classics series cymbals prove their worth with matched sounds and outstanding quality. But moreover, Classics cymbals are unparalleled in the semiprofessional range with regard to their extensive selection of different models. Cymbal vault 111 BELLS SPLASHES CHINA SPLASHES MINI HAT HIHATS SOuNDWAVE HIHATS Available in three different pitches low, medium, high with a very long sustain and a dry, pingy, brilliant stick response. very fast attack and sharp, penetrating cut. very bright, clear sound. Defined trashy sound with bright overtones. Fast attack with short sustain. MEDIuM MEDIuM SOuNDWAVE 8" C8S 10" C10S 12" C12S 8" C8CS 10" C10CS Bright overtones with lots of warmth. Penetrating open hihat sound with a fat, cutting, chick sound. Extremely wide dynamic spectrum with a lively, warm sound. Brilliant open hihat and crisp chick. 10" C10MH 13" C13MH 14" C14MH Waved bottom increases sizzling, loud open hihat sound. Strong, warm character and a fat cutting chick. 8" C8Bl 8" C8BM 8" C8BH lOW MEDIUM HIgH 13" C13MSW 14" C14MSW POWErFuL HOW CAN BELLS BE uSED? Besides using them for a normal bell sound, artists such as Thomas Lang and Benny Greb use an 8" Classics Bell as the bottom cymbal for their famous right foot hihat (along with a regular 8" splash as the top). Cutting, highpitched sound with a brilliant open shimmer and a defined chick. 14" C14PH POWErFuL SOuNDWAVE Strong, fat cutting chick with a sizzling loud open hihat sound. Waved bottom offers energetic, powerful feel. 14" C14PSW CYMBAL STACKErS If you want to have a space saving setup of various cymbals on top of each other, then check out our Meinl cymbal stackers on page 132. 112 113 CrASHES CHINAS rIDES THIN Aggressive, penetrating attack with a clear, trashy sound. Cutting bright overtones. Explosive response with medium sustain. MEDIuM Broad frequency spectrum with medium sustain. Washy and bright. 12" 14" 16" 18" 16" C16TC 18" C18TC MEDIuM 20" C20MR 21" C21MR 22" C22MR Wide frequency spectrum with a warm sound. Strong, immediate attack and a medium sustain. POWErFuL 14" C14MC 15" C15MC 16" C16MC 20" C20PR 17" C17MC 18" C18MC 20" C20MC POWErFuL Combination of clear bright tone with a wide dynamic range. Explosive attack with plenty of volume. 16" C16PC 17" C17PC 114 C12CH C14CH C16CH C18CH Extremely balanced feel with a full, warm sound. Clear ping over an even shimmering wash, with a medium bell and sustain. Energetic sound with a solid stick response. Bright, clear ping, loud bell and long sustain. PrOFESSIONAL CYMBAL TrOLLEY If you are always on the go and you have to cover long distances with your cymbals, the Meinl Cymbal Trolley is made just for you. Stable wheels, a retractable handle and an extendable leg (for 100% stability when not in transit) makes cymbal transportation very comfortable. Check it out on page 129. 18" C18PC 115 MCS CYMBAL SET-uPS The MCS ready matched CYMBAL SETUPS are available in two versions: 14" Medium Hihat, 18" CrashRide 14" Medium Hihat, 16" Medium Crash, 20" Medium Ride MCS1418 NEW 14" MEDIUM HIHAT 18" CRASHRIDE ABSOLuTE QuALITY AND SOuND · B8 BrONZE ALLOY · HArMONICALLY MATCHED · OuTSTANDING SOuND · uNBEATABLE VALuE 116 MCS 14" MEDIUM HIHAT 16" MEDIUM CRASH 20" MEDIUM RIDE The Meinl MCS Cymbal setups and individual cymbals are the standard for today’s ambitious drummer. These harmonically matched cymbals provide the best sound at an unbeatable price. Ready to rock right out of the box. 117 HIHAT CrASH CrASH-rIDE rIDE MEDIuM MEDIuM Fast response with a bright, fullbodied sound. Clear and penetrating with a medium sustain in a wide range. Wellsuited for any setup. Multipurpose balanced cymbal with a clear ping and medium sustain. Played as a crash, it sounds powerful and penetrating. MEDIuM Medium weight cymbal with a wide dynamic spectrum and a clean stick response. Warm, brilliant open hihat sound and a clear chick. 16" MCS16MC NEW 18" MCS18CR NEW Balanced with a bright, clear ping, and medium sustain. Solid bell cuts through highvolume settings. 20" MCS20MR NEW 14" MCS14MH NEW DESIGNEr CYMBAL BAGS The Designer Cymbal Bags feature unusual yet attractive finishes. They’re sure to catch the eyes wherever you are. Check them out on page 130. 118 119 CYMBAL SET-UPS Rock Splashes A loud, tight high-pitched sound with an extremely direct and cutting attack. A very durable splash. 10” MB20-10RS-B 12” MB20-12RS-B The specially matched HCS new player CYMBAL SET-UPS are available in three versions: 14" Hihat, 16" Crash 14" Hihat, 18" Crash-Ride 14" Hihat, 16" Crash, 20" Ride HCS1416 14" Hihat 16" Crash HCS141620 14" Hihat 16" Crash 20" Ride HCS1418 14" Hihat 18" Crash-Ride New style, new sound · MS63 Alloy · Specially matched · Outstanding quality · Unbeatable value 120 The Meinl HCS cymbal set-ups and individual cymbals are an entry level cymbal line that combine quality and value. They are made from MS63 alloy for a warm, harmonic and balanced sound. They offer the best possible sounds at an affordable price. 121 SPLASHES HIHATS CrASHES CrASH-rIDE rIDE Immediate, cutting bright response. Perfect for fast accents. A versatile hihat in medium weight. Warm, clean sound and an articulate open hihat. Smooth attack with a medium sustain. Complex spread with a warm feel. Clean stick response. Fullbodied and warm with a washy ping and a complex spread. Explosive sound when played as a crash. Clean, warm sound, with a defined ping and nice bell. Good for all situations. 13" HCS13H 14" HCS14H 14" HCS14C 16" HCS16C 18" HCS18CR 8" HCS8S 10" HCS10S 12" HCS12S 20" HCS20R CHINA Explosive, brash and bright attack with deep, dark and trashy undertones. 18" HCS18CH 122 123 cymbals – quick view hihats crashes 14" 15" Heavy Soundwave Hihat rides 16" 16" 18" 17" 18" 19" 20" Medium Heavy Crash 20" 20" Heavy Crash 20" chinas Medium Heavy Ride 21" 20" 22" Heavy Ride 22" Heavy Bell Ride 24" 10" 12" Mini Hat 14" 13" 14" traditional 13" 15" 16" 17" 18" Thin Hihat 16" 17" 18" Medium Hihat 16" 18" Heavy Hihat 16" 18" 14" Medium Hihat 14" 13" 14" 15" 16" 17" 18" Heavy Hihat 16" 17" 18" 14" Fast Hihat 16" 13" 14" Hihat 16" 13" 14" Spectrum Hihat brilliant dark 14" 14" 15" 19" 20" 19" 18" 17" 20" 18" 21" 22" 20" Medium Thin Crash 20" 21" 22" 23" Medium Crash 20" 21" 22" 23" Heavy Crash 20" 22" Sizzle Ride 20" 22" Ping Ride Thin Crash 20" Medium Thin Crash 20" Medium Crash Crash 20" Thin Ride 21" 22" 22" extra dry 13" 14" Medium Hihat 16" 13" 14" Thin Hihat 16" jazz custom fusion 124 14" Medium Hihat 14" Powerful Hihat 14" Medium Soundwave Hihat 14" Powerful Soundwave Hihat 14" Medium Hihat 14" 15" 24" Medium Ride 21" Ride 22" Spectrum Ride 22" Stadium Ride 20" 22" Medium Ride 17" 18" Extra Thin Crash 20" 22" Extra Thin Ride 16" 17" 18" Thin Crash 20" 22" Thin Ride 16" 17" 18" Medium Thin Crash 20" 22" Medium Thin Ride 20" Sweet Light Ride 20" Sweet Ride 20" Flat Ride 18" Thin Crash 20" Medium Crash 20" 17" 18" 16" 17" 18" 16" 18" 19" 20" Powerful Crash Medium Crash 12" Rock Splash 14" 16" 18" 20" 14" 16" 18" 20" 22" China 6" 8" 10" 12" Splash China 6" 8" 10" 12" Splash 8" 10" Splash 10" Splash Sky Ride Thin Crash 16" 10" Heavy Ride 18" 16" Rock China Heavy Ride Serpents Ride 20" 13" 20" Medium Ride 21" 19" 18" Pure Metal Ride Thin Crash 24" splashes 22" 22" Powerful Ride 22" Mega Bell Ride 20" 20" Medium Ride 22" China Ride Club Ride Medium Ride 21" 22" Powerful Ride 16" 18" 18" 20" China China 6" 8" 10" 10" 12" Splash 12" Distortion Splash Splash 125 hihats crashes 14" 15" Medium Soundwave Hihat 14" Heavy Soundwave Hihat 16" 10" 8" 14" Medium Hihat 14" Heavy Hihat 10" 16" 14" 12" 16" 18" 17" 16" 14" 16" 15" 18" Thin Crash 19" 18" 17" 16" FX Hat 12"/14" 15" Fat Hat Mini Hat rides 18" 19" 18" 17" 20" Heavy Crash 20" 20" Medium Crash 20" 22" Medium Ride 20" Heavy Crash 20" 22" Heavy Ride China Crash 18" 19" 16" Safari Crash Safari Hihat 16" Synthetik Crash 13" 13" 14" Medium Hihat 14" Powerful Hihat 14" Medium Soundwave Hihat 14" Powerful Soundwave Hihat 14" Medium Hihat 16" 14" 15" 17" 18" 16" 17" 18" 16" 14" Hihat 14" 16" 18" stacks 8"/10" drumbals 10"/12" Electro Stack 12"/14" 8" 10" bells Drumbal X-treme Stack 8" 126 Low Bell 8" Medium Bell 8" High Bell 19" China 8" 10" 12" Splash China 8" 10" 12" Splash 8" 10" 12" Splash 8" 10" 8" 10" Heavy Ride Bell Blast Ride Safari Ride 16" 8" 10" 12" 14" 10" 12" 14" 12" 14" 18" 16" 20" Filter China Jingle Filter China 18" Kinetik Crash 18" Signal Crash / Klub Ride 20" Thin Crash 20" 21" 22" Medium Ride Medium Crash 20" Powerful Ride Crash-Ride 20" Medium Ride Crash 20" Ride 16" 18" China China Splash Powerful Crash Medium Crash 18" 13" 22" 17" Kompressor Crash 18" 16" splashes Medium Ride Medium Crash Trash Hat Mini Hat 21" 20" 17" 10" 20" chinas 18" China 12" Splash Crash-Ride Cymbal sets 14" Medium Soundwave Hihat / 16" Medium Crash / 20" Medium Ride 12" Safari Hihat / 16" Safari Crash / 18" Safari Ride / 8" Drumbal 14" Powerful Soundwave Hihat / 18" Powerful Crash / 22" Powerful Ride 16" Synthetik Crash / 18" Signal Crash/Klub Ride / 14" Filter China 14" Medium Soundwave Hihat / 16" Medium Crash / 20" Medium Ride 17" Kompressor Crash / 18" Kinetik Crash / 14" Filter China 14" Heavy Soundwave Hihat / 18" Heavy Crash / 20" Bell Blast Ride 14" Medium Hihat / 18" Crash-Ride 14" Medium Hihat / 16" Medium Crash / 20" Medium Ride 14" Medium Hihat / 16" Medium Crash / 20" Medium Ride 14" Medium Hihat / 18" Medium Crash / 22" Medium Ride 14" Hihat / 16" Crash 14" Heavy Hihat / 18" Heavy Crash / 22" Heavy Ride 14" Hihat / 18" Crash-Ride 10" Splash / 18" China 14" Hihat / 16" Crash / 20" Ride 127 Drum Gear Professional Cymbal Bags Professional Cymbal Trolley MCB24 up to 24" MCB22 up to 22" MCB16 up to 16" The Meinl Cymbal Bags are available in three sizes: 16", 22" and 24" diameters. The 16" Cymbal Bag has a small external pocket for other Drum Gear. The 22" and 24" Cymbal Bags have an external hihat / splash compartment designed to hold cymbals up to 15" in diameter. DRUM GEAR 128 The Meinl Cymbal Trolley holds cymbals up to 22" in diameter and has an external compartment for cymbals up to 16" in diameter. The entire bag is mounted on stable wheels and has a retractable handle. An extendable leg ensures 100% stability when not in transit. MCB22-TR2 • External compartment • Padded dividers • Padded shoulder strap • Carrying handle 129 Drum Gear Drum Gear DEsigner Cymbal Bags DEsigner Stick Bags The Meinl 22" Designer Cymbal Bags are available in five different finishes. Two external compartments hold cymbals up to 15" in diameter and allow storage of sticks and other drum accessories. The Meinl Designer Stick Bags are available in five different finishes. Four spacious sections for drumsticks and a separate compartment for drum accessories. e - C 4 uflage b -1- C1mouflag - C3 ouflage - LE -ZB b -1 b -1 b -1 b -1 M S ina l Ca M S th Ca m o M S a n Ca m M S pard MS ra eb eo O rig Ear Urb L - LE B2 2 MC ard op Le MC B Ze b ZB 2 2- ra 4 2- C -C3 - C1 e ge B2 flag oufl ufla B2 2 B2 2 M C Ca m ou M C n Ca m o M C a l Ca m in a th Urb Ear O rig Z age Professional Stick Bag The Meinl Stick Bag offers four spacious sections for drumsticks and a separate compartment for drum keys, small tools and other valuables. • Padded nylon material • External pocket • Shoulder strap • Extension straps combo Bags MSB-1 An exceptional combination of a Meinl 22" Cymbal Bag and a Meinl Stick Bag. They come together from a zipper on the backside. Cymbals and sticks are always ready at hand. DeLuxe Stick Bag The Meinl Deluxe Stick Bag offers some special features. Spacious sections for drumsticks featured with zippered clear window pockets and two external pockets for extra gear. mcb22/Msb NEW mcb22/MSB-C1 NEW Black Original Camouflage • Padded synthetic leather • External pockets • Shoulder straps • Elastic cord attachments MDLXSB 130 131 Drum Gear Drummer Gloves Drum Gear Cymbal Stackers CYMBAL ATTACHMENT Drum rug Cymbal Cleaner CYMBAL POLISH The specially designed Meinl drum rug in zebra finish makes for an absolutely special look. The entire bottom side is covered with rubber to avoid sliding and it comes with a bag for comfortable transportation. The Meinl Cymbal Cleaner is a premium concentrated liquid cleaner. It is designed for regular and brilliant finish cymbals. Simply spray on the surface and then wipe it off, to restore the cymbals’ original shine. Size: 160 cm (5.25 ft) x 200 cm (6.5 ft) MCCL The Meinl Cymbal Polish is designed exclusively for cleaning and restoring the high-polished surface of a brilliant finish cymbal. It’s a combination of two models of Meinl cymbal cleaner; the Meinl concentrated liquid Cymbal Cleaner and the original Meinl polishing emulsion. MDG Gloves NEW Sizes: M, L, XL The Meinl cymbal attachment consists of the Meinl multi-clamp and a Meinl cymbal boom arm. It works perfectly for adding cymbals and accessories to any stands. MDGFL Finger-less Gloves NEW Sizes: M, L, XL Meinl Drummer Gloves protect your hands from blisters and prevent the sticks from slipping, yet provide a natural feel. Padded areas provide more durability. 132 MCA NEW MDR-ZB NEW MCP NEW The Meinl Cymbal Stackers enable a space saving set-up of various cymbals on top of each other. MC-CYS MC-CYS8 ø 6 mm ø 8 mm 133 Merchandise T-Shirt T-Shirt Sizes Color Front Back Black M42 S, M, L, XL, XXL Black MEINL logo, small MEINL logo, big Sizes Color Front S, M, L, XL, XXL Black MEINL CYMBALS AHEAD M43 RED Sizes Color Front Merchandise 134 S, M, L, XL, XXL Red MEINL CYMBALS AHEAD M44 135 MErCHANDISE T-SHIrT POLO SHIrT LONGSLEEVE T-SHIrT WITH rED ArMS SWEAT SHIrT HOOD SHIrT WITH ZIPPEr Sizes Color Front Back Sizes Color Front Sizes Color Front Back Sizes Color Front Back Sizes Color Front Back S, M, L, XL, XXL Black MEINL logo, small MEINL logo, big M59 NEW 136 MErCHANDISE M25 S, M, L, XL, XXL Black MEINL logo, small M74 S, M, L, XL, XXL Black/Red MEINL logo, small MEINL logo, big M49 S, M, L, XL, XXL Black MEINL logo, small MEINL logo, big S, M, L, XL , XXL Black MEINL logo, small MEINL logo, big M48 137 MErCHANDISE HOOD SHIrT MErCHANDISE TrAINING jACKET TrAINING jACKET ArMY CAPS BAr STOOLS LANYArD MBS24 NEW Size 24" Sizes Color Front S, M, L, XL, XXL Red MEINL CYMBALS AHEAD M47 Sizes Color Front Back M71 NEW S, M, L, XL, XXL Black MEINL logo, small MEINL logo, big Sizes Color Front Back M73 M, L, XL , XXL Black MEINL logo, small MEINL logo, big BACKPACK MPBB NEW 138 M22 M20 BlACK NEW M21 OlIvE NEW MOuSE PAD “CYMBALS AHEAD” MBS30 NEW Size 30" M50 139 VISIT Our WEBSITE! WWW.MEINLCYMBALS.COM PrODuCTS MP3 ArTISTS VIDEOS PODCAST BLOG CALENDEr DAILY uPDATES DEALErS myspace facebook youtube ArTISTS TISTS CYMBALS VIDEOS BLOG Check out every artist’s personal page containing uptodate information on their setup, tour schedule, and personal details. Info on every cymbal we make, with soundfile included. Exclusive videos of your favourite artists. Interviews, live footage, and product demos. Our artist relations team gives you an inside view to the world of Meinl and its artists. 140 141 communicate photocredits Dennis Boxem - Bernhard Castiglioni - Armin Endres - Robert Downs - Christoph Gebhardt - Philip Glaser - Christian Habermeier Helge Hamer - Yoshika Horita - Sebastian Jäger - Kasskara - Heinz Kronberger - Andreas “Bär” Läsker - Rick Malkin - Tobias Merkle This catalog is printed on PEFC certified paper // PEFC promotes sustainable forest management - environmentally, socially beneficial and economically viable management of forests for present and future generations - through independent third party forest certification. Diana Nitschke - Jessica Patel - Norbert Saemann - Biggi Sauer - Inga Seevers - Alex Solca - Atsushi Suzuki - Nadja Vogel - Reinhard Wening Cymbal Guide 2009 8 40553 00637 7 All features are subject to change without notice. Not responsible for typographic errors. No part of this catalog may be reprinted, reproduced or included in any online-services in any form in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Meinl cymbals. Printed in Germany. M-CA401108 U1-U4_Lay_fin.indd 1 Cymbal Guide 2009 24.11.2008 13:45:00 Uhr