Rooster Crows - Iowa VIA de CRISTO
Rooster Crows - Iowa VIA de CRISTO
The December 2013, Volume 41, Issue 1 Rooster Crows From the Lay Director G reetings! The Secretariat is very excited about what God has in store for Via De Cristo 2014. If you didn’t know the Secretariat is a board that has the task of putting on and overseeing Via De Cristo weekends. Some of the responsibilities of this volunteer group are to oversee the weekends, select and support rectors, oversee the budget, maintain a database of all the 4th day members, produce and distribute the Rooster Crows, maintain the website, and pray for the movement. The Secretariat is open to anyone who has been through a Via de Cristo weekend and has a passion for seeing the movement continue, evolve, and grow. It is not a special invitation board, and we are always seeking new representatives. At the last Secretariat meeting, terms of service for the Lay Director were discussed. It was decided that we would have a Lay Director and an Assistant Director and it would be a 4 year commitment...two as Assistant Director and two as lay director. The motion also said one should be a woman and one a man (so we could speak for and represent both weekends well) and that one of the two should be a member of a Lutheran Church. Therefore, I will be the Lay Director through the 2015 weekends. Following the 2015 weekends Jeff Buchan, the current Assistant Lay Director will take over as lay director and a new Assistant Lay Director will be voted in. This year’s rectors are Brad Simington and Jody Vulk, whom you will hear from in this edition of the Rooster Crows. They have been working hard to assemble their teams, organize practice talks, and get everyone ready for the weekends. Please be praying for our rectors and teams! As always the weekends can not happen without all of you, so please be prayerfully considering who you will ask, and then ask with confidence! It is never too early to start asking. Don’t be afraid to ask someone who has said no in the past, sometimes it takes several years of “asks” for the timing to be right to get a “YES”! It would be great to have some applications in before Christmas!!! Finally, we have a new website! It is a work in progress at this point, but it is up and running and will serve the purpose of retrieving the application and checking who is registered as pilgrims. We plan to continue to add pictures and content in the near future. Website: Looking forward to seeing you all in January! Blessings, Laurie Simington Lay Director, Iowa Lutheran Secretariat New Iowa VdC Website T he new Via de Cristo website is up and running! You can find it at www. The new site gives the secretariat better access to get things posted and/or changed. The pilgrim application for January 2014 is now available on the site and may be filled out on screen and then printed or saved and then emailed in. The website is a work in progress and information will be added or changed as needed. We do want to keep it current and easy to maintain. If anyone has suggestions, please feel free to contact Laurie Simington at or Dean Mechler at Inside The Rooster Crows Make a friend, be a friend, and ask that friend to sign up for a life-changing weekend at the Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp in January, Page 2 - Rectors’ Messages Page 2 - Treasurer’s Notes Page 3 - Did You Know? Page 3 - Palanca Page 3 - ILS Weekends Page 4 - Okoboji 2014 Teams Page 4 - Contact Information 2 Men’s Rector D e Colores! If you were in as much denial as I was on the 1st of October, having enjoyed August-like 80 degree weather, you were thinking to yourself, “There is no way possible that cooler temperatures are possibly only a few days or weeks away; that we will be sitting around a table with family giving thanks for our many blessings only 8 weeks away; that we will be singing Silent Night on Christmas Eve a short 12 weeks from now and that Via de Cristo is 14 short weeks away.” I am very excited to serve this year as the Men’s Rector. We have been in process of finalizing our team for this year’s Via de Cristo. Please start praying and preparing to ask both family and friends to attend. As we challenge the pilgrims each year, “Christ is Counting on You,” please also consider serving as Palanca. Nothing can match the feeling of God’s overwhelming Grace as when we were going through the weekend as a Pilgrim; however, each year when serving as Palanca, God continues to reveal Himself through His people and His Word, through worship and study. I am currently involved in a small group study called, “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality” by Peter Scazzero. In it he writes “An awareness of yourself is intricately related to your relationship with God. In fact, the challenge to shed our “old false” self in order to live authentically in our “new true” self strikes at the very core of true spirituality.” In AD 500, Augustine wrote in Confessions, “How can you draw close to God when you are far from your own self?” He prayed, “Grant, Lord, that I may know myself that I may know thee.” As I pondered these thoughts, it became clear to me that this is very much what transpires throughout a Via de Cristo Weekend. The discovering and shedding of our old self and accepting of God’s calling for our true self. The Via de Cristo Mission states: By grace, with the Holy Spirit, we challenge leaders to discover and achieve their personal calling, assisting them to influence their environments with the Gospel. Please start praying for those who will be attending the weekend as pilgrims. Go through a list of people in your church that you would like to ask, give them the dates and share about the weekend with them. Give them time to plan and prepare themselves to go. Also consider serving as Palanca. There will be Bible Studies, worship time and sharing through Holy Communion in addition to the task at hand of serving the Pilgrims. I was challenged with a question in the study I mentioned above, “How could you make more room in your life for silence in order to listen to God?” I think a great response to that question would be to spend the 2nd weekend in January doing just that. De Colores. —Brad Simington The Rooster Crows Women’s Rector D e Colores, Brothers and Sisters! This year has been a whirlwind! I feel like we just left camp, and it is time to get ready to go back again! How wonderful, nerve racking, frustrating and a joyous time all wrapped up into one! I will be serving as the Women’s Rector this year. Ten years ago, as I went through as a pilgrim, I remember thinking, “those leaders are amazing women of God, with perfect lives through Christ.” Now, as I look at this list of past rectors, I still see amazing women, but know them as women who have struggled, suffered, and yet still persevered to continue to do His work and honor their God by serving, in spite of their imperfect lives. Service is my underlying theme for the team. It is my emphasis for those of us coming to the weekend to come with a servant’s heart. I pray that we are able to lay down our burdens early in the weekend so that we can be used by Him to serve others and worship Him. The theme to the pilgrims: to love others. After all, it is our greatest commandment! The verse that has been chosen for the weekend, Matthew 6:33, oddly does not mention love. However, this is how God explains it to me in Matthew 6:33 “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and the rest will be given to you.” Simple enough. I go through the dayto-day and stumble, so I ask God, “What should I do?” His Resounding, unfailing response to me this year has been, “Love.” It is such an easy command, but such a powerful four letter word! It is such a hard thing to know how to do. Now I am a preschooler in the school of love, so don’t ask me how to do it, but I have faith that with His guidance, He will teach me to be the love others need. So, my prayer for the weekend is that the pilgrims leave with a sense of where to turn, and how easy it can be if we let God do the work. Seek him, and love others. Please pray that His mission is accomplished. —Jody Vulk Treasurer’s Notes D elight daily in your love, work, and service for the Lord. The Holy Spirit is aware of the journey God is preparing for us. A Christian walk of faith is not for someone else to do—it is our responsibility, therefore be available!!! Christ will guide us to the pilgrims that possibly and probably don’t know why they are signing the Via de Cristo weekend application. I’m confident that the conference room and palanca chapel will be at capacity in January 2014. As I’m sure you are aware, the financial needs to meet all expenses increase yearly. When all the Via de Cristo 4th Day Community contributes spiritually as well as financially, the weekends will continue to flourish. I’m praying that Christ is on the front seat of your tandem bicycle of life—you need to peddle as you travel throughout your journey, but Christ will guide—tailwinds!!! (Only a cyclist knows the true meaning of a headwind and tailwind. My best explanation is living with Christ or existing without Christ.) De Colores, —Bonnie Sleezer Want to Donate? I f you wish to make a donation to the Iowa Lutheran Secretariat for Via de Cristo, please make checks payable to Iowa Lutheran Secretariat and mail to: Bonnie Sleezer, Treasurer, 110 490th Street, Aurelia, IA 51005. The Rooster Crows Volume 41.1 December 2013 The official newsletter of the Iowa Lutheran Secretariat for Via de Cristo, affiliated with the National Lutheran Secretariat for Via de Cristo. Published to bring news of the weekends, secretariat meetings and business of the ILS. If you would like to receive this newsletter via email, just send your name and email address to: Carroll Lang, Editor 19903 225th Street Fort Dodge, IA 50501 515-576-6810(H) 515-571-6566(C) Also available for download at: Iowa Lutheran Secretariat Palanca W rite a note to the events below to let the pilgrims know you are praying and sacrificing to “lever” their weekend. ILS Weekends Iowa Lutheran VdC at Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp, Men’s: January 9-12, Women’s: January 16-19, 2014. Send Palanca to: Steve & Theone Quattlebaum, 228 8th St SW, Spencer, IA 51301. Brothers in Blue at NCCF Rockwell City, March 6-9, 2014. Send palanca messages to Carroll Lang, 19903 225th Street, Fort Dodge, IA 50501. Brothers in Blue at MPCF Mount Pleasant, March 20-23, 2014. Send palanca messages to Bob Smythe, 1700 Maple Drive NW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52405. Brothers in Blue at MPCF Mount Pleasant, September 11-14, 2014. Send palanca messages to Bob Smythe, 1700 Maple Drive NW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52405. smythebob@msn. com Iowa Lutheran VdC at Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp, Men’s: January 8-11, Women’s: January 15-18, 2015. Send Palanca to: Steve & Theone Quattlebaum, 228 8th St SW, Spencer, IA 51301. Brothers in Blue at NCCF Rockwell City, October 2-5, 2014. Send palanca messages to Carroll Lang, 19903 225th Street, Fort Dodge, IA 50501. 3 Did You Know? Registering Pilgrims is a simple process: 1) Print the application off from the NEW website: 2) Fill out both pages of the application with/ for the pilgrim. 3) If you can enclose a deposit of $10. 4) Send or fax the application to Crystal Quanbeck: 2404 Lakeside Ave. Milford, Iowa 51351 or email: or Fax: 712-337-3501. Sponsor Responsibilities: Before the weekend: 1. Complete and send application. 2. Advise your pilgrim on what to bring for the weekend: Pillow; bedding (sleeping bag or sheets and a blanket); towels; toiletries; Bible; comfy clothes etc. 3. Transport (or arrange transportation) for your pilgrim to the camp on Thursday night at 7:00 pm. During the weekend: 1. Send or take Palanca to your pilgrim to the palanca chapel. This should include any mail from women pilgrims’ husbands. 2. Pray for your pilgrim and the weekend. 3. If the Pilgrim’s family needs assistance in their absence, make yourself available. 4. Attend the closing! We cannot stress how important this is! Following the weekend: 1. Check in with your pilgrim, meet for coffee and encourage them to share what it meant to them and how God revealed himself to them. 2. Help the pilgrim find a small group or invite them to one you attend! Helping connect them to a Christian community is KEY!! Please take this seriously. 3. Attend the Ultreya in March with your pilgrim. I am working Palanca: what should I bring? 1. Pillow, bedding, towels (extras for those who forget); toiletries; comfy clothes. 2. White top and black skirt or pants. 3. Two dozen snacks for the Conference Room and Palanca Chapel. 4. A mug with your name on it. 5. Bible, pens, journal – we will have bible study time this year. 6. A willing and joyful heart to serve! J.O.G. (Joy of Giving) Offering $100 for Pilgrim, team members and Palanca. $25 per day if you will not be there all weekend. Set Up Crew We are in need of men and women to help set up the camp on Sunday January 5th at 1:30. Just come to the camp if you can help. Y Palanca Letters our letters written to participants on a weekend are a lot like giving them a holy hug. Many are kept and cherished for years after the weekend. The Rooster Crows 19903 225th Street Fort Dodge, IA 50501 Non-Profit Org. U.S.Postage PAID Fort Dodge, Iowa Permit #4 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED December 2013 January 9-12, 2014 Men’s Team January 16-19, 2014 Women’s Team Rector Brad Simington 1st Asst Rector Kurt Weeks 2nd Asst Rector Todd Nicholson Past Rector Dean Mechler Palanca Rector Tom James Asst Palanca Rector Jeff Buchan Spiritual Director Pastor Lee Laaveg Asst Sp Director Pastor Jim Steen Kitchen Rectors Jeff Anderson/Butch Sleezer Music Rector Dave Bennett Conf Room Tech Dean Mechler Ideal Lonnie Cummins Grace? Laity Jim Carpenter Grace, Too ? Piety Ryan Waltner Study Joe Simington Means of Grace ? Apostolic Action Tom Kellen Obstacles to Grace ? Leaders Dave Jensen Environment Doug Schwartz Life in Grace ? Christian Community Steve Quattlebaum Perseverance/4th Day Brad Simington Auxiliary Marcus Brock Auxiliary Tim Christianson Auxiliary Nate Meyer Pastors Pastor Craig Nissen Pastor Dan Taylor Pastor Bob Vaage Pastor Tom Can Tassel Spiritual Director Asst Sp Director Asst Sp Director Asst Sp Director Rector Assistant Rector Assistant Rector Assistant Rector Ideal Rollista Grace Rollista Laity Rollista Grace in Action Piety Study Means of Grace Action Obstacles to Grace Leaders Environment Life in Grace Christian Comm Perseverance/4th Day Pastor Chris Lang Pastor Wendy VanTassel Pastor Jane Johnston Pastor Deb Mechler Jody Vulk Cheryl Todd Lisa Carpenter Kim Weeks Christy Year ? Laura Carlentini ? Marcia Cheevers Allison Antoine ? Crystal Quanbeck ? Karen Brandt Kim McKenney Jody Vulk Courtney Schwartz Jody Vulk Palanca Rector Asst Palanca Rector Laurie Simington Kathy Sindt Theme Verse: Colossians 3:23-24 Secretariat Contact Information Name Laurie Simington Pastor Jane Johnston Carroll & Judy Lang Steve & Theone Quattlebaum Bonnie Sleezer Jolene Manzey Sheryl Kleppe PositionEmail Lay Director Spiritual Director Brothers in Blue Secretary, Past LD Treasurer Past Lay Director Past Secretary
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email, just send your name and email address to:
Pastor Carroll Lang, Editor
19903 225th Street
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