Everything changed
Everything changed
Everything changed ! Saut Technologique 70 161 60 141 50 121 101 40 81 30 61 20 41 10 21 0 1 19 65 19 68 19 71 19 74 19 77 19 80 19 83 19 86 19 89 19 92 19 95 19 98 20 01 20 04 Investissement informatique M o n ag e C ap acité M illions Moore’s & Machrone’s laws, dog’s years Luc Quoniam UFP 2 Produced information, brain limitation The quantity and supports of information Ê (De solla Price 1950) 5 Exabyte of new information in 2002 30% increase between 1999 and 2002 information (Berkeley, 2003) Time But human brain can only absorb 30 Mb/year The «honnête homme» concept has been!!! The network takes precedence over the isolated person 1+1+1 > 3 Luc Quoniam UFP 3 Generational click Luc Quoniam UFP (René Barsalo, 2004) 4 Zoom in Web part – last years Luc Quoniam UFP 5 Digital native 1.0 born after 1985 2.0 born after 1995 Luc Quoniam UFP 6 How live a digital native? > 10 000 h. video games > 250 000 h. e mails > 10 000 h. mobile phone > 20 000 h. television > 500 000 h. commerce < 5 000 h. reading books (Mark Prensky / www.marcprensky.com) Luc Quoniam UFP 7 A chief “cacique” says: “everbody must learn, read, listen, look...” I, chief “Cacique” (Journals, TV, Radios, Professors, Doctors, Insurance...) 1 to n you indians Luc Quoniam UFP 8 Web 2.0: knowledge We, chiefs n to n all of us may and can build knowledge Luc Quoniam UFP 9 Some facts Google.com 16 400 000 000 pages (May 2008) • X 474 words (average) = 7,77 × 1012 Words • X 41 links (average) = 672 400 000 000 links • 2,7 billions searches each month Wikipedia • 1,74 billion words; 9,25 million articles; 250 languages • English Wikipedia: over 1 billion words, 25 times the largest English-encyclopedia • 282 885 contributors 151 937 to the English language edition MySpace population over 125 000 000 Shakespeare had 24 000 words to work with… Luc Quoniam UFP 10 The World is Flat! The Flatteners • • • • • • • • • • The fall of the Berlin Wall Netscape IPO Work flow software Open-sourcing Outsourcing Offshoring Supply-chaining Insourcing In-forming Wireless Other flatteners • 2.0 Concept • International virtual communities • To be continued… (Thomas L. Friedman, The World is Flat) Luc Quoniam UFP 11 Cultural ADN – generation problem! (René Barsalo, 2006) Luc Quoniam UFP 12 Cultural ADN - Interfaces (René Barsalo, 2006) Luc Quoniam UFP 13 Cultural ADN – generation problem! Décision Stratégie Métier et marché Innovation Recherche et bibliographie (René Barsalo, 2006) Luc Quoniam UFP 14 Collective intelligence Who invented the poliomelithe Vaccin? Jonas Salk & Albert Sabin Who built the human genome map? Luc Quoniam UFP 15 Impacting the business ERM - the world's leading provider of environmental consulting services 2 Environmental Business Achievement awards : • Practice Areas Category for the 60% growth • Organizational Innovation Category for the use of Knowledge Sharing Platform – Minerva. Launched in May 2007 to • create a strong social network • enable the firm’s global experts to “discover” one another, share resources, and work together • deliver the best innovative solutions Supporting ERM’s business strategy and objectives using Web2.0 technologies such as wikis, blogs and interactive forums to transform businesses, organizational culture, and employees’ ways of working, in addition to having received more that 2.8 million hits in its first six months of operation. Luc Quoniam UFP 16 Education? " The professor who does not emancipate will be rejected and not legitimized by the students .“ “ It's time to prepare the next generation (of Brazilians) to the collaborative work .“ Prof. Fredric Michael Litto, Coordenador Científico da Escola do Futuro na Universidade de São Paulo Pedagogy Programs Long life learning New possibilities with new laws • Experience validation • European credit transfer system (ECTS) • Co accreditation • Certification Corporate education Be innovative!! Luc Quoniam UFP 17 Some Web 2.0 tools for IC, KM non exhaustive, without concurrence analysis… Thank you! Questions? quoniam@ufp.pt http://quoniam.univ-tln.fr Luc Quoniam UFP 19