IWCP Newsletter - Philadelphia - International Women`s Club of
IWCP Newsletter - Philadelphia - International Women`s Club of
IWCP Newsletter Member Welcome Clubs International I n t er na t i on al W o m e n ‘ s C lu b o f P h i la de l ph ia 2016, Issue Annual Meeting and Luncheon— All Members Are Invited! Inside this issue: June 16, 2016 (Thursday) Annual Meeting and Luncheon 1 12 noon Director of Charity 1 St. Davids Golf Club, 845 Radnor Street Road, Wayne, PA 19087 Inta Krombolz’s Gar- 2 den & Sculptures Coffee 2 Happy Hour 2 Chanticleer Picnic 3 Expat Potluck Dinner 3 Ben Franklin Museum 3 Welcome to New Members 4 By now, you all should have received your invitation to this annual event, which this year will take place on the beautiful grounds of the St. Davids Golf Club. Founded in 1897, it is one of the oldest institutions of its kind in the US and it soon became the place to be seen on the Main Line. Look forward to a delicious menu selection created by the accomplished culinary arts professional and head chef John McManus. Cost: $40 per person, ($45 for non-members) includes a complimentary glass of wine). Please mail your check for $40 or $45 (nonmembers), payable to IWCP, to: Annette Meertz RSVP by June 9 to: Calendar at a Glance: June 08 Inta Krombolz’s Garden & Sculptures 09 German Coffee 16 Annual Meeting & Luncheon 26 Expat Potluck Dinner 30 After Five—Happy Hour July 22 Picnic at Chanticleer 28 After Five—Happy Hour August 16 Ben Franklin Museum 25 After Five—Happy Hour Annette Meertz by phone 610-220-2663 or email: Plenty of parking available, easy access to major roads. A F ew Wo r d s F r o m t h e D i r e c t o r o f C h a r i t y Dear Fellow Members, Thanks to the generosity of the Based on the club’s mission, part amazing group of women that of the money raised through the you are, this year an amount of annual fees, combined with what money never reached before the additional donations provid- was raised - over $2700! ed by members at the time of At the last meeting, I asked the their renewal and through the Board to consider the possibility raffle at the Annual Christmas that, along with the Home of the Party, has been used to help a Sparrow, other charities could Charity Organization. As you profit from our donations. The might already know, in past Board has agreed to explore years, we bought needed items this opportunity. So, starting with and helped the ”Back to School” the 2016/2017 membership and “Christmas” projects of The year I’m happy to say that one Home of the Sparrow. or more other charitable organizations will be considered. With great appreciation for your kind heart and confident in your continuous support, on behalf of all the members of the Board I’d like to thank you again and wish you a wonderful summertime. Luciana Aspesi Director of Charity IWCP Newsletter: June, July, August 2016 Page 2 The Garden and Sculptures of Inta Krombolz this property hosts countless garden tours: it’s a cornucopia of 20 different gardens, including curving borders, big island beds, and a cottage garden complete with picket fence and moon gate. A picnic lunch will be offered after the tour. June 8th (Wednesday) 10 am Meet at Inta’s place, 1660 Fox Crossing, West Chester PA 19380 Tel: 484-437-8071 Cost: $15 (covering the cost of a light lunch: Inta Krombolz has a gorgeous garden outside wraps, chips, and beverages) of West Chester. The three-acre property, RSVP with check (made payable to IWCP) to with its mature trees, scores of unusual plants, Annette Meertz, and an abundance of texture and color, we’ll be sure to delight any visitor. Inta began 610-220-2663 or working on her garden 21 years ago, when she and her husband built their house. on or before June 1st. “We started out with a forest. It was totally wooded, and in a hollow”, she says. Today, Street parking available. H a p py B i r t h d a y ! German-Speakers Coffee 2nd Thursday of the month 10:30 am June 9 Irene Boden 610-525-0424 June July August 01 Prudence Rawson 06 Carla Montanelli Nascari 07 Charlotte Andrews 07 Sara Nelson 08 Annegret Voparil 02 Laura H. Paine 04 Sabine Cranmer 04 Anna Steininger 08 Hannelore Barbieri 10 Ann DiGiacomo 14 Renate Harshaw 15 Rebecca O. Earle 16 Dubravka Blagovic 01 Aurora Lopez 01 Marianne Schulze 13 Ines Weggelaar 14 Cindy Impicciatore 14 Jacqueline Yates 19 Christiane Fried 20 Eva Jackson 25 Maria Klein-Szanto 31 Luisa Proano For any language coffee, you need not be a native or fluent speaker, only interested in speaking the language. Happy Hour After 5 Last Thursday of each Month 5:30-7pm Glenmorgan Bar & Grill, Radnor Hotel 593 E. Lancaster Ave., Wayne PA Please contact Cindy Spurdle 610-688-5825 or Page 3 E ve n in g P i cn i c a t Ch a n t i c l e e r G a rd e n July 22 (Friday) 4:30 pm 786 Church Road Wayne PA 19087 610-687-4163 Organized by Annette Meertz Please RSVP by July 15th either by phone 610-220-2663 or email; Entrance Fee $10 ($5 if you have a Radnor library card). Bring along what you’d like to consume and/or share with others, as well as any beverages—Chanticleer permits you to bring alcoholic beverages! E x p a t Po t lu c k D in n e r w i th o r w i th o u t a F r ie n d June 26, 6pm Hostess: Renate Harshaw 610-353-0496 The club is always looking for hostesses for this often very popular event. It is a potluck dinner, where everybody brings a dish and a bottle of wine. You, as the host, can determine when and how many people you can accommodate and just coordinate this evening. The last Sunday of the month is also only a guideline. Please get in touch with Annette Meertz to sign -up as a hostess anytime. To u r o f th e B e n F r a n k l in Mu se u m August 16 (Tuesday) 11am 317 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia PA 19106 215-965-2305 Cost: $5 Entrance Fee, to be paid at the door Dedicated to the life, times and legacy of Philadelphia’s famous founding father, the Museum is now open again following a major two-year revitalization. After the tour, we will meet for lunch at the Independence Beer Garden across the street at 100 South Independence Mall West. RSVP by August 9 to Annette Meertz by email: or phone: 610-220-2663. I nt er n a t i o na l Wo m en’s Cl ub o f Phi l a d el p hi a Me mb e r W EL C OM E CL UBS IN T E RN A TI ON A L ( W CI) w w w .w c ic lu s .or g Email: IWCP Quarterly Book Club Are you interested in reading and participating in a quarterly book club meeting in Center City on a Thursday either after lunch or in the evening? The first meeting could be as soon as June 2 at 1pm. Bring a book or the review of a book you would like to read. We could read two fiction as well as two non-fiction books, or books from the best seller list. Books can be chosen at our first meeting. If you are interested, please contact Susan Gatzert-Snyder at 610-731-1760 or Limited to 12 participants Michele Haines, our club’s representative at the International Women’s Conference in Prague. Visit us on the web at Do you enjoy writing and have ideas and topics you would like to share with our members? We encourage you to contact the newsletter team so we can include your works either in the quarterly edition or maybe even in a special edition. We look forward to hearing from you. The Newsletter Editors Welcome to our Newest Members Save the date Membership Chair: Christine Calbry, 267-324-3304 Wallis Urmenyhazi, from Turkey, Catia Nadalutti, from Italy, September 15 (Thursday) Joy Li from China, Oya Garonski, from Turkey, Newsletter: Please send information to Helena Malarkey, who writes the newsletter and edits the information: Erica Plotegher, from Italy, 560 Conestoga Road, Berwyn, PA 19312 484-318-8334 Newsletters for 3-month periods are published Sept. 1, Dec. 1, March 1, & June 1. To be included, information must be received at least 10 days earlier, i.e., by the 20th of the month preceding the month of publication. Website Info: For your convenience, you also can find the most recent newsletter on our website: Gabriela Troncelliti, from Italy, Mary Elaine Weber, from USA Welcome Back Luncheon More details of this event will be published later The objective of IWCP is to welcome women of all cultures to the Philadelphia area and to promote friendship, cooperation and understanding.