The Oak Newsletter issue 2 2014


The Oak Newsletter issue 2 2014
The Official Magazine of
Duchesne College
Issue 2 | 2014
Building a Foundation for theFuture
Duchesne Students attend a lecture
by President Barack Obama
Duchesne College Farewells its
Valedictory Students
Welcome to our end
of year edition of “The
Oak”. I hope you enjoy
reading our magazine
and I look forward to
your feedback.
As our 75th Anniversary Year draws to a close, we reflect
on our achievements in so many areas.
At Duchesne, we are part of a living tradition; the
tradition of the Society of the Sacred Heart, established
over 200 years ago in France by Madeleine Sophie
Barat, and the living tradition of Duchesne College,
established in 1937. Duchesne is named for Rose
Philippine Duchesne, a strong and resilient Sister of the
Sacred Heart whose name means ‘of the oak’, a fitting
symbol for a College whose mission is to nurture young
women and to help them flourish. Our little acorn
began with three students, and now, in this our 75th
anniversary year, the oak has never been stronger with
its 200 students.
As part of our celebrations, on Sunday 19th October, our
outgoing and newly-elected leaders commemorated the
Centenary of the Death of Janet Erskine Stuart, Superior
General of the Society of the Sacred Heart, 1911-1914.
Bronte Baldwin, Mission Convenor, paid tribute to the
legacy of Mother Stuart and recognised the lessons of
her leadership for our leaders at Duchesne.
In November, we continued our celebrations with
special functions in Mackay and Rockhampton, where
we brought together alumnae, parents of current
students and prospective students and their parents.
The aim of these events was to build the Duchesne
community - past, present and future - to develop an
understanding of Duchesne in prospective families
and to demonstrate our support for regional families.
Issue 2 I The Official Magazine of Duchesne College
Over 25% of our current students are from Central
Queensland and many more hail from other regional
areas, emphasising how close we have remained to our
roots. Over drinks and canapés, friendships were made
and renewed and excited prospective students looked
forward to the day they may join us. It was reassuring to
hear that these girls have chosen Duchesne for its strong
Catholic and family values, the safe environment and
the pastoral and academic support we provide.
We have enjoyed success in many areas this year.
In sporting, cultural, service and social activities,
Duchesne girls have shown once again that whilst
they certainly do want to succeed academically, the
university experience is so much more than studying. It
delights me that our GPA remains around 5.4, with over
30% achieving a GPA of 6 or greater in first semester.
Yet we are able to demonstrate our zest for life by
strong participation. In the ICC Sporting Competition,
we achieved 2nd place, in the Cultural Competition,
a wonderful 4th place and, in the area of Service,
about 50 students were awarded a half or full blue for
participation in at least seven events. I pay tribute to
the Student Club Executive and Resident Assistants,
for their leadership, commitment and enthusiasm.
Jess Hopgood and Suzy Russell, as outgoing President
and Vice President, showed outstanding leadership.
However, I would like to acknowledge all students for
the role they have played. Each one has made a special
On 24th October, at our annual Valedictory Dinner, we gathered to acknowledge our
valedicts, those students who have spent three years at Duchesne. In the company
of their parents and invited guests, with a record number of 48 valedictory students,
we celebrated what we have shared as a community. It was a bitter-sweet occasion,
as we reflected on lifelong friendships made, experiences shared and life beyond
Duchesne. You will read more about the Valedictory Dinner later in the magazine.
The first week of examinations was overshadowed by the exciting news that,
not only was President Barack Obama presenting a lecture at The University of
Queensland as part of the G20 celebrations, but also that we were invited to send
fifty of our students, in the company of Sr. Muirhead, to hear his remarks. I was
delighted at the enthusiasm shown by our leaders of the future towards this oncein-a-lifetime opportunity. Read more about this in the magazine.
To conclude … I ask you to reflect on this quotation from Janet Erskine Stuart, rscJ.
100 years ago, she said of Sacred Heart Education:
“So we must remember that it is better to begin a great work than to finish a small
one...the work in the rough...may look ugly and yet be full of promise...A piece of
finished insignificance is no true success... Our education is not meant to turn the
children out small and finished, but seriously begun on a wide basis. Therefore they
must leave us with some self-knowledge, some energy, some purpose...If they leave
us without these three things they drift with the stream of life.”
Self-knowledge, energy, purpose; they abound at Duchesne. I am proud of the
achievements of our College in this 75th Anniversary Year as we continue our living
Mrs Nanette Kay MA PGCE
Top - VC Prof Peter Høj (centre)
joins guests at Duchesne to
celebrate the 75th
Architects Catherine and Roland
Baudet with Alison McCray
and Alyce Keleher at Academic
Certificates Dinner
Front cover:
President Obama’s
lecture at UQ
Isabel Huf, Ashleigh
Goodland-Smith and Alison
Duchesne Valedicts of 2014
Nanette Kay
Alyce Keleher, Catriona
Johnston, Sarah Hamilton,
Hannah Olufson
Design & Print:
Ignition Creative
Building a Foundation for the Future
Foundation Chair
We ask you to give to the
Duchesne Foundation so we
can support more wonderful
young women from rural and
regional backgrounds
in the future.
The Duchesne College Foundation was
established to provide financial support to give
students the opportunity to gain a university
education in a safe and nurturing environment.
The Foundation achieves this aim by raising
funds for scholarships and bursaries.
It has been a promising inaugural year for the Duchesne
College Foundation.
I recently had the pleasure of attending the 2014
Valedictory Dinner. I thought it was a tremendous
success, and a credit to Nanette and the College team of
dedicated people.
We should all be very proud of these young women
and their achievements. It was a particularly special
night as the guest speaker was my dear friend and
Alumna, Madonna Duffy, who shared her career and
personal experiences with such grace and humour. The
young women of Duchesne made me very proud to be
associated with the College and even more determined to
see the Foundation grow and succeed.
I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank
Wayne Evans, our first Director of Development, for
all his hard work during the past year and for his key
involvement in the initial set up and running of The
Duchesne College Foundation. Wayne has recently
taken the opportunity to finish his role with the College
and start his own business. We thank Wayne for his
kind contribution and friendship to Duchesne. We are
currently undertaking a search for the new Director
of Development. We have been encouraged by the
significant level of interest in the role. We look forward to
the new Director starting in their role in January 2015 to
continue the great work of the Foundation.
In our last issue of “The Oak”, we announced the 75th
Anniversary Project to enhance the entrance to the
College on College Road. I am delighted to share the
news that the design and feasibility stages of this project
are now well underway and we look forward to the
completion of the project in 2015.
We ask you to give to the Duchesne Foundation so we can
support more wonderful young women from rural and
regional backgrounds in the future.
We look forward to an exciting year for the Foundation in
Ms Gina McLellan GAICD
Gina holds a Bachelor of Design Studies and a Bachelor of
Architecture from The University of Queensland and is an
alumna of Duchesne.
Chair of Council
Alumnae ties strong.
The decision for many young women to leave home and the comfort of their rural or
regional community is a very significant one. For me - and many of our alumnae Duchesne provided an extraordinary “home away from home”.
College offered me the opportunity to transition from country to city and from teenager
to woman in a supported and caring environment. The friendships formed and lessons
learned were both life-changing and enduring. It is a privilege to have reconnected with
Duchesne in my work with the Council and, now, in the role of Chair.
Mrs Anna Katter
Duchesne College Council
BA(Hons), LLB (Hons), LLM
Alumna of Duchesne (1997-1999)
Issue 2 I The Official Magazine of Duchesne College
Ways to Help
Profiles of
Scholarship Holders
Many of our students will struggle to
complete their university education
without financial support.
Duchesne offers a range of
scholarships, including Indigenous
and Music Scholarships, to assist
students facing particular challenges,
and those with special talents, to
study at the College.
Your donation today will enable us to
let a student know immediately that
we can help them to continue their
studies next year.
Sariah Xu
Sariah Xu, who has just completed her
third year of B Music at The University of
Queensland, is one of the most talented
viola players of her age in Australia.
She has benefited greatly from receiving
a music scholarship to continue her
studies whilst living at Duchesne. Sariah
recently travelled to Europe with the
Australian Youth Orchestra performing
in Austria, Germany, The Netherlands
and Switzerland. One of Sariah’s most
memorable moments was her first
European concert at the Berlin Concert
House because the audience was so
appreciative of their music. Sariah
also performs with the University of
Queensland Orchestra.
Gabriella Blokland
Gabriella Blokland was attending
St George State High School in 2011
when she was recommended by her
Principal for the Young Achievers
Program, offered by The University of
This program offers outstanding support
to students from regional areas of
Queensland where they are the first in
family to attend university. Participating
in residential camps at Grace College
in Year 11 and Cromwell in Year 12 and
benefiting from the experience of her
mentors, she was very well acquainted
Sariah is the elder of two sisters
undertaking university study so the
scholarship which she has received for
the past two years is particularly helpful
for the family. Life at Duchesne has been
everything Sariah hoped for and more
and she feels supported in all aspects of
her College life. “The people at College
are always there for us and it is fantastic
that I can access a practice room at all
hours, without disturbing the other
students,” she said.
In addition to studying and performing
Sariah also finds time to support the
community and recently participated as a
volunteer in the Channel 9 telethon.
with the workings of the University when
she commenced her studies in Primary
Education. Gabriella said, “I am very
glad I chose Duchesne as everyone has
been so welcoming.” She added that
she has made great friends in her first
year and that the pastoral and academic
support offered by College has helped
her to make a successful transition from
school. Gabriella has received a Young
Achievers Program Scholarship which is
provided by Duchesne and matched by
The University of Queensland.
She is photographed here with previous
Chair of Council, Mr Pat O’Dwyer.
Building a Foundation for the Future
Farewell to the Valedicts of 2014
This year marks the centenary of the death of Janet Erskine Stuart, a former Superior
General of the Society of the Sacred Heart and an outstanding educator. She once wrote:
Good luck for the future!
Religious of the Sacred Heart
“Your life is a sacred journey. It is
about change, growth, discovery,
movement and transformation. It is
continually expanding your vision
of what is possible, stretching your
soul, teaching you to see clearly and
deeply, helping you to listen to your
Janet Stuart’s personal journey – and
it was not without struggle – taught
her this wisdom. She was born in
England on 11 November, 1857, at
the Anglican Rectory of Cottesmore
in Rutland where her father was
the Rector. She was the youngest
child of her father’s second marriage
so, when her mother died fourteen
months after Janet’s birth, she and
her brothers were raised by their
oldest sister, Dody. Janet had a
happy childhood, educated at home,
but also enjoying the beauty and
freedom of the countryside where
she felt God close to her. As a child
of thirteen, she set out on a solitary
search to find the purpose of her life.
This search took her seven years and
finally brought her to the Catholic
Church in 1879 at the age of twentyone. Three years later she entered
the Society of the Sacred Heart where
she was to spend thirty
years of religious
life, most of it at
In 1911, she
was elected
General of the Society. The next
three years, until her death in 1914,
included a good deal of travel,
getting to know the religious of the
Sacred Heart throughout the world.
It was during this time that she
visited Australia and New Zealand.
Janet Stuart died at Roehampton
on 21 October 1914, aged 56. She is
buried in the Sacred Heart Chapel at
Roehampton, one of the few parts of
the original building which survived
the bombing in World War ll.
Janet Stuart’s influence extends
throughout the world today primarily
through her writings. She was a
renowned educator and spiritual
guide and it was to celebrate this
legacy that two Conferences were
held in England this year to mark the
centenary of her death. The first of
these celebrations was an academic
Conference, Inspiring souls:
reflections on education, spirituality
and leadership organised by Digby
Stuart Research Centre for Religion,
Society and Human Flourishing
and The Research Centre in Values,
Rights and Beliefs in Education.
Digby Stuart, the Society’s former
Teacher Training College founded by
Janet Stuart, is now part of a group of
Colleges which have joined together
to form Roehampton University. The
second Conference, The Seeking
Spirit, which was based on Janet
Stuart’s writings, her letters
spiritual journals, presented a deeper
insight into her spiritual legacy. It
is her writings that reveal to us a
person who was deeply spiritual and
deeply intellectual, a visionary and a
realist. They reveal her openness to
individual differences and her belief
in a holistic approach to human
development. She did not want
anyone to try to imitate others, but to
become truly their best selves. Above
all things, she focused on God’s
tender care, acceptance of and love
for each person. She was a person
who led by example and wrote that
“no one can be educated by maxim
or precept; it is the life lived, and the
things loved and the ideals believed
in by which we tell, one upon the
other.” As this year is drawing to a
close, we can all profit by reflecting
on some aspect of her legacy.
Sister Kathleen Muirhead rscJ
Vice Principal
Kathleen Bagley
Laura Bailey
Bronte Baldwin
Emily Barnett
Charlotte Boyd
Gabrielle Brady
Lauren Briody
Brooke Caracciolo
Georgia Cash
Julia Comben
Jessica Connolly
Ellen Curran
Sarah Curti
Jessica Daniel
Veronika Dentstaporn
Leeanne Doan
Colleen Dunne
Taryn Eastwell
Genevieve Fahey
Ashleigh GoodlandSmith
Julia Hede
Ellen Hersee
Lauren Holder
Grace Hooper
Jessica Hopgood
Isabel Huf
Jacqueline Hughes
Maddison Iskov
Brittany-Elise Johansen
Emma Jones
Alyce Keleher
Emily Kelly
Stephanie Killer
Madeline Lindsay
Kelsie Madders
Bridget Mahon
Alison McCray
Kaitlyn McDonaugh
Araminta McLennan
Lauren Mitchell
Sally Moorhead
Kelsie O’Leary
Karyn Paterson
Melissa Riddell
Suzanna Russell
Jessie Sergiacomi
Antonia Teale
Mikaela Walker
Congratulations to our Student Leaders
We are delighted to announce our team of student leaders for 2015.
They have already contributed a great deal to Duchesne in their time here and we look forward to them taking up their leadership
roles in the new academic year. We congratulate our outgoing leaders on an excellent year in office and wish them well as they move
on from Duchesne. It is certain that they will be able to use the leadership skills they have developed in their future lives and careers.
Student Executive 2015
The Sacred Heart Chapel at Roehampton
Vice President
Sports Convenor
Cultural Convenor
Service and Mission Convenor
ICC Cultural Convenor
Third Year Representatives
Second Year Representative
Catriona Johnston
Sarah Hamilton
Louise Effeney
Gretel Waugh
Sian Denton
Gabriella Crow
Hannah Curti
Emily McCusker
Tessa Kurtz
Philomena Stephen
Geena White
Resident Assistants for 2015
Senior RA Hannah Olufson
Georgia Bass
Georgia Beck
Emma Cooke
Rosemary Green
Lauren Hannant
Alanna Ives
Hannah Schuch
Sophie Speight
Montana Waddington
“It is with much enthusiasm and eagerness that I take on the role of President of
Duchesne College for 2015. I am honoured to have the opportunity to work with a very
talented and passionate Executive for the coming year, and I look forward to the positive
changes we will be able to make next year. 2014 was a fantastic year in many respects,
and I know that we have all been left big shoes to fill by Jess and Suzy and their team. I
am confident that the incoming Leadership Team will continue to promote success and
friendliness at Duchesne, and 2015 may just be the greatest year yet!”
The Rectory at Cottesmore
Issue 2 I The Official Magazine of Duchesne College
“I am very excited to take up the position of Senior Resident Assistant at Duchesne
in 2015. The team of Resident Assistants and I hope to develop stronger relationships
between the girls at Duchesne and create an even more united cohort. Thank you to the
outgoing Leadership Team for giving us a great platform to work forward with and for all
they have contributed to Duchesne in 2014. I know they will be missed by all.”
Building a Foundation for the Future
Valedictory Dinner,
Friday 24th October 2014
On this most special occasion, we said
“Valete” or “farewell’ to the 48 students
who have spent the last three years as
residents of Duchesne.
Madeleine Sophie Barat Award
Bronte Baldwin
Genevieve Fahey
Jessie Sergiacomi
The dinner was preceded by Mass, celebrated in the College Chapel by Bishop
Joseph Oudeman and concelebrated by Fr Augustine Obi. Highlights of the evening
included musical performances, the presentation of awards to all our Valedicts and
the bestowing of a number of special awards, an inspirational speech by our guest
of honour, Ms Madonna Duffy, and an emotional farewell speech from Ms Jessica
Hopgood, President of the Student Club in 2014. Valedicts, their families and invited
guests shared joy and sadness on this memorable night.
Estelle Cormack Music Award
Brittany-Elise Johansen
Alumnae Valedictory Award
Ellen Curran
Lauren Briody
Emily Kelly
75th Anniversary Award
Araminta McLennan
Mary MacKillop Award
Jessica Hopgood
Suzanna Russell
Farewell Address by Jessica Hopgood, President,
Duchesne College Student Club, 2014
I don’t think anyone here tonight would
disagree that in our time here at Duchesne
we have grown both as women and as
intellectuals, but the most important thing
in my mind is the bond that we have formed
and continuously strengthened.
As the last hurrah, the final fifty, the gals that could last
the distance, it is a true pleasure to be up here addressing
you this evening.
I guess our journey started the day we walked into these
hallowed halls. As a first-floor girl, I can clearly remember
dragging bag after overstuffed bag up the horrendous
steps, stopping only briefly to be introduced by my Dad to
my new neighbour, Bronte (“She speaks French, Jess!”).
First year taught me in the words of Snow White – “It
is when we are most lost that we sometimes find our
truest friends.” I came into College after a long Gap Year,
knowing barely anyone and dying for my Mum to stay
and not leave me to the horror of making friends. She
did leave, however, and friends I did make. From the
up-close-and-personal booty grab on night one while
learning the fresher dance, I knew I was in the company
of some wicked chicks. First year went onwards and
upwards from there. We discovered the low calorie beauty
of vodka sodas, headed to the RE every Sunday to make
life-long mates, and had late night chats with Charlie and
Bryza and his almighty torch.
Issue 2 I The Official Magazine of Duchesne College
After the horror of being separated from each other for a
whole three months, we returned in second year ready
to rumble, and feeling like we owned the place. Second
year was a wonderful time of no responsibilities and lots
of fun, getting involved in everything and anything (apart
from uni, wherever we could help it). It saw Red Room
sessions, the development of snaps…and what is now a
tradition, YOYO and second year trip to Yamba. Faulty
electricity but lots of beers brought us even closer as we
all decided we were not yet ready to let go of the College
dream just yet.
And finally third year came around. For me, it was a
whirlwind of activity trying to balance everything, from
the crazy start of P and O week – blindly fumbling to
appear to the freshers that we knew what we were doing
(with only one hospital trip on day one, I’m chalking it
up as a resounding success). But the year really started
when the rest of the girls came back and we found
ourselves becoming closer than ever. We are truly sisters
in every sense of the word. I will remember the balcony
dates, being looked after and often let off the hook by the
darling Matt and fastidious Neil. We had a year of lasts
– last Duch Bowls, Ball, High Tea and @ Home, but they
certainly left us happy and satisfied that we had truly
lived out the Duch girl dream. And now, as we’ve handed
over to the second years, imparted every drop of advice
we can to the freshers, our year comes to a close. I could
almost wipe a tear at the thought of no more Duch roast
dinners, no more having to climb five hundred stairs, no
more getting locked out with no fob, no more pensive
times sitting at the Duch statue. Although the houses we
Araminta and Madonna
Jess and Madonna
Madeleine Sophie Barat Award winners
Genevieve, Jessie, Bronte and Sr Muirhead
move out to are unlikely to be home to a fat box, I know
that they will still feel like home, especially when they are
full of Duchies.
Pooh… “How lucky I am to have something that makes
saying goodbyes so hard.” And Edna: “I never look back,
darling! It distracts from the now.”
To quote the ever-insightful Lauren Briody – “One day
we will all grow old, and these walls and you all are the
stories that will be told.” To my fellow Valedicts, thank
you for sharing this journey with me. For helping turn
each of our acorns into almighty oaks. Even as we will go
on to enter the workforce, find love, get married (to Leo’s
boys), have children and inevitably grow old, I hope that
like the girls who went before us, when we are together
we can step back into this wonderful world of fifty sisters,
who will know each other as we always were. To share
crazy stories, jokes, fights and secrets, the best times and
the worst times. We will always have these years together.
Sibling relationships – and we are sisters - outlast
marriages, survive the death of parents, resurface after
fights that would sink any friendship. They flourish in a
thousand incarnations of closeness and distance, warmth
and loyalty. One of my favourite things about my time
at Duchesne is that you could never hide who you really
were. Each girl was able to be herself and be loved for it.
Guest of Honour, Madonna Duffy
Madonna grew up on a sugar cane farm near Ingham in
far north Qld before moving to Toowoomba when she
was 10. Not quite knowing what she wanted to do, she
decided to study the subjects she loved best – English
literature, French and politics and in 1986 she arrived in
Brisbane to undertake a Bachelor of Arts at UQ and to
take up residence at Duchesne. Madonna is the Head of
Publishing at the University of Queensland Press, one of
Australia’s oldest and most respected publishing houses.
Before joining UQP, Madonna worked in London and
Sydney with major international publishing houses.
I would like to acknowledge those who worked so hard
for us to be here. Our parents who dropped us off, helped
lug bags up those awful stairs, dealt with our post-College
comatose/DC-bingeing selves, my grandparents who fed
me biscuits and roasts when things got hairy, and all the
families and friends without whom College would not
have been possible. Thank you.
Thank you to Mrs Kay, Denis and Sister Muirhead for your
endless guidance in the tough times, especially this year.
‘Nanny Kay’ for always expecting the best and raising
our own expectations of ourselves, Denis for getting
us through a few scrapes and ensuring our academic
integrity and Sister who got my jokes, and is the most
caring and sincere person I know.
To Cat, Sarah and Hannah, we trust you will keep the
Duchesne spirit alive, give your all and make us proud.
We are so excited for you to be filling our shoes next year.
College by chance, sisters by choice. I conclude by
mentioning the words of two great sages. Winnie the
“The most important thing about arriving at Duchesne
was meeting girls just like me. In small towns, we had
felt like the odd ones out, but it was such a relief to start
at college and meet other girls who weren’t just bright,
but were also fun and interesting and wanted something
more out of their lives. That small kernel of faith in myself
that had always been there was affirmed and encouraged
in my time at Duchesne, both through the college culture
and the friends I made.”
In her speech, Madonna shared with us her “Duchesne
1. Have faith in yourself
2. Have the courage to try – and, most importantly, to fail
3. Believe in your friendships to sustain you through
good times and bad
The story she told of her life journey made an impact
on each one of us. Laughter and tears were shared and
it is safe to say that the Duchesne Valedicts will long
remember these “Duchesne Mantras” as they make their
way through life with their lifelong memories of Duchesne
close to their “Blue Hearts”.
Building a Foundation for the Future
Valedictory Dinner
Soccer and Basketball
Music Concert
Academic Awards
Service Awards
Issue 2 I The Official Magazine of Duchesne College
Ladies High tea
Building a Foundation for the Future
On the Academic Frontline
As I write this, typing away at a speed that leaves most
Duchesne residents gasping – it’s true, I really am as slow
as that – I have just farewelled the Mother of one of our
residents. We ran into each other by chance, since she had
come to drive her daughter home for a few days and she had
an hour or so to wait.
I had not seen her since “O” Week and then only
fleetingly, and before that, a few months earlier, when
she had joined me during her daughter’s interview
for residence. She spoke emotionally of how much
Duchesne had meant to her daughter; how excited
she had been when she called to tell her parents to
say she had a place here - she had been far more
excited than when she received her OP; how much
she had grown in less than eight months; the relaxed
and supportive relationships she had with the real
friends she had made; and how students who do
not have the College experience have missed out on
something beyond price. (Mum knew this from her
own experience of College life in another country, and
had been determined that her daughter should have
every chance to try it too.) I could only agree with her
and I thought how lucky I was to be able to live as part
of this environment every day.
I then reflected on a couple of recent highlights at
College; some stand-outs since last I wrote, the 14
August formal dinner, for example. How blessed we
were to take that opportunity to recognise that we
have so many bright and confident scholars: as I
mentioned in Issue 1, 60 residents out of 200 had a
Grade Point Average of 6 (Distinction) or better, and
seven had straight 7s (High Distinction). And even
those who were disappointed with their results, for a
variety of reasons, have all shown an open mind and
a positive attitude when we have sat down together
to see what they might do to strengthen their position
from now on. That openness, that willingness to
share, is something which I have encountered here
to a higher degree than I have usually experienced
elsewhere. (And it has meant lots of laughter and tears
too.) Not that it’s a miracle; there just seems to be in
Duchesne, with all the ups and downs we expect in
life, an especially well-developed feeling of mutual
respect and constructive support which I have been
fortunate to tap into. Nor is this something which just
happens. It takes years to develop and it needs to be
nourished constantly, so I pay tribute to all those who
have prepared the ground for me to work on.
Issue 2 I The Official Magazine of Duchesne College
Another experience which was uplifting was a midyear graduation ceremony I attended. There were
several people I knew who were crossing the stage
that day and between them they represented a good
cross-section of the strengths which I have seen at UQ
and specifically in the Colleges. One was a Masters
student who was without a doubt the most tenacious
fellow I’ve met in many years. He threw himself into
a demanding program, obtained strong results in
graduate courses well outside his first degree and
wrote a stunning, rigorous thesis in a very short
time. He is also a superb, evocative pianist. Another
graduate came from Singapore and completed courses
which she felt were far tougher than what had been
required of her at home. And she said she was halffrozen - by Singaporean standards – for much of her
time here. Then there were two sisters who were born
overseas and whom Australia has acquired: they
will make big marks in their professions here. I had
met them and their charming, gentle parents some
years ago in another context, before Duchesne, and
it was a delight to see them all together at the one
ceremony. And then there was an Aussie who had
left Duchesne before I came here. Not that it made
any difference: I knew that once I had said to her that
“I’m at Duchesne” that was all that was necessary
for us to chat away together. To top it off, three of my
own students were graduating, one with a First and
another with the University Medal.
And what else awaited us? The Sporting, Cultural and
Service Dinner, which shows how the girls round out
the academic side of their lives here; Dancefest (check
out some archived events on YouTube; about 2,000
people attended); the AGM of the Student Club and
the selection of Resident Assistants for 2015 (College
would be immeasurably diminished without these
generous student leaders); Valedictory Mass and
Dinner with many family members attending (lots of
tears and hugs); Swotvac and ... final exams. The year
had scarcely begun and it seems to have evaporated.
So what is my message to current and past students of
Ukulele ensemble
College Song
Denis Brosnan
Duchesne? I just wanted to share my feelings about how
lucky I am to have a vocation and the chance to practise
my calling at a place as special as this. I hope you have
warm memories of Duchesne and that you will stay in
touch and give your College all the support you can, in
whatever form that may take, whether it be now, in 10
years, or fifty.
Denis Brosnan
Music Concert - Nicky Griffith
As part of our 75th Anniversary Celebrations,
we held our second annual Music Concert in
the College Dining Hall on Friday 22nd August.
Nicky Griffith, one of the UQ/Duchesne Music
Scholarship students, coordinated this event which
showcased just some of the Duchesne talent.
Nicky commented: “What I love about music at Duchesne
is that it brings girls together and helps form so many
friendships. Girls who have played instruments throughout
their lives have the opportunity to continue to perform even
though they may not be studying Music. It’s great to see that
For an acorn to begin to grow
one must first plant a seed
The seed of inspiration,
kindness and faith
And be a leader above all
other things
Oh, with some nurturing and
some care and love,
That acorn will start to grow
Growing in size, number and
growing in life
Never giving up on her goal
So just look up and you will
see from an acorn to a strong
oak tree
The motto we strive to live
‘Robur in luce veritatis’
Oh oh, strength in the light of truth
We stand to be strength in the light
of truth
Side by side with our blood
pumping blue
Always strength in the light of truth
Now here we are
From acorn to oak
Growing in the light of our past,
Reaching our goals
With knowledge, faith and truth
With knowledge, faith and truth
we now have so many groups and ensembles and I look
forward to next year when we’re going to have even more!”
The concert program was varied, starting with a performance
by the Vocal Ensemble, accompanied by the Strings, of the
College Song, “Strength in the Light of Truth”, composed for
the 75th Anniversary. The words were written by Jenny Galea
and the music was composed by Nicky. From pop to classical
music, we were entertained by pianists, vocalists, guitars and
the Duchesne Ukulele ensemble. The concert ended with a
performance of our Bandfest songs by the Duchesne Band.
“Sisters by Choice”, composed by the band members, brought
the concert to a rousing conclusion.
The 75th Anniversary Song, “Strength in the Light of Truth”
Now and forever more
A daughter of Duch
So just look up and you will see
from an acorn to a strong oak tree
The motto we strive to live
Robur in Luce Veritatis
Always strength in the light of truth,
So Duchesne we stand strong for
Oh oh, strength in the light of truth
We stand to be strength in the light
of truth
Side by side with our blood
pumping blue
Always strength in
the light of truth
Always strength in
the light of truth
Being strong with
our hearts of blue
Always strength in
the light of truth
So Duchesne we
stand strong for you
Building a Foundation for the Future
A Snapshot of College Life
Bronte Baldwin
third from
the left
Mission 2014
Service 2014
I’d firstly like to say what a privilege it
was to be the first and indeed the last
Duchesne Mission Convenor. This year
was a year well spent, nurturing the
values and traditions of Duchesne.
Throughout the year, Duchesne girls truly took on the role of giving service to
the wider community in all aspects. We cleaned, packed, fundraised, walked,
read, shopped and raised awareness for a number of truly great charities.
In addition to the many Masses, welcoming
new and returning students, celebrating the
academic year and other special occasions
including the anniversary of Janet Erskine
Stuart, this year was filled with the celebration
of the 75th anniversary of Duchesne College.
There were many events for both Duchesne
alumnae and present students including
a lantern procession, the planting of an oak at the front of Duchesne and a feast was of course devoured in true
Duchesne style. There was a celebration for the beloved Madeline Sophie Barat as well as more casual gatherings
of students throughout the year to help relieve stress and support each other when needed. The role of Mission is
closely linked to that of Service and as a member of the executive of the Duchesne/Leo’s St Vincent de Paul Chapter, I
believe the Catholic values that provide the foundation of Duchesne College were further fostered though this form of
community service. The bi-annual car washes and the annual trivia night saw over $1000 being raised which
went towards helping the wider community. This year has certainly been a busy one but I am
confident that Duchesne has continued to grow both in faith and spirit.
Bronte Baldwin
Duchesne Cultural has seen a year like no
other, bringing us in at 4th place overall
on the 2014 Cultural ICC ladder.
We have had more fun than ever before, replacing
traditional boundaries with originality, seeing us
place especially well in Oratory (3rd), Art Show
(5th) and Bandfest (4th). Our original song ‘Sisters
By Choice’ has already become a cult classic in its short life, and the infamous ‘Burger Man’ created in the
inaugural ICC speed painting competition Art Show will forever live in acrylic beauty. The Debating Team flexed
their intellectual wit and skill against worthy opponents, discussing weighty issues and placing us 7th in the
competition, much as the Chess Team engaged in the age-old battle of the minds and rounded out the Top 10 for
our tenth place finish. The 2014 One Act Play, ‘Knight and Play’ saw our actors joke around as anything but silent
knights, and we entertained the judges and audience alike to earn 6th place.
This year has also been ground-breaking in terms of record participation, culminating in our dance troupe of 120
ladies placing third in Dancefest. To finish the year on this high note, screaming out VICTORY in the quad was
a cultural dream come true and to be singing our chants dressed as giant McDonald’s fries was Duchesne at its
strongest, lightest and truest. We have created a cultural culture to be proud of, created a platform to showcase our
vast pool of talent, and hopefully we will continue to work our way up to cultural glory… it’s well within reach!
Ellen Curran (a.k.a. Ronald McDonald)
Issue 2 I The Official Magazine of Duchesne College
Among many other smaller initiatives, Duchesne girls participated in Clean Up Australia Day,
packed birthing kits for the Zonta women’s group, celebrated Earth Hour together, raised money
for our ‘sponsor a child’ in year level Girls’ Nights In, donated baskets of chocolate to local
homeless children in Brisbane, collected supplies for a local women’s shelter during Ladies High
Tea, showed our support to the ANZACs at Toowong Dawn Service, participated in MS Read-a-thon,
Walk In Her Shoes and the 40 hour famine, ran in Bridge to Brisbane, raised money for Daffodil
Day and Biggest Morning Tea and donated Christmas toys to a local initiative in Brisbane. One of
the main accomplishments this year has been the beginning of hopefully a long commitment to
sponsoring a young girl from Honduras. We are excited to announce 2-year-old Nelsy has become
an honorary Duchesne girl whose growth we look forward to seeing in years to come.
Sarah Curti
Sarah Curti and Leeanne Doan
SPORT 2014
This year, Duchesne had
some pretty unreal results in
the sporting arena, playing 11
sports in the ICC Competition
and another four as non-ICC.
Swimming: We had a great night and
our team managed to pull off a great
3rd place against state and national
Tennis: We braved some hot days –
yet managed to have the most support
of all colleges. Our girls didn’t lose
to a single college and sealed the
premiership with a convincing win
over Women’s.
Badminton: Georgina and Clara
managed to bring somewhat of a
victory to Duchesne –placing 3rd
overall – the best I think we’ve done
in over a decade.
Table tennis: Our girls battled it out
for a respectable 7th… out of 7!
Cross country: Despite yet again
the biggest turnout of any college,
Duchesne was unable to hold off the
long distance talent and finished 4th
Water Polo: Our girls battled Union
for 3rd place - Ellen Hersee scored our
winning goal seconds before the fulltime whistle.
Coming back for semester 2 we were
comfortably sitting 2nd on the ICC
points table, just behind Women’s.
Netball: Our girls had a great season,
remaining undefeated until our final
match with Women’s. Though we
went down to them, our girls never
gave up, our support never stopped
and I could not have been prouder
with the sportsmanship our girls
ICC regatta: After the traditional
difficulties of people sleeping in and
having our top squad disqualified for
accidentally hitting another boat, we
finished a respectable 7th.
Hockey: Despite battles with the
weather for training, we pushed
through and finished up 3rd overall.
Volleyball: We dominated the
season and brought home our second
premiership for the year.
Womens AFL: We made it to the final
against Women’s. Our girls never gave
up and finished a deserving second
Touch: We remained undefeated
until the final game against Women’s.
We weren’t able to bring back the
premiership to Duchesne – but our
girls played some pretty epic games.
Soccer: This year
turned into a bit
of a wash out. The
change to 7-a-side
games didn’t
dampen the skill
of our girls. They
cruised through
the season
undefeated to
claim our third
premiership for
the year.
Basketball: Girls
also had an epic
season, claiming
our fourth
Athletics: Despite
our best efforts,
and after some great
events, we finished up third,
claiming a comfortable 2nd place
overall on the ICC points table.
It wrapped up what has been a
wicked year of sport, support and
spirit for Duchesne. With the talent
coming through the College, I have
no doubt that Duchesne can bring it
home next year!
Emma Jones
Building a Foundation for the Future
Alumnae News
Liz Doherty, Football Brisbane’s
Female Player of the Year
As another year draws to a close, the Duchesne College Alumnae
Association continues to flourish, and we look back on 2014 with
happiness. It was wonderful to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of
the College and to welcome back alumnae who hadn’t been in
touch in a number of years.
From the Alumnae Association President
Liz, a first year student of B Health, Sport
and Physical Education from Tamworth, was
thrilled to be awarded the ‘Silver Medal’ (gold
is for males) as the Female Player of the year
by Football Brisbane.
This honour is for a player who plays in the highest
division of Women’s Football in the state, and is voted for
by the referees allocating 3-2-1 point system after every
Earlier in the awards night, Liz was named in the 11
player ‘select team of the year’.
special. Reading the list of past winners earlier in the
night, there were some of my favourite players that I saw
on television all the time such as Katrina Gorry from the
Matildas, so just to have my name alongside their names
on a trophy is such an honour.”
“When I was announced in the team of the year, I was so
excited and surprised.
Liz, who plays for Brisbane Olympic FC, says: “The
club, my coach Phil Canham and my teammates are so
amazing, and I wouldn’t be anywhere without them!”
But when they announced me as a short list for player
of the year and then as the winner I couldn’t believe it.
There were so many fantastic players in the league that
I admire, so to be nominated alongside them was so
Liz was a shining light in the Duchesne Soccer team this
year and it is a huge disappointment that she is leaving
Duchesne to focus on her soccer career. We will be
watching out for her at the next World Cup!
Bridget Mahon wins top Italian prize
Bridget, a third year Duchesne student from the Sunshine Coast, is studying a
B Communications/B Arts at UQ. As part of her studies, she is majoring in Italian at
Griffith University through the Brisbane Universities Languages Alliance.
She was surprised and delighted to hear that her 1500-word essay on how technology has changed the way people
read for pleasure and work had won her the ‘Premio Italia’, a national prize offered through the Italian Embassy in
collaboration with the Italian Institute of Culture in Melbourne and Sydney. It is certainly not easy writing such an
extended piece in a foreign language, so
Bridget’s achievement is something to celebrate.
Bridget has Italian connections so, for her, it
was natural to want to learn the language.
“My grandfather emigrated from Treviso and
married my grandmother in Australia, but
my parents were brought up in Australia and
didn’t speak Italian at home, so I jumped at the
chance to start learning Italian from Year 8. I
also went on a school trip to Italy in Year 10 and
then a Queensland Government Exchange to
Switzerland in Year 11 which were wonderful
opportunities to practise the language.”
Bridget’s $2000 travel voucher prize will fund a
wonderful graduation trip to Italy in 2015.
A key milestone was the official launch of the Duchesne Foundation at the 75th
celebrations. It is exciting to see this take form and to anticipate the support the
Foundation will provide students. The Director of Development role, filled by Wayne
Evans for the majority of the year, accomplished much including assisting with
regional events and “The Oak” publication – his assistance was greatly appreciated.
This year we have welcomed our first Alumnae Coordinators to commence in 2015 –
Hayley Anderson and Dominique Marshall. We look forward to working closely with
the current students to ensure we are providing the right events at the right time to
be of maximum benefit to the Duchesne community.
This year, regional functions continued and developed. Last year, a function was
held in Mackay, and this year, Cairns and Rockhampton were added. I was fortunate
to attend the Cairns and Rockhampton events and Annette Boyle, immediate Past
President, attended the function in Mackay. It was delightful to meet alumnae,
parents of current students, and prospective students and their parents. At both
of these events, at least one alumna made contact with me to be added to the
database. These events are full of friendly smiles and great conversation and
provide a wonderful insight into the College’s first year intake for 2015. We are
grateful to the College for organising and welcoming us to these events.
The Welcome Drinks at the beginning of this year were a wonderful success, as
was our Trivia event in September; thanks to Steph Burke and Chloe Salisbury for
organising and running the latter. Meet the Professionals kick-started this year, and
we experimented with several different formats. We look forward to continuing with
this concept in 2015, under the new title of “Meet the Alumnae”, but with the same
intent – to bring quality speakers to the College to add value to the current students.
The College has
been endless in
its generosity,
mentorship and
support over this
year, and for this we
thank them.
The College has been endless in its generosity, mentorship and support over this
year, and for this we thank them. This support is in the form of both physical
locations to host our events, and the personal time and energy of the staff.
The Committee could not flourish without the commitment and dedication of its
members. Their participation, feedback and effort are how the Alumnae Association
will continue to build connections between alumnae and provide a beneficial
experience for the current students. Without each one of its members contributing
what they can, the Alumnae Association would not be able to grow towards
reaching its potential. Of course, new members are always welcome to join us!
Please contact me if you are interested.
Lastly, I would like to thank Marilyn Pemberton who is retiring as Secretary at this
AGM. Marilyn has been a constant presence on the Committee and we are grateful
for the hard work she has put into this role over the past years.
I look forward to working with the Association in 2015 and to welcoming many
alumnae to our events.
Warm regards,
Julie Kayes
Duchesne College Alumnae Association 0417 716 112
Officers for 2015
Miss Julie Kayes
Vice President
Ms Elli Johnston
Ms Steph Burke
Ms Charlotte Weaver
Bridget and her parents Trish (alumna) and Greg
Issue 2 I The Official Magazine of Duchesne College
Building a Foundation for the Future
Alumnae News: Alumnae Dinner
On 3rd September, we held our Alumnae
Dinner, an opportunity to hear more about
the ethos and traditions of the College and
to acknowledge the role that Duchesne has
played, and continues to play, in the life of
so many young women.
Alumnae across the decades shared their experiences of
how their time at Duchesne has shaped their lives.
Our guests spanned the years, even if not quite the 75
Jill Uhr - 1958-1959
Annette Boyle - 1976-1978
Karen Scott - 1987-1989
Gretta Reid - 2011-2013 Student Club President in 2013
Jill McLaughlin, as she was then, is from Rockhampton
and was a student of Duchesne from 1958 to 1959. In her
first year, the College was at “Oakleigh” in New Farm
and she was one of the first to move to the new buildings
at St Lucia. She studied Physiotherapy at UQ and later
returned to UQ where, in 1990, she gained First Class
Honours in a B Social Work. Throughout her career, she
was an advocate for the disadvantaged in our society.
Annette studied Arts and Education at UQ, majoring
in English and Geography. She is currently Director of
Community Engagement and Staff Wellness at
A B Paterson College on the Gold Coast. Annette was
President of the Alumnae Association, 2012-2013 and is a
member of Duchesne College Council.
Karen studied a Bachelor of Commerce Degree. She was
Treasurer of the Student Club, on the O-Week Committee
and part of the first cohort to move into the Jubilee wing
where she had her own en-suite (very exciting!). She
worked for the Head Office of AMP Superannuation,
Brisbane, and over 11 years worked her way through the
ranks to become the State Manager of AMP’s Corporate
Superannuation Division. She then ceased paid work
to focus on motherhood (having two daughters and
a son) and became involved in volunteer roles in the
community. She now works at a school in Finance and
gives her time to being the family taxi, coaching sport
and managing fundraising events for schools and clubs
where she can exercise her creative side!
Gretta, from Capella, was a resident in 2011-2013 and was
President of the Student Club in her third year. Gretta is
in her fourth year of her studies of B Exercise and Sports
Science/ B Management.
We can’t cover here all that was said so here is a
Jill: “My room-mate and I started out as strangers but,
along with others from Duchene, we became lifelong
friends. We had to wear our academic gowns to dinner
every night and soon learnt that a gown covered a
multitude of sins – pyjamas with the legs rolled up, for
one. First years were allowed out until 9.00pm, with
one late pass a week till 11.00pm. Once a term we could
apply for a late, late pass, until 1.00am! We occasionally
circumvented these restrictions by retiring to our rooms
Karen’s Ode to Duchesne:
If you look around the room tonight
You’ll see we’re not the same
But there’s one thing that unites us
We’re the women of Duchesne!
and sneaking out the back gate to the local cinema in
Brunswick Street…My years under the influence of the
Sacré Coeur, instilled in me with a strong sense of loyalty,
the value of family and the desire to be of service to
Annette: “We can talk about the superficial things having
changed, yet it is generally the things worth valuing
and holding on to, that don’t change. Worth valuing at
Duchesne are the goals and values of the Sisters of the
Society of the Sacred Heart through which they foster
the development of the individual young woman in
relation to the community, and promote an atmosphere
conducive to the living of academic and Christian values
for women in a university setting. Duchesne is the
embodiment of what these goals and values look like in
action and that is certainly something worth holding on
to – they are what really bind us with those who have
gone before and those who will come after. I encourage
you to maintain contact with Duchesne, your fellow
residents and the Alumnae Association when you move
on from College life.”
Karen: “Duchesne has a long and proud history of
following the Sacred Heart traditions and turning out
young women who are strong, confident, independent,
socially aware and who have enormous generosity of
spirit and these characteristics still govern every aspect
of my life. So – I challenge you all to reach for the stars
with determination and commitment – if you do, there’s
nothing you can’t achieve. Finally I just want to share a
little motto of mine: Remember that no matter how you
are feeling - Get up, dress up, show up and NEVER give
Gretta: “I wouldn’t change a second of my experience
here. The ups and downs and the many things I’ve learnt
along the way. You each have your own stories, probably
better than any of mine, and even if you don’t realise it,
things you have learnt here will affect what you do. Just
take for example Jill, Annette, and Karen. The things
they have achieved, are still achieving and how much
Duchesne has laid that foundation for them. From acorn
to oak. You and I are the acorns and tonight, Jill, Annette
and Karen are but a glimpse of the oaks you, and I, are to
become. So to the sisters of Duchene past and present I
leave you with a quote from Albus Dumbledore. “It’s our
choices… that show what we truly are, far more than our
abilities.” Our choice to be part of Duchesne and become
a Duchie and embracing all it has to offer is I believe one
of the best choices we’ve ever made.”
As we listened to our speakers, our students felt part of
the living tradition that is Duchesne and began to think
of the lasting role this College will play in their life.
President Barack Obama Speaks at
The University of Queensland
“We were deep in study last Sunday when we received an
email from Mrs Kay – exciting news – President Barack Obama
was going to make a speech at UQ during G20 and we had
the opportunity to apply for one of 40 places available! Our
President and Vice President for 2014 and 2015 were offered a
place and, in the spirit of democracy, we were invited to enter
a ballot for the remaining places. Within seconds, girls were
running to reception, clutching their piece of paper. The ballot
was drawn on Monday and I was thrilled to be included.
The week was full of anticipation and excitement as more
information – and another ten places - became available. No
problem filling them! It seemed like Saturday would never
arrive. As we walked up to UQ in 35 degree heat, we knew that
the next few hours would be life-changing. It was amazing
to see the crowd gather in the UQ Centre. We recognised lots
of well-known people, but we only had eyes for the lectern
where President Obama would stand and address us. He did
not disappoint. I can’t articulate how I felt but his words struck
home, especially when he said: “But let me say particularly...
to the young people here, combating climate change cannot
be the work of governments alone.” President Obama really
highlighted for us that as young people we have a huge role to
play in global issues in the coming decades. I certainly will never
forget this momentous occasion. - Ashleigh Goodland-Smith
“There was just a nobility in his manner and bearing that
rises above a politician. He is much more a statesman than
a politician. What a privilege to be in the presence of such a
brilliant man! - Caitlin Geoghegan
Saturday 15th November was the day so many were looking
forward to and the excitement in the days leading up to
this eagerly awaited moment had reached its peak. It was
a privilege for me to have been asked to accompany our
fifty students to the UQ Centre to hear Barack Obama, the
President of the United States, give his much anticipated
address. To have been there in the presence of so many
young people and other invited guests was truly an amazing
experience. You could feel the excitement in the air as
hundreds waited patiently for Barack Obama’s arrival.
Finally the moment everyone had been longing for was
here! Barack Obama was introduced, the huge crowd stood,
clapped and cheered. From that moment onwards the
audience was captivated and responded enthusiastically to
his address. This was a once in a lifetime experience and I
am sure it will remain etched in our hearts and memories for
a very long time. - Sr Kathleen Muirhead
Karen (centre) with students, senior
staff and alumnae at Alumnae Dinner
Issue 2 I The Official Magazine of Duchesne College
Building a Foundation for the Future
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Please use my gift for:
Where it’s needed most
75th Anniversary
Please send me information on:
Leaving a bequest to Duchesne College
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Please send your gift to Duchesne College Foundation, Duchesne College, College Rd, St Lucia, 4067
Please contact Nanette Kay, Principal 07 3377 2300 or
Help Us Find Our Missing Alumnae
If you know someone who
attended Duchesne College, and
who might like to receive a copy of
this publication or invitations to
forthcoming events, please send her
name and contact details to
Nanette Kay, Principal 07 3377 2300
Building a Foundation for the Future
The opinion expressed in each article of this magazine is that of its author and
does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher, editor or Duchesne
College. The College carries no responsibility for the opinion expressed therein.
Issue 2 I The Official Magazine of Duchesne College